#The problem I'm having with nacho is bad enough
which-qsmp-egg-would · 5 months
Today's the day we finally move to the new house! It's been a rough journey and a very stressful one, but I'm happy to see it's almost over <3 Our cats are... less than pleased with us lol.
Taking a hiatus has been a huge help, and I'm so glad that many of you have stuck around! Doing Poll's Egg Playdate has been very fun and I hope it continues further! I'm not going off of hiatus just yet; I plan to make my grand return on JUNE 1ST, with the (very short) April recap posting on June 8th.
All of this is to say:
If anyone has poll ideas, requests for accessibility, formating changes, or just any ideas, my inbox is wide open!
I can't wait to come back and make polls again ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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starbuck · 2 years
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okay, so, by popular demand (literally just @thegreatblondebalrogslayer, but thank you for asking ilysm), here is my explanation for the Nacho and Tuco forced autocannibalism joke I made the other day:
When I first watched Better Call Saul and was reintroduced to Tuco, I immediately noted how much more chill he is compared to him in Breaking Bad and my first thought was “what happened to you?” (or, you know, “happens,” I guess, because Prequel Fun!).
But, the important thing to note here is that I said this phrase out loud in the EXACT horrified tone that Boyd says it to Hart in Ravenous. And what happened to Hart? He was forced into cannibalism! (Do you see where I’m going with this??)
So basically, although I felt the more likely answer to “what happens to Tuco between now and Breaking Bad to make him Like That?” was “betrayal,” I had this whole inside joke with myself that it was going to be forced cannibalism, even though that didn’t make any contextual sense whatsoever.
Then I got to what actually happens and, naturally, I had to take a minute to pat myself on the back for guessing the betrayal part correctly. But, as I did this, it occurred to me that this particular manner of betrayal (tricking Tuco into getting himself arrested) is more-or-less forced autocannibalism, in a metaphorical sense anyway, so I was kind of right on both counts!
And so, when I saw this post (which, of course, has nothing to do with any of that - I am SO sorry op), I simply Could Not Help Myself. And that’s how we got here!
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jogetsobsessed · 5 days
One Night - Paul Lahote x reader
She's backkkkk! I know this isn't what you want, however, this survived the great laptop crash of 2024 (unlike the half-finished prophecy pt2 doc). This however is cutie in my opinion and I would be open to writing a part 2 (if anyone wants it). Also, I'm almost to 200 followers which is so crazy? Thank you for all the love!
“No, no, no, no”, you wailed as you looked at your hands. They were shaking as you clutched the plastic, the plus sign clear as day. Your body slumped down the wall of the bathroom, your body curling into itself as you hit the ground. 
What are you going to do? 
You were young, too young in your life to start thinking about starting a family. It's not even like you were seeing anyone. This whole situation came about after you had a bad day and just wanted to forget. To forget life and all your problems. 
You let yourself have fun, with someone you only kind of knew.  At the time that had seemed like the best plan. You knew of him and had met a few times through your friend Emily. It was better than prowling on some meaningless app that you would just delete the next morning. He was nice to look at, extremely cocky, kind of an asshole to everyone else, but always kind to you. 
The few times you had met Paul Lahote before your night of fun he had never gone out of his way to talk to you but that was okay with you. All the other boys that hung around Emily’s house could be way too much. Just dropping her off after work would lead to you being pulled into a two-hour conversation because none of them knew when to shut up. Paul however would always hover on the porch or somewhere else in your eyeline. He never came up to join the conversation but never left his spot of isolation either. 
So after a bad day at the clinic, Emily invited you back to her place for a drink and you accepted. Emily was your friend, one of the only actual friends you had made since moving to the Forks area six months prior. But you haven't spent much time together outside of work, except for riding to and from the clinic. 
But this shift had been so rough on both of you that you needed to vent to each other and get something in your system to make you forget a little. Cut to hours later neither of you notice her fiance and his friends walking in the house to you and Emily losing it on the couch, clutching your sides from how hard you were laughing. 
It wasn't even the alcohol necessarily, the two of you had split a bottle of wine but that wasn't enough to get you messed up to the point of uncontrollable laughter. No, it was finally being able to relax in good company, let loose and enjoy yourself. 
The boys had just snickered at the two of you, Emily’s fiance ushering them back into the kitchen to give the two of you some space. However, at some point, hunger struck and the kitchen was calling your name. 
Emily had declared nachos as the snack of choice and you couldn't agree more. She had charged through the sea of testosterone while you decided to timidly hug the doorframe, not knowing where to place yourself down. The kitchen was full of Sam’s friends and there wasn't a place to sit. You were thinking of slipping into the kitchen and leaning against the counter while Emily assembled plates of goodness.
That was until a particular tanned-skin boy stood up and very subtly gestured towards the chair. A sudden confidence had taken over you, and you certainly can blame that on the wine. Crossing the room in just a few paces you lower yourself onto the previously occupied seat and join the rowdy group at the table. 
Looking up you gave him a silent look of thanks as he stood, leaning his back against the countertop. He reciprocated a small smirk before returning his attention to the intense game of spoons that the other boys were trying to rope you into. 
After that, the night was a blur. You had played a few rounds of the card game, Emily eventually joining with heaping plates of nachos, placing herself in her fiance's lap. Paul had disappeared momentarily, reappearing with an old wooden stool, sitting directly to your left. 
You tried to focus on everything happening, but it was no use. All you could think about was that simple gesture of kindness. The act of chivalry that no doubt was gonna earn him some teasing from his buddies, which is what made it and him so much more attractive. 
Thoughts of the beautiful man plagued your mind the whole night and when he offered to drive you back home at the end of the night you accepted. He blamed it on the fact that he wouldn't feel right if he let you drive home after drinking, even if it was just a few glasses of wine and that had been hours ago. 
Even though you felt completely sober at this point as it had been hours and you had eaten your fair share of nachos you obliged, how could you pass up the opportunity for one of the most attractive men you had laid eyes on in a long time to drive you home? 
Attractive and chivalrous, two things he had going for him. 
The ride home was nice, the windows rolled down, and your hair flowed in the breeze. He drove smoothly and slowly, taking the winding corners with ease. A song that occupied the radio 24/7 played, and you were in such a state of comfort that you allowed yourself to sing along softly. 
It was weird, you barely knew this man, yet you felt so comfortable around him. Being in his presence was easy. 
Once your headlights illuminated the front of your modest home you felt your heart sink. This was it, your night of bliss was going to end. He threw the truck in park, turning to face where you sat. He opened his mouth, to say what you have no idea because you cut him off before he got the chance to speak. 
“Do you wanna come in?”. 
That night had been six weeks ago. And since then you hadn't seen or heard from him once. Not that you had reached out much. The last thing you needed was to make things awkward and complicated with a friend of a friend. 
Only now things were gonna have to be awkward and complicated, it was sorta unavoidable. 
Time paused as you sat there on the bathroom floor. Staring at the pinked-capped stick. Part of you wished you hadn't taken the test, even if that would have just avoided the inevitable for a few days, maybe a couple of weeks. 
Your head was reeling as you attempted to comprehend the news. On one hand, you had always wanted to be a mom and had dreamed of it. However part of the dream was a perfect house, a perfect job, and a perfect husband. Someone that loved you and supported you. Having a baby daddy that you hardly knew wasn't exactly in the picture. 
At some point your body went on autopilot, you picked yourself off the ground and went through the motions of getting ready for the day. You didn't know what you were getting ready to do, you had already called out after you had woken up before the sun to empty your stomach of last night's dinner. 
The brain fog seemed to slightly lift once you were closing your car door, clutching the steering wheel as your life preserver. The pregnancy test in your pocket feels as if it weighs a thousand pounds. 
You felt insane. 
Who were you to go to this man who you barely knew and just throw this information at him, even if he deserved to know? Because this was his burden too. This wasn't an instance of immaculate conception, it took both of you to get into this situation. 
Recalling an earlier conversation with Emily where you had not so subtly asked what Paul did for work you remembered her mentioning the name of the garage. 
Since today simply could not get more insane you decided to embrace the insanity and started the drive towards the reservation. 
You practiced what you were gonna say over and over, but nothing sounded right. 
“Hey, remember me? I'm the girl you slept with once and ghosted, well I'm pregnant”. 
“Paul, remember me? Y/N, yeah so you kinda got me pregnant”. 
“Hey so remember when I told you that you didn't need a condom, well I say dumb things I don't mean when I’m around pretty people”. 
You were so screwed. 
The parking lot was practically empty because of course, it was. Of course, there wouldn't be enough cars for you to blend in and hide for a little bit to gather your confidence. No besides your car there were only three others, and since you knew that Paul's truck was one of them there was a decent chance that the other two were also employees. The large bay doors of the shop were opening, one of the bays occupied with an old Volvo on the lift. 
Crossing the parking lot, the man of the hour caught your attention. Paul was alone in the garage. Grease and oil covered his hands and forearms as his attention was focused on the car above him. Patting your jacket pocket you made sure your proof was still there. You had only made it about halfway once he spotted you. He did a double take, a minor look of confusion showing. I mean why wouldn't he be confused, you weren't friends and here you were just randomly showing up at his place of business. 
Deciding to pull whatever last shred of confidence you had buried deep down you didn't turn chicken and run back to your car. No, you carried on walking, right up to the edge of his behemoth of a toolbox, slightly leaning on it to gain some support. The nerves make your whole body feel unstable. 
The wrench was abandoned, clattering inside said toolbox and he found a discarded towel that was so dirty it looked like it was only gonna make his hands worse. You couldn't help but study the way his body moved, how he looked in his work clothes, and how his muscles were contracting as he attempted to clean off the grime. Jesus Christ you need to get a hold of yourself, you thought. 
What you didn't notice was he was doing the same to you, looking you up and down searching for a reason as to why you were here. It wasn't until a breeze blew through the garage, that he realized he didn't only smell the dense forest and the various scents of the garage. It carried a faint smell of vanilla and lavender. But it wasn't just that, it was mixed with pine and rosemary. He bristled at the realization, the unique combination meant one thing and one thing only. It had been weeks since he last saw you there’s no way his scent would hang out on you that long unless…
Suddenly nothing else mattered except what you had to say. He wanted to help, to try and make the situation better. So he started to speak, to try and break this ice. But just like you had done weeks prior you beat him to the punch. 
“I’m pregnant”. 
The visible look of relief caused him to calm down, the last thing he wanted in this situation was for you to be stressed out. And the thought of you being so scared to talk to him broke his heart a little bit if he was being honest. 
“Is it mine?”. 
Paul could have ended it all in that moment. Why was he like this? 
He knew it was his, he had definitive proof, and he chose to play the idiot and make the woman who was carrying his child feel worse than she already did. 
“What the hell are you suggesting Paul? Yes it's yours, I wouldn't be telling you if it wasn't”. You crossed your arms across your chest, suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable and exposed. The confidence meter has fully run out. 
“Yeah no yeah. That um makes sense, I’m sorry. That was a real jackass thing to say. Of course you wouldn't tell me if it wasn't mine”. Paul rubbed the back of his neck as he rambled, avoiding eye contact with you. The magic inside of him was screaming at him, his instincts to protect almost taking over what little composure he held. 
He hadn't planned on telling you about the bond you shared. At least not for a while. 
You were still kinda new to town, and it wasn't fair to derail your life because you had decided to be a kind person and drop Emily off just a few weeks after you had moved. The bond had set in that day, as he was leaving Emily’s house and heading out to his truck. His eyes had darted up upon hearing Em’s voice and what he hadn't expected was to almost fall flat on his face. 
Because for a split second, the two of you made eye contact, it was fleeting and you had returned your eyes to your friend immediately. It had meant nothing to you and everything to him. 
Since that day he vowed to protect you but also to not act selfish and to allow you to make your own decisions.  Which is why he couldn't help but feel horrible. He had ruined your life. 
Paul thinks back to that night, running his mind over every minute, had you been drunk? He had only used that as an excuse to drive you home. But if you had been too intoxicated to make coherent decisions he would never forgive himself. 
“Yeah that was a real jackass thing to say”, you sniffled proud of yourself for not bursting out into heavy sobs. Because in all honesty while it felt like a physical blow hearing him question your morals he was handling the situation better than you would have if you were in his position. It was a fair question, you had only slept together once. 
The next few minutes seemed to pass slowly. After standing there basking in the awkward silence he told you to wait a second and walked into the attached office. You did as he said, too nervous to take the opportunity and leave. He returned a few moments later with much cleaner hands and a small smile graced his face. God, how you were growing to love that smile. 
“Boss told me to head out for the day, don't worry I only told him that I need to take a certain pretty girl out to lunch”, he sent you a wink as he slammed the lid on the toolbox down. Your cheeks grew warm at the compliment, even with how pg it was. I mean this man got you pregnant but him calling you pretty had your chest hammering. 
His hand found its way to the small of your back as he walked, ushering you out of the garage so he could lower the bay door. Once it was down he turned to face you with a smirk replacing the kind smile from earlier. 
“Come on doll, looks like I gotta feed my baby mama”. He howled with laughter as the small tinge of red on your cheeks turned into your whole face going crimson. “Oh this is gonna be fun”, he said through his laughs. 
His warmth on your skin brought you back to that state of peace that you remembered so fondly. You let him lead you towards his truck, thanking him as he shut your door. 
As Paul jogged to the driver's side a smile fought against the smirk. This wasn't how he pictured everything going but he wasn't mad. It wasn't like he got some random girl pregnant, no he got you pregnant. And while you may believe that you were just a random girl to him that was not how he felt. But he wasn't going to tell you that, at least not right now. The last thing he wanted to do was stress you out even more than you already were. 
So he was going to wait. 
He could learn to be content with you being in his life as a girlfriend, or even just the mother of his child. And when the time was right he would tell you.
But for now, he could wait.
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genocidehim · 1 year
Tuco falling in love with a waitress at the restaurant
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notes: reader is female. words: 631
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That argument with that damn dealer had put Tuco in a bad mood. Normally, that kind of problem didn't hurt the business, but that the asshole had been caught by the police while selling cocaine really got on Tuco's nerves, especially when he noticed that most of his workers were useless.
Nacho drove in silence as he took Tuco to Michoacano for the final collection of the month. It would be just two quiet hours where Tuco would have the opportunity to rest from the headaches while enjoying a cup of coffee. When they arrived, they noticed that the place was somewhat crowded, and that wasn't good. While Tuco waited outside, Nacho went in and spoke with the restaurant owner to clear the people out and keep the space empty away from prying eyes and ears. Within minutes, the customers left in a bad mood as the restaurant "closed" unexpectedly.
