#They love her unconditionally btw she’s just sometimes in her head too much to see it
desognthinking · 7 months
WIP... Wednesday
Tagged by @willowedhepatica  (thanks!) I'm so sorry that this comes so late 😭 life got in the way. Not sure who i can tag who has things in the works they can share, but please Please know if anyone has any snippets or sneak peaks I would love to see them and yell about them with you pleaseee
Not strictly a WIP but here’s just under 3.5k of an oldish experimental AU inspired by this post :’) in this one they’re… *checks notes*, ah, hmm. Chimerical tomb guardians carved from stone.   
It’s a wickedly stormy day when a procession scores up the hill through beating rain and blowing dust, but there’s no time to waste. The wedding will not wait, and on its occasion, as a symbol of the new ties between the families of the bride and the groom, there is a terrible, beautiful new guardian grotesque to be received by the Silva tombhouse from the Salviuses. 
It is surely mounted on the property sometime during the silver-black onslaught of sky upon earth, but Beatrice cannot clearly see it through the rain and the  maze of trees that still separates the Silvas from their neighbors. The families on this hill are not quite rich enough to expand at the pace of the wealthiest among them, who slice and raze to add to their already broad campuses of tombs. Instead, in this part of town, modest, often unmatching clusters dwell amongst the wildflowers and long-lived trees sprayed across the land. 
Beatrice likes the nature. Her perch is kept cool by the damp and dewy mornings, birdsong flickering from above and around. In the filtered haze of heat and light there is some measure of peace too – here, there is less to fight over, and fewer lines of tension between the families. Hidden by farther slopes, there are fewer threats from beyond. And, overshadowed by the lower circuit of large gated tombhouses, there are far milder spoils for aspiring robbers. 
It’s from one of these large inner-city tombhouses that the new stone protector is said to arrive. The Salviuses have money spilling out their hands and down their wrists. It’s said, it’s said, it’s said – it’s whispered in the wind that carries the falling leaves from vine to vane, so easy for Beatrice to stretch up and put an ear to. The pollen clouds dispersed over grass in shapes spelling disruption  and newcomer. It’s gossiped over pages in the library, first with smug nods and just you wait and see, dear, we’re never wrong from the grandfathers and grandmothers as Beatrice pores through the volumes in the upper shelves, precious books pressed so high and so far back that they’re backed into both wall and ceiling. 
Then, inevitably, it carries through the air in the giggles and hushed gasps of the living members of this family, hands curling over yarn and needle as the youngest children breathlessly run and hide behind the walls and in the shadowy pockets of the tombhouse. The Great-great-great Grandmother who had been the first to break the news is mollified by the confirmation, and generously refuses to gloat.
A Silva girl is marrying a Salvius boy, and the Salviuses are pledging a guardian – the spirits know they have too many anyway, but still, a Salvius guardian – to this hill. 
“You’ve got to go over and see what’s going on,” Beatrice is instructed one morning, in no uncertain terms. They’re going over integration by partial fractions on the little platform at the back that looks down over the mills: her, Great-Grandfather, and Lilith, who’s slunk over yet again from the Villaumbrosias’ for some ‘peace and quiet’, and also because Beatrice’s family likes her for some mysterious reason. They pretend it’s because they need the extra pair – or, well, pairs, in Lilith’s case – of eyes. The massive, foreboding, Villaumbrosia affair the next hill over already boasts so many fearsome hands on deck, and they only have one Beatrice. 
Great-grandfather is gentle and teasing about it; Beatrice (and Lilith, although she will never admit it) is his favorite captive audience. 
Of course, it’s easy to treat her as one of their own on mornings like this — quiet summer days when she’s stripped of silica and scale, descended from her weatherworn perch. Devoid of the coarse matter of rock and metal twisted into hungry, flame-spitting fangs, and instead merely a soft-spoken spirit in a youthful skin. When the great grandfathers and mothers and their grandfathers and grandmothers look at her and see dark, almost-human eyes and loosely-bound hair in a bun above her shoulders.  
And when Beatrice walks Lilith out and across the rocky way that leads home, it’s easy for them to wave the two of them off. After all, Lilith is just a young woman with black waves she tucks carefully behind her ears and a handsome, slanting jaw that could almost pass as being real; as being pressed and molded with muscle and mandible and a fragile, mycelial network of vasculature and nerves. Not another delicate illusion that would slip and shatter at the first sign of danger, revealing in a flash the grotesque ugliness within.
There hasn’t been an attack in a while. When there hasn’t been an attack in a while Beatrice thinks the family tends to forget where exactly they hold court.
(Here, cradled close enough within these hills to walk back to where home once was. Children’s handprints on the threshold, coal scribbles on the floor. Walls still perfused with the fragrance and vapor of hot homemade stew.)
This is a graveyard. This is a necropolis, a city of the dead. It slithers amongst the roots of the living but does not make a home of it. In its palm lies the fragile in-between, the sickly sweet intersection where the living and the after-dead mingle like the meeting of two clouds. Within its grounds the family is wont to forget the ruthlessness that’s sometimes needed to keep it in balance.
Once they depart, Beatrice and Lilith’s guises fall away. Invisible to a still-beating heart, two terrible chimeras gouge skid-marks through the dirt to get to the Villaumbrosia citadel before its guests arrive at ten-thirty. Miraculously, only twice during the entire trip does Lilith half-heartedly threaten to snap Beatrice’s tail off. 
They make it there just in time. Beatrice watches as Lilith sweeps her way up the manicured moss columns and melds, in a quick thrash, with the magnificent dark-gray creature of stone that lunges out from the south turret. Frozen like this: mouth curled in a snarl and sharp wings flung out – in mockery, in bombast, in warning; Lilith at her most vindictive and most frightening, the elaborate Villaumbrosia insignia branded hot and painful down her side.
Beatrice knows it hurts, of course. Perhaps less so like this but certainly in the flesh, where it is always red and raw like the day it was carved down Lilith’s ribs in the workshop. Preserved unchanging in the meat as it is preserved forever in the rock. Lilith winces, when she thinks the others aren’t looking, but Beatrice knows. Camila might say something – probably does say something, but Beatrice doesn’t. She understands too well, and after all, what can they do?
After all, this is their work. This is life: whatever is asked of them. For Lilith today, it is to be a showpiece for guests at a bloated, overwrought tea ceremony. Broadly, it is watchman, and protector, and advocate. And at times like these, when there is a stir in the tangled ecosystem of bloodlines and their guardian-creatures, Beatrice is called upon to be an ambassador. 
So, the day after the storm, Beatrice leaves her perch to seek out the Silvas. She glides down from the still-slippery stone, and lands softly on the wet earth, scale meeting fur meeting soil and humid air. 
In her hands – her metaphorical hands – she clasps fistfuls of string that stretch, infinitely thin, to every corner of her tombhouse. She flexes each one and puts it between her teeth as she steps over the threshold and into the trees, testing their elasticity and tensile strength. If there is to be a twang, however minute, she must feel it. There is only one of her at home.
As she approaches the Silva tombhouse the air around her shifts and seems to solidify into a medium both probing and warning. Beatrice stills, allowing the woods to see her and course through her calmness. They know her, of course, and she waits for them to pass on the message to the newest guardian, still incredibly sensitive to the prickle of unfamiliar movement and sound. 
Presently, physically, the world exhales. 
Beatrice cautiously continues forward, until the treeline peels away to reveal the Silva tombhouse.
Tombhouse, as it goes, is a misnomer – a tombhouse is a complex rather than a single shell. It is no single cell for a coffin, but a collection of connected mausoleums and courtyards and passageways and corners and gates, lifted high and tunneled low. And as befitting a clan of esteemed craftsmen, the Silva tombhouse is a harmonious set spiraling outwards in organic whorls. Its walls are scraped clean and brushed beige, curled and leafed and folded in at the edges. Delicate and pretty in its strength in a way Beatrice’s own plain, stoic little set of residences could never be.
At the top of the central mausoleum, bounded by a parapet, rests a flat platform. On that ledge sits the new grotesque. 
Ink-black stone peeks curiously down at Beatrice. 
Immediately it is clear that she is like nothing Beatrice has ever seen before. Yes, as is tradition she is joined and jawed together piecemeal from various symbolic beasts, but this composition and style is unique. 
She’s simultaneously entirely unlike both the typical statues produced by-the-dozen in the workshops, and the specially commissioned sculptures like Beatrice herself. This guardian is a patchwork of shapes and textures Beatrice has only ever seen in the watercolor sketches of her tombhouse’s own library as belonging to exotic creatures from faraway places. Still other elements escape her recognition and description, and everything meshes deftly at smooth, near-invisible seams. 
Perhaps this isn’t surprising in a Salvius guardian – Jillian’s own commission too, it’s rumored. No less should be expected from someone the alchemists and scientists alike shy away from. Jillian Salvius considers herself a traveler, and a collector, and a dabbler, and Beatrice hears that the spokes of her gates are gnarled and carved in strange patterns from foreign lands.
The guardian shifts and cocks her head curiously, and Beatrice pulls herself together sharply.
“Hi,” the creature says. “You must be the neighbor from the east.”
Beatrice snaps back into polite, exceedingly proper posture. She nods, dipping forward in a movement resembling a bow. It makes the high-perched creature giggle, gauzy like air.
“Good morning,” she replies. “My name is Beatrice, and you’re right. How did you know?”
The guardian doesn’t answer. She separates from her stone in a miasma of color, swoops down noisily, and lands, a little clumsily, on a lower ledge. “Two heads, huh?” she says, thoughtfully. “Kinda perfect for the scholars.”
It’s not said judgmentally; more so with a further curious slant of her head, observational and light. Beatrice feels strange and semisolid all over.
She doesn’t correct the new guardian; tell her that no, she hadn’t actually been crafted or blessed for this bloodline, only gifted to them just one generation ago. And gifted rather carelessly, at that; an obligatory token presented upon the death of the benefactor’s tutor.
Before that her two heads were designed not as a tribute to wisdom or a paean to collaboration, but in order to stare proudly over an excessive estate, stretching out in opposite directions over land too vast for merely one head to behold. An arrogant symbol of not just physical, but political reach. She was a status symbol for powerful people – two-faced might be a better descriptor. 
Beatrice has always considered this with some bitterness, but today, she oddly feels no urge to self-flagellate. She feels, suspiciously, nothing at all; a fuzzy blank.
Instead, in response to the guardian, Beatrice blinks. Both of her heads do. They crane and incline together, like long-necked birds bending to convene. She feels sharp ears on each one twitch and flutter.
The creature laughs again. She descends further to the porch, then approaches Beatrice slowly. “I’m Ava,” she introduces herself, finally. Shyly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Ava,” Beatrice repeats, careful and hushed. She parses it over and traces it as though threading a needle – how the strange, simple symmetry of the word, the hypnotic up-down-up of A-V-A,  doesn't begin to encompass the entity approaching her. On cue, Ava does a funny, shuddery motion that cascades down her whole form. 
Beatrice, leaning her heads over old tomes like water jugs tipped over a parched tongue, dreams of fantastical things, from places that often sound even more surreal. And yet before her now stands the most peculiar thing alive yet, that defies everything she’s known and seen. 
Yes, clearer now before her eyes, Ava is a patchwork of impossible parts. 
Up close Beatrice can see she’s also a riverbed of illusory things. Small divots seem to scoop themselves out, sink deep, and then ripple back up into the surface of her body. Bubbling, and collapsing, and reforming, like springs of molten mother-of-pearl. Each little cavity shimmers like roughened gemstones: a gasping, dark blue, like well water under the sun; or a moody green like the light-starved undershade in a storm; or a thawing amber that Beatrice cannot even describe except that it looks like the smell of hot bread with a sweet cream core, tempting and steaming.
“Beatrice,” Ava echoes, her eyes gleaming and dark. They bubble expressively and endlessly deep. Gazing at Beatrice, straight, still and pondering. Searching. 
Silence stretches until it doesn’t. 
Something snaps – a bird on a twig above –  and Ava shakes herself awake. “Where’s my manners!” she exclaims suddenly. “Come on,” she swishes around gamely. Beatrice, bewildered, sneezes. 
She’s learning quickly that when Ava laughs, the dense tassel-like feathers on the back rise in delighted reflex and splay apart. 
The two of them slip between trees into a little glade, buoyed by her relentless charm and a thrumming current of something else, in the undertow.
Once upon a time, this was a courtyard, although now that the Silva tombhouse has unfurled in the opposite direction it’s been allowed to tastefully overgrow into its former self, mossy and scruffy. Old pieces of wall and pillars still cordon off one side; Beatrice resists the temptation to bound about and explore, and instead parks herself primly at a corner, not fidgeting.
Ava has no such compunctions. She wriggles herself into a comfortable position on a large boulder. Her weapon of a tail dangles down and bats at the ground idly, uprooting chunks of grass. 
“How are you finding it here?” Beatrice asks, trying very hard to be normal. 
“Honestly? I don’t know yet,” Ava grins, “and you’re the first one of us I’ve met here.” 
