#Their readers adopted parents
morgansunflower · 2 years
How the Batfamily found out Damian is dating Dick and Barbara's adopted daughter.
Warnings: suggestive content..
Arthur's notes: heavily inspired by Friends! Third, P. O. V
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How it happened..
The door opened "I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY WHOO!!!" Garfield yelled
Damian threatens him "get out before I throw my knife at you!"
Gar quickly shuts the door. Damian sits with his back against the wall with the blanket rested from his waist down.
"do you think he noticed me?" Y/N asked peeping her head covering her bare chest with the blanket.
"no, he's far too into oblivion"
"good... so... Never done that with you.."
"you were.. Outstanding"
He holds her beautiful face in his hands with a soft smile on his lips. He finally had all he wanted. His best friend who he fell in love with was finally with him. They formed a beautiful bond that intertwined them. She never expected Damian to fall in love with her. She had her true love within her grasp. She was scared to wake up and realized it was all a blissful dream. He was kind, gentle but rugged. Her Dad is going to kill them. He still forgets how much they've grown. Damian gently rubbed his thumb against her face. Three words seemed perfect for the moment but they refused to come forth.
How Alfred found out...
Alfred has known since the phone call he received from the hotel that a eyelash curler was left in his room and then his granddaughter asked Stephanie if she could borrow hers. The poor old man nearly had a heart attack.
how Stephanie & Jason found out the other knows
"hey uh Jason, do remember that big thing I was gonna tell you about?" Stephanie asked Jason looking down at, him as he sat on the chair.
His eyes went completely wide and his face angered "no! No! No! No! I cannot deal with anymore fucking secrets!"
Stephanie slaps his hand "oh stop it! I'm not going to tell but if you found out on your own... That would be OK and then we could talk about it, right?"
Jason stammered ".. well then it wouldn't be a secret so that would be OK yeah yeah..." he nodded in agreement.
Stephanie tries to be smooth "yeah.. it'd be great if I go ask Y/N to go out on girls night.
Jason scoffed "tonight? Don't you girls hang out all the time?
.. Heavy awkward silence..
Jason looks up to Steph "do you know something?"
"do you know something?" she asked him
Jason looked at her, hoping "I might know something"
Stephanie looked down at him "I might know something"
"what's the thing you know?" he asked, surely she doesn't know Damian would die if she did know.
Stephanie shakes her head "oh I can't tell you and you tell me what you know"
Jason rolls his eyes "well I can't tell you what I know"
Stephanie sighs "well then I can't tell you what know"
Jason scoffs dramatically "ok fine"
She sits on the chair.....Silence....
Jason looks at her. Absolutely not "you don't know.."
Stephanie as officially had enough raised to her feet to storm off while saying "I am gonna go walk into Damian's room and I will see the thing that I think I know!
Jason jumps out of his chair gasping "Holy SHIT!! YOU KNOW!!!!"
Stephanie gasps "and you know!! Y/N and Damian!!"
Jason grabs her arms "holy shit Steph I've been waiting for this to come out for weeks!"
Stephanie imitated a explosion "this is SO unbelievable!"
Jason takes a deep breath "Dick is going to flip his shit when he knows... Wait do they know that you know?"
How Bruce found out from his beloved.
"have you noticed our son's behavior differing over the last few passing weeks?" Bruce asked his beloved placing her hands on his shoulders.
"you truly don't know?" Talia asked taken aback
"know what Talia?! Is he alright?" Bruce demanded with his voice greatly worried.
Talia's lips formed a smile in much amusement, that turned into a soft laughter "he's in love with Y/N. He hasn't told me, though a mother, knows her son"
How Barbara aka Y/N's adopted mother found out.
She discovered a change in her daughter's mood. She had known her for many years and had she had been under the Grayson name for 6 years. So when she came home from Garfield and Rachel's wedding.. She knew her little girl was in love. She was happy for her but then greatly shocked when Damian had been.. Smiling more.
How Cassandra found out...
Beforehand she was utterly annoyed with the denial of feelings between Damian and Y/N. Though when they came back. She could sense the pheromones radiating from them. She wanted to congratulate and hug them. Her favorite ship was finally together.
How Duke and Tim found out
"what are you doing?" Duke asked Tim who was looking out the window at Y/N
He takes a deep swig of coffee "investigating"
Duke looks out the window at Y/N waving goodbye with a, rose in her, hand. He sees her blow a kiss. Tim silently cursed.
"uhh who was that for and where did she get the rose...." Duke looks out the window down to the outer walkway to see his little brother with a smirk. He finally connected the dots "AHHHH!! Nooooo! My EYES"
"I'm spiking my coffee" Tim said defeated
How Dick aka Y/N's adopted Dad found out.
Stephanie hears the entrance door to Damian apartment open. She runs up to the door to see, her little brother.
"Dami!!" her voice relieved. Steph hits him hardly on the chest "where the hell have you been?!"
"tt I was out..... "
Dick scoffs "oh out I can't believe we didn't think to look there!"
Damian glared to them "you all realize you're all intruding in my apartment"
Jason rolled his eyes "where the hell were you?"
Cassandra already knows just where he was but no one knows what the others know at, least most of them.
"why does me enjoying my time out affect all of you? I'm 23 not 12"
Dick folded his arms with his dad glare on his face "uh when you won't answer your phone. You were out where"
Damian's temper begins to boil "dammit will all of you leave me alone.. I just went to the bar and then walked here!"
Duke gasped smiling snapping his fingers with a, wide smile. He was going to dig him a hole "you hooked up with someone!"
Damian grunted precisely like his father "I did not!!"
Stephanie joyfully says "YOU TOTALLY DID!! Aww I'm so proud!" he made Y/N so happy.
The door opens to see Dick's adopted daughter for six years..
"hey Dami you forgot your jacket--" Y/N blushing hardly and panicking inside "hi guys.. Hey dad"
Dick was utterly offended his little girl was in back in town and didn't tell him "since when have you been back in town missy?!!"
Dick then passes out figuring out where she were and who she was with. Dick came to sitting on the couch, when he hears his voice being called. He opens his eyes to Y/N sitting beside him.
Dick takes a deep breath preparing his lecture "this is not going on any longer!! This friends with benefits shit is over!!!" he demanded
"Dad I'm an adult. I'm not going to stop seeing him" she yelled to him greatly angered at his orders.
"yes you are" he touches her shoulders he didn't want her to get hurt or to hurt her "Y/N you're my daughter and Damian.. He is my best friend.. I don't want to see you two get hurt. I can't. You have to stop seeing each other!"
Everyone could somewhat agree expect for Damian and Y/N. She couldn't lose him when she finally had him. He couldn't let go of her.
"I cannot Grayson.." Damian spoke up warming Y/N's heart.
"Damian I'm not having this conversation with you!" Dick ordered
"she is not a trollop to satisfy my needs! I am in love with her!" Damian shouted out admitting his deep feelings.
Y/N thought she was going to pass out. She looks to Damian ignoring Stephanie's gasp in astonishment, Cassandra's genuine smile, Jason having a half smile and her, Dad's shocked expression. She raises to her feet and walks to Damian. She feels her throat shaking as she was about to cry. He loved her.
"I love you too Damian"
They both kiss as her arm's snake around his neck. Damian wrapped his arms around her. Damian looks seeing Grayson with a soft expression. He didn't want him to find out this way. He really was his best friend. Grayson takes a deep breath. They were in love, and they were happy. He couldn't end that. Not when he cared about both of them so much.
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thejujvtsupost · 6 months
Hello, I am a first timer here. I would like to humbly request something. Can I please request for a Platonic Nanami and adopted daughter reader. The reader is not used to a normal environment and they are used to fighting and surviving
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Girl Dad Transformation
I’ve been stewing over this so hard bc it’s been giving me the cutest ideas!!!! And ofc Yuuji is so big brother coded here.
Notes: F!reader, brotherly!Yuuji, Nanami and his adopted daughter 🥺. That’s it.
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Nanami didn’t think about the long term impact of adopting the orphaned sorcerer. Surely he wouldn’t change that much…
All he knew was there was a 5 year old girl clutching her only toy- a stuffed bear, who could see ‘scary monsters’ and no longer had any family, thanks to the curse that was tormenting humans for fun; he was just a little too late.
The poor thing was terrified. In the blink of an eye his hand was seized by a freezing, much smaller one with a death grip.
Nanami got you looked at by Shoko and you refused to let go of him the entire time. By the looks of it, you were malnourished and you frequently got injured from curses. Your home life was fairly unstable too, financial issues and absent-detached parents. Shoko got a lot more information from you than he ever expected, piecing together some of your history from your seemingly unrelated answers, as children do.
“She’s going to have to stay for observation, probably several weeks until we can get her healthy enough. She’s going to need a special diet too, I haven’t seen a case this bad in a long time and she’s too young for cursed energy.”
His heart was crushed for you, when was the last time you had somewhere stable? “Why are you telling me?”
“You found her, she’s clearly attached to you and you know you can’t turn away now. You look at her like she’s Itadori. It’s just until I can find a place for her at a home or foster.” Shoko never fails with her dead pan demeanor and sass.
She was also right.
He looked back at you, you were passed out in your hospital bed covered by several blankets and hugging your bear. Finally, you were warming up. Finding you a home could take months if you went to a foster or orphanage… “Don’t bother,” he swallowed thickly, “I will adopt her.”
Shoko’s face softened further, “You can’t go back on it, you already earned her trust. If you’re really sure then I think this will be good for both of you.”
He did his best to be at your bedside when he could, and you were quiet but clearly in need of comfort. Your favorite thing to do was have him read to you with cartoons on a low volume in the background. “Nami, book?” Nanami picked up a book off the stack Shoko brought and started reading. No complaints, and after the first few days he didn’t bother hiding his smile anymore.
He spent a fortune on converting his spare bedroom into yours. He didn’t even know what 5 year olds liked, but according to the first years and Shoko, he needed to make sure you had various toys (he bought everything Yuuji pointed out to him- Yuuji definitely went overboard but Nanami didn’t stop him), clothes and of course you’d need signed up for school.
When the adoption was final and he brought you home for the first time, he was thoroughly instructed how to parent by then, he was ready.
You… weren’t. Not yet. You didn’t know that your room was yours. All the toys and clothes, everything was yours. ‘Nami’ kept the ‘scary monsters’ away too…
“Hey it’s okay honey, I know it’s a big change.” He wiped the tears from your chubby cheeks and smiled softly. “You belong here, you’re safe now.”
A grown up was taking care of you, for good this time.
It was a journey every day but worth it as you came out of your shell, and he encouraged you with a gentle hand. Of course there were setbacks too. He wasn’t perfect, he definitely wasn’t good at laundry at first.
He was new to parenting and it was exhaustingly difficult to navigate yet he was completely whipped for you, never turning down a tea party or invitation to watch cartoons together. He became a complete girl dad overnight.
All it took was, “Nami! Play!” And he’d be on the floor in the living room playing with the doll you handed him.
You started eating more, even requesting different meals when he asked what you were in the mood to eat. “Nami, can we have soba?”
Nanami couldn’t say no to you. “Soba sounds great.” He’d have the softest smile on his face too.
You played more often, and eventually made friends! Yuuji claimed the title as your first friend but you were encouraged to make more- he helped you practice asking your classmates about themselves and how to invite them to play with you.
And Nanami… he never forced you to call him dad. He loved you more than he ever thought possible. He was always proud to call you his daughter, bragging about your excellent kindergarten grades and your recent achievement of becoming the line leader at school for the week.
But the first time you did happened a month in, while doing your bedtime routine and picking out a night night story. Instead of ‘Nami’ he was gifted: “Daddy, can you read the star book?” He let out a tear and hugged you tight.
Nanami tucked you in, kissed your forehead and sat on the edge of your bed, “Yeah honey, I’ll read you the star book.”
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open and stay tuned <3
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ghouljams · 8 months
To be honest, I would want to be Price and Witch’s kid instead of fuck them idk why. I have mommy and daddy issues I guess lol.
Yeah I can do that, Witch adopts a lot of people and Price... also adopts strays.
"Do you want some tea darling?" The Witch asks, crouching to be on your level, "or maybe some hot chocolate? Could perk you right up."
