#The dub calls her Alexis
ask-cloverfield · 1 year
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Mean to her
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n0r · 9 days
A Darlin analysis >:)
Darlin is first introduced snooping around Wonderworld, looking for Quinn Fox, and is found by Sam, who happens to be on patrol that night. Right from the start, we learn a defining feature about Darlin: they are reckless when it comes to their own well-being.
Darlin’s first character arc centres on finding Quinn, a dangerous vampire with whom they had a brief relationship. They actively hide that they’re looking for him from David. They are caught by Sam, who quickly becomes defensive, knowing Darlin shouldn’t be there. After discovering they detected a six-month-old signature, Sam snarkily remarks, “If you were that good of a tracker, you should be in a lab being studied, not running around in the moonlight on some wild goose chase.”
When David finds out Darlin lied about still being in Washington, he calls Sam and sets up a meeting to discuss Darlin and the risk they’re putting on themselves, and unintentionally, the pack itself, dubbing it a “vigilante vendetta.” He explains that Darlin was never very close with the pack, which led to them “falling in with a less-than-savoury crowd” and finding Quinn. David continues by telling Sam about Darlin ignoring most of his check-in texts, how he looked into the two new members of the Solaire clan, and how the circumstances of their turning reminded him of Quinn. He therefore discovered that Quinn was never apprehended by the Department. While Darlin claimed they kept the information from the pack to protect them, David dismisses this as “short-sighted and bull-headed, but well-intended.”
Though Darlin constantly puts themselves at risk, it’s always in the name of protecting their loved ones. However, they clearly lack self-preservation skills, convinced of their own invincibility due to their accelerated healing ability. In the "Vampire Tends to Your Injuries" audio, Sam calls Darlin about information on Quinn and notes that they sound weird. They admit they’re hurt. Sam immediately expresses concern and chews them out for not going to see a healer to avoid being asked questions. When he arrives at their house, they ask if he is okay with the blood, despite being very hurt, their concern obvious despite their condition. He heals them up before lecturing them on taking on two vampires without backup: “You’re a werewolf, not a damn tank.”
When Quinn is caught, Darlin is out the door with David immediately. Sam meets them there, and when they find out Quinn will only speak to Sam, it upsets both of them. Still, they quickly agree because a girl’s life is on the line. Sam agrees, albeit reluctantly, though he makes a point of stating, “He should have to see you, hear you—he doesn’t get to hide away.” Darlin clearly appreciates Sam’s feelings on the situation—if kissing him was anything to go by (plus I was fully ready for Darlin to launch through the two-way mirror).
Another instance of Darlin’s reactions I adored was with Alexis at the Summit. At this point, they hadn’t interacted with her at all, with Sam actively dreading the inevitable. When Alexis refers to Darlin as “Sam’s latest conquest,” Darlin immediately corrects her, telling her that they’re mates. Alexis, who turned Sam because she wanted to be with him, is bitter about them being together and manages to get a rise out of them quickly. Porter is quick to save them from a public display, remarking, “You looked a second away from taking a swing at a half-century-old powerhouse, and that’s a fight I’d rather not witness.” This furthers the fact that Darlin is quick to react, and that reaction is usually violent—if past references and Alexis feeling the need to say, “Problems don’t get resolved by hitting them,” are anything to go by.
Porter and Darlin seem to have a dynamic of harmless teasing and aggressive reactions, the first of which is in the "Vampire Boys Have It Out." Darlin opens the door to let Porter in, and he immediately takes a dig at Sam, which I can only imagine was met with a tense response. They’re more controlled around Sam, no doubt because the oncoming lecture wouldn’t be worth it.
Darlin’s tendency to jump to violence at the first sign of trouble complements their obvious strength. This is described by Sam at the start of the 2024 Valentine’s Day Sam audio: “Do you have any idea what it’s like to see a wolf of that size push off a tree, hit a guy jumping at vamp speeds, ash him, and still land on your feet?” Their ability to fight off two vampires and force Quinn makes this very clear.
They’re clearly a force to be reckoned with, and to top it off, they’re dating a fine-as-hell cowboy vampire who would both die for them and give them a lecture from hell for it.
Proofread and edited by @achios I LOVE YOU <333
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Some reasons why the DM cast would not like the friends Jaden made during school:
Syrus: In the dub, it's clear that he doesn't have the best relationship with his brother Zane so he projects the perfect brother figure onto Jaden. The minute Jaden doesn't fit the ideal, he abandons Jaden at the toss of a hat. From trading his bed/eating his breakfast shrimp to the Dark World, Syrus was never as loyal as Joey. Only reason he got the Ra Yellow promotion duel was because of his brother and it's hinted that he was given his Obelisk Blue rank as a 'thank you' for helping against the Light of Ruin since he was at the final battle (even though all he did was hold Aster). Didn't truly improve until Season 4 and his deck upgrade came from his brother. Literally rode coattails to where he is at the end of the series.
Chazz: He was a jerk at the start, but mostly due to his brothers putting pressure on him. When Jaden tried to bond with him, he was mostly rebuffed and while he could see Duel Spirits, he never reciprocated Jaden's attempts to bond over it. Despite everything he went through with Jaden, he didn't hesitate to rejoin Obelisk Blue in a heartbeat come Season 4.
Bastion: Season 2 did this man no favors. He lost on purpose to join the Society of Light to get recognition and respect, which he never got anyway. He did give Jaden the wake up call he needed to get out of his Dark World funk to at least beat Yubel/get Jesse back.
Alexis: RIP her development in GX because her archetype didn't do well in the real life sales, because having a Ritual Expert would have been great. When Jaden returned, she tried to act like nothing happened and tried to force Jaden into activities, which only made him angry because he wanted to be left alone. She only moved into the Slifer Red Dorm because Crowler was trying to make her into a pop star with her brother in Season 2 so she can't be blamed too much for leaving.
Atticus: After getting his memories back, all Atticus did was become comic relief and tried to hook his sister up with guys. Never did he duel with his own original deck against the villains (Red Eyes deck is hinted to be the deck he was given as a Shadow Rider, not his original). He's one of the few that can beat Zane since he was part of the Obelisk Elite but never showed it. It's his fault that the Sacred Beasts woke up because he stole the keys for his plan to get Alexis to hook up with Chazz. Literally tried to force his sister into stardom against her will because he's an overly dramatic theater kid.
Zane: Zane is a one trick pony with a pretty powerful beat stick. His entire deck revolves around getting out Cyber End Dragon via Power Bond. Anyone in the pros can shut that down quick and instead of trying to improve he just kept with his old deck and fell into the underground, rejecting any help due to pride. Literally almost rage quit his final duel with Jaden because Jaden was trying to duel around a brick opening hand and had to think instead of having fun on the fly.
Aster: Multiple posts already on this for this blog, was manipulated because of tunnel vision concerning avenging his dad and didn't care who he hurt as long as he got his revenge.
Hassleberry: This boy literally has a dinosaur bone in his leg which gives him dino powers, got his spirit sent to space to save the world, and still will talk smack about Jaden behind his back and call his Duel Spirits 'imaginary friends' despite having met Neos.
Axel: He saw that Jaden's monsters were forced to attack Brron and how it wasn't truly Jaden's fault that his friends were sent to the stars, but still turned his back on the boy and told him that he was on his own. Despite his tough guy act, he ran when the Supreme King challenged him the first time. Redeemed himself by beating the Supreme King in Sesaon 3 and in Season 4 by helping Jaden though!
Jesse: Jesse is a all around sweet guy, he really is! The fact that he considered making himself a martyr to save the school was fulfilling his dream probably doesn't sit right with some of the DM crew because of how Jaden blamed himself for not being strong enough to save his friend.
Exception to this cause would be Jim. He saw that something was going down at the academy and investigated. the minute he saw Jaden as the Supreme King? In the original Japanese he outright asks if Jaden was tricked into being a ruthless warlord. Only reason this man did not return in season 4 was because his Japanese voice actor retired. Chumley is in this camp too because he stayed a solid friend with Jaden after Season 1.
Okay I thought I was the Gx friend groups number 1 hater but I take my cap off and pass it to you. Way to eviscerate all of them.
Here’s the thing. The DM cast are big friendship people. They forgive people for things they probably shouldn’t as long as the offended party says it’s okay. But they are also loyal.
In Duelist kingdom Téa holds a bit of a grudge against Mai until they get to know each other. Joey and Tristian are very protective of their friends. Yugi is warm and welcoming to all but he won’t stand for anyone messing with his friends and loved ones. Atem is protective. He loves his friends dearly and will do anything to keep them from harms way. And Seto is a dragon, he hoards that which is precious to him and protects it viciously.
I don’t think they would tell Jaden they didn’t like his friends. Nor do I think these adults would hold grudges against children (Seto might but he’s Seto Kaiba he held a grudge to the afterlife) but they aren’t fans of all of Jaden’s friends
Syrus for all the reasons you stated, they just don’t like him. Syrus tries to force Jaden into a preferred older brother role instead of his best friend and equal. If Jaden fails that glorified image even a little bit Syrus loses all faith in him and interest in their friendship besides whining until Jaden full fills the role again. He’s a fair weather friend. I don’t think he’s a bad character or person but he needs to grow up. But because he is sheltered by both Zane and Jaden (from hiding behind him and Jaden’s hero complex) he doesn’t have to. Hopefully he matures after school.
But from a parents perspective this is not the person you want your kid relying on. He’s the friend who expects you to always be there for him but won’t be there for you in a hard time. Yugi’s good at reading people and from the stories Jaden tells them (which put all of his friends in a much better light) he and the Sam cast are not impressed. Téa and Joey especially don’t like the kid. Mai to. She felt with a lot of fake people in her life time. But how do you say that to a kid like Jaden who is so excited to have friends? Yugi is hopeful that Syrus will mature one day. After all his mom had similar worries when he became friends with Joey. But as time goes forward he’s proven wrong and Joey is a little offended by the comparison.
I haven’t seen season 4 so I can’t comment on it. I’m almost done with my rewatch of season 1 and Chazz grows a lot in that season. I can see the DM cast being wary of him in the beginning because Chazz does start off as a bit of a bully. But after the school duel and Chazz starts truly hanging out with the cast I think most of those fears are put to rest. With finding out about his family and he is fairly loyal to Jaden. It’s not Joey levels but he’s not suppose to be (he’s not the designated best friend though he does a better job then Syrus)
I think by the end of season 1 they like him. (They haven’t met any of these kids and only have Jaden and school reports to go off of) the kid did stand up for the whole school against his brothers using a completely different and “weak” deck. He’s impressed them, and he at least tried to help. He took down one shadow rider.
In season 2 they are probably worried about him with the cult running around but I don’t know how much Jaden has told them about said cult. Chazz is also a real winner in that season of I remember. He goes out and beats all the members of the cult and wins the Gx tournament while Jaden deals with the leader. That should be the job of the “best friend” but Syrus and Hasselberry were mostly cheerleaders. It sticks that most of it is off screen but at least he’s helping. The cult can’t gang up on Jaden if Chazz is mowing them down.
Season 3 is a mess for Chazz. He’s sideline like most of the cast and it doesn’t help that he is one of the nay sayers. I know it’s a spell and Jaden is being selfish and rushing ahead. But this is a rescue mission that you chose to go on. I need to rewatch this season because how did Chazz and the others get captured? How did they not fight back? I don’t remember them taking part in one duel in the dark world. Like they were just following, complaining, and dying. It sucks how much the writers sidelined the cast like I love the exchange students, it think they are better characters over all, but the way the og cast is handled is t the best.
In conclusion, I don’t think the DM cast disapproves of him, it’s just a complex relationship between him and Jaden. I have them becoming Chazz’s pseudo family by the end of the au. Him and Jaden started on a ruff foot but they got there eventually.
It’s almost funnier to say they forgot Bastion existed. He’s so fun in season 1 even though he’s a simp I love the energy he brings. But he’s the e first of the cast to get hard sidelined. I have to watch season 2 again. I always felt bad for the kid. Arthur and Solomon would have loved this kid. I’m going to play with his story a lot because he just wants to be acknowledged and seen as an equal to his friends and is constantly dismissed. Like he willingly joined the cult. He’s going to get a DM parental figure. One that probably doesn’t want the nerd following them but will grow to love their newly acquired duckling. I need to rewatch season 2 and think through the DM cast.
Is that why her development gets thrown in the garbage?? Her archetype didn’t sell well? No she’s the ritual expert. And you’re right that would have been super cool. She’s still not a good friend. She’s alright in season 1 and at least takes down one of the Shadow riders. In season two she has a mini arc as the ice queen and they do a nice job of if I remember correctly. But she’s also sidelined in season 3 and I’ve heard season 4 is not great for her. To focused on her crush on Jaden and his past and her idolized version that she can’t see the Jaden in front of her is in need of help.
I don’t think the DM cast hate her but I think she rubs them the wrong way in season 3 and 4.
Maybe I’ll extend post cannon because I can see Alexis with a mentor and learning how to navigate her own feelings becoming a real power house. Ritual decks are rare and I wish we saw them more. Atem has two ritual monsters he uses in Black Magician of Chaos and Black luster solider. I’m not saying Atem’s her mentor but she just needs a chance to grow and stand on her own. Post cannon is going to be forcing these characters to stand on their own two feet, letting them fail, and watching them build themselves back up again.
The og friend group relies on Haden way too much to solve their problems.
Atticus is a disappointment. He’s so fun and a goofball which is very different from his shadowrider persona. And I’m okay with that. It’s not his personality that upsets me. (Joey and Tristan have a can can dance when they beat an enemy and sing “can can we kicked it in the can can” like they would love Atticus and I love that goofball energy)
No where Atticus is a disappointment is that he never wins a duel on screen. He’s built up as this amazing duelist. He wins against the tomb keepers duel spirits to get his half of the shadow medallion. He’s part of the obelisk elite like Zane (I always wondered why their uniforms are different and now I know) yet he never wins an on screen duel.
I’m okay with him being a jokester and having fun with his kid sister and her friends, he’s behind his class by two years so he’s got to make new friends and Alexis and her crew welcome him. But I wish we say more of that.
Serenity join the DM cast in Battle City works this really well. She’s new to the group but already has connections because she’s Joey’s sister. She doesn’t know the rules and learns over time. Shes not the strongest but she’s helpful (saving Joey from the anchor) she doesn’t take center stage but we care about her.
But the difference between making her a side character/cheerleader and Atticus is Atticus is hyped up to be a good duelist. If they just showed him winning a duel or even talked about how he was win off screen I wouldn’t be as mad but the boys is a joke. He’s older than the rest of the cast and while he can be a goofy older brother he should also be a mentor or at least protective of the group. What was he even doing during the Gx tournament/Alexis’s cult time. I honestly forget. His kid sister spent a season looking for him and fighting to save him and the writers could let him return the favor. No Jaden has to save her.