She pauses, cocks her head to one side so strikingly. The gesture almost looks human. “You know, my new folks think very highly of you,” She looks appraisingly over Beatrice with an indecipherable expression.
Beatrice feels quite hot. “Mine are curious about you.”
There is a shift in the air as Ava straightens abruptly. Her tail stills. “What will you tell them?”
Beatrice bites her tongues, undecided. She’d meant to think of it later, to phrase and rephrase and turn the words over and over in her mouth on the way back to get them right. It takes a while, usually, to distill her thoughts precisely into words that balance both insinuation and tone, and half the time it ends up all too stilted and formal anyway. How people seem to be able to do that, off the cuff – it’s confusing. Far easier, Beatrice thinks, to sit quietly beside and let such people do the talking.
Especially now that this seems, somehow, to be important to Ava. And especially now that she finds she doesn’t quite have any of the words.
If Beatrice had hands she would wring them. She thinks, distantly, of what someone else wiser than her might say. “They’ll agree with me that you’re certainly unique,” she starts, and it’s like Shannon’s talking through her, stately and gentle. Bold, like Mary. 
She adds, in an abrupt impulse that’s, alarmingly, all Beatrice, “I do think you’ll fit in well here.”
“Oh,” Ava seems surprised. Her tail, heretofore curled tightly on the boulder, relaxes and turns a loose arc in the air, hacking at the grass. “Thanks,” she looks at Beatrice, and inhales sharply, although not unkindly. 
Pauses. Sheepishly, she adds, “I’ve heard some people, uh, calling me devilish and other things, you see. But you know, it’s fine. Whatever.”
Beatrice grimaces involuntarily, then schools her expression back into an empathetic nod. It’s not unexpected. There’s bound to be a procession of curious gawkers and onlookers filing through to try and catch a glimpse of something hailing from the elusive Salviuses. Beartice knows the type: traditional, gossipy and busybodies.
They’ll take one look up the roof and gasp in disbelief or disgust, probably. Sneer up at the twisted, unnatural proportions, if they’re brave. Ava runs too close to the precipice of their diluted tolerance.
“The Silvas are good people. They’ll stand by you.” Beatrice isn’t sure if it helps, but it’s true. The households here are the little silver lining of this part of town, otherwise ragged and out of the way and a little discordant in its hues.
Ava exhales gently. Beatrice thinks there’s a small smile there. “I know.”
“It doesn’t make it easier.”
“Yeah. I know,” repeats Ava, her eyes shining, and it’s almost like she really does. 
Beatrice understands. They did it to her, too, after all.
The people who commissioned her had made a puppet of her. They had demanded a departure from classical references and therefore affixed to her frame things like startling, swiveling joints and odd angles.  Two heads, of course, among other modifications – all in an arrogant, ambitious drive to defy tradition and create a visionary symbol of fear and envy.  Instead, the lay beholder glanced upon the warped anatomy and thought it blasphemy. And so, Beatrice rapidly became that to her own family too: acrid to the eyes, rotted in the soul, a disembowelment. Failure. An embarrassment. 
The whispers billowed large like cotton sheets drying in the fields, caught and blown out in the wind.
It was a matter of time. Beatrice imagines the tiny family offspring being taught their true oral history in a sugary sick little chant, clapping their chubby hands cheerfully and squealing every grim word, 
Then the old teacher died / and it was a great relief / The family rushed to ready / a token of public grief
Her, of course. Her, and not any of the cruder, more sedate, stone guardians that studded the estate. The small ones who, on a good day, sat patiently and circulated air and respired noisily, and who were not capable of thought or pain. The family had a lot of them lining their walls, not much more than large decorative lumps of dough programmed to trap, waylay, or bite at intruders. 
Instead, they parted ways with the looming, ghastly and elaborate figure that guarded one of their main wings, and painted it as a great outpouring of sadness. Beatrice knew better.
The whole event was swift; almost planned in advance. She’d barely had time to send an urgent warning to Lilith before she was gone – a failed experiment in pomposity that took an unforeseen and regrettable turn into the profane. 
In a matter of days she was transplanted from lush green gardens into dry hills bathed in reedy, half-obscured sunsets. The kind of neighborhood her old family would call avant-garde or ‘forward-thinking’, although with a scoff that betrayed what they really thought.
And at night, looking down to sleeping homes, Beatrice would hear in the nothingness the same whispers splashing down the stone like rain, all over again.
Mindlessly, now, she has the sudden urge to reach out and feel. Fluttering cells or hardened stone, it doesn’t matter. She wants to transmute a hand of tender human pulp and skin, and run fragile fingers softly over the strangest braided foldery and flattening of membrane, bumps and spindles until they catch, pierce and bleed. 
And she so badly wants to tell Ava: I think you’re nightmarish and very beautiful. You would hold an army off this humble hill. like holding out a pathetic little bundle of flowers– but she doesn’t. It’s too long and too much; I’m here. is too short, and both are too naked. She’s not that kind of creature. She’s carved from solid rock and even when she sheds it it still feels like its weight chains her to the earth.
Her voices remain even and steady, somehow. 
“I –This isn’t the customary welcome and introductory visit,” Beatrice confesses, in lieu of it all.
“Oh. It’s not?”
Beatrice shakes her heads. “There’ll need to be a more official one.” 
The overlapping layers of spines along Ava’s limbs rise and then flatten, quickly.  “So I’ll get to see you again soon?” 
Feeling warm, or moist, or something like a pillar of pressurized foam, Beatrice clears her throats. “I suppose so. Yes.”
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sketchguk · 2 years
Soonyoung doodling and trying to keep himself busy is so cute 😭 He just wants to me near her even if they don't talk ?????? That's true love
Is there anything about mc that genuinely annoys soonyoung?
And also What thing do you think they fight most about?
Soonyoung is nothing if not a sweetheart !!! I saw a tiktok this morning that showed a bunch of clips of Youngji's and Soonyoung's relationship over time. She's a huge carat, and she adores him so much. I thought it was extremely cute how Soonyoung was always so attentive to her in a way that she feels valued and important on the set !! (knowing her personality, she was probably freaking out ahaha). He was so playful when they shot some MV scenes, just constantly poking his head into her camera view ahah. It was adorable, and I just thought this is the exactly how he would be with ravenclaw mc :-(
Hmm for the things that annoy Soonyoung, the serious stuff is probably a given. He doesn't like it when she's focused on her studies and pays him no attention. He gets annoyed when she brings up Mingyu in passing. As a matter of fact, she can never compliment another man LOL. If she talks about another guy's skill or talent, he's going to show her that he can do it better. He'll see her eyes widen at Joshua when he does a handstand, so he spends an hour of his night trying to do the same thing LOL. He'll show her tomorrow and surely she will also be impressed !!!
If she even so mentions that someone else is handsome, Soonyoung's gonna ask if he's more handsome. He doesn't get annoyed in the sense that he's mad, but moreso a little petty !!!
I was wondering if there are some quirks that might bother him, but they're probably really endearing LOL. When you have a crush on someone, all their little habits end up being the things you like the most about them, ya feel? She's probably the type to talk a lot during movies, but HE LIKES HEARING HER TALK !!! He can't even be annoyed by that. She must have some really great analyses too, and Soonyoung would never have thought about it on his own. So he ends up entertaining her thoughts !!!
Or maybe she leaves her scrunchies behind on accident (more often than she would care to admit). He loves that habit/quirk because he gets to keep it on his wrist as a reminder of her !! And if she says that she doesn't have a hair tie during lunch, Soonyoung will be the one to save her !!!
He just loves her unconditionally ok ?? :-((
I would think that Soonyoung and mc get into (serious) fights over his clinginess. She just likes a little bit of freedom and independence !!! Orrrr they would argue about how mc doesn't have a lot of time for Soonyoung because she spreads herself thin with all of her responsibilities. But Soonyoung is really just worried about her mental health !! He wants her to take care of herself, but she can't when there's always something else on her mind. If he could take away any of her discomfort, he definitely would
Omg what do you think Soonyoung's love language would be btw??? Because I can see him as an 'acts of service' kinda dude. He's also a huge lover !!!! So I wouldn't be surprised if it was split evenly amongst all categories
If they were to fight about non-serious stuff, mc would probably hate how he's such a messy eater LOL. He is literally a child in a grown man's body (aside from the huge appetite). She's always wiping his face because he has crumbs all over his chin !!! Sometimes on his cheeks too !!! (But she does find it really cute). Soonyoung would probably also pick a fight with her when she puts her cold hands on his skin. I do it all the time with my mom and my friends because it's kinda funny to get a reaction out of them LOL. He doesn't like the cold, and he'd probably hiss for a moment. But seconds later, he's reaching for her hand so he could keep her warm (even if he just stuffs their hands together in his jacket pocket).
p.s. i got your other message !! were you hoping that I write out a scene that's fully fleshed out ?? because i typically write everything as a description or a headcanon (i'm awful, I know aha). But I got the impression that you wanted to read a drabble of some sort !! Let me know because I might try to find some time this weekend to write it out if that's what you want <3
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sanzoumon · 3 years
Seriously, if you wanna write any of these just go for it and then let me know. Spoilers for S5E10. Some are more gen but could also be shippy, smut encouraged but optional. All of these are definitely bottom!Morty btw. Others are straight up smut.
Non-rickorty prompts (really just Morty x Summer) are are the bottom.
Trapped on what remains of the Citadel, Rick confesses that he recently realized he’s in love with Morty and that he wants to be by Morty’s side forever - in whatever way Morty wants (as in be it romantic, familial, platonic, whatever, it’s Morty’s choice). How does Morty feel and what will he decide?
After the whole Planetina thing Morty gets much needed comfort from Beth. Tho he feels better after that, Morty feels the overwhelming need to be with Rick. As it happens, after that whole ordeal with Daphne, Rick feels an overwhelming need to be with Morty. Bedsharing and comfort ensue.
Morty notices that ever since the Citadel was destroyed, Rick’s been way more physically affectionate. Little touches, petting his hair, hugging, casually rubbing soothing circles on him when they relax, wanting to cuddle, affectionate kisses, handholding, even nuzzling him. Morty likes it. A LOT.
In a rare moment of relaxation, Rick and Morty snuggling up together, they share a kiss. Both are shocked but then immediately begin an intense make-out session.
Rick wants to make up for his prior mistreatment of Morty. Morty asks for something be never expected: A kiss. And Morty means a full on kiss - tongue included. Who is Rick to deny him?
Rick and Morty have a rather intense incest kink. Lots of dirty talk.
Morty finds out that Rick has feelings for him. Rick freaks out, feels like a piece of shit, and tries to run away. Morty stops him, clings to him, begs Rick to calm down and to not leave him. Rick is practically hysterical, Morty gets him to shut up and calm down the only way he can - a kiss.
Morty preys on Rick’s guilt for having mistreated Morty in the past by guilting him into having sex. Morty knows Rick doesn’t want it, but he’ll do anything Morty wants. Morty feels like shit doing this but he can’t get about of how good Rick feels inside him.
Morty royally screws up on an adventure, almost getting himself killed, and Rick opts for a good ol fashioned punishment - a bare bottom spanking. Aftercare happens because Rick was terrified for Morty and needs him to understand this is why he spanked him.
Rick suffers from Domdrop after a really emotionally intense session with Morty. Morty provides Rick with the aftercare he needs.
The family finds out about Rick and Morty’s relationship. Shocking everyone, it’s Beth who attacks Rick square in a blind rage. The whole time Morty is begging her to stop hurting Rick, who doesn’t even try to defend himself, and it’s Jerry and Summer who have to hold her back so she’ll actually listen to Morty.
Rick and Morty get married at the alien equivalent of Las Vegas. Summer was a witness and recorded the whole thing.
In another dimension it’s considered a rite of passage for a boy to have sex with the household patriarch when he turns 14. Morty never felt the need to do that but then Rick comes along and says that’s because Jerry wasn’t man enough to do it, so Rick takes it upon himself to do so.
Morty is attracted to Rick specifically because Rick is a dirty old man.
On the Citadel, some Morty’s are bred purely to be sex slaves for Rick’s. Bred to be more compliant, submissive, and who love Rick’s unconditionally no matter how badly they mistreat them.
Rick and Morty have an emotionally incestuous relationship. Basically: “when a parent or caregiver relies on a child for the support that an adult partner would usually provide. They may also treat the child like a romantic partner.”
Morty deliberately gets himself into trouble on adventures because Rick will, out of worry and adrenaline pumping through him, fuck Morty afterward like an animal. Like a twisted version of “glad to be alive sex”.
Rick and Morty have to hide in a tight fitting enclosed space while facing each other. Awkward boners and grinding / dry humping ensue.
Omegavese. Morty goes into heat and Rick knocks him up. It wouldn’t be so bad if Rick wasn’t seriously turned on by Morty being pregnant with his baby.
Omegaverse. Unclaimed Omega’s have it rough and are constant targets for harassment. One day Morty gets assaulted by some Alpha’s at school and before they’re able to violate and claim him, Rick shows up and makes them wish they were never born. Morty knew right then that Rick was his Alpha and begs for Rick to claim him.
