#There’s a now or never motif if you listen closely
artbreddo · 1 month
basically “the plan” from OE except I took my spin at it
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
Hello! Can I request a Morticia reader with Apollo and Leonidas? I don’t remember if you wrote any with these two. Thanks in advance!
-Beautiful, dark, deadly, passionate, loving, unique, all were words used to describe you and all of them were true.
-You were like the moon against the dark night sky, surrounded by pitch black darkness, bright but eerie and quiet.
-You found enjoyment in the dark and macabre, but to you, they were normal, beautiful things, skulls, poisonous flowers, dangerous plants, death, how lovely.
-Many thought you were odd by the way you dressed and carried yourself, always wearing elegant black gowns paired with matching jewelry with spider or coffin motifs. However, sometimes you would wear different colors when it was warmer out, just a slightly lighter shade of black with an umbrella, you didn’t need any unwanted color in your complexion.
-Your tone was always even and deadpan, never showing emotions the way others do, so nobody could ever tell if you were joking or not about feeding someone to your kitty-cat, an actual lion that you kept around who was like a housecat with you and those he knew, but vicious and violent with strangers.
-Many made comments that you would be attractive if you were ‘normal’ but where’s the fun in that? It’s much more fun to keep others guessing- keeping them on your toes.
-Speaking of keeping others on their toes, if anyone was to visit your private greenhouse, they would need to watch where they step or risk losing a few.
-Your garden was notorious for being filled with poisonous and carnivorous plants, and not just little things like little Venus Fly Traps, no you had a giant 4 ½ foot one that would eat people if they got close enough if you hadn’t fed them yet!!
-However, due to their healthy fear of your garden, you didn’t have many visitors, which you liked, less of a risk of your babies getting trampled or damaged.
-Your lover liked you the way you were, you were unapologetically unique, and he loved it, you were so different from other women and that’s what drew him to you.
-At first he did think you were a little odd, intimidating was a word he liked to use, as you weren’t afraid to speak your mind and there was always an air around you, a silent warning, but as time went on, he fell hard for you.
-Apollo- He adored your vibe- as you his opposite, he preferred sunshine and bright colors, while you enjoyed the moon and various shades of black, he was more open while you were reserved, he was honest about his feelings and you… you give the vibe that you’ve probably killed a few people. Apollo adores you, not wanting to change a thing about you, and you admire that he stays true to himself as well- not going to change for you. You accepted him for him, and he accepted you for you- and to him that was the most beautiful type of love. He loved your garden, but does know, now, to keep his distance from certain plants, not wanting to get bitten again. You enjoyed Apollo’s poetry to you, finding it relaxing, as well as his music, while you were so knowledgeable about plants (he doesn’t care that it’s dangerous plants) and he could listen to you for hours. Your relationship with Apollo was one of ‘opposites attract’.
-Leonidas- Seeing the fear in the eyes of those who claim to be powerful warriors was something that always made your day, as the Spartan warriors who had been training near your home had stumbled onto your property, where you dearest kitty cat went to say hello, but they just ran. When you comforted your precious kitty, petting him gently, they were all stunned, seeing you with no fear whatsoever- they had to wonder if you were a witch. Leonidas met you when he had to ‘rescue’ his men from a witch, only finding a darkly beautiful woman instead. Leonidas was taken by your vibe, you were so unique, you found joy in the dark and gloomy, finding happiness in death and morbid things that other would find terrifying. When you commented you loved being looked at with fear, mentioning his men, he couldn’t help but laugh, finding you hysterical. He knew he had fallen for you when you threatened him a gentle but intimidating smile on your lips, when he asked if you would sic your lion on him, “Oh no~ I prefer things to be more personal- I would poison you and watch the light slowly dim in your eyes- dragging out your inevitable death.” Leonidas had never felt such thrill before~
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ashonheavenscloud · 2 months
i fall || b. chan
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⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ contents: bang chan x fem!reader, angst of a hopeless love, autumnal wistfulness and nostalgia :(
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ word count: 4.8k
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ warnings: none
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ a/n: i love love love using seasons as a motif oh my goshhhhh. enjoy! (even if it’s heartbreaking)
now playing - 21 - gracie abrams
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Chan should have known from your first whirlwind of a meeting that he’d fallen into something hopeless.
Felix had been the one to introduce the two of you; you’d appeared out of the blue, on a particularly cool autumn afternoon. Chan had been minding his business, listening to Felix rant about his day while the older boy cleaned the coffee shop tables and counters. The place had been empty- courtesy of small town living- and the sound of a bell had alerted the two of them instantly of a new arrival.
His first glimpse of you had been you running, grinning as you all but jumped into Felix’s arms with exclamations and laughter. “Lix! Oh my god, you’re actually still here!”
“And you’re back!” Felix replied, holding you out at arms distance. Chan observed from the sidelines, a little confused but more curious. Your smile was bright and captivating, and he found himself instantly liking you. He didn’t know why, he just had a good feeling about you from the beginning.
“Ah!” Felix exclaimed, seeming to remember Chan’s presence. “Y/n, I’d like you to meet Chan. He’s a good friend.”
You exchanged hellos as Felix babbled, “Chan, Y/n used to live just in the next town. Although she’s been slacking on her visits.”
“Hey, I never promised anything.” You argued, lightheartedly before turning back to Chan.
He wasn’t entirely sure what he expected when meeting you, but he was surprised when conversation flowed so easily that Felix teased you must have met before and hidden it from him. You were just so engaging and exciting- and it didn’t take long for Chan to consider you close to his heart.
It was odd, considering how different the two of you really were. Chan could never understand your passion for travelling- it came in part with your job, but mostly because- as you confessed- you didn’t like to stay put for long, preferring a more scattered existence. Chan himself found comfort in the stability of the city he’d always loved, it’s steady rhythm that remained a constant in his life. He could never seem to leave it for long- it’s borders were his home, and the people inside his family.
“We, my friend, are clearly very different.” You’d chuckled, shaking your head.
“Can’t be that different.” Chan insisted, ducking behind the cafe counter with a shrug. “How do you feel about blueberry muffins?”
You smiled at him- and looking back, he’d been a lost cause even this early on. He hadn’t been able to help it when your smile was somehow brighter than fireworks and took his breath away just as easily.
Chan wondered for a long time if your meeting was fate. You popped back into his life with every change of the seasons, threw him for a loop and then disappeared again for weeks at a time. Where he figured it should have driven him crazy, he only felt more anticipation for the next whirlwind you brought him- and you never failed to come back no matter how long since your last connection. You returned like autumn; and Chan couldn’t help but fall harder for you every time.
And now your latest visit was just beginning- Felix and Chan had picked you up from the train station the day before, and you’d informed them you planned on staying for longer than your usual couple days. That small piece of news was enough to make Chan both excited and anxious. While he had more time with you, he knew it would speed past like always. He figured he should plan the days, work out his free time and whatnot. However, as always, you seemed to sneak up on him and throw all his meticulous strategizing out the window- and this time was no different.
It was a particularly cool day- only a few nights since your arrival- when he found you standing in a faint drizzle, huddled in a forest green raincoat by the bus stop. Your boots absentmindedly scuffed at the colourful leaves that littered the ground in soaked piles. Their earthy smell was one of your favourite scents, Chan knew; it was something you never failed to remind him of.
You glanced up at him just before he reached you, and a bright smile lit your face. He felt his heart stammer, the damned thing a reminder of your affect on him.
“I always liked the rain.” You raised your face to the sky, smiling at the tiny droplets that coated your face and dampened your hair. The peace in your expression was something Chan envied. Content always seemed to come so easily to you. “It makes me feel alive.”
“I suppose it does.” Chan replied softly, holding his free hand out to let the rain douse his palm. After a minute of silence, he bobbed his umbrella in your vague direction. “Does that mean you wouldn’t like to share this?”
You mumbled something that seemed suspiciously sarcastic before shuffling to join Chan under the umbrella. His nerves tingled at your sudden closeness, the warmth of your body pressed against his side. His heart was beating frantically, and he couldn’t help but grin.
“Thank you.” You peered at him, and nudged him. “What’s with the smile?”
“Nothing.” Chan replied quickly; your smile grew and he felt compelled to add an excuse. “It’s just that you’re right. The rain, it’s… refreshing in a way.”
“Of course I’m right.” You tossed your hair dramatically. “I’m always right.”
Chan laughed, and you flicked water at him.
“It’s nice to see you.” 
His eyes swiveled to meet your own, caught off guard by the sudden confession. You were rarely, if ever, forthright with your affection.
“Out of nowhere?” He had to question with a flustered chuckle.
You shrugged, staring out at the grey sky.  “I don’t know. It actually seemed overdue.”
And your bus pulled up then, leaving Chan to puzzle over your words as he was left alone in the rain.
He wondered late into the night what exactly you’d meant, his heart becoming a little too excited at the prospect of you staying for a while… whatever a while meant. He knew he shouldn’t hope, but in the early am’s he couldn't help it. He couldn’t help but imagine what it might be like to have you here. Here, with him, close enough to touch and hold. 
But he was getting carried away, he knew, shaking his head to try and clear it of the ridiculous idea. It didn’t matter what happened in the next two weeks. At the end of it all, you would be gone again. He shouldn’t expect anything.
Yet he hoped- and he hoped more strongly than he’d intended. Perhaps, in hindsight, it hadn’t been entirely his fault. You’d been consistent in meeting him somewhere along his bus route, and the ride through town had been so much lighter with you there to talk with. He asked you so many questions, and you never seemed to grow bored of answering them. How do you take your coffee? Straight black, but on occasion you’d add sugar. Do you like thunderstorms? The only form of rain you didn’t approve of. And even though you travel so much, where do you think your heart calls home? For that one, you’d laughed half heartedly, “I shouldn’t-”
“Tell me.” Chan was far too curious. 
You paused to play with the straps of your bag, staring out at the rain and the rainbow of trees. He almost wondered if you might not answer, or say something vague, or reply with ‘I don’t know.’ But then you looked at him with the echo of a smile.
“I suppose it’s always been here.”
He shouldn’t hope. He knew it would bring himself nothing but heartache.
But god, he couldn’t help it with you.
As he’d expected, the days flew by. He spent as much time as he could with you- at least, when he could find you. Felix joined you occasionally, but he was often busy with papers to complete and tests to study for. His first year of university was already proving to be difficult. Chan couldn’t complain in this instance- although he felt for the boy, he was also more than happy to spend his time with you, just the two of you. All the while though, he had to remind himself that you weren’t staying- like always, he would watch you leave again.
A couple days before you left, Chan convinced you to meet him at his tiny house. It had been a while since you’d been there, and Chan knew there was a particular something- or someone- you’d like to see.
“Berry!” You exclaimed, the fluffy spaniel immediately racing over at the sound of the door opening. You crouched to pet the puppy, tail wagging enthusiastically, and for a few minutes Chan just watched you with a smile. 
“She missed you.”
It was meant to say more than that, and maybe you picked up on that- because you turned your face away with a small grin. “Seems like it.”
Berry decided petting wasn’t enough and ran to find a toy to bring back. In the meantime, Chan urged you further into the house, a small one story that still sometimes felt too big to Chan. It was nice to have someone- even if momentarily- fill it again.
“Nothing’s changed…” you murmured, falling onto the nearby sofa with a sigh. “I don’t even think that pile of clothes in the corner have moved-”
“Hey, of course they have.” Chan laughed, cheeks flaming as he scooped up the various items and stuffing them hastily into his room close by. “Felix dropped these off- he didn’t want them and offered them to me.”
“If you say so.”
Chan threw a pillow at you, which you caught with a laugh and hugged tightly- oddly endearing to him. “Want something to eat? Drink?”
He smiled to himself when he heard your feet hit the floor and patter after him into the kitchen. “Is that even a question?”
He laughed, swinging open the fridge. “Soda?”