You think for a moment before nodding your head. You're not supposed to talk to strangers, but you've seen this witch in the neighborhood and there's something comforting about her. Her concern seems genuine as she fusses with the copper pots in her kitchen. And you really can't complain about the rich dark liquid she pours neatly into a mug for you. It certainly looks, and smells, like a melted chocolate bar. Far flung from the powdered stuff you expected.
She frowns at you for a moment, plucking at the space around you with purposeful fingers. You sip your drink, and try not to watch her too closely. She may feel warm, but her movements are alien to you, and strike at your stomach with a strange primal fear. You think it's fear, you don't quite have the word for this feeling. You're sure it will come to you.
The chocolate coats your tongue, thick and viscous, you think you can taste cinnamon under the cocoa. The Witch taps her finger against her cheek, watching you, she seems ill at ease. Obviously concerned over the strange child that's made themselves comfortable in her home. She seems to come to some conclusion, holding her hand over her mouth as she whispers something. It's inaudible and yet it fills the room, dissonant whispers echoing off the walls and collecting in a swirl of smoke.
A man steps out with a roll of his shoulders, and almost as quickly as he lays eyes on you, he's looking back at the witch.
"Where'd you get the changeling?" He asks with a raise of his brow. The Witch lets out a breath.
"Oh good, knew they felt fae," She goes to the kitchen while the man takes a seat next to you, "they just showed up, I assume they're one of the neighbor's kids."
"Is that right?" The man smiles at you, it makes his eyes crinkle at the edges, you smile back with all your teeth. He seems to like that, poking his fingers against your sides to make you giggle. "Where's your mum, hm? Can't have wandered too far off."
You shrug and the fae man nods. You like when adults don't make you talk, sometimes talking is too much. The witch taps her fingers together, thinking, while the man lets smoke swirl off his fingers. It makes little shapes and animals in the air, elephants and lions dancing around your head, butterflies flying over to distract the witch. You hold your hand out for one, and watch a lion burst into a flock of penguins to waddle across your palm.
"I can run a trace, I suppose," The Witch sighs walking closer, she crouches to be at eye level with you, "Can I have a pinch of your hair darling? I promise it won't hurt a bit."
You don't know if you want to give a witch your hair. It seems dangerous, that's how witches take control of people. You look at the man for help, surely he knows how witches work and won't let this one puppet you around. He chuckles, leaning his elbow against the table to rest his head against his fist. He nods at you.
"Go on then, I'll make sure she doesn't do anything nasty." He assures you. You look back at the Witch, who's glaring at your new friend.
"Don't make me sound so wicked," She scolds him.
"Don't need my help for that sweetheart," There's something warm in his voice, something that makes the whole house light up with warmth as the Witch bites down a smile.
She's very careful with you, pressing her fingers against your scalp as she twists hair around her fingers, plucking a few stray strands before pulling away again. She's right, it doesn't hurt. You rub your head, and she turns it back towards your mug of liquid chocolate. You think that's payment enough.
You don't watch what she does with your hair, but you feel the shiver of it. It's like a little zap of electricity, a stray shock from rubbing your socks against carpet. You wrinkle your nose at the feeling, it's not unbearable, but it's unpleasant. You consider peaking at what the Witch is doing, but you catch sight of your new fae friend first, and watching him watch her is much more interesting.
His eyes spark, and you mean that literally. There's a fire behind them that traces its way around his iris each time he blinks. A spark of gold against ice blue. A shooting star in a snowstorm. His eyes smile, and even though his fingers stop you from seeing his lips you assume they're smiling at well. You glance at the witch and see her hold up a vial of black powder to the light, her eyes studying it as she tips it one way then the other. It's not anything interesting, you don't see what's worth staring at.
"Can you make a bear?" You ask the man, he hums questioningly before looking at you. "They're my favorite," You explain.
"Can I make a bear?" He scoffs, swirling his fingers to collect the smoke. The wisps of it draw together and burst with a spark into the silhouette of a brown bear. It plods along the table top before sitting down to look around. It's a good bear.
"I know a good story about a bear," You tell him. He raises a brow, and doesn't stop you as you chatter away telling your favorite fairy tale. In fact his smoke seems to act out the scenes for you, stopping and restarting as you try to remember details. By the time you finish there's no more sound coming from the witch's work, and you're starting to notice the "lovely princess" and "handsome prince" smoke figures look a lot like your hosts.
"I called their mum," The witch tells the man, setting a cup of tea in front of him. "She should be here soon." The fae man snaps his fingers and the smoke disperses.
"One of the neighbors?" He asks, and she hums in confirmation. He tugs at her hand, pulls her down to perch on his lap with a quiet word.
"Are you alright to go home dear?" She asks you, and you think she means it. Sometimes people ask you things but they don't really want an answer, they just want to ask. You nod after a moment's thought. She looks relieved. "If you ever get lost again, you can call me,-" she hands you a little black card with gold lettering, it looks very official, "-I'll get you back home."
You turn the card over. There's no name on it just a phone number, an address, and one word, "Witch." You're studying one of the gold stars on the corner of it when there's a knock at the door. The Witch stands to answer it, and the fae man's touch lingers on her hip before she moves away. He gives you a wink as she pulls the door open, as if his affections are a conspiracy between the two of you. You hop off your chair and he catches your arm.
"Price," He tells you quietly, it feels like an important word so you nod solemnly. He smiles, "Go on back to your mum, and don't go spreading my name around."
You hold onto your mother's hand as you wave good-bye. She thanks the Witch profusely, though she waves all of them off. You watch the gold slip off of her like water, humans are so funny like that. They never hold onto heavy ties, kind only for the sake of kindness.
"Do you know how worried I was?" Your mother scolds you, "You're lucky someone dangerous didn't find you."
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
Not By Blood
♡ Pairing: Platonic!BuckyNat x Enhanced!Teen!Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: After a mission gone wrong, Natasha returns with an injury. Steve of course blames you.
♡ Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of gunfire/gunshot, injuries, vomiting, dissociation, anxiety attacks, steve being an asshole
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You sat on the edge of your bed, having a staring contest with the wall. Seeing as the color of the paint was doing an okay job at distracting you from your thoughts. But it didn’t matter anyway, Steve’s words rang in your head.
It should’ve been you.
You tried to play it off as Steve just being concerned for his dear friend Nat. But you couldn’t brush off the hostility laced into his words.
It was a typical mission gone wrong, mistakes were made. People ended up getting hurt. But it was all an accident. Although Steve, didn’t see it that way.
Most of the time, you were seen as a helpful addition to the team. The power of invisibility making you stealthy, being able to retrieve important information without ever being seen. You had quite the advantage of taking down enemies when you weren’t visible.
While you were actively unseen, light and objects could pass through you. Explaining why the bullet passed through you, into Nat’s side.
You had been spooked by the gunshot, instincts swift as you vanished, leaving Nat exposed. Bucky had acted fast, downing the hidden sniper as you reappeared. Immediately being sent into panic, shakily applying your hands over her wound.
Bucky had immediately shoved you away, tending to his lovers wound. It was merely a push out of adrenaline, him needing space to help Nat. But you couldn’t help but feel the shove come off too strongly.
Many hours later, Nat was rushed back to the compound, into the medbay where she was taken immediately. The doctors, including Bruce had done their magic, announcing to everyone waiting, that she’d be okay after some rest.
The announcement eased your anxiety, the waves of nausea drifting finally. Standing up, you headed for Nat’s room.
That was until Steve’s strong arm blocked your path, nearly having you fall backwards in surprise.
“Steve! You scared m—”
“Where do you think you’re going?” He interrupted you, looking down at you with a quizzical glare, making you feel small.
“Um… To Nat’s room.” You told him, shrinking back a little more at his glare turning frustrated.
“Haven’t you done enough? She needs rest.” Steve scolded you, the nausea starting to make its return.
“I know, I just wanted to see her.” You begged, needing to see for your own eyes that Nat was okay.
“You think you should be allowed to? After what happened? She trusted you (Y/n), but not after you used her as a human shield!” Steve raised his voice, crossing his arms. His stance made it clear you weren’t allowed to pass.
“She doesn’t deserve to be in there…” He paused, looking at you up and down in disgust, “It should’ve been you.”
You were taken aback at his accusation, like you would ever purposely hurt any of your teammates, especially Nat and Bucky. Steve’s words cut deep, leaving you speechless. The sob bubbling up in your throat leaving you unable to defend yourself.
But it was the lowly muttered last words that had you wanting to crawl into a hole and hide away from everyone. You looked up to Steve, he had belived in you. What had changed?
Steve just shook his head, a flash of guilt marking his features before his harsh glare returned.
“Go to your room and clean yourself up.” He commanded.
You didn’t have any energy, nor did you trust you voice enough to respond. If you did, you would’ve scolded Steve for speaking to you like a child. You were the youngest in the whole facility, but you weren’t a child.
That’s how you found yourself sitting in your room, staring at the wall, in hopes you’d disappear if you sat still long enough.
The guilt was consuming you completely, maybe Steve was right. Nat had done more than enough to prove herself worthy, she was a valuable teammate. You were… You were just additional baggage. Not necessarily needed.
The thought that you had gotten Nat injured was making you sick, dizzy with guilt. Before you knew what was happening, you were sprinting to the bathroom, sliding just in time to empty your stomach in the toilet.
After a few more moments of dry heaving, you leaned back against the wall next to the porcelain, using the coolness from the wall behind you to calm your clammy skin.
It should’ve been you. It should’ve been you.
The words shouldn’t of bounced around in your head as much as they are, but you couldn’t help but feel they were true. You didn’t belong. They were a family, they had each other. What gave you the right to walk in and mess everything up?
Tears started trailing down your cheeks, shamefully wishing for Nat’s forgiveness, knowing you didn’t deserve it. You hoped Bucky didn’t hate you as much as he should, you don’t think you could live knowing he didn’t like you. You weren’t sure there would be a chance to win Steve’s trust back, you hoped he’d forgive you eventually.
The compound had started feeling like home, with the help of Nat and Bucky. But now, as you sit balled up in the corner— You’ve never felt more out of place.
Nat had woken up hours ago, getting through a bunch of hello’s, and appreciating everyone’s concern. Besides Bucky, there was someone who she hadn’t seen greet her yet.
“Where do you think she scurried off to?” Nat asked out loud, Bucky muting the TV and facing her.
“I don’t know. I can’t stop feeling bad for pushing her.” Bucky muttered, remembering the shock on your face after the action.
“James, you didn’t mean it. You were just in mama bear mode.” Nat teased, watching some light return to his face.
“Of course I didn’t mean it, I would never do anything like that to her on purpose… I just— you should’ve seen her face. She looked upset.” He admitted.
“It was a stressful situation, I’m sure she was upset. Just not at you. Stop being so hard on yourself, and go find her and bring her here.” Nat told him, watching him nod and smile.
“Yes ma’am.” He said teasingly, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“Now go! I want my girl!” Nat scolded playfully, making Bucky chuckle at her goofiness.
Bucky had searched the whole compound, not finding you anywhere. He asked around, but nobody had seen you since Bruce gave everyone the okay on Nat’s condition.
The last place he’d yet to check was your room, but you hated being holed up in your room unless it was bedtime, so it seemed out of character for you to be there.
Making his way to your room, he knocked on your door, leaning his ear to the wood, not hearing any noise from inside. No music, movie, humming— nothing. But he knew you were in there because he could hear your heartbeat.
“Doll, it’s me! Can I come in?” He spoke loudly through the door.
After hearing nothing, he started to grow worried. Turning the knob and opening the door slowly, scanning the room for you. Your bed looked a little wrinkled but otherwise untouched, and everything was turned off, the only light coming from the bathroom.
“(Y/n)? You alright? I’m coming in if you don’t say anything.” He warned, trying to keep his tone lighthearted, but he was panicking internally.
Turning towards the doorway, he walked through the frame, spotting your curled up form next to the toilet. Immediately he squatted down to you, concerned at the way you were blankly staring at the wall.
“Hey, hey! (Y/n)? What’s wrong baby— are you hurt?” He rushed out, gently grabbing your arms, twisting you slightly so he could check for wounds, worried that the doctors had missed something.
“Baby what’s going on? You’re scaring me.” Bucky whispered softly, your state making him panic.