Rookie Cop Rick x Cop Morty. Rick likes how chubby Morty is.
Toxic Rick x Toxic Morty. They’re both made up of the irrational attachments they have for each other. Without their healthier selves to reign them in they can’t keep their hands off each other. Basically, in between all the science, Toxic Rick fucks Toxic Morty and Toxic Morty can’t get enough of just how much Rick loves him.
Evil Rick x Evil Morty. Sometimes Morty lets Rick have control of himself again just so Rick will rape him like he used to before Morty took control.
Morty’s fantasy is for Rick to fuck him against his will while Morty cries and begs Rick to stop. Rick can’t deny Morty his perverted fantasy.
Rick goes on a rampage to save Morty and, by the time all is said and done, Rick is mildly wounded and is practically drenched in the blood of his enemy. And it’s the hottest thing Morty has ever seen in his life. Morty wants Rick to fuck him right then and there, raw and primal, using the blood as lube.
Morty’s just so small and cute. Rick loves it a little too much.
Rick loves to degrade and humiliate Morty in bed. Morty loves it too.
Breeding kink. They like to pretend Morty can actually get pregnant when they have sex.
Summer asks Rick to shrink her giant space incest baby down to normal baby size. Everyone tries to talk her out of it because she’s young and not ready to raise a baby, but she knows she can’t live without him and that she wants this.
Morty x Summer. It may have been under very weird circumstances but fact is they have a baby together. Summer says she doesn’t expect anything from Morty and is cool with it, but Morty wants to be involved. Raising a kid together can make you feel things you never expected to feel.
Morty x Summer. Morty liked attractive redheads and Summer is no exception.
Morty x Summer. After everything they’ve seen and done, sex with each other to relieve stress isn��t that noteworthy.
Morty x Summer. Summer is humiliated that she actually enjoys being fucked by her little brother. Worse yet, Morty knows it and taunts her with it while fucking her. Worst of all, him doing that makes it even better for her.
Morty x Summer. Set during the time Rick was in prison. They’re always fighting lately, sometimes to the point of physical aggression. One thing leads to another.
Morty & Summer. After the whole Morty Jr. thing, Morty isn’t sure he wants to be a dad again. But Summer is worn ragged with school, taking care of their recently-shrunk-to-normal-size space baby, and their family giving her crap for raising him instead of leaving him in space. And, well, he is responsible for the kid existing in the first place. Basically they raise their baby together.
Summer sees Morty getting picked on at school and she ends up beating up his bully half to death.
Morty x Summer. Something happens and they end up bound together face to face with Morty’s head buried in Summer’s boobs. They’re so big and soft that he gets aroused in spite of himself. Summer feels it, insults him like expected, but tells him just to hurry up and get rid of it by grinding against her thigh so they can start pretending this whole thing never happened sooner.
And that’s all I got for now, folks! I know it’s a long list and it’s all over the place but I have so many ideas in my head and the S5 finale just sent my imagination into overdrive.
So please, if you’re a writer, I hope these prompts inspire you. Let me know if you write anything, please!
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athenamgh · 3 years
a/n: veryy veryy old idea.. lets see if smth good of it will come out... btw it will have at least two parts
paring/s: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
summary: two broken hearts need to heal each other.. but will they..
warning/s: tears, angst, fluff (i am soo not sure....)
word count: 1.7k
Chapter I | Chapter II
Natasha Romanoff MASTERLIST
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You slowly opened your eyes and they met the dark ceiling. It seemed it was still an early morning because the room was still sinking in the dark. You slowly turned your head to the side, your palm brushing through the empty space aside. Suddenly, you tightly clenched the sheets in your fist, closing your eyes strongly.
You slowly opened your eyes and they met two beautiful forest green orbs. Before you could notice your body was already acting in it’s own way, your face spread a bright smile. Natasha was looking at you with those dark green eyes, you could drown in, her hair messy due to the sleep, made her look even more beautiful whenever.
You gently brushed the loose strand of hair, whispering “Good morning gorgeous”. A soft smile spread her soft lips and reddish crawl up her face. She was about to cover herself, to hide her face with sheets, but you gently caught her wrists. “Don’t you dare to run from me”. 
Natasha looked at you with a challenging look “Or what?”. Your face crept up a smirk, you quickly brought your hands to her sides starting to tickle her.
The laugh filled the room. She was trying to defend herself, but your hands there faster running across her body. “Okay, okay,” she giggled, “stop now, please” , but you didn’t want to let her go so easily. 
“Say, that you won’t hide from me ever again”, Natasha narrowed her eyes slightly, her lips spread a wide smile, she nodded. Romanoff  wrapped her hands around your neck, looking deep into your eyes, admiring the pure affection sparking in them.
  “I would never want to be apart from you y/n”. You felt her hand brush your cheek, then slim fingers ghosting your bottom lip. All this time your eyes didn’t disconnect even for a breath second.
In a moment of surprise Natasha swiftly flipped two of you over, now she was on the top straddling your waist. You widely smiled at her tricky move, lifting yourself up on your forearms “I will never be able to stay away from you, huh?” you asked, astonished. 
Natasha leaned forward for a moment with a mischievous smile, placing her index finger on your bottom lip making your tongue brush it lightly “Well, that’s the plan, dear..”. 
You lifted your eyebrow playfully, “Oh, really?”. 
“Mhm,” she giggled, now shaping your strong jawline with her finger. 
“Well, then how about we make it even, huh?.” Her lips parted, her tongue liking her bottom lip while  looking up at you. “You will never be able to get me out of your head,” you said with such a low almost husky voice. 
She leaned her head to the side slightly because of your statement, from her eyes you could tell she was intrigued. “And how would you possibly do that?” she said seductively.
Suddenly you lifted yourself up from your elbows making her sit down in your lap. A  gasp escaped her lips at the sudden closeness, her hands resting on your chest. You looked at her deep green eyes, analyzing every detail of it. While your fingers ghosted the side of her neck, then lingered at her collarbone. You noticed she was holding her breath, looking stunned at you. At this moment Natasha Romanoff only belonged to you and you only belonged to her. Then, with both of your hands, you gently took the sides of her face. Bringing her closer to you, one of your thumbs brushing the soft skin of her cheek, your lips inches apart, but before they could touch one another, you whispered, “This…” and your lips blended together into a perfect kiss.
You shot your eyes open. Sweat covering your body. You sit up in the bed crawling into the ball. Your hand now tangled in your hair, cheeks riding down salty tears.
It was a late evening. Moon step by step climbing up the dark sky to settle in for a night. The room was quiet, just the sound of the light rain tears from time to time interrupted the comfortable silence. Natasha was curled up into the ball near the window, her eyes lost somewhere far in the distance, guarding something or someone.
The sudden movement inside of the room interrupted the peaceful, but gloomy atmosphere. “You know, you need to leave your room sometimes,” Steve’s voice reached her ears. 
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you knocked sometimes,” Natasha said without turning around.  
“You are becoming a hater, Nat.” this time she just ignored his comment, drowning somewhere deep in her own world.
Since the day Steve has met Natasha, he kind of promised himself he would do everything he can to protect her, of course, as everyone else who was part of his life. Natasha for Steve was such a dear friend and he hated so much seeing Nat like this: broken, hurt, lost. And there was just so little he could do to lighten the Romanoff’s pain.
“It’s been months Nat”. 
“And it seems like nothing has changed…” Natasha’s voice almost sank into the whisper. 
“She is still on your mind, isn’t she?” Natasha turned around, brushing the tear sliding down her face. Her eyes reddish and cheeks stained with tears. “And it hurts too?”
Taking a deep breath Natasha parted her lips “If I didn’t feel the pain, maybe it would be easier to forget? Forget how good it felt, how bright and beautiful everything looked, how sweet it all sounded, to forget it all...” Steve’s face softened, he came up to Natasha, sitting beside her.
“Nat,” he stopped for a moment, thinking. “They say with time the pain fades away, but they always forget to mention how in fact long it takes to finally feel it calm down even a tiny bit. It seems the pain gets more and more powerful with every day until it almost claims you completely.” Natasha’s gazed down, her hand tightly clenching the blanket.
“And there is nothing. Not even the shining armor you suited yourself to protect your heart or giant walls you built around to save yourself from pain, will hardly defend you from what your heart desires.” Steve continued. “And even then all the pain fades away, you won’t forget it. It will always be in the back of your mind and heart, lingering there and never fading away.” He reached to take her hand, squeezing it tightly for a moment and letting it go, making Natasha to look up. “Because Nat, you can’t just stop loving someone who you fall for so unconditionally. Your heart will never forget someone who once made you truly happy.” Steve saw how the last tear rolled out on Natasha’s cheek.
“I knew you were sentimental bastard, but not that strong” she said jokingly and Steve for the first time in month’s saw her lips spread a tiny smile even if it was for only a moment. 
“What should I do?” she asked, her eyes filling with new tears again. 
“Natasha, only you can decide what to do, what or who to choose.” She barely nodded. “Now, get some sleep, a long day is waiting for you tomorrow,” Steve said while walking towards the doors. He was about to exit, but Natasha’s voice stopped him, making Steve turn around 
“Thank you, I don’t think I say it enough”. Steve gave her a soft smile before leaving.
The sound of someone entering the small grocery store interrupted the soft music playing in the background. You were standing in front of one of the shop shelves, searching for the right ingredients for dinner. It was probably a good idea to make at least one home meal. Instead of buying pizza or any other meal that you could possibly order directly to your apartment.
You were about to grab a serial box, but suddenly you heard a familiar voice. “Y/n?” you turned to your right, recognizing the person. 
“Oh, Wanda” you greeted each other with a warm hug. “What are you doing here?” You shook your head a little, “I mean, obviously you are in the grocery store because of the food.” 
Wanda released a small laugh, “Yeah, that’s how it kind of works. Or the shop just convinces you that you need something, even if you really do not.” You chuckled lightly agreening.
Wanda stepped closer to you, reaching to crease your left arm “So, how are you doing?” 
You glanced down “You know, I would say that I'm okay’ or ‘Everything is alright’,” You looked up at her, facing her concerned face “But I know you know me better than that, so I would just say… I don’t know, I really don’t know.” Wanda nodded slightly 
“I hope everything will be okay soon.” You nodded, barely smiling. 
You shook your head a little, asking “Less about me, how are you and the avengers?”
“They are good. Nothing new lately, just a few missions here and there, everything as usual. Thor is too busy being a badass and worrying about his hair, Tony and Bruce working on some kinda project that I am too confused yet to talk about, I keep myself busy with training stuff and helping Steve and Nat.." Wanda's voice cut off at the last name, realizing what she said, you heart skipped a beat at the sound of the name that left Wanda's lips.. After a moment more Wanda continued ''Everyone is just keeping themselves busy, ever. Long story short everyone is okay”. 
  “Not all happy, but okay” she added, listening to her last words made your heart ache even more. “We miss you, you know?”
You smiled with a small smile at her words “Yeah, I miss you too guys..” 
Wanda looked at you for a moment “Would you come to the party tomorrow that Tony is throwing?” You looked at her hesitantly. “Come on” she pushed you shoulder. “We would love to see you”
You looked at the ground for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. “I’ll promise to consider it,” you said, looking up at Wanda.
“That’s all I need” her lips spread a wide smile. “I see you there!” she said walking away. You rolled your eyes at her playfully.
As you stood in front of a mirror smoothing your palms over the small wrinkles on your dark velvet suit, the only thought that was lingering in your mind was how desperately you wanted to crawl up in a ball in your bed and just stay like that forever. You didn’t want to go to that party. 
~~> |Chapter II| <~~
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Hello there you beautfiul blog user and writer! If you are open to accept prompts or to get ideas to future fics may I suggest a fic of lil Christopher Lightwood and when their parents found out he needed some glasses? I love how well you write him
Hello beautiful Anon!! Thank you so much for the request! It's called August for literally no reason whatsoever, btw. Anyway here’s little Kit getting his first pair of distance glasses (as a user of said glasses, I’m drawing from personal experiences).
Characters: Christopher Lightwood, Gabriel Lightwood & Cecily Lightwood/Herondale
“Good, Kit,” Gabriel said from where he was kneeling beside the small boy. 
His son smiled up at him with wide, blue eyes—that looked lilac purple in the sunlight—and put down his bow. “Did I get it in the centre?”
“Almo—” Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean? Can’t you see the target?” 
Kit squinted his eyes. “A tiny bit. But I can’t see the arrow.”
Gabriel’s confusion grew. “Son,” he said, standing and walking a couple of metres away from where he was standing. “How many fingers am I holding up?” 
Gabriel was indeed holding up three fingers. “Hm.” He said. “I guess you couldn’t possibly need new glasses.” 
Christopher shrugged. 
“Perhaps your current glasses are interfering. Here, take them off.”
Kit obliged. He looked at the arrow and fumbled with the string, trying to see where the arrow’s tail was. 
