#The japanese ones are probably his favourites but he's got a few others he likes too
cxpperhead · 9 months
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While he wouldn't exactly call himself a collector, Copperhead has amassed quite a few teacups and is always looking for interesting additions to add to his hoard. Some of them were pilfered from his earliest victims as trophies of sorts but decided against continuing to steal them in the event that authorities would catch him someday and manage to link these missing cups to as of yet unsolved cases.
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Can you write how Geo would deal with a mc that is always sick? (Totally not cause I'm sick too)
My Remedy for your Malady. (All x Sick! MC/Reader)
Anon. First and foremost, I made you wait 5 1/2 days. I am truly, wholly sorry for this *humbly bows*. (▰︶︹︺▰)
Secondly, I decided that I'm gonna do this for all 7 of our characters, because Jess, Brit and Deryl deserve more attention. I hope you may forgive me for my lateness, and enjoy this fic nonetheless (btw get well soon if you're not already <33).
Also I know that Jess especially is shorter (literally teehee) than the others, but I'm gonna get the hang of her eventually. Same with Deryl. >:]
ALSO, you're in an established relationship with them, so that's why they have (very legal) access to your residence!
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Remedy: a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
Malady: a disease or ailment.
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Geo was concerned when he found out you were ill.
When you didn't show up to school for the last few days, he texted you to find out why; to which you bluntly told him you felt like utter shit.
He doesn't pick up on the fact you're sick until you straight-up tell him.
Depending on what type of sick you are, he'll get the appropriate medicines/remedies and speed his way towards your home, hell, he might even skip archery, and he *never* skips archery.
Would rock up with food he knows shouldn't cause any problems or nausea for you and will probably make soup.
And you better fucking eat it.
He will feed it to you (reluctantly, but if you seriously can't do it yourself, then he'll manage).
Will ask you how the hell you fell ill anyway, and depending on your answer, he'll be either: Pissed (if you caught it from someone else), Or exasperated (if you stopped taking care of yourself or didn't equip yourself well enough to deal with the weather).
Will take care of you either way.
Will read to you in Japanese to help you sleep.
Will try to not lie near you if possible, unless absolutely needed. He does not plan on catching shit.
Will remain at your residence until you recover; unless he has classes that are either critically important and/or ones you're also in.
Will lend you his notes.
Will also take them back after a few days.
Will also just probably talk to you while you're bedridden, unless you cannot, in which case he'll simply watch you sleep, occasionally stroking your head and hair to try and comfort you.
He's trying his best, okay?
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Sol will freak when he finds out you're sick.
Doesn't care what he's got on next, he's gonna go take care of you.
Will probably feel bad for not telling Hyugo anything about suddenly vanishing
, but he'll understand right?
Will spawn outside your home with: - Medicine, - Your favourite comfort food (if you can eat it without the fear of vomiting), - Probably will bring poetry and art with him, so you both have something to do (that's not him) when you're bedridden.
Will try and hold you if possible, doesn't mind if he gets your blessed germs on him.
You'll have to tell him that you'd worry for him if he fell ill, so he'll respect that.
But he will feed you. You don't have a say in that.
You're being babied now.
He's gonna make sure everything you want (and can have when sick), you'll have.
Is honestly okay with not going to any class, he'll just ask Hyugo for notes if he hasn't been MIAing.
Covers you in blankets if you've got a cold.
If you have a fever? Ice cream. >:]
Essentially tries to uplift your mood as much as humanely possible.
This guy will do anything for you. <33
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Crowe will ensure that when he arrives at your home, you'll have everything you'll need.
Will cook your favourite food.
Will make you eat soup and light foods that are easy on the stomach.
Won't touch you, he doesn't want to fall ill, but will read to you.
He's got a soothing voice I just know it.
And he's 110% going to put you in a coma from how tired you feel when his voice hits just right.
Or maybe you're just fatigued because of your body waging a war against god-knows what kind of virus.
Will make you all forms of beverages to suit your illness, will also go out of his way to purchase any, after all, he's got the funding.
Will still go to classes, and takes extensive notes for you.
Will also tutor you the content if you're up for it.
Will stroke your hair if it's not sweaty, as a form of comfort.
Will make you feel as loved as possible.
Because that's what you deserve.
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Brittney will be appalled.
How did you get sick? More importantly...who got you sick?
She's gonna yell at them.
Or fight them.
Maybe both.
Will buy a bunch of goodies for the both of you.
She can't cook for shit, so she'll just get takeout as food and order a fuckton of cough drops and Panadol.
You're both gonna be painting each others' nails.
And spilling gossip. Oh my god, she always had gossip.
Will give you notes to subjects that are majors, or ones you share.
Other than that can't offer much.
Will sit away from you to not get sick, but she'll 110% be supporting you emotionally.
Will probably give you a massage when you get better.
Idk she gives the vibe that she would.
Is the most aggressively supportive girlfriend ever.
She only wants you to recover ASAP, and to feel as content as someone who's sick can be. <333
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Jess will be focused solely on you recovering as swiftly as humanely possible.
Is upset when she finds out you're fallen ill.
She'll drive to her home, grab the best shit she has and drives to your home.
Stays with you for days on end.
You've become her priority now, after all.
Jess is a very devoted (and lonely) girl, what can I say.
Will try and comfort you via reading to you, or listening to you talk about literally anything.
She just loves your company and you. Poor girl's been neglected her whole life.
She'll try her hardest to take care of you, and she does a very good job. (Ask Brittney teehee)
You're more than glad to have her.
And she to have you.
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Hyugo will be astounded.
You? Got sick?
Did someone make you sick???? (if so teehee someone's getting food poisoning~)
He's at your home, with everything.
Literally everything.
Blankets, movies, games, medicine, puns, your favourite food and whatever else he deems necessary.
Will hug you if you're not aggressively sneezing/coughing.
Will watch movies with you on the couch with you lying on his plush fucking thighs.
Says the most stupid shit in Japanese (such as teaching you how to hide a body) and making it sound like flirting.
Tells you jokes and puns to make you feel better, until you laugh too hard that is and almost die.
Will make food for you.
Will ramble on about random shit to you, or listen to you talk (if you can).
Literally just seeing you content is more than enough for him.
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Deryl will be SHOOKETH.
He will sprint to your fucking house. He doesn't care.
You're his only priority now.
Will magically appear at your home, and immediately hugs you.
You can be fucking dying, he doesn't care.
You're getting squashed.
Will be asking if you're okay 24/7
Until he realises he forgot to bring food.
Then he runs to get it, along with tablets, Panadol, all that jazz.
Like RUNS.
Then he gets tired, so by the time he gets to the store, gets the food (and the 'goods'), he's gonna just call a fucking cab and crash at your place. (he forgot takeout existed lol)
He doesn't mind, and frankly, neither do you. The food and snacks was awesome (well, what you could eat anyway).
Will try his absolute best to take care of you, but often gets carried away with his energy. Often talks and rambles to you while you happily lay in bed next to him and listen.
Will call Geo or Jess for how to make a warm soup to feed you.
Then it becomes 'we've got Masterchefs at home'.
Shit goes crazy when Deryl's around tbh.
And you're more than happy to enjoy the ride (in more ways than one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).
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privwrites · 10 months
Geto's Golden Girl
Suguru Geto x female Reader x Gojo being Gojo
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summary: You're Suguru Getos best and favourite student. He sends you on a new mission, and technically there's nothing that could go wrong. That is until you meet a former friend of your Sensei, who is all to eagier to get to know everything about you and your connection to Geto...
wordcount: around 4300
authors notes:
• not many spoilers really, but you should know what happens to Geto at the end of the jjk movie
• fanfiction takes place in an AU in which Geto will NEVER die (I'm still traumatised). Let's just say Gojo didn't have the heart to actually kill Geto at the end of jjk 0. Instead he left him severely wounded and walked away. That was your chance to save Geto and bring him home.
• English isn't my first language, so I might mix up some JJK terms.
tw: age gap (it's not a fanfic of mine if it doesn't have an age gap haha sorry), student x sensei/mentor/kinda father figure dynamic, violence, fight scenes, emotional rollercoaster, mentions of death, mentions of manipulation and kidnapping, humour, angst, fluff
Beta read by no one, I need female anime friends <3
backstory: You're one of Geto Sugurus scholars. Years ago he had rescued you from the humans of your village. You were able to see things they didn't, so they tried to exorcise you. You would've been dead if it hadn't been for Geto. Back then you were eight years old. Ever since then you lived with the sorcerer. He became your personal mentor, since he saw great potential in you and your cursed energy. The other two girls he rescued, Mimiko and Nanako Hasaba, were a few years younger than you. You viewed them as your sisters, but they never got as much attention and training from Geto like you did.
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You were on your way home when you felt the first raindrop on your cheek. Looking up, the sky was gray, framed by orange-brown leaves on the trees lining the pavement. Autumn had finally arrived in Japan, and you felt relieved to bid farewell to this summer's heatwave. More raindrops fell, splashing on your dark blue jacket. Sighing, you opened your umbrella—this morning, the sky had been sunny and blue. Luckily, you always came prepared. The first humans hastened towards the stores, seeking shelter from the rain, hands raised over their heads. The sound of rain grew louder, amplified by the cars navigating the wet streets. You never particularly hated humans, but you didn't find them very interesting either. They simply coexisted with your world of Jujutsus and cursed energy. You didn't even resent the people in the village where you grew up. Hatred was a weighty emotion, and you enjoyed living an anger-free life. Eventually, your mentor Geto had accepted your relaxed attitude towards humans. Although you were probably the only one in his community that he allowed to have such a different opinion compared to his. You had always liked to talk back and had Geto questioning his will to actually teach and raise you a million times. But your were the strongest sorcerer your age, which was a big bonus point for you.
It was still raining when you reached home. The huge traditionally japanese mansion had space for your bedroom, Mimiko and Nanakos room and Geto's private chambers. Besides that there were many taijutsu practice rooms and guest rooms. Walking through the inner courtyard connecting various rooms via a small garden, the clacking sound of the Shishi Odoshi echoed across the space. Placing your umbrella on the wooden engawa, you removed your shoes and slid open the door to your room. Inside it was warm and cozy. The sound of the rain became quieter. You changed from your outdoor attire into comfortable indoor clothes and settled onto your futon. it didn't ake you long to feel tired. Sleep always came easily to you; you had a substantial need for it. The relaxing pitter-patter of the rain accompanied you into your dreams.
It didn't take Suguru Geto long to notice your return home. There was nothing in his house that the great sorcerer didn't know about, and the sight of the dark blue umbrella on your engawa was all too familiar. "Always prepared," he thought to himself. Geto was aware that you were likely asleep, as it was often the case on your days off. Despite it being only afternoon, your cursed technique of controlling all four elements of nature could be draining, requiring ample rest. Today it seemed like you just did a simple stroll through town, but even then, your cursed energy was always present. So the sorcerer waited another two hours before he sent Mimiko to wake you.
He had plans for you. He always had.
Geto could hear your footsteps long before you entered what could be described as his living room. You closed the sliding door behind you. Outside, it was still raining. Geto's gaze fixated on you instantly. The light blue Japanese kimono wrapped your figure elegantly, and your shiny hair framed your delicate face. "You called for me, Sensei?" you asked in your typically soft voice. "Yes, my dear. Sit down, please." You settled onto the tatami mat, your movements fluent and elegant. "So much like me," he thought, observing you. "I have a mission for you, y/n. There's an abandoned mall outside of Tokyo. From what my informant said, there's a cursed spirit that is powerful enough to be of great value for us." As he spoke, he turned on the andon lamp on the flat table between you two. It was already getting dark outside. You rolled your eyes. "Let me guess – you want me to bring it to you?" The sorcerer in front of you had an amused smile on his lips, his dark eyes holding a certain allure. You were different from the rest of his followers - while they would agree unquestioningly, you always dared to contradict or doubt him. And Geto allowed it- every time. "Precisely," he continued. "I can't get it myself; I'll be occupied. And I only trust you to get this done. I know you won't disappoint me." He was right. You wouldn't. If you followed his orders, you did it to his satisfaction - every time.