After finding no wounds, he relaxed slightly, fully sitting on the floor, cradling your face in his hands. Hoping the metal hand grounded you, like it usually does when you are having an attack.
“(Y/n), you need to talk to me.” Bucky tried again, getting no response, just your vacant stare that felt like it was going right through him.
Keeping his metal hand on your cheek, he reached into his pocket with his free hand, pulling out his phone and dialing.
After a few rings, Steve picked up.
“Steve, I need you to send—”
Bucky couldn’t even finish his sentence, feeling your jaw clench, finding your eyes wide with guilt.
“(Y/n)?” Bucky tried, watching your eyes dart all around the room, ending up on his phone.
“No…” You mumbled, barely audible if it weren’t for the super serum.
Bucky perked up, relieved to hear you talking, but his heart was breaking at how broken you sounded.
“No what baby?” Bucky asked you softly, hanging up on Steve and placing his hand back on your cheek, cradling your face.
“It should’ve been me… It should’ve been me…” You started mumbling in a chant, eyes clenching shut, tears escaping and trailing down your cheeks.
Bucky was concerned and confused, wondering what had happened to have you in this state.
“What do you mean?”
It was a simple question, gently asked by him. But it seemed to trigger you, fully bringing you back with him, but hysterical.
“It’s my fault Nat got shot— I’m sorry Bucky, I’m so sorry please don’t hate me, please! It should’ve been me… It should’ve been…” You sobbed, throwing yourself into Bucky’s arms, knowing you didn’t deserve his comfort, but desperately needing it.
It dawned on Bucky suddenly what had you acting like this, and he didn’t think it was possible for his heart to break anymore.
“Hey, it’s okay baby. It wasn’t your fault, okay? And I don’t hate you, you’re my girl.” He whispered into your hair, softly rubbing your back, holding you tight, letting you cling to him.
“It should’ve been me…” You mumbled into his chest again.
Bucky pulled you back from his chest, cradling your face, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“I don’t wanna hear you say that. It was a mistake, and mistakes happen. But don’t you dare say that. Nat’s okay— and i’m happy that you’re okay too.” Bucky told you, tone gentle.
You sniffled and nodded your head.
“Now, you wanna tell me why you are hiding in your bathroom? You always come to Nat and I.” Bucky asked, slightly offended that his girl found more comfort on the bathroom floor than with him.
You looked down shamefully, your head getting tilted back up by Bucky.
“I tried to visit Nat but… Steve said I shouldn’t.” You admitted quietly.
Bucky’s jaw tensed, leave it to Steve to makes things worse.
“He uh…” You started but got nervous, growing silent.
“He what baby? You can tell me.” Bucky urged, wiping his thumb under your eyes, drying the skin of moisture.
“Don’t get mad at him okay?” You told him, and Bucky rolled his eyes.
He was already mad. Steve messed with his girl.
“Promise?” You asked again.
He huffed in frustration, wishing he could just go yell at Steve. But otherwise nodded to you.
“He said that Nat didn’t deserve to be hurt… That it…” You paused, swallowing through the tightness in your throat, tears returning, “He said it should’ve been me.”
“That little punk, I’m gonna—”
“You promised!” You told him.
Bucky took a deep breath in, trying to let his anger melt away. But he couldn’t relax knowing Steve had said that to you, it was far from okay. You didn’t deserve that, you were the sweetest person to exist.
“Doll, he shouldn’t of said that to you. It’s not true. He sure as hell didn’t mean it, and I’m gonna have a talk with him about why he said it— but it’s not true.” Bucky told you, watching you relax at his words.
“Still hurt to hear though.” You whispered, burying yourself into his arms again.
“I know baby, I’m sorry you had to hear something like that.” Bucky uttered into your hair.
“So is… Is Natty okay?” You meekly asked, still feeling guilty from everything that had happened.
“She asked for you.” Bucky told you, watching you lean back, gazing into his eyes with happiness.
“Yes baby, she’s not mad at you, She just wants to see you. She loves you.” He told you, hating the way he had to convince you. “Wanna go see her?”
You nodded eagerly, needing to see Nat. See that she was okay.
The door to Nat’s room opened, she turned her head, smiling lovingly when she saw you standing with Bucky.
“There she is!” Nat called out, holding her arms open.
You ran over to her, jumping into her embrace. The guilt was still lingering and you couldn’t help the tears from falling again, dampening Nat’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry Nat, I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do without you —I”
“Calm down (Y/n), I’m okay. It wasn’t your fault.” Nat cooed, running her fingers through your hair as you cried into her shoulder. “Oh baby, don’t cry. It’s okay.”
You leaned back just enough to look Nat in the eyes, relieved to have her here with you, safe. You suddenly felt a much larger body press from behind you, caged in between Nat and Bucky.
They wrapped their arms around each other, circling you with their warmth. They weren’t related to you by blood, but sometimes they felt like they were your true family. The family you had been missing.
“I love you guys.” You whispered to them.
“We love you baby.” Bucky mumbled into your hair, “You’re our girl.”
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 6 months
leoichi as adoptive parents hcs! | platonic, found family, two goobers and a 'baby'.
they're just dumb and in love. both with each other, and you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
𝒂/𝒏: this is just pure brainrot tbh. shameless self indulgence of these dorks. word vomit that I definitely tried to format in a someday coherent way. ridiculous amount of fluff imho. the embodiment of spongebob's house when it got sucked dry by all them sea worms......whatever tf they were: yeah that's my brain being reduced to mush after FINALLYYYYY getting it all out. /lhj
Say it with me, now. *raises hands like a maestro* Blaaaaaaaame the brainnnnwoorrrrmmmss. 🐛💥🧠
anyway enjoy your ✨fruitbowl parents✨ agenda. ᡣ𐭩
leo 🫐
such. a mother.
always fretting over your health and safety :(( he just wants you to be safe !! happy !! healthy !! always.
big hugger/cuddler: i’m talking big ol’ bear hugs, snuggles, smothering your face in kisses, play-fighting (he makes sure not to hurt you!), head rubs/pats, the whole shabang.
of course, if you’re not comfortable with physical touch– he doesn’t overstep your boundaries!
there are so many different ways he showcases his love and affection to you; he’s a very caring parent.
very protective over you.
not in the prohibiting/constrictive sense, but in the best way that you know he’s always got your back.
both him and yui are fairly protective over you– and both of them always got your back– dgmw, but leo will throw down if your reputation/safety is on the line.
teaches you boundaries (in all aspects including others and yourself) and how to enforce them. gets a bit violent when protecting yours in the moments your boundaries are crossed.
you're his baby and nobody’s allowed to mess w his babies >:((
don’t get me started ✋🏼 on if it’s a.... *speaks cautiously* bullying situation.
as much as he clowns the aspect of them, leo can be a bit of a karen himself when it comes to your reputation/safety!
(& truthfully i think yui would play peacekeeper of sorts, especially if leo starts getting really heated but that's only if it escalates really badly. but tbh he can be just as intense. they're both always ready to throw down for you, anywhere, anytime.)
real talk: it's not so much the child as it will be the parents leo snarks at. he’s knowledgeable in the fact that behaviors are learned. taught.
while intolerant to any behavioral that bring you discomfort, he's glaring holes into the parental figures/guardians, hackles raised, and Lord above is it more. than enough.
leo – for all the jokester that he is – knows how to hunker down and get serious and boy oh boy does that man get serious when his beloveds are involved.
he is very good at reading people. he has a sharp judge of character. and he'll take up any business with whoever is responsible for your offender's-in-question wellbeing; if their behaviors reflect the hostilities you were met with.... well, there's not really much else to say, is there?
he'll throw down with the parents and he'll throw down wITH THE KID(S) TOO HE DOES NOT GIVE A FRESH DAMN.
girl fu them kids and fu you too energy. /hj
everybody’s getting schooled on this day and it ain’t gonna be by the teachers. 💥💥💥
takes you out for food and sweet treats after such a harrowing ordeal 😮‍💨 is probably still ranting long after they've picked you up from school and has to he calmed down by yui lol. and if you don’t like sweets, he’ll get you a cute little gift from the shops! :)
he just wants to see you smile, man. 💔 anything for you.
later on, back home, he sits you down and speaks to you in a warm, lovely tone. he inquires about anything else that might've gone down, any icky thoughts in that little head of yours..?
reassures you that none of it was your fault. comforts you in every way possible because like i said, leo is very good at reading people. how much more would he get to know you— his child? he knows how to make you feel better. no matter what.
but on the chance that you may have started something.... mmmm.
his parental patented scolding techniques come in. probs the "I'm not mad, just Disappointed." type. AND IT HURTTTTTS EVERY SINGLE TIME.
(but this is Very Rare seeing as he'd raise you with manners and good behavior he don't play none of that mess.)
you don't have to say anything. you can say something, deny it. affirm it. if it bothered you, genuinely, he'll know. if it didn't — he'll know it too.
either way, he ruffles your head and smiles that smile down at you. "you're everything to me. you know that, right?"
you do.
calls you by the cutest endearments in spanish !! the most common are: mijo/a, mi tesoro, mi vida, burbuja/burbujita, and cielo. mi is always a constant at the front of them :')) he's just so proud that you're his kid.
speakin’ of which– if you speak Spanish/pick it up from him, he gets so smiley and giddy :(( and y’all just have convos of silly jokes and sweet nothings that seem like not much out the ordinary in the moment but it's memories in the making and you look back on them and and, he just looks at you with so much fondness and :((( i am so SAD.
sings to you a lot. especially by means of comfort. sure, he'll burst into an impromptu dance and song number that's so ridiculous, so silly, but so entertaining that it's bound to put a smile on your face (his ulterior motives all along muahahahaaa!).
he also sings you lullabies. especially when you have a nightmare that's shaken you badly enough to tears. he's by your side in an instant, shushing you gently, wiping your face and reassuring you that he's there and that he won't let anything hurt you, ever.
movie night cuddles! if you and yui fall asleep before him, he'll adjust so you're all in one big cuddle pile. in the following morning he'll lightheartedly complain about it, but trust me. it's his favorite thing ever. (being curled up and cozy and safe with the two biggest centers of his universe.)
takes you to see your favorite uncles, aunties, and grampa splinter! sometimes he'll sit back and just watch you interact with them, his Proud Dad™ aura threatening to soften him and everyone in his closest vicinity to mush, and only snaps out of it when met with a teasing quip from one of his siblings.
casey is the cool nomad older brother/uncle figure who visits every so often and he's just, so exceedingly cool to you. he brings you souvenirs from his travels and spends a lot of quality time with you - y'all's relationship is lighthearted and fun loving!
—and leo cries because his kids omg his- their kids are so stinkin cute and wholesome and yui yui,,they really built themselves their castle on the hill didn't they omgomgomgomg guaaaaueueueuueue *cue rabbit paw shoulder pats of support*
because of leo's insomnia, he's your constant nighttime company. on the nights where sleep just doesn't come so easily, you can count to find him lounging about in the house somewhere. he'll fret gently if he sees you awake at an ungodly hour, but ultimately welcomes you with open arms.
▹▹ p. s. his chest is a prime cuddle-hug-back-to-sleep haven. with his deep churrs, one large hand rubbing comfortingly over your back, the warmth that creates coupled with the natural coolness from his body - it'll have you out like a light. worked when you were younger, works now. always will.
always the jokester, sooososo many jokes and lighthearted teasing with this guy. of course we know his jokes are insufferably constant (what? he's a dad now! he can ACTUALLY USE DAD JOKES AND THEY'LL ACTUALLY HIT HOME!!), but get this: the teasing - while good-natured - comes with the afterthought of teaching you subconsciously to hold your ground. it's his way of "raising you tough."
howbeit: if you're naturally sensitive, leo will protect it with all he's got. reassures you that sensitivity does not equal weakness and gets his esteemed example to deepen those teachings!
(( "look at uncle angie!! he cried over the fact that snakes don't have any arms yesterday. (/ref + /lh) and he's one of the strongest in our hamato-usagi battalion!"