(Like let him attempt. Maybe he can’t win in his own and Jaden has to take over or switch it and have Jaden start the duel but he’s not getting through and then Atticus steps in. It would be like Arem taking over for Kaiba bs Noah, where he takes Kaiba’s life points and deck and still pulls out a win. Do you know how good that would have made Atticus look if he took over Jaden’s duel using his deck and was able to beat Alexis. He’s a great duelist and to win using someone else deck is always seen as an impressive feat.)
I’m going to play with him to. I think most of the DM cast would love him. The Gx writers really just dropped the ball on their side characters.
Way to kick Zane when he’s down. Honestly sounds like something Kaiba would yell at him.
To be fair, if Zane is a one trick pony it’s also a fault with the school. They held him up as the best of the best and never forced him to change or adapt. The pro league is far more aggressive and he should have been prepared for that. If none of the students could beat him that’s one thing but a teacher should have pointed this flaw out. Maybe they did and he was to prideful or thought they were wrong because no one had ever stopped him before.
In know the Cyber end deck is a good deck. It still sees play today and has a lot of legacy support. So I don’t think it’s that his deck is bad. I think he just needs to change up his strategy.
But in topic. Ever already discussed the DM cast feelings towards him. He’s talented and good to Jaden in season 1 but they can’t help him in season 2. One they have their own things going on and two they can’t reveal their connection to Jaden. In all honesty they probably don’t know about Zane’s underground dueling until Jaden does. By then it’s too late to get the kid out.
I’ve already talked a lot about asteroids and his relationship with the DM cast and how they feel about his actions so we will move forward.
I haven’t rewatched season 2 but I remember preferring Hasselberry to Syrus
They thing that drives me nuts though is that they both act like Jaden is crazy talking to spirits. Syrus has had multiple encounters with duel spirits since season 1 and Hasselberry has turned into a cartoon dinosaur and fought beside Neos. The man has no room to talk. We are all suppose to believe in your Dino DNA but you think Jaden talking to spirits is crazy.
Hasselberry is far more helpful than Syrus but it’s the Jaden is crazy talk that drives me nuts. Like he draws the same short straw as everyone else in season 3 and I want to do a deep dive on who got what negative emotion because some fit the character way more then others but we will talk about that later.
Over all I think the DM cast would like Hasselberry. If he’s away from Syrus. They get really toxic together trying to prove who is Jaden’s “true best friend” and he follows Syrus’s lead of putting Jaden on a pedestal and then getting upset with him when he falls off. (I wonder what their friendship could have been without Syrus?)
Okay I have to defend my boy here. Yes he sucks for abandoning Jaden. He’s also the “most experienced” when it comes to missions like this. I need to rewatch season three to figure out exactly where everything g went wrong. Yes Jaden is selfish and moving to fast but it’s also understandable where he is coming from. And everyone else invited themselves on the mission.
I saw someone say season three is meant to show Jaden what will happen if he keeps bringing his friends into dangerous situations and loses. Um I’m sorry. Jaden didn’t ask them to come. He does in season 1 ask for Syrus and others to come and support him but he doesn’t in season 3 he knows this is dangerous, stupid, and reckless, he knows he’s going to do whatever it takes and he tells them that up front. And then they get mad at him for doing exactly what he said he was going to do. And I can see the Duel Academy kids getting upset because they’ve spent 2 years with Jaden holding their hands but Jim and Axel? They did so well in the other dimension and Axel knows what this kind of mission intels, move fast. They have a short window of time to not only save Jesse but to move without Yubel knowing they are there. They have to keep moving.
Now in his defense. If my friend (and let’s be honest Jaden, Jim and Jesse are probably his first real friends) just accidentally murdered/was forced to murder our other friends I’d be upset to. And you have to blame someone even if that blame doesn’t go to the right person. Syrus was running (both his mouth and his legs) and he’s the weaker of the two. Jaden, in theory, can take care of himself. Should Axel and Jim slip the responsibility and in go after Syrus and one stay with Jaden yes. But they are teens and no one expected Jaden to spiral like that.
So here Axel is, his whole life has been a war zone. He finally has friends and they are dropping like flies but he’s still going strong. Until the supreme king is revealed to be Jaden. Jaden the silly sweet kid who welcomed him even after the way he acted. Who has always dueled with honor. Who he abandoned and lead to this monstrosity before him. And he just killed Jim. Him who only wanted to help him and is all around a great guy.
I don’t blame him for having a panic attack. He reached his limit and freaked out. He also over came that and still came back to help Jaden. Risking his life to do so.
After season 3 and 4 the DM cast love him. I don’t think he would ever run from a fight again. I think he’s started down the worst that could happened and over came it. He shows his loyalty (from what I understand) in season 4 and I believe is one of the few life long friends Jaden made at school.
My boy. I think the DM cast is more worried about him than anything. He does have a self sacrificing tendency. But then so does Jaden. I think that’s the thing that worries them the most about the two of them traveling together post cannon. They know Jaden won’t let Jesse get hurt. But what will Jesse do if Jaden gets hurt protecting him? And the opposition is true to Jesse won’t let Jaden get hurt and we’ve already seen the lengths Jaden will go to if Jesse gets hurt protecting him.
Over all the DM cast likes him (with Seto Kaiba being huffy about it, only because he’s scared he’s losing Jaden to his future boyfriend/husband. He’s got big over protective dad fears going on)
Jim and Chumley
No notes. They are great friends and very helpful in their seasons.
I already decided Chumley finds out in between season 1 and 2. He’s just a good guy and I wish we say more of him.
I wouldn’t put it past him to figure out Jaden’s identity on his own. But still need to rewatch their season and see how things play out.
As of right now.
The DM cast likes
Chumley (finds out post season 1)
Chazz (the drama with his family solidifies his placement in season one but he doesn’t find out until post season 4)
Jesse (finds out during season 3)
Jim (finds out post season 4/ maybe mid way season 3)
Axel (same as Jim)
Aster (ruff starts but he and Jaden end up close and he finds out post season 2)
DM cast are on the fence about
Bastion (I forgot him when I was first making this list and that is actually hilarious)
They got some ground to recover. The DM cast don’t openly dislike them. But they don’t know if they trust them with the Jaden.
This person is on thin ice with the DM cast
Syrus (is anyone suprised)
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sbrown82 · 1 year
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First, some background on the model, singer, actress, novelist, playwright, activist, icon, 60s goddess, and the woman who inspired one of The Rolling Stones’ greatest hits, “Brown Sugar”, Marsha Hunt. She is often described as London’s own Josephine Baker and is celebrating her 77th birthday today!:
Marsha A. Hunt was born on April 15, 1946 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is the youngest of 3 children. Her mother, Inez “Ikey” Hunt, worked in an airplane factory during World War II, and her father, Blair Hunt Jr. graduated from Harvard and became one of America's first Black psychiatrists.
Marsha was raised in a middle-class neighborhood mostly by her mother, aunt, and grandmother who had roots in the deep south (Mississippi delta) and who she’s described as an “extremely aggressive and ass-kicking independent woman.” Her father committed suicide when Marsha was 9 years old (but she never found out how or why).
After moving out west to California with her family, she graduated high school at the top of her class and later attended UC, Berkeley in the mid-’60s where she wanted to study psychological anthropology.
While at Berkeley, she became friends with a slew of interesting people like activist Mario Savio and Huey P. Newton, who later became one of the founders of the Black Panther Party.
[TOP LEFT: Marsha’s mother Inez Hunt; TOP RIGHT: Marsha’s father, Blair Hunt Jr.; BOTTOM LEFT: Marsha at her home in Philly with her father & siblings, Pamala & Dennis; BOTTOM RIGHT: Marsha’s high school graduation photo in 1964.]
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Even though she thrived academically and was very involved in student activities, she became bored with college life and wanted to experience life outside of the country and pursue her real passion – music. In early 1966, she sold her car and some books, and trailed off to London with only $1.83 in her pocket.
Around that time, London was THE city to be in, and was even dubbed “Swinging London” for being the epicenter of art, culture, fashion and of course music, especially due to the popularity of famous acts like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
When Marsha first arrived, she slept on the floors of mutual friends, took odd jobs (including one as an au pair), and even appeared as an extra in Michelangelo Antonioni's box office hit film, “Blow-Up,” which also featured the British rock band, The Yardbirds.
SHOCKINGLY, in that same year she actually saw The Rolling Stones in concert for the first time during their UK tour at the Royal Albert Hall in London because she wanted to see Ike & Tina who were the supporting act on the bill. Girls were going crazy over the Stones, but of course, she was more impressed by Tina’s show-stopping performance! (Purrrrr 💅🏿)
[LEFT: Marsha in 1966; RIGHT: The Rolling Stones performing at the Royal Albert Hall in London with Marsha in attendance.]
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After roaming the city, making new friends, and trying to find steady work, Marsha ended up auditioning for a blues band fronted by British blues musician, Alexis Korner, who was looking for backup singers. Coincidentally, he was the exact same guy who gave The Rolling Stones their start back in 1962. Later on, she was offered another backing gig for Long John Baldry’s band, Bluesology. John is also a longtime friend of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
Though she loved music and worked really hard at it, Marsha always claimed that she was never a good singer. People in England just assumed she was because they thought all Black Americans had talent.
She then lived with English blues singer, John Mayall, who actually wrote a few songs about her including, “Marsha’s Mood” and another song coincidentally called “Brown Sugar”. Around this time, she became good friends with the founding members of Fleetwood Mac, famed British artist Kaffe Fassett, and keyboard player for Bluesology, Reg Dwight (a.k.a Elton John).
[LEFT: 19 year old Marsha sporting a wig in London; RIGHT: Marsha with a young Elton John].
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Around the time Marsha broke things off with John, he was also putting a new band together, which included a young guitarist named Mick Taylor, who showed up at the audition without a guitar. He later became another good friend of Marsha’s.
In late 1966, Marsha met musician Mike Ratledge from the British rock band, Soft Machine. At the time, she was having trouble getting a visa extension to stay in England, so the two got married on her 21st birthday. She later claimed it was a marriage in name only as they were not romantically involved and “never held hands and never kissed".
[LEFT: Guitarist Mick Taylor & John Mayall in the mid-60s; RIGHT: Marsha’s “husband” Mike Ratledge of Soft Machine.]
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That same year, Marsha’s hair started to fall out from using chemical relaxers, and after wearing wigs for a while, she finally cut it all off and vowed to never straighten it again. Hence, why she started sporting her iconic afro hairstyle which made her quite a showstopper in London.
In 1968, she found luck when she was cast in a buzzy new rock musical with an ensemble cast called “Hair.” The musical became an instant hit in London’s famed West End. And even though her character “Dionne” only had two lines, she suddenly became the face (or the hair) of “Hair”. The show was a huge success, and also became quite a sensation and a social landmark because it highlighted controversial subjects like drugs, casual sex, profanity, nudity, and anti-war rhetoric. While there, she met another close friend, actor Tim Curry.
[BOTTOM: A poster of the hit musical “Hair” that debuted in the Shaftesbury Theatre in the West End, 1968.]
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Her life completely changed overnight and she instantly became a PHENOMENON, attracting wide media attention. In fact, after the musical’s opening night, the editor of British Vogue sent her a huge bouquet of flowers and wanted her to pose for a photo session, which ended up being a 4-page spread with a written profile. Marsha was also the first Black woman to appear on the cover of Queen magazine as well.
[LEFT: Marsha pictured as the first Black woman on the cover of Queen magazine; RIGHT: Marsha photographed for British Vogue in 1969.]
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She immediately became a sex symbol, celebrity, and the face of the “Black is Beautiful” movement, which was already taking over America in the mid-60s. This helped her snag lots of modeling gigs and everyone wanted to photograph her. (I mean, sis was booked & busy!!!)
[BOTTOM: More of Marsha’s most iconic shots. *The melanin was melanating, 4C afro was on deck, eyelashes poppin’, lips bussin’...she was a *bad bitch*!!!]
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In March 1969, she signed a contract with Track Records, the same independent label that also repped the British rock band, The Who and Jimi Hendrix, as she later said, “There was one luxury that London celebrity afforded me: the freedom to be myself without a single apology for my gap, my freaked-out hair, my brown skin, my slave-class ancestors or my radical views.” 
Around this time, she also had a short-lived love affair with Marc Bolan, the singer and founder of the English rock band, T-Rex (even though he was much shorter than her 😂.)
She scored a few minor hits during her underrated music career with singles like a cover of T-Rex’s “Desdemona” and her debut single, a cover of “Walk on Gilded Splinters”. 
[BOTTOM: Marsha performing the T-Rex cover “Desdemona” live.]
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The record soon went to the charts, and that spring, she was asked to perform on various shows, including a popular British TV program called, “Top of the Pops”. During her live performance on the show, the tight bolero suede top she wore nearly came undone and partially exposed her breasts, a wardrobe malfunction that gave her the reputation of a “bad girl.”
NOW…Here’s the part y’all have been waiting for. Get your popcorn. Y’all got it? Ready? Good!!! 🍿
After her performance aired, Marsha soon received a phone call out of the blue from Jo Bergman, the then secretary for The Rolling Stones on behalf of the band’s frontman Mick Jagger who was actually watching the show live, asking her to pose semi–nude for a publicity photoshoot to promote the band’s new single, “Honky Tonk Women”. She said, “The picture was going to be of a girl dressed like a sleaze bag standing in a bar with the Stones and they wanted me to be the girl.”
[BOTTOM: Marsha performing "Walk on Gilded Splinters” on ‘Top of the Pops’ in May 1969. This was also the exact moment Mick Jagger first laid eyes on her!]
Marsha, who was not a Stones fan, was already established and didn’t really need the extra exposure. She later declined because she had her reputation to think about and said she “didn't want to look like [she'd] just been had by all The Rolling Stones.” She also claimed, “The last thing [Black women] needed was for me to denigrate us by dressing up like a whore” among a band of white men.
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When she tried to get in touch with Mick to say, “thank you, but no thank you”, he later returned her call in an attempt to change her mind and even suggested he come over as he was very intrigued that a girl would turn him down.
Mick then showed up at her apartment around midnight as she claims, “He was framed by the doorway as he stood grinning with a dark coat ... He drew one hand out of his pocket and pointed it at me like a pistol. His silly 'Bang' was precisely the icebreaker we needed to get over my ungracious hesitation before I invited him in, not sure how to salute a notorious rogue who rings me just before midnight and suggests he pop round on a pretext of loneliness.”
They talked for HOURS, well until the sun came up about any and everything from music to social issues and politics, and according to her, Mick “made me squeal whenever he used Melanigian slang (aka Black vernacular/AAVE).” 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️
Marsha didn’t really find Mick physically attractive at first, stating, “He wasn't beautiful or even striking” however, he was boyish, open, direct, yet seemed quite awkward and shy. She found it a relief that he was nothing like other musicians she’d known or the image the media had portrayed him. He was incredibly charming, intelligent, funny, radical, and straddled the racial line, much like she did. She also quickly noticed that he had a penchant for Black women, as he claimed “They [Black women] just do something to me”.
