#There's nothing stoping you from reading it as one I guess
lily-fics-11 · 7 months
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//Robin Buckley Fic//
*Reposted from my old account (@lilyfics11)
*not beta read
Inspired by Taylor Swift’s song Gorgeous
It’s Friday and you are having a movie night at Steve’s place with him and Robin.
You are sitting on the couch, Steve is in the recliner, and Robin is sprawled out on the floor, even though there is a spot next to you on the couch. Robin has been acting weird the past few days, but you don’t read too far into it. She’s probably just having a tough week.
“Hey guys?” You call over the volume of the tv. “Can you pause the movie for a second? I have to go to the bathroom.”
Steve pauses it. “Y/N, you are leaving us at quite the cliffhanger,,” he says with a sigh.
“I promise I’ll be right back!”
Once you are out of earshot Steve addresses Robin. “What’s been up with you Rob? You’re acting weird.”
Robin moves to sit up. She crosses her arms and furrows her brows. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Obviously it’s not just nothing. Talk to me Robin,” he sounds genuinely worried about his best friend. She glares for a moment but her expression turns to a look of defeat. She runs her hands through her hair.
“It’s Y/N,” Robin sighs.
“Y/N? What about her?” Steve questions, but he sounds intrigued.
“It’s… It’s just that… oh god I’m such a mess. What am I even doing? I’m going crazy, that’s what. The thing about Y/N, I just… I have feelings for her.”
“Oh. Wow. You do? What about Vickie?” Steve is very confused. For the longest time Robin wouldn’t stop talking about Vickie from band. But now that he’s thinking about it, that all stoped somewhat abruptly. And the whole Vickie timeline just so happens to line up with something he’s been reminded of.
“Vickie, yeah Vickie. She was, I don’t know, I guess you could call her a distraction. I just had all these, ya know, feelings. Feelings for Y/N. But Y/N had a girlfriend. So I had nothing to do with those feelings but try and distract myself. So I focused on Vicky. She’s pretty. Not gorgeous the way that Y/N is. But Vicky is nice, and we have things in common, so why not? But I couldn’t just transfer my feelings from Y/N to Vicky, no matter how hard I tried.” Robin gasped for air after her exasperated speech came out in one long breath.
Steve is still confused. “So let me get this straight. Y/N and her girlfriend broke up months ago. You know she likes girls. Why haven’t you made a move? Why are you getting all worked up about it now?”
“Well, the other day, in the hallway, someone was flirting with Y/N, and I can’t go through this again.” Robins words are filled with frustration.
“What are you waiting for Robin?” Steve is encouraging but there is a sense of urgency in what he is saying. “It’s now or never.”
“Uhhhhh!” Robin nearly yells but she knows that Y/N isn’t that far away and she could be back any second. But she doesn’t bother to check for Y/N before covering her face with her hands and saying “She’s so gorgeous, I can't say anything to her face, cause look at her face!”
Steve is in fact looking at your face. Stunned. You are back in the room and confused. Robin had a crush that she wouldn’t tell you about. You knew that Steve knew who, but was sworn to secrecy. Robin said “her” didn’t she? You had no idea Robin likes girls.
“Whose face?” You ask.
Robin uncovers her face, and looks up at you like a deer caught in headlights.
Steve stands up “I need to go to the kitchen!” He blurts out and nearly sprints out of the room.
You sit down next to Robin and repeat yourself “whose face, Robin?”
Robin leans back on her hands and closes her eyes. Still no answer.
“Come on Robin, I know something’s up with you.”
Robin opens her eyes and you are met with a piercing blue gaze. There is tension in the air.
“The thing is Y/N, there's nothing I hate more than what I can't have.”
You are shocked by the abruptness of her statement. Robin has never been a woman of such few words. “You are going to have to give me more than that.”
Robin sits back up and crosses her arms.
“You should think about the consequences! The consequences of your magnetic field being a little too strong. You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face! I’ve been such a mess because of you, Y/N. You've practically ruined my life over the past few months. You’ve ruined my life, by not being mine. You make me so happy it turns back to sad. I’m so frustrated, Y/N. And no matter how I feel about you, I'm still so furious at you for making me feel this way.”
Robin flops down onto her back, covering her face back up with her hands.
Her voice is a little muffled through her hands, “first you had a girlfriend, and now someone else is trying to get with you, I don’t want to do this again.”
Ever since you met her, Robin has been the one person you always wanted, but also one person you thought you could never have.
“Robin,” your tone is calm compared to hers, “would you please look at me?”
Robin arms fall flat at her side onto the ground and she looks up with a pout on her face.
“I would never have bothered with anyone else if I knew you felt that way.” Her eyes widen as you continue “I didn’t even know you liked girls. I’ve had feelings for you since I met you at Scoops Ahoy over the summer. But I cared about you too much to say anything and ruin our friendship. I wanted to keep you as close to me as I could. I wouldn’t have risked that for anything.”
Robin sits up and she looks like there are a million thoughts racing through her head at once. It was rare that Robin Buckley had nothing to say.
You reach out both your hands to her and she hesitantly takes them. You start to lean forward towards her, and she shifts herself towards you. The two of you are looking into each other’s eyes, the blue in hers barely visible around her widend pupils. Both you and Robin are unsure of what to do in a situation that had previously only existed inside your imaginations. Your hearts are fluttering with anticipation.
You can’t take it anymore and you close the gap between you, your lips falling into hers. Her lips are a little chapped but they felt better than anyone else’s ever have. But before you can get too ahead of yourself you remember where you are and you start to pull away. The whole world had momentarily disappeared.
“Wow.” Is all that Robin has to say.
“Wow.” You repeat back to her.
You pull yourselves away from each other, a little awkwardly, maintaining eye contact and wide smiles.
“Well would you look at that!” Steve calls from the kitchen.
He sounds relieved and you are too.
All three of you are laughing together, the previous tension gone.
I’m still new to sharing my writing so I would love to hear what you think:)
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eggsaladsandwhic · 1 year
College AU! Poly! Vash x (Reader) x Knives: Pre Relationship Headcannons/Drabbles (SFW)
IM ALIVE - Actually I just got extremely backed up between work and playing Persona 5R( Very important activities) Sorry if these are rusty. Have some word vomit.
You were originally a classmate of Nai's and had come over a couple times for group projects. Vash was surprised finding out Nai had found a human he didn't have problems with
Nai only admited to Vash he tolerated your presence, but the way you came over an hour later to help cook dinner says otherwise
Vash understood pretty quickly what "tolerated" meant after you came in with a box of cookies (Nai told you how to gain his brothers trust and you took it as a challenge to make the best batch ever)
Wanting to interact with Vash but he's got a golden lab personality and if you're shy it's probably overwhelming
Nai could probably handle a high energy person, but a low energy ambivert is probably this guy's best match
Visits came more frequently, and eventually you were practically a part-time resident
Movie Nights, Hobby Days, Cooking Lessons, Chores ( Both the boys always tried stoping you to no avail), sometimes you'd come over just to exist in their presence and talk
Vash made you keep some of your things at their place just in case you ever slept over. At least twice a week you were an honorary couch crasher, but Vash did joke about you sharing the bed with him (he's not joking come snuggle him)
Nai became more soft around you and it would seem to brighten up his mood when you walked through the door. Vash would tease him constantly about it when you were out of earshot
Nai started letting you hang out in his room and he would play his electric piano softly while you were curled up in his bed (probs a great time to study, read, write, draw, and the nap is probably magnificent)
Touch was rare but it did happen from time to time, hand on your back, a teasing head pat, both of you laying on your stomachs side by side elbows touching. Nothing too close for his comfort.
Vash loved being around you and likely starting initiating physical affection first. He'd put his head on your lap and ramble, throw his arms around your shoulders, lean on you during movies, etc..
Vash took you on "fake dates" but really it was just while he loves hanging out with his usual friend group, sometimes he just needs one on one time because he enjoys your company
Y'all became each other's biggest cheerleader
Nai would watch his brother in envy, but he enjoyed seeing both of you happy nonetheless. He wishes he was closer but has a hard time trying to act on his emotions or how he wants to convey them.
After a particularly stressful day he had walked into your apartment while you were on the couch and just layed himself on you? No words, no build up, just walked in like he owned the place.
Nai feels like the kind of guy that's all or nothing and depending on the situation it's either or. You gotta sculpt him a little to get out of this mindset probably.
Progress I guess? Nai didn't want to talk but pretty much melted when you started scratching at his scalp and undercut. You got the jist of his issues and worked your hands through the knotted up muscle on his back. He wrapped his arms around your midsection and just stayed there in silence for almost 3 hours. Honestly he probably wanted to stay awake but kept drifting in and out of sleep every 15 to 20 mins
Goes home after you make dinner, has an absolute conniption fit because he shouldn't be acting like this. Feels like he's taking advantage of your kindness constantly, especially after that. Takes his anger out and yells at Vash. (Nai hasn't yelled at him like that in ages, so Vash leaves the apartment to avoid it)
Cue Vash showing up 20mins later at your place, asking if he could stay a couple days. Of course you said yes, but....your couch cannot fit a whole Vash. BED SHARING
Asks your boundaries before hand and y'all were down for cuddling. Woke up the next morning practically glued together, his head in the crook of your neck and a leg and arm thrown over you. Dear lord he's probably so warm, you somehow get out of his grip and he makes some disappointed noises.
You make him breakfast while he's still asleep, and when he wakes up to you cooking pancakes in the sunlight he swears he could marry you. (This man makes me so domestic)
Accidentally says the last part out loud and gets all embarrassed
Y'all lounge around watching shitty tv or playing video games in your PJs for the rest of the morning
Nai sends you a text asking if you two could talk, says he's also going to apologize to his brother in a little bit. You tell him to man up and apologize first beforehand then talking is on the table
You go get lunch while Vash and Nai talk it out. Nai ended up admitting to Vash he has feelings for you. Vash went "No shit really?.......me too". Both of them have a whatever happens happens mindset about the situation. Feel like both of them wouldn't want to rush a relationship with you and would probably keep it to platonic/verging on romantic attention for a hot while. Sharing isn't even on the table yet and Nai is definitely the more possessive one out of the brothers.
This doesn't mean they're not gonna be affectionate, but they will respect each other wanting alone time with you. Along with not making each other feel like the whole ordeal is a contest on who's better.
(I wonder if plants would have any courting methods like birds or something...hmmm I have ideas)
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makoodles · 1 year
I have been reading Avatar fics for some days and I have to tell the world something:
Like truly, I understand in comparison with Na'vi humans look like monsters, but I rarely have seen a reader who would defend beautiful things that humanity has done. Just look at it: books, arts, paintings, architecture, so many cultures (dead and alive) etc... You cannot tell me humanity has nothing to be proud of.
So imagine Na'vi with human reader, who is forced to speak only Na'vi language with her mate, because he wants nothing to do with human stuff (she's an exception). But her level of speaking this language is not so high and she can't really tell what she truly wants to say. So, one day, when Na'vi mate were humiliating her race and calling humans stupid, she just EXPLODES, screaming DO YOU KNOW HOW SMART I'M IN ENGLISH???
She shows him ancient architecture (for me it's always the best), make him to listen human music, prepare human food, demonstrate paintings of great artists etc. In the end she kills her mate with questions: well, what your people can do?
