#The lost woods
cat-cosplay · 9 months
The Lost Woods
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gintrinsic-writing · 17 days
Based on this art.
CW: body horror, impending death.
Rough bark against his back. Cool moss beneath his trembling fingers. What little light managed to breach the canopy of boughs was carried on the swirling backs of leaf litter motes. Fog curtained the air between trunks, and Link found himself nestled as though within a blanket. A small comfort.
It hurt, even now—short of breath and blood alike; this ultimate transformation from living to dead. His flesh was sunken and pitted, his sagging skin like ribbons of meringue to be feasted upon by the lichen and the insects. Every inhale rattled, every swallow stuck. No moisture remained for his aching eyes. So yes, it hurt, but the pain felt like a promise, like respite, like coming home in a way he couldn’t define but could nevertheless taste and smell and sense and know, even as consciousness threatened to divorce soul.
It was fine. It was meant to be, Link suspected, in some twisting, circling way. He’d first been Kokiri, then Hylian, then Hero. Now, he was to be something other.
Stalfos, Fado had whispered a lifetime ago. He wondered if she’d known.
Time passed in increments and in multitudes. His body withered like the bark of a fallen tree—consumed bit by bit, patiently placid to this un-becoming. Perhaps it was seconds, wasting away, being gnashed upon by mouths both small and microscopic. Perhaps it was minutes. Regardless, as the Hero of Time drew one of his final breaths, there came a voice the memory of which had beckoned his rare, understated smiles for years.
“You’ve returned, friend.”
The Skull Kid approached slowly, respectfully. Their hands flittered as though they could not decide on touch. Finally, they brushed away a strand of Link’s hair. “I knew you would,” they chimed. “I knew you’d come back.”
Link tried to smile for them. His lip split like old parchment. “Did…n’t… know… where else… to… go.”
The Skull Kid tittered like that was funny. “Didn’t know? Didn’t know! Of course you knew. See?” They gestured to the woods around them, snapping their beak in amusement. “You’re here, silly Hylian.” They nodded, apparently pleased, then dragged a claw feather-light down the bridge of Link’s cavitated nose. “This will be a sacred place. A magical place. The forest is singing over you.”
Link closed his eyes to listen. A melody drifted by like a dandelion’s seed, soft and aimless, difficult to catch. It settled what remained of his nerves.
“Yes,” the Skull Kid agreed, “time to let go. No fear.” They grasped Link’s hand, gentler than he’d ever felt before. Their callouses scraped against his bones. “The Lost Woods will welcome you, and we will be friends forever.”
A breeze drifted by, stirring song once more. It took what remained of Link’s breath. He found he did not mind.
“I will stay here until it’s finished,” the Skull Kid continued contently. “You can rest. Rest, rest, rest. When your spirit is full again, I will find you. Rest, friend. Rest.”
And Link did.
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andreadarcyart · 6 months
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#huevember day 4: green
This study took much longer then I had planned 😭😭 Greenery is so much harder to paint then I remembered, but I'm glad I got this chance to try it again, even if it took a few tries to get right 💪
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taboonle · 2 years
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Forest Temple Entrance
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m4g0rtz · 1 year
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Today's polish made me so happy! It was inspired by the Legend of Zelda, one of my favorite game series of all time and I feel like it couldn't have fit its inspiration any better. In the shade you can see the base color is teal, but in the sun it turns such a pretty green. It was also gorgeous matte, especially in the sun, so that is the last picture. This is The Lost Woods from Cuticula.
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The Lost Woods - Chapter 6 - "Sleepyhead"
Finally after a lot of years, I have updated this fic. Here's hoping it still fits with the rest of the fic lol.
Warning(s): minor blood and injury, death threats, some creepiness
Read it on AO3
At first, he thought he heard the sweet sounds of harp strings far off in the woods. It confused him, this wasn't his era, and no one except for the other heroes and himself had been able to travel through the dark portals. But why, then, did it sound like someone was playing the harp? He walked toward it, his heart telling him it must be his Zelda, his sun, but his mind only questioned how real that could be. 
