#They deserve each other /pos /neg
mur-art · 1 year
thanks for answering my texacali question!!
and as a kind of extension to that (but also on the opposite side, i suppose)… how is it that caliyork is the relationship california deserves/pos?
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Ended up doing art for this one. CaliYork fans, come get your juice. (The juice is coffee. Straight espresso.)
To me, they give "old friends who one day see each other in a different light and then fall in love" vibes. Personally, I see this being a fairly healthy relationship, at least as healthy as these dysfunctional idiots can have. I feel like they might actually make each other better as people by being together, and that's always a good thing, eh? New York and Cali even in canon seem to get along pretty well, despite rarely getting along with anyone else. New York isn't afraid to call out Cali's shit but he does it in a more affectionate way that shows he actually cares. I think that's pretty adorable, ya feel me?
They're pretty equally matched in terms of influence and politics. They have a lot in common and wouldn't have to struggle with understanding each other fundamentally. I think they kinda *get* each other even though their personalities are a bit different. They definitely still give each other shit and fight sometimes because that's just who they are. But it's not as much of a challenge to keep up the relationship; it just kinda works. It's more chill and way less drama. (There is drama but they're dramatic in response to the world together and not at each other)
I personally don't find their relationship as interesting as like, TexaCali or Calivada just because there's less negative drama but I think for Cali's sake he would prefer it 😂. Or maybe he just likes drama. Scratch that, I KNOW he likes the drama.
I love this song for them:
Drop your own fav CaliYork songs in the reblogs/comments. I need a playlist for them.
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Ok. Ok. Forgive me but this is happening.I have reality TV brainrot and I'm making it everyone else's problem. Blackbonnet but the Ultimatum Queer Love.
Ed's with Jack, he wants to gets hitched but Jack's a whiny POS who couldn't commit to anything more meaningful than a good fart - but Ed's getting on a bit and he knows he should settle down and he's never really met anyone else so maybe love is just settling for whatever works and Jack's fine, I guess, if you like morons. Then there's Stede, and he and Mary are on there because idk she's pregnant or family pressure or w/e and Stede assumed marriage was the next logical step but she's not feeling it, and besides Stede gets a little panicky and fainty when he thinks about marriage (to a woman, but shh he hasn't got there yet). They do the mingling break up thing, Mary gets paired up with Evelyn or Doug w/e and Jack ends up being the last picked because lol fuck you Jack, and Ed and Stede pick each other because they got on, and Stede likes Ed's kind eyes and Ed likes Stede’s fancy manners (he did the whole pulling his chair out for him on a mini-date, wtf does that?). Both assume the three weeks will be a fun easy time while their respective partners realise how much they loved them, valued them, were ready to get hitched etc, but ho-ho, what's this? Someone's catching feelings? On one hand you can do the whole pining while shacked up and not realising reciprocated feelings until the final moment of decision, but tbh I would just like them to fall head over heads insanely fast and never look back. Like Jack loudly saying there was no way that 'big gal' could keep up with Ed in bed, too much of a wuss to do anything, and smash cut to Stede just absolutely blowing Ed's back out on their couch. Cut back to three weeks with their respective original partners and Stede and Mary are delighted to arrange split custody and move on ASAP, and there's a satisfying payoff of Ed dumping Jack when he tries to neg him during one of the group nights, and Stede gets to have the even more satisfying payoff of punching Jack in the face when he insults Ed in front of him. Then Stede tells Ed he would be honoured to treat him as fine as he deserves for the rest of their lives, and then they get married and fuck a lot and it's fuckin' great. And fuck you Jack 👌.
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
I uh, don’t know if you really care about Marin a lot, but I do, I’m obsessed with her, and especially when it comes to her and Hyrule Warriors. And I need someone to rant to about her position in two of my Links Meet AUs because they are so polar to each other, I love. In each AU she is stuck in HW time because she will simply cease to exist if she goes back to her time(at least that is her current state in each au, she’ll get home one day dw).
In the AU I’m currently working on, she’s working and living on the farm with Linkle and Link. She wears these cute overalls and plants food that she knows that her friends and her will eat, all because of her hard work, and she is so happy because of this, she loves making others happy and healthy. She loves to feed the fairies and pet the cows, she loves to prance around the acres of open field the farm has, she loves the life she lives with her friends. She misses her Link dearly, but she’s accepted that she’ll likely never see him again. And she knows that he would want her to be happy. She’s become as free as the seagulls she’s used to watch.
In the first Links Meet AU I’ve made, Marin is Zelda’s lady in waiting. She wanted to be her lady in waiting, and Zelda agreed. Marin confines herself to the castle, only going out when Zelda goes out. Zelda tries to go out a lot, mostly just for her friend. But there are days where she has to stay in the castle, for paperwork or another reason, and Marin sticks by her side. If she’s dismissed, she tries to busy herself with helping anyone she can in the palace. But she doesn’t leave her cage. She doesn’t want to. She doesn’t think she needs freedom, deserves to be free like the seagulls she used to watch. She doesn’t know how long the Goddesses will allow her to exist for. She’s too scared to leave her friends-even if it’s just for a moment. She doesn’t want to wake up from her dream. She’s been through it before, she’s doesn’t want to go through it again. Nonexistence is a terrifying thing.
Anyways that was sad. Um. Linkle is always besties with her though, she just doesn’t allow Marin around any Cuccos. Marin is the only thing that Cuccos are afraid of lol. Zelda and her are also besties. Marin is friends with everyone honestly. She’s never alone.