“You know me so well.”
He couldn’t help but grin as he pulled out a grape soda for you and a ginger ale for himself. After collecting a small plate of mini donuts to go along, you both settled on the sofa again, with Berry curled up between you.
“You know, I bet it doesn’t taste half bad together.” You insisted, imitating dipping a donut into Chan’s drink.
“No way!”
“It’s not that different from milk and cookies! Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“It’s not about adventure, it’s about-”
“If it’s disgusting, at least you’ll have tried.” 
“I’ll stick to what I know, thanks.” Chan laughed, taking a sip of his soda.
You shrugged, grinning.
It was moments like these that filled Chan’s heart the most- and simultaneously made it sink. Because it wouldn’t last. Because soon enough, this house would be painfully empty again. Of course, Felix would come occasionally- when he had time- and Berry was good company. But… it wasn’t the same as you. 
“You said nothing’s different.” Chan murmured, setting down his drink. 
You blinked at him. “Is there?”
Chan nodded, standing and motioning for you to follow him. He felt strangely nervous as you both entered his bedroom, and Chan stopped just inside.
You paused in the doorway, following where he pointed before your hand flew to cover the gasp from your mouth. “Chan! You got it!”
Chan looked down shyly, fingers lightly brushing the head of the sand coloured guitar sitting beside his bed. “Yeah, I took your advice.”
The last time you’d been here, Chan had confessed to wanting to learn to play the guitar. But he’d been unsure- the cost of the instrument alone had been deterring- but you’d encouraged him to go for it.
“Worst thing that happens is you don’t end up loving it.” You’d told him. “But… you could. You really could.”
Now, you raced over to gently touch the instrument, fingertips tracing the edges. “Oh my god, Chan. And?”
“And… I really like it.” He admitted with a small laugh- for some reason he felt nervous as he lifted the instrument and plopped onto the bed. “I’m sure I’m not that good yet, but-”
“Play for me!” You insisted- ah, right. That’s why he was nervous. Of course you’d ask for him to play.
“I’m still learning, really-”
“I don’t care, I just want to hear you.” You pleaded, sitting beside him on the bed. Your knees brushed his, sending a jolt through Chan’s body at your proximity. Your eyes were shining as he looked back at you, already knowing he was defeated. 
He could never help it with you.
“Alright.” Chan blew out a breath. “Don't hope for much though.”
You just waited, chin propped on your hands- and so Chan counted to three in his head, before strumming the first chord.
It was a familiar song to you both- a favourite you both shared, a sentimental love song you knew every word to. And although Chan was slow at remembering the chords, and you weren’t the best singer, a soft melody filled the room as you hummed to his strumming. Chan filled in with harmonies, closing his eyes to listen as peace took over his heart. Your voice, the song- he could live in this moment forever. And he didn’t even notice the way you were watching him, until the song ended and he opened his eyes to find your sparkling gaze and happy smile focused on him.
The last chord faded and was replaced with an almost tangible silence as Chan’s grip on the guitar loosened, and he let it gently slide to the floor. His eyes could not leave yours as he held his breath, fingertips tingling. He wanted to reach out to you, he wanted to take your hand that sat so temptingly close to his on the blankets. Just the thought made his stomach jolt nervously. He was frozen- and then the moment was over.
You blinked and looked away, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You’re not half bad.”
“Thanks.” Chan replied, because he didn’t know what the hell else to say. His mind was a mess of questions paired with screaming disappointment that he’d let his chance pass.
His chance?
This was what he contemplated long after you’d said goodbye and parted ways. He couldn’t deny the tension that had hovered in the air when your eyes had locked and he hadn’t seemed to be able to turn away. Even more rattling, though, was the heavy feeling of his heart when he thought about that moment. Because… 
Gosh, it had never been this hard to imagine you not being here.
Why was it so difficult this time? He’d thought the miles between you would be bearable as long as he knew that you’d turn up again- he’d been fairly content with it for a time- but for some reason, the idea of watching you walk away even once more had him pacing in his room at nearly 4 am two days before your departure. He’d known damn well not to dabble in optimism for this particular situation, but he hadn’t been able to help it. He loved you. He could admit it now, a silent confession to the stars that would listen. He loved you desperately, feverently, hopelessly. And now, he didn’t know if he could say goodbye this time around.
It was either insanity or the product of a panicking, blinded heart- which is, by all accounts, very nearly the same thing- when he asked you to meet him at the cafe you’d first met at those many years ago. It was a cloudy but pleasant evening, the sky barely darkening as a light sprinkling of cold rain dampened the streets. You were already waiting for him when he arrived, and Chan wasn’t sure if the feeling in his chest was warmth or dread when he noticed you’d remembered his coffee order- and it sat across from you, steam curling steadily into the air.
Chan felt anything but steady at this moment. Because he didn’t even know what he was going to say; he just knew he had to do something.
“Hi.” Chan greeted you with a small smile, ducking into the empty seat as you responded with your own hello. Silence settled over the cafe- interrupted only by a shuffling employee’s feet and the whir of machinery- before you cleared your throat.
“You were quite mysterious over the phone.” You stirred the tea in your mug, swirling the tea bag around and around before turning a teasing smile his way. “Well?”
Chan laughed, a short and nervous laugh, before shrugging. “Well,” he blew at his drink to cool it- and to buy himself a bit of time to mull over his words- before saying, “I suppose this is just a last little… something before you-”
His shrug felt heavy, like his very body loathed any reference to you leaving. You merely smiled, as Chan distracted himself with a sip of his cappuccino. Yes. Just the way he liked it…
“Everything comes to an end at some point.” You answered simply with a smile. How could you smile? Chan felt like he was being pulled in two directions, and getting ready to snap. “I mean, even life ends- we all die, don’t we? Ah, gosh-” you laughed, sipping your own drink. “I didn’t mean for it to sound so dark and final.”
He didn’t know what to say. He felt like a thread fraying, piece by piece, and he was sitting here pretending like the thought of you leaving tomorrow didn’t make him bat crazy. He remained silent, gripping his mug a little too tightly.
Either you didn’t notice or didn’t want to say anything, because you just kept talking. “It was wonderful to come. To see you, to see Felix. I’ve always loved this place… especially in autumn.”
Snap. Snap. Each tiny bit of his thread.
“It is beautiful.” He made himself say, a desperate attempt to keep himself together. 
You smiled at him, and said, “Thank you for making me feel so welcomed when I’m here, Chan. I… don’t know how to tell you how much that means to me.”
He couldn’t do this.
“Ah, I almost forgot-” you dug into your bag, and pulled out something small. Chan watched as you cradled a small box in your hands. “I meant to give it to you all week but… well, honestly, I didn’t know how to do it.”
You handed it to Chan, who surveyed the creamy white container, simple and plain. And when he opened the box…
It was a picture, framed simply in black. What took Chan’s breath away was the photo- he knew exactly where it was from. Last year, you’d visited for New Years and joined him and Felix and a few other people on the roof of the cafe for a celebration. You’d counted down until the New Year, and in the spur of the moment you’d pecked his cheek- after all, tradition right? you’d said while laughing, while Chan had tried desperately not to appear as flustered as he’d been. You hadn’t made a big deal out of it, so neither had Chan; he hadn’t said anything about it since, and neither had you- but here you were, frozen together in the picture. You’d kept that? Chan barely had time to take it in before you were speaking again, words coming a mile a minute.
“… I found it, so I printed it out and all that- and I don’t know, I thought you might want it. I mean,” you laughed, and it sounded uncharacteristically nervous. “I wanted you to have it. This is kind of my… confession.”
His mind was spinning, but it was still able to latch onto that word- and suddenly he couldn’t breathe.
“Because I’m leaving again, and Chan… I just had to tell you. Isn’t that selfish? But you deserve to know that I care about you more than you might think.”
No. No, why like this? 
In every scenario he’d imagined today would go, this hadn't even crossed his mind. You… and him… but you were…
He was trying to grasp words to say, anything at all but they escaped him. He was completely thrown off guard, and his heart felt like it was coming up his throat. His hands dropped to the table, too heavy now to lift. His eyes drifted from the picture frame clutched between his fingers and your hand sitting inches away.
You were still speaking, “I kept putting off giving it to you for some reason. But it will be so busy at the train station, and I didn’t want to-”
“You could stay, you know.”
The thread had snapped, the words bursting from him before he’d even registered them- and coming out more choked than he’d intended. You met Chan’s gaze, and he could see the warring of your mind before you slowly shook your head. 
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” 
“I don’t know, Chan. I feel crowded if I stay here too long. Like I can’t breathe right, like… like I’m trapped.”
He didn’t understand. He knew you cared for him, knew you might even share a fraction of the adoration he had for you. Why wouldn’t you even try?
“I’m not like you, Chan.” You added softly, tracing your index finger absentmindedly against your mug. Maybe to avoid looking at him. “I could never be content with a simple life. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with one, just… I would hate it. I would grow to despise this place, and I’m afraid I might begin to despise you with it.”
“I don’t believe that.” Chan whispered- mostly because he didn’t want to.
You smiled a bit at that, and looked up at him with sad, soulful eyes. “Would you be happy, then, to leave? To come along with me instead?”
He hated the way his eyes burned with the beginnings of tears. And he really hated that you both knew the answer.
“I know.” You whispered, turning away to gaze at the vibrant trees outside. Raindrops slipped from the colourful leaves and splashed into tiny puddles forming along the sidewalk. “That’s why I won’t ask it of you.” After a pause, you said. “It’s a dream, Chan, nothing more.”
“Then why do you keep coming back?”
He caught the smallest tug of your teeth on your bottom lip, before you turned back to him. “Because I liked this dream. Maybe even loved it.”
He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t bear this anymore. The distance had used to excite him in a way, as it kept him on his toes waiting for you- but now it just hurt. He wanted you close and then closer- and then some.
“Just… think about it.” He pleaded, unable to stop himself from reaching out to take your hand. The coolness of your skin sent a rush through his body.
Surprisingly, you didn’t pull away; instead you squeezed his hand, pausing before letting it fall. “See you tomorrow.”
You stood and left the shop; Chan gripped the framed photo long after you’d disappeared from view.
The train came too soon.
The packed station made it difficult for Chan and Felix to push their way through. In the meantime, Chan had plenty to think about. To fret about. He played with the sleeves of his jacket. His head was spinning, and he stumbled over the feet of a few passersby.
“Chan?” Felix was watching, confusion arching his brows. “Are you alright?” 
Chan shook his head in response. “Come on, we need to hurry.”
It was ten minutes until the train left when, at last, Felix spotted you over the crowd. Chan hung back, a murky gray cloud of dread hanging over his head as Felix said his goodbyes, insisting you call him and visit. Your smile, for some reason, seemed sadder today- especially when it was directed at Chan. He took a deep breath while Felix waited a distance away, and approached you.
It only took your eyes finding his own for the lump to swell in his throat and his eyes to burn as he tried to figure out what to say. Gosh, it had never been this difficult to say farewell. 
“Chan-” You gently lifted Chan’s face with your left palm, making him face you. He saw you smile through the blurriness of sudden tears, biting his lip as he desperately tried to halt them. But all he could think about was how unfair this was, and how much he’d missed you. Because he always did, and it hurt more each time he said goodbye.
“Hmm?” He managed, swallowing roughly. “Y/n?”
You hesitated for a moment, before taking his hand with your free one. “I’m sorry.” You whispered. “I am. I don’t know, I just… I mean, you’re just perfect…”
“Just not for you, huh?” Chan murmured, clutching your hand like a tight grip could prevent your inevitable departure. Like your grip on his heart could somehow keep you together.
This time you bowed your head, and Chan thought he saw a tiny splinter- a crack in your gaze- before you looked back at him again. “Yeah. I guess so.”
Why not?
He hugged you tightly, afraid of letting go. You had the sense to do so first.