He entered a clearing, pushing past branches until he saw a soft glow. 
"Zelda?" he called out, only to hear laughter. He couldn't place it at first, but as he approached, fear gripped him, forcing him to dodge as a blade swung where he had been standing.
"Oh, sky child, how I have missed you."
The blood drained from his face at the voice that was so familiar and terrifying. He saw Ghirahim smiling wide as he met Sky's eyes.
"What's wrong, hero? Are you so happy to see me again that you've lost the ability to speak?"
Sky unsheathed the Master Sword, swiping at Ghirahim only for the demon to jump out of the way.
"Now, that wasn't very nice. Didn't your goddess teach you any manners?"
"Wh-why are you here? I killed you when I defeated your master."
Ghirahim laughed, his body shaking with the force of the noise, sending shivers down Sky's back and his hair standing on end. There was only a second to react as Ghirahim charged forward, sword pointed horizontally to skewer Sky through the chest. The hero barely rolled out of the way, feeling the air displaced by the other's blade. 
"Oh, how I've missed your idiotic prattle sky child. I'd think it was obvious why I am here," Ghirahim chuckled, turning and flipping his sword around, "I'm here to finish what I started all those years ago. I want to hear your tortured screams as I finally watch the light fade from your eyes."
Sky held his shield out, sword at the ready, and Ghirahim laughed.
"How cute that you think you can change your destined demise by my hands."
The demon rushed forward, slashing at Sky and connecting with the Master Sword Sky held. They were at a stalemate, neither willing to back down from the clash nor give the enemy a chance to retaliate. Sky grits his teeth as Ghirahim smiles, pointing his tongue at the hero. Sky recoiled, jumping back as Ghirahim did the same. 
"Those heroes you travel with, sky child, I do hope they bring more of a challenge than you." Ghirahim smiled with a dreamy-sounding sigh, "Especially that Captain of yours. He's always had such delicious screams. I'm sure the screams of those heroes would be music to my ears."
Sky held his sword with a white-knuckled grip, anger and fear burning through his veins.
"How do you know him? He's far into our future," he glared, willing his voice and body not to shake with the knowledge that his foe had harmed one of his brothers.
Ghirahim shook his head, smiling as he started to circle Sky.
"Ah, so he hasn't shared, then? Such a pity. It was such a wonderful time we had together back then," Ghirahim twirled his sword in his hands, moving it back to point his blade at Sky, "Turning his men against him was great thinking on my part, such fun to watch the ensuing bloodbath as he ran to guess who was a friend and who was a foe."
Ghirahim smiled wider as he stood still behind the hero, Sky holding his sword out, readying for a possible attack.
"I wonder if such simple mind tricks would work on those heroes. Watching as you all tear each other apart, piece by goddess-damned piece. It would be a suitable fate for you after all the agony you have caused me."
"You will not touch them!" Sky screamed, rushing forward to slash at Ghirahim, only for the sword spirit to vanish in a cloud of diamonds. 
Sky felt the blade at his back and froze, Ghirahim laughing as he pressed the tip of his sword against the hero's back. Sky felt his anger fade into fear and could almost hear how Ghirahim knew he had him pinned and couldn't fight back.
"It's amusing that you still believe you can stop me, stupid sky child. You had your little victory, but now? You've gotten soft. You can't win against me anymore. I will kill those heroes right before your eyes as you watch on, completely powerless to stop me."
Sky could feel himself tremble, his eyes filling with tears as he realized he couldn't win against Ghirahim, not alone. Not anymore. Sky heard something coming closer, the rustling of leaves and branches as heavy feet echoed. 
"Oh? Well, I wonder who that could be. Hmm, maybe I'll get to start early then."
Sky felt the blade leave his back, yet he couldn't move when the sound of footsteps stopped behind him.
"Sky? You okay?"