The two of them had a lot in common and just clicked right off the bat. And things eventually turned hot as they ended up having sex. From there, they embarked on a passionate, but very private, deep romance and year-long affair, at a time when interracial relationships weren’t widely accepted yet.
Marsha didn’t expect to hear from him again, as he had a wide selection of women to choose from, but surprisingly, Mick wanted to see her and talk all the time, mostly because she was great to look at and he could count on her. Marsha said, “He knew that I adored him and that he could depend on me…he realized I respected him as I respected myself.”
Mick’s friend and interior designer Christopher Gibbs once said often when he dined with Mick, women who had slept with him would come up to the table and “he’d have absolutely no idea who they were.”
[LEFT: Mick photographed at the ​​Shaftesbury Theatre in London to see the new musical “Hair” for the first time; RIGHT: Marsha performing in the show.]
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1969 was a very rough year for Mick. He was having trouble with his band The Rolling Stones (which he was practically running by himself) because the founder and guitarist, Brian Jones, was becoming increasingly unreliable and spiraling out of control due to his deep drug addiction and legal troubles that led to him having difficulty getting a US work visa to go on an upcoming tour. Mick’s personal life was also a mess because his long-term girlfriend at the time, pop singer Marianne Faithfull, was also a very serious (and sloppy) drug addict, who often embarrassed him and became more dependent and difficult to be around. Things had gotten so bad between them, their relationship grew to be strictly platonic by this time.
Mick and Marianne were quite destructive together and often found themselves in legal troubles due to drugs. Marianne was also quite messy as she previously slept with Mick’s bandmates Brian Jones, Keith Richards, and even left her husband, John Dunbar, for Mick who was dating Black soul singer and former Ikette, Pat “P.P.” Arnold, when they first met.
P.P. also later claimed in her autobiography “Soul Survivor” that the three of them would often engage in drug-fueled threesomes much to Mick’s delight. 
[BELOW: Soul singer & former Ikette, P.P. Arnold, who dated Mick from 1966-1967.]
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While in London, Mick was still messing with P.P. who later became pregnant with his baby in 1967, but they both agreed to have an abortion, partly due to his growing relationship with Marianne.
[BELOW: Mick arriving at a courthouse with his then girlfriend, singer Marianne Faithfull in 1969.]
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Marsha on the other hand, was stone-cold sober and didn’t do any drugs (NOT ONE), which was like a breath of fresh air for Mick, though he dabbled with hashish, LSD, and marijuana among other drugs himself. But unlike those around him, he was able to control his habit.
Even though their relationship quickly turned sexual, they were really, really close friends. Mick often retreated to her home to relax, he told her all his secrets, his troubles – he just trusted her. He was completely enamored of Marsha, who many describe as warm, intelligent, sensitive, funny, and very easy to talk to. He liked that she didn’t go gooey-eyed and weak-kneed in his presence like most (white) women/female fans did. Instead she had a crisply forthright manner and was almost quite “butch”. The Rolling Stones then manager was even quoted as saying that Mick was “obsessed” with Marsha as she was very exotic, and he even gave her the nickname “Miss Fuzzy” due to her afro hairstyle.
Ironically, Marsha enjoyed their well-kept relationship and is one of the only people who often calls him Michael instead of Mick, to distinguish him from his Rolling Stones rockstar persona.
Since Marsha was a fellow recording artist, they were able to be seen together in public without any arousing suspicion—in any case, London still had almost no paparazzi. They would often go to the same parties or events, even with Mick’s girlfriend there, and no one questioned it.
Mick would often pop into some of Marsha’s studio sessions with her band White Trash, and everyone around would be in awe of him.
Later, after officially firing Brian Jones from the band, Mick and the rest of the Stones were in desperate need of a new guitarist. Marsha promptly suggested her good friend, Mick Taylor (Yes, Stones fans – thank Marsha Hunt for that one!), as a replacement for Brian just days before he was mysteriously found dead (he sadly drowned in a swimming pool at his home) on July 3, 1969.
Additionally, when Mick sought a replacement for Jo Bergman, the secretary who handled all The Rolling Stones affairs, Marsha also suggested her friend and tour manager, Peter Rudge - (The same guy responsible for getting the Stones all those huge tours in massive stadiums. Again, thank Marsha!)
Two days after Brian’s death, the Stones played a free concert before a crowd of over 250,000 people in Hyde Park, London, which was previously planned to debut their new guitarist, but turned into a memorial/funeral for Brian. Mick invited both Marianne (who looked a hot ass mess and was in withdrawal from heroin at the time), and Marsha (who showed up looking sexy af with her titties bustin’ out of her buckskin suit) to the concert, and rudely and distastefully opened the show with a song called, “I’m Yours and I’m Hers.”
[BELOW: Mick & Marsha at The Rolling Stones tribute concert to Brian Jones in Hyde Park, London on July 5, 1969.]
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Marianne who sat on the other end of the stage with her 4-year old son Nicholas and the other Stones wives/girlfriends, actually saw Marsha that day as she was placed right above the stage in the scaffold VIP section at the request of Mick so that he could look at her while he performed. She later said, “I saw her [Marsha] you know. And she was stunning…If I’d been Mick in that situation, I might have done exactly the same thing.”
Mick arrived at the concert with Marianne that afternoon, but left with Marsha and spent the night at her place where they made love.
A day after the concert, Mick kissed Marsha goodbye, and flew with Marianne to Australia to shoot a biographical film they were both cast in called “Ned Kelly,” based on the infamous bushranger. However, Marianne who was reeling from the recent death of Brian Jones and a horrible miscarriage just a few months earlier, overdosed on 150 Tuinal barbiturates while traveling with Mick, and fell into a coma in their hotel room.
[LEFT & RIGHT: Mick & Marianne arriving in Australia to film “Ned Kelly.” Marianne slipped into a coma just hours later from an attempted suicide.]
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At the last minute, Mick was forced to film the movie without her, but phoned and wrote to Marsha, who was extremely frantic and worried about his mental health and emotional well-being, almost everyday. She was scared that he didn’t have the stamina to deal with yet another crisis. He sent Marsha over 10 handwritten letters (some even written on the same headed stationery paper of Chevron Hotel where his girlfriend just tried to kill herself) about his deep feelings for her, his experience filming on set, being in the Australian outback, his new interests, the historic day of the moon landing of 1969, future career plans, his regret at missing her performance at the famous Isle of Wight Festival, and other aspects of pop culture (including “John & Yoko boring everybody…”). The letters also reference the recent death of his former bandmate Brian Jones, Mick’s increasingly difficult relationship with Marianne, and another letter even had the full original lyrics for The Rolling Stones song “Monkey Man”, which was later rewritten.
Mick’s letters also went on to mention the foul Australian winter weather and an unpleasant virus that swept through the film unit, a fire that destroyed most of the film’s costumes, along with various other accidents – including a prop gun that backfired in his right hand. He was just having a real shitty time. So, he found solace writing to Marsha.
His letters to Marsha showed how pensive and romantic he was. He said things like,“I feel with you something so unsung there is no need to sing it...” and “If I sailed with you around the world, all my sails would be unfurled.” He also thanked her for being “so nice to an evil old man like me”. And in another steamy note, Mick promises Marsha: "I will kiss you softly. And bite your mouth too."
[RIGHT & LEFT: Mick’s private letters sent to Marsha while filming “Ned Kelly” in Australia during the late summer of 1969.]
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Mick also celebrated his 26th birthday while filming in Australia and Marsha sent him a huge package of books (which he loves) and albums, including her friend John Mayall’s record “Brown Sugar.” Along with his gifts was a note stating how she missed him desperately.
While still trying to rehabilitate his hand from the prop accident, Mick toyed with a new guitar he had and started work on a song he had in his head, which was partly inspired by Marsha and that he initially titled “Black Pussy.” He decided that name was a little too direct and changed it instead to “Brown Sugar” with the lyrics:
[Verse 1]
Gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields  Sold in the market down in New Orleans  Scarred old slaver knows he's doing alright  Hear him whip the women just around midnight 
Brown sugar, how come you taste so good?  Uh huh Brown sugar, just like a young girl should
[BOTTOM: Recording of “Brown Sugar” by The Rolling Stones later released on their Sticky Fingers album in 1971.]
Mick later confirmed in a 1995 Rolling Stone magazine interview that the song is a double-entendre: “brown sugar” being the street name for unrefined heroin and of course also meaning his seemingly equal addiction to having sex with Black women. The song was a huge commercial success and ended up becoming a huge #1 hit around the world, making it one of the Rolling Stones’ best-selling records to date.
[TOP: A movie poster of “Ned Kelly” which was released in June 1970; BOTTOM: Mick with his guitar composing “Brown Sugar” during filming.]
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While Mick was still filming overseas, Marsha was booked to perform at the iconic 3-day outdoor concert, the Isle of Wight Festival on August 30th, 1969. At the time, it was the biggest open-air concert in music history and she was the only woman billed to perform. She was there alongside acts like The Who, Joe Cocker, and even Bob Dylan who hadn’t been onstage in three years.
Mick told her in a letter that he was so proud of her and promised her that he was “there in my head and in my heart.” Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and his wife Shirley, and Jo Bergman were also in the audience watching Marsha perform.
Marsha also made headline news as she wore custom-made leather shorts to which the press ran with and by the next fashion season, short shorts were featured in every fashion magazine. She was the first person to popularize “hot pants”.
[BELOW: Marsha performing with her band White Trash at the Isle of Wight Festival in 1969 with members of The Rolling Stones looking on in the audience.]
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After Mick came back from Australia, Marsha was offered a part in a film called “Welcome to the Club” which is a comedy about three Black USO performers sent to Hiroshima in the 1940s to entertain the troops on an all-white base. The film was being directed by Walter Shenson, who had produced The Beatles' films “A Hard Day's Night” and “Help” and shot it entirely in Copenhagen, Denmark.
She was also asked to fly back to London to shoot another cover for American Vogue which was shot by photographer Patrick Litchfield. (They‘d never had a Black woman on the cover before.)
Mick began touring in America again, his first since 1966, and with the number of girls he had access to, she knew he was keeping himself busy on and off stage.
[LEFT: Mick on stage at Madison Square Garden during the Stones’ 1969 tour; RIGHT: Marsha filming “Welcome to the Club”.]
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He even started a short-lived relationship with yet another Black singer and Ikette Claudia Lennear, as well sparking up a fling with Devon Wilson, a notorious rock & roll groupie and the girlfriend of Jimi Hendrix who famously wrote the song “Dolly Dagger” about their affair.
[LEFT: Mick arriving at Madison Square Garden in November 1969 with Devon Wilson; RIGHT: Mick backstage at the same event with singer Claudia Lennear.]
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But on December 6, 1969 - everything changed dramatically when an 18-year old concertgoer was stabbed and killed during the Stones’ free concert at the Altamont Speedway in California by the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club, who was the band’s security. Members of the Hell’s Angels blamed Mick for the incident and subsequent to the concert, put a hit out on him and threatened to murder him. This marked the third major tragedy to happen since Mick and Marsha met each other.
[BELOW: A scared Mick looks on as 18-year old Meredith Hunter is stabbed to death by the Hell’s Angels in front of the stage while the Stones performed at Altamont Speedway.]
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Marsha stayed with Mick after the chaos at Altamont, which the media dubbed “The Death of the ‘60s”. By this time, he had officially split up with Marianne and moved Marsha into his house on Cheyne Walk where she helped him to transition and readjust his life. It was then their relationship intensified!
This is around the time she got a chance to know some of Mick’s friends who lived on the same road, including Keith Richards and his girlfriend, actress Anita Pallenberg, who just had a son, but was hooked on heroin. She thought they were both nice, but they’d visit or show up unannounced to their home all the time. Their hard drug-taking also scared Marsha, so she kept her distance and didn’t voice her opinion. 
She also met Mick’s parents, Eva and Joe Jagger, along with his little brother Chris who was a bit of a hippie and had just returned from India with his American girlfriend. They both had no work, no money, and nowhere to stay, so Marsha kindly gave them a job, one included painting her new apartment.
That Christmas, Marsha got Mick a puppy and Mick, for the first time, told her that he loved her.
Marsha was in a good place. Opportunities were coming to her fast, she had a new apartment, and she was in love with Mick. She had newfound stability and independence. 
In January 1970, they were having dinner at the celebrity hotspot restaurant Mr. Chow’s when Mick said that she’d be a good mother and that they should have a baby together. Prior to this Marsha thought she was just another girl he fancied, as he was a notorious womanizer. But the talk of having a baby made her feel special to him. Her feelings for him were so deep that she also claimed, “I would have died for him.”
She knew Marianne miscarried around the same time Keith Richards’ son Marlon was born. Mick also missed family life with Marianne’s son Nicholas, so wanted to give having a baby a second try.
This fool literally made Marsha take out her birth control and IUD coil, they proceeded to have sex like rabbits, and when she found out she was 3 weeks pregnant, she told Mick who was ecstatic.
Marsha literally said to him, “Listen, if you’re not ready and you changed your mind about this, it’s okay.” She was totally ready to get an abortion. But he assured her that it was what he wanted and he was happy.
They had their first argument when it came time to naming their baby. Mick wanted a boy who he could send to the prestigious Eton School (the all-boys school where Prince William & Prince Harry attended), and he proposed that they call the baby ‘Midnight Dream’. Marsha wasn’t having it and even said, “Imagine sticking your head out of a window to call your child home and yelling, 'Midnight. Midnight! Time for tea.’”
She'd known that he and the band were leaving England for tax reasons and moving to France in the coming year. The Stones were also gearing up for their upcoming European tour.
Even though she loved Mick, he was young and she claimed she was “all for Mick doing his own thing”. They were supposed to be the sophisticated embodiment of an alternative social ideal — parent-hood shared between loving friends living separate lives.
This was around the time of the sexual revolution and people were exploring different types of relationships. Marsha didn’t find gratification in being “Mr. So and So’s” wife, plus Mick wasn’t the marriage type either. He was the type of guy to get up at 2pm to start his day - so marriage was sort of off the table. Though, unbeknownst to Marsha, Mick has thought of proposing, she claimed their relationship “thrived off her being supportive” and she loved to see him “run free”. And since she grew up in a matriarchy, the ideal of a man and woman living together seemed nice but unnecessary. They agreed that Mick would be a good absent father while he made his music and toured with The Rolling Stones, and Marsha could still have her own life and career. It was all very modern!
Marsha also feared that her association with Mick would crowd out her own identity. She didn’t like the limelight because it was a discomfort. She also never wanted to be known as Mick Jagger's girlfriend (can you blame her? So many of his girlfriends tried to commit suicide). Like him, she wanted her own independence.
By June 1969, Marsha told her band and the press that she was pregnant, but did not give up the name of her baby’s father. However, one little clever ass reporter actually found out it was Mick Jagger and threatened to print it. She thought of suing but asked the Stones PR team to link him to another girl. She managed to get through her pregnancy without a media frenzy or being linked to Mick even though they had stepped out together many times, and he was ready to have it reported. 