No tearful goodbye; it never was that way with you. Just a forlorn smile and a wave of your hand through the window before you were gone.
But you would come back, Chan assured himself, because you always did. Like the cycle of the seasons, you would return to him soon enough.
But you didn’t this time. You didn’t come back.
Weeks dissolved into months, and months turned into a year. His hope slowly faded into worry and distress at your disappearance, and then a solemn acceptance. That goodbye had been your last; even more he knew it in his heart that you didn’t intend to return.
In hindsight, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it coming. And he blamed himself for it, despite Felix’s assurance that it wasn’t his fault. After all, if he hadn’t pressured you to stay, maybe you’d continue to come and go as you always had. It had been his careless advances that had chased you away, and he’d been foolish to wish for you to remain within arms reach. It would have hurt for you to never find content in staying with him- but he swore it hurt a thousand times more to think that he might never see you again.
He wondered, though, if he could have borne it. Seeing you for brief pockets of time, all while knowing you would leave him again eventually. He tried to imagine it; find a scenario where both of you could be happy and be together. But… how?
Maybe it was for the best, then. If he couldn’t make you happy, it was selfish for him to expect anything from you.
Still… he missed you.
God, he missed you.
It was over two years before he heard anything from you. A mutual friend, Jisung, had run into you in Orlando. The meetup had been quickly relayed to Chan, who jumped at any information of your well-being. And as it turned out, you were doing well. Free and tied down to nothing, you were doing what you loved- exploring the world, finding your next adventure in the great unknown.
And Chan knew that it was the right path for you- even if it hurt to admit. And even if it was hard to be happy for you when he couldn’t seem to let you go himself.
Because everywhere he went, he saw you. Saw what you were, and what you might have been. You lived in his head now that you weren’t here, and he wondered if you would always stay there as his biggest what if? Even more, he wondered if you ever thought about him too.
Chan thought of you for the umpteenth time that week as he stood in a heavy drizzle, an umbrella keeping his body dry as he waited for his bus. Evening was approaching quickly, the sky darkening at an alarming rate. Brightly coloured leaves were tossed in the wind, skittering over the wet pavement. Chan stood perfectly still, listening to the steady rhythm of the rain. Pitter patter. Pitter patter.
Eventually he let his umbrella fall back; his eyes turned to the sky before closing as the first droplets of rain fell onto his face. He inhaled deeply, the rich smell of the damp leaves making him smile- even if a little wistfully.
The rain felt a little colder this year, didn't it?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
stray kids masterlist
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
ok one thing i am Absolutely certain of is that something is Up with misha and im far from the only one
the fact that literally No character acknowledges his presence beyond us and clockie (who, mind you, isnt seen by anyone else either). how his dialogue as a visitor to the express has him likening it to feeling the way "home" does. the fucking keyhole eyes and the keyhole door motifs in the dreamscape Especially a childs dream (and whos a child in the penacony cast???)
and just honest to fuck the ENTIRETY of a childs dream like. mikhail. when misha is a diminutive of the name. the voices you hear during the story segment in the map DEFINITELY include mishas. they describe it as a dream that is created from the memories of a child yet its also the map that contains the most references to the watchmaker including that room which seems like his workshop or sth??
his interest in the astral express and the new gacha destruction LC literally depicting him receiving a ticket to the express (from his grandpa too whos prolly the mikhail n also the watchmaker) combined with the fact our invitation to penacony was using the EXPRESS distress call genuinely makes me feel like it could be him behind that hidden message
n then i just saw a comment that wondered whether hes the fucking nilou to penaconys "dream". and like. it would be so fucking wild but also adds up so well?? Or maybe im insane but listen.
penaconys dream is falling apart its sinking back into the depths of a much more chaotic, dangerous memory space. the way the dream samsara in genshin 2.0 story worked was that it depended on the "dreamer" never becoming aware of the fact that theyre dreaming. and what question does the distress call slash invitation carry? one thats pondering the meaning of dreaming. one that i can VERY well believe to be coming from someone whos literally been dreaming for aeons know How long slowly becoming aware and asking Why. Why does life slumber?
if misha has been created as or made into the lynchpin of penaconys dream holding it all together but for some reason has begun rousing from his slumber and gotten close enough to awareness that he IS dreaming that its beginning to affect the stability of the dreamscape. and he has some sort of vague memories (or maybe inherited ones thru his 'grandpa' who might well be just the watchmaker that Created him) of the express. wouldnt it make complete sense for the first thing in his mind to call for the express?
and even things like "death" too? if misha is the dreamer and waking up and hes fucking terrified and confused and disoriented. Yet its still his dream that makes up the entirety of the dreamscape. its not at all unrealistic on the level of just the idea itself that his creeping existential dread of who he even is and if hes even real outside of this dream hes now been forced into being aware of. begins to take the shape of an actual death incarnate in the memory zone. bc isnt that what it is to discover you yourself might just be a part of a dream - and a dream that could fall apart any moment if you wake up. That he might be already dead - or never even have existed in reality at all. like sheesh kid id be spawning nightmarish horrors into my dreamscape too
then i also just rly feel like. the watchmaker equals a nameless equals mikhail equals mishas grandfather but also the creator of penaconys dream but also possibly either the creator of misha or maybe misha himself being not only a diminutive of mikhail in name but Literally . as in a fragment of the watchmaker left behind in the dreamscape as the dreamer holding it all together. the LITERAL watchmakers legacy. like hhhhhhhh i cant stop thinking about thiss
if aventurines trying to take back penacony for the IPC does it mean hes literally trying to wake misha up to destroy the dream (tho he might be unaware of this being the final step as of rn himself)?? and the familys interest is obviously in forcing the dreamer to slumber eternally. but the one thing neither party might foresee is misha himself taking action too. which hes Already done if it was him behind those invites too
+ acherons comments when u first meet her? about the dream being doomed to fall apart in the end. it feels prophetic. ppl have theorized shes an emanator of terminus the finality which could mean she experiences linear time in reverse the same as her aeon. literally traveling from the end to the beginning in a predestined path. so if thats true then its almost guaranteed she wasnt making a hypothetical comment about the dream being destroyed.
she mightve seen it happen already.
man what the hell is going on in this planet😭😭
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MK+ Reflections
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(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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MK: “I just...I don’t want to let my friends down, you know? [...] But it’s too hard! I’m just one guy.” (1x02 Duplicatnation)
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(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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Mirror MK: “Ugh, Stop that! Listen, every time we get in trouble we turn to Monkie King or our friends or someone—they tell us a story and we find that smidge of motivation we need. Well! Now we’re on our own. It’s just you.” (2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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“I gained a new power!”
“The power...of self-reflection”
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen) (This one is an honorary mention)
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(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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(2x02 Dumpling Destruction)
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Lady Bone Demon: “Whatever she’s planning, it’s all to do with that. I- I’ve seen you use your staff, surely you could use it to smash that thing?”
(2x05 Minor Scale)
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Mirror MK: “No, stop! What are you doing!”
(2x05 Minor Scale)
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MK: “This is the trigram furnace, from the celestial realm! How is this-”
“...Trust your instincts.”
(2x05 Minor Scale)
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(2x05 Minor Scale)
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Totally Not Macaque: “The Hero and the Warrior were like the sun and the moon, their light like a protective glow shining upon the world. As the hero’s light grew, so too did his shadow—and soon, the Warrior was cast into that shadow. In the darkness, the warrior was forgotten by the Hero.”
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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(2x10 This is the End)
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Lady Bone Demon: “This is your destiny.”
(2x10 This is the End) (This isn’t MK, however MK’s self reflection is so closely tied to the celestial furnace, and LBD appears in a trigram furnace reflection so many times with MK that I am obligated to include it)
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Tang: “Um, MK? I get the feeling you aren’t telling us something.”
(2x10 This is the End)
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Tang: “My mother was right! Associate with the wrong people and see where you end up.”
(3x02 Great Grand Dragon of the East)
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MK: “It’s like a whole new me!”
(3x02 Great Grand Dragon of the East)
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Sandy: “Are we sure we’re going in the right direction?” Tang: “Not a clue. All Monkey King said to do was head west, so-”
(3x03 Smartie Kid)
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MK: “UGH. How am I meant to fight the lady bone demon?”
(3x04 The Winning Side)
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(3x06 The First Ring)
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(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Sun Wukong: “You actually might have done more for this world than I ever have!”
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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(4x02 New Adventures)
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MK: “Remind me how this ‘game’ is supposed to convince me I’m not destined to turn into an evil demon monkey thing again? Cause, EVERY option I pick brings me to this! Same! Screen!”
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
Oh reflection motif, how I love you.
Interesting to note, MK’s reflection never shows up in the Demon Revealing Mirror (something that is actually, you know, a mirror). Very intriguing to think about, isn’t it?
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wangxianficrecs · 9 months
The Housewife's Guide to Causing Chaos by dvasva
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The Housewife's Guide to Causing Chaos
by dvasva (@dvasva)
M, WIP, 117k, Wangxian
Summary: “Of all the rotten luck I could have!” Outside, in between the gentle embrace of an imposing misty mountain and the caress of soft wind, stood the Cloud Recesses. It wasn’t a section that Wei Wuxian had recognized from his time in the sect, but the motifs of clouds and cranes in the buildings, the impeccable feng shui and carefully manicured paths, and the utter silence as the sect members slept peacefully, all burned themselves into Wei Wuxian’s eyes. No wonder the curtains were so firmly nailed to the walls! Any bit of demonic energy escaping the room could call down a veritable army of righteous cultivators! What sort of person in their right mind would dare to summon a spirit into their own body using resentful energy in the Cloud Recesses of all places? What kind of person would scoff so rudely at the Lan Clans most important rule, ‘Do not fraternize with evil?’ After being dead for four years, Wei Wuxian wakes up in a body he doesn't really feel comfortable with, in a place that he's sure wants him dead, and married to a man who surely hates him. Kay's comments: Another story that I'm currently following and which always makes me shout in excitement when the notification for an update comes! A story in which Wei Wuxian gets brought back to life way earlier, but a) now he's stuck in a woman's body, b) it's a woman of the Meishan Yu Sect and c) he's married to Lan Wangji. I really love the character developement in this and the life this story gives to background characters and it's always good to see Wangxian reunited and married sooner. Poor Wei Wuxian only has to deal with a dysphoria and transphobia now, but at least the Lans are supportive and help him to the best of their abbilities when it comes to this. I also really love the relationship between Wei Wuxian and Lan Sizhui here - our little radish is a lot younger too after all. Excerpt: “Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji said it so softly, so tenderly. It almost hurt to hear. Wei Wuxian had never heard Lan Wangji’s voice so soft, and yet it felt so familiar and inviting. Any guilt that Wei Wuxian felt for being on the receiving end of such care was whisked away. He wanted to melt right there. Instead, he tensed. “Ah, isn’t interrupting people breaking the rules? How did you guess so fast? I barely made it a single day without someone recognizing me. What gave it away?” He blabbered, fast paced and without a breath. “Listen, Lan Zhan, I’m really not going to do anything bad, I’m not eve-“ Lan Wangji grabbed his hand, and Wei Wuxian stopped in his tracks. It wasn’t a very strong grip. If he wanted to, Wei Wuxian could break free or tug his hand back. Lan Wangji’s hand seemed to tremble as if ready to pull back at any sign of discomfort. But, Wei Wuxian did not move, simply waiting. With no resistance, Lan Wangji turned Wei Wuxian’s hand over so that his palm was up, then placed the jade token on it. With both of his hands, he closed Wei Wuxian’s fingers over the token and pushed it towards Wei Wuxian’s body. “What?” “I will not trap you here.” Lan Wangji stood up. “Please let me attend to your wound.”
pov alternating, canon divergence, trans male character, trans wei wuxian, love confessions, getting together, transphobia, good parents lan wangji & wei wuxian, mutual pining, misunderstandings, arranged marriage, gender dysphoria, cultivation sect politics, hurt/comfort, corporal punishment
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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anonzentimes · 14 days
do you have any song from the dr osts that you really like? personally the ones that immediately jump to my mind are living in a lazy parallel world from v3 and the dr2 fakeout intro song
ok so. here's where I fully admit how bad my love for this franchise is. because back when you could check your ALL TIME stats for spotify I checked, and I kid you not, my most played song ever is trapped by the ocean scent. It has been on my spotify wrapped 2 separate times and is my most played song PERIOD. And now that they've updated how far back you can check I will never know if that will ever change!