"I need more details, Sensei. When should I go? Where exactly is it? Should I bring Mimiko and Nanako? They could use another training session." Geto grinned at your numerous questions. You had a love for details and disliked not knowing everything about a mission. Geto ran his large hand through his raven-dark hair, a few strands falling onto his forehead. "You will go alone. Tomorrow afternoon. One of my drivers will bring you there. Capture it in the evening and come back during the night. We can't risk being seen." The golden light of the lantern flickered in your eyes. "We?" you mocked, "You won't even be there!" Geto sighed. "You couldn't let that slide, could you, y/n?" - "No chance," you answered, now grinning too. "Alright, I will take care of your cursed spirit for you. May it help you with whatever devilish plan you're coming up with next," you said, rising to leave.  Geto observed you in silence until you were almost out the door. "When did I tell you that you are dismissed already, y/n?" he asked sharply. "Oh," you retorted, wearing a hypocritically thoughtful expression, "never." You grinned and left, leaving behind your sweet scent that lingered in the air—Geto took a deep breath. Blackcurrant lychee, the same perfume he had bought you years ago.
The mall to which Geto had sent you had been abandoned for quite a while. As you approached it, the deserted structure loomed ominously in the night, its once vibrant exterior now a faded, dreary facade against the relentless rain. The stench of dampness lingered in the air, mixing with the earthy scent of decay. The stars and the moon were shrouded in clouds, and it was raining again. Closed to the public, the mall occasionally attracted adventurous teenagers, some of whom mysteriously vanished. "Stupid mission", you grumbled to yourself, yearning for the comfort of your bed and a good book.  You swore to yourself to complain to Geto once you were back. Fucking idiot for not getting his cursed spirits by himself. But since you had decided to stay out of his other mad plans as much as possible, tasks like this one were becoming more regular for you. Finding the entrance, cordoned off with barrier tape, didn't take long. Stepping inside, a familiar tingle coursed through your stomach— the cursed spirit wasn't far. All you had to do was to follow your gut feeling. Meanwhile, you carefully looked around the mall. Smaller raindrops were dripping into bigger puddles on the ground, and many store entrances were barricaded. The eeriest thing was the flickering of some of the store neon lights. Why did they still have power? Your steps echoed on the wet floor. Maybe it was the cursed energy in the mall that made some of the lights flicker. Sneaking your way into the building, you could feel the energy of the curse grew stronger. Carefully you took out your sealing box. Capturing a curse with it was pretty easy for you. Also because Geto made your practice it a million times when you were younger. He used to have this annoying little spirit that always jumped around laughing and was incredibly hard to catch. Thinking about it made you grin-but this was neither the right place nor the right time for that. Besides, you were still a little annoyed with Geto for sending you here.
Suddenly, a strange, eerie mumbling echoed through the mall. That had to be the cursed spirit! "Of cou-course I can check the ware-warehouse for the item, which is obviously already sold out." You chuckled. Sometimes, the spirits last words were quite comical. Following the echoing sounds, you traced the spirit to a secluded corner of the mall. It was a grotesque manifestation, its malformed figure adorned with bones protruding from its mouth. Its skin bore a sickly hue of purple-turquoise, marred by blisters. Despite its repulsive appearance, you sensed its huge strength, yet nothing beyond your capabilities. The cursed spirit let out a squeak upon sighting you. "Better get this done quickly", you thought to yourself. Your power of controling the elements (fire, water, earth, air) made it easy for you to capture the curse inside the sealingbox after a short fight. Once the curse was sealed, you left the corner of the mall as quickly as possible, mainly to escape the stench of the curse still lingering in the air.
You got back to the main hall and were about to take out your cell phone to text Geto's driver-when something suddenly made you pause. The main hall of the shopping mall stretched around the corner about 30 meters in front of you. You hadn't been in this area before. And suddenly you could feel something - cursed energy? But the curse was sealed in the box in your hand, wasn't it!? The energy grew stronger. Very strong. You immediately got into a fighting stance. Whatever was so strong wouldn't let you escape anyways. Footsteps—long, deliberate—echoed in the flickering neon-lit corridor. Your heart raced with apprehension. What the hell was going on!? A figure emerged from around the corner, and you froze. A man, tall and adorned in dark, sophisticated attire, stood a few meters in front of you. He was wearing simple sunglasses, but despite that, you could see how handsome he was. His blue eyes seemed to shine through his sunglasses, and white hair framed his face. Recognition dawned on you. You had heard much about him but never encountered him in person. "Fuck," you muttered, stepping back a few paces in defense. What was HE doing here!?
"'Fuck?' the man asked, scratching the back of his head thoughtfully as if contemplating what you just said. You observed him anxiously. Suddenly, his expression brightened. "Fuck? Yeah, that probably is what most women first think when they look at me!" You opened your mouth and closed it again, unable to bring out any answer. Geto had told you alot about his old friend, including that he was quite full of himself, but it seemed that you only just now understood what he really meant. It took you a few moments to compose yourself. "That's not—what I meant!", you finally defended yourself, holding the sealing box behind you defensively, anticipating any attacks from him. "Meant what? Fuck? I'm sorry love, but that's not why I'm here." He casually slipped his hands into his pockets, grinning carefreely. And you? You couldn't believe it. You had never encountered a more unserious man, that was certain! And he was Geto's best friend? The contrast couldn't be more stark between the two. "You know, I'm actually here to get to know someone. I'm looking for a girl, around (your/age) years old, (your/haircolor) hair, and with a quite good curse technique", he explained. It was obvious that he was searching for you for some reason. However, the sorcerer seemed to enjoy to tease you. But you weren't having it. "Seems like you found her then", you answered grim. "Excelent! You know, I do really hate searching!" He looked genuinely happy about it, "I heard a lot about you, my dear." You swallowed. You couldn't trust him at all. Of course he was stronger than you and whatever reason brought him here, couldn't mean anything good for you.
"What would Satoru Gojo want from me?", you asked sharply, watching his every move. "Oh, you know my name already, perfect!" The urge to wipe that stupid smile off his face grew stronger inside you. "Anyways, Miss (your/lastname), here's my brilliant plan: you're gonna give me the cursed-spirit that you captured so well. And then I will kidnap you too. Agree?" He made his plan sound like it was the best thing in the world. "What- no!", you spat out, "why would I do that?!" Gojo Satoru scratched his neck again. "Because the other option would be for you to fight me. In that case, you would obviously loose. And I personally just hate fighting a pretty woman!" His dumb comments started to trigger you, prompting you to shoot a small fire ball into his direction. You'd never surrender without a fight! "Oops!", Gojo squeaked in surprise, taking a step aside. The fireball left a hole in the old storefront of a former restaurant behind him, igniting it. He watched it burn and sighed. 'That store used to have really good Kikufuku, you know?" - „I do not care!", you shouted. Gojo was incredibly irritating. „Well", he continued, „I should've known Getos golden girl won't submit to me that easily." You raised an eyebrow. "Geto's golden girl?" - "Exactly", he said, "you are his best and favourite student after all, right? That's why I'm here, y/n." You wanted to say something sassy back, but you couldn't even deny the 'best and favourite' part. Instead a new fireball started to form in your hand. You shot it towards him- faster this time, but the tall man easily dodged it. It seemed as though Gojo was enjoying your attacks.
If only you would have enough time to flee with the captured spirit! Instead Gojo continued his unbothered talking. "You were also the one to save Geto after I defeated him, right? He must mean quite alot to you. And honestly- I can't even blame you! He is incredibly smart and hot!" - "I don't need your opinion!", you shouted, sending a wave of air in his direction. Any other opponent would have been smashed against the wall, but not Gojo. He stumbled back a few steps. "Wow! You really are talented! I understand what Geto sees in you! I'm glad he didn't lose his taste after all!" - "That's none of your business either!" Did this guy ever shut up!? "Actually, it is. Geto is my best friend as much as he is my enemy. And therefore his plans concern me. And so do his students that he manipulated into staying with him." A contemptuous sound escaped you. "I enjoy my life and freedom with Geto, and so do the others!" Gojo nodded. „I knew you'd say that. In that case, show me what you got, dear! For you, I'll take off my sunglasses. Strong fighters deserve to face me without them." He put his glasses away and his blue eyes seemed to stare into your soul. There was no escaping him. You couldn't defeat him. But you never surrendered either. And strangely enough, something within you sparked a sudden surge of fighting spirit. This was your mission for Geto! You always promised and delivered for your sensei, and you wouldn't stop just because blue-eyes decided to show up! „Fine, I'd rather die than hand over the curse or even myself!" You utilized your power over air to elevate yourself off the ground, hovering a few meters above it. In your hand, a flame grew, intensifying with each passing second. Fire was your strongest skill—essential for this battle. "This could've been much easier", Gojo sighed. Before you could answer, you were struck by a punch, hurling you through the air. How was he so fast? Luckily, your air-skills saved you. You threw the fireball back, and within seconds you and Gojo were engrossed in a fight. In the meantime, he kept shouting comments at you about your cursed techniques. "Aim a little further to the right!", "Yeah, you got me there!" , That was better!" - You couldn't answer his comments.  He grew stronger with each passing moment, and soon, you found yourself crashing into walls and barraged with waves of cursed energy. You stood no chance.
So, you did the last thing you could do: you secretly did a special cursed technique, anchoring the sealing box itself firmly into the ground. Geto had taught you this particular technique. It was designed in a way that only a person of your choosing could effortlessly retrieve the box from the ground- Geto in your case. It was an impossibility for anyone else since the technique was intrinsically linked to the Sorcerer's life—yours. Then all your strength left you in exhaustion. Gojo immediately pulled you toward him, your back pressed against his, his arm against your throat. "I haven't encountered such an intriguing opponent in a while", his breath brushed against your neck, "Unfortunately, you don't stand a chance against me. I will now take you and the imprisoned curse with me. But mark my words—you will grow incredibly strong one day." - "You're... not... my sensei!' you managed to utter, straining to speak with whatever breath remained in your lungs.
"That's right, but I am!" an all too familiar soft but serious voice interjected, "and now, Gojo, my old friend, could you please release my y/n? She hates being restrained like that." - „Geto!", you shouted. In the neon light, a few meters in front of you, stood your sensei. He was clad in a dark kimono, his eyes glaring sharply at Gojo behind you. The light reflected his beautiful face. „Geto, finally! It's delighting to see you!", Gojo exclaimed enthusiastically, "I knew you'd show up eventually. You can't leave your dear y/n alone after your sources have told you that I'm here too, I understand that!" - "Release her, Gojo, now!" Your sensei's expression was more determined than ever. An intense tension crackled between the two powerful men, their presence adding to the charged atmosphere. "Gladly, Geto," Gojo replied, "but I just realized you'll have to release the cursed anchor of the sealing box in the ground. Apart from y/n, only you can open it. Nice technique you taught her, by the way." For a plit second, Geto glanced at you with pride. The anchor technique was incredibly challenging to master. "The alternative is for me to kill your student, Geto," Gojo's voice turned dangerously serious. "Geto, you need that curse! Take it and leave!" you shouted. Getos gaze met yours, and his facial expression softened immediately. "Leave you?" he asked, then turned to Gojo, "I'd sooner give up everything I've achieved in my life than to leave y/n. If you want the curse that badly, Gojo, I'll hand it over!" You stared at Geto in disbelief. You knew how much your sensei had sacrificed to reach his current position—it meant everything to him! "Geto—" you managed to say, "no...!" He looked at you, a faint smile on his lips. "It's alright, y/n. I've made my decision."
