#The dialog in this was really hard. I hope I did it justice
cinnamostar · 8 months
hiiii again! :)
just wanted to share my thoughts on 'Four Dates to Fall in Love.'
I hope you are doing well ❤️
I loved the start with Chris—how you incorporated him as someone reader can share their feelings with and sort out their thoughts. It adds so much to the story and the characters. Especially when the reader goes on about wanting to keep having fun with Hyunjin but struggles when memories and emotions about the past years come back. I loved how Chan validated both feelings and helped the reader find a way to deal with the situation. This whole situation takes a lot of emotional intelligence, maturity, empathy, and firm boundaries. I'm so happy to see this portrayed in fanfiction. 🫶
Besides that, I also really enjoyed them cooking together—the teasing, their smiles, and the reader's hands over Hyunjin's. It was such a good read, and the underlying awkwardness was so tangible!
"[...] suddenly hyper aware of the strange warmth in your stomach that was also accompanied by the feeling of your stomach dropping. It was an uncomfortable feeling, one you didn't know how to explain or ever experienced before, but you did know you didn't want that combination of symptoms again for whatever emotion this was." I think I died reading that part. Way too good. YOU ARE SO TALENTED. I've said it so often, but the way you describe feelings—especially those opposing feelings—it's perfect.
AAAAAND you did justice to Hyunjin and his feelings in this part! How he struggles with what he has done, the reader's friendliness, the guilt, and the hate he almost has on himself.
"[...] shame paralyzed his body, the warm sensation behind his eyes reminding him to blink, reminding him he shouldn't be so selfish in his pain when he was the cause of so much discomfort." Shame is such an underrated emotion and is rarely acknowledged, but yet it is so powerful. Loved that you incorporated this emotion.
Last but not least, the last part broke me. How the reader chose to comfort Hyunjin, their inner conflict with their choice—"[...] despite what your mind screamed at you, you chose to listen to your heart, you chose him over himself".... I was fr dead on the floor after reading this. I mean—I know how hard it is to be in this situation, and I probably would do the same, but I screamed with the reader's mind.
Sooooo - in conclusion, I love how you portray them so humanly, all their struggles... I can really see myself in them. I can't wait to finally get them together.
And I wanted to point out: taking a rest from writing has paid off. Your dialogs were just perfect. I loved the slow burn. You did really well. ❤️
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YOUR MESSAGES ALWAYS MAKE MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER T - T THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH it makes me genuinely so happy that someone finds my work that impactful so it always so appreciated :')!
my intention from the start was to always have chris there as someone the reader could rely on and have candid conversations regarding their emotions! its one thing to write how the reader is feeling, but i think its another for the reader to talk to someone else abt it bc i feel like it can reveal a lil more about the characters and their relationship with each other! like yeaaa chris is reader's manager, but also a great friend over the years theyve known each other!
and yeah, they both have a lot of emotions to process and figure out! its really hard to be either of them in that position because shame/guilt is such a difficult feeling to digest, especially when the other party still hasn't forgiven. so tbh, its hard for hyunjin to know what to do or how to handle anything bc ultimately, it is up to the reader on how they wanna handle their relationship w him... hyunjin can only hope for forgiveness, but has been blessed with kindness too!
reader is also in a hard position because if it wasn't for the fact there wasn't an acting project on the line, reader would've probably been a lot more callous towards hyunjin. but theres a role on the line that the reader really wants, so reader gotta suck it up a little. while the reader did chose to be kind to hyunjin, a lot of it has to do with just spending time with him. i think no matter how angry you can be with someone, if you miss a friendship and are able to see them for who they really are, its hard to be a total dickhead to them JKLFDSJ especially if they seem super apologetic.
BUUUUUUUUUT reader choosing this doesnt mean their hurt goes away.............. I HAVE PLANS, I CANNOT SAY MORE, BUT THERE ARE PLANS FOR THIS SERIES NSJKDFNA emotions are complex and hard so this entire series is just gonna be That (but also im avoiding being repetitive too so that was an added challenge when i outlined this series)
personally, reader is actually a lot better than me, im a hater til i die, but then this story wouldnt be going anywhere...
after this chapter, there are only three dates left and then one extra chapter... i have had this all planned out, im excited and hope u enjoy whats next !!<333 thank u sm again i literally love seeing ur messages in my inbox . and yes!!! the break helped a lot :') thank u for encouraging the writing break tooMMMMMMWAH
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
Todd Dezago, who wrote #50-89 of Impulse and Young Justice: The Secret #1 (and co-created such characters as Inertia and Secret), apparently had hoped to write the ongoing Young Justice series and had the first year and half of plots outlined--considered it some of his best work.
The existing YJ series as written by Peter David is pretty fantastic. But I would love to know what exact direction Dezago wanted to take it--especially in how he would have handled Secret. His original background for her conflicts a bit with what David did (deemphasized the imprisonment by the DEO), and every time Dezago gets to guest-write her during YJ (Impulse #56 and the story in Young Justice 1998 #22 in which Bart ropes Secret into his schemes to get Kon back his powers), you can tell he's trying to reassert his vision for her a little bit.
There have been some hints in interviews of what he had in mind.
When asked in 1998 what he thought of the newly begun YJ series, Dezago indicated that he was disappointed not to have gotten to write it and that the existing version is not like what he had in mind:
Because I worked in development on Young Justice for about a year before it finally came out, and because of the difficulties which eventually led to my leaving the project, it is still a very emotional subject for me. It's hard for me to pick the book up, and so I haven't really looked at it; therefore, no opinion. I will be following it now, of course, as reference regarding what Impulse is doing in that title, and how he is being portrayed. I am told that the current storylines are very different to what I had planned for the first 16 issues of the book.
Dezago apparently was setting some things up in World Without Grown-Ups, the first Young Justice story:
When I left Young Justice, I regretted leaving those things unresolved; there were quite a few elements planted in both that and The Secret that were intended to come back to haunt our heroes. What was going to happen to Bedlam? To Red Tornado? How would the Secret (and any other candidates) eventually be brought into the team? How come the JLA Watchtower didn't remain on the KidWorld moon? What would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?
There were plans to develop characters' friendships. Which did of course get prioritized in David's series. But I'm curious about Dezago's intended take, especially the notion of the boys having to learn to see from each other's perspective and there being an emphasis on learning to trust each other.
I had originally planned to have some real bonding going on in Young Justice--putting the Boys into situations that would bring them closer together emotionally, stories that would let them see the world through each other's eyes (and, yes, at the speed he's always going, this would be tough for Bart...but he'd get a glimpse...). I wanted to show them growing together and learning to trust one another, so that they would have close, yet different, relationships with one another. That said, I think that he has a great friendship (that I hope to explore around issue 56 or 7...) with Arrowette!!
If he were to write a series about Secret?
I don't want to tell you the whole story, but it would be about her looking for her past...and finding a lot of stuff she didn't want to...! Truth to tell, it's already written...I had it in mind when Todd Nauck and I created her...
He also had plans for more Impulse stories that never got to happen:
Oh, Bart… I loved Bart from the moment he popped out of the future! He was everything we are as kids: reckless, impetuous, fearless… He was young and innocent (and ignorant), and gullible. He was a “Joey” (from Friends). He would write his own dialog. I would just put him into a story or situation and let him go — and he’d just do what he did! I loved writing his adventures and his fun and am sad we didn’t get to go on. Our last year was a mess due to all the crossovers and events (7 out of 12!!), but I had some more fun planned for that kid…
I would like to think that this would have included the return and eventual redemption of arc of Thad, which was set up and which readers who wrote to the editor seemed to want quite a lot. But we have no way of knowing for sure.
I couldn't find any more recent interviews with Dezago and I wish I could conduct one! It would be fascinating to get further background on stories that never got to happen, or what the creative process was for Thad and Secret, and where the idea for the Mercury Falling arc came from and why it stands out so much, etc. etc.
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fuckin-sick-bih · 2 years
If you’re feeling it, I’d love to see Matt Murdock with a cold being his fiesty vigilante self
So like... lowkey Matty is one of my faves to write and I'm thrilled I finally got an ask for him!!! Hope I did him justice, pun intended lol Also hope you don't mind a few other characters just for the sake of moving the plot along and dialog.
Fandom: Marvel Summary: It starts in court when Matt can't seem to keep his head on straight, coughing a little, but when he goes out for the night things just keep getting worse. Until a familiar someone really sends him home. CW: Threats of bodily harm, threat of contagion (none actually depicted, Matt is just a shit who likes to bark not bite in this) Word Count: 1.5k (I... got carried away ok?) Author Note: Hiya! Bit of a disclaimer, I am not blind and have never been blind. I'm just active in the disabled community and enjoy absorbing information from mutuals who are blind or self-identify as visually impaired. Matt's sensory stuff I base a bit more on my experiences with Autism since his senses are heightened. MINORS DNI
Court had been a wreck today and Matt just wanted to get back to the office. Normally, a courtroom was just one of those places where Matt could easily slip on the imaginary lawyer mask he’d crafted for himself from years of practice. Today was… not one of those days. He fumbled, his brain felt sluggish and hazy, he was tired, his throat itched, and he found himself reaching for his water more often than usual. Even pausing a few times during his closing speech to cough into a closed fist.
The feeling of Foggy’s concerned gaze burning into his back was unmistakable as he swept his cane back and forth along the smooth tile while walking briskly away from his law partner before he could say anything. Foggy was a wonderful friend but he was a worrier. In his rush to escape, the tip of his cane caught on something, and the handle jabbed him hard in the stomach making him grunt with the force.
Oh, he knew that voice. The muscles of his jaw tensed, pressing his molars together a little more firmly before forcing a smile through the current discomfort marinating in his body. Nothing he wasn’t used to. “Karen? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you-” His breath caught on his ticklish throat, and he paused to cough downward into his fist before continuing. “Shouldn’t you be back at the office?”
Something like a sigh left her, “Well, I would be if Foggy hadn’t been texting me all through court that you were struggling and coughing, Matt.” She insisted, sounding concerned.
Even when not actively on high alert, Matt was always consciously hyperaware of his senses and surroundings whether he liked it or not. The moment Karen decided to lift her hand to press her cool palm to his forehead, Matt knew it was coming and braced himself not to lean into the touch. As much as he craved the sensation. Affection. And yet it burned. It was too much. He recoiled from it after a moment with another forced smile.
“Karen, I’m fine. Just a little cough. I’ll be fine after some sleep.” Matt said, figuring there was no sense in lying when he’d just coughed in front of her already. He sniffed, feeling his nose starting to run and that’s when the dread began to set in. A cough was fine, but congestion? That could screw him over for days.
Nelson was coming up behind him and carefully taking his arm so Matt lifted his cane up to let his best friend begin to guide him instead. “There’s a taxi waiting out front to take you home, man. Go get some rest. Actual rest. I’m serious, if I hear you’ve been out of bed, I’m coming to kick your ass. I mean it.”
So, Matt went home. Staying home was the last thing he was going to do if he was getting sick.
The moment Matt couldn’t feel the sun on his skin anymore, he left his apartment in his suit ready to leave a lasting impact for a few days just in case this cold left him worse for wear. Lucky for him it was a busy night and he’s never been so grateful that his cowl leaves his nose uncovered because once the cold night air hit his nose it was like the sneezes just wouldn’t stop.
“You’re trying my- HiD’tshUH! patience. So, I’ll ask again. Where’s the warehouse?” Matt rasps out, sounding exhausted and just utterly done with the man he’s got pinned to the brick wall before him.
The man, Tyler he’s learned is his name, sneers and spits what Matt can only assume is a mixture of blood and saliva onto his front. “Fuck you, man! I’m not tellin’ you shit! Go back to, mama, and play more dress up, freak!”
It’s getting dangerous to be out and Matt knows it. The shapes are swimming and blurring together in how he can “see”. Nothing is crisp and clear anymore because of the congestion settling in and muddling his senses. He sniffles a little to try and help it but it does nothing, if anything it makes it worse. Sure, Matt’s good, but he’s still blind. As in, almost no residual vision blind. Just the occasional bright light or neon makes it through. Tyler needs to talk and talk fast so Matt can finish up for the night and then find his way home.
A smirk curls at Matt’s lips, “Tyler,” He sniffles. “You tell me, or next time I sneeze I’m headbutting you so damn hard I’m sending one of these little horns on my helmet into your skull.” He threatens, nostrils flaring ever so slightly just below where the cowl ends. “Hihh… Shit…”
“You wouldn’t-” Tyler said uncertainly and while Matt was a little preoccupied with how his nose was itching and the way it was working deeper into his sinuses, he could still hear the uncertainty in the other’s voice.
Matt leaned his head back a little like he was gearing up to strike or sneeze or both in this case. “Bet I would. Fuck burns- hi’ihh… ihh!”
There was milliseconds to choose before suddenly the other man blurted out, “Fifty-second street down near the docks! Don’t hurt me anymore, man!” And with that, Matt let the other slump to the ground while he turned aside to sneeze against a gloved knuckle.