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Aside from that, I have a Danganronpa playlist that I use with most of my favorite tracks that is 100 songs long and is specifically organized with thought behind the placement of each song. It also has some fan songs too! I listen to it when I'm struggling to be productive a lot.
On the top of my head though, I'd like to talk about how amazing the ending themes for the Danganronpa games are! They make me so emotional and they're all this bittersweet or calm feeling and it's genuinely so nice. The Day Before the Future never fails to calm me down or get me emotional, same with Goodbye Despair High School and Trial END. Similarly to them Closing Argument v3 is also such an interesting and calmingly beautiful track that I adore and has some bittersweetness to it.
One thing I really love about the music in the franchise is the reuse of motifs and updating the songs themself. There's multiple versions of New World Order and they're all empowering and emotional in their own ways. The two versions of trapped by the ocean scent are always so wonderful, again, unironically my most played song of ALL time 😅.
The investigation songs are also great, I love the "jazz" elements the songs have especially Homicide (Or Kill Now), Box 15, And Despair Searching.
I also really love the motif Monokuma has, like, only a few days ago did I realize after years that Let's Start the Killing Game ACTUALLY has the motif of Mr Monokuma After Class IN IT!!!!
I genuinely could say how much I love so much of this franchise's soundtrack all day, but I want to focus on what I think people should absolutely listen to if they haven't since I've been asked.
I know there are some of you out there who haven't actually seen Danganronpa 3, and I won't judge you since that's your choice, but if you're someone who hasn't watched it please oh please listen to this song it is soooooo good: https://youtu.be/EF8lbBkfW8A?si=fe2YLQx080lAKcWe
In the English version of Danganronpa v3 the ending song was cut, I'm not really certain of the reason why, but it was cut. Because of this it's possible some may have not actually heard it before, Which is a CRIME Because it's delightful!!! Please listen to it!: https://youtu.be/1BnZLuW92Hw?si=VQsSJOBCDRO6dsn4
I really don't see people talking about the Danganronpa Pachinko, or P Danganronpa, Soundtrack and it really is a shame because I think all of the remixes and songs are great! My favorite song from the album is this one: https://open.spotify.com/track/2dYwE1ete8yshENgPBpOKn?si=1at3xvEmQoWjDwjRUv4CUw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7K9BG8Br4xp4n7caXN0IM9
And this one!: https://open.spotify.com/track/1lWI7y6gbc1rTy8nbhe7Ck?si=yfBKeuGoR2SuhoaFC-81xQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7K9BG8Br4xp4n7caXN0IM9
And last but certainly not least, I can't go on a ramble about Danganronpa's songs without mentioning Nagito Komaeda's songs. I won't talk too much about them since, as some may know, I am making an essay video of brief summarizes of my interpretations about the songs. They're all so amazing and beautiful, all three songs are written with his character in mind and sung by Megumi Ogata herself in his voice. I'd genuinely say they're masterpieces and I adore all three with all of my heart. Please listen to them if you get the chance! <3 https://youtu.be/IAMKvTOBHhI?si=ehM_Jl2X0OaTQwL5
Thank you for your Ask <3!!!!!!!!!!!
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Hello Friend,
I am begging you to hear me out on a fic idea I just have not the time nor talent to write for now. But I really want to one day so maybe if you’ll help me get some of it out? Or feel free to add to it! It goes like this:
Hella slow build, Hob has been searching for Dream since he missed their meeting 24 yrs ago. He has nothing more to go on that Johanna Constantine looking for a being of his stranger’s description. But one day he sees Death and she can no longer hide from him that Dream was captured. She fesses up and gives Hob a hint of who to look for: “The Magus shouldn’t have been strong enough, Hob. Someone else helped him so you should stay away from it.” Hob won’t listen to that and she knows it. Bada-bing bada-boom Hob fishbowl savior intro is done.
The big thing I cannot get out if my mind is the LONGING. That they become friend friends who BOTH talk, about former lovers and sons, who visit each other’s houses, who eat together and cry together, who watch movies and maybe cuddle slightly too closely. I’m talking about the longing of too many wistful stares, too many deep silences, too much hand holding and charged eye contact, and so many unsaid words but it mostly being, “I love you.” Then after 20+ years of friendship, after Hob has reinvented himself again they finally have it out.
It was a family dinner or some stressful event for either Hob or Dream where they get too tipsy and too honest. “Gods Dream, can I finally kiss you?” Dream runs to the Dreaming out of fear but Hob finds his way to the throne room. Dream can only stare at him as he ascends the stairs and by god, why is he so beautiful? Why is he so unobtainable? Hob is not hurt, not angry, he’s confused. This cat and mouse game is so like them yet when they should have started furiously making out on Hob’s couch, Dream had disappeared into the air.
“I don’t understand, Dream. Surely, you must know how much I feel for you. I haven’t been able to hide it since you that day you shot a ramen noodle out of your nose at my impression of Destiny.” Dream chuckles but he still doesn’t look up from where his hands clench at his robe, pulling the stars around him like a shield. Hob steps forward so that their feet almost touch and he gently cups Dream’s face. Dream sighs as he melts into that hand and he’s grateful Hob does not make him look up further because seeing his beautiful face would crush him. Hob continues as a thumb caresses along a pale cheekbone. “I worried for centuries that you didn’t feel the same but I see the way you look at me. I know the regard you have given me in spades is so rare that even Lucienne couldn’t believe it. And I know I can comfort you, that I can make you laugh and that I am not afraid of any aspect of you. I can love you like you have never been loved before. And I know that you know it. So can you tell me why you ran?”
Dream takes a long time to say what he’s been thinking because while he needs Hob to know he is afraid what Hob knowing it will mean. “I will not have a relationship with you, Hob.”
“Why not?”
“I have already stated my intent, why must you know the reasoning?”
“Because I know you aren’t thinking about this right so I want to know what your lovely brain is cooking up there in order to make this reasoning.”
Hob says it so plainly, so lightheartedly that it should make Dream angry if it wasn’t something he adored about the man. But he will feign angry anyway in a spiteful attempt to get Hob to back off even though it’s obvious to them both that he won’t. “I won’t explain myself to a mere mortal. I cannot be with you so end this folly.”
“I’m actually immortal and cannot die so… And you said can’t that time.”
It was a trap. Dream turns away with a huff, out of Hob’s intoxicatingly warm palm. He walks towards the stained glass windows hoping the distance will help settle him but considering it’s colorful swirling motif is a representation of Hob’s joyous laugh the irony almost makes him scoff. He is so fickle these days. His false anger turns to embarrassment and then that turns to agony. He wants nothing more than to sink into Hob’s arms but he cannot be so weak as to ruin him. He is in the heart of the Dreaming at the helm of his throne but deep inside he knows Hob has all the power here. How long had that been true?
“Dream? My love, what are you thinking?”
Hob’s kindness burns him. Immediately his proverbial heart slams into his throat, choking him and tears well in his starry eyes. If Hob won’t take his anger maybe he would take the truth. “I cannot care for you in this way, Hob. I would not see you scorned the way I have ruined all those who previously cared for me.”
“Dream. You would not ruin me. And even if you did I would thank you for it.”
Images of Hob’s imagining flood in. Him crying with a reminiscing smile. Them screaming at each other and slamming doors. Hob wearing a suit of armor about to fight Hell for Dream and asking only to kiss him upon the hand as a boon though he knows he will never return from battle. It’s too much so Dream folds further in on himself.
“Love, please. I can see you’re hurting. Let me help you, let me love you.”
His pleading hurts and Dream does something he has never done before. He turns to face Hob and suddenly drops to his knees in front of him. Hob immediately lunges to pick him up but before he can do so Dream lays his hands on the icy stone before Hob’s bare feet. He closes his eyes against the tears there and places his forehead between his upturned palms. “Please. Please, Hob Gadling. Grant me mercy from this torture.”
Hob’s stunned into silence at the king kneeling before him. “Dream…I…”
“I beg of you, Hob. I could not bear it if I hurt you the way I have hurt those who came before you in loving me. Even now, I cannot say the words for fear calamity would instantly strike you down. So please, I am begging you as all that I am. As Dream of the Endless, Oneiros, Morpheus, Ruler of Dreams, King of Nightmares, and the master of the Dreaming and its inhabitants, I beg you please, do not love me.”
Silence echoes in the hall and the only sounds that make it pass the roaring in Hob’s ears is Dream’s unspoken words. I love you.
That’s all I got so far in this hour long sleep deprived rant session (sorry!) but all that really matters to me is the image of Dream kneeling. Him begging Hob not to love him because I have always thought Dream would never accept Hob’s love so easily out of fear for hurting him because of course he’s already in love. I just always like the idea of them knowing but not saying anything because longing and pining are what make love confessions feel so much like relief. And I just want Hob to be as patient in this matter as a man who waits decades for an unknown friend. But mostly, I just want to be in looooovvvvveee.
Sorry this got out if hand lol. I did not mean to drop all this on yah😅 Any thoughts?😅 I know this isn’t like your normal asks but I’m ace so the smuttiness doesn’t occur to me so naturally. But if I ever get to writing this (in 10 years lol) then I will defs have some crying throne sex for you😘
Have a great day!! Thank you for all your wonderful thoughts that bring me joy everyday!!❤️
-🧶 Anon
🧶 anon you have RUINED me. Dream begging Hob not to love him??? Hi I'm going to cry. Dream has hardly ever begged in the entire course of his existence!! He desperately wants to tell Hob that he loves him - he can't even say it! He'd rather beg and humiliate himself than risk hurting Hob.
And poor Hob 😢 what would you do if the love of your life BEGGED you not to love him?! Holy shit!!!!
Hngnng. Thank you for sharing this, I hope you have the opportunity to continue with it! I think it has amazing potential and you can make lots of us cry with this concept!!!
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tarnishedinquirer · 28 days
Roderika and Hewg
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I'd seen the larder from the walkway above, but it didn't prepare me for the experience of climbing over these bodies while the troll above dropped fluids on my head. It's good to know I can still be shocked and disgusted, even after all I've seen.
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On top of the pile, I found a brooch wrapped in a red handkerchief. It somewhat resembled Roderika's hood, and when I picked it up, I could sense spirits lingering around it. I'm no medium, but my third eye isn't entirely closed. I couldn't make sense of anything they were trying to say, if there was even any sense to make at all. The voice referenced Roderika's line about "Chrysalids," so I think even someone without my skills would see the connection.
I found Roderika where I left he, still lost in her despair. She immediately perked up when I showed it to her though. She stared at it like she was listening, and then she started to cry. That's a good sign. I've been in that pit of despair before, and you don't even feel enough to cry. Still, it's dangerous. Once you start feeling again, you start hurting too. She needed to be around people, so I suggested the Roundtable Hold. They might be weirdos and hazbins, but better than here.
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I found her by the fire in Roundtable hold. Glad she took me up on my offer. She still seemed pretty steeped in self-pity, but at least she was looking forward now and trying to figure out what to do next.
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Walked in on Master Hewg praying. Someone with more tact would just leave him to it, but inquirers with tact don't get very far.
Your divinity, have mercy, and grant me forgiveness. The road is yet long. A God is not easily felled. But one day, without fail, you will have your wish. So please, grant me forgiveness, Queen Marika..."