Tuco entered without bothering to greet the owner, took a seat at one of the tables in the middle, and Nacho sat beside him as they discussed how much money they expected to make that day.
You came out of the storage room with a broom and a shovel to clean the floor, wearing the restaurant's apron, and you seemed scared enough not to look at those two. As you tried to make as little noise as possible while sweeping the floor. Tuco noticed you instantly.
He hadn't seen you before, although, well, if he thought about it, he had never seen any other worker in the restaurant while he was there doing his job. He never risked having someone he didn't trust overhear his conversations. But when he saw you, he didn't feel bothered by your presence. Somehow, you managed to generate some interest in him when your anxious gaze did everything possible to avoid rising from the ground and looking at him, how you seemed somewhat clumsy while sweeping the floor due to the panic of being in the same place as those two. Tuco smiled playfully; you were interesting and cute enough to catch his attention.
Nacho didn't take long to hear your soft steps and turned to you with a stern look and a severe tone. "Didn't you hear, girl? The restaurant is closed, get out like your colleagues did."
"I'm sorry, I just… I need to clean the place before leaving…"
"Drop the damn broom and get out."
Tuco stopped Nacho and gave him a severe look, as if he was annoyed by how he had spoken to you.
"Let her finish, she's just cleaning the floor."
Nacho looked visibly confused by Tuco's request, even more so when he gave him a bewildered look and noticed the expression on Tuco's face, an expression he had never seen on him; he seemed fascinated.
You continued cleaning the place in silence, making a great effort not to be a nuisance. However, your presence didn't go unnoticed.
"Niña" Tuco raised his voice, capturing your and Nacho's attention, "Come here for a moment."
Your skin instantly tingled, and you feared receiving a reprimand for something. However, you obeyed and went to his table.
"Yes, sir?" When your gaze met Tuco's, he felt ecstatic.
Tuco smiled cunningly and observed you from below where he was sitting, his gaze traveled over your body and then returned to your eyes. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
When you gave him your name, he smiled complacently, and Nacho seemed to be witnessing something surreal by the stupefied expression on his face.
"I'm Tuco, delighted."
He extended his hand towards you and when you took it the size difference became present, he smiled as he firmly shook your small hand, feeling quite pleased to have you so close and almost submissive. He really was interested in you.
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agentjazzy · 3 months
oh wow, it looks like Disney's Primos is coming out - I thought they shelved it!
I showed my parents the trailer, and they immediately said that the main character looks just like I did when I was little lmao, because it's true
Because, like, 1)I'm Chicane, and we have the exact same coloring, 2)I had short hair and braces from ages 9-11, 3)I had many many pairs of jean shorts, 4)glasses, lol, and 5)my mom shaved my unibrow every month when I was little
And then, of course, the premise - when I was 8 I had to live with my cousins for Summer (+ one month of school) before we moved in with my grandparents bc *~*technically we were homeless for several years*~*
How many cousins? Well, first with only 3, but then there were problems, so then we moved in with a different tía, who, at the time, had 7 kids.
(if anyone's curious, I have 20 cousins total, with 1 more on the way)
Being in single 3 bedroom house (with 2 makeship rooms in the garage) with 7 cousins, 4 adults, and my little brother was. Um. An experience.
But anyway, after I showed my parents the trailer, I told them this show was supposed to premiere a year ago but had controversies after the theme song dropped, then I showed them the original theme song to see if anything caught their attention.
And sure enough, absolutely nothing. My mom questioned the nickname Nachos, bc it can sound kinda iffy, but nothing else caught their attention.
(and oh, for context, they both grew up in LA, both growing up translating for their parents)
I showed them some clips of why people hated it, and yeah, they were confused bc they would say "oye primos," not "oigan primos." I guess my grandparents weren't concerned with teaching exact grammar at home, more concerned with making sure that my parents were learning english at school
everyone being mad at "terremoto heights" was um. weird. because we're constantly making earthquake jokes, because we're waiting for The Big One, which we know will inevitably screw us over and possible strand us without water and home if/when it comes. but we still joke about it, you know? my whole class made earthquake jokes, and my parents made earthquake jokes when they were in school and they lived through the LA quakes
it makes me wonder if Animaniacs released their "A Quake" song today, would people have been up in arms as much as they have for Primos?
but I guess changing it is fair, if Disney wants to have an international release. even if making earthquake jokes is part of SoCal culture.
they were really surprised about the nickname controversies, because here in SoCal, those nicknames are like. pretty common. yes, even the one that they ended up changing. it's almost as if words have different connotations in different places..........
ANYWAY the biggest thing is that they agreed that the voice actress was out of line (although they think it's obvious that the "shithole" comment was poking fun at trump and that that was being taken out of context in bad faith) but - and this is an inside joke I'm not gonna elaborate on - makes sense considering her name
(IF YOU'RE A MUTUAL OR A TRUSTED FOLLOWER, if you're curious about the joke, I WILL dm you to explain if you ask)
but yeah. it's obvious that this is Disney's answer to The Loud House and The Casagrandes - that being said, all the vitriol towards this shows seems very unfounded. this show just seems very Chicano, moreso than other things I've seen.
and like, as I've explained here, this show is very, heavily relatable to me specifically. none of my white friends understood the pains of living with a bunch of your wild cousins - but multiple of my Chicana friends did. at different schools districts even.
it's just... a lot of the things people are shouting is "bad representation" is literally just... my life. And, apparently, the creator's life, considering it's based on her childhood.
I think it's nice that she made a show about Chicano culture. It does suck that apparently no one knows or even seem to want to know what Chicano culture is.
I just can't help but to wonder if I ever make something about my life, my lived experience... will people call me bad representation? idk.
anyway, I'll probably check the first few episodes out. I'm not sure I'll watch the whole series, since, lately, Disney's shows have been kinda a miss for me. but maybe I'll be surprised. I'm willing to give it a shot
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First, a little bit about me: I am a polyamorous bisexual writer with queer liberation ideals. This is just so that you (beautifull reader that took the time to read this) understands where I am coming from.
So let's recapitulate:
Carlos and Ashlyn plus all of the wildcats except for Big Red and Seb leave for camp, leaving the two boys to spend a lot time together were they grow closer and their relationship understandably strengthens.
So, we end up with two boys that are missing their romantic partners and all the affection their romantic partners can give them. They decide to go see a Harry Styles movie (whyyy?? harry styles- it should have been better Fire Island, anyways). And in the darkness of the cinema Seb reaches for Big Red's nachos, and Big Red for Seb's popcorn. Hands brush, it reminds them of the romantic affection they've been missing, but it isn't enough so they kiss.
And kisses CAN be platonic. Nothing happens, except that Big Red discovers he's bisexual.
Their romantic partners return for camp. They have to tell them about the KISS because if they don't say anything it would be cheating, but Big Red is going to Cairo (for some weird reason). Seb, well there are some rumours about Carlos cheating, which Seb isn't bother by, in his mind he did the same.
He found out does rumours aren't real. Carlos didn't cheat unlike him. The guilt consumes him, he's a coward so he runs from his problems. Seb ignores Carlos for the rest of the summer and two months after that (if they start in the 1st of september, idk how it works).
Seb tells Carlos about the kiss, but it comes out all wrong. Now its too late for the kiss to really being nothing, Seb ignore carlos for 2 months-ish. Plus he says he cheated, which really what is CHEATING?
Is it kissing someone? Is it having sex with someone? Is it entering a romantic relationship with someone? Is it entering a sexual relationship with someone? Is it having feelings for someone?
Carlos & Seb never defined what is cheating for them, and the way Seb says it, it could be anything of the above.
PLUS cheating involves in some way getting tired of the other person and wanting to look for something new. Which Carlos internalizes, but is definetly not how Seb feels about him.
Big Red comes back from Egypt, the first thing he does (after yk doing all the things you do for a trip) is go find Ashlyn and explain himself, and apologize (sort of). Because how he sees it, it wasn't cheating because for him platonic kisses aren't cheating and he still loves Ashlyn, for Ash is a bit different because she doesn't know what cheating is for her, and they also never established what cheating was for each other.
But is fine because Big Red came to her with the truth AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (I'm looking at you Sebastian). Plus they both knew their relationship was reaching an end.
Reminded by Ashlyn, Big Red goes to Carlos to explain the situation, but is too late Seb already ruin it. It was too late, the wording was not the best ("Do you know who was the guy that Seb cheated with?" / "Me". Like, damn). And again CHEATING implies the person that cheats getting bored with their partner and disregarding their feelings.
So yeah, Carlos is feeling bad. Because all this time it had been Seb who had giving Carlos the side eye for the possibility he might cheated with boys on trips to México or Camp, etc. Carlos, who has had to manage the effects of this insecurity of Seb's, then has that same insecuirty made real by the same person that already feels it.
Therefore, a very shitty situation. Because again Seb saying "I cheated on you" is very different from "I kiss Big Red, it didn't mean anything".
And as we know it was all that implied cheating that affected Carlos, not really the kiss on itself. So in true Seblos fasion, he needs a song to be reminded of how much Seb trully loves him, how much he values him.
And we finally get the Seblos (frankie & joe) duet I've been waiting.
Seb finally gets a chance to do things right, explain himself and Red, and assuage any insecurities Carlos might have.
The End.
Which, wow, it was a very convoluted storyline, just type it down, now, I can see how long it was.
So for my recap of it, you can see that I really don't see Seb and Big Red as cheating, because again it was a PLATONIC kiss. That being said, Seblos and Redlyn should have talk about what is cheating for them, and is platonic kisses are part of it, well that changes things a little bit. But yeah. For me what Seb & Big Red did wasn't cheating.
Now lets get into what Seb and Big Red did wrong.
Big Red, you did things very good actually, just don't try to act so proud of it "my coming-out origin story" to your girlfriend? Dude, a bit more tact next time.
Seb, Seb, sweet, sweet, Seb. Do you even know your boyfriend? You did everything wrong. You IGNORED Carlos, a person which craves attention, you make him feel your own guilt about cheating even when he didn't, and make him feel like he did something wrong in the relationship, when you thought it was you who did the wrong thing.
And then, instead of explaining what ACTUALLY happened, you say it in the way that will be MISINTERPRETED and cause a lot of insecurity, insecurity which you HAVE/HAD by the way.
Like I know you aren't good at talking things out loud, but this is a whole other level.
Now, why do I love the storyline? As I declared in the title of this post.
Well 1st CARLOS. I love how this plot allows us to go in deeper with Carlos' insecurities, and even a throwaway line of the exuberant body standards of/in the gay community.
It also gave us a Carlos that fought for Seb, when he wasn't talking to him. Like in S2, he would have just give him the cold shoulder too, called it a day, and if they never talk again, well it would be more self-pity to drown himself into.
It gave us Miss Jenn & Carlos bonding over their broken hearts, Ashlyn & Carlos moments talking about their partners (and queerness), Carlos & Kourtney caring for each other.
It gave us a freaking Seblos duet (though I know we could've get this any other way).
2nd Seb. Like I know that I have been to harsh on him, and that's because he messed up. And I LOVE that about him.
Like Sebastian has always been this perfect character ("Sweet Perfect Innocent Seb" as Carlos call him), but now we know it isn't always easy to be sweet, perfect, and innocent.
And he messed up in a way that was actually in line with his character, like he is definitely the person that drags out the problem until he can't ignore it (Points to S2), and doesn't want to deal with it.
Carlos messes up a lot, but now we find out that Seb does too.
3rd Big Red. I love his outlook in this whole situation. How he looks back at the moment and doesn't think "I cheated on my girlfriend" but rather "Wow, cool bi awakening". Because again, he wasn't into Seb, it was a platonic kiss, all it did for him was making him realized that he likes kissing boys, and boys in general as well as girls.
Which brings me to the fact that we finally got to know Big Red's bi awakening. Is it controversial? Yes. Does it perpetuates stereotypes? Depending on how you look at it, because although Big Red doesn't look at it as cheating, Ashlyn has more mix feeling about it, and the guy he kissed definetly thinks they cheated.
4th, it was a freaking queer storyline. Like normally I hate cheating as a way to cause more drama into a relationship, plus being the reason the character break up. But the way HSMTMTS queered it all the way.
Like I definitely can SEE this happening on a queer friendship group irl. Like the Redlyn break-up is the queerest scene on the show ever, Big Red's whole different out look on the situation, Carlos' insecurities about why Seb cheated, how Seb reacts to the whole thing, and the uses Halloween to try an fix it. The fact that it was a platonic kiss, which both parties know didn't meant they were into the other person, but that they just like to kiss.
Very, very queer my friend.
Lastly, I have mostly been talking about it from my own interpretation and my feelings about it. But I want to talk about how I saw it was received.
And that was, not so good.
Which I do and don't understand at the same time. On the one side, I am in part of the crow that says that relationships don't need to have drama to be interesting. Especially, when the only drama mainstream authors can think about is, cheating, fear of being cheated on, and jelousy. Like very boring my friend.
Then there's the whole "Bisexual Stereotipe" in the room, which true (most people don't even care about Bi men) is not the best. However, I want to ask, why are we so insistan on looking good? Why do we crave acceptance so much?
If a may I would like to bring attention to this next excerpt from Bi Notes from a Bisexual Revolution by Shiri Esner:
The idea of unfaithfulness also brings into light the metaphor of the bisexual as traitor (one of my personal favorites). The dictionary defines
treason as “a betrayal of trust,” or as “an attempt to overthrow the government . . . or to kill . . . the sovereign,” a definition that betrays, if you will, bisexuality’s function as an agitator. We can think about bisexuality as betrayal of the trust imposed on us by power structures, as well as embodying an attempt to overthrow or “kill” hegemonic order. We can then use this as a gateway to betraying monogamy, patriarchy, governments, countries, and wars, betraying the “LGBT” (meaning, the GGGG) movement, for promoting the assimilation of our communities and cooperating with oppressive structures. We can be traitors to anything that confines us, and to anything that stands in our way: all power structures, all oppression.
Which actually brings me to the last idea of why I think people are reacting badly to the storyline, we are not used to see queer people mess up in media. With this I mean that we are either demonized or made into paragons.
Let me pick another quote from Will Williams, amazing creator of Valence a super duper queer Urban Fantasy Podcast:
So like, there’s this — there’s this idea of “bad representation”, of showing queer people in a negative light as complex and fucked up characters. [...] There’s this idea that showing queer people like this gives cishet people more reasons to hate us. 