“HiPT’SHuh! Hit’shhuh! Hihh… huh… Ugh, fuck lost it.” Matt grumbles as the last sneeze escaped him, grimacing at the feeling of damp leather, nylon, and neoprene up against his sensitive cold ridden nose. The individual strands of the fabric he could still pick out and made his skin crawl just thinking about them. He shook himself off, able to hear Tyler’s running footsteps in the distance vaguely.
Getting to 52nd street was… a chore to say the least. Usually, running rooftops was no issue. Now, Matt felt unsteady. Unsure of himself. The congestion was getting worse and Matt’s ability to orient himself with it. Like being trapped underwater and not knowing which way was up and which way was down.
To top it all off, he’d begun to shiver and sweat which logically he knew meant he had a fever. Though he couldn’t be all that bothered to think too hard about it right now. Making it easier on himself, he’d cut the power to the warehouse to drench the place in darkness before going in. It set the men in a panic, a few knowing what was coming, and went running. Matt went for them first. The others he picked off slowly.
Heavy boot falls as he was dragging the unconscious men into the center of the warehouse making him freeze. He knew those steps, but God Almighty, that was the last person he wanted to talk to right now.
“Hey, Red. You look like shit.”
A sigh that scraped his throat and to his irritation also seemed to rattle slightly in his chest, making him cough harshly before he could reply. “Fradk.” He rasped out. “Did I beat you to it for odce?”
Something like a scoff escaped Frank, “While sick too, looks like it. The fuck you doin’ out here, Red? You look ready to keel over. I knew you were some kinda masochist but nothing like this.”
That shocks a laugh out of Matt which only serves to make him double over with more coughs, pressing his gloved hand to his mouth and nose as he tries to reel it in. “Headi’g hobe after this. Probise. Just… deeded…” His voice is trailing off and with his cowl covering his face it’s impossible to tell that his eyelids are fluttering. His nostrils still flare though.
“HiD’TSHEW! EISHEW! Huh… d’no c’bod… hih-!” Matt rubs furiously at his nose with a gloved hand, very sure his nose is that same stupid red color Foggy always made fun of him for in college whenever he got sick. “Hixx’TSHEW! Shit-”
The half stifle makes him stumble in his off-balanced state and he nearly falls if not for the hand on his arm suddenly. “Go home, Red.” Frank’s voice is suddenly much closer, and Matt is alarmed at the fact that he hadn’t even heard or felt the other so much as move. “Call the cops. I’ll sit on the nearby rooftop, and make sure none of ‘em escape for you.”
Matt sniffles again, keeping his gloved hand pressed to his nose for a moment before giving up and dropping it. He’s too tired to care what he looks like and he’s pretty sure Frank has seen worse than a runny nose. Besides his nose is so blocked up he can barely even smell that cologne Frank usually wears, maybe letting it run will do him some good.
“D’no killi’g.” He instructs the other. “I kdow where you live. I’ll bake sure you catch this.” He threatens exhaustedly, dialing the cops before leaving Frank to watch over the scene while he heads home to claw his way out of his suit, shower, make tea, and pass out before work the next morning.
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signalwatch · 1 year
Bat Watch: The Dark Knight (2008) Watched:  09/18/2023 Format:  Drafthouse Viewing:  Unknown Director:  Nolan SimonUK and I attended a 15th Anniversary screening of The Dark Knight, arguably one of two films that set superhero movies on their current trajectory from 2008 (Iron Man being the other), as DC and Marvel made their way from "huh, superheroes are a fun novelty" to "please stop it with the superheroes". It has been years and years since I've returned to The Dark Knight (see what I did there?!), and there's a lot of water under the bridge.  But it's also a movie I saw so many times between 2008 and 2012 or so that I also have a hard time just slipping back into the movie.   It still has the wildly confusing discussion at the end, that does, in fact, make sense if you squint and go along with the premise of what will, in fact, sway Gothamites to stand with law and order.  But it's arguable the film needed to be more clear in the moment.  Clearly, Nolan's capable of that messaging - because he really, really sticks the landing on "actually, people aren't murderous trash, Joker, you dick."  But that last scene really scrambles on the whole "Batman went on a murderous rampage, not Harvey" bit so that they make Harvey the symbol of justice as a martyred hero. It's an odd bit of legacy that the Joker is seen as a "mad dog chasing a car".  He's clearly not that at all in this movie, but we take what people say in movies at face value instead of literally all of the evidence piling up.  He says he's no schemer, but he intentionally gets arrested and sews a bomb into someone's stomach so he can get to the guy in the holding cell in the middle of police headquarters.  I mean, that's... wildly more interesting than Jared Leto's dipshit with the face tattoos.   But, man, is some of the dialog in this movie clunky.  It's people speaking in trailer quotes and ensuring that their reason for existing as part of this iconography is clearly understood.  Some of it works, but, you have to let yourself sink into the fact that this is a modern myth and not someone's attempt at realism.  We're conveying *ideas* here, not worrying about Batman's inner-life. Also - man, does the Batmask not work.  I don't know who decided it's essentially a fake nose, but it is.  And in close-up, it looks insane and makes Bale's very normal mouth look very not normal.  Paired with the Bat-voice, it's a lot. "maybe I don't want to breathe through my nose..." Despite all this, Ledger's performance is one for the ages.  That's not news.  I should really watch that Joaquin Phoenix movie sometime, because I expected it might suffer by comparison, but apparently did not.  Who knew this guy would become Oscar bait? Boner. heh. Anyway, I still like the movie.  It's not aged into a curiosity quite yet, and it still has massive impact on superhero cinema.  If you look at the myth-building and argument of ethical models as the story, I'm not sure it's been topped.  After all, we're still crawling out from the DCEU that was formed in its image and from a WB who learned all the wrong lessons from this movie's success.  But it also was part of that 2008 one-two punch for a reason. All that said, I do hope the new Batman movie series and whatever happens with Bats in the Gunn-driven DCU work out.   I'm still blown away we got what we got out of these films.  And I am sure in a few years I'll be back here defending The Dark Knight Rises. https://ift.tt/IAf2Ctr via The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/uvlzqEH September 18, 2023 at 07:33PM
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solradguy · 2 years
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Word Count: 1466 Warnings: Bullying, child abuse (?) Chapter Index & Credits Page・ Mobile Friendly Version Archive.org download page (.PDF + uncompressed art scans)
“Look, Old Man! Can I eat this lizard?”
“Hey, get your ass down here.”
“Wait, wait a minute, just a second…”
(He sure does like to be up in high places…)
“Hurry up. I’m taking you somewhere even higher today.” 
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“Oh wow! This is AWESOME!” 
Seeing his adopted son frolicking around, his foster father, Sol Badguy, let out a deep sigh.
(I shouldn't have brought him here...)
It was inevitable that he would be curious and excited about anything new to him at his age, but Sol, who did not like the loud noise, was quickly fed up with the child-like innocence of his son. 
It had now been six months since he took in Sin, the son of an acquaintance, and began to raise him. 
Today, they were visiting the famous floating nation of Zepp to collect a reward for their work. Bounty hunters by profession, both father and son traveled the world daily in search of new bounties – which sounded like good work but, in reality, it made them drifters. Their main targets were Gears, dangerous bio-weapons, but their populations had already dwindled to such an extent that it had become difficult for them to make a living on those bounties alone. Inevitably, the pair sometimes targeted common bounties. The other day, they happened to get tangled up with a gang of hoodlums, which was not by bad chance, but a lucky break for this father and his son. The relatively well-known gang was led by a criminal with a special bounty that the floating military state of Zepp was currently searching and offering a reward for. The two – though, really only one of them, as the other exercised too much self-preservation – managed to claim the prize without any effort at all.  
"Amazing! It's really floating in the air! What’s that?” 
Sol hesitated as he looked at the child, who was both happy and sad to see this adventure come to an end. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and unwanted suspicion, Sol decided not to take Sin to the bounty office. 
“I’ll go alone from here. Stay put and be quiet.”
"Huh? Why?! You’re leaving me behind again!"
Sol tied the chain in his hand to a tree in the back alley and started walking. At the end of the chain was, of course, a collar. And of course, the collar was tied to Sin.This was a strategy devised by Sol, a former scientist, to control the ever-mobile Sin. Sin was extremely reluctant at first, but Sol's loving iron fist made him obedient.
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While waiting for his adoptive father, Sin busied himself by rummaging around the diameter of the small area within his reach. Residents passing by giggled at the sight of Sin, who was still chained up and wearing a collar, but Sin didn’t pay any attention to them. As Sin was taking a break from his rounds of scavenging, a group of three boys about his height surrounded him.
"What the hell is he doing? He's wearing a collar!"
The leader of the group, a boy, pointed at Sin and laughed at him. The two accompanying boys started to laugh as well.
“Oh! Come play with me!”
Sin, unable to read the situation, invited the boys to play with him. Perhaps because he spent all hours of the day with his foster father, who was far from his age, he rarely had the opportunity to interact with people closer to his own age, which was why he was so intrigued.
"What is he, stupid?"
“So, what do you do for fun?”
"Hey, don't get smart with me. What elementary school are you from?”
To the boys, Sin, an out-of-towner who was conspicuous in their territory, was an eyesore, and his innocent remark irritated the boys.
"Hey, say something! Don’t ignore me!”
In a fit of anger, the boy who was the leader of the group grabbed Sin by the front of his shirt. Sin mistook the attack for "play." To Sin, who was used to seeing his foster father's inhuman movements on a regular basis and had continued to train himself in secret, the boy's movements appeared to be nothing more than an attempt at play.
"Hmm, that... What kind of game is this?”
The boys turned the tables on Sin's words.
“Cut the bullshit! Don't talk down to us!"
“Enough! Let's do it!"
The boys clenched their fists and surrounded him. At this stage, Sin finally realized that this was no "game.”
“You're wearing a hideous eyepatch. Are you trying to look cool?”
“Or are you covering up an infection or something?!”
One after another, the boys were shouting and reaching for Sin's eyepatch. A hand snatched Sin's eyepatch and shifted it for a moment, exposing the eye beneath through the gap.
“Don’t… Don’t touch me…”
Sin hurriedly covered his right eye with his hand. Already the pain was gone. But for Sin, it was forbidden. Whenever he touched his right eye, an abominable image that was burned in his mind came back to him like flickering images from a movie. Silently but surely, an uncontrollable anger welled up inside Sin.
“Wh- What the hell… was that?”
When the boys caught a glimpse of the appearance of Sin's right eye, they had a hunch that they had touched something dangerous that should not have been touched.
“Let's get going… This guy's eye is scary..."
The boys involuntarily backed away. Sin held his right eye, looked at the boys with his left eye, and leaned forward.
“Don't come any closer! You monster!”
The words were enough to make Sin's shrinking heart burst.
Sin roared with such force that the surrounding buildings creaked. Black lightning shot skyward from Sin's body as it erupted with arcs of released energy. The boys were directly hit by the shockwave and blown several meters backwards onto their behinds.
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By the time Sol sensed Sin's outburst and turned back, a crowd was already gathering. Sin was hopping around, holding his right eye. Sol understood when he saw the boys sitting on the ground before Sin. 
“Sin, did you do this to them?” 
“Who did it?”
"But- but these, these guys..."
Before he could finish his sentence, Sol's boot rammed into Sin's body. The impact blew Sin away, as well as the tree to which he was chained. Onlookers gasped at the unbelievable sight, and the bustle around them suddenly stopped. Sol strode forward toward the boys with an air of composure. The crowd watched with bated breath.
“Seems like my stupid son caused some trouble…”
“Oh, n-no, don’t worry about it!!”
“I gave him a good lesson, and you’ll get double that amount.”
(Not twice as much!!)
Everyone in the gathered crowd was thinking the same thought at that moment. 
“That makes up for this annoying problem, doesn't it?”
“Y-yes, of course! Of course!”
With that, the boys turned on their heels and hurriedly tried to leave. However, a merciless voice came from behind them.
A shrill scream from the boys as they stopped dead and turned back towards Sol.
"W-Wha... What is it?”
The boy in the leadership position replied in a hoarse voice.
"I'm done with this mess. However..."
“Sin's an idiot, but he won't raise his hand unless he has to. I have good discipline…. What the hell did you guys do?”
Sol's tone was the same as usual. But for the boys, Sol's huge body and the power of the kick he had just delivered were a terror to them.
“You runts haven’t done your share yet. You’ll have to beg for forgiveness…”
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"Old Man, I'm sorry... I just lost my temper…”
“Enough... You'll learn to control yourself next time.”
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"You know... that weapon you have. Can I use it?”
"Fireseal? You can't use it.”
"I see... I'm a lightning man.”
“It's not a matter of attributes. What's up with you all of a sudden?”
“I want to fight like my father. That's why I need a weapon!”
“...It's too early to know something like that, but that's fine. What kind of weapon do you want?”
"Well, let's see. First of all, something manly. Something that can do aggressive thrusting. Also, a stylish form is important!”
“And one more thing. It’s important to have a weapon that will stand out held up against the sky!”
“...Then go wave a flag or something.”
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chloe-skywalker · 3 years
Colleagues - Wonder Woman
Diana x daughter reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 668
Requested: Can I request a wonder woman x daughter reader where the justice league appears at Diana’s house without warning and find out she has a child? And the daughter is like 14-15? -  @themonsterunderthestairs​
Authors Note: Thank you for requesting! I had a good time writing the dialog for this.