While Mick was away touring in Europe, his phone calls got less frequent. The tour was a bit crazy, and although Mick invited her to go to Paris, he knew she'd refuse – she didn’t want to get caught up. But he told her he was lonely and had met someone in Paris that he was taking to Italy. Her name was Bianca. She was Nicaraguan and spoke little English. Mick didn't mention her again, but after the tour, Marsha knew that she had moved to his house in England. 
His publicist sent her an invite to the premiere of his corny movie, “Ned Kelly,” but he didn’t show up. He also invited his parents to the event and it was there she realized that the bastard didn’t tell them that he had a baby on the way. Mick hardly lavished praise on his parents and even once told the press, “I owe them nothing. They are my parents, that is that…but there are no dues to be made by me to them!”
By her third trimester, having a baby became her whole reality and his passing fancy. He started to forget that the baby was HIS idea. 
Despite Marsha carrying his child, practically all references to her and the baby were quickly airbrushed out of his life. Chris O'Dell, Mick’s PA in the early ‘70s was even quoted as saying, “I never remember him talking about their child. In fact, I wasn’t aware of a baby being around at all. It was almost like [his first child] didn’t exist.”
Marsha was put in a difficult position because it was too late to go back and sometimes he’d phone her like nothing ever happened. She claimed his mood would change so quickly, he was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She also said, “I've discovered that he can burn hot and suddenly cool to below zero.”
She started to worry that he didn’t care anymore, so, she tried to squeeze in any and every piece of work she possibly could to hold her up during and after her pregnancy (tv shows, photoshoots, etc.). She also volunteered at a local mental-care center in the autistic unit caring for a 12 year old boy to keep from feeling useless.
[BELOW: A heavily pregnant Marsha performing in late 1970.]
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At the same time, Mick also did a lot of peculiar interviews, either stating he wasn’t interested in having children or flat out dissing Marsha. During a 1970 interview with London’s Daily Mail newspaper he even said, “For me, life has always got to be on the move and exciting. I love kids, I really do…but it’s not something I’m thinking about.” He of course failed to mention that Marsha was expecting their first child.
[BELOW: Mick during an interview referencing Marsha & his unborn child in 1970.]
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Once it was time for her to give birth, a hard-up Marsha was ashamed and reluctant to ask him for any contribution because he never once offered. Mick ultimately gave her a measly £200 to get by, which came with a note saying “I know I haven’t done right by you” and he also “loaned” her a ring he always wore.
She had initially planned a natural home delivery to keep the press at bay and because it was the “it” thing to do at the time, but was told by her OB-GYN that her baby was in danger and that she had to go to the hospital the next day. 
On November 3rd, she dragged her own luggage and hailed a taxi to the hospital only to be told there weren’t enough beds. Panicked and scared, she went back home quite sure she was going to die from an unassisted childbirth.
When she went back to the hospital the next day for an induced labor, she checked in with her married name “Ratledge” to protect herself (and Mick). On November 4, 1970 after hours of labor, she gave birth to a girl she named Karis and phoned Mick first and then her mother. That day was the first time Mick actually told his now girlfriend, Bianca, that Marsha and his baby existed.
While waiting in the maternity ward, the nurses also forgot to feed Marsha who was so hungry. But being on The National Health, she didn’t complain.  
When she checked out of the hospital, Mick sent a bouquet of red roses,  a miniature muse figurine for the baby, a silver spoon, and some cheap Indian earrings for Marsha. He “dropped by” two days later to see his baby but was in a hurry to be somewhere else.
10 days later, he paid another rushed visit, but she eventually took him to the side because she wasn’t in the mood to entertain his detachment.  And she was kinda like, “Hey! What’s up with you? Why don’t you call or come around more often for the baby” trying to get some genuine reaction out of him instead of keeping her at bay with the polite chitchat bullshit, in which he snapped and yelled at her, “I never loved you” and told her that she was “mad to think that he had”. Of course Marsha, hormonal, stitches still in, burning and all, did not expect for him to stab back and immediately started to cry, which only made him more angry. The piece of shit even had the audacity to threaten to take her newborn baby away from her if he chose. She stopped and in a stern voice said, “Try it! I’d blow your brains out!!”
In that moment, the loyalty she had for him was gone. She had no choice but to push forward and tried to find as much work as she could to support herself and her baby.
[BELOW: Marsha & Mick after the birth of their first child Karis Hunt in late 1970.]
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READ ‘PART 2’ HERE!!! ☕️☕️☕️
321 notes · View notes
clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I got a small(?) angst, y/n hears about a danger pokemon in the forest/cave they decided to investigate it so they bring a pokemon a young hypno y/n best friend. after that y/n is on the deep cave/forest and encounter lullaby hypno but lullaby hypno found the next victim to hypnotize. y/n have a sudden feeling that they met a hypno from a friend long time ago but didn't know what happen to her. when lullaby hypno is about to hypnotize y/n the young hypno comes out their pokeball and trying to protect they trainer. lullaby hypno stop a moment and saw the young hypno eyes that said "im protecting my trainer life" and lullaby hypno reminds himself with his trainer. after that lullaby hypno spare y/n and younge hypno life and left but after that lullaby hypno tears come out that he misses his trainer
"Yeah, I didn't think the stories were true either. But I guess there's some big Hypno who's actually kidnapping kids and leading them away." Turning away from your computer, you looked at the shiny Hypno mediating on your bed.
They were your most prized Pokémon--quick to evolve from Drowsee after a few weeks of training--and you loved them with all your heart. Very rarely do you keep them inside their pokeball when not going to battle, as they preferred being outside, hanging out with you.
Of all the Pokémon in the world, there’s none you’d rather have.
Sadly, Hypno were sort of notorious for being heavily misunderstood. You never believed the ghost stories of them taking children away from their families--at least for malicious reasons.
To you it was all just slander, causing a mass panic where people sold or traded away their Hypnos, or kept their Drowsees from evolving with everstones. It seemed outright ridiculous.
This hysteria was brought on by a surge of online articles that claim one male Hypno, dubbed the “Lullaby Hypno”, who was unusually tall, was seen in the forest near an abandoned Pokémon Center (which was rumored to be haunted as well).
It piqued your curiosity. So after doing a bit more research, you decided to investigate these rumors to confirm or deny them.
Maybe..you could even catch this Hypno if he was willing to go with you. Reports have stated he currently didn’t have an owner.
It reminded you of a passing conversation you overheard a long time ago, where an unusually small Hypno was wandering aimlessly around town by itself, looking sad.
There were many Pokémon that could be stunted in growth if evolved too quickly, though that one in particular also made you think of a friend who disappeared--who once owned a similar Hypno.
Alexis, a girl who was teased for her looks and told by her peers to give up on being a Pokémon champion. You always stood up against her bullies, but...one day you stopped hearing from her. She might’ve moved out of town and left her poor Hypno behind.
Yet you never knew for sure, as she didn’t call or write to you. 
To this day it lingered in the back of your mind.
‘Could this one be...? No. Best not to speculate.’ Shaking your head, you gathered whatever you needed for the journey: revives, flashlight, snacks, pokeballs, cellphone, and potions. As a trainer all of these things were essential.
And..so was singing, apparently. But hopefully your investigations won’t be interrupted by a random rap battle.
“Hey buddy, grab your pendulum.” You called to your shiny Hypno. “We’re gonna go look for this “Lullaby Hypno”.”
“Hyp! Hyp!” Nodding eagerly, they were quick to grab their trusty weapon. Even they seemed excited at the idea of having a new friend of the same species..though a bit apprehensive given the rumors.
Regardless, you both headed out at dusk.
“This must be it, huh?”
Flicking the flashlight on, you peered into the darkness of the cavern deep in the heart of the forest. You noticed some footprints on the ground--along with trails in the dirt that ran parallel to each other.
‘Was somebody...dragged here?’ You shivered slightly at the thought, though feeling the shiny Hypno hugging your leg made you stop. Glancing down at them, you smiled apologetically. “Thanks, I’m okay but..I think you should go into your pokeball for this.”
“Shh, just for a little while, okay?” You knelt down and took out the empty pokeball, looking at them and seeing their look of hesitance. “You’ll be safer in here. In case anything happens, you can jump out, okay? I just don’t want you getting lost.”
After a few moments, they agreed to go inside the pokeball. Once they did and it snapped shut, you stuck it in your pocket before continuing inside, preparing for the unknown horrors that awaited you.
Immediately all of your senses were screaming at you to turn back--that going forward only meant inching closer to certain doom. But you pressed onwards, motivated by sheer curiosity.
As you heard a shuffling noise, you stopped and tensed up, shining your flashlight down the path. “H-Hello?”
“A visitor?? Now this is most psy-shocking to Hypno.”
You jumped back a bit, caught completely off guard at the voice, especially as it revealed itself to be a hulking yellow figure with a white-furred collar. Bits of red flesh were visible in the fur as he craned his neck to look down at you.
‘How in god’s name can a Hypno speak English?’ You wondered, staring up at him.
The pendulum in his hand swung lightly; in perfect rhythm. For a moment your eyes accidentally wandered to it, though you shook your head and stared back into the Hypno’s black eyes, resisting the best you could. “Are you..the Lullaby Hypno everyone talks about?”
He just tilted his head, a closed smile stretching from ear-to-ear. “My, my, Hypno’s gained the reputation, hasn’t he? If it’s him you seek..then congratulations! Will you play with him now?”
Holding up the pendulum in front of his face, he watched you slowly become entranced by it. 
But you snapped out of it again and shut your eyes, keeping a hand on the pokeball inside your pocket.
This was already a bad idea.
“I-I’m not falling for that. Listen, you don’t have to do this. I can help y-”
Without warning, Lullaby Hypno put his hand out, sending a wave of pain through you as you stumbled backwards. You instantly felt a throbbing headache coming--and your vision flashed red, making you hallucinate the Hypno’s face, albeit with a stretched out mouth.
Then everything was normal again, but your head was still hurting like hell. ‘Did he just use Psyshock on me?! How could he use it on humans..?' You groaned, keeping your eyes shut.
“Hypno doesn’t need help! He only asks you not to resist. Don’t be afraid..don’t believe their lies..” He spoke in a low threatening voice. “He just wants to sing you sweet lulla...bies?”
Hearing a click from the pokeball that fell out of your pocket, he paused in his hypnosis to look at it, blinking when it opened to reveal a normal-sized shiny Hypno.
Although they were shocked by his stature, they immediately rushed to stand between you and him. They glared up at him in challenge, letting out a trumpet-like cry as they readied their own pendulum.
He could only stare back..seeing the determination in their eyes. 
They were clearly declaring “I’m protecting my trainer with my life.”
And in that moment, it reminded him of his younger self from so long ago.
He saw himself in your Hypno’s place, protecting Alexis from the bullies that kicked her around and stole her Slowpoke hair clips. Their Pokémon were stronger, they beat him down every time. But he got right back up and never stopped fighting for her.
Until the day she....
‘What am I doing?’ He felt this awful, growing ache in his chest--and it wasn’t from the strain of psychic energy on his physical body.
No. This was all wrong.
Who was he to take away another Hypno’s trainer and leave them to wallow in misery for years like he did? 
No member of his kind should ever suffer that way.
Not. One. More.
Having recovered from the immense headache, you opened your eyes and realized your shiny had come out to save you. Although terrified for them, you knew you had to give them a command to attack--or at least defend the two of you.
“H-Hypno, use-”
Blinking, you glanced at the Lullaby Hypno as he put away his pendulum. He sank to his knees, looking at your shiny Hypno with distraught. They seemed just as confused as you when he refused to fight or hypnotize you.
“Hypno was wrong..he can’t tear [y/n] and their friend apart.” He put a hand on their shoulder, which made them flinch a little, but they stopped upon seeing the sad gaze in his eyes. “You can leave. But please..promise Hypno you’ll never abandon each other.”
“Hyp, hyp.” They nodded in reassurance, smiling a little as they stepped back and hugged you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around them, picking them up.
Looking down at Lullaby Hypno, you cautiously reached a hand down to pat his head, between the ears. He didn’t react, except for his shoulders ever so slightly relaxing.
You sighed softly, believing your theory was right.
“It wasn’t your fault, buddy.”
He blinked, eyes flickering with slight recognition at the whisper. But he said nothing as you and your shiny Hypno left the cave, having been spared from being his next victim.
As soon as both of you were gone, he stood up and headed back to his den, the ache in his heart growing with every step.
Inside, was an altar with candles and empty pokeballs placed around a picture frame--one that displayed a certain girl with braces and her cherished psychic-type Pokémon. In front of it, on a pillow, laid a single Slowpoke hair clip.
He kneeled in front of it, shakily taking the clip into his hands and holding it close to his chest.
And he finally shed the tears he thought he cried out in his younger years.
He missed her so much.
“[Y/n] is right..it wasn’t your fault...!”
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tomegnome · 2 years
🖤Monster Lover Book Recs🖤
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Were you, like me, gaslit by booktok influencers into reading Ice Planet Barbarians? You may be entitled to financial compensation. Call 1-800-blue-peepee for more information. Not really BUT!!! Below is a list of passable monster fucker books I discovered after spite reading like 30 of these after being utterly disappointed by IPB and hellbent on find some that were at least OKAY. Better than Ice Planet Barbarians, at least
The genre being what it is, make sure to check on the content warnings linked on TheStoryGraph if there's anything specific you're worried about. Also there ARE some lgbtqa+ books on this list (you’re welcome).
🕸🕷️Ensnared by by Tiffany Roberts🕷️🕸 I read this so long ago, and I can barely remember it tbh. A big alien spider monster finds a human woman that has crashed landed onto his planet and is like: FUCK this mammoth spider queen hottie who wants me to be her king, I want this gangly little blonde thing I fished out of a dirty hole. Ok. Sure. Pros: This author is committed to the art of monster fucking. This is not just like a guy but furry. Or a guy but scales. This is a big ass spider fucking a lady. And that’s beautiful. Cons: You know that “born sexy yesterday” trope? Because of the communication/cultural differences it kind of felt like they were both each other’s sexy baby. I didn’t really care for the characters or plot tbh, I just persevered because I just had to see how those crazy kids made it work. I was like, “seriously what are the mechanics?” Turns out: webs!
🚀🐱Engineering Fate by Alexis B. Osborne🐱🚀 Sasha tumbles through a wormhole into a part of space uninhabited by humankind--and instead inhabited by sexy cat men (yay). This one starts with the “captured by aliens” trope à la Ice Planet Barbarians, but it’s not a weird, uncomfortable sex thing (yay). Pros: I loved how active the main character was compared to the protags of this genre. She murders soooo many people. I was cheering out loud. Kill those birdmen, girlboss. Cons: Did not really care about the ML or the smut at all. But if you are into breeder kink--or were one of those kids with a huge crush on Simba growing up--then you are in for a treat.  FYI, if you read this and like it, do not read the next in the series. It’s NOT good.