I believe Na'vi is going to be impressed, but will never admit it. Although he's stoped speaking trash about humanity...
Oh, I finally spoke out.
Sorry if it's a lot.
idkkkk i think that's a complicated one because of the message of colonialism
like i feel like a human on pandora has to come to terms with a lot of things, like the fact that they've arrived on the planet with a violent colonising force and the sheer amount of destruction that's wrought on the planet thanks to our species arrival there.
and i guess a big part of earth in the avatar franchise is how it's dying due to human greed and climate change etc, and how the humans on earth are completely disconnected from mother earth and everything, and i think it would be kind of difficult to have pride in your planet and in the achievements of humankind when you see the connection the na'vi have with their home
i reallyyyyy hope we learn more about what earth is like in the next movies! the deleted scenes from A1 were honestly so interesting, i love the aesthetic of it lolll
one thing i can really imagine is human reader telling their na'vi s/o about like household appliances that make life so much easier. like talking about how much they miss microwaves and fridges, and electric showers and dumb shit like scented candles, and your na'vi s/o will be listening with rapt attention bc they have no idea wtf you're talking about
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lilyfics11 · 7 months
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//Robin Buckley Fic//
*not beta read
Inspired by Taylor Swift’s song Gorgeous
It’s Friday and you are having a movie night at Steve’s place with him and Robin.
You are sitting on the couch, Steve is in the recliner, and Robin is sprawled out on the floor, even though there is a spot next to you on the couch. Robin has been acting weird the past few days, but you don’t read too far into it. She’s probably just having a tough week.
“Hey guys?” You call over the volume of the tv. “Can you pause the movie for a second? I have to go to the bathroom.”
Steve pauses it. “Y/N, you are leaving us at quite the cliffhanger,,” he says with a sigh.
“I promise I’ll be right back!”
Once you are out of earshot Steve addresses Robin. “What’s been up with you Rob? You’re acting weird.”
Robin moves to sit up. She crosses her arms and furrows her brows. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Obviously it’s not just nothing. Talk to me Robin,” he sounds genuinely worried about his best friend. She glares for a moment but her expression turns to a look of defeat. She runs her hands through her hair.
“It’s Y/N,” Robin sighs.
“Y/N? What about her?” Steve questions, but he sounds intrigued.
“It’s… It’s just that… oh god I’m such a mess. What am I even doing? I’m going crazy, that’s what. The thing about Y/N, I just… I have feelings for her.”
“Oh. Wow. You do? What about Vickie?” Steve is very confused. For the longest time Robin wouldn’t stop talking about Vickie from band. But now that he’s thinking about it, that all stoped somewhat abruptly. And the whole Vickie timeline just so happens to line up with something he’s been reminded of.
“Vickie, yeah Vickie. She was, I don’t know, I guess you could call her a distraction. I just had all these, ya know, feelings. Feelings for Y/N. But Y/N had a girlfriend. So I had nothing to do with those feelings but try and distract myself. So I focused on Vicky. She’s pretty. Not gorgeous the way that Y/N is. But Vicky is nice, and we have things in common, so why not? But I couldn’t just transfer my feelings from Y/N to Vicky, no matter how hard I tried.” Robin gasped for air after her exasperated speech came out in one long breath.
Steve is still confused. “So let me get this straight. Y/N and her girlfriend broke up months ago. You know she likes girls. Why haven’t you made a move? Why are you getting all worked up about it now?”
“Well, the other day, in the hallway, someone was flirting with Y/N, and I can’t go through this again.” Robins words are filled with frustration.
“What are you waiting for Robin?” Steve is encouraging but there is a sense of urgency in what he is saying. “It’s now or never.”
“Uhhhhh!” Robin nearly yells but she knows that Y/N isn’t that far away and she could be back any second. But she doesn’t bother to check for Y/N before covering her face with her hands and saying “She’s so gorgeous, I can't say anything to her face, cause look at her face!”
Steve is in fact looking at your face. Stunned. You are back in the room and confused. Robin had a crush that she wouldn’t tell you about. You knew that Steve knew who, but was sworn to secrecy. Robin said “her” didn’t she? You had no idea Robin likes girls.
“Whose face?” You ask.
Robin uncovers her face, and looks up at you like a deer caught in headlights.
Steve stands up “I need to go to the kitchen!” He blurts out and nearly sprints out of the room.
You sit down next to Robin and repeat yourself “whose face, Robin?”
Robin leans back on her hands and closes her eyes. Still no answer.
“Come on Robin, I know something’s up with you.”
Robin opens her eyes and you are met with a piercing blue gaze. There is tension in the air.
“The thing is Y/N, there's nothing I hate more than what I can't have.”
You are shocked by the abruptness of her statement. Robin has never been a woman of such few words. “You are going to have to give me more than that.”
Robin sits back up and crosses her arms.
“You should think about the consequences! The consequences of your magnetic field being a little too strong. You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face! I’ve been such a mess because of you, Y/N. You've practically ruined my life over the past few months. You’ve ruined my life, by not being mine. You make me so happy it turns back to sad. I’m so frustrated, Y/N. And no matter how I feel about you, I'm still so furious at you for making me feel this way.”
Robin flops down onto her back, covering her face back up with her hands.
Her voice is a little muffled through her hands, “first you had a girlfriend, and now someone else is trying to get with you, I don’t want to do this again.”
Ever since you met her, Robin has been the one person you always wanted, but also one person you thought you could never have.
“Robin,” your tone is calm compared to hers, “would you please look at me?”
Robin arms fall flat at her side onto the ground and she looks up with a pout on her face.
“I would never have bothered with anyone else if I knew you felt that way.” Her eyes widen as you continue “I didn’t even know you liked girls. I’ve had feelings for you since I met you at Scoops Ahoy over the summer. But I cared about you too much to say anything and ruin our friendship. I wanted to keep you as close to me as I could. I wouldn’t have risked that for anything.”
Robin sits up and she looks like there are a million thoughts racing through her head at once. It was rare that Robin Buckley had nothing to say.
You reach out both your hands to her and she hesitantly takes them. You start to lean forward towards her, and she shifts herself towards you. The two of you are looking into each other’s eyes, the blue in hers barely visible around her widend pupils. Both you and Robin are unsure of what to do in a situation that had previously only existed inside your imaginations. Your hearts are fluttering with anticipation.
You can’t take it anymore and you close the gap between you, your lips falling into hers. Her lips are a little chapped but they felt better than anyone else’s ever have. But before you can get too ahead of yourself you remember where you are and you start to pull away. The whole world had momentarily disappeared.
“Wow.” Is all that Robin has to say.
“Wow.” You repeat back to her.
You pull yourselves away from each other, a little awkwardly, maintaining eye contact and wide smiles.
“Well would you look at that!” Steve calls from the kitchen.
He sounds relieved and you are too.
All three of you are laughing together, the previous tension gone.
I’m still new to sharing my writing so I would love to hear what you think:)
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sumu-samu · 1 year
(Broken) Habits
Final part, glad to get this off my drive lol.
Master list | part 1 | part 2| part 3
Two months later
Since that night Cutie and Geordi either texted or called every night. Eventually Geordi moved back in with them, and for the first time in a while, it wasn’t silent. They still never asked to enter his mind, but not because they were over stepping that boubndry, but because they still didn’t trust themselves. If they did it once what was stoping them from doing it again. They couldn’t hurt Geordi like that, not again.
“Hey,” Geordi’s voice was soft, “Penny for your thoughts?” He gave them a half smile as he set their breakfast down in front of them.
They just shook their head, “No- nothing. It’s nothing.” They picked up their fork and started eating.
“Hey, Cutie…” Geordi also picked up his fork but didn’t start eating yet.
“Hm?” They hummed with mouth full of eggs.
“I- I’m not saying it’s something you have to do… not if you don’t want to… but I’ve just noticed that… you haven’t asked to you know-” He couldn’t even get the full thing out before Cutie almost choked before swallowing their eggs.
“I haven’t. I haven’t read your mind. I haven’t gone in there. I- I’m better I swear. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Panic filled their voice.
“No, no,no that-. I didn’t think that you did. You say you’re better and I believe you, it’s just… you haven’t even asked to… and… i guess its just… I kinda miss it.” He shrugged. “Do you think you want-”
“No.” They replied sharply without looking at him.
“That-... that was fast… is… is everything okay?” He was taken aback from how quickly they shut him down.
“Im fine.” a short respond with the same sharp tone.
“Cutie, I don’t mean to pry, and seriously if its something you really don’t want to talk about I’ll back off. But, I know you my love. I can see something is wrong. I’m still Geordi, you’re still my Cutie. The only thing thats changed is you’re getting help. You can still talk to me. Trust me. Like I trust you.: His eyes were full of concern, with love, with adoration.
“I-.. I do trust you Geordi…” The tossed their eggs around their plate with their fork.
“But-... There’s a but in there isn’t there?” Geordi layed his hand ontop of theirs.
“I don’t… I don’t trust… I don’t trust myself.” They looked up at him with sad eyes. “I’m scared Geordi. I’m scared if I’m allowed in once, I’m going to fall right back into that shitty person I was. The one who didn’t respect your boundaries, the one you felt necessary to compare to so shitty ex. I’m scared I’m going to hurt you again.” Their eyes began to water, they tried to bat away any stray tears, but Geordi took both of their hands in his.
“Look at me. Cutie, look. Recovery is a slow and strenuous process, I know it may feel exhausting, sometimes you’ll fall backwards and it may feel like you aren’t making any progress at all. But hear me when I say this, as an outside perspective, not as you, not as your lover, not as your boyfriend, as just Geordi, you have come so far. And it touches me to hear you say that the reason you haven’t is because you don’t want to hurt me, thats sweet, it is. But Cutie, you can’t trade one extreme for another. I like it when you talk to me in my head, its fun, it feels intimate, all I ask is that you ask before you do, and if I ask for some time, then give me a little time.” Cutie was nodding their head the whole time he spoke. “Now, do you think you would maybe want to…”
“I-.. N-... uh…” Cutie struggled they did, they really did, but like… one talk isn’t going to make those thoughts go away.
“It’s okay to say no. But just know that right now, in this moment, I want you in. I want you to listen.” He looked deep into their eyes. Cutie felt themselves nod their head. “Okay. well, youre more than welcome.”
Cutie entered his mind. Cute, so cute. They care, they’ve changed. Change, good, good change. Beautiful eyes. Can they hear? Can you hear? Are you listening? Cutie nodded their head. Good. good. Smile, cute smile, I love that smile, I love you. Never leaving. I won’t leave. I love you. Cutie chuckled “Geordi”
My name. Sounds sweet. I like when you say my name. “Yes?” whats up baby? What do you need? What can I do. Smile, keep that smile. Love that smile.
“Go eat your breakfast you dork.” They laughed
Laughing, cute laugh. Sounds like music. Like angels, I love that laugh, I love that smile I love you. “Right.” He got up and went back to his seat to eat. I’m so lucky, I love you. Look at me, let me see your eyes. Beautiful eyes, gorgeous eyes, I could get lost in those eyes. Hey don’t roll them at me. You know what? Just for that…
No, don’t you dare they tried to stop him but it was too late
Iiiits a smaaall world aaaftr aaalllll. It’sss a smaaalll world afterrr all-
I will disconnect if you don’t stop
With that the door bell rang.