“Papa, I’m getting dizzy.” He said.
“Oh, then never mind, put them back on.” Gabriel said, quickly, not wanting Christopher to get a headache. 
Once Kit adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, both of them stood there, thinking about what they should do.
“Can we just continue training?” Kit asked.
“Yes,” Gabriel said, a relieved smile on his face.
“Are you teaching our five-year-old son how to shoot a bow and arrow?” Cecily asked from the doorway, a while later.
Gabriel glanced at her momentarily and nodded. 
Cecily leaned her hip against the doorframe and crossed her arms. “Is he good?”
“His form is exceptional, but he can’t seem to shoot it to the center.”
“Well,” Cecily said, walking inside and kneeling down beside her son. He did, in fact, have perfect form, something he somehow must have inherited from his father. “He doesn’t have to excel at it.” 
“Of course not.” Gabriel said. “I’m just confused.”
Kit shot the arrow and skipped over to the target. “It’s closer!” He said turning to his parents excitedly.
“Wonderfully done, Kit bach,” Cecily said, smiling widely. 
Gabriel sighed at how naturally Cecily could speak to their children and encourage them. Whenever he tried it, he felt awkward. Will sometimes teased him at times over how he couldn’t train children. Cecily told him to just treat them as though he were training adolescents or adults, that his children won’t think anything of him being less enthusiastic.
“Why is he walking up to the target?” Cecily asked, interrupting his thoughts.
“He says he can’t see it well.”
Cecily craned her head to look at him. “He probably needs glasses.”
“He already has glasses.” Gabriel pointed out.
“Other types of glasses, you nitwit. Ones for long distances. Didn’t that cross your mind?”
“It did! I even checked to see if he needed them.”
“I held up some fingers and he could see them just fine.” Gabriel said, defensively.
Cecily gave him the you’re-a-fool face. “Of course he can bloody see your fingers! That’s not a proper test as to whether he can see or not!” she said, exasperated. 
“Then how do we test it?” Gabriel asked.
Cecily set Kit’s bow and took hold of his hand, pulling him along. “We leave it to the experts.”
He has Myopia as well as Hyperopia. I’d even say he is more nearsighted than farsighted.  
“What does that mean?” Gabriel whispered to Cecily.
“I don’t know,” Cecily mouthed.
Brother Jeremiah looked into Christopher’s eyes, and Gabriel had the urge to go to his son and spare him the sight. Christopher shifted from where he was sitting, trying to look at his parents. Jeremiah put a hand on his chin to keep his gaze on him, so that he could see his eyes better. Cecily took Gabriel’s hand as if to say, calm down; he’ll be alright.
Gabriel squeezed it back and watched as Jeremiah closed the lids of Kit’s eyes and hovered his fingers over them. 
He must have told Kit to open his eyes, because suddenly they flew open.
Gabriel didn’t understand the procedure The Brothers used for checking eyesight. All he knew was that after a while, Brother Jeremiah took Kit’s glasses and turned to Gabriel and Cecily, waiting for one of them to follow him.
Cecily used Gabriel’s knee to get up and went with Brother Jeremiah to get the glasses fixed while Gabriel stayed with Christopher. 
Gabriel walked over to his son and sat down next to him.
“Well, son, I’ll admit that I have no idea what’s wrong with your glasses.” He said with a half smile.
“I can’t see far away.” Kit said. “Myopia means my eyes are curved differently, so they can’t focus the light normally. So, I can’t see from far away as well as up close.”  
Gabriel turned to him, surprised. “How did you know that?”
“Uncle Henry explained it to me.” He said, shrugging. “I wanted to know why I needed glasses in the first place.”
Gabriel ruffled his hair. “You always know the right questions to ask, don’t you, ducks?”
He didn’t know how he ended up with a son like Christopher, who had such a sharp mind at so young. The reason as to why some people needed glasses had never crossed his mind, but Kit’s mind seemed to always be working, questioning why things and people were the way they were. Some people thought that Christopher was absent-minded, but Gabriel knew that it was because his brain was constantly working, not engaging in the current conversation, because it paled in comparison to what he was thinking about, or because there were too many things going on at once. 
He looked at his son, who was looking up at him with wide eyes and his head tilted to the side. He looked like his beautiful mother in that small gesture. 
“Can you even see me?” Gabriel asked, with a smile.
“Not really. You’re a little blurry.”
“A Papa-looking blur.”
Gabriel laughed out loud as Cecily came inside.
“We’re in luck,” She announced. “The Brother’s have temporary glasses with Christopher’s exact prescription that he can use while his are being fixed.” She came over with said glasses and carefully put them on Kit.
They immediately slipped down his nose. 
“I think they’re a bit too big.” Gabriel said.
“Well, it’s that or he doesn’t see.” Cecily said, laughing.
“Do you like Kit’s temporary glasses, Cecy?” Gabriel asked, knowing perfectly well that she adored them.
“He is the most adorable little thing that’s walked the planet.” Cecily said, glancing at Christopher, who was lagging a bit behind them, staring at the witchlight stones as they passed by them, walking out of the Basilias. 
“Enjoy it while you can,” Gabriel said, opening the doors for the others to go out, “next week he gets his actual glasses back.”
“Don’t remind me,” Cecily said mournfully.
Gabriel held out his hand for Christopher to take, and was surprised when he didn’t take it.
Gabriel looked down and realized that he wasn’t even there. “Kit?” he asked. 
Cecily and Gabriel both stopped and turned around. Christopher stood frozen a couple of steps behind them, his jaw hanging open as he stared up at the trees. 
“What’s the matter, Kit?” Cecily asked.
“I can see each individual leaf.” He mumbled. “If I wanted to, I could count them all!” He looked up at his mother with a huge grin on his face. 
Cecily had always had a soft spot for her son, but with the oversized frames on his small head, the bridge slipping down his nose occasionally, Cecily felt her heart melting. 
“You could,” she said, holding out a hand for him to take. “But then you’d miss all of the other beautiful things you can now see.”
Christopher took her hand, casting a long look at the tree before following her. 
There was a slight skip to his step as he looked around, taking in the world, his gaze always returning to the trees, which seemed to be the most fascinating revelation. 
“Are you going to go back home and practice archery with your father?” Cecily asked.
Kit nodded happily. 
Cecily didn’t think Gabriel really understood that Kit only really liked archery because it was time he could spend with his father. He was always nervous in anything that had to do with fatherhood, terrified that he’d end up like Benedict. 
Cecily had told him time and time again that his children will love him unconditionally, unless he gave them reason not to, but she also knew that it was hard for Gabriel. His relationship with his father was a mixture of love and abuse, the line between the two becoming so unnoticeable, that Gabriel had a hard time telling the difference. 
Cecily had faith in him, however. Especially as she looked at Gabriel and Kit in front of her, the latter sitting on the former’s shoulders, taking his glasses on and off, comparing the way he could see without glasses and the way he could see with them on. 
Christopher turned around. “Mama, I can see the entire world!” He held his arms out wide, a wide grin on his face, as though he were presenting its beauty.
Cecily laughed and put a hand on his back, “Yes, bach, the world is a beautiful place, isn’t it?” She looked at Gabriel. He took her hand, kissing the back of it and let their interlaced hands swing between them as they walked back home.
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes  @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @fictionally-fantastic  @stxr-thxif  @writeforjordelia  @itsdaughterofthemoon  @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca  @heronstairs2014  @ilovemanicures  
If you want to be on my tag list, or if you changed your url recently and your not in the tag list anymore, let me know! Also, if you want to be removed, send me a dm! I won’t be offended in the slightest :) Oh, and if you asked to be on the tag list and you’re not on it, please tell me (I’m very absentminded lol).
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Summary: Following Grace’s death, Tommy shuts himself off from the rest of the world, dealing with all of the noise in his head alone. But Y/N Shelby will be damned if she doesn’t try to help her brother...
Word Count: 3158
A/N: This has unexpectedly become my 200 follower celebration fic, so thank you again!! I was getting my doctor-prescribed daily dose of Cillian Murphy the other day watching his video about the rise of Tommy Shelby, and the part where he talks about Tommy being burdened by his intelligence for some reason made me think of Matilda. So, the song ‘Quiet’ from Matilda the Musical (which I love btw, I’m a massive musical theatre nerd) became the inspiration for this fic. Hope you enjoy it!!
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Y/N Shelby was always a source of amazement to the rest of her family. Being the second youngest of the Shelby clan, it had come as a shock to her three elder brothers that she could be quite as ruthless as them when it came to business and enemies who threatened her family. However, it wasn't just that which truly surprised them: it was the fact that she still managed to retain her heart of gold. This was largely reserved for her family and, despite the violence and atrocities committed by them in front of her very eyes, she loved them unconditionally (even if they were a pain in the arse sometimes).
When Tommy bought Arrow House, he also acquired the little cottage on the estate. Knowing that Y/N was getting restless at the prospect of still living with her family as she approached her twenties, Tommy had given the place to her to do with as she wished. This arrangement pleased both siblings immensely. Tommy and Y/N had always had an incredibly close relationship, despite the large age gap, and the cottage's location meant that Y/N got the independence that she so desperately wanted, whilst also being close enough for them to see each other as often as they wished.
(As well as this, it gave Tommy peace of mind that the only way to access the cottage was to cross the grounds which lay in front of Arrow House. This meant that any enemies would have to go past the blinders stationed in front of his house, then through Tommy himself, and finally deal with the blinders outside of Y/N's cottage in order to get to her. Oh, and he always knew when she dared to bring a boy back with her.)
Everything was going perfectly, and Tommy and Y/N were, for once, happy with their lives.
And then Grace died.
For two weeks after the funeral, Tommy spent most of his time riding around the estate, thinking by himself. He didn't want to see anyone apart from his son. Sometimes, depending on where he stopped at night, Y/N could see her brother at a distance from her living room. She longed to run to him, not to tell him that she was sorry and offer her condolences because she knew he'd be sick of that already. Y/N just wanted Tommy to know that he didn't have to fight every battle alone.
Then, out of the blue, there came a point when he stopped doing that. Instead, Tommy chose to throw himself into his work, providing a different type of isolation. He barely left the house, locking himself away in his office, and when he did go out on business he hardly told a soul. According to Mary (who secretly phoned Y/N every week to let her know how Tommy was doing) he seemed lifeless now, as if he were the one that died, not his wife. Her employer was even quieter than he usually was, and Y/N knew that that was when his brain got the loudest.
Y/N refused to sit by and let him destroy himself for any longer...and she knew just the trick to bring her brother back to life.
The phone on Tommy's desk seemed to ring even louder than usual, adding to his pounding headache. He hadn't left the house in three days, not that he'd noticed it, and was more on-edge than ever. With a sigh, he picked up the receiver.
"Tom?" Despite the million thoughts that clogged up his brain, he couldn't help the flicker of a smile that passed over his face upon hearing his little sister's light voice, something he'd gotten so used to when she'd lived with him. But that calm didn't last long before his brain went into overdrive again.
"You alright?" He had tried his best to keep any tones of alarm and worry at bay, but knew that he had failed when his voice faltered on the last word.
"I'm fine, I just need to you pop over and help me move a bookcase."
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Tommy replied steadily, "Y/N, I'm waiting on about three different phone calls and I have a business to run. Why don't you ask -" He paused, looking at the list in front of him, "Ben or Harry to help you, eh?" (They were in charge of guarding Y/N's house during the daytime this week, according to the rota.)
"I mean I would do, but I've given them the weekend off, and quite frankly you're the closest other person, Tom."
The man in question froze. "You've sent Ben and Harry away?"
"For an entire weekend?"
"And you didn't tell me about it?"
"That's about the size of it, yeah."
"What the fuck do you think you're playing at Y/N?" Tommy was shouting now, furious that his sister would be this stupid. "I thought you had more sense than this!"
"Actually, Thomas, I think in this case I've got more sense than you. They've been outside this house for two, nearly three, weeks now because you haven't stood them down and you won't let me do it myself. How do you expect them to do their job properly if they're dead on their feet?"
Tommy fell silent, his heart beating at a mile a minute, worry taking over from his anger. What if someone took advantage of this moment? What if they used this opportunity to take his sister from him, like they took his wife? He was terrified, and the worst part was that it would be entirely his fault: he should never have let this fuck up happen, he should've kept a closer eye on his sister. Y/N lived on his grounds, anyone that came for Tommy would inevitably go for her as well.
He didn't even bother to try and conceal the tremor in his voice when he finally spoke again. "Okay, I'm coming over. Do not, I repeat, do not leave your house, alright? Don’t open the door to anyone but me, either. Have you got a gun with you?"
"Tom, you made sure that an entire armoury was installed here before I even set foot in the place, yes I have a gun."
"Good. Keep it with you, make sure it's loaded. I'm on my way."
Tommy hadn't even put the receiver down before he was on his feet, scrambling to get ready. Guilt and worry consuming him, Tommy made another phone call to get some more men stationed outside Arrow House, went up to the nursery and kissed Charlie goodbye, and then told Mary of his plan. Tommy would be staying with his sister until Monday morning – he was taking his sister's safety into his own hands this time.