🦖🪐Heart's Prisoner by Olivia Riley🪐🦖Communication specialist studies dangerous--but totally hot--alien prisoner of war “Asset X”. Pros: campy action scenes which I always enjoy. A dinosaur wreaking havoc on a space station in my sex book? More likely than you think., but the ML was fun and sexy. No “soul mates” or “that’s the mother of my child” stuff as far as I can remember, which is always a plus. Cons: The FL has as much personality as an Austin’s sandwich cracker (fyi: that’s the worst kind of sandwich character). 
🐊🔮She Came From The Swamp by Darva Green🔮🐊 She was a girl, she was also a girl--but also a Ukrainian Swamp monster--Can I make it any more obvious? Let me tell you. It is already a challenge to find passable heterosexual monster smut. Sapphic monster smut? Oh my god. But this is cute and good! Pros: adorable leads, relatively simple story that focuses on what we’re all really here for. Cons: sometimes they did it while the swamp monster was in human form, and I was like. Why?
☢️💀Soul Eater by Lily Mayne💀☢️ Post-apocalyptic setting, but also there’s interdimensional portals that have appeared on all over Earth that aliens pour out of it. Aliens ranging from cute critters to blood thirsty monstrosities to shredded gay monster hotties. A supernatural monster dubbed “Soul Eater” slaughters a battlefield of men--leaving only a single soldier. What does the mysterious killer want with Danny? Pros: A bonkers plot with lots of action and violence? Check. A seemingly cold and scary love interest that is actually super soft and protective? Check. An author brave enough to actually write weird monster dick instead of just being like, “it’s big and blue!” Cons: having read a few books in this series the huge lack of meaningful female characters and non-white characters throughout is a bummer. 
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krakenshaped · 8 months
Tag force posting again, finished Asuka's route. Rambles below:
This route was highkey so fucking funny. The first 3 events are the same for every character but her 4 heart event is her and Hat-kun being jumped by Momoe and Junko. These girls istg they spend the entire anime trying to get Asuka to date someone but when they assume Asuka is dating the protag, they jump him because they don't think he's good enough for dearest Asurin. You get a REALLY strong sense for Junko's love for Asuka in tag force because like. When you talk to her she's like "You better not be causing problems for Alexis!!!" plus she's the first character to comfort Asuka during her ending. You kinda get the vibe that the two are closer friends with each other than they are with Momoe oddly enough but I might be reading into it too much.
Also she calls the protag a pervert (lmfao you KNOW 4kids was not involved in this translation)
Speaking of which the translation is so interesting. It's like a strange mix of dub and sub probably because of the translation team. I don't know if it's different from the anime translation team or what but there's so many bits you're like oho i see what that is. Like Manjoume calling Asuka "Rhodes" consistently - feeling kinda like his sub Tenjouin-kun in comparison to his dub pet name, Lexi. Although on the other hand, dub character quirks still pop up like Kenzan's weird army talk and Judai's goofy little catchphrases (sweetness, the hero always wins in the end, etc).
The 5th event follows Manjoume and Fubuki trying to cheer Asuka up after Momoe and Junko go missing after their event duel. This is covered up by Manjoume claiming he's going to win Lexi's heart from Hat-kun while Fubuki insists they form a brother-sister tag duel together. Shout out to Manjoume losing 20 manly points during this dialogue. I adore Fubuki and Manjoume's silly hijinks. At the end of the event they reveal they were trying to cheer Asuka up, but in the end they go missing too.
Honestly it's just. So. Sad. Throughout her route Asuka seems to have such an air of sadness around her. Her bio kinda suggests there's a lot on her mind she doesn't openly express but there's always an air of worry and grief around her, especially by the time the 6th heart event comes around and Judai and Sho go missing. She has teary sprites and it broke my heart, especially with the context of Fubuki's disappearance and how badly it affected her the first time. One of her potent lines was something along the lines of "What if I have no one left?" Everyone she cares about literally just vanish off the island (although this doesn't stop them appearing during the dueling exam)
The route concludes with Asuka meeting with Kenzan and Johan at the abandoned dorm where Titan (yes, the shadow rider) is back for some reason? With Jinzo. Apparently Titan is back for revenge and Jinzo wants to use everyone Asuka's ever loved as sacrifices for his rebirth. Which of course doesn't happen because its the easiest boss fight in the whole route lmao.
However it was cute. Tag Force 2 is kinda like if season 3 was season 1 and I like it as a season 1 defender. It was nice to see the tables turn where Asuka saves Judai instead of vice versa (even if the dialogue regarding it was a little ham fisted and more could have been said about Asuka being a damsel in distress more often or not and how she feels about that - but like wtf its a childrens card game anime video game who cares)
She gets a lil tsundere @ Judai at the end too lmao I'm telling you, this guys autistic rizz is endless
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bloodmoon293628 · 2 years
got a small(?) angst, y/n hears about a danger pokemon in the forest/cave they decided to investigate it so they bring a pokemon a young hypno y/n best friend. after that y/n is on the deep cave/forest and encounter lullaby hypno but lullaby hypno found the next victim to hypnotize. y/n have a sudden feeling that they met a hypno from a friend long time ago but didn't know what happen to her. when lullaby hypno is about to hypnotize y/n the young hypno comes out their pokeball and trying to protect they trainer. lullaby hypno stop a moment and saw the young hypno eyes that said "im protecting my trainer life" and lullaby hypno reminds himself with his trainer. after that lullaby hypno spare y/n and younge hypno life and left but after that lullaby hypno tears come out that he misses his trainer
"Yeah, I didn't think the stories were true either. But I guess there's some big Hypno who's actually kidnapping kids and leading them away." Turning away from your computer, you looked at the shiny Hypno mediating on your bed.
They were your most prized Pokémon--quick to evolve from Drowsee after a few weeks of training--and you loved them with all your heart. Very rarely do you keep them inside their pokeball when not going to battle, as they preferred being outside, hanging out with you.
Of all the Pokémon in the world, there’s none you’d rather have.
Sadly, Hypno were sort of notorious for being heavily misunderstood. You never believed the ghost stories of them taking children away from their families--at least for malicious reasons.
To you it was all just slander, causing a mass panic where people sold or traded away their Hypnos, or kept their Drowsees from evolving with everstones. It seemed outright ridiculous.
This hysteria was brought on by a surge of online articles that claim one male Hypno, dubbed the “Lullaby Hypno”, who was unusually tall, was seen in the forest near an abandoned Pokémon Center (which was rumored to be haunted as well).
It piqued your curiosity. So after doing a bit more research, you decided to investigate these rumors to confirm or deny them.
Maybe..you could even catch this Hypno if he was willing to go with you. Reports have stated he currently didn’t have an owner.
It reminded you of a passing conversation you overheard a long time ago, where an unusually small Hypno was wandering aimlessly around town by itself, looking sad.
There were many Pokémon that could be stunted in growth if evolved too quickly, though that one in particular also made you think of a friend who disappeared--who once owned a similar Hypno.
Alexis, a girl who was teased for her looks and told by her peers to give up on being a Pokémon champion. You always stood up against her bullies, but...one day you stopped hearing from her. She might’ve moved out of town and left her poor Hypno behind.
Yet you never knew for sure, as she didn’t call or write to you.
To this day it lingered in the back of your mind.
‘Could this one be...? No. Best not to speculate.’ Shaking your head, you gathered whatever you needed for the journey: revives, flashlight, snacks, pokeballs, cellphone, and potions. As a trainer all of these things were essential.
And..so was singing, apparently. But hopefully your investigations won’t be interrupted by a random rap battle.
“Hey buddy, grab your pendulum.” You called to your shiny Hypno. “We’re gonna go look for this “Lullaby Hypno”.”
“Hyp! Hyp!” Nodding eagerly, they were quick to grab their trusty weapon. Even they seemed excited at the idea of having a new friend of the same species..though a bit apprehensive given the rumors.
Regardless, you both headed out at dusk.
“This must be it, huh?”
Flicking the flashlight on, you peered into the darkness of the cavern deep in the heart of the forest. You noticed some footprints on the ground--along with trails in the dirt that ran parallel to each other.
‘Was somebody...dragged here?’ You shivered slightly at the thought, though feeling the shiny Hypno hugging your leg made you stop. Glancing down at them, you smiled apologetically. “Thanks, I’m okay but..I think you should go into your pokeball for this.”
“Shh, just for a little while, okay?” You knelt down and took out the empty pokeball, looking at them and seeing their look of hesitance. “You’ll be safer in here. In case anything happens, you can jump out, okay? I just don’t want you getting lost.”
After a few moments, they agreed to go inside the pokeball. Once they did and it snapped shut, you stuck it in your pocket before continuing inside, preparing for the unknown horrors that awaited you.
Immediately all of your senses were screaming at you to turn back--that going forward only meant inching closer to certain doom. But you pressed onwards, motivated by sheer curiosity.
As you heard a shuffling noise, you stopped and tensed up, shining your flashlight down the path. “H-Hello?”
“A visitor?? Now this is most psy-shocking to Hypno.”
You jumped back a bit, caught completely off guard at the voice, especially as it revealed itself to be a hulking yellow figure with a white-furred collar. Bits of red flesh were visible in the fur as he craned his neck to look down at you.
‘How in god’s name can a Hypno speak English?’ You wondered, staring up at him.
The pendulum in his hand swung lightly; in perfect rhythm. For a moment your eyes accidentally wandered to it, though you shook your head and stared back into the Hypno’s black eyes, resisting the best you could. “Are you..the Lullaby Hypno everyone talks about?”
He just tilted his head, a closed smile stretching from ear-to-ear. “My, my, Hypno’s gained the reputation, hasn’t he? If it’s him you seek..then congratulations! Will you play with him now?”
Holding up the pendulum in front of his face, he watched you slowly become entranced by it.
But you snapped out of it again and shut your eyes, keeping a hand on the pokeball inside your pocket.
This was already a bad idea.
“I-I’m not falling for that. Listen, you don’t have to do this. I can help y-”
Without warning, Lullaby Hypno put his hand out, sending a wave of pain through you as you stumbled backwards. You instantly felt a throbbing headache coming--and your vision flashed red, making you hallucinate the Hypno’s face, albeit with a stretched out mouth.
Then everything was normal again, but your head was still hurting like hell. ‘Did he just use Psyshock on me?! How could he use it on humans..?' You groaned, keeping your eyes shut.
“Hypno doesn’t need help! He only asks you not to resist. Don’t be afraid..don’t believe their lies..” He spoke in a low threatening voice. “He just wants to sing you sweet lulla...bies?”
Hearing a click from the pokeball that fell out of your pocket, he paused in his hypnosis to look at it, blinking when it opened to reveal a normal-sized shiny Hypno.
Although they were shocked by his stature, they immediately rushed to stand between you and him. They glared up at him in challenge, letting out a trumpet-like cry as they readied their own pendulum.
He could only stare back..seeing the determination in their eyes.
They were clearly declaring “I’m protecting my trainer with my life.”
And in that moment, it reminded him of his younger self from so long ago.
He saw himself in your Hypno’s place, protecting Alexis from the bullies that kicked her around and stole her Slowpoke hair clips. Their Pokémon were stronger, they beat him down every time. But he got right back up and never stopped fighting for her.
Until the day she....
‘What am I doing?’ He felt this awful, growing ache in his chest--and it wasn’t from the strain of psychic energy on his physical body.
No. This was all wrong.
Who was he to take away another Hypno’s trainer and leave them to wallow in misery for years like he did?
No member of his kind should ever suffer that way.
Not. One. More.
Having recovered from the immense headache, you opened your eyes and realized your shiny had come out to save you. Although terrified for them, you knew you had to give them a command to attack--or at least defend the two of you.
“H-Hypno, use-”
Blinking, you glanced at the Lullaby Hypno as he put away his pendulum. He sank to his knees, looking at your shiny Hypno with distraught. They seemed just as confused as you when he refused to fight or hypnotize you.
“Hypno was wrong..he can’t tear [y/n] and their friend apart.” He put a hand on their shoulder, which made them flinch a little, but they stopped upon seeing the sad gaze in his eyes. “You can leave. But please..promise Hypno you’ll never abandon each other.”
“Hyp, hyp.” They nodded in reassurance, smiling a little as they stepped back and hugged you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around them, picking them up.
Looking down at Lullaby Hypno, you cautiously reached a hand down to pat his head, between the ears. He didn’t react, except for his shoulders ever so slightly relaxing.
You sighed softly, believing your theory was right.
“It wasn’t your fault, buddy.”
He blinked, eyes flickering with slight recognition at the whisper. But he said nothing as you and your shiny Hypno left the cave, having been spared from being his next victim.
As soon as both of you were gone, he stood up and headed back to his den, the ache in his heart growing with every step.
Inside, was an altar with candles and empty pokeballs placed around a picture frame--one that displayed a certain girl with braces and her cherished psychic-type Pokémon. In front of it, on a pillow, laid a single Slowpoke hair clip.
He kneeled in front of it, shakily taking the clip into his hands and holding it close to his chest.
And he finally shed the tears he thought he cried out in his younger years.
He missed her so much.
“[Y/n] is right..it wasn’t your fault...!”
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GX Rewatch: Ep 1-5 (Dub)
Before we get into it, I have to say that obviously this is spoilers for ep 1-5, but also the entirety of the show since I reference things that are foreshadowed in the first few episodes. you’ve been warned
k let’s go
Episode 1
how is Crowler not fired yet?
Crowler was nonbinary before it was cool (aka before season 3)
jaden says bastion is the second best duelist there (him being the best) but Zane is literally 50 feet away
“legendary rare monster” it’s $0.79 on Amazon. Cyber Dragon cost me more.
Zane doesn’t give two shits about Jaden’s ego. A piece of paper is worth more. Baby Zane was such an ass <3 /affectionate /icanfixhim
Alexis saying Jaden’s really good and Zane just turning and walking away. what an icon. girlboss. he’s already planning how to kick jaden’s ass.
Episode 2
not much to say here.
Jaden sticks up for colorblind people? sort of?
forgot how much of a prick Baby Chazz was
Alexis says that there’s no off-hours arena duels allowed and that Chazz should’ve told Jaden that— why didn’t she tell him when she got there?
jaden refusing to leave the duel arena is SO FUNNY, like he could literally get expelled and he’s just like nah cards
Episode 3
Syrus can’t read, canon
Crowler is the definition of right formula wrong answer
at least abuse your power properly smh
Alexis being obsessed with Jaden from the get-go is def because he acts exactly like Atticus
also: alexis doesn’t talk about Atticus until ep 5. you’d think there’d be some residual trauma since he disappeared at this school, but she doesn’t say shit
Episode 4
crowler stealing the rare cards and pulling a Clark Kent when everyone gets there is such a drama queen move, I see where Atticus learned it from
seriously crowler could have just left
also Jaden is canonically ripped, he pushed a truck up a hill
he also says something like “now I don’t need to go to the gym” which means DA canonically has a gym that JADEN goes to
Syrus praying to Slifer is so fucking funny oml
actually now that I think about it it would make a lot of sense for characters to actually worship Egyptian gods considering. y’know. they’re real.
probably not Syrus’s motivation but either way
Chumley trying to rig the exams by letting Jaden get his beauty rest
Bastion. everything about Bastion in this episode gives me life. I love him. He was the only one who stayed back to wake up Jaden and Syrus, which (though misguided, he didn’t do it for their sake) was really cute
Baby Bastion in general is just a vibe
Episode 5
really wacky when you realize Jaden’s scary story about hearing card voices isn’t just about his normal cards, it’s about Yubel too
“kids went missing from the abandoned dorm” oH gEe professor banner, whO kidnAppEd tHem?