Wonder Woman Masterlist
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“Are you sure we have the right house?” Clark asked as they stood on the edge of the beach staring at the ginormous house.
“This is her address.” Bruce stated just as confused as the rest of them.
“But theres a kid there.” Arthur pointed to what would be considered the backyard. Since it is a beach house.
“Teen” Barry corrected standing off to the side.
“What?” Arthur turned to face the speedster.
“She’s obviously a teen not a kid.” Barry shrugged
“Does it matter?” Clark asked very confused.
“Well I mean-” Barry tilted his head.
“Are we really arguing about this?” Bruce cut into the conversation.
“Apparently.” Arthur stated
“Can I help you guys?” the kid- teen girl come over and asked the four men watching her house.
They stood there staring at her slightly embarrassed. When Clark spoke up. “Yes, possibly.”
“Well…” Y/n raised her eyebrows in waiting.
“Does Daina Prince live her?” Bruce asked the young girl, stepping forward.
“Yes” she nodded with a curt nod.
“Is she here now?” Clark asked stepping forward but making sure to that his body langue conveyed non-threatening.
“Yes.” Y/n confirmed his question even though they didn’t seem to be threatening, and definitely not to her. “Who’s asking?”
“Some friends.” Arthur shrugged
“Hmmmm-hmmm” she hummed with crossed arms and a raised brow.
“Can we see her?” Clark asked the young woman hoping they could get her to trust them a bit more.
Y/n tilted her head “I don’t know, can you?”
“I like this girl.” Arthur smiled nudging Clark’s arm.
“Y/n!” Diana yelled out having wondered what was taking her so long to come back inside.
“Coming.” Y/n yelled out in response. Y/n turned around and walked back towards the house, the four men following her. “These people seem to know you.”
“Who’s this Diana?” Bruce asked as they followed the young woman inside.
“Who are they mom?” Y/n asked in a whisper, standing next to Diana. Diana pulled Y/n into her side.
Diana sighed, she knew they’d find out eventually but she wanted to be the one to tell them. Not have them find out this way. “Y/n, this is the rest of the Justice League.”
“Oh you can quite with the faces. I know about you all already, geez.” Y/n rolled her eyes at the guys in front of her. Like if any of them have kids they wouldn’t tell them.
“Why- how does she -” Bruce started to ask but couldn’t get it all out because of the shock.
“Know?” Y/n finished for him. When he nodded she continued. “I’m her daughter.”
“What now?” Barry asked in shock.
“Cool” Arthur nodded
“How come you never told us you have a daughter Diana?” Bruce questioned a little saddened that she didn’t tell them before.
“Yeah, mom. Why didn’t you share that virtual piece of information?” Y/n rolled her head to look up at her mother.
“She’s being sarcastic.” Arthur stated.
“I caught that.” Clark nodded in acknowledgment.
“So did I.” Bruce added
“Just letting you know.” Arthur shrugged his shoulders.
“If no one knows about me then I’m not endanger.” Y/n explained. “Is it really that hard to figure out?”
“Y/n why don’t you head upstairs to finish what we started?” Diana suggested to Y/n. From the look in her eyes, Y/n knew her mom needed to talk alone to her friends.
“Yeah.” Y/n nodded and waved at them before heading up the stairs. “Bye”
“Aw come on Wonder Woman I was just beginning to enjoy your daughter’s company.” Arthur smiled at Diana. Barry nodded in agreement but to intimidated to say anything.
“What’s her name?” Clark asked as they moved around the room to sit down.
“Y/n. Her name is Y/n.” Diana stated smiling at her friends. Diana is very proud of her daughter, she’s glad now she can have some people to brag about her daughter to.
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fishing-for-blood · 3 years
Ok now that I know you watched Invincible too, I need to know what you thought of Red Rush, the Immortal, MachineHead and Doc Seismic, I HAVE to know.
ARI asdfghjkl yaknow it’s 50% your fault I put it on my watch list in the first place, (the other 50% being those ‘look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power’ memes) but YEAH
HONESTLY Doc Seismic is my fave out of everyone you just listed like???? Dude I cracked up SO MUCH at his dialog wtf?? Also the way he ‘flew’ looked so freakin stupid I love it, I’m so glad he’s not dead but is actually raising the lava monster army he honestly deserves 😌I will say it DID rub me the wrong way a smidge how he, very correctly, called out Mt Rushmore as a racist monument to colonizers and stuff (plus the major in genderstudies bit) but was, ya know, ooo bad guy needs to be defeated lets shrug off this legitimate criticism because evil violence. Immensely cringe. Like, I’m glad I guess the likable campy semi-joke villain had that bit cause it slightly lightens what would otherwise be the implication that the people who care about these issues are violent bad and are a threat to peace and society, but ehhhhh. Considering the show does try to play the progressive social justice issues straight otherwise throughout the show (if not awkwardly at times) I’m giving it a pass and waiting hopefully for him to make another appearance. Cause I mean how you gonna keep him alive when you otherwise are killing characters left and right but NOT bring him back??? Invincible pls
MachineHead would honestly be very boring and forgettable were it not for the voice. The stupid auto tune shit completely makes the character. I really wish they pushed the autotune a little bit further, or even went all the way with making it sing-songish just ONCE. I kept waiting for it but it never came and I felt cheated a tad. Still hilarious though.
Red Rush!! Hard to say since we didn’t get that much time with him but his death was fucked. I have a REALLY BAD eye squick so I covered the screen with my hand when Omniman had his head but, damn, yeah. Sacrificial tone-setting death😔Honestly the picnic date scene did nothing for me with his character than just him being the first to react to Omniman showing up and pushing Immortal out of the way. That got me man. I wish we got a little more of him😭
Speaking of, I kinda just don’t care about Immortal yet. It was cool actually getting to see his fighting ability when he was revived, but the entire time he was just berserk mode so??? I mean it was really funny just IMMEDIATE FERAL RAGE WHERES OMNIMAN GRAA. Like dude I feel that but also I need to see him interact with the world more before making a judgement otherwise lol. I DO see potential for him to be an interesting kind of stand-in mentor figure for Mark as the new only surviving member of the Guardians (I presume they’ll successfully bring him back to life again). Could be some bitterness laced in the relationship, could be genuine concern, pity, kinship in the feeling of betrayal by Omniman- so many possibilities so I REALLY hope that’s where his character goes.
I know that the comic the series is based on probably answers the hypotheticals I threw around here but I actually don’t wanna be spoiled for once so pls no one reading this spoil anything for me I beg
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tinalbion · 4 years
Tina thank you for this! I have a spicy request for ya! Two dialog prompts, we got “You know, there wasn’t a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in.” and pair that with “It’s okay, honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I’m between your legs.” for...Drum roll please....BUDDY SWANSON! Gimmie that sweet cooking boy having some fun in the kitchen with the reader, doesn't have to be kept to just oral either, have fun with it, do whatcha want I TRUST YA! Love you! 🖤
Seriously tho, I am so very excited to be writing for Buddy for the FIRST time ever and I really do hope I did the boy justice, I will admit I was nervous as fuck for this. I’m happy with the way it came out. 
Rating: Explicit
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: Sexual tension and innuendos, cunnilingus, kitchen sex, fingering
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Summer was here and things were kicking off to a great start.
Whatever happened between you and your two new love interests only progressed further and at a fast rate, you weren’t expecting it to kick off as you did, but you weren’t going to be the one to complain at all. You finally had some time for yourself after you had escorted the campers off to their divided activities, watching as they all ran off and spread out into evenly dispersed groups, friends talking amongst one another. You smiled at the thought of the kids having the best summer they could all thanks to the staff at Camp Clear Vista. 
You had begun to make your way back to the main camp when you spotted Buddy walking into the back door of the kitchen, carrying a large box, but now that you had a moment, you were going to find out what it was. You needed the time to unwind and Buddy was more than a good enough distraction for you, so what was the harm in seeing what he was up to. You looked around and saw that everyone else had either gone back to their cabin or had been in a session with the kids, so you crept through the back door quietly, not alerting him of your presence just yet. 
He carefully removed the contents of the box and placed them on the freshly wiped down prep table, the bags, and small boxes spread out where Buddy could easily read everything. He muttered to himself and read off the ingredients as he hummed to himself, his attention focused on his task. Weaving in and around the kitchen, through the walk-in cooler and toward the cabinets, he was able to gather all he needed until he heard a small sound near the back of the kitchen. His head jerked up and that's when he noticed you standing there, arm resting confidently against the doorframe. 
"Oh, didn't realize I had a visitor," he teased with a reserved smirk, brushing his curls from his eye. 
"You seemed focused, didn't wanna disturb you when you're in the zone." You shot him back a playful grin and crossed your arms as you took a few steps towards the table. “Plus I may or may not have been looking for a snack, just finished up helping with setting up the nature hike groups. I’m famished.”
He finished setting down the measuring cups and looked up at you, his expression was almost unreadable. “You know, there wasn’t a single thing to eat in this kitchen until you walked in,” Buddy delivered the line smoothly, his hands already quick at work with the materials he had before him.
All you could do was laugh and shake your head in embarrassment, not wanting to show just how much you liked the line. "I can only imagine how long you've been wanting to use that line," you mused, leaning forward against the table. "Whatcha making?"
"Caramel marble brownies, I figured it would be a nice treat for the kids after dinner." Buddy had been too busy mixing everything to make direct eye contact, but you could see him peeking from the corner of his eye, his smile slowly growing. His mind was wandering like it normally did when you were in the vicinity, but he would play this out.
Your eyes lit up at the mention of baked brownies, the thought taking you back to childhood. It wasn’t until now that you realized it had been way too long since you enjoyed any real baked goods. Boxed ones just weren’t the same, so seeing as Buddy knew how to make them from scratch was a delightful tidbit that you didn’t know you needed to hear. 
“Oh, can I help?” you asked excitedly, clapping your hands together as you looked expectantly at him. 
He grimaced a little since he was rather protective of his workspace, but he knew you well enough that his kitchen would be in good hands, so with a sigh he slid the large silver mixing bowl your way. “You know how to make brownies from scratch?” he asked wistfully, taking a step behind you as you began to mix the ingredients together.
“I will admit, it’s been a while since I’ve made decent desserts, but with your skillful hand and willingness to teach, I’m sure I’ll be in good hands.” You smiled down at the bowl and then looked up to see Buddy staring at you, and it wasn’t just any stare, this was intense. You turned away quickly and tried to hide the obvious blush across your face.
Truth was, even though you two had already been intimate, Buddy just brought that side out in you and you were always so flustered with how dominant he could be. With Sam, it was soft and sensual, but with Buddy? Oh, it was on another level. You never complained nor would you ever, but there was just something about him today that was giving off more of an intimidating vibe. Moments later, you focused on him and he was concentrating on mixing together the melted caramel squares and evaporated milk together until it was combined well enough to make a thick enough caramel sauce. 
“You know, I always did like chocolate as a kid,” Buddy said as he slid the smaller bowl over toward you, “what about you? Any sweet treats you enjoyed as a kid?” He grabbed the ungreased pan from beside you and slowly started to spray the nonstick baking spray in all corners. 
You smiled and shrugged your shoulders. “Didn’t really appreciate it as a kid, I do know though, especially with desserts. Went out to a fancy dinner with the folks and they had a fondue fountain with fruits and whatnot to dunk in it. Nothing tasted better than strawberries covered in warm chocolate sauce.” 
Buddy listened intently as you described one of your favorite memories, your discovery of all fine things to do with dessert. He loved it when you talked about things you recalled back from your childhood, it was almost like he could live vicariously through you and erase his horrific memories. He took the bowl from you after you finished mixing the batter and inspected it carefully. 
“Good job, looks perfect. Wanna do the honors?” He held up the small spatula that was covered in the chocolate batter, the droplets spattering onto his hand. 
You nodded and grabbed the utensil from him, your tongue immediately licking up the layer of batter. Buddy watched you and bit his bottom lip so hard that he almost drew blood. You were oblivious until you went for the second lick and saw the fist he had resting on the prep table, your eyes darted up to meet his and you knew what he was thinking the moment your eyes met. The smile he gave you could have made you drop to the floor in an instant.
“You know, I wasn’t lying when I said there wasn’t anything to eat until you walked in,” Buddy recalled, licking the fallen batter off of his own hand while maintaining eye contact with you. His smirk, damn, that smirk he gave you only made you weak in the knees. 
“And what exactly are you implying, Buddy?” 
He set the spatula down and firmly spun you around with his hand on your shoulder, pushing you against the table as he pressed in between your legs, a concentrated look in his eyes as they peeked out at you through his curls. “Oh I think you know what I’m implying,” he growled as his hands slowly began to slide under your camp counselor shirt, the hem of your bra just above where his fingers stopped. “But that all depends on you.” He reached in and dipped his finger in the batter, licking it off painfully slowly as you watched. He gauged your reaction and knew damn well you couldn’t resist.
