#There was gonna be a dee one to but I'm lazy
thebonegremlin · 2 years
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Oh em Vee!!! when comfort show meets comfort story <3  @thecampfirestory 
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stargaze5969 · 1 month
Here's my next two emotions, Ennui and Sadness! I'm not working on them in any particular order, just random xD
I decided to reveal some HCs as I reveal their references ^^ Gonna do Anxiety and Fear again in this post since I didn't get to last time oop-
In honor of Ennui, I'm gonna write in French and translate ^^ (I'm French Canadian in nationality so I speak 3 languages B)
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• Parle Français exclusivement! - Speaks french exclusively.
• Elle peux aussi parler l'anglais, mais elle choisit de ne pas le faire, sauf pour les anglicismes. - She can speak English as well, but chooses not to, only for slang.
• Grande rêveuse~ -  Daydreamer~
• Lunaire. - Moonchild.
• Elle est la petite soeur de Peur. - Fear's little sister.
• Elle aime décorée ses affaires, faire du bricolage, écouter de la musique et regarder des émissions de télé, mais elle est ben trop parresseuse, donc elle attend que ses copains faissent ses activités avec elle. - Likes decorating things, crafts, games, music and watching shows, but is faaaaar~ too lazy, will wait for her friends to do it with her.
• ✨️~Esthétique~✨️ (won't translate that one XD)
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• "Lead" emotion.
• Nicknamed Dee by the other emotions.
• Bestie with Anxiety.
• Likes bubbles and baths (separately, but best together!)
• Loves to give hugs when things get sad, which is often XD
• Total sweetheart with a gritty past qvq
• Crush on Embarrassment and shows lots of PDA.
Now for these two idiots! /pos TW for Anxiety x Fear if you aren't into that-
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Anxiety :
• Always has extra stationary on her.
• Friendly Rivalry with Joy.
• Besties with Sadness, actually she's second lead emotion!
• Cannot take hinds to safe her life XD (Fear be flirting with a brick wall I swear-)
• Loves Tea and energy drinks.
• Has a "conspiracy" board she keeps her intrusive thoughts on.
• Bi icon 🧡... bi-con 🤔
Fear :
• Nerd vibes.
• Has suspenders under his sweater vest.
• Finds comfort in physical touch and big clothes.
• Jumpscared every easily, but he's good at his job, I avoid things ik will scare me like the plague lmao
• HUGE crush on Anxiety, which he's nervous about, but isn't subtle about.
• Siblings with Ennui.
• Also Bi! 💜
That's all! ^^ Have a great day!
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Just a bunch of characters i designed, i had made a list of OC ideas a long time ago (it's the same list dee, alive, carrie, makeighlyn and crystalline's current iteration come from) and i figured i'd just draw 'em all out
I'm not gonna do anything with these guys right now (ESPECIALLY considering 3 of them are homestuck trolls and one of them is a steven universe gem, which are fandoms i'm NOT in) but if i end up figuring something out, i might redesign some of them since they haven't had enough time to marinate in my head and i'm not 100% happy with how a handful of them turned out.
I'm too lazy to explain all of them so here's a link to the toyhouse folder they're in but just know that their names (from left to right) are hopscotch, calico, caracal, beaver-kun, log-chan, bowlof sooupe, fergie lishus, sussus amogus, unnamed catgirl, wasabi pearl, salmontha, seeimel, unnamed robo-cat, eve everstone and molly.
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zettatoad · 2 years
rating every kirby villain-turned-ally by how evil they are after becoming an ally
dedede: gotta start with the classic. if he were an actual king i might have to judge him for the sins of his ancestors but since he's consistently called a "self-proclaimed king" he's fine. he probably just found an abandoned castle and went "woah... my castle now" and then the waddle dees went "wait we have a king? that's so awesome i'm gonna follow this guy forever." anyways he's a rival and a selfish hedonist but not actually evil. arguably not ever evil but that's a philosophical debate i'm not going to get into. while not the first to help, and still sometimes a troublemaker, he's a dependable companion when it counts
meta knight: look he was attacking dreamland in revenge of meta knight for, reasons??? because he thought they were too lazy??? kind of a lame reason meta knight. the point is he counts. meta knight spends most of his time as an honorable fight seeker, like if vegeta was never evil and his goku was a baby, but he'll step up to the plate when it's time to protect the planet or whatever. he is certified Not Evil. a reliable ally whenever he shows up
dyna blade: that's right, dyna blade counts too. as we all know dyna blade was just trying to feed her kids in super star. beyond that, i believe birds are like ghosts and just sort of do things arbitrarily. rating: Not Ever Evil
marx: okay this freaking guy. i don't think marx has changed literally at all after being beaten by kirby. like in star allies he's still got his powers. the only lesson he learned is to not pull any shenanigans while kirby's around. he is probably waiting for a villain to actually defeat kirby so he can swoop in and steal all their power, and every time kirby beats some horrible god he goes "wow~ you're such a great hero, kirby~!" while being more mad than anyone has ever been
shadow kirby: hold on i'm checking the wikirby page because i needed a refresher on his lore and was reminded that he was never actually a villain in the first place. he was always helping out. my bad
dark meta knight: okay i gotta show everyone this image before i begin my analysis
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look at him. he is full fist gripping that crayon. he is holding it like a child would. he's drawing his cool badass epic sword. he's having fun. he seems like he's a threatening villain ("what if meta knight were evil... that would be so sick and twisted") but really he does not know a single thing. it's gap moe
this may be controversial but my rating is: he was never actually evil in the first place. like, he was serving dark mind, and might have had some influence in turning sectonia evil and huge (maybe??? possibly???), but he is not evil. i think he's more like that one image where he doesn't have empathy and goes into a dissociative state and commits atrocities. this of course does not imply that he is good. but the potential is there
daroach: on one hand, daroach was kind of never actually evil, since all he did was steal a slice of cake and get mind controlled. on the other hand, he IS the leader of a gang of thieves, and stealing is sort of evil. like marx, he has clearly learned not to get on kirby's bad side and will help out on occasion. but if kirby needs to grab a treasure i doubt daroach would hesitate to take it first. all in all: not a good guy exactly but in the grand scheme of kirby villains, he's pretty small-scale. not much to worry about. he can't even destroy a planet
bandana waddle dee: thought i was done talking about characters who briefly opposed kirby during super star? think again. this guy's pretty much just loyal to dedede with all that entails but he seems to have a better relationship with kirby than his king does. a nice guy who likes to help out. we all love him
magolor: i've 100% completed the magolor epilogue and minimal spoilers here but that basically confirms that he's still a little bastard. like he seems to have gone "wait, losing all your friends because you betrayed them sucks," and if you want to get speculative he could have been influenced by the master crown a bit since before KRtD's opening and that might have upped his evil rating for that game. outside of that he learned nothing. he just decided that selling gem apples and running theme parks would be more fun. he loves making an attraction where close friends throw explosives at each other. his continued pseudovillainy is of course obvious, given that he has performed the most dastardly deed of all kirby characters: Selling Real-World Microtransactions. perhaps it would be better if he got defeated once and for all but unfortunately evil wizards give kirbies lots of enrichment. unless he teams up with marx and ends up in some sort of betray-off, we're stuck with him. to be clear i think he's awesome except the microtransactions
taranza: on one hand, even in triple deluxe he wasn't exactly evil, he just wanted to help out his huge, evil friend. on the other hand, kirby did kind of kill his friend. like there were some circumstances there but it'd be understandable if there was some resentment
claycia: does it count if she was only a villain because she was mind controlled and is only an ally during the final boss fight and ending of her game? i'm going to say yes because i've already included bandana waddle dee. obviously if you were being mind controlled you probably were never evil in the first place. but we don't know much about claycia's inner life. it could go either way
hold on i was on claycia's wikirby page and i noticed that drawcia shows up alongside her in some illustrations: i've played it pretty fast and loose with my criteria but i'm going to say this doesn't count as being a villain-turned-ally. documenting my process
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^one of the images in question. sectonia is also there and not only has she also never been on kirby's side in a video game, i'm pretty sure she died. so this is debatably canon at best
back to your regularly scheduled programming, it's susie: susie is like. still a capitalist. i had to review her star allies pause screens and apparently she wants to bring back her dad's evil company and keep doing colonialism? like come on susie don't be this dumb. don't make kirby take you to the guillotine
addendum: kirby-polis pointed out in the tags that the original japanese star allies pause screens do not reference mechanizing planets which opens the much more sensible possibility that she went "i want to make this company be how it was before my dad got thralled by a big evil computer." but said original pause screen text also quotes her saying "i will exterminate the uncivilized." which is... questionable at best. updated verdict: susie will be spared for now but she maybe still has some learning to do
the three mage-sisters and hyness: i guess technically hyness hasn't helped kirby out yet but he's part of the package. we do not get a great deal of insight on what the lower-end believers of their religion are like so i'm optimistic about the possibility that the whole "reviving an ancient god of destruction" incident will result in religious reforms, where the sisters take on leadership positions while hyness is reduced to having more of a figurehead role where he can't revive any more ancient gods of destruction. but they might not do that and instead continue being a weird evil cult. hard to say
the beast pack: the beast pack was only being evil because their leader was mind controlled, and presumably they would feel a great debt to kirby for saving both him and their planet. but they're also a rowdy bunch. i wouldn't be surprised if they went and caused a ruckus
elfilin: hey, wait a minute! you're not a villain! you're just a little guy! you don't belong in this list! get out of here, you scamp!
