#There are worst characters than him but I don't know why I could never connect with him.
miss0atae · 4 months
Random thoughts about Playboyy the series ep 12:
This episode was so much easier to watch than the previous one. I don't know if it's the editing or the pacing but I appreciated it more.
▪️First and Soong are back together and they want to take care and stay with each other. Some people complain about them speaking English to each other while they are supposed to both speak Thai but I find it endearing because I used to do the same thing before with my previous partner (granted, we never were fluent in the language of the other one). We may have sounded funny as them. Anyway, I'm glad they are happy because they were the first couple I was rooted for. They deserve each other. I don't think anyone else could handle First. He is a real handful. Only Soong seems to be able to bring the best of him.
▪️Zouey and Nont were still investigating. The found the name of a Hotel where Nant may have come. They went over there and got some Intel from the front desk lady in an unconventional way: make her admit the truth by tickling her. (Isn't she the first woman who saw in the series?!) They learnt Aob was following Nant. Everyone became a suspect in this series at one point.
▪️Nont wants Zouey to patch things up with First and Captain but it's not working. I used to think they were really good friends but Zouey doesn't seem close to them anymore and doesn't seem to regret them. Of course, Captain and First are not Saints and they have a very different mindset as Zouey. In this episode it was really shown how fragile their friendship is. I found that sad because it was one of the best points of this group. At least, Nont said to Zouey how he views him as a friend.
▪️Zouey and Teena got some NC scenes and I felt something was off with Zouey. To be honest, he seemed really weird and almost hiding something.
▪️Jason Lee is still upset about Porsche having a relationship with Jump and he wants to find them. Jason Lee is not a great villain. He is mostly comical and has a bad temper. He is always talking it out on someone, mostly Aob.
▪️I felt pity for Aob. He is still working with his ex sugar daddy, killing people for him but still trying to protect his loved ones. He is taking care of Puen after he gets expelled (Captain had his revenge and revealed to the headmaster of their school that Puen was a prostitute. Even though the real person he should have gone after we're the rugby team). It was also shown before how he cared about the ex-members of the Playboyy. It seems, he can't let go of his ties with Jason Lee.
▪️Nont showed again his unhinged side when he went after Aob. He is after the truth about his twin and it doesn't matter how he gets the answer. Captain and him made a plan to torture Puen in front of Aob to make him talk. Aob's friends went to save him, but it didn't work because some men in black came to the scene, threatening them with guns and forced them to perform sexual acts. It wasn't easy to watch it. I guess those men work for Jason Lee.
▪️Nont, Captain, First and Zouey (who came after) fled when they realized they were helpless and couldn't do anything to save Teena, Soong, Jump or Aob. I didn't expect them to flee. I know they are not fighters and they had no power, but damn, I wish they had tried to do something.
▪️On the other hand, Phop was waiting for Nuth (who had been called by Nont at one point when he was trying to get info from Aob) and scrolling on his computer where he found a video. It has to do with Nant but we never see it because it was the end of the episode. I found the acting brilliant in this scene because at first Phop was smiling and you could see on his face how he found Nuth sweet. He had a file on his computer with pictures of Phop. they were not all flattering but the fact he kept them is to show how attached he is to Phop. However, when he found the video all these good emotions left his face. It was like all these feelings were switched off and only wrath remains.
Next one promised to be sad and tough to watch again. I hope no one is dead because the trailer makes it seem like Puen is not in good form. Jason Lee is still trying to kill Jump and Nont will feel guilty because he believes he is bringing just bad things to his "friends". It's almost the end and the mystery remains about Nant. We still have two episodes and then it's going to be the end 🥹
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fangswbenefits · 5 months
getting this off my chest
I really, really love writing for this fandom.
I think I haven't felt like this in years.
Astarion is such an enticing vessel for my creativity and has rekindled my joy for writing and putting it out there.
Alas, imposter syndrome really gnaws at my nerves more often than I care to admit.
"But Ruby, you have so many people who like your work. Why do you doubt yourself?"
Because I grew up being told I was never enough. That I was the worst at what I did best, which back then was learning English and surrounding myself in the language, hence why I sought comfort in fanfiction.
My sister, whom I love dearly, is an English teacher. She would be so harsh on me, and I know she meant well. She really did. But it was so hard back then. I would come to her with creative writing in English and she would just roll her eyes and tell me I wasn't good enough.
Nowadays, she acknowledges that I am more proficient than her and more at ease with the language, and even tells my nephew to study English with me instead.
But back then, I needed someone to believe I could do better.
So, there is a part of me that is proud that I am able to deal with real-life fatigue by writing and finding enjoyment in this hobby. But a much darker part of me tells me I'm not worthy and that I simply got lucky.
The Arrangement means a lot to me. I tend to dive right into fandoms and start writing for the character that caught my eye.
But I couldn't do that for Astarion... I am still unsure why. For those of you who have been here from my Miguel O'Hara days or when I first started posting about Astarion, you'll know The Arrangement was the first thing I ever posted for him.
Took me 2 weeks to get the first chapter out because I kept thinking I couldn't find a voice for Astarion. One that felt like him. After all, I'm always a step behind because I am not a native speaker. There will always be that looming feeling that I can't convey this story properly.
Even if you now know me for my Astarion smut, that wasn't even the driving force of my love for him.
It took me 2 months to feel comfortable writing smut for him. Why? I don't even know.
But The Arrangement feels different.
I love writing it and I love taking my liberties with the plot.
It's my opportunity to fully showcase my love for him.
I know not everyone likes it. I know some of you have dropped it. Some of you will drop it. But some will walk along this path with me, and I can't stress enough how your feedback and love help keep these negative thoughts at bay.
It's an internal work, though. It is not your job to validate my writing skills. This is not what puts food on my table. I am not looking to be published. I am looking for an escape. And it's so frustrating when my mind tries to rob me of joy even when it comes to a hobby.
"If this is a hobby why does it matter what others think or if they like what you write? Just have fun. Write for yourself."
And I do write for myself, but I share my work because I am hopeful my words can make someone's day. I seek that connection I never had growing up. Perhaps it sounds silly, but it's what makes the most sense in my head.
The Arrangement should be my pride and joy even if not perfect (nothing ever is, I suppose). And I'm exhausted of not feeling proud of it. I'm tired of this vicious cycle of self-doubt.
Don't get me wrong. I love writing smut. I think that's what I'm best at (well, in my opinion). I love exploring Astarion this way, too, but...
I don't know where I'm going with this... if anyone has made it this far, thank you, and sorry for the word vomit...
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gh0stbeeee · 6 months
Rise of the Guardians/The Guardians of Childhood is low-key my Roman Empire.
Like, specifically in the movie verse, there's just... so much that was never elaborated on. It's one of the unfortunate side effects of being kid's media, things get dumbed down for no reason.
Like, Jack Frost in general as a character. He died. DIED. He DROWNED in a pond saving his sister and??? Nothing. The entire moment when he remembered became "Oh I'm the fun guy that had a family and saved my sister!" AND DIED. Very important part that is completely glossed over other than the idea of sacrifice. Like, the other guardians were "chosen," did they not die too? Did Jack lose his memories because he died, but the others were chosen while alive, chose to leave their lives and remembered?
And just, what were his early years? For a very long time, at least a decade, he probably thought he was totally invisible, that he could never have a true conversation with another person, because I doubt that he stumbled upon another spirit/legend for a while.
Like, that would have driven him INSANE. There's no way he wouldn't be super socially awkward from the isolation, much less just totally mentally well. Are spirit's brains built different? They'd have to be, but I don't think they should be able to withstand that level. Like what was the mim thinking??? Seriously just abandoned a TEENAGER he resurrected with no memory or possibility of support, that's wrong.
And on that note, let me reiterate that Jack died. In front of his little sister. Who had to go back home and tell her family what happened. Did he have a father too? More siblings? Friends and family? They had a funeral no doubt, mourned him. Because he died.
The worst part? He was right there. The whole time. Jack came back to that pond and settlement for hundreds of years, even when it became Burgress. He probably watched his funeral not knowing what was going on, saw his family mourn him without knowing it was for him. He was there when they died, not knowing who they were to him. Did he realize later on? I can only imagine the devastation.
The worst part is Manny probably had to take his memories, because Jack would have been DEPRESSED. He would've tried everything to make them believe, and they probably never would. His parents would probably never see him again, they were adults. His sister was plausible, but she's still mortal. She would have died, Jack would have seen his little sister grow old and die while he stayed eternally young. He might've not ever recovered from that, mim taking his memories distanced him from the pain for when he remembered 300 years later.
But he also could have moved on, grown and loved her descendants and honored her. The mim took that choice away, and that's pretty fucked up.
Then yeah, 300 years of pretty much no acknowledgement. Going into live blind with no guidance or memories, trying to figure yourself out but being ignored by the once who brought you here. Jack would realistically be a little nutty, because wow. It's shown the even other spirits didn't really talk to him, he made them acknowledge him by playing pranks and pissing them off till they confronted him. Maybe it's in spirit's nature to be recluses, but it's not in Jack's. He wanted attention and to be seen, but no one wanted to or could give it to him.
That's why Jamie seeing him for the first time always makes me tear up. This is the first time for HUNDREDS of years that a human has acknowledged him, not an out of touch spirit, but a regular person Jack can connect with, that chose to see him, to believe. That's beautiful, and special.
There's just so many layers to this story that we never got to see, and I'm forever sad DreamWorks abandoned the franchise.
(If anyone has any good fics that explore topics like this, especially Jack's family, please share)
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ivanttakethis · 14 days
top 5 worst ivan mischaracterizations ( aka could you list five worst traits people give him that are just totally wrong) i love to hear people complain but if you don't want to you can ignore this ask have a good day
Anon I am SO glad that you asked!
Ivan is my favorite character in Alien Stage because he’s really complex.
I could talk about him and his characterization/mischaracterization all day and still have more to say after that. Now you’ve given me the perfect opportunity to write a bunch of my thoughts down.
These complaints are in no particular order and are ultimately subjective.
Also, I’m not a Patreon supporter, so I can’t comment on anything that might’ve been confirmed or debunked over there.
Top 5 Worst Ivan Mischaracterizations:
Ivan is an unfeeling and emotionless person
Ivan was trying to kill himself and Till during Round 6
Ivan hates Mizi
Ivan is arrogant
Ivan is violent
This is going to be a long one, so I’m putting everything under the cut. Let’s begin!