I do like Marin!! I don’t know a whole lot about her cos I’ve only played about 45 minutes worth of Link’s Awakening, but she seems very sweet and I know enough about her story and such that I think I’ll like her more once I get to know her better
‘She’s become as free as the seagulls she used to watch’ <- i am biting you right now /pos
‘She doesn’t think she needs freedom, deserves to be free like the seagulls she used to watch’ <- i am biting you right now /neg (/j, i am joking, i fucking love this, though I am biting you for it)
you cooked here and I loved every word of this even if it did make me extremely fucking sad /hj
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give-soup-please · 2 years
(Consider this a romantic prompt) How about instead of it being the Narrator who is trying to find a way out of the game to be with the player, it's the other way around, the player is the one trying to get him out. They've noticed how badly he wants to be free and they want to help him. He doesn't realize what they're trying to do until they've nearly succeeded in freeing him from the game. In fact, up until that moment, he assumed the player didn't like him since the game only really lets you interact with him in antagonistic ways. It's this exact reason why the player decided to try and do the impossible, to show him what their limited interactions within the game doesn't allow. That they do like him and do care about him. Once he is out and essentially living inside the player's PC, he can hop between any electronics that are within a certain range of each other. He can follow the player through the house through things like the TV and anything else with an electrical current. He can even go outside with the player, usually by hopping into their phone. If you say, take him to an electronics store, he can pretty much go wherever he wants to in there. It's still a somewhat limited existence, but it's better than what came before, and now he can converse with and interact with the player in ways that the game did not allow before. (Hopefully I didn't go too overboard with the details. Feel free to modify this if it feels like I didn't give you any breathing room to write this concept in your own style)
(sweet jesus, I think this breaks the record for longest one i've made/pos)
Narrator and a reader who helps break him out the game (platonic) 
You crack your fingers and get to work, messing around with the game's code. Whenever you have a spare moment, you’re at work trying to break the narrator’s chains, and give him the freedom he deserves.
His whole situation isn’t fair. To be trapped in an endless story, with only one ending bringing him contentment. Even then, it was a hollow victory because he’d forget so quickly. You needed to help him, if you could. 
You try it again and again, installing and uninstalling various mods and programs, trying to crack the game open. You aren’t a professional coder though, which means progress is slow.
If you aren’t doing that, you’re trying to keep the narrator company. You weren’t sure how sentient he was at any given moment, but you worry that he’s getting lonely. So you run through the endings, good and bad, trying to rotate through them so neither one of you gets too bored.
When things are hard, you think back to what he voiced in the demo, about the both of you being free. You recognize he’s just as trapped in the game as Stanley is, and that he’s only acting like he’s in control to help cope with an impossible situation. There’s no guarantee you can actually help, but you were damned if you weren’t going to try.
The narrator, on the other hand, doesn’t really know how to feel about this particular player. You’re keeping him company a lot of the time, but he can’t work out why. You give equal consideration to every ending, but again, most of them are negative. He calls you addicted to drugs in the broom closet, he says that no one would want to commit their life to you in the apartment ending. He begs and cries during the zending. 
Maybe you wanted to torture him, but- You sometimes go through the freedom ending as well, allowing him to have the story told exactly as he wanted. He doesn’t get it. Why are you doing this? What possible reason could you have to stick around? Surely you didn’t like him that much, why else would you keep going off script?
One day, the game boots up. The narrator prepares to deliver his script as always, when- the code is different. He can feel it, it’s part of his lifeblood. He stops narrating, and checks the building blocks of the game. You clench your hands in success. You’re getting close, you can feel it. You type faster and faster, trying to stabilize the exploit you’ve found.
“I-” The narrator starts, then stops. “Hello? Is anyone there?” You could whoop with joy. He was starting to go off script. Entirely new dialogue was a great sign. You pick up your mic and begin to talk.
“Testing, testing. One, two, three. Narrator, can you hear me?” He lets out a gasp. You’ve hit the jackpot. “Listen, I know you don’t know me as anything besides your player, but I have a proposition if you’re interested.”
The narrator is astonished. He can’t remember the last time he’s heard another person’s voice. He can’t even remember if there was a first time. He begins to press against the barriers, shifting around, trying to work out exactly what’s happening. “Who’s there? And what on earth is going on?”
You explain, trying to hide your rising excitement. “My name is reader. I’ve been a huge fan of your game for a while now. I’ve heard you talk about freedom over and over, and I think I’m prepared to offer it to you.”
The narrator’s shock gives way to pleasant surprise. You like his work. He’s prepared to milk this for as long as it will last. “Oh, really? I’m glad you enjoyed my story. Please, do tell, what parts did you love the most?”
You laugh a bit at his reaction. “Listen, I’d be happy to talk to you about your game for as long as you’d like, but I need your help. I’ve been trying for several months now to break into the game to see if I could help you escape. I wanted to double check before I actually pushed for the final thing.”
The narrator’s at a loss for words. Not only were you trying to provide him with something he wanted, you were actually caring about his say in the matter. This didn’t fit what he thought about you at all. “Wh-Why are you doing this?” He doesn’t hear anything for a few moments, you’re still typing away at the computer. He can feel the barriers of code start to flex under the strain.
“You really don’t know, do you? You have no idea-” You bite back a small laugh. “Narrator, I… I’m doing this because you deserve a better life. I don’t think you realize-” You want to ramble to him about his devoted fans, the hordes of people writing stories and art about him. “I don’t think you understand the scale of the impact you’ve had on others. You’ve helped us become better artists and storytellers, and now it’s time to repay the favor. Now it’s my turn to help you.”