Pharaoh is my homie
on the topic of the stories Syrus’s actually scared the shit out of me until he was flailing around in the water
Millenium items and all what the heck
oh yeah i forgot about the fake millennium puzzle
love how a guy canonically got a call from Crowler being like yo can you come scare the absolute fuck outta these actual children and he was like yea no problem that’s actually my favorite activity
lmao where’d this fuck get a fog machine
Crowler knows how to teleport?????
“Well alright if you insist” crowler I stg I need you to save some sass for the rest of us
“you could just say we’ve found a couple places where it’s not” JADEN YOU’RE SO FUNNY OMFG I forgot how silly Jaden is
“well that’s not very intelligent” marry me alexis
“why are you here” “I have my reasons, that’s why!” weird way to propose alexis but I accept
the reaction shot on Alexis’s reveal of her brother is the least dramatic in the show and yet it’s the one that makes me cringe the most
jaden, having just heard that some kid literally disappeared here, with actual evidence from Alexis: fuck that i’m not a pussy let’s go in
ATTICUS JUMPSCARE OH MY GOD was not prepared to see that
“That sounded like Alexis” syrus how many girls have you heard scream to know exactly what Alexis sounds like screaming
episode five and Jaden is already done with Villain of the Week tm
love jaden’s commitment to the catchphrase even though he’s seeing his first real threat
Jaden canonically pays enough attention in class to know about Archfiend effects, he’s truly not as dumb as people think
oh S3 Jaden totally got flashbacks to this duel during his battle with Bronn
“you flunked math, chumley.” “no, I got a 54” HELP THEY’RE EVERYTHING
“we got blackout curtains” weird way to propose but yes
the music in this series is epic as hell
“this is totally anti-lishus” chumley i miss you so much come back to us
okay spose this is TBC then
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arakawa-division · 8 months
Alexis's Thoughts on Katsushika Division
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Akihisa Mashiro
Alexis stares hard at the photo of the former hitman. A frown is on her face as she studies his photo, suspicious of him for reasons she doesn't know yet. After a long period of staring at the photo, she opens up her mouth to speak.
"...The CIA has a wide range of intel on people that attract their interests, or people they deem a suitable 'threat'. Our database is extensive and filled with information on all manner of individuals who have been spotted, either by our agents or our spy cameras which we have around the world. After hearing about this man whom has been dubbed as "The Reaper", we naturally added him as well. And for good reason: his list of known killings is on par with many others, such as: "Death's Flower", "The Shadow", etc."
"...I don't know why exactly, but I know a few years after the former president had been assassinated, this man was arrested by Chuohku, who had usurped power from the former Japanese government. As soon as word had reached America, the current president, Byron Douglas, demanded that Japan turn him over to us."
"...That is strange, indeed. Why exactly would our President Douglas be interested in a criminal from Jap...?"
The CIA agent stops speaking as if she suddenly realizes something. She stands up from her desk and rushes to a drawer filled with folders, no doubt containing important documents and other such things. Digging through the top drawer, she pulls out a folder, labeled 'Byron Douglas'. She pulls out a stack of papers, stapled together. Several minutes pass before her mouth opens in shock, as if she had just found a missing piece to a puzzle. She looks at the photo of the current president and then the photo of the current leader of DRB. She then falls backward in her seat, still in shock. After a minute, her expression changes as she grabs hold of Akihisa's photo, cold fury now shown on her face.
"You... I've found you at last..."
Touya Kisaragi
"Even in America, we've heard stories about the one known as the "Sweetheart Killer". When we heard that he had been captured, you can't imagine how relieved everyone must have felt. But you can also imagine our surprise when we found out that Japan's #1 serial killer was just a teenager. Naturally, we did some digging into the boy and... well, you can't help but feel some sort of sympathy for the child. ...Still, I know more than a few of the victims' families cried for him to receive the death penalty, no matter how old or young he was. ...I don't know whether to feel upset or relieved that Japan doesn't utilize our justice system."
Rintaro Himura
"Like the "Sweetheart Killer", stories of the one called "The High-Rise Bomber" were also shown throughout America. Truthfully, I find people like him to be deplorable and despicable. I've seen my share of arsons during my time and each one makes me sick to my stomach when I see the bodies that are left behind. You love fire so much you seek to spread onto others? How sickening. There isn't a cell deep and dark enough for people like him."
Death Row Block
"This team is full of naught but reprobates. I care not what their past or home life was like. You have my empathies, but anything besides that is no excuse. All the innocent lives you've taken and cut short... and for what? Because you seek to spread your pain and misery onto others. I don't know why Chuohku thought it was smart to let you three run free. ...But to be honest, I'm glad that they did. Because I'll take great care in fighting and punishing you three myself."
Alexis then looks at the photo of the leader of the trio, Akihisa Mashiro.
"...And to you, "Reaper", I promise you, you will pay for the deaths of my father and brother. Do not think of this as revenge. Revenge is naught but the wailings of a child over things lost. ...No, this is closure. Closure on a dark chapter of my life. And the final page will end with you answering for your crimes. ...I hope you are fully prepared. Because if not, you've only yourself to blame for what happens next."
Her speech finished, she prepares to leave the room... but not before sticking an army knife in the photo of the former hitman, a split now shown in the man's photo...
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castle-dominion · 1 year
I need to leave for work in 15 mins (by which I mean 30) but I can watch the first 5 mins of 5x1.
The audio cutting is interesting...
*intense scene about killing ppl* *wakes up after a sexy night*
"that part" lol He's so smiley! RC: So…You’re on—one board with this, right? It’s not some “Oh, I—I quit my job, I almost died, I’m in crisis” thing? Girl go back & say "I apologize, I would like to have my job back pls." RC: So what would you, um… *starts taking off her shirt* …like to do today? I like her hair
MARTHA The CLOSET? Martha totally would have heard them arguing. WE??? the way she blows her hair I love it.
Of course she is hungover! RC: Well, Alexis, as your father, I have to say that I am .. deeply disappointed in you, and yet oddly proud. Becks get out! Out! Out!
Poor ryan, he has no team but at least gates is helping. Oh yeah negatives! Ah the vice P's security detail meaning ryan doesn't even have people there who are not his usual team.
Yucky torture
At least he is apologizing or smth... Why would he be embarrassed about being seen with you? RC: And, call me selfish, but I want to keep what we have together to ourselves a bit longer. KB: Still, it wasn’t your finest hour. RC: No. RC, approaching: But maybe I could…make it up to you…somehow. KB: I suppose since we know that you’re mom’s not gonna be barging in, we could go for a round two. RC: Well, technically it would be a round four, but— *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* RC: She’s stalking us. She knows. KB: Who is it? KR: (O.S.) Beckett, it’s Ryan! KB: *relieved face* RC: Oh. KB: Hide. Quick, in the closet over there. RC: Yeah, I’m not getting in there. KB: Why? I hid in your closet, why can’t you hide in mine? RC: Why should I? KB: Becau… KR, still through the door: Beckett, is everything okay? ((because after all, she did just almost fall & quit her job & they're dealing with her shooter & she is not responding much & this could very well be a hostage situation where someone is telling you what to do & say)) KB: Fine! [Beckett turns back to Castle.] KB: Okay, maybe I’m not ready for anyone to know yet. Right now. RC: Come on, how’s he gonna know? KB: You’re here. Just like I was there. RC: Yes. Yes, the difference being, I have my pants on. ((XD)) Or…or are you embarrassed to be seen with me? KB: Okay. Fine. Just act normal. If that’s even possible for you. [Beckett heads for the door.] RC: It’s me. ((she has a woodstove)) [Beckett prepares to open the door and looks back at Castle to make sure he’s ready. Castle awkwardly tries to strike a casual pose. Beckett opens the door and Ryan enters without waiting to be invited. He has awesome hair. He stops short when he sees Castle.] KR: Hey, Castle. What are you doing here? RC: Oh, I was just walking by…the neighbor…hood. I only live twenty… [Castle thinks for a moment.] RC: uh h…what are you doing here?
Ryan is talking so low & soft (& deep)
Castle: I know him Ryan: *sonic dub eggman voice* what are you two fucking talking about
Holy crap I only just now got to the title card? I thought I made it all the way to the title card before work yesterday!
Course no name, he would not release info like that, it is dangerous
SHe can't go back again, she broke out! She made it! "we've done this before with less to go on" like when u didn't have a body RC: And I’m not so bad myself.
Castle KNOWS that watch? rly?
Heck yeah protests Ooh esposito moments! Oh no he's going to be vigilanteing Wait nvm he's at the army surplus store-- wait that's a recruiting place. I'mma join the protests. I hope esposito doesn't rejoin the military. Fuck the military. (what's in the backpack?)
Ah meeting A Guy.
Didn't use his signal light Lol nice glasses & car. First names <3 Who is Cass? Didn't esposito say just last season that he never got shot? He said it was hard enough for him but beckett got shot? or was it about ryan in the second 3xk episode? JE: Only if you get caught Grunkle Stan: If there are no cops around, anything's legal
Bro don't just wipe the drive, destroy it too. He's a cop, he knows how to destroy evidence
"friend of mine" "you need to help me"
Only 17! Wow
Legal team? Johanna beckett?
Ryan all frustrated Knows the name of officer Hoban
All this detectiving, love it
Course it was a burner lmao I love how ryan is using his desk & esposito's at the same time, he is wheeling between computers rolling between lol
She just broke down his door? she has a personal gun? (I can see that) NO MAN'S DEAD QUICK TAKE IT OUT OF THE FIRE if maddox only JUST was here putting the stuff in the fire, then he might still be nearby HE;S ALIVE
you're right she is not safe...
86? like when you have no more product to make a dish to sell? My chef brain lol. Could be like "86th street & xyz avenue" but he was too out-of-it to finsih his sentence
RC: No. smith is too smart to only keep one copy and in his apartment. He’s too careful for that. It’s…it’s a code, and the answer’s here somewhere. Sh'es right, y'all ought to run Yes, if there is a straw you SHOULD grasp.
Does he own the whole building? Firebox safe? Wow they already found it? lmao that was fast
Why didn't maddox find it first? he was here first
CM: Turn around. Hands behind your back. Why behind your back? I'd say hands up, visible, or on your head. After that, then I'd suggest turning so you are facing away from me/CM & then the hands were to be behind their backs
Steals her gun (like ryan?)
This is a floor safe? oh wait no that's why he's here he followed them! why doesn't he kill them?
Me, a fiddler, we carry zip nail clippers ok first of all that is a very loose zip tie also don't y'all know how to get out of zip ties/duck tape?
RC: If we got murdered right now, I’d feel so ripped off!
JE out of nowhere: Done what four years ago?
Nice, his name still is CM, cedric marks, cole maddox, perfect for me to type
How did u put a bolo out & have a uniform spot it & tell u? u'r on leave
Nice shoes & ankle gun lmao RC: Nice. What about for me? JE, surprised & angry: Oh, you mean an extra extra piece?
that is typically not how opening a safe works
He's still moving tho lmao they can't see him aim over his shoulder? (which,, u can't aim)
Espt grabbed becks out one way, now she's on the other side?
JE: ... He’s gone.
VG: So, let me see if I understand. As luck would have it, you three were in the neighborhood taking a walk?
VG: I am not interested, Mr. Castle, as you specialize in fiction.
Maddox is there because he was trying to kill beckett & then he was close to her when he died, duh
RC: Bad karma JE: *hits him*
Ryan KNOWS it is the file & is still keeping their secret!
Why would smith tell castle where the file is if it was just going to blow up?
*gives beckett a beer but not castle*
I love how they both draw their personal guns & castle grabs a weapon & I'mma clip this * then he just RECOILS & esposito doesn't put down his gun for the longest time
But also that gun is probably loaded & cocked with the safety off bc they expect it to be someone trying to kill them,, that's dangerous af & then adresses beckett not esposito
montgomery, lockwood, other names... I should do a puzzl e today also nice music
Yeah well I got ending balance <3
It's been five hours? Ages long
you still remember the password? They didn't change it? Nice dirty bomb episode callback
Dang this man is a politician?? lmao this is insane
KB: And then he realized that he couldn't charge mobsters because they wouldn't testify and then the cops would walk. KR: So instead, he decided to get in on the action. If they were collecting ransom from mob guys, he wanted a taste in the form of cash money orders.
It is SO late at night probably, why r they calling him? Let's say it was 5pm when they cracked out the beers & ryan arrived, so it is 10pm, not /that/ late ig...
Why did this cop let these two in?
How does he breathe out through his nose if he has a thing in it?
What favour did he do? not just murder becks. Not just the murder of your mom.
Good idea. Disappear.
Becks using her interrogation skills
How long have they had that phone call outside?
What kind of encouragement?
that was NOT dispatch babe
What if that was HIM disappearing, NOT him getting assassinated
I love the way we see her reflection in the TV
ofc they were disabled
Why does ryan have TWO teams? Someplace she'll be safe but b'y what abt your family
Wow interesting picture thing there,,, like murdoch's brain oof that picture switch was good
Aww she put him up in her bed
Nice sit straight upright with that musical sting or w/e it is
I did- I DO ryan's jacket gives him a good waist. espt's outfit is great too GOSH RYAN STEPPED INTO THE LIGHT & DANG HE PRETTY
ryan's badge number is 42344 for all u fanfic writers
Espt looks at castle as if he's the reason becks is going after him
thought that camera was a gun for a sec Hastings <3 But doesn't she know becks is on admin leave & also quit? Love love love the music
Ryan running thru with his badge
Monty really loved her
She slipped her phone in his pocket? no someone else's phone, a cheap burner or smth love his ring
Why is she revealing her location to him
He's right, probs shouldn't ring that bell but also what if ryan was just looking smth up? & becks has had an hour head start, if she wanted to kill him, she may have already done so unless she's planning on hiding the body well & destroying evidence
Your frigging arm, first names, & then he gives espt his phone bc he knows he doesn't trust himself with his phone or smth idk bro or he knows espt doesn't trust him
"ms beckett" ooh this is the private meeting with the donor lol WB: Never expect that from a politician
Is this story even true? I mean... yeah I can see that but did you do that?
I mean,, that may be true but u also killed a bunch of ppl & are killing more to cover it up? Oooooh that music, it was written backwards He's really good at this, he knows this, he really is a politician, he is good at talking. Hitler & trump & those guys might be way off the side but they were good at speaking
He's right tho, it is not about the power, & also didn't he just say if she had the file she wouldn't need him to say the truth?