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
I'm literally coming up with so many ideas that my head keeps flashing me with new images of best friend Ari x reader
This is one of them:
I CAN'T get over the scene where reader slaps on the table to gain twittle brother's attention🤣🤣 (btw they actually give me a little Weasley twin vibe bc of their bickering) so my brain offered me a clip where reader is being furious, possibly towards a handful of people, Ari included. When reader is holding a stern face and says something like: "this is unbearable!" Ari wants to soothe her temper, trying to soft-talk reader. He only finishes the first part of his sentence, when reader shoots him a death-glare: "Uh-uh. Don't even try. You are part of this too MISTER."
and Ari gives the rest of them an expression that reads "sorry, tried my best, you're on your own"
I love this. All of this. P.S. the kitten has claws in this one. Reader lashes out. She is feisty. Warnings for language, arguing, and implied intention of violence, mostly for humor. (Headcanon format because I'm lazy.)
You show up at the house after a long day to find Ari working on painting the 'dining room' (you're not sure if you'll get a whole dining set for in there yet).
He's got headphones on, so you don't bother him. He hasn't noticed you're home.
Then you hear a bang from behind you, from the other end of the house, down the hall with the bedrooms.
Voices--familiarly childish voices--argue with each other.
"Your fault." "No! This is your fucking fault."
What are Dimitri and José doing in your house? What...What have they done to the WALL?
You can peer right through a four-inch hole between the spare bedroom and the hall. A sledgehammer tilts against the hall side presumably because it fell all the way through the hole.
You see Dimitri's wide eyes beyond the crumpled edge of drywall, and he panics.
You had to pass the doorway in order to see the damage, so both men-children get ahead of you racing through the house, shrieking for Ari to save them and you to calm down.
José tries to hide on the other side of Ari but startles your boyfriend so badly that the brush smears paint all the way across José's cheek and into his open mouth.
"The hell is going--"
"These two idiots put a sledgehammer through my wall," you scream, advancing on Dimitri while he too maneuvers to put Ari between you.
Ari swings with the paintbrush again, this time smacking Dimitri in the gut so that his shirt is ruined. "You did what? Honey, I'm sorry. I'll fix--"
"OH NO, MISTER, you brought them into this house--"
"It just happened, honest."
"We were just fooling around."
"Why would you fool around in my house?" Ari booms.
"Shut it, Levinson. This isn't your house yet, and I have half a mind to make you sleep outside. You should have been watching them!"
"We're not kids," Dimitri whines, shifting to the other side of Ari because it's closer to the exit.
You can't even find the words. You barely have oxygen from how hard your whole body clenches in rage.
Ari turns to the boys and just says, "run."
Ari jumps to try and stop you from grabbing one of your friends as they bound out. You get ahold of José's shirt sleeve and yank him back toward you, latching your arms around his neck, attempting to climb onto his back and take him down. Dimitri trips over Ari's toolbox and faceplants into the partial dividing wall to the living room.
Everyone goes silent as Dimitri removes his bracing hand from another hole and then he looks at the dent his skull made right beside it.
"Shit," he whispers softly before the room erupts in shouts again.
"You mother fucker," you howl, shoving yourself off of José, but then Ari has you by the waist. All you can do is flail at Dimitri as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum scurry away.
"I gotcha, kid," Ari keeps repeating as you hurl obscenities at their retreating car. "I'm gonna handle it. I swear. Take a breath, woman."
A full week later, you sit at your usual table at the bar across from two tentative (and scared shitless) men.
"You two are doing all of the yard work at my place this whole summer."
After a quick glance between each other, they nod.
"And you--" you turn to Ari who stops mid-swig of his drink "--are building me a She-Shed. One off-limits to all dudes."
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[Main Masterlist]
Anybody have a name idea for this series? I got nothing so far. Just having a blast writing it.
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Monster Replays The Truthful Route: Part 3
Will Ryo live? Will Ryo die? Only the affinity decides.
Warning: Here be spoilers! Read at your own risk!
It could just be me, but the localization of Miu's dialogue feels wonky here.
Miu: And sure, maybe we got lost somehow, but don't you think that's kind of exciting?
Kaito: Exciting? What is wrong with you?
Ah, yes, my favorite magic trick; the Mysterious Disappearing Miu!
I remember being on Facebook after about 5,000 years, and I saw a really sexist comment against Saki in regards to the seperate rooms scene. Oh, don't you just love the smell of sexism in the morning? It smells like turds!
Also lol at Agumon and Labramon thinking that that deviant means something that changes from one thing to another XD
Lopmon: No! Don't do that! Can't you read the room?
Agumon: The room!? How? You can read rooms!?
Ryo's just like me fr.
Aoi: ...I'm having a hard time staying calm. I know I need to relax more, but...
Aoi again: It's like how I always blank out on tough questions.
Wow, Aoi's also just like me fr.
I really like seeing Saki and Shuuji interacting with each other. Kinda wish we got to see more of their dynamic.
Minoru: The truth is I've got a rotten personality. I get along just to get by. It's nothing to be proud of.
What is it with these characters and being just like me fr?
Lopmon: I went to get some nuts...
No, Monster. Don't laugh. That's not the kind of nuts Lopmon is talking about. Be mature here...
Saki: It's funny, though. Talking with you feels like talking to myself, Floramon. It's weird.
I like how, even this early on in the game, you still get hints that the kids and their partners are connected in some way (well, besides the totally obvious evolution stuff, but you get what I'm trying to say, right?).
Saki: Whatever happens is gonna happen. What matters is how we act when it happens, right?
I now have yet another Gomamon! :D
Agumon: Oh, right! A RAY-dee-yo TA-WAH!
Agumon again: I wanna be super big, just like that bridge!
If I'm gonna be 100% honest here, if I were stuck in an alternate dimension with weird creatures that could kill me at any moment, I'd probably be just as uncooperative as Ryo (not to mention the fact that I absolutely hate working in groups in general).
Kaito: Stop lying, I know you're a monster in disguise!
The Digimon! More than meets the eye! The Digimon! Monsters in disguise!
Omgzorz Dracmon?
Random thing I noticed: In Part 3, there's a big deal about Miu losing her purse and the 'Unfamiliar Woman' having it, while in Part 4, the purse isn't mentioned at all, and Miu is already shown having it.
Floramon: Hahaha, that's a funny face you're making, Saki! It's all scrunched up!
Have I ever mentioned how much I love how Minami Takahashi voiced Saki?
Something I noticed: If you choose to believe Kaito, he will smile a little before getting pissed at everybody.
Dracmon joined the party! :D
Haru: Hey, what do you think that cloud looks like?
Miyuki: A... cloud.
Haru: Then how about that one?
Miyuki: A... cloud.