Without even dwelling on it, you nodded your head and quickly pulled him into a heated kiss, his lips already making you melt as his hands began to undo your jeans button. He easily lifted you from the table and onto your feet so he could properly dispose of your clothing, but then it was right back onto the prep table with you as his fingers slowly made their way in and out of you, his lips never breaking away from yours. 
With just his touch he could have you undone in minutes and Buddy knew this, but he needed to be sure you were worked up enough, he loved seeing you like this because of him. He reached over toward the bowl and dipped his two fingers inside, gathering a bit of the batter on his fingertips, and he placed them against your lips as soon as he pulled away. Fuck, this was so hot, who knew Buddy was so into this? 
Your mouth was sucking on his fingers, holding in your moans and cries that you so desperately wanted to release, but you had no intentions of getting caught by a bunch of kids or the rest of the camp staff. You focused on the chocolate as his other hand continued to pump into you, a third finger finally curling within you, your moan just a bit too loud. Buddy removed his fingers from your mouth and looked down at you, his gaze a little too mischievous for your taste. 
“If you’re too loud, you’ll get us caught, then we’ll have to stop. Surely you don’t want that?” His toe was so mocking that it just made you even more of a mess, but you pouted and nodded your head in agreement, you surely didn’t want that.
He touched your bottom lip with the fingers that had been in you, his smile growing as he watched you suck them clean without him having to say a word. The sound that came from him was almost animalistic as you kept eye contact while you finished cleaning his fingers, then he went in for another sloppy kiss. His mouth slowly began to trail down your jaw and then made its way to your breasts as he lifted your shirt, your moans a lot more silent for the moment. 
Again, his hand dipped into the bowl and smeared the batter over your breasts, watching as the liquid threatened to drip down and ruin your nice, clean bra, but his tongue was lapping it up before it did. Buddy made sure to take his time with this as he only ended up licking some of it off, the rest smearing even further across your skin. You giggled as he made it a point to suck on as much of your skin as he could before getting to the main course. You figured it wouldn’t hurt to help yourself to the mix and scooped a little from the bowl, moaning against your fingers as Buddy nipped at your sensitive flesh. He pulled away and went lower, kissing your inner thighs softly and again nipping at your skin, your cute little yelps filled the kitchen.
 You didn’t expect it to happen so suddenly but Buddy’s mouth had made it to your heat, and his tongue dragged up your slit in a slow motion, causing your legs to shake, a drew out ‘fuck’ escaped you. He was merciless as he continued to eat you out, his hands grabbing firmly at your plush thighs while he swirled his tongue around, your body jerked every so often from the sheer pleasure. The contrast of the chilled table and the warmth of his tongue was almost too much to take at once. 
Your fingers curled into his hair, gripping it ever so slightly to guide him to where you wanted to feel him. You felt the small chuckle vibrate against you and you were almost in over your head, your head was thrown back and you moaned out his name. Those fingers that ran through his curls never eased up and he had to admit that he loved when you showed him just how much you were enjoying yourself.
Buddy pulled away for a moment, licking his lips as your slick coated his chin, his eyes looking you over. “Oh I’m not done yet, but it’s okay honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I’m between your legs,” he muttered with a shit-eating grin. 
Before you could respond to him, he was back to pleasing you with his tongue, stopping your thoughts before you could even form them, and you couldn’t help the moan that did follow. To hell with being quiet, he was making it more than difficult to behave, but the kids were far enough away that you shouldn’t have to worry about it. The thought was far from your head within seconds as he continued to make you squirm, your mouth hanging open and your eyes rolled back, you were feeling absolute bliss. 
“Oh God, Bud-dyyyy,” you cried out, “please, just -fuck- keep going!”
You weren’t going to last much longer though and Buddy knew it, so he sped up his actions and thrust his tongue in, swirled it along your lips, sucking up your wetness that threatened to spill down your legs. He was hungry and he needed you to cum. Your grip on his hair only tightened the closer you got, your legs shaking like crazy as you whispered his name in warning, but you couldn’t even tell him. You cried out, breathless and panting as your cum coated the lower half of his face, but he didn’t mind one bit as he attempted to lick it from his lips, the rest he wiped off on one of the hand towels that was closeby. 
Buddy chuckled as he stood before you and slid his hand behind your neck, bringing you up to kiss him. You tasted yourself on him and moaned against him, his smile only widening. 
“Damn, that was-”
“Who said I was finished?” Buddy interrupted. 
You looked at him and bit your lip, wondering what else he had in store for you, but there was no waiting around with him. He already had you positioned over the table, bent and spread for him like a goddamn meal. His hand slowly slid its way down from your side to your hip, then his hand made contact with your ass as he gave it a playful but solid smack. A yelp followed by laughter; you were having way too much fun. Buddy had unbuttoned his pants and allowed himself to spring free, rubbing it against your soaked lips while one of his hands slid under your bra, grabbing your breast. 
“It’s my turn now, babe,” he whispered into your ear. 
Prodding your entrance with his hard-on, he slowly slid within you and groaned as he felt you clench around him. ‘Oh fuuuck,” he sighed. 
His hands were gripping your hips as he pushed into you, stretching you out until he was buried deep within you, just relishing in the feeling of you wrapped around him. The more he fucked you, the more labored his breath became and he was having too much of a good time feeling you beneath him, but when you pushed against him and rolled your hips it was almost too much for him. He stopped as his hands roamed along your sides, sliding down to your ass as he pushed you forward slightly, watching as he slid out of you slowly. Buddy picked up the pace again and he kept one hand on your hip while the other reached around and gently began to rub your clit, and you let out a whimper while he placed more pressure on it, causing your sounds to grow even louder.
“Bud-dyyyy, please, fuck,” you begged, your eyes fluttering as you tried your best to bite your tongue, but he was close and you could feel it. 
You didn’t know how long you two had been at it but you knew that the kids would be back pretty soon, and the thought of being caught by one of the other counselors wasn’t on your list of plans, but the very thought of it only made the tingling in your spine grow. Buddy began to grunt as he rested his chest against your back so he could fuck you as deep as he possibly could, the feeling of you clenching down on him only made him thrust harder into you. 
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last much longer,” he warned against your ear.
His hand on your clit didn’t stop either as he mercilessly slammed into you, and within minutes, you came undone around him. You couldn’t stop the loud moan that followed your orgasm, the pleasure washing over you as you leaned fully onto the prep table to catch your breath, but thankfully Buddy followed close behind and came deep inside you, the movement of his finger against your clit slowed until he finally pulled away. You were both panting and heaving as you stood there as you allowed your high to fade, and Buddy slowly pulled out of you as he placed several kisses against your back, then fixed his pants and turned you around to help with yours, the intensity of the moment still feeling a bit high.
He looked down at you and laughed almost a little too loudly, something you hadn’t heard him really do around you. “What? What is it?” you asked in confusion, your hand instinctively wiping at your face.
Buddy shook his head through his laughter and sighed while he reached for a bit more of the brownie batter, then gently booped it onto your nose. “You got a little something on ya, Y/N,” he teased.
What both of you hadn’t expected was Sam to walk in, blissfully unaware of what just transpired moments prior, walking into the kitchen as he hummed a song and dug into the employee fridge to grab his lunch. He smiled as he saw you two and looked at your face, a large smile across his. He stepped up close to you and swiped your nose, taking some of the batter with him. 
Sam popped the batter into his mouth and chuckled lightly. “Hey Buddy, hey Y/N, ya missed a bit. I’ll see you guys later” And with that, he was gone again, getting back to his group of kids. 
You both watched as he walked out of the kitchen, completely unaware, or so you thought, and you couldn’t help but bust out into a fit of laughter with Buddy shaking his head as he wore the biggest grin you’ve ever seen. You really had been one of the luckiest people on the planet to land such a great pair of guys. 
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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“Onision Interview With Attorney” April 27, 2020 Speaks
Apparently the attorney is Vincent’s sister. If that’s true, I’m guessing he didn’t have to pay for this interview because she already has a bias against Chris Hansen. (Vincent hijack Hansen’s website and publicly announced he sold it to her. They turned it into a website advertising her attorney services. She also helped Vincent filed a lawsuit against Chris Hansen, but Idk if it went anywhere. It looks like the site has since been reverted back to Hansen’s.)
Greg / James announces they are going to talk about online culture and how people are impacted by social media.
He asks a really wordy, broad question. I’m not exactly sure what he’s asking, but I think he’s trying to ask how private people can stay safe on the internet? She says with the pandemic attorneys are using the internet more. She says cancel culture is very dangerous.
(Wait- why is there a picture of James as a teenager on screen? I just noticed this. I’ll add it to the top of the post. Sorry, that distracted me.)
She gives an example of a couple going through a divorce and one of them uses their big social media presence to damage the other. She said that makes the attorneys think if they should keep representing someone when their ex could inflict damage to them (the attorney) with things like negative reviews. (People left negative google reviews for her law firm after she got involved in Vincent’s online feud with Hansen. It looks like they are all gone now. From what I saw, it was complains of unprofessionalism with the website situation. People may have left false reviews as well, but I did not see them. I only looked very early on.) 
James says this is the opposite of the justice system where everyone has a fair chance. Public opinion controls right and wrong.
Attorney says public opinion is a myth because most people don’t know the laws or have been to law school. That’s why they have lawyers.
She talks more about how scary it is for lawyers, to risk their livelihood. People can put them out of business with negative reviews who don’t even live in the same country.
James asks what she thinks the general legal repercussions could be for trying to destroy someone’s private life on social media. She says there’s options, but they’re difficult. You could sue for defamation, but you’d have to prove the statement is false and defamatory, you’d have to locate them, you’d have to prove loss of money, and the defendant would need the ability to pay.
James asks if he’s been right when he said it’s not worth going after someone with no money or if you could claim their future assets. She says it could be a thing, like in the state she practices a judgement is good for 20 years and in some states it can be renewed for longer. You’d have to check the state. She says if they’re a minor, the parents could be held responsible.
James asks if there will be a legal shift to protect people from baseless cancel culture. He uses Taylor Swift and Johnny Depp as examples. She believes there will be a shift. She says there should be responsibility on providers that allow negative comments that enable cancel culture.
James asks if someone could be punished for unknowingly telling a lie about someone. He uses the example that he said someone was a murderer, then later finds out someone else was found guilty. Yet he doesn’t remove his initial statement and doesn’t make a public correction. She asks isn’t that why the news publishes retractions? James says people act like the news, but don’t do that. He says everyone wanted to interview him, but when they realized everything they wanted to interview him about was false, they suddenly didn’t want to interview him anymore. They publicly ignored the issue instead of publishing a retraction. He says if you pretend to be a newspaper or journalist, you have to hold yourself to the same standard. Attorney agrees and says everyone needs to be careful with what they say as facts.
She says people shouldn’t be afraid to interview someone in fear of the online effect it might have. She asks where the great interviewers like Oprah, Lisa Ling, and Barbra Walters would be. James says this is black and white mentality, if you’re not with us you’re against us. You can’t have an impartial opinion. He gives an example, if weren’t against Johnny Depp when everyone was angry with him, then you’re an abuser. He says you can’t even have a dialog or find out the full story without people trying to cancel you. He says it converted the media into pandering to their audience.
Attorney asks if now we have to not watch Woody Allen movies because of what he was accused of? James says he stopped watching Johnny Depp movies for a while and that was wrong because he let society and popular opinion control him. He says we want to be with the in-crowd, so when someone is cancelled, we want to go along with it to go with the flow. We’re afraid to admit when we’re wrong or that will be one more reason to be cancelled. He says it’s a complex social structure.
He asks for advise for public figures and private people trying to recover from being canceled or if their ex ran a humiliation campaign online. Attorney says she has a website because all attorneys need websites now. She was dragged into it and everybody started posting really negative reviews because the person that started this cancel culture stated what her familial relationship was. No one has any knowledge of that before they said it. (Dude... when I went to “HansenVSPredator dot com”, your face and name showed up. You have the same last name as Vincent. His last name was on every Hansen stream. Your law firm is across the river from where Vincent said he lived. Vincent tweeted your full name when he announced he sold the site. It wasn’t that hard to figure out. At the time I assumed she was either Vincent’s cousin or sister. I’m not a Hansen stan, but Jesus. Blaming him for all of the negative attention she received is a stretch. If anything I blame Vincent for even suggesting selling her a hijacked website from a high profile person to use for her business. Especially after Vincent got twitter totally pissed off at him. Terrible idea. I remember at the time thinking this poor woman doesn’t know the shit show she just walked into.)
Then her rating, which was really good, went down. She says profanities started being used and it was disturbing. She says she has her own harassment suit. (oh so it wasn’t Vincent’s) The platform got rid of the reviews and she was able to find out the identity of some of the individuals. This all caused loss of sleep, not being able to work, headaches, being afraid and worried for the people she’s working for. She wanted to protect them and was able to file a harassment charge and those are hard to get filed.
He says she’s a private citizen and when someone with a social media presence goes after you makes it difficult to work at your job and function as a human being. Online community doesn’t understand there’s the real world, then there’s the online community. The real work is mostly rational people working jobs with other people. There are consequences for their actions. Online you can be extreme you can act like there’s no law, until reality hits and they’re sitting in court. When people irl agree with you, when police agree with you, when people in court agree with you, it’s important to bring people to the real world so they can’t destroy your life more.