And I understand that. I absolutely do. [...] But where I am right now, my philosophy is, cishet people will always hate us. They’ll always find reasons to think that we’re abhorrent even if we’re the most morally upright person in their eyes, regardless of being queer. [...]
I don’t — I — because I’m a mess, and because I’m a queer person, and because I have huge monumental flaws as a person, I really struggle to feel represented by most things [...] So when I think of the media that matters to me, and makes me feel seen, and gives me catharsis, and makes me feel represented as specifically a queer person, I always think of really fucked up, messed up queer characters hat other people might point to and be like, this is bad representation. I just don’t think that there’s any such thing as good representation.
To conclude, I love the cheating storyline. Because in my book it wasn't actually cheating, we've got to explore the characters even more- let them mess up, and it was queer as fuck.
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danglovely · 11 months
Kim Possible Episode Tiers: The A-Tier
Since most of the episodes in the show are quality, the A-Tier is best defined as episodes that have a thing that makes them stand out. In addition to being quality, there's a reason to remember them.
This is also the largest tier, so strap in.
Coach Possible: The Kim coaching B-Story runs a little flat, but Jr. putting together a nonsensical plan that results in hypnotized Kim and Ron dancing in cages in a nightclub is what I live for. There's an underrated ending fight as well that culminates Kim fighting a Chuck E. Cheese robot, to catchy dance music, while Ron launches an evil disco ball to its destruction.
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Bueno Nacho: Another iffy B-Story about petty work squabbles, but it's one of the precious early-series moments where we get to see Drakken and Shego at the top of their game. This was actually back when Drakken was still menacing, despite kicking off the tiny oversight that ruins his plan trend. Also, the lean.
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Tick Tick Tick: The first episode in the production order. It does feel weird because they hadn't settled on the animation or the characters yet. That said, there is some amazing hero-villain banter in this one that they nailed right out of the gate.
Steal Wheels: The reveal that Motor Ed and Drakken are related pays off big time and it's sort of a shame that more team-ups between the two didn't happen. There are a couple of good things about the B-Plot here as well: (1) We sort of get a glimpse into how close Kim and Ron are, because she doesn't know what to do with herself when he's not there. (2) Always good to see Felix and have a character voiced by Jason Marsden.
Bad Boy: I honestly considered moving this lower, but I decided against it because the Attitudinator is too good of a concept to ignore. This episode drags a little bit because it gets bogged down in the exposition -- They felt the need to go through the whole process of Drakken not feeling evil enough, them going to the convention, explaining why Kim and Ron went to the convention, Ron being a bully for a bit . . . like get to the Evil Ron stuff already!
It's only a minor complaint though, this is still the A-Tier.
Mad Dogs and Aliens: Terrible B-Plot in this one because I never understood why Ron wasn't touched by Jim and Tim taking on the mantle and him immediately jumping in to show them how it's done (it's also kind of forgettable, it took some brain racking to remember it). The A-Plot is gold though. Bitter Drakken and apathetic turned jealous Shego reconciling the consequences of multiple episodes of Season Three wasn't really something I thought the show was capable of.
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The New Ron: I've written it before, but the Seniors are brilliant villains. Combine a criticism of obscene wealth + Ron giving them the idea + the motivation for world domination being boredom . . . it's just a glorious recipe for a unique, comedic delight. I also relate to Ron's cowlick problems.
Monkey Fist Strikes: It's another villain introduction for a very good villain. I think what really puts this one up there for me is another top fight scene. Another good music selection (that I'm not sure really how to describe other than giving off a Sherlock Holmes vibe). It results in Ron coming through, by himself, and leaving Fist cinematically strewn across the Tai Sheng Pek Kwa insignia and surrounded by four broken idols.
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Odds Man In: What a surprise, another sort of weak high school B-plot. The interesting aspects here are Drakken getting caught up in the sort of corporate villainy he had previously expressed distaste for (see Rappin' Drakken). Also, Wade goes on a mission with Kim!
Mind Games: I love the body swap concept, but fiction always sort of does it the same way. Freaky Friday, Gravity Falls, this episode . . . it's all sort of the "I didn't understand how hard you had it" thing. What makes this episode A-tier is Drakken and Shego's interactions over the body swaps and the Neutronalizer are some of the funniest bits in the series.
Low Budget: I love Frugal Lucre. I love that he is voiced by Richard Kind and I love the idea of trying to hold the world hostage without spending any money.
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Crush: I made a whole post about how this is a really good Ron episode. It also might be the exception to this tier where it's just really high quality all the way through, but without anything particularly high concept about it. That's probably why it aired first.
Car Trouble: All of Shego and Drakken's interaction with Dr. Freeman are fantastic. It's too bad he wasn't a recurring scientist like Bortle. It's also a better B-plot than most because Sadie was a perfectly likeable vehicle.
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Go Team Go: One of the brief glimpses we actually get of Shego's past. I'm not sure if I'm 100% sold on her brothers or not, but undoubtedly this is one of the more interesting episodes. Plus, evil family.
A Very Possible Christmas: I've taken to watching this on Christmas. A lot of gushy holiday feelings between the two lead pairs. The ending is a little weird though.
Dimension Twist: There is an element of cringe here -- It's weird to put Shego in a very milquetoast Friends parody. There's a lot of good as well (trap trap, Drakken's book) and honestly, I just want to see what else the Pandimensional Vortex Inducer can do.
The Ron Factor: I wrote a whole post about this one too. It's a very interesting subversion of the metanarrative within the show and the only reason it isn't S-tier is that Global Justice annoys me a bit. Could definitely have used more Gemini in later episodes though.
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Sick Day: This is the best of the sub-15 minute episodes and the whole point of them is to go for quick laughs and nothing else. I would say it achieved it here with both sides having to quickly adjust to illness and the introduction of Hank Perkins.
Hidden Talent: "Say the Word" is a certified banger. I also like to see Drakken taking initiative to try and be a step ahead of the heroes. Don't forget, the only reason he loses here is because he tries the most complicated way of finishing off Kim ever.
Overdue: The second best of the 15-minute episodes. Once again, we're only here for jokes so we're going to see what happens when Ron tries to rush through defeating a bunch of different villains. It's enjoyable.
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Oh No, Yono!: It's the end of Monkey Fist. It's a satisfying coming-of-age conclusion for Ron and a heartwrenching moment when Kim gets turned to stone. It's only not S-tier because Yono's presence detracts from Ron's real archenemy.
Exchange: For as good as this episode is, it's also very much a setup for what the series planned to do with Ron in the future. We've seen him succeed on his own at this point, but Exchange is interesting in that it creates a part of his life that Kim just can't be associated with.
The Twin Factor: The first of like a hundred mind control plots. It's fun to see brainwashed Shego and Kim and it was important for the series to actually develop Jim and Tim a bit, lest they be pigeonholed into one-joke obstacles for Kim to overcome.
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breakingblorbos · 5 months
Pinned Post/Blog Info!
Hiya!! Welcome to my BrBa & BCS focused blog! 👋🏼😊 The primary purpose of this pinned post is to give some info about me, my blog, and what you can expect to find on it. Everything below the cut is not required reading to follow or interact; merely just additional info if you are interested, or if you want to make requests. The only thing I require you to read is the following disclaimer:
This is an 18+ blog ran by an adult. You will find NSFT art/fic, dark and potentially upsetting themes, as is common for the BrBa/BCS universe. And I make very thirsty comments & posts about my blorbos, so just keep that in mind. However!! I am not going to restrict anyone from following/interacting with my blog. Use your own discretion and awareness. That's your responsibility, not mine. Anything that needs a content warning will be tagged appropriately, of course.
🌌About Me!🪐
Basic info - You can call me either Orion or Riley! I'm 25, neurodivergent, trans masc & nonbinary, and bisexual. Pronouns are he/him and they/them. I do also live in New Mexico (born and raised babyy!), which makes the shows that much more special to me!! I'm very friendly and open, but also very shy, so I tend to not reach out to folks even when I want to talk to them (which, honestly, is most of y'all. Oops.) If you ever do feel compelled to chat with me, please don't hesitate! I'm super excited to talk about BrBa/BCS with literally anybody!
I'm a writer, but I struggle hard with getting anything actually published on here or AO3. I try to write but it's not nearly consistent enough to ever expect anything from me. I'm working towards getting better at this! My main hurdle to overcome is my perfectionism and my fear of rejection (RSD).
I have a lot of interests, being autistic, so the only important one to list here is obviously Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You can certainly ask about my other interests, and I'll be happy to tell you more! I like to keep my special interests all separate on their own dedicated blogs, so that was the main motivation behind creating this one. Which leads me to the next section:
☣️About This Blog!⚗️
Most of the content is gonna be reblogs from others: fanart, fics, writings, memes, shitposts, etc. I myself am not an artist and cannot contribute with art even though I wish I could, but I may sometimes write little drabbles, oneshots, and universe willing, fic chapters for my ships/blorbos (more info on that below ↓). If you want to see something in particular, you're more than welcome to submit a request! I think I have a lot more motivation to write when I get specifically asked to write something, perhaps?
My main blorbos: (red shows the character currently occupying my braincell the most rn)
🥊Tuco Salamanca
🐍Nacho Varga (and by extension, Vaas Montenegro. I simply love MM.)
💀Marco & Leonel Salamanca
❤️‍🩹Jesse Pinkman
🎭Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
Of course, I adore all the characters (except Walt ofc) and they're all very special to me!! But these seven men listed above have an absolute chokehold on my brain at any given time lmao, so they will be featured prominently in this blog.
My fave ships:
Default ship is character x reader
Vaacho (Vaas x Nacho)
Lacho (Nacho x Lalo)
Beef Sandwich (Nacho x Twins) I fucking love this ship name holy shit
Tucho (Tuco x Nacho)
McWexler (Kim x Jimmy)
Jesse x Jane
Jesse x Andrea
Jesse x happiness (this is a joke, but also not. Man deserves it.)
My asks are always open for questions, requests, or really anything! I love sending/receiving asks and interacting with this fandom! If you're interested in requesting a writing from me, first read this list of what I will and won't write before you submit your request:
Yes, no problem!
Vast majority of ships
Reader Inserts
Gender Swaps
Toxic Relationship
Most Kinks & Fetishes
Please ask first!
Fandom Crossovers (mostly just to ensure I know the fandom)
Consensual Noncon (depends on character)
No, I will not!
In/ce/st Ships (i.e. twincest, cousins)
Explicit content involving underage characters
Ageplay (calling a character daddy doesn't count lol)
Extreme Kinks, such as s/ca/t, v/or/e, n/ecr/o, etc.
Keep in mind that I reserve the right to deny your request for any reason, including no reason at all! 9 times out of 10 this won't be necessary, but if you're rude or demanding non-jokingly, I won't write for you! Just be chill and it'll be Saul Goodman! :)
Also I don't have a Masterlist to link here, because I've never posted anything ever! It's all just vibing in my Google Docs while I polish and tweak until the end of time! Fun! :D /s
So, yeah, I suppose that's the long and the short of it. I didn't expect for this to be so long, but I have a tendency to just keep adding details to things! Good for writing; not great for writing a blog intro. I'll edit as needed over time, though. Thanks for reading if you got this far! Seriously, props to you. Here's a cookie mwah 🤲🏼🍪
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 9 months
Part 2
"Wait right here. One sec." Evan sprints around to his side of the table again and grabs his placecard. He makes his way back to me as I sit down in my original seat.
"Oh, shit I didn't grab this" Evan picks up my original date's card and chucks it across the table. It lands face down somewhere near his old seat. "Eh, close enough." A couple of people shoot looks in his direction. I can't help but giggle and that makes him smile. Those damn dimples again. They're so deep I could fill them with water and go swimming.
"Hey, thanks for coming to my rescue" I say to him.
"I mean I haven't done anything much yet. If he comes in with a good story I would be more than happy to back off. But you're welcome."
I only smile at him. If he walks in, he better have an epic story for me to totally ignore Evan. I can't say that to him quite yet.
Evan speaks again "Wow, ya know, I'm usually super shy around women. I don't know what got into me" He laughs. He starts fiddling with the seam of his pants. Maybe his anxiety is kicking in now.
"Oh? What made you come over?" I realize I'm totally putting him on the spot and instantly feel bad. "Sorry. You don't have to answer that." I say.
He lets out a quick nervous laugh. "Uhh, no that's ok. I, uh, saw you sitting there and you looked like you were in distress, but I also noticed...how beautiful you were." He clears his throat. His eyes are shifty.
I laugh nervously and then our eyes meet and they stay locked for a few seconds.
We are interrupted by our waiter asking us what we would like for our meal. I order beef street tacos and Evan orders nachos.
"Want some wine?" Evan asks
"Yes , please. Something white. Red makes me sick"
"Oof, that's not good. Can I get a bottle of Chardonnay to split between us please?"
"Thanks" I say to him and the server.
"So, what's the story? What's up with douchebags standing you up and shit?"
"Well, I don't know him well or anything. So, cutting my losses isn't a big deal. In fact, I'm wondering if he even is who he says he is. It all seems rather strange. The last text I got was sort of a confirmation for tonight, but that was at 11 this morning. I tried googling him, but couldn't find much"
"Let's see here..." Evan has his phone out and he's scrolling through some pictures. "I met him once, not too long ago. He seemed like an alright guy. But, you just don't know people, really." He stops scrolling. He clicks on the picture and zooms in on a face. "Is this him?" He gently hands me his phone so I can get a good look. Evan's dimeanor and his voice are both soft. It strikes me how kind and helpful, even comforting he is.
I'm looking at a group picture of some people at an event. The picture isn't a close up, but even the grainy zoomed in face is recognizable. "Oh, I'll be damned. Yep, that's him" I hand him his phone back.
"Hey, at least we know he's real. Hope it makes the night a little bit less unsettling for you" he says softly.
"Well, can I be honest? You actually have made this night a hell of a lot less unsettling for me already." My eyes get soft as I smile at him. "Thank you for that"
"No problem" I can't describe the look on his face. Caring. Kind. More than that. Who is this guy?
I speak "So Evan, what's your story?"
"Well, I'm Evan peters. Been acting for a little over 20 years now."
"Oh, ok! Yes.." American Horror Story" I watched a few seasons then kind of stopped. But you were recently in a series playing Jeffrey Dahmer. Been meaning to watch it. I'm kind of a true crime follower" I laugh nervously. *Not in a weird way, if that's even possible" I close my eyes and put my head in my hand.