Haru: This rock sure looks weird.
Miyuki: Yeah... weird.
Haru: What's it look like to you?
Miyuki: A... rock.
Minoru: Well, just look at Ryo. He seems to have warmed right up to her.
Ryo, clearly not the right person to be used as an example: Mommy... Hehehe...
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(Taking a picture because I'm too lazy to type down the whole thing. Probably gonna do that more often.)
I find it interesting that Kaito says that Miu used to be 'just like that.' I think it gives more insight into Miu's character (or, at the very least, how Kaito thinks of her), and it also serves as fuel for my Miu-Miyuki friendship headcanons >:3
Another thing I find interesting: While on the cable car, Shuuji says that everybody should try to stay alert, while Lopmon just flat out says that they hate heights.
I really wish that we got to see Dracmon's evolution scene to Sangloupmon, but then that would mean that we wouldn't get such masterpieces like this.
Kaito: Can I trust you, BoltBoutamon?
BoltBoutamon: Of course, Kaito... This power... I wield it for your sake!
Putting the entire Harmony route aside, this conversation is oddly wholesome. I'm just glad that, this time around, BoltBoutamon is 100% Dracmon (and probably won't kill Kaito and the Professor, either!).
It's also similar with Aoi and Plutomon!
Aoi: Plutomon... I can... trust you, can't I?
Plutomon: Of course, Aoi... I am your ally.
Anyways, I actually really like the battle conversations the Survive gang has with each other and their Kemonogami.
Love it when the traumatized teenager has a mental breakdown.
Shuuji: Ow! You didn't have to hit me!
And if he lives, he'll do it again!
I'm probably the only person that actually likes Cyclonemon.
Vegiemon: My strength matches what's in your heart!
Also Vegiemon: *main attack has them through their shit*
Man, if I didn't relate to Ryo before, I certainly do now...
Thanks to the power of friendship, cool monsters, and tackling, Ryo lives! Hooray!
Unfortunately, the threat of death still looms over Takuma and his friends. Will they survive? Will they ever make it out of this strange world? Find out next time on Digimon: Digital Monsters!
(Except they aren't really all that digital. And if you're reading this, you either already know what happens next, or you're getting a hell of a spoiler.)
(Consider yourselves lucky that I didn't make a Kemono Monsters joke like last time.)
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Hey! I have a prompt for you (if you still take those):
“What? No witty remark?“
For the Vincturi ghost au you once wrote 😊
The ghost au! I haven't done much for it in a while!
Warning: Peter being Peter
On with the fic!
You'd think that haunting the massive villa and estate of a vampire mafia situated in the beautiful Tuscan countryside would be a constant stream of entertainment, but in reality, it was quite boring after a while.
Peter had learned early on that as enjoyable as pulling ghostly pranks on people was, he could only do so in a designated area.
Yes, he seemed to haunt Aro specifically, but he also seemed to haunt the whole of the Volturi property in the city. Which, shockingly, didn't stretch as far as he'd have liked. He couldn't go anywhere beyond the border of his limited space, so he couldn't explore the whole city! The only way it was possible was if he followed Aro around, and Aro rarely left his home.
Which, at this point, Peter was beginning to suspect he was doing on purpose just to piss the ghost off.
"I'm bored!" Peter shouted in his face during one of those long, boring, vampire council meetings. "I'm so very, very bored! Transindently bored!"
He drifted down to sit in front of Aro's throne. "There's nothing to do here! Can't even, like, ya know, really nap or anything to kill time! I only seem to sleep if I use too much energy, and I'm too fuckin' lazy to do that!"
He sighed loudly, laying on his back, throwing his feet up on Aro's lap. The vampire only made the most subtle of twitches at the action. "Fuck me, I'm so bored!"
That was both a complaint and an invitation to do just that. He was so desperate for something to do that he'd even allow the bastard that got him into this mess to fuck his ghostly brains out.
Did he even have ghostly brains? Was it just ectoplasm or something?
For that matter, was that what would come outta him if he did get to enjoy a bit of a night of wahoo, even with a vampire?
He looked to see Aro glance at him, with just the slighted lift of his eyebrow.
Peter glared at him. "What? No witty remark?"
Aro responded by shifting his legs, crossing one over the other, and knocking Peter's feet off his lap.
"Fine!" The ghost huffed and sat up. "Be that way! I'm gonna go find Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum! Those freaky Shining twins might be more entertaining than this borin' meeting! Gonna see who I can freak out first!"
He got to his feet, pretending to dust himself off, since he really didn't actually attract dust. "But when you're done being a don of the vampire world, you better keep me from being bored, or I'm breakin' things."
Ghost Peter is such a brat, I love him
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catboymccartney · 2 years
ok uhhh the dio + jotaro playlists r "done" [have enough songs for me to be satisfied to post them LOL. more songs to be add ofc] i'm gonna list the polnareff playlist i have too since i never did that <3 all my playlists are songs that define them but i also try to go for what they'd listen to as well :-]!!
DIO - 25 songs
Confetti - Cold Cave
The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul - XTC
How Soon Is Now? - The Smiths
Seconds - The Human League
Cities In Dust - Siouxsie and the Banshees
Dreams Never End - New Order
Love Like Blood - Killing Joke
Seattle - Public Imagine Ltd.
Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode
All We Ever Wanted Was Everything - Bauhaus
Happy - Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
My Possession - Ministry
Tasting Static - Panther Modern
Smells Blood - Kensuke Ushio
Exces de Vitesse - Marie Davidson
Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus
Wax And Wane - Cocteau Twins
Lucretia My Reflection - Sisters Of Mercy
It's A Sin - Petshop Boys
Master And Servant - Depeche Mode
Seedy Films - Soft Cell
Liebe Auf Den Ersten Blick - DAF
This Night Has Opened My Eyes - The Smiths
The Passion of Lovers - Bauhaus
Transmission - Joy Division
JOTARO - 32 songs
We All Stand - New Order
Don't Fall - The Chameleons
Eighties - Killing Joke
Imagination - Sad Lovers & Giants
Sub-culture - New Order
Mad World - Tears For Fears
Dazzle - Siouxsie and the Banshees
Second Skin - The Chameleons
Black Celebration - Depeche Mode
Decades - Joy Division
Leave Me Alone - New Order
Dead Souls - Joy Division
A Means to an End - Joy Division
Shadowplay - Joy Division
Lazy Calm - Cocteau Twins
One Way Or Another - Blondie
Creep - Radiohead
Geography I - Front 242
Life Goes On - The Damned
Run Away [The Escape Song] - Oingo Boingo
But Not Tonight - Depeche Mode
Blanket Song - Kikagaku Moyo
Dear Prudence - Siouxsie and the Banshees
The Damned - Plasmatics
Dead Man's Party - Oingo Boingo
Just Another Day - Oingo Boingo
Disorder - Joy Division
Assimilate - Skinny Puppy
Our Lady - Executive Slacks
Anywhere Out of the World - Dead Can Dance
POLNAREFF - 56 songs
Little Lamb Dragonfly - Wings
She Wolf - Shakira [joke]
Hips Don't Lie - Shakira [joke]
Part Of Me - Katy Perry [joke]
Iris's Song [Version Two] - Vashti Bunyan
She Wants Me [To Be Loved] - The Happy Fits
Michelle - The Beatles
Walk Like an Egyptian - The Bangles
Dancing Queen - ABBA
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! [A Man After Midnight] - ABBA
You Gave Me The Answer - Wings
Hold Me Tight - The Beatles
When I'm Sixty Four - The Beatles
Coming Up - Paul McCartney
We're Off You Know - Klaatu
Take A Chance On Me - ABBA
Honey, Honey - ABBA
Walking on Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Aujourd'hui c'est les vacances - Petit Fantome
Pour que tu m'aimes encore - Les soeurs Bouley
With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
Funky Town - Lipps Inc.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John & Kiki Dee
Come On Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - The Beatles
Crocodile Rock - Elton John
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Good Day Sunshine - The Beatles
La vie en rose - Louis Armstrong
Fernando - ABBA
9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
You Spin Me Round [Like A Record] - Dead Or Alive
I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross
Junk - Paul McCartney
Careless Whisper - George Michael
[Just Like] Starting Over - John Lennon
Listen To What The Man Said - Wings
In The Summertime - Mungo Jerry
It Only Takes A Moment - Michael Crawford
Somebody Made For Me - Emitt Rhodes
My Way - Frank Sinatra
Promises I've Made - Emitt Rhodes
Someplace Else - George Harrison
Heaven Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle
Love Me, Please Love Me - Michel Polnareff
Sous quelle etoile suis-je ne? - Michel Polnareff
Last Christmas - Wham!