Attorney says people contacted the Bar Association on behalf of the person they’re following. She said it brought harm to the person who started the cancel culture. He made false statements about her. Because of her familial association, she should be banned. People going to the Bar Association inspired her charges against him.
James says we need to be held accountable when we drag people who are entirely private, people who never had a Youtube channel, for bringing negative attention to them. (Like the underage fans you insulted in your body ratings videos?) There’s no reason for us to inspire people to go after private people. His own family members were targeted. They have no association with his channels. (They were on his channels though. Not saying they deserve negative attention, just pointing it out. His mother acted in a number of his skit videos and she has her own channel. He also did a collab with one of his sisters to promote her channel.) He says they were entirely innocent.
He says he hopes the world we’re approaching is one where there is an anti virus for the virus, which is cancel culture. He says we keep acting like heroes by hurting people who are not involved.
He says, like in the attorney’s case, you can’t involve people who are not involved. Says you can’t take someone from a platform they are on and attack them on a platform that they are not on. He gives the example of someone cutting him off the highway, he can’t take out a camera and stalk them to humiliate them online. He should handle it with the police. She agrees and says the authorities are the ones that can do investigations.
James asks for a closing statement from the attorney. They promote her new channel and she says she would like to talk to Cher one day.
She says if something isn’t fair to share, don’t share it. James says you should think about if what you’re going to share will hurt a private citizen. He says he understands public figures, like himself, are different. When you involve family members and private citizens, you become legally accountable for what happens to them.
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realcube · 4 years
ur writing is *chefs kiss* 😚 can i request some stupid fluff of kenma, tsukishima, yaku, iwaizumi, and another character of ur choosing hcs of their reaction to their s/o speaking uwu. for example a scenario where the s/o is like “ugh im so thoisty tsukki can u get me some wawa? 🥺🤲” and he’s like “wtf did u say to me ?🤨” I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE LMAO BASICALLY HOW THEY WOULD REACT TO THEIR S/O RANDOMLY BABY TALKING
OMG THANKS! :D  also why am i in love with every character you just requested :o like i feel like they are all the token moody ones on their team LMFAO so i’ll probably choose someone from shiratorizawa but idk who the token moody one is on their team- is it ushi, shirabu or semi?? 🤔
ok but anyway that is so cute lord- i kinda cringe (or should i say cwinge) when some ppl talk like that but i remember this girl i really admired did it once while talking to a dog and jesus- when i say that I FELL SO HARD! 
but also why is that tsukki dialog spot on 😂 i feel like they’d all find it adorable depending on the context (except for kenma, he finds it cute whenever-). like i can already imagine iwa’s heart literally melting when he sees you talk like that to a baby. (you’re all like ‘hewwo baby!’ as if the child would understand you but it’s just like 😐)
anyway thank you for this request 🙏 i’ll try to do it justice! have a lovely day 💞
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calystarose · 5 years
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My  (Adjusted) Top Twenty Favorite Movies of 2019
These movies are sorted by Ranking and then Alphabetically. Genres are mostly just my opinion/what my focus was on in the movie. This is a squee post, so I'm focusing only on what I loved about these movies. Titles link to the trailers I feel best represent the movie.
Abominable - This movie made my heart feel good. Yi's story, what she's going through and what she needs to learn and grow into is so amazing. Even watching the trailer makes me tear up because of how deeply this movie moved me. There is a lot of humor and a lot of heart and I love this movie very much.
Captain Marvel - The way Brie Larson walks in this, the way she moves her body is just so affirming and inspiring. I've never seen a woman move like that, not when she's not angry or in fight mode. She moves like Thor and it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I adore Maria & Monica, Nick & Phil. I love the call-backs to other movies, the 90s references, the cat! My face hurt from smiling after watching this.
Men In Black: International - I really like the characters in this movie a whole lot. I love that we watch Molly go from being a kid to being an adult determined to find the truth. I love how prickly and dorky she is. How smart she is. I love H. He's a complicated mess of a man that uses humor to hide pain and that's like catnip! I wrote fic for this, I was so enchanted.
Rocketman - This movie is an experience. It is very cathartic and validating. There is not one thing I'd change about it. This is the movie I consider the Best of 2019. The narrative structure, the songs used, the story told, the dialog, the acting, the singing, the dancing - it's all so perfectly done and satisfying. I feel almost drugged when I watch it, even just the trailer.
War (2019) - The action is over the top and full of unexpected twists. I've never gotten this emotionally invested in characters this quickly. About fifteen minutes into it I literally fell in love with this movie. I got that whole heady rush of new love. That giggly, silly head over heels feeling that even now can overwhelm me to the point where my body doesn't know if it wants to laugh or cry and so sometimes does both. It feels like the entire trajectory of my mental world got realigned after seeing this movie. I've started learning Hindi! It's available on Amazon Prime Video, if you're a member, and it is just so unrelentingly enjoyable I hope you'll go watch it. I'll be hosting a War Watch Party at Escapade because dear god, I want more people to know this amazing movie. This is my absolute favorite movie of the year.
Charlie's Angels (2019) - This was even better the second time, and fuck am I queer. :D But for real, this was fun and funny and exciting and...*exciting*. It's light-hearted, a little over the top, and pretty fast-paced. I adore the characters and the version of the world they've created. I look forward to watching it again.
Ready Or Not - SO GROSS! :D But exciting and funny, often in snarky and vicious ways. Very, very satisfying story with a great ending. I loved all the actors in this, just acting the FUCK out of their roles.
Stuber - This is big stupid fun. Lots of physical humor and the two leads have lovely chemistry together. The story is interesting and well done and the jokes almost never punch down. It makes me laugh hard, often. Like belly laughs.
Terminator: Dark Fate - I really love these characters. I first saw Sarah Connor when my sister somehow convinced our mom to let her take my 9 year-old self to see the first Terminator movie and I've loved her ever since. I adore the new characters of Grace and Dani Ramos. Their stories, what they go through/went through is compelling and entertaining. As a sapphic woman, this movie was very visually satisfying. I would kill to have more.
The Kitchen - I'm in love with Tiffany Haddish and it was so incredibly gratifying to get to see her in a role this meaty. Her character is utterly fascinating to me and I could watch hours more of just her. Melissa's character is amazing as well, strong and sturdy like an ox who can and will trample anyone that fucks with her. Elizabeth's character is oddly sweet and relatably crazy. This movie has weight and dimension, I can feel it in a sense.
Black Christmas - I have not seen either of the earlier versions of this movie, but I really loved how unapologetically 'misandrist' this version is. There are some heavy parts, some sharp social commentary, and some light-heartedness. But best of all there are genuine moments of triumph that were incredibly validating to the rage that I've felt from times I've been helpless. I really liked the climax of the movie.
Booksmart - My favorite part of this movie is probably Billie Lourd's character Gigi. She is a batshit crazy delight. But I also loved the friendship between the two lead characters, Amy & Molly. And it was so neat to see Kaitlyn Dever in this role. Lots of laughs and lots of fun. It's nice having a queer character in a movie where it's not all about them being queer. Amy's a nerdy lesbian teenager and feels like a real person.
Pokémon Detective Pikachu - This movie is just so damn beautiful to look at. I love the mix of animation and real world. I love the mystery. Pikachu was so freaking adorable. Justice Smith did a lovely job talking to himself. :D
Godzilla: King Of Monsters - I LOVE THESE KAIJU! Sincerely, I just adore them. Mothra is SO PRETTY and Godzilla is so brave! This was a very fun popcorn movie that genuinely entertained and thrilled me. We saw it on the IMAX screen and it was AMAZING. :D
Happy Death Day 2U - Horror-Comedy Groundhog's Day is how I sum this up. It's so much fun and utterly hilarious. I really like Tree, she's shouty and smart and funny.
Harriet - Cynthia Erivo is a gift. This movie was so compelling and moving. The narrative, and visual, focus keeps the emotion and stakes high without ever descending into voyeurism. Beautiful to listen to as well.
Hustlers - The complicated and complex relationship between Ramona and Destiny is the heart of this movie and I find it endlessly fascinating. The movie settled in my tummy afterward, making me think.
Nancy Drew & The Hidden Staircase - This was a really good mystery and a fun movie. The characters are likable and Nancy is adorable.
Shazam! - I really enjoyed this. I liked the kid Billy, liked his story and journey and how he grows. I love the foster family. The darker aspects of the story were handled well, I feel. I loved the ending. Great kid actors.
Spider-Man: Far From Home - It's impossible to not like Tom Holland's Peter. He's adorable and feels authentically young. I adore MJ's everything, the nerdy-dorky-macabre thing she does is so relatable. :D Marisa Tomei remains one of my favorite actors and she's so beautiful! 
We've seen 66 different movies in the theatre this year, so far, but the top 20 isn't going to change given what's left to see.  We saw 68 unique movies in the theatre this year, five of the movies were not released this year (4 from last year & The Goonies), so I disqualified them for this list. We were able to do this because we had first the AMC A-List & then Regal Unlimited movie club memberships. Some of the movies we saw multiple times. These are movies that I liked the best, that entertained me the most, that I would most often be up for rewatching or a combination of that. This has been a crazy experience and I'm thankful to my bff delibby for letting me come along on the ride. (The adjustment is dropping Knives Out from the top 20 and putting Black Christmas in.)
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fe3h blogging 2 because the post got too long
Edelgard Claude foiling. Both see that the world is wrong and that motivates them to make it better. Claude listens to people, Edelgard listens to herself. Claude reflects and introspects, Edelgard doesn’t.
I was going to write more but I realized I was just bashing Edelgard so I stopped. Anyways, the Gatekeeper has a backstory??? a younger twin brother and they’re from the empire?? Also wow Edelgard is REALLY into you (the light in the darkness pft)
I also want to comment how the Church of Seiros unlike some other fantasy religions really is like real life historical (and current) religious organizations. There’s a mix of people from the non believers but there to help, to those that believe this is the best way to help people, to those looking for power, to the people who are there because its a way to make a living. I want to make clear though that Sothis/The Goddess is dead and she can only act a little bit through Byleth. Before the game The Goddess has NO influence on Fodlan. Anyone praying is doing nothing in terms of reaching The Goddess.
Hilda: Tell me what I’m thinking about right now.
Ferdinand: Hmm... You want a snack.
Hilda: I DO want a snacc ;) ;) ;)
supports: Ashe Dedue, Sylvain Felix, Ingrid Dimitri, Hubert Ferdinand, Petra Claude, Marianne Ignatz
3h totally fooled me with the hair colors. I’m too use to JRPGs have rainbow haircolors so I think nothing of it but in this game the white/green hair are plot significant.
Somehow related to dragon shenanigans(white/green): Sothis, Lysithea, Flayn, Edelgard, Byleth, Rhea, Seteth
Plausibly a normal color with weird undertones: Ignatz, Shamir, Petra, Felix, Lindhardt,
That inexplicably JRPG colored hair: Bernadetta, Hilda, Caspar, Marianne, Ashe, Lorenz
Ch14 of Crimson Flowers has made me unfathomably sad. Claude hold himself so tightly, closed off with high walls. He always has a face on, doesn’t break composure. But in ch 14 in the face of losing his dream you can see the cracks in walls. And Claude may be closed off but he is in no way cold hearted or uncaring, he cares so much and you see that as the Empire gains ground. That battle is one of the few glimpses of Claude. Whether he is killed or spared, both are sad. The cut scene after Claude is spared is seemingly lighthearted and a tonal contrast to the serious battle right before it. Without knowing Claude better it seems like a breather before more plot happens, but knowing Claude that scene really breaks my heart. In contrast with the moments of honesty during the battle, Claude’s social mask has snapped right back into place, hiding all of his pain. Claude’s dream meant all to him, being able to walk side by side with his friends in a new world, and that dream just took a devastating blow. Claude is by no means dishonest during that scene, but knowing how devastated he is on the inside yet forcing himself to hold it all together... He’s sad and now I’m sad.
The Insurrection of the Seven is fascinating to me. Just because people keep saying different things about it. Was the Emperor seeking to consolidate power for the throne and the nobles stopped him or where the nobles always seeking to turn the Emperor into a puppet ruler? To my limited knowledge I think for a while Emperors had been losing power. Enough so that the experiments on Edelgard and her siblings could not be stopped. He then tried to expand his power and was crushed.
Crimson Flower is quite interesting. Edelgard and Hubert are walking a fine line balancing the church and the Agarthans. The Empire appears unified but its a shell for the Agarthans and Edelgard is betting on the appearance of that shell.
Wow Dimitri is surprisingly sane and not feral in CF. Does the purple clouds in Dimitri’s death CG remind anyone else of the S support CGs?