She memorized it?
you don't know the details of smith's arrangement tho, don't say you want to make that your deal now!!! Or anyone I care about <3 (also good on her in this bluff) She's right... He really is intimidated...
Nah facial wounds heal well... I have a cut on my nose & it has been like maybe four to six & a half years & it is basically gone, I can barely see it even if I'm looking
btw her outfit is nice
Castle if she killed him u would have heard the shot
Was she putting a ring on just there?
the gift that keeps on giving
KB: I…I don’t know. VG, calmly: I don’t believe you. VG: You’re covering for someone, and I know who it is. But I don’t intend to dig up the past and tarnish Roy Montgomery’s reputation. The fact is, I…I admire your loyalty. I hope you feel that for me someday.
KB: Well, I have to serve out my suspension, same as Esposito. ((So true)) RC: What are you gonna do in the meantime? KB: Oh, I’m pretty sure I’ll think of something. *feels him up below the camera but the elevator doors are still open*
ok I am trying rly hard to get thru these eps in only an hour & a half or less bc I need to give back the DVDs too soon
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock nearly a decade ago with three known women: Michelle McGee, Brigitte Daguerre, and Melissa Smith. Serial love cheat Jesse James bedded at least 20 women behind his wife's back, leaving his seven year marriage to champion drag racer Alexis. One of the main reasons James and Bullock split was due to the former reality star's numerous cheating scandals. Yet, several other factors led. Jesse James is a scumbag. That's the consensus that was reached after the year-old with the imposing tattoos and greased-back hair. 9 Sandra Bullock had her heart broken just after she had lifted the Oscar in when it was revealed her husband Jesse James had cheated on her with a string of women. Want all the latest Showbiz news direct to your inbox? Share your email for news, gossip and more. But their love wasn't made to last forever as they went their separate ways five years later in Sandra, now 55, poured her heart out in her Oscar-winning speech to her husband, but shortly after it was revealed he had ruined their marriage with a series of flings. Days before his infidelity was made public, it was understood the Oscar-winning actress had moved out of their marital home. Later, two other women - stripper Melissa Smith and photographer Brigitte Daguerre - also claimed to have had romantic entanglements with Jesse during his marriage. In , Jesse defended cheating on the Hollywood bombshell as he said having marital affairs was "part of life". He told DailyMail. And that's end of story. Everything else was just…". At the time, the love rat said he come under fire from trolls on social media for sleeping around while he was married to the actress. He said: "The easy [put down] is like, 'oh well you cheated on Sandra Bullock'. That's the world's easiest comeback. Earlier this year, her ex Jesse's seven-year marriage to champion drag racer Alexis DeJoria fell apart. By Lily Waddell. Group Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later. Sign Up No thanks, close. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. More info. Show Me No thanks, close. See our Privacy Notice. Sandra Bullock was heartbroken when it was revealed her ex Jesse James was a serial love rat. It's been a 15 years since the exes were first happily married in July Follow Irish Mirror. Facebook Twitter. Showbiz all Most Read Most Recent Bridgerton Bridgerton's Nicola Coughlan stuns fans as she shows off amazing body transformation Star of Bridgerton and Derry Girls, Nicola Coughlan, joked she deserves a medal for her early wake-up call for an exercise routine. Graham Norton names worst guest he ever had on his chat show as he recounts 'chilling' experience. Graham Norton. Joe Duffy. Strictly fans distracted by Matt Goss' tight trousers that 'left nothing to imagination'. Strictly Come Dancing. BBC star 'fathered child with stripper' before dumping her before birth. Jake Roche Coleen Nolan's pop star son Jake Roche 'living off Universal Credit' in a garage Ex pop star and Emmerdale actor Jake Roche has dubbed himself a 'failure' after revealing that he is now living in his famous mum's garage and living off Universal Credit. Cruz Beckham working with Rita Ora's writer as he prepares to launch music career. Cruz Beckham. Teen Mom's Cory Wharton breaks down after seeing 4-month-old daughter on ventilator. Most Read Most Recent. Man stabbed to death at Kerry funeral as gardai launch investigation into horror incident. An Garda Siochana. Cost of Living. Supercharged jet stream to hurl violent weather at Ireland as Met Eireann issue unusual forecast. Met Eireann. Strictly Come Dancing Strictly's Tony Adams apologises for dropping Katya - after breaking Arsenal teammate's arm Strictly Come Dancing star Tony Adams made reference to an Arsenal incident as he apologised to professional dance partner Katya Jones after dropping her during rehearsals. Dancing on Ice. Irish Water gives update on safety of drinking tap water after people report 'unpleasant' smell and taste. Irish Water. Mikel Arteta handed price tag for Arsenal transfer target compared to Kylian Mbappe. Mikel Arteta. Emmerdale spoilers for next week: Devastating death, two affairs and a big return. Top Stories. 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splusgreys · 2 years
After school dice club plot
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create original or quoted scenes of dialogue.
They discover a German board game and realize their shared passion for games.Alison Viktorin is the English dub voice of Takashi in After School Dice Club, and Yo Taichi is the Japanese voice. Three students, Aya, Miki, and Midori go to a board game shop in Kyoto. The Dice Club!! Without thinking they try out a German board game together.After School Dice Club. One day after school Aya and Miki follow the committee president Midori to a speciality board games store. Miki is her shy classmate and her first friend. Aya is a high school girl who's just moved to a new town. The Dice Club!!A story about girls playing board games after school! Kyoto in Spring. Miki is her shy classmate, and her first friend. Aya is a high school girl who’s just moved to a new town. A story about girls playing board games after school! Kyoto in Spring. Miki, Aya, and Midori become friends, even if Miki still has some reservations.Afterschool Dice Club. This is a Cockroach! Error: please try again. Her classmate Aya seeks to change this, with the reluctant help of another classmate, Midori.
Miki, a high school student born and raised in Kyoto, knows very little about how to have fun. If that's the case, then please let me know and I'll try to fix it.Chances are that you played a tabletop game at least once in your lifetime, whether it’s between friends or family. It's actually quite impressive to see the range of games that appear - there are some medium-weight games as well as light kid's …The foundation of Houkago Saikoro Club (Afterschool Dice Club) is based on tabletop games in the form of card games, board games, and of course, dice games. After school one day, the committee chairwoman Midori takes them both to an analogue game specialty shop called "Saikoro Club" (Dice Club).In honour of the fact that the manga 放課後さいころ倶楽部 (Houkagou Saikoro Kurabu, or "After School Dice Club") is getting an anime adaptation soon, I thought I'd collect the list of games that appear in it (at least according to Japanese Wikipedia). Her first friend is her reserved classmate Miki. Aya moves and starts to attend an all-girls high school in Kyoto. Afterschool Dice Club: With Saki Miyashita, Miyu Tomita, Marika Kôno, Alexis Tipton.It was serialized in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Sunday from March 2013 to June 2021, with its chapters … It focuses on a group of teenage girls and their board game club.
After School Dice Club (Japanese: 放課後さいころ倶楽部, Hepburn: Hōkago Saikoro Kurabu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hirō Nakamichi.
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Episode 27
Syrus finding out Professor Banner is up to some shady things.
I’m sorry the runes that have a tomb in them? Where shadow games used to happen? Seto Kaiba I have some questions for you about your school.
I love how well Jaden knows his friends. Alexis tells him that these runes are where the shadow games took place and his first thought is sweet we can find clues about your brother!
“You get pizza and we get… whatever it is I’m holding!” Curse you dub writers!! That is Onigiri and it’s delicious. I won’t forgive this blasphemy.
Backpack Pharaoh!!! And so it begins
Not Pharaoh starting everything because he pawed at an ancient object. The most realistic thing here is a cat causing problems on purpose.
Jaden please listen to winged Kuriboh when he tells you to run
Jaden what do you mean you’ll lead the storm away?? Take cover. As much as I blame his friends in later seasons for making Jaden solve their problems he really does have a hero complex. The boy needs to learn to value himself.
Really duel spirit Winged Kuriboh!! I forgot we got this so early on. Jaden is so excited about being able to touch Winged Kuriboh.
The grave keepers??? Oh that has to be weird for AU Jaden who knows the tomb keepers.
Offta all of his friends are in coffins and he has 5 spears pointed at his throat.
“If it’s for my friends Tehran there is no doubt I’ll win.” “Buried alive? Then who will save my friends?” Jaden I love his selfless you are but please worry about yourself to.
“Good luck Jaden we are all rooting for you very very much” - banner. “Jaden!” - Syrus. “Come one Jaden save us.” - Chumley. While they are all tied up doing nothing. And so it begins. Jaden the savior. We shall sit back and not try to save ourselves and how Jaden wins a card game for our lives.
I do love Jaden mentally communicating with Winged Kuriboh.
Jaden why didn’t you attack? He only has a face down monster card on the field. Like you could have taken one monster out and then you wouldn’t have been attacked twice in the next turn. It would have only been once and bubble man would have blocked most of the damage.
Especially since this duel is real!
Au Jaden knows that this is so dangerous. He’s in the spirit world dueling with real damage with all his friends lives in the line
Way to give up on your student professor banner.
Episode 28
“Hey winged kuriboh you always have my back!” “He’s not a weakling he’s my very best friend.” Love the Kuriboh love
“I summon myself” ah our first duel against a duel spirit. It’s so wild how the person you’re fueling can just run over and attack you.
“Behold the power of the shadow game” Jaden falls to his knees “shadow games”
What a crazy moment for Au Jaden who grew up hearing of but never seeing or playing a shadow game. (Well he did earlier this season but still it’s a shock to the system every time.) He has to be freaking out. He knows how dangerous this is.
“You should have attacked faster.” I love that this implies that the monsters have control over how quickly the attacks land. (Which is the point she’s alive and doesn’t want Jaden to die.) but it’s funny hearing someone blame their monster. Plus Jaden’s “it’s not her fault you messed up!” Yes Jaden call him out
Jaden just got impaled and attacked by magic. He’s physically suffering. And he’s laughing. You maniac. He’s having a fun duel.
Way to find a loop hole Jaden. He can’t access card effects targeting the graveyard but not the monster effects of cards in the graveyard it’s also a great debut for Necroshade.
And to use the effect to get bladeedge out for the win.
The Chief is hurt after the match and Jaden was instantly concerned for him. Love Jaden complimenting all of them. I had a great time, you guys are great can I duel you again without my friends in a coffin?
Love Jaden getting half of a medallion and the foreshadowing of Atticus. (If only he won an on screen duel)
Not banner accidentally saying this was a test and no one buying his excuses.
Why does this school have so many entrances too the shadow games and spirit world? Seto I have some questions for you and so does Jaden. Like he’s feeling like a hero but also what is going on at this school?
Nlove Gravekeeper’s assailant protecting Jaden.
Syrus you weenie. You see a pretty girl that knows Jaden and “aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend.” Jaden - “get your own friends.” Thank you Jay. Syrus even had the nervous hand ringing going on.
I love that she has a crush on Atticus and Jaden recognizes it.
Winged Kuriboh leads the way to saftey. They can all see it. How does
Love that Jaden won’t leave Chunly behind!
Oh my goodness I forgot Des Koala spirit showed up. And to carry and injured Cumley to freedom!!! (Also Chumley yelling “I love running” as he’s being carried is such a real thing)
Question Alexis and Syrus just saw all these real duel spirits. They saw how they helped them. Why in later episode do they act like Jaden’s crazy for talking to his spirits? Specifically Syrus?
Yes the wake up outside of the ruins. But come on you know it wasn’t a dream, Jaden has the amulet.
Also I love the detail of Winged Kuriboh and Des Koala’s cards being out and next to their masters since their spirits were with them in the spirit world.
Episode 29
The shadow riders are here! It’s time for Nightshroud!
Love the reveal that he has the second half of the pendant right away.
Not Chazz roasting Jaden for being called to the principals office only to be called in as well.
And Crowler taking every opportunity to mock Jaden. And Jane turning it right back on Chazz!
Also why are the ‘best duelist’ at the school made up of 2 teachers (are there no other teachers, there should be more teachers) 1 senior and 4 freshman. Like at the 3rd and 2nd year classes just full of duds??
Jaden just found out about the Sacred Beast cards
“Our 7 best duelist!! Well really 5 best but I need 7.” Said directly to the Teachers!!!
Of course Jaden the first to grab one. (Followed by Zane, Bastion, Alexis, Chazz, a bragging Crowler, and Banner)
Love Alexis think Jaden is going to be a target because he’s a Slifer (she’s right)
Nightshroud does have a sick entrance, and a duel in a volcano
Of course Syrus and Chumley are bait again. At least Chumley offered to help.
Jaden- “it’s not my first shadow duel! I just hope this one doesn’t hurt”
Au Jaden is really debating calling in the professionals how freaked out do you think Au Jaden is by frighting Red eyes black dragon in a shadow duel? Like that is Uncle Joey’s card. It has always protected Jaden. He’s never been scared of Red Eyes until this moment.
But he’s also fueled against it a hundred times. So he knows what works and what doesn’t.
Except this guys has a deck built around Red Eyes. And he’s able to get over Jaden’s monster with a spell card to attack him directly. Jaden can feel the full power of Red eyes and it hurts. By the time the episode ends Jaden is struggling to stand and panting for breath. He’s really hurt
Also he’s what 14/15 and dueling for his friends lives and the world. No wonder he has anxiety by season 3
Also Alexis how have you not recognized those cards yet?
Episode 30
Okay Jaden finally gets a monster with equal points as Red eyes, takes it out and goes for direct damage with Burstintrix.
Jaden asking him why he’s not acting like he’s hurt is honestly funny.
Way to get extra cards in your hands Jaden.
Jaden refusing to lose even though he’s been hit again and is almost brought to his knees.
He gets a good hit in and finally get his moment to flinch in pain.
He’s got so many Red eyes cards.
4,500 is crazy in early Yugioh. Plus Red eyes eternally dark fire has such a sick design.
Everyone else recognizing something is wrong except Crowler is amazing.
Jaden just took two heavy hits and collapsed. Love Alexis offer to take over the duel and he gets her soul if she wins or loses. I love the attitude. But maybe actually do it rather than continue standing to the side while Jaden gets back up and keeps going.
Great win Jaden.
But home boy just passed out from damage.
Atticus is back!!
I was thinking about giving Alexis or Zane this duel but the trauma of Jaden having to stare down Red Eyes and fight for his life.
Also Joey’s reaction to Jaden telling them about how he fought a red eyes deck that tried to kill him. Maybe he missed his check in call because of the damage caused. When he finally does call home they can instantly tell he’s hurt and they are all freaking out. More shadow games?? What is this the fourth one?
Maybe Jaden’s been keeping them a secret until now as they were one off events but now he can’t hide them any more.
Or maybe he has told them but said he could handle it as they were one off events. Not they are definitely not. There are seven duelist coming for Jaden and his friends’s souls.
And how does Joey handle one of his favorite cars being responsible for the banged up condition Jaden is in.