"why would you say tone indicators out loud, papa?" ))
it's just— the world can be a dark and unforgiving place, with even darker and more unforgiving people.
as much as it pains him, he knows him and yuichi aren't always going to be there to protect you from every little thing. forever seems like it right now, but you still have so much growing to do.
he wants to make sure you'll be able to hold your own. not only physically, but emotionally/verbally.
the principles and lessons he teaches you are tidbits of gold that shape your mind and future and you carry them with you for a long time to come, whether you know it or not.
to conclude this- trust. you definitely know how to fight. at the very most defend yourself and others if need be !! i mean c'mon: you're the heir to a ninja and a samurai ! you know how to throw a punch just as well as you can parry it.
while they teach you the core value of never starting the fight and walking away to deescalate, they also teach you to kick names and take ass. (/ref) ain't nobody messin' with you, champ. 😎
—and if they do? they have a wholeeee clan to deal with now. because anyone who has a problem with you has a problem with all of your family — both sides.
in living out their motto, anata wo hitori janai, with you — he seems to relearn it in a special way each and every time.
and he wouldn't have it any other way. <3
yuichi 🍇
doesn’t always use pet names, but he says your name so fondly all the time – just beholds you like you’re the absolute treasure of his life (which you basically are tbh) – it feels like an endearment all its own.
your gentle force: he’s the one you turn to when everything gets too loud, too harsh, too overwhelming, too much.
y’all are mad in tune; all it takes is one look (not specifically in the eyes).
he’d pull you close. his fur is warm, soft, smells like tea leaves and incense and home.
given the situation – if you wanted silence, that’s what he’d give you.
if you needed something other than the ringing in your ears, something other than your mind, he hums.
he hums, pets your head, rocks you back and forth – right there in his lap. (you’ll never be too big, too old, for them to hold you.)
if you don't prefer being held, he'll give you your space. rest assured, he's respectful just like leo and doesn't ever want to make you uncomfortable. but he does stay close. if you ever need him, he'll always be close by.
even if you guys don't talk, it's just reassuring having his presence close by. to know you're not (and never will be) alone.
he holds you .... in a different way. 🥹
if you need words, he tells you every little thing he loves about you. tells you why you’re his.
he tells you how he admires you– not only as his child, but as an individual.
he reminds you that you will always have a place in his heart, nestled right between leo.
for all his harebrained-ness (see what i did there? *wheeze, knee slap*) – there’s no second-guessing his intense fondness for you. alongside leo, you're his heart and he moves in it every single day.
his friends are all your godparents.
now hear me out: yes, they could all be your aunties/uncles, and in a way they are!!
i mean, that's what you call them sometimes too! but gen, chisa and kitsune are his platonic soulmates. they just... locked in. 🔐🫂
so they're all just that little bit closer than your standard "auntie" and "uncle." ❤️‍🩹
they're your favorite babysitters. on yuichi's side of the family, anyway!
yui is a bit of a klutz, but somehow. he always. manages. to catch you. before you fall. before you even have the chance to trip up!
chalk it up to his samurai honed skills, his training paying off, his newfound parental instincts, a whirlwind of all three! he will gladly fall ass over kettle because he'll be damned if you're at risk to gain a scratch or two on his watch.
onlookers would suspect that leo is the more "involved" parent between them both, but that's a load of crock.
be it because yui's aura isn't as imposing as his beloved turtle counterpart that leads to this train of thought or not, it couldn't be farther from the truth! yui is the one who's constantly hovering (/pos).
he moves seamlessly, as natural as air, through the movements of your life that sometimes... it can almost seem like he isn't there. but like air, you know he's there, and you reap the benefits every single day.
cuddles with him are supreme as well! he's fluffy and warm. his embrace just speaks volumes of safety and familiarity.
every time you're near him you feel a little sleepy because it's so warm and safe :(( especially if you're not feeling too good! when you're feeling under the weather, he's the first you subconsciously seek out :'((((((
makes sure you're getting your food groups every single day. fruit and veggie platters, afternoons spent in the garden outside of your home, sunshine and the smell of fresh soil and sliced cucumbers are what made your childhood summers just that more magical.
scolds leo if he feeds you too much junk loll.
yuichi is like your vitamin, both figuratively and literally. he's learned so much from growing up on the farm with his grandmother, natural remedies are his forte.
in this additional sense, he teaches you farm work. four times out of ten, it ends in disaster, maybe or maybe not including a massacred watermelon grove, but through trial and error, you've managed to keep a good portion of accurate agriculture and gardening knowledge ingrained in the long-term area of your brain. 🙏🏼
gets nervous when you go out :(( he's of course happy that you get your freedom, but he can't help but to feel antsy whenever you're out of he and leo's sights; it's not that he doesn't trust you, he's just a worrywart /aff.
so! without fail, each time: before you go out, he'll kneel down to gently bonk foreheads with you, closes his eyes, and speaks an old Japanese blessing of safety and wellbeing over you. something he learned from his grandmother.
whereas leo is ecstatic to teach you the way of the sword (and is methodical with it too dw), yuichi may as well faint himself into a coma each time.
he gets much better when you're older, of course, even teaches you himself. but when you were younger? heeeheesh.... nobody. will forget the incident at the 6th Birthday Party Swordsmanship Knighthood Round Table Esk Extravaganza.
(fake blood was involved. a lighthearted prank gone wrong amidst the already electric atmosphere of cake and fun. a prank gone hard hearted, if you will. yuichi fainted twice, vomited once, and catapulted leo out of a window. the pigs got out of the pen. the koi fish were fished out of the pond. law enforcement was contacted. donnie's confetti canons backfired at one point. you guys are still finding glitter in random spots in the house to this day. it was madness.)
takes you on hikes and new adventures! you guys are always getting into something, whether it's discovering a new shadow dancing group in town's square or accidentally liberating a herd of cattle from a neighboring farmhouse auction, these make the best memories with him. because he exuded glee and held you close the entire time.
in calm moments, yui would recount tales of his ancestors to you. especially that of his great great grandfather (?? how many greats were there I'm sorry ajshdjd) - while you look up at him in wonder.
and in moments when you're not looking- he looks at you in wonder too. a wonder that only a parent could hold for their beloved child.
your dads sing to you. they both do that a lot, actually.
i imagine you get so used to hearing a little croon here, a gentle hum there … so much so that pure radio silence settles discomfort in your bones. there was always something.
even the little things that nudge you a reminder in the subconscious voices of your parents: you're here, you're alive, we're here for you, we'll always be here for you, i love you.
their songs make your outlook on life a little lighter. something more melodic. like the songs they sing you.
home becomes a song to you, unconsciously.
if someone were to ask you to define home to you . . .
it’s the bone-crushing hugs of your turtle dad. the deep, all-encompassing warmth. the smell of tea leaves, incense, bamboo wood – the sound of soft laughter, sing-songy words, horrendous dad jokes and endless puns. the constant words of affirmation that pick you up in your lowest moments and raise you even higher at your best. the gentle forehead bonks. both: sci-fi comics series and legends of samurai and ninja alike as wondrous bedtime stories. warm eyes, even warmer hands grasping yours. reassurance. safety. the love of your family.
love incarnate.
home is love. love is home.
with parents like them,
you will never go hungry.
you will never cry nor be alone.
you will never fight with nobody by your side. 
you will never be unwanted.
you will never sing songs of your sorrow without it being sunrisen by joy.
you will never, ever go unloved.
you're the brightest light in their lives and they make sure you know it, every single day! 🌟
© ziipzeepzop-eez all reservations apply.
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darlingpwease · 9 months
who won, who survived, who will tell the story
♡ unhealthy behaviour (past, wwx), animalistic behaviour, fluff, parenting; single parent!reader, alpha!reader, wen!reader if you squint, sect leader!reader implied, wei wuxian x reader implied
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WEN YUAN is not sleeping well.
He often wakes up at night, whimpers, pokes nose into your chest or hip, trying to curl up into a ball, like a tiny kitten looking for the presence of his parent, without which his body became as tense as a stretched arrow of a bow — and sleeps badly. You can't leave even for a moment, holding him tightly to you, not letting the puppy even for a moment feel the absence of the smell of his parent, the head of the pack, in which only he and you are.
Perhaps it would be more correct to raise him communally, as everyone do with orphans, — but you can't afford this, even if you have enough things that require attention. The time after the war is always difficult, especially with the abundance of demonic cultivators and evil spirits, but you can't remember the last time you took up weapon, spending all your time with documentation and your puppy, which is so sticky and clingy — sometimes it seems to you that you have a small tail, who purrs quite when you press put him to chest, and fall asleep in your clothes in a simple nest that you always make for him when sit up late.
WEN YUAN loves big nests, snacks (especially sweet ones), burrowing into your clothes, beautiful melodies and watching you do something, and you really try your best not to indulge him excessively, even if the sight of his ruddy plump puppy-ish cheeks causes you to be touched and delighted. He doesn't smile as brightly as before, before what happened, but you still do everything possible to make him a happy and protected puppy, even if someone calls it wrong. This is the first time you talk seriously to him when he tries to fake a smile to make you happy, realizing it by the eager sparkle in his eyes full of impatience — and even if it makes you feel warm, you have already had the experience of this "I'm fine, please look at my smile and believe that everything is fine".
This is the first time you calm your puppy in your arms, convincing him that you don't blame him at all, but you don't want him to fake his emotions just for you — (you've already had such an experience) you're flattered that he's doing this for you, but that doesn't mean it's necessary. Everything is fine (everything is fine now), there is no need to portray anything (do you really think that I don't see?!), you will accept any of his emotions (you continue to run from problems, pretending that everything is fine!) and feelings (have you ever thought about me?!). After all, it's harmful for everyone to fake their emotions (what are you talking about? I'm totally fine), and he doesn't need to do this unless absolutely necessary (how can I be with you if you constantly leave me behind?!).
You will accept your WEN YUAN by anyone (you are not like other alphas), no matter (you are special) who he is (even if you are an alpha) or what he will do (after everything we have been through...), he is forever your puppy.
(you can mark me! this will be our secret!)
There is an evil world around him, with terror and pain; but he only needs to hide, sleep soundly and not be afraid of anything. You will take care of everything else. You can't bring back his biological family, — you would give anything to do that, — but you can make this puppy your family, not only by blood, but by feelings. Instincts. Smells. Rubbing against him, leaving your fragrance on top of his milky one, letting him bite your skin slightly and trying to get into the fabric of your clothes to feel hidden and small — you really do what you think is necessary, raising your son the best person, no matter if he turns out to be alpha, omega or beta.
If WEN YUAN wants to, he will take over your duties — but if he doesn't want to, then you will find someone else to raise. He will choose his own path. He will live in a much nicer and more peaceful world, even if you perfectly understand that this does not mean that the world will be safer when you rub your nose against his stomach, making the puppy giggle. He will have a choice — what you didn't have; he will have a loving pack, a strong foundation, peace and protection.
What you didn't have.
what he didn't have(?)
And one day he blows you away.
He will definitely do it.
just like he did.
You have made millions of mistakes — and you will make no less in the future. Sorting through documents and letters while WEN YUAN sleeps on your lap, so small but strong, you know that it doesn't hurt anymore. Nothing else hurts in your heart anymore.
and the mark doesn't hurt anymore.
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4belphie · 11 months
silver growing up with parents who are deeply in love with each other (and sappy abt it) only to enter his father’s dream and find out that his parents hate each other here
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starrspice · 1 year
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I've had this AU idea bouncing around my head for a while but needed help fleshing out a few ideas
Y/N is an autoshop mechanic who had to take on the role of legal guardian for their two godsons Kirby and Kenny, after their dear friends (the boys' parents) died in a horrible accident.
While struggling to learn how to be a parent alongside mourning their friends Y/N finds themselves in need of a babysitter to watch the boys so they can pick up more work so money isn't so tight.
In come Sun and Moon, who are more than happy to take care of the boys and remind Y/N that parenting is hard, but they're doing great
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cerise-on-top · 10 days
Cried on the train today, then thought of this! This is just me coping to the highest degree again, but I thought other people might like this as well!
Nikolai as a Father
First off, he’d likely be absent rather often. He was a soldier, he runs a PMC, he’s a busy man through and through. That’s why he won’t be able to see you as often as he’d like. He’d have loved to see all your accomplishments, meeting your first partner and intimidating them, your graduation, the first time you performed on stage, but it wasn’t possible due to work. He does feel bad about it, but he can’t help it. He will try to make it up to you somehow, though he’d understand if you couldn’t forgive him. He does try to be there for you whenever he can, visiting you whenever possible, but you will be apart from each other more often than not. However, if you ever have any suggestions regarding what you’d like to do together, he’s all ears. He has enough money to grant you any wish like that. You wanna go to Japan? You want a boat trip? You wanna go karaoke? It’s all possible, as long as he gets to experience those things with you. He really does wanna make up for the lost time.