Beautiful Night - Paul McCartney
The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
I've Just Seen A Face - The Beatles
Believe - Cher
I'll Be Back Up on My Feet - The Monkees
I Get Around - The Beach Boys
Felicita, ta ta - Raffaella Carra
Who Feelin' It - Tom Tom Club
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I was still pretty smart when we lived on Parsells Avenue. I hadn't taken geometry yet. Still, I knew what a triangle looked like, and a square, and a circle. I knew what perpendicular was but didn't know the word… same with parallel. I most definitely knew the shortest distance between two places was a straight line, especially if someone or something was chasing me. I knew all the backyards that I could cut through without running into barbed wire or yapping dogs.
Parsells Avenue was located right smack dab in the middle of the Culver Merchants Neighborhood. The house where I grew up was built in 1920. My grandfather had owned the place before my parents. My cousin Moonyeen was born in that house. Our house was closer to Merchants than to Culver.
On the corner of Parsells and Merchants there was a white church. I never knew the denomination but on the side of the church there was a fire escape that we used to climb and jump from when we were encountered by some crabby guy who would yell at us.
The whole area is shaped like a triangle, with the sides converging at Merchants and Culver. Culver extends all the way through suburban Irondequoit to Lake Ontario. Within the triangle, there is another triangle which constitutes the 18th ward, and within that triangle is another nearly equilateral triangle. This was my hood.
By 1955, the triangular-shaped Culver-Merchants Neighborhood had become a busy retail area where businesses set up shop within boundaries that extend south to East Main Street, north to Culver Parkway, west to Culver Road, and east to Merchants Road.
One point of the inner triangle was located at Burnsie's. Another point was located at Dee's. The triangle came to a point on Culver Road called Star Fruit and Vegetable. Down the road apiece from Star Fruit and Vegetable was the bus loop where we used to catch the bus to go uptown to see a movie and where we got off after the show.
This is a tale of three stores.
Burnsie's was on the way to school, so we passed that place every day. The owner was a guy named Burns who everybody called Red. Red knew my father from my father's boyhood days. Red liked me. I was one of the few people who called him Mr. Burns. I was uncomfortable calling such an older man Burnsie or Red, which he seemed to appreciate. He'd throw in a piece of Bazooka bubble gum pro bono now and again.
Burnsie's was located at a four way stop. Mrs. Johnsons was the crossing guard and we all loved her. She knew everybody's name. Also at that stop was a guy everybody called Wilson who had been brain injured during WW2. He knew my father before his injuries so he always greeted me by drawling out "hey boy". He just nodded at the other kids. Mrs Johnson cared for him as she cared for us. Perhaps they were related.
Dee's was headed north toward Irondequoit. For all the years that I went there, I never got past a nodding relationship with the owner. He was a Greek guy who didn't speak much English, plus he had a weird, lazy-eyed glance. He knew that if I was there, I wanted baseball cards. This we both understood, even though I don't think he understood either baseball or cards. He kinda gave me that "you're wasting your money" kind of shrug when he handed me the cards. I'm sure he would have preferred selling me a pickle from the awesome pickle jar that he kept on his counter. I knew that wasn't gonna happen.
The Culver-Merchants neighborhood homes may have been built, for the most part, only a century ago, but area streets date back many years earlier as trails for Native Americans, European explorers, and settlers. Nearby Ellison Park was the site of Native American and French collaboration in the 1700s and was a place where travelers beached their canoes before following the Portage Trail to the Genesee River. Others traveled the Seneca Trail to native villages farther south. Later, commercial ships brought goods to Irondequoit Bay to be carried overland on what is today’s Merchants Road.
If you headed north and traveled diagonally (which was of course impossible because of all the houses and dogs and fences in the way) from either Burnsie's or Dee's, you would wind up at Star Fruit and Vegetable.
Johnny was the owner of Star Fruit and Vegetable. He was younger than "Red" or "Dee". He was a portly, moody dude with an indeterminable hairstyle. Some days he'd be friendly, other days he'd be suspicious, and other days he'd just want you to buy something and get the hell out of his store. He had fresh grapes, apples, and oranges, none of which could be had at the other two places. He also was the only place that sold both grape and cream soda.
Each store had its allure and raison d'etre. Each had a liability. Dee's was out of the way with a weirdo behind the counter, but he had baseball cards. Star Fruit and Vegetable was on the way home from the movies. Sometimes all we wanted was an apple. Johnny had some baseball cards, but you never knew whether he had any or not, and if he did, they were Bowman's, not Topps. Burnsie's was on the way to school. He didn't have baseball cards, but he was our friend.
Another big difference: Red was the only guy who sold Clark bars. Clark bars were my favorite over Three Musketeers, Baby Ruth, Butterfingers, or Snickers. If you were in the mood for a Clark bar, you headed east.
Clark Bars were a classic American candy bar that had been enjoyed for almost thirty years by the time I came along. The Clark Bar was first introduced in 1917 by the D.L. Clark Company, founded by David L. Clark in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It quickly became a popular treat across the United States. The candy bar consisted of a crunchy peanut butter center covered in a layer of milk chocolate. Plus, each bar was cut in half, so it was easy to share and split the cost.
Clark Bars were wrapped in bright orange packaging. The orange color was used as the dominant hue for the wrapper, with the brand name, logo, and other text often printed in contrasting colors, such as white or black, to enhance visibility. The bars were easily recognizable on store shelves or glaring in their absence. They attracted my attention or disappointment every time I entered any kind of Mom and Pop store for the next dozen years until I went away to college.
The original formula of the Clark Bar was pioneered by Irish immigrant David L. Clark in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1917. Its manufacture took advantage of a recently developed approach that allowed a thin milk chocolate shell to surround a non-chocolate filling. In the case of the Clark Bar, the interior consisted of a crispy confection that included ground peanuts around a caramel core. As such, the Clark Bar became the first successful 'combination' candy bar.
The bar was developed to be sent to troops during World War I, individually wrapped for ease of delivery. It began to be distributed nationally after the war's end, inspiring many manufacturers to produce their own combination bars. During World War II, the company was sending daily 1.5 million bars to the armed forces, and when several labor strikes at its plant led to shortages among the troops, the federal government stepped in, calling production "essential" to the war effort.
The Clark Bar was produced by a process taking about 90 minutes. The core ingredients were heated into a taffy-like consistency and flattened into a sheet, which was then coated with a layer of peanut butter and rolled. After cutting into bar-sized lengths, it was enrobed in liquid chocolate, cooled to harden both core and coating, then packaged.
Many of the fathers in the Culver-Merchants neighborhood were WW2 veterans who had their own memories of Clark bars. My father liked them. I inherited his preference for Clark Bars. My grandfather and his two brothers also liked Clark Bars from their time in WW1. I haven't had a Clark Bar in 40 years.
The company changed hands a few times in the late twentieth century. The D. L. Clark Co. and its Clark Bar were acquired by Beatrice Foods in 1955, then sold to Leaf Candy Company in 1983. It was under Leaf that production was moved to a new facility in O'Hara Township (suburban Pittsburgh) in 1986. In late 1990, Leaf announced plans to close its O'Hara facility and move production of two other D. L. Clark candy bars, the Zagnut and P. B. Crunchers, to the Chicago area. They decided to cease production of the other Clark products, including the Clark Bar, for which their marketing efforts had failed to achieve a national profile.