Suddenly, Gojo's grip around your neck eased, and you broke free, almost tumbling to the ground before Geto swiftly caught and supported you. Clinging to the fabric of his soft kimono, you caught the familiar scent of cedarwood. "Shh, it's alright", Geto reassured, his hand gently stroking your hair. A chuckle from Gojo drew your gaze upward. "So, there's still good in you, old friend", Gojo spoke surprsingly soft. "I'm sorry I had to put you both in this situation, but I needed to make sure Geto hadn't lost his old self. I needed to know if he still cared for those around him." Your eyes widened in realization. What the hell? „You didn't come here of your own accord, isn't that right, Gojo?", Geto asked him, "the council of Jujutsu sorcerers sent you."  You looked questioningly at Geto, whose gaze was fixed on Gojo. Geto continued: "Someone told the council that I would look for the curse in the old mall. So they sent you to defeat me for good." Gojo nodded. „You have a sharp mind as always, Geto. I was instructed to end your life here, in this very mall." Realization struck you: "So the council thought Geto would show up, and instead you met me! But how did you know about me anyways? You couldn't know Geto wasn't here!", you exclaimed. "You're not entirely wrong, y/n," Gojo replied. "The council had no clue that Geto sent you. But given that Geto is my best friend, I'm usually well-informed about his actions. Thus, I assumed that for a mission like this, his top student—namely you—would likely handle it. Even though Geto couldn't have known I was waiting here for you instead."
You nodded in understanding, but suddenly, Geto's hold around you tightened. "Does the council of Jujucists know that y/n is here too, Gojo?" he asked tensely, surprising you. Geto appeared nervous. "No, they're unaware," Gojo replied. "I didn't inform the council of my suspicion of meeting y/n here instead of you. That way, I could test you, Geto, by forcing you to choose between your goals and your heart", and looking at you he said: "I would've never killed you, y/n. Because that would have meant I'd have had to fight an incredibly enraged Geto - and then I might have ended up losing after all." You shook your head. "You're completely insane, Gojo Satoru." Gojo winked at you. "Well I care about my best friend's loved ones." You rose to your feet slowly, and Geto was there, lending his support as you straightened up. You brushed the dust from the earlier fight off your clothes, then looked at two special grade jujutsu sorcerers. "And what happens next? What will you tell the council, Gojo?" - "That's a smart question, y/n. And our next problem. I could never kill Geto, but even if I didn't, the council would, if I captured him instead of killing him. You grabbed Getos arm immediately. "That's not an option!", you stated. "I know, dear. But the councils has spies anywhere, so they definitely know that I've met Geto here in the mall. And by now, they probably know about you y/n too. The only solution is for you two to leave this place immediately. Hide from the council until they  give up searching for you", Gojo said, seemingly unhappy with the situation.
Geto took a step infront of you. "I won't drag y/n into fleeing and hiding from the council with me! It's dangerous and only I am responsible for my current situation!" His voices conveyed a deep seriousness. Gojo nodded understandably. "Then I'll take y/n with me, back to Tokyo Jujutsu High School. I'll tell the council that you manipulated y/n and that she's entirely innocent. And that I didn't have the physical strength to defeat you, but instead freeded y/n. This way, she can stay safe until the council stops their hunt for you." Geto nodded immediately in agreement, whilst your eyes widenend. "No!", you shouted, "I'll stay with Geto! I don't care if they chase us!" Gojo looked at you with pity. Suddenly you all heard a noise from the other side of the mall. "Geto, you need to leave! Someone's coming!", Gojo spoke hurriedly. "No, Geto no!", you pleaded, "no sensei abandons their student!" Geto leaned down to you, his expression a blend of sorrow and determination. "Listen, y/n," he spoke softly, "you're no longer just my student. I'm not your sensei anymore. You've surpassed me in wisdom and kindness. You're more than my equal now." He delicately brushed a strand of hair from your face, his gorgeously dark gaze meeting your watery eyes. "What I mean, y/n, is that you deserve a life free from the dangers I've attracted. As I'll be hunted, I want you to be safe. I trust Gojo to protect you until I return." Tears streamed down your face, making you speechless. Another sound echoed from the mall, but Geto remained composed as he continued: "You'll go with Gojo. Train at Jujutsu High School. Grow stronger, and we'll meet again. I'm certain." His words were clear, leaving no room for an argument. You nodded, sniffling, "I'll miss you terribly. Please take care." Geto nodded back, a soft smile gracing his lips. Gently tucking your hair behind your ear, he placed a tender kiss on your forehead before nudging you toward Gojo, who put an arm around you immediately.
As Geto stood up, he glanced at Gojo, "Take care of y/n. Without her, I'd be devoid of my humanity." - "I promise," Gojo affirmed. You brushed away your tears, whispering, "I'll make you proud, Geto." He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You've surpassed that already, my love," he smiled warmly. Suddenly, the screech of an eagle pierced through the broken ceiling of the mall. In the next moment, it lifted Geto off the ground, perching him on its back. "Goodbye, y/n", Geto spoke softly. The eagle let out another cry and soared into the sky. The silhouette of Geto atop the eagle diminished until it vanished into the night. You gripped Gojo's hand, tears still cascading down your cheeks. "It's okay," Gojo murmured, "I'll stay by your side until better days arrive. And until then I have just the right classmates for you to help you find your new way at Jujutsu High." You gazed at him questioningly through the wet lashes of your tears. "What do you mean by that?", you asked suspiciously, "I don't think anyone would want to be friends with someone who was with a villain for that long." Upon the Jujutsu Sorcerer's lips, there appeared a subtle yet discernible grin. "I currently have three students- one of them had an aweful father- and the other one, well, ate his villain. So I think you'll be good." You stared at Gojo. That man was always good for a surprise it seemed. "Ate...him?", you asked in disbelief. Gojos grin was now clearly visible on his face. "Exactly. You see? I'm sure Getos golden girl-", he winked at you, "will fit in just fine!"
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777bae · 1 year
can i request one for the paddock princess series where y/n is like really like protective of yuki and will like defend him to the death (maybe even going as far as trying to learn Japanese so he has someone to talk to in his language) and at first people assume she has a crush on him but really its because he reminds her of an old friend of hers or like a family member she really misses. any length is fine but the longer the fic the better <3
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PAIRING… f1 x driver!reader | WC… 0.8k | Masterlist
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You have a large range of different dynamics with the drivers on the grid, many consisting of father-daughter like relationships as well as sibling like love.
Many fans have constantly pointed out the fact that you treat Yuki as if he were your younger brother, despite him being older than you.
Unfortunately, other fans believe that you have feelings for the boy, stating that the way you act around him ‘shows’ that you love him. You obviously found this ridiculous and chose to ignore the rumours, already pointing out that you, in fact, have a boyfriend but still decide to not respond and make the whole situation worse.
He’s always talked about how you were the first driver to properly greet him during his first F1 race and how kind you were to him. You had initially found him adorable, especially due to the fact that he was pretty much your height and so this love consequently spiralled into you treating him as you treat your own little brother.
You obviously miss your own little bro, travelling around the world constantly meant you could only see your family a few times a year, mainly during your breaks. This would probably explain why you have such familial relationships with many of the drivers, to which they also love.
Lot’s of moments have been shared with the boy. Like when you finally got pole in quali, or when he opened up to you on how secluded he felt from the other drivers, mainly due to his heritage. That quickly lead you to try and learn Japanese to help him feel included.
Another moment would be when you invited him over to your house to finally meet your family and he was forever grateful for you letting him have another home he could always come back to.
Many found your actual brother and substitute brother’s interactions to be quite amusing, the constant arguments between the two, trying to prove that they were your favourite. Of course, your blood brother was your favourite, Yuki knew that, he just loved to rile up your brother to get a reaction.
With all that said, you were absolutely ecstatic for the boy when he finished the recent season with his highest finish yet. Of course it helped that you had become the World Champion for that season, managing to pull a hand on Red Bull and just finishing above Max, which he was not too happy about.
You were both so proud of each other, enclasping yourselves into a tight hug.
After the podium celebration, you brought to the interview section, the welcoming smile of the reporters already calming down your nerves.
“First off Y/n, congratulations on the win and newfound title!” The interviewer exclaimed, earning a large smile from you.
“Thank you.”
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
“Well, I’m ecstatic to say the least. This moment just feels so unreal, to be able to say that I’m a World Champion is something I always dreamed of but I never believed would actually come true.” You ramble, unable to continue from the excitement.
“Many have loved watching your celebrations with both your team, and fellow drivers. Could we just ask about the hug you shared with Tsunoda after the race?” You nod your head lightly.
“The hug we shared was our way of congratulating each other. He’s like my little brother and so I was so proud of him as he achieved his best finish this season. Of course there have been a lot of questions but he’s basically like family, just like how Seb, Lewis, and many of the other drivers are.” You conclude before bidding goodbye and moving on. Yuki was quick to fill in your place, ready to answer the questions.
“To start off, congratulations on the great finish.” He says.
“Thank you.” Yuki responds.
“There have been many celebrations today and so we’d like to know how you’ll spend the rest of the evening.”
“Well, I’ll probably party with other drivers.” The boy giggles. “I’ll also call my family.”
“We saw you congratulating the new World Champion after the race, how proud are you?” The interviewer asks.
“I’m so proud of her, I’ve watched her grow throughout the season and to see her finally achieve her dreams was nice.” Yuki answers, smiling.
“How would you describe your relationship with Y/n?”
“I’d describe it as special. She’s been there for me from my first race and she’s done so much for me. She even tried learning Japanese for me so I could feel more included. She’s basically like an older sister.” Yuki finishes, reminiscing the moments he’s shared with you thus far.
You all eventually finish up the interviews and decide to go out together, celebrating the many achievements from today’s race as well as the finishing up of the season.
You had made sure to give Yuki yet another massive hug as you had witnessed his interview, loving the fact that he also pictures you as an older sister.
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elvenbeard · 8 months
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A Day in the Life (like any other) - 2076 edition
Time for some big VP projects again :3 This one was so much fun to set up, edit, and assemble into a post (several, really, I took so many pics). I'll share some more details on all scenes below the cut but yes. I really wanted to give a glimpse into how I picture Vince's life to look like when he still worked for Arasaka - and how, specifically during late 2076, the days began to bleed into each other, he got trapped in an endless cycle, and, in hindsight, was lucky that Jackie helped break him out of it all.
Days for Arasaka employees start early and are long - on a relatively calm and normal day, he probably would have to get up and get ready between 6-7 am. At that time he needed lots of meds, boosters, drugs to get out of bed in the morning and make it through the day somehow, keep up his performance the way it always used to be prior to some traumatic event TM that happened in early/mid 2076.
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He lived close to Corpo Plaza though at least, so walking to work was feasible, and a means to get some semi-fresh air and actual movement in during a day otherwise spent mostly in front of the computer.
Occasionally I think Jenkins would call for a morning meeting (and few people would like those), where he'd discuss important measures, plans, and so on. Some more impressions from this, because I love setting up big group scenes:
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Most of Vince's day would probably have consisted of data analysis, overseeing and planning strikes against enemy corporations on big and small scales, and maintaining Arasaka's own security and secrets. I love the many little glimpses into the dark and twisted corpo workday we get through what NPCs say and the Corpo dialogues, but I'd love to know even more!
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For his lunch he'd actually leave the office, and if no coworker invited him elsewhere, Vince would always be drawn to the Plaza. Find a nice spot to sit or just walk around the Plaza a couple of times to clear his head and sort his thoughts for the rest of the day. In 2077 it's still one of his favourite places in all of NC, and watching the holographic fishes swim their circles has something calming and meditative about it. Spoiler alert, in that spot he's sitting here in these pics he ends up after Mikoshi, stumbling out of Arasaka Tower. He just sits down and passes out watching the fish ;_;
But now, back to 2076:
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I figure, with the kinds of high stakes missions Counterintel probably carries out, a lot of planning has to go into them. And preparation as close to real-life condition as possible. So I think the agents probably play through their missions in cyberspace prior to carrying them out in the real world, in a safe environment, recording everything, and analyizing it the next day during the morning meeting.
As a very traditional Japanese corporation it's probably customary at Arasaka to not really be allowed to leave your workplace before your boss hasn't. So It often gets late, everyone is tired and frustrated, and not rarely the same groups of people would end up in the same bars. Vince doesn't and didn't drink back then, but being in and around Japantown certainly was an opportunity to stock up on drugs or otherwise numb himself from what his life had become at that point.