1. Ivan is an unfeeling and emotionless person.
I find this mischaracterization to be one of the most frustrating because there is so much evidence to the contrary.
As a child, Ivan is described as someone who struggles to express his emotions and connect with others (imo he’s neurodivergent-coded, but that’s a whole other discussion). But notably we’re not told that he doesn’t experience emotions.
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This official art kills me every time I see it because it shows that Ivan knows he’s different from the other children and that it probably makes him stick out and he wants to fit in somehow so he tries to practice/fake it so maybe he won’t be so alone (the imitating behavior is also coded imo).
Beyond all of that, we see plenty of times throughout the series that he feels things, rather intensely even. He’s wistful about the stars and meteor showers and the thought of freedom. He has a curious nature, observing others, wanting to learn more about how they work; how he can emulate them.
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And then there’s all of the feelings that well up when it comes to Till. The most obvious is that Ivan loves Till, in his own fucked up way. But there’s more to it.
He wanted attention from Till (maybe the first time he’s ever wanted something in that way). He did everything he could just to get Till to even so much as glance in his direction. All of the fighting, and the bickering, and the instigating was because Ivan craved reciprocation. He grew obsessed.
When Ivan managed to free both himself and Till, he was thrilled!
And when Till let go of Ivan’s hand to return for Mizi, he was very clearly heartbroken.
Ivan felt jealous of Mizi and Sua’s relationship, knowing that he would never have that chance with Till.
Ivan felt lonely because he thought Sua was just like him, only to realize that wasn’t true (because Mizi loved Sua back) and he had no one to relate to.
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Also, the entirety of Black Sorrow?? Hello??? He was yearning for more than what he could get. He was resigned to his minuscule place in Till’s life. The song is full of mourning and sadness and grief.
In Round 6, I believe Ivan knew what he was going to do.
He was desperate for anything he could get from Till in his final moments. I think that’s part of why he kissed Till. If his only goal was to deliberately lose, why not skip the kissing and go straight to choking?
Ivan was a dying man overwhelmed with emotion and he desperately wanted Till to look at him, see him, make him feel content for the first (and last) time in his life.
Even if some of these emotions are not necessarily healthy, it shows that Ivan was capable of feeling something.
So… yeah. That’s why I really dislike the emotionless characterization of Ivan. There’s so much depth to his emotions and character, but some people just skim the surface and reduce him down to nothing more than a cold and stoic person.
2. Ivan was trying to kill himself and Till during Round 6.
This one is probably more often a misunderstanding than a mischaracterization of Ivan. I think some people may have seen IvanTill referred to as “toxic” or “obsessive” love when it came to how Ivan felt and behaved around Till and thought Ivan was on some “if I can’t have you, no one can” shit, but that completely ignores the wider context of his character. Ivan was devoted to Till to a fault.
To Ivan, Till was his reason for being. Till was his universe. His god. Till was something to be revered, protected, and worshipped. Ivan couldn’t live without Till. That’s why he sacrificed himself, so he wouldn’t have to continue on in a world without him in it. But he also wanted to protect Till, no matter the cost.
Pretty much everything Ivan did was to protect or care for Till: trying to escape Anakt Garden with him, watching over him after Till was attacked by the aliens in the club, freeing him from his collar over and over and over again, every chance Ivan got.
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Nothing about Ivan’s feelings or behaviors toward Till suggests that he would ever harm him, let alone kill him. There’s a reason why when Ivan was “choking” Till it didn’t look like he applied any pressure, there was no struggle for air on Till’s end (even if he had mentally given up, physically there will be some sort of reaction to having your airway compressed), and we don’t see any marks on Till’s neck afterwards.
It didn’t matter what happened to Ivan as a result. Till was the only person who mattered to him.
He would do anything for him. He would quite literally rather die than have anything happen to his god.
Ivan only ever knew how to give all of himself to Till, giving up his life was inevitable.
3. Ivan hates Mizi
I’ve seen this one more so in fan fiction, usually for angsty circumstances, but this just completely sidesteps their canon relationship, which is positive and, dare I say, friendly.
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He gave her piggyback rides when they were kids! In the lead up to Alien Stage, we see them chatting and Ivan being pleasant towards her in a sort of “big brother” type way without hiding some sort of darker emotion behind it.
Now, is Ivan envious of the relationship Mizi has with Sua? Yes. Does he hate that he’ll never get to have the connect they have with Till? Yes. But Ivan hasn’t given any indication that he hates Mizi herself. And I think that’s an important element of his characterization.
Yes, he has negative feelings surrounding Mizi, but he never takes them out on her or lets himself feel negative towards her as a person.
Edit: I started writing this section BEFORE we got the official art of Ivan hanging out with Mizi, but holy fuck am I glad I took so long to finish this because now it’s canon that Ivan got along well with Mizi and they were even close as kids despite the fact that Ivan loved Till and Till loved Mizi.
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In conclusion, Ivan and Mizi were reasonably close and (imo) would’ve been besties in slightly different circumstances. Ivan is NOT a Mizi hater!!
4. Ivan is arrogant
Yes and no. On the surface, Ivan comes across as mature, confident, and in some cases arrogant, but as we see more from his perspective it quickly becomes clear that the arrogance is just a mask he wears for others.
Deep down, Ivan is very insecure and his self-esteem is almost nonexistent. He views himself as insignificant, twisted, unworthy. He vilifies everything that he feels and does. (“Thank you for being a victim of my shallow emotions” anyone?) Ivan fully convinced himself that Till wouldn’t give a shit about him if he died to keep him alive. That’s not the behavior of an arrogant person. Far from it.
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His arrogant mask acts as a shield to keep others from seeing the monster he thinks he is. He’s even kept parts of himself out.
I think that’s also where his tendency to be an asshole comes from. Keeping people away, not wanting or knowing how to drop the arrogant mask, internalizing everything, projecting onto others (like that whole talk with Sua about self sacrifice).
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So basically:
Characterizing Ivan as an insecure person who hides behind false confidence/arrogance to keep people from seeing the real (and somewhat fucked up) him? Great. Fantastic. Love to see it.
Characterizing Ivan as an arrogant asshole “just because”? Terrible. Hate it. You burned my crops and killed my cow.
5. Ivan is violent
I don’t know how this one came about, but it rubs me the wrong way so I’ll touch on it here.
We know Ivan instigated physical fights with Till when they were kids because that was the only way to consistently get Till’s attention (not saying I condone that btw). But outside of that, I don’t think Ivan has been violent with anyone else? And would he even be violent with Till like, recently?? I would say no.
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Now I do think Ivan would resort to violence to protect Till, but nothing beyond that. I don’t don’t even think he would use violence to protect himself.
He’d probably just revert back to being a “perfect” obedient pet to avoid or diffuse confrontation. That’s what he did as a child; while Till fought back every chance he got. Till’s fighting spirit is probably one of the things Ivan loved about him. Maybe in part because he couldn’t find it in himself.
Anyways, those are my Top 5 worst Ivan mischaracterizations! Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk 🖤💙
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nouies · 11 days
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hello and welcome to the may fic rec featuring my favourite works from the few i read during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —  
໑ just a couple of my cravings by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf (G, 3k, acquaintances to lovers, start of summer, quitting smoking, asthma) Summer's just around the corner and Louis' battling his addictions… Cigarettes and Harry Styles.
໑ House Husband by wanderlou (M, 11.8k, established relationship, sassy wife au, kid fic) Louis and Harry are happily married with two beautiful kids.Harry is a lawyer who provides for his family and Louis is his sassy house husband. This is a week in their life.
໑ Rewriting the Melody by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 (T, 26k, friends to lovers, canon divergence, famous harry, non-famous louis) Louis doesn’t get put in One Direction. This time, the path to true love takes the long way round, including singing in toilet cubicles, fruit baskets, and long distance band counselling from someone who really doesn’t know what he’s doing, he just wants to keep talking to Harry.
໑ peaches and soft myth by @outropeace (E, 36k, acquaintances to lovers, college au, grumpy/sunshine, practice kissing) “Greta kissed me,” he said at last. It wasn’t the main issue, but it was a start.
Louis’ smile was radiant. Eyes sparkling with genuine happiness. Harry’s stomach felt a little funny, wishing he could feel as happy as the cheerleader. "Oh, my god? We did it! I’m a genius ! Was it long? Slow and sensual, full of lust and passion, tongues intertwined—" he gasped. “Did she tremble in your arms?” He hugged himself.
“That’s not—”
“No one believes me when I say I am a good matchmaker. They are always like, ‘Oh Louis, you have the worst eye for couples and men. You always miss the real connections.’ Who missed now? Not me. Nuh-hu, I saw the potential. Your grumpy attitude did not deter me. I'm probably the greatest matchmaker on campus. Don’t you think?” Louis’ smile faltered. “Wait… why do you look as if you were about to throw up?”
“She told me her roommate leaves for a few days after spring break. She invited me to her dorm room.”
“Okay?” Louis said slowly. “Am I missing something? Is it about clothes? Because I can totally find something—”
Harry scrubbed a hand over his face. “It’s not about that.”
“Then what?”
“I…” Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m a virgin.”
໑ don't be afraid to love (and love again) by localopa / @voulezloux (T, 83k, strangers to lovers, angst with happy ending, trans male character, read tags and author’s notes) the one where louis is trans and afraid, harry is cis and brave, and being 100% yourself is easier said than done.
— rare pairs —
໑ better latte than never by @disgruntledkittenface (harry/zayn, M, 1.4k, coworkers to lovers, puns, masturbation) Harry was looking forward to the coffee cart at work. Until the subject of the previous night's fantasies lined up next to him.
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a-writer-on-elm-street · 11 months
Warm Bodies
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pairing: otis x gn!reader
summary: in which you don't want to sleep alone so you find yourself seeking out otis's room in the middle of the night
warnings: mentions of dead bodies, a bit of dry humping
a/n: since this has basically been my bedtime scenario for the last few nights, i figured i'd turn it into a little fic. i feel like otis might be a little bit out of character in it i'm not sure but i hope you enjoy! :)
word count: 763
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Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears as you stood outside Otis's door, your fingers curled around the handle. You'd been standing like this for the last five minutes, unsure on whether you wanted to disturb him. You just didn't know what to do.