Evan laughs. "Gotcha. I won a Golden Globe for it, but man it took a toll on me"
"I can imagine. Having to put yourself in such a dark place for months. Sounds like you did a great job though if you won a Golden Globe! Congrats on that! I will have to watch it now"
His face lights up."Thanks! It did make it all worth it"
"Are you doing better now?" I ask
"Yea. Still have my moments, but much better. Been seeing a therapist."
"Yea, we all have our moments normally anyhow. No shame in getting some help. That's a big step." I smile encouragingly. He stares into my eyes.
"So how long have you lived in LA? I'm getting Midwest vibes from you" Evan says
"Oh really? What gave it away?"
"The accent. I'm from Missouri"
"Ah, ok then fellow midwesterner. I'm from Michigan. Got a job with an automotive company and they moved me out here about 3 months ago. Paid for it. Got me in a company owned house for my trial period. After that I pay rent, but it's discounted. Pretty good set up. I can't complain. I like the job too."
"Wow that's amazing..." His voice trails off as his eyes dart to something. I noticed it a split second before I hear a man's voice and woman's shrill laughter. My immediate thought is they are both drunk. Evan's face has gone from playful to pissed off.
"What?" I ask as I turn to look in the same direction as him.
"Well, there's your douchebag. Apparently with another woman."
Sure enough, there they are. Sloppily making their way to the seat. Douchebag sees his placecard on the floor and starts laughing hysterically. He sees me sitting there staring at him. And something like recognition hits him, but then he quickly pushes it aside.
"I take it he forgot who he invited where and what time" I say out loud.
I look at Evan. He looks pissed. But then he looks at me and his eyes soften. "Do you want me to back off so you can confront him. Or..." His voice trails off. He's holding his breath.
"Absolutely not. You're more of a man than he will ever be." I reply.
"Want to get out of here? Before they bring the food out?" Evan asks.
I nod my head "Yes, please."
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Sam and Max Save the World Retrospective Part 4: Abe Lincoln Must Die! (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to my sam and max telltale retrospective extravaganza! We're onto part 4 and it's time to get presdietnal as a dark horrifying power rises … no not that one.. no not that one either… this one's more rabit shaped. And he's OSTENSIBLY the lesser of two evils as for our heroes must stop a giant lincoln backed by a shadowy conspiracy. it's going to take mudslinging, soda torture, deciet, jaunty musical numbers, misproration of goverment funds and a good old fashioned musical number to win the day ! Can our heroes do it? Well yeah i'm playing them, but go under the cut for the how, the why and the hairpulling of Abe Lincoln Must Die!
Abe Lincoln Must Die.. is a mixed chapter. The writing is easily the best so far, somehow topping the already great mob the moll and the meatball with lots of great political jokes, regular jokes and one of the most delightfully bonkers scenarios i've seen in a game or anywhere: a sociopath rabbit thing going up against the lincoln memorial for president, with TONS of humor from both parties. It's never not intresting, full of funny and has a kickass musical number.
So then why is it mixed? Well it's simple.. the writing is at it's best and ends great, setting up the next chapter well… but the actual gameplay is
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I had to rely on the guide a LOT with this one, sometimes due to impatience.. but a lot of it being that the solutions were just really vauge. There is a LOT to do and a lot of places to go, with the white house and i'ts lawn being pretty expansive, and it being kind of a pain to get back in the desoto for this one as the driver's side's obscured so it takes a while to have sam walk to it and there is a LOT of going back and forth between there and the office. It gets overwhelming fast. It's not helped that this chapter is more linear: you THINK it would but the more open ended nature of the previous two meant their even bigger environments weren't an issue and you were encouraged to just explore. Here your stuck between two environments that take forever to get out of as you have to click on the door and have sam walk all the way to it. Even with a guide it slows it way down. The settings here aren't bad but by not giving the player as much flexibility it makes them frustrating and repttive rather than fun.
It's not TERRIBLE, the humor, the dialouge options, and the sheer variety help, but it's certainly the weakest chapter so far. I thought the game giving you at on of options was a problem.. but it turns out it's way worse when it gives you those BUT a narrow goal to acomplish with them. It's why this chapter's so frustrating: it should be excellent but drawbacks they shoudl've been ready to acomidate for are there and really hold this one back. So with the actual analysis as a game out of the way, let's look at the story
The opening.. is a thing of beauty. The Bug returns, with Sam and Max using his vast powers exactly how you'd expect: for prank calls. It's only when the Chief calls does the fun stops: the president is passsing a bunch of irrational laws and generally loosing it so our heroes need to go put a stop to it. Insert your own joke about you know who here, though this president is more bush than trump flavored, which for the record are nacho cheese covered mild slim jim for the former and pralines and dick for the later.
Our heroes head to the white house, where they have to get past the MVP of this episode, Agent Superball. Superball is a taciturn, unfun dude.. who also happens to listen in on stage whispers and asides as part of his job, only gets federal holidays off and is in general a delight. Thankfully one of his many, MANY, duties is answering the payphone, so a simple call to it using the bug distracts him long enough to get in.
The Oval Office itself.. isn't any more helpeful. The duo , given the last three adventures, figure four's a charm and the president has been hypnotized, but naturally it's a bit hard to just wack the leader of the free world upside the head to fix that. Not helping is Agent Cuddles, who was one of the mafia bears last time.. and was the one in the omnious stinger, now taking position as this episode's big bad and our heroes general poking around is suspcious and gets them thrown out
This is something I really like about the white house setting: it's the rare time when their freelance police credintials mean nothing that isn't either for comedy's sake (the stage manager refusing to let them past) or simply one of the villians of the peace not respecting thier authoratah. I mean granted if it did this series chapters would be way shorter and way less funny, but it's still one of the few times their really out of options for a moment… if only a moment because our heroes are saved by walking pee joke and dollar store squeaky voiced teen, Whizzer, and for once. .i'm actually HAPPY he's here
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Yeah i'm as suprised as you, but after the suffering of having to hear him sing and the hours spent getting my ears counseling from the experience, we get payback as you serve as his translator since the President can't heart at frequencies that high. or i'ts just funny and makes for the series best gag since "Cookin without Lookin'. As a result you basically get to troll the voice that makes dogs run in terror who don't have hats with build in sound baffling for occasions such as this or max playing the sousaphone at 2am with various blatantly wrong and offensive answers , from picking a fight outright to declaring war, it's all good stuff and the actual solution is great. Whizzer is there as a former soda addict, so simply get him a drink, and he acts like this soda is
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I mean I get it i'm also a soda junkie. I just dont announce my bathroom breaks. Sam makes him think the war room is a piss closet, he's escorted out and we get to wack the commander in chief upside the head only for him to be a ROBOT! Yeah while I knew going in he wasn't going to be the main antagonist, the title also helps, it's still a nice misdirect as you assume the episode will be saving the commander THEN a giant stone abe lincoln comes in. Instead the Commander was a cheap puppet, just like the real bush, and Cuddles is surprisingly unphased. Annoyed yes, but since plan A Failed i'ts time for plan B… and this being sam and max instead of "assume the presidency and pin the murder on the furries", it's "bring the lincoln memorial to life as a giant honest abe and have him run in the emergency election" And that is why this franchise rules and is the second best use of abe lincoln behind clone high ladies, gentleman and others. Why frame our heroes for murder and have a drawn out trial that involves Max threatening the judge with a turnip twaddler, when instead you can have our heroes forced to run for president against the lincoln memorial.
And Chief wants them to do just that. He may regret those vauge orders as since Sam got ot answer the phone (love me those phone gags), Max gets to run for president
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But to beat the president, we're going to need some suplies so it's back home.
So it's time to check up on our recurring cast: Bosco has gone russian, trying to get the money for a satalite, charging you millions of dollars and being there as usual. So in other words not much has changed except he wears a neat hat now. Sybil however gets her best career yet: Dating Service. As a result we get to play a fun game filling out applications.. .and having the results for Sam and Max be each other. The two claim to never speak of this again because it was the 2000's and having a case of the not gays was considered a joke and not being in hardcore denial about who you two are. Seriously guys just get married.. again. You'll drop the pretense and get a neat tax break you can use to buy that Walrus with a rocket launcher grafted on it's back and chainsaws for flippers you've always wanted. They also find out Syb is desperate of ra date, so using the bug we set her up with Lincoln. We also get some handy signs from our good old friend Hugh Bliss, who is in this again and surely isn't plotting anything. What a nice fellow.
So it's time for a debate between a stone abe lincoln puppeted by a shadowy conspiracy and a lagomorph high on sugar, cocaine and sugar that looks like cocaine. This may be the finest presidetial debate ever witnessed and the only way I can even fathom it being even better was if the third party candidate was this guy
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The key to beat abe is to switch his cue cards up, making his poll numbers dip hard dip fast now, and finish it off with a sex scandal… though why the LIncoln Memorial is beholden to his marriage to a mary todd whose long dead I dunno but hey this is sam and max. It works.
Sybil is left heartbroken, whcih is the second time in two episodes we've severely fucked with a close friend and ally for personal gain! Huzzah! The problem is Lincoln's decided to go all ronald regan on us and LINCOLN SMASH.. and since he has the stamina of a golem and not an 80 year old man, we're all in trouble.
The next bit is confusing, as there are a lot of things to manipulate but how isn't very clear: it's clear you need to get the warroom which superball is still keeping you from because goverment, and the national descrionary budget. We also have to deal with ALL THREE soda jerkers
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Governeors of North, South and east Dakota. A parody on the oh so timeless trend of celebrities running for office.
The final pieces of this act play out like this: we first go to sybil finding out she's now a carbon dater because she bought a neat gun thingy and accidently thinks her tiki statue is years old. We give her the money for vacation, then swipe the gun, using it on bosco's to find out his hot dogs are paleolithic and thus switch the money ot him, getting the serum. Instead of Delcious Burbon, they get some vodka. Before we use it though I need to mention one thing I keep nearly leaving out: the trophy. After the disapointment from last time this episode MORE THAN MADE UP FOR IT, with LENOARD STEAKCHARMER. That's not a typo: he's still tied up and gagged and as an added bonus he's just shoved into the shelf in the closet. They just keep him there. It's fantastic.
So with our whitest of the white liquors in hand, we get the boys wasted, they declare war on each other and we get the best sequence in the entire series thus far, one i'm doubting will be topped. I'd seen this before getting to this chapter but boy oh boy was it just as good the second time.
It's good for you, it's good for me. Now we've showed the world we've got stones and carriers with fighter drones, we can now use a ribon from the three stooges at home to make superball a secretary of whatever we say he is, all the options are fucking gold, paticuarlly "Secretary of watching this door" (MAX NO), and get him to take a day off. Inside the war room we get a lot of great options including to BOMB THE RUSSIANS (like a boss) and destroy the planet krypton. We also get BOSCO'S as an option, a great gag about them REALLY being after him. Sam understandbly decides not to tell him and steals the beacon for that bomb. We throw it at lincoln in another car chase because they programmed the car stuff dammit, then go back and blow him up real good. Democrcy is saved, lincoln is left just a head and Agent Cuddles is beaten.. and his mysterious master is left destraught. Whose behind all this?
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Well okay I do know but stay tuned next time as we jack in, Sam and Max, execute! And thanks for reading.
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genderhawk · 2 years
So like I was laying in bed trying to fall back asleep because if I dont I'll be cranky later today and I have An Outing Scheduled and and I don't wanna be cranky and I scrolled tumblr trying to calm enough to fall asleep and I read this poem
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[Image ID: The poem “One Source of Bad Information”, by Robert Bly.  There’s a boy in you about three years old who hasn’t learned a thing for thirty Thousand Years. Sometimes it’s a girl.  The child had to make up its mind How to save you from death. He said things like:  “Stay home. Avoid elevators. Eat only elk.”  You live with this child, but you don’t know it.  You’re in the office, yes, but live with this boy  At night. He’s uninformed, but he does want To save your life. And he has. Because of this boy  You survived a lot. He’s got six big ideas.  Five don’t work. Right now he’s repeating them to you. 
/end id]
And MY, fully personafied, yes I've got DID, inner child was like "RIP to the poet but we're different cause I can actually SOLVE the problems for real real" and I was like "Prove it then" so he said "why are you trying to seel when its too hot and you're itchy and hungry and thirsty? when theres ICE CREAM and you spent like TWO DAYS meal prepping so theres sandwiches and nachos and burritos ready and even more theres ICE CREAMS in the freezer and JUICE WITH RAINBOW DASH ON IT and you could watch kipo also"
so now im gonna drink fruit punch through rainbow dash's head and also eat ice cream at 718 in the morning then eat a sandwich and hopefully then get a little more sleep before my Outing
but i wont be trying to go to sleep hungry and hot and cranky for no reason because like... my kitchen is literally FULL of food I wanna eat and nobody in my house will judge me or harm me for eating it whenever I want and I'm safe and shit
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llycaons · 2 years
I may have watched only five new movies this year, but I started or finished at least ten new shows. what can I say, I'm a TV gal*
SHOWS I've watched in 2022 (scored but unranked)
Breaking Bad: 9/10
everyone was obsessed with this show in 2012 or whatever and my older brother still raves about it so I thought, what the hell. and what do you know, it was really good! it was funny! I watched in fascination as a story about an egotistical, immature maniac destroying his own life and the lives of the people around him continued to be a comedy for much of its run
definitely not perfect (treats its Latino characters horribly, kills off too many women, and it got a bit clumsy by the end plotwise) but overall writing is absolutely incredible. I may or may not ever rewatch
Better Call Saul : 6/10
this was a very well-written, critically acclaimed show that for various reasons, I didn’t like as much as I had hoped to. I found the main character whiny and insufferable, some of the scenes were incredibly boring and drawn-out, and some of the acting for minor characters was so bad as to genuinely disrupt the experience (looking at you, stacy). and somehow it took characters I really enjoyed from brba (saul/jimmy and mike) and made them so unlikeable as to be unwatchable
despite my personal tastes not really gelling with the show, I really loved seeing more gus, and new characters like kim, lalo, and nacho were a delight. rather mixed on this one, but I’m ending it with higher than a 5 because I think the ending was pulled off really well
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: 7/10
I’m only halfway through this show because I haven’t had time to go to the gym, which is where I watch it, but it’s a very beautiful story with a strong aesthetic and I’m enchanted by the main character
I‘ve hit a very slow series of episodes with cases I do not care about at all (the railroad through the town) and I’m finding it hard to get the motivation to continue. I’m neutral on most of the side characters. I do really like the love interest, though. and I think I’ll cry when I hit the ending....I saw some gifs and 🥺 I love you woo young-woo
I will have a more complete review when I finish it, but I think the fact that it’s scored higher than bcs is very funny
The Bear: 6/10
this show could have been so much better than it ended up being. ah, what potential! the concept was interesting, the acting and chemistry was great, the stress and misery of a kitchen disaster was very well-executed, the core cast was (mostly) engaging, the humor was (mostly) on point, and the plots were genuinely very compelling
what let the bear down was 1. having an extremely shitty guy in the main cast but not really dealing with how shitty he was beyond well, he sucks but he’s a good dad and he’s one of the guys! he gets it! 2. the ending. instead of an earned, bittersweet, realistic finale appropriate to the story of a man losing his brother and feeling tremendous guilt and responsibility over it, and struggling with both substance use and keeping a small business afloat, there’s this....fairytale wish-fulfillment at play in which all problems are solved through an implausible discovery of hidden treasure. like....what? there’s also  some minor character elements that I found were done clumsily, but these were the big two flaws for me
Interview with the Vampire: 10/10
ohhhh WHAT a show. yes, I’m ranking it higher than breaking bad. I think I actually personally enjoyed this one a little less than brba because I don’t love the storytelling structure or the themes of unreliable narration/storytelling/memory. also I was let down by the armand bait-and-switch and I don’t know why the show kept in louis’s family’s history of owning a plantation at all, but in this case I think that the rest of the show was good enough to make up for it
what can I say that hasn’t already been said? the bold reimagining of a racist old book series into a contemplation on race and identity centered on the experiences of a Black man in 20th century New Orleans, the explicit and very well-executed sexual and romantic relationship between the leads, the lighting, costuming, and set design, the research into the setting, the chemistry between the leads, the dialogue, the incredible acting of all cast members, especially JA and SR, the drama, the gore, the horror, the tragedy, the ending, the perspective from the future - wow! wow!