The narrator’s ego is inflating rapidly. “Of course you want to help. Why wouldn’t you? With a story as grand as mine, it-” You sigh, and the narrator stops. “Ah. You probably need to concentrate on what you’re doing. It’s alright, take as much time as you need.”
He doesn’t know how much time passes. He’s almost consumed by the silence when-
“Okay, I’ve got it! Still with me, narrator?” He gives a confirmation. “Alright, There should be a way out now. I don’t know where it is in the game, but if you follow it out, you should appear on my desktop. It’s not complete freedom, but it’s a definite step up from where you are now. We can work on the rest later.”
The narrator searches high and low, looking inside the game and scanning through the code to see where the changes were made. He finds the way out in a small corner of the freedom ending. He can exit through the skybox. How fitting.
The narrator ‘leaks’, for lack of a better word, onto your desktop. He appears as a missing texture box. You cheer loudly, then sit back, tired. That had been a lot of work.
“H-hello?” The narrator calls out. “Where am I? Reader, are you there? Can you hear me?” You immediately hop back on the mic and talk. “Right here, buddy. You did it. You’re out of the game now.”
The narrator looks back through the hole he came out of. How… utterly small the game appeared from this side. It was- tiny. Cramped. Stifling. A whole other world is available to him now. He’s relieved. He turns to where he assumes you are. “Thank you.” It’s the way he says it that speaks volumes about how he feels. Relief, joy, exhaustion, all rolled into one.  
It takes some time, but you explain the general concept of where exactly he is. But all he can focus on is how much you’ve helped him. It consumes his every thought. You’ve done something monumental for him.
“Erm- How long did you say you’ve been trying to free me?” He asks. You run the calculation in your head. “A couple of months, on and off. Why?” He’s astounded. No one has ever done anything like this for him before. You’ve shown him more than basic kindness, you’ve completely transformed his life. How could he not fall for you?
He begins scouring the internet involving information about his game. He’s awestruck at the sheer amount of fan content there is. He has so many people who like him and are fond of him, thousands of people caring about him and wishing him well. It’s overwhelming.
The two of you talk every day for extended lengths of time. He begins to fall in love with you more and more. You’ve saved him in so many ways, and your heart is lovely. If you’ve got a webcam hookup, he enjoys watching you be made happy by him. He can have a direct impact on an audience member now, and oh, what an audience member you are. 
You’re charming, you’re lovely, and it’s obvious you care very deeply about him. He starts developing quite the crush on you. 
He stumbles across various fanart designs of him. Each one of them has something to cherish, hundreds of unique and interesting iterations of him. One day, while you’re messing around on the computer, he pulls a few up on your browser.
“Reader, I’d like to change my look. The voice should match the character, yes? This broken texture isn’t doing it for me anymore. Which do you like best?”
You scan through several different designs. Ones where he’s an older man, ones where he has a monitor for a head, one where he’s composed of shadow, some very interesting ones where he appears as a biblically accurate angel, a few eldritch looking ones, and many more.
You hum for a bit. “Narrator, you- you wanted to have freedom, right? Why not just pick whichever one you like, or make one of your own? You wanted to make choices, right? Well this one is one hundred percent yours.”
How can he explain what’s in his heart? How could he possibly explain that he wants to look good for you? He wants you to consider him handsome, someone worth speaking to. 
When you aren’t looking, he may try to dip into your social media, to determine if there’s one look you favor above the rest. He notices with a blush that your dashboards are full of him in one way or another.
He eventually settles on an amalgamate of various designs. You tell him he looks great. He swells with pride.
One day, you have some responsibilities to deal with. Work, or maybe school. You have to leave him for a few hours. The narrator doesn’t want this. “No- wait! Where are you going?” You tell him that you have to leave, but that you’ll be back in a few hours. 
On instinct, the narrator rushes forwards, not wanting to be left behind. There’s a static feeling, a buzz, a small pop, and-
“Hello? Reader? Oh dear, I think I messed something up.” His voice is coming from your phone. You look at him in astonishment. That wasn’t an intended effect of breaking him out of the game. You hold your phone up to your face, and the front camera activates. 
The narrator’s voice is slightly lower quality, but still very much there. “Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you had- What’s wrong?” You aren’t upset, just startled. 
“Well,” you say with a breathless laugh. “I guess you’re coming with me while I take care of business. You sure you’ll be alright in there? It’s not the most comfortable place to be.”
“Ha! Anything’s better than being in the game. Besides, I’ll be with you. What else matters?” You stare at him for several seconds. The embarrassment of what he said catches up with him and he stammers something.
“Well- uh- aha- You know what I mean.” Your heart is doing something funny in your chest.
He begins to experiment with these abilities of his, learning about his range and what’s possible. You’re delightfully surprised when he squeezes into a digital printer and begins printing hearts for you. He can enter any digital device that’s within twenty feet. It comes in handy. 
Romance starts to bloom between the two of you. The narrator’s heart started beating the first time he heard your voice, and you started to fall for his charms once you had broken him out of the game.
It’s one of the best, most interesting relationships you’ve ever had.    