You'd been lying awake in your make-shift bed downstairs for the past few hours, the same tormenting thoughts circling around your mind. Otis was the only one who could ever shut them up, which was why you'd found yourself creeping up the stairs towards his room.
You took a nervous breath, finally deciding to turn the door knob, the click of the door opening making you flinch.
You quietly stepped into the room, and Otis remained where he was on the bed, unmoving. You almost considered just turning around and walking straight back out the door when he hadn't woken up. But you supposed the worst he could do was kill you, so you might as well see this through.
You carefully reached a hand out, skating your fingers along his forearm.
"Otis," you whispered.
You almost fell backwards when he suddenly jerked up in the bed, his hand roughly catching your wrist as he glared at you in the dark. "What the fuck are you doin' in here?"
"I can't sleep."
"Okay, well let me help you with that. Go back downstairs, lay the fuck down, and close your goddamn eyes."
"You know what? Fuck you." You hissed, shaking your wrist free and turning around, deciding that this whole thing was pointless, considering he was an asshole.
"Alright, wait," he said then, stopping you in your tracks. "Just─get back here."
You did as he said, turning and walking back towards the bed.
"Why can't you sleep?" He sighed.
"I dunno, I guess my mind won't shut the fuck up."
"I know the feelin'," he answered, a breath of laughter leaving his lips. "But what'd you want me to do about it?"
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Excuse me?" He questioned, his glare only seeming to return now as he remained propped up on his side.
"You know what, never mind. I'll just go back downstairs."
You turned around to leave but you were quickly stopped when you felt his fingers curl around your wrist, pulling you back.
Otis didn't say anything as you stood there staring at him, but he shifted back on the bed slightly, creating a space beside him.
"Well, come on then," he complained. "Don't just fuckin' stand there."
You quickly situated yourself in the space next to him then, a sudden warmth spreading through your chest when you felt his breath on your shoulder.
"You know, you're lucky I've been sleeping alone these past few nights."
"Those girls are no good for you anyway," you scoffed, a tinge of jealousy creeping over you.
"Why the fuck not?"
"Well they ain't breathin' for a start," you told him. "It might do you good to have a warm body in your bed for once."
"Oh yeah? And why's that?"
"Well...they can't do this," you spoke softly, as you reached a hand down between your bodies, ghosting your fingers over his already growing erection.
"What else can't they do?" He chuckled, his beard scraping against your arm as he shifted closer slightly.
"They can't do this," you answered, leaning closer to him and brushing your lips against his.
You'd always had something close to a connection with Otis, something that seemed to run a little deeper than just a mutual attraction. He gave you pieces of himself, and in return you gave him everything.
You allowed him into your body, and into your mind...and into your heart. It wasn't love, you knew that. But it was definitely something. An invisible string that seemed to tie you to each other.
He wasn't like this with the girls he imprisoned here. He didn't allow them to feel his breath on their skin, and he certainly didn't allow them the control he allowed you. It made you feel special somehow.
"Would you care to show me what else you can do that they can't?" Otis smirked, running a hand down your thigh.
You simply nodded, swinging your leg over his hip and pushing him onto his back, pulling a low groan from his throat when you began to gently move your hips against him.
"You know, I'm startin' to think you may have a point," he groaned, his fingers digging into your ass. "Havin' a warm body in my bed is actually real fuckin' nice."
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[Main Masterlist]
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ewingstan · 2 months
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9-11 for whatever Worm characters come to mind! (Or Sophia/Calvert/Taylor/Krouse if you have any thoughts!)
Fuck it. All of em for all of em.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Sophia: I'll be real I don't feel super strongly about her. She's written to be hateable in an effective way, but she's less of a full character than Emma despite being in much more of the story. And her shit kinda gets bogged down by racist writing (a lot of the worst of it happening right before Aisha's introduction, which is also pretty racist). She's involved in a lot of cool and interesting moments but they're rarely interesting because of her.
Coil: Works really well as the first overarching villain in Taylor's story. He's able to sell the "I'm a bad guy but in an excusable way that's not really too bad" well enough, but also has a lot of obvious red flags even before the Dinah reveal. So you can understand perfectly well why Taylor, a kid who really wanted to continue hanging out with the undersiders and do things that made her feel like she had any control, would go along with him. But you can also take a step back and say Jesus, only a kid who really wanted to continue hanging out with the undersiders and do things that made her feel like she had any control would go along with him.
Taylor: Wildbow has a reoccurring tendency to focus on characters who are both incredibly smart and can get an incredible amount of info quickly, but only in specific limited ways. Its true of Taylor, Lisa, Sylvester, Kenzie, Mia—a lot of my favorites. But the interesting thing is that they're never smart in the same ways, never collect the same sort of info. Lisa has general super-induction but no great skill at making plans. Sylvester can read and manipulate people to a superhuman level but is constantly getting blinded by his own resentments and desires. Taylor's hyper-vigilance gave her the ability to see and react to everything external around her, but no means or real incentive to know whats going on internally with people around her. And it makes sense! She's incredibly afraid of letting people in who'll end up hurting her; people who've genuinely been kind to her in the past have used their previous closeness to hurt her later! Knowing that someone doesn't mean her harm now isn't gonna reassure her, so its safer to assume everyone's a threat and not worry too much about what they're actually thinking.
And then there's Rachel, who she not only connects with emotionally, but is the only person who's able to make an emotional connection with her! And since you understand why its not the norm, its all the more incredible to see!
Krouse: oh I'm glad you asked
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Sophia: I like that she and Lung both get wrapped back up in the end for Skitter's Gold Morning missions. I wish she got to do more in those, but I do like it as a story beat.
Coil: How high he got and how far he fell.
Taylor: Man the escape from Coil's trap is a fucking great chapter. She's a one-woman horror movie. Single-handedly sells her as a villain who'd get national attention, and its not even a moment the public knows about. And its in such a great place in the story too, where all the tricks she's using have been established so its not feeling like a weird escalation in her abilities, but she hasn't all employed them at once or to such incredible effect yet. It’s the real culmination of her taking “lessons” from Bakuda about being scary.
Krouse: One of the moments that really sold me on him was when he was getting attacked by Case 53s, and immediately started thinking about how he could take them down, before he interrupts his own thoughts to go "wait, what am I doing, I should just run away." It just sells so much of his whole deal. He's a great on-his-feat thinker, he can be an incredible strategist when he's on his own, but he also doesn't share Taylor's suicidal urge to face any problem head-on. Its kind of the inverse of one of Taylor's early establishing moments: after getting attacked by Rachel, she reaches for a reason to calm down, realizes she doesn't have one, and immediately retaliates hard enough to get blood on her boots. God they're such good foils, its weird that the extent of their relationship is mutually disliking each other. Not even intense dislike in either case.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Sophia: That the black member of the trio is the one that consistently gets physically violent, is characterized as the athletic one compared to the others in general (instead of "the cute one" or "the prep" she's "the track star"), gets described as being savage multiple times, doesn't have much of a character outside of sucking despite being in a work that's otherwise really good at giving internality to people who act shitty, all that jazz.
Coil: How little sense we got of what Calvert's dominion would really look like. That we didn't get much of his takeover without other disasters interfering actually works—it fits the themes of constant conflict interfering with stability and safety. But I still want more of a sense of what Calvert wanted.
Taylor: I didn't care about her reunification with her mom. I say a lot that the ending of Worm is one of the best endings of any story I've read, and that's true of Gold Morning as a whole, but I don't actually care much about the last epilogue. The Brian reveal certainly doesn't help there.
Krouse: Do you know how much it sucks that when people ask me who my favorite worm character is, the tumblr sexyman is in contention?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Sophia: any story that takes her basic parts, gets rid of the obviously shitty stuff, and develops her into a real character.
Coil: Disney Channel sitcom
Taylor: Well I already tried expy-ing Khepri into my tabletop campaign, and that got mixed results, so I'll take TTRPGs off the list. I'd be interested in her getting put in a medium where you'd have to be creative with how to represent the bug cloud, like live theater.
Krouse: I was gonna say Mob Psycho but then I remembered that they already had a guy who teleported around being a jackass. But I would like too see a well-animated version of his fighting style.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Sophia: I'll Make You Sorry by Screaming Females
Coil: For some reason I get an Everything Everything vibe from him? Maybe Photoshop Handsome or Breadwinner.
Taylor: I don't actually read her as trans but Dysphoria Hoodie is what immediately came to mind. I'm at least theoretically still making a Cicada Days animatic about her. I think portions of BCNR's Sunglasses fits with whats going on internally with her in the Mannequin fight
Krouse: Want to make a Prowl Great Cain AMV for him one day. Lyrics fit perfectly, and the way its sung gets the same otherwise inexpressable intensity of how I feel about him. Darnielle said “This is a song about betrayal. A lot of songs about betrayal are about betrayal and redemption. Not this one.” And yeah, that's Krouse!
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Sophia: Oh, no
Coil: It would prolly be fine except for how he'd torture a branch of my psychological continuity and then effectively kill it by destroying that reality whenever I leave the dishes out too long. Don't correct me on how his powers work
Taylor: Uhhh probably not. Even if I wasn't much older, I don't really talk to my roommates unless they're the talkative sort. She's been stuck living with clamshells before, it wasn't good for her.
Krouse: I'd have to kill him
10 and 11: alright these are "could you be best friends with" and "would you date" and in both cases the fact that I'm 23 means no. I don't have Blake's ability to form rich friendships with people much younger than me. And I'm not interested in Calvert as a friend or a lover.
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majaloveschris · 8 months
I need to vent a little.
Even though we had the Page Six article of Chrisba meeting Harry and Meghan and that Mark started following Justin, things had been relativly quiet. No big drama, no something that seemed too important. This morning I woke up to this whole Carlisle and IMDb thing, and I don't know why, but it's usually the Carlisle house and blurry pictures that make me realize how much I hate this whole situation. I'm just tired of it.
I made this account around April 2022, a year and a half ago. Looking back at it, it's crazy how things have changed. How all of us changed. How our view of Chris has changed.
My only goal with this blog was to share my opinion about this and my point of view. In the beginning, I think most people were confused about what's going on here and why everything was so weird. People were freaked out because of her age, and 16 years turned into racism, fatphobia, and people who support nazis.