So... was the "sheer terror of her" referring to Marika? Could be. It was an easy conclusion to jump to. Maybe too easy. Some gods are feared, some are loved. No reason it can't be both, but his prayer sounded more in the latter camp than the former. Regardless, Marika wanted him to forge a god-slaying weapon? Some sort of divine suicide pact, or is there another God that needs slaying?
It was about then he noticed me. He seemed upset about being caught praying and said he'd be more careful in the future. I didn't press the issue, but while forging my staff, he asked me about Roderika. Said she's a spirit tuner and she reminded him of someone he knew long ago with eyes the same hue.
Cryptic. So now there's up to three women in Hewg's life. Let's make it four.
I went back and forth between the two of them for a while. Neither one seemed to believe that the other one could possibly want anything to do with them, but eventually I got them to talk to each other.
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Roderika set up shop across from Hewg and offered to upgrade my spirit summons using the Gloveworts I've been finding in catacombs. They're strange bell-shaped plants, continuing the motif of sound (especially bells) being related to spirits.
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It hadn't passed my notice that Roderika abandoned her hood once she set up shop. There's only two places she could have left it.
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Tried the shack first, but all she left there was a bouquet of red flowers and a candle. That meant there was only one other option.
I returned to the larder with the "Chrysalids" and sure enough, there was the hood. I was impressed. It wasn't easy to get this deep into the castle, and Roderika did it just to pay tribute to her fellows. She'll be alright, I think.
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Sure enough ,the voice had things to say about the hood.
A hooded cloak of vivid crimson. Worn by expatriated royalty. Such cloaks were gifted to those who departed on journeys without specific orders, to faraway lands from which they would never return. In other words, the gift of a cloak made it easier for undesirables to be on their way. Roderika never once saw the guidance of grace.
So she was sent to her death here anyway. Was there some political upheaval? Did she somehow disgrace her family? Or was there just not enough inheritance to go around? That seems the most likely. Make it look like an honor.
Why was Roderika exiled?
What is special about Roderika's eyes? Why can I see spirits too?
Why was Hewg tasked with forging a god-slayer?
Is Marika the one he's afraid of? If not, who?
For that matter, who did he know that was a spirit tuner?
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heda-heather · 4 months
:nervously off anon: So I watched the Anti-Hero video for the first time yesterday (I know, I know...SO behind the times), and I'm so curious how Swifties are interpreting the very clear symbolism. Like, Taylor is two selves. One of them (the "villain") is her exact presentation out in the world right now. Taylor's lyrics match up with her real self. Her public persona doesn't match up with her lyrics. Swifties don't acknowledge this contrast?
Also, what do they make of the bottle she's drinking from? The one with the Lover video's family crest. Do they not wonder WHY that crest is in a video that is otherwise not about romance? Like, I feel like with close attention to lyrics + close attention to videos + an ounce of attention to how her persona changes from album to album + THE ENTIRE LOVER Era = AT THE VERY LEAST that she is not who she seems (and is most certainly under the queer umbrella).
An even deeper dive will lead you to "she is with Karlie; that crest is signaling Karlie; her songs signal Karlie; Taylor is likely identifying as a lesbian now." Yet somehow they don't see any of it that way, and I wonder how. Maybe willful ignorance. Maybe selection of detail to support their own thesis. Maybe it's the English major in me that makes me pore over this stuff.
My assumption is that many Swifties center their listening experience on how they relate to what Taylor's talking about, so it's more about their own experience and projection than what is actually being written. I know they'd say the same about gaylors, but there are CLEAR motifs in this discography. It's all fascinating but also driving me mad. LOL
Anyway, sorry for the novel. I am still a whole n00b to this fandom and mostly choose to engage with Taylor's world via this corner of Tumblr and through her lyrics. The wider fandom seems like actual hell. LOL
Whew ok I needed a minute to read and process before responding 😂
1. Swifties see the anti-hero more as her battle with fame I think, kinda missing the deeper meaning of her being a completely different person underneath that fame.
2. I doubt they think about the crest at all. I never noticed it until a Kaylor blog pointed it out and showed all the times it’s been displayed. They probably assume it’s just a random design.
3. Her persona changing from album to album actually gives them fuel to say she’s NOT part of the queer community because “the lover era was her activist era, just showing her support, then she moved on from it”
4. They’re NOT looking for signals to Karlie. And they take what she shows them (hanging all over football guy) at face value
5. Projection is a big piece of it. “Loving in secret” to us, is such an obvious flag to the experience of realizing you’re queer in a heteronormative society. I think a lot of them romanticize this instead. They see it as finding a love so special, you want to keep it to yourself. I think a lot of them are obsessed with her work because she describes this intense, earth-shattering love. It gives them hope to find it… but they don’t realize it’s a queer love. And the fact is… 2 women loving one another do share a different experience than a man and woman, because of how women express themselves and understand the universal female experience. Add that to the experience of being queer in anyway. So… they’re kinda holding onto false hope they’ll find a love like she describes. But also there is no other Karlie Kloss in this world 😍🥰
Anyway, my thoughts. Thanks for being brave enough to come off anon! Always love a good chat.
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boundinparchment · 7 months
Dream a Little Dream of Me - LI
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Celestia had a cruel sense of humor. He knew this, even before his days as a student. But to be given a soulmate? Now, when he openly blasphemed against the cursed island in the sky? He would outlive you and the dreadful fated bond that haunted your shared dreams. There was little point in this. He could at least put a Vision to good use. People were nothing but disappointments. He had no use for you. Until you pulled the bow across your instrument and awoke a part of him long buried by self-hatred and arrogance. Soulmate AU; Il Dottore/Female reader w/ established personality and backstory. Slow burn. Lore and world speculation and interpretation within; follows canon story where possible. Content warning: This chapter contains references to abuse, physical abuse, sexual assault and the consequences thereof, power imbalances with figures of authority, etc. While previous chapters touched on these topics regarding the MC’s past, this is the one that will be tackling these events the deepest and in more detail. If you are uncomfortable, click the back button and come back for Chapter 52. Fic is rated explicit; MDNI. Mind the tags. Chapter also posted on AO3.
The sentiment captured you in a self-sufficient whirlwind, one you hadn’t felt since before Sumeru.  It was lighter than the melancholy that gripped you when you first arrived at the Palace and sweeter than any decadent dessert you ever tasted.
You met the musicians, the conductor and manager, listened again when they didn’t know you were there.  There was a quality amongst them unlike any you’d heard before and they were consistent in keeping said quality.  When you said as much to the manager, they laughed as though it were a given.
They would be up to whatever challenge presented to them.
And when it came to creating said challenge…well…
You had ideas, certainly.  You listened to spin-crystals you found in the Palace Library, picking up unique motifs and rhythms from Snezhnayan composers.  Arrangement would matter just as much as the composition but you couldn’t arrange if you couldn’t write…
Nothing you put to paper sounded right.  Felt right.  You were so close.
All this energy and emotion and nowhere for it to go.
The memory sessions weren’t helping matters.  In fact, they seemed to just make everything worse.  You were irritable, prone to snapping more often, you felt hyperaware of when eyes were even glancing over you.  If you weren’t making any progress on anything, surely everyone else was seeing it, too.
One morning, Zandik found you curled up in your chair as you used your pen to trace notes in the air.  He took your chin between his thumb and forefinger as his crimson eyes examined you in the dim blue light of dawn.  He then took your hand, pen and all, searching your joints as his eyes remained on your face.  You winced; he frowned but opted for silence as he let you go and left your quarters. 
A loquacious man such as your soulmate never skipped an opportunity to hear himself speak.
Which meant everything he had to say was so obvious that he was not about to waste his time nor breath repeating himself.
Enough light passed through the window in front of you to make it just barely reflective and you caught a glimpse of your visage.  There would be no hiding the tell-tale signs beneath your eyes and your dry lips wouldn’t survive another escapade outside without bleeding.  Your entire spine felt as if it needed to be pulled out of your body and cracked like a whip.  Meanwhile, an entirely new hand wouldn’t be amiss.  Your fingers were stiff and your tendons didn’t cooperate long enough to let your muscles do what they needed to.
You propped your elbows up on your desk and buried your faces into the heels of your palms, pressing just hard enough to see stars. 
If you continued, you would fail. 
You knew that.
The thought plagued you as your head grew heavier and your arms moved of their own accord, your head sinking with them to the cool surface of your desk.  A little sleep wouldn’t harm anything.
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“You cannot be serious.”
You stared groggily at the machines on your side of the bed from the doorway, across the room.  Heart and EEG monitors.  IV pole and dangling tubes.  When the hell had he brought those up? 
Had you napped so soundly or had Zandik simply relied on the veins of the world to close the distance?
Did it even matter?
“Your mind must process events in the order they occurred in to get to Omega’s next node.  I additionally find myself wondering if the last place we left your unconscious mind is bleeding into your waking existence, holding you back,” Zandik replied.
He spoke of the memories of too much wine and lingering touches, blatant favoritism and doting gifts.  Both of you knew the path ahead but only you would experience their pain again.
“You think I’m having trouble creating because I’m scared to succeed?” you spat, arms crossed and eyes burning.  “I think I’ve been composing and playing just fine.”
“Up until the Tsaritsa presented this opportunity, I am inclined to agree.  I believe it has less to do with your emotional response and more an instant connection that the second you succeed, or even get close to it, your own well-being is taken from you.”  He didn’t give you a chance to counter.  “Discussing my hypothesis will only do so much while you’re awake.”
You held his gaze across the expanse of the bed, skin crawling.  He said it so easily, as if this were simply a recipe to follow.  After all, he was watching your memories as one did a moving picture.  It was your mind and body that experienced the physiological responses and the result of dredging up what you wished you could forget.
“I know what I’m asking of you, it’s why I thought here was far better than the lab so you’re comfortable,” Zandik said, his gaze drifting from you to the pillow and then back again.  “You should know by now that I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t expect beneficial results.”
“Not because you’re curious, Zandik?”
Nothing stopped him from seeking knowledge and answers, ever.  You knew that.  This boundary was one the two of you skated around like children on a frozen lake; you never thought details were necessary when alluding to your patron’s behavior.  Several Fontainian orphans were taken into the House of the Hearth under similar circumstances, or so you heard.  And you were doubtful someone as clever as Zandik needed details spelled out for him.
“This is much for me as it is for you, lest you forget this entire process is meant to purge Omega from your memories and correct neural pathways.  I am not so much intrigued by your past experiences as I am aware that some things must surface in order for the rest to settle.  One’s past is precisely that: the past.  It does not wholly define but rather shapes us, calls for change in how it molds and carves.  And we must change, mustn’t we?  Otherwise we give in to what is laid before us.”
In a world full of cyclical rebirths and stars deciding one’s fate, change seemed almost moot.  You would have disagreed in part with him if presented with the notion when you first met; you changed your career but not your love of music, for no one could take that from you.  But both of you were given a connection long after you expected none at all, a change both loathed and adored.
You rounded the bed slowly, eyes drifting from the pillows, to the machines, and then back to Zandik when you drew closer.  Without missing a beat, you pressed your lips to the septum of his nose where it had broken more times than he wished to admit before you crawled under the covers to await the familiar sensation of falling.
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The void was untouched, as it always was, the corridor expanding forever except for the pane through which you witnessed yourself.
You had worked through smaller memories since the last major session but nothing substantial.  Those were simply trials to perfect your method and help Zandik understand everything, step by step.
The gap between your last destroyed memory (which you only recalled in terms of your fist meeting the surface and cracking it) and the next time you saw your soulmate was not as lengthy as it seemed.  It felt like centuries but in truth, it was only a handful of years between the two lies Omega planted. 
Time was strange in this portion of your life.  When you looked back upon it in the waking world, it felt like it happened to someone else.  You entered that house, beautiful and just as foreboding as it was promising, and left a completely different person, fully aware of the lies your nation painted upon its people.