He was never very close to any of his coworkers besides Harry, who I always pictured as some kind of guiding figure for him. He was there long before Vince started at Arasaka, and he'll probably remain there in his little cubicle for as long as he still cares to keep to himself and a low profile, just doing his thing well with little ambitions to make it big. The latter is what usually breaks corpos their neck, but I think for every V, Jenkins, Abernathy, there are at least a dozen Harrys who are content with being a tiny, insignificant cogwheel in the huge corporate machinery.
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Vince's days would often end way too late and at that time he's incapable of sleeping without pills and the like, so it begins how it ends: self-medicating in the hopes it will somehow make this never-ending cycle easier to bear.
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i want to preface this with a few things
dick grayson is my favourite character. i am not here to slander him or talk bad about those who like him
fanon is what got me into dc. i have grown since and now have a substantial comic collection (at least for the few months i've been collecting). i still enjoy fanon but i am a canon person
with all of that said...
a pointless rant about dick grayson in fanon
sources listed at the bottom
this discourse surrounding dc, the batfam in particular, has really been irking my lately. i don't know why, it just has. i see so much around these characters and the way fans interact with each other here on hellsite and on tiktok (i avoid twitter like middle-aged cis white british dads avoid talking about their feelings) and i just wanna scream about it
the erasure of dick grayson's character
dick grayson isn't a himbo
this is particularly common in fanfictions given that the barrier of entry is non-existent but the idea that dick is a silly, ditzy, idiot that can't cook is arguably the complete opposite of his character
i have a feeling this idea stems from the nature of dick as nightwing, the cracking jokes whilst fighting, the appearance of not taking things seriously (when he in fact does, just not as outwardly as the likes of batman). this in and of itself is ridiculous given that a similar character, peter parker aka spider-man, also crack jokes and honestly is very similar to dick in the way he is as a hero, and yet, for the most part, is still taken seriously and isn't diminished to the same level that dick is
which could come down to public knowledge of the character
let's be honest, the majority of the public could tell you who peter parker is, have probably seen at least one live action iteration of the character, if not all 3 iconic versions (maguire, garfield, holland) most (and please forgive me for using generations) millenials and gen z can define their teen years based on which spider-man was coming out. which they went to the cinema to see. all live-action appearances are:
the amazing spider-man ('77-'79) played by nicholas hammond
spider-man (also japanese spider-man) ('78-'79) played by Shinji Tōdō
spider-man (1, 2, 3)('02, '04, '07) played by tobey maguire
the amazing spider-man (1, 2)('12, '14) played by andrew garfield
spider-man (homecoming, far from home, no way home)('17, '19, '21) played by tom holland
given that dick has just as many live action appearances, stretching back to before spider-man had even debuted in the comics:
the batman serial ('43) played by douglas croft
the batman and robin serial ('49) played by jonny duncan
batman ('66-'68) played by burt ward
batman forever ('95) and Batman & Robin ('97) played by chris o'donnell
titans ('18-'23) played by brenton thwaites
EDIT: in my excitement i never included the first comic appearances of either character. dick debuted on the 6th march 1940 in detective comics #38, peter debuted on 5th june 1962 in amazing fantasy #15
(i am not talking about animated appearances as for both peter and dick they are much less known to the general public than live action)
i'd say i was surprised to see the same number of appearances, but by comparing when the show/movie came out, you can see a clear difference
every live action spider-man project listed has occurred within the past 50 years, with the movies being in relatively consistent from 2002 onwards. dick grayson is more sporadic, 2 appearances in the 40s, again in the 60s, again in the 90s, and finally in the late 10s. no wonder he's less well known when you have to go back to the 90s for a movie version and even then it isn't really dick grayson (in terms of characterisation)
most people can tell you there's batman and robin, and maybe just maybe they can tell you robin is dick grayson, but that's about it. mention nightwing and they blank. and don't even try to tell someone that there's been more that one robin, it won't end well
i can hear people yelling "but dick is a sidekick and peter isn't"
yes, that is true, but dick hasn't been a sidekick since the early 80s, after he'd been around for over 4 decades. that's a pretty old sidekick. but yes, this does hold some merit but given that dick is a lot older it's interesting. and with the most recent live action appearance being titans, a show that spends the first 2 seasons exploring dick's journey from sidekick to standalone hero, it does pose some questions
that was a long tangent to basically say that an equivalent character in personality isn't erased so much in fanfiction because they have more recent and bigger exposure (probably)
also, random, but in my research i came across this list of best teen heroes and look
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fig 1. image showing spider-man and dick grayson in positions 1 and 2 relatively in a fan voted list of best teen heroes, spider-man having 3446 votes and dick grayson having 3191 votes
anyway, back to the rant
a wayne family adventures (WFA) tangent
i see people blaming WFA for this but i really don't think that is the case. he may not be the same as his comic counterpart but he is not out of character. everything he does is still very much him. examples include:
comforting duke after ana broke up with him (ep. 10)
helping damian make a friend (ep. 24)
being torn between his brothers (ep. 27-28)
teasing bruce after zatanna made him superman (ep. 54)
teasing helena into swapping weapons (ep. 63) i just like this one
organising everyone back to the manor when he realised alfred was left on his own during thanksgiving (ep. 68)
picking the rainbow suit for bruce (ep. 77)
talking to a little girl who just lost her parents (ep. 80-81)
annoying wally (ep. 84) birdflash time
helping duke with the kidnapping threat (ep. 99) also like this one
competing with jason over lian and roy (ep. 108)
making tim do all the work in his apartment (ep. 111) + haley
comforting and helping damian when he doubts himself (ep. 113) arguably my favourite episode
ok that was most of them BUT seriously WFA is not the problem here
there's no "fix" for this, i just wanted to tell people to stop blaming WFA for everything wrong with new comic fans; you can enjoy WFA and enjoy the comics, the aren't mutually exclusive
WFA doesn't erase him, they just choose what to show in the limited time you get with him. the only thing i remember being "wrong" is that dick can't cook (ep. 17 - top chef)
and yeah, WFA does play into the golden retriever vibes fanon dick has... in one episode, specifically the haley episode (ep. 111) see below. if it takes 111 episodes to fall on a fanon trope, i think that is fine. if you want to include ep. 17, that's 2 episodes out of 116! that's pretty good going. even the comics have more ooc moments (see the current nightwing run)
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fig. 2 screenshot from wayne family adventures showing dick grayson smiling and saying "thank you" whilst a tail wags in the background
unsurprisingly, fanfiction is probably to blame but don't think i'm blaming authors (i kinda am but stick with me here)
i don't think writing a comic canon charatcer should be required, but i do think writers should disclose when they haven't read the comics. from experience, i get not annoyed, but have a "ugh" moment when i read a fic and the character is ooc, but if the author has stated in the notes that they haven't read a comic and the character is probably ooc, i am still going to read the fic
ooc or not, if a fic has a decent plot, at least 6th grade (UK year 7) level writing, and not "want to punch them in the face" characters, i'll enjoy it. throw in a popular trope and it'll be a favourite
and if you tell people "hey, this is probably ooc from the comic canon" they can't get mad or blame authors... just saying
i mean the whole reason this is "the problem" is that people get mad over ooc in fan works. like i'm sorry, have you read gotham war?!?!? the current nightwing run?!?!? lots of ooc in the comics themselves
fanfiction is the root of all evil
no, but seriously, dick's, mis-characterisation is a product of his prevalence in media, the material people have, and a lack of disclaiming ooc in fanfics. the last point could be a solution, but honestly expecting fanfic authors to do that is ridiculous
this rant was for nothing, hope you enjoyed wasting your time
i did tell you it was pointless
(i should've called this section a conclusion bc the word count is 1559 and that is insane. it's literally longer than the essay i have due in next week that i'm only half way through)
(also, this was supposed to be the first part of a longer post about how dick is over-sexualised but at that word count i'm splitting it up)
list of live action dick grayson
list of live action spider-man actors
used for dates of spider-man films in the correct order
wayne family adventures
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 9 Recs: I'm Working, Here!
The Week 9 theme was, "I'm Working, Here!" I asked people to tell me about their favorite works-in-progress. We got some works still updating and some on hiatus, but all WIPs recommended from around the Yeehan community. Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
Jack Rabbit by SmutWithPlot [WIP; 112,261 words] Reccer comment: "Hands down the best thing I've read in fandom"
If you want something a little different (and maybe a lot Western) that's an odd little bar in Koenji run by legitimate cowboy and westerner, Jesse James McCree, who sells his home cuisine of nachos, enchiladas, tacos, and quesadillas with salsa fresca and guacamole that is alleged to be made with tequila. It is a well-kept secret, but don't let his profuse amount of English and Spanish overwhelm you - his Japanese is also quite good, and there is Japanese staff. Just be careful: he flirts back. With anyone.
Macchiato by CommonNonsense [WIP; 64,661 words] Reccer comment: "I also love 'Macchiato,' the coffee shop AU that isn't a coffee shop AU, by CommonNonsense, & I regularly struggle to find a way to say, 'I hope this continues!' without applying any pressure"
Overwatch takes an extended mission undercover in a coffee shop in the heart of Seattle, a prime location to stake out their current targets. McCree's not one for the big city or fancy coffee, but the work needs doing, and it's not like anyone outside Overwatch will get it done. It should be a straightforward, if tedious, mission.
Then Hanzo Shimada complicates things by walking in, unaware, for want of a simple mocha.
Redemption Blues by clownsick, JessenoSabaku (orphan_account) [WIP; 71,658 words] Reccer comment: "It's probably abandoned but oh my good, I love this fic. Great side characters, especially the Omnics and a very intriguing Yeehan."
While on a mission to redeem himself in the eyes of his clan, Hanzo Shimada becomes indebted to a reckless vigilante, who constantly throws himself headlong into danger. The two clash in every way, except on the battlefield. There, Hanzo rediscovers the feeling of having someone to cover his own weaknesses.
Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle [WIP; 542,989 words] Reccer comment: "Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle 🥰 my all time favourite slow burn that gets you right in the FEELS❤️"
Some things just pair up perfectly.
The sun and the moon.
Stars and the night sky.
Thunder and lightning.
Some things are just meant to be.
Even a bounty hunter cowboy and a lone wolf mercenary who discover how two loners can help each other be a little bit less lonely and how good life can actually be when you have the right person by your side to help change it for the better.
Some things just go together.
Like Silver N’ Gold.
Undercover by lyriumveins [WIP; Series; 22,535 words] Reccer comment: "I love the character interactions in this fanfictio , the really on point writing of each one, and just the way Hanzo and Cassidy go back forth when Hanzo sees the writing and tries to figure it out while it gets more obvious 😭 and the second one in the series is just as amazing, wish I could real them both one more time"
Hanzo is a new member of Overwatch, working undercover in a coffee shop with a few other agents. He’s adjusting to his new life – and making good progress on his missions – when he starts finding ridiculous messages scrawled on coffee cups… Messages that are, apparently, for him. While he’s convinced it’s all just a ridiculous prank, D.Va calls them “pick-up lines” and insists that he has a “secret admirer.”
Afterdrop by ClaroQueQuiza [WIP; 638,116 words] Reccer comment: "HaVe YOU heArD aBouT a fic whoSe cALLeD AFTERDROP?! (I am the worst, I'm pestering everyone and their mothers about this fic but hey, read this fic it's really cool and ClaroQueQuiza is a great dude 👍)"
Overwatch can be forgiven for keeping Hanzo at arm's length despite the endorsement of his intended murder victim. Six months of provisional membership, spent in the field, is a reasonable compromise.
But not everyone is on board with giving Hanzo a chance.
Cassidy, least of all.
The Chain by midgetnazgul [WIP; 188,243 words] Reccer comment: "I'm following a lot of WIPs, but 'The Chain' by midgetnazgul is definitely a fave!"
It wasn't that Jesse had lived his whole life with nothing - it was about keeping what he'd managed to cobble together.