We all said and still say it's going to get better, but when? I find myself not wanting to talk about this or deal with this whole situation, especially on those days when life feels too much for me. I don't want to argue with anyone; I don't want to argue whether the Carlisle house is his or if they are going to live there or not. I don't want to argue whether he was in a blurry picture or not. I don't want to argue whether they are real or not. I just don't anymore. I never wanted to convince people that I'm right or that I know what's going on, because I'm not. I only want to share my opinion; that's it, and sometimes people here make me want to leave much more than this weird whatevership does.
I'm just tired of them. Tired of their stupid followings, likes, and comments...Of their stupid stories filled with little signs and tired of them tiring to make this believable when they are clearly incapable of selling whatever this is. I'm tired of their games, and I'm surprised that they aren't tired of playing them. I'm tired that now even those who aren't involved are trying to "troll" the fandom for attention.
Whenever we think it's getting better, they just do something even worse, and it obviously has an effect on us. His actually being in love with her and wanting to spend the rest of his life with her (which seems very unlikely when you look at them) would mean he is okay with their values and that he agrees with them. I think I could "forgive" him for this being PR, but if he wants to actually be with her, I don't want to support that with my money and time.
There are always and will always be people who cross the line when it comes to their favorite celebrity, but this situation seems to get the worst out of everyone, of those who are directly and indirectly involved. Since the very first Las Vegas day, we have been shown that if you want to know what is actually going on, you need to look for clues. On videos, on pictures, among somebody's following list, or among those people who liked something, I know that now people say, Why do we even care about whom he dates? I didn't really care that much about them being real or not until her and her friends pasts came out. Up until that point, the only thing that bugged me about this whole thing was that Justin and Alba seemed to troll the fandom for attention, and I didn't like the way they tried to take advantage of Chris and his fandom.
Some people can't seem to understand the actual problem with him being connected to them. I don't want to support someone who is okay with the behavior of Alba and her friends. But it's hard to believe and seems impossible to me that the man we'd seen for 20+ years has never existed. He is not that good of an actor, and I don't think somebody would be able to play a role for decades.
I have a lot of movies with him in them that I love and want to rewatch, but this whole situation makes it really hard for me. I only see him. I see him when I look at Colin, or Andy, or Ransom, or Steve, or any of his characters. I miss that guy who was always smiling and laughing during an interview. I miss the guy who seemed happy and healthy. Right now he isn't even the shadow of his old self.
I don't want this to come across as me complaining. I know that nobody forces me to be here. I know that I could just delete this blog and go on with my life, but I like having my blogs. I like coming here and talking to my friends; I like seeing funny edits; and I like making funny edits. I would love to talk about his projects, make edits, and share photos and videos. I had so many things in mind prior to the whole wedding thing, which may always remain in my gallery and my drafts.
I will still continue with this blog, but I needed to write it down how I feel, because I think a lot of us feel this way. I'm staying; I'm not leaving because I need to know how this whole thing is going to end, and I still have some hope in him.
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arcanemadman · 8 months
The Castlevania franchise feels like it's getting more and more divided since Netflixvania started and it's getting really bloody frustrating to the point that while watching Nocturne I've felt disquieted, and I think I've realised why that is.
It's the fucking DmC:Devil May Cry white hair fiasco all over again.
For those that don't know, when the DmC reboot was revealed people had a lot of criticism, including turning Dante from a cool but likeable hero into a foul mouthed smoker, the dumbing down of the gameplay, the antagonism towards the fanbase, and turning his iconic white hair black. Of all these criticism, only the hair colour change was given any attention, painting the fan base in a very negative light and side stepping the real issues people had by only focusing on the cherry rather than the whole sundae.
All this attention directed towards something that in the grand scheme of things is very minor but it gets all the attention while the bigger stuff is ignore.
Yes, there are people mad about the show for racist reasons and they shouldn't be listened to, but there are genuine complaints that are being swept up with that.
The character changes have a sort of domino effect on everything. Maria being a serious revolutionary is interesting, but I saw someone put it best that what made her special was the fact that she was a little girl in a world of classic horror that believed she was in a fairy tale and had the power to force that reality on everyone else. Netflix Maria is good, but lacks the charm of Maria.
The second example is Juste. When I saw him I was very excited, but that was mainly because it was acknowledgement of the original canon than anything else. His magical prowess, the thing that makes him stand out among the Belmont linage, is mentioned and then brushed aside, and the worst ending of his game is what is taken as canon. And once Richter gets his magic back, Juste is gone. He feels like a plot point rather than the character. I sympathise with people who's favourite game was Harmony of Dissonance.
Annette was a compelling character with a well developed story, but anyone that says her original characterisation would never work are being disingenuous because they literally did that, except that did so with Tera. The connections to Richter and Maria, the damsel elements, the fact she gets turned into a vampire, all from Annette. Swapping them around wouldn't work for multiple reasons and I'm not going to say I can do better than people you get paid to write when I don't, but I feel I can say that if they had wanted to they could have done something closer to the original while still touching on the themes and narratives they wanted to.
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Olrox... honestly the only criticism I can really think of is the removal of any reference to Count Orlock.
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There's an elitism with both sides of the fanbase here. On the Netflix side, there's the feeling that since theirs is more popular that any criticism is because people are just nostalgic, and game fans feel that since theirs is the original foundation that anyone that doesn't agree with them is just a new fair-weather fan. And honestly, I'm more sympathetic to the game fans.
I've seen Netflixvania fans look at people complaining that the character have changed and go "yeah well the version you like sucks so you should just grow up" As if that's going to make everything better. And all the people complaining about the race changes or posting "WOKE?!?!?!" have poisoned the well for any actual discussion about this, not helped by the social media accounts deliberately stoking the flames in the mistaken belief that all publicity is good publicity, which raised the ire of nexflixvania creators. Unfortunately marketing can often be removed from the intentions of the creators.
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Yes, Netflixvania is a great show, with beautiful animation and great storytelling, but it's not perfect and as an adaptation is leaves a lot to be desired. And that's the crux of it! The show is good, really good! But it doesn't feel like an adaptation of Castlevania. It's just a bunch of little details that pile up to make it less of what the game fans liked about the series. It's more grimdark horror than classic horror. It's more crude than it is philosophical. It's more hopeless than it is hopeful. And regardless of what you individually think, that's what people have liked about Castlevania for almost 40 years.
Ultimately I just have to ask, why do people seem to assume that you can't make a faithful adaptation while also making it interesting? They're not mutually exclusive.
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
I See You in My Nightmares, or Not At All
Summary: When you dream, you travel to a dark realm. The nightmares are the only place you feel loved, but the boy in the dark tells you to stop visiting. When you argue, he makes you stop.
Warnings: angst, references possible character death, torture, canon divergent descriptions of the Further, takes place after The Red Door (spoilers present!). 1.3k+ words.
If any of these topics bother you, please do not read! I included all of these warnings, even if they are only hinted at, to ensure you know what you're about to read. This fic gets a little dark/intense, so I completely understand if you want to skip this one.
A/N: This is probably the most angst I've ever written, but I was in the mood to hurt my own feelings. The song that this is inspired by is linked at the bottom (bc I couldn't figure out how to make it smaller lol)! I have a few ideas for a continuation of this one if anyone is interested! Please let me know what you think! :)
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The darkness is silent and lonely, yet you crave it more than anything. You have wounds that are impossible to heal, but the siren song of the dark leads you to believe otherwise. With a pull like a strong current, the darkness drowns you in your fears, the cost of keeping him alive. If only in your nightmares.
The woman on YouTube called the place in your dreams the Further, an internet psychic called it the astral plane, and some believe it to simply be a bad dream. For you, it’s home.
Some people claim they dream of their soulmate before meeting, but the only time you feel love while sleeping is in your nightmares.
Tonight is no different. You jolt awake, choking on your own tears as your bedroom swallows your strangled scream. Pitch black surrounds you; once the source of your worst nightmares, the dark is now your only comfort.
You try to forget what he said, and the way the sound of the voice pulled you in like a magnet.
“Stop lying to everyone, your heart can’t take much more. It’ll drive you crazy before it kills you,” the boy says, extending a hand toward you.
Reaching out to take his hand, you can nearly feel the spark connecting him to you. Then you wake up, your tears trying to drown you as you panic, wondering what he meant. You haven’t lied to anyone… since your roommate last asked if you were still dreaming of the boy in the dark.
The first few times you managed to get close enough to see and hear him, you told yourself not to. Distancing yourself seemed to be the only way to stay safe, but he is your worst habit; you are unable and unwilling to quit him. If you don't see him in your nightmares, you won't see him at all.
“Are you alright?” Your roommate asks, cracking the door and allowing light into your sanctuary.
“I’m fine,” you answer, wiping your tears before the light reaches you.
“You’re dreaming about him again. Aren’t you?”
You want to say no, but his words haunt you. “Yeah.”
“When you talked about it before, you made it sound like you could stop. Why don’t you?”
No more lies. “It would hurt. He- he makes me feel seen. Loved. And I don’t know how to walk away from that.”
Your roommate nods before sitting at the end of your bed. “But he’s not real.”
“But as soon as I admit that he’ll be gone.”
“I get it. Sort of. It hurts me to see you like this, but I’m here whenever you need me. You know that.”
“I do. Thank you.”
After a tight hug, you are left alone in the dark again. Your pain is more intense than usual, a full-body ache in addition to your heartbreak. With your head on the pillow, you close your eyes, determined to say goodbye.
“You’re back.”
Opening your eyes, you smile when you see him standing over you. He wraps his hand around yours, pulling you to your feet. You’ve never touched him before, and the electricity coursing through your veins makes your mission much harder.
“I know why you’re here; you don’t have to say it.” He strokes his fingers over your cheek, smiling sadly. “You don’t belong here, anyway.”
“Neither do you.”
“You don’t know that things I’ve done,” he says, withdrawing his hands and taking a step back.
“If you didn’t want me here,” you question, “why did you keep reaching out?”
“You were reaching out,” he argues, brows pinched.
“I- I don’t even know how I get here, I couldn’t have. Not voluntarily at least.”
“This place pulls you in. Drags your soul with no regard for what you want. Some people can see it vividly, like us, others just get glimpses.”
“Now what?”
He turns and points. “See that light back there? There is a door under it. I closed it once, but the demon behind it is growing powerful again, that’s why the light is flickering. Pretty soon it will open again, and the fight will start all over.”
“How long has this been happening?”
“Forever.” He laughs humorlessly, his eyes shining as he turns back to you. “My grandfather died fighting it, my dad nearly did too.”