I’ll get it! Geordi ran to the door before Cutie could even get up. They heard the door open Who? Familiar. They look familiar. Name… damn it why am I so bad with names “uhm… hello.”
“Hey! Cutie here?” A familiar voice rang out.
They got up from the table and went to the door, wrapping their arms around Geordi, “Hey Stealth, Hi Milo.” They waved to the slightly smaller male behind their friend. He was taller than Cutie, almost Geordi’s height but Stealth was a giant so they made everyone look small. He didn’t respond to the greeting.
“Milo, be nice. S’ry He’s a lill grumpy cause I made Him come. If we had it his way, we’d been layin’ in bed all morn’.” They waved their boyfriend’s pouty mood off.
Tall, scary, why does that man look so mad, should I let them in? I should let them in. Don’t be rude Geordi of course you should. “W-well, come in no need to uh, no need to stand out in the open. Un-unless you want to.” Geordi said nervously. He had met Stealth before, not Milo though, yet he was still intimidated by Stealths height. Shit, we didn’t clean. We haven’t even finished breakfast. Did you invite them? Why are they here? We didn’t have any time.
“Sorry about the mess, um. We weren’t really expecting you. Glad to see you though.” Cutie smiled at their friend.
You didn’t invite them? What kind of person invites themselves over?
My best friend kind. Geordi be nice.
“Oh it’s not a big deal to us. If you’d like we could leave and come back when ya’llfeel like you’ve cleaned up the place. Although, it looks super clean already. Well compared to how you had it when-” Stealth began to share too much information.
Cutie cleared their throat throwing them a ‘shut the hell up’ look. “No you don’t have to leave. It’s fine. Why’d you come over anyways.” They asked.
Compared to what? Why’d you stop them? What are you hiding you menace? Was it when I was at my sisters?
Shut up Geordi
“Oh honestly we-” Milo cleared His throat, “I- wanted to see ya’ll. Sorry bout Milo, he’s not usually this grumpy. He’s normally a super sweet guy.” They gave him a side glare.
“Not anything against you, you are a great person Cutie.I was just told we were going to the store and going back home. Sorry if it seems I don’t want to be around you.” He apologized.
“It’s okay Milo. Well while youre here you guys want a drink or anything? Wanna play mario cart or something?” At Cuties offer Milo’s eyes lit up.
“Oh hell yeah. I’d love to.”
They all sat on the couch and played marrio cart
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kidge-planet · 1 year
Kidge summer event
Day 22 : Prank
Characters: Pidge/Katie holt , Keith Kogane, Shiro, Lance, Hunk
Pairing: pidge and keith : kidge
post Season8
A/N: this is the part two of the day 2: Pool <----
Pidge and Keith had been spending more time together lately, and the rest of the team noticed. Now, remember, Pidge and Lance were curently in a "fight" since he threw her in the pool as she was calmly reading her book. So since a few days, they were constantly teasing each other with some pranks, which was annoying everyone...
Seeing Keith and Pidge bonding so much and being two fools that were into each other without even trying a thing gave him an idea of prank...
Hunk and Lance were in the pool, looking at keith and Pidge that were both under an umbrella, laughing together and sharing a plate of fresh strawberrys that Hunk brought them ( because he knows what's going on...)
"Awwww, these two are literally into each other... They are just too awkward to admit it... I hope they wont take years before to admit it."
Hunk sighed.
At Hunk's words, Lance raised an eyebrow:
"Pffff, If they keep going like that, in two years, nothing would have changed..."
Hunk stayed silent so Lance continued:
"SO! I had an idea of prank, but I'll need your help for that..."
"A prank? Again? Lance, you and Pidge have to stop, really..."
"Don't worryyyyyy, Im sure you'll like that one..."
Lance leaned to whisper his plan to Hunk.
Two nights later, the group had planed to go chill in front of a nearby lake, at night.
When they arrived, the sun started to disappear. The warmness of the day faded along with the sun. They started a fire and sat around it. They talked about many topics before Lance turned toward Pidge:
"Hey, By the way you guys! Have you heard the legend about this place?"
Pidge raised an eyebrow.
"No? what is it?"
"They say that a ghost is haunting these mountains..."
Lance said, trying to seem scary.
"A ghost? seriously?.."
Pidge and Keith seemed sceptical.
"Yeah! I heard that too!..."
Hunk said, facking a few shivering.
"And so YOU, Hunk Garret, the guy that doesn't like adventure and scary stuffs, accepted to come?"
"HUH, well... Lance forced me to come..."
Hunk improvised.
"I heard many bad things about that ghost."
Shiro interject, trying to help Hunk... Because yup! They got Shiro into the prank. he just wants Keith to be happy and Pidge seemed perfect for him. (Shiro also knew that Keith had never liked anyone in his life and it was new to him...)
"Shiro, you believe that?..."
Keith asked, still pretty sceptical.
"I guess?"
He answered, he didn't seem comfortable.
"Well, you'll excuse me, but I have to use the rest room... But we're in a forest, so, I'll use a tree........... But, I need someone to come with me because im scared! what if the ghost comes and kills me! Hunk, you come! SEE YA!" Lance ran away from the groupe, grabbing hunk by his arm...
Pidge and Keith exchanged a few glances...
"You guys are being weird tonight..."
Keith said as he scrapped the back of his neck.
"You think so?.."
Shiro asked, embarrassed.
After long minutes, Hunk and Lance weren't back.
"Damn, did he fall in the toilet... tree?
Pidge asked.
"Maybe I should go check on them?.."
Shiro got up.
"We should all come."
Keith stated.
"No! You guys, stay here! I'll be back quick."
Shiro walked away, not letting the two that were still sat near the fire.
"Ok?... What was that?"
Pidge asked.
"I have no idea..."
"I first felt like It was one of Lance's pranks but... Shiro and Hunk wouldn't be playing his game if it was... You know that they are tired of our "fights"! " She chuckled.
"Yeah... we-"
A familiar scream came from the dark forest, stoping Keith from finishing his sentence.
"Was it... Lance?..."
Pidge asked, slightly shivering.
"Who else screams that way?.."
"Ok, if this is one of his pranks, it's literally NOT funny... Why would he even prank you? you are not a part of our "prank war"?..
"Well, he always tries to annoy me, so that wouldn't surprise me..."
Keith finished his sentence in a sigh.
"So, what do we do? What if this isn't a prank?"
At Pidge's words, Keith thought. He tried to remain calm.
"Well, considering the possibility that it isn't a prank, we should try to stay quiet... To not draw attention to us... So, Maby we should stop the fire?"
Pidge wasn't feeling good at the idea of stopping the fire but she knew that Keith was right.
"Yeah and we should stay together too, c'ause-
One more time, their discussion got interrupted, but by a noise coming from a near-by bush.
Pidge asked, hesitantly. She tried to keep a calm front but her shaky voice was betraying her. Plus, She was leaning behind keith as if he was a shield.
No answere...
then the fire stoped lighting the surroundings. But, there was no wind... HOW?!
Ok, now they were freaking out.
"Huh, Keith?.."
"What now?..." She was holding tightly around his arm, he could feel her skin against him.
That's when he passed to the protective mode.
"Now, we stay quiet."
He whispered as he was holding her closer.
They silently waited inthe darkness of the night.
minutes felt like houres...
And the silence was sooooooooo heavy...
Then a noise froze the both of them.
Then footsteps.
As the running footsteps approached, Keith's heart pounded in his chest, and he instinctively pulled Pidge even closer to him. The darkness made it impossible to see who or what was coming towards them.
Just as they were preparing for the worst, a figure suddenly leaped out of the shadows, landing right on top of them. Keith and Pidge let out a collective gasp as they tumbled to the ground, their arms instinctively wrapping around each other in the chaos.
"RAWR! IM A BIG AND MEAN GHOST§" Lance's voice rang out, and the surrounding darkness was instantly replaced by the flickering light of the fire he had relit. His laughter filled the air as he sat up and looked down at his two friends who were still sprawled on the ground. in the same time, Hunk and Shiro came back around the fire.
"Really, Lance?!" Keith exclaimed, his heart still pounding from the adrenaline rush.
Pidge was still holding on Keith. "ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?!"
"Come onnnnnn, it was funny! lus, the plan worked!"
"Yeah, at least now, you guys shared your feelings for each other!"
Hunk said, smiling from cheek to cheek.
A silence took place.
Pidge looked up at Keith. that's when she noticed that she was still holding tightly on keith. She blushed and released her grip on him.
"Ho... so you didn't..."
Hunk pouted nervously.
keith and pidge were staring in each other's eyes, both being a blushing mess...
"We'll have to talk... In private."
A/N: I tryed to do something original for it... hope you like it! (I haven't corrected my mistakes, if you see that something is wrong, tell me!)
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obetrolncocktails · 1 year
Will you still be writing and posting Deception? It was getting so good and it really is only fiction.
Personally, I’m hoping instead of stoping female reader Josh fics altogether that we just become more inclusive and more people feel comfortable to write fics with other pronouns (male, gender neutral etc.). Some of us do identify as female and still simp over Josh now matter who he loves. He’s a good looking man!
Hi nonnie! Thanks for the question. I've got a lot of thoughts, and they aren't targeted to you in particular, but you've sent in a perfect ask to approach this topic.
First of all, nothing changes the josh we know with this announcement. He is still the same person we've known this entire time. He preaches nothing but love, and that shouldn't change based on who he decides to love, regardless of gender. (read more if you're interested)!
As a fic writer, we specialize in writing, you guessed it, fiction! Me stopping how I write is the opposite of what Josh would want, but this announcement DOES allow others who speak from a male, queer or gay point of view to embrace this new perspective. No one, least of all, josh is going to be offended by his fans' stories about love in his name, regardless of who the partner is in fiction. I think it would be quite silly of us to consider that josh doesn't know that there is material with his name and persona attached to it. He's even mentioned in an interview before that it's human nature to want love, to be attracted to someone and their personality, and if I'm not mistaken, he called it art. I think we should continue to create these stories, whatever they may be.
Who Josh is attracted to shouldn't make any of us less attracted to him...what we write isn't biographical, factual content--it's ART. It is up to interpretation. With that being said, we should always care for our characters in the most sensitive and respectful manner, because they are based on real people living real lives.
It is not disrespectful to be attracted to someone who may not be attracted to you. I think that's an illogical expectation.
"Where there is love, we must live on. Where there is not love, we must provide it." Josh speaks these words because he believes it, and we should too.
Long story short: yes, I will be continuing deception, but will be broadening how I write Y/n in the future.
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luselih · 5 months
Hiya! I wanna know if you'd write a scenario/drabble about the reader being the "emotional support demon" for the upper moons. Like they all collectively allow the reader to show some sort of affection towards them. (Preferably SFW pls)
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demons favor || upper moons
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ask/summary: demon!reader is emotional support demon for all 6 uppermoons!
content warnings | i tried to made it sweet but realistic, mentioned killing, possessiveness and obsessiveness (kinda yandare if you squint) , 5 love languages, comfort/fluff a bit too i guess? contains later manga stuff so manga spoilers!…
a/n - #1 i made this with mix of everything, i think it can be seen as platonic/non-romantical in most of settings (i think?)