It was common knowledge that the patriarch of the Shelby family didn't give a toss about religion any more, but as his pace quickened down the drive of Arrow House that Saturday morning, he sent a prayer up to anyone who was listening that he wouldn't be too late.
Livid. That's the only way to describe how Tommy felt upon turning the corner to his sister's cottage. For there she was, stood in the open doorway, clearly waiting for him. As he got closer, Tommy noticed that Y/N was wearing one of his old shirts under her worn grey cardigan, with a gun tucked into the top of her rolled up, oversized trousers. She also had a gentle smile on her face, the one that was reserved only for her family members.
Shaking a stern finger at his sister as he marched over to her, Tommy stated in a dangerous tone "I told you to stay indoors."
Y/N's smile moulded into a smirk. "Yeah, and I told you that Ben and Harry had the weekend off, not that there was no one guarding the house. Eddie and Will took their place last night."
Tommy ran a hand through his hair, whether out of relief or frustration, neither of the siblings knew. "You are in so much trouble." His tone was far from teasing, and anyone else would be quaking at the knees. But not Y/N.
"I thought I would be, but you can shout at me as we walk." Y/N grabbed a large basket from inside the door before locking it. "Come on!"
"You're not going fucking anywhere until -"
"You know, Thomas, the further away I get the less I'll be able to hear of you telling me off." Y/N hadn't even turned around or stopped to say it, she just kept walking.
"For fuck's sake," Tommy muttered angrily under his breath and then started moving to try and catch up with her.
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry for making you panic so much." Tommy had only just caught up to Y/N, and had opened his mouth to continue speaking when she cut him off. "I knew you wouldn't leave the house unless I made you think that I was in danger. You were always too good of a big brother to risk that."
Tommy was rendered speechless by her words. He had neglected her for over a month, barely speaking to her and never visiting – how could she still claim that he was a good brother?
As if she could hear his thoughts, Y/N continued to speak. "You're grieving, Tom. I didn't expect anything from you, no matter how much I wanted to see you. Although you haven't been checking that the blinders change over, that part of my call was true. But I've been taking care of it, so I've been safe the entire time. Don't go blaming yourself for anything else."
"We thought that Grace was safe." That was the first thing that Tommy had said in minutes, and his anger at being lured into his sister's trap lay forgotten for the time being. Y/N simply placed her free hand into the crook of Tommy's arm and squeezed it.
"You probably think I'm so selfish for doing this, but I promise I'm not just doing it for me." She paused, almost reluctant to put her next question out into the open. "Everything's getting loud again, isn't it?"
Tommy stared at the ground as they kept walking further and further away from either of their houses, wordlessly confirming her suspicions. He let out a small chuckle. "You always know, don't you, sweetheart? For someone so young, you don't miss much."
Y/N breathed out a laugh. "When you grow up with John and his bloody booby traps all over the house, you do tend to notice everything and more."  
That was enough to bring out the first proper smile that Tommy had produced since his wife's death. He had forgotten what a tonic his sister could be – just her presence and gentle voice was enough to soothe him and ease some of his pain. Tommy brought his free hand up to rest on top of her small one, still nestled into the crook of his arm, and she responded by leaning her head against his shoulder contentedly.  
They continued to walk in silence before Tommy realised that, for once, he had no clue what they were doing. When he asked, his sister's answer made him stop in his tracks.
"Yep." Y/N smiled at him proudly. "Absolutely nothing."
"Y/N, I don’t have time to -"
"Everyone has the time to do nothing, Tommy, even you." Her brother sighed in defeat, knowing that there was no point in starting an argument over it (the look that Y/N was giving him was enough to tell him that he'd lost it before it had even begun).
"Alright, fine. But how am I supposed to do nothing and clear my head at the same time, eh?" His tone boarded on impatient.
"You'll figure it out soon enough." Y/N responded, calmly.
She was right, of course. They had laid down the blankets that had been tucked away in Y/N's basket and for a while they simply watched the clouds dancing across the sky, bringing back fond memories for Tommy: he had done this countless times with his mother before she passed, and afterwards he used to take a much younger Y/N out to do the same before the war took over. Tommy let the rustling of the wind in the trees and the singing of the birds melt away the endless stream of thoughts in his head. His sister had also been clever enough to bring them so far out into the Warwickshire countryside that he knew that no-one would find them, causing a feeling of safety and freedom to wash over him for the first time in years.
Tommy reached over and held Y/N's hand in his, and whispered "Thank you, bug," just loudly enough for her to hear.
Y/N turned her head to smile at him and squeezed his hand. But then she frowned at her brother, causing him to mirror her expression. "Tom, you've got some grey hairs coming. Seriously, I can see them now, just at the side."
His lips parted in shock as her expression turned into one of mirth. "You cheeky fucker." Tommy's tone was deadly serious; however, Y/N knew her brother well enough to know what was coming next. She just managed to roll out of the way before Tommy's hand reached out to tickle her stomach.
Before they both knew it, Y/N was running like her life depended on it and Tommy was following in hot pursuit, uncontrollable laughter bubbling out from both of them.
A few hours later and night had fallen. Tommy had built a fire some time ago, and Y/N was sat by it, reading. He realised that, whilst the scene wasn't too dissimilar to the one he created every night in the weeks following Grace's funeral, it was also entirely different. Before, he had only focused on the thoughts constantly whizzing around in his brain, not noticing anything else going on around him.  
But now, everything was quiet. Not silent, for that would surely send all of the noise flooding back into his head. The sounds of the pages turning steadily in his sister's book provided that nice sort of quiet which meant that that noise just...stopped. Y/N hadn't actually tried to distract him from his grief or his thoughts, either, or tried to get him to talk about it as so many other people had done; all Y/N did was bring him physically away from everything and been there, a strong presence without pressure. For that, he loved her more than ever.
Tommy looked up as Y/N released a long sigh, having just finished her last chapter. He noticed her shiver slightly when a cool breeze brushed over the field, and fished another blanket out of the basket as she walked over to sit next to him. Tommy wrapped the soft material tightly around her and placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in for a one-armed hug.  
Breaking the silence, Y/N looked up and said "The stars are so much brighter out here than in Small Heath."
Tommy hummed in agreement. "When you were little and we were on the road with mum, I used to point out all the different constellations to you."
"I don't remember that."
"Well, you were always about half asleep."
"Do you still remember them?"
"I do."
"Would you show me them again?"
The question was asked with such innocence that Tommy glanced down at his sister, and saw her bright blue eyes staring back up at him, eyes that had him wrapped around her little finger. He laid down, patting the space next to him, encouraging her to do the same. "Let's have a look then, shall we?"
He was rewarded with a big, beaming smile.
When Y/N started to yawn and her eyelids began to droop, lulled by the warmth and her brother's steady voice, Tommy decided that it was time for them to head back. He bundled everything back into the basket bar one blanket, which he layered on top of the other one covering his sister once they started walking away from the dying fire (despite Y/N's apparent annoyance at his fussing).
Tommy was still set on staying in his sister's spare room for the weekend, wanting to make up for lost time. Part of him also still worried that she would be taken away from him, and knew that there wasn't much chance of him sleeping if he returned to his own bed. After all that she had done for him today, Tommy couldn't bear to leave her just yet.
He carried the basket in one hand, and Y/N had wrapped both of her arms around his other arm, revelling in the chance to be so close to her brother again, and not just physically. Y/N wasn't naïve in her view of Tommy: he was cold, brutal, rude and relentless, and she knew that. But she had also never wavered in her belief that parts of the Tommy that she knew before the war were still there; they were simply buried deep within, so much so that it was slowly becoming more and more difficult to bring them to the surface.  
However, looking up and noting the absence of a crease between Tommy's brows, she couldn't help but feel that she could afford herself a small victory this time.
"I'm always here for you, Tom," Y/N mumbled, seemingly out of the blue. "When you need some quiet, and remember that I always know when you do, I'll never get bored of things like this."
Tommy was silent, and Y/N wondered if she'd ruined it and pushed it too far. But then she heard him clear his throat and quietly reply "That sounds perfect, sweetheart," and her worries washed away in an instant.
As the siblings stepped over the threshold of the cottage, exhaustion hit both of them. Y/N headed to the kitchen and Tommy made his way towards the living room. Upon his arrival, however, he stopped in the doorway and simply stared in...
"Y/N?" He called, confusion seeping into his voice.
The woman in question appeared behind him, and peered over her brother's shoulder at the bookcase abandoned in the middle of the room. "Fuck, I'd forgotten about that. Well, you can move it out of the way while I make tea – it's what I called you here to do anyway." Y/N began to wander back towards the kitchen, ignoring the befuddled, yet amused, expression on her brother's face. "Thanks Tom, love you!"
"Love you too, darling," Tommy murmured, not loud enough for her to hear, a full and genuine smile gracing his features.
Yep, he thought, his sister was definitely one of a kind, but he wouldn't change her for the world; and no matter what else he did, he refused to fail Y/N again.
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superfluouskeys · 2 years
second half thg reread thoughts in case anyone is following my latest descent into madness lol
So one thing that stood out to me rereading the books and also my 2 fics was that it obviously very much resonated with me that Katniss felt guilty and incredibly pressured from all sides about not liking Peeta or Gale (and esp her feeling upset and betrayed when they would ruin a nice moment by talking about love), and so the shift to screaming nonstop about Peeta in book 3 was especially jarring for me.  From that perspective it still very much reads as her forcing herself to try, and the increasingly dire circumstances actually reinforcing her delusional attempt with Peeta.
With a bit more distance from that perspective I still think the overall story suffers significantly from the Peeta worship.  He’s just simply better than the rest of us?  Really?  That’s a direct quote btw!!!  I was trying to make a case for unreliable narrator in my head, but everyone simply loves Peeta and resents Katniss for any negative feelings she has towards him!  (Especially Gale “it would be easier if he weren’t so likable”, the team on Katniss’s Capitol secret mission shooting her dirty looks after Peeta literally tried to kill her and has been sent there to kill her, and Coin who apparently wanted to rescue Peeta and hates Katniss).  And despite what she sometimes claims, Katniss is someone who deeply cares about community cohesion and how people see her/those close to her--she doesn’t care about being liked so much as about being respected.
But yeah anyway I couldn’t stop gagging and flipping away whenever there was some Peeta bullshit lol I can’t even put all the things I hate about it into words.  I was thinking in book 2 that maybe I’d been too harsh on him bc of my personal bias, but god it’s just insufferable in book 3.  There’s also this part I almost screenshotted because Katniss is like ‘under these very traumatic circumstances I start to feel that thing I once felt when kissing Peeta but the last time I had to lay down bc I was bleeding to death from a knife wound in my head’ like girl that is not desire that is a head injury!!!!!!
I always felt that the whole Peeta being programmed to hate Katniss thing was a horrific way of evening the playing field between them romantically since Peeta had put Katniss on a pedestal before then, but honestly I think the one that needs to take Peeta off the pedestal and realize he is just some guy is Katniss and also the narrative at large LOL.  Despite like 99% of people perceiving Katniss as full of herself and not good enough for Peeta, she actually has pretty low self esteem in most areas and could do with an arc of realizing her power unmarred by this weird shit.
So yeah the epilogue is maybe even more horrific than I remember it LOL.  Like Katniss literally doesn’t know who she is or what she likes outside of starving and taking care of people and fighting for her life and she only made it to her early 30s before Peeta browbeat her into having children??????  BARK BARK BARK  There’s also something to be said about Katniss spending the first 2 books being so against doing what the Capitol wants her to do and then just.........doing exactly what the Capitol wanted her to do lol.
Oh also on this note there’s a line (about Peeta) that’s like “Besides my mother, Prim, and Gale, who else really loves me unconditionally?” like girl that’s already a lot of people to love you unconditionally!!!!!!
There’s also something to be said for the way other women are treated by the narrative lol like it bothered me a little with Johanna (esp that weird exchange about how Katniss is bad at girl talk relating to her dresses lol god), but I reasoned that she’s a lot and there are other grown women with their own lives and opinions that Katniss doesn’t hate, but it really starts to feel like a pattern in book 3--the line that really bothered me was like in one of Katniss’s nightmares “Delly Cartwright is prattling on about the goodness of people.”  Like girl you wanna talk about people who are unnecessarily kind and get the short end of the stick where is the Delly worship in this book!!!!!!
I just can’t think of a female character who is allowed to be particularly opinionated, especially if she disagrees with Katniss.  Johanna is painted as like really unstable and also shallow--like Katniss notes that Johanna seems to like it and grow to respect her when she is irreverent like that’s Johanna’s only criteria for liking someone.  Madge who is bland and unobjectionable and surely must not know what the Mockingjay pin represents.  Effie whose only mention in the third book is that she looks exactly the same except for the vacant look in her eyes and now has a very subdued manner (bc of who knows what horrors she’s faced.)  Delly who is simple and ‘prattles on’ even though she is one of very few people who repeatedly comes to Katniss’s defense against Peeta.  Coin who is just as bad as Snow apparently idek where to start with that whole thing.  There are other side characters who Katniss finds unobjectionable, but they don’t overly challenge her and are more or less the embodiment of what she values, eg. Paylor(sp?) who gets to be president after her little Incident LOL.