“And you?”
“I’m still fighting it. I don’t know if this will ever end.”
“I can help. If I can see this place, travel here, surely I can do something.”
He grabs your hands again as he shakes his head. “You could have anything you want; this is not the life for you.”
“What if I want to feel you beside me, not just see you sometimes while I’m asleep? Don’t I get a say in how my life goes?”
“You don’t even know my name, let alone what you want. Trust me.”
“Then tell me your name.”
He’s silent, his eyes on your joined hands.
You step closer, angling your head to look into his eyes. “Look at me and tell me you don’t feel something too.”
“Please don’t do something you’ll regret,” he begs in a whisper.
“What’s your name?” you ask again.
You hear a yell just before his head turns, and you wake up. You groan as you wake, your body meeting the floor beside your bed. Crawling across the floor, you reach for your phone in the corner of your room. The screen is shattered, a sign that your night in this realm was just as restless as in the other. Opening the first app you see, you begin typing, only saving a few letters before blood drops onto the keyboard from your thumb. Someone yelled it in the Further, so, despite his protests, you learned his name. The letters D-a-l are illuminated before the blinking cursor, your fingers bleeding from the glass of your keyboard.
“Dalton,” you whisper. “Your name is Dalton.”
“Make it stop,” you plead.
Your roommate stands in your doorway, frozen. “I’m calling an ambulance.”
“No! I have to go back,” you pant. “He needs help.”
Walking to the side of your bed, your roommate says, “You know his name? You said you went in and said goodbye.”
Gasping for air, you explain that you tried, but something happened and you couldn't. The gurgling noise that escapes your throat startles your roommate, who disappears out your door.
“Ambulance… trouble breathing and dissociation…” You catch bits and pieces of the hushed conversation, willing your mind and body to work together and get you to Dalton.
“Please,” you whisper, “one more time.”
You close your eyes and wait. A tear runs down the side of your face; the only way you can release the emotions no one will ever understand.
“What are you doing here?”
At the sound of his voice, your eyes snap open.
“I told you not to come back!”
“No, you didn’t. You told me not to do something I’d regret.”
“Then why are you here?” Dalton clenches his jaw as he looks at you, his intense stare fixed on your face.
“You need help.” Dalton tilts his head and opens his mouth, but you cut him off. “Don’t lie to me and say you don’t.”
Dalton closes the distance, close enough that you can feel his breath on your face. “If you die in here, you are trapped here forever. I am not letting that happen; not to you.”
Your heart drops as you ask, “Is that what happened to you?”
The light above the door illuminates fully, drawing your attention. The black paint begins to chip away, red showing in the gaps.
“I tried to stop you from coming, but it obviously didn't work. I’m sorry,” Dalton says, turning to you and grasping your shoulders.
“For what?”
“Do it!” He screams, shoving your shoulders away from him.
You don’t hit the floor before your vision grows blurry and your lungs begin burning.
“Dalton,” you gasp weakly.
“Maybe we can meet in your nightmares, if you ever forgive me,” he says distantly as the darkness envelops you.
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clevercatchphrase · 8 months
To answer your reply That's fine can't wait to see the final product when it's done
I thought you represented Asriel very well but how did you exactly get an exact picture on what personality type to give Asriel? because the game doesn't really feature him as much as other Undertale characters
I was going to work with someone on an AU comic for Undertale's 10th anniversary and I was hoping to have every charceter as accurate or canon as possible. What would be the best approach ?
I'm gonna answer this ask in reverse, starting with "how to keep the characters In Character", then how/why I decided on Asriel's personality. This is quite a long answer, so I'll put it under a Read More as not to stretch out your dash~
So you say you want the characters to be as canon as possible, and wonder what would be the best approach. Well... the only advice I can give is to replay the game and explore as much as the dialogue as you can. Click on everything. Inspect everything at least 2 times. Make a phone call to Papyrus in every room, then go back and do it again after you befriended Undyne. Keep in mind the relationships the characters have with each other and how they're all connected. Undyne has ties to both Gerson and Asgore, who in turn also have a connection as Gerson was once the War Hammer of Justice, and could resonably served in the royal guard as well with Asgore as his boss. Alphys is connected to Bratty and Catty (childhood friends), Bratty and Catty are connected to Burgerpants (the glamburger fiasco), Burgerpants is connected to Mettaton (boss and employee), and Mettaton is connected to Alphys (both have a mutual interest in humans). Everybody has ties to everyone else. How could those ties effect their interactions? What does the character's home/room/job say about them? Take in the environmental clues and extrapolate on them. You can learn so much about the undertale cast from indirect details. And it's okay to dip your toes into common tropes or stereotypes to flesh them out. Just be wary about making those tropes/stereotypes their ENTIRE personality, or else the characters will end up being flanderized. Never forget Papyrus is more than a skeleton who makes spaghetti, Toriel is more than an anxious mother who makes butterscotch pie, Undyne is more than a guard who suplexes boulders just because she can, so on and so forth. Ask yourself, "What are these character's values and beliefs", then using that framework try to imagine they would respond to the situations you have planned for this comic of yours. While some reactions may be similar, all should be unique. We all know Papyrus's reaction to a bad pun will be different to Sans's, but Sans and Toriel may have a similar reaction, etc, etc. There will be wiggle room. You may have to fill in parts that don't have clear cut answers, but ultimately, so long as you stay consistent with the characterizations you decide, readers will be willing to suspend their disbelief even if their interpretations are not 1 to 1 with yours. That's what makes fan fiction and theories so much fun~
Now for the second part. To copy/paste what you asked;
"how did you exactly get an exact picture on what personality type to give Asriel? because the game doesn't really feature him as much as other Undertale characters"
This is just amusing to me because saying the game doesn't really feature him is just factually incorrect. Asriel is in the game A LOT. More than some of the minor characters like Napstablook and Monster Kid, at least. But what do I mean by this? Well, aside from the protagonist you control, Asriel is the very first character you meet in Undertale, even if you don't realize it, and that's because...
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Asriel IS Flowey. This is an irrefutable fact about Undertale's lore. Even if he doesn't look like a sweet goat child, even if he doesn't act like an innocent baby boy, we must accept that this cruel, heartless, emotionless flower is Asriel at his absolute worst.
Asriel himself doesn't even deny it. He doesn't say that the things he did as Flowey were the actions of a seperate entity. He fully owns up to it. To directly quote his dialogue from before and after his God of Hyperdeath fight, "I was so tired of being a flower", "As a flower, I was soulless," "I acted so strange and horrible," "I hurt so many people," "There's no excuse for what I've done." And even as Flowey, he does not see Asriel as someone separate from himself when he talks to you in New Home in the No Mercy route, recalling the memories he has before falling down as is own (example, he says "remember when WE played here", as opposed to "Remember when you and Asriel played here".)
(Now, granted, I think the concept of Flowey debating if he still "counts" as Asriel is a facinating philosophical quandary for him to explore, so much so that it became a minor story thread in a 200k word fan fic I wrote 4 years ago, but that story thread is not relevant to my current fan comic nor the game itself because, once again, Asriel DOES see himself as the same entity that is Flowey and vice versa)
Alright, enough sidetracking, back to my main point. Flowey IS Asriel at his absolute worst. Flowey is what Asriel always had the potential to become if none of his actions had consequences, if his choices had no repercussions. With out a prong collar of past regrets to keep him in check, his worst traits can run rampant. And knowing this, I reverse engineered a personality for him by defining who Flowey is then watering these traits down to something that would fit a 10 year old.
So what do we know about Flowey? We know he's deceptive (Lying to you in your first encounter in an effort to steal your soul), He's controlling (Save Scumming in every neutral ending to keep the upper hand), he's sassy (mocking you after the toriel fight no mater if you spare or kill her) and he's obsessed with Chara (declaring life isn't worth living without them, claiming "chara" is the only one who is fun to play with anymore.) (You can also make the argument that Flowey is incredibly lonely and bored, but I personally think that is a result of reliving so many timelines over and over and not something intrinsic to Asriel) using these descriptors I dialed it back in order to fit an average "child" character. My Asriel became someone who is snarky, stubborn, and cares deeply about those he loves to the point of detriment because he justifies it all as "I'm doing this for your own good/I know what's best for you", which in turn becomes his own hamartia. Asriel is also an honorary brat because he is a child and all children are brats and I don't mean that in a negative sense. I was a child once, so I was a brat once. We were all brats once in our lives. It's part of the process of growing up as an emotionally complex creature, and no one is born with perfect emotional intelligence for others. Chara and Frisk are brats too in this comic, but to varying degrees because of their own life circumstances, but that's an essay for another time.
Anyway, I hope this long-ass post helped you if just a little bit, or at least made you think. Good luck on your AU~! (god, I can't believe Undertale will be a decade old in 2 short years.)
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9leaguesofmirrors · 6 months
Death Of a Debt Collector (a Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe fanfic)
No... the title isn't a metaphor
CONTENT WARNING: Character death, minor descriptions of violence
When Ross opened the door to see a tall, silver-haired man in a black coat standing in front of him instead of his partner, there was no doubt in his mind that it wasn't going to be good news
"I'm not in debt to you, am I?" He asked with a drop of irritance in his tone
There was a strange look in the silver man's eyes, it was steely with an added element to it. Something that looked as though he would rather have been anywhere else - not because he didn't like Ross, but because the situation was painful
"This isn't about debt," the man explained "my name's Glenn, I-"
"Right, yes, you work for Joseph." By now, impatience was colouring Ross' voice "What happened? Did he do something stupid and get fired by his boss?"
"No, um, Mr. Lisgoe... maybe you should sit down-"
"Where's my partner, Glenn?"
Glenn sighed, looking down at the floor, seemingly trying to figure out how to get his words out. When he looked at Ross, his eyes held a feeling of pity
Ross hated the sight of them
"Mr. Lisgoe had to be called out to deal with a difficult target," Glenn said "I don't know what happened, but I got a call from Hammonds and he explained everything."
Ross was was smart enough to start connecting the dots. But he wasn't too worried, Lisgoe got hurt a lot on the job and, although it wasn't a pretty sight, he always bounced back eventually. That resilience, his pure stubbornness, was something Ross had grown to admire and, in his own way, love about him
"So he's in hospital." He said, nodding in understanding, his face neutral "How long will he be in for?"