Pittsburgh-area entrepreneur Michael Carlow purchased D. L. Clark Co. and its remaining brands from Leaf and combined it with another struggling but iconic local producer, the Pittsburgh Brewing Company and its Iron City beer, as well as a local bakery and a glass manufacturer, plus the Fort Wayne, Indiana-based producer of Bun Bars under the umbrella of the Pittsburgh Food & Beverage Company, continuing production of the Clark Bar in O'Hara. However, amidst accusations of a check-kiting scheme that would lead to Carlow's eventual imprisonment, he was forced to relinquish control in 1995, and production ceased. Leaf then foreclosed on a $3 million loan they were still owed and commenced making Clark Bars at their Illinois facility with an altered recipe. Months later, Clark's assets were sold through bankruptcy court to the newly-formed Clark Bar America, Inc., which restarted production at the O'Hara facility using the prior recipe. This was short-lived, and the company was shuttered in 1999. The recipe and production equipment were bought at bankruptcy by … wait for it … Necco for $4.1 million, and they moved production to their facility in Revere, Massachusetts.
Almost two decades later, Necco would in turn fail and in May 2018 was sold at bankruptcy court to Round Hill Investments LLC, who briefly operated the candy manufacturer under a Sweetheart Candy Co. subsidiary before selling the assets in July 2018 and abruptly closing Necco's Revere production facility. At the time of purchase, Boyer planned to restart production of the Clark Bar in western Pennsylvania within six months. Challenges with production machinery speed and reproducing the bar's consistency and shape pusehd back their reintroduction.
Clark bars were available at the factory outlet in 2019 but have never been nationally reintroduced.
Meanwhile back in the hood, Red Burns sold his store which was converted into a nifty, trendy liquor store. Dees disappeared shortly after and was replaced by a sports collectible shop called The Hot Stove League at the exact moment that the value of baseball cards was exploding. Meanwhile Star fruit and vegetable added something new and formidable to its inventory….records. It began with 45's and expanded to albums.  I headed off to college. When I came home to visit in 1966. I bought some Thunderbird Wine at the liquor store, bought a bunch of cards at the Hot Stove and finally stopped at Star for the last time and bought The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan album. Everything but a Clark Bar. Instead, I settled for a roll of chocolate necco wafers.
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opes-magnas · 3 years
hi we’re alive
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junk-jester · 2 years
I made a whole lotta new lads for the Sigmatrix today. And they're all Constructicons.
And I'm gonna showcase all of them here. First up, Torque, based off Long Haul, is a lazy slacker who would rather take it easy rather than work. Torque is a bot of consistency at best and he can always be seen hanging out in the same couple places at any given time. When he gets berated by his coworkers for being lazy, Torque tends to ignore them, but will only get up and work if he absolutely has to.
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Second is Elevation, based off Hightower. A cranky busybody with a passion for paperwork, he excels at organization and keeping things neat and tidy, only to fly into a wild rage and start swingin' his hook when Aggregate and Digger goof off and destroy his stuff. On the side, he has a hobby in artwork, using a special paintbrush attachment for his crane, but Quarry ends up giving him so much legal work that he can't be bothered to use it anymore.
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Third is Aggregate, based off Mixmaster. A rather unsophisticated bot with a headcase as dense as Tungsten, Aggregate is... Well, to be blunt, a complete and utter moron. However, this doesn't seem to stop him, as he's always one to try and think outside the box, even if it results in asinine plans that cause much destruction and mayhem in their wake. Aggregate always means well and isn't a cruel bot by any means, but that doesn't seem to stop him for continuing to tinker and screw up. Oh, well, at least it means his pals always have work to do.
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Fourth is Towbeam, based off Bonecrusher. A brutal hothead who just wants to get any job done as quickly as possible, and as a result, is almost always nagging on Torque to get him in action. However, Towbeam is also a major workaholic, and despite wanting jobs to be fast paced, he craves work and any means to keep his hands busy, hating nothing more than the slow days when there's nothing to do.
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Fifth is Digger, based off Scrapper. The Tweddle Dee to Aggregate's Tweddle Dum and certified partner in idiot crime, Digger is arguably an even bigger moron than his best bud, though unlike him, he is known for spontaneous bursts of intelligence, such as using a broken I-Beam girder to stabilize a loose section of a building one time. However, he is also willing to make fun of Aggregate's idiocy as well as his own, only because he knows his best bud can't come up with a good retort to save his own skid plate.
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Sixth is Quarry, based off Scavenger. The certified head honcho, big cheese and over all boss of the Sigmatrix Constructicons team, Quarry tends to be the hardest worker, reading the blueprints and telling his boys (and singular girl) where to go and how to get any number of job done. He loves these goofballs like his own kids, but won't hesitate to get on any of their cases when arguments and disagreements naturally ensue from their clashing personalities.
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Seventh is Floorplan, based off Rampage. She's a woman who knows exactly what she wants, and what that usually comes down to more than anything is money. As such, she'll go to any possible end just to get rich, even often going so far as to be a shameless flirt towards her cohorts, distracting them to the point where no work tends to get done and whoever hired them will have to pay them more just to get them back on track.
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Last, but certainly not least, there's Drywall, based off Overload. The team's resident chef and a bot of few words, letting his actions speak louder. He's the only bot who works harder than Quarry, but rarely makes any appearance out on the construction site proper, only being found a majority of the time in the kitchen of the team's home base, where a piping hot drum of oil and Energon is always waiting for the others after a long day's work. Despite how much the others clash, they always manage to chat quietly and enjoy each other's company when sitting down for dinner, and that always brings a smile to Drywall's face.
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The profiles for all eight of them can be found here:
[Torque] [Elevation] [Aggregate] [Towbeam] [Digger] [Quarry] [Floorplan] [Drywall]
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midnight-echoes · 2 years
More incorrect Quotes!
Scott: My goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me. Cartman: YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT EVERY TIME YOU BEAT ME AT CONNECT FOUR!
Meta Knight: sSSSHIT- I BURNT MY LIP- Tweek: ...Why the fuck would you even drink coffee with a METAL STRAW in the FIRST PLACE?? Meta Knight: BECAUSE WE WERE OUT OF THE PLASTIC ONES!
Stan: Kirby, what are you doing? Kirby: *shaking a cat shaped piggy bank* I’m just trying to figure out how much change I have inside. Stan: You could always take it out and count it. Kirby: Where’s the fun in that?
Kyle: Marx, please calm down. Marx: I asked for two large fries! Marx: *dumps fries onto table* Marx: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
King Dedede: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it. King Dedede: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Kenny: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok? Bandana Dee: Okay. *later* Stan: Bandana Dee! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble. Kenny, whispering: Deny everything. Bandana Dee, loudly: That isn't a chair.
Monokuma: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective? King Dedede: *crouches down* Meta Knight: *kneels down* Clyde: *sits on the floor* Monokuma: Monokuma: I hate all of you.
Kirby: I am 39 cheetos tall. Butters: Why... are you measuring your height in cheetos? Kirby: Because we're out of doritos
Tolkien: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Kaito: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Tolkien: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Kaito: But I heard a siren. Rantaro: That was K1-B0. K1-B0: Sorry, I got nervous.
Jimmy: *talking about Clyde’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today! Craig, shocked: Did someone else die?
Marx: I told Kirby to grab snacks for everyone. Monokuma, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks? *Marx, Kirby, and Kyle raise their hands*
Clyde: We're having a baby. Rantaro: Oh, congratu- King Dedede, slamming adoption papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
K1-B0: Remember what I told you. Meta Knight: Don’t be a cunt.
Cartman: I still don’t have a New Year’s resolution. Kirby: You could lose a few. K1-B0: You could be less lazy. Meta Knight: Don’t be such a bitch. Cartman: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
*At a bank teller window* King Dedede, in a bad Italian accent: I'd like-a to make-a da deposit! Ryoma: HEY BUDDY, WAIT, I REMEMBER YOU! King Dedede: *Frantically pours marinara sauce into the vacuum tube* Ryoma: GODDAMMIT, IT'S HIM AGAIN!