It’s just a shame that so many of the men, even very minor characters, are allowed to be a lot more complex and morally grey without incurring the ire of the narrative.  Eg. there’s this deeply disturbing anecdote about one of the former Peacekeepers from 12 going on and on saying he’ll trade Katniss (who would have been 15-16 at the time) one of his kisses for a rabbit, and no one thinks this is disgusting except Gale because he is jealous (KJDANDSJKNAKJDNASD) and there is genuinely nothing but sympathy in the narrative for what happens to that character.  On that note, the other named Peacekeeper from 12 was painted entirely sympathetically until after he died when there was suddenly a bit about ppl not liking him because he paid starving women to sleep with him, but that was never mentioned or alluded to while he was actually in the story????
Oh also this isn’t entirely related but bruh in the epilogue it’s just passingly mentioned that Finnick and Annie have a newborn son and how that’s good and happy but????? Finnick got torn apart by genetically engineered lizard creatures and Annie wasn’t super stable esp without him you’re telling me she CARRIED HIS CHILD AFTER HE DIED AND WAS FINE ABOUT IT i’m so sick of baby propaganda man i’m so fucking sick of it.
Anyway this is why I never reread Mockingjay the first two books are golden and the last one is just ????  I might try to force myself through the last movie finally just to see how things are handled differently if at all in the movie?  And idk how quickly or if I’ll get through the Songbirds and Snakes book, like it seems interesting it’s just an awful lotta men so far (even Snow gets to be complex and morally grey!) and I have other things to do after spending 4 days consumed by this nonsense LOL.  catch me writing thg genfic bc what I really want is a book about the last quarter quell adjksnajkdnakjd I am now a confirmed haymitch stan while katniss is whining about peeta i’m like WHERE IS THE MEAN DRUNK MAN so yeah it’s been a time
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skekshroom · 4 years
ooh what about skeksis/mystic of your choice, raising a smol human with their human partner? COuld you imagine the teen years? lol
this prompt made me so SAD bc i started thinking about it when i was on a hike missing my friends but oGHHh since i mentioned one of the gragoh kids was curious about his human parent’s home world its gonna be HimTM. I’m giving them names btw skekAr and urGi (argi is a name that means light or something in euskara iirc). He calls you “adre” as a gender neutral term for padre/madre.
This is VERY LONG, mostly happy, with some sad
[urGi & reader] (urgoh x reader x skekgra later)
“I’m bored.” urGi rested his heavy chin on your shoulder. His thick brown hair obscured your vision, and you blew a quick breath to get it out of your eyes. 
“Why don’t you go play with your sister?” You asked and paused in your sewing. “Or you can help me with this.”
“I’ll help you.” UrGi declared as he lifted up his head, sat across from you, and picked up a ripped tunic. He turned a spool of thread over in his hands. “I don’t want to hang out with SkekAr right now. She’s being a dick.”
“Don’t say that.” You tutted, shaking your head. “Honestly, I don’t know where you keep learning these from, I don’t even swear that much in front of you.”
“You said shit a couple of times.” You tossed him a look.
“But yeah, Dad said it.” UrGi shrugged. “Father said it was like ‘jerk’, but worse. It’s an Earth term, I know that... Why, is it a swear word?” You nodded, making a mental note to remind skekGra to not teach your kids any more curses. You continued sewing peacefully, urGi humming as he patched up a hole on his sister’s shirt.
“Hey, Adre?” urGi piped up you looked up to see your son’s eyes, so similar to yours, looking away. “What did you do for fun when you were my age?”
“Well, when I was around your age, there wasn’t much to do. We worked, wrote stories, drew, got high, stayed in the house, hiked sometimes. Kinda like what Dad and Father do.” urGi looked a little too interested in the part mentioning drugs. “Except you shouldn’t be getting high.” You raised your eyebrows at him, knowing him and his sister sometimes snuck puffs from urGoh’s pipe when they think no one will notice. 
“Right, yeah, with the plague and everything... But what about before that? Did you ever drive places?”
“All the time, yeah.” You sighed wistfully as you tugged the thread through the coarse fabric and began a knot. “My friends and I would pile into the car, the- the carriage things. You know what a car is. We’d go uh... well, we’d go anywhere really.”
UrGi looked enthralled, pausing in his sewing and staring intently at you. “Where?”
“Same places you and your friends go. Periss and the rest of you take Bennu to the beach and woods sometimes, right? And you guys go to market, it was like that.”
“Yeah, but it can’t be exactly the same! It was... what’s that word... Ni’ka and Yothi says Thra is too small to be as industeyes as Earth was.”
“Industrialized?” You chuckled, holding up a mended pair of trousers and moving on to the next. “That’s probably for the best, anyways. Thra’s got enough problems without greedy fracking corporations and poisoned air.”
“Is fracking another swear word?” urGi knotted the thread and looked over his work. “It sounds like one. But anyways... What did you and your friends do? Did you live in a city?” 
“Well, we didn’t live in one... But we’d go to them sometimes. We’d all hop in the car and drive for miles, just to have fun during the way there and walk around afterwards. We’d always go to this one diner in the middle of this seedy corner of the city you have to find by accident. We’d all mess around in the parking lot and drive home down the highway listening to old music.”
“That sounds like the kind of place you get killed at.” urGi said bluntly, shaking his head. You laughed.
“Yeah, it kinda was, buddy. But, hey, never said we were smart, just fun. Let’s see... we did all kinds of stuff. We uh, we used to go up in the hills and hike or explore the abandoned farms... Sometimes we’d drive out go explore sea caves or scrape together money and visit the stores in the real rich neighborhoods.  We’d ditch campus and just go to the cornerstore, or throw a party at one of our houses. Never mine, but we’d cook together and play video games and end up passed out on the couch.”
“Ronnis doesn’t even like us staying inside the house too long.” urGi giggled. You chuckled. His friends’ mother wasn’t one for guests, especially not a gaggle of rowdy childlings. “I wonder why.” He laughed gleefully and set down the needle and thread, resting his chin in his hands. The hand with five fingers tapped his cheek, a little tic similar to the way Gra seemed to always pick at his own face. 
“I wish I could see all that. That sounds like so much fun.” Your son sighed, grinning at your story. “I wanna go to a movie! And to that town with the lanterns... and the city with the festivals and big buildings! Y’know, I wish we could go see Dousan plays more often... Those are so much fun. Dad’s puppet shows are fun, but... Dousan plays have cooler effects.”
“Yeah... You would have really liked it... I wish I could take you and your sister there.” You looked up at your son. He smiled with your eyes and the dark face of an Urru. Even if you ever found a way back to Earth, the enchanting stories you told him would be a quickly shattered fantasy. 
Earth was no place for someone like him. He was so innocent to all the hate in that world. It was a beautiful place that you loved unconditionally, but it was just as unforgiving as it was home to you. You wanted to take him to the malls, hold him on your shoulders at a concert, take him to the hotsprings or the ferry docks where the sea lions loitered... You would never be able to show him the best parts of your childhood.
Adre?” urGi frowned, moving the piles of ripped cloth aside and scooting towards you. “What’s wrong?” You don’t know when you started crying, but you folded the little urru in your arms and held him tightly.
“I just wish I could take you there. I wish you could see all these things, not just have stories about them... I’m sorry, mijo I- I’m so glad you weren’t born there. You would have hated how stressful and dangerous it was but...” You let go, holding him at arms length in front of it. “But you would have loved Earth. I wish I could give you everything good about earth.”
“You are, Adre. You are.” urGi mumbled, hugging you again. You chuckled, wiping your eyes and muttering an apology for crying so suddenly. You never cried in front of urGi or skekAr. You didn’t think it was fair for them to have to comfort you, but you spared yourself this even as you took deep breaths and gave your son a smile to show you were alright.
 You weren’t sure your paltry stories really did any of it justice, but urGi seemed to think so. He was such a sweet boy. You petted his hair, holding him close to you. You didn’t want to admit you missed it as much as you did. Gi, Ar, Gra, and Goh were your world. Thra was your world, and you couldn’t be more thankful for that.
“Thank you honey.” You said and kissed his forehead. Right as you did, skekAr walked in followed by her fathers.
“Aw, what the hell, you made Adre cry? Now you’re the one being a dick!” SkekAr glared accusingly. UrGi quickly denied it and the two began to bicker. You chuckled, shaking your head as skekGra intervened between the two of them. 
“Hey.” You said and kissed urGoh on the cheek as skekGra picked the two of them up under his arms and declared they weren’t to move until they made peace.
“Hello.” He echoed as he watched the mayhem with an amused expression. “What were.... you and urGi... talking about?”
“Ah,” You shrugged. “Just old Earth things.”
“I see...” UrGoh said, taking your hand in one of his. You looked down at it, and up at him, sharing his smile.
Gi and Ar were so much safer here. They never went hungry like you did, hear gunshots in the distance constantly, or crumble under the stress of the academic system. Every day you thanked Thra for this. You were so, so grateful for this, all you wanted was for them to be happy, to have a better life than yours.
But you wanted to show them rock music, cartoons, neon lights and singing along to the car radio.
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
But I Love Her - Nolan Holloway
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word count: 3421 warnings: friends disappointment, swearing request: hi I love your writing!! Can i please have another Nolan image? I love Nolan with all my heart ❤️. Maybe one where the two fall in love and the pack is at first against it, but then they see how happy the reader is and realize the reader has never been this happy before, so they allow it? Thanks so much!
y/n was getting ready for bed, already in a comfy sweatshirt and leggings with her hair messy from a late shower.  Her parents, who were away on business, were miles and miles away and she never felt safer.
They were werewolf hunters, and their ‘business’ was confidential to y/n.  But she didn’t want anything to do with it anyways.  And not just because she was a werewolf, and that not only her safety but the pack’s safety was threatened by having her parents in Beacon Hills, but she found it disgusting.  The supernatural were doing nothing to harm the people of the town, y/n didn’t see any reason to be sending mass hunting parties out and shooting up houses.  Like Scott’s had been the previous night.
y/n shuddered, crawling into bed and pulling the covers tightly over herself.  Checking her phone out of habit, she found multiple missed text messages.
[scott mccall] : don’t worry, my mom’s going to be completely fine, and she wanted me to tell you not to stress over her and just focus on staying safe.  So stay safe.
[scott mccall] to group : pack meeting tomorrow btw at mine, 11:00
She quickly set an alarm so she wouldn’t forget that.  Then went back to her messages.  Her heartbeat a little harder when she saw one from Nolan.
[nolan holloway] : stay safe tonight, sleep well <3
y/n smiled to herself before quickly replying.
[y/n] : you too, see you monday :)
Nolan was… well he was the exact opposite of what everyone else made him out to be.  The rest of the pack wasn’t too fond of him because of his involvement with the hunters, but y/n knew in her heart that he wasn’t with them anymore.  And she knew he never wanted to hurt anyone, he just wanted everyone to be safe.  As did she.  Everyone else… weren’t so forgiving.  Especially Liam.  In fact, there was a whole collection of texts that she purposefully hadn’t opened from Liam because of this.
After the beta found out that she were going out with Nolan, he went ballistic.  She and Nolan weren’t even anything serious yet, there wasn’t even a label on their relationship.  They just hung out sometimes, and sometimes that included holding hands and cuddling on the couch.  But there was still no ‘boyfriend-girlfriend’ label.  Sighing, and rolling over with her phone clutched in her hand, she clicked on Liam’s name in the text panel.
[Liam Dunbar] : you’re walking with him, i see you
[Liam Dunbar] : you’re holding hands
[Liam Dunbar] : i see your phone in your pocket, i know you know you’re getting these messages
[Liam Dunbar] : come on y/n/n, i’m trying to keep you safe here.  Please just talk to me about this
[Liam Dunbar] : i don’t want to fight.
y/n bit down on her lip, frowning as she read his texts from earlier that day.  She had been walking in the halls, and Nolan had been holding her hand, but that was no crime.  But at least he didn’t want to fight…
[y/n] : we’ll talk when there’s time, i don’t want to fight either
After sending the text, she set her phone on her nightstand and got comfortable under the covers again.
She needed to sleep off this whole mess.  She hadn’t had a full night of sleep in… well maybe two weeks, if she were being optimistic.  But maybe tonight would change that.
Nolan was pacing around his house, phone in hand as always, just in case.  He never strayed too far from it, always waiting for a text.  From Gabe, some kind of update, or from y/n.  He hadn’t changed for bed, even though it was nearing midnight.  He wasn’t close to as tired as he probably should be.  He was far to anxious to trust going to sleep.  What if something happened?
His phone buzzed in his hand, and he looked at is easily.