Once again, that horrible silence
"Hammonds said that the target had a gun."
... No
"And, well he waited until Mr. Lisgoe was leaving."
It didn't... he couldn't have...
"And, well, apparently it did a lot of damage. Mr. Lisgoe had to be rushed off in an ambulance..."
Glenn looked down again, clearly uncomfortable
Not Joseph
"How bad is it?"
More silence. God, Ross couldn't cope with more silence
"Glenn, how bad are his injuries."
"Mr Gaines..." Glenn took a deep breath and faced him with a calm expression "Mr. Lisgoe didn't make it."
"Don't say stupid things like-"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Gaines, but I thought you should know considering your relationship with him. But he didn't make it. Mr. Lisgoe passed away before he made it to the hospital."
At once, Ross was painfully aware of how chillingly cold the wind was. How lifeless and grey Royston Vasey looked today. The way everything just looked so... dull. As if anything that made it interesting or darkly amusing had been drained from it. Like its light had been forcibly ripped from it
Joseph Nigel Lisgoe, that stubborn man, was gone
No, not "gone". Don't say "gone", why sugar-coat it now? He's dead. Joseph is dead
"I want you to leave." He said, sharply "Now."
"I understand."
As Glenn left, Ross slammed the door shut behind him and headed into the kitchen. What he needed right now was a cup of coffee
Well, he wasn't going to get back what he actually needed right now
Even pouring his coffee, a task which usually signified the end of a long, hard day, was tainted by a gust of heaviness. As if the loss of Joseph manifested in chains and shackles that made everyday movements more of a chore. He didn't want to do anything, he wasn't even sure he wanted his coffee
He made it away, holding it in his hands as he made his way into the living room and sat down. Looking around, he never realised the walls could be so meaningless. What used to be a home was now nothing more than four walls, a roof, a ceiling, and a few pieces of furniture
It was a joint effort, making this place their own. Now it didn't even feel like Ross' anymore
Every single thing in that living room, in that whole house, linked him to a corpse. A corpse that once was a man who knew the best and worst sides of Ross, a man that knew his deepest secrets and what he looked like when he cried. Joseph knew everything about him, and now he'd taken it all to the grave
How ironic?
Ross stared at the murky brown of his coffee - of all days for a cup of coffee to turn out horrible - and felt his stomach churn. Right now, he didn't need coffee. He needed to be out in the air. He needed to shut himself away forever. He needed to pull himself together, he needed to drown in whatever his feeling was
He needed Lisgoe to walk through the door and take a swig out of a wine bottle just because it annoyed Ross to bits
He needed to get into one of those pointless spats they always got into
He needed be get annoyed, ticked off, frustrated by him
He needed the pissy attitude, the foul mouth, the stench of cigarette smoke
He needed to hear the cackling laughter that only he ever managed to catch glimpses of, he needed to feel the press of his lips against the corner of his mouth, he needed to see his tattoos and those dull blue eyes, he needed to hear his distinct voice...
God, it was all so cliché and pathetic, but he just needed Joseph around
With all the logic and intellect he possessed, he couldn't come up with any way to hide it. There was no way to keep his pain and anguish bottled in his stomach
He just wanted his partner back, as much as he hated to admit it, he finally knew what people meant when they said "a part of me died with him"
It was hollow
It was raw
It was exactly why he promised himself to never be so stupid as to give his heart to someone
And, for once, he let his brain take a backseat. And his heart was what ended up hurting
He closed his eyes, leaning back in his seat as he felt himself sink into it, allowing the guilt to loom over him like a storm. Wallowing in pain and shame, cursing himself for ever letting himself get so attached
He was angry at himself
He was angry at the... bastard that shot his partner
Despite everything, he couldn't get mad at Lisgoe
Oh god... he really did love him
And he was too much of a coward to say it
In his grief, in his pain, in his torment, he still found it in himself to admire Joseph's bravery If nothing else, he wanted to hold onto the memory of that, of him, until his hands were red and raw.
He took another look around the room. It was in that moment he realised just how many tiny fragments of Joseph Lisgoe there were. There were little memories attached to so many things, tiny things that brought him right back to the strange, imperfectly perfect life they had
Lisgoe had left behind so much without even realising
That's what eventually made Ross break down his walls
Without even knowing, Lisgoe had given him so much to remember him by. So much that made the pain less stinging
His final act, though he'd have never seen it that way, was one of immense kindness. And that was how Ross chose to remember him
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joels-golf-club · 10 months
Hiii!!! I have a request
Can you write something with heavy angst at the beginning like maybe a fight? And at the end super super fluffy!!! Any Pedro characters!! (Preferably whiskey or pena)
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A/n: Thanks for the request anon! I decided heavy angst meant HEAVY angst so here you go. It isn't exactly what you requested but this kinda popped into my head when I read your request and I really wanted to write it, I'm sorry. This is my first Javier Peña fic so pls have some grace <3!
Word Count: 3K
All my work is 18+, MDI!!!
Warnings: Swearing, typical Narcos violence, hurt/comfort, kidnapping, torture, real angsty, kinda fluff at the end jk I can't write fluff apparently, mentions of drinking and smoking, poorly translated Spanish (google translate 😃), no use of Y/n, attempted/talk of SA.
Your relationship with Javier Peña was complicated to say the least. You weren't officially together but there were two toothbrushes in his bathroom, there was a drawer full of your clothes in his dresser, and your coat was hanging by his front door.
He made breakfast for you most mornings and you'd kiss him goodbye when he left for work, but you weren't dating. You loved him but you've never said it to each other.
That was the worst part. You practically lived at his apartment and you feared for his life every single fucking day he went to work, but God forbid he put a damn label on whatever you were. So that's how the argument started.
"You don't need to risk your life every fucking day Javi! The world won't end if you just relax for one goddamn second!" Every single day Javi would come home black and blue. Today he came home with a fractured nose and bruises littering his body from a run in with one of Escobar sicarios.
"Why the fuck do you care? You're not my wife! You're not even my girlfriend! You're nothing to me!" The moment those words left his mouth he immediately backtracked. "Querida, I'm so sorry, I didn't me-"
But it was too late you were already walking to the door to grab your keys and pull on your shoes. "No, Javier. You're right. We aren't dating no reason I should give a damn about you. See you around." The door slammed behind you as you walked away and down the apartment complex to your car parked out front.
Your solution to the hurt radiating throughout you was to head to the nearest bar and get shit faced. Javier would've had your ass for going out and getting drunk alone in the crime capital of the world but who the hell was he to tell you what to do. Especially after what he said when you tried to show concern for him.
So here you were sitting alone at the bar, well past midnight, and probably three too many drinks deep. Getting home was the issue at hand now. Home. That should've been Javier's apartment filled with both of your belongings. The two of you should've been intertwined in bed right about now, connected in the most intimate way.
But instead you were drunk, alone, and extremely vulnerable. All because Javier fucking Peña couldn't find it in himself to commit to one person after over a year of almost dating.
As you made a move to walk out the bar and back towards the car you almost immediately stumbled just standing up, no way in hell were you driving across town to your apartment.
Walking wasn't an option either. There were already three men outside the bar looking at you in a way that was much more than just friendly.
There was only one person you could call no matter how much you wanted to avoid it.
He picked up on the third ring. "Hermosa? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said you know that right?" He immediately started spewing apologies the moment he answered the phone.
"Javier, I don't really care right now? I'm drunk, really drunk and there's these guys that aren't too far away from me and I can't drive."
"Where are you, Carino?" You gave him the address and you could hear him grab his keys and slam the door. "Stay where you are and stay on the phone ok? Do not hang up."
You nodded before remembering he couldn't see you. "Ok. " You kept an eye on the three men and couldn't help but notice they were closer than before, they had now crossed the road over to your side of the street. "Javi?"
"What is it? I'm 30 minutes away."
"Javi they're getting closer." You gasped when a flash of metal lit up in the dim streetlight. "Javi they have guns. What do I do? They have fucking guns Javi." You were panicking now and the men were only getting closer. Javier wouldn't be able to do shit in half an hour if the men decided to use their weapons.
"Lock your doors. Do not open the doors. Can you drive at all?"
You're gaze darted around and sent your head spinning. "No. Javi I can't drive! I'm so fucking stupid why would I get drunk right now? Javi what if they try to d-"
The sound of your voice over the phone was cut off by a scream and loud gunshots ringing through the line.
Javi gripped the wheel and pressed the pedal down to the floor while shouting your name. "Hey! What happened? Answer me please!" He called your name again before the line went dead. "Joder que hago? ¿Qué debo hacer? Fuck, what do I do? What do I do?"
With sweating palms and a racing pulse he called Murphy for backup.
After the men shattered your windows with bullets, they roughly yanked you out of your car, uncaring of any cuts or scrapes you got from all the broken glass, and shoved you through the doorway of the house across the street they had sat in front of earlier.
The entirety of the short walk there was spent with you fighting tooth and nail to get out of their grasp while the men felt you up through the tight dress you wore. Their dirty hands grabbed and pulled at every available inch of skin they could reach while you tried to kick and bite at their skin.
"Deja de pelear o te paso una bala por el cerebro! Stop fighting or I put a bullet through your brain!" The press of cold metal against your temple had you freezing where you stood before you were roughly shoved into a chair with the gun still pointed at your skull, keeping you still.
You tried to remember what Javi had told you to do if you were ever in one of these situations. "Do whatever they say, Hermosa. If they ask you what you know, you do not tell them anything. They will kill you the moment they don't need you anymore. Wait for the right moment if you can to fight." Right. Do what they say. Don't answer questions. You could do that.
The man with the gun came closer to you and caressed your face with the back of his hand causing you to jerk away as far as you could. The man's gaze narrowed and he backhanded you across the side of your face, sending you to the ground with your ears ringing. "Don't be a bitch. I'll have to teach you a lesson, then I'll let them have a turn with you, Hermosa." The pet name sent a fresh wave of sobs through your body at the memory of Javi calling you that only hours earlier and the man straddled your thrashing form then pulled out a knife from his jean pocket and cut away at what little remained of your torn dress and undergarments, leaving you entirely exposed to the three men while you fought beneath him.
"Stop! No, don't! Please stop!" You begged as tears flowed down your cheeks and you kicked uselessly a the man pinning you down.