He’s a pretty relaxed kind of father. The kind that would allow you a sip of beer when you were young. He’d have no problems with you drinking, as long as it doesn’t get out of hand. You should be responsible about that sort of thing. But if you ever wanted to invite a friend over to drink a bit, then he’d have no problem with getting the booze for you. Nothing too strong while you’re still young, of course, but he gets it. You’re young, you want to be stupid and do foolish things. He was like that too when he was younger, so he won’t stop you. In fact, he’ll even drive to the nearest fast food restaurant and get you and your friend something to eat. Sometimes he might cook himself, though. Nikolai’s food is downright godly, he can cook just about anything and cook it well too. As long as you don’t invite a friend over to get blackout drunk every weekend, all is good.
I think he’d probably lie to you about his job when you’re younger. You don’t need to know that he kills people for a living. You can know that he does paperwork, though. So he’d likely tell you he works an office job that has him traveling a lot. Speaking of traveling, he’ll always bring you a souvenir. That could range from a small snow globe to a nice T-shirt he found that you might like. He may be busy, but he does think about you very often. This continues into adulthood as well. If he can’t see you and give it to you in person then he’ll just mail it to you. Won’t ever allow you to work in the same field he does, though. You’re too sweet to work as a mercenary. You can become anything you want to be, but he’ll do what he can to not have you work in the military or in a PMC. He wants you to live and live well. There are no exceptions to this. He knows you might not listen to him, but he’ll tell you over and over again that those kinds of jobs are not what you might think they are. He doesn’t tell you what to do very often, but you should listen to him when he does. He’s an older man, who actually knows what he’s talking about. Besides, he only means well when it comes to you.
A very accepting father, in all honesty. You’re gay? You’re trans? He’s very supportive of you. Besides, it doesn’t matter who you bring home, he’s gonna try to intimidate them either way. Only the best of the best for you. If you ever find yourself some sleazebag, who won’t spoil you rotten like you deserve, then he’ll make sure that person will learn their lesson. He can be a very scary man when he wants to be. If you’re transmasc, then he’d delight in going clothes shopping with you and finding something that you look good in and that fits. He might even buy you a bomber jacket like he has so you can match. He’ll get you the fanciest suits too. Whatever you need, he’ll give it to you. If you’re transfem then he might not be the best suited candidate to go shopping with you. He can tell you what you look good in, but he might call someone like Laswell to help you find nice clothes that suit you well. However, he won’t save any money on anything. You know what you want? You can gladly have it. Nikolai will even pay for your surgeries as well. As long as you’re happy, he’s happy. No price is too high when it comes to your happiness. In fact, he probably has the means to get you a prescription for hormones as well. It might not be entirely legal, but it’s better than nothing if you have shitty doctors.
Likewise, if you come out to him as aromantic or asexual, he won’t mind. Sure, you might have to explain what that means, but once he understands he won’t make you feel bad for that sort of thing. Gives you a side hug and tells you that he’s glad he doesn’t have to worry about your heart being broken by some asshole who can’t appreciate you for who you are. Unfortunately, if you do come out to him as ace, he might make some puns about it. Nothing offensive, but he’s your father, he can’t help the urge to make awful dad jokes from time to time.
If you don’t know Russian then he’ll teach you. He’s a proud Russian, so he does want you to know the language. He can hire a teacher for you too, if you’d prefer that, but you won’t be spared. He’ll talk to you in Russian and compliment you on your progress. Besides, it’s never a mistake to know another language. If you do know Russian then he’ll speak it with you whenever he can. Yes, even when the likes of Price are around. Doesn’t matter if it comes off as rude, it just feels homey to him. It makes him feel at ease.
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sanhwaism · 10 months
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ park seonghwa x gn .ᐟ barista .ᐟ reader
synopsis ⟡ after your shift ended, you're ready to finish your evening in your own company, knowing that seonghwa has a tight schedule. that is until you notice a familiar, eye-catching figure right when you are about to leave. the rest of the day is surely filled with surprises ^^
genre ⟡ fluff, romance, established relationship
w.c ⟡ 1.7k
author's note ⟡ writing this in august really shows how much i miss the cold weather & winter :(( but my brain can't stop thinking of cozy hwa with a fluffy scarf and a long coat and his soft hair and warm smile and and :(head in hands
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"we closin' in 10!" you hear the voice of your coworker from afar as you wipe the table clean one last time.
a soft exhale leaves your lips as you straighten your back with a short stretch. through a few strands of hair, you gaze at the big window in front of you. it is snowing and your whole body warms up with a familiar feeling of comfort. you suddenly feel very grateful for the sweater you are wearing, the one he gifted you a week ago.
the fond thought of seonghwa brings a soft smile to your face and, as if he sensed it, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. founding your way into the changing rooms, you eagerly open the text.
"baby? has your shift ended?"
your lips curl up more and you can't contain the small giggle that escapes them. he has memorized your schedule and always makes sure to check up on you from time to time in between his breaks. you quickly text your hoping-for-a-quick-answer boyfriend back.
"hi, handsome! i am about to change the apron, yes. how has your day been?"
you put the phone down and take your apron off, then throw over your shoulders the long, warm coat. the moment you leave the changing room while fixing your hair, your eyes widen in surprise and you stop every movement of your hands and legs.
surprisingly, he is here already, chatting with one of your coworkers who seems to point towards the changing rooms. he looks attentively at them, softly nodding. a polite smile adorns his face and he keeps a hand inside the warm pocket of his navy blue coat which shows his relaxed attitude. his dark hair seems to not be styled in any specific way at all today, covering his forehead and looking very downy and natural.
"they might be out any– oh! hello there, sleeping beauty." your friend grins at you, the jokester type of grin that you know very well and which makes you roll your eyes every time.
while approaching them, your eyes never left seonghwa's endearing features. he was already looking at you with his big, dark brown eyes. the moment your eyes meet you both subtly smile at each other. you know that smile. the i missed you smile that you are so attached to and it stirs all the blissful emotions within you. a sudden warmth spreads across your chest and goes up to your cheeks as you offer both of them a tiny wave.
"sleeping beauty, you say?" you can hear seonghwa's smooth voice as you make your last, final steps towards them.
"oh yeah, they have been yawning all day long!"
you notice the slight change in his usual serene expression after your coworker said that. the spark of worry in his eyes. the little smile drop. so you quickly shake it off, offering him a beam of reassurance and bringing yourself closer to his tall figure. you always felt the need to be as close as you could possibly be to his presence and the comforting safety he offers.
"i'm always sleepy," you gently laugh then focus your full attention on seonghwa, hand searching for his free one. "i didn't know that you'd come here today."
you suddenly feel the warmth that you have been craving all day spread from your fingertips, up to your shoulder. his soft hand finds yours as if he knew you needed to hold it. he looks like he wants to ask you something, but maybe because you haven't left yet, your boyfriend decides to keep it to himself for now.
"well, it was meant to be a surprise. i suppose i succeeded?" his inviting and riveting lips curl and you look down for a quick second, biting your lip to contain your foolish smile. you nod while staring at the boots you're wearing then look up, feeling your own eyes sparkle and heart flutter at the thought that he decided to pick you up, regardless of him being engaged in his work.
"you definitely did. i mean, look at them!" your coworker giggles and you immediately turn in their direction, shushing them, clearly embarrassed that you just got caught.
"ahh, cute." you hear seonghwa's chuckle and notice with the corner of your eye that he is in the mood to keep going with the fun of teasing. so you squeeze his hand in yours and almost drag him out of the cafe, his sweet laugh shadowing behind you as you push the door open. he politely says goodbye to your friend and they wave at both at you, not before winking at you when hwa wasn't looking and was instead focused on the road ahead of you, covered with the thin blanket of freshly dropped snowflakes.
swiftly, he faces you with a worried look on his face. "are you cold? sleepy?"
"mm, i'm fine, hwa."
he hides your hand that he has been holding in his coat pocket, earning a giggle from your mouth.
"it's warm." you hum in content and close you eyes for a few seconds. you could feel his adoring gaze on you yet that didn't stop you from silently taking everything in with slow, steady breaths. the tingling cold, the faint touch of the wind on your cheeks and the warmth which the skin of his hand is offering you so willingly, with the need of keeping you cozy even in this frosty weather. his presence. both of you, together. you feel intertwined, with no desire for your souls to distance themselves from each other.
you slowly open your eyes with a sigh. and there he is, standing in front of you. your heart skips a beat as you stare at the surreal man before your eyes. the light occurred by the snowy, pure and untouched tree branches surrounds seonghwa's head like an angelic halo. he looks even more outstanding now, in his dark coat. his pretty eyes seem to look even more piercing, with those familiar sparks in them. the contrast is making your whole being enter a hazy state, your body and mind fuzzy. nebulous.
he offers you a warm smile. you can practically read the stay as long as you want like this on his lips. you missed him so much that it aches your heart. his schedule has been pretty busy, yet he managed to be here right on time, to wait for you and to accompany you this lonely evening.
"i am more than happy that you came here to pick me up." you pull yourself closer to him and you tightly hug his arm, softly brushing your cheek against his covered shoulder. you feel the loving and gentle touch of his lips on the top of your head and a whispered 'i'll try my best to do it more often, jagiya, i promise' as both of you start strolling down the street, arms intertwined.
you waddled together on your way back home, your genuine laughter and giggles echoing in the comforting silence of the evening. seonghwa tried to tickle you but you yelped and tried to escape, yet his embrace became tighter around your waist and all of the sudden you were with your back against his chest.
"don't go now." he whispers right next to your sensitive ear and you suddenly stop moving around. he attempted to keep the playfulness in his tone, still you sensed the slightest hint of distress that made you turn on your tiptoes so you could face him. your arms wrap around his neck as you carefully rest your cold forehead against his.
"oh, baby, i'm not going," you softly and reassuringly speak against his lips, your eyes closed. "not leaving, my love."
the tips of your fingers find the nape of his neck and start caressing the silky hair, as well as his flushed skin. a small chuckle leaves your mouth the moment you feel his not so hidden, shallow pant against your lips. his palms press harder against the base of your back and you bite the inside of your cheek, containing the giggling.
"i'm not going, okay? let's go now, look," you slowly create a bigger space between you two so he can see. "my nose is getting red!"
your whole body suddenly melts, being taken aback by seonghwa's next move. his lips find the tip of your nose, cherishing it with the smallest and cutest kiss. you can see the slight pink adoring his cheeks and your heart beams at the special sight.
"we've almost got you back home, darling."
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you were supposed to reach home twenty minutes ago.
but only supposed to.
the snowy evening caught you and seonghwa crouching in front of a group of four cats and from the moment the black one approached you and adorably meowed, you both swooned.
it is such an endearing sight to witness. your boyfriend looks like he's over the moon as he's holding a small, fluffy one whose fur is the shade of the grayish sky above you in his arms. you hear the peaceful cat lightly purr as he shows his affection by petting behind her ear.
as you are watching them with your chin resting in your palm and a content smile plastered across your face, his pleasant voice brings you back to the present.
"this cute, little one reminds me of someone..."
you take a better look at the cat. she is definitely not thinking of leaving seonghwa's embrace in the close future, her eyes closed as her tiny head keeps nuzzling close to his hand.
the cuteness was overwhelming so you got up, all giggly, and took your phone out to capture the infatuating moment. you are going to keep this memory very close to your heart.
"this is absolutely too adorable for me to handle."
you stare at the pictures for a full minute with the biggest smile. when you finally look up, your lover stands in front of you with the little silvery cat still snoozing in his safe arms. his next question made your eyes light up with hopefulness and excitement.
"how about we find out if she has an owner or not, jagiya?"
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
Omega!Fukuzawa x Alpha!Reader
Maybe Every After
For the record Fukuzawa is a zaddy and I don't think anyone is going to argue with me on that. But he wasn't always a zaddy! You have to grow up a lot to earn the title and Fukuzawa had a lot of growing up to do even in his thirties.