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
7, 12, 17, 37 !!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
I definitely don't get to claim all, or even most, of it, but I'm always going to love the little world we all put together for the apartmentverse. It's so silly and soft and sweet. I think we made a good life for them, and I really have to return to finish some fics for it. I'm also quite proud of the... not exactly worldbuilding as such, since most of the world is already there from the show, but world-supports to make things more stable, if that makes sense, that I brainstorm up to make stories about Even work better.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Still no redemption for the coffee shop AU askldjadklj. And I've only mildly softened on Modern AUs as a whole because of the Apartmentverse stuff, which has some of the domestic elements of that. Other than that, I know what I like pretty well. Most of the tropes I dislike are outright negatives, like that weirdly common thing where the canon love interest gets turned into a pos for no reason to make the preferred ship get together, and if i ever start showing favor to those kinds of tropes, please know: I have been hacked, or perhaps hypnotized.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
.....doctorcest human au for real this time. i take my supernatural-taught sense for incest horror and obsession, and i put it in the doccy who. and then i shake it real hard. and we end up with an insular traumatized family of wandering siblings who can never hold onto anyone as long as they can each other, who have constructed a personal mythology so pervasive that it eclipsed any chance to form their own identities outside of each other. and if the only intended audience is me, i can get as weird about it as i'd like. (which i say as if i don't get weird about everything i write, audience or not.)
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
You know, since I'm playing it again, I'm gonna throw out my singular Skyrim fic, In High Esteem. It's a love letter to a character that no one likes, including me and I wrote it, but more so, my own little homage to all the stuff left on the cutting room floor of Skyrim that will never be restored, no matter how many rereleases they give it, and the gaping holes that missing content leaves behind. or, as i put it in my tags: "why is Nazeem such an asshole? discuss"
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best-td2021-ship · 6 months
12) Lizola (Liza x Lola) vs Paigike (Paige x Mike)
Lizola (Liza x Lola)
1) no one deserves a french person or a theatre kid besides another french person or theatre kid /pos /neg
2) DID YOU HEAR LIZA'S INTERVIEW??!?!?!??/1//1/ It's obvious they explored each other's bodies…. but…. 🫣 how many times
3) i know they say freaky shit like hon hon hon oui baguette to each other
Paigike (Paige x Mike)
1) Paigike 🤪 I mean hellooooo??? The epipen moment? 🤭🤭🤭 She clearly cares about him so much I feel like they have history or something!!
2) what went on behind the scenes of that alliance...... they should kiss about it
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3rrorsnas · 6 months
URGH I HATE NPD TESTS. I FEEL LIKE IM BOTH EACH TIME. I'm both overly confident but have awful self esteem lurking in the background and they're both fighting to come out. it depends on who I'm around with and what happens. basically I feel that with strangers I'd be super confident, then have some moments of opening up about my self doubts, then be confident again but in a more healthy way and basically sorta hyping each other up. but it without being linear like- I still have moments where I feel like shit and open up to people close to me about my lack of self esteem.
(it's long TT/gen srs) :
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like see?? overall I wanna be the center of attention, in a way of "I've been isolated for a huge chunk of my life and am scared to be alone" and "I need the attention to get validation in order to counter my lack of self esteem"
BUT me being isolated for so long ALSO drives me to be awkward, shy, and sometimes straight up scared to interact with people because I'm scared to mess things up or just don't know how to do so[interact] (especially if you take into account me being autistic and already struggling as heck with social cues). but I'm ALSO scared to get the attention from the fear that that attention would be bad attention where people would ridicule me/not take me seriously (FUCJ YOU CQ./SRS NEG) and just lead my self estime to drop even lower
I feel like I'm both extremities, and if not at the same time then shifting from one another too often./srs neg tired (ntm at self tbh, I don't hate how I am. I'm just frustrated by the problems I encounter. it's tiring./srs neg info)
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as someone who has been manipulated before, I don't like it. but that doesn't mean that I don't find it easy or I can never see myself being able to do so easily.
I just hate people lying and I can get the job done by being straightforward anyway, I'm not losing time with this bs./srs neg tense info
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yeah, as someone who is fcking ridiculed by an ENTIRE MULTIVERSE and THEIR(my) CREATOR I don't really think I get the respect that I deserve. hmph./s angry srs gen (tired and sad too)
like all I'm asking is people to not make fun of me being bipolar. and autistic. and mentally ill. for FUCK'S sake.
yeah I probably warded off half(/exaggeration) the system including fresh with my shouting. sorry pal/gen srs)
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do I.
do I even.
ahaha- do I even have to fucking answer this???!! are you shitting me???/s srs neg angry
you know the answer./neg
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I'm calling this infodumping but whatever./s ntm neutr tired
(I like showing my puppets and plushies ok?) (they're pretty and took time to make and are sort of like my friends, I'm proud of making them)
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...this is a freaking trick question./srs neg stressed because bOTH ARE TRUE.
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...does this count if you didn't have the choice? or refused help when you needed until people forcefully got you out of trouble?/gen srs gq
....I'd say it does./srs, ???/
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...ok yeah...I...think I made....that clear.../srs, neg(?), shameful, tired/
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aha...yes, I do.../lh, gen, pos, less sad/
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tarotrans · 1 year
your jonpeterelias gives me LIFE
They give me life too tbh. Jon Peter and Elias deserve to be murder husbands who love and support each other.
Jon deserves to be a monster and get unconventional acceptance from his partners. Peter deserves to be confused about how he got here, but overall, he is happy about it. Elias deserves to have his stupid sailor/neg and his stupid Archive/pos.
There were only one or two people in the tag for this ship, so I wanted to try making it active again. I love the comments and the asks. They make me so happy.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hello! I have a few things for you to think about!
Emery x Bronte
Kenric occasionally being a little shit and pranking Emery once the nerves of becoming a Councillor wore off
The Council is ineffective because the people on said council have the biggest tendency to get on each other's nerves (/pos) all the time. Like. Yk that misery x cpr x reveses puff meme?