For Hanzo, it was about trying to make anything truly his own.
And for both of them, the virtue of letting go.
Coyote Lovely by t_pock [WIP; 38,969 words] Reccer comment: "the best-smelling fic I've ever read, with great characterizations and incredible descriptions, and a massively oblivious Hanzo"
After a mission gone wrong, Hanzo and McCree must lie low in New Mexico for a week. Together.
In the Pocket by robocryptid [WIP; 11,002 words] Reccer comment: "I recently reread 'Not that I'm complaining' and after that this Sequel intrigued me more than ever."
An AU in which both Shimadas joined Blackwatch and Cole Cassidy fell in love dick first, but that was almost 15 years ago. Now Overwatch is being Recalled, and Cole has to make up his mind.
Look Up and Wonder by MarieJacquelyn [WIP; 131,796] Reccer comment: "I will never ever shut up about Look Up and Wonder. I feel like Cass stans in particular will find his characterization quite enjoyable. (Idk if this will ever be finished, but even if it isn't, it's definitely worth the read, TRUST ME.)"
Jesse McCree gets a job offer to rescue one H. Shimada at 3:23 AM. He accepts it at 3:54 AM. It does not go according to plan. (An Overwatch/Firefly AU)
Mismatch by MsTrick [WIP; 15,280 words] Reccer comment: "I don't read a lot of ABO, but this fic grabbed me by the balls"
“And the only way your intel will be believed is if it appears your alpha’s claim on you has been overwritten." Hanzo sank into thought. “I…suppose, if intercourse is necessary, for this plan, then we should go through with it,” he said hesitantly, as though his insides weren’t fizzing hot with the possibility.
To his chagrin, Jesse burst into laughter. “Boy, how could any beta resist such saccharine sweet talk?"
One Man's Hero by mataglap [WIP; 99,485 words] Reccer 1 comment: "A very cool superhero AU with great atmosphere :D"
Reccer 2 comment: "Love Hanzo and Cole in this. Prickly old men."
Hanzo Shimada is an assassin, a murderer, and decidedly not a hero, let alone a superhero — and yet.
The Only Ten I See by robocryptid [WIP; 65,380 words]
Hanzo and Cassidy investigate a gang running guns through a small town in rural Tennessee. There's only one bedroom in the safehouse, half the town thinks they're dating, and Hanzo is weirdly angry about Cassidy's tight pants.
It can only escalate.
And that's it for the Week 9 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a fic rec. Come back next time for the Week 10 theme: "When We Were Young," i.e. all the young Yeehan fics your heart desires.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 8 recs here or check the list of past and future themes here!
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aoicourier · 4 months
So, I just woke up in a stranger's bed with a pounding headache and no memory of how I got there. And not in the normal, fun way.
Got a hole in my skull the size of a bottle cap. Scrambled my brains like eggs. I can barely remember a thing, but from what I can piece together, I was on a delivery for Mojave Express, hiking across the wasteland towards New Vegas, when I got ambushed, robbed, shot in the head and left for dead. A passer-by from a nearby town - Goodsprings - pulled me out of my shallow grave, and an old doctor named Mitchell somehow fixed me up. I took a two-day nap before I finally opened my eyes again, barely an hour ago.
No idea who did me over. A man, I think. Several men, maybe. Wearing suits; better dressed than your average bandit gang. But anything beyond that is a blur. A letter found on my person says I was delivering an oversized poker chip made of platinum, which is now nowhere to be seen. Most likely, it's weighing down the wallet of my would-be assassin. The letter goes on to say that I'm liable for the loss and may be hunted down by "mercenary reclamation teams", so that's nice.
Doc Mitchell's a good man. I owe him my life. He didn't just pull the bullet out of my head and patch up the hole, he gave me a bed to recover in, and when I woke up he spoke to me, asked me questions, made sure the cogs were still turning before he even thought about letting me loose. Turns out he comes from one of the vaults. He gave me his Pip-Boy, which is how I'm writing this very journal. And he gave me his wife's jumpsuit, one of those classic blue and yellow numbers. I'm not wild about being mistaken for a vault dweller, but for now it's better than running around town in my undergarments. As for his wife, she isn't around any more. She was "taken a long time ago". I didn't press him for further details. I owe him that much, considering all he's done for me without asking for a single cap or favour in return.
I'm writing this journal in the hopes that leaving a record helps me keep things straight. Maybe it'll jostle a few more memories loose. If you're reading this and you aren't me, then it's probably because you stole this Pip-Boy, or found it on my corpse. In either case, hello! It's so nice to meet you. My name is (or was) Aoi, written as 葵, the Japanese kanji for "hollyhock". My favourite colour is, ironically, red. My hobbies include long walks across the wasteland, and revenge. My short-term plans involve finding the man who put a bullet in me and returning the favour so I can finish this damned delivery.
I have in my possession a 9mm pistol and 18 caps. Doc gave me some stimpacks for the pain and a few names to follow up on. Victor, the "robot" who found my body. A woman named Sunny Smiles at the local saloon, which ties nicely into my other short-term plan of finding something lethally strong to drink. I also need to find some new eyeglasses, because my old pair weren't among my belongings, and squinting at the tiny text on this Pip-Boy is making my headache even worse.
I'll write about my progress tonight. Or tomorrow afternoon, if the saloon is worth half a damn.
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eurofox · 4 months
Yakuza Ishin! review
Finished as much of this as I'm bothered with. Spoilers btw
Ok story wise this has to be one of weakest. I get that it's meant to be somewhat rooted in historical fact so it was limited in that way but it's just not great IMO. It takes forever to get going and when it finally does get interesting it's too near the end and a lot of shite is just dumped in the final cutscene. At least they didn't make us fight Jingu The whole 2 Ryoma thing got confusing and the reason behind it all felt flimsy. The great fire of Kyoto ended up being no big deal with most minimal damage ever? like wtf. I liked the historical setting but it felt undercooked overall tbh. Also I can buy bare knuckle Kiryu somehow never killing people, but Ryoma is straight up canonically using a sword, so it started feeling silly. I honestly appreciated the fact that he did just start killing near the end.
It was nice to see Mine again, but he felt underused. I don't care for Baba so I'm alright with Zhao. Having Ryoma's bro played by a former villain was pretty much a spoiler from the get go, could see betrayal coming a mile off. They did Daigo so dirty, making him the bald Shogun that gets almost no screentime :( . Also kinda disappointed Andre Richardson/Glover didn't do his asshole move of refusing to speak Japanese despite understanding but he did get his cool theme. Ryoma was interesting and felt different enough from Kiryu personality wise. I'm glad they kept Haruka as a side character so it wasn't retreading the same old stuff
Combat is stiffer than what I was expecting, but this is an old game I guess and I last played lost judgement which is very smooth so that didn't help. Brawler did so little damage and every enemy is armed so I stopped using it early on. Gunplay was a nice change, and so was wild dancer but both didn't really do much damage either. Stuck with sword most of the time but it got old after awhile, again it felt very stiff. Avoiding combat was a nightmare in this game, enemies were always waiting in that same narrow street The long battles are usually my favourite part of any game but they were rare and not done well here. Aside from storming Daigo's castle, which was ok. Way too many boss fights and most of them felt spongy as hell, like, if I'm setting a TIGER on you why is it doing so little damage? I actually didn't mind the trooper cards though overall, added a bit of variety. The blacksmith requires far too much grinding in an already grindy game so I made one ok gun and never looked back. Most weapons you find seem to be better anyway.
There was a few interesting substories, like the bathhouse and Sumo brothel but way less than other games. And fucking hell the amount of friendship bonds was out of control and boring as all fuck, just repetitive fetch quests and sob stories. One or two were funny but the rest I could not give less of a shit about.
Karaoke and dancing are fine, I just suck at them but it was cool seeing it in the historical setting. The brothel games got dull fast and chicken racing sucks. Never liked gambling anyway. The Farm simulator was an ok distraction and so was the cooking but very simple and I didn't find myself going back to them much. Fuck those prize ticket machines though, turning a wheel over and over to win like 40 scraps of paper.
Graphics wise it was ok, especially main cutscenes which are actually pretty good. You can see every stitch in the haoris But still looks very dated otherwise and the amount of pop in was crazy. I could be halfway down the street before textures loaded.
Soundtrack is ok. Nothing really stood out aside from the remixed themes though.
Everything feels so sloooow. Scrolling menus especially. And talking to people. And going into fights or entering buildings. other yakuza games are like this but only older ones.
I did enjoy it and played til the end, but far from my favourite Yakuza title. I'll admit a lot of the issues are probably because it's a remake of a 10 year old game so of course it's going to feel clunky, so I'm glad I didn't pay full price for this.
Stuff I liked:
Historical setting
Guns and trooper cards could be fun
Some of the sidequests
Mine getting some time to shine (even if it's only a little)
Ryoma himself is pretty cool
Story cutscenes look great
Stuff I didn't like:
Awful pop in and slow menus
friendship bonds with every other clown in the streets of Kyo
Meh story
Poor damage output making battles way too long, with brawler being straight up useless
Too much steam in bathhouse fight
Bald Daigo
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In Defence Of V-Force Takao/Tyson
I’m finally starting this and it’s probably my 50th V-Force post because lord- I do appreciate the season as much as G-Revolution. Season 1 doesn’t even come in the same light because it stands above both of them.
Thanks @meowstix for being in support of this character and my analysis.
So I have already talked about my opinions on Takao/Tyson in V-Force in the post below. I am going to add on to it now. Do read the following posts before you carry on.
All I hear about Takao in V-Force is: asshole, 0 character development, total dick, belittles his teammates, etc. Honestly, you’re not wrong. He can be like that at times. I do understand if you hate him, it’s your opinion and I have no right to object it. But let me just maybe explain what I personally think of it.
So I once read that Takao’s attitude/cockiness mainly arises due to his off-screen events post season 1, which in my opinion can be considered a very valid point (unfortunately I don’t remember who said it. Please do reach out to me so I can tag you). Such events can only lead to him being adored and pampered by his fanbase which explains why he’s so on about ‘I’m just too good, I’m the champ.’ It is obviously hated a lot by people but let’s be honest- Takao handled his first few losses so well, much better than he did in G-Revolution. He didn’t win a single match until the end of episode 4 and lost to Ozuma twice in front of his hometown, the people of which really looked upon and adored him. I feel terrible when I realize that he wasn’t even expressing how he felt about it and pulled it off with a smile. Kenny/Kyouju mentioned ‘he feels horrible about this, don’t talk about his loss in front of his him’ to his classmates. Hiromi used this against him and it really upset him, but watch that scene. My boy handled it like a pro.
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In the English version of episode 3 when Tyson was guzzling his lunch down his throat, Kenny tells him that he’s glad that the losses aren’t affecting his appetite, to which Tyson responds, ‘Food has incredible healing qualities’ which once again says that yeah, he really was hiding how he felt. I actually felt so sorry for him. Takao also handled kids like Zeo and Daichi (in the movie) who were incredulously clingy so much better in comparison to other seasons. This brings me to conclude my first point: Takao/Tyson handled situations like these very well in this season.
I feel like Takao’s way of thinking differed vastly from his teammates, causing him to often clash with them. No one ever bothered listening to his point of view. Sure, he once wanted to cheat his way through the match with the PsyKicks, but it was only to protect their bit beasts. He knew it was wrong, he said so himself, but he really was panicking his ass off and took up unjust methods to cover it up. The pressure of facing strong enemies who were big threats to him started to place him in an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. When his teammates bashed him for planning on cheating, he says ‘you have no idea what I’ve had to feel to get to this point’ (Japanese version).
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His personality got much better after episode 20. He calmed down a lot and began to show his soft side to the audience. So yes, there was character development for sure.
One of my favourite things about him in this season is his adorable bond with dragoon/seiryu.