Lysithea and Edelgard can bond over shared childhood experiences and being short
Can you imagine Claude, Hilda, and Sylvain as a squad. They would radiate such chaotic energies just standing next to each other that Nemesis would leap out of his cyberpunk containment pod and start dancing to leek spin
How is Dimitri clean shaven post timeskip?? Most people in the grips find it hard to be functional and do basic tasks and your telling me he meticulously shaves everyday? I'm calling it. Dimitri is trans and can't grow a whisker
So the brits (and w europe really) went mad for tea and got it through colonization of india. Where does fodlan get its tea?? Its mostly too cold unless you want to convince me theres an extensive breeding program for hardy cultivars somewhere. Dagda?? We know coffee is imported. hot take: the empire started a war to get more tea
I dont talk about dorothea enough. I almost chose BE just for her. She hates nobles and its great. The voice acting is top notch too. Dorothea-Ferdinand c support is memorable to me because of the voice acting. The line delivery was so good. Especially the  " I hate you " from Dorothea. She's so savage. She was the only one I considered S supporting after intsys robbed me of claude. Didn't go through with it though. It always feels wierd romancing fictional characters.I remember how P3 forced me on the harem route and wow that was uncomfortable. Dorothea is kind. I like kind people. She's so full of love (Manuela is the other character overflowing with love), and her compassion extends to everyone. She understands the grief of war. Contrast that to local manlet Caspar. Once he's decided someone is an "enemy" he stops caring. Oh Caspar... All of Dorothea's supports are so good too... Dorothea's backstory can get a little disturbing. She's 18 at the beginning of the game. She began singing with the company at 10 and gained fame at 13. What troubles me his how she talks about how after every show she was innundated with marriage proposals and such. The way she talks about it, it went on for a while, and while sure the letters and stuff could have been from other teenagers, that she was getting all this as a teenager is creepy. In addition, then she talks about the nobles fawning over her and it made my skin crawl. But the worst was  that a noble possibly her father was coming on to her . Like Dorothea, I'm with you. Let's burn down the world.  Despite the justifiable anger though, dorothea is so full of love. Until the last her heart never turns cold.
Thinking about claude and edelgard. On one hand their personalities, ideals, and ambitions complement each other. On the other hand Edelgard doesn't understand how people work and Claude is a manipulator, guarded, he never lets any one in(edited)Claude can totally read her, but Edelgard reacts poorly to criticism and dissent.... Claude has no faith. Not in his dreams and not in himself. With out a push, he's not proactive. Edelgard charges straight ahead while Claude takes the circuitous path. "Defensive" thats the word for edelgard, she so easily thinks people are out for her. Whereas claude deflects. Both are fuelled by a sense of justice.  Edelgard thinks in terms of eliminating enemies, claude thinks in terms of recruiting allies.  The point is the the tragedy that they would make great friends! But thats not happening in this universe! Because edelgard's bull headed and claude wont open up!
Watching s supports and anyone notice theres 3 variations on the ring.  There 2 silver and green ones. At first I thought small green stone was from people with common origins and big stone from noble. But I just saw saw one with a gold ring.It could be that the character is just that extra. And yeah it is gold is from Ferdinand and Lorenz.
Ferdinand  was so obnoxious at first. But hes such a good boy. He does his best. He's trying very hard. Also, existential angst is my jam.
I just remembered theres only 5 saints in the Church of Seiros and does that mean the tome of comely saints has erotica of... like... cihol??? And cethaleann????? Uuuuuuhhhhhh...I dont like my brain sometimes.
so that whole fuss that byleth's mom was rhea's daughter was because tons of "gamers" chose BE first and misinterpreted Edelgard's speculation. When in reality Jeralt was the one who Rhea gifted her crest (seiros) to, extending his lifespan. Rhea then cut out baby Byleth's heart and then replaced it with Sothis's crest stone hoping that Sothis would posses byleth. All we know of the mom is that she was a nun and died young. Flames crest stone joined to Byleth's heart (CF ending cutscene). Rhea placed Sothis' heart in baby Byleth to revive Sothis (VW ch 22 opener). She has done human experimentation on people to revive Sothis before (implication). Seiros/Rhea did so so that Sothis would posses the body (Rhea dialog consistently referring to Byleth as "Mother" or hoping that Sothis will poke through).
The only time Claude’s anger breaks through his composure is with Rhea. This is significant as Claude almost never loses his composure, and this highlights how Rhea in the only person Claude hates. Claude doesn’t hate Edelgard or Dimitri or any of the other people that may kill him, just Rhea.
question about the Black Eagles/Crimson Flower ending:  why does Byleth collapse and then Sothis' crest stone break? I mean I will give it a break since its symbolic and thematically significant and all and it was a excellent touch that Sothis' heart and Byleth's heart have literally weaved together. Is reviving Byleth Sothis' last act?? Why did Byleth have to die to begin with though? ... well maybe Byleth didn't die since they didn't have a heartbeat to begin with. So far the writing in 3H has been pretty good though there have been weak spots. I think that CF final scene was put in more because it "felt right" than because it was logical. it fits with edelgard's goals and what the route's been about. its just if you really think about it. It doesn't make sense based on what is already known. I mean crest stones could have other powers but I haven't seen that anywhere else in the game. As for the story as a whole, the main acting forces in the game are Edelgard+Empire, those who slither in the dark, and Rhea+Church. Claude also has his own ambitions, but those 3 are more deeply entwined. Each faction has its own goals and past and a good chunk of the game is figuring out what those are. Its also ironic that GD despite how Claude is not enmeshed in ... that other mess, sheds so much light on the other factions. 
The main theme is probably about Rhea since it plays a lot during Rhea scenes and the church is a central focus of the story.
the "M-metal gear?!?!?!" moment will always be hilarious for me. On par with dollar store Hitler
Why is it Jeralt's voice on the map even after he dies?
God Shattering Star:  How Many Times Do We Have to Teach You This Lesson, Old Man?  
Dawn is a recurring motif in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. “the dawn of a new age” is or such is
Claude, a child loved and lonely
i think blue lions was written first. 1 the two monthly missions that have to do with students’ families are both in BL (Ashe and Sylvain). 2 two fairly important side characters at the monastery are related to BL students (Annette and Mercedes). Chapter 3 actually provides a intro for all the lords in their respective routes. Edelgard’s scene is serious but not especially sad, instead you can feel te fire burning within Edlegard and the scene shows how she’s willing to sacrifice the lives of those under her if she believes she is doing the right thing. Claude’s is actually quite light hearted in tone after the first few lines and it highlights the mystery surrounding him and makes him seem very sketchy. Chapter 3 in Blue Lions though is really sad. Ashe my baby boy. Here there is a sense of tragedy in the post battle scene
oh there is another Claude loses his temper. Its when a bunch of thieves (badly) impersonate Almyrans and Claude is so offended they didn’t put enough effort into the act and that they’re weak.
Major Player Goals
Rhea: revive Mother
Edelgard: take down the Church and crest system
Agartha: vengeance on the Nabateans
Claude: usher in a new age of tolerance and prosperity for humanity
Dimirti: keep afloat???
CHURCH SKETCH AF. Rhea always raised the hair on the back on my neck.  I mean even in ch3 the first real mission. We're being used as a personal assassination squad because Lonato threatens Rhea's power.  and then she's like. This is a public execution to give an example of what happens when you defy the church.  and I was like !!!!!!! let's mentally/emotionally scar a bunch of teenagers into fearing the wrath of the church.  Rhea: prosecutor, defense, jury, judge
I remember ranting about revolution and society in fire emblem games before having played this one, and wow intsys made a game for me
Ignatz and Raphael. I must protect both of them. sweet sweet boys. Raphael has the biggest heart and Ignatz just wants to help. Team Protect Raphael's Heart. Raphs is pretty emotionally mature too. he gives warm fuzzy vibes. Ignatz takes on so many burdens and clams up about his own pain. He doesn't place any importance on himself. Let my boy be an artist! Raphael certainly has pain, but he doesn't want a life where that pain rules over all else. Raphael is a force of GOOD I would have love to meet Lorenz's dad. I don't have high expectations of him, but I'm curious.  we've heard so many different things about him. And he's one of the major actors of the story. But we also know so little about him.
o both Mercedes and Emile have the Lamine crest. If that came from their shared mother, why did House Martritz fall since she was heir? Possible answer sexism or finances. The other option is that both Bartels and Martritz have the Lamine bloodline. Also, Jeritza is younger than I thought he was Modern Advances in Missile System Engineering Wade and Kruger 7e 2XXX
Schöner, Alexa, and ZaiCheng Jun.  "Applications of Dymanic Systems Theory in Autonomous Bipedal Assault Units". Journal of Robotics 18.4 (2XXX): 157-170.
I think I'm hilarious. heh. Imagine though, While digging around Shambhala Claude finds these and everyone is just confused because it looks like their language???? and yet the words! they dont make sense!
I didn’t really care when hubert died in VW, but edelgard's death hit me you know. Because both claude and edelgards ambitions are to tear down the old system. and seeing edelgard in that armor. Its like the timeskip all over again. Part 2 begins and you relize how much all the characters have grown. And while you werent looking edelgard has been going through her own journey. When you fight her shes wearing armor with elements from both the flame emperor and her part 2 outfit  yeah edelgard is yikes. i agree with her goals but her disregard for yhe lives under her concerns me. And between her tendency to brute force solutions, those who slither in the dark, and the empires situation, I think she was doomed to fail from the start
When Claude ... half jokes??? that Hilda can grasp his throat, is that connected to how Fodlan's Locket (in Fodlan's Throat) is under house Goneril control?
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dragonydreams · 6 years
Fic: This Is Who I’m Meant To Be 2/5 - Captain Canary
Title: This Is Who I'm Meant To Be Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Rating: Mature Pairings/Characters: Sara Lance/Leonard Snart, mentions Leonard Snart/Mick Rory, mentions Sara Lance/Nyssa Al Ghul Summary: When Leonard tells Sara to stand down from killing Stein, it resonates with her in a way that she never expected to feel again. Can he be what she now needs him to be? Warnings: BDSM, D/s, whipping, bondage Timeline: Between 1.05 (Fail-Safe) and 1.07 (Marooned) Word Count: 6,183 (Total) Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Berlanti Productions, DC Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Television. Any recognizable dialog belongs to them. Betas: Thank you to angelskuuipo and shanachie for looking this over for me. Also a big thank you to my additional beta, who chose to remain anonymous, for helping to make sure that I got the D/s parts of the story accurate. Author's Note 1: Written for @leonardsnartbigbang​ - My goal was 5,000 words, which I went a little over. ;) Author's Note 2: I have wanted to read a story like this for a long time and since none existed, that meant that I had to write it. I hope that I did it justice as an accurate representation of a D/s lifestyle.
Or read full story at AO3.
Chapter 2
Leonard remained seated on his desk for several minutes as he replayed the conversation with Sara in his mind. To say that he was surprised by her request would be an understatement. Not that she would come to him, but that she'd needed to make the request at all. He was usually better at reading people, and this was not something that he had sensed in Sara.
"Gideon, tell Mick to come to my room," Leonard finally said, aloud.
A moment later, Gideon informed him, "Mr. Rory is on his way."
"Thank you."
He moved his desk chair to the center of the room and sat down, facing the door, one leg crossed over the other.
He didn't have long to wait. Seconds after he'd sat down there was a knock at the door and he'd called out for Mick to enter.
As soon as Mick saw Leonard, he blinked in surprise. "What's going on, Boss?"
"I just had a very intriguing proposition from Sara," Leonard said, without preamble.
"Always knew you'd be the one she'd proposition," Mick said. "What's that got to do with me? Ain't like we're exclusive."
"Not that kind of proposition," Leonard said. "She wants me to be her Dom."
"That little firecracker is like me?" Mick let out a low whistle. "Didn't see that one coming."
"Nor did I," Leonard admitted, frowning.
"Guess some of us are better at hiding it than others," Mick said. "You gonna do it?"
"I told her that I needed to think about it," Leonard said.
"You haven't really been my Dom for a while now," Mick pointed out. "You and I both know that I don't do what you say just because I like taking orders. I respect the hell out of you and you're a good leader. Much better than Trench Coat. Hell, we haven't done a real scene in years."
Leonard thought back and realized that Mick was right. They hadn't done a real scene since before the fire that burned Mick so badly. The first time that Mick had defied an order.
"No, lately you seem to prefer self-medicating with booze and drugs than coming to me for a scene," Leonard mused.
Mick shrugged. "Needed some way to escape my demons when we weren't talkin'."
"And when we reunited?" Leonard asked. "I've been waiting for you to ask for a scene."
Mick huffed out a laugh. "Since when did I ever ask for a scene? That's not how we worked. I'd start to get obsessed with the flame and you'd step in and get it under control."
"Until you didn't leave when I told you to," Leonard said, nodding towards the gloves covering the burns on the backs of Mick's hands.
"Yeah," Mick acknowledged, curling his hands into fists and releasing them. "By the time you gave me the heat gun, you were all obsessed with The Flash. Didn't seem like you wanted to be my Dom anymore and I didn't want to get in the way of your infatuation with your new boy in red leather. Looks like now you're all hot and bothered by white leather, though. Can't say as I blame you. She's hot. If she needs you the way I did, I say go for it."
"Are you breaking up with me?" Leonard drawled.
Mick shrugged. "Way I see it, there's nothing to break up. We'll continue as we have been since we got on this ship: partners."
Leonard nodded and stood, extending a hand to Mick. He took it and shook.