Sky flinched, turning to see Legend looking at him with worry evident in his gaze, but Sky could only watch as Ghirahim smiled wide, stalking closer to Legend, utterly unaware of the danger he was in.
"Legend? You need to move now!"
Legend jumped as Ghirahim stepped behind him, drawing his blade only to duck a wide slash. Legend stood before Sky, sword and shield raised and ready for a fight. Sky's voice was stuck in his throat, unable to make a sound beyond forcing his lungs to breathe. Yet Legend didn't seem to see as Ghirahim grabbed the top of his shield, yanking him forward and forcing him to turn around to face Sky. Sky held the Master Sword at the ready, glaring at Ghirahim as he had his blade at Legend's throat. 
"And so the heroes start to fall one by one," Ghirahim grinned.
"Over my dead body, let him go!" Sky shouted, raising his sword to run the demon through.
"Oh, but where would be the fun in that? No, I think I'd rather see you begging me to spare this one," Ghirahim started laughing, teasing Sky as he pressed the blade flush against Legend's neck until a bead of blood began to drip from the new wound.
"Sky? What's going on?"
Sky could hear Legend's voice tremble ever so slightly and the uncertainty in his gaze. Sky breathed, trying to shut out the laughter, and then he rushed forward.
Sky flinched, dropping his sword and whipping around to see who had shouted. Legend yelped as he fell behind him, and Sky turned to see Ghirahim was no longer there. Or was he even there to begin with?
"Oh, thank the three. I found you two!" The voice yelled again, this time with Hyrule stepping out of the bushes, looking out of breath.
"What happened?" Sky questioned, helping Legend stand up as he checked to see that the wound wasn't even there.
"An illusion," Time stepped into view, Twilight, Warriors, and Four standing behind him, "we all saw things as well, though what we saw seems to differ."
"I can attest to that," Legend spoke, rubbing at his neck where the blade had been, "I saw people from my past, but then I ran into Sky and saw nothing at all. I could feel it, though."
"So the illusions are aimed at one person but can affect others? Interesting," Four mumbled.
"In any case," Hyrule said, "I'm glad I got to you both before something bad happened. Twilight saw whatever was doing this, but it ran away soon after. Hopefully, we catch up to it before something bad happens to the rest."
Sky nodded, looking at Legend and only seeing his fellow hero on the ground, dead. Either by his hand or by Ghirahim's, the image sent a shiver down his spine. He shook his head, turning away from Legend to meet Hyrule's worried gaze.
"Yeah, hopefully, we can."
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probably-ace-ok · 1 year
Ruins of Hyrule: The Lost Woods
an apocalypse/horror loz au
Once a verdant, if misty forest, the Lost Woods has succumbed to a strange fungal infection, killing off anything else inside. Instead of mist, the air is now filled with spores, which can be deadly if breathed in, so Link must wear a specially made mask to enter. Some rumours suggest that on occasion, rather than dying from the spores, their victims will instead be overcome with madness, trying to flee the forest and die to spread the spores further or infect their own companions. Deep within the woods, Link encounters what remains of the Koroks— now shells puppeted by the fungi that infected them, bursting into clouds of spores when they come into contact with fire. The fate of the Great Deku Tree is unknown.
(please send asks if you’re curious about this au! it helps me work new stuff out!)
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violetrains · 10 months
Instead of telling men to repress their emotions to appear stronger we should encourage them to sing incredibly dramatic ballads to process their emotions like in fictional movies. Maybe the world would heal faster. And also it would be very funny.
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These are my personal favorites.
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popsigills · 26 days
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Forbidden Woods mood
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monstermonger · 10 months
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A Night Sky in the Woods
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hugecarls · 2 months
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i've been busy with finals but here are some silly sketches Hooray!!!
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proxycrit · 3 months
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(Takes your kneecaps)
Au’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Gotta figure out how to draw these guys. Inconsistency my beloathed!
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taboonle · 1 year
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Tomorrow, we help this boy find his friend
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hedgehog-moss · 5 months
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In the fir woods
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