Everyone endured a form of suffering under that roof.  Even the house staff were not true allies despite treating guests well and bringing food or sneaking in medical assistance.  One bad day was enough to send words flying and no one went unpunished.
A shudder ran down your metaphorical spine and you wondered if such a sensation reached your physical body.
It was behind you.  It wouldn’t happen to you again.
Your memory banks knew precisely where to pick up from.  Beautiful gifts of a bow with expensive strings, perfume, a new kind of typewriter that allowed you to type notes instead of write them.  Balms for your hands.  A private tutor so you wouldn’t stagnate.
For you could always be better, couldn’t you?
One specific memory flickered as it passed by.  You didn’t need to watch it in full to remember the way the expensive plush rug felt beneath your knees.  Your nose recalled the smell of him when he pushed himself deep into your mouth.  Disappointment was warm, salty, and shoved down your throat instead of dinner.
You gagged and reached out to sort through faster.  The spaces in-between were blurry, deemed unimportant by your subconscious.  Your fingers hesitated as you caught sight of a bedroom not your own, opulent by comparison with a large poster bed with its own heavy curtains for privacy.
That first time had been full of praise, admiration, what you mistook for love.  You hadn’t understood, not then.  There were stories of performers and musicians finding their beloveds under patronage and class barriers being eroded.  You were eager to please the one who gave you support to pursue your dream.
And he was eager to rob you of them as often as he could.
He took you from behind the next time when you messed up too often during a rehearsal he sat in on.  The arm of the couch had pressed into your abdomen and between that and his harsh thrusts, you hadn’t been able to breathe.
And on it went.
Your cycle was late more than once and he was always careless.  Relief washed over you every time at the sight of blood.  Pain never felt as wonderful as it did then, for it meant you would be left alone.
Threats of broken fingers along with gentle caresses, soft brushes along your skin that made you feel sickeningly warm.  Gowns that exposed more skin than you wanted to show, legs on display at dinner parties due to skirts with high slits and your shoulders and breasts exposed for all to see. 
He was careful never to hit you or bite you the night before a party.  At least nowhere visible.
You finally came upon the memory you were looking over.  Omega stood before you, your hand in his as he pressed your knuckles to his lips, his white suit almost glowing in the candlelight of the salon. 
His entire visage was outlined, superimposed over someone else.  You reached out a finger and traced the seam, distinct now that you knew it was there, rough despite the sleekness of the flat crystalline surface.  Someone had kissed your hand that night, you recalled when you focused, but it had not been Omega; it had not even been a Fatui diplomat.  Your fingers picked away at Omega, shards plinking to the ground as you went and revealed an unremarkable face, one of many from such nights.  The stranger had remarked about your playing, about how you needed to take breaks, and then given your patron a knowing look and smile.
Such arrangements in Fontaine were open secrets among those who considered themselves the cornerstones of the arts and entertainment world.
Once again, the memory recognized the holes and mended them, filling in the gaps where Omega used to be. 
You experienced the party alone, mingling carefully to avoid too much attention (difficult to do when your dress was backless and bared your legs whenever you walked).  Every time eyes settled on you, your patron managed to pull you into a conversation, hand lingering on the small of your back in a silent message of ownership.
Meanwhile, your hands were locking up and you almost dropped your glass at dinner.  Holding your utensils was an arduous task you had to pretend was easy otherwise you would be left with no energy. 
Knives shot through your forearms and into your fingers when you took your position after dinner and your skin prickled.  Between your pain and the irritating material of the dress, you were a hair’s width away from asking to excuse yourself; a glare across a glass of wine made you think better of it.  Playing that night felt as if your blood contained glass shards and every minute movement was searing agony.
It didn’t get better.
You were dragged from guest to guest, glued to your patron’s side, his hand never leaving your hip.  He flaunted his playthings, his toys, and every inch where you could sense his presence, your skin burned.  If you were paper, you would have long since turned to ash and you would have been grateful.
There was no flash of white tailcoats.  No teal hair.  No experimental touches to ease your tendons.
Instead, you felt bruises bloom across your flesh and the telltale warmth of blood from where nails dug into your skin.  Your dress was taken off of you in harsh, frustrated tugs and the intrusion, while expected, had you wondering if you would, finally, be split in two.
The memory ended and for a moment, you could only stare at the dark panel, your reflection looking back at you.  You frowned, the sensation that you had forgotten something sitting heavy in your mind as you raised a hand and flicked through future sequences.
Concealed applications and hidden compositions.  Smuggling your cello in and out of the manor as you tried to keep track of your story and excuse for leaving the house.  You endured what you had to all the while.
You paused the memories on the offer letter you received from the orchestra and your heart soared, just as it had back then.  Waves lapped at your feet and you could still hear the guttural sounds of nearby Blubberbeasts as they lounged on the shore.
Golden Vision in your other hand. 
A signature, a signet ring, the Stone clutched behind your back.  Farewells were easy, for you couldn’t get out of the oppressive aura of the house quick enough. 
The events, at least thus far, were the same as you knew them to be.  Entirely unchanged.  That made sense…
You sifted through images of playing for Lady Furina and Monsiuer Neuvillette.  A starry night in Liyue among familiar faces.  A summer in Mondstadt where the air was crisp and the wine was sweet.  Music poured out of you, a professional saw to your hands and provided a regimen, and you could laugh without fear of repercussions.  Sumeru’s greenery came into view, the loop finally closing.
There was no memory of your orchestra traveling to Snezhnaya.  You never arrived here with anyone other than Zandik.  No ball, no greenhouse, no near kiss.  No secluded existence with Omega, no oozing purple ore.
All of that, nothing more than a fleeting dream.
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Your eyes burned as you opened them, your vision watery and your senses tangled.  It took you a second to move your toes, flex your muscles, your brain playing catch up as you focused on singular movements.  Phantom pain danced on every nerve, although you couldn’t recall the actual pain such sensations were meant to mimic. 
Tears seared your cheeks as you ran your hands over the cool, smooth sheets and tried to look around.  This was real, you reminded yourself.  The bed was real; the curtains near the window were real; the man with his gaze fixed on the outside world was real.
Air was stolen from you when the realization truly sank in and you could only open your mouth in a soundless scream.  Your squeezed your eyes shut.
Zandik had never been there.  Not once.
No one had been there.
You saved yourself.  You’d had to.
A harsh beeping infiltrated your thoughts and you heard mutterings mingled with your own choking sobs.  Your heart pounded as gloved hands pulled at sticky nodes along your chest and freed you of the sounds.  Words were audible but never lingered.  You caught careful reassurances and words in another language you didn’t understand from a voice that made your very being as light as a feather.
The same hands that removed the nodes moved the covers and shifted you as long legs brushed yours.  You found yourself pressed against a hard chest, sandalwood and mint making your nose tingle as you gripped the blue fabric of a shirt. 
The world fell away around you as you fell asleep to nature’s metronome, a steady heartbeat beneath your ear.
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dropintomanga · 26 days
My Mother Saved Me
I got to spend some time with my mother yesterday for an early Mother's Day celebration in New York City. Before then, I was in deep thought about something that happened to me about 23 years ago. It's something I haven't really talked about and it involved my mom to a huge degree.
I was once hospitalized because of my mental health issues and if it weren't for my mom, I think my life would not be where it is right now for the better.
When I first got my diagnosis of clinical depression at the age of 17-18, I leaned into a bit too hard. Or more like I wanted to not do anything at all. One time at the first university I went to, I talked to a counselor and told them I heard voices. I mention this right now because now that I think about it, I don't think I was really hearing them. I think it was just thoughts instead of voices.
But I leaned into the "hearing voices" motif a bit too hard. In 2001, a year after my diagnosis, I tried switching colleges and still felt out of it. I felt so depressed that I decided to get voluntarily hospitalized. I don't know why I did it, but I was so worried I would kill myself. So off I went into a hospital. There I was surrounded by people much worse than me mentally. It also led to a pseudo-revelation - I don't think I really had it that bad because I was actually optimistic during my time. I eventually was discharged after about a week as my mom fought to get me out with determination.
I thanked my mom yesterday for what she did in 2001. But the story didn't end there. I found out that my mom fought hard because she personally saw what the hospital unit I was staying with was like. She saw the number of people with SMI (serious mental illness) and felt that I really shouldn't be there. My mom told me she was horrified. She even told me that the doctors above were saying I was writing stuff that I wanted to kill/hurt others when that wasn't true. My mom never believed what they said. She was worried that doctors would drug me and force me into bad treatment solutions. She said she signed a release form saying she would take full responsibility for me if things went south (spoiler alert: they didn't, even though I did have a close call).
As some of you who follow this blog know, I've been more critical about what constitutes as mental health care. I've been listening to perspectives from people with mental health conditions who get hospitalized and end up worse after. People who are supposed to help didn't/couldn't do their jobs. We got a hotline number, great. But a lot of people don't know the full truth about how broken the mental health system really is behind closed doors.
And I think about the statement "It's okay to not be okay." I dislike that statement because if that were the case, then we wouldn't be throwing a lot of the mentally ill into jails, prisons, and/or the streets. Certain mental issues (bipolar disorder/schizophrenia/psychosis/etc.) sadly are ignored.
I could have been one of those people if it weren't for my mom. I know I stressed her a lot and feel like I haven't done enough. But she has seen how much I've grown mentally over the last few years. I strongly have been questioning my own response to my circumstances decades ago as a mental illness. I don't want to pretend that ignoring trauma/vulnerability/dependency is going to make me stronger. My mom has noticed this.
I have a lot of empathy and good amount of compassion from my experiences, but I believe some of it came from my mother. I noticed how many friends she has and how she's helped various people over the years.
I know some of you have all kinds of thoughts about Mother's Day, but for me, I'm lucky to have the mother that I have. Someone who allowed me to be myself, stuck with me through my bullshit, and saved a naive version of me who didn't know that they needed to be saved.
I hope you all have someone like that in your life because even as we get older and wiser (I'll use recent events of My Hero Academia as an example), we're still all children deep inside who need maternal love of some kind to truly make us flourish. Mothers are the real heroes we truly need.
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I think I'll take it from here.
While the bookstore may be closed, we can still get into the Doomed Commercial Area through the side door. I've made a decision on what die we want to order.
🎵 Polyhedrons
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NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Oh, it's you again. Are you looking for a die?"
2. "Okay. I'd like to order a die from you."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Of course," she nods -- this is what she's here for. "Tell me what you have in mind."
"Do you know the *Wirrâl Untethered* setting? I want a die for that."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Ah, yes, Fortress Accident." She shakes her head lightly. "It's too bad they never finished their game..."
"The Wirrâl Untethered die is a variation of a standard role-playing die, only instead of plants it uses motifs of ice and death. And loss, of course."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Ice... death... loss... sounds like you.
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "I'm thinking something made from alligator jawbone, cast in black resin. The reptile bone is as white as ice and dead as... well... death," she smiles. "For seven reál I could have it ready in eight hours."
2. "It's a deal." (Order the die.)
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Great! See you in eight hours then." She takes a small notebook from her table and writes something down. "Was there anything else?"
New task: Pick up dice from the Dicemaker
We'll have to pick that up tomorrow. In the meantime, while we're here...
6. "I think I found the *actual* source of the curse."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "You mean the curse that I'm spared of because I live outside its immediate reach?"
"Yes, well… about that."
"It's a bit more complicated than I first thought it would be."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "I'm listening." She leans back in her chair, arms crossed across the chest.
(Just say it.) "There's a two-millimetre hole in reality located in a church on the other side of the canal. I think it may be related to pale."
"Now that I think about it... It sounds too preposterous to say out loud."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "What? You came all the way up here to tell me that you *can't* tell me because I won't like the answer?"