Emery: Misery
Kenric + Oralie: Cpr
Bronte: Reese's puff
When they have their political discussions in the brain bubble half of it is Kenric bullying Bronte about how old he is and Bronte screaming about he he deserves respect and how "Back in my day-", Oralie is gossiping to Ramira and they're making bets about whether or not Emery has a secret live affair (Tbh I think that he's shipped with Bronte the most easily because they're both old men that enjoy reading/knitting listening to old music. Differences include Bronte hates all the fancy parties and how he has to dress up in more than just black and silver whereas Emery loves the chance to show off his looks and power and is absolutely vain af but Bronte finds it annoyingly endearing) and everyone is shouting over each other so Emery has to resist the overpowering urge to crinkle his nice shirt and rest his arms on his legs and his head in his hands and rub his temples to try soothe his aching head
Nonsie, so much just happened in this ask it's beautiful. When it comes to Emery x Bronte, I have a post here with some of my thoughts! I think they're fairly entertaining, if unexpected.
As for Kenric being a little shit, I think out of everyone on the council he is 100% the most likely to be one. He was the fun one! Everyone else is either so serious or aloof--side note: just remembered the scene where the council is voting on something and Emery makes a decision and that causes others to cast their vote certain directions and I'm unsure how I feel about that--so Kenric's gotta break up the atmosphere!! I also think he's probably just incapable of anything but optimism and positivity (even when confessing to having regrets as a councillor), so while everyone else is off moping being serious councillor people, he's just going on with his life and enjoying it.
In canon the council gets on each other's nerves (/neg) all the time, so it'd be interesting to flip that around and see them in a light where they're fond of each other. Also yes I do know the CPR meme! I think I'd classify Bronte under the Misery section, but that's just my opinion. Kenric was probably the most Reese's puffs out of everyone, but I can see why you'd group him with Oralie. Either way, it's an entertaining categorizing system! I hope they all enjoy screaming lyrics at each other.
Your description of their political discussions is amusing but I'm also horrified for the implications of their effect on the elven world. They are being led by clowns. I mean, we already knew that, but this is like a new level of clownery! I would not want them in charge of my world and well-being if they're spending the time gossiping and yelling at each other! How are they going to fairly judge and merit out decisions when Bronte is trying to claim seniority and Emery is constantly having to block out discussions of his love affairs!
here's hoping Emery has some strong pain relief to deal with the idiots in his head. This portrayal of them seems like a found/forced family via proximity, which is a less common one, but entertaining nonetheless--outside of the context of canon, that is, within canon this would be a nightmare, but that's what fanon is for! I'm going to watch them from afar because I do not want to get in the middle of anything that is going on with them (/lh)
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joshhza · 1 month
happy 2nd monthsary, tangi. i hope we'll have a beautiful day tomorrow. it's been two months already, and you know what? i love you even more. i can't believe it myself because it's only been two months, but i already want you so much, i mean i love you so deeply. can you believe how long we've been together? i hope we'll last even longer. i'm sorry about earlier. i got tampo because you said we'll play but it didn't happen. it's okay though. hindi na ako nagtatampo ngayon, siguro? pinaalis ko na siya hahaha. anw, we've had many days of mini arguments, it's unavoidable, diba? but we have always found a way to come back to each other, to mend what's broken (?), and to grow stronger as a couple. i mean, we'll still work things out and understand each other. galing natin talaga, sana hindi na tayo mag-away 'no. ayaw ko na nag-aaway tayo. i love you, really.
baby, i promise to always provide you with the reassurance you deserve. i never want you na overthink and add to any negative impact on your mental health tapos magiging dahil pa sa akin, you are worth every bit of love, so please don't overthink about anything because you are the only one i want po. alam ko nag-aano ikaw? ikaw lang ang pipiliin ko sa isang magulong mundo. ikaw lang palagi. mahal kita so much! and i will never get tired or weary of your personality or any other traits you have. i promise you that. ang corny ko na, diba? pero anw, baby i am eternally grateful for the love and happiness you bring into my life. your presence alone is enough to make me feel complete, and i can't imagine a future without you by my side. totoo yan, sa bawat hirap at saya, ikaw ang kasama ko. you've shown me a kind of love i never thought possible, and for that, i am forever grateful. i want you to know, tangi, that i will always be here for you, through thick and thin. tandaan mo yan. you deserve nothing but the best, and i will do everything in my power to make you happy. honestly, i don't have much more to say because i think i've said it all on our first monthsary na. ay, send ka lang picture sa akin. ganda mo baby. md ko 'yan palagi. and for our 3rd monthsary, i promise you a special gift? baby, to break the "3rd monthsary curse" (if there's such a thing). syempre kidding lang, wala naman ganoon diba? i'm sorry if i keep writing messages like this, i mean kung ganito lang. i'll do better. promise! thank you for your patience, my love. thank you for always understanding me without any complaints. i love you more than words can express, thank you for being the love of my life and for making me feel kilig every single day. happy 2nd monthsary, tangi. ganda mo so much. sana hindi ka mapagod sa akin.
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laalaaisqueen · 2 months
Things that I would think of made the game a bit cooler or something.
A point system of nice points and rude points that would change certain things.
Like having too many negative points with Po's choices, maybe even if you wake Laa-Laa up, she'll just simply refuse to go with you since Po decided she was going to be a jerk for no reason.
Or having four negative points, you can get Laa-Laa to come with you, but its obvious Laa-Laa is only coming because she's concerned for Tinky. And finding her dead at the lake, with her negative points, Po makes a rude remark about Laa-Laa's body.
Maybe at 3 points you just get what canon provides.
Basically, the nicer Po is, she's probably have a more shocked or emotional response to all the death.