[y/n] : you too, see you monday :)
His nerves relaxed at that, and he even smiled as he looked at the girl’s message.  She somehow managed to make everything seem a little easier, a little brighter.  And while she made him beyond nervous, she also relaxed his anxieties.  Something about her just reminded him that things always turn out okay in the end.
Nolan had had a crush on y/n for a while now, maybe since the beginning of their senior year.  But somewhere along the line their paths crossed at one of the lacrosse games.  y//n had gone to support Liam, and Scott’s coaching, and somehow afterwards she and Nolan struck up conversation.  Neither of them had never really talked before, sure they’d known each other, but that was about it.  But one thing led to another and suddenly they were exchanging numbers and snapchats, and now were here.
He wasn’t sure what they were, whether they were dating, or those really close friends that just do everything together.  But he wasn’t sure how to ask her either.  Does he ask if she’s his girlfriend? Or does he ask if she wants to be his girlfriend? Either way, he always imagined y/n laughing at either of those questions.
When Nolan found out y/n was a werewolf, it was after the mess he’d gotten himself into with the hunters.  He’d snuck his way out, but he still feared they’d come for him.  Or worse, y/n.  He remembered vividly how terrified she was when she told him she was a werewolf.  Her body shaking violently, and her hands were fumbling together as she stammered over her words.  But he hadn’t shamed her the way she’d expected, just hugged the girl and told her that she’d be safe.
He was interrupted from his thoughts by his phone ringing, and as soon as he saw the familiar name pop up on the screen he answered it.
“y/n/n? Are you alright? It’s late” He said almost instinctively.
“I-I-” y/ stuttered, followed by a few short breaths.  “I k-keep hearing these f-footsteps outside and I-” She were cut off by a long deep breath as she tried to keep herself composed while on the phone.  “I think there’s hunters h-here” She whispered.  Nolan shook his head quickly, even though y/n couldn’t see him.
“No, no there shouldn’t be, Gabe- he-”
“I’m freaking out” She murmured.  “What if they’re here for me?”
“Hey, hey” Nolan hushed as gently as he could.  “It’s fine, I’ll come over and check it out okay? It’ll be fine” He waited for a few long moments for her response, but gave her the time to speak.
“Okay” She whispered.  “Please… please hurry”
“I will”
y/n was watching out the window from her room, still hearing that familiar and eerie shuffling sound.  Like someone was sprinting around her lawn, trying to remain hidden.  She didn’t like it one bit.
When she saw Nolan’s car pull into the driveway, she raced for the stairs and made it to the front door just as he did, opening before the boy even had time to knock.
“Hey y/n-” She flung her arms around his torso and hugged him tightly in greeting.  He was taken back for a moment, only hugging her back for a few seconds before she pulled away again.
“Did you see anything? Outside?” She whispered, and he shook his head.
“No, but I just got here” He replied.  “I can go look around if you want, I’ll be right back” His hand rubbed over her arm momentarily before he headed back outside.  y/n went back upstairs, trying to watch from her window as she gnawed at her fingernails.  But even with her heightened senses, she couldn’t make much of what was happening, or where Nolan was.
Then she heard a loud yell, one of surprise, but no real words.
“What the hell!”
“What’re you doing here!?” Nolan shouted back.  y/n pressed her ear closer to the glass, but the voices were suddenly stopped, and two sets of footsteps were making their way back inside.
Liam was dragging Nolan back into the house, sprouting an angry expression, and Nolan didn’t look too happy either.
“Why the fuck are you at y/n’s?” The werewolf interrogated.  “Here to shoot up her house? Huh?”
“No!” Nolan said ludicrously.  “She called me, freaked out cause someone was lurking around her place!” He defended.
“Well maybe I wouldn’t have to lurk around if you weren’t such a threat! You can’t be with her Holloway” Liam deadpanned.  “You’re bad news, and she may not see it, but I do” Nolan shook his head slightly, not sure what to say to Liam at this point.  “You’re just going to get us all killed, including her”
“I’m not”
“You are” He cut Nolan off.  “And if you ever really did care about her, you’ll leave her alone.  Cause next time, it will be hunters here, and it’ll be your fault”
“You’re wrong, she’s safe” Nolan retorted.  “That’s why I’m here, you think I’m not doing everything I can to protect her?”
“If you want to protect her? Leave her!” Liam said, his arms opening wide with anger as he yelled slightly.
“I won’t do that, I love her” Nolan replied, not as loud, but just as serious.  His eyes were locked on Liam’s, and both boys went completely silent at the sudden proclamation.
“Guys?” A quiet voice called, and they both looked to the top of the steps.  There y/n appeared, walking down them with tired movements and wide eyes.  “What the hell is this? Liam why are you here?” She asked, though she’d already heard the whole argument and knew exactly what was going on.
“I came… I came here to talk to you y/n.  Like I said… in the texts”
“Bullshit” y/n murmured back.  “Why are you really here?” She asked again, crossing her arms as she stood between Nolan and Liam.
“I’m here…. I was hoping to…”
“To what, catch Nolan here? And then what? What was the big plan Liam? Banish him from my life?”
“Fucking save it” She muttered, but not out of anger, out of sadness.  “You’re not my Dad Liam” She deadpanned.  “Your my friend.  And my family.  And you’re one of the only people who are supposed to accept and support my decisions unconditionally, because we’re supposed to care about each other.  That’s what pack means.  That’s what friendship means” Her voice grew quieter by the second, and as she went on, Nolan felt the urge to reach out and grasp her hand.  “You should go” She ended weakly.
Liam hung his head, mumbling a quiet goodbye before trudging out of the house.  She watched him leave, not saying a word until the door was shut.
“y/n” Nolan called softly, finally reaching out and grabbing onto her hand.  “Are you alright?” The girl shrugged her shoulders, not really having a grasp on her mix of emotions at the moment.
“Are you? He was pretty harsh”
“It’s alright.  I’m a nerd, I’m used to the brutality” He responded with a small smile.  It made her smile too, but it was sad, and forced.
“Hey did you…” y/n trailed off, looking down at their intertwined hands as she stepped forward closer to him.  “Did you mean all that stuff you said?” She asked him anxiously, and looked up at him with round doe eyes.  “About… keeping me safe and… and that other thing?”
Nolan nodded his head in a barely-there movement, staring down at her intently and adoringly.
“Yeah, I meant all that” He said quietly, and this time a genuine smile grew on her lips.  He let go of her hand to cup his palm over her cheek, his thumb stroking her skin softly.
“Look I… I know we’ve been hanging out a lot and I don’t really know where out boundaries are exactly, but I wanted to… to do something” y/n blinked, nodding her head slightly.
“Okay” She whispered back, staring intently at him.  Nolan bit slightly down on his lip, before gently tugging her towards him and placing almost a feather light kiss against her lips.  y/n’s eyes fluttered closed, though it only lasted a few seconds before they parted.  Cheeks pink and an noncontainable smile on her mouth, she gently set her hands at his sides and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss him again.
She could get used to this.
Nolan ended up spending the night on the sofa downstairs.  Only for y/n to run down the stairs after another shuffling sound and squeeze in with him.  Not that he minded, in his barely-conscious dream state, wrapping an arm over her like he had done it thousands of times before
Until the next morning, when he was suddenly wide awake, and very aware of how close he was holding the significantly-smaller-than-him girl.
He was fidgeting for a while before you woke up.
Nolan had hung around most of the next day, and y/n hadn’t mentioned that there was a pack meeting she’d ditched to be with him.  But she didn’t really care to go, after the way Liam treated her last night, she was certain the rest of the pack wouldn’t be all to on board with her seeing Nolan now.
She’d much rather spend the day lounging and talking with the human boy, than facing the disgusted and disappointed comments of her supernatural friends.  Part of her was a little hurt that this was how it turned out, but the other part didn’t give a damn.
She loved Nolan, and that wasn’t going to change just because her friends didn’t see him the way she did.
y/n was standing at her locker, pretending to be going through her things, while the rest of the pack were a few rows down, gathered around Liam’s locker and chatting.  She could hear them clearly, but had to peek out of the corner of her eyes to actually see them without being suspicious.
“I just don’t get it” Liam said.  “I don’t get how she can trust him, him and his idiot friend tried to kill me”
“Me either” Scott agreed.  “My mom…” He trailed off, not wanting to say anything else on the subject.
That wasn’t Nolan! y/n wanted to scream.  He had nothing to do with it!
“Hey y/n/n” The girl turned around, seeing her boyfriend standing there, a nervous but sweet smile on his lips.
“Hey” She smiled back almost instantly, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek.  “You’re a sight for sore eyes” She told him softly, before closing her locker and leaning her back up against it.
“Oh yeah?” Nolan questioned, his nerves calming slightly.  y/n nodded her head a little, holding her notebooks close to her chest.  “Something happen?”
Her eyes darted towards her pack, still grouped up and conspiring about her new relationship.  Nolan’s gaze followed hers, and her frowned sadly, knowing what she meant in her silent stare.
“I see” He said quietly, stepping closer to her.  “I’m sorry” He added, his hands resting tentatively at her waist.  “It’s my fault, if you weren’t with me-”
y/n leaned up on her toes and pressed a quick peck to the boy’s lips, cutting off his ramblings.
“Don’t say that” She whispered.  “It’s not your fault, it’s not anyone’s fault” She assured him.  “I wouldn’t change a thing, I’m happy.  I’m happy with you” y/n said to him, biting back a grin as she smiled up at him.  Her hands were smoothing down the sleeves of his shirt, eyelashes batting anxiously.
“I’m happy with you too” He told her, unable to contain his own blossoming grin.  “I love you so much, I just don’t want to see you hurting, or losing your friends”
y/n cast a flicker of a glance towards her friends, and her eyes landed on Liam’s who was watching the scene with a frown.  Rolling her eyes, y/n looked back up at Nolan.
“I’m alright” She told him sincerely.  “It’ll work itself out eventually.  Things like this always does” Nolan nodded in response.
They hugged for a moment before he had to go to class, y/n walking the opposite way and wondering how long it’ll take for the pack to come around and see that the feelings her and Nolan shared were genuine.
“He really does love her” Liam said, his lip tugging down sadly as he looked back to his friends.
“Talking about Nolan and y/n/n?” Lydia asked as she walked up to the group that had been waiting for her in the hall.
“Yeah” Scott answered.
“Well of course he loves her, why, did he finally admit it?” The banshee asked, inspecting her manicured nails.
“Yeah-yeah last night” Liam said, brows contorting as he looked to the green eyed girl.  “Why, did you expect that?”
“Course I did” Lydia said, shaking her head incredulously.  “Why, are you surprised? It’s pretty damn obvious”
“Oh” Liam muttered.
“W-we thought…” Scott trailed off.
“y/n was in danger..” Stiles finished awkwardly.  Lydia rolled her eyes, hitting her human boyfriend’s arm.
“You’re an idiot!” She announced, then turned and whacked Liam and Scott’s arms as well.  “You’re all idiots! Those two have been smitten for each other for forever, I thought it’d never happen.  And you’re all here judging her for it?”
“Sorry” Liam mumbled almost incoherently.
“Sorry isn’t enough you dumbass, she’s your friend, and you shunned her” Lydia said assertively, and flipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked away.  “Better fix it!” She called out.
Frustrated, Liam ran after y/n where her first period class was.
y/n was sitting at her desk, halfway through the worksheet her teacher had handed out.  She had been surprised how easy it was, and was able to focus and forget all about her earlier troubles.  With earbuds in and her favorite songs playing, her pen seemed to scribble down all the answers with ease.
Suddenly the door was thrown open, and a loud gasp came from her teacher.
“Mr Dunbar!” They announced, and y/n’s head perked up at the name, whipping towards the door to see Liam standing there, panting.  “You need to leave-”
“I’ll just be a second” The beta replied, and was rushing over towards y/n’s desk.  The girl was frozen, staring at him with confusion as to what the hell he was doing here.
“What the hell are you doing-” She almost asked but he cut her off.
“y/n I am so so so sorry” Liam said, falling to his knees by her desk.  She looked around at her peers, who were watching the scene with an equal amount of both amusement and confusion.  “I let you down, I was not a good friend”
“Liam you-”
“Wait, just listen” He cut her off again.  “I shouldn’t have butted into yours and Nolan’s relationship, that was your business, not mine” He went on.  “And I shouldn’t have been such a dick about it either”
“Mr Dunbar you have thirty seconds before I give you a detention for disrupting my class” y/n’s teacher announced, crossing their arms and tapping their foot on the linoleum floor.  Liam quickly turned back to y/n.
“I’m sorry” He apologized quickly.  “You and Nolan love each other, a lot, I see it, and I trust you.  And I’ll learn to trust him too, for you.  You’re my best friend” He was speaking so quickly she almost didn’t hear everything he was saying.  But she smiled, understanding him.
“Thanks Liam” She said, leaning out of her seat slightly to hug him.
“Ten seconds!”
“You’re my best friend too, I forgive you” She told him before they pulled away and Liam was running back out the door.