the best possible type of adaptation from a series with compelling aspects but many issues - I feel grateful to everyone involved that that this show was created and I cannot wait for season 2
Our Flag Means Death: 0.5/10
yeah, I did watch this show, and hated almost every minute of it. followers may remember me forcing myself to just get to the next episode because it was so popular and beloved, I figured there must be SOMETHING there and I felt bad for being a killjoy. TW’s comedy really doesn’t do it for me (I didn’t love WWDITS movie and never watched the tv show), I disliked the acting, the romantic dialogue was overrated and clumsy, and I hated the lead character very deeply
I ended up liking some things about it, but by the end some things were coming to light about the character that TW based the show off of and the most important consideration here is that it’s a rosy, ahistorical view of literal plantation owners and slave traders, and I hope it falls into obscurity as fast as possible. also TW is antiblack so I’m not going to be supporting any of his projects in the future anyway
Kinnporsche: 0.5/10
dear reader, do not watch this show
Can Lan Jue (Love Between Fairy and Devil): ?/10
ohhhh boy. this one is a challenge for me. the main character is a marvel. the humor is phenomenal. the set designs are rich and indulgent, and the costumes are varied and interesting - a feast for the eyes. in many ways, it’s a lovely and relaxing show to go to sleep to, and I have a lot of fondness for it
this current plot I’m in (shenanigans in the mortal world) has plenty of twists to keep it interesting, and surprisingly heartfelt dramatic performances from mainly comical characters
where I really struggle is the plot and character interactions. it had a decently paced beginning, but it slowed down afterwards, and at 23 (of 38) episodes, the plot is finally picking up again. I only watch this show once every few days, so the pacing probably isn’t as glacial as it feels, but it’s still slower than I usually like
the romance has had a very rough start, which I’m looking forward to improving, but which upset me so much that I quit the show more than once, because I find it difficult to be comfortable with couples who have such a history between them
also I want the leads not to date each other and instead get into gay relationships with the mortals they’re trying to set up. but alas. this romcom scenario will end in het marriage (or death? remains to be seen)
final ranking: we’ll see
Mó dào Zǔ shī: 7/10
I cannot remember when I watched this and my search function is failing me, but it’s going here
edit: I watched this in 2021 but fuck it, it was december so close enough
this is also a mixed bag because the first and third season were very strong, but the second season was so bad that there must have been some kind of production issue so I’m not going to hold it against the creators even if it was really comedic in how poor the quality was
right off the bat - I know the characters look like that and I don’t like it either, but you stop noticing after a while. I am much more bothered by the animal designs. like those rabbits??? kind of freaky. the in-show ads for cornetto ice cream were honestly quite funny so I don't mind them. they added to the character of the show
anyway, the donghua was mostly quite good and a fun experience. it captured a lot of the powerful moments from the novel while maintaining more of the original plot than cql did, which made it arguably more coherent than the drama. the animation allowed it to really go ham on the effects like glowing red eyes and flocks of green crows without looking incredibly silly like it would in a live action, which would have marred some of the dramatic tension
the music was absolutely stunning, the backgrounds were meticulously painted, it was well-paced (with exceptions), and the character dynamics were organic and engaging. although censored, there was palpable romantic and sexual chemistry between the leads, and it gave them a sweet ending with a slight twist on the novel. many of the choices for lwj surprised and pleased me (like smiling instead of getting jealous in that one scene). I enjoyed the characterization choices for myu and jc, and the added details for wwx, which were often quite charming (like when he welcomes little apple back with open arms saying how much he missed her, aww)
on the other hand, due to the faithfulness to the novel, some of the scenes come off as confusing or downright silly without proper context, and there are still several homophobic jokes and uncomfortable scenes. jyl is barely a presence, I feel neutral on wen qing’s different personality, and for the most part the characters outside the core cast where pretty blah. and as I said before, the second season is such a disaster that it really hampers the entire story. I don’t know how much sense the plot would make to someone not familiar with the story because so much was cut out and the rest was so rushed and clumsy. but it’s something I would watch again for sure (though it is unknown how much I’d like it)
The Great: 9/10
this one is wild. you really need to be prepared for a LOT (animal cruelty, burning people alive, gore, eye horror, abuse). it’s very good, and I enjoy the acting, costuming, plot, and humor quite a lot. but I haven’t finished it so this ranking is premature, and I feel strangely reluctant to do so now that catherine has actually gained power. it’s emotionally quite draining.
Hunter x Hunter: 8/10
please don’t ask me to talk about this show anymore. I’ve been doing it for over a year now. it was good and I liked it but it had some flaws. I will likely not watch it again. read the manga. that is all <3
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darknessawaits28 · 3 months
~Echoes of the Obsessed~ Chapter 1
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Summary: Damion (Pedro Pascal oc) was the sweetest man that Beth had ever met. She had recently gone through a bad breakup with her boyfriend of 4 years, so when she was hit with this magnificent blessing, she couldn't stand by idly and watch another woman take this man. Of course, she was skeptical and maintained her distance, not wanting to overwhelm him, but, little did she know, that only made him want her more. He couldn't get enough of her, wanted her tied down for his enjoyment only. And therefore, a stalker was born.
Characters: Beth (main protagonist), Damion (stalker), Ita (Beth's mother), George (Beth's father), Andrew (Beth's brother), other characters that will be named in the story below.
Warnings: Contains some scenes of smut, aka. Jacking off, using words like cock, pussy, cunt, etc. There might be use of force such as strangling, tying hands together, etc. Also, there is use of profanity (fuck, shit, etc.). Viewer Discretion Highly Advised! (In the next chapters)
Thank you lovies for taking the time to read my story and for all your love and support! Thank you again lovies and Enjoy! ;3
"Welcome to Fairfield Market, where our prices are affordable compared to our competitor's" The woman on the loudspeaker spoke as Beth casually entered the supermarket.
"Fuck, I knew my brother was right about that man, only cared for himself" Beth sighed, trying to compose herself and not fog her glasses up with tears. "But of course, I had to go for him, because he seemed genuine at first, but later was a fucking disaster!" As Beth kept mumbling to herself, she grabbed a shopping cart and headed down the isles, trying to find some junk food to stuff her face, and maybe some food she could cook later for the week. "Gosh, gonna stuff my face again, fuck my life" she sighed, grabbing 2 Doritos Spicy Nacho flavor and a regular cheesy Dorito; they were on sale. "God I hope they have that soda on sale, been wanting a nice cold Baja Blast." As Beth headed down the soda isle, she heard someone calling from behind her.
"Sweetheart, hey, you dropped your wallet!"
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"Huh?" Beth quickly turned around to see this hunk of a man rushing after her with her pink wallet and wearing such a handsome piece of clothing.
"Heh, damn, you're a fast walker" The man panted heavily, looking at her with such a sweet smile. "Good thing that I saw you lose this, who knows who could've taken it and spent all your money."
"Oh my gosh, thank you, I didn't even notice it falling out of my purse!" Beth sighed in relief, grabbing it from the man and opening up her handbag and shoving it inside.
"No problem at all sweetheart." "Having a rough day?"
"Yeah....m-my boyfriend of 4 years...broke up with me....so....yeah I'm fucking fantastic!" Beth sniffled, tears beginning to pool down her cheeks and fog up her glasses.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart, don't cry" the man tried to calm her down, slowly grabbing her glasses from her face and wiping her tears away with the sleeve of his shirt.
Taken aback by this gesture, she pulled away slightly, finding it awkward that this stranger was being so 'nice' to her.
"Sorry, I did not mean to overstep...here" he cleared his throat, cleaning her glasses with the conveniently placed cloth he had in his back pocket. "There ya are."
"T-Thank you" Beth smiled cutely, grabbing her glasses and putting them back on her face. "I-I'm sorry I just am not used to such kindness."
"No need to apologize, I understand." "And I know it ain't none of my business, but I'm pretty sure that asshole you dated, did not deserve one bit of you."
"Heh, thank you" she giggled, cracking a smile when he reassured her. "Yeah, he didn't, I'm glad though that he didn't tell me to wear make up or put my hair down in order for me to look beautiful, because that would've seriously messed up my life even more."
"Even if he said that, you are perfectly fine being natural sweetheart, no reason to be ashamed of how you look like" The man chuckled, fixing his shirt a bit.
"Well, thank you again, I truly appreciate this talk, but I'm going to get some more junk food, and probably some food so I can cook for the week."
"Of course, my name is Damion by the way, if we uh....ever see each other again."
"Oh you know what, here, let me give you my number" Beth smiled as she grabbed a small notepad that had unicorns littered all over it, and began to write her number.
"That notepad by the way, is so adorable" Damion snickered.
"Oh heh, thanks, here you go...I hope um that it's not too much to be giving you my number."
"Nonsense, it isn't that much, I'm honored to meet someone new on my travels" Damion chuckled, grabbing the note with her number on it.
"Oh and my name's Beth, a pleasure to meet you Damion!"
"A pleasure to meet you too, and enjoy your shopping."
"Thanks, you too" Beth waved goodbye to him and continued down the soda isle to grab her soda.
As she continued down the isle, Damion's smile faded and his eyes stared at her from across the way. Not a stare of intrigue but a stare of hunger and obsession. When she was fully out of his sight, he pulled the note close to his nose and sniffed the delicious perfume scent that lingered on it, "Mmm fuck, she smells so good" he groaned, his pants tightening in reaction.
After about half an hour, Beth pushed her cart towards her red car, unlocking it and heading towards the trunk. "Damn, I bought way too much soda, but ya know, whatever!" she laughed as she began to load her trunk with the light stuff first.
As Damion walked out of the supermarket, he causally strolled on by her and then pretended that she had caught his eye, "Oh hey again, uh I noticed you have some of those cases of soda, do you need some help with that?"
"Oh, hey again Damion, and um, sure yeah that would be amazing!" Beth smiled, moving away from her trunk to allow him to help her. "So funny we caught up to each other again" she laughed, opening up her passenger door to put her purse in.
"Yeah I was just getting some few things and then walked right out, then I saw you, and seemed like you needed some help" he spoke to her, making sure that she wasn't looking and put a circular tracking device in the crevice of the trunk.
"Well honestly, you are a life saver, I am honestly glad we met" she told him, closing the passenger door when she was finished.
"Same here" Damion smiled cutely, putting the last case of soda in her trunk and then slowly closed it. "I'll put your cart away sweetheart, you just have a nice day, you deserve it."
"You are literally the sweetest, thank you Damion, hopefully we can talk again soon, bye!" Beth waved to him again as she got into her car and turned it on, making sure that she had everything before she left.
As Damion went to put back the cart, he glanced back, seeing she began to pull out of the parking lot and headed down the road. "She seems so sweet and so delicious" he chuckled to himself, fixing his hat a bit, readying himself to do some reconnaissance of her house; get a first hand view of her home, her life, and maybe potentially find that boyfriend that made her fucking shed a tear. He knew that she was a stranger, that they had just met, but something deep within him, wanted more; he wanted more of her kindness, wanted to hear more of her voice, and wanted to kiss every inch of her body until she was his forever.
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49125 · 4 months
My muse has died. Send in your muse’s reaction.
--- gotham was probably one of dean's least favorite places on the planet. he made it no secret what he thought about the city. every time he learned about some new fact or of some new crazy villain he made his feelings known.
today, though, today he would have been happy to see the city wiped off the map.
tim had missed a check-in. he really hadn't been gone very long at all. it had happened before but usually it was just because he was hyper-focusing on something and lost track of time. when it had happened this time, somehow dean had a feeling that it was worse than some absent mindedness. sometimes he hated how much he could trust his gut feelings.
by the time dean got to tim it was too late. the most fucked up part about it was the people who were holding him hostage hadn't even meant to kill him. this was tim drake. they weren't holding robin hostage. that was part of the problem. the other part was that they were armatures; desperate armatures just looking to turn their fortune around by holding a rich kid hostage. beating him up had only been to make it seem serious. it didn't look that bad, but internal bleeding didn't need to look bad to kill you.
it was unfortunate that none of that mattered to dean. one of the kids he'd come to care about more than his own life was gone and the people who did it were within his reach. what they had done to tim looked like a joke in comparison to what dean had done to all of them. there were dark parts of him that he kept buried. the parts of him that had come out in hell. the parts that had come out when he gave into his blood lust under the influence of the mark of cain. the parts of him that were demonic in nature. the parts of him that he used to survive in purgatory. he didn't even try to keep it in check that day. all he saw was red both metaphorically and from the sheer amount of blood that was left dripping from his being when he was done.
when he gathered tim into his arms he couldn't bring himself to cry. it wasn't that he didn't have that in him, it would come later, but he was still so full of rage and now he had no outlet. all he could think about was how much he fucking hated this city to its core. if he could he would have burned it all to ashes himself. he was tired of losing people. that wasn't all on gotham, but it was easy to direct his feelings there as he carried tim's lifeless (god he was so small) body out to the impala.
for a long while all dean could do was sit there staring into nothingness as the blood and gore dried on him. tim was still a kid. a literal child and to dean he was his kid. he had taken up a place in his heart despite his best judgment, but in reality dean had been helpless to stop it.
he could remember the movie nights, the wrestling matches, the way tim had reacted to a real hug from him when he got worried. the time he'd slipped up and called him dad. the car karaoke. the way tim laughed when he sang off key. late night nacho runs. worrying if he was getting enough to eat. vampire fights. just how proud he was of the damn kid...
the rage drained from dean slowly but when it finally did all he could do was sit there wit his forehead pressed against the wheel of the impala, tears pouring down his face, shoulders shaking.
"i'll get you back. i promise. you were suppose to outlive me. if i'm -- i'm your dad then that's how this goes. that's how this fucking works. no kid of mine is going before i do."
My muse has died. Send in your muse’s reaction.
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throughthenotes · 3 years
Bowling w/ @AMindfulChaos @ALoverOfDreams & @InspiredAdams
Just one or do you want a pitcher? <Beer. Talking about your traditions, it was nothing for Rainey and I to put a large pizza, nachos and a few pitchers of beer away while bowling in our day. It was the one thing she had insisted on once we found ourselves aged out of the system. She called it our one day of the week that we could look forward to for years and the old pastime had quickly became a favorite to us both. The problem was ever since my run in with gallery guru as she had come to call him, I had been laying low when it came to my partaking in any substance. Drinking mostly. Apparently, my issues tended to turn into a variety of problems that only people with policing authority could handle and wasn't that just the bitch of it all. "Actually, how about a Pepsi."> Rainey.. <That earned her a look. "What? I just don't feel like drinking any tonight." Right. Shaking my head, I took a turn towards the concession and headed there while Rainey set up our game. The half hearted glare she had given me in return, earned herself a chuckle of recognition. I knew why she wasn't drinking. Not that my sister was a lush or anything but beer and bowling, normally went hand in hand. Shrugging it off though and having to grab a bowling ball on the way back, I finally made it up there to look over the menu, even though it didn't take me long to figure out what I would be ordering. It was almost always the same. However, my thoughts were suddenly stolen from me because of the lovely brunette directly in front of me in line. You would have to be blind not to notice her but even with that, it would still be a poor excuse. That's when it hit me. What was I thinking? She has be here with someone. Another friend maybe. Seeing not another soul around on half price Wednesday night, I finally spoke up when you seemed to be lost in menu land.> Do you normally bowl by yourself? <So it wasn't the greatest ice breaker but my first impression wasn't a total loss I hoped when I flashed her that crooked grin.>
{I had fully intended to lock myself in my room and binge trash TV with a boatload of munchies. But @InspiredAdams wasn’t having any of that. He was insistent that we do something “outside of the house.” I held out for a long time. But then he promised me one of those ooey gooey cheese pizzas they had down at the bowling alley. And that sounded way better than the stuff laying around the house. Especially since we were down to slim pickings as we approached grocery day. As soon as we were inside, I left him to figure out all the technicalities while I made a beeline for the snack bar. The question was just pizza? Or did I want some wings too? Nachos? Oh, they had sliders too… Suddenly I was pulled from my decision making from a voice behind me. I spun around, intending to lie and say I was here with my boyfriend. It wouldn’t be the first time I had forced Chris to play the boyfriend role to save me from some random. Then he offered me that crooked grin, and my heart did a little flip} Oh, I’m not alone. {the look on your face told me you were assuming, and my eyes flew open a little wider} Brother! {jerks my thumb over my shoulder in the direction that I had left him} I’m here with my brother. {smiles, glancing around now for anyone that looked like they were with you} What about you? Are you here alone? {cringes internally at how hopeful that sounded}
I'm not alone. I mean if you count us both, we're here together. [Chuckling low, I glanced in the direction you looked before turning my gaze back to yours. My grin only growing wider at the mention of a sibling because what were the chances of you believing me when I told you it was the same for me.> That was a joke. I'm here with my sister. <Not a joke. It couldn't be if it were true and we very much were not alone. Those kind eyes of mine, won you over then when you smiled my way, letting me off the hook only to have it falter when the clearing of throats could be heard. "You ordering, hun?" Arching a playful brow, I point up at the menu you had been looking at only moments ago.> They are waiting on you. The pizza is good and so are the nachos. My sister likes them.
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{I wasn’t ready to stop talking to you. And I had just opened my mouth to ask if it was an older sister or younger when I heard the cashier asking for my order. My cheeks instantly flushing as I let out a laugh at myself and turned to her} Oh, geez. I’m so sorry. {flashes her a bright smile before beginning} Um, a pepperoni pizza, please? And a pitcher of Pepsi? {glances over my shoulder at you, taking that nacho recommendation to heart} Oh, and some nachos too please? {I quickly paid her, and stepped out of your way, off to the side where she told me to wait for my order to be ready.}
<"Same for you?" I actually laughed, shaking my head out of my thoughts at the order you had already placed.> The Thomas special. <I knew you were watching on. The fact that we spent that much time here wasn't lost on me or you for that matter when asked for my own order. It was our usual and I paid accordingly once she rang me up. Receipt now in hand, I casually slipped it into my pocket and walked over to wait beside you when our pitchers of Pepsi were set down in front of us.] They will put the rest on a tray and bring it out.
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Can I walk you back to your lane? <I didn't want to part ways just yet. Besides, I still needed to get your number and when you offered me that smile again with a touch of a soft nod, I held my arm out for you to hook your arm around. Leading the way, carrying your soda for you, we reached our fork in the road so to speak, and I cleared my throat before addressing the situation we found ourselves in. Again.] I guess the question now is are you seeking out lust or looking for love? [Can't help but smirk when I look you way now.]
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{pops my brows at mention of the Thomas Special. Wondering if Thomas was the first or the last name. Then it dawned on me that it meant you came here a lot if you had them knowing your order so well. And I smirked to myself. Suddenly I was very interested in bowling more often. Chris was going to be either really pleased, or wishing he had never made me come out tonight. Then you were standing next to me again. I didn’t even have the ability to care how lost I seemed because all I could think about was how good you smelled. If Ed or Chris were here they would be rolling their eyes and accusing me of already mentally doodling our names in a notebook. That’s…if I knew your name at least. Thomas though! I knew Thomas! Then you asked to walk me to the lane and I probably agreed way too easily. But it was such a cute offer. And you were hot so…} Umm…? {Your question had caught me off guard. Both is a bad answer right? I laughed nervously because I had half a mind to be really honest and tell you that it was both. But I also knew that was going to only get me in trouble. So I said what I hoped wasn’t going to scare you off} Honestly? I would love to be in love. I write a lot of songs about it. But, yeah, actually experiencing it would be…cool. {cringe number two of the night. I needed a better vocabulary}
Love it is then. <With a soft tug of my arm and a wink, I began the short walk with you down to the LOVE side of the lanes, pointing it out on the wall with a kick of my chin in that direction.> Does this look familiar now? <I knew in asking that you could have taken it literal, and began looking for your brother, or you could have taken it all the way back to my original question itself. For whatever the reason, I chose to stay in that space and ask the question that had been dancing to get out since you said you had never experienced being in love before. My desire to know more about these songs was fueled by your same statement as well.> Never. Not even a guy in high school? <You have to at least be in college, right? There was no way around it and you really hadn't offered that up yet either. So I took the plunge and spoke up with a grin.> What name could I find these songs under if you don't mind me asking. You already know my last name is Thomas.
{I had to stop myself from facepalming when I saw the big letters written on the wall. But before I could turn too red with embarrassment at my awkwardness, you redirected my mind with your next question} No. Most of the boys in high school were too scared of my brother. {CRINGE! Why would I say that? Now you were really gonna run. But rather than make things better, I did what I always do and just kept talking. Making it worse, I’m sure.} He had a little bit of a temper and… {Trails off as I finally manage to stop myself from rambling, and clears my throat} Nothing has been released, released. I mean, I have a Youtube. Camryn Adams. {smiles} But you can call me Cammy.
Ah, an older brother. <With a temper no less. This was getting better by the second. Was it possible I was walking towards that sense of impending doom? Or would I be spared of your brother's wrath upon his first impression of me. Fuck... Glancing back over my shoulder, I look Jaiden Thomas. Trust me when I say, I'm still going to check out that Youtube. <Flashing that crooked grin again, I pulled you closer to me by that hook of my arm you had.> You want to head back the other way?
{my eyes had scanned all the lanes close to LOVE, and I hadn’t spotted Chris. I guess I should’ve waited long enough to figure out where he was going before I went to the snack bar. But then, if I had done that, I might have missed you. Giving one last scan, I nodded my head} Hmm…yeah, I don’t see Chris anywhere. Maybe I should’ve known he wouldn’t have gone this far. {laughs more to myself than anything, relief flooding my body that you hadn’t dropped my arm the second you heard about my brother} Oh! There he is! {lifting a finger, I pointed to him before pulling you to stop for a second} But if you contact me through my Youtube…I might mistake you for a weirdo that wants pictures of my feet and not answer…
Do you want me to contact you again, Cammy? <It was only a quick glance in the direction you pointed, your brother not that far from where @ALoverOfDreams was before I turned my attention back to you and that death grip you were suddenly imposing on my arm. Smirking at first, I welcomed how forward you appeared to be, going for gold as it were only to be cut short with the rest of that final thought. Yeah, the second you said feet, I knew I pulled a face. It would have been smart of me to pause when you held me back by that arm of mine but I couldn't stop the chuckle if I wanted to. You laughed at the expression on my face, and nervous or not, I leaned in to whisper against your ear, unbeknownst to me that @InspiredAdams was about to make his presence known just in time to see you cozying up to yours truly.> How about you give me your number and I'll text you. That way you have my cell too.
{Flushes instantly at your first question. I was making a ton of assumptions, and I knew it. But I really liked you already and it just happened. Then you leaned in and whispered and my stomach filled with butterflies, causing me to completely forget about the proximity of @InspiredAdams, already reaching for my phone in my back pocket to hold it out to you} Here, text yourself with my phone.
Sure thing, beautiful. <And just like in the movies, it really was that simple. You had been getting your phone out when I heard a shuffling of feet and yours of course, came to a full stop when I heard the clearing of a throat next. "Cammy, this guy bothering you?"> Who, me? <It was your brother. There was no way it was anyone else and from the way you had spoken, I believed this wasn't a normal thing for you. Bowling that was.> She's fine. Just giving her my number. You mind holding this? <I didn't give @InspiredAdams a chance to really reply. Instead I simply handed the pitcher of Pepsi over so I could take your phone from you. All the while your other arm was still hooked around mine as I plugged my number in, quick to snap a pic of us together while your brother watched on and waited for you to introduce us.>
What the hell is taking her so long? [I glanced toward the snack bar and didn’t see @ThroughTheNotes over there anymore. Then I finally saw her coming toward me. But she wasn’t alone. Immediately I was on my feet and making my way over to her. She was way too fucking nice for her own good. And I was fully prepared to pull out whatever card I needed to make him get lost] Cammy, this guy bothering you? [He barely looked at me when he answered with that, “Who, me?” And my brow shot up as I was handed a pitcher of soda, looking between @ThroughTheNotes and @AMindfulChaos.] Camryn, who is this? Do you know him?
(I must have entered @AMindfulChaos's name three times before the electric scorecard saved it. The final time, I changed the spelling to L O S E R and would you look at that, it set up the sheet no problem. Laughing quietly to myself, I hadn't heard the gentleman walk up until he asked me if I needed assistance. Politely declining his invitation to join him when I explained I wasn't alone, he didn't seem to take the hint until I held up my hand, sporting a gold band. The fact that it was found inside the bowling bag of one "Fred from Kentucky" and after many, many failed attempts to locate its previous owner, Fred from Kentucky had been born. Thinking back to the day that I found it, I remembered the crap Jaiden had given me over the name. "Fred the blue ball. Do you hear yourself, Rainey?" We had a good laugh about it but it worked seeing how Fred always came through for me from that day forward. Smiling now too, I waited to look up until the guy had made his exit to return to his own lane, taking a gander around the bowling alley in search of my brother. It wasn't like Jaiden to take a stroll, always one to come right back anytime we were here, I furrowed my brows when the snack bar attendant showed up with our food. It was only after further inspection though I realized it wasn't ours and I got up to go in search of you, heading back up to the bar to let them know our order was wrong in the process when I spot you with a girl. And a guy... Feeling that pit in my stomach already, I started to head towards you all instead. Our food long forgotten as worry started to set in.)
{squints my eyes at @InspiredAdams in warning. He was NOT going to scare this one away. And I hoped he was picking up on my unspoken message as we stared at each other. Until you held up the phone and I smiled for the picture before finally speaking} I do now. Chris, this is Jaiden. Jaiden, this is my totally going to not be a jerk brother, Chris.
<Chuckling, I waited until I handed the cell back to you before I extended my hand.> Nice to meet you ... <Not a jerk Chris almost flew out of my mouth when I happen to see Rainey heading our way on a mission. Her purpose plain as day the closer she got and I mumbled "Shit.." under my breath. The last thing I needed was this guy on my ass about you but to do it in front of Rainey, well I wouldn't live it down if I got us kicked out of our favorite home away from home. Not to mention, it was your brother.> ... Chris. She was alone so I offered to escort her back to her lane. I plan on asking her out soon too. <What the hell was I saying? This was suppose to make it better, right? Laying out my intentions. Rainey always said it was the best policy to be honest so why stop now.> I was just on my way back. <Looking to @ALoverOfDreams as I spoke, that last part was meant for her when I finally cleared my throat, only taking the moment to introduce my sister to @ThroughTheNotes, purposely.> Cammy, this is Rainey.
[I kept my eyes on Cammy as she gave me her damn looks. And continued to stare at her when she introduced me as her “not gonna be a jerk brother, Chris.” Then @AMindfulChaos said that bit about asking her out that had my eyes finally flicking over to him, really assessing him now as I firmly shook his hand. He looked like he could be another clown in the business Cammy played around in} Are you an artist too? {I smirked because I was out of slapping range of Cammy. But then we were joined by another person which left my question unanswered. But one look at her and I wasn’t too bothered to hear the answer anymore. If this was his sister, maybe I could keep an eye on him if it meant she stuck around…]
It's nice to meet you, Cammy. (My gaze darted between @ThroughTheNotes and Jaiden, seeing her arm still wrapped around my brother's like her life depended on it until I saw him shaking hands with the other guy privy to our little gathering here. The gesture between the two was older than dirt and more so added to complement the giving of your word on something. I could read body language pretty well though. The guy didn't seem to thrilled about Jaiden escorting her back but all that changed the second he looked back over his shoulder at me.) He boxes. I mean, boxing. Like bowling. I mean it's not like bowling per say but it'ssss a sport. (Damn it. Not now... My smile was small as I gave Jaiden a look of my own. If he wasn't going to tell him, I was.) That is if you consider kicking ass an art form.. (Maybe I wasn't so good at ice breakers either. Being met with utter silence was clue number one. Not even crickets as the four of us stood there as if we were in a stalemate. Only I wasn't going to allow that.) Would you guys like to join us for a game? Or maybe you two would like to play your own? Oh I know, teams!
{smiles brightly at Rainey when she addresses me. Then squeezes Jaiden’s arm at the mention of his being a boxer. Should I point out the obvious to Chris that they had something in common? That could be good? Or maybe very bad… Before I made up my mind, the silence was broken again, and I jumped on it} Yes! Chris! We would love to. {nods}
<Fantastic. Can't wait. Those were just a couple of options for answers to that ever popular question my sister asked and as I felt you give my arm a second squeeze, your brother's gaze sizing me up once again caught my attention after Rainey had let the cat out of the bag.> I do good for being fairly new to the sport. I get by. <Giving another nod of my head, I wink and start to walk with you as Rainey leads the way, speaking loud enough for Chris to hear me.> So you want to play against me, Cammy or with me? I could show you a few things too.
[Boxing. So, he wasn’t a clown in her business. He was one that dabbled in mine. Now I was assessing him in a whole new light. Cammy was in for an earful on the way home. I’d seen how fucking cocky some of those guys could be… “I do good for being fairly new to the sport.” Cue my brows shooting up again. Maybe not too cocky… “I could show you a few things too.” Nope. There it was. I opened my mouth to bite back on that bullshit only to have Cammy fucking kick me. I let out a grunt and glared at her as she shook her head at me. It was clear I wasn’t getting her away from him tonight. So now, I needed to make the best of it. With a smirk, I spoke up again, bruised shin be damned] Cammy doesn’t need to learn anything new. And the Adams are better as a team.
Family first always. You guys like pepperoni pizza? We have plenty! (Yep. Making lemonade shouldn't be too hard with the lemons this bunch was carrying. Trying to make light of the tension that seemed to shift into second gear and right on into third when I reached our lane, I didn't even look in the direction of the guy from earlier as we passed him. Opting to stop at our scorecard to enter in your names instead as I see Jaiden assist Cammy with finding her ball.) Chris (Lifting my gaze to yours, I smile, before continuing on.) With a "C" or "K"?
[Clearly I was speaking French. And this guy wasn’t the least bit deterred by me. As I watched the two of them picking out balls, I was redirected by my name being called. My gaze catching with @ALoverOfDreams’ and grinning crookedly at that smile. disappointment, but did my best to hide it]
That's right. Like the rain but with an EY at the end. (Don't ramble. Don't you do it! Telling myself that should have worked but I wasn't so sure it was going to. Not when I saw that crooked grin of yours.) It's okay, they seem distracted. (Taking your hand when you offered it right away, I gave it a light squeeze, my smile growing kinder by the second. That was until I followed your slight change in direction with your eyes down to our clasped hands. Oh no! How was I going to explain this? And even better, the follow up question to that, was were you going to believe me?) Fred from Kentucky.. (That questioning brow lift you gave had me laughing nervously as I started to explain it, still holding your hand until I realized it and I let your hand slip free suddenly. The game hot potato had nothing on me.) My fake husband. I use the ring to keep creepers away. Like the guy we walked by? (Fighting the internal groan won out over hiding the heat that seemed to rise on my cheeks at how close you were and I broke my gaze away from yours so I could finish putting your names in.) Do you guys bowl a lot? I don't think I've seen you here before.
[Fred. From Kentucky. At first, I thought you were trying to tell me you were in a long distance marriage. But then the pieces of the puzzle started to fall together. And oddly enough, when you mentioned a creeper, I felt that same protective instinct I had a few minutes ago bubbling up again. But this time it was about you and not her. Apparently he had felt the weight of my stare. Because he looked over just in time to lock eyes with me in a stare down I wasn’t going to lose. And I smirked when he were out of my mouth] I wonder if I could convince Cammy to get a Fred from Kentucky… [just as quickly as I said it, I realized that was probably offensive to you seeing as how the current dude was your brother. And I mumbled out.] Sorry… [looks up at the screen where our names finally popped up, welcoming the chance to ignore my little outburst] We used to bowl a lot with our pops. He was on a league. But after ma passed, he became a bit of a hermit. [jerks my thumb over my shoulder in Cammy’s direction] She’s been in a funk lately. So I thought I’d pull her away from the Netflix and out into society again that doesn’t involve the shitheads that she dances with.
Oh, I don't know about that. Fred is a good man, he works hard for his family. A very upstanding and loyal guy too. I wouldn't have married him if he was a cheater. (Teasing a little, I gave your arm a soft nudge but only after spying your stare down that bounced between Jaiden and Mr. Creepy, himself. Waiting until your gaze finally met mine again and I nodded softly as I spoke.) You two have more in common than you think. Jaiden is just as protective of me as you are of her. (My voice took on a softer tone then but didn't lack in conviction as I spoke about my brother. He was the only family I had left. I loved him.) I know you just met me...us really but Jaiden is a good guy, he just has some issues sometimes controlling himself when people are assholes too. (Taking a moment, I looked behind you to see them standing there a ways back, bowling balls in hand and lost in their own conversation. My smile widening further when they start to make their way back over to us and I'm quick with my own curiosity taking center stage for a second as I added to the "story". Only this time, it included you..) So was your wife busy tonight too?
[I wanted to take you at your word about Jaiden. But it wasn’t that simple for me. I’d seen her go through too much shit with her overly trusting heart. What if he had a hidden shitty guy side that you weren’t privy to as his sister? Still, I didn’t hate the protective side you hinted at. As long as his aggressions didn’t ever turn toward Cammy. The thought alone causing me to tense up for a second before blowing out a calming breath. Your question causing my eyes to snap back to you in utter shock] Me? Wife? [shakes my head with a chuckle] No. There is no Francesca from Kentucky. Real or fabricated.
<There's a first time for everything right? As sayings went that one there was a great indication that I was pulling double duty, while trying to appear cool about it, and was failing miserably at that. It was the first time I not only had tried to keep my eyes on Rainey but then there was you, and that pull to let my gaze linger on your beautiful face was just too great.> I apologize. I don't normally leave her for this long. <And therein lies the dilemma. There was the asshole that was in here every time we were that constantly hit on my sister too that was a factor. So the protective streak kept hopping the rails like a train would, the direction it sought suddenly flipped like a switch and damn if that didn't make me feel exposed for all of 60 seconds too long. In fact, it put me downright on edge. I had a feeling you could sense it too because suddenly I was met with a pair of the kindest eyes I had ever seen and I braved that grin for you. Having found the right size ball, our trip back over to our lane was met with one last pitstop and that was to ask for a fresh pie and pitcher to be brought over, the clerk letting me know it would be on the house for the mix up anyway.> Be honest, are you any good? <Chuckling, I take the ball from you to carry as we head back that way. The sight of your brother sitting so close to Rainey causing me to pop my neck and grin over at you.> At the game. Any family secrets I should know about?
{I could sense the anxious energy rolling off of you. And after a few seconds of watching your eyes flick back over to your sister, I recognized that same brotherly protectiveness that Chris sported most of the time. Which honestly, made me like you even to her, but I knew if I were talking to Chris, that wouldn’t have comforted him either. So I stopped myself, instead just following your lead first to the snack bar and then back toward the lane} I used to be decent. {glances over at you with a smile} Our papa was on a league and he used to take us bowling a lot. But I haven’t been for a long time. So I might be a little rusty.
Rusty or not, it's cool that your family use to bring you. Rainey and I went once before when we were kids but it wasn't until we left the system that our love for it really took off.<Too much, too soon? I didn't think so. The way I looked at it if you weren't interested after that then I knew where you stood. Something told me though that wouldn't be the case as I gazed into your eyes.> Does your Dad not bowl anymore? You said was.. <Which led me to believe something happened or he would have been here today. Still holding your gaze, I stopped just a few feet away from the lane. Close enough to hear your brother start to clear his throat and I motioned for you to go on.> He can wait.
{my curiosity was piqued by your statement. But then you were asking me about papa. And I didn’t know which way to go. With a laugh, I decided to tell you just that} First, I want you to know I’m very curious about your past now. {smiles} I hope you’ll share with me whenever you feel comfortable? And papa is still around. He just… {makes a face} I don’t know how to explain it. He’s different. After mama passed, he stopped leaving the house. We go over there a lot to make sure he’s okay. But he doesn’t like to come out, he stopped working on cars with Chris… It’s almost like he died in a way too. {sighs} I’m sorry. That’s super depressing.
No, I'm sorry that happened with him. Sometimes things happen to people and they just don't come back the same. <My eyes flickered briefly over to Rainey as I said it, hearing her laugh at something your brother said and I offered you an apologetic look when I turned back, adding a crooked grin into the mix.> I am glad you told me for what it's worth. As for me, I'm an open book. You can ask me anything.
{laughs with a shake of my head} Oh, Jaiden. You shouldn’t have said that to me. Watch this… {pulls you over to where Chris and Rainey are sitting and taps Chris on the shoulder} Hey, Chris? What would you do if… {laughs hard and looks at you again when he groans instantly} See? I ask TOO many questions. And it annoys some people. {sticks my tongue out at Chris}
Yeah but I'm not some people. I'm Jaiden. <Taking a moment to watch the exchange between you two, I chuckle and shake my head. There was no question you were siblings and as I looked over to Rainey, I kicked my chin up next, our secret signal as if to ask if everything was okay. When she gave me that kind smile of hers in return, I felt the tension leave my shoulders a bit and took a glance up at the scorecard, ready to start our game. As I looked up to see who was going first I see the name LOSER in the spot where mine normally went and my eyes narrowed playfully in my sister's direction.> Cute, Rainey. I'm on your team, remember?
[“What would you do if…” Those words meant Cammy was about to unleash a million hypothetical questions on you. And I couldn’t help but groan the second I heard them. I didn’t even care that she was setting me up to prove something to Jaiden if it meant I didn’t actually have to go down that path. But it was my turn to laugh when I realized Rainey had put his name down as loser] I like the odds already. [shoots Rainey a wink]
(There was no Francesca. At least not from Kentucky and not real either. That meant no girlfriend and no wife. Suddenly, I found myself smiling wider at that little known fact now and started to say something moronic like, "That's really great!" when it hit me out of nowhere. Just because there was no Francesca didn't mean there wasn't the possibility of a Fred for you too. I felt silly then for my assumption at first, thinking I read your body language all wrong and was about to ask if there was a Fred instead when both of our teammates showed up. Our conversation cut short.) There you guys are! (It was then that I moved to sit on my knees and address them both, only to be reminded that it was moments ago that it had been just us planning to play, and not teams with new friends.) It was before I asked them. Give me a break. (My tone was teasing even when you give me that wink and I mouthed a quick "Sorry." to my brother. Our fresh pizza and Pepsi arriving then too.) I'm up first! (Gathering up my ball, I took to our lane after thanking the server for bringing our food, making sure Jaiden tipped before I moved to the middle diamond, marking my spot with the tip of my shoe, seeing my shot right as I take it and I come back after rolling a spare. Not bad! Now, it was game on.)
{rolls my eyes at my brother’s cheesy remark, grabbing a piece of pizza instantly. It was, after all, the thing that had convinced me to come in the first place, and taking a seat on one of the chairs off to the side of the lane as I watch Rainey take her for my overprotective brother}
<I probably sat there and watched the whole thing unfold before me for a good ten minutes. Long enough for your brother to damn near trip over his tongue with the way it rolled out like some damn cartoon with wolf eyes. Only my sister wasn't Jessica Fucking Rabbit. It was payback for the way I had handed the pitcher over and seeing the both of them interact as they were, Rainey all smiles more so than normal, I had to wonder just exactly what your brother's story was, and yours too.> Is it good? The pizza? Best in all the state as far as bowling alley food goes. Not to mention, they serve Pepsi. Speaking of which, do you want? <Chuckling, I got up while you took a bite of pizza to grab us both a cup. The soft nod you gave me as you brought your hand up to cover your mouth was adorable and I poured us some of the tasty beverage, handing you the cup as our siblings became lost in their own conversation, with your brother finally getting up to take his shot when I clear my throat loudly as if to say some time today..> So I'm curious about something. What are you going to tell your boyfriend about me taking you out? <Sitting down beside you now, I ran my arm along the back of your chair, the action causing you to scoot in closer to my side and I take a drink, grinning over at you.>
{Mama always told me to take my time when I’m eating. Especially around boys. It’s not lady like to stuff your face like you haven’t eaten for a week. I never listened to mama. And this pizza was exactly what I wanted. So when you asked me if I wanted some Pepsi, all I could do was nod. Luckily I had managed to swallow and hadn’t taken a sip of my soda yet when you asked that. My eyes automatically darting to my brother because of how he’s covered for me in the past before returning to yours} There is no boyfriend to speak of. {smiles} What about your girlfriend. Will she be mad at me for sitting this close?
No girlfriend. <I chuckled at your comeback. The assumption on both our parts turning up to be false and yeah, I was happy to hear that.> You know I had to ask with you being so beautiful and all. So what is it that you do? You working anywhere or go to school? <Taking another drink, I watched as you did the same, this unspoken conversation we were having with our eyes was just an added bonus when I bring my free hand up to tuck a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.> Your brother have a job? <I didn't see anything wrong with asking that. Doing a bit of recon work myself, I wanted to know what I had to look forward to in the likes of your brother suddenly hanging around too. I wasn't about to let anyone hurt Rainey.> He got a girl?
{takes my time with my next sip, only popping my brows in response first. If you spent any time around me, you would quickly recognize the tells that I was about to tease you} Hmm…were you thinking about asking him out too? {smiles wide at you. I knew what you were doing. And I didn’t blame you. But I had to tease. Had to. Finally letting a laugh out, I answered you} I am a Laker Girl. {smiles proudly} I’ve worked for it all my life. And my ex ALMOST screwed it up for me. But I made it. I also do a lot of acting and singing. I’m a born entertainer. I’m also in school. It’s one of the requirements actually. {nods seriously} As for Chris, he’s a photographer and does web design to pay the bills. So he lives on his computer. {leans to the side, placing my hand beside my mouth as I whisper} And he’s single. So you’re safe to make your move. {nudges you before busting into a fit of laughter}
I don't know though.. What if I'm not his type? <Laughing this time, I had been busted before but not quite like that. You were smart, funny and hot. Did I really meet a Laker girl at the bowling alley? Could I be that lucky? You were definitely beautiful enough, that was a given but as I let my eyes wander down along your body, checking you out, even with you sitting I suddenly had visions of you in your uniform. Those routines at half time coming to mind then too and I quickly snap my gaze back up to yours before looking back at the scorecard, coming face to face with a shooting glare when I see that it was officially my turn.> Looks like I'm up. Hold that thought. I want to know more about this singing career of yours and your channel. <I hadn't forgotten about that part either. Grabbing up my ball, I killed what was left of my drink and set the cup down. Moving to take my position to serve you with a strike first thing. Setting the bar pretty high where my competitive nature was concerned.>
{I watched as a series of emotions seemed to play out across your face, relishing in the fact that you seemed to be just as animated as me without meaning too. Then follows your eyes to the scoreboard, nearly humphing that you had to leave, and watching maybe a little too closely as you took your turn. Jumping up and cheering for you when you roll that strike, causing Chris to remind me that you’re the opposition} What? It’s in my nature to cheer. Kind of. {offers him a shrug and laughs before turning back to you as you return to the sitting area}
<And that's how it went. Every few minutes we would take our turns, keeping up with our separate conversations for the most part outside of the occasional trash talk we seemed to throw one another's way. It was all in good fun even as I moved to help you with your next turn. Not really caring to win one way or the other anymore, the more we chatted, my curiosity piqued.> When are you off? Or maybe I should ask when a good time is to take you out on this date of ours? <grins and grabs up another piece of pizza, offering it to you first.>
{mama’s words were playing out in my head again. “Don’t overeat. That’s not lady like either.” Reaching for the piece, I smiled at you} We practice a couple times a week. And, of course, I dance at all the home games. Other than that it’s kind of up in the air with my other projects. {laughs} But if you give me a date, I’ll make it work. {winks at you as I take a bite of that piece of pizza now}
We will make it work. <I put emphasis on the "we" part and grinned, picking up another slice and digging into it. Thinking over the evening and what you said while I chewed, I waited until I finished my slice to ask my next question.> You think it would be okay if I came and checked out a home game? See you in action. <Grinning wider at the thought, I shrugged a shoulder as I got up to take my last turn, Rainey calling my attention to the scores. Yeah you didn't have the final say on who could attend but we both knew I would be going to see Then maybe I could escort you home. Unless you have other arrangements made? <Glancing your brother's way when I said that last part, I was waiting for my ball to come back to me on the return.> Does that sound like a plan?
{sits up straighter in my chair, the excitement clear on my face at your question as those butterflies filled my stomach. The idea of you watching me while I was out there would make my night. And I was ready to say yes before you jumped up and went to take your turn. You probably knew my answer anyway as I bobble headed along while you talked} I can get you really good seats too! One of the perks. {my smile dropping slightly} Sometimes I don’t get out of there until a little later though. Will that mess with your work? {tilts my head curiously} What do you do anyway?
I take a couple of courses then I drive the delivery van for Rainey. Wherever she has a catering gig, I normally will hang out but the last one didn't go so well. <It wasn't really my story to tell, it was Rainey's and while I was okay with sharing anything and everything about myself, there were some things still private for her. Offering a small grin, I nodded impressed, the excitement clear as day on your face and I have a seat next to you to start changing back into my shoes so we can turn our bowling ones in.> I think congratulations are in order. You guys won. <I wasn't even sore about it. Granted, I wasn't sure how well I liked your brother getting all cozy with Rainey but I didn't have much room to talk, did I?> She's going to have her own commercial kitchen one day. That's her dream.
{I could feel the weight of Chris’ stare as we made our plans. But I ignored him. He was NOT going to have any say in this. I did shoot him a smirk though when you came and sat back down next to me so he couldn’t fully eavesdrop on what it was you did} I’m smile} And that you help support her dream. Maybe I could put a good word in with the team next time we need an event catered.
You would do that for her? <My brows popped at the gesture, my grin widening further when you nod once again and I couldn't help but chuckle. The offer to put in a good word could do wonders for Rainey's business, really getting it off the ground more. The Lakers were nothing to snub your nose at either and the more I thought about it the more I realized just how life changing that could be for her. For us.> Only if you're sure but you know don't have to. I'm still taking you out regardless. <Winking, I gathered up my bowling shoes when you do, walking with you up to the front slowly on purpose to drag the night out, I didn't want it to end even though I knew it had to. It wasn't until we were all outside though, our siblings walking ahead that I slowed even more, turning to face you.> I'm going to call you tomorrow.
{If you were walking slowly on purpose I couldn’t tell. But I sure was. Thank goodness I let Chris talk me into coming tonight. This was way better than the promised pizza. My last thought causing me to let out a soft laugh at myself that probably confused you} Please do. {steps a little closer, leveling my gaze with yours} And like actually call tomorrow, yeah? None of that macho guy stuff where they make you wait a day to not seem too eager. Trust me, I’ve dated those guys and I’m not interested in more of that.
<Keeping my gaze locked with yours, I let you finish, thinking there was no possible way I was waiting two days to call. Not after the night we had and as I reached out to stroke your reddened cheek, seeing that smile, I shook my head and leaned in, whispering against your ear when we reached your car, your brother having walked Rainey to ours across the parking lot.> You’ll be lucky if I’m not texting you before then. I’m not like other guys, Cammy. <Leaning up against your car with you now, I can’t help but grin then too, seeing that blush deepen across your face..> You’ll see first hand that I’m not. That’s a promise.
{I know I had just met you. But I already trusted you. I’m sure Chris wouldn’t be happy to hear that. But it was the truth. And I found myself chanting in my head, please don’t be too good to be true. Please don’t be too good to be true} I believe you. {playfully glares at you, the effect being lost as my blush betrays me} Don’t make me regret it. {That crooked grin had those butterflies kicking up again as I let out a shy laugh} And you can text me any time you want. I might even assign you your own special tone.
No regrets. Not even a single letter. <Laughing, I cracked that joke, hoping like hell you've seen that movie when I stopped short, brows furrowing at first before I gave you that crooked grin again. That shy laugh I was sure was going to be my downfall but I was finding I didn't mind the more we spoke. I thoroughly enjoyed the night out bowling with you and went as far to tell you so before opening your car door and waiting for you to step inside. At that last minute however, I took hold of your hand and brought it to my lips, kissing across each knuckle as words left my lips, that grin still firmly in place.> I really had a great time. Text when you get home? <Even that was a date in itself if we thought about, a date I was looking forward to once I were settled for the night.>
{With that kiss to my hand, I was a goner. However this turned out, good or bad, I was in for the ride. Giving your hand a light squeeze as I finally settled into the seat, I smiled up at you} I will. I’ll pick out your special tone on the ride home. {offers you an exaggerated wink and a laugh}
I’m thinking beginner’s luck maybe? (How is it this easy to joke with you? I had been asking myself that all night and almost let the words slip out once or twice when the ice breaker effectively did its job. We had found ourselves in a rather comfortable position. Some mild jabs when it came to our turns during the game but the night had actually turned pleasant which I was grateful for with the addition of yourself and your sister to our little bowling league mix we had going on.) So no Francesca, huh. How is that possible? (A very bold or forward question coming from me. It was so unlike me to even... Oh. Realization hit like a ton of bricks then. Was it considered flirting? If it was, it was so apparent that I was bad at it and BOOM, hi there anxiety.) I'm glad I... mmmet you tonight. (Oh yeah. Yep. Still horrible at it. In fact, my nerves got the best of me and I had to pause so not to stumble over my words. And only when we reached my van, did I take a chance glance your sister’s way with Jaiden, making sure they were okay before I continued on around to the passenger side of my van with you, feeling completely safe in your presence while out of sight of Jaiden’s. Which was another first for me too.)
[I didn’t know where the hell you came from. But I was thanking all the stars and gods that I had the idea to bring Cammy here today. Had I not, I wouldn’t have met you. Which is funny because before tonight, I was completely closed off to the idea of a relationship again after the dumpster fire that was my last. A few minutes with you and I was rethinking the whole thing. You were a total package from what I could tell. Funny, beautiful, a good sport. Hell, you even caused me to lay off of Cammy for the time being while she was clearly getting close to your brother. I couldn’t help the goofy grin that graced my face when you stumbled over your words for a second. Damn if that didn’t just make me like you even more} Honestly? {stops so that I’m standing directly in front of you as you lean back against that van door} I almost had a Francesca. And that was a mess. {rubs the back of my neck before giving a shrug} Kind of turned me off to relationships for a while. {smirks, the fact that I was being so quick to say certain things the exact way I always tell Cammy not to not lost on me as I reach to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear} I’m feeling a little more open to them again now though…
Now? As in right now... (I had zoned in on those eyes of yours first but then that goofy grin was next which only made me smile wider, effectively leaving my gaze to linger on your mouth. You were right there.. That strand of hair you tucked behind my ear fueled my desire to reach out but I stayed right there pressed up against the van. Reminding myself that this wasn't some steamy romance novel. At least not yet.) That's good.. I mean wait no, it's not good. I didn't mean it was good that Francesca hurt you. I would never. (Cue my blush again then, silly me making this more awkward for us both and oh hi anxiety thanks for rearing your ugly head again. Sighing softly, almost embarrassingly so, I give you a kind smile, trying to rein it all in when it felt like you stepped closer. And suddenly it felt really hot..)
[Somehow you managed to get more desirable with every minute. And when you made that slip saying you wouldn’t? I grinned probably the most embarrassingly dumb grin I’ve ever grinned in my life. Figuring I might as well go for broke, I stepped a little closer, carefully assessing your face and body language for any resistance as I brought my hand up one more time, this time cupping your cheek as I shook my head} I wouldn’t either. {lets the words hang between us for a few seconds, carefully gauging your reaction for a couple more seconds before whispering] Please don’t slap me. [With that, I took the plunge, leaning in and placing a light kiss to your lips]
Make it a good one. <That crooked grin wasn't leaving my lips anytime soon. Not when I kept seeing that excited smile grace yours and I reluctantly let your hand slip from my fingers when you finally had a seat in your car. Shutting your door for you, I waited until you rolled your window, giving you a wink first before I dipped my head inside and brushed my lips against your cheek.> Be safe, beautiful. <Righting myself and the world for that matter, I started walking backwards towards the direction of our van, keeping you in my sights for as long I groaned and waited for my sister to get inside. Knowing the drive home was going to met with an awkward as hell conversation.>
(Oh my God.. He was going to do it. One second, I was convincing myself I was never hearing from you again and the next, I was throwing all caution to the wind when your words grand slammed into my brain, finally registering. "Please don't slap me." I melted into a puddle right then and there, legs wobbling, the whole shebang! For that split second in time, I was the heroine of all my books. All those worlds I got lost in and even if it was the smallest of kisses, it meant everything in that moment. Only it wasn't a book I was reading, it was my life. It was ME you were kissing. Very lightly, I returned that kiss, lips slow dancing against yours and I brought my hand up to coax you closer by that soft grasp of your jaw. Completely lost in you until I heard the van door slam and I was catapulted back to my very real reality.) Call me.. (It was a simple request and when you nodded against my lips, ignoring my brother completely, I gave you one last kiss to remember me by.) Night.. (I tried opening my door from behind me, fumbling for the door handle before I finally got it open and I turned to hop inside, coming face to face with my own brother. Mouthing "Not a word!" as he started the van and put it in gear, his groan of disapproval, was laughable and I did just that quietly as we made our way home.) #Kismet #WFW #ForKeeps
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jinxghoul · 4 years
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Hey and Hello everyone! I want to make a fanfiction about Nacho and me. Just a little story. I’m apologize my bad English and I hope you all can read this I work sometimes with the translator. Warning this story has sexual and brutal acts.
Part: 1
today I worked hard to raise money for Hector Salamanca. I went to Los pollos hermanos, I sat down at the second table where Nacho Varga was also sitting. I said. "Yo Nacho, I have the money here." I gave him the money and he started counting the money. Nacho: "That is not enough money, there are a few bills missing!" I: "Yes, I know. today the deal was not going well. I added extra money from my real work. "Nacho:" I'm sorry, it's still not enough. you know what that means. "Me:" yes where do you want to do it? in the kitchen? ”Nacho:“ Yes in the kitchen. ”Nacho grabbed my jacket and pulled me into the kitchen. he threw me against a closet and hit me a couple of times. he came closer to me and grabbed my collar. Nacho whispered softly: "I don't want to do that again next time you have the money with you!" I nodded. after I had done that, he went home. I did my work at home, such as doing laundry and cleaning, listening to music. suddenly the doorbell rang, I turned off the music and went to the door and opened it. Nacho was standing in front of my door with a bouquet of flowers. Nacho: "I wanted to apologize for beating you." Me: "Nacho you don't have to apologize for that, that's your job." Nacho: "Can I come in and talk to you." Me: "Yes of course. “We both went in and Nacho sat on the couch. I put the bouquet in a vase and put the rest of the things away. I took off my clothes except for my underwear and sat on the armchair next to the couch. Nacho widened his eyes and looked away. I giggled and said, "Nacho it's okay you can look at me or should I get dressed? I like to take off my clothes after a hard day. “Nacho: oh okay, I can understand you, only the problem is you are really hot. I wanted to tell you that I fell in love with you a long time ago and I want a relationship with you. "He looked at me and smiled slightly. Me: "Aww Nacho you're so cute but it doesn't work and you know that when the boss finds out we're as good as dead." Nacho: "Nobody has to know. it can stay between us. you can think about it. ”I noticed that Nacho had a stand and hid it under a pillow. I wanted to be a bit cheeky and took the pillow from him and sat on his lap. he looked at me shyly and gently touched my hips. I put my head to his ear and whispered softly: "We can try a relationship but don't be so shy and do whatever you want with me." I pretended to kiss him when he wanted to kiss me too, I pressed his face slightly away and giggled cheekily. Nacho: “Ah, that's how it works, so you play games with me. you're really a bad girl. "Me:" Yes, I want to play games with you but not today. because at the first meeting it's very indecent. "Nacho looked at me playfully and said:" I love indecent and dirty. "
I know it’s a short story but I want to know if you guys like that how I wirte this 😅
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