Meet cute?-
Fukuzawa met the person who would become his Alpha at some stuffy local function he attended because of his status as one of the five greatest swordsmen.
While they hit it off well, commiserating over the oppressive self-congratulatory nature of these kinds of events, it was not love at first sight. Fukuzawa was able to carry on pleasant, engaging conversation with them
Fukuzawa was by turns a little awkward, eccentric, curious, and the sense of duty, justice and good judgment that characterizes his throughout his life permeated the conversation, leaving a lasting impression on you
Fukuzawa's work and his superiors are all top secret, but despite that, he does not try to make himself come off as an enigma and his intentions and ideology are largely transparent, which in the time of the Great War, the first ability war, and with Fukuzawa's position being what it was, was surprising and refreshing
You meet with him a few times as new friends in between whatever it is he does when he's not with you
Some time after those meetings begin would be around the time that he is ordered to begin assassinating war-hawk ministers
You see him change as those assassinations pile up and see him apparently lose the feeling of rightness that was in him when you first met at that party
He disappears soon after resigning his position in this mission, cutting himself off from the world that had descended into the misery and chaos of war, from the deaths he had caused, and from you, the person who had become important when he was still young and full of naive idealism
Meet again-
It's by chance you meet again when he is spending his work hours as a bodyguard.
Or maybe it's not chance. It's a certain circle of people that can afford the services of someone as skilled as Fukuzawa, as much as he tries to keep apart from those kinds of people. His reputation took a hit after he left his government position, although you don't know the circumstances around his departure, but people say it's because he isn't a patriot. The word makes you disappointed. The are parts of every war that are not about patriotism, where blood is no longer spilled for the love of one's country but because there are those who have lost their way.
Reconnecting is hard but maybe because you understand the rumors this way, it is not as hard as it might have been. Fukuzawa Yukichi is loyal, that you have known almost since you met him. He is loyal to the people who walk down the street and do not know him, he is loyal to all the people of the nation who make their way slowly through life alongside him, he is loyal to some ideal of justice that you don't necessarily understand but that you believe in too. You see sometimes the pain that the rumors cause him, but you believe in him, whatever that might mean, and so he lets the pain wash over him and away in the truth of his intact honor
It comes up at some point that you are still not a mated Alpha. There is no one else waiting for you as your tea times meeting with Fukuzawa continue. It just hadn't felt right, somehow, to try and make that kind of connection in the years that have passed. The great war turned everything upside down, including something inside of your good and most principled friend.
One day, he'll tell you about it, about what turned his heart inside out, but that is many years in the future
For now, you're the one who asks him if he wants to meet and restart first
He seems tired and you're surprised that he accepts, but he does. Once. And then twice. And then a third time. And it's almost like it used to be, even though you're both older and a bit more jaded, maybe with a few more hard edges. The meetings extend longer, and become more frequent. It is no longer tea on his days off or when he has time between jobs. There are late night meals after his employer dismisses him and lunches on the occasions he is released early. On one memorable occasion, you find yourself taking an early morning walk through a dew studded garden watching the sun rise pink and cold after a night on which you could not sleep
One thing led to another-
Eventually, Fukuzawa asks you to be his heat partner. It's a bit of a surprise and something that makes you nervous since Fukuzawa effectively ignored you for years.
You had once slept together in what was essentially a platonic way, or perhaps some kind of experiment. It was fine, oddly peaceful, especially at the end when you just passed a bottle of water back and forth, but you'd sort of wordlessly agreed to not do it again
He tells you he's sure though. His heats aren't frequent because he's on suppressants, but they do happen, and this is one of the different things. Fukuzawa seems to want, to have a restlessness that is more apparent to you, lingering beneath the surface
You already suspect it's the loss of purpose, the loss of public reputation somehow which had carried with it its own sense of purpose. He's a famous swordsman, one of the best in the country. Even a tame wolf desires to hunt.
So you spend his breakthrough heats together.
And you remember why the two of you never had sex after the first time. It makes you wonder if you remember the "silent agreement" wrong, or if he remembers it differently, and reminds you why you didn't dwell on it.
It's not earth shattering, the sex that is. It's just heat sex, just making sure he gets off so that he can sleep through the intervals between his body temperature spiking. Except you're in his home, the gauzy curtains drawn, scent patches off, and it's disturbing how clear the memory of the last time overlaps with this one, even after so many years.
It's like being in the middle of a monsoon storm, pressure and torn leaves, and summer heat and all. And while you thrust into his wanting body, he watches you. The heat-haze is obvious and his eyes are half-lidded in the associated exhaustion, but he tracks you when you lean back to swipe the back of your hand over your forehead and there's something hungry in his gaze when he looks down to where you're connected
You remember the first time and how intrigued you'd been by this particular mannerism of his, how he keeps his eyes open. He had been watchful and curious even as you'd laughed with him over your shared fumblings. His gaze had been heavy and consuming when he'd shown his aikido skills, at your request, and tumbled you from over him to pin you to the floor.
This time there's a lot more kissing because if you're close to his face, you don't have to see his eyes, but the way Fukuzawa opens his mouth for you with trust like you've been doing this for years makes the strategy nearly futile.
You have to work right after that first heat tapers off so he's still in his nest when you're putting on your shoes, weekend duffel in your hands.
It's late afternoon going on evening so the apartment is dark. His hair is splayed out on a pillow. You're satisfied though that he has pre-made meals in the fridge and you've changed out most of his nest bedding so he can rest in a clean spot after you've gone. Fukuzawa's not saying anything, watching while you rub a sore spot on your neck, which makes him smirk. You're convinced this will be another scenario just like last time where you don't talk about it, when he speaks up, stopping your hand on the doorknob. "Same in three months?" he asked instead. Despite the stab of apprehension, you smiled. "Same in three months," and left to catch a flight.
You don't let it get quite that long before you contact him again. You don't see him, but you text him and he texts back, which is at least a relief that he's not going to vanish again into whatever new twilight he inhabits.
It's the same in three months, apart from the weather outside. His eyes, blue like steel and watching you while you bring him over the edge, the sense of being in the eye of a summer storm, that feeling of trusting familiarity when you lick into his mouth and catch the sound he makes when you crook your fingers inside him. It's the same how it's only his response that changes when you kiss him later and are more gentle about it, running your teeth against his jaw before going to cradling his head and kissing the corner of his mouth.
There's laundry in the machine and porridge on the stove. Fukuzawa's heat had settled sometime in the very early hours of the morning and the two of you were more or less clothed for the first time in days. Fukuzawa was however leaning in the door, watching you put shredded seaweed, pickled plums, and katsuo tronçons on small plates already laid out on a tray. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, watching him almost lazily watch you. But, you paused in using a pair of chopsticks to pluck out a single ginko nut from a narrow jar. There was something almost tense in his posture. He was barely out of the thick of heat and you could see the faint tremble in his wrist before he folded his arms to hide it. You checked the pot with the still yet-to-boil rice and then ducked under his jaw to brush your nose against the scent gland there. The way he shivered, still sensitive, was almost enough to make you feel bad. "You should go lie down," you murmured, smiling in apology, "I'll bring the tray over." He hesitated, but then nodded. Something pulled at you behind your navel, similar to that familiar sensation when you had worked him through the heat. Only this time, out of the haze, you followed it and followed Fukuzawa to his nest. Its fresh linens were soft and sweet smelling as you guided him into it. He sighed when he was lying down again, a long exhale that gave nothing away. He was just watching. You tucked a blanket over his hips and let your hand linger a touch too long, feeling like you were falling into his eyes. He made no sound when you pulled away and did not return until the meal was ready. Although you did stand in the doorway he had just vacated, leaning so you could see Fukuzawa, loosely tied deep blue and light grey layers of his yukata falling half open as he rolled over to keep you within line of sight. He ate every bite of food, still maintaining that tense, anticipatory silence. You didn't remember this from the first time. His gaze only flickered from the tray and your hands to your eyes when you accidentally let out an encouraging rumble as he ate and immediately felt heat flash up your neck, mortified. The corner of his mouth twitched as he brought his chopsticks to his lips and nibbled at a bit of fish. You've read romance books, once or twice, seen the pervasive tropes pop up in just about every drama, imported or otherwise. People talk about finding someone that you feel you've known your whole life as something magical. No one talks about how unsettling it can be, how it could get all consuming all too quickly. It's disturbing in some way, the way you can sense the ease with which that could push into entitlement, envy, or just an endless fall. That is why after the first time you and Fukuzawa Yukichi had slept together, passing a bottle of water back and forth after and watching the rim indent into one another's lips when you took a mouthful, throats flexing to swallow, you had never spoken of the event again. You had never invited it happening again, and up until now neither had he. There's something at the bottom of that drop. There's always a hard landing. Somewhere. It felt too easy, being with him. You had fallen in as friends harder than this, feeling out the edges of one anothers' code and ethics, where you could push boundaries into asking about personal and professional interests. Although you never touch them, you knew where one anothers' cracks were.
Just as you never asked him directly about the things he had done in the war, about his suddenly cold reception among the circle you'd met in, he never asked you how you really felt about those people. He never asked if your heart too had broken somewhere during the Great Ability War. The stifling feeling of knowing both too much and too little about someone who trusted you far too much for what you knew suddenly stole all the moisture from your throat. A sip of tea helped, but Fukuzawa's posture had gone back to that waiting. Master swordsman: master at reading any opponent. You told yourself heavily that you were perfectly willing to continue being his heat partner, at least until the way you two distinctly did not push boundaries bored him. He had a competitive spirit to a point. There were goalposts that only he could see, standards to which others were not often held. Stagnancy had never quite suited him. Stillness did. Was that what was at the bottom? Was it the stagnant life of saying nothing and doing nothing and keeping a status quo? Or was it blissful stillness, knowing nothing would catch you and nothing needed to?
It takes almost a year for either of you to bring it up and it's only at the cusp of realizing this is becoming an unhealthy new normal that it happens. It is still incredibly difficult to broach the fact that the physical intimacy makes you feel like strangers but every conversation in between makes you feel like you could get to know him forever.
It's around this time you finally start to really talk. You know how you can know someone for ages, and even be really close to them, but there are long stretches of time where you don't talk about anything important because you're afraid of making the other person do emotional labor for you, and you don't know if they'll mind? That's the first year Fukuzawa and his Alpha have after he comes back.
He acknowledges that you've done things rather in reverse order, as far as the typical trajectory of reconnecting with friends goes. You start to date, more or less, making time to see one another every week or every other week as your schedules allow.
It's a bit strange, to suddenly realize the ways in which you both have changed. Fukuzawa is as principled as ever, but he's unmoored now, without the ties he severed to the military police and the mission it brought. You are somewhat more stable, older and more settled into your own career, but heavier in your soul, sadder. Yokohama is reviving, black towers and tidy apartment buildings rising on the horizon, but it took too much to get here, too much blood before the nation sickened of it.
Fukuzawa won't let you court him.
You're in one of the old cafes that survived all the conscriptions. The owner's son moves around with a tray and a flour dusted apron and the atmosphere is oddly cheerful, despite the recently terrible weather. The last of the summer storms are making a good showing this year and it's limited the places you and Fukuzawa can go. Museums, restaurants, the occasional wander around a particularly well constructed public part of an office building - usually places near your work or his.
You'd tried other things, shopping for food or clothes and paying maybe too much attention to his preferences. You'd tried things like flower viewing or afternoons trying wagashi in specialty shops. While Fukuzawa had seemed to enjoy them and settled easily into the traditional etiquette sometimes called for in these places, he never acknowledged that these might be early attempts at courting.
When you spent time in his apartment he let you scent items in his nest while lounging around or before his heats. If he was at the little rooftop house you were living in, he would sometimes choose one pillow or blanket to curl around and carefully leave it on your spot on the couch when he left.
You looked at him over the rim of your mug and one of his brows went up. When you said nothing, he looked away, tracking the movements of people on the street.
You still partner him when his heat hits, but the sex is worse, as far as that unsettlingly settled intimacy goes. It's wonderful, he's wonderful. Sex itself is not that interesting as a rule, and you're both too aware of the delicacy of the situation to attempt anything like adding toys during his heat or a simple scene to the build up or cool down. But every time after, you want to stay longer.