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A good build up for G-Revolution includes the losses Takao faced in this season:
1. He lost Kane: I feel like V-Force Takao always needed a serene and sweet person like Kane to lighten up his frustrated mood. His teammates are often as loud and grumpy as him and he cannot stand that. Takao’s meeting with Kane lightened up his day so much that he felt the need to build an immediate and positive perception about him, which is probably why he was so devastated when he found out that he is a part of the PsyKicks.
2. He lost Zeo: Zeo was introduced as an amiable boy who quickly built a strong bond with his fan Takao but turned his back as quickly, completely leaving Takao in shock and sadness. Heck, Takao was speechless and at a loss of words often when he came across him.
In both the cases, Takao was in a loop of trust issues.
This build-up for G-Revolution talks about the abandonment issues he faced in the season. Also, I’m not quite sure on the details but didn’t he lose Kyouju to the PsyKicks in the manga? Please fill me up on it.
Ultimately, I love him
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As much as I love them
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hi hope you don’t mind me joining the match ups ^^
1. I’m an infj, I’m hyperactive, awkward, creative and personally I get along with most people but I don’t get along with people who are rude
2. I am caught up in the manga but not the light novels
3. I draw a lot, I love video games and cosplay^^
4. Any one but mori^^
5. I have tomboyish twin tails
Purple hair, 5’6, gothic style and pale with freckles ^^
6. Idk what to add ummm
I suck at social stuff 😎
Hiiii ghost! It’s nice seeing you here again ^-^ and enjoy :)
The images are not mine. They belong to their original owners.
Your sibling figure is… TANIZAKI JUNICHIROU!!!
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-Tanizaki doesn’t really mind your hyper-activeness; he thinks it’s kind of refreshing after a long day at work
-Your creativeness is something he admires; whether it be art, problem-solving, or music, he always looks forward to your unique work
-He wouldn’t mind doing all the talking for you if you’re afraid to make the situation awkward
-Also, being his younger sibling means that Naomi’s your big sister as well. She adores you (platonically) and always likes to hang out with you
-If you haven’t learnt it yet, Tanizaki would teach you how to cook! He’s patient and attentive, and he doesn’t let you handle the hard stuff just yet. He’ll be your taste-tester and he gives amazing feedback
-Sometimes, Tanizaki would make a few illusions for you. You can ask him to make anything, because I don’t think his ability has limits to what he can create. One time, he pranked you by making you think that your book had gone missing. (It was on the table all along, he just cast an illusion to make it look like it wasn’t there)
-Tanizaki would probably be interested in dying his hair too! I reckon he would look great with a few streaks of purple here or there, and he’ll trust you to dye it for him (Naomi might dye her hair as well lol)
-Video games? He doesn’t play a lot, but he would be down to playing with you. He’s a fast learner, and many times he actually has beaten you in games. However, he wouldn’t tease you or anything, he’ll just say ‘I got lucky’
-Cosplaying? Now Tanizaki is interested. He can’t wait to see your next cosplay, whether it be bought or handmade, and every time you cosplay he would take a lot of pictures with you. He would be down to cosplaying as well. Your favourite cosplay with him is Tanjiro and Nezuko ^-^
-If anybody was to harm or threaten you, Tanizaki would not hesitate to teach them a lesson. And you know how intimidating he can get when he’s mad
-Overall, he’s a nice and chill older sibling figure ^-^
And your parent figure is… FUKUZAWA YUKICHI!!!
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-He’s legit the chillest dad ever
-Your energetic personality is also somewhat refreshing for him; afterall, he was friends with Fukuchi, who was also quite the talker
-I feel like he would appreciate creative people as well. He strikes me as the type to like art, especially ancient Japanese paintings, so he actually secretly looks forward to your end products too
-You can literally talk to him about anything, and he would never judge. He would never spill your secrets, and he actually gives quite good advice!
-Fukuzawa also likes spending quality time with you. He might pour some tea for you, listen to some music, do some paperwork, anything really. He might give you some books to read, but those books are normally quite hard to read and understand lol
-He would teach you martial arts if you asked him to. Being in the Armed Detective Agency is also a dangerous job, and he would like it if you were able to defend yourself
-Fukuzawa wouldn’t mind if you taught him how to play video games, but he prefers to watch you play instead. He doesn’t really get how video games work, and he’s more interested in other stuff like cats and tea, but he could play with you if you wanted
-If anybody tried to hurt you, he most likely would teach them a lesson with his martial arts skills. Fukuzawa can also be very intimidating when he wants to be, and with his combat knowledge, nobody would ever bully you again
-Hopes to adopt a cat with you someday
-Overall, he’s a chill and mature father figure. The rest of the ADA treat you like family as well
And last but not least, your mentor is… KUNIKIDA DOPPO!!!
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-Kunikida expects 100% from you. Which means that you would be working and training a lot, and you rarely have any breaks. But don’t worry, he’ll ensure that you take enough to maintain healthy and that you rest up enough
-He does teach you his ideals and expects you to grow with them, however, he wouldn’t entirely force them down onto you, meaning that you can choose if you’ll adopt some of his ideals or not
-He’ll mostly teach you self-defence and how to solve cases. Kunikida wants to see you grow into a strong and intelligent detective, who would have good morals and know what the right thing to do was
-Kunikida prefers solving cases traditionally and in a more down-to-earth way, but that doesn’t mean he discourages your creativeness. A lot of times, creativeness was the key to solving a case, and Kunikida definitely wants you to keep that trait. However, he will teach you some old methods used by detectives for case-solving
-He is strict, but fair. Kunikida would also want you to overcome your limits, but he won’t overdo it. He’ll take it step by step, and he’s even got the entire plan written down in his notebook
-That being said, you actually grow and improve quite quickly under his tutelage. Kunikida is actually quite efficient while teaching you, and he teaches you in a way that you’ll actually remember
-Kunikida would ask some of the other members to train you as well. Afterall, you wouldn’t be able to grow too much if he was the only one training you. That isn’t to say that Kunikida wouldn’t keep an eye on what the other members taught you (*cough* Dazai)
-Despite his personality and strictness, Kunikida actually cares about you! He isn’t afraid to lecture anyone who wrongs or hurts you, and afterwards he’ll actually ask if you were alright. He’ll also help you on your math homework if you asked him to, but prepare yourself for the lesson that he’s going to turn it into lol
-Overall, Kunikida is a strict and hardworking mentor that would like to see you grow into a good and responsible person. Please don’t pick up some strange habits from Dazai, or Kunikida will literally have a meltdown
Sorry that this was short ;-;
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bilbobagginshome · 1 year
A bedtime story.
This is an experiment. Can you tell I can only write serial stories as opposed to one shots. Will probably be the only dark romance I write.
i genuinely hate this but decided on posting it since I’ve been MIA.
 Gojo Satoru x Black Fem Reader story.
“Mommy, can you tell me a bedtime story” White eyelashes fluttered softly, a defense to her sleepiness.
“Of course dear, what would you want to read? Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, or Princess and the Frog.”her mom softly responded 
“Those are boring. Today, Ms. Aki read for us a scary story, it was about a witch who would kill men. The boys were so scared during nap time but I wasn’t.” she loudly proclaimed, blue eyes glowing despite the room only being illuminated by the dimming solar night lamp beside her bed.
“Really? Okay then , my story is a bit less darker but i’ll make it as enjoyable as possible.” Y/n responds with a smile to which Malaika sees this as confirmation to place herself more comfortably underneath her purple sheets and  between her assortment of pink and purple plushies.
* * *
Once there was an aspiring writer, she dreamt up realities that could only exist on a sheet of paper or a laptop. Her only problem, her worlds were beginning to seem similar. Every short story published seemed like the sequel to the previous one and her blog readers were getting bored, desperate for something exciting , something that would change the world and hopefully turn to a Nteflix series …
* * *
“Mom, small words please.”She yawned out.
“Oh I’m sorry.”
* * *
After deciding that enough was enough, she decided to go on a journey and she landed on a place. Japan. She didn’t know the language or culture but an idea of a romance story began to stick like glue in her mind and she couldn’t let it go.
Although it took her months to realise her goal, she finally was able  to leave and after packing her few clothing essentials and a tearful goodbye to her family , she left for.
Now Japanese culture was different from hers She had to bow despite her culture saying the opposite. There were table manners that she should follow unless she wanted no one to talk to her and the people there were nice but only talked to one another. She became very sad and always thought about home. She began to regret even leaving home because she left all her family and friends there . Her writing got worse and even her fans started not liking her stories.
But one day, on a cafe near her home, she met the most handsome man she had ever seen. He looked strong , and his hair was as white as snow with lips as pink as the cherry blossoms outside. And he seemed strong too. Someone wanted to cut her off the queue as she wanted to order her favourite chocolate cake and tea but he stopped them. It was like seeing a real life prince charming.
After saying each others names, she found out his name was Sato. Sato was always looking at her. He was to be the actor that would play the man she wrote. He sat alongside Wanja, the girl to play her in the story . She was more beautiful that the writer and even though she was a bit jealous of her prettiness she thought that Wanja was a perfect fit .
After the meeting ended, the writer tried to tip toe her way out of the meeting but Sato stopped her and asked her to go on lunch with her. She said yes though she did not want to and as they waited on food she said sorry for writing about him even though she didn’t know him very well. He said he did not care and when he found her story , found it fun enough to act in and decided to tell his movie company about it. She wasn’t as scared being around him anymore and found him very funny to talk to. They even gave ach other phone numbers after lunch.
Soon the time to make the movie started. They had become good friends and the writer had fun with her first friend, They were always together or she’d find him somewhere where she was.They ate together, went to the park and walked together and even went to the beach and swam together. But unlike the writer, Sato liked her more than just friends, he wanted to be her boyfriend.
So when work started and she started hanging around more people, Sato would say bad things about them to the writer . These stories were not true but the writer believed them. He would stop her talking to other people and make her talk to him all the time. Slowly he started to take her from home to work to so that she doesn’t go out with her new friends. He put cameras in her house to always look at her. Creepy right? But she didn’t know about this , all she knew was that he was her first friend and she shouldn’t betray him. But she was also scared. Her clothes had began to miss and always felt like someone was looking at her 
She told Sato about it. Sato pretended to be scared for her and told her he could stay at her place. That she could do work at home rather than going out and he will take care of her. She said okay and went to live with him. Living with him at first was fun. He made breakfast for her and his house was big and beautiful with everything she could ask for. It wasn’t like her small apartment with tiny windows.But she got bored . Aside from work and other witing she didn’t do much only sit around like a lazy kitty. One day, she asked of she could go out . Sato refused saying that she may be still be looked for. And although she had only asked to walk outside he still refused. She started not liking Sato though she hid it . And one day , she found something weird in Sato’s room that she wasn;t allowed to enter. Many pictures of her after she met him. She got scared and decided to run so far away he’ll never see her again.
* * *
“And so mommy , did she run away?” Malaika yawned, cocooning herself more into the bed.
“Yep, she went back home, and found her family and friends.” Y/n replied softly as she adjusted her silk blue bonnet.
“That was a bit boring mommy.” She drawned out. 
“What was?” Satoru asked as he walked in the room, illuminating the barely light room with the hallway light.
“Just a story, let’s go to bed, she’s sleeping.” Y/n responded as she rose from the bed , Satoru placed a kiss on her forehead and after standing straight up, with a slightly condecending smirk on his face , said.
“Where’s my kiss to welcome me home love?”
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miloucomehome · 1 year
VIVANT Episode 9 Thoughts!
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Hanae Natsuki returns as Newscaster!
Poor Kurosu. He had his trust in Nogi stepped on and he was dropped to the depths of hell kicking and screaming at Nogi every expletive and threat and just vicerally hating him. Then...the twist, the unintended reveal--Nogi's plan is exposed and now he's an enemy in his father and Tent's eyes. The time Nogi spent infiltrating Tent, fulfilling his desire to be acknowledged by his father, and intel gathering, was all gone like that. Then Kurosu realizing that Nogi had a plan all along and more than likely only let only a few people know (likely just him and Commander Sakurai) then regaining some of his trust in Nogi while they're both probably at death's door?? Wow.