"I told you to stop moving!" The man swung his fist down across your jaw, sending black dots flooding across your vision and make your ears ring once again. "Now hold still or this is gonna be so much worse for you." The man released his grip on your arms to reach for his belt, only for another man to send his boot into your ribs causing you to curl away and let out a wheezing cough.
Just as the man got his button and zipper undone and leaned over you once again you let out a scream and threw your throbbing head forward into the man's nose making a river a blood flow down his face. "You fucking bitch!" He sent his boot into your side again, making your curl up into a ball and gestured to his two men. "Tie her to the chair. Make sure she stays conscious, I want her to know what happened.
The man's words sent your eyes flying open and you immediately kicked and screamed at the hands that grabbed at your bruising arms. "No! Stop! Please, please I'm sorry! I'll do whatever you say, please!" Your screams and begging only brought a sadistic smile to the first man's face when we held up the knife he had earlier and brought the tip to your bare ribs.
He trailed the blade with just enough pressure to draw blood down to your exposed stomach and pressed the tip deeper into your skin and dragged the blade down, forcing a scream from your throat. He did this a few more times before he pulled the bloody knife away from your stomach and up to your cheeks to cut a deep line across both. He leaned forward to whisper in your ear while his hands roamed your bare body, "You look much prettier with that. Look at your pretty little stomach, Hermosa." He forced you to look down at where he had cut into your skin and your sobbed at the markings left there, AJS; the man had carved his fucking initials into your stomach.
Just as the man grabbed at your body again deafening gunshots rang out and the man's body slumped forward against your own while blood from his head and chest spilled across your skin. The two other men barely had enough time to raise their own weapons before more gunshots sounded and they slumped to the floor as well.
You looked down at the body in your bare lap and your tormentor's blank eyes stared back at you. You let out a scream and yanked at your bindings in an attempt to get away from the body, but you only managed to thrash enough to knock your chair backwards and fall to the side when you heard thundering footsteps rush into the room. You forced your eyes as closed as tight as they would go in an effort to ignore what you new was sitting right in front of you. Your body wouldn't stop shaking.
Suddenly hands were on your bare skin and you let out another piercing scream, unable to process the much more familiar grasp that pulled you upright and cut away the ropes on your wrists and ankles. "Shh, Hermosa, it's me. It's Javi." You were still shaking and sobbing when he pulled his jacket off to cover your exposed body and you still wouldn't open your eyes open from their sealed position. "Look at me, Hermosa, look at me."
You finally pealed your eyes open at his soft voice and saw the man kneeling in front of you. "Javi?"
He nodded and made sure your gaze stayed on him when he lifted you up out of the chair. "Yeah it's me, hermosa. You're okay now. you're safe."
At the sound of that name you flinched and new tears sprung to your eyes. "Please don't call me that anymore. H-he called me that."
Javi's jaw clenched and anger flared in his brown eyes but he nodded and continued walking you out of the house to where an ambulance sat outside the building. He set you down on the back of the open vehicle so the medics nearby could check you over but you gripped his hand as hard as you could the moment he let go of you.
"Please don't leave me alone, I can't be alone right now." Your hand shakes where it grips his and you can't help but stare at the cuts and bruises littering the skin there. It all seemed much more real now that you could see the marks on your skin. Your skin. The man had carved his fucking initials into your skin. You looked down and moved Javi's jacket away from your stomach to stare down at where your hip began. Blood covered the wound but you knew what was there. You lifted your hand to try and reveal the marks in a moment of morbid curiosity but-
"Querida, don't." Javi's voice pulled you from your thoughts. "I'll stay with you however long you need, but you can't touch it. Try not to look at it if that helps, alright? Estarás bien, te lo prometo. You'll be okay, I promise." You just nodded and Javi held your hands while the medic checked you over and cleaned and bandaged your wounds.
The medic informed you that you shouldn't be left alone for a few days and that you'd have to change your bandages twice a day, but you were cleared to go without having to go to the hospital.
"You'll be ok staying with me right, querida? You can't be alone and I don't want you out of my sights." You nodded silently to answer his question which only made him furrow his brows and concern took over his face, but he said nothing and just guided you over to his jeep.
The two of you drove in silence for about ten minutes before you spoke for the first time in well over an hour. "Javi?"
You swallowed hard and stared down at your still shaking hands. Why won't they stop shaking? "I'm sorry for all this. If I didn't try to be so controlling with you earlier and if I didn't go and get drunk like a fucking idiot you wouldn't had to have dealt with me and-"
"Darling. Stop it. Stop thinking for one second that any of this is your fault. You aren't controlling, you care and I didn't know how to act because of it and that is no excuse for any of the absolute shit I said, by the way. And you aren't an idiot, you are the smartest person I know and you just did what anyone would do after a long day. The only people to blame are the hijos de puta that did this to you. So please, darling, for both our sakes don't blame yourself." He had just pulled up to your apartment when he stopped speaking and he parked before turning to face you.
Tears streamed down your face and the tight feeling in your chest was back from earlier and your fucking hands wouldn't stop shaking. "He marked me, Javi..." You whispered in between sobs as your shoulders shook. You looked up just to see Javi's face fall apart.
"He did what?" His voice came out a broken whisper full of pain for you.
"He marked me! He took a knife and carved his goddamn initials into my skin! He made sure it would scar so that I can't ever forget! What kind of sick fucking psycho does that shit?" Your sobs came faster and Javi hopped out of the car and ran to your door, pulling you into his arms.
"Baby, I'm so fucking sorry. I know that doesn't do shit, but you didn't deserve a single second of what you went through. You know that right?" You nodded and let him pull you out of the car as he ushered you upstairs to his apartment.
Once the door was closed and locked behind you two, you steeled yourself and forced away your tears before turning to face Javi again. You would not waste anymore tears on the fucker who did this to you, he didn't even deserve a thought. You wanted to set things right between you and Javi and if what happened today is what that takes, so be it."Javi. I love you, and I'm sick of your shit."
Shock filled the man's face across from you and he shook his head. This was the first time saying those words to him and the circumstance seemed less than ideal. "Querida what are you saying?"
"I love you so goddamn much and I know you love me and you just won't say it. I will not stick around if it's going to be more of the same as what it has been. You will either take me on a date when I'm over all this bullshit and make what we are official, or I'm getting my stuff and leaving." You stared Javi dead in the eyes and narrowed your gaze when his face split into a grin and he let out a short bark of laughter.
"There you are, baby."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Javi just grinned wider and shook his head before he wrapped you in his arms and pressed a kiss to your temple. You melted into his grasp but confusion still filled you.
"You've had this... this look on your face after everything like you're not quite here but you are now. That's great, baby. And just so we're clear, I will take you on a date the second you are feeling up to it. Then I will take you back here and you can officially move in after I spend hours making up for everything stupid thing I have done or said to you." His voice had taken on a slight seductive whisper at the end that sent a small shiver through you and you grinned as you wrapped your bruised arms around him.
"That sounds perfect, Javi. Now let go of me because I really need a fucking shower or I'm never going on that date with you." The reminder of the blood and grime still on you from the events of the night made you shudder and the mood changed instantly but Javi just nodded and squeezed your hand in reassurance as he walked with you towards the bathroom. He would be with you through everything and he would help you get through this.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 5 months
Out of the characters rank them from "best" yandere to worst yandere???👀👀👀👀 Only if you want of course 🩷
Rubs hands together. Alright, you asked for this.
(read more + this came from me and Eros's perspective, so its going to be filled with some answers and small tidbits of everyone. Be warned.)
ZHONGLI: As he is a historian professor and has particular tastes for romantic matches, he's actually your safest pick in the list! He makes sure to know your dealbreakers, likes, dislikes, and even your preferences.
DAINSLEIF: Another "parent" figure/platonic choice for most people. The only difference, though, is that he sticks to one person and he doesn't really like being with someone romantically.
BAIZHU: He's a pharmacist and is the third of "he sees people platonically until he finds someone that he can be romantically with".
VENTI: Although he can be a bit questionable, he's still one of the (arguably) safer guys out there. Even if you two don't become an actual couple, he doesn't like hurting those he sees as 'uninvolved', so to speak. Although, it does depend if you'd be able to figure out his 'intent', or you'd dismiss it as one of his jokes.
KAEDEHARA KAZUHA: Kazuha normally should be on people's radars due to his past. After all, you'd never trust a man that is associated with one of the biggest 'scandals' that hurt Inazuma and how he lost his lineage. However, he isn't the worst as he can keep his ground and is mostly focused on exploring than hurting someone.
AETHER: Aether is... The same as Kazuha. Also, he doesn't really see his matches as anything romantically? He'd rather stick to it being a slow friends to potential lovers. (Eros says that he's like a guy who got lost upon getting to the corporation, and I can't help but agree. He's really nice, he's just... Yeah.)
FREMINET: He's the youngest of the triplets, but the danger he can possess is more of his charm. Still, I think whoever gets him has to keep him safe. As a diver, he works independently with the House of Hearth, but he also makes machinery! If you need someone to fix something for you, please contact him. He's the best mechanic you can find.
THOMA: Jack of all trades, master of none. He's just really nice, but protection is a bit... Well, it can be difficult, haha! If anything, I think the danger he has is more of his connections. He's working for the Kamisatos, and I hear that he has some ties to what goes down █████.
GOROU: He's... Uh, he's a veterinarian that trains dogs. Although, he's dangerous as a yandere if you end up getting on his bad side. After all, he had a bad past with Wriothesley and the others, so I can't exactly fault the guy. Just... Be safe.
WRIOTHESLEY: Just like Gorou, he can be very dangerous/bad if you get on his bad side. However, Wriothesley has the patience of the saint. He does accept one since he's a workaholic. (Eros told me he's married to his job, and I sometimes joke that we'll get an invitation for that).
DILUC RAGNIVINDR: Okay, I know this is absurd, but he's... Er, he has some history with Dawn Winery. We can't say too much, but he's not there, I guess. To be frank, he does give me the vibes of being obsessive... Which is weird.
KAEYA ALBERICH: ... Please don't ask us why.
SHIKANOIN HEIZOU: Detectives are pretty much master criminals in the making, honestly. I wouldn't trust a man as him if he suddenly tells you he wants to try something 'new' to catch criminals.
NEUVILLETTE: As the judge, you'd think he would be somewhat high up there, but... He's the same as Kaeya. Please don't ask.
KAMISATO AYATO: ... Sorry. We can't answer why he's here.