#2 also reader is initially chubby hinted/written in mind so it’s up in text somewhere but i think i didn’t emphasized it too much so i guess anyone could read! Gender is not mentioned much too, maybe just some feminine parts couple of times.
#3 i so sorry for being inactive, i am graduating high school in 2 months so i gotta get grades and everything also i already wrote this but tumblr deleted it so i gotta do it again 💔
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It was definitely very...very surprising and confusing for other lesser demons to see such... non scary scenes in front of them, especially one who were lowermoons and see them on more “regular" basis than others, who was that demon?
You were there practically chilling amongst uppermoons, one whi could kill any human or demon alive being so... tolerant with you? No one even remembers how did you even spawn in Infinity Castle at one of meetings they had with Muzan, yet everyone seemed to sooner or later get comfortable with you around, your presence giving each individual some kind of comfort to them...
Kokushibo only likes to spend some quality time with you after it took him a long time to get comfortable and used to you, now reading books or playing hanafuda together. He liked your presence when he got time to spend without training or killing people. It reminded him of his past self and life, his wife and two kids he left to chase his dream, it brings a sense of domestic warmth and comfort in his lonely life for the second time in his life after he willingly lost it. He even consider having you all to himself, what can other demons do about it? absolutely nothing.
Douma likes to receive physical affection and acts of service from you. He loves when you put your head on his chest, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you in his lap as low beings (humans) or different called his followers in Eternal Paradise Faith as you two listens to them and gives them advices. He simply cannot choose between having you close to him or when you go out and easily collect new followers that are especially young human women that he can eat sooner or later, he simply adores you <3
Akaza crave quality time and words of affirmation from you, or better said someone. He is living for a second time to avenge his death fiancée, but as any other being he grows to be closer to you. He can only pray that Koyuki isn’t jealous or mad at him as you praise him while watching moon together , your beautiful smile shining underneath moonlight as he caught a glimpse of her in you :(
Hantengu needs words of affirmation to survive due his constant suffering from his past self, all kills, lies and evil is laying heavily on his soul so he stoped crying as much as before. (i don’t like him so this is bad, sorry not sorry 🤷‍♀️)
Gyokko prefers to receive acts of service and gift giving as a form of affection from you, since he lives in vases he started liking you when you gifted him a handmade vase. He liked it very much that he almost considered living in that one instead of this he was using that was given by Douma. He absolutely loved when you cleaned all of his vases once, even organized them in order by shape, size, pattern and color :)
Daki + Gyutaro needs all 5 love languages, so count on words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. They were kids/very young when they died so they considered you as a sibling/guardian/prerent in some way. Letting you tend their needs and expectations, they also wants you all to themselves sooner or later :3
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solardick · 8 months
Oh you mean the rape fantasies they gave me for a covid inoculation the one where i get raped by a couple guys. Is great ol’fun. Mmaybe if this new age apocaalyptic, peace and love bs. Stoped raping my existance since my first memory id actually have a life. But no. I get fucked since the begining of time and there isnt even a lesson in it.
Fags are like women all they’re good for is causing you pain and suffering. The only difference is one is dellusion and ugly and the other is pretty and spychotic.
When have in the thiudands of tome where other oit themselves over me had it resulted in anything good? Never. Fuck off. And ket me die.
At least with woman the famtasy is healthy and proactive. And supportive. Where the toaster pligs inyo a wall and not a toilet. But im only on this earth for one reasin and thats to he property and used and shipped around and raped like since my first memiru. Nothing gas changed.
Accirding to reality. The hermit gas nothinv to do with wisdom. Its lonely and mesery. Tgere are no positive tarot cards. I dint get why they are popular. But hey
MYbe i can get dised worh done more anti-spychotics myself and be dised back into being a braindead retard afain.
I winder hiw far away from reality i can get where i dont lose my sanity. Its great fun being franed into sonething your not.
Alcohols hits harder during the day than the night. That one beer felt like three. I m going to start drinking. Hopefullyni womt get raped by my own spyche for a while more. And i need to remind myself to go get my hunting permit.
Inhope that girl isnt in love with me. If rather save the hardship. Im not worth it. Im not worth anything. Im just a marionette. I just do what they make me do. And look at how well that plays out. Maybe my life with have meaning after im gone. Thats usually the case with “artists”. no one cares. They just take your stuff after your gine and put a orice tag on iy
As for tarot as it stands after reading it. It’s complete trash. Take everyone of those “archetypes” and flip its gender. You’ll see a big difference. But none of that really matters. Its just a copy paste on what’s already on circulation. Ehats in circulation will have dominance or priority of way. Anyway.
And alm obtainable information on whatever that obscure. Isn’t trustworthy. If it makes sense good for you. There all little bodies of meaning. And for some as the person the pur led their being into and became immortalized as a result. Thry reach out and cover over what’s there.
Not mych difference between that and hearing old songs from the piblic radio stations being covered by the opposite gender. And it clicks, because its never in mind, it was meant to be that gender singing it the whole time. Take the song. So popularized as “creep.” Its even queerer than “we are the champions” or bohemian rhapsody or how ever its spelt…. Music? ….. uh.
My heart sinks a bit everytime a crowd of “heteros” from a sports team or something sings aloud. Ugh.
Ive been “studying” media all my life. Not much else to do. And by others intent. I hate this. Theyve been doing it to me long before they ever started trying. My brain is nothing but, brainwashing.
Guess im not allowed seeing the world as not a hostile place to be in. 30 years of one thing. And then you twist it and transfer it to another. Nope. Cant not be. The world is t a fucken circle. Jessus.
Nothing but negative venus, plenty of womanly men. Plenty of drug connections. And stupid bs. Plenty of violence and negativity. Still with the knowing smirks. Making all this affects during “my personal transits” replacing what my act would do for your own i tent i stea dof mine.
Its never going to end. Its all its ever been. Just stupid bs and violence.
And i dont understand why. One of the reasons i went to astrology. An dit gave me a bit of comfort and a bit of security. Everytime id look at somethign spychological my mother went put me down. It the inly way i can understand. It’s always been. I cant keep going anymore. Im breaking down. Again. How can someone live like this? There’s nothing there. At this magnitude? Why do you keep me alive?
And why sisnt you just kill me 30 years ago? Ive been wanting to doe for the last 25 years. And all upu do is abuse me.
Now what? What to do. The tv saps my energy. Maybe i should go back out to the bar. Its getting late.
Wheres the loving conversation? Oh, yeah ,right. Im not allowed to have any. Even though im all moon and saturn. Im not allowed having that responsibility. Bah breeding is for the imvompetant and the malvolent.
Well guessni aint breeding. And theres nothign else to accomplish that has any meaning or significance doen the line. Being alive is pointless. Its just a waste of time. Abusive time. Thtas all there is.
Now eccuse me i have to rety and get more than 4 hours of sleep and then go hang out woth a bunch of people that irritate and frustrate me with stupidity and violence. Or girly man crap. And me having no RnR from the consistency of the bs. Its always like that. There aint no rest for the abusive. I said you had a good singing voice. I dosnt say i wanted to listen to you sing female pop artist hits. Jesus. Wahts next you gonna start singing me britney spears, join a brothel and beat on men.
My sense are heightwned. Doibt im sleeping tomight. Oh well no work tomorow. Whoopy do.
Probably got driggrd with speed or something again. They like to drug me.
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Hahahahha. Ywah ok.
Hey everyone. Theres this thing called astrology that lets anyone on thr planets to fuck woth yout life. Os fantastic. But if yiur not into that sort of thing you can go blow jesus.
Yay. Back to normal again. But venus transits comjng to a close in congruence to the unatural weather? +2? Frequent rain in january? Temperature drops 10°s. Happens. When ever the weather is fucked its with a “personal” transit. Been this way for the last few years that ive picked up.
Its like im so “collectivized” i control nature.
Hey look, i made a joke. Time for y’all to take it seriously. And cause me pain. And during that whole time y’all removed my latest sexual harrasser from being around me. I atarted global warning because i smoke ciggarettes. Sorry i took y’alls pure white loving christmas. Nows its a wet, green christmas. Where i dont need wearing a hacket until jahuary. Your welcome i destroy outdoor winter sports. Nature is ny obly social constant. Gice me more power. I want to cintrol the planet with my justice. Maybe i am developing into a nazi. Shitty life circumstances cause “hitler” to rape the environment right back. 7 fold. It says so in the bible. So i other words they dont want ke walking away from this girl. I dont know man…. But thays ok. They atent a venus figure abyway. Theur a pluonic mats figure. E
Where im given to the fantasy to “dominate”. Oouuu
Its all pickle and pineapples today…. Good fortune. And giving. Never mind it was just a freak 5 min period tgat just seens out if place. Good fortune?! Fuck iff.
Ok, ok. Everything is alright now. I see. And i want to be convinced. But i still ain’t. Still afraid. Or whatnot. Interference to others plans. Resistance And diligence and all that stuff. So even if whatever happens as i go through it. Then atleast ive kept what matters inside not to be bound to the effects. The next scene comes along.
I never got the whole trans thing. Kept bringing it back, like it bothered me. I may have experimented with underwear at one point. And you know what? A man thong can be pretty comfortable. In the sense that it keeps your balls up while feeling like you aint wearing nothing at all. And then you butt cheeks are frotting agaisnt your pants and not cuchoned from the sensation. Not very practical though.
And of course im always going to have a peace of cherry inside me. Love that persona. Not to crackpot bs she gave me. Thats too bad. Sometimes she reads right along with me. Its mine. I own it.
What i did love was find the purest most innocent part of you i saw. And i pulled on it. Your all demon on top. To the point of tattooing it on you. But naw. I went way back. To the beginning. Pieced it together with what i already knew. What little social wisdom i had to the opposite sex. And pleaded to it. Didnt care what games you played. Because i wasnt talking to that other you. And i didnt give much attention to anything you posted. Didnt care. I think your poetry is trash. You couldnt poet your way into any society.
Come now girl. You know you want to hit me. 😜
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rent-a-bat · 3 years
Hey hey hey, could I get a Tim x F! Reader (not a vigilante) where they are both cuddling in the library and Damian is also there making mean comments about Tim and reader is like "stop or I"ll fight you" and Damians like "you? Sure" and she proceds to takle him and actually try to fight him.
This one was fun!! Thank you for requesting it😊. Hope you like it!!
"Stop! Or I'll fight you"
The words felt foreign in your mouth as you said then, a sudden rush of adrenaline running through you at the prospect of actually doing it, a 14 year old was nothing to you, not even one as trained as Damian, well, as long as you could distract them, one way or another.
You and Tim were enjoying a quiet evening together. After the success of his last case, he had decided to give himself a time to relax, much to your relief.
And you, you were just glad to be around him like this, the heat of the chimney warming you both as you spend the afternoon reading. It felt like heaven.
Until someones arrival broke the peace.
"What are you two doing there? Has age finally gotten to you?"
The sarcasm and the laugh in his voice wasn't missed as Damian began looking through the shelfs.
Your relationship with him wasn't bad, nor was Tim's. You guessed it had something to do with age, maybe puberty. Still, you weren't about to let his comments ruin your afternoon.
"Hey Damian, don't you have some place to be?"
"What, so could start playing bingo? You look like a couple of old people."
And there went the last of your patience.
"Stop! Or I will fight you"
"You? Sure."