(Just say it.) "There's a two-millimetre hole in reality located in a church on the other side of the canal. I think it may be related to pale."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Excuse me?" She sits up, visibly agitated. "A two-millimetre hole in reality? This can't be true."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I'm afraid it is, ma'am. Soona Luukanen-Kilde, the former lead programmer of Fortress Accident, made the discovery."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Soona is involved in this?" She appears to take this in while the chatter from her headphones continues unabated...
"So it's even worse than I thought. It's not just the commercial area that's cursed, it's *the entire world*."
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - She looks outside the window where the night has fallen on the yard.
"What? No, I wouldn't go as far to say that the entire world is doomed."
"It's what I have preached the whole time -- and no one listened."
"Don't worry about it. You've been doing fine so far. I'm sure it's nothing."
Say nothing.
+1 Apocalypse Cop
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "A 'curse' is something superstitious, but a two-millimetre hole in reality?" She gives you a rueful smile. "We all know what it means -- it's pale."
"In any case, thank you for stopping by. It's good to have an answer, even if I can't claim to understand it fully."
Task complete: Inform Dicemaker about the Source of Doom
+10 XP
6. [Leave.]
🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 PM
Let's tell Lena we're done with the traps.
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LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Hello, dear. It's good to see a familiar face." The elderly woman smiles up at you hopefully.
"I restocked the empty trap... Where's Morell?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Thank you for doing that, dear." She manages a smile for you.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Her smile is weary. Her earlier ebullience has left her.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Morell still isn't feeling well. I convinced him to stay at Gary's to get some rest." She looks down at her hands. "I'm afraid the cold has really gotten to him."
"Only the hard core players left, huh?"
"It's probably for the best. It's awfully cold out there in those reeds."
"He gives up and *I'm* running around?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "I'm sorry, dear -- you've had to drudge through them so many times. Such is field work -- a young person's game as they say."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - Her voice is shaky. What is going on here?
"So... who's going to check the traps?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Morell will eventually. Or we'll talk Gary into going back out, perhaps..."
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant stares at his shoe, caked in mud. He doesn't say anything.
"Something tells me it's up to me again."
"We'll take care of it." (Take it on.)
"Once more onto the breach, then!" (Take it on with undue optimism.)
"Good luck with that. My bug-chasing days are done."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "No." She says -- insisting now. "You don't have to do that. Enough of this fool's errand, Morell will do it. Or Gary. You have work to do, I've wasted enough of everyone's time."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Be real -- Gary is not going to help with this.
"We'll take care of it." (Take it on.)
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "That *really* is too much, sweetie. Thank you for your dedication, but I can see you're coming down with a cough yourself."
VOLITION [Trivial: Success] - Very strange... why is she not letting you do this? It's like she's given up.
"Lena, what's wrong? You seem different."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Different -- how?" The half-moons of her glasses reflect you as she looks up at you.
"You've given up on the phasmid."
"You're not telling me the whole story."
"Never mind."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "I'm... in doubt, sweetie. That's all. Everyone is, now and then."
"You're in doubt? About what?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "It's... a strange feeling." She looks down, biting her lower lip. "I haven't really told this to anyone, but... you *are* a police officer."
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - And when a police officer asks -- you must answer.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Do you ever wonder if some lovely story from your childhood is just that... a story? Or a dream?"
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Hunching her shoulders now, she seems even smaller than she is. Like a sad young girl.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Seeing the Insulindian phasmid was just a story I used to tell people. I didn't really think about whether it was *real* or not."
"But... Morell told me you'd seen it. *You* also told me..."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Morell's so proud of it. He always tells everyone..."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - A terrible sting in the heart. Regret.
"Are you saying you *made it up*?"
"You seemed to really believe it happened. Doesn't that count for something?"
"So you haven't seen it? I should arrest you for lying."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "No, sweetie," she shakes her head, "there's more to it than that. Morell was so eager to believe my story was *evidence* of the phasmid's existence..."
"That I'm some Queen of the Cryptozoologists... That... And for years his belief made *me* believe too."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - That I'm a queen. An extraordinary witness to grace.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "But now we're both getting old, and he's still working himself sick out in those reeds, looking for it..." She shakes her head, still unable to meet your eyes. "But what if I was just *wrong*? I think I was..."
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant opens his notebook but doesn't write anything.
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] - He's hiding. These things are tough on him. Matters of love, not violence or deceit.
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[Suggestion - Medium 10] First, tell her that her marriage hasn't been a lie.
"To hell with this. *I* still believe you saw the phasmid."
"Thing is, you're not sure you made it up either."
"Okay, it's a false memory. Doesn't mean all cryptids aren't real. Chase another one."
"You're right about all of it. And I need to get back to my work."
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SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - An acorn is not the same as the tree. That requires time, diligence, and care...
And? I need something *good* here.
"Wrong or not, your relationship with Morell isn't just about the phasmid."
SUGGESTION - All qualities these two seem to share in abundance.
"Wrong or not, your relationship with Morell isn't just about the phasmid."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "But it *is*. We've spent years searching for the phasmid, hunting it together. Without it, what are we? Just another pathetic old couple..."
"If I hadn't led him down this path he could have a steady job lecturing at a university."
"Morell hated lecturing. You convinced him to do something real in this world."
"Normally when I think about stuff like *women* and *marriage*, I feel *bad*. When I think about you and Morell I feel okay. That counts for something, no?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Oh, of course it counts for something. But we've had our hard times too..." She looks down at her legs...
"I was a paraplegic before we met. He didn't know before I arrived… on our first date. If I weren't the Queen of the Cryptozoologists… If I didn't tell him that story…"
COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] - She has to swallow to relax her throat. It's keeping her from talking.
"He'd still be into you. That's not how these things work."
"*Now* I understand why you haven't told him about your doubts."
"Wow, love is *hard*."
Say nothing.
I don't think I could stomach saying anything else here.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Maybe. But then why do I not dare tell him?" She sighs. "I've wasted enough of your time with this drama. I really must stop talking about it, lest I start crying and waste *more* of your time."
"What you have to know is, the Insulindian phasmid probably does not exist. Let us fools chase our ghosts. There are a million better things to do with your life."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - *Are* there? Some of the other things are pretty bad.
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keikakudom · 1 month
Agsudisg I'm so glad you liked it, Kazi, I literally sat down the moment I finished reading and started drawing cuz you freaking killed me, I MEAN, vox being stubborn and denying help, and Alastor stubbornly giving him the aid he needs, but crouched in their respective toxic egos and self-image? So delicious. Alastor, who needs to know why he was left behind, and vox who's desperately pouring himself into the new thing... Ahhhh...
The part where he implies he really was running off to die...and Alastor goes all soft...the shared frequency, the antenna petting... I reread that multiple times bc it's so good...and the claws, the claws, vox denies wanting help from alastor to the last, but the claws!
(also we tots need full seasons and reruns of 'Let's Shit on Vox', I bet Alastor even encourages to call in with more info, not that anyone would bc they're too scared. Hey, does carmilla have to listen his obsession LOL)
Btw for the artist questions, if you want, 9, 14, 30?
YOU NEVER FAIL TO MAKE ME GUSH, ES AAAA...oh lemme tell you when I lock-in, i do NOT fuck around with toxic old men yaoi. When I get better at writing, I hope to capture all their glory✨
I have never really written in this particular weird genre, I don't even know what to call it? Disgustingly intimate love/hate? At least, that's what I aspire for it to be XD
Heheh the part where "Alastor goes all soft" is also a little on the part of RR!AU characterization, so it's a bit exaggerated. He's trying to ween his way in appealing to Vox again, but RR!AU Vox is just so tired. Alastor keeps bringing up the past....This was kind of a wacky scenario to write because it does skip/make you infer a lot of stages of development, but the AU is close enough to canon that I think it's not far to imagine filling in the gaps hhh....
LMFAO yes, Alastor def encourages call-ins, "The 'Let's Shit on Vox' show, your one-stop opportunity to diss Hell's most saturated overlord!" -- on the rare occasion someone actually called in, Alastor killed whoever said something off about Vox that wasn't to his "flavor" of hate.
Carmilla has already read through these two idiots and just rolls her eyes at their immaturity. If she's there for Alastor's radio show, she's just in the background, utterly done and convinced they're playing everything up for entertainment at this point. Now that has me thinking, if Alastor ever started feeling something unfamiliar and god-forbid genuinely *good*(????), he would probably consult Rosie or Carmilla for it first........and Vox would ask Charlie.....oh..........
Aaaand Artist Questions under the cut, TYSM for the ask <33
9. What are your file name conventions?
I have terrible file organization. Many of them are named "a", "aa3", "asgv", "fhgh", or other random keyboard smashes. Recently, I have a bad habit of naming files "sketch1", "sk1", "skht1", or some misspelled way-- it's gotten so bad I'm up to "sketch22".... I find things by icon only.
14. Any favorite motifs?
Straight edges and shapes, maybe? I started drawing with an anime style though I'm mostly into western media-- I think it's very satisfying to have nice shape design/silhouettes though, but I don't draw in a super cartoony or exaggerated style so it's kind of hard to tell that I like and have fun doing it. I'm kind of scattered and like to dip my foot into everything unfortunately.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
None really, but if I had to pick one for HH, maybe this one.
For my older art, definitely this one. I mean, I don't love it anymore, but I really thought I ATE with the concept at the time.
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medusapelagia · 7 months
8 Au-gust: Robots and Androids - Part 9
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 , Part 9, Part 10
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: Android Steve Harrington, Wanted Criminal Eddie Munson, Temporary Character death [Steve], surgery on the android Words: 2340
Getting off the building is incredibly easy, no one pays attention to a dirty boy while there is an android that crashed to the ground.
Eddie forces himself not to look at the crash site and keeps following the tracker.
He steals a black cloak, uses the hood to hide his face, and keeps following the tracker, he has no fucking idea who Stevie might have called but surely is better than being taken back to prison to wait for his death sentence.
He has conflicted sentiments about the android. Not only did S.T.E.V.E. saved his life two times in a row, but he is also half-human. Or at least he has some human memories buried deep in his codex and he doesn't even know. It seems cruel that he died like that, without knowing any of that.
Eddie shakes his head. He is not dead. He is a machine, and a machine can’t die. 
But on every screen in town, he keeps seeing the video of the android that falls from the building and then crashes to the ground. 
In the last image, the android’s eyes are open but there is no light behind them while he lies on the ground like a fallen angel.
Eddie is not looking at those images. He is not thinking about the android. He is walking toward salvation. Or at least that’s what he hopes he is doing.
He knows that voice, Eddie turns and sees Owens hidden behind a corner.
He runs toward him, finding his companions with him.
“Never leave like that again!” Owens scolds him, while he hugs him “Are you ready to go home?”
“But how?!!”
“Someone made sure we received the message. We were ready to assault the prison to get to you but our informant told us that you had help from the inside and that we should have just waited for you to come. Now let's go, the quicker we leave the lesser are the chances that we are going to get killed.”
“There is someone…” Eddie says, stopping the man.
“Another captive?”
“An android.”
Owens glares at him “We don’t help android Eddie. We fight them! Don’t you remember?”
“But he is special!”
“I don’t care how special he is…”
“He is half-human!”
Owens turns toward Eddie “What?!” 
“Listen I can’t explain it to you but we can’t let them thorn him to pieces!”
“And what do you want us to do?!”
“The town is still in chaos. He crashed on the ground so they are sending someone to recoil his parts. If we could get there and steal the transportation and its cargo we could take him away.”
Owens shakes his head “Eddie I’m not going to risk everyone’s life because you got involved with a fucking android!”
“He saved my life. Twice.” Eddie protests.
“He would have had his motifs.”
“I can't leave him. Please. He was the help that I had from the inside!”
Gareth gets closer to them “The android helped you escape?!”
Eddie nods, and Gareth turns toward Ownes “We need to help him.”
“That’s madness!”