(I actually think that Kurosu was also meant to be part of the Beppan group repatriated after the incident. I don't think he expected him to be captured)
Kurosu's trust in Nogi is going to be so terrifyingly powerful now.
This is one of my favourite shots, if only for the fact that the blurry red circular light looks like the hinomaru on the Japanese flag (a hint of Nogi's true allegiances?)
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Adyel's Connection and the Identity of the Monitor in Japan
Good lord the implications of this had me screaming.
This week we learned that:
After the attack by that group, Nogorn returned to the small camp where he and his wife were based, years later gave it to Adyel (whom he had found stowed away in a truck belonging to the same group that had been scooping away children to be trafficked!)
Remember: In episode 1, Adyel and Jamine (who witnessed her mum die in front of her, likely from the same group) find Nogi unconscious in the desert night and take him in.
Kaoru makes her way from the hospital where she's based with the WHO/WHI to Adyel's home to treat Nogi.
Adyel and Jamine have links to Tent (rescued by Nogorn)
Given the nature of her work, while most of the international intelligence agencies were working on trying to figure out who Tent was, I think Dr. Kaoru would have likely known about Tent and Adyel's connection to them (Let's assume for safety's sake -- I know international groups and diplomatic missions brief their staff on what to look out for)
In hindsight, Adyel's line to Nogi after he asks him why he helped him, "I'm grateful to the Japanese" is no longer some out-of-place line. Aaaah! (The Japanese in question likely wasn't Kaoru, but actually Nogi Suguru)
Since it's been revealed that many actions taken by Nogi and F, as well as Beppan, since episode 1 were all part of a long-term operation, I believe it's likely that Nogi and Beppan actually do not know anything about Adyel's connections to Nogorn and Tent.
Remember Sam? (RIP....that can't have been him though!?) He said that the CIA and other agencies had been keeping tabs on a new terror group but didn't know much about them. Public Security knew more and it seems that eventually through information-sharing, the CIA, Mossad and PS learned a bit more later on in the series. They still didn't know enough to see Tent's connection to Adyel , Jamine or potentially Kaoru (if she is a monitor or not).
EDIT: I read an article where Sam's described as his best friend from when he was in high school in the US. I'll live in denial-land thinking Sam is still alive and that that other guy in episode 5 was just some other guy.
EDIT2 : I know that Nogorn said that once Adyel got married he no longer participated in Tent's activities...but I wonder if he told anybody that he was part of Tent. (Maybe he told Kaoru the same line he told Nogi about how grateful he was to the Japanese and she actually inquired)
There's so much more, like the fluorite discovery, the explanation as to why Nogorn's been acquiring so much of the land in the west of Balka (he has one area left), the moles/informants (the one who leaked info about the fluorite discovery to the Balka government and the one who leaked the information about the 4 Beppan agents Nogi shot "dead"), the fact that Piyo, Batlacar, Nokor and Adyel were rescued by Nogorn, etc. (and that some of them have had a hand in saving him)
Also, we learn that Nogi was born in Balka. (but likely claimed his citizenship when he was found by the journalist Iida and brought back to Japan?
(I definitely cried a little during that flashback to Nogi's family's past shfkdsfjds)
Unintentionally funny scene (to me)
Nogi volunteers to help Tent acquire the missing funds quickly by playing with the credit exchange and this phone call made me laugh. (subtitled screenshot by me!):
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(Before the ending reveal, I feel like Kurosu would be livid if he had to witness Nogi doing a bad job of mimicking his voice and speech patterns)
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There might be 2 Monitors in Japan who sent those videos to Tent
I only say this because 1: we have several indoor shots of the hospital where the 4 members of Beppan are recuperating, then a few outdoor shots. Not just any outdoor shots, but shots from another building (rooftop? another room?). You need equipment for that. Or a cellphone with good camera I suppose. Plus the timestamps are too close to be one person (I mean, that doesn't stop them from having installed cameras and checked on them later)
And no matter what I do, I can't stop thinking it could be Dr. Kaoru -- it's a hospital.
If it turns out that the monitor/mole/sleeper agent is Dr. Kaoru...then Nogi will have suffered one of the worst betrayals in the series. (I feel F will be absolutely livid and furious, even)
I don't see Kaoru pulling a Nogi-Nogi F-went-to-millitary-school reveal. Someone else might be involved as well.
Nozaki Keeping Tabs on Potential Monitors?
I don't have too much time to rewatch since classes have returned but Public Security have been keeping their eyes out for Monitors I think since episode 1 (or at least trying to figure out what's been happening in Balka--otherwise why would Nozaki have been hiding in Al Zayir's building??). I wonder if that included Kaoru or not. It would be wild if, assuming it turns out she's a Monitor, she eluded multiple intelligence agencies.
Jamine's Unease Around Nozaki
I don't know if Adyel had maybe spotted Nozaki wandering around Balka or that town where Zayir killed himself, gathering information (Nozaki Charm Offensive didn't work) but maybe he warned Jamine about him? If he was "close" to Tent in the years after his rescue, maybe like with Nokor, Piyo and Batlacar, he knew Nogorn's story about Nogi and his wife. (Ali sort of did too, right?) and their betrayal and abandonment by the Public Security Agency. Maybe Jamine came to learn about it too.
(I had seen some tweets some weeks ago about how fans figured somehow she must know that Public Security Agent = Bad; maybe this week that possibility seems plausible?)
(More importantly: I'd like to know why Nogorn refers to her as a "Miracle Child".)
Nogorn's Hatred Towards Japan, "Japan is being targeted"
Akemi's last words to him was to take revenge on the country (or at least Public Security) for abandoning them. During the little found family dinner, the directors and writers give us a really nicely executed scene of Nogorn and his "family". It kinda neat that it "humanises" him (or shows how his side views him), but really, Nogorn has become the leader of an organization that has committed acts of terrorism to advance their goals in the last 3 years.
When Nogi asks Nogorn why Tent has, according to intelligence agencies, targeted Japan, Nogorn looks to be genuinely confused?Later he says that his hatred towards the government and Foregin Affairs/Public Security Agency have abated in recent years....but I wonder how much of that is true?
There was even a line where Nogorn says that his homeland is one where people care for their friends and neighbours
"The Japan that I knew was a place where friends and neighbours cherished one another and helped each other -- a compassionate country."
I find this was a jab at Public Security abandoning him and his wife...but I still think he's lying. With the reveal of Nogi's betrayal thanks to whoever the Monitor(s) in Japan is/are, I can see his hatred reigniting even though Nogi isn't part of Public Security.
Final Thoughts
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I think I'll do a separate post with some theories for the finale later. I trust them both, but I'm actually worried some things will be rushed...but Miyazaki and Fukuzawa might surprise us. The directors and writers (btw this is Fukuzawa's story) have woven an intelligent, grand, adventurous story with mystery and intrigue with extremely slick and, I think, competent twists. Producer Iida has said that nothing in the series is done to mislead--I'm understanding that to mean that if something seems odd, there's a reason for it and we've seen this be the case time and time again.
With the reveals in this episode, I can only imagine how wild the rewatch of this series is going to be like.
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Also: Hayashi Kento as the younger Nogi Suguru. Oh my god. He did an outstanding job. That flashback was painful T_T)
As always, thank you for reading my random stream of thoughts each week. Tomorrow is the finale and I'm worried and excited. I don't want this adventure to end--it was too good!
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prismaticpastry · 1 year
.... may I ask about you about figure skating?
So turns out when faced with such a broad question I completely freeze up for hours congrats on discovering the one thing that would shut me up about figure skating. asking about figure skating
…Anyway. I will do a little(lie) intro to a couple of my favourite current skaters from Team USA!
First, light of my life Jason Brown.
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To properly appreciate Jason's skating you would need to be a figure skater yourself (which I am not. fake fan alert) But even if you are me his unparalleled skating skills are easy to see compared to just about everyone else.
Here is my favourite program of his, Sinnerman, which he performed at the Beijing Olympics. (That is not this performance. But can't find an unblocked one of the Olympic version.)
The fact that he broke 100 points in the short without a quad is a testament to his quality. Very few men, even at the top of the field, can break 100. (my very favourite men's skater only just managed to do it this past season)(and it was the competition with notoriously inflated scores)(it was well-deserved though and he should have broken 100 way sooner)
He is just completely captivating. The footwork he does is light years ahead of everyone else in the field. His spins are gorgeous. His jumps, though lower in technical merit than other top men, are fantastic. The split jump into the skid spiral is flawless. Literally no one does it like him. He even forces judges to give him some 10's in PCS (program component score, the part of the score that is most easily manipulatable in an extremely corrupt judged sport). It is extremely rare to get 10's, even more so for men who don't have a quad. (quads shouldn't affect PCS. but they do.)
Oh, and he's an absolutely wonderful human being. He is pure joy and sunshine. He is that first day of spring where you don't have to wear a jacket. Everywhere he competes he'll do a charity drive for Ronald Mcdonald Children's House. He is solely responsible for like 80% of my charitable donations because every time he skates I black out and throw money at them. He's even learned some Japanese because he has a lot of fans in Japan. (Japan is like, the number one figure skating nation in terms of fandom. Close to Russia but their audience is way better.)
Also he did a program to a Backstreet Boys medley. WHICH I GOT TO SEE IN PERSON I WON'T GET OVER IT
(the audience here was WAY BETTER than the one I was at 😞)
In team competitions, he is Team USA. His joy makes me proud to be American (I am not American)
Anyway, he's semi retired -- last season he only competed at Nationals and Worlds (the US men's field is pretty thin right now, their top skater is a homophobic teenager who I could do an entire writeup about on his own) He's hinted that he's considering doing the same for the upcoming 2023-2024 season. I am going to Worlds so please cross all your fingers that he will be there.
Unfortunately, since he lacks a quad, there's almost no chance he'd see the podium. He has medalled before, but never at a major competition in the individual event. But winning really, really isn't everything in this hellsport.
But sometimes winning is something. My second highlight is Starr Andrews!
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Here she is as a baby, apparently this video went viral back in the day.
(Going through this I realise that these videos were actually posted in real time. #oldmoment)
Anyway, this is probably my favourite program of hers.
Oh, and the singer for this program? Is her. Multitalented queen
In the 2022 off-season, she underwent heart surgery and came back with a vengeance.
Such a vengeance, in fact, that she did this at Skate Canada:
And captured SILVER!!!
With two stellar programs she became the first American Black woman to medal at a Grand Prix event*, and the second ever! (The first was Surya Bonaly, a French skater famous for doing a backflip at the Olympics)
I'll admit that the program I linked there is not my favourite, but it got her the win so hey. (AND I WAS THERE TO SEE IT HAPPEN. BTW.)
Oh, and her costumes are always flawless. As are her nails. She often has my favourite costumes in a competition, or up there at least (sorry but no one can beat the Korean women for dresses). Yes, that is Important. If you skip to around the seven minute mark you can see her reaction to her score and realising she podiumed. As well as a small glimpse of The Nails. ISU if you're reading this please do nail cams next season tyia
So there are two amazing members of Team USA!
Since it is pride month I'd also like to give a shoutout to pairs skater Timothy Leduc, the first out non-binary athlete at the Winter Olympics. (They recently retired but still including them for the nb pride. it's my post.) Jason Brown came out as gay last year. Amber Glenn came out as bi/pan last year as well. In some competitions, especially US Nationals, the audience will bring out a sea of rainbow and bi flags for Jason and Amber and it just warms the soul idk. I wish I could make gifs so I could capture it.
ok post over (:
*the figure skating Grand Prix comprises of six qualifying competitions, followed by the Grand Prix Final. Unfortunately Starr got walloped at her other GP event, NHK Trophy in Japan, but she made a lot of mistakes in the free and was up against a very tough field including the current World Champion.