A collective awe rang through the class from the other students, making y/n blush, and Liam laugh from halfway down the hall.
These things always did have a way of working out between the pack.  They were family like that.
sorry if this took super long!
taglist: @the-crime-fighting-spider @black-tights-black-heart
xoxo ~ jordie
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spicelupin-blog · 7 years
L.Lovegood: Important
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(I headcanon Elle Fanning as Luna btw that’s why I used this gif, but to each, their own ya know)
Luna Lovegood. Golden Trio Era.
Summary: Luna Lovegood is the most important person in your life and she shows you how important you are to her.
Warning: SMUT!!! Reader losing virginity type situation.
Genre: Smut and very fluffy
Pairing: Luna Lovegood  x Female Reader
Words: 2297
Requested by @fleurhermione : Hi I was wondering if I could get Luna lovegood smut were your both in the same year (5th year) and dating and your a Hufflepuff and you take your relationship to another level (first time together) and it’s sweet and sensual and just really loving and passionate and sweet. Fluff at the end. Please and thank you so much 😊
I couldn’t blame them. Befriending a timid baby-faced eleven-year-old that is decked out in yellow and black wasn’t everyone’s priority. Nonetheless, I found myself disheartened by the lack of attention. In a letter, my mother suggested approaching someone myself. She said that if waiting around was getting me nowhere, then why not?
That’s how I ended up in the seat next to Luna Lovegood on the third day of Transfiguration.
“Is anyone sitting here?” I inquired as I fiddled with a loose strand of hair.
The girl looked up at me with blue eyes the size of saucers. I glanced at her desk, noting the upside down magazine that laid open in front of her. I heard some of my dorm mates talking about her before. They were calling her an airheaded freak yet, I didn’t find her reputation off-putting.
Luna’s lips formed a kind smile. “Not at all.”
I smiled back and moved to sit down.
“Ooh, watch out!” Luna warned, hurriedly grabbing my arm to prevent me from making contact with my seat.
I stared at her questionably with a cocked brow. “Is something wrong?”
Luna simply brushed off something that I could not see and gave a sigh of relief. “There. Much better.” She gestured for me sit back down.
I tentatively sat down, as though I was expecting another outburst. But Luna was calm the rest of class. Later, she told me that a tiny drowsy creature was napping in my chair, and she was trying to save it from being crushed.
When I was eleven, I thought Luna was strange. I would sometimes get embarrassed when she would have an outburst over some nonexistent creature, and other people would turn to stare, gawk and often times laugh.
Flashing forward to the third year, I was no longer embarrassed by Luna; in fact, I started to find her outbursts adorable and endearing. I didn’t even bat an eye at other people’s laughing or taunting because I was too wrapped up in Luna.
While all the older students were off dancing the night away at the Yule Ball, Luna and I decided we would create our own fun. The teachers were busy with the ball, leaving the halls vacant of authority. This allowed Luna and I to snag a basket of goodies from the kitchens without a hiccup, and take it to our favorite alcove.
The alcove was always empty as no one really knew of its existence. This made it perfect for our picnic.
“Okay, I got one.” I giggled, already laughing at the joke brewing in my head. Luna and I were playing a game. One of us had to fill our mouth with pumpkin juice while the other told a joke, and whenever you spat out your juice from laughing you had to give the other person one of your chocolate frogs. So far, I wasn’t doing too hot.
Luna filled her mouth, shooting me a thumbs up.
“What do you call a group of unorganized cats?”
Luna shrugged.
“A cat-astrophe.” I grinned, laughing at my own joke.
Luna’s face held back a wide grin, yet finally succumbed to a string of giggles. “Not fair!” She squealed while wiping the pumpkin juice from her face.
I was stilling laughing, now holding my stomach. “What isn’t fair?” I said through my gasps for air.
Luna pouted as she slid my prize towards me. “Your laugh is contagious. I can’t help myself from at least smiling when I hear you laugh.”
“Excuses, excuses.” I sang while waving my treat around.
Luna shook her head. “I can’t help it. When I hear your laugh it’s like hearing the best thing in the world. Like hearing rain hit a roof or a breeze ruffling leaves. It’s crisp and fills your body with light. Your joy is contagious.”
I listened to her talk, feeling a bit bashful by the end. “Thanks…” I played with my fingers, my cheeks turning pink.
Luna scooted to sit next to me on the wall facing the window. The stars were lit up amongst the falling snow and you could faintly hear music playing somewhere below. I felt Luna grip my hand with her soft milky fingers.
“Y/N?” She asked softly. For the first time since I’ve known Luna, she seemed unsure.
I raised an eyebrow. I could feel a familiar butterfly expanding in my stomach when Luna tough my hand, but looking into her eye I could feel it explode.
“I need to tell you something.” Luna began, sounding a bit nervous. “It’s important to me. So please just listen. Even if you don’t like was I say.”
“Of course, Luna.” I nodded, urging her to continue by squeezing her hand.
Luna’s eyes fixed on our joined hands. I began to think she was lost in thought when her head snapped up and suddenly her lips were pressed to mine. My head swam with a million thoughts before settling on one: this is way better than the Yule Ball.
With that, my eyes fell shut and I allowed myself to melt into Luna’s soft lips.
Fourth year seemed to trudge on. The school was so tense with the threat of Dark Magic, and the even more prominent threat that was Professor Umbridge. The Dark Lord might have been alive a gaining strength, but to every Hogwarts student, the only real danger was a detention with the pink toad.
“She the worst!” I barked out. I was pacing in front of the large rock Luna was propped on. Luna had been listening attentively to my rant about Umbridge for a good chunk of time, yet her observant eyes did not falter.
“How dare she put students through this?!” I gestured to the words engraved on my flesh.
Luna shuddered. “She’ll get what she deserves. I’m sure of it.”
I shook my head, plopping down on the grass by Luna. “When? She’s a Ministry puppet so she could get away with anything.”
“Life is funny.” Luna responded, and I knew that was Luna’s way of saying, “Everything will work out.”
I leaned my head on Luna’s shoulder, and she leaned her head on the top of my mine. Most students were inside eating dinner, but Luna and I decided to skip. We hadn’t had one of our traditional picnics since October, and we figured it was about time. Instead of staying inside we set up by the Black Lake. We didn’t want to be caught by Umbridge or Filch when the whole of the DA was in deep enough shit.
“Luna?” I asked softly.
Luna made a noise of acknowledgment that was muffled due to her face being nuzzled in my hair.
“Did you hear about Harry and Cho?” I internally sighed at how gossipy my question sounded, but trust me it had a point.
Luna nodded, moving away from my hair enough to be heard. “They snogged before Christmas, right?”
“Yeah and I asked Hermione if they were dating, and she said it wasn’t her place to answer,” I explained while twiddling with a loose string on my Hufflepuff scarf. I felt the rare awkwardness between us rise.
“Hermione doesn’t like gossip,” Luna shrugged, then narrowing her eyes at me. “I thought you didn’t either. Are you feeling okay?”
I looked away as my cheeks grew heated. “I’m fine. I just… I don’t know. I want to know something.”
“And what is that, Y/N?” Luna enquired in an airy tone.
I took a deep breath and let the question fall out with it. “Are you my girlfriend?”
Luna raised her eyebrow like she was surprised. Her reaction only made me continue my nervous rambling.
“Because I think you are, but I’m not sure. We kiss and cuddle, but was am I to you? Because I know what you are to me.”
“…and what am I to you?” Luna asked in a gentle voice that lulled my rapid heartbeat into a docile patter.
“You’re my best friend. You’re the only person who’s ever authentically loved me unconditionally. You’re the most fascinating person I’ve ever met, and I aspire to radiate the effortless confidence you do. You’re the most important person in my life.”
Luna flung her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her in response and allowed her to knock me to the ground. She let go and hovered above me, whispering, “You’re the most important person in my life, too.”
Before I could respond, Luna pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I let my hands wander down to grip her hips as the kiss began to get more intense. Luna’s body seemed to melt into mine as her hand dug into my hair. We were attached to each other in a way that only my dreams had ever conjured.
Even though we were close I wanted to be closer. I let my legs fall open, and allowed Luna’s hips to settle in the freed space. Feeling her warm body pressing into my own that way I couldn’t help the little moan that escaped me.
“Y/N…” Luna whimpered, breaking away to look at my face. Her pupils were blown wide leaving only a blue ring around the darkness. “I…”
“I want you, Luna,” I whispered in her ear. I shiver ran through both of our bodies. “Please, do something.”
Luna bit her lip and nodded. “Let me know if you want to stop.”
“I won’t want to,” I swore, wrapping one of my legs around her hips. “But if you feel weird at all…”
“I’ll let you know, honey,” Luna mumbled as she leaned in to kiss me again.
The snogging made my entire body heat up. I felt a pool of heat at the bottom of my stomach, and soon I couldn’t help rubbing myself on Luna.
“Please, Luna…” I whined, soon finding myself humping the air as she pulled away to kneel between my legs. I watched her soft hands run from my ankles to the hiked up hem on my skirt. The stopped at the hem that was resting just below my panties.
“Are you-?”
I cut her off by cupping her face and pecking her lips tenderly. “Do it. Do anything. I’m yours.” I promised, running my thumb over her cheekbone with as much affection as humanly possible.
Luna pecked my lips in confirmation and then proceed downwards. She gripped the hem of my underwear and pulled them down my legs. She took both my knees and spread my legs with her eyes locked between my legs.
“Wow…” She mumbled.
I blushed. “Is it okay?” I didn’t know how to not make this awkward.
Luna answered that by leaning forward and running a long lick up my folds. I felt my body surge forward and my body clench. I let out a soft moan as Luna’s tongue spread my fold apart and began prodding around. I could tell she didn’t know exactly what she was doing, but I was more than happy to be her test subject.
Luna pulled back for a moment and stared at my spot for a second before bringing a hand up to replace her mouth. “I’ve done this before to myself…” She muttered like she was trying to convince me she knew what she was doing. “That hand part, I mean.”
I nodded and felt one slim finger enter me making me gasp. It wiggled around before being joined by a second finger, and the two curled forward. I felt something inside me tingle intensely and I moaned loudly. I hoped no one had skipped dinner too and was nearby because then I’d have a lot of explaining to do.
“More,” I moaned, lodging my hands in Luna’s silky blonde hair.
Luna complied by attaching her mouth to a bundle of nerves. She pumped her fingers in out while sucking the sensitive flesh. I moaned and felt my body go through waves of pleasure. I felt pleasure from Luna’s mouth and fingers, but also from everything said earlier.
“You’re the most important person in my life, too.”
The strongest wave of pleasure overcame me. My entire body seemed to clench around Luna’s fingers and I let out a final cry. Luna continued her movements until I was lying limp on the grass.
I looked down at the beautiful girl. Luna’s white-blonde hair was in disarray and her fair skin was tinted with a flattering light pink. Her eyes seemed to be full of glitter and shone brightly in the newly arrived moonlight.
Luna grabbed my underwear which had been hanging on one of my ankles, and pulled them back into place and then readjusted my skirt.
“You seem sleepy.” She noted with a giggle.
My eyelids were growing heavy, but I reached for her anyway. “It’s your turn.”
Luna shook her head. “You’re too tired. I can have my turn when you don’t look knackered.”
I nodded, not having enough energy to argue. Luna laid next to me, and we watched the stars. As my eyelids finally fell shut, I mumbled, “I love you, Luna.”
I heard whispered in my ear in that wonderfully airy voice, “I love you too.”
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erikadreamsblog · 4 years
Last Night
Out of all four dreams i had last night, the first one was profound, and when i woke up in the middle of the night i was excited about it, but then by the time i woke up in the morning hours later, and three dreams later, i had forgotten it.
One dream from last night was another reoccurring Controlling man dream. Once again, as i have discussed in the previous post, there was a controlling man. I wanted to kiss him, but he would not let me. He had beautiful lips, 
He was strange in stature, cant really describe it, because i was floating in the air in front/above him so i do not remember exactly how tall he was. couldn't tell from where i was.He had brown hair and a beard, but from my angle ( floating in the air above him looking down) he seemed bulky, built?
I didn't assume he was any man i knew, and even now i wont assume he was any man i know- as i’ve discussed before i am moving past that frame of thought.
However, in this dream it was very clear he was not me. As i had stated in a previous dream how i assumed the controlling man may have been my ego personified into a masculine man. Why? because in this dream, my egoic me actually was in it too. 
So let me explain the dream:
I literally was sucked feet first through a child’s tube that you slide through but all the walls are pressed up against you as you slide through it. Strange. Btw i Willingly went through that. I knew that on the other end of the tube was my destination.
As i popped out of the end, into a cavern of stone and water, the controlling man was there, and i was so happy and in love. It was a strange feeling because it was like i was happy and he wasn't, i was in love and he was looking for proof.
So i came out of the end of the tube, i was floating in the air above him, and i bend my face down to kiss his lips, and as i did so, right before i could touch them, i was grabbed.
I was grabbed by a gray and black version of myself, really pale and scary looking. