#The sheer confidence with which this man moves floors me
Her first time
It started as any other day at the lake, a family get together with the addition of my best friend, Jack. We enjoyed boats, food, tubing, booze, and nothing but great times with the family. However this time, Jack had brought his 16 foot jet propelled skidoo boat. The family left from the family slip, meanwhile, the nearest boat ramp for Jack to launch his boat was about 30 minutes away in town. As the group of friends, Jack myself and Leah, went together to put the boat in the water, the family ventured off to meet up with us in an hour or so.
At a top speed of 62mph it didn't take us long to reconnect with the family. We spent the day tubing, sunning, drinking, eating, and hanging out with the family before finally heading back for the boat ramp. Although, a bit slower this time as we had all been drinking beer and enjoying our time in the sun. On the trip back we all three declared that we had not yet had enough to drink and decided we should pull over to enjoy a few more cold ones. So we pulled into what just so happened to be a very secluded cove.
Once anchored in the cove we all wanted to go for a swim. I opened the cooler, grabbed us all more drinks, and passed them out as we climbed into the water. At this point, the beers, the sun, the heat and the subtle flirting were taking their toll. In a brief moment of confidence Leah asked Jack if he would mind if she removed her top. In which he responded, "of course not". She reached back, untied her bikini top, removed it, and threw it in the boat, rolling her tanned shoulders back in the water, exposing her firm breasts to myself, Jack and the hot sun, dancing it's warm rays across her bare skin.
With her tits now exposed Leah and the two of us swam, touched "accidently", and drank for another hour or so before Leah finally worked up the courage to swim up to Jack, grab the back of his neck and kiss him deeply and passionately. To me, this seemed to go on for an eternity, so hot, so wrong, so right, so erotic and most of all incredibly exciting. Finally I swam up behind her, caressed her ass through her bikini, worked my hands around to the front of her bikini bottoms... To find.... Jack's hand already there. He was slowly and methodically playing with Leah's clit and really, really working her over. She glanced back into my eyes with a knowing gaze, and in that moment I knew how badly she wanted him.
Before I knew it I saw a pair of bikini bottoms and a pair of bright green board shorts thrown out of the water and into the skidoo. Leah turned around to face me with Jack behind her. In the course of 5 seconds I saw her face turn from deep desire to sheer bliss. I knew he was deep inside her, I knew my heart skipped a beat. But most importantly, I knew Leah was having the most exciting thrill she could ever experience sexually, another man pushing himself inside her, while her husband watched. Knowing my pleasure came directly from her pleasure, in that moment she decided that she would allow herself to enjoy this, and every similar experience in the future, in it's fullest. Fore, she was now a hotwife.
I'd known Jack since elementary school, I knew my best friend was packing, and from the look on her face, I knew my wife was enjoying every single inch of the eight thick inches Jack had to offer. He thrust awkwardly, with nothing to push off of in the water. She squirmed. Leah reached for me to stabilize her in the clear waters of the lake, I held her and gave my friend a knod of approval as he buried his hard cock as deep as it would go in my wife. They tried and tried to make it work in the water before it was determined that it just wouldn't work. At this juncture it was either give up, or move into the boat where we could possibly be seen. The cove was pretty secluded, so we opted for the latter. The two naked individuals and myself climbed into the boat. Jack immediately laid down on the floor anticipating what came next. Leah sauntered over, straddled him, and slowly sank his large cock into her extremely wet pussy. The sight of her engulfing him drove me over the edge. I had to cum. I stroked my dick until I couldn't hold it anymore and shot a healthy load on Leah's's back. This made her cum like a rocket. The convulsions of her tight pussy clamping down in Jack's thick dick made him lose it inside Leah. Shot after shot of hot sticky cum, soaked her cervix and her warm gripping vaginal walls. All three of us were in a blissful daise. They continued to fuck for what seemed like hours, but in reality, was only minutes. I watched my wife, fully let go of her inhibitions and focus purely on her own joy. It was in this moment that I knew we were going to have a very, very interesting marriage.
Meanwhile, as Jack's erection faded, Leah's shaking subsided, and a phone rang. Reality came calling and brought us back to earth. Turns out we had forgotten we had volunteered to cook dinner that night and happened to be missing in action. Our pullover for a beer turned into multiple hours of teasing, sex, and bright promises of the adventures we would share in the future.
Worth it.
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goblinpuppy35 · 7 months
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Out of Place Together
University Remus x Male Reader
Part 1 - (Next Chapter)
Summary: An academia-core themed story about the Marauders during their final year of university in the Muggle world. Soon after meeting each other  Remus begins to fall for one of Sirius' friends Y/N another shy student.
TW: Minor mention of drug use
It's a cold clear night in February, the ink blue sky contrasts against the bright half moon illuminating the grey clouds moving along in the night. This was the view that Y/N observed as he leaned out of the bathroom window of the third story house he was in. Throbbing base music could be heard from the ground floor below which filled Y/N with dread. He had woefully dragged himself to this party despite knowing he wasn't going to have a good time, from fear his friends would stop inviting him to gatherings if he declined again. Y/N felt utterly out of place at parties and preferred the peaceful atmosphere of one on one conversations. While Y/N was debating how long he could stay in the bathroom before others began to notice, he heard a loud familiar voice from downstairs.
The flamboyant presents of his dear friend Sirius entering the party brought Y/N comfort as he made his way down the stairs. As soon as they both made eye contact Sirius knew his friend was not enjoying himself. "You look like your having a terrible time" Sirius smirked as he reached Y/N half way up the stairs. "What could possible given that away" Y/N replied sarcastically fidgeting with the paper cup full of water he had in his hand. Sirius laughed heartily and brushed his fingers through his thick black hair "come on, we're getting out of here!" before Y/N could protest Sirius had grabbed his wrist and began pulling him towards the front door. "Sirius! The fuck man your leaving. You literally just got here!" cried out a annoyed voice from the living room as they passed by. "Well you know what they say" Sirius chimed back "The best people always leave the party first because they have somewhere better to be" and with that both men stumbled out of the door and down the street.
Y/N had first met Sirius when they had originally been on the same course together. During first year Sirius had bounced around several courses before finally settling on Psychology, which Y/N had in fact suggested. Despite no longer being on the same course the two maintained a close friendship and Sirius was always coming to Y/N with student drama or stories of his nights out as they had a smoke behind the library. Y/N appreciated his friendship with Sirius because even though he was a beaming socialite he never forced Y/N to be the same and liked Y/N for the quiet person he was. Both men's boots echoed down the stone street as they approached the city centre. 
"Honestly I'm surprised you made it over an hour at that party in the first place" laughed Sirus as he linked his arm through Y/N's. "You and me both." mumbled Y/N "Where are we going anyway?". Swiftly Sirius turned the corner and they began to make there way towards a pub with big wooden doors and warm light glowing from the frosted windows. "My housemates are hanging out here tonight, figured you'd like a more chill scene. You've met them before right?". Inside the pub was warm and full of small groups of friends huddle around tables chatting and drinking, it was much easier to hear others and the lack of horrible house music made Y/N feel more at ease. They made their way to a corner booth were a couple was cosily chatting. Y/N had met Sirius housemate James and his girlfriend Lily several times and found them both great company. He found James' sheer confidence in admitting he only took philosophy because it was the same course Lily was taking both ridiculous and charming. Everyone was amazed he had not been kicked off the course yet considering he spent all his time playing rugby or hanging out in pubs with them, nevertheless every time an essay was due as if by magic, which James always said with a wink, he was able to produce a passing grade. 
The four of them spent an enjoyable hour catching up before Sirius' other housemate made an abrupt appearance. Y/N didn't know Peter as well as the others, to be honest he was a little put off by the short blonde. Peter was taking economics as far as Y/N could remember or possibly media studies, it was impossible to get a straight answer from him. Sirius and James insist that back in school Peter was your typical nerdy wimp but after they all came to university he started hanging out with the 'wrong crowd' as they put it. He spent most of his nights out and slept throughout the day as well as taking a far amount of drugs which Y/N assumed was the case now as Peter suddenly appeared 'back from the bathroom' with wide eyes and during the next hour of conversation he was sniffing and rubbing his nose repeatedly. Sirus and James said they did there best to keep an eye on him but Y/N could see the mild concern behind there eyes. Regardless the evening carried on joyously, time slipping by like silk. Before too long Y/N found himself swaying down the empty road with the group towards the boys shared house, Sirius insisted that he crashed on their sofa tonight instead of walking all the way across town to his own place. 
The house was filled with giggling and shushing as the all clumsy made their way through the door. James and Lily quickly took themselves off to bed and Y/N made his way to the dark living room as Sirus fumbled around trying to find some blankets. Flopping on the sofa Y/N was met with a significantly more rigid and hard impact then he was expecting. The sofa was littered with books which he rather unceremoniously pushed off into the floor, "Oh yeah sorry about that, those are all Remus' " Sirius called out from the hallway. "Oh yeah .. your other other housemate" Y/N sighed as he began to curl up like a cat on the now book free sofa. He had actually never met Sirius' other other housemate, just heard his name in passing, but in his current state this thought didn't weigh his mind long. Gliding in with several blankets hanging off his shoulders like a cape Sirius then billowed them up into the air before letting them settle over Y/N's body, "You sleep well buddy" Sirius began to walk out of the room and then Y/N's arms shot out of the pile of blankets to hold his hand tightly "Thank you for taking me out tonight, I really appreciated it" Y/N said softly as he was falling asleep. Sirius smiled over his friend and gently squeezed his hand "Anytime Y/N. Sleep well, I'll see you in the morning".
As the sun rose the next day Y/N woke up with a shiver. Classic student house without heating. Feeling around in the floor and he found his socks and fleece which he promptly put back on before snuggling deep into the pile of blankets wrapped around him. They had forgotten to close the curtains the night before resulting in the room now flooding with light. It was unlikely for Y/N to be able to fall asleep again so he started to look around the now fully visible room. The typical staples of a student accommodation lay before him; a mismatch collection of film and band posters pinned to the wall, window seals with several half full bottles of varying spirits and what Y/N assumed to be James's and Lily's bikes prompt up behind the other sofa. Looking at the floor Y/N was taken back by the volume of books piled everywhere, considerably more then he had noticed the night before. Leaning down he was able to read a number of titles he himself had read; The Illiad, Dante's Inferno, Othello, Wuthering Heights. Whoever these belong to has excellent taste thought Y/N.
 His investigation was cut short as he heard the sound of foot steps and clanging from the kitchen. Assuming either James or Sirus was up and about Y/N stretched, rising from the sofa and carefully making his way to the door without knocking over the miniature city skyline of books around him. Entering the kitchen Y/N was taken aback by a tall figure he did not recognise. The tall man was arched over the gas stove heating up the kettle, he wore a large oversized knitted jumper and bagging pajamas bottoms with knitted socks tucked into them. He had messy brown hair which dropped over his forehead and a mustache which he was pulling one corner of as he adjusted the temperature of the stove. Y/N gazed at him silently for a moment before forcing out an awkward "hello". The tall man turned his head around, a confused expressions left his face quickly as he gave a polite smile. Y/N could not help but drink in his deep blue eyes, 'fuck' he thought to himself 'this guy is incredibly handsome'. 'Hi' said the incredibly handsome man 'Your Sirius' friend right' he asked as he returned his attention back to the kettle. 'Umm yeah, I'm Y/N. I just crashed on the sofa last night after we went out' Y/N gingerly wondered to the shelf and pick up a mug with the intention to fill it with water. "Sirius should have said something, I would have moved all my books out of the way".  Upon saying this Y/N then becomes aware the towering man had a paperback also tucked into his pajama pocket, "All of those are yours?". "Hmm yeah well it's an occupational hazard which comes with being a English literature student" he said turning around slightly grinning. His smile felt completely sincere and kind and Y/N couldn't help but weakly smile back. "Impressive, I've read a good number of the ones I was able to see" Y/N leaned against the kitchen counter, oddly feeling both nervous and at ease in his strangers presents. "Well it's nice to finally meet someone with good taste" he said playfully looking down at Y/N. Their eyes stayed locked for a few seconds before a loud yarn could be heard coming through the kitchen doorway. A tired and dishevelled Sirius waddled in stretching and cracking his back as he did "Good morning, good morning. you sleep well Y/N?". "Hi pads" the other guy said briefly as he returned his attention to the now whistling kettle. Y/N placed his mug on the counter as Sirus came in to give him a big sleepy hug "Are you still going to keep your promise and taken me into town before you help me with studying?". "Only if you promise to read the whole chapter of cognitive behaviour for your class tomorrow!" Y/N chuckled as he ruffled his friends long hair. "Fine!" cries Sirius after a long groan "Come on let's get going then". "I need a cup of tea first but after that sure", Y/N folded his arms and laughed softly as he watched his dear friend lean into the fridge and start chugging some apple juice from the carton. "Well I'll see you guys later" called out a voice from the hall, turning around Y/N just caught a glimpse of the tall stranger disappearing into the hallway. "See you later Remus" Sirius called out in-between gulps of juice. Y/N's eyes then became aware of the rising steam which when looking down he saw was coming from the cup he has placed on the counter. Now full of hot water ready for him to place his tea bag in, he looked back up at the empty hallway. "So. That's Remus".
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sketchfanda · 10 months
Kirishima's Mystique:Babewatch
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Somedays Denki wondered and worried if Mineta's libido was going to be the death of him. Now don't Ol' Jamming Whey wrong (and remember only Kyouka can call him that), he had a more than healthy appreciation for the opposite sex himself but the little grape-head was far too willing to endure great lengths of pain and humiliation to get his jollies. Small wonder the girls in their class didn't dare to risk wanting a look inside the runt's dorm room and right about now the human tazer was wondering if plucking off some of those sticky balls of his was giving him brain damage. Given what sort of plan he was looking to spring into action which he claimed was 100% guaranteed to get him some major action or if you were being a realist like kaminari?
It was an idea that reeked of sheer dumbass stupidity that would likely see Mineta at the very least get the crap beaten out of him or at the most and worst? Beaten to death, arrested and humiliated and not necessarily in that order, mind you. Now you might be asking what's got Denki so worries and Mineta more perversely impulsive than usual? Well naturally a little provision of context is in order here, folks....
The fine guys and gals of UA's class A and B were having a nice relaxing get together at the local community swimming pool one fine summer day. Said pool was being overseen by an absolute stunner of a lifeguard named Kanani who had come all the way from Hawaii on a work exchange program for a change of scenery. Now believe you me this woman was a work of sensual art, a curvy, thick and toned rich natural born islander tanned body contained within a skin-tight hugging red one piece swimsuit distinct of all in her profession. Definitely good genetics along with years of swimming and surfing topped off with a model quality face and luscious sun-kissed flowing mane of blonde hair.
She was definitely turning heads be it man or woman and who could blame them really? Now Denki among other guys was certainly fine just watching albeit with more control and a bit of politeness but Mineta? Good grief the grape head had been a bit much to deal with sharing way too many detailed, vivid scenarios about what he'd love to do to even get close to that island goddess. Which of course leads back to what was making ol' Chargebolt worry so much.
Denki:"I'm telling you man, it's just not going to work out the way you want it to…” *The electric ikemen reasoned with the grape runt. But of course he knew it was falling on deaf ears. Once Mineta listened to his libido, all bets were off. Hard to believe this guy was among the highest rated students in class on the written tests.*
Mineta:”Ooh ye of little faith, you’ll be changing your tune once I make my moves on that Hawaiian hottie.”*The human grapebowl arrogantly declared with confidence as shameless as his lust. In his mind this plan was fool proof, he saw it in this old 90s American movie. He’d fake drowning and Kanani as per her duty would dive in to save him then proceed to deliver cpr. And that was when he’d spring his trap…*
Denki however knew Murphy’s law would see to it that Mineta’s so called fool proof plan would be anything but. As he sat beside Sero who watched on curiously with him, wondering why the walking taser seemed so deadpan as they saw Mineta strut along the pool edge. Amidst the swarm of activity throughout as classes A and B enjoyed those rare welcome moments of actual student normality, Mineta shot a glance at Kanani sitting high and comfy in her lifeguard chair as she made some small talk with Mina and Maya before he smirked as he waited for his moment. Well he would’ve had it not been for what happened next.
If there was one thing to be said about the sequence of events that occured, it was like if klutziness played out as elaborate and over the top as a Rube Goldberg machine. As Mineta found himself stepping and slipping on a stray puddle, causing him to glide along the pool floor like an air hockey puck. Proceeding to crash right into the six packed abdominals of Kirishima, as the runt’s sticky balls caused him to bounce off and fly away all over the place like a pinball. Finding himself landing right in the hot tub with a splash, said tub occupied of course by Class A's own walking short fused, Bakugo who was none too pleased to find his personal relaxation time violated.
While Mineta was suffering his, quite frankly not undeserved, punishment, poor Kirishima had wound up being knocked by the grape-head into the pool. Which wouldn't be so bad had the stumbling not caused him to fall in such a way that his head had hit the edge on the way down. Rendering him knocked out as he fell in with a splash much to the shock and panic of many especially his girlfriends. Fortunately Kanani was quick to react as anyone in her profession would, exiting her perch to dive in and save him.
Now Kirishima wasn't sure if it might've been just the possible concussion of the loss of oxygen from water filling his lungs as she sank into the deep end. But as he looked up at the sky above the water, the sunlight shining down, his brain couldn't help but think as he caught sight of Kanani. Making him remark how she looked rather angelic, almost equal parts like a mermaid and an angel coming to his rescue. Certainly wasn't a bad last sight to see before his vision faded as unconsciousness claimed him, blacking out.
For a moment Kirishima had nearly wondered if this might be the end for him but he found he wasn't having his life flash before his eyes. No, rather it was his sex life as like a veritable montage, memories played of his sting of romps and fun times with Mina and Maya. Not to mention that of his many frequent erotic encounters and illicit, explicit liaisons, practically feeling their bodies against his, the tastes of their tongues and their lips on his. It all felt so very real before he cracked his eyes open, vision proceeding to un-blur and show that no, it was not a coincidence why the sensations felt so vivid.
The reason being Kanani was laying atop him, their surroundings indicating they were in the Pool’s medical room. Straddling his waist, the camel toe of her swimsuit grounding against the crotch of his swimsuit. The bulge bumping against her motions as she was pressing her lips to his, tongue exploring his mouth as it traced and memorised his sharp, pointy teeth. Not an unpleasant surprise to wake up to but certainly not expected to say the very least as she noticed he was awake, breaking their liplock with a trailing strand of saliva between them.
Kanani:*a sensual grin and blush on her sexy face as she sat up, not moving from where she sat straddling him.*"Aloha handsome, was wondering when you'd wake up. No worries, your head is fine, got a little carried away with the cpr, but I'd say your girlfriends didn't mind..."*That got the redhead’s attention as he looked to the side to see Mina and Maya sitting on a nearby bench. Sensual grins in their faces as they waved playfully, no doubt eager to watch the pending show. Before he looked back at the Hawaiian blonde bombshell who leaned close to his face, lips inches from kissing him once more.* “That being said, I think you and I both k know where this is going and I ain’t picky. Its been way too long since I got any action so tell me…you a riot in the sheets as much as on the streets?”
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Kirishima’s expression became determined, his gaze passionate as he responded the way he knew best when in the presence of such a sensual woman like this. Making her gasp as he grabbed her glorious tanned booty with firm squeezes, pressing his lips to hers much to Kanani’s delight as they began to make out more properly. Tongues dancing together as the lifeguard rubbed her cameltoe against his pitched tent, her nectar flowing through the material of her swimsuit. Maya and Mina’s arousal skyrocketing as they fingered one another, making out as they watched their man once again prove his stud status.
Now for those of you wondering about the others in the meantime, they were resuming their R&R in the meantime especially after Mineta had to get hauled away on a stretcher after what Bakugo had done to him. Leaving the lifeguard plenty of privacy to enjoy the sturdy himbo as she performed in a 69 position, stroking his cock as she sucked and blew on it while he had pried the crotch portion of her swimsuit. His tongue probing away as he licked and ate out her pussy, tasting the flow of her juices while she levelled up and whipped her tits out. Sandwiching his juicy sex meat between her meaty boob buns, stroking and massaging thst length and girth with pillowy warmth.
Now if Kanani thiught this foreplay was getting her nice and wet, the moment Kirishima started to fuck her? She found him putting any and every prior man in her sex life to shame and she was loving it!! Screaming with wanton sexual desire and abandon as he fucked in a mating press. Her tanned booty jiggling with every impact of those heavy balls and that jackhammering cock dancing together in a sloppy open air game of spitswapping tonsil hockey.
Of course just the very moment he penetrated her had made he cum, orgasms rocking her so intensely that she couldn’t keep count. But any and every moment he came was a different story, the thrill and rush of his cum pouring inside her or spraying in her exotic skin the sweetest ecstasy. Of all the hunks at this pool today, talk about luck of the draw getting acquainted with an absolute unit as she continued to ride the Red Riot wave of passion. Relishing each and every shift in position and intimacy.
Kanani:”ooh fuck, oh god, You’ve cum 3 times and you haven’t pulled out once yet? You even human?”*the blonde islander babe praised as Kirishima was currently fucking her doggy style. Fully naked as her red one piece was discarded, laying in the floor as he pumped away into her snatch. Her tanned body glistening with luscious sheen of sweat, gasping with delight a the himbo stud used her arms as handle bars or firmly grabbed and pulled her glorious mane of blonde hair. Her boobs bouncing with erotic freedom as the medical bed shook and creaked.*
Mina and Maya were naked themselves of course and scissoring one another at watching their himbo teddy bear get another hottie get sexually addicted to his fuck meat. The blonde hottie screaming and howling as she was bent and twisted in a mating press and a piledriver. Before she found Kirishima really showing off those powerful muscles of his as he pumped her on his cock in a full nelson nold. Postion after postion, orgasm after orgasm and it only got spicier and wilder whe the cotton candy/bubblegum duo added the elves into the fray.
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Mineta meanwhile laid in the exam room of the nearby local hospital, awaiting for someone like recovery girl to come along and heal him up. Currently heavily bandaged and mumbling at how badly his plan went wrong. Before he coils reflect any further and plan his next idea of making a move on Kanani, his cellphone buzzed as he fished it out and checked. A notification from Mina which he opened and screamed bloody murder.
Tears of blood flowing as he found his phone spammed with videos and pictures of Kirishima fucking Kanani as well as the alien queen and The shapeshifting hottie. Cursing God for making him so as once again Kirishima beat him out in terms of sex and luck with women. While Kanani was still noting her fun and making plans to get better acquainted with the chivalrous stud. Especially if he ever decided to come on down to Hawaii sometime….
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rmd-writes · 1 year
Hi friend! 💕
If you’re still taking prompts for ficlets, may I request a 7 and 14 combo for firstprince? If those are taken, maybe 24? And if that is also taken lol, then one that was not requested, yet you wish to write? Covering all my bases here 😂.
Sending you all the ✨positive writing vibes✨ and hoping this exercise helps the words start flowing!
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I’ve assigned each prompt I received a number and am using a random number generator to choose which prompt to write because I got quite a few from you all! If you’ve sent me one, I promise I will get to it!! Because I’m using these prompts to try to shake words loose after a bout of writer’s block, these are all just whatever I can come up with in <30min and barely edited 💖
Thanks so much for the ask Sonia! This has indeed helped the words to start flowing again!! 💖 I have already written prompt 24 (here), so here is your other request, though I've taken some liberties and this possibly doesn't quite hit the 'intimate moments' part of this prompt but I hope you like it anyway!
7. softly smiling at each other from across the room + 14. holding each other’s gaze
From his seat at the bar, Henry has a view of almost the entire room. He feels like his eyes would have been drawn to him almost as soon as he enters regardless though. How could his attention not be drawn to this beautiful, vibrant specimen of a man?
Between drinks and bouts of shouted conversation with Pez, Henry’s gaze is continually drawn to him. 
Dark tousled curls, an easy smile, hands gesturing wildly as he speaks.
He notices Henry too. Henry catches him looking back at him, more than once, a smirk dancing around the corner of his full lips. Still, he doesn’t approach him. 
Pez drags him onto the dancefloor. Henry does his best to move with the music but all he can think about is the view he has of the man dancing.
He’s mesmerising. Not simply because he looks like sex on legs, the curve of his arse clad in tight denim, the tight lines of his body just barely hidden beneath the sheer black shirt he wears unbuttoned to his sternum, a sheen of sweat glistening on his skin. As if that wasn’t enough, he moves like the music thrums through his veins, his heartbeat matching the thumping bass, like he was born to this. 
He catches Henry looking at him and grins lazily at him, running his hand through his hair.  He bites his lip and gyrates his hips and the whole scene makes Henry’s breath catch in his throat.
Henry flees the dance floor under the guise of needing some water. He has a shot of vodka instead. When he turns around, the man is no longer on the dance floor but standing a few feet away. Henry meets his gaze and holds it this time.
The man tilts his head back slightly, eyebrow raised. A clear invitation. Henry can’t help but return the almost shy smile the man gives him, as if despite his confidence, he’s unsure whether Henry will accept his invitation. 
Henry moves towards him, anticipation dancing up his spine as he follows the man. He leads Henry to the dancefloor, rather than the bathrooms as he’d expected. He doesn’t dwell on it though, not when there’s a warm hand on his waist pulling him close, sparkling dark eyes framed with impossible lashes looking up at him and a sultry voice in his ear.
“This okay, sweetheart?”
(You can read all of my intimate moments prompts here)
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anciientboosh · 4 years
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
I want a fluff bomb where female reader just worships Loki and positively smothers him in love and affection. No strings attached, no ulterior motive from the reader. Just lots of hugs, kisses and fawning over the sweetest boy! 😘
Extra brownie points for including Loki's repsonse!
Fluff-Drabble Marathon A link to my FLUFF Library is here Warnings: Bit of implied smut, nothing major. Loki being insecure. (w/c 850) A link to my regular Masterlist is here [18+]
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Loki's Special Night
You watched as Loki made a third unsuccessful attempt at tying a windsor knot facing the mirror, rolling his eyes in frustration as he let out a quiet sigh. With a flex of his fingers, the green silk wound around itself, forming perfectly to sit against his thick cotton shirt. You knew he was nervous. The gala dinner this evening was officially announcing him as a member of the Avengers, and beneath the fairly calm exterior; you could feel him simmering with anxiety. “Loki?” you said calmly, your stomach flipping as your beautiful man he spun on his heels to face you with his hands spread.
“How do I look?” he postured confidently, the tentative look in his eyes betraying the fact he was searching for more than surface-level approval. You patted the mattress beside you, running your hand over the smooth duvet as he complied warily.
“I know tonight is a big deal for you Lokes” you murmured, needlessly straightening his tie “I just want you to know how wonderful you are. You are wonderful, you know.” You saw his mouth twitch in disagreement, words forming on his lips that he stopped himself saying. You sighed, running your hands through his hair from his temples and clasping them behind his head. “Loki Laufeyson, what am I going to do with you…” you muttered, as his eyes glinted mischievously. “I can think of a few things darling, but it will have to wait until after dinner."
You leant forward and kissed his forehead, running your clasped hands down behind his neck. “You” you placed a kiss on his left cheek, before moving to the right, “are”...and to his nose “the most beautiful”...then his chin “unique”...his left jaw “passionate”... and his right, “clever”...his neck “being”...and his lips, “I have ever met in my life.” He looked at you with soft eyes, struggling to find the words to articulate what he wanted to say. Somehow, he found the wrong ones. “Darling, you haven’t lived for very long – no one can blame you for your lack of experience.” You laughed in spite of yourself, raising your eyebrows at the sheer wilfulness of the infuriatingly lovely god beside you. “I don’t need to have lived five thousand years to know that I love you. And I don’t need to have lived five thousand years to know why.” He squirmed, his pale cheeks drawing a hint of pink as he smoothed the creases in his trousers, “I wouldn’t be averse to you elaborating, I suppose. Considering this is my special night.” You drew your knees up on the bed, shuffling behind him and pulling his shoulders back towards your chest. Loki gazed at you behind him in the floor length mirror as he straightened on the bed, the deep green of your dress matching his silk tie perfectly. You began to dig your fingers into his shoulders, eliciting a deep moan from his throat as he leant into your touch. “Well first of all, you’re handsome...which is an understatement. God-like, is more accurate.” you leant forward, kissing his neck and biting his earlobe gently, “Every morning when you wake up beside me I just want to absolutely devastate you endlessly with my affections…” you whispered seductively as he shivered beneath you.
“You usually do, my love.” he mumbled, his lowered gaze flickering to you in the mirror. “Additionally” you declared, not letting him derail your arguments, “you have become an invaluable member of the team. There is no foe you have not been able to vanquish. There is no mission plan you cannot improve. There is no crossword clue of Steve’s you cannot solve. Much to his annoyance.” Your heart leapt as he chuckled beneath you, the sound like a warm bath on a cold day. You straightened, moving your hands back to massaging his broad shoulders.
“Although you try your best to disguise it sometimes, you have the kindest heart I’ve ever known. You never forget any warmth shown to you, you return every favour twofold, even when it’s given freely. You're so intelligent, brave, fearless..." you felt the passion rising in your voice as you defended him to himself. "Loki you’ve overcome so much and you still open yourself to love…” you paused, sinking against him and sliding your hands around his waist, pulling him close, “do you not think that’s amazing? Because I do.” Silence hung in the air as Loki stroked the clasped hands around his midriff. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve the love of this mortal woman, but if he was half the figure she believed he was – then that would be enough. “Darling?” he whispered, as you raised your cheek from his back. You hung to the side, meeting his gaze from below his bicep as you peeked around his wide frame. “Yes, my love?” you replied, enjoying the amusement dancing in his eyes. He twisted gently and lay you down on the bed, his long limbs encasing your as he crawled up the silk of your dress. The god planted deep kisses on your exposed neckline, working up to your neck as you let out soft moans beneath him. “Yes my love?” you repeated, a smile tugging at your lips as his eyes met yours, his lips finding the skin above your heart. The amused glint in his eyes faded as his brow creased, the cloud of self-doubt threatening to re-appear as his mind raced ahead,
“I deserve to be here, do I not?” You sat up abruptly, your hands flying to either side of his jaw as you pulled him into a passionate kiss. Your lips pressed against his, seeking to show him through actions what words apparently could not. Loki flexed against you, hands winding in your hair as you pulled free from his embrace, a deep fire burning as you held his gaze. “You deserve everything, Loki Laufeyson.” you said firmly, jaw set in furious determination, “and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.” He panted, belief finally sparking in his eyes as the whole picture came together. The one he had been too afraid to voice until tonight, too afraid to imagine could be his reality. A reality with you beside him, come what may. “I love you, Y/N.” he murmured, as you reached out to straighten his wayward tie. “I love you too, Loki” you whispered, “now let’s go show them all how amazing you are.”
- Marathon Tags @lady-rose-moon @lokischambermaid @mochie85 @vbecker10 @holdmytesseract @nightshadelm @thedistractedagglomeration @sititran @loopsisloops @theaudacitytowrite @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lulubelle814 @peaches1958 @lindsey-laufeyson @awkward-and-indecisive @itsybitchylittlewitchy @ozymdias @chantsdemarins @yelkmelk @mcufan72
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quillsandtypos · 3 years
The Edge in Revenge
Words: 3k
Warnings: smut, degradation, female oral receiving, sexual edging, and underage drinking mentioned (NO SEASON 2 SPOILERS, I just started watching season one but I needed to get this out of my head)
Pairings: JJ Maybanks x fem!reader
JJ really shouldn’t have been the one to underestimate what you were capable of doing in the name of revenge. He’d been fucking with you all day. It had started that morning, you were alone in his kitchen as the other Pogue’s were still asleep. He had you pinned up against the wall lightly sucking on the side of your neck. As he trailed down to your collarbone he suddenly pulled away. You furrowed your brows at him but he just winked and smirked before he walked away; leaving you wet and confused.
Then later after lunch he managed to get you alone before you and the other pogue’s went out on the water. You were still inside grabbing the cooler, as everyone else was already on the boat. He snuck up behind you unbeknownst to you. You felt his hot breath on his ear. “You need help with that princess?” he asked cockily. You felt his warm cock press against the back of your ass, and his hand was at the small of your back.
“Oh definitely,” you responded eagerly. You turned to him as he easily pulled you in with one arm around your back, and the other at the back of your neck. Your lips interlocked, and you hungrily kissed him back, almost begging for more. But just as the time before, he quickly pulled back. Grabbing the cooler from behind you and heading out the door. With a ‘thanks!’ and a barely contained giggle. Oh he was a dead man, you decided right then that revenge was most definitely an order.
So you came up with the perfect scheme. If he wanted to play that game, then he would quickly learn who he was quite literally playing with.
“Ki,” you said. You quickly pulled her away from the boys. “I need a favor, I need you to get JB and Pope away from JJ.”
“Do I even want to know?” she laughed.
“It’s in the name of revenge,” you offered hopefully. She let out a long fake sigh.
“Hmm, let me think,” she took a long pause.
She cracked a smile. “I’m just kidding, you should’ve started with the revenge part.”
“Yes! Thank you,” you said, hugging her tightly.
“Come on JB, we’re gonna go help Pope with whatever he’s doing in the kitchen,” she said, pulling him along.
“What? Oh, okay,” John agreed confusedly as he awkwardly followed her.
And so then there were two. You casually flopped yourself down on JJ’s lap, who seemed slightly startled at first, but then just wrapped his arms around your waist. As much as it was a sweet gesture, you didn’t sit there to be sweet, so you needed to ruin the moment. Lightly, you rolled your hips back so you went right across his dick, and then rolled forward, making sure to move slowly but applying a small amount of your body weight as pressure. You weren’t certain he was giving you a look that could kill, but you didn’t bother looking. But what you did do was speed up a little bit until you felt his dick grow hard.
Smiling a smug grin you moved to get off of him. But his arms helds you there. He swiftly pulled you down onto his chest so your right ear was directly next to his mouth. “When we are alone next, I’m gonna fuck you till you’re screaming,” he whispered lowly.
You adjusted your head so you could see his face. “As if you could ever have that effect on me,” you smirked.
“Care to up the stakes then? Or are you too chicken?” His eyes gleamed, and at the same time so did your’s.
“Name your price,” you said confidently.
“If I can get you to beg, then you owe me a six pack of beers.”
“That’s it?” you asked, surprised.
He raised his eyebrows, “Fine, a six pack of beers, and you have to go skinny dipping with me next Friday night.”
“But I have to work next Friday,” you suddenly remembered.
“What? Not feelin so cocky now princess? Afraid you’ll lose?” he taunted.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Of course not. So what do I get if I can make you beg?” You poked him in the chest for emphasis.
“Alright, if you win, then you get me as your personal boat driver, or person who gets you things, or whatever,” he offered.
“You sure that’s quite a high bargain JJ?” you now taunted back.
“Yeah, I’m not worried,” he replied cockily. He offered you his hand to shake and you took it.
“Prepare to be my personal maid,” you said.
“You better prepare to beg,” he countered.
You moved off of him just as your friends came out of the kitchen. “You guys wanna come with, we’re going for a night swim?” Johnny B offered.
“Nah, we might be out later though,” JJ answered before you could.
“Suit yourselves,” Pope shrugged. Kiera sent you a wink before also heading out the door with them.
JJ and you practically booked it to his room as soon as they shut the door. You quickly grabbed a condom from his drawer where you knew them to be by memory. You turned to throw him the condom to see that he was already on his bed with his shirt off. Every piece of your body was drawn to his chest and the way his back muscles looked in the low light, but you weren’t going to let him know that. So you deflected.
“Someone’s eager,” you commented.
“I-” JJ started to defend himself but the comment got stuck in his throat as he watched your movements. You began slipping your shirt off to reveal a black bra that was sheer, and lacy around the straps and underwire area. It pushed your boobs up nicely and accentuated your cleavage perfectly. JJ was a mess.
“This is so not fair,” he groaned, his jaw practically on the floor.
You knew the effect the lingerie would have on him, which is exactly why you picked it. “What? You too chicken J?” you said, using his taunt from earlier.
Your words made him recover quickly. “No, of course not,” he scoffed.
“That's what I thought you’d say,” you smirked. Now you let your jean shorts fall to the floor, so you were able to show your black thong, which was not as fancy looking, but you knew it would practically make JJ lose it.
You were right, he looked like you had placed him under a spell. When he finally snapped out of it, he pointed next to him. “Bed princess. Now.”
He was almost making this too easy. “I don’t know about that. How about please?”
JJ nearly opened his mouth, but quickly caught himself before he could say anything. “Fine, I’ll do it myself,” he smirked. He moved off the bed, to grab you. You tried to avoid his hands, but there wasn’t much room to run around, so he easily caught you. He threw you onto his bed, and you let out a small yelp of surprise. Before you could even think about running off again, he jumped on the bed, flipped you onto your back, and pinned you. His knees were on your hands, effectively keeping you from touching him.
“Are you going to be a good slut and scream for me?” he asked. His face a few inches from yours.
“Not a chance J,” you smiled.
“Have it your way then, but either way, you’ll still be moaning my name.” His arms lowered so he could dip down to kiss a couple inches above your collarbone. His knees still held your hands in place. He sucked hard against your skin, making sure to leave marks.
“Wait, no marks JJ,” you told him.
“Should’ve told me that sooner now everyone’s gonna know that you lost a bet,” he teased.
“In your dreams,” you scoffed.
JJ didn’t have a comment on that, but went back to work leaving you many bruises that you would have to cover the next morning. Oh how you wished your hands could be in his hair at the moment. He made an agonizingly slow trail down to your bra, before removing it and throwing it onto the floor of his room. He then started sucking on one of your breasts letting his lower lip just gently brush against your nipple everytime he sucked above it. He had found out about the spot driving you crazy the first time you had sex, and now you were strongly wishing you had never told him.
You had your mouth clenched rather tightly so that no moans would escape your lips. Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend noticed that.
“Come on y/n, just let it out. You know that no one can make you cum like I do,” he taunted.
Luckily, his temporary break gave you a chance to get control of yourself again. “Fuck off,” you retorted.
“Yeah, that was kinda the plan.” He grinned devilishly.
He must’ve realized that he was not going to get you to break by doing that, and instead moved farther down to pull your panties off.
His head ducked down to your pussy, but he made eye contact just as he did so. “You still feeling cocky?” he asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Alright, then let’s see how long that lasts since you’re such a slut for me,” he said with a wink before ducking his head fully down. He sucked another hickey on the inside of your thigh, and he slowly started licking towards your pussy. You could practically feel his tongue against your clit, but he was taking his sweet time.
“Stop teasing,” you finally groaned out.
“Is that begging I hear?” he questioned.
“No, I’m telling,” you said matter of factly.
“Yes ma’am,” he agreed with a chuckle.
His tongue slowly started lapping across your folds, occasionally flicking along your clit. Oh god you were in heaven, but simultaneously in hell because you couldn’t make a peep. His tongue once again licked across your spot, and you had to slap your hands over your mouth to keep a moan from escaping your lips. You could feel the smirk on his lips, but you weren’t going to let him have the satisfaction of knowing how much he was affecting you.
A few whimpers nearly came out of your body, and your hands were nearly shaking from trying to hold it in. But all of a sudden you realized that letting it out may be to your advantage, hearing your noises of pleasure, always had quite the effect on him.
So you did. Every moan, and whimper you let him hear. He thought that he was getting to you, which truthfully he was, but the game was far from over.
“You’re eating me out so good,” you moaned.
Your plan was already working; you noticed that he started to pick up the pace.
“Oh god JJ!” you screamed as he licked over a good spot on your pussy.
He continued licking in that exact spot which almost made you want to give up the bet right then in there. You felt shivers go through your spine as your core started to heat up but you were too stubborn to lose yet.
“No one fucks me like you do,” you moaned, knowing damn well the effect it would have on him.
Your plan seemed to have worked as he quickly took off his shorts, put on the condom, and just as his cock was about to enter you, you stopped him.
“Beg,” you insisted.
“Y/n fucking pl-” You had nearly had him, but he managed to stop himself before the words tumbled out.
You smirked, as he finally realized what you were doing. He however was now hell bent on making you lose. JJ climbed back on top of you with new vigor. “You’re smart, which is exactly why breaking you will be so much more fun,” he taunted. His head went back down again.
Your hands entangled in his hair as he went back to licking every single nook and cranny that he could find. “Fuck,” you whimpered as he once again licked your even more sensitive clit. You could feel the tension burning in your core, and a tingling sensation starting to spread all over. You started to buck your hips from the stimulation, and JJ was quick to force you back down. As his flicking became more rapid, you felt your body start to tense up.
“JJ I’m gonna-” you had started, but suddenly he had stopped.
“Beg,” he told you. And as much as you wanted to give in you were determined to knock the cocky grin off his face.
You sat up on your elbows. “Make me.”
JJ looked delighted by your answer. “That’s fine I got all night.”
“Inside me JJ,” you told him. You knew he wanted to make you beg for that as well, but you knew that he wanted to be inside you more.
He thrusted his cock into you and you did your best not to slide backwards from him pushing into you. “Oh my god you’re so wet for me, you really have been waiting.”
After he had checked on you he began slowly thrusting into you, going deep into you. “Oh shit,” he moaned. He would have to explain a lot of scratches across his back tomorrow but quite frankly you didn’t care.
“JJ!” you half moaned, half screamed as he went down again.
“You’re such a dirty slut for me aren’t you?” he taunted you.
You wanted to have some sort of retort but all that came out of your mouth was another moan, which just egged him on more.
“Come on, I know you’re tempted.”
Truthfully, you were extremely tempted, but you could surely outlast him right? But then you had an idea, he couldn’t stop it if he didn’t know what was coming. So as you felt your body starting to be strung out again you did you best to keep your breathing the same, and to not move around as much. But just as you felt the tension building he stopped.
“JJ?” you groaned in confusion.
“You seriously don’t think I don’t know when you’re going to have an orgasm?” he laughed. He pushed his hair out of his face and grinned down at you.
“Y/n you might as well just give up now, and spare yourself,” he suggested.
Collecting what small amount of strength you had left you said “Not a chance.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he smirked.
The warning was evidently very necessary, your whole body was starting to feel ten times more sensitive than it usually did. Every thrust sent a wave of pleasant goosebumps through your body. Your legs were shaking, and your voice was admittedly starting to go away. Your body felt like it was screaming that it wanted to orgasm. He started to slow down, but you were so close. You attempted to buck your hips into his to get the feeling back but he held you down. With a satisfactory grin on his face, that you needed it so bad.
“You’re not getting an orgasm unless you beg and we both know that I could fuck you for hours,” he taunted.
“Fine, fine, fine, please, please, please let me cum J, please. I am begging you,” you whined.
“That’s all you had to say princess,” he smirked. Finally his pace picked back up, to a more rapid one.
“Fuck you feel so good,” you moaned to him. There was no point keeping it in now. Your hips bucked in rhythm with his, as he moved in and out. But his rhythm slowed down as what you recognized as his climax.
“Oh god,” you heard him say as it finally hit him. His moans of pleasure only sped up your’s. “Fuck,” he moaned on top of you. But he managed to push himself back up to go down into you a couple more times for you to reach your climax.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire with tingles. The feeling spread from your stomach to your breasts to throughout your whole body. Your legs began to shake and you couldn't form words anymore. The only coherent thought you could form was how good you felt. Even after you had reached your climax, you had a sense of euphoria that you just couldn’t shake.
Eventually, you felt JJ start to move out of you, and you both whimpered slightly from how sensitive you were. You saw him take the condom off and throw it away. You lay in bed, still breathing heavily.
“Give me your hand, we’re going to the bathroom,” he said sweetly, but insistently. You groaned but you didn’t protest.
After you had used the toilet, you both flopped back down in his bed. It was quiet for a couple minutes before JJ spoke up.
“You know I’m really excited to see what beers you get me,” he teased.
“Shut up,” you laughed, lightly smacking him in the arm.
He lightly smacked you back. “Oh and don’t forget to call off for Friday tomorrow morning,” he grinned.
“I hate you,” you said as you rolled over.
“I love you,” he said sweetly, as he wrapped his arms around your midsection.
He always had a way of making you happy. “Love you too J,”
“Goodnight princess,” he said as he kissed your cheek.
“Goodnight JJ.” And you quickly fell fast asleep in his arms.
Needless to say, the other pogue’s weren’t worried that you never came outside. They knew where they would find the two of you the next morning.
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fantasticbean · 2 years
Wicked Trails I. | Dream of the endless x f/reader
Little snippet of an idea I had while I was washing my hair. Thinking of making this a series depending on how u guys like it or not. Please keep in mind that English is NOT my first language and I wrote this for fun ≧◠‿◠≦
Ps. The reader only has the eyes specified because of fanfic purposes other than that, very neutral! Also so sorry for any grammar mistakes I tried but sadly I’m very blind and my glasses can only do so much.
Their first encounter was something out of the ordinary. Mirkwood forest, as many called it, was a place that many feared and stayed far away from, yet Dream of the Endless was looking for inspiration. Creating dreams and nightmares is not an easy task, and for such dark times as those, drastic measures are required. It was a time when the gods were often fighting for notoriety; others for sheer delight, this of which Dream disapproved.
His coat swayed above bumpy floors, his demeanor intimidating as ever, causing the creatures to tremble in fear. It seemed as every step he took time stopped, and the ruby dangling by his neck was shining in the thick fog, like a star in a cloudy night, but a very, very cold star.
The elves clutched their grip as the man stopped and turned to the sound of giggles by the tallest scariest tree in all Mirkwood. The sound seemed innocent, although it was hard to believe that anything was good in that dark, gray forest. Dream all curious, stepped towards the tree and was surprised by the silhouette of a child. Playing with what seemed a snake, that moved in the amusement of the child. After sensing the strangers presence they turned and stared at Dream, in that moment he was at a loss for words. Their eyes were a deep shade of green adorned by gold strays that were shining with mischief.
Since then, when many trembled in fear at his presence, that insolent child stood fearlessly in front of an Endless.
“Man” the child whispered and giggled in delight, stepping down the rock where they were once crunching down to play with the dangerous animal, which was moving around the child in a form of protection.
“Play?” Her eyes bright, hopeful, gripping the edge of her brown tunic.
Dream’s brows shot up at the child’s words.
“I will not waste my time with such foolish actions.” he cuffed and began his path.
He felt silly, a child such as her looking entirely innocent walking so confidently at him, her eyes filled with challenge. Not only did she smelt like trouble, her features stood up in childish mockery that made him feel uneasy.
“So no play?” a pout adorned her face, Dream stared at them as apathetic as ever, and kept walking in the fog with the whiny child behind.
“You have name?”
“You’re truly a bother” he sighed, staring ahead.
Dream stopped abruptly when the child stepped in front of him, the snake following its master. Posture firm, as if she was not used to being ignored.
“Name” she demanded, eyes defying his.
Morpheus was not known for being patient or kind to others and she was not the exception.
“Don’t annoy me you insolent chi-”
He took a step towards her with the intentions of scaring her away; yet he was cut short when the snake arched its body and hissed with venomous hate, sharp teeth threatening the unknown man.
That’s when Dream knew she wasn’t just any child, when that pet snake of hers was trying to protect her at all costs.
“I’m Y/N” she said, and waited for his answer calmly, as if an animal double her height wasn’t just towering over her small body.
“Dream.” his voice deep as the blue of his eyes, glaring at the snake that was ready to attack any second.
“Dream… pretty” pleased by his answer she smiled “This Ollie,” and petted the beast whose green was shining intensely “she’s my friend” proud of the insanely wicked animal she caught, the snake never wavered his glare.
“This is no place for a child, you must go home.”
She furrowed her eyebrows confused by his words.
“This is home.”
Dream noticed her appearance; little feet were bare and had scratch marks over her fingers; the dress was wrinkled, her hair was sticking everywhere; an orphan most likely. His gaze softened, nevertheless, something caught his eye; the scratch mark she carried on her cheek was covered in faint gold, very similar to someone he encountered a few centuries ago and was not a fan of such character.
“Tell me, child,” he didn’t get far once again when Ollie hissed, but was caught by the neck by an unhinged kid that glared wickedly.
“Bad Ollie” she nagged Ollie without care.
Dream stood and watched as the eyes of the snake almost popped off their head because of the barbarian girl.
“Y/N” you stopped and turned to him. His voice, a sweet melody that can put anyone in his path to sleep.
“Care to walk with me?”
He was certain it was just pity for the girl; that’s why he did it anyway. He possibly could not let her spring free, when something awful could harm her, besides the eccentric feeling the girl emitted, he was intrigued.
Upon his request, Y/N nodded happily and grabbed his coat.
She showed him the forest like the back of her hand; the creatures that once hid were creating a path for them as they walked, her pace never faltering, and so the Endless followed like he was a visitor in her own realm.
Mirkwood is not as bad as it seems, he thought. The forest changed at her presence, beaming with life, although gray looking, orange painted the sky right beside the river.
“Will I see you again?” She asked with a hopeful glint in her eye. They had stopped by the river, where she sat on a rock and admired the water following its rhythm.
“Perhaps.” Squinting her eyes at him as if she knew when someone was lying, like if it was her nature.
“Unlikely” he turned, facing her wicked eyes that he found hard to believe belonged to some mortal.
They were fatal, Dream knew that, yet he did not know whose creature was responsible for such outrageous creation.
“Where then?”
“When you sleep, you are most likely to enter my realm, which is the dreaming, that is my home.”
“Dreaming? Home?” She murmured, pulling at the leaves by her feet; the cold breeze was pulling her hair in all directions, and the gray of the sky was slowly descending to a fearless night.
“I see you then” she smiled, but by the time she pulled her hair back to look at him, Dream was gone.
And so the Endless wondered that night at his throne with a book in his hands—who she was —why was her aura so strong and defying— yet so gentle to her surroundings.
“Did you have a nice trip, my lord?”
Lucianne interrupted his thoughts, voice echoed between the palace walls.
He hummed in confirmation, “Encountered many magnificent beings that I even forgot existed, scary even.”
“Does that mean you got all the inspiration needed for new nightmares, or perhaps dreams?”
“Nightmares indeed,” the librarian nodded at his words waiting for any more details about his journey. “I came across an altercation with a snake, a very particular one”
Now that caught Lucianne’s attention, her all mighty king having a spat with an ordinary snake was comical in a sense— even more when he was carrying a small frown, nonetheless, Lucianne, very professional, kept a straight face. It looked like the Lord of Dreams was battling inside with the memory. Not every day something caught Morpheus unprepared— but somehow, because of that child…
“I am grateful for such dispute, I know now what I must do” slamming the book shut as he stood from his throne.
Lucianne knew that snakes were soon to be rumoring around the Dreaming after his remarks and took pity on those whose phobias were serpent related.
“Very well sir, I should leave you to it then” so the loyal librarian left the throne room holding back a laugh.
On the other side, Y/N sat calmly rubbing the wolf fur while thinking of the nice stranger that accompanied her that afternoon. A voice brought her back to reality, and in the shadows a man with blonde hair similar to his long beard, walked around the forest looking for her.
A bright idea crossed Y/N’s mind, and so she hid behind the tree waiting for him to pass. His deep voice was growing closer by the second so when the time came,
The man almost dropped the torch because of the girl and looked at her in all seriousness. He thought that after years of knowing her and being a powerful deity he would learn her mischievous ways, but Y/N always mastered new techniques to torture him.
“Hell girl, you scared me to death” though he couldn’t be mad while watching those eyes of hers beaming with amusement under the moonlight, he sighed and faked a mad face trying to scold her “I told you to come back before midnight”
She giggled uncaring, knowing she got way with her plan “I knoww”
Taking in her appearance, he took a leaf off her head.
“Look at yourself all grimy and filthy. I might have to lock you up so you don’t run off again”
“You can not”
“Don’t defy me child, now let us go back to the house”,her uncle grabbed her shoulder, securing her by his side in case she ran, however growing more tired by the second Y/N nodded and started walking “You drive mad, just like your father, little Laufeyson.”
So on, Dream of Endless wondered about the mystery child, that fate would bring them together once more, however, many years have passed, and the trickster might not be on her best behavior.
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highladydawn · 3 years
Elucien for 💯. One of them just moved next door to the other.
You got it, pal! I've thrown the word limit out of the window for this one in favor of describing Lucien in his birthday suit. Rated M?? for accidental window peeping that turned into purposeful window peeping.
It was a pity favor, really.
Feyre had told Rhysand that if he was going to bail her out of Tamlin's place, he also had to bail Lucien out. At first, Rhys tried to get out of it, citing that Lucien was Tamlin's friend more than he was Feyre's.
It was then that Elain innocently suggested, "The people next door to me just moved out. Why not put him there?"
Rhys slouched in his chair, eyeing Elain the way he did whenever he thought someone was in way over their head.
"You don't know what you're asking for," he deadpanned.
Turned out, he was right.
Elain had known Lucien as long as Feyre had. She'd always thought him to be kind and witty, even when he was annoyed at her sister. And of course, there was no denying that she liked the way he looked—he was gorgeous, a real masterpiece.
Elain just didn't expect to see every inch of that masterpiece through her window, but she did. And it was incredibly awkward, but also kind of...glorious? Beautiful? Life changing in a I'll-never-look-at-any-other-man-again kind of way?
It wasn't Lucien's fault either. He'd been moved in for less than twelve hours. Of course he couldn't be expected to have proper curtains up, much less be accustomed to closing them after dark. He also couldn't be expected to be aware of the fact that his gigantic bedroom window was lined perfectly with hers.
Really, she was the one at fault for looking. He'd simply walked into the room wearing...well, nothing, right at the moment Elain glanced out her window. She quickly spun around, sinking to the floor to disappear out of sight. The image of what she'd seen was burned to her eyes.
This in and of itself was not something she faulted herself for. It was the way she crawled on her goddamn knees back to the window that sealed her fate as a no-good, terrible person.
But god, the view was worth it.
Lucien Vanserra put every man she'd been with to shame. Every inch of him was strength and beauty, perfectly balanced out so that neither overpowered the other. The confidence with which he carried himself made his muscular chest and broad shoulders even more mouthwatering. But it was his firm thighs, and the appendage in between, that made Elain lose every rational thought she had.
And Lucien...he caught her eye through the window and gazed right back. He should've been angry that she violated his privacy, should've darted out of the room and called the police. But he just looked back. Looked so intently, Elain felt just as naked as he was.
A rosy flush swept across his entire bare form, just as heated as the red burning Elain's cheeks. He crossed the room to grab something and Elain had to bite her lip to keep from smiling at the backside now fully visible to her. She drank in the sight, expecting him to return with boxers or pants, but the object in his hands was not of the clothing variety.
It was a bright yellow legal pad. He held it up to the window, allowing Elain to read the big, black letters scribed lengthwise across it.
You next.
Elain stumbled back a step, blushing even harder than before. Lucien took her panic in stride, leaning on his desk so that all his assets were angled magnificently on display. He flipped the page and scribbled something else down.
Fair's fair.
New page. More scribbles.
I can go away if you want? Or put on clothes.
Elain's hand practically slammed against the window, like some instinct made her prevent him from leaving or dressing. He smirked at her urgency, flipping back the pad so the first page rested neatly in his hands. You next.
She tangled her fingers in her sheer curtains, drawing them even further to the side, then let her hand fall to the hemline of her shirt. She'd never seen anything quite as erotic as Lucien's eyes tracking the movement as she pulled her shirt up and over her head. She tugged off her loose pants before she could talk herself out of it.
"Beautiful," he mouthed. Elain dragged her gaze off of his to glance back down at his member, now considerable and erect just at the sight of her. "Come over?"
A surge of confidence swept through her as she reached behind her back and unclasped her violet bra. The garment fell in a heap at her feet, but Lucien was too busy gaping in awestruck wonder at her breasts.
She was thankful that there was a notebook and pen on her vanity near the window and flipped open to the first page.
You come over and take the rest off yourself.
The yellow pad slipped out of Lucien's hands onto the ground. He probably would've sprinted out of the house naked if he hadn't caught Elain chuckling him. She didn't stick around to watch him get dressed—was already halfway down the steps to go open the front door.
But all laughs were off when three hard knocks pounded on the door and Elain was swept into his arms.
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Say You’re Sorry
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: After a petty argument, Reader and Spencer spend weeks trying to get each other to say they’re sorry first Category: SMUT (18+) Warnings: Language, smut (fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, light choking) Word Count: 4.3k
Full Request: “...a smut about Like reader and spencer fight for something stupid, because both of them think are right, And maybe the fbi it has the annual gala of something and reader wears a *SUIT* with just a nice bra under the jacket, and spencer lost his mind.” —Anonymous
NOTE: This one was so much fun to write! All of these requests have been, of course, but I just loved getting to write Spencer and Reader’s petty tactics and dialogue here 😂❤
It was stupid and they both knew it. Everyone in the office knew it, too.
But when two people who were always priding themselves on being right have been dating for years, stupid little arguments like that were bound to happen.
This time, though, Spencer and Y/N seemed to have taken it a little too far. For weeks now they haven't spoken unless it was bickering, and when it wasn't bickering, it was demanding the other person to admit they were sorry.
And now it was just a game.
The first round started when Y/N gave Spencer a cup of coffee as a gesture, a sign of good faith. She hadn't explicitly said sorry, though Spencer was willing to accept it as an apology anyway. The round ended, though, when he took a drink to find it completely bitter, not a grain of sugar to be found. She laughed, the sound somehow even more bitter than the coffee she'd given him, and left him with a prompt, "Gotcha."
Round two was a bit more evil, Spencer retaliating by changing all the settings in her car so that when she got in, everything would be the exact opposite of how she preferred it. She was always particular about how she had the air, the seats, the mirrors, and everything else set up in her car, and the day she got in it after work almost had her in tears of anger. First of all, her seat was set all the way back, which she found strange, but then after adjusting it she turned the car on, and the radio blasted intense techno music, which she always found annoying. She turned it all the way down after almost having a heart attack, suddenly very angry and confused, only to then notice that all the mirrors were adjusted as well.
But the tip of the iceberg was when she looked at the speedometer and noticed she was almost entirely out of gas. It certainly wouldn't be enough to get her home.
"What the actual fuck?" she yelled, only to jump again when Spencer knocked on her window.
"Looks like you're gonna have to take the train home with me."
It really was her only option, and she hated it. And he was so hopeful that it would get to her admit that she was sorry, that when they got to his apartment he would be able to convince her to come to bed with him and sleep it all off.
Turns out, he was sorely mistaken. She didn't talk to him the whole way there, and when they did manage to make it up to his apartment, Y/N locked him out of his bedroom and slept in his bed alone. No matter how many times he tried to convince her to let him in, she yelled back, "Say you're sorry, and we'll see if you deserve to sleep with me!"
But he wasn't going to give up that easily. So he gave up trying to reason with her, and stayed on the couch.
When he woke up, he was drenched in freezing cold water, cursing as Y/N stood over him with a smirk. "Mess with my car again, and it'll be something worse, Reid."
She never used his last name. She was doing it to taunt him, and it only made him angrier.
She left that morning, calling Emily for a ride and hoping she'd taught Spencer a lesson.
Unfortunately, no lessons had been learned. A few days later, he 'accidentally' bumped into her, spilling coffee all over her white blouse, and said 'oops,' in the least apologetic way ever.
Y/N scowled as she dabbed up the liquid, not even paying attention to him as she ranted about how pissed off she was and how childish her boyfriend was being.
"If you'd just man up and say you're sorry already, maybe I won't have to be such a bitch, but you're really getting on my fucking nerves..."
He was suspiciously quiet. So she looked up to catch him staring at her, a look in his eyes that she'd seen many a time. In fact, it had to be one of her favorite looks.
He was staring directly at her chest, where she'd unbuttoned a few buttons to get at more of the coffee that splashed on her shirt.
It was only a few seconds, and Spencer seemed to snap out of it rather quickly, giving her a wink before walking away completely.
She glared at him as he disappeared into another room, but in the back of her mind, a plan was already forming.
The Bureau was hosting a mandatory gala for a few agents who were retiring, and with the event coming up, Y/N knew it was the perfect opportunity to get Spencer's attention and maybe, just maybe, get him to finally apologize.
But that was all unbeknownst to him.
He knew she was going to show up on her own, because neither of them had stepped up to the plate to apologize, and truth be told, he wasn't sure how much more he could take. It had been about a week since he'd spilled his coffee all over her, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. Not that he never thought about her at all—she was his girlfriend, of course he thought about her—but after going weeks without getting to kiss her, touch her, or even just be around her when they weren't playing stupid, petty games with each other, Spencer was starting to think maybe they should just talk it out.
So that's what he decided. The gala would be a perfect opportunity to make a grand romantic gesture and admit that he missed her, that they were both being childish and he wanted to work it out.
All of that completely went out the window, though, the second she walked through the door.
The drink in his hand almost dropped to the floor. The only thing that even kept him standing upright was Derek's hold on him when he stumbled. And as if he didn't already know he was in trouble, Spencer heard his friend whistle lowly beside him.
"Kid, I think you better apologize, or I have a feeling you're gonna regret it..."
"No kidding," was all he responded with, his eyes still glued to his girlfriend from across the room.
She was wearing a pair of maroon suit pants and a matching jacket that held together at the middle by one button, exposing a lacy black bra underneath. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant updo, exposing more of her neck and chest as small pieces of hair framed the sides of her face. From far away he noticed her wearing some long silver earrings and a matching necklace that landed right above where curve of her breasts met her neck. She walked—no, glided—across the floor with heels that accented her every step with power.
She caught his eye, and though she was the most stunning, captivating woman he'd ever seen, the pure smugness that lit up her pretty features as she walked towards him made Spencer want to win. No romantic gestures, no giving in and talking it out... He wanted to see her beg for forgiveness.
It was a pretty hard task, though, considering the second she got closer and he searched her eyes, he almost crumbled beneath the sheer power they exuded. They gleamed at him as if to say, "You lose."
Everything was made even worse when she smiled at him like nothing was wrong, like they hadn't been playing childish pranks on each other all week. She leaned in and held onto his arms, giving him a sweet kiss on the jawline.
"Hi, babe," she chirped happily, and before she pulled away, she added into his ear with a whisper, "By the end of the night you're gonna be real sorry for last week..." It was low and seductive and pure evil. Spencer would have stumbled again had she not been holding onto his arm.
He wanted to think that Y/N surely wouldn't resort to using her seduction to get him to apologize, but that would be a flat-out lie. She knew exactly what she was doing.
But it wasn't going to work. He wouldn't let it. He couldn't let it.
He cleared his throat and led Y/N to the table they were staying at, trying his hardest to ignore the low burn that settled in his stomach.
But once again, that proved incredibly hard when she was sitting next to him all night, talking confidently with other agents and occasionally slipping her hand along his inner thigh to tease him. When no one was looking, she'd move it higher, lightly drawing circles along the inseam of his pants. And when he gripped her wrist under the table, leaning in to say lowly in her ear, "You better quit," she responded with a turn of the head and a kiss on the cheek, whispering right back, "Not until you say you're sorry."
She pulled back and they smiled at each other sweetly, right before she excused herself to go to the bathroom.
What she wasn't counting on was him following after her, catching her arm and pulling her into an empty storage closet before anyone could see. It all caught her completely by surprise, but even as the light switched on and she saw Spencer standing in front of her, a look of pure frustrated grief flashing across his features, she settled into another smug smile.
"Aw, what's wrong, babe?"
His eyes raked her up and down, and it was obvious how hungry he was for her. His hands reached out tentatively to touch her, and she let him. They settled on slipping under her suit jacket and practically burning handprints into the bare skin of her stomach.
"What's wrong?" he repeated, running his hands farther up her stomach and just below the bra. He could see his fingers peeking up through the jacket, and it made him absolutely feral. "You're a fucking tease, that's what's wrong."
Y/N cooed like she would at a crying baby. "Aw, and who's fault is that, hmm?"
"I'm not gonna say it." His eyes flicked up to meet hers, and still she was unwavering.
"I'm not gonna say it either."
"Well... Maybe I'll just have to fuck it out of you, then."
She would have been lying if she said she hadn't lost a little self control upon hearing those words come from his mouth. Which is why she challenged him yet again, silently hoping that he'd make true on his promise.
"I'd like to see you try..."
They stared at each other then, and for a moment Y/N thought he would actually do it. Her body shivered with excitement, especially when he pushed her into the door and ran his hands up to cup her breasts. He leaned in close and pressed gentle kisses to the side of her neck and down her collarbone, and eventually, he found his way back to her neck.
Right when his hands moved to her back to unclasp her bra, he suddenly removed them altogether, and placed them on either side of her head, trapping her between his body and the door.
And with five simple words hummed lowly into her ear, he'd managed to win this round.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Spencer opened the door and pushed past her, leaving her behind to catch her breath.
The night was nearly over, and she still hadn't managed to break him. And after the stunt he pulled in the storage closet, she was getting just as frustrated as he was. Since then, he'd practically dangled himself in front of her all night, making a point to play with his hands (which he knew she went crazy for), doing the same with his mouth (which she also had praised multiple times over), and occasionally resting his hand on her lower back, or on the inside of her thigh under the table.
And now, he had her cornered near the back of the room after she'd excused herself to collect her bearings.
But she wasn't having it.
Before he could say or do anything, she grabbed him by the tie and pulled him to her, sneering in his face. "Back off, baby, or I swear to God..."
She wasn't really sure what she was going to say, because no words could properly accentuate her frustration. All she could do was give vague threats and hope Spencer stepped up to the plate.
Unfortunately for her, he didn't.
"What? What are you gonna do?" he laughed, looking at her hungrily.
At this point they were just needlessly teasing themselves, and they both knew it. But the game had gone on for so long that one of them had to break eventually, right?
She couldn't answer him... There was absolutely nothing in her brain except for images of them, screwing each other to the ends of the earth. So, she looked back at him, silently hoping that he would just forget about the apologies and do something about the tension that had been building up for weeks now.
And truthfully, she thought he would have. He looked like he was ready to say fuck it and kiss her right there. He leaned in, and she gripped his tie even tighter.
But then someone cleared their throat beside them.
"Alright, you two." It was Rossi. "Get out of here, go kiss and make up. That's an order."
"But you're not our boss," Y/N pointed out, apparently still on the high of arguing.
"Tonight I am. Go on, get."
She turned away from them and left without another word.
One silent car ride later, the two of them walked up to Y/N's apartment. It wasn't until Spencer had closed the door behind him that either of them said something.
In fact, they both said something at the same time.
"Take your clothes off."
"Leave the suit on."
And then, silence.
For one second. Then two. Then three.
And then the only sound to be heard was Y/N's heels as she glided to Spencer in three large steps and crushed her mouth to his. The second it happened, it was like a rubber band snapped, all this pent up tension finally releasing and shooting across the air until it landed somewhere.
In this case, it landed on the kitchen table. She pushed off his jacket the second her butt landed on the cool wooden surface, and her mouth pulled away from his with a harsh smack. "I thought I told you to take off your clothes."
"So fucking impatient," he breathed, grabbing her face with his hands and kissing her again.
A second later, she pulled back and gripped his tie. "Then don't take so fucking long," she said lowly, and then pulled him forward by the tie, connecting their mouths once more.
He grunted in her mouth, releasing her face and working at the buttons of his shirt while she tried her hardest to get the tie. The second everything was loosened, she slid her hands under his shirt and pulled his body into hers by the waist, digging her nails into his skin.
"Lift your hips, baby," he breathed against her mouth, his hands already at the button. "Let me get these off."
"I thought you wanted me to keep the suit on?" she laughed.
"Well, I can't fuck you with your pants on, Y/N."
She lifted her hips then, using her hands on the table as leverage while he shimmied them off over her heels. "I know, genius, I was just fucking with you."
"Well, stop it," he got out with an exasperated sigh.
And before she could retort, his fingers were pushing her panties aside and slipping through the opening of her pussy, causing her words to get caught in her throat.
She choked on a moan and he laughed. "Yeah, I thought that'd shut you up."
"Fuck you," she gasped.
"I'd rather fuck you instead."
And with that final sentence, he started finger-fucking her, leaning forward and applying kisses and bites to her neck. Her hands reached out to grip his shoulders, pushing the rest of his shirt off and then clinging to him like a cat clinging to a tree.
"Who knew all this fighting would make you so wet for me," he said, punctuating his words with a nip to her neck. As if to prove his point, he worked his fingers in and out of her quicker and deeper, the both of them taking in and relishing the sounds it made. Meanwhile she rocked her hips against his hand and tried her hardest not to make much sound, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing how much he was affecting her.
Though, it seemed he caught on to her scheme.
"What's the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue? I know you wanna let it out, so why don't you?"
"Not... until you say you're sorry," she managed to respond clearly, leaning back to look him in the eye.
The look he gave her radiated cockiness as his fingers worked even faster, and she squeezed her eyes shut to hold back any noises.
"Aw, not even one little moan for me, pretty girl? I know you've got one in you..."
"N—no," she pressed, obviously trying not to react at all. But it was getting harder when every second Spencer was curling his fingers inside her now, hitting that sweet spot and bringing her closer to the edge.
"Yes," he reiterated, bringing his other hand to her mouth and pushing her lips apart to press his thumb down onto her tongue, keeping her jaw open and forcing out all the sounds she'd tried so hard to hold in.
There was no getting out of it, but... right now she didn't care. Because she loved when he took control like this, seeing his face scrunch up with determination to get what he wanted, the raw, primal look in his eye that boiled her insides and broke her down every time...
Inevitably, she moaned out. Loudly. And when she was met with a smug, "Atta girl," she closed her mouth around his thumb and sucked on it, humming as her pussy clenched around his fingers. "That's a good fucking girl..."
As he worked her through her orgasm, the high subsiding, she thought, Alright... You win this round...
And then, as he pulled away from her and brought his fingers to his mouth and cleaned them off, Y/N slowly grew a smirk.
"What are you looking at me like that for?" Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow.
She took out her earrings, jumped off the table, and unbuttoned the suit jacket, letting it hang open as she dragged him with her to the bedroom in nothing but her bra, panties, jacket, and heels. "I'm gonna get you for that."
His heart raced as she all but threw him in the direction of the bed. He sat down and leaned back, breathless as she kicked the door shut with her foot and settled her hands on her bare hips. From the low angle he had, she very much radiated dominance and power, and God, if she wasn't the most stunning specimen he'd ever laid his eyes on...
He wanted in that moment so badly to submit to her, to give her everything she wanted, but... If he didn't, what would she do?
She took a few slow steps, and with every one Spencer sunk back, until he was laying down and she was standing at the edge of the bed, using her knee to push his legs apart.
"Sit up," she demanded softly, and he almost obliged. But he wanted to see what she'd do if he refused. So when he remained on his back, she stretched her arm out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him up and then gripping his chin in her other hand to make him look up at her.
In the dim light of the bedroom, he studied her, every curve and peak of her face and the way the shadows accented her prettiest features, the faint glimmer of the eyeshadow she was wearing, the way her tongue danced behind her lips as she figured out what to say next...
Likewise, she took him in completely, the way his eyes softened with each passing second as they roamed her face, and how his just settled in her hand, like he was completely submitting to and amazed by her. And truth be told, the feeling was mutual. Just looking into his eyes alone, Y/N could tell how much he loved her, and it made her heart swell.
Consequently, the electric buzz that had been between them all night and growing stronger for weeks was a dull hum, something more warm and... remorseful.
"I love you," Y/N breathed, loosening the grip on Spencer's chin. She let her fingers slide down his neck and over to his shoulder, where she gave him a light, loving squeeze. "And I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, too," he whispered back, bringing one of his hands up to cup her cheek. "And I love you."
She sat down on one of his legs, bringing them closer together and to eye-level. And with a smile, she said, "Truce?"
"Good. Now, fuck me?"
Her body melted into his when he pulled her face to him and kissed her. His lips moved slowly against hers, yet with a burning passion and need that made it hard for her to breathe. It wasn't long before she starting rocking against him, butterflies swarming in her stomach when he noticed and used one of his hands to run up her thigh. Meanwhile their kisses grew stronger, deeper, and the little sighs and moans they produced together provided the cherry on top.
Y/N slid off of him, then reached down to take his pants off, head spinning and heart soaring. And Spencer felt the same, tugging at the hem of her panties.
She laughed, breaking away once his pants were off. "How do you want me, baby?"
"Just like this," he responded, not needing any time to think about it. "Ride me, do whatever you want to me. I just want you."
With another little laugh, she pushed him back lightly and took off her underweat and heels, then climbed over him to straddle his hips. "Careful what you wish for."
When she reached back her arms to remove the jacket, Spencer stopped her, gripping her thighs and saying in a low voice, "Don't you dare take that off."
She sounded satisfied. Triumphant. "I knew you'd like it."
And before he had a chance to elaborate on just how much he liked it, she shifted her hips and ground down on his bare, hard dick. All words escaped him at the feeling, and she seemed to know it, because she smiled down at him victoriously.
She leaned down and braced her hands on his chest as she continued to rock back and forth, slicking him up with her arousal. Soon after, she snuck one of her hands down to help herself onto him, and she sank down slowly, ever so slowly...
Spencer sighed out, long and drawn out, and the sound was like music to Y/N's ears. She started off slowly, but it wasn't long before she sat up and set a steady pace riding him. And once he found his bearings, getting used to the feeling of her around him after almost a whole month of missing it completely, his eyes opened and took her in once more, the sight before him almost shattering him to pieces.
As his hands flew out to grip her waist, Y/N sighed, reaching down and placing her hands on his stomach. "Fuck, I missed this, baby... Missed you..." Then she slid forward and settled her hands at his collarbone, slowing her hips and making sure to speak just as slowly. "Missed the feeling of your cock deep inside me..."
He lost it then. His grip tightened on her waist and he shifted his hips, repeatedly thrusting up into her with a force that elicited a deep moan from Y/N's throat. She gasped out as he continued this pace, the tension inside of her starting to stretch thin.
"Fuck, baby, please! Oh, right there!" she couldn't help but yell out. She sat up just a little so he had a better angle, and her hands gently wrapped around his throat, to which he rolled his eyes back and groaned out a soft, "Fuck, yes."
They were moving together now, meeting each others' hips with an urgency that could only be present through weeks of built up tension and depravation. It was like a thunderstorm, intense and filled to the brim with flashes of lightning that danced behind both of their eyes as they reached the pinnacle.
Their bodies slowed down naturally, and Y/N's hands were now combing through his hair as she slumped down over him and felt his release as it started to drip down her thigh, and Spencer basked in the feeling of her envelopment, her body weight over the top of him like a warm blanket. They both felt little aftershocks of pleasure as they slowed their breathing and just laid there, hands gently rubbing each others' skin and mouths exhaling soft whispers of 'I love you,' and 'I missed you.'
And then they fully came to their senses, the storm having rolled through completely and leaving them in a calm breeze. It was peaceful. Rehabilitating.
Y/N kissed Spencer's neck and lifted her head to look him in the eyes. "Babe, you know I love you, but I'm not sleeping in this thing tonight."
He laughed, tucking some of the hair behind her ear that had fallen from the updo and then running his thumb along her bottom lip. "That's fair. You should... wear suits more often, though. They're a good look for you."
She smiled and kissed him softly. "Duly noted."
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @takeyourleap-of-faith
If you would like to be added to the taglist, feel free to message me or leave a comment, and I’ll add you!
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
A Helping Hand - Bucky Barnes x Reader (f)
Tumblr media
(Gif: @sebastianruinedme​ )
Summary: After a stressful week, you try to wind down with some personal time but nothing quite hits that spot. And a certain Super Soldier may just be more than willing to help you. 
Warnings: 18+ Smut - Masturbation/toys, Oral (f receiving), fingering, neck play, arm/hand kink, dirty talk, a faint Dom theme if you squint, swearing – honestly, Bucky should just be a kink in himself.
Word count: 5k+ words full of hot playtime. 
A/N: This is just filth, to be honest. I was feeling a certain way after watching episode 3 of TFATWS and seeing that scene with Bucky cleaning his hand and… ideas happened, and this was born. There’s not really a plot… simply enjoy. 
Smut under the cut!!
Permanent Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal​
Part 2
There was something to be said about the advancement of toys in recent years. 
There were hundreds of them. All different types. For all different things. 
Rabbits, waterproof vibrators, pulsating and pounding ones, ones that felt like oral, handsfree vibrators, remote control vibrators – the list went on. 
You had a lot. Tucked in a drawer of your dresser in a pretty box that just made you go all tingly in the knees every time you saw it. 
You were proud of your collection. 
And boy, did you love them. 
They never let you down, ever. 
But unfortunately, tonight was just not one of those nights. 
It has been a tough week. 
Not only had you taken a beating in training yesterday, but you were also late for an appointment across the city, which resulted in being yelled at by Fury. 
You really regretted decided to help him when he needed it. 
There wasn’t a lot going on lately, so you offered to help Fury when he needed it. 
Usually, you were on his food side. 
Yesterday, not so much. 
Everything seemed out to get you, and after the shit show of the week, you just wanted to treat yourself. So, you’d holed yourself up in your room on your floor of the compound, had a long, luxurious soak in the bath, and then decided to work out your anxiety and tension with one of your many, many friends. 
And for the first time in a while, they just weren’t hitting that spot. 
You groaned, throwing the third toy - this one a rabbit that was one of your most trusty companions - on the side of your bed. 
For the last forty minutes, you’d been dancing between three different toys and your fingers. 
You’d tried being on your belly, your side, and your back. You’d even tried a pillow. 
But nothing was the right pressure on your clit, no toy or finger felt deep enough inside, and you couldn’t hit that spot inside without getting a wicked cramp in your wrist that forced you to stop. 
You sat up, every nerve in your body wound to a knife edge, leaving you frustrated and tempted to throttle someone. 
Or get someone to throttle you. 
Preferably whilst pinning you to a wall... or a desk. 
Or anywhere really. 
You just needed something, anything to get out this frustration and give you the release you’d been desperately chasing all night. 
It wasn’t even a case of hovering on the edge - you couldn’t even get there. The fire and heat just stayed a kindling ember in your belly, and never reaching that explosive fire. 
After getting up and downing a measure of whiskey whilst watching the rain, you decided to try a last-ditch attempt with a different toy. 
This one was a curved vibrator, with a thicker rounder head for supposedly perfect pressure on your g-spot. 
Simple, straight forward. 
Surely, if none of the others had done it, this one finally would. 
After settling back on your bed, you took a little more care this time, even going as far to light a few candles to add an ambiance to the room rather than have it pitch black with the sounds of the rain. 
You worked yourself up this time, building it slowly, teasing yourself with brushes of your fingertips over your throat and breasts, setting your skin ablaze. 
You pushed yourself to the edge a little, and then worked over with your vibrator. 
Until ten minutes later, when you literally launched the vibrator across the room and it hit the wall with a resounding thud, that echoed your hiss of frustration.  “Fucking hell.”  
A shit week, a shit day, and you couldn’t even fuck yourself well enough to be able to wind down and get some sleep. 
There was a sudden knock and then Bucky’s voice echoed through your bedroom door. “Darlin’?” There was a slight hint of his Brooklyn accent peeping through at the end, stirring something within you. 
You startled, sitting bolt upright and your head snapped to the door, “Bucky?” You had the good sense to lock the door, but still. He was right there. 
His shadow moved beneath the door, and you realised he was leaning against it, “Is everything alright? I heard banging.” 
Well, no not really. I’ve been trying to get myself off for the last hour and nothing appears to be working and I’m sitting here naked whilst you’re the other side of my door calling me Darling in that ridiculously hot accent that shouldn’t even be that hot. But hey, apart from that, everything’s great. 
You slid off the bed, padding across the room after dropping your toys back in their drawer, glaring at it as you passed. You slipped a robe on before making your way across the fluffy rug to the door, “Yeah, I’m okay...” You unlocked the door, tugging it open. 
Bucky was leaning against the doorframe, all broad shoulders, long lines and soft smile. 
His searing blue eyes were instantly locked onto you, a smirk playing on those gorgeous lips.
He cocked his head, standing there with his arms crossed, and you noticed that for once, he wasn’t wearing any gloves. Just a simple long-sleeved T-shirt, jeans that hung sinfully close to his hips and... no boots. Just socks. 
Like he’d taken his shoes off before waking into your apartment. 
Ever the gentleman. 
His arm was bare, the soft light of the hall bouncing off of the black vibranium and sparking the gold. You’d always loved his arm. The sheer power of it, the way you’d seen it shatter a man’s ribs instantly and tear through a brick wall like it was made of glass. The same hand that tickled behind the ears of a stray kitten in Prospect Park and test the ripeness of plums at the market. 
You wanted that hand around your throat. 
Eyes the colour of the Arctic sea roamed over your body, from your slightly mussed up hair to the flush along your neck that disappeared in the dip of your dressing gown. “Mm... are you sure about that?” He tilted his coyly, a smirk playing on his lips and you had a feeling this expression had been one of the trademarks since the 40’s. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, more than aware that he was seeing far more than you wanted him to, “I’m fine.” You turned from the door, leaving it open for him to come in, “How comes you’re up on my floor, anyway?” You peered over your shoulder at him as you padded across the room to the drinks cart. 
Yes, there was a bar on your floor, but why couldn’t you have a cart in your room? Tony hadn’t even needed to ask when designing it. 
Bucky walked in, his footfalls silent like a cat, that training never quite leaving him, “I couldn’t sleep. No nightmares, just restless.” He added the last part quickly, in response to the concern that tightened your expression. 
It was nothing unusual, Bucky coming up here to your room.  
You often found each other after nightmares or rough days, seeking comfort and distraction from the darkness that lingered. 
Some days and nights, you went out, needing an outside diversion from the thoughts. 
Other times, you stayed in, watching films, talking, training or just... sitting quietly, knowing that the other persons presence was enough protection and reassurance. Words weren’t needed… just company.  
You handed him a drink, plopping down on the end of your bed and you watched him sink into the couch opposite, “Anything you wanna talk about?” 
Since everything with the War, Bucky was working on fitting back into a routine, into ‘normal’ life - or what could be considered normal for people like yourselves. 
He was undergoing his mandatory therapy sessions, and they seemed to be helping him. 
He was back in contact with Sam, and the pair even worked a few jobs together now and then, even if they did bicker like an old married couple - it provided great entertainment when you tagged along. 
He leant back on the couch, settling his left arm across the back. He always looked at home on your floor, relaxed, like his mind could shut off a little. “Nah, I’m okay... Thank you though.” He shot you an easy smile again, one that he probably hadn’t used in.... decades. “What about you? Why are you up so late?”
Mimicking his shrug, you kept your expression neutral, making sure your eyes didn’t drift to that certain drawer, “Rough week. I was reading to try and drift off.” 
“Mmmhm...” Bucky’s hummed response told you instantly that he did not believe you one bit. “What were you reading? Cosmopolitan’s best guide to toys?” That shit eating grin graced his face and he motioned gracefully with his left hand... to the corner of the room. 
The vibrator you’d launched was sitting on the floor, nestled in the rug, the soft mint green silicone practically a beacon. 
Okay…. So. There were two ways you could respond to this. 
Either play it off, deny it and change the subject. 
Turning back to him, you shrugged again, “Oh, I’ve read that back to front. And made a few additions myself.” You cocked your head, a faint flutter in your belly as you awaited his response. 
The barest flicker of surprise danced across his beautiful, rugged features before dissolving into something confident and smouldering. “Well, it looks to me like their guide isn’t true to review tonight. Something tells me you’re having a little bit of trouble.” His voice had begun to lower into a deeper, the natural roughness of his voice coming out. 
It stoked that fire within you, warming your blood and curling low in your belly. 
“And if I was? What would you suggest to help?” It was almost impossible to remain sitting still as the atmosphere folded and changed. There was one obvious route to your back and forth… and you wanted it. 
Wanted… him.
And if you were honest, you had for a long time now. There was just something about him that you’d always been drawn to, a simmering tension that settled whenever you were together. 
Bucky rose from the sofa in a fluid movement, walking toward you slowly, casually, but with the grace and prowl of a wolf eyeing up its next meal – you. 
And fuck, you wanted him to devour you. 
He slid his hands into his pockets, feet silent on your wooden floor, “Well… I would say that as wonderful as your toys may be… they’re just that. Toys. They can’t… feel what you like.” His eyes burned through you with each of his steps. “They don’t hear the noises you make when they hit the right spot. They don’t get to see the way your body reacts, the way your teeth sink into your bottom lip because it feels overwhelmingly good.” 
He was close enough for you to smell his cologne, and that only added to the growing wetness between your thighs as his filthy, beautiful words. 
Bucky stopped in front of you, removing his left hand and touching his fingers to your chin to tilt it up to face him, “They can’t know the little things… the deeper angle, that extra finger or sweep of the tongue… they can’t make you so wet that it runs down your thighs and they can’t make you arch off the bed as you shatter into starlight…” He sighed softly, shaking his head in mock disappointment, “I’m afraid they just… can’t make you come the way a real person could.” He applied a little pressure to the underside of your chin, and you rose to your – unsteady -  feet instantly, putty in his hands.  
Holy fuck, Bucky Barnes had a mouth on him. 
Your teeth had indeed sunk into your lower lip, and your breathing had grown shallow. It was an effort to keep your thighs firmly locked together… Because you were just as wet as he had said. 
The dark flame in his eyes told you that he knew the reaction you were having to him. He brushed a cool thumb over your lip, then tugged it gently to free it from your teeth and at the same time, he leant his head down to your level, “They can’t make you come like I can, darlin’.” This close, his warm lips brushed the shell of your ear, his voice reduced to a husky rasp that only further drew out that Brooklyn accent. 
The soft moan that left your lips was almost pitiful, but you didn’t care, “Shit.” 
You breathed the word, earning a deep chuckle in your ear before Bucky pulled back, only enough to see your face, “You want me to help you? Give you a helping hand?” His words were low and seductive, but he was looking between your eyes, making no more moves until he knew you wanted this. 
If you changed your mind, he would leave right now, and say no more about it. 
That very thought pained you. 
Something had always hovered between you both… and maybe now was the time to let it out. You shared a few kisses on nights out and he had featured heavily in your fantasies night after night, wishing your fingers were his, the toys were him….
You met his eyes, your own clear and sure and you kept that gaze as you parted your lips. Then swept your tongue along his thumb and tilted your head down just enough to take it between your lips. The vibranium was smooth, cold and it felt oddly delightful on your tongue. “Make me come, Bucky. Prove to me you’re better than the toys.” Your voice was low with need, a soft pleading note for him there as you gazed up through your eyelashes. 
The Arctic blue of his eyes deepened to near midnight, his pupils blowing out as he watched you talk around his thumb, your tongue sweeping over the metal and he almost purred, “Oh, baby, you won’t need toys when I’m done.” And then he was on you. 
He gently pulled his hand from your face, instead placing it lightly around your neck, the heavy metal settling on your collarbones and that alone drenched you. 
He looked between your eyes, checking one final time and then his mouth was lowering onto yours, his lips warm, plush and ever so inviting. Instantly, he licked a teasing line along your lips, which you would have parted for him without the request. 
Bucky’s tongue slipped past your lips, sweeping against yours in hot strokes as he explored every corner of your mouth. 
He tasted divine, and even more so when his thumb lightly tipped your chin back and he traced the tip of his tongue along the roof of your mouth, licking over the ridges and showing you exactly what that tongue could do. 
A groan left your lips, and you slid your hands up his arms to those shoulders, those gorgeous broad shoulders that all you wanted to do was dig your nails into them and use for support as you rode him. 
A deep curl of delight and joy was unfurling within the heat in your belly, because you needed this, needed more of him and his hands and his tongue and his words… and you were finally getting it
Hell, he had only just started kissing you and you already could have fallen apart just from that. 
“Why have we not been doing this all the time?” Was the only thought that your already fuzzy mind could come up with as he pulled away slowly from your lips, only to begin pressing hot, open kisses against your jaw that were all teeth and tongue. He seared a path to your neck, kissing all over until he found that particular spot that made you whimper and arch into his body. 
Bucky laughed low against your neck, the sound vibrating, “Oh, baby, you were struggling, weren’t you? I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already a mess…” He used his hand on your throat to tilt your head to the side, before biting at your skin, sweeping his tongue over the hot and sucking a deep mark there. 
A slight whine rippled in your throat, fingers pulling as his shirt and your chest pushed against his, the firm heat of him making your nipples tighten, especially when he pushed into you. 
Bucky slipped a hand between your bodies, tugging at the cord of your dressing gown and it slipped from your shoulders, leaving you bare and open to him. 
He licked down your neck, his tongue smoothing over the shape of your collarbones and then down your sternum to your breasts. He butterfly kissed the soft flesh, then almost delicately sucked at your rleft nipple, lifting his vibranium hand to squeeze the other, “So beautiful…” He mumbled it half to himself, his dark mussed up curls soft against your skin. 
One of your hands trailed up the back of his neck, slightly tangling in the hair at the base of his head and you pushed your chest further into his mouth, “Tease.” The word was a soft gasp, your eyes closing in pleasure and your lips parting. 
He chuckled, pulling back to blow a cool breath on the wet skin, watching your nipple harden and then he moved to give the other the same treatment, “Oh, I’m a tease, am I? I can stop if you like.” He grinned around the delicate skin, just slightly grazing his teeth as he tugged your nipple and then he continued his trail of kisses down your body, slowly sinking to his knees. “I don’t think you’ll ask me to stop though, darlin’.” His right hand grasped your ankle, and then he ghosted warm fingertips up your leg, past your knee and then pausing at your inner thigh, at what he felt there, “No. No I don’t think you’ll ask me to stop at all.” 
The cocky bastard grinned once more against your stomach, before dipping his tongue inside your belly button.
“Bucky…” You couldn’t hide the whimper in your voice, nor the way your hips rocked forward in a plea. It was almost painful how much you needed him to touch you, needed to feel his lips and his tongue. 
“Shhh, baby, I know.” His hands slipped up your waist, as soothing as his gentle coo against your belly button and then he brushed his lips lower and lower… and then finally, he pressed a soft butterfly kiss to your pubic bone. 
A low groan tore from his throat, his hands digging into the soft flesh of your hips as he saw you, swollen and positively dripping for him, “Oh, darlin’, look at you…” 
The sheer desire and awe in his low voice caused heat to flush along your cheekbones. You weren’t shy by any means, but the almost primal admiration in his voice was something you’d never heard before, the pure want and desire to make you feel good and worship you. 
Bucky admired the sight before him for a single moment, before lifting his eyes to yours and then he dove in, immediately devouring you like he was starving. His deft tongue slipped through your slick folds with ease, and he moaned again at your taste, at your smell, everything. 
He pressed his tongue flat against you before sucking at your clit, with such an intensity that you almost choked. It was a simple movement, but it shot electricity through your body and made every single nerve stand on end. 
He let that coil of energy begin to build, and then he licked back down, his hands sliding down to palm at your ass cheeks before digging his fingers into your skin, pulling you in further so he could bury his nose against your clit and his tongue – fuck, his tongue pushed inside of you, hot and heavy. It just felt so, so good, his nose putting pressure on your bundle of nerves, his tongue pumping inside you. 
Your hands flew down to his hair, winding through it to keep him there, keep him doing that, to keep him fucking you with his tongue, “Buck-”. You weren’t sure what you were begging him for, only that you just needed to say his name, needed to do something. 
Your hips began to rock in time with his thrusts, and you became aware of it only when Bucky’s muffled moan reverberating through you. 
He liked it, no... he loved this, that you were grinding against his face as his tongue worked inside you, tasting parts of you no one else had ever gotten right before. 
“Fuck, Bucky, keep doing that – I’m-” You cut off with a high moan, your head tilting back as you rocked into him faster, chasing down that high that was so tantalisingly close. It hadn’t taken long, you were so worked up from your failed attempts that you were already there. 
Bucky’s began to lick and suck you with new fervour, his head moving in time with the jerks of his hips, feeling the way your walls were tightening around his tongue. His fingers dug harder into your ass, and you felt the silent command almost, Come. 
And you did. 
You cried his name out to the sky, every nerve in your body winding to near painful tautness before you shattered on his face, your first orgasm ripping through you. 
Bucky didn’t stop, working you through it and drawing it out further and further as he lapped up every single drop you gave him, moaning himself like it was the most tantalising thing he had ever tasted. 
He stopped only when your grip released on his hair, the sensitivity of your nerves almost painful, your legs shaking like crazy and he lifted his hand from between your thighs, his lips and chin glistening. He rose from his knees, nudging you back onto the bed and instantly crawling up your body, “You have no idea how good you taste.” 
You whimpered slightly, catching your breath as you watched him crawl up you, eyes burning like sapphire fire, his tongue licking slowly over his lips as he savoured you. Words were beyond you, desire still coursing through your veins and you were a little in awe at how quickly – and hard – he had brought you to your first orgasm. 
Bucky grinned devilishly, “That won’t be your last.” He lowered his mouth back to yours and as you tasted yourself on him, you grew instantly wet for him again. 
His body brushed into yours and you felt how painfully hard he was through his jeans, the sounds and taste of you getting to him of course. 
Your fingers had barely brushed against his restrained length when he shook his head, nipping at your lower lip, “Oh no, baby, this is all about you.” 
You ignored him, palming him through his jeans and he moaned lowly before his eyes flashed, his hand suddenly back on your throat and he moved his hips away so you couldn’t get to him. “I said no.” It was almost a snarl, “This is about you. Not me.” His hand tightened just slightly around your throat, making it that little bit harder to breathe and your eyes rolled back at how delicious it felt. 
It was a huge kink for you, the idea of someone – of Bucky - taking control, being in control of your body even it was just for a little while. You didn’t need to think or do anything. Only feel and be at the mercy of his touch. 
You relented, legs falling open for him and you tilted your head back, searching for his lips. 
Bucky granted you the kiss, a slow, languid kiss at first that was all simmering passion and tangling tongues, the taste on you still lingering on his lips. 
He palmed your breast again, tugging and squeezing the flesh until he scratched his nails lightly down your ribcage and belly. 
Yes, yes-
He wasted no time, no more playing and his fingers slipped lower, circling over your clit with a delicious pressure that had you instantly moaning into his mouth.
He toyed with your clit a little more, before gathering your wetness and then sinking two fingers inside you, pushing all the way into his knuckles, then drawing back out slowly. 
As he withdrew, you moaned long and slow into his mouth and he began a steady rhythm. Pushing and curling his fingers inside you a few steps, then circling and pulling at your clit, ever so subtly switching it up with each pass so you couldn’t predict what he would do.  
It felt amazing, but… there was something still missing. It still wasn’t quite enough to send you over that final edge… it wasn’t what you’d been fantasising about. 
No, it was his left hand. That dark, golden vibranium hand that was currently seated around your throat. 
The knowledge of what it could do, the sheer power in it that could easily crush your windpipe or shatter your jaw with a single flick of his wrist. 
That is what you needed. 
Those cool, powerful fingers inside you, working you over – that was the best toy. 
It was like he could read your mind somehow, or the way your body sung to his tune. He lifted his head, looking down at you with those searing blues and he cocked his head, a slow grin lighting his gorgeous face, “Oh… This-” he scissored his fingers inside you, stretching your walls and ever so slightly brushing up against that spot, “isn’t quite what you want, is it, darlin’?” 
Holy Christ, he was going to destroy you before you even got what you wanted.
You looked up at him, panting, hips rocking to the slower thrust of his fingers and you shook your head.
Bucky swore softly, panting himself and he squeezed your throat once before lifting his fingers, “You want these, don’t you?”
Instead of answering him, you ducked your head, taking his three fingers into your mouth and immediately gliding your tongue around them, up and down in slow, dirty strokes. 
The effect was instantaneous. Bucky’s hips jerked slightly against yours, his mouth parting as he watched you suck his vibranium fingers, hollowing your cheeks, eyes rolling back in your head like… like it was something else entirely. 
He groaned, swore again and then almost ripped his fingers from your mouth and from between your legs at the same time. 
Your entire body mourned the loss, feeling empty, clenching around nothing but mere seconds later, he plunged those three vibranium fingers inside of you, slick with your saliva and how unbelievably wet you were. 
It stung a little, but only added to the feeling as your hips rose off the bed, “Shit, shit-”
They felt… like the best toy you could ever imagine. Smooth, cold, and hard enough that you could feel every faint ridge of the joints as he slid them in and out. You reached out, grabbing his arm with one hand and the bed with the other, needing something to hold onto as instinct took over. Your hips rode upwards, back arching as you rocked his fingers in deeper, feeling them in your spine almost. It was better than you could have imagined. 
Bucky dropped his head to your chest, spreading his mouth over your breast and his other arm slid over your hips, pinning them to the bed so you were forced to take it. “You wanted this, baby… You take it.” He bit down on the soft flesh of your breast before smoothing his tongue over it again, working an alternative rhythm to his fingers and thumb again, so that your brain couldn’t keep up with which one to follow. It knew only the waves of fire singing through your veins.  
Time may have very well dissolved, because you could only feel pleasure, tinged almost with pain. 
The thick, hard stroking of fingers as they stretched and wrecked you. 
The circling, hard-soft-hard pressure of his thumb on your clit. 
The bite of his teeth on your breasts, neck and chest, followed by the wet press of his tongue. 
The way he couldn’t help his hips slightly rocking against your leg. 
This was almost like a fever dream, expect your brain couldn’t have come up with something this mind melting. Not even if you were really, really worked up. 
The noises in the room were absolutely sinful. The unrestrained cries and moans from your lips, Bucky’s groans and his filthy words, the wet pump of his fingers inside you – it was obscene, filthy and completely, painfully mind-blowing. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Bucky, please-” You had no idea what you were begging for, but every single nerve and muscle in your body was coiling tighter and tighter, your hips jerking against his arm as he pinned you down, forcing you to take this, to feel everything he was doing with no relenting. Tears were beginning to blur your eyes and the pleasure he unleashed upon you was almost painful. 
Bucky somehow moved his fingers harder, deeper, the ability of the tech in his arm allowing him to do so, “Let go, baby, come on, let it go for me..” He dropped his head, biting down on your neck and he pressed his fingers against that spot inside you, flicking your clit with his thumb and then it all just snapped. 
Waves and waves of hot fire flooded your body, dragging you up to the stars, further. It ripped the air from your lungs, made you half scream his name in a never-ending prayer. 
It just didn’t stop. 
Bucky kept moving inside you, drawing out every single second of your mind-shattering orgasm, letting go of your hips so you could grind them into his hand. “That’s it, baby… Look at you, so beautiful like that…” His praise spurred you on, making you feel almost like a goddess as you flooded his hand. 
He stopped only when you slumped back onto the bed, sucking in deep breaths as you tried to piece yourself back together. 
Better than toys indeed. 
A little while later, you stirred from a light dose to see Bucky lounging on your couch again, cleaning the grooves and metal of his fingers with a soft cloth. 
The sight of him concentrating, taking such care and detail with the clean-up, the cleanup from the mess you had made, had you instantly wet again. “Bucky.” 
He looked up, hearing the low thrum to your voice and a smirk crossed his lips. 
You had a favour to repay for his helping hand, after all. 
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aki-mochi · 3 years
Levi x Reader: Drunk Love
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WARNING: NSFW!! Levi stood there, completely nude, in front of Erwin and Hanji as he covered his stuff while avoiding their gazes. His cheeks turning pink with his hair messy with fly-aways in every direction and his body covered in bites and hickeys. Erwin stood in Levi's living room, not amused, while Hanji was laughing until she was in tears.
"Sooo...you wanna tell me why you are...?" Erwin trailed off.
"I dunno....I-I...just woke up like this...."
"You were drinking last night, huh?" Erwin asked, more like stated.
"A little...." he mumbled, then clicked his tongue.
"Woooow Levi~!" Hanji laughed more.
"Shut up" Levi slightly growled as he tried to remember his actions last night.
Levi sat at a table in a bar with a few of his friends and co-workers, passing time and attempting to get away from the stress of work. Eren, who happened to be one of his best workers, offered him some food while drinking his drink. No sooner did another song start to play, a familiar woman entered the bar with Mikasa.
"I've never been in a bar.” Mikasa stated.
"We can't buy alcoholic beverages so we can just have water and some food. Give us some free time from all the work we've been asked to do." Y/n replied.
She nodded in agreement, looking around at her surroundings only to see the men at Levi's table looking towards them. Truth be told, Y/n and Mikasa worked in the same building as Levi, just on different floors. The two had met on a few occasions and even had small talk in the elevator whenever they were going to the same floor for meetings, but never actually got close to one another.
Levi glanced at the two as they came in and made a bit of a face. "I guess they're getting the same thing you are, Eren." He smirked behind his glass as he looked at Eren's drink suited for him being underaged. Eren pouted and gave somewhat of a glare towards his boss. "If you weren't my boss, and I wanted to not get fired, I'd slap you like I do Horse-face." He mumbled in his glass of apple juice.
"You sound like you're plenty drunk on apples," Levi stated as he set his glass down. "Now you finally have a chance to talk to that girl. I've seen you eyeing her at work." Hearing his comment, Eren did a spit-take with his drink; coughing and pounding his chest a bit. Once he got his breath back, he looked at Levi like he grew two heads.
"Are you insane or drunk?!" He slightly yelled in a whispered tone.
"I'm neither. You shout about being better at your job than The Titan Company down the road but you can't even talk to a girl."
"Yeah?! W-well what about the girl you stare at?! You seem like you stalk her!"
"The only time I even see her is on the elevator. Are you sure you aren't drinking beer?" Levi retorted.
"I'm underage to be drinking unless someone spiked it when I wasn't looking." Eren calmly stated as he took another drink.
"If no one did, they might need to so you can actually grow some balls for at least an hour and act like a man instead of a loud little kid."
Eren glared. "Shut the hell up....I do act mature. Just on some levels." He, then, turned away to stare at the ebony female with a slight blush on his slightly dark skin.
”Can you prove that?" Levi smirked at Eren's attitude.
"What did you say?" Eren growled, thinking his boss is picking a fight when he doesn't feel like throwing a punch while Mikasa is here.
"I said to prove that you aren't a child and go talk to her," Levi told him.
"Fine. I will." He suddenly stood up and walked towards the two sisters, feeling confident in his moves. Levi smirked as he watched, wanting to see how much of a train wreck it would turn into. But the minute Eren was only five steps away, he froze. His face turned a sheer scarlet red and felt his palms get sweaty. But what he didn't expect to happen, was that Mikasa noticed him and gave a small wave to him, making him lose his cool and speed-walking back to his seat before face planting the table. Mikasa flushed a faint pink but couldn't help to give a minuscule smirk from his failure to walk over.
"You’re a wuss" Levi muttered.
"Fuck you....." Eren mumbled against the table.
Levi smirked and took a sip of his whiskey before standing. "Let me show you how it's done," he stated as Eren groaned and watched him as he made his way towards the girls.
Levi walked over to the older of the two with a confident stride, the alcohol taking the edge off of his normal attitude. Y/n was too busy talking to Mikasa to notice him. Taking a french fry off her plate, she ate it and smiled as she was talking about her latest masterpiece for the company due to being in the advertising department. Mikasa mentioned a work project that’s due next week before looking over Y/n's shoulder to see the male.
"This seat taken?" Levi asked.
Y/n turned towards the voice of the male and her eyes widened. "M-Mr. Ackerman....! It's nice to see you again." She smiled softly at him.
"The same to you" he stated. "We don't see each other often. I thought we could talk."
"Of course! Come sit with me!" She smiled and patted the seat on the other side of her. He gladly sat, looking towards Eren and winking in success mainly to show off before talking to the two women. Eren growled and slammed his hands on the table and walked over once more before offering a hand at the grey-eyed female.
"May I sit with the beauty who I'm looking at~?" He asked with a smile.
Mikasa looked and blushed brightly at his words but nodded. “Sure."
With a small hum, Eren sat beside her before gently holding her waist to bring her closer to him. Her blush darkened, looking at her plate of food like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
Y/n eyed the boy, a little surprised at his actions before drinking her iced water, smirking behind her glass as she knew Mikasa has a crush on him. Levi rolled his eyes, ignoring Eren as he talked to Y/n, keeping up a conversation about her interests. About an hour later, Levi was not feeling like his usual self. His cheeks were flushed while his eyes were dilated, black pupils taking up more of his steel-blue corneas. Y/n had offered to take him home while Mikasa stayed with Eren since he's completely sober. After that, Mikasa waved as she left with the green-eyed boy.
He tried to refuse, saying he was fine but she insisted, eventually giving up as he slumped over the table. Y/n slung one of Levi's arms around her neck; the other around his waist while leading him outside. Digging in his back pocket for his wallet and keys, she pressed a button to activate its panic alarm. Upon hearing a frantic horn, she turned to her left to see the flashing lights of a sleek black Ford Mustang. After calming the automobile, she gently helped a drunk Levi into the passenger side before slipping herself behind the wheel. Y/n opened up his wallet and found a small piece of paper with his name and address written in beautiful cursive. Pulling up the GPS on her phone, she punched in his home address to help her navigate before revving up the engine and beginning to drive to him home.
Levi did his best to keep the alcohol's side effects from taking over, grinning as he remembered the feeling of her hand in his pocket but stayed quiet until they got to his house. Once Y/n had gotten him out of his car and into his house, after she had unlocked the door with his keys, she walked him to his room and placed him in bed. She gave a small huff from how heavy he is for a short man. As she tried to leave the room, Levi had grabbed her wrist to keep her in place.
"(Y/n)," he muttered.
"Levi. You're drunk. You need to rest." She said softly so as not to hurt his pounding head.
"Only if you rest with me." He said, not because of how many shots he’s had, but because he’s wanted her since the first day he saw her and this was the only way he could get himself to say it. Y/n smiled and pried his hand off her arm so she could help him get comfortable by stripping him of his clothes. Y/n flushed a scarlet red when he was now only in his briefs which held a proud tent.
He smirked a bit as he watched her. "You can look if you want"
"I-I rather not, thank you...." she stuttered before going to find him some bed clothes he could wear; giving him time to look over her body that was shown by the jeans and shirt she's wearing. Her hair pulled up into a ponytail and her feet dressed in regular tennis shoes. He blushed from more than the booze in his system as he looked over her, letting her help him dress before laying in the bed with him. Y/n covered him up along with herself and sighed softly as she turned her back to him so she can sleep since it's after midnight.
But with Levi still drunk, he couldn't go to sleep. No. He didn’t want to go to sleep. He had a beautiful woman in his bed and he wanted her to be his woman. No one else’s. Levi took advantage of his drunk state and suddenly rolled Y/n onto her back, pinning her to the bed. She blinked, shocked from his sudden actions.
"L-Levi....?" she stuttered.
"Y/n.....~” he purred in her ear while sliding his hands up her shirt, making her shiver at his cold slender hands on her heated skin. "Let me love you," he whispered before colliding her lips with his own, making her body stiffen. She soon felt intoxicated by his touch and kissed him back, craving for more as she entangled her fingers into his soft black hair as she moaned.
Levi kissed her deeply as his hands made their way to her breasts, feeling the soft flesh against his skin. Arching her back at the feeling, she pulled away from his lips for air but gasping the minute he latches his own to her sensitive neck. She moaned his name when he bit her neck then pulled back with a smirk. Y/n looked down to see that Levi had, somehow, stripped her bare naked without her noticing. Trailing kisses down her body, she moaned and ran her fingers through his hair again as she closed her legs when he got between them. He rubbed her thighs soothingly before kissing them to help her relax. Once he thought she was ready, Levi opened her legs and placed his head between them. His tongue slid along her folds before flicking at her clit. Her hips jolted upwards while her fingers tugged at his hair, giving loud lewd moans.
Levi smirked and started to go faster, making her squirm and squeal in complete ecstasy as he tasted every inch of her. He then sucked her bundle of nerves into his mouth as his tongue did wonders. Y/n panted as she arched her back off the bed while her head flew back into the pillows, desperately wanting to move away but his hands held her down in place as he ravished her more. His teeth gently grazed her clit, making her lose control of the volume of her moans as they got even louder before she finally released with a squeak. But Levi kept going, making her beg as he continued to drain her of every drop before pulling off with a small pop. A trembling Y/n laid there panting heavily as Levi licked her clean, sitting up to look down at the beautiful sight under him. Levi chuckled and laid beside her with his arm draped over her waist.
Y/n calmed down from her overstimulated high before she made the bold move to pin him to the bed instead. Levi looked up at her in slight shock from the sudden move before his breath started to hitch when she started to rub the bulge in his pants. She hummed and stripped him bare of any clothes before suddenly going down to suck his cock. Levi's hips bucked at the sudden pleasure of her hot mouth on him, panting as he felt her tongue do circles around the tip.
"(Y-Y/n)~" Levi moaned as he gripped the sheets. "Ngh...! I-I'm gonna....! Ah!" he gave a loud moan as he came in her mouth. Y/n swallowed it all, a little disappointed that he came that quick, and sat up before marking him in hickeys and love bites, loving the sounds that were coming from his mouth. After she was satisfied with her work, she straddled his hips before pushing herself onto him, making her gasp and him moan. When she felt comfortable, she bounced on him as her hands rested on his chest. Loud slapping noises of skin colliding and loud moans filled the room. Y/n decided to bounce faster and go all the way down, earning her a loud moan from Levi as he gripped her hips to help her keep steady.
Pretty soon they both hit their high and came together. Y/n collapsed onto Levi's chest, panting heavily as he held her close to him. Having to pull out, he laid both their bodies on the bed and pulled her to his chest after covering them both with the blanket and going to sleep.
~back to the present~
Y/n walked out of the bathroom only to see a naked Levi standing there, in front of his boss and co-worker as he tried to suppress his blush. Smirking, the said female walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and satisfied hum.
"Don't worry, Mr. Smith~. Levi was a good boy last night with all the moans I made him do~."
At that, Hanji ran out with Erwin on her tail, trying to suppress their nose bleeds while Levi was a blushing mess at the moment from her comment. Y/n laughed at his reaction and kissed him briefly before giving him a warm smile and going to make breakfast. Levi sighed as he went back to his room to get dressed.
'Maybe getting drunk wasn't so bad after all......'
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
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When the door faced towards where he was seated in front of suddenly creaked opened, and the one that previously occupied it happens to step out then winded up appearing in his field of blurry vision--
Averting his gaze briefly as he softly sniffled, light tints of pink plaster on his cheeks from the embarrassment of his weakest and worst condition openly perceived by the other. The tears that gathered and coated the vision of his eyes made it hard to see what face the other was making there and then...but...
Saying nothing such to explain to the other as to why or how did he even ended up in such a spot—outside his room—in such a visibly beaten state of desolation, with a light grit of teeth that seals a certain mustered determination welled up inside of him—he proceeded to push himself off the ground and wobbly stood up, then taking a few stumbling steps towards to close in with the other, close enough before his arms outstretched shove the other back and into the room as the door closed behind them by an invisible automotive force—the mere impact of the push sending both of them to topple on the ground from sole strength.
Being on top of the other, huddled up against the bosom of his broad chest, his arms shift to wrap around Ruki's waist as his face burrow softly to hide into the crook of his nape.
“... I'm never enough.”
“I’ll never be enough...Y-you always said that I have admirable strength and skills at achieving both ambitions so efficiently...b-but your wrong...you don't know how many mistakes that I’ve made...you don't know...you don't see how I get scolded, called useless, blame for the failure of a project...a-all because of me...”
“I..I tried...so hard...In terms of works I...I never express my hurt emotions, I...I barely even wavered...I just keep quiet...and move on...”
“But deep down...I..I feel so stepped on, so discouraged to e-even continue...so tired of..being perfect...when I..I never...I never am not...”
“I’m not...good enough for anyone...no matter how much I try...to improve...to be better...No matter the goodness, the forgiveness...the understanding...that I supply...I’m just...never good enough I’m not good e-enough...ungh...!”
“Hm? Kuron, what’s wrong? Why are you cr—“
The following question, cut short by the sheer bewilderment of witnessing one who commanded much respect with tears streaming down his face, halted mid-syllable as Ruki stood from his seat, novel still turned open yet set down neatly on the nearby mahogany surface. 
Despite the other’s clouded vision and unexpected silence, Ruki maintained a visage of slight surprise, steel-blues widened more so than usual and mouth agape by the millimeter. 
“No, don’t cry. Everything will be alright. Did something happen?”
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Rather than receiving a verbal response, the Vampire met with a formidable weight towering atop him, Kuron’s arms embosoming his body like an unbreakable manacle, back slamming into the floor upon which they both toppled in an instant. Addled, yet still in search for answers as to why a beloved man in his life would produce a stream of tears rolling down his pallid cheeks, Ruki nearly upbraided the other for his insolence but then decided to opt for a reciprocated embrace given the confidant’s evident sorrow. 
“Ah, I see. You’re doubting your own abilities right now, Kuron. Well, take it from me then, since you value my word enough to tackle me upon the ground… You are more than just ‘good enough.’ Not only for myself, but for everyone in this household. I don’t care how many times you assert that my earlier compliments for you are mistaken, because I know it to be true. Do you think your mistakes can make me dislike you? Not in the slightest, not even one iota, and certainly not anytime in the near future. We all make mistakes. You, me, everyone under this roof, and everyone who lives in this universe—No one is void of never once blundering.”
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A comforting hand wafted along the man’s spine, patting him in cathartic ways to soothe his spirits. 
“Everything you have done is marvelous and without rivalry, Kuron. And I don’t measure one’s success through only their feats, either. Rather than looking at how far one climbs, it’s more impressive to see how far he rebounds back to the pinnacle after he has hit the bottom. Do you understand what I mean by that? In other words, it’s resilience that defines you. Mistakes—we all have them. However, there are ultimately two kinds of people who tread the earth: those who fear mistakes and those who get the job done. You are anything but useless, Kuron.”
Gazing up into his eyes, Ruki’s deep cobalts lost their concerned glint and instead faded into a solemn stare, one full of reassurance in tandem with his next words. 
“No, I never once saw you as perfect, nor do I expect you to perform as such. However, you shouldn’t let small blunders dampen your motivation. They say good things come to those who wait, but better fates await those who go out and seize the opportunity with fearlessness and without hesitation. And don’t ever say you haven’t improved—otherwise, it’d be no different from calling my experience a mere delusion. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes how you have grown into someone bursting with talent and proficiency in all that you do—and believe me when I say I am sincerely proud of each second.”
He ran a hand lightly through the man’s longer curls before wiping the cascading tears away with one swipe. 
“So, with that said, cease your tears. I said it once and I’ll say it again, as my answer is resolute and unchanging: you’re more than good enough and I’ll punish you if you fail to recognize it,” chuckled the Vampire teasingly. “Do not doubt yourself in the slightest, Kuron.”
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wheresmybuckyhoes · 3 years
Game Night
Summary: Bucky and you are basically enemies. That’s the only word you can think of to describe it. What else would it be?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, unprotected sex (do not do this irl), smut, slight angst
I really love a good enemies to lovers at the moment and wanted to give it a go. Let me know what you think. As always, enjoy! xx
‘How about truth or dare?’ Wanda suggested innocently, earning her a series of exasperated groans. You threw your head back in playful annoyance, a drawn out ‘Wandaaa’ leaving your vodka - tasting lips. ‘I meant more like monopoly, or something a group of horny teenagers wouldn’t play’ Tony sighed, throwing back the last of his whiskey, followed immediately by ‘Steve it would mean so much to me if you would get me another bottle of this’.
Meanwhile, you noticed the one and only piece of shit Bucky narrow his icy blue eyes at you from across the table you were all crowded around. You mimicked his expression before turning towards Wanda as you rolled your eyes. You could practically feel his eyes delving deep holes through your back. ‘I say we play. I’ve had at least...’ at this point you held up your hands in front of your face as you counted on your fingers like a dumb child, Wanda raising her eyebrow. ‘...like at least, enough shots to be drunk so I won’t remember this anyway’ you shrugged as you reached for the bottle of vodka only for Sam to pull it just out of your reach. ‘Sam...’ you tried to bargain but Tony’s loud voice cut you off as he spoke, cradling his 4th glass of whiskey delivered so gracefully unto him by a frowning Steve. 
‘As the leader of this group of fucks, I decree that I go first. Capsicle, truth or dare’ he asked pointedly, gesturing to Steve with his glass. ‘You guys are so immature...truth, if I must’ he replied gloomily, taking a tender sip of his orange juice. ‘Are you a virgin?’ he simply asked, earning an uncontrollable giggle from you and Wanda. Before Steve even opened his mouth, Tony added quickly with a smirk ‘a virgin is someone who has never fucked anyone, by the way. Oh, and fucking is what you want to do to y/n. I know you don’t always know all the current lingo, old man, but...’ Steve answered quickly before Tony could continue embarrassing him, and you choked on the wine that had magically appeared in your hand. ‘No, Tony. I’m not, and I’m going to bed’. Steve got up and straightened his shirt, placing his glass gently on an Avengers branded coaster, heading out for the night to his floor of the compound. You didn’t notice the slight frown which flickered over Bucky’s face as you kissed Steve on the cheek as you said goodnight. But you also didn’t notice Tony and Sam fighting over the last bottle of whiskey, so who can blame you.
You played a few more rounds of truth or dare as the night grew dark and the others grew tired. After the first few rounds Sam and Tony got up and left, soon followed by Wanda who was drunk beyond words. You hugged her affectionately before helping her to the elevator and going back to sit down. You forgot Bucky was there.
You groaned dramatically as Bucky smirked at you, collapsing dizzily onto the leather couch and tipping the last bit of vodka you had retrieved from Sam’s grasp down your throat. ‘Fuck off, Barnes’ you seethed. ‘Don’t you have some people to kill?’. He chuckled to himself, pushing himself up from the floor to stand up and cross his arms. ‘Don’t you have some validation to seek from literally everyone?’ he taunted, staring your right in the eyes. You looked down. The bitch knew very well you only wanted validation because when you were trained in an abusive institute not so different from hydra, the only thing that kept you alive was their validation, and he knew that he could get under your skin with ease. But you refused to show it. You looked up and found his opal eyes again.
‘It was my turn, wasn’t it? Truth or dare, asshole?’ you asked, chucking the empty bottle of vodka at him. He caught it swiftly with his vibranium arm, walking over to you and leaning down to place the bottle beside you on the couch, face inches away from you. ‘Dare’ he whispered, leaning back and moving to stand in front of you. He smelt like burnt marshmallows, fiery whiskey and rain. You mentally slapped yourself and reminded your brain how much you hated him.
‘I dare you to stop being such a little bitch’ you stood up, staring up at him with flames in your eyes. ‘Maybe if you didn’t act like such a brat all the fucking time, I wouldn’t have to be’ he mocked, tilting his head to await your reaction. The sheer amount of hate your felt for him at this moment, together with the large quantities of alcohol running through your veins, gave you a dangerous confidence boost. ‘Maybe if you weren’t a little pussy who lost his arm and sanity to some weird scientists because he fell off a train, knew how to fuck let alone talk to girls and didn’t make every single person who he meets want to run away and scream, I wouldn’t act like a brat all the fucking time’. Well shit.
You were breathing raggedly, chest rising rapidly up and down, hands balled up in two tight fists by your side. Bucky’s eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open, a flicker off hurt passing over his handsome features. He shook his head and sighed. ‘Shouldn’t have said that, y/n’. ‘What do you mEEEAAN’ you yelped as he moved to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, as if you were weightless. You kicked him in the chest, hard. ‘Put me down right the fuck now Bucky before I...’ he reached his room and threw you down on his bed, shutting the door behind him. ‘Before you what, hm? Because let me tell you something, darling. I think you don’t hate me. No, you just know I don’t want to sleep with you unlike Steve, Sam and Tony and it hurts. It hurts your precious little ego. But if it stops you from acting like a little bitch all the damn time, I guess I can fuck the bitch out of you’ He climbed onto the bed, as you crawled back, until your back was against the headboard and you were cage in between the wall and the super soldier in front of you. ‘Would you like that, doll?’
You gulped nervously, averting your eyes only for Bucky to grab your chin both roughly and gently at the same time and lift your head up so you were staring him in the eyes. ‘So now you go all quiet on me’ he taunted. You could hardly breath. Your mind was telling you that you hated him with all your heart, but your heart was telling you to get this man’s dick inside of you. Before you could silence the tell - tale beat of your heart, Bucky leant in and kissed you roughly. Your body relaxed into the kiss, and your hands subconsciously flew up to tangle in his chestnut locks. He was actually a really good kisser. You pulled away. You reached a hand out to unbutton his jeans, but Bucky caught your wrist. He chuckled to himself, metal hand gently wrapping around your throat. ‘So now you want me to fuck you? Thought you said I didn’t know how?’ he asked as a small whine escaped your throat, feeling your core burn in desire. You furrowed your brows and frowned at him. He squeezed at your neck. ‘Use your words, doll, or I’ll just leave you here as the pathetic mess you are’ he threatened, eyes clouding with lust and desire.
‘Holy shit Bucky, just fuck me already or fuck off’ you cried out. He didn’t need telling twice. He released your throat, using both hands to undress you in an instant before removing his own shirt and jeans. He hooked a finger in the band of your panties and slid them down your legs, over your heels and onto the floor behind him. He took a moment to gaze longingly at your naked and vulnerable body, muttering an almost inaudible ‘beautiful’. All that was left between your pussy and his dick was the boxers he was wearing. As soon as he took them off, your eyes widened, and you felt your cheeks redden. ‘That’s not going to fit’ you said, a sort of breathless whisper.
Bucky leaned in, kissing you deeply and sliding his tongue into your mouth. You almost screamed when you felt his fingers encircle your clit, moaning into his mouth. ‘I still...fuck...hate you’ you grumbled as you felt his hard on brush against your inner thigh. He rolled his eyes as you did earlier, dipping his head slightly to kiss your neck, expertly sucking on your sweet spot, marking you up with hickies. He slowly inserted a finger, followed shortly by two. They only slightly stretched you out, and you clawed at his back as he moved them faster and faster, curling them slightly to hit your g - spot. ‘B...Bucky, I’m gonn... gonna cum’ you moaned, pulling his head eagerly as you kissed him desperately. Bucky kept up with his rapid pace, bringing you right to the edge. You felt the pleasure build up and up until you were ready to cum, and that is obviously when Bucky decided to pull his fingers away completely. ‘What the FUCK’ you screamed, sitting up in surprise, legs squeezing together from the sudden lack of friction. He covered your mouth to silence your cries, and leaned in real close. ‘If I give you the most mind blowing sex of your life, and I stop treating you like a piece of shit, will you stop acting like a bitch?’ he asked, pushing you back down onto the bed, removing his hand when he was done talking. ‘For fucks sake Barnes, yes. Fucking yes. Now please fuck me’. you whined.
‘It would be my pleasure’. He slammed into your now lubricated pussy, stretching you all the way out. It burned, but at the same time it felt like nothing you had ever felt before. Not a single man you had ever been with had been this big, but you wouldn’t want Bucky to know that.
He moaned in your ear, causing you to clench down hard, and Bucky started to thrust quickly chasing his own orgasm. He continued to circle your clit with his thumb as he slammed into you over and over and over again until he had you chanting his name like a prayer along with a generous string of obscene curses. He lifted your legs onto his shoulders to angle himself so that he was repeatedly hitting your g spot and your orgasm finally hit you like a truck. ‘oh SHit Bucky fucking christ holy fucking shit’ you gasped out as Bucky thrusted deeply into you, cumming deep inside. You felt your legs shake as your eyes rolled into the back of your head in ecstacy, Bucky’s hand finding your mouth to at least try to quiten some of your moans. Although he had stilled inside of you, filling you to the brim, he continued to rub at your clit as he worked you though your orgasm. Your mind was filled with ecstasy and you could see stars. You both came down from your high eventually, Bucky collapsing in a sweaty heap beside you.
He pulled you into his body protectively, feeling his softening dick rest against your back. His arm was secured tightly around your waist, and you felt your heavy eyes shut as his warm breath on your neck comforted you. ‘Still hate me now?’ he asked, kissing the top of your head gently. ‘I’ll consider tolerating you for now. Ask me again tomorrow night’ you giggled sleepily in response. ‘Why tomorrow night?’ Bucky whispered as he also felt his own eyes close, a wave of exaughstion sweeping over his muscular body. ‘After we fuck again, of course, and again the night after that, and the night after that, and every night after that.’
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celestialrequiem · 3 years
Days of Candy Chapter 2
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Warnings: CreepyDark!Duncan Shepherd, sexual harassment, dubcon/non? (just to be safe) touching, dirty talk, possessive Duncan, abuse of power, manipulative Duncan, male masturbation, forced kiss, cockwarming, mention of rape and abuse (but none in the chapter), housewife kink, implied age gap, corruption kink, innocence kink, implied homophobia, mention of anxiety, depression and mental disorders, misogyny kink, corruption kink, sexism, implied age gap, Duncan‘s dirty thoughts, sir kink, praise kink.
Summary: In the small town of Willowdale, Y/N finds her dull life as a waitress at a mediocre diner get a little more interesting when the mysterious and daunting Sheriff takes an interest in her.
Pairing: Duncan Shepherd x Naive/shy reader
This is the first thing I ever written and posted so sorry if this is bad, please give me any constructive feedback/criticism to improve! I am new to this please don’t hate it too much lmao.
Author’s note : This series will have dubious consent and sexual harassment. It is a dark story about a Corrupt Sheriff’s who manipulates people so if you are uncomfortable with that please don’t read! This story deals hugely with sexism as its based in the late 50s/60s.
Thanks to @bloodcoatedeclipse for reading through some parts of it and giving me feedback lmaoo.
I didn’t use a lot of 50s/60s slang just two besides swell and gal
Flip your lid - go crazy
Nifty/groovy - cool or cool vibes
Word count: 5.6k
“what a perfect view doll, bend down, y’ur ass stickin out, all for me all in this lonely night”, a familiar voice said seductively
You quickly get up, feeling flustered, adjusting the hem of your skirt as you hold the mop close to your body
“Sh-sh-sheriff what are you doing here?”, Feeling nauseous because of his presence, alone, at night…after that previous incident.
“What does it look like doll? I am here to pick you up.”, Duncan says with confidence as if the question you are asking him is the stupidest he has heard
You immediately, look up to him. He was wearing a brown greaser jacket, you felt it is similar to jacket Xavier might have had…this made your heart sink, what didn’t help is when you realized how attractive he is because of the result of the rain, his beard is glistering from the reflections of the diner’s lighting despite it being dull.
You felt your heart beat.
“No, its okay its a walking distance”  
“I can’t let a beautiful young dame like yourself walk alone now can I? Hop in the car once you’r are done.”
You blinked at him not knowing how to respond, you feel shy when you talk to him, always not knowing how to answer him back..maybe because he knew Xavier?
Or maybe because he had so much power as a sheriff..and you are sure he is going to be re-elected again next year. He apparently helped a lot of people to get out of debts but that makes you wonder how does he get all this money? Did Xavier know?
He seems like he is waiting for your answer, as his hands are on his waist, around his handcuffs and keys, and his lips playing with the toothpick lingering on his mouth
You easily get stuck in your head, you snap back to reality:  “it is okay, you don’t need to do - ”
He interrupts your sentence, “is there something you would like to say to me doll?, cause it looks like you just don’t want my company is that it?”  You felt his chest vibrate from how he uttered that question, it sounded nearly unintelligible.
You felt your heart pounding, sweat forming on your forehead. You didn't want to make him angry. “No no of course I want your company!, let me finish up and I will meet ya outside.”  You agitatedly vocalize your statement while looking at the ground
He loves that he can always get his way with you. You make it so easy.
He hums in approval
“No its alright I will wait for ya, love seeing you doing those house chores like a pretty little housewife. It is a sight dollface”, he chuckles while eyeing you up and down.
You pause, feeling tensed.
“Go on, continue” as he gives himself a seat, across from you to see you working and see your face.
He does love seeing your rear, but he loves seeing you flustered when he gazes at you.
You shakily start mopping the floor, every second feels like torture. Hoping he doesn’t realize the effect he has on you.
But however he has noticed, he is mused that he has power of you, makes his cock excited
“Am I making you nervous babydoll?” He cooes, shifting his toothpick on his lip, left to right with a slyish grin
You ignore him, giving him your side angle, while mopping away from him. You give him your back figure which makes me angry and hard at the same time.
“eye on me little lady”,  he says in a harsh tone, punctuating each word slowly
You respond back to him surprised with your confidence as you look at the door behind him, scared to look at him in the eyes, “can you please let me finish and you can take me home…” 
“Watch your manners baby, or you are in it for a spankin’, declares it with raised eyebrows.
You blush, why is he talking to you that way? it’s not like you were his wife….
Was he that touchy and talkative with you when Xavier was your boyfriend?
Carissa has told you no, he started acting differently ever since Xavier went missing and then declared dead.
“S-sorry sheriff”, you shift back to your older position, so that Duncan can see your face, and continue mopping
He likes when you are eyes are engaging with his eyes, he is waiting for the day when you touch yourself on his bed with your legs spread wide open for his wolf-like eyes to take in the view as you chant his name like prayer to give you the command for you to finally cum, while staring at him with your chastely eyes.
As you mop the floor, motioning it back and forth towards Duncan, your curvy body was in motion as well. He hoped you didn’t re-button your dress again, as he can take in the view of your breasts jiggling again. His eyes lingering slowly all over his favourite parts of your body, your neck, lips, neck, waist and hips . He noticed how nervous you are, there were fear in your eyes, you felt naked in his eyes because of his alpha-like eyes, giving you goosebumps.
You saw his pupils dilated not sure why.
After 15 minutes of awkward silence and Duncan forcing you to look at him as you were mopping the floor, you hoped the floor looks fine and that your boss Bob doesn’t get mad the next day.
You are not going to lie, you always wanted to be in his car. It was a dream car. You have seen them a lot in magazines, you don’t know much about cars but you do know this one, 1956 Chevy Bel Air, with a unique colour. White with purple around the edges, elaborate taillight and chrome highlights.
This was the first time you got close to the car, Your head started to hurt, you stood your ground, as you remember fragments of Xavier riding a similar car but in red.
Duncan realizes you might have remembered something…fuck fuck fuck, he hoped you didn’t remember what he didn’t want you to remember..
His hands grips your hand to make you snap out of it before you dig deeper into your suppressed memories.
“you alright there, doll?” Faking his concern you don’t know that, as he opens the door for you to hop in
“Ye..ah..” I am fine” you softly respond. His hand leaves your hand and goes to your back to shift you to get into his car.
You hop in his car, the car felt new, smell of leather with a mix of aged.. cigarettes smoked probably by Shepherd.
The car ride was silent.. he has an old song playing which makes it even more unbearable.
Midnight with the stars and you
Midnight and a rendezvous
Your eyes held a message tender
Saying "I surrender all my love to you
“How old is this song anyway?” You mention in annoyance with your right hand on the the rest that is placed near the door handle
Duncan has a wide smile on his face, happy that you are finally making a conversation with him.
“it’s from the 1930s I believe.....besides I don’t like the weird music you youngsters listen to nowadays..what was it Elvis Presley and The Beatles? They aint manly, jiggling all around with their bobby haircuts”  removing his hands from the steering wheel to motion with his hand the disapproval.
You giggle, and his heart skips a bit. Fuck. He couldn’t believe he made you giggle. Xavier always made you giggle and it frustrated him.
“The Beatles are swell….but James Dean has my heart. I loved his style in that movie, particularly his red jacket in Rebel Without a Cause.. it’s nifty.” You state swoonly as you gaze out of the window.
Midnight brought us sweet romance
I know all my whole life through
I'll be remembering you, whatever else I do
Midnight with the stars and you
He thought maybe that’s why you liked Xavier, he bought a similar red jacket as James Dean from the film several days after meeting you. Xavier also had that rebel vibe to him. He remembered his friend as well being a fan of Marlon Brando hence why he wanted to be an actor. To move out of the suburbs, to go to the dreamland..to Hollywood with you. You used to always want to be around him, he didn’t let the deputies patrol the drive in, since he always saw you there with him. He hated seeing you with his friend but he can’t help himself, he wanted to always be near you, see you and to one day feel your skin on his skin.
His jaw clenched and his brows furrowed as he starts to get jealous over a dead man.
You noticed his face seems boiling from rage as his hands gripped forcibly the steering wheel…you don’t know why. Scared to ask so you just continue gazing at the view in locomotion from the car window, as your sheer scarf around your head blowing from the impact of the window.
You loved the aftermath of the rain, the order after the chaos.
After a few minutes, The sheriff parks in front of your house. It’s 12 AM.
The house you lived in was basic, owned by your deceased father. It was a small house with a small balcony, it looks a little bit like a tree house. Wooden with no paint job. With a white door to enter the house, two small front steps and a small terrace, where you tend to read the Woman magazines.
He can’t wait for you to live in his house. Especially since he is a veteran who served in the Second World War, the government provided him with the perfect suburban American Dream home.
“Thanks for the ride, Sheriff.” you shyly state, about to open the door of his fancy car.
“Nah -ah -ah not too fast, you have to be punished.” He sings in a mocking tone with a daunting smirk.
You were nervously fidgeting, you don’t know why maybe because you are worried you might have done something that might be incriminating especially with your memory loss situation.
“What? What for?” you gullibly ask, looking up to him.
“You lied to me, you told me you had a doctor appointment when it fact you finish your shift late, kitten” , you see him remove the toothpick that was on his plump lips and put it on the ledge behind the steering wheel.
Oh thank God-
but why should I be punished for this? You didn’t know what to say to him so you just look at his eyes, waiting for any instructions.
He remarks that, he loves how obedient you are to him.
“Come closer, suga’r ” he taps his chest motioning you to come closer to him
What is the punishment? Is he going to spank me?
But we are not married why would he??
You timidly move close to him, refusing to make eye contact with him.
He lifts up your chin, bringing your face near his and your gaze to his.
“Kiss me or else I won’t let you leave this car”, Duncan whispers seductively as he shuts your window’s car seat and secures that your door is locked, trapping you in.
“..N…no..o” Duncan this isn’t right”,  you respond back.
As you shift back to your seat, Duncan aggressively grips your waist with his right hand and grips your chin with his left hand, forces you into a kiss and he goes deep and sensual, demanding access to your mouth but you instantly deny him entry.
This angers him, he aggressively yanks your hair, you gasp giving Duncan the chance to insert his tongue, he needed to taste your mouth.
You try biting his upper lip, he decides to lift up your weak body from your seat, manhandling you, without breaking from the kiss, you feel his strong hands spank you harsh. You whimper loudly.
This made his cock twitch, lust filling him at the thought of your spanked, bare ass turning into crimson-like imprints by his own hand; or by the paddle with his name engraved, so that his name can be imprinted on your ass…maybe next time.
He is waiting for you to make a bad move again so he can discipline you this way, even if you weren’t his bride yet.
You break the kiss gasping for air, “D..Duuncan..stop” you panted with watery eyes, trying to break away from his grasps, with your hands pushing his muscular chest. He didn’t take no for answer. Removing your hands out of the way with his claw-like hands and putting them around his broad back. He then forcefully dragged you onto his lap to straddle his thick thighs, “be a good girl now, you don’t want to be spanked now don’t you?”
He linked his lips with your lips with urgence and dominance. His tongue dancing with yours, wet and minty from the flavoured cigarettes he tends to smokes.
You felt one of his hands leave your waist and lingering underneath your skirt to cup your clothed sex.
A deep growl leaves his chest
He dreamt of touching this pussy for years. Your soft and squishy puffy lips felt so good on his rough manly hand.
You let out a soft gasp with eyes wide open in surprise, and broke away from the kiss to come up for air, a string of saliva connecting your lips.
Duncan grabs your chin, not giving you a second to breath and continues his assault on your lips and your clothed pussy. His middle finger going from your slit all the way to your swollen clit while his index and his forefinger are on your lips, touching you slowly with his hand. He wanted to make you wet before you left.
Your face flushed, you don’t remember if you reached that base with Xavier yet or not…he was your first boyfriend.
This felt forbidden, having his hands all around you.
You felt like you wanted to go to the bathroom, you were worried it might have been your period?
His tongue feels like hot water burning your skin. He claimed your mouth with intensity. You feel your knees weakened, Duncan filling all your senses.
You are so close to his body, your head in the crook of his neck, eyes closed, you feel his warmth and felt his heart beating quick. You put your hands on his golden badge situated on his right chest, reflected in the moon light, to try and push him away, but he didn’t budge.  
he left your assaulted mouth, hearing you panting heavily, and started licking at the column of your neck, his hand leaves your pussy and goes to your bared fleshed upper thigh, his hand moving in a reciprocating motion.  
You felt his beard tickling your left check and your neck, His hot soft grunts and warm breath sends shivers down your body and to your aching pussy
Not sure if it’s lust? Is this how you felt with Xavier ?
You bit down on your bottom lip trying to hold back a sob or was it a moan? 
“Duncan, I don’t feel good”
He knows he is making you feel good, you just need guidance that’s all.
“Why are you moaning then huh?” He chuckles, you felt his chest vibrating from his laughter, giving you goosebumps.
“give in baby, let me take care of you, that’s what Xavier would’ve wanted” he mutters darkly
your stomach twisting into a nervous knot, is this what Xavier would’ve wanted?
“Re-ally?”  You utter quietly with a blush heating up around your neck and cheeks.
He didn’t hear you. Thank God
he gets closer to your ear and whispers,“Knew you’d taste so sweet, just like candy, I wonder what’s the rest of you taste like hm?”
He aggressively bites your earlobe, his hot breath danced on your ear, “I bet just like those pancakes you serve me every morning, thick and creamy.” In a lustful tone.
You squirmed uncomfortably on his lap, felt something touch your stomach, he lets out a profound loud rumble, you look up at him out of shock, his wide blown eyes have now darken.
He looks at your lips that is now glistering and swollen from the kiss, he finally marked a part of you with his spit, he can’t wait to corrupt your other holes.
He decided to let go, this was enough to get him by in the meantime.
You felt his hand loosening around your waist. You take that chance to go back to your seat.
“I….I.. think you need to leave Sir, thanks for the ride”, your hands nervously twist with each other on your lap as you mentally facepalm yourself
“Sir” where did that come from?
Hearing you call him Sir made him groan silently and made his cock stir painfully against the zipper of his pants.
His already rigorous cock getting harder. Duncan trying to recollect himself and not fuck you for the first time in the backseat of his car.. he thought you deserved better than that..a shy innocent young server…probably a virgin.
Well he hoped you still were a virgin, he hoped that fucker didn’t take your virginity. he wanted to claim you for himself, every part of you.
“Why don’t you leave then birdie?”
You felt your thighs automatically clenched and your pussy tingling.
he never called you that, why did you like him calling you that?
Duncan saw your legs clamping together and took note of that. He also didn’t realize you can blush harder than that….you realized you were in his car….idiot
You got out of his car and you heard Duncan tsk out of annoyance, “where is your manners kitten?”
Whats up with him? You thought to yourself.. you thanked him before why do you have to thank him again?
You did not care anymore, you just wanted to back home without any problems and arguments
You huffed in annoyance, “Thanks for the ride Sheriff.”
You uncomfortably felt him linger at your figure as you walked back to your house.
He loves seeing you in motion.you move better than the waves of the ocean, smoothly and flawlessly. His steel blue eyes scanned you up and down, consuming in your body with hunger; that waitress dress in pale blue making you look even more innocent and seductive, an odd combination. He believes only you can do that, besides Marilyn Monroe.
He hoped he can see you from your window, with no curtains or an open curtain, so that he can watch you domestically, wondering how you look like touching yourself when you feel needy at night, if you did touch yourself.
You entered home safe and sound then the realization hit you…. how does he know where you live? You didn’t give him your address? But then again he is the sheriff, he probably has access to all that information but …does he know everyone’s address by hard?..you doubt that.  Maybe he visited you with Xavier?
After he saw you close the door, he paused for a second to relish the taste of you left on his lips and was about to put his key back to the ignition, until he saw something interesting.. that made him much harder than he already was… your arousal on the seat of his car.
He reclined his head back to the head restraint,
“Fuck.. you are trying to kill me doll?"
He was so tempted to taste your arousal… he felt like an animal as he brought his index to his seat that was tainted with your nectar and brought it back to his lips.
A hungry growl grumbled in his chest, “tastier than any fuckin candy”
His chest was full of pride, he was glad he made you wet. Not Xavier. Him
He opens his car’s compartment, there lies a stolen panty of yours covered in blood from that day, he didn’t want your fresh arousal going to waste, mixing it with your bloody panty.
After arriving home that day because of sexual urges, he relieved himself to thought of you for a second time, with his left hand holding your used panty from a year ago and his right hand unbuckling his belt, to reveal his throbbed cock. He smeared on his long length, the pre-cum leaking at the head.
Working on his cock, he brings your panty to his nose to sniff your dried blood blended with your womanhood scent, it smelled pure and sweet just like you. To make himself cum faster, he thought of you coming to his office one day during your break and cockwarming him on his lap while he finishes up paperwork, imagining your painful whimpers, you fidgeting in his lap because you are finding it hard to adjust to his cock because of how big he was, he imagines his cock bottoms out in your tight pussy, and how you wet walls clenches around his big cock.
“Dun..c.an, you are too big”, you whine with a giggle, shifting it into a squeal
“Call me sir, love it when you call me sir darlin’”,  he growls in your ear
“Sir”  , he imagines you whimpering through tears from his cock’s intrusion in your narrowed pussy
“Dollface, you are taking me so well, taking me all in” he praises you in a slightly low deep voice
A groan leaves his chest as he starts pumping his erected length harder, going from the bottom all the way to the top, twisting his tip, and then back down.
He envisions his pelvis rubbing against your mound and clit, your pussy being pink and wet engulfing his cock, while his right hand is feeling your soft and pulpous butt cheek. Your chest is heaving right in front of his predatory eyes, he decides to save the lustful images of him sucking your tits and nibbling your areola another time.
He imagines your voice in his ear, calling him sheriff, sir, daddy and begging him to start fucking you.
As he is about to reach his high, his thrusts gets sloppier with his sticky hands, chanting your name like a prayer over and over again.
Groaning louder as his cock twitches, moaning your name louder as ropes of white soaks his hand, and soaking your panty a bit with his cum.
Tired to change out of your clothes, you quickly go to your bed situated on the left side of your room. You feel the most peaceful in your room, the only time you don’t feel like someone is watching you despite the reoccurring nightmares ever since the incident.
With the floral window curtains. Roses and daisies on a shelf next to a concealed window, giving floral scents all around your room to help calm your nerves and help you fall asleep. At least that was what your doctor had recommended as repression memories if stayed long-term can cause emotional health problems like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
You immediately shift to the deep slumber of sleep, out of exhaustion.
You wake up the next day 10:30 am. You slept well that day oddly enough, a peaceful sleep. You were happy since you haven’t had any nightmares the past few days. That happiness shifted when you realized the sensual incident that happened in public, and you don’t know how you will be able to work in the diner again, especially how small this town is. You will be the talk of the town again, because obviously that situation had to be with the fucking Sheriff.
At least for today, you had the day off today.  You told your Boss Bob that you have an appointment with your doctor at 1 pm, and since you closed the diner yesterday he decided to leave you off the hook.
You made yourself some coffee, and went to your closet that was attached to the wall to choose an outfit. You decide to go with a yellow pastel cardigan with a yellow gingham dress that has a spaghetti strap, wear some rouge lipstick and yellow pale eyeshadow with your hair tied into a pony tail.
You then passed sometime on TV watching Bewitched re-runs, and called Carissa at around 12:30 pm during her break to check in on her brother.
Your hands swirling around the cord waiting for someone from the diner to pick up.
Selma answers, “Hello, Welcome to Jukeburgers, the best milkshakes in town!, what can I do for ya today!” You could hear Venus by Franke Avalon playing and muffled voices in the distance, seemed surprisingly busy today.
You answer loudly, “hey Selma, it’s Y/N, can you pass the phone to Carissa!”
“Oh, Y/N how you been? I heard from Adam about what happened with the Sheriff, so y’all a thing now huh?… You went for the old powerful friend.” Selma teases, her laughing echoing from the speaker.
Your heart felt like it was going to burst from your chest, you knew this was going to happen. Trying to sound strong and not in the verge of crying, “Whatever Selma, pass the phone to Carissa” your fingers twisted the cord nervously.
Selma just snickers and you hear her shouting out Carissa’s name to grab the phone
“Hey Y/N?”
“Cari!, I wanted to check up on you with Richard… you didn’t get to tell me what exactly happened…. is everything okay?” You utter in a concerned tone, gripping the phone handle harder.
“yeah yeah, we had to go to the hospital again, he got beat up again, but he didn’t wanna tell me why”  you hear her voice quivering on the other side.
You know Carissa is worried about him, as well as about his town finding out about his lifestyle.
She continues,“ You know Richard, I don’t want him to get locked up again, especially this town…views anyone that goes to the mental hospital… as lunatics”, you hear her voice quivering on the other side.
You remember Richard telling you that the Sheriff bailed him out the first time so now he owes the sheriff twice.
Why twice?
Was it because of his relationship with Jim Mason?
Does his sister know?
To not worry his sister, he sometimes tells you things that she doesn’t know and you were like Carissa to him. His big sister.
You snap out of your thoughts when you heard Carissa sniffling.
You hated hearing your friend’s sadness echoing from her voice, hoping you were there to hug her. “ I am glad he is okay at least, I miss seeing Richie, I will talk to him whether I get the chance… and you are right.”
You thought about what Carissa thought.
This small boring town feeds on gossip. It made you worried about Xavier’s parents…finding out about yesterday’s incident. Between the last girlfriend of their deceased son and one of his friends in an intimate scene.
What doesn’t help is that Xavier’s parents invited you and Duncan for dinner next week.
“He actually didn’t come today its as if he knows you might-“
You look at the time while you were on the phone, It was 12:40. Your eyes widen out of anxiety of being late. You cut your friend off without letting her finish the sentence.
“Oh shoot Carissa, I have to go now, my appointment is in 20 mins!”
“I really hope all goes well with the appointment, I know I tell you a thousand times but…I don’t really trust that doctor to be honest with ya”  she admits assuredly
There was a small pause, because you didn’t really know how to  react to that. He was the cheapest Doctor that you can afford. You really had no choice.
Carissa breaks the awkward silence, “well let me know what happens, hope it goes well!” She suddenly sounds different..and hopeful. Makes you happy that you can at least end the call with her tone shifting positively.
“Yeah.. I hope so.. bye Cari” you say weakly with a soft smile
The line goes dead.
You have been going to the doctor 11 months ago, it was recommended by the doctor who helped with your bruises and aided your surgery, Matt Rogers. Since there was nothing particular wrong with your brain scans. He thought it might be something psychological, and he was right. Your neurologist doctor Dr.Barnes, said it is due to trauma that your memories are repressed. Dr. Barnes said it is possible to have specific memories of people, locations and events repressed when it is too hard to bear. He also said It is possible for memories of abuse that have been forgotten for a long time to be remembered….you hope it isn’t related to abuse.
You feel nervous going to his office, you are honestly terrified of the idea of regaining back your memories, what if you find something really disturbing about yourself? About Xavier? How did you get those bruises? Why were some of your clothes missing? Why going to the doctor all those months didn’t help as much? Actually at all?
His office is located not that far off from the the Police department, in the neurology department of Willowdale public hospital.
“Welcome back Miss Y/N, please have a seat” signalling you to take a seat in front of his desk.
It doesn’t help that his office has muted painted walls, changed from age and a faint smell of mouth wash.
“So Y/N, has there been any recent changes?”, He asked while he scanned over your file.
“I finally have a small fragment of Xavier..in my head..” You pinpoint to right side of your forehead.
He knew about your relationship with Xavier and that you don’t remember much of it. It's weird how your brain almost erased that incident and Xavier out of your head.
“Finally some great news, please tell me more!”  He lowered your files to give you his undivided attention
“I..I don’t remember the incident, or any memories that I shared with him, just that Xavier had a similar car to Sheriff’s car, but a red version of it.”
There was a torturing pause, you look at your doctor, he seemed lost in thought with brows hollowed and biting his lower lip, he seemed anxious while clicking his retractable pen
You felt tension in the air, when you mentioned the Sheriff..but why?
He breaks a heavy smile,“Well, that’s great news to hear, maybe being  around the Sheriff might be in your favour huh?” he chuckles with a Chesire’s smirk on his face
Oh fuck. He probably heard about the incident that happened yesterday.
Your cheeks turn red as you turn your head to the left side of the room, focusing on the wall full of his certificates and accomplishments.
“Oh sorry, Y/N, that was unprofessional..covering his face with his hand, and then went back to look at your files
"No it’s all good Dr.” You gulped and nodded.
He clears his throat and asks, “ any nightmares lately?”
You shake your head, “I haven’t had one the past few days”
He nods while holding your file, “Good, Good. Are you taking the medications regularly at the appropriate time?”
“Yes…. but I haven’t remember anything that much sadly, is it supposed to take that much of a time?” You ask confusedly
“the brain is a complex neurological system, you can’t force its responses.”  thrusting out his lips in displeasure
You feel like you are wasting not only your time but also your money. But he is a doctor that you can afford so you have no other choice?
“Ah, I see, well as long as I get some answers pretty soon.” You look down on his Brintons carpet.
You felt your chest tightened out of sadness, will you ever find out what truly happened?
“So far, we are not sure if it is going to be a short term memory or long term memory loss Y/N, so what you can do is keep taking the medications, and you will be eventually get better Miss Y/N”
You nod with a fake smile.
Do you have a choice?
Duncan knew you were at the doctor today, he wish he was able to follow you, but he had a huge workload today. He wanted to see what kinda doll-like outfit you wore today. He particularly liked you in pastel colours and plaid skirts.
It was his break now.  He was waiting a call from a certain someone.
Clock ticking, and his legs bouncing up and down waiting for that fucker to call.
Phone rings once
Duncan takes the call.
“Whats the update?”
“Hi Sheriff, he continues "Well, your sweet gal remembered something..”
Duncan eyes widen, and his hands grips the cord aggressively
“What does she remember?”, Duncan says in a threatening voice
“She remembers he had the red car….. the one you got rid of”
His Adam apple gulps out of nerve but he is relieved you still don’t remember what happened that day.
“You fucker, you said those medications well help her not remember a fucking thing-“ his voice getting louder.
“Hey, hey, hey calm down there sheriff, no need to lose your temper, she hasn’t remember anything the past goddam 11 months! And I haven’t even tried hypnos-
“Listen you fuckin cunt, if she remembers anything I swear to God- I will put you in jail for your multiple-“  he chastised with a harsh tone.
“Alright Alright! No need to flip your lid! I will see what I can do to not make her remember a thing”  
“You better, or else I will make you lose your fuckin job and lose your pitiful wife” Sheriff expresses in an authoritative sound and hangs the phone stridently.
The Doctor had multiple rape attempts done. Duncan was called several times because of noise complaints, hearing ladies crying or screaming in multiple occasions at night, in drive-ins, parks and carnivals. 4 out of 10 times, it was Duncan who stopped the rape from occurring but he didn’t bring it up to the police department, and instead used this knowledge in his favour and out of power to gain information about his girl, when he discovered that he was going to be her neurologist, and to use him to manipulate her medications or her so that she doesn’t remember a thing.
He will do anything to make you not remember. He is shaping you to be his perfect little housewife. He got this far and he is not going back.
some songs mentioned in the chapter
https://open.spotify.com/track/3dDtXviPnTfLUg111MuTic?si=0d4f2a331a244100 - Midnight and The Stars and You by Ray Noble
https://open.spotify.com/track/2uwP4d0aVAo90aet6UnaRK?si=dc41f548d3324c9d - Venus by Frankie Avalon
Taglist: @instincts-baby @9layerdevilfoodcake @beautyiswithinchaos  @langdons-pinkyring @bloodcoatedeclipse   @plymptxn-reborn @5am-cigarette  @anakinsslag @michaellangdonstanaccount  @rexellaaa @jimmason @devilish-hecate @angelicmichael  @car241 @kitty4860 @deliciousartpoliticsdean @sojournmichael @ritualmichael  @darkladyslytherin 
@luciahoneychurch @saamwilsonn  @chicaluna2410  @honeyblossom56 
@codysprincexx​ @thatbit5 @wasteland-babe
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dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Powerful Ch. 1
Yakuza! Shouta Aizawa x Fem! Reader
*Mafia AU* Quirkless as well
Warnings: Arranged (sort of) marriage, brief mention of champagne, mentions of violence (nothing too specific). In later chapters: Probably smut
Word Count: 3.4 k
Author’s Note: ALRIGHTY here we go. I just had a fixation on Mafia AUs and, of course, it’s Shouta. What else did you expect? I’m a sucker for arranged relationships. Also he’s a little ooc in here, more confident, more ‘I want it I got it’. Hey, he’s the most powerful man in Japan, might as well have him act like it right? Anywho, I have no clue how many chapters this’ll end up being. Let’s just say this is ongoing for now.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
25 years old and you haven’t been married off yet. This was strategic on your father’s part. As a rather low-ranking clan he’d purposely saved you, his eldest daughter, for marrying into a higher ranked clan. You’d bring immense honor to the family name. If only you’d known what you were getting into, maybe you could have been better prepared for your world to flip on its head.
The black velvet gown you wear is tailored perfectly to your form, accentuating every curve and dip on your body. The skirt fanned out around you gracefully and a short train trailed behind you as you stepped through the grand doors of the massive mansion. Tonight is the annual celebratory ball, held to celebrate successful unions and achievements. This one was particularly special, you just didn’t quite know it yet.
Since the event wasn’t mandatory, you were told to go in alone as a representative of your clan, while Mother and Father attended to more important matters. Before you even stepped in you fixed your posture and schooled your expression, keeping your form humbled. Heavens know what could happen should you irk the wrong clan.
Inside you were met with an onslaught of mixed everything, mixed drinks and colors and styles. Some wore traditional Japanese kimono, others more modern versions of the garment and others, like you, wearing more extravagant european or western style clothing. Though a rather interesting mix, nothing quite clashed which you were slightly grateful for, since there was no possible way you could make it through the night without a headache if there was an unpleasant mix of visuals.
You strode through and instantly met several lower clan heads that you respectfully bowed to and engaged in pleasant small talk with, moving from person to person, couple to couple and paying respects to all of them. You kept a small smile, a pleasant facade as you waltzed over the hardwood flooring. It took almost two hours of endless conversation before you managed to catch a break in the madness, snatching a small flute of champagne from a waiter and leaning up against a wall for a breath. 
You still hadn’t noticed the pair of dark eyes that studied you from the moment you arrived.
You struck him as intriguing at first. From the moment you walked over the threshold his eyes drank you in, studying you, observing and judging just as he had with many other women before you. No one here knows it, but the man is looking for a bride. Someone who could stand by his side,improve and uphold his image, help him wield the power that is the Yakuza. Yes, rank is important, but Shouta is too picky to care about rank. He is looking for a specific type of woman, one that can hold untold depths of power without crumbling under the pressure or getting swept up in the rush of it all.
A woman, he decides, like you.
You held yourself with grace, pride and humility. You seemed to understand your position, your probable low rank, while also not undermining your importance nor worth. A woman like you is hard to come by in this world, most just as power hungry and ruthless and greedy as their husbands, all while putting up a cotton candy sweet mask and using it to disguise their conniving ways. 
But in truth, that’s what it took to live this kind of life, isn’t it?
It was clear you knew that, while still managing to feel genuine in everything you did, even with an action as simple as sipping champagne. At the same time he can’t deny you are quite beautiful, soft lips and softer eyes, fingers gently grasping your glass with unmatched elegance and an unwavering strength in your posture. You’d bowed before many this evening, and yet you stood taller than even the highest ranking clan heads without challenging a single one of them. Bamboo in this forest of tall, unyielding trees. Capable of wielding so much power.
For a split second his mind wandered to other things, filthy moments shared in the privacy of his chambers, shared breaths and shimmering sweaty skin. He wondered what you would be like underneath him, if you would be a brat or willingly submit yourself to him. He hopes it to be the latter, but wouldn’t completely deny the chance to tame someone difficult. How would you look pinned under his weight, completely helpless to his hands that have killed and tortured? Would you claw at his shoulders or grip the sheets instead? What would you sound like? Your image plagued his mind even if only for a moment.
He’d studied many women over the few hours since the event started, none of them giving him a good enough first impression for him to continue watching further than a minute. There was no question in his mind now. You’d be returning home with him tonight.
You had just finished your drink and set the empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray when suddenly the ballroom fell extremely silent. All heads turned, eyes focused on the man that began his descent from the balcony overlooking the floor. He’s gorgeous, long black hair pulled into a low bun and exposing the light scruff on his chin and impossibly sharp jaw, a deep scar curved under his right eye. The full black satin suit is fitted to his form, strong shoulders and rolling muscle evident even under the thick materials. Ink peeked over the collar, a hint at what was definitely intricate sleeves and detailed artwork. His steps were measured, calculated and purposeful as he made his way down and across the floor, the entire room bowing down at his presence. 
You know who he is, as does every person here. Top rung of the ladder, Oyabun of the most powerful clan in Japan, his name widely known through the entire organization and yet almost never spoken. Shouta Aizawa, a name both respected and feared, holding unknown power and strength. His reputation is enough to make anyone feel small in his presence, known for his cold demeanor and the violence he’d committed, many losing their fingers, loved ones, and their own lives for misdeeds against him. He’d done most of that himself, marking him as a very dangerous man to be involved with, and an ally everyone wanted backing them.
You bowed down respectfully just as everyone else did, waiting patiently for a release, whether it was from the man himself or a collective understanding that it was alright to rise once again. The former was the first to come to fruition, though you didn’t expect him to be so close to you as he said it. Your eyes met with sharp onyx as you fixed yourself upright. It made you freeze in place, not quite tense, not quite relaxed, your expression hopefully not showing the utter shock you were feeling.
“What is your name?” You blinked only once before your mind caught up, and you willed your voice steady as you responded. What had you done to piss him off? What punishment awaited you for what you didn’t know you’d done? Despite fearing what may come, you don’t dare speak out of turn, even to beg for your life. His next words were addressed to the entire ballroom, you included, his smooth, deep voice booming out and yet somehow not loud at all.
“Any transgression against this woman is a transgression against me. As my future wife she is untouchable, and will remain that way until I explicitly state otherwise.” A collective hushed gasp sounded through the massive hall, your own eyes growing wide and your heart damn near stopping as your brain dissected the information. He just made you his fiance, with no warning, no hesitation, and full confidence. You are now engaged to the most powerful man in Japan, and you have exactly zero say in the matter. Really though, you never expected to be able to voice any opinions considering the patriarchy of the organization, so that bit of shock was quickly overlooked.
“It’s time to retire, little one.” His hand was held out to you, waiting for your own. You blinked, deciding it was best that you saved your shock for later you focused on the here and now and what to do in this moment. Taking a breath, you schooled your face into a pleasant smile and placed your hand in his waiting palm, allowing him to tuck you into his side as you both walked out the front doors and climbed into a black limouzine.
You didn’t allow yourself to relax, sitting silently next to the man as trees and telephone poles whizzed by the vehicle. It was tense, to say the least, his hand possessively sat on your knee as his eyes remained fixed in front of him and yours did the same. Neither of you talked, you slightly out of fear, of respect, and slightly out of sheer shock, your mind just barely able to keep itself together. He remained silent for a purpose. He would talk when you were alone, or when he felt like talking. Which isn’t right now.
You let your mind whirl a bit, worrying about what this meant for you. Worrying about how this powerful man would treat you, how he acted behind closed doors and if he even cared about you or what you might have to say. It’s nerve-wracking, suddenly bound to a power such as him, not knowing what could happen next, not knowing what to do next. There was nothing that could have prepared you for this.
The car slowed as it pulled up to the gate of the enormous estate, shaking you out of your thoughts, and once it opened the drive to the main house took nearly five minutes on its own. It’s a modern home, several stories tall with the top clearly penthouse-style with a full glass wall that overlooks the landscape, the rest of the huge inner home hidden behind crisp walls.
At a full stop, a man opens the door for you, the Oyabun having already exited and held a hand out for you to grab once again, strong muscles pulling you up with ease and leading you through the building and into an elevator. The silence is stifling as you wait for the machine to come to a stop, the soft chime indicating you’ve landed. 
Now you’re completely alone with him.
He leads you in and stops in the center of the large main room, stepping away and turning his scrutinizing gaze onto you. You do your best not to tense in front of him, not to show fear, partially for his comfort though you’re sure he’s used to it. His shoes clack softly, rhythmically on the polished wood floor as he begins to circle you, like a predator eyeing its prey, eyes burning paths up and down your form. You barely keep from squirming under his intense gaze, managing to keep still from sheer willpower. He stops suddenly behind you and you feel his warmth as he leans in close before a hand presses into your mid back and another gently grasps your shoulder, gently making you straighten even more, stand even taller.
Once he’s satisfied with your posture he rounds you and tilts your chin just a tad higher with a hooked finger. He’s silent as he shapes you, adjusting your body to his liking. You let him tenderly push and tug, grab and knead and trail those deadly fingers over you until he stops before you, studying you once again. 
“You’re my fiance now. You will hold yourself as such, radiate power as I do and command the attention of a room with only a glance.” The reminder of just what was happening made your breath stutter a little, and his hand came up to grasp your chin, making you look up into his dark eyes.
“You will learn, little one, to be the powerful woman I see.” He was so close, the heat from his body rolling over your skin and his breaths fanning over your face. Then he was walking away, motioning for you to follow as he led you to his chambers and bathroom to get cleaned up. You’d be sleeping with him from now on, he said, handing you a robe to change into after you’ve bathed and guiding you into the bathroom before closing the door and leaving you alone with your thoughts as you set to cleaning yourself.
Given you don’t screw things up, you are going to be the most powerful woman in Japan, solely because of a sudden arranged marriage dropped seemingly from out of nowhere. But the longer you think about it, it isn’t really out of nowhere is it? The Oyabun is 30 now, and until tonight hadn’t named a wife, nor any love interests, and therefore no possible heirs. If the man were to die for any reason, those chances only increasing the older he gets, the power vacuum his absence would create would be absolute madness. You’re part of a strategy, just as before. Just as always.
Yet there was no denying he’d struck something inside you. Of all the women in that hall he approached you, a woman he didn’t know from a low ranked clan, for reasons you could only barely begin to guess. He’d called you powerful earlier, the sincerity in his voice making your mind spin. Did he really see you as powerful? And the name he’d used for you felt far too tender on the tongue of such a dangerous man, though you understood the nod toward your previous rank. 
Father and Mother must be either confused, shocked, or overflowing with joy right about now. Confused as to why you haven’t returned, shocked, happy, or both at the news had they learned it. With your mind processing everything, your body finally begins to feel fatigued. 
You shut off the water before drying yourself, patting your hair in the towel before pulling on the fluffy robe. It was clearly meant for him, the fuzzy black garment large around the shoulders and sleeves engulfing your hands, the garment nearly touching the floor where it’s meant to hang several inches from it on his frame. Despite swimming in the robe, you couldn’t help but feel a bit vulnerable. You’re bare beneath it, not having planned to not return home. Still, it’s late, and the Oyabun needs to shower as well. With a steadying breath, you step out into the room.
He’s standing near the bed, the top half of his clothing discarded and bare skin exposed, along with the heavy tattooing and scars along his body. Dragon scales decorated his skin, along with delicate swirls heavily resembling smoke and clouds that followed the curves of his corded muscles. He is undoubtedly a beautiful man. You don’t realize you’re staring until a miniscule smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth.
“Enjoying the view, little one?” You blink away your daze and shift your eyes to the side, feeling the slight burn in your face at being caught. Instead of answering the cheeky question you choose to change the subject.
“I’m finished with my shower, Oyabun.” He hums, a low sound you can feel in your chest.
“I can see that, little one. And you call me Shouta.” You take a quiet, sharp inhale and nod.
“Yes, of course...Shouta.” His name feels heavy on your tongue, a name that people didn’t normally dare speak. He’s silent as he gathers his things and moves toward the bathroom, stopping momentarily by your side. You’re confused a moment before his calloused fingers gently grip your jaw and turn your head, his lips pressing softly against your temple for a split second before he’s disappearing into the bathroom. 
You stand in shock, the tender touch unexpected. Shaking your head, you decide it’s best to lay down. Hopefully you’d fall asleep by the time he finishes bathing, but you doubted it. You’re proven right when, in the midst of mulling over your own thoughts, he emerges in nothing but sweatpants, dark hair still damp as it fell around his shoulders. You managed to avert your eyes before he could catch you staring for a second time tonight, and it wasn’t long before he slipped under the blankets next to you.
There wasn’t a single word shared between you as he flicked off the lights with a remote and settled into the plush mattress. There was no movement from the man as you lay with your back to him. You aren’t entirely sure if the lack of movement unsettles you more than if he were to be shuffling around. It felt like hours had passed in the darkness, your eyes had adjusted and you couldn’t sleep despite how exhausted you felt. 
Your mind raced with questions. What happens now? What happens with your clan and parents? Would you have clothes soon? How would he treat you? How were you supposed to act around him? When is the wedding? Is the engagement already official? What if you disappoint him and fuck everything over? The entire situation makes you anxious, for more than something as trivial as your own safety. You shift onto your back and listen to Shouta’s soft snores, signaling his sleep. As silently and gently as you can, you slip out of bed.
You have no clue what you were going to do or where you were going to do it, but you had to get away from him if only for a moment, to let yourself breathe and think. Almost mindlessly, you find yourself staring out of the glass wall and out into the night. This far out, you can see the stars in the night sky clear and bright, and it was a sight you missed having lived in the city most of your life. Right here you have room to think, space to spread your thoughts and calm your mind to keep from jumbling everything in your brain and stressing over it more. 
From what you can tell there is a very small chance Shouta would treat you maliciously, so for now you don’t have to worry about that. Considering his power and status, you won’t be without clothing for long. The thought was silly in the first place, but stress tended to make you question even the most ridiculous. As for how you’re meant to act, well that would have to be tested. He’d already told you how to appear to the public, so that shouldn’t be too hard, but being alone with the man was driving you insane.
Soft footsteps broke you from your thoughts. You spin around, suddenly very much on guard, before Shouta’s voice broke through the darkness, his figure slowly approaching. 
“What are you doing up, little one?” You bite your lip and turn to gaze outside again, hugging your arms tight.
“Just thinking. I apologize for waking you, Oya-… Shouta.” His warmth hit you before his skin did, chest pressed into your back and large rough hands gripping your shoulders firm but gentle. His breath is hot on your ear and neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Such an intimate action from him only hours after he’d made you his fiance was quite the shock in and of itself, only enhanced by the fact that this man is known for his cold nature.
“Thinking about what?” His hands smoothed down your arms, following them around your waist and encompassing your hands in his, tugging you into him further. Unnatural as it may seem, it feels good, his warmth. In the arms of such a dangerous and powerful man you should feel small and scared, but you don’t. You aren’t entirely sure what it is you feel. Truthfully, you don’t have the energy to answer his question properly.
“About a lot of things. Too many things.” Right now, the only thing you want to do is melt into the man’s arms. His presence is suddenly comforting, instead of worrying, and you feel safe in his embrace. You sigh and lean into him, fatigue finally beginning to tug at your body and mind. Strong arms scoop you up like nothing, and suddenly you’re being placed down on the bed before he climbs in and pulls you onto him. An arm circles your waist while the other cradles your head, a tender kiss placed at your hairline.
“Sleep, little one.” His fingers thread through your hair, massaging your scalp lightly. It’s a soothing action, especially after nearly giving yourself a headache from stress. It isn’t long before you’re nodding off, relaxing into his body and letting his steady heartbeat lull you to sleep.
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