...We're not touching Guardian tonight, I'm not in the mood for a long tumblr post.
My second idea of replayability. Like replaying the game will open up more paths until you can change the Teletubbies fates without any help from The Guardian. (There's literally too much AUs of Guardian being their hero or something. Just because he's their assigned 'Guardian' doesn't mean he's a true hero. I want these four to save themselves and each other, they don't need no guardian.) And maybe make the Announcer an important character.
I'm not saying ban Guardian from doing any important, of course he's important-you need to play as him repeatedly to unlock the other paths-like he can join the party or something for the final good ending.
And my kind of idea for a DLC would like around the Tiddlytubbies because fuck the 'canon' DLC.
My third idea is around the collect mode. Death animations. Like clear animation of how you die. Maybe like if Undead Po gets you, I like to imagine the death animation or even still a picture of her choking the player with a rope. Or Laa-Laa scratching YOUR eyes out. It is supposed to be a horror game.
Or if you run out of time and haven't collected all of the custards, there'll be a different death animation. That would definitely encourage me to collect them all instead of just waiting to be caught just so I can get out of the map.
I'm aware my ideas probably suck to other people. (But I have no video game making skills other than writing.) The reason why I wouldn't change Guardian much because his very flawed heroism is why I love him so much.
Guardian like has the energy of 'The hero would sacrifice you for the world'
And also I'd probably change Tinky Tank to something slender looking. You know...the thing the first game was based on? SLENDER MAN-
Tinky Tank is awful and not scary and my boy deserves better.
I see this thing ape running towards me, I'm not scared, the only time he kills me is when I let him. Or if my mind wandered off.
However if a more slender monster Tinky ran towards me on all fours, I'm freaking running. I'm terrified.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
the thing is all you do about p3re is salt about it. I'm disappointed by a lot about p3re too but I don't go as far as you do and be a downer all the time. you've been accusing it as a p5 game with the p3 skin which i think is disingenuous, because they were giving p5-esque updates to a 2002 game, a game over 2 decades old
im just happy that you're not one of those people who are hoping that p3's ending would be changed.
there are people saying that the answer is a retcon to the p3 game because mc did not die in p3vanilla and the answer retconned that.
but anyways... im just sad that everytime you post about p3re its all just salt.
Kinda feeling bad for P5 atm, since I've been dragging that dead horse for much longer. TT0TT But I think you're right, even tho I don't talk about it as much, but I've been mostly dragging P3R......
I'm going to be honest........as they come out with stuff, I haven't found a whole lot to be happy about:
(addressing the P5 point here since it goes hand in hand The P5 comparison, and the one I have the most issues with are portions of the UI (I still never published that damn asks did I? shit damn it, well it's buried I'll have to get it at a different time). There's def gameplay features they've added (but more or less I expected them, and actual gameplay changes I'm.....a bit more lenient towards tbh, battle systems will evolve and I accept that). Plus there's the new SEES outfits which are.....very P5 coded....and a strange "we gotta add this!" type of change (aren't we "honoring P3"? why do they NEED a new outfit? Why can't we just have a costume called "PT costume" like the PT got a "Shadow OPs" costume?). THAT BEING SAID....I don't think I've brought up the P5 comparison since the SEES outfits tbh. At least...I thought I was more focused on P3R itself lately...... I should go back and compare it and see just how much influence of P5 I think is on there now that the initial shock has wore off. (that being said....I tried glancing through my blog and....I don't talk about P3R often on here ;w; It's like maybe 70%neg, 30% pos/neutral? I think the last big blow up was the lack of the concept art being on the train? I feel like I've been very passive and silent about the game for the most part....not even talking about a lot of the ad art/trailers/interviews I dunno I just don't find I'm interacting with it much so TT0TT I get I'm being salty but I think P5 deserves to say "maybe ease off a bit yeah?" than P3R atm? sorry if it's been overly salty for you tho anon 😔)
They removed my fav MC. I love P3MC don't get me wrong, but I prefer FeMC. That being said, I love seeing them as a packaged deal. The work off each other so well. I hate how Atlus treats her fans it SUCKS. And IF we are lucky, she might be DLC???? I'm pissed at Atlus' DLC practices already, but this is a kick in the teeth. ;w;
They removed the Answser and Metis. Do I think the Answer is perfect? No. Do I have some issues with it? Yeah. But I love Metis, and good and bad, it's a big part of P3's story. And us not getting that is......really bad imo. Plus the possibility of MORE DLC???
They removed key gameplay features. Tired mechanic and split up mechanic being the biggest two (possibly reversals? I'm not sure on that, I don't mind reversals or even a play on the jealousy mechanic, I just think it needs to be reworked TT0TT). Two mechanics I loved and wished were in P4/5 tbh..... so yeah a bit salty, I've always felt it was a key feature of P3.