"Partners," Leonard said. "If you ever do feel like you need me…"
"I'll come find you," Mick said. He picked up the black bag near the door that contained the vodka they planned to share with the team. "Good luck with Blondie, Boss. See you on the bridge."
"Thanks, Mick." Leonard said as Mick stepped out of the room.
"Gideon, is Sara in her room?" Leonard queried.
"Yes, she is still there," Gideon confirmed. "Shall I ask her to come to your quarters?"
"No, I'll go to her," Leonard said.
"If I may say so," Gideon began, "I may not understand why Ms. Lance has asked this of you, but I am glad that you will be helping her."
Leonard snorted in amusement. "So glad to have your blessing," he drawled. "And Gideon? Don't tell Rip about this unless he specifically asks. He may not understand what we are doing either, and what Sara and I consent to is none of his business."
"I will not lie to the Captain," Gideon said.
"I'm not asking you to," Leonard said. "If he asks what's going on between us, tell him. I'm just asking you to not offer up the information, unsolicited."
"I can agree to that," Gideon said.
"Thanks, Gideon," Leonard said and exited his room.
As promised, he found Sara in her room, sitting on the floor in a lotus pose, trying to meditate. When the door opened to reveal Leonard, she immediately started to try to shift to her knees, only managing to topple over in the process of unwinding her legs.
Leonard chuckled and helped her to right herself, saying, "You can stay sitting."
Sara's face fell. "Your answer is no?"
"On the contrary, my answer is yes," Leonard said, his frozen heart melting a bit at the look of hope, happiness, and relief that filled Sara's face.
"But--" Sara gestured to her position.
"We're just going to have a conversation right now," Leonard said and slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor with her, his long legs stretched out before him.
"What, um, what did you want to talk about?" Sara asked, trying not to fidget under the weight of his stare.
"Terms, expectations, you know, contract negotiations," he said, making vague gestures with his hands.
Sara huffed out a laugh. "There were no contracts in Nanda Parbat."
"But you had rules for your relationship as Mistress and sub?" Leonard asked. "You had a safe word at the very least, I hope."
"Oh, yes, we had rules. She was only my Mistress in the bedroom. When we were with the League, we were equals. She knew that it was hard enough for me as a blonde, white woman, to fit in with the League, and she didn't want to give the others cause to harm me more because I liked to be whipped in the bedroom."
"And a safe word?" Leonard prompted.
"Amazo," Sara said, shuddering slightly.
"Would you like that to be our safe word?" Leonard asked, hoping she'd pick something that was less obviously abhorrent her. He didn't know the story behind that word, but he could see that it brought her mental pain.
"No," Sara whispered. "I want to put that behind me, for good."
"Very well," Leonard said. "Safe--"
Sara interrupted him with: "Gambit."
Leonard smiled. "I take it there's a story there?"
Sara nodded, a smile teasing her lips. "Maybe I'll tell you about it, someday."
Having researched his teammates upon boarding the Waverider, Leonard already knew that the Queen's Gambit was the boat she'd been on with Oliver Queen when it sank, but all he said was, "I look forward to hearing about it."
"It's not a happy story," Sara admitted.
"So few are," Leonard said. Sobering, he returned to the business at hand, "Now that we have a safe word, we should discuss terms and expectations."
"Such as?" Sara asked.
"What do you expect from me?" Leonard asked. "What do you need from me?"
Sara took a moment to think about it, which pleased Leonard. "When the bloodlust starts to take over, I want - need - you to beat it back. Literally."
"What do you prefer to be beaten with?" Leonard asked. "I won't use my bare hands."
"A whip or paddle," Sara promptly answered.
"Bullwhip, flogger, crop… or something else?"
"Crop," Sara said, quickly. "The League used a single tipped whip for punishments. You'll see scars that they left, but none of them were from Nyssa. Floggers are usually too light an impact, for me. I have a very high tolerance for pain."
"That is good to know," Leonard said. "What else?"
"That's all that I can think of. Just-- talk to me like you did tonight, if you need to."
"Give you orders in front of the team? Isn't that taking it out of the bedroom?" Leonard asked.
"They don't have to know why, but better to have you order me to stand down than for me to do something we both know I'd regret," Sara said. "May I ask some questions?"
"Of course," Leonard said, leaning back against the wall.
"What do you want me to call you when we're in a scene?" Sara asked.
"Titles don't do anything for me," Leonard admitted. "Mick liked to call me 'Boss', but we also worked together when we weren't in a scene, and that was easiest for him... 'Sir' will be fine for us."
Sara smiled. "'Sir,' it is. Will you be starting scenes on your own or will I always be requesting them?"
"I'm not going to take advantage of you, Sara," Leonard said.
"I would certainly hope not," Sara said. "But you should be getting something out of this, too. I'm sure you're not going to beat me just to make me happy. You don't strike me as the kind of person to act solely for other people's benefit. Perhaps I should have asked, 'What's in this for you?'"
"I don't do anything out of the good of my heart," Leonard said. "I take pleasure in being in control; in disciplining others."
"Will beating me be enough for you?" Sara asked.
Leonard grimaced. "Let's not use that word. Too many memories of a not-so-fun childhood."
"Of course," Sara agreed.
"I know that you're not looking for someone to run your life - just to give you calm and clarity. I can do that, and in doing so for you, it will allow me to be in control. I will have been the one to have brought you that clarity. That is what will bring me pleasure."
"That will be enough?" Sara pressed.
"Let's agree to play that by ear, at first. This discussion will not be closed when we leave this room tonight. I want us to agree to an open dialog, always."
"I can agree to that," Sara said. She shifted to her knees and crawled closer to Leonard, who had to force himself to remain still. She stopped when she was kneeling next to him, her thigh almost touching his. "And what about sex?"
"I already admitted that I would be interested in sex being a part of this arrangement," Leonard said.
"Will you fuck me while you… discipline me?" Sara asked.
"During? No," Leonard said, leaning closer. "After, yes. Would you let me tie you up during sex?"
"I would be disappointed if you didn't," Sara purred, licking her lips. "When can we start?"
Before Leonard could answer, Gideon interrupted them. "Mr. Snart, Ms. Lance, your presence is requested on the bridge."
"Forgot about the celebration," Leonard groaned. "We better go before Mick drinks all the vodka."
Sara whimpered her disappointment.
"We'll find time for a scene soon, I promise," he said, reaching out to run a finger along her cheek.
Sara tilted her head into the caress. "I can't wait."
"Do you already have the toys we'll need or should we have Gideon fabricate them for us?" Leonard asked.
"I didn't bring anything with me," Sara admitted. "Didn't think I'd need to."
"After the celebration, have Gideon make what we'll need," Leonard ordered. "You know what you like used on you the best."
They stood and reluctantly went to join the others.
 Chapter 3
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youngwriter2003 · 3 years
Hotel Rwanda (2004) and Shake Hands with the Devil (2007)
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Hotel Rwanda RATING: 7/10
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Shake Hands with the Devil RATING: 7.5/10
Films based on tragic events most of the time don't get the due justice that they deserve. That justice is found in documentaries. When comparing Hotel Rwanda (2004) and later Shake Hands with the Devil (2007) we get to see how Hollywoodism takes its toll on a film. One had we have a glimmer of hope, and the other the political harsher side of a truly terrible time. 
Hotel Rwanda (2004), directed by Terry George, followed a Hutu hotel manager Paul Rusesabagina played by Don Cheadle. While Shake Hands with the Devil (2007), directed by Roger Spottiswoode, followed a Canadian UN soldier Roméo Dallaire played by Roy Dupuis. 
Both movies were surrounding the Rwandan genocide in April 1994, having the majority of the massacre directed to the death of  Titus. The first, formed around a somewhat haven that was made out of the Hôtel des Mille Collines. And the protagonist is Paul who did do his best to help others, as well as his family as much as a father can. The second, formed around the UN’s perspective of the massacre. It pulled on Dallaire’s frustration with the situation, in a way the protagonist hated himself for the actions he couldn’t take. 
In Hotel Rwanda we follow Paul Rusesabagina from the near beginning, the middle, and the near end of the genocide. Paul has to deal with the struggles of being a Hutu man married to a Tutsi woman, so in preparation and caution, he makes establishes connections with military people as well as foreigners in case of an emergency. With the start of the genocide, Paul is most worried about how he is going to keep his family safe, which then slowly adjust to anyone who needs his protection as he slowly changes his place of work, the Hôtel des Mille Collines, into a refugee camp for those whose lives were at stake. Using all his connections he is eventually able to get his family as well as a dozen orphans onto a bus to safety. A nice Hollywood ending. 
In Shake Hands with the Devil, it took more of a political standpoint dating to almost a year before the genocide even started. Showing the unease of both sides and the points of aggravation that lead to the deaths in April 1994. How Dallaire ready but unprepared for the hardships to come. His frustrations and disappointment from his commanders and government. How he had to watch as thousands died, that if he did anything to stop it, it would have worse repercussions. Ending full circle with Dallaire’s flashback-and-forwards we see how much damage Dallaire went through as he had to endure shaking the hand of the devil and now has to take the wounds he bared with him for the rest of his life. 
As stated both movies show different aspects of the genocide helping with understanding the conflicts that occurred. I would have to say I prefer the hopeful story that Hotel Rwanda portrayed. I would not say that it was a better informer, Shake Hands with the Devil did a better job. The reason why I prefer Hotel Rwanda is that I prefer movies with glamorized emotion. It is an easier pill to swallow, in comparison to Shake Hands with the Devil that gave more of a harsh slap to reality. 
Hotel Rwanda relied on elements like Settings, Film Music, and Weather. While Shake Hands with the Devil portrayed harsher elements like Dialogue, Focal Distance &  Definition, and Real Colours. 
The first has the characters heavily relied on the Hotel itself. On the fact that the hotel was protected by an outside company, how foreigners were told to have been there so for a point it was protected by other countries. The hotel morphed into a haven for many people playing a crucial role in the movie. Though out the movie it relied on the additional emotional effect with sorrowful or aggressive music that manipulated how the viewer interrupted the movie. And finally with the Weather, whether or it was the weather that actually occurred, is beside the point. With having scenes that caused sadness, like when the guest and other foreigners were being led to the bus, it is raining, symbolizing the misery of the situation. Another example was when Paul was returning to the hotel and came across a road that had dead bodies all along with it. It was foggy so he had no idea that he was driving over the dead. And as the fog clears up a bit he is able to seem then, like as if he was coming to the realization of how many people were truly going and have died. 
On the opposing side, the second took more of a harsher side, with elements like  Dialogue that cared information to the audience about what occurred during it all. Since they went for more of a realistic aspect, more wide shots were showing the groups of people on both sides, the land that was fought on, as well as shots of Dallaire as he went to his therapist meetings. Also with Dallaire’s meeting, we see a more grey pallet to the scenes helping to differentiate the fact that those scenes happened after the fact, assisting the audience with the graveness of those scenes. 
The first movie still holds to the story but was highly glamorized. Yes, the movie is hard to truly understand and depict the terror that occurred, but I believe that Hollywood was too fearful of showing too much. Whether it be out of disturbing the viewer or getting too much wrong and dealing with the backlash. The second movie had a more serious tone. As well as follow a timeline rather than a story. It also took on the form of an emotional piece with the back and forward flashbacks that Dallaire has throughout the film. The overall dialog was in taste with having most conversations surround the injustice in handling the situation. Though the first movie had more of a glamorized tone than the second. 
Both movies’ impression was an attempt to share those stories of the massacre. The terror that thousands of people went through as their deaths were an act of uprising of the oppressed. There was anger on both sides of the Hutus and Tutis, as well as frustration on the rest of the world. The frustration of the UN soldiers in both movies. The embarrassment of the Daillare and those who recorded it all happen. And the lack of caring from the rest of the world as it happened, with the shocking realization after the fact. 
The deeper meaning to both movies is that an injustice occurred and near to no one did anything for them, that they saw what happened and thought how terrible it was that it was happening and just went back to their lives. Those people had the power to do something but didn't since it wasn't their responsibility to do something. That at the end of the day, people only truly in their nature care about themselves. 
This time I am not recommending similar films in the same genre. But rather other films that also depict the genocide: 
100 Days (2001) - Drama
Sometimes in April (2001) - Drama 
Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Roméo Dallaire (2005) - Documentary
Shooting Dogs (2005) - Drama 
Like I said before, many stood by and watched it from their TV and did nothing more than say a line or to on how sad it was. Specifically, Jack Daglish portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix in Hotel Rwanda saying it in the best way possible. “I think if people see this footage they'll say, ‘Oh my God that's horrible,’ and then go on eating their dinners.” because, at the end of the day, the rest of the citizens of the world, that was not truly affected couldn’t really give a sh*t. 
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randomnotesofmyown · 4 years
Psycho-Pass (21)
Episode 21 - Blood-stained reward
Masaoka, "is it that easy to adjust the Uka-no-Mitama virus?" Kunizuka, "The process itself should be pretty much automated, so as long as the equipment still works, yes. They chose Uka-no-Mitama precisely because of how easy it is to update." Ginoza, "To think that a good virus ends up becoming a real disease...We thought it was an iron wall that protected our food self-sufficiency, but it turned out to be a double-edged sword."