Monokuma: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute. King Dedede: No, that's not how you make cookies. Tolkien: FLOOR IT!! Monokuma: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!? King Dedede: yOU'RE GONNA BURN THE HOUSE DOWN- Monokuma: I'M GONNA HARNESS THE POWER OF THE FUCKING SUN TO MAKE COOKIES! Kenny: DO IT! King Dedede: NO-
be prepared for even more
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feralandmoonstruck · 2 years
Falling In Love Will Kill You AU 01
This one is the first in an AU where there are slightly different outcomes that I'm not sure will become canon or not.
WC: 1689
Tag list: @pheita @adie-dee @aschlindartroom @jezifster @kainablue
"Cal," Mara laughed, "you know you don't have to keep wearing that."
"Why not? You made it for me, and it matches yours. I wasn't sure about it in the beginning, but I like it." He touched the flower crown adorning his head.
They strolled through the botanical gardens hand in hand. It had been ten minutes since the last people they crossed paths with. Mara occasionally pointed out flowers and plants she knew the names of.
"These black cherry roses smell amazing!" Mara leaned down toward a bush until her nose was almost inside it. She breathed deeply, but sneezed a second later as pollen flew up her nose. "Whoops! Got too close I guess." She brushed her nose clean.
    “Are you alright?”
    “Hmm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Humans don’t do well with getting dust or pollen or really much of anything up our noses,” she laughed.
    “So long as you’re alright.”
    “I’m fine.” She laced her fingers through his again. “I might sneeze again, but that’s about it. We can keep going though.”
    Caldizaar nodded and they drew away from the rose bush and deeper into the gardens. They stopped a handful of other times to sniff at the flowers as they wended their way along the pathways and slowly circled back to the entrance.
    “My allergies seem to be getting the better of me, I think I’m gonna go lay down,” she said when they got home.
    “Do I need to get you anything?”
    “I’m okay for now, but I’ll let you know if that changes.”
    He kissed her forehead. “Sleep well. I will check on you in a while.”
    “You’re always so good to me.” She kissed him and headed to the bedroom.
    Caldizaar busied himself with finding the perfect place for his flower crown. Mara had told him it wouldn’t last more than a few days, but he wanted to be able to display it until it died. When he finally checked on Mara he found her stripped, all of the blankets had been kicked to the floor. A light sheen of sweat had broken out over her brow. He brushed a gentle thumb down her cheek.
    “Mara,” he whispered.
    Her eyes fluttered open. “Cal? I was just dreaming about you.”
    “You look warm. Are you alright?”
    “I’m fine,” she yawned. “I dreamed we were having sex in a field of daisies.”
    “I like the sound of that. Perhaps we could find a field of daisies some time.”
    “I’m warm. Is it warm to you?”
    “I am not a good judge of that. I’m always hot.”
    “Yes you are,” she purred.
    “Still worked up from your dream?”
    “I have to be. I can’t stop thinking about fucking you.”
    A lazy smile spread over Caldizaar’s face. “Would you like to now?”
    “Yes. God yes, please.”
    “You seem quite needy. Are you sure you don’t want to take a cool shower first?”
    “Caldizaar I-wish-you-had-a-middle-name. You should be a good boy and come fuck me right now.”
    His hair slid off his shoulder like a waterfall of shadows as he tilted his head to the side. “You could give me a middle name if you’d like.”
    “We can do that later, but I’m serious. You need to come fuck me now or I’m going to drag you into this bed myself.”
    “Alright, alright,” he chuckled. Once in bed he pulled her into his lap.
    Mara pushed him back against the pillows. Without teasing or warning she sank onto him, her pussy already dripping with need. She grabbed his hands and put each of them on her breasts. “Be a good boy and play with those for me. Don’t be afraid to get rough.”
    “Someone was worked up. We don’t normally jump into this so quickly.”
    “I need,” she shook her head as if to clear her thoughts, “I just need you inside of me. I need to fuck you. I can barely think about anything else.” To punctuate her words her hips snapped against his. Cal rolled her nipples in his fingers. Tugging at them only made her squeal. Within moments, she arched her back, bracing herself against his thighs as she kept up her merciless pace. Caldizaar could barely keep up with her movements. His hands were everywhere. Part, playing with her nipples, part rocking her hips against his faster than she could manage herself. Her first orgasm blew through her. “Cal,” she  panted, “you can’t cum yet. I’m nowhere near done with you.”
    He blinked at her, wide-eyed. “Mara, are you sure you’re alright? We normally take at least a small break here so that you can catch your breath.”
    “No. Don’t. Need. To stop.” Every word was more breath than speech. “Actually,” she grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped herself onto the bed. “Be a good boy and fuck me like you mean it.”
    A shiver ran the length of his spine. “If you would like me to.”
    Mara ran her fingers through his hair before she grabbed a fistful and dragged him down into a kiss. Only when she was breathless did she pull away. Her hand stayed locked in his hair as he entered her. His hips snapped against her quick and steady.
"Harder, Cal," she groaned.
When she sank her teeth into his neck he faltered for a moment. “You really mean it?”
“Of course I mean it.” She bit him again.
He shifted her knees over his shoulders and moved one hand to brace against her back. Alternating between raising her hips and lowering them, each shift brought on a new set of squeals. She screamed through her second orgasm, her nails digging into his shoulders.
“More,” she whined.
“Mara we need, you need a break.”
“Not until you cuuummmm,” her voice bled into a moan.
“Is that your permission?”
“Mhm,” she whined, “be a good boy and cum for me.”
Caldizaar took a deep breath, burying himself in her as deep as he could. A small gasp burst out of her chest. Mere moments later he moaned with his release. They stayed like that for a while, her pussy pulsing around his cock, milking every last bit she could. When they finally came down from their high Caldizaar snuggled against Mara and began to work the tension and fatigue from her muscles.
“I’m going to get you some water, I’ll be right back,” he said when her breathing had finally slowed to a normal rate. He kissed her temple and slipped out of bed.
She was laying in bed all starry-eyed when he returned. The apex of her thighs glowed faintly from his cum. He brushed her hair back and helped her sit up so she could drink.
“Thank you,” she said softly. She was still dazed, eyes unfocused as a warm sensation spread through her limbs.
“We can shower when you’re ready.”
Mara nodded and took another sip of water. Slowly, the chill of the it washed away the fatigue that threatened to drag her to sleep. “I’m just gonna rinse off. I’ll shower for real in the morning, but I’m just too tired right now.” Cal nodded and helped her out of bed.
Over the thundering hiss of the shower Cal could pick out the sounds of sighs slipping into moans like water over skin. He stuck his head through the open bathroom door. “Mara? Are you alright?” Her response was a hum that ended in a groan. He ventured further into the bathroom. The curtain was more than half open, Mara not having bothered to do much more than that. Water ran rivulets like honey over her earthy skin. One hand was between her thighs while the other fondled her breast. “Someone is very greedy tonight. Do you need another hand in there?”
Mara’s eyes fluttered open, a smile curving her lips. “Only if you’re willing to help.”
“I wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” She stood to one side as he climbed into the tub with her. They stood facing each other, Mara’s back to the wall. She raised onto her tiptoes and he obligingly lifted her leg so she could wrap it around his hip. “I do not remember ever seeing you this greedy. Why tonight?”
“Everything feels so good. So sensitive.”
He slipped a finger into her, stroking against her soft ridges. When she moaned and let her head fall back he added a second finger. “You know it is unlikely you’ll get off in here.”
“I don’t even care at this point.”
“Yet we are still here.” She whined when he slid his hand up to her stomach, leaving a trace of a glow before the spray of the shower washed it away.
“I can’t get enough of you tonight.”
“That may be but I can see how sleepy you are. The bed is very comfy and I know you would be comfy there. We both would.”
“Fiiinee,” she whined as she pulled her leg down.
“All you need is to rise off and then we can go be comfy together.”
Mara seemed to tip forward, her hand on the wall the only thing that kept her from toppling right into him. “I’m still a little woozy.”
“Woozy, that is like dizzy, right?” She nodded. “I am right here. If you fall I will catch you. Rinse and I can carry you to bed. Here,” he shifted them so that she was leaned back into his chest, the shower making a waterfall across her stomach.