“Our entire mission is madness, Owens, but if we can have an android on our side maybe he could help us!” Gareth exclaims.
“What if he was only working to gain Eddie’s trust? What if it’s just a trap, uh?”
“It’s not. Please trust me on this one!” Eddie begs.
“If you get in trouble we will not be able to save you, you know that?” Owens asks seriously, and when Eddie nods he finally agrees “So, what’s the plan?”
The plan is that Owens will drive them as close as possible to the crash site and then Gareth and Eddie will try to steal the transportation with S.T.E.V.E.’s body and they will drive to the interchange station where they will get on Owens' ship.
“Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes and then we are leaving, with or without you.”
Eddie nods, hiding his face with the hood.
“We’ll be there.”
“Good luck, son.”
Eddie and Gareth leave and they blend in as well as they can.
“Vecna.” Gareth whispers and Eddie sees it, kneeling next to Stevie and saying something to the other androids that lift the body. One of S.T.E.V.E.'s arms is definitely broken but they can’t see exactly how damaged the android is.
Eddie turns toward Gareth “Get on the van. And be ready to drive like a bat out of hell when I tell you.”
“Are you sure? We can still go back to the ship and…”
“This is important, Gareth. I swear!”
The boy nods and moves toward the van. Now Eddie has to wait for one of the androids to put the body inside and then get in the back of the van with Stevie.
Easy right?
He moves closer and closer, feigning to be a curious citizen but paying attention to hide his face until he is just a few feet from the van.
He sees Gareth open the van and gets to the driver seat, thank god they all know how to hot and wire!
When the android leaves the body on the stretcher inside the van Eddie smashes the van door against the android and the android, surprised, falls to the ground.
He gets inside quickly, screaming “Go! Go! Go!” and Gareth starts to drive as fast as he can.
Thank god Owens is still waiting for them.
“I told you fifteen minutes!” he yells, but he is still there.
They push the stretcher inside the ship and quickly escape.
“Hold on to something! We are going to jump!” he announces.
“But we are too close to the surface!” someone tries to protest, but the familiar knot in the stomach tells Eddie all he needs to know.
They are jumping.
There is only one person that Eddie trusts to repair Stevie.
“Are you sure that the coordinates are the right ones? There is nothing on that planet.”
“There is a small human outpost. I’m sure. I have been there before.”
Owens looks at him with uncertainty but in the end, he nods and puts the coordinate on their ship.
Even if the landing is better than the last one, the welcome is worse.
Hopper, wearing a thermal suit, is threatening to blow up the entire ship, when Eddie gets out of the ship, his hands in the air “It’s Stevie! It needs help!””
As soon as they get to the human outpost Dustin and El are waiting for them.
“Oh god. Oh god. What the fuck happened?!” Dustin screams, trying to map every broken piece in Steve’s body.
“He fell… He fell from a building.”
“How the fuck did he… oh no. Tell me he didn’t fly.”
Eddie lowers his eyes.
“Fuck! I told him! I told him that he couldn’t fly anymore! Shit, shit, shit! I have to run a full diagnostic. Maybe we can save his personality chip and move it to another android.”
“No.” El says, quietly.
“Have you seen the damage El? I don’t think we can repair him! We need… I don’t know what we need but definitely more than we got!”
El puts a hand on Dustin’s shoulder “We can do it, Dustin. We have to.”
Dustin shakes his head, trying to clear his mind, and then looks at Eddie “I will need all the help I can get.”
Eddie knows a lot about androids. He knows how they work, and where the weakest points are, but he has never seen an android so damaged as S.T.E.V.E.
“You can fix him, right?” he asks Dustin, feeling unsure.
“Why do you care? You are the one that kept calling him a tin can.”
He doesn’t want to explain to Dustin what he discovered, not if they are not able to repair him.
“The arm is gone, we need to replace it entirely.” Dustin declares, removing the screw that keeps the arm tight to the chest.
“What about his chip and his code?”
“Why do you care?” Dustin asks again “You are hiding something and I’m working blind here. So help me if you really want to fix him!”
“He might have some human memories encrypted somewhere in his code!” Eddie blurts out.
Dustin’s sight goes to El, who simply nods.
“You knew and you didn’t tell me?”
“I had my suspicions.” she replies while holding part of Steve’s chest open for Dustin.
“I swear to god… you and your fucking secrets…” he mumbles.
Dustin keeps working with a little cutting torch, trying to reconnect the circuits, and suddenly S.T.E.V.E.’s eyes open wide.
“Eddie…” he calls confused.
“Hi there.”
“What?” he asks, trying to move.
“You have to stay still. Ok, Stevie? You got hurt but Dustin is going to fix you in no time.
Steve sees his chest open.
“Don’t look at that, look at me.” Eddie says, taking his metal hand into his “Keep your eyes on me, ok big boy?”
“Big boy?” he asks, confused.
“Yeah… it’s a nickname, you know? A little name you give to people you care about…”
“People you care…” S.T.E.V.E.’s eyes turn black for a moment while a buzzing sound feels the air.
“Boy… boy… boy… big boy… big… boy… pretty… pretty… pretty boy…” S.T.E.V.E. murmurs like a litany.
“What the fuck is going on?” Eddie yells.
Every sensor is beeping.
“We are losing him.” Dustin replies without stopping to work on Steve.
“You have to turn him off.” El declares calmly.
“We don’t know if he will be able to restart him if we turn him off. We could lose all the data.”
“It is overheating. You have to disconnect the battery, Dustin. You have to do it now.”
The android is still babbling words without sense. His plastic eyes turn toward Eddie “I love you…” he whispers, and then Dustin disconnects the battery.
For a moment everything stills.
“Did he say…?”
Eddie is looking astonished at the android: S.T.E.V.E.'s head is still turned toward him, his mouth half open as he was interrupted while he was speaking.
“Fix him.” Eddie snarls.
“Look, Eddie, I like him too but…”
“Fix him! You have to fix him!” he yells, approaching Dustin in a threatening way.
El let S.T.E.V.E.’s chest down gently and gets between the two.
“Don’t threaten him.”
“He must fix him!”
“He will do all he can to fix S.T.E.V.E. but you can’t ask the impossible from Dustin. S.T.E.V.E. would not want that.”
“I don’t give a fuck about what he would want or not! He has to fix him.”
The air is full of tension between the three of them.
“I can try to work on him while he is disconnected, and then try to connect him back. But if I say that is not working we stop and I don’t care if you are going to kill me or what. I will not put my people in peril.” Dustin says, sounding immediately older than he is.
Eddie stops. Is that what he is doing? Threatening the humans to save an android? How the fuck did that happen?
Eddie shakes his head “I’m sorry… I don’t know what happened to me. You are right, obviously. Do the best that you can to repair him, ok?”
Dustin nods, and El helps him.
He is still with his arms inside S.T.E.V.E. when he looks at Eddie “Do you think you are thinking clearly enough to help?” Eddie nods “Good. Because I need more hands.”
They work on the android for hours, while Eleven keeps the time.
“If he stays disconnected more than six hours he is not going to restart.”
Eddie nods, he knows that. He used that technique on some androids to get rid of them.
“Time?” Dustin asks.
“Four hours forty-seven minutes, fifty-two seconds.”
“Good. We still have time. I fixed everything I could on his chest, now we have to work on his back. I think we must take away the engines, they are too unstable.”
“But you need to put something to patch his back.
“We could leave space for some wings. He would still be able to fly for a little distance.”
“It would take too much time, Dustin.” El declares.
“What do you propose?”
“Close him. Maybe add more plates to protect his inside.”
“Patch him up, Dustin. Enough to keep him working. We will talk about the specifics later on.”
Dustin nods and takes some  new metal plates to cover the huge hole that Steve has in his shoulder “He will not be balanced without his arm and his engines.”
“What do you mean?”
“He will have to learn how to walk. I don’t know if its program is flexible enough to adjust to this kind of change.
“What does that mean?” Eddie asks, confused.
“That he will not be a hunter anymore.”
“And how is this a bad thing?”
“Eddie. If he is not a hunter what do you think will happen to him when he leaves this outpost?”
But Eddie has an entire plan that can work only if the stupid tin can keep working.
“Five hours Thirty four minutes, twelve seconds.”
“We have to close.”
“But it’s not complete.” Eddie complains.
“No, but I need time to see if it turns on or not. Help me close him.”
They seal all they can and then Dustin gets the little cable that connects the battery to S.T.E.V.E.’s central system.
Eddie nods, and Dustin connects it.
For a moment nothing happens.
Then, slowly, S.T.E.V.E. opens his eyes. Eddie is ready to cry with joy when S.T.E.V.E. says a name he was not waiting for...
Tag list: @shunna, @yourmom-isgay I hope you enjoy it!
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frozenjokes · 9 months
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colored sketches as a treat as I try to figure out some design stuff! not exactly sure how Scar looks when he’s being killed via life drain through the ouija board but he does look pale! And I’d like some ice motifs as well. Didn’t quite hit the mark there but I was mostly just messing around at that point.
I should color more of these. Next might be a revised Pearl/Mumbo ghost monster design because I want MORE bug.maybe some sword hands. this au has certainly gone in A Direction
obligatory fic snippet below. Next chapter should be out soon >:)
Scar spoke, but Mumbo couldn’t hear the words, not that they were anything significant. Scar wouldn’t even look at him, why would he do anything but dodge his questions? But even now at the height of his frustration, Scar was beginning to deflate, his body curving into fits of uncontrollable shivering. His hand suddenly felt frail under Mumbo’s own. Was this killing him? After the night spent together, Mumbo was certain the ouija board interactions wouldn’t, but then again, he had never felt this warm. It was almost hot now, bordering on unpleasant. Maybe the extra heat stemmed from his anger? Mumbo sighed, loosening his grip. This wasn’t going to work, not with Scar so defensive. He’d have to switch gears. Even as some warmth returned to Scar, without Mumbo holding him up, he fell forward over the ouija board. Mumbo jumped, pushing him back into a sitting position. Since when had he gotten so weak?
“Scar, I need you to listen. Can you hear me?” He wished the gentleness of his tone didn’t come so easily. He wished he wasn’t so concerned.
“You’re hurting me.”
“Can you hear me, Scar?”
“Yes. Yes, I can hear you,” Scar slouched, and Mumbo thought for a moment he might topple back over. When Scar looked back up, beads of sweat were running fast down his face.
“I don’t want to care about you. About the things you did, about the person I never got to know. I don’t want to, but I do, and I won’t be able to move on unless you answer my questions. We- all of the ghosts- we are trying to move past this. Past you. Find a better life that isn’t just misery all the time. But I’m not ready, and I can’t be ready until I get some closure. Work with me here. You don’t want your back hurting for the rest of your life, do you?”
Scar laughed, the effort shaking his entire body, “You want closure, huh?”
“Yes. That’s all I want.”
“Closure,” Scar hummed, his eyes drifting elsewhere, his mind far away, “I guess I owe you one, don’t I. Well maybe if you’re right, I’ll get a hell of a deal out of this.” Scar closed his eyes, presumably imagining a life without the crew of The Flying Jellie, ever present and ever disruptive. Ever painful. “Alright, Mumbo. But if this makes things worse, try not to make it my problem. Shake on it?”
Mumbo narrowed his eyes at Scar’s outstretched hand, the other still trapped firmly under his grip. Make things worse? Seriously? No, things couldn't be worse than they already were. The answers would sting, Mumbo was sure of it, but the pain would fade. Knowing the answers to questions he had obsessed over for months would make it all worth it. Anything was better than laying on the floor of Scar’s room as he slept, wondering if the pain of his betrayal would ever cease. Still, sitting across from Scar and having this moment framed as a ‘deal,’ he couldn’t help but feel like he was getting conned. Mumbo shook his head. It didn’t matter. He reached out his free hand, meeting Scar’s in a firm shake.
link to the fic here
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