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Team division 1 on board a helicopter.
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Makishima sat in front of the machines, reading the Parable of the Weeds of Matthew 13:24-33.
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"'The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.'"
The security system of the facility remained active, Kogami still looking for a way in. Then, he heard and saw the helicopter approaching
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And it flew right in.
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Ginoza was immediately annoyed that the facility was big.
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Tsunemori, "it's a factory that centrally manages the defense virus in order to distribute it to the entire Hokuriku area, so..." Masaoka, "to think that such a large-scale facility can continue to operate in a fully automated manner..." Tsunemori, "the bigger the prey, the easier it is to target. Especially when you're using a poisoned needle that could kill a whale. This sort of tactic is just like Makishima." And Tsunemori got a call.
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Kogami, "I didn't expect you to get here so soon." Tsunemori, "don't underestimate the PSB. You're not the only one who can drive Makishima into a corner." Kogami, "he's already inside the facility, using the equipment Kudama left in the lab, he must be already adjusting the Uka-no-Mitama virus by now, or he might even be done." Tsunemori, "we're not going to let him have his way." Kogami, "then we've got to be quick. Before he distributes the Uka-no-Mitama that he tempered with, we have to shut down the entire facility. Using the authority of the PSB, you should be able to cut off the power to this facility, right?" Tsunemori, "if we do that, it will shut down not only the center's functions, but the  security system as well. That's what you want, isn't it? You're trying to use us to lift the security so that you can beat us to Makishima and kill him, aren't you? We'll never allow you to do that." Kogami, "Makishima is trying to destroy this country. The PSB has only one choice right now. Cut the power. Then this country will be saved."
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Tsunemori, "I will not let Kogami Shinya be a murderer." Kogami, "then, I guess the early bird gets the worm." Conversation ended.
Tsunemori to other agents, "Can't we have the authority for just the security system transferred to us from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry?" Ginoza, "the process will take time. Makishima might put us in check while we're working on it. We have no other choice but to stop the facility itself, like Kogami said. Kunizuka?" Kunizuka, "I've already disabled the command to switch to the secondary power supply. All we have to do now is to stop the power from the power plant." Tsunemori to Ginoza, "there's one thing I'd like to ask of you. When you encounter Mr. Kogami, if his Crime Coefficient is over 300 and the Eliminator is activated, please refrain from shooting him and call me in."
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Ginoza, "What's the point of calling you in?" Tsunemori, "I've got a trump card I can use against Mr. Kogami. Don't worry. Please leave it to me."
Flashback of dialog between Tsunemori and the system. Tsunemori, "now we'll go after Makishima. You'll help us, right?" Sibyl, "of course." Tsunemori, "then...lock this gun in Paralyzer mode with the safety unlocked. You can do it, right?" Sibyl, "the Dominator decides its enforcement mode based on the measured Crime Coefficients. This is the basis for the system that maintains the current public safety and is inviolable. " Tsunemori, "in order to fight Makishima, we need suitable strong weapons. We do have to protect ourselves, too. If we can't use the dominators, we have no choice but to depend on more primitive weapons. In the worst case, we may end up killing Makishima with those weapons." Sibyl, "if that happens, that would be because you lack resourcefulness. Our abilities are limited and the likelihood that we will capture Makishima alive without problems falls short of 100%. If you guys grant an exception here, that likelihood can be improved a little. Think what the best decision is. You're good at calculating risk and reward, right?" Sibyl, "from now until Makishima Shogo is captured, we will grant an exception on the applicable terminal device. The safety will stay unlocked. Mode is Non-lethal Paralyzer. However, please pay close attention to how you use it so that the other detectives will not find out." "Understood." Masaoka, "missy..."
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"I don't know what happened, but isn't the burden too much for you to carry alone?" Tsunemori. "are you worried?" Masaoka, "yeah, you're acting the same way Kogami did. I don't wanna see the end of an Inspector who pushed too hard, too often." Ginoza turned away, made a sound but said nothing. Tsunemori, "then would you like to check my Crime Coefficient?" Masaoka, "hey..." Tsunemori, "it's okay. Please point the Dominator at me." Masaoka pointed his dominator at Tsunemori
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Tsunemori then ordered Kunizuka to cut off the power to the facility. 
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Kogami finally had a chance to get in.
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Makashima took out a bomb, and Kogami got his revolver and folding knife ready.
Masaoka said Makishima's bio-terrorism had failed and he should start thinking about escape. Tsunemori, however, figured Makishima would try to get power back on to carry out his plan. Ginoza said it was possible that Makishima would just decide to run. So, Tsunemori decided the agents split in two teams, Tsunemori and Kunizuka headed for the control room, where Makishima would go if he wanted to get the facility running; and Masaoka and Ginoza were asked to check the lab.
Alone with Tsunemori, Kunizuka asked her if something happened at the Ministry of Welfare. Kunizuka, "You're being the most constructive person right now, and yet you look the most depressed of all of us." Tsunemori spoke to herself, "stopping here wouldn't resolve anything. I just have to move forward. No matter how small it may be, there's still hope. As long as I don't give up on it, I can continue to be a detective until the end." The two moved on. Kunizuka, "When you joined us as a new Inspector, at first I thought you were a naive little girl and that you couldn't possibly be fit for the job. But my impression back then was completely wrong. I'm sure of that now. I can entrust my life to you, Miss Tsunemori." Tsunemori, "you overestimate my ability."
They reached the control room to find no one in there. And right away Kunizuka asked if Makishima would really head to the control room, and Tsunemori, finding it strange that no one was in there, not even Kogami, started making a new deduction. "He would foresee Makishima's actions more accurately than me. If this was the correct answer, I'd expect Mr. Kogami to have made it here before us. Why...? I feel like I'm overlooking something."
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Ginoza, "I have to check something with you." Masaoka, "What's bothering you at a time like this?" Ginoza, "You helped Kogami escape, didn't you?" Masaoka, "would you try not to be hard on an old man?" Ginoza, "you think that by Kogami taking the crime upon himself, evil will be defeated as a result. That's the savage, selfish justice of an old-fashioned hunting dog like yourself. Am I wrong?' Masaoka gave no answer. Ginoza, "Kogami really is the one you rely on. You don't expect anything from me. You think that there's no chance I can capture Makishima, don't you?" Masaoka, "Kogami is a latent criminal and Enforcer. He and I are two of a kind. But you're still taking a different path than we do. I think that's for the best from the bottom of my heart." Ginoza, "How could you make a justification like that?"
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Tsunemori strolled away from Kunizuka as she analyzed the situation, "a culprit runs and detectives go after him...That's our assumption. But Makishima looks at things differently. He understands how much of a bind we are than we do."
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Then Tsunemori started running. Kunizuka warned her that it would be dangerous to act on her own, Tsunemori told Kunizuka to stay in the control room to prevent Makishima from touching the emergency power supply if he showed up. "If push comes to shove, you can even destroy the whole console!"
With that, she ran off. 
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Makishima appeared with a nail gun as Masaoka tried to help Ginoza. 
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Makishima, outmatched, reached for the bomb and set it off. 
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Makishima, "you think I'd do a stupid thing like that?" Masaoka realized what Makishima intended to do and was at a loss. Ginoza, "don't let that man go at any cost, Enforcer!"
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Seeing Makishima threw the bomb at Ginoza, Masaoka let go of him and ran to pick up the bomb. But before he could throw it away, the bomb exploded. 
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Ginoza struggled to free himself. He managed it, at a cost of losing his left hand. And as he stumbled to Masaoka and dropped on his knee, Makishima got up, grinning. Then a gunshot fired at him, from Kogami.
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The shots missed the target, and Makishima ran off. Kogami gave chase, and passed by Ginoza and the mortally wounded Masaoka. Pained by what he saw, Kogami nonetheless moved on. Ginoza, "Y...you idiot! Why did you let the culprit get away?! Why...?! You're a detective, aren't you?!" Masaoka, "I'm not fit to be called a detective."
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"You eyes...look just the same as mine...when I was young."
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Ginoza, "it's too late!"
Kogami fired another shot at Makishima and missed again. Seeing Kogami tried to locate him, Makishima laughed, "So you finally ditched that fake justice and now you've got some real bloodlust, huh? You are everything I hoped you would be after all." Kogami, "Really? I have no hopes for you at all, though." Makishima, "Don't be so indifferent after coming this far." Kogami, "Don't be so arrogant. You're not a special person or anything. You're just trash that's been ignored by society all this time. You feel bitter for having been rejected and left out of the community, don't you? You just couldn't bear solitude, that's all. You're no different from a kid whining about not wanting to be left out." Makishima, holding back his laughter, said, "You sure say some funny things. Solitudes? Does that apply only only to me? Who isn't alone in this society? The time when our connection to others was the basis of our selves is long gone. In this world where everyone is watched over by the system and live within the system's standards, a community isn't necessary. Everyone just lives in their own little cell, and the system tames them by giving them each their own personal serenity." Kogami fired another shot at where he thought Makishima stood. Turned out it was a mirror. Then, Makishima crept up on Kogami and kicked the pistol away from his hands. Both men then took out their knives, preparing for another round.
Tsunemori was shown running.
End of episode 21
Comment: Already it's the second last episode of season one, and to me one theme about this episode was salvation. Masaoka, a father who tried to save his son: Tsunemori, a person who tried to save a friend; and Kogami, a person who tried to bring justice to those killed by Makishima and to save the country from chaos and destruction. The aim of each of these people meant something more important than their own life, and sadly for Masaoka, he managed to save his son from death, but he couldn’t save him from the lasting effect of this incident. The same would go for Tsunemori, as hard as she tried, it was unlikely that she could stop Makishima and Kogami killing each other. And with failure came regrets and sadness.
0 notes
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I saw Justice League yesterday. It’s not the hot mess reviews were leading me to expect. It’s much better than “Suicide Squad”, it’s certainly miles above the travesty that was “Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice.” However, it wasn’t as good “Wonder Woman.”
I admit, my primary motivation for seeing the movie was seeing Jason Momoa shirtless thirty feet tall. If nothing else, ticket price was worth it.  He was a sufficiently badass Aquaman to whet my appetite for more. I’m hoping December 2018 proves DC and Warner Brothers are capable of doing decent work on single hero focused movies (”Man of Steel”, “The Dark Knight Trilogy”,  and “Wonder Woman” seem to argue they can).
Wonder Woman’s skirt got shorter, which is, of course, wholly unnecessary, it’s not like it was long enough to get in her way in the first place. And, yes, I did notice the significant uptick in male gaze-y moments going on in this movie. But, I also felt like Diana Prince and Wonder Woman had quality fight scenes and, though the arc was small there was character development involved in her portion of the story. Gal Gadot continues to be regal and inspiring in the role. And, quite frankly, there was a scene involving the Lasso of Truth judiciously applied to a team member that both tugged at some heartstrings (albeit kind of obvious ones) and added some lightness to an intense scene. She’s the second most confident one in the lot and she’s growing into her role. I did want to see more of her, but I wasn’t disappointed with her.
Amy Adams Lois Lane, on the other hand, continues to completely piss me off. The Lois Lane I grew up with was a hard-nosed reporter who went after her story, didn’t put up with anyone’s crap, and at least made attempts to rescue herself. The DC movie Lois Lane simpers, bats her eyes, and knuckles under even the slightest bit of applied pressure. It’s not just annoying, it’s traitorous the the character and the fans. They need to either find another writer for her or get an actress who will give her some underlying steel. Adams just wilts onscreen and it’s sad.
I think Cyborg had the most complete storyline this movie. Ray Fisher gave him the perfect combination of anger and fear. Cyborg is so new to his powers, he understands very little about them, beyond his own traumatic origin story. He’s an outlier on so many levels and the plot of this move makes him a central player in the drama.
Ezra Miller’s Flash offers a lot of the comic relief. He manages to be hyper without being exhausting and almost endearingly unfocused. The problem with Barry Allen isn’t that he’s scatterbrained, it’s that he gets two or three leaps ahead of the conversation before anyone else gets there. The movie has a great piece of dialog between Batman and Barry Allen which demonstrates it perfectly without making either party look either stupid or incompetent.
“Justice League” is uneven. There are really good parts of it. There are startlingly grating WTF moments.  It has gaps and misfires.
Steppenwolf is a one-note villain. He’s flat and practically colorless as a character.  It’s kind of annoying, but there are worse flaws to pick at. In reality, the villain is not the point of this story, he’s a necessary cog to turn the wheels of plot.
DC definitely needs to remember they aren’t Marvel. I go to DC for very different things than what I get from Marvel.  In many respects, “Justice League” does feel like an anemic attempt at an “Avengers” movie. This is not Joss Whedon’s best work.  I’m not sure it even ranks in the middle of Whedon’s mediocrity.
It’s still a decently enjoyable movie with a few too many special effects done via CGI. Did it show me characters I want to see developed? Definitely. Am I still wholly ambivalent about Affleck’s Batman? Yup.  Still, there were some great jokes at his expense.
I did conclude this, though, Aquaman is the geek we all think we are, while The Flash is the geek we actually are.  I don’t think that’s a terrible thing.
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