XIAO: Same as Ayato, Neuvillette, and Kaeya. (Sheesh, we got some that are TOTAL red flags...)
ALBEDO: He's a bit decent and has a good head on his shoulders, but I don't exactly trust him. Who knows when a chemist may make something that can potentially hurt someone? Well, I doubt he could, but... be careful.
LYNEY: A magician has his secrets, but we don't exactly know Lyney's. Although, knowing his track record, we have our reasons why he's here. Let's just say he's as two-faced as Kaeya, okay?
TIGHNARI: Oh, come on! A ranger who can specialize in forests is like... A disaster waiting to happen. He's also got a mean streak, so good luck.
CYNO: The same as Ayato.
ALHAITHAM: ... Actually, I don't know why he's here. We decided he won't be but... Maybe that incident is why he's here.
IL DOTTORE: Ayato. Please look at his answer there. And Albedo's. That's our conclusion.
"CHILDE": He reeks danger. Please, to whoever gets him run. We cannot tell you why, just run. Don't answer his phone, don't answer the door, just run and don't be a sitting duck.
WANDERER: Do you want to die? No, seriously. Do you? He's the worst of all these men. If you get him... We wish you luck. Because we don't want to be anywhere near him.
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trilliastra · 8 months
so obviously I previously wished some violent things on Boston and I don't regret it at all because he deserved it, but he deserved it for being a horrible, totally shit friend (though they're all horrible friends) NOT for having sex with multiple random people, because that's totally fine and he should do whatever he wants and his friends are terrible for the superiority complexes they wield over him. anyway point is now I want worse things to happen to Atom, what an absolute toe of a human.
ok, this is gonna be long but i have much to say about boston.
i might be the worst person in this fandom but i have loved him from the get-go. i have countless theories about his past and why he acts like this and could justify his actions (none that could be confirmed by canon so it's just in my head), but the truth is- he's more appealing as a character to me than mew ever was. do i approve of what he did? no, but i also didn't actually enjoy the entire concept of waiting for the right person/boyfriend to lose his virginity that mew has.
and so we get to this last episode where we see the root of the situation: boston is constantly seen as nasty because he enjoys sex. with different people.
he manipulated top? perhaps, (and it could be argued that he too thought mew was an hypocrite for kissing ray/leading him on) but everything else, every other sex partner, every guy he took pictures of- completely consensual, honest, straight-forward (he has an entire locked safe to store the pictures? they are artistic portraits? i love it).
he didn't promise love and even when nick asked for it, he never said they are exclusive, that they are boyfriends.
boston was basically slutshamed since the beginning, just because he's open about his sex life, while mew was seen as perfect (by cheum and co.) because of his thoughts on virginity.
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atom can go die for insinuating boston forced himself on him, but the truth is- the gang never liked him, never approved of him, perhaps even thought he was a predator because he's had countless sex partners. here we see, mew describes him not as a player but a hunter. on the first episode.
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and here i'm gonna elaborate on a personal theory connected to nick's words
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like a kid wanting attention, boston is trying to be seen, he fucked top for validation, to have someone say he's better than someone at something, to have someone choose him because sex is something he knows he's good at.
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he just doesn't know what to do, what kind of person he should be. if being himself-someone who likes sex, with different guys-is not enough, then who?
(takes off my boston apologist hat. bye)
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gabrielapazlima · 7 months
my opinion about the whole "monty did killed bonnie thing"-
I said this topic is already dead but that's exactly why I wanted to talk about it so I can formulate my opinion more calmly.
Before I start, I wanted to say that I DON'T hate Monty, regardless of whether he killed Bonnie or not (to tell you the truth, I think that if he killed Bonnie, he would be a MUCH cooler character, not because I hate Bonnie, OF COURSE NOT- I love him more than anything, I only love characters that are assholes, I like Monty's personality because of that-) and I know a lot of Bonnie fans hate Monty for this theory, but I'm not one of them, I just want to bring my arguments as to why I think he killed him.
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Before the DLC we didn't have much evidence to support this theory, so much so that I didn't believe it myself - the main evidence used to point out this possibility are the messages from the staff, which point out that the last place Bonnie was seen was at Monty Gator golf and that after his disappearance he was replaced by Monty and in Monty's arcade game Steel used a storytelling technique that shows that Monty wants to replace Freddy and he achieves this in one of the endings. Because these are very vague proofs, I never really believed in this theory, it could all just be coincidence, right?After all, Bonnie was the one who went to Monty Gator and if he was the one who attacked Monty?all we had were possibilities, so that's why it was just a theory.
and then the SB dlc came out,and things.... changed- with the glamrock bonnie reveal and new details about his character-the discussion resurfaced
As I said above, with the revelation of new details about Bonnie's disappearance, the theory returned - with much more strength. We now not only know about his design and his room but we also know detail about his damage and where he has been all this time.
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The first time we see the character we are on the Monty golf ride where we see a story about how Monty joined the band, and we see Monty admiring glamrock Bonnie and then we see Bonnie himself handing over his place to Monty out of kindness and retire himself - a very strangely wholesome story, which was obviously made for kids to shut up about bonnie.
but we get to see the ugly truth about the rabbit
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he is hidden behind his attraction, where he appears to have been moved from one place to another - where not only does he have every part of his body disconnected but he has a large opening in his chest and his head appears to have been crushed - and The worst thing about this is that it seems like he's alive and he's just been paralyzed for all this time, unable to do anything- thats an cold ass contrast to the feel-good story that we saw in the monty ride.
With the revelation of Bonnie's body and all these new details of the character - many arguments accusing or defending Monty arose - summarizing the arguments against are: The claws and the green paint on Bonnie's body, the carpet under him is from Monty's entrance gator, all monty and bonnie connections. While the arguments in favor of Monty are: he apparently didn't have claws before Bonnie disappeared, he doesn't like going to performances and... I don't know, please, if you know any more arguments in favor of Monty, post them here because I'm genuinely curious. Well, about the arguments in favor, let's analyze the arguments in favor before I give my opinion:
"monty did not have craws before the upgrade"
I see this argument a lot when this discussion is brought up, and I will say: this is not true. Freddy and Roxanne already had claws and in the cutouts he already had claws too, he received the claws UPGRADE after Bonnie's death, but he always had claws, and we don't even know if he received the upgrade before but he ended up breaking them and they replaced them. new, so it's not even right to say that he didn't have these claws before - in fact, this story about "claws to play the bass" is strange in itself since Bonnie didn't have claws, so why would Monty need claws to play the bass? It would open the door to another theory but we won't talk about it today
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"right, he had claws before, but they weren't strong enough to do that kind of damage to Bonnie"
apart from the argument I already brought up that he may have just broken his old claws (but it's just a possibility so I won't bring)...If he is able to destroy the ball launchers in the catwalks with his fists, he could still do this kinda of damage without his upgraded craws- he is strong, he survive am realy high fall😭
"he could not do that to replace bonnie because he don't even like to perfom"
This argument is based on messages from the SB base where it says that Monty skipped another performance to go to the catwalks-
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an addendum is that although I believe that Monty attacked Bonnie, I wouldn't know how to say that the reason is that he wanted to replace him, but there are many implications that Monty wants to be the star so I don't know- It's a stronger argument than the other I would say, but I still think it's somewhat refutable - this message is cited in contrast to the messages of chica eating trash and roxy jumping in front of cars at the roxy raceway, all of these messages help us destroy they- and these are all behaviors that they acquired after the virus which makes them do unusual things- this behavior of monty is listed as "ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT" just like roxy,so i assume that was not how monty normaly behaves.
Ok, now let's talk about why I believe Monty attacked Bonnie. Firstly, I wouldn't see any reason for them to connect Monty and Bonnie so much if Monty hadn't had something to do with Bonnie's death - Bonnie disappeared in Monty's area and Monty who replaces him - the messages even said that monty could be more popular than bonnie,he benefited differently from nonnie's disappearance, he he received his bass, his glasses, his place, etc... no one else benefited from death other than him.
Not to mention that Steel Wool really pushes this idea of ​​Monty wanting to be more popular, his arcade and Bonnie's whole story pushes the idea of ​​him wanting to be more popular - heck, he even replaces Freddy in one of the endings. "ok but the arcade wasn't created by him" yes it's true but the name of that is visual storytelling, it's not literal, they are just translating Monty's feelings onto the screen without saying it out loud.
If Monty didn't really kill Bonnie what's the point of his storyline, let's be honest?
Pretty much every time Bonnie comes up it links back to Monty somehow. Monty's plush is in the tunnel after Bonnie's green room, his golden plush is hidden in Bonnie Bowl, he has Bonnie's glasses, Bonnie is falling above Monty's, etc...
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"okay but monty was never ment to be violent"
and your right!in "the storyteller"from the tales of pizzaplex it shows that monty start to became violent when the mimic virus strat to act on the robots and bonnie is even kinda mentioned in that story,so it was when he was still around- so its an strong possibility that bonnie was attacked by him when he was with his violent virus!
and for me the biggest final point of this story is the death of the montgomery gator itself:
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he was electrocuted by the glamrock bonnie neon sign while he was swimming in the water- he literally suffered karma for bonnie's death- sorry but this couldn't be more explicit to me, the fnaf franchise doesn't get more direct than that- she it was always super enigmatic and never gives a direct answer, just explicit implications through visual storytelling, and this is the purest fnaf I've ever seen.
"okay despite all this evidence it could be a red herring, it could have been someone else and they want to deceive us and it could be fazbear entretaiment framing monty" .... why?... why would they give all these connections and all these details just to be a red herring? That would be bad writing, and there are already enough of them. These characters are strongly connected at this point, only one other character is almost as connected to Bonnie as Monty and that is Freddy, but we know that Freddy loves Bonnie, right? Why would they do all this just to be someone else😭if it's someone else, Monty's whole construction means nothing- "it was Fazbear Entretaiment Framing Monty" they literally did the opposite, they created a made-up story to make it seem like all of this didn't happen-and even then that would be really dumb of Fazbear Entretaiment if that's the case like why would they put a robot that they themselves showed as a killer in the main BAND???
sorry if i came out as rude,but after all its just my opinon, monty DID Kill bonnie and he is cool as shit for that ngl- we need more characters that do evil shit for shits and laughs other than the main villain,william afton.-we already had enough misunderstood and manipulated characters i LIVE for evil lil shits.
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