Fukuzawa shifts his nest, ever so slightly because he is picky about it, but enough so that he can always see you as you move about his home when you need to get food or nesting materials for him, so that you don't have to anxiously flit between the stove and the door in order to sate the need to know that he is safe and comfortable in the aftermath.
You think it's going to end, that the pained distance Fukuzawa now puts between himself and the world is going to pull taught against the growing need to be around one another, to care beyond the dedication of a close intimate friendship.
Everyone can see it-
And then he accidentally adopts a super genius.
This is one of the funnier things that's ever happened to your friend since you've known him and you make sure he knows you think so once or twice.
Once Ranpo is secure in his place as Fukuzawa's ward a few years later, you come up with a way to let Ranpo know he's the best thing to ever happen to your mate and also that you will never ever get tired of imagining the look of shock you know took over Fukuzawa's face when all four and a half feet of teenage whoop-ass came banging through the door of that office.
But that's years from now.
Ranpo peers up at you when you meet Fukuzawa for lunch and a film a week after he's started tagging along with your friend
The boy isn't very tall, but he's got a maturity to his features that you chalk up to either the orphan thing or the child genius thing. He had taken one look at you, seated at the back of the restaurant away from the windows, and it felt like someone crowding into your space even while he touched neither you nor Fukuzawa. You are perhaps overly sensitive of other people's attention. It's another thing that makes being with Fukuzawa comfortable somehow. He's observant, but not oppressive with what he does with that information. Only the second time you'd met he'd helped extricate you from an incredibly uncomfortable conversation with a junior minister in the local commerce department. Now the kid looks at you and at Fukuzawa and pouts impressively. "You're single." He says it like an accusation and an assignment and you could almost laugh at Fukuzawa's wide eyed expression if it weren't for everyone three tables deep around you staring. You raise an eyebrow at him. "He's allowed to be single," you chide, reminding yourself that you are talking to a child still. It's a bit funny, you admit, smiling when the boy glares at you. The waitress comes over when you beckon, bringing tea for Fukuzawa and a sweet layered sort of beverage for the kid. Fukuzawa had told you about the boy's obvious sweet tooth and even though he huffs at you, he takes the tall glass eagerly, poking a straw through the layers. "Does it bother you?" You can't help it. Fukuzawa had said the child was a genius, observant to the point of misunderstanding, his incredible intelligence looping in on itself and making the rest of the world occasionally incomprehensible. It seems unlikely for a child to hold the kind of incredibly conservative prejudice that says omegas should be mated, but he seems put out. Ranpo sulks behind a menu before saying, "I'm never wrong." The meal is quiet, and gradually people stop looking at your table. Fukuzawa excuses himself on the walk to the theater to purchase something from a convenience store. It's there you lean up against the mouth of an alley and look down at the kid. He's really short, you worry someone isn't feeding him enough and the realize that Fukuzawa is going to be that someone. "We're not together," you said. Ranpo looks up at you, clearly still sulking. "You don't have to lie to me," he says, but he sounds a little uncertain. "We're not together in the way you would understand it," you say, "or the way most people understand." Ranpo sees your emotions in your eyes, and suddenly wishes he didn't understand. Your gaze is filled with longing, but he doesn't know how you can't see it's for something you already have. Almost. "He's ashamed of something," Ranpo says quietly. You hunched over a little. "I know. Adults are often ashamed of a lot of things though." He looks at you and wonders what you're ashamed of. "You should probably ask him about this one. He's not very good at saying what he means, but most adults aren't." You're laughing when Fukuzawa reappears.
To everyone's surprise, he actually sits through the movie, happily demolishing the little fortune you'd bought him in caramel popcorn and boxed candies, even if he complains about figuring out the plot five minutes in when you leave
Ranpo doesn't parent trap you two exactly, he doesn't have quite that level of interest in involving himself, but Fukuzawa is good to him, and he sees you often and you are good to him too. Neither of you always understand what he understands, but you show him kindness without ulterior motive, you try and show him how to safely exist around other people.
Fukuzawa is asked to be a bodyguard for Mori Ougai and something about engaging with that man, even though he can't tell you about the job itself, makes him tell you, in a desperate whisper under the moonlight, that it was him who assassinated the war hawk ministers during the peace debates. It's him who is bloodying his blade for something he hopes will be better, even if it turns his stomach, even if it means he doesn't know who he is anymore.
"I know who you are." Fukuzawa tenses in your arms, and you think frantically that you have certainly made a mistake. But you don't take it back. You don't want to. You do know who he is, your friend. You know how lonely what he's done has made him. Only you didn't know what he had done. Now that you know, it doesn't seem to matter. It's distant, the way all bloody things are distant when you don't see them. You've never had all that fond a feeling towards the wealthy people that profit from the abject misery of others. All the hunger and desperation in the world are distant, abstract concepts to them. Why should their deaths not mean the same to you? Of course, you can't say this to your friend, your sometimes lover, lying in your arms. The moonlight drops over his cheeks, turning them pale. His eyes are closed for once, his face turned into your neck, as though he is afraid of what he will see in your eyes. You understand it was not simply one or two storybook villains. There is no human in the world who has done only bad their entire life. Fukuzawa was not prone to exaggeration, even if drama appealed to him. It seems likely he meant it literally when he speaks of wading through blood to put an end to those who whipped up the populace into a frenzy, who wanted for the death never to end. "I know." You stroke your thumb near the corner of his eye, brushing your cheek to his brow, pressing a chaste kiss to the curve of his cheek. "Honor doesn't always mean doing the honorable thing," you say softly. "It means making difficult choices. You regret having to make it, but do you regret the outcome?" He is quiet for a long time. You know he hasn't fallen back asleep, despite the languid warmth between your bodies. He's quiet for long enough that your heart rate returns to normal and you rub your knuckles up and down his back. An occasional burst of deep, faint purring lets you know this is at least appreciated, if not necessarily something he thinks he deserves. You've taken to sleeping together at this point. The mounting danger as different organizations wage new war across the city drives you both to it. Besides, it is simply easier to manage an antsy teenager if you're in the same place, wherever that might be, rather than passing him back and forth like the result of some amicable divorce as you both work to keep him safe and out of the hands of those who would use his intelligence. "No," he says, as you knew he would. "There is nothing to be attained in the way of peace by letting war simply continue until each side is beaten into exhaustion. Withdrawing with our strength intact is the only thing that would save the nation and its people." He says it like he's said it to himself many times. He goes nearly limp in your embrace, pliant as he nudges against you until your forehead is pressed to his. You wonder though- "Is this the first time you've said it out loud?" "What I did is a secret few are aware of." "But the investigations..." "They won't find me," he said, but you felt a shiver go through him, felt gooseflesh rise on his arms. If they did, it could open the possibility for those people to be made martyrs. It was natural for him to be afraid. "They won't," you said lightly. You didn't know what you could do to make that true, but some things needed to be said aloud. "If they catch me, I'll face whatever is decided," he said quietly. "But I won't get caught." "You saved a lot of lives." He sighed. "I know." You rubbed slow circles over the middle of his back. "The sword isn't meant to be used like that. They had lives, families, I-" he swallowed "-I ended that. I enjoyed it. And I have to live with that." His eyelashes too were silvered in the moonlight. "You have to live with it," you agreed, even as he flinched, "but you don't have to punish yourself for it every time you live." You pretend not to feel the wetness on your clothing as Fukuzawa shudders into your collar.
Forever love-
You're truly together and officially courting by the time the Agency is three years old, which is the first more calm year since the Agency opened. Turns out opening a business is a huge pain in the behind and that an ability user Agency with less than half a dozen workers, two of whom are genius teenagers who have totally reasonable problems with authority, is an even bigger pain.
By the time the Agency is four years old, you're mated to Fukuzawa, your mark on his shoulder and his on yours. Ranpo grouches something terrible that the two of you could only get your shit together before he turned eighteen, but he's not a legal adult yet, so you get to officially be one of his guardians for at least a few years. Yosano thinks Ranpo is being ridiculous, but she gives you the biggest bouquet of flowers for your and Fukuzawa's home and insists on choosing the restaurant where you all celebrate.
It's been a very long road. You've known Fukuzawa Yukichi for almost thirteen years, an unexpected friend you made in your adult years now your mate. Now someone who you feel, finally, you've started to earn the feeling you've know them all your life, even though you're still learning about him.
He takes you to his home near Osaka, to his family home on Kyushu. He meets your parents, who consider him a bit quiet, but very dutiful. You meet Natsume-sensei, once, and receive his very feline brand of approval and a quiet gift after your official mating. Fukuzawa takes you back to places he particularly enjoyed during those failed months of courting him. You spend season after season getting to know him, pushing boundaries, debating over philosophies, arguing over interior decorating, agreeing over meals.
Your mate, your partner, a soulmate if you have ever believed such a thing, let alone that it would come to you. You're watching white strands of hair like starlight shoot through his natural grey. The wrinkles around his eyes are deepening. It takes him longer to get up from bed than it used to. His silences are longer, but so are the times when he just looks at you, looks and looks like he can never get his fill. His voice is still strong, but you can feel that layer of age crackling under it. And you love him.
You love the man he has grown into, the one who can bear the weight of hard choices placed upon his shoulders, the one who can bear happily having people who work alongside him. You love his patience with Ranpo and his encouragement of Akiko. You love how he holds his hand out for you if you fall behind on your walks, or how he comes to you and stands close enough for his scent to wrap around you while you point out some small natural beauty.
Love can be horribly consuming, it can stagnate where it was once immediately comfortable or grow jealous at its own ease, unsure if it is charm or affection that ties you together. It can grow desperate and possessive. There are still things that can be so hard to say, old things that left old wounds that are still hard to talk about, but there's something to be said for age and wisdom.
Things aren't perfect, love should not be perfect, and something in you delights in knowing that with Fukuzawa it will always be incomplete. Things will not grow still, there will never be a moment there is nothing to know about him. You have grown into yourselves, the both of you, and this is the love you will grow old with.
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morgansunflower · 4 months
Wally West X Batsis! Wife! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, angst
Arthur's notes! Wally was abused as a kid Iris and Barry adopted him when he was a teen.
The Batfamily try to comfort Y/N during the romantic holiday knowing she misses her husband. Even with the love and support.. She begins to remember when they thought he wasn't coming home.
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"Jai! Irey! It's time to go!" Y/N announced to her twin children
The twins both speed to their mother as she intentionally held in a yelp by their sudden appearance. She had been married to Wally for 8 years and had been dating him prior for 4 years.. She still could never not be startled by a speedsters, well speed.
"your still wearing your pajamas?" she asked quirking her eyebrow.
Just a few seconds went by as they were gone and then returned fully dressed.
"ready now!" Jai proudly said
"I can see that" his mom chuckled
As the, West family minus one, arrive at the Manor. Each leave out of the parked car. Jai speeds to the entrance door to the Manor, opening it for his mom and sister
"maladies!" he playfully said
Y/N laughed softly being reminded of her husband in her son.
"thank you kind sir" she smiled rubbing his forehead sweetly
Her smile faded once inside missing Wally. It'd been 6 weeks since they last saw him. He had been absent for league missions as it was his turn to be Flash. Both Barry and Wally took turns every so often. Though unfortunately Wally was held up with responsibilities more than usual and had only enough time to call his wife every few days.
Soon thereafter being greeted by her family Y/N departs to the empty family. She sits alone on the couch. Her mood worsens as she rest her hand on her chin. Even in her bitterness she was grateful for her family was supporting her while her husband was away. It was the day after Valentines Day. Alfred insisted to cook dinner and have all the family together. Because of the romantic holiday.. They knew she would likely be feeling more lonelier than she already is. Which they weren't entirely wrong.
"you ok Kitten?" Selina asked her daughter
She lowers her hand as to not look as gloom as she feels. She softly smiled not answering her as she did not want to lie. Selina sits next to her.
She gently shakes her head angered she was becoming emotional "I know he's coming back"
"but it reminds you of when we thought he wasn't" she said
"man Y/N is so gonna kill me! Don't even get me started on you and the family"
"Wally?" Barry looked to his adopted son
"just tell them ok" Wally said has Barry reached out to his son, he was gone.