Oh, you were so on. If someone had told you you were about to throw hands with a kid this morning, you may not have believed them, but here you were.
He had his back turned on you, he really didn't considered you a menace of any kind.
With the few tricks you had learned from Tim in the time you've known him, you made your way towards him as silently as you could. Trying to hold you laughter with the look Tim was giving you, eyes like saucers and his mouth hanging open like he couldn't believe you were actually doing it.
Once close enough, and before he could fully turn. You tackled him. His hands went up, trying to stop you, but it was too late. You landed on top of him, his back hitting the carpeted floor.
The squawk he let out almost had you doubling down with laughter. He tried to fight you but gave up just as fast. You weren't trained, unlike his brothers, so he stood still.
Smiling down at him, you raised your fist, trying to see if would flinch. He didn't. He looked at you with a slight frown on his face. He was defeated, he accepted his fate.
You lowered down your fist as fast as you could towards his face, but before you could touch him, you stoped.
A single finger came forward, lightly touching his nose.
Red crept at his face, making him blush all the way to his ears. Your smile became bigger, if there was something you had caught on about Damian was that he didn't liked to be treated like a little kid.
"Be nice Damian."
You brushed yourself as you stood up, turning back to look at Tim his expression just as it was a while ago, before you looked back at Damian.
He grabbed his book and turned around, still blushing, pulling up his hoodie tight against his face as he left.
You went back to the couch you were in, opening your book right were you left of, and resumed your reading, your hand reaching out for Tim's until you felt it wrap around yours.
"That was amazing."
A wide smile and eyes full of love had replaced his previous expression. You couldn't help the little laugh that escaped your lips as you smiled at him.
Tag list under the cut (message me if you want to be added - This is also a general tag list so tell me if you don't want to be included)
Tag list: @togasknifes @thelindalorian @fizassyeda @apric-t @brightjimini @candlestudy @dickgraysonsscrumptiousbooty @profoundgreenturtle @little-miss-naill @drebi-san
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theladyyavilee · 4 years
oh man oh man oh man
I didn’t really have any expectations for the l*st of *s 2, since I can’t stomach games with that level of violence and stuff, and pretty much all I knew about part 1 as well was just osmosis via tumblr
but like, you know, as a wlw I obvs was intrigued by all the soft wlw stuff, because queer rep? is fucking rare? and it just looked very promising and also I was inclined to trust ashley johnson and her dedication to and excitement for the storyline of this sequel
anyways, what a fucking shitshow, to anyone who was actually excited for this game, I am very sorry and this hug goes out to all of you
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sgt-morgan · 3 years
Cheap sunglasses
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A/N: a little devilish AU based on my favorite ZZ Top song 🖤✨ it just felt too right. Little baby college! Matt. It gets angsty towards the middle, but we clear it up!
DD Masterlist
You signed up for tutoring about two days after classes started, and Matt immediately knew you would be trouble. You were popular, Matt knew, as you always seemed to have plans after your sessions were done, and your sweat always faintly smelled of cheap liquor. You seemed to be constantly surrounded by people, your presence always instigating a swarm of onlookers or people stoping you to ask you about some event or party. They gathered like moths to a flame, constantly buzzing whenever you decided to study in the Coffee shop or library, even if you were on the silent floor where talking was strictly prohibited. (Much to Matt’s chagrin.) However, Matt could never fault you for this, he understood the magnetism.
How could he not? The moment he met you, he knew you were gonna rock his world, you made him come out of his shell. Matt had never joked more, or laughed more for that matter, in his life. Foggy thought he was doing coke. He constantly wanted to bathe in your easy warmth, wishes to be engulfed by your sweet scent, your warm caress, your burning gaze. You glistened like the sun, sparkled brilliantly in his minds eye, his memory of the glow of sunlight slowly eaten up by you.
You never even once mentioned the fact he was blind, but you always seemed to know exactly how to operate to his advantage, without making him feel like a space alien. You always took his arm when you were walking, read menus for him, used the clock system when handing him things. You even kept spare sets of sunglasses for him. Matt always seemed to be loosing them everywhere, or breaking them, and you seemed to sense how vulnerable it made him feel without them, so you always seemed to have some to spare. You just acted like his flaws all perfectly normal, you never let it break your stride in a conversation nor did you ever once make an effort to receive thanks for this act of kindness. You just did it.
“Oh hell,” Matt sighed. “I lost my glasses again didn’t I?” He never seemed to notice their absence with you, you could care less wether his eyes just glossed over you or stared at random into nothing, but he could hear the girl at the table next to them muttering to her friend about his blank stare apparently boring into her for the past thirty minutes and he felt hot shame creep up over him at her discomfort.
“Oh shit!” You giggled, your warm laughter washing over him like a comforting summer breeze, “I guess so Matty!”
He heard you rummage through your bag and pull on a set of glasses. He could hear the creaking of the hinges, the glassy clack of the lenses against your nails.
“On your 3, there you go.” You mutter placing them in his open palm. He slides the glasses up his nose, and he feels the comfort of their weight veil him again from the world around him. They couldn’t however, dim your kindness.
“You’re gonna go broke if you keep buying me glasses.” He chuckled, reaching forward gently to fondly trace your features. Touch being an easy form of affection between you.
“No worries, Matty! The dollar store has a great selection of cheap sunglasses for my best buddy.” He felt your nose scrunch under his fingers, the curve of your smile under his palm as his hand retreated. Truly, to Matt you were a saint.
You also went out of your way to be a good friend to Foggy. You laughed at his dumb jokes, you helped Matt drag him back to their dorm after a night out, you gave him tips on dates, you really were an amazing friend. This truly shown through, when you offered to get them into one of your sorority socials, so he could flirt with your friend.
“The theme is Rock of Ages.” You chuckle. You were sitting with them in the library, you had been pretending to study for about 45 minutes when you finally gave up to talk about Foggy’s newest crush.
“Oh shit, like the musical?” Foggy giggled, swiping his hair out of his eyes.
“More like the Def Leppard song, but yeah.” You shrug, “it’s a charity auction, they announce us as we come in for this one because we’re auctioning off a date, and we’re supposed to bring an escort. I’m the President, so I don’t see why I can’t have more than one escort!” You laugh. You two were workshopping entrenched when Foggy had a lightbulb moment.
“Ooooh! Do you think Marci needs an escort?” Foggy gasped, pulling out his phone to text his crush.
“Honestly Fog? Great idea.” You shrug, “She was just saying she needed an escort.”
Foggy grins, Matt can hear the upturn in the skin around his lips. You nudge foggy excitedly, helping him to draft the text. He can hear the clicking on the tiny keys of Foggy’s phone accompanying your muted conspiratorial whispers and he smiles.
“So wait, what song are you gonna do with Matt as your escort?” Foggy frowns, “the two dudes thing was simple, but a blind guy makes so many good possibilities.” Foggy cackles nefariously.
“Blinded by the light!” Matt exclaims.
“Love is blind?” Foggy smirks, and You giggle catching on to The game.
“Blind as a bat?” Matt continues.
“I have an even better idea!” You smirk.
“Please share!” Foggy giggled flailing his arms in your direction.
“Nah, I’ll play this one close to the vest.” You wink, tapping on the back of Matt’s hand where it rested on the table, as if to supplement this playful gesture for the facial expression. He thought it was cute, your playful substitutes for expressions. They warmed his heart. “You just show up in a black suit with a red shirt, and I’ll take care of the rest.”
The night of the formal came quicker than expected. Foggy had his in, he and Marci walked to X offender by Blondie. Foggy was dressed as a cop, and if he was told the correct description, Marci’s ass looked stellar in her Debbie Harry costume. You had yet to show, but you were last. Matt was technically early, because he needed Foggy to escort him to the party. Matt didn’t mind waiting, you were worth waiting on.
“Matty!” He smelled your sweet perfume, and heard your steady and increasing heart beat. He turned in your direction, smiling. You quickly surrounded him in the warmth of your embrace. He felt at the sleeves on your arms, the velvet feeling pleasant under his fingers, the smooth drag of his skin catching on the folds of the fabric was a wonderful surprise. “Oh my! You clean up nice! Foggy picked a great shirt, but we’re gonna unbutton a couple of those!” He could hear the smile in your voice, and he smiled amicably as you unbuttoned his top.
“Well then! Could have at least bought me dinner first!” He joked, chuckling as you then proceeded to roll the sleeves of his jacket and shirt. He felt your heart skip a beat at his easy flirting, and he smirked. He could hear you bite your lip, and could smell the increase of pheromones telling him his advances were appreciated.
“Sorry, Matty, just couldn’t resist!” You giggled breathlessly. “Oh man, that necklace adds the perfect touch!” He felt the burn of your touch as you straightened the chain on his cross. “Now put these on!” Matt could then feel you pulling off his glasses, stuffing them in the pocket of his suit jacket. He then felt you place another set on the bridge of his nose. He prodded at them and they seemed very oval, the frames falling in just the right place.
“Here! Wow Matty, those are so fucking sexy!” You playfully groan taking his hands and putting them on your face, he outlined the shape of stars on your frames, and traced the delicate curve of your smile. “Now, when we walk out there, be confident, and I won’t let your arm go. The walkway is a little narrow, and I can’t be going and having my favorite law student falling and suing my sorority.” You giggled. That’s when the familiar chords kicked up. You snagged his arm and started on to the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen, last on our ballot, the lovely president, escorted by Matt Murdock!” The announcer cried just as the familiar lyrics blared.
When you get up in the morning and the light it hurts your head
The first thing you do when you get up out of bed
Is hit that streets a-runnin' and try to beat the masses
And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses.
Matt genuinely laughed when he heard your choice. The ZZ Top song was unexpected, but it was timed perfectly. He thought back to all the glasses you had replaced his glasses for him and grinned. He walked you down the cat walk, hearing people smile and cheer for you as you blew kisses and winked. He did a turn around the stage with you holding your hand above your head and gesturing to you with a flourish. He could tell you loved the attention, and the crowd loved giving it to you. He could feel the weight of heady stares, especially at your breasts in that low cut top. It’s times like these Matt wishes his eyes worked. He shook the indecent thought from his head, instead reveling in the way you seemed to sparkle under the gazes of those around you.
Spied a little thing and I followed her all night
In a funky fine Levis and her sweater's kind of tight
She had a west coast strut that was as sweet as molasses
But what really knocked me out was her cheap sunglasses
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah,
As you crudely gestured and playfully wound your hips, grinding your ass against Matt and pulling his tie in time to the lyrics, Matt decided he was going to be bold. If you were the sun? Matt decided in that moment he wanted to be a mirror ball, wanted to reflect your light for everyone to see. Matt snatched you by the waist and spun you around, your hands flung up over your head. Your laughter was infectious as he dipped you. When he brought you back up he kissed your cheek and he could feel the way your skin heated under his affection. Matt grinned devilishly as he left you at center stage, escorted off by Foggy, who pretended to arrest him. Matt blew her a kiss for the added suave bad boy effect, pretending to struggle against Foggy.
Now go out and get yourself some big black frames
With the glass so dark they won't even know your name
And the choice is up to you cause they come in two classes
Rhinestone shades or cheap sunglasses
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
“Dude, she’s totally got a thing for you.” Foggy giggled with glee, slapping Matt on the arm. “ I wish you could have seen the way she blushed and giggled as I took you off stage. She’s totally in to you!”
“Yeah Murdock!” Another unexpected voice called out. From the sickly sweet smell of Gucci perfume, he could tell it was Marci Stahl. “You really do have her on the hook, and nice shades by the way. Y/N’s right, red really IS your color.”
Matt smirked cocking his head to the side. “Well thanks Marci, I think I just might keep them.”
———————— 4 years later ————————
Matt felt her voice like the heat of the first day of spring, after a long bitter winter. Last he had heard, you were living in Syracuse making a nice living managing some hotels and a set of cabins on one of the Great Lakes. He tilted his head in the direction of your voice with a light smile.
“Could my ears be failing me, or is that the president of my favorite sorority?” Matt called, holding out his hand in the direction he heard your heart beat coming from.
“From what I remember, your ears couldn’t fail you if they wanted to.” Matt frowned and dropped his hand to his side.
——————— 4 years earlier ———————
“Hey! Let me go!” Matt could hear you struggling with your date. He normally doesn’t prey around campus, but he was on his way back to the dorms. Hoping Foggy was still at Marci’s. He didn’t make it far, when he heard you starting to escort your auction date back on to campus. From the way you were practically stomping back to campus beside your pay-to-play suitor, he figured that the date didn’t go so well. Besides, the guys an asshole. He’s buying his way through law school with daddy’s money, and Matt hated that. He figured he’d follow along to be on the safe side.
“Shut it, bitch!” Matt could hear the impact of skin on skin. He had hit you. Then he heard you whimper, he could smell the sweat, the fear that rolled off you in waves, hear how your heart pounded. Something in him just… snapped.
A large man clad in black hopping from the fire escape in front of your date, was startling to be sure. He heard your shocked gasp, felt you flinch back from the two very intimidating men. He couldn’t blame you, you couldn’t know it was him, his mask took care of that. Your breath was coming out of you in panting, frightened gasps, and Matt could feel the fury blazing, the devil snapping at the threads of his self control. He continued to focus on your breathing and the tremor in your voice, ignoring your date.
“What the fuck?” Oh right, this guy. “Who are you supposed to be, a ninja?” The guy laughed, his breath smelled faintly of liquor. Some expensive red wine he guessed. He could smell the grapes. It was a white wine. It soured his stomach. He could hear the way his skin stretched over his knuckles as he clenched his fist.
“No, I’m just a concerned citizen.” Matt snarled.
“Well fuck off!” The guy yelled, Matt heard the guy’s fist cut through the air, he ducked and wiped out the guys weakened leg on the follow through. He knew it’s position from the sound of the guys soles scraping the concrete, tracked the little raise in his foot as he stumbled.
Matt grabbed his flailing arm as he fell, pinning it behind his back and delivering one swift punch to the guys nose. The trapped man reached up Scrabbling for his mask, Matt delivered another hit to the nose effectively knocking the guy out cold. The damage however, was done. He heard your shocked gasp as his mask fluttered to the ground. He hated the way your heart began to the harder, you were scarred.
“Matty?” He didn’t stick around for an explanation. He fled, leaving you with an unconscious date and so many questions. He shivered as he ran away, suddenly feeling like his sun had gone behind a cloud. Your warmth right there, but just out of reach of his blood stained hands.
Two weeks later, you got a letter from Matt explaining and begging you to stay away from him, not to tell anyone of his little secret hobby. He said he was dangerous, said he was no good for you. You tried to talk to him, but Matt could avoid anyone if he needed to. You refused to stop trying, showing up every week to your scheduled tutoring sessions,even though Matt had long stopped attending. You still hung out with Foggy, who also tried to wrestle an explanation out of Matt. It wasn’t until you saw Matt with Elektra that you both quit trying.
—————— Back to Present ——————
“Well, your right about that one,” Matt smiled again bitterly, wrapping his palms around his cane. “What are you doing down here slumming it in the city? I heard you started up a nice little life for yourself in Liverpool, near the Onondaga right?”
“You heard right!” You chuckle, he heard the slight tussle of your hair, smelt the faint waft of shampoo that hit his nose as you tucked your hair behind your ears. “I have two hotels, one near Lake Onondaga, one near the university, and a little set of cabins on Lake Ontario.” You stepped closer to him and your smell hit him fully. You always smelled so sweet, your shampoo and perfume always complemented the natural warm, comforting, smell of your skin so perfectly. You were always the perfect assault of his senses. He couldn’t bare to stand so far from you, when you were once again so close.
“Care to walk me to coffee?” Matt shrugged offering his arm out to you, “Maybe we can catch up?”
You paused for a second, and Matt could feel every beat of his heart thudding against his skin. It was as if his heart was trying to jump from his chest to your hands, giving you a piece of himself again. While Matt had distanced himself from you, he always tried to keep tabs. You were his oldest obsession, a strong beacon of the good that could have been his life if he had just held it together. He regretted pushing you away, truly he did. But this? This chance meeting after he had finally rid his city of Wilson Fisk? Well, you had to be a sign from God. You were the sign that maybe, just maybe, he had finally done enough good. Only, you still hadn’t taken his arm.
“Um,” he could hear the hesitancy, felt his thudding heart stutter, threatening to shatter to a million little pieces. Then he heard you pull in a deep breath through your nose. You grabbed his arm.
“Sure Matty, why not.”
You walked him to the coffee shop you saw in the distance, you filled him in on your life, you spoke of your little cabin settled amongst the trees in Syracuse. You told him of how you got to where you were, told him of your struggles with bad tenants and one time, a bear. Your voice regaling him of your adventures felt like the warmth of sunshine on his face. Your easy humor and sweet charm settled something deep in his bones. You still remembered the way you used to guide his hands, and you still did it with ease, once again taking the time to accommodate him, even though you now knew he didn’t need it. You just had an ease about you, you were easy to be around. You didn’t have the sharp edges of the other things in his life, you were peace, calm. Matt basked in it like a cat in a sun spot, if he could he would purr.
Matt gave you the cliff notes version of his life, he could tell you were filling in your own gaps from news stories, and the slight curve of his nose that hadn’t existed before you lost touch, the little scars that scattered the visible parts of his body. You caressed his knuckles, felt the rough callouses of his palm as you reached out for his hands. The physical affection still coming so easy to you, he could feel himself pressing into your touch. He unburdened his rough couple of years since you had been in touch, before shifting to lighter topics.
It was when you started to relive your college days, that you asked what he could tell you had been dying to ask.
“Matty, are those the glasses I gave you at the auction?” You chuckled nervously, toying with the side of his glasses, then seemingly realizing the intimacy of the action and drawing your hands back to the coffee that had long since gone cold. “They couldn’t be, you loose them too often, how did you find ones so similar?”
Matt smiled and pushed the frames back up onto his nose, resting his hands on the table, open and reaching towards you, begging for you to fill them with your warmth.
“Well of course they’re the originals Sunshine! How could I ever abandon my favorite shades? You know, a really hot girl once said they made me look sexy. Once you find that high, you ride it till your grave.”
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wren-writes68 · 3 years
Ordered Online au
<Warnings- soft vore- mention of digestion- dehumanization- cursing- mouthplay>
Tommy started pacing as his message to tubbo didn’t even go read, he picked up his phone scrolling back through the other 50 messages he’d sent, over the course of two weeks to both tubbo and eventually ranboo, neither even reading them. Everyone was worried as tommy sent a text to the group chat saying that tubbo still hadn’t answered.
Wilbur: I’m sure it’s fine we’ll head over to his house tomorrow
Phil: Did we ever get his address mate?
Wilbur: uh I’m pretty sure
Wilbur: nope nvm
Tommy: guys this is serious, tubbo and ranboo aren’t responding!
Techno: guys Tommy’s using correct punctuation, we should be scared.
Phil: guys enough. Tommy just get some food and go to bed, we’ll handle this ok.
Tommy: but phillllll
Phil: no buts it’s already 10
Wilbur: sent you some food toms it’s really good!
Tommy: thanks big man
Techno:night nerd
Tommy is typing…
[Phil] has muted this chat
Tommy sighed putting his phone down, only to pick it back up shoving it in his pocket and heading downstairs remembering Wilbur had ordered some ‘good’ food for him. As if on cue the doorbell rang, tommy walked over to the door and a teen wearing some sort of tacky ass suit, “listen man it’s the uniform ok do you want your food or not” the man said pushing a paper bag into Tommy’s arms and turning away mumbling curses under his breath at the weird looks he kept getting. “Ok then?” Tommy said taking the small bag inside and pulling out a small styrofoam container, that smelled really good, a plastic fork, and a plastic knife.
Tommy, having set everything out on the table, opened the container revealing a steak covered in different spices and sauces, the sight alone made his mouth water. He sent a quick thank you off to Wilbur, Wilbur responding with a simple “your welcome” as well as the name and location of the place. “Tiny fancy, what a weird ass na-” he stoped seeing movement in the tiny container, and pushing the steak around saw two tines crouched down behind it cowering, “Huh I guess the name does make some sense then.” tommy had to say he was exited, he’d had tinies before but his parents were big on ‘no tinies in the house,’ in case of starting an infested or something, luckily his parents were out of town so he could eat them. “Tommy!?” Or not…
Tommy looked down hearing the tiny call out his name, “how do you know my name!?” He asked trying to get a better look at the smalle borrower, “Tommy it’s me, Tubbo!” It said this time climbing on top of the steak so Tommy could see him. “holy shit, Tubbo!?” Tommy yelled making both tinies flinch, tommy made a mental note not to do that again, he held his hand towards the tiny bot sure if tubbo would be ok with being touched, but when his hand got in reach Tubbo practically jumped into it tearing up at the gentle contact of the light fist he was held in. “Um guys” the other borrower said having gotten out of the box, “oh ranboob! tommy said causing ranboo to sigh.
Tommy set tubbo back down and picked up the shitty utensils, cutting a small chunk for his tiny friends and a bigger one for him they tasted this heavenly looking steak. Turns out the tinies were the only edible thing there, “gross!” Tubbo said, throwing the small chunk of meat back in the container ranboo following suit, tommy however ate the entire thing having nothing else better at the moment. “So what now?” Ranboo asked, everyone taking a second to think before tubbo shouted “sleepover!”
Tommy grabbed tubbo and ranboo walking back to his room and putting them down on the bed with his phone which tubbo instantly started trying to play on, “ ‘m gonna go to the bathroom I’ll be back” tommy said walking away. Tubbo gave a dismissive “mhm” and went back to trying to play on the giant phone.
“Are they defective?” One on the humans said towering over ranboo and a couple of other borrowers “no sir these are the new borrowers we still need to test them” another replied. Ranboo looked around the bright, box? Suddenly a hand came down and wrapped around him tightly lifting him towards one of the scientists faces, the human looked him over before turning to his college “this one would work nicely in the food industry” the other hummed looking over a small sheet, “yea sure put him in the order with #20212215” ranboo zoned out mind racing to the fact he was going to be food “blah blah blah, Brighton order” Ranboo perked up hearing that. Brighton he was going to the UK and he was getting sent to Brighton right where Wilbur was, surly he could escape and get to one of his friends, “first put him in training the UK agency says #20212215’s an annoying one hopefully this guy will tie him down” and with that ranboo was taken off to who knows where.
“Day 8 of training the subject has mastered basic commands and has not only gotten used to getting swallowed but has mastered climbing into the mouth and inside massages as well” Ranboo paused hearing the human he was supposed to call ‘his’ but was really named Greg and was very nice to him even though he still had to do his job, ranboo didn’t feel bad giving the nice man a massage after he’d given ranboo actual food.
Greg walked down with supervisor, “very well send him” the man said walking away to do who knows what, “nice, congrats ran you’re going to be with #21202215 and you guys are heading out to one, mr. Wilbur Soot” Ranboo perked up “Wilbur hu, you know him?” Greg asked. Ranboo frantically shook his head “yea we’re friends!” Greg laughed at his excitement “that’s good cause I’d hate you go to a bad place you’re a nice little guy” he said rubbing a finger against ranboo before gently picking him up and setting him in a box “good luck then ran” he chuckled closing the box.
~~flashback end~~
“Aww it turned off” Tubbo whined “Ranboo what’s the password.” Ranboo who’d been curled up on the pillow groaned “why would I know?” “Tommy what’s your passwo-” Tubbo’s sentence stoped with a short scream as the bed shook probably from Tommy flopping down. Ranboo looked up seeing tommy face first in the pillow tubbo now snuggled in the crook of his neck drifting off “you ok tommy?” Ranboo asked walking towards the pair, tommy turned to make sure tubbo was asleep which he was, surprisingly “that steak is not sitting well” tommy said with another grand putting his head back into the pillow.
“I might be able to help with that” Ranboo whispered, “hmh?” Tommy groaned picking his head up to look at ranboo, “it uh…it was apart of a program they put me in before, this” Tommy stayed silent knowing how scary some of those ‘tests’ could be. “Y-you don’t have to, I get that it probably wasn’t a good experience” Ranboo was quick to retort “no no it’s fine. it’s actually not that bad”
Tommy tiredly pushed his lips up to ranboo making the smaller male laugh, “come-on tommy you have to do more than that” he said, easily pushing Tommy’s mouth open and climbing in “mmm” tommy hummed around ranboo licking over him and lightly sucking on him.
Ranboo laughed as the wet muscle licked over him hums vibrating throughout his entire form. Ranboo hugged the tongue as it finished licking over him and started nudging him backwards, he chuckled and pat the tongue almost instantly being pulled down by the strong, yet surprisingly gentle throat muscles. Ranboo was pulled down for a good couple seconds before being deposited into the stomach, ranboo got out a small flashlight he’d gotten from Greg and looked around. What remained of the ‘steak’ that Tommy ate looked more like plastic than food and the walls around it looked irritated, ranboo walked over placeing a hand on the irritated area before the whole stomach convulsed around him and Tommy let out a pained groan. Ranboo backed away finding a nice non irritated spot to curl up in and started rubbing the walls around him, soon the whole area vibrated a light purring coming form all around him “…tommy are your purring?” Ranboo asked chuckling as the teen in question just grumbled huffing lightly before what ranboo assumed was passing out. “Good night then” he laughed giving the walls one last pat and cuddling into the folds of the stomach drifting off protected and safe inside his friend.
Finally coming back to write, pog
(Not prof read)
Any asks for this au are appreciated since I don’t know where to go with this but I want to continue it.
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luimagines · 3 years
So hear me out... Reader is a very patient person but they are also human and knows when its time to cut off something that isn't going to get better
It's not like they don't love four
They do, with all thier heart and always thinks of him whenever they're away from each other,even if its just a few hours.
She would want nothing more then to spend the rest of her life with him.
So when she met the colors she was just as in love with them as she was with four.
After all if she didn't love them then that would mean that she didn't love four.
And that was a big BIG no no.
So she spent the time to get to know them and understand them better after having moved in with four and seeing the colors more often.
She able to understand all of them and in turn understand four better making your relationship with each other much stronger, even the tsundere that was blue.
But not Vio.
It wasn't that they didn't love vio,they did. They loved how smart he was,how calm he could be during stressful situations,how he always knew just what to do and the fact he had very strong character.
No,no, it wasn't the fact she didn't have any feeling for him but the fact that he HATED her.
Not "dislike" or "uninterested" but HATE.
This wasn't something that could be seen as a mix up or lack of communication because he would go out of his way to avoid them,refusing to put up much of a conversation with them or even really look them in the eyes.
"That's fine." Reader thought. "We don't have to get along immediately. It'll take time. Maybe he's just closed off. I'll don't mind waiting."
So they never confronted four,the colors or even vio for that matter. They didn't want to make Vio feel obligated to like them just because four or the others did. They'll win his heart over time.
Soon days turned to months and months turned to years and soon 3 years and 5 months have passed and nothing seemed to have changed other then the fact he seem more...tolerant around them it seemed? But by this point Reader had started to think Vio was never going to like them,much less love them. If having him tolerate thier presents took this long then how much longer would they have to keep waiting? Was four always like this? Did apart of him always hate them? Were they not good enough? Is it something they're lacking?
Dose four secretly hate them?
During the years they spent trying to get close to Vio they're insecurities only grew more and more.
Little by little, the thoughts kept growing and they began to get more and more frustrated with the situation because if she confronted four,vio or one of the colors about it then Vio would be placed in a position to have "pretend" to like them.
And that was the last thing wanted. To have someone who disliked you having to be forced to put a smile on thier face for the like of you.
But they didn't want to continue this game where their insecurity and pain grew and grew all for the promise of something that may never come.
So they stoped trying.
They even started to feel angry whenever they were around Vio,even giving them the cold shoulder whenever they were around,yelling at him on days when they just couldn't take anymore of shit and if he had a problem with it then he didn't show it.
He never did.
Did Reader hate Vio? If they do.
Did it mean they hated four as well? Of course not! They love him with all thier heart....right?
Until one day everything just became too much. They were having a bad day and everything just seem to be falling apart,maybe it was something he did or said or maybe it was the lack of it but they just exploded on him. Pouring everything she felt,they're frustration with him, the fact he treated them differently from quite literally everyone els even with his brothers how if he hated them to just be out with it instead of string them along on false hope or els they would leave and never come back.
But he just stood there.
For minutes
They took that as a sign that he didn't care.
Of course he didn't care.
He never did,right?
How stupid were they? To think anyone would love them completely? They stormed off in tears and anger
3 years and 5 months. Thats how long they spent trying to make this work.
3 years and 5 months wasted on trying to get someone who clearly hated them to at least see them as a friend .
3 years and 5 months of constant internal turmoil unresolved. Maybe they were ask too much from four to love them completely
Maybe they'll regret this later down the line looking back but today they were just done.
Done with vio and four, done with all this pain and anger. They just want it all to stop.
So their going to leave because what was the point in being in a relationship with someone that had a part of them hate you.
It was raining by the time they got home and started packing.no one was home yet and they scribbled down a letter for the other's to read.
Reader is patient but they're human too.
And humans have emotions.
This is what some might call poetry in motion.
This is also going on the masterlist.
Vio better step up and get his act together.
But I do think while reading that, that while Vio's typically the more closed off with his emotions, he's also Four's.... not vulnerability or insecurity, but he's the one to have the doubts if he's enough for Reader and the kind to be nervous around their crush so they avoid them all together to avoid looking stupid.
But this obviously backfires.
But dang.... it's hurting hours I guess.
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kining-the-evil · 4 years
Coming out
Ransom Drysdale x daughter!reader lesbian!reader
Summary: Jacob finds out your gay, and decides to spill it to the whole family at dinner.
Warning ⚠️: Please be aware that this contains forced coming out, and the use of the F slur. I monetize it, and blurb the word so it’s not technically there but it’s obvious what the word was. IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU PLEASE DONT READ!!!
"How about we go to an early diner, then the 5 o'clock showing?" Lily offered. I was laying on my bed while on the phone.
"That should work, you know I'm always free."
"Will your dad know where you are?" She asked making me role my eyes.
"I'll tell him I'm meeting some friends." My dad was hardly ever home with me anyways.
"You know at some point you will have to tell him right?" She asked making me sigh. I could not for the life of me figure out how he would react if I came out to him. He was an asshole, and certain parts of the family definitely would not support, but at the same time we hardly ever stuck around for the political argument.
"I will, but I've told you about my family. I just want to wait until I have a backup plan. We graduate in a year anyways. Then I'll take you far far away and treat you like a queen." I explained, thinking about what our life could be after high school.
"You already treat me like one." She chuckled. "And you know I will support you with whenever you decide to."
"I'm gonna go let my dad know I'm leaving then I'll be over to pick you up. Sound good?" She hummed in agreement and we both said goodbye before hanging up. I pulled some shoes on, and made sure I looked presentable before heading downstairs. I could hear my dad moving around in the kitchen as I pulled in a light sweater.
"Dad, I'm hanging out with some friends tonight." I called out walking towards the door.
"No your not!" He called back making me freeze. I turned around to see him standing in the doorway, leaning against it.
"Family dinner tonight." He explained making me role my eyes.
"Do I really have to go? The only people I talk to are you and great grandpa, and I see you both all the time."
"Don't be dramatic. I'm sure you talk to the rest of them." He said rolling his eyes.
"Oh really? Grandma and grandpa barely tolerate me, Donna, Walt, and Jacob hate me, Joni does that weird mix of trying to be a mother figure and guilt tripping me, and Meg hates me for the simple fact of being your daughter. The only other person who's sort of ok is Marta, but she doesn't work tonight." I counted each person on my fingers as I spoke making him chuckle and shake his head.
"You know there will be a fight and we will leave early, and nothing is happening tomorrow. Just go out with your friends after diner." He explained, waving his hand as though say that's the end of it.
I sighed but pulled my phone out send a text to Lily letting her know what happened. She agreed to meet me latter tonight, saying that there is a latter showing of the movie we want to see.
"The favorite great grandchild is here!" I called out as we walked into the house. I could hear a few groans from the other room, and as I pulled my jacket off some walked over to greet us.
"Nice to see you Ransom." My great grandfather said greeting my dad. "And hello dear!" He said walking over to me, giving me a side hug. "We gonna play a game of Go later?"
"Only if you want to be beat old man."
"Oh! We will see about that!" He said chuckling as we made our way towards the main room. I could hear people arguing, so my dad must be in there already.
No one paid me any attention as I sat down next to my dad. Meg was practically screaming at my dad while he just sat there smirking.
"Meg, please sit down, Ransom, do you really need to start this already?" My grandmother finally said, trying to calm everyone.
"I didn't do anything! Just sat down." My dad claimed throwing his arms up. I chuckled at all the commotion, knowing damn well that my dad had said something to piss Meg off.
"What are you laughing at f&$#*" I felt everyone in the room freeze when they heard that. I turned my head slowly to the side to see Jacob looking up at me.
"W-what?" I whispered, still in shock of what happened.
"You heard exactly what is said. I asked what you were laughing at f&$#*" He stated.
"Jacob what the hell?!" Meg asked, all her anger from a moment pointed at him now.
"What?! It's true, I saw her kissing some girl at the park the other day."
"Come on." My dad mumbled grabbing me by the arm and pulling me to my feet.
"Ransom just wait a moment, give Jacob a chance to explain himself. I'm sure-"
"Walt, if I 'give him a mom to explain himself' I will end up punching a child." He snapped turning to look at Walt.
"I mean, give him the benefit of the doubt. She shouldn't hide stuff like that, and F&$-"
"If you say, that GOD DAMN WORD ABOUT MY DAUGHTER AGAIN YOU WILL REGRET IT!" He yelled stepping closer to Walt. "And wether she's gay or not, it's non of your fucking business. She's 17, almost an adult, and can make her own decisions. Also, if she likes girls, I get it. I like pussy to. Now we are gonna leave, and if I find out you, your wife, or your son try to contact her, you will be sorry." He took a step away from Walt so he could look at the rest of them. "If any of you contact her before she's ready, you will be sorry."
Once he was done he stormed off towards the door and I followed behind. He only stoped to let me put my jacket on, and as I did my great grandfather squeezed my shoulder a bit. "Have a good night dear." He whispered before going back to the rest of the family.
The car ride home was silent, and I had chosen to sit in the back so I wouldn't have to look my dad in the face. His hands were tightly gripping the steering wheel, and he was driving significantly over the speed limit. Once him he didn't say a word to me or wait for me before heading inside. I stayed in the car for a moment, laying my head on the seat in front of me. Why, out of everyone did it have to be Jacob who saw me with Lily?
After almost 10 minutes I made my way into the house. Sad was sitting on the couch, and I tried to sneak past him but he heard me anyways. "Y/n, come here please." He said the moment my foot touched one of the stairs.
Silently I made my way over to the couch, and sat down. Nether of us spoke for a few moments.
"Was Jacob telling the truth?" He asked finally looking over at me. I felt like I was going to die right then and there, I didn't want to tell him, but I couldn't lie at this point ether.
"Ya, he was." I whispered.
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"That's who you've been hanging out with?"
"How long have you known?"
"I don't know." I sighed, getting a bit irritated. “Some time in middle school maybe.” He was silent for a few minutes, witch just caused my anxiety to worsen.
“You know I cried when I first held you.” I looked over at him surprised, I had never seen him cry. “I was 16 and Terrified, your mother planed to move away within days after you were born. I was so scared I wouldn’t be a good dad, that I would fuck you up. But t he moment I held you in my arms I knew i loved more then every member of our fucked up family combined.” He pauses for a second, reaching up to wipe away the tear that had somehow escaped.
“I’m sorry that Jacob did that. I plan to try and talk with Walt and Donna, he had no right to act like that.”
“Don’t, you know it will only lead to more drama.” I said. “So your not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“Of course not, that was your choice on when that was supposed to come out.” He explained, wrapping an arm around me. “Now, was that friend you were going to hang out with the girl?”
I smiled a bit, glad to know he really didn’t seem to care. “Ya, we were gonna see a movie.”
“Your welcome to go now, I’m sure being with her is a bit more relaxing then being with me.” He smiled a bit before standing up. My dad was almost never soft like that, and decided to do my best to remember that smile.
“Thank you so much.” I said, a real smile on my face.
“You’ll have to bring her around some time. Don’t think she won’t still get the talk like with any boys you would have brought home. What’s her name anyways?”
“Lily.” I said pulling my phone out to send her a quick message.
“Wait your friend lily? The one that you stay over at her house all the time?”
“I’ve got to go dad, I’ll let you know when I’m home.” I said running out the door. I could here him telling for me but I just chuckled as I drove away. I guess I won’t be having anymore ‘sleep overs’ with Lily.
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bbygirljuvi · 3 years
Gruvia Week 2021 Day 3 - Discovery
Author’s note: This emotional roller coaster turned out longer than I intended. Hope you enjoy ^^
Summary: It take place several hours after Alodron’s defeat, on the way of Drameel.
Group had stoped over in a small yard inside the forest before continuing their path to Drameel. It was the excuse they gave the army. They were campers which had been attacked by some wild animal on thir campsite. They would head to Drameel right after dressed their wounds. Aldron was just a town’s name they knew. To their surprise, army really bought that.
It was really small yard, just enough to lit a campfire. So everybody was spread around the forest. Less injuried members were gettering up wood and food to prepare dinner while Wendy was running around, healing big injuries with last drop of her magic.
Everybody was tired, injured and confused yet happy. Small victory smiles were visible on every face. Joyful whispers were rising from everywhere. Fairy tail was safe and together again.
Gray leaned on a tree which wasn’t too far away from campsite but private from other sights. He closed his eyes with a big sigh while Juvia went to get health supplies. The nauseous feeling had been crippling inside him since the event with Metro kept getting stronger and he was at his limit at this point. His head was aching, there was a still fresh wound end of the dried blood track, his left shoulder was at least dislocated and without adrenaline rush, he was feeling like fainting.
He opened his eyes with two different footsteps coming to his way. Juvia was carrying dressing matterials while Wendy was carrying a bowl of water. Both of their faces was twisted in worry. Was he looking bad as he felt?
“Gray-san what’s wrong, where did you get hurt ?” Wendy asked in rush. “Just my arm and head, not big deal” he said with a ressuring smile but nobody bought that.
Juvia was sitting in the corner, giving Wendy enough space to do her stuff. It wasn’t easy tho. He looked like a mess. She’d been aware that his condition was getting worse every passing minute as they walk but he wasn’t looking half as bad before she left, had he’s been faking it not to worry her? Her heart twitched with another wave of affection.
Wendy checked his head first and gasped a little. It was worse then she initially thought. “Do you feel dizzy or like vomiting Gray-san?” she asked. He gave a small nod then hissed in pain. That hurted, he thought.
“You’re probably having a concussion, I will heal it right away. You should still rest tho.” she said while using her magic. With that ice mage started to feel alive again. “Shit, I’m feeling awesome Wendy, you are amazing!!”
She mumbled something like thank you with one of her cute blushes on and tend towards his left shoulder, fixed it instantly too. This time Juvia talked “ We are so luck to have you Wendy-san~” she said with a bright smile. The gloom had been radiated from her was long gone. “I’m glad I can help my friends. Juvia-san what about you, Did you get hurt too?”
“No, just some scratches, Juvia is okey.”she said while giving an impish look to Gray. Which led him to blush and turn his head. Wendy didn’t know what was that about but she had a guess. “Is that so, than I’m heading to Erza-san. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need.” And left while ice and water mages were waving goodbye, warning her for not to overuse her magic.
Idiot,idiot,idiot he repeated himself as Wendy’s footsteps faded. She’s my power to live?? What will you do next time, kiss her in the battlefield? You extra little-
His inner scrolling cut short by a wet cloth. Juvia was cleaning his face. “Dressing time” she said, trying so hard not to grin like a cheshire cat. She knew it would scare him if she teased him about it longer than she already did. But remaining calm was hard when all she heard was her beloved’s voice echoing in her head. Juvia was his power to live!!
With that she bit her lower lip in an unsuccessful attempt to stop a smile from forming. Gray rolled his eyes to that but relaxed a bit. Her dramatic reactions were so familiar... Yeah, he had practically confessed but it wasn’t something new. Things wouldn’t changed between them. With that realisation he even smiled when she covered her mouth to muff her slipped out giggles.
“Oh,shut up” he said while rolling his eyes once again. But this time he was chukling too. “Juvia’s mouth is sealed.” She said while switching to his arm, cleaning the area with a bright smile. She had almost finished bandaging his right arm when he stopped her. “Wendy healed me, I should have done dressing to you first.” “Not until Juvia finishes mummifing Gray-sama” she said, pushed him back and continued her job. “Hah, I knew it, you had come out of nowhere to kill me. White mage was just an excuse, wasn’t it?” He said playfully. So he was comfortable enough to joke around again? He usually needed more time for his awkwardness to fade off. Progress, she mentally noted.
“Of course it was.” She put her best yandere impression on: “ She missed her Gray-sama too much while he was away, she come here to make sure he won’t leave her ever again!” Than laughed grisly.
“Okey, that was terrifying. You are terrifying Juvia” he played along. “Oh and you should be terrified, Juvia is dead serious, see?” she said, started wrapping his abdomen faster while touching that soft spot she knew Gray was ticklish more than she had to.
His response was immediate. “Stop, no, Juvia sto-“ his words cut off with a laughter. His eyes began to fill with the effort not to burst out. He was crawling in different shapes to save himself but Juvia was merciless. She cornered him between her body, large tree that he was initially leaning on and ground he was currently laying. And tickled him more aggressively as she finished bandaging his wounds. “I have a reputation damn it, stop.” he said between laughters and hold her wrists together in a, successful this time, attempt to stop her. But instead of trying to tickle him more or accepting her defeat, she hissed in pain.
He got up fast, questioning what was wrong while rolling up her sleeves. When he saw weird, bruis like wounds covering her whole arm, he yelped.
“Juvia!! Why didn’t you say anything?” Juvia was looking pretty surprised too. “Where Juvia had been pinned inside Metro was stinging a bit but she didn’t think it was something important...” Her voice kept getting lower once she saw his angry expression. “Your whole arm and-“ he checked under his long boots “ leg are covered in red bruises and you didn’t think it was important!?” Juvia opened her mouth but Gray was just started. “You never take care of yourself. Can’t I even trust you when you say I’m fine?” He started to unbuttoning her coat aggressively since bruises were going beyond her upper arms. He’s stripping me, she mentally noted and placed it aside for later. It wasn’t the right time, he was really angry.
“And you bandaged me with those arms! Always depriving yourself, UGH” She opened her mouth once again when he paused his silent yelling to search right ointment in first-ait bag. But before she could found an excuse, moment passed. He continued scrolling her while angrily rubbing oinment on her left arm.
“What should I do, do I need to strip you every time after a mission to make sure you are okey-“ he paused once again when his eyes slightly crossed over the scar on her abdomen, the one he couldn’t stand seeing. Oh-uh Juvia thought, knowing this would make him grumpier. And she was right, his grip tightened on her wrist. Continued his speech angrier which was about how reckless she was, how she was not listening her physical needs, how she should get her priorities right...
And at that moment, it hit her... She knew her feelings were not as unrequited as it was before. She had known it before that sweet words from several hours ago, she’s my power to live. She had known it before he had claimed her body by saying it’s his. She had known it before unpleasant encounter with Invel. She even had known it before he had promised an answer to her on starry night.
But at that exact moment, while he was grumbling about how reckless she was and angrily wrapping bandage above her elbow; she realised he may care her more than she dared to assume. And at that exact moment she felt loved, more loved than she felt her entire life.
He stopped when he saw her eyes were shining with tears. His expression softened with guilt. Lightened his grip. “I’m sorry. Did i hurt you?” She shooke her head and hugged him carefully, trying not to ruin his effort by rubbing ointment off.
“Juvia will take care of herself more from now on, she won’t act reckless, promise.” She said with a touched voice. It was obvious she was crying. “Hey, hey what’s wrong?” Gray tried to push her, to saw her face but she tightened her arms and buried her face deeper in his neck. “Nothing, really. Can we stay like this for a while please.” she said. Gray was about to object when he felt her tears in his neck, followed by a smile. That was a genuine smile. Gray had never been good at reading people’s emotions but Juvia was different. He would understand if she faked it.
So he mumbled “What is this for all of a sudden?” but still wrapped his arms around her waist, rested his blushed cheek on her hair. They were out of sight anyway.
They stayed in that position until Mirajane declared it was dinner time.
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