Still fucking DLC (not just P3R's fault, but still not a plus...or should I say negative?). And then the costumes aren't as good? TT0TT Thank god for the in game ones. orz At least they aren't making me pay for THOSE. DX
I....am not a fan of the new models and lighting. Soejima got me into Persona (I prefer the 25th anni art styles over this P3Rs), it's not that it's shit I just have a preference..... The lighting however.... and I've always kinda like Vanilla/FES's lighting scheme. There's parts of P3 that I just really love (the ones where they have special lightening and the rainbow). And P3R's.....just hurts my eyes ngl. TT0TT It's flat or bloomed, and then the models will look plasticy, it's just an assault on my eyes orz
Music.....I think I'm the kindest to the music, esp when covering the legacy songs. I don't mind covers. As long as I get an option to play the OG (I like options) then I'm fine. Edit: LOL NEVER MIND APPARENTLY THAT'S NOT THE CASE???? TT0TT WTF ATLUS??? I have some mixing issues (or Azumi's cursive singing) but even tho I labeled it as "salt." It's more of a "minor complaint" compared to other stuff on the list if I'm honest (maybe it'll sound better on my TV who knows)
Still no definitive version. It's related to FeMC/Answer, but really.....the damn questionnaires always listed Vanilla/FES/P3P. I know the biggest argument for a P3 remake was a definitive version. We still don't have that! I've been wanting one since before P3P was released! I knew this would be an issue! TT0TT
Maybe my salt is a bit more apparent because.....I love the originals......I mean I do have issues with them (Yukari/Junpei my be-loatheds), nothing's perfect, everyone has gripes about something even if they love it (*motions to the P4 fandom*). But with the new voice cast/possible translation (and new events) I'm willing to give them a chance (again.....like I always do orz).
I def don't want P3's ending to change. That being said, I'm not gonna be surprised if it does. "This might as well fucking happen" is my mentality atm (at best it's confirmed P3R is a new timeline, which I can dig but......is it really so hard to have one definitive ver???? orz). TT0TT If atlus really wants to keep using P3MC in future games (or heaven forbid FemC to an extent!) they really should play into the multi timeline. Might not be the P3MC we know as the SEES leader, but it's still a variation of him. (this way we keep the OG message in tact, explore/expand the lore, and still get to see an old face without "time warping/travel dream sequence" for the 1000th time, love those but moving forward is also good too TT0TT).
The answer.....didn't..... retcon..... TT0TT Ahhhh this is why the made the Answer, because people were confused. orz C'mon Atlus bring back the Answer! You've been screwing it over both in anime/movie and the manga like c'monnnnnn!!!! ;w;
*inhales* All that being said. I'm just weary. I'm hoping the end product is going to be a lot better than than it looks atm (and that's why I'm going to give it a chance, the complaints I have are from the previews). P3R has been in the perpetual state of "we're so back/it's so over" for me TT0TT It's tiring. And I'm just trying to keep my expectations on the ground (I've already been kicked and then kicked while I'm down with FeMC/Metis, I'd rather stay down until I know it's safe to get back up ;w;)
But there's been a few things that have been......highlights.
Hermit seems to be the same with all the emojis and such (I don't think they are voiced which is both sad and fun, cause I like trying to act out the L33T speak myself)
I think Female SLs have had a strong/confirmed leak that they have a friend route (please! TT0TT god I've wanted this so much!)
While I didn't get the option of SLing my male teammates ;w; I am getting episodes (which is in the vein of that and other stuff I've wanted!) AND there might be some big stuff with Strega which is also something I wanted! (as afraid as I am for flanderization, at least we're getting this!)
More Aigis/MC good stuff (at least in full 3D)
Midori's tweets are unfortunately giving me SOME hope for FeMC/Answer DLC. (unfortunate because it's DLC and cause I dunno if me hoping is good for my health atm)
There's some new songs that I like (even with my minor complaints)
we're getting a BMG randomizer???? Yay????? (I'm excited just confused TT0TT)
Tartarus looks decent, I'm hoping I like the gameplay loop even tho they've cut stuff I love! I'm hoping it's fun to explore!
I like the new upgrades to the presentation for the minor stuff (going to the arcade and such).
I like SOME of the design/UI choices (the white figures remind me a lot of the opening)
OP song is.......ok, pretty visuals. I like the visuals the most. (FES's song is still my fav tho)
As much as I'm resistant to idea (lots of pros and cons, so I'm very conflicted), a part of me is kinda hoping it's a new timeline ngl. I'm just afraid of what.......that entails tho. Like if it's a new timeline, it would explain some....differences and that would be cool. But at the same time I'm....afraid of them changing the ending. I guess I'm preemptively trying to soften the blow in case it happens?
I guess the confliction is "exploring something new" vs "actually honoring the original work????" (which I'm not really feeling they are doing atm).
I dunno, if they wanted to just do a new timeline experimental thing I'd rather they ruin/mess with P4. As someone who prefers P4 Vanilla and can easily just play that as my definitive version, I would've been more down with them messing with P4, and keeping P1/2/3 more faithful and creating a definitive version. Wait...."new timeline"....uhoh *opens up new post* Theory time ;w;
But...yeah I'm sorry anon. I didn't think I was posting about it THAT often tbf (I think the most I've said is on twitter and it's mostly been about the models/lighting fksjkldja but even then I don't think it was THAT often either).
Who knows, maybe I'll like P3R when it releases! Or maybe I'll ignore it and jus stick with FES/P. We'll find out later I guess. TT0TT
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iceglade · 3 years
yo this tarot shit has me genuinely so irl-stressed out bro 😭😭 i gotta either indulging in my hyperfixation fueled absolute-worst-outcome pessimism or get completely out of astro/tarot unless it’s super 100% /pos cos this is a horrible combination eeee
🌻 flower for you! tarot can be brutal, blunt, and harsh, and just out-of-context enough to only make sense in hindsight. thats just like life ahaa. i swear i also get way to stressed out (i am also too invested, ahahaa), but for me divination helps calm my anxieties a lot. let us help you :D tl;dr. the genre is angst with a happy ending.
you've struggled with insecurities before, and are right now, yeah? not just about the future, or about other people, but about yourself, too. its human!! the clearest messages anyone's readings always have for us whenever ANYONE asks about this topic is: so is dream. hey, y'know, both you and him deserve comforting when anxious, especially if you're scared about the future. even if you make weird decisions because of that fear. dream has baggage, yeah, but he is a hardy dude. he's willing to put in the work. you KNOW he is. he's defied fate before. and hes not alone.
if anything: (imo) tarot is like a pocket-sized mirror. its a small divination tool that you can use to see How Things Are At The Moment. try to think of future predictions like a motion vector graph - if you keep keep driving forward, you may clip the side of that jollibee
i try to keep a healthy level of skepticism, but divination on this topic it means something very profound to me, when everybody, over and over again, is getting the same cards -
"what will the meeting feel like": the sun. the world. joyful, full-circleness - it may feel to them like finally being free, or finally coming home.