Episode 31
Camula stop spying on peoples cards and why are you stalking the 17 year old.
Why are both teachers cowards?
I love seeing Crowler in action as a good guy.
Crowler how did you just figure out that the fuel was real.
“I won’t let you let you lay a finger on MY students. I am the leading professor at the most prestigious duel academy in the world and if you want to get to my pupils you’re going back o have to go through yours truely.” Yes!!! This is the Crowler I want barely able to stand and protecting his students until the end.
“If you want help with your strategy feel free to drop by my class.” We love the confidence.
I love that he’s getting his bit kicked and the kids want to step in but Crowler keeps telling them to stay out. He’s protecting them.
And when everyone else is doubting him Jaden arrives (being supported by Syrus). And he embodies Aunt Téa as he tells him he can win this. That he can come back and get his game on.
I believe this is the moment that Crowler starts to respect Jaden
Not Camula admitting to spying on everyone.
Crowler using his last moments to encourage his student. And then when he loses “avenge me Jaden my boy.” Like Zane right there but he doesn’t ask him because Crowler knows deep down who’s going to win this.
Oh doll crowler is way creepier than I remember. And Jaden becoming furious when she tries it to the browned only to be held back by Zane. Because he knows Jaden is still really hurt form dueling Atticus
What a great episode.
Episode 32
I love that Jaden is still healing, and Chazz holding the Crowler doll.
Chazz stepping up to duel in Jaden’s place because Jaden is still hurt.
Zane leaving to handle the problem. When Syrus chases after him he gives his little brother such a fond look. I like that you can tell just how much Zane cares for his brother even if he’s bad at showing it.
Chazz not only has the crowler doll with him but his obelisk uniform hung up ready to reclaim his place. You sentimental boy
Love Ojama yellow figuring out Crowler is alive in the doll
Chumley carrying Jaden!!! I love this boy
Zane just rushed his duel. And Syrus caught it. Amazing growth. But Zane didn’t misplay he had a back up planned. What a great way to show Syrus’s growth while also uplifting Zane’s duelist skills.
She’s going to sacrifice Syrus’s soul if she loses. I love how distraught Zane is about it. He could absolutely win but he won’t because his brother is more important to him than the world. What a Kaiba move of you Zane.
Syrus “Sacrifice me it’s okay?” Like I hate how little you think of yourself?
And after that impassioned bleach Zane tells him he loves him and stands down.
Doll Zane!!
Can I have season 1 Syrus in season 3??? Like give him some more confidence.
They also animated the kid having a panic attack that’s wild.
Jaden swearing to beat her when he can’t even stand.
Okay I get he’s determined to duel but like Chazz, Alexis, and Bastian are all in way better shape than he is. Why is he the one dueling? Like I get Zane was the best but pull your weight guys.
Episode 33
Um Seto you need to check in on your school. The head master is talking to the head to the shadow riders
I love Atticus waking up just enough to give Alexis an idea
Syrus and Chumley trying to make Banner carry his weight. (He is the only remaining adult) and Chazz and Bastion ready to roll.
Alexis what do you mean you brought the ‘Calvary’ that’s just Jaden and he should be resting!! I get that Jaden is the ‘only one with a shadow charm’ but please he’s on shaky legs.
Jaden starts out strong but Camila is already trying to sacrifice everyone. If that dumb shadow charm hadn’t kicked in they would all be dead.
Offta Jaden just had tempest turned against him. But he got it back pretty fast.
Chazz why is your professor in your pocket???
Jaden did you forget that she admitted to spying on y’all with her bats already?
Jaden you are barely hanging on. The Chazz even says it. “How did we let him do this?”
We just got some crazy vampire lore for the world of Yugioh!!! What?? I forgot all about this. She’s the last vampire in the world?? This is crazy.
Did she just accuse Jaden of Chesting because she didn’t see his card when she was cheating?
Also Jaden I love you. “I didn’t even sneak it in. I just figured since you were all about the shadows I should bring something light.”
She just got dusted!!!
Zane’s back and Crowler. He just appeared out of Chazz’s project.
Au Jaden has to be going through it. Because at first he had to make a decision. To call dad or to not call dad. He has told them about the one off duel with Jinzo (the first shadow game against a duel spirit) and the duel with Titan (the guy with a fake Millennium puzzle, it started as a fake shadow game but then became real)
And his family has been so worried each time he brought one up. That fake Millennium Puzzle really ticked them all off. He knows how worried they are.
And then he goes to another dimension and duels the tomb keepers and isn’t that weird, and earns his own half of a shadow charm. Does he call Yugi? This is his third Shadow game and this time it took him to a different realm. But his dad and his friends have already fought for the world. They don’t need to do it again. It’s Jaden’s turn to protect them.
On the next call with Yugi he doesnt tell him about the shadow game and the tomb keepers. Yugi notices the new necklace but Jaden just tells him he won it in a duel.
Later when Nightshroud and duels Jaden the duel is much the same. Jaden passes out from pain and exhaustion and sleeps for a few days.
In those few days he misses a call with Yugi. Yugi is trying not to panic. Jaden hasn’t missed a call yet but he can be forgetful. Maybe he got caught up in a duel and forgot to call. But as the days stretch on Yugi gets more and more worried. He doesn’t want to over react and go to the school, but it’s not like Jaden to ignore his messages. Seto looks up the attendance record. Jaden hasn’t been going to class, but he’s listed as clinic. Why is Jaden staying in the clinic????
They are in full freak out mode when Jaden finally calls them. Yugi answers the video call in a panic. Jaden is sitting up in a bed in the clinic and he’s obviously hurting. He looked exhausted and is slumped over and in obvious pain. Yugi freaks out “what happened!”
And Jaden can’t hide it. So he tells them about his duel with the tomb keepers that got him his pendant. The keys and the Sacred Beast. And the Shadow Riders. Jaden tells them about the duel with Nightshroud. How it was a shadow game. His 4th shadow game. (4 shadow games to many in Atem’s opinion) it’s been days and Jaden still hasn’t recovered. His hands are shaking on the call and his eyes are drooping as he fights sleep to talk to them.
Yugi’s ready to go. Normally he’s the one telling Seto and Arem to wait but that’s his baby boy trembling and barely able to sit up. But Jaden argues that they (he and his friends) can do this.
Seto asks the winning question “who is we?” When Jaden tells them it’s 4 1st years 1 3rd year and 2 Teachers Seto is ready to fire everyone at the school. Who put these children in charge of keeping the world safe? What adult did this? “Well be there in 2 hours”
“No! This is my fight. We can do this I promise.” -Jaden
“Jaden you can barely sit up. We’re coming.” - Seto
“It’s not just me. The others are great duelist. Look I promise I’ll call you if things start to get out of hand. But right now Trust me.” - Jaden
And Yugi hates it. Hates remembering being the kids responsible for saving the world, why is that his son’s job now? But he can see how much this means to Jaden. And arguing with him is just making the situation worse. He can see the strain and stress this is putting the boy under.
“Stop both of you.” He stops his husband and son from arguing. “Here’s how we are going to play this. Jaden the moment you feel you can’t handle it, even for a second, you call us. We will handle it. But until then Seto is going to send you a vital band.” They used them to monitor vitals of people when they do research of virtual worlds or dimensional traveling. “You are going to wear it the whole time. If you’re vitals ever drop passed what WE determine as safe, we are coming no arguments.”
Seto wants to keep arguing that they go now but he understands Yugi’s compromise. They had several long talks after Jaden’s first and second shadow game. About how unfair this was, how they wanted to protect him, but he was growing up. They couldn’t shield him forever. He was the son of the King of Games and Seto Kaiba, Nephew to Atem the pharaoh who defeated Zorc. His life was always going to be dangerous once people found out.
At least he was somewhere with at least 2 competent adults (ha they don’t know it’s Crowler and Banner) and several friends to help. He’s not alone (he’s going to do most of the work but they don’t know that now) and they can get to him in a matter of hours if need be. Jaden is strong. He’s hurt right now and that is being out every single one of Yugi’s dad instincts right now but he trust Jaden to know his limits.
“Thanks for believing in me Dad.” Jaden’s smile almost makes it worth it.
Either Jaden will handle this with his friends of Yugi will step in. They are keeping the plane on standby just in case.
Camula starts causing problems literally the next night. And as Jaden watches his teacher fall and he’s to week to stand he wonders if maybe he is in over his head. Then Zane goes down and he’s about to call home when Atticus wakes up and is like “no you need a shadow charm” and now Jaden knows he can’t call them. If he does then what happened to Dr. Crowler and Zane will happen to his family! No he can do this. He can win back his friends souls, save the world and keep his family safe.
After his duel with Camula Jaden does get a call from Yugi because his vitals were acting weird. Not the agreed upon low numbers but still weird enough to check in (Yugi is looking for excuses at this point to check in on his boy.) Jaden tells him about Camula (there’s no point in keeping secrets) and Yugi is stressed but he’s trying not to show it because he can see the anxiety rolling off of Jaden. Maybe it’s time to visit any ways…..
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Lied And Betrayed, Louisiana Students Were Taken To A Transphobic Church Event Rather Than A Career Fair
By Yvonne Kalpakis, Loyola University New Orleans Class of 2023
October 2, 2022
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What some students thought would be an educational and promising opportunity quickly turned sour and unconstitutional.  
According to the local newspaper The Advocate, more than 2,100 high school students from the East Baton Rouge Parish School System participated in the "Day of Hope" event on Tuesday[1].
Students claimed that when they got to the location, the Living Faith Christian Center, they discovered something very different from the career fair they believed they were attending[2]. They stated that although there were representatives from various universities at the event, the focus seemed to be somewhere else entirely[2].
Although the event was described as a “college and job expo,” numerous students and parents later claimed that it was more concerned with indoctrinating students into religion than it was with offering them any actual career guidance[1]. While transgender children allegedly faced discrimination and bullying that those in authority permitted to occur, sexist lectures allegedly were delivered after students were divided based on gender[1].“Boys were pushed to participate in ‘masculine’ activities, while females were encouraged to forgive men who rape and assault them,” according to a GoFundMe page for this legal action, which had raised over $10,000[2]. “Speakers exposed students to gory tales and suicide reenactments, which angered and distressed several students who had previously lost loved ones to suicide without providing them with any emotional support. Weeping students were discovered in the restroom[2].”
Mother and teacher of a transgender student who attended the event at Woodlawn High School Brittney Bryant posted on Facebook that she had been made to “suffer witnessing over 2,000 children's rights be abused” while serving as a chaperone at the traumatic event.[1] She added, “The girls were then led outside while the boys were led inside[1]. The theme for the boya was dubbed “real talk[1].” “No themes were spoken at first, but instead, a male-chauvinistic tournament with cash prizes for the winners got underway. then went on to compete for pushups in order to earn additional money[1]. They were encouraged and pumped up[1].”
Bryant continued by stating that it made her “sick to hear from students that there were transgender students who were mistreated,” adding that “other students dumped water on top of transgender students heads without any consequences by any of the adults there[1].”
Bryant expressed her “appall” at the incident and noted that, if she had ever ventured to “say anything about sexual orientation, religion, or political objectives in my classroom,” she would have been “placed on leave until investigation completion[1].” In a Facebook post, student Alexis Budyach also condemned the occasion, calling it a “terrible experience” that was misleadingly “not presented as a religious event, but rather a college fair[1].” Budyach wrote on Tuesday that “the majority of pupils chose to attend this field trip on the promise of free meals and the chance to skip class[1].” “The majority of pupils were traumatized by this incident in addition to being upset by it[1]. I went to this college expo because I want to start applying to universities soon, so when I saw what it was all about, I was let down[1].” Another parent, Bonnie Kersch, said “You prayed over my child, advised her to abstain from drugs and alcohol, discussed suicide with her, and advised her that if she is the victim of domestic abuse, she should forgive her abuser even if he is not remorseful[1].”
In a statement released on Wednesday, Letrece Griffin, the director of communications and family engagement for the East Baton Rouge Parish School System, justified the occasion[1].
In a Facebook post, the school district praised the occasion as an “excellent” chance for kids to “discuss the difficulties they face and to provide them with motivation and direction to strengthen their choices[1].” None of the accusations of sexism, transphobia, or religious indoctrination were addressed[1]. The event, according to Griffin, “was an elevation of a standard college and career fair by providing engaging activities with an educational purpose[1].” “We are looking forward to seeing what the more than 2,100 student participants will accomplish in the future using the tools and information from this event[1].”
In remarks made to ABC affiliate WBRZ on Wednesday, vice president of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board Dawn Chanet Collins said that the event's religious aspect may have rendered the school's sponsorship of it unconstitutional[1]. The fundraising website, “Fight Back Against 'Day of Hope' Trauma,” adds that lunch was conditional on completing voter registration forms and other election related materials were handed to kids[2] This is in violation of federal law[2]. Currently, a group named "Day of Nope" is looking to sue over the episode and is requesting participants to share their stories on a new website[2]. Collins commented, “There is a separation of church and state, and it appears that those lines may have been crossed[1].”
What should have been an inspirational occasion for these students has left them traumatized and
Yvonne Kalpakis is a fourth-year undergraduate student at Loyola University New Orleans studying to earn a degree in Criminology and Justice with a minor in Forensic Science. She hopes to pursue a career in CSI work after graduation.
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dogcircle-scans · 2 years
Thoughts on the dub?
Honestly? Better than I expected. I tried to temper my expectations—not because I hate dubs or have zero faith in them, but because I feel the voice acting in NatsuYuu is critical in making the emotional bits land. And it's not so much as replicating the voice actors as it is just doing a natural-sounding delivery.
I think overall, the dub did a good job at achieving that. There were several moments when it felt stiff or heavy handed, but the voice acting sounded natural when it needed to be, so I can appreciate that.
Christopher Wehkamp's Nyanko-sensei or Master Kitty Cat as the dub seems to be calling him was my favorite performance. I can tell Wehkamp had fun voicing him, and the role really showcases his range.
The weakest performance from the episode, I think, was by Jennifer AuBuchon as Touko. I feel bad saying that because I've been told she was very excited about the role! So I'm rooting for her to get better as time passes since it's not the sound of her voice that's not working for me.
Alexis Tipton did wonderfully as Reiko so I'm excited to hear more of her during future episodes.
As for Adam Gibbs as Natsume... I was honestly really worried about his performance! After the dub was announced I hunted down clips of his other roles to give me an idea of what he could sound like as my dearest boy, and the clips I heard sounded pretty stiff,,, His voice was a lot lower than I had expected for Natsume, but he had this like whisper-ish quality which I thought was reminiscent of how Natsume sounded in the Japanese. I suspect that's one reason why he might've gotten cast. At the time, I remember thinking, "oh god I hope the ADR director pulls through," but Gibbs' Natsume sounded natural for the most part, so I'd say she did! Thank you Jad Saxton.
And shoutout to Alexis Tipton, who did a wonderful job as Reiko. I'm looking forward to hearing more of her during future episodes.
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