Y/N then sees only chrysalis's energy disappearing. Her eyes only saw Barry with Bart. She looks hoping to see her husband. Barry slowly approached her with dread. He feels his body is in shock. Her eyes begin shaking as, his hand came to her shoulder.
"Y/N, he wanted me to tell you--"
"NO!!" she begin to sob, in a instant her grief shakes her, causing her to kneel down to the ground
Dick hurried to her and leaned down to comfort his sister. She couldn't move as she could hardly breathe. She felt as though she was suffocating.
Bruce adjusted his tie sighing heavily. He was so worried for his daughter losing her other half and for his son losing his best friend. He then sees her in his reflection.
"I wanted to be here for you and for her" Selina said softly
Bruce hurried to her in complete adoration and embraced her. The former thief embraced the dark knight. He kisses her as he had too much to say to her in gratitude..
"she'll be OK, Bat" Selina promised
"what if she isn't, Cat? What if Dick isn't? How can I.. How can.." help them? Love them? Comfort them? Nothing seemed to be enough, he was scared to say the wrong thing.
"you be there as a shoulder for them to cry on. You be their comfort and you deny them to think for a moment their alone"
Y/N sits in the chair staring at the gravestone dedicated to her husband. Wally's adopted parents Barry and Iris were nearby her as they both were in tears.
She had cried for so long that now she felt nothing but complete brokenness. She had her arms folded as chest felt it would cave in just from her heart beating so rapidly. Right behind her she could hear Dick crying as Barbara was consoling him. Alfred sits beside her as he could see the horror on his granddaughters face. He touches her shoulder to comfort her.
Bruce sat with Selina while looking at his daughter and his son. He looked angered but inside he was truly worried for them.
As everyone began to leave Y/N stood by the gravestone, alone. All she could think about was there last moments together.
Bruce sees Dick sitting in his car barely moving as he tried to remember where is keys are.. He doesn't need to be driving..
"I took the keys from him earlier.. I'll drive him home" Barbara said to Bruce
He gently nodded trusting her to take care of his son. Bruce sees his daughter just as he hears thunder. A obvious sign that the storm from above is nearing closer to them. Though he understood her reasoning for not reacting to her surroundings. Bruce takes his umbrella opening it. Selina kisses he side of his face
"I'll be home" she ensured, and he knew she wasn't referring to her apartment.
Bruce softly smiled to her and then steps to his daughter.
Y/N feels drops touch her hair and then her skin. Then she doesn't feel the rain on her skin. She looks to her dad who was holding the umbrella over both of them.
As if she was a defenseless child she clings to her father, needing his comfort. He held her with one arm kissing her head.
Shortly thereafter she found out, she was pregnant with twins.. It wasn't until they were 5 months old that they were finally able to meet their dad.
The door to the Manor lightly creaks open by Wally. Who was holding chocolates with a bouquet of his wife's favorite flowers. Dick sees his best friend and softly smiled. Wally motions him to be quiet.
"go get her" Dick proudly said
Wally hears his kids in the family room he peeps his head in. The were both unaware of their father's presence while playing games with Damian. Wally grabbed a wrapped piece of chocolate and tossed it Iris's forehead and the Jai's neck.
The twins picked up the pieces of chocolate confused. They turned seeing him and gasped "DADDY!!!"
"hi my sweet princess!! Hi buddy!!" Wally grinned opening his arms as he knelt down.
The twins speed to hug their father. Wally was, in tears as he held them. Y/N had heard her children and wanted to stand onto her feet. She wants to run as fast as she can.. Though she began to sob to such a degree it shakes her weakening her greatly.
Wally gives his kids a tight hug before taking the flowers and chocolates to his wife. He hears her crying.. Wally speeds to her kneeling right in front of her. She looks at him unable to calm herself down. He puts down the flowers and chocolates on the coffee table.
Wally reaches his hands up to her face and kisses her. She hugs him with such a tightness it twisted his heart to ache as he realized.. What she was thinking about and what was bothering her.
"I missed you so much babe. I am completely and genuinely so very sorry" he apologized
"it's OK" she dried her tears and kisses his lips ".. Thank you for the flowers and the chocolates" she softly laughs
"yes I know today is not Valentines!" he defends playfully. "but I had to make up for lost time" he smiled softly.
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burnyourvillage1968 · 27 days
Honestly I love the idea of cook reader interacting with some of the dragon ball villains. Like I just love to imagine frieza getting hit with a spatula for one reason or another
Yeah, that would be hilarious but I think that it would take some time for Cook!Reader to establish some sort of middle ground between them in order to get away with the bullshit they usually do. But at the same time like I've written before, Cook!Reader doesn't really care much for anything apart from cooking. (except for their friends and family)
Once Frieza realize that Cook!Reader is the only who can cook him his favorite dishes, he would let them get away with almost anything. Murder, arsonism and even letting them boss him around. But at the same time, Frieza might consider kidnapping and enslaving Cook!Reader just cuz he's a selfish spoiled brat. Luckily for Cook!Reader, they have bodyguards who follow them around and they would probably enjoy criticism to further develop their cooking.
Relationship between Cook!Reader and Frieza would mostly be like between a parent and their spawn. Frieza would be off enslaving planets and Cook!Reader would ask him to bring them some ingredients from it or the alien would mostly keep some planets for Cook!Reader to farm. Cook!Reader would probably propose a nice comfy planet to Chi-Chi to live in and grow their veggies and fruit.
Frieza would have a bad day and his minions would send Cook!Reader his way offering him some chicken nuggets fresh from the oven.
Compared to the other characters of dragon ball, Frieza doesn't have a huge appetite but he would always feel guilty whenever he comes back from a trip where Cook!Reader would offer to cook for him and he wouldn't dare to tell them that he already ate on the way back. So Frieza would mostly try to eat less whenever he came back home not to confront Cook!Reader's sad face.
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totallynotasimp67 · 1 month
My ass is board, and I have no motivation to write so imma posting fic ideas/prompts
The only 2 rules are
1. @ me if you use the prompt, I wanna see your work
2. either separate smut clearly OR make it clear there’s smut, smut make me uncomfortable
Anyway, please enjoy the following prompt and any future prompts
Soldier 76(Jack Morrison)/Reaper(Gabriel Reyes)Adoptive Father AU
Basically in BlackWatch days Jack and Gabriel essentially adopt you, and the ship for Mercy is up to you, the scenario is as follows
Someone was flirting with Angela aka Mercy and you decide to intervene
76/Jack: what in the hell did you do!?
You: they were flirting with miss Angela, so I kicked him in the nuts and called him a dumb cunt cause she has a partner, and even if she didn’t, she wouldn’t want you, ugly mother fucker.
76/Jack: *absolutely fucking shocked (shocked Pikachu)
You: What, she looked uncomfortable, I had to do somethin’
Reaper/Gabe: HA, THAT’S MY KID! Knew I taught you right
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 6 months
Okay hiii just ignore me if you want-
This tiny child meeting these two big men, this tiny little child who’s life has been unstable and unpredictable is faced with the prospect of adoption, the promise that they’ll finally be in a home
Of course, before the adoption is complete and finalised, there is that uncertainty about “what if it doesn’t go through or get approved?” And the Fruitbowl Dads™️ can’t always be there all the time, but whenever they DO get a chance, and I mean EVERY SINGLE CHANCE, they’re reminding You that they already love them, and being so young it’s hard to not follow every glimmer of hope that peaks through. It’s just so exciting and scary at the same time. Their own room?! Forever?! Well just faint now.
Making this tiny rascal laugh so hard at Dad Jokes, it’s such a good thing to laugh. Two huge strong dads who are going to be the strongest support this tiny little one has ever seen. Gettin’ carried? A must, imagine all the things you could see from up there! It’s the world! Free for You to explore.
Getting adopted?! The process being finished?! The cheering and hugs? Immediately getting pizza (or some other food of choice) right after? Movie night? It’s such a warm welcome to Your Official Home.
Oh poor child, passed through care home to foster home back into the system, back and forth to and fro, when will it end? Well the Fruitbowl Dads™️ are here to help!
It genuinely surprises You, the prospect of adoption. You had just assumed it would never happen, I mean? A teen? Don’t be ridiculous, it’s completely out the question. Couldn’t help but overhear people debating if it was worth the trouble for someone who’d move out in a few years anyway, and it’s hard not to assume this is all one big dream, and you’ll wake up soon. But every time You pinch Your cheeks, close Your eyes, half wanting to wake up, You never do, opening Your eyes to see two kindhearted individuals in front of You, ready for a huge hug.
After the gruelling process of adoption is complete, You can finally lay in bed and officially say You’re home. I mean, sure, You have been fostered here for a while, but it just feels so much more real and yet surreal at the same time. Cuddle piles are a NECESSITY for this, or maybe not at first, You had learned that getting close to people makes it harder to say goodbye, but now? Now you don’t *have* to say goodbye, now you can bury Your face in incense smelling fur, or bury Yourself into a plastron and not worry about it slipping through Your fingers. It’s here, and it’s staying.
Dad’s are probably gonna have to work with Ya on unlearning bad coping mechanisms, teaching You they don’t have to cry alone, it’s alright, having a rock hard shell is helpful sure, but not all the time. It’s gonna be tough, but who said parenting is easy?
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No no, wait- wait. I-i just-- hrrrmmmmmmgn, hold ON- holding on. I, I cannot-- you just-
You just did-
How did you-?
I, I, ueue- ueueueeee.
^^^ my live reaction when reading this.
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I literally. Wanted to cry while reading this through. That's how good it is. Slash very complimentary. ✨Extremely✨ complimentary, if you will.
Seriously pookie, I couldn't have said it BETTER??? You're undeniably one of my favorite writers on this site. The way you completely understood what I was going for & added to make it even ✨🪽BETTER✨🪽
like it's so good it's making me run my deadlifts:
🌟 \ / 🌟
⭐ \😁/ ⭐
✨ 🎽 ✨
/ \
👟 👟
Look at the stars!! Look at the sparkles!! That is the exudes of my OVERFLOWING JOY AND HAPPY STIMS!!!! 💞⭐🌟🌸✨💫🌷🌈☀🌻☁🩷
I was already in love with the child imagine but then I read the TEENAGE SECTION AND bro. I don't think I can live without this anymore, actually.
Rests hand on your shoulder and gazes deeply into your eyes. (/plat) I don't think I can live without you, actually.
Lemme tell you the things I loved:
All of it. 🌈🌸🩷
............nah nah but fr, lemme appreciate you in full rq-
the way you explicitly mentioned the foster/adoption homes, system, and process and tied it in very smoothly with the plotline!! - I realize now that I didn't mention it much, despite the whole point legitimately being an adopted reader. so you centering it in the way you did just really did sumn to me, no lie no lie. (/vv pos!! ☀)
taking the head canons and dividing them into the aspects by age, and making it work SO SO WELL LIKE--!!!! AS A WRITER? A FELLOW WRITER??? I am frothing at the mouth very impressed!! it all just fits together like a puzzle piece and I just, graaaaahhh ( ✧Д✧) YES!!
bustin in and having the, 💥audacity💥 to say "ignore me if you want" SUCKAAAAAAAAA????
(will legit hunt u down don't ever speak such none sense, I said NONE ❗💥 SENSE 💥❗ e'er again, ya hear?)
the realness of it. like, you. ...... that's it bro, legit just you.
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Now I've got even MORE brainworms and, they say, they're already formulating a part two of sorts. ૧(ꂹີωꂹີૂ) now fellas I love my goobers but-- *dogs barking, truck horns blasting, random screaming on the background*
((*now I must indulge the child!*))
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astxrwar · 3 months
i see the “army vet bucky” modern au alternatives for the winter soldier trauma and raise you “life-altering motorcycle accident survivor turned (recovered) painkiller addict bucky”. i think this might be too niche but there’s so many parallels psychologically wrt: the lack of choice inherent in the neurobiology of drug addiction particularly in ppl who started off just taking what was prescribed to them for their pain in like the 90s/early 2000s (when pharma execs Lied about the neurological impacts). the way you kind of lose all that time despite still living it and having the memories, how sometimes the memories feel like they belong to a different person once you get sober. how it separates you from everyone else in your life who Didn’t suffer like that. it’s Compelling. imo.
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