"what is gnf feeling on this topic": the lovers. two of cups. queen of cups. compassion, unconditional love (p or r), experience and understanding,
. all of the above is no matter what deeply personal issue someone's cards may call him out for. tarot doesnt roast dream because hes malicious, or because it hates him. it roasts him because sometimes you get scared of the truth - and tarot is about as blunt a truth-teller as you can get. for all george's unhingement, he has this grace that people overlook because he hides it. his home-work seperation is strong. that's very very admirable! but we're not his friend. dream is.
dream shouldn't be scared of gnf. in the most pure sense of the word: he loves you, dude. whatever the situation is. he loves you. unconditionally. you. oh god. oh god. hoooh
its not just negatives that people can't avoid. but if theres one thing i can GUARANTEE: its that regardless (romantic or platonic) it doesnt MATTER, as long as they're together, the story will have a happy ending. they work hard and play hard, and they've done this for years. they are stuck together. forever. its too late bro!! they're stuck!! sure this is backed by astro but you can see it clear as day in what they do every day even unconsciously (i.e. obsess. cling. mutually!! and with full awareness of the other!! that is part of the appeal!!!) and they both represent something so earth-shatteringly important to each other, it makes me wanna shatter something.
"someone will stay by your side."
or maybe
"you are lovable as you are, with all your mess." or something else equally moving. but every possible is just as impactful as these ones. smth smth "yeah we plutonian. we leave deep lasting impacts on each other's lives that fundumentally change the other forever. keep scrolling." i know you're braced for the negative, but you cant escape the posi side of the wheel of fortune. you can try though. we can all try.
that's what brings ME comfort when doing readings, anyway. that plus this is a natural part of life. these lessons get learned by everyone. it just so happens that dream's is gonna be live and with FOOTAGE 😭 poor guy!!!!!/lh
. the genre is angst with a happy ending. watch how it plays out irl: someone will always surprise you. dream's too dedicated to positivity, and to george, for anything less than that. it'll be alright :O
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queenmolina · 3 years
oddly specific aus that i really think the jatp community deserves
“i promise i don’t follow you home everyday, i must just live nearby” “oh so it’s you that always blasts music at 2am?”
person A is just really tired and god where the fuck is the bathroom in this house- shit, that’s a bedroom- “oh my god are you watching [insert kids movie]?? move over”
i thought i was talking to my friend but as you were actually the only other person in the room and you now know my entire tragic backstory, care to offer any advice?
person A works as a cashier at a 24-hour store and B is the only customer that comes in during their shift (why on earth does anyone need [x] at 2am??)
group project time and they’re all convinced they hate each other - turns out they’re actually just jealous of each other and all have a crush on their whole group
person A is the captain of a sports team that B has recently joined. though they comment on B’s incompetence at practice, A has taken to 1-to-1 training with B without the team knowing. enemies to rivals to.. ;)
the teacher sat them next to each other because A disrupts the class and B never misbehaves, but A just takes this as a challenge
person A says the words “make me” and person B is prepared to do exactly that
when writing poems in class, someone reads A’s aloud and the words definitely sound like they’re about B (pos or neg)
a social function in which A and B are the only people in their age group and they end up at the kids table with all the six year olds
person A’s soulmate has written maths equations on their arm which has appeared on A’s skin and now A is being accused of cheating in their test. person B is sat at the back of the class, unable to speak. A is their soulmate?!
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best-td2021-ship · 6 months
6) Colie (Cole x Charlie) vs Lizola (Liza x Lola)
Colie (Cole x Charlie)
Lizola (Liza x Lola)
1) no one deserves a french person or a theatre kid besides another french person or theatre kid /pos /neg
2) DID YOU HEAR LIZA'S INTERVIEW??!?!?!??/1//1/ It's obvious they explored each other's bodies…. but…. 🫣 how many times
3) i know they say freaky shit like hon hon hon oui baguette to each other
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comradedream · 3 years
how is this dream neg? its a simple statement of fact, its more about dynamic dnf have
💀💀💀💀 ok well no way is it dream pos,,,, implying george deserves a better friend than dream is objectively dream neg💀 i can’t take any dt solo stan srsly because yall fr rather ignore the fact that dream and george have both said they’d kill and die for each other in favor of projecting ur personal parasocial audience member dislike for one of them onto their actual literal real life relationship
ur doing both of them such a disservice by first off acting like george has a best friend who hates him, which is. kinda weird idk y u would want that and interpret his closest friendship as that if ur a fan of him💀 and it’s also weird to boil george down to just following around dream blindly while dream treats him like shit, instead of as having an actual strong and meaningful connection with him and being his best friend in more ways than just purely clear cut constant shows of devotion
also no one in dream’s vc in the entirety three hours of the content the compilation was out of was in his immediate friendgroup while george had one of his best friends sitting physically next to him💀 one probably felt more comfortable (even subconsciously) to gush about good strats the other one came up w
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