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boralogues · 2 years
i should be doing japanese hw but whatever i managed a 100% on a written test last year ill be fine. anyways, hc's about candi! this time just general relationships w the others >:) Joe- pretty chill. she understands that joe doesn't want to talk to her, or anyone besides bora, and doesn't mind. the two just kinda chill around eachother and bond over a shared dislike of zubin. she tries to help him if he needs it
Zubes- very complicated. y'know how i said she really hates zubin. well she kinda doesn't. she's more upset at her situation and that zubes got her stuck there in the first place, than at him for being the way he is. candi doesn't really talk if he's in the room, but will say a few things. she's very vocal about her frustration and dislike of the situation. she just needs a target for her frustration and it happened to be zubes. she doesn't actually hate him deep down
Andy- neutral. doesn't really mind him, but doesn't know why he likes zubin so much. she has to ask him for most things, since he's the only one who can get them. sometimes, if he bites candi, she freaks out but now she doesn't rlly mind since it happens a fair bit. (also whats with the goop coming off of him in all of that art he's in? i just wanna know what it is)
Rob- concern and confusion, but also friends. really worried and confused as to why he's always crying, but understands it may be something she can't influence or control. she's a pretty good therapist when she wants to be, and just kinda makes sure rob isn't going too badly. she'll talk to him a fair bit since he always wants to talk to joe, and gets denied every time.
Ross- doesn't really know him. ross is by himself, playing the drums most of the time, so candi doesn't really see him all that often. he was her favourite band member before they went all obsessive over MK+A, so is a bit annoyed she doesn't see him more, but she keeps it to herself and understands he might not want to talk to her or the others.
Bora- friends. candi thinks bora is cool. they talk a lot about random stuff they like. idk why but i think bora is good at cooking stuff, so candi might take lessons from him sometimes. she often babysits some of his rats if he can't carry them around or is busy preforming.
Steve- Pretty good friends. candi and steve get along really well, like casey and steve do, since candi's also on the quiet side, and is pretty accommodating for steve's needs. she thinks he's basically just a house cat, but that it's very entertaining. sometimes he'll just be sitting somewhere weird and candi wont mind. she's prolly trying to learn sign language or something similar to more easily communicate with him. she probably vents to him a lot bur feels bad for it
casey- probably the most healthy relationship in the au. casey and candi are both in the same boat, struggling with a lot of the same stuff. the two spend a lot of time chatting, doing random stuff, or being eachother's therapists. candi's got a lot of pent up frustration and sadness, and they only feel comfortable sharing it with casey and steve. they probably have a kindof family dynamic, like cousins or older brother/younger sister relationship since there'd be an age gap. candi is most like their pre-death self around casey.
Ryan- mysterious. seen him like, twice, maybe. thinks he's chill though, but gets scared when he just shows up like "hey lmao wanna check out this letter i got?" all of a sudden
misc head cannons:
candi is biromantic/ace bcz why not. if u gave her a hug she'd be really thankful, the poor girl needs therapy asap. she probably likes hugs a lot, but if someone just suddenly hugged her she'd just be like "wtf get away from me" before realising "damn i rlly needed this" and crying a lot. her hugs are super comforting, but a bit short. she hates sudden loud noises, like slamming doors or sirens, in fact she just hates anything happening without warning. she's super jumpy and gets anxious a lot, and copes by fiddling with whatever she has on her, or just by fiddling with her hoodie. her right eye is a little blurry from the scar over it, but it's not enough to need contacts/glasses. (sorry this is so long lol im hyper fixating on this stuff and im going thru art block but a sudden writing unblock so yh lmao. i might draw the others in the au soon, but i have a swimming carnival soon since im aussie and its still summer and a bunch of tests coming up. anyways, if u have any hc's please do share them im rlly interested in what u think :D)
Joe could totally relate w the zubin&Andy relationship. He Dislikes zubin and doesn't really understand why Andy likes him so much HSHFHD Joe and Candi would def bond over that and Joe would give understanding nods in response to Candis vents abt Zubin.
Oh yeah Andy is a biter HDJDHDHD he will bite anyone who talks to Zubin (especially if him and Zubin were in a convo and were suddenly interrupted) or anyone who doesn't rlly like Zubin (Joe avoids Andy for the most part) and the goop is just goop!!! He's just a melty boy idrk why I made his design like that but I've been drawing two wuv Andy like that since 2018 :p
Awww yeah :( I love the Rob relationship, that is very real Rob will almost all of the time just be like "oh haha okay cool I'm gonna find Joe" and just walk away 😭
AW OMFG I love the idea of Candi taking care/babysitting Boras rats that is so cute 🫶🫶!!!!
Love the family dynamic with Steve/Casey/Candi that is so real :)) they'd def hang out a lot upstairs in the two wuv house (most of them live downstairs) and spend a lot of time venting to each other or chatting about random stuff :)) I think that is very sweet <3
Candi being scared by loud noises is so real I get it. She'd def ask Andy if he can go get her earplugs or like headphones, something to dull the loud noises in the house (Andy eventually is able to steal earplugs from some hunters in the woods)
That's all okay !!!!! I love reading ur headcanons n stuff abt ur oc it's so sick that ppl r so interested in my au it makes me so happy ^w^!!!!! Ooh good luck w ur tests !!! BTW so sorry about how late I responded to this, I've been really busy with midterm (I just finished writing a 4 page paper. Someone get me outta here!!!!!) But it's spring break now so I should reply faster :))
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britesparc · 1 year
Weekend Top Ten #588
Top Ten Beast Mode Transformers
Ah, Transformers; my comfort zone! After all the videogame-related shenanigans, I’ve got quite a lot of semi-topical stuff to cover in June. Quite a few films come out. Too many, in fact. Gah! I’ve not seen Spider-Verse or Little Mermaid yet (or Sisu!), and before the likes of Indy and Mission we’ve also got the small matter of a new Transformers film. GAH!
Anyway, Transformers are cool and I like them even if I don’t like most of the films. And the new film – Rise of the Beasts – is interesting because it’s poking at a different part of the franchise; namely the series Beast Wars. I skipped Beast Wars because, back then, I thought it looked a bit naff. Well, not naff, really; it just didn’t feel like my Transformers. I wanted the old Marvel continuity to be honest, and bounced hard off anything that was different. It’s why I never even gave Generation 2 much of a shot – and that was supposed to be a continuation of the Marvel continuity, written by the same guy!  
Ah well.
Anyway (II) – the new film. I think it looks alright. I don’t have any nostalgic connection to Optimus Primal or, er, the other characters whose names I definitely know (Cheetarah? No, that’s not it). I do have a nostalgic connection to Unicron, though, so I’m interested to see how that shakes out. But as befits the name of the film what I’m here to talk about is beast mode Transformers.
The basic gist of Transformers from the off – adapted as the toys were from existing Japanese toys – was robots turning into vehicles and things. Cars, jets, guns, whatever. Animals didn’t really make sense because, well, robots in disguise innit. You can’t disguise yourself as a poodle if you’re twenty feet tall and made of metal. Various reasons were given why it could work – pretender shells, mass shifting, nobody really caring in the first place – but as the franchise wore on it became more common. By the time of the excellent IDW continuity a few years ago, it even factored into the racism and subjugation that existed on Cybertron, because beast mode Transformers were considered inferior by some. However, I just like big robot animals at the end of the day, and that’s what this list celebrates.
So: no more to it than that. My favourite Transformers that turn into beasts and stuff. I did umm and ahh a little bit over whether they specifically had to be “humanoid robots that turn into an animal” or if I could also include Transformers whose “robot mode” for want of a better word was an animal. But if I’d gone with the former, I couldn’t have had Ravage on the list, so I went with the latter. That’s it.
Maximise! That’s what he says. In the cartoon. Never mind…
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Grimlock: I mean, who else could it be, really? Grimlock, depending on what day you ask me, is my favourite Transformer (unless I say Rodimus or Megatron). He’s a big grumpy dinosaur who’s also a tactical genius and a noble leader and sometimes he’s smart and sometimes he’s dumb but he has strong Worf energy, if you know what I mean. And he’s – I cannot stress this enough – a robot tyrannosaurus rex. I just love everything about him. And, for what it’s worth, I have decided that he’s cool enough to represent all the Dinobots, basically so they don’t account for the top half of this list.
Ravage: so awesome a character I changed the rules. Ravage is a stealth mastermind, the sneakiest snoop that ever there was. And he’s a cat. Used briliiantly in IDW to represent the prejudice against beast mode Transformers, it’s how predominantly British writers have handled him – as a very intelligent, supremely loyal, but also deeply honest character who’s not afraid to speak truth to power and, crucially, actually speaks – that defines his best portrayals. Also has one of the best death scenes of all time.
Catilla: full disclosure, Catilla is one I love because I loved his toy. He’s an Autobot that turns into some kind of robot cat; probably a sabretooth tiger, but it’s a fairly basic transformation so it’s hard to say. He has a cool outer shell that’s a giant yellow tiger, and gives off strong Battle Cat energy. Sadly underutilised in fiction, his death does kick off a long-running and excellent arc in the old TFUK comics, and in my headcanon he’s always paired with his Decepticon counterpart Carnivac.
Sky Lynx: oh, I love him so much. A big, vainglorious, ego-drenched snob; a giant metal pterodactyl who’s also a leopard-thing and turns into a space shuttle. He’s two different beasts! Three, really, because they all connect together to make some kind of huge monster-bird creature. No wonder he thinks he’s the greatest Transformer of all time. He’s got a point.
Scorponok: surprisingly low on the list, I guess, but what can I say? I love all these guys. Scorpy’s great because on one hand he’s just a big, badass Decepticon leader, with sweet claws and an awesome alt-mode (a giant frickin’ scorpion!). On the other, his portrayal in the old Marvel comics was fantastic, as the “human” element of his personality made him more moderate and willing to accept an alliance with the Autobots. Again, he has an amazing – and tragic – death scene.
Carnivac: yes, it’s Catilla’s sort-of counterpart; a Decepticon hunter who turns into a wolf. My cousin had his toy and I had Catilla’s, so we had fun playing as kids. His wolf mode has a cool, very narrow snout, sort of like Death from the recent Puss-in-Boots movie. But Carnivac was awesome because he was another honourable Decepticon, rather than a ruthless murderer, and his arc where he left his teammates but refused to become an Autobot was brilliant thirty years ago. Straight-up murdered a lot of dudes in ruthless fashion, too. But they were bad so it was okay.
Shrapnel: I love the Insecticons, and here Shrapnel kinda represents all of them really. Why Shrapnel over the other two though? To be hinest as a kid I really coveted Kickback; I just loved his alt mode as, er, a sort of cricket-thing. And Kickback has the gnarliest death, squished by Hot Rod in gruesome close up. But Shrapnel was the toy I had, and I liked that. I also like his weird, um, pincer things, and the funny way he talked in the cartoon. Bombshell is boring though. Cerebro shells? Pff.
Trypticon: yes, another dinosaur, but this one is huge. A Decepticon kaiju, a whacking great city-bot who stomps around getting into fights with Metroplex. A veritable powerhouse and one of the strongest Decepticons, Trypticon is a monster. He has quite a cool role in the IDW comics as a Titan and eventually a kind of nursemaid to a generation of new Transformer sparks. But mostly I like him for being a big unit who beats up everyone.
Tarantulas: now we get to characters that I haven’t loved for thirty years. Tarantulas, to be honest, was a mystery until Nick Roche’s Sins of the Wreckers, where he’s revealed as a supremely sinister mad scientist who had a complicated and frankly disturbing relationship with Prowl where they both ended up as parents to Springer… yeah, complicated. Also he once shrunk down to a tiny spider, crawled inside someone’s head, and grew back to normal size. Nice guy.
Sky-Byte: another one who was popular in the fanbase for years but who I only glommed onto, as they say, once he popped up in the IDW comics. For shame! For who could not love a giant robot shark that can fly, and is also a poet? An artistic soul, a Decepticon who rejects the violent excesses of his own team, Sky-Byte has a tragic nobility that I find appealing. And did I mention he’s a flying shark?
He didn’t make the list, but let’s not forget that in the Rescue Bots cartoon Optimus Prime also turned into a big red t-rex. Stomping on Grimmy’s turf; has he no shame?
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