She rinsed the last of the slickness from her skin. Cal stepped out of the tub to hand her the towel. His own heat dried his skin in less time than it took her to dry with the towel. He held out a hand for her to steady herself with as she climbed out of the shower.
"Would you like for me to carry you?"
Mara shook her head, "I'm pretty sure I'm fine now."
Nevertheless he walked by her side all the way back to the bedroom where she sat and lotioned her skin before dragging the covers out of the floor and throwing them over her.
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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@androgynouswordsmyth: “Hi Tum c: this is for your matchup event! 5’6”, with an hourglass figure, has that broad shouldered goddess energy going on. Used to swim competitively in highschool & still have a nice shape. Would describe my style as athletic comfort meets swamp witch. Love wearing black, it goes with everything. But also one of those people that wears workout clothes because they’re comfortable & easy. An admirer of all things relating to the occult & witchcraft. I have two tattoos small ones on my upper thigh & on the inside of my bicep. Often asks “What’s your sign?” Green eyes & shoulder length brown hair that is dyed seafoam green. I am soft spoken & gentle when I interact with everybody. All about self growth & healing. A huge advocate for self care. Love venting about my dumb corporate job. Deep down I'm a rebel anarchist. Often says things like “I’m just a cog in their machine” or “metal till I die”. My end game is writing fantasy novels for a living writing is my passion. I am a person who gets lost in thought & day dreams, a homebody who is fatigued & curls up in bed with Netflix playing in the background while I write rp responses or some of my own stuff. I have depression & anxiety, which I manage with both medication & therapy. Am attracted to bad boys/girls. Kindness & respect in my relationships are important, emotional maturity & a sense of humor are huge & my favorite color is dark pine green. Someone from BNHA, NSFW. Write what feels right.”
notes: aiden! i’m so happy you participated in my event, also you seem like the coolest person? ever? so of course i had to pair you up with one of the coolest dudes in bnha! your support means the world, thank you so much for being my mutual on this hell app ❥
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why i matched you:
» you and dabi would get along exceptionally well, both with how you are and how you present yourself. your inner anarchists would collide beautifully and no doubt lead you two into trouble, but who else would you rather start a riot with than someone like him? he thinks it’s kickass that you understand what it means to be a pawn in society’s game, and has no issue with having you by his side to tear that shit down.
» dabi really adores your aesthetic. he finds it incredibly intriguing and thinks it suits your personality well; your hair, your occult lifestyle, and boy does he love your tattoos. he often offers to pay (w stolen money ofc) for you to get more if you want them - one of the best ways of self expression is covering yourself with art, and he supports it wholeheartedly. he likes to trace the ink on your skin during intimate moments and often finds himself admiring them elsewhere, thinking about how gorgeous you’d look with a few more pieces in places only he could see.
» though he might not be as poetic as you, dabi admires your creativity and urges you to keep up with your passion. he’s going to be super lowkey about it but he shows that feeling by doing smaller things, like picking up notebooks for you here and there or offering to get you better quality pens for when you’re brainstorming a story. he won’t tell you but he sometimes reads your stories at night while you’re sleeping (only the ones you’ve offered for him to read, though), and is always left in awe of how talented his girl is.
» when he’s not painting the town red or burning someone to a crisp, he’s more than happy to stay at home with you and curl up with a good show. despite his wicked, cold demeanor he’s actually very affectionate with the person he chooses to pursue! so expect lots of gentle touches, lazy kisses here and there, soft whispers here and there about how warm you are and how nice you feel against his charred skin. he’s not afraid to show you his love because if you can stick with someone like him, well, that’s proof enough that you’re worth it all.
» dabi never does anything without purpose. every action he takes is a part of the grander scheme of things, and he does so with such a drive that is rivaled by most heroes. so you can definitely check maturity off your list. as far as humor goes? he’s a smug bastard, and his sly remarks and teases are aimed directly at you for the sole purpose of making you smile. sometimes he’ll just sit and say the dumbest things to see how hard he can make you laugh, because in a life surrounded by death and darkness, your giggles really help him see it all in a different light.
» dabi’s experienced enough trauma to understand what your inter turmoil is like, but he’s beyond proud of you for taking charge and handling it however you can. he’ll be your biggest supporter when you need it and is so goddamn protective of you. you’ll never not feel safe, because it’s that constant worry in the back of his mind about how just being with him puts a target on your back that pushes him to take extra precaution. you might have a few close calls here and there because, let’s face it, villains are ruthless - but at the end of the day he’s always able to pull you right back to him and remind you he’ll always come for you.
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Dabi rolls off of your spent body with a slight groan, the thin sheen of sweat covering both of your bodies glowing in the dim light of the bedroom. Your chests rise and fall to a steady rhythm of labored breathing - and as much as you both loved being tangled with each other mere minutes ago, you need a second to let your sweltering skin cool off and your aching muscles to relax after that particularly tiring session. Dabi catches the exasperated sigh escaping your lips and grins from your slumped form in his peripheral.
He always thought you looked the most beautiful like this. When your eyes were half lidded and pupils blown, skin covered in teeth marks and bruises, hair haphazardly strewn about on the pillows. It was a sign he did a job well done, and the image brands itself into his memory every time he’s lucky enough to see it happen. Lost in his daydream, he doesn’t see that sinfully innocent smile tug at the corners of your mouth when you catch him zoning in on your post sex euphoria.
“Y’know, you’re more than welcome to take a picture… they last much longer.”
He laughs, a short exhale from his pierced nose, “I might just do that, doll. Next time.”
Your smile grows wider and you prop yourself up on your elbows, sliding over the tangled sheets to get closer to him and be able to reach and trace over the stapled skin of his chest with delicate fingertips. He closes his eyes at the feeling before loosely wrapping an arm around your lower back, thumb gliding back and forth just below your ribs.
You bask in this comfortable silence for what feels like a lifetime. This was your favorite part of the aftercare, just enjoying each other’s presence that much more as you regain a stable heartbeat, eventually letting Dabi gather you in his strong hands to lay you over his scarred chest when the cool air overstays its welcome on his skin. Once your cheek meets his chest he leans forward to ghost a kiss into your damp hairline, lips lingering there a bit longer every time. The steady beat of his heart usually lulled your eyes closed with its melody. At this point, it was all routine.
Dabi is the first to break the silence, the deep gravel in his voice reverberating through his chest against your ear, “Y’know… if we’re gonna fall asleep like this, the least you could do is read me a bedtime story.”
“Too tired… s’your fault.” he feels your smile and hot breath against his pectoral, broad chest rumbling in laughter at your quip.
“Hm, guess I need to go easier next time. But you weren’t complaining when I was balls dee-“
“Dabi!” You smack his skin and whip your head upward to look him in the eye with a look of feigned shock, and it's hard to contain the giggle that escapes from your dropped jaw. He chuckles again before craning his neck to leave a peck at your bottom lip, his hand raising to push your head gently down to his chest again, the other finding its way beneath the pillow under his head.
“Shh, just go to sleep, stupid.”
“Shut up… dummy.”
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matchups are CLOSED! thank you to those who entered or have been keeping up with this event! remember you can check to see updates on matchups + if your matchup has been posted via the #tumplaysmatchmaker tag!
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doodle-bug12 · 3 years
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hello, I am the gremlin of this account. I mainly post artwork of my main OCs ((Anna and Eliot))
The two mean the world to me. It'd be appreciated it y'all didn't repost my drawings of them, tbh, it makes me low-key uncomfortable.
but! with that aside, let's talk about the admin for a moment!
Call me Casper, I am a 19 year old. And I'm female (she/her)
I'm always tired and like to annoy the hell out of my brother. I'm very smol (5ft) and my family likes to poke fun with that. I'm overall a pretty chill person, I got the "I don't care" type of mood 24/7
OCs that I most likely gonna be drawing and posting on this account
Annabelle Harper
Eliot Harper
these two, like I said, mean the world to me. They are beings from another dimension. This dimension is know as Euphasia (You-fae-shuh) and it has these demon like creature. No, they're not demons they are a species that I made a little while ago called Euphs. (you-fs) I will be explaining more (hopefully) in the near future.
Annabelle is the more chaotic one while Eliot is just the lazy one. They're considered Irish twins since they were born on different month's
Isadora Lance
she's a lil ghost girl, she was previously supposed to be this voice that people head and had the ability to mimic someone else's voice, but I scrapped that idea a while back, so now she's a ghost!!
Halo is a demon Queen that I made, very rude at times. Uh, I have really thought into who she is and whatnot
Jessie Quinzel
She is my DC OC. Being the daughter of Harley Quinn (the last name is obvious) and Joker. She's a somewhat chaotic, carefree individual. She has two other siblings, Seth and Stacy Quinzel. Actually, she use to be my old Creepypasta OC. Now she's my DC OC
Blake Wilson
Blake is a wendigo, being about to shift to human form at will. He is destructive when he wants to be. He and Anna were together for a little while, but it didn't work out. He has an older sister named Hannah
Salah Marbus
Another being from Euphasia. Very little is known about her. She tends to keep herself isolated and to herself in general. Her species is known as an Alph. She has no other family, unfortunately.
Dhara Crypta
Dhara, also known as Dee, is a hunter/warrior like individual. She, herself, is also an Alph, like Sal. She is most known by the King and Qween of Euphasia, standing by their side when necessary.
Clara Wilson
No, she is not related to Blake, for starters. Clara is, YET ANOTHER, being from Euphasia. She is one of the more dangerous ones. She is one with The Dark Ones. The Dark Ones are these shadowy-like figures. They only come out at night.
Orchid Arwen
She is the only one of her species, a Whispering Fairy. Like Sal, not much is known about her. She hides herself from civilization on most days.
Jason Wellerman
One of the most chaotic demons in all of Hell. He an honoree individual, very very rude at all times. He has three other siblings, a twin sister, Luna, an older sister, Abby, and and older brother, David.
Wysteria Flynn
Fairy baby, fairy baby!! Wysteria is a fairy. A nice fairy. She's best friends with Anna. She has green cat like eyes and short brown hair. She has no other siblings
Lorelei Winston
Corelei Winston
These two are identical twins. They were both born with supernatural abilities. Four abilities each.
Lorelei's abilities
Sonic screech 
Bilocation - being in multiple places at once 
Corelei's abilities
Channeling - being able to communicate with a spirit 
Ability to see through someone else’s eyes 
(Basically she see what someone else is seeing, only she’s looking that person’s eyes-) 
Super strength
She is my Siren OC. Nothing much about her, she has the ability to shift to a human form when she's out of the water.
Lana Wine
Lana is a solo gangster. She ran away from home at the age of 13. Marco, a leader of a gang (which has no name yet) took her in, so Lana would have a roof over her head. She soon left said gang and now running a solo gangster life. She has an older brother (unnamed at the moment) and a younger sister (unnamed at the moment)
Lucia Roslyn
Lucia is another demon OC. She previously was supposed to be the devil, but I decided to scrap that idea as well. She's tall. Lucia has a younger sister, Elana and an older brother, Lex.
Cynthia Martins
I'm not for sure if I wanna make her my My Hero Academia OC or not. But she can shapeshift. I don't normally talk about her, so.
Matthew Mercer
Matt is just another hooman OC. Not a whole lot about him. He loves video games and causing chaos with Anna
Odyssey Celeste
Odyssey is a light-bringer. Basically she has the power of light. She brings light to the darkest places. A light-bringer is another being from Euphasia.
OK!! Now that I have all my OCs out of the way, most of you may be wondering.
Dear Gremlin, what is the magical fantasy land known as Euphasia? Well Euphasia is a land, mostly consisting of floating islands. It's broken up into multiple territories. The Euphs have their own territory while the Alphs have their own territory. And the Light-bringer travel from territory to territory along with The Dark Ones.
There are four guardians, elemental guardians. The Air, Fire, Earth, and Water guardians. There is also a goddess like being who is most commonly known as Ivolyn. (eye-vo-lynn)
I haven't actually looked all into the Guardians that much, so when I do so, I will immediately be putting it in the pinned post!!
Now, I think that's all out of the way. Time for socials!
Main account: @/cotton_candy_dreams12
Art account: @/the_doodle321
Main and only Discord: @/GremlinBaby#6366
Tik Tok
The type of artwork I'll be posting. It's going to be both traditional and digital artwork. I rarely draw digitally, and I usually sketch when i comes to traditional artwork.
I try to use watercolors
I use alcohol markers to fill in for color or I just keep the linework and call it good.
Some of my illustrations may or may not have some bits of gore, considering that most of my characters are..gorey in a way.
I draw mostly OC art
Very rarely will I draw a canon character from any show, novel, etc.
Alright with that all out of the way, I think my pinned post is all done, I hope you enjoyed it and like I said, I hope you enjoy my artwork.
Aesthetic image: Made by me in PicsArt
Text Art: From Amino
Now I think that's all, I hope you enjoyed yourself and have a nice day!!
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falselyprofound · 5 years
Hi there! It's been a minute and a half. I'm trying to get better at being part of the game design community and also just talking to people I want to talk to so hello! I'm curious about your workflow, like what engine do you work in and stuff? And also, if you could make your dream game, what type of game would it be?
Hey hey, good to see ya again! :D
(And god, I feel you there. I know a couple of gamedev blogs follow this personal account of mine, so I need to get better at talking to people as well. But anywho...)
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My workflow kinda varies from project to project, since I'm still studying game design/am constantly picking up new techniques. I've worked in GameMaker, RMVXA, RMMV, Twine, Ren'py, Unity (sort of. god I need to pick up the slack), and AGS. All of those projects have had some wildly differing circumstances surrounding them. If there's a particular game of mine you'd like to know more about, you can either check its tag or send me a message!
Buuuut for the sake of not making this post super long, I'll be focusing on my experience with AGS. That’s pretty much my average at this point.
I mostly use Adventure Game Studio for my projects. While it's not the most elegant engine, it's free, easy to use, well-documented, and is something I've been using on-and-off since primary school. By this point, I can usually hack some code together to make my game look however I want it to look.
Most of the projects I post about here are put together on a pretty tight timeframe, because university/gamejam deadlines. This means that, nine outta ten times, I code the engine at the same time I'm writing the story. This worked out pretty well for Tech Support.
If I got bored of coding, I'd just hardcode some text in. If I got sick of how long it was taking for me to implement basic functions, I'd stop writing story and change the code so things were easier to edit. Writing Dee's dialog inspired the puzzles. And if a puzzle was too hard to code, I just tweaked the dialog and wrote something to avoid the problem.
...I feel I should take a moment to mention that this is a very, very lazy approach to game making, and I would not recommend it under most circumstances. It's great if you have zero time to work with (like I did), or if you just want a quick proof of concept thing.
Because, like... Coding as you go means that changing one line of dialog will often break everything you're working on. When I finally get back to working on Guest & Ghost, I'm just gonna start coding over. I actually wrote the script in advance, I drew most of the assets several semesters ago, but there is no WAY I can finish making it with this goddamn spaghetti code.
Sometimes, it's best to just look at the mess you've made, realize you could have just done it in a much simpler way, and start over. (Which, incidentally, is what’s been happening with Camera Bunker Bat lately. ...But that’s a whole ‘nother rabbithole of a discussion so I won’t get into that right now.)
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As for dream games I would like to make some day? Well, uh, that’s basically half this blog at this point. P:
Tick, Tock, Demon Clock is probably the main one, since it’s the first game I did a GDD for without caring about whether or not it was possible to create. Take the time mechanics of Braid, shove it in a hack-and-slash platformer, and toss in some bizarre fantasy tropes and you got yourself a game I would KILL to play. Shame I can’t figure out how to code the damn thing.
In addition to that, I’ve always wanted to make a game that uses Clock Tower 0′s chase mechanics. I love point-and-clicks, and I love the thought of some monstrous piece of shit hunting you down while you try to solve puzzles. I'm pretty sure I could code such a game in AGS, but... I don’t have a setting or characters for it. (Or I might, but those worlds were co-written by people I’ve been having trouble keeping in contact with and I ain’t gonna make a game about them without their permission.)
...I could go on and on, but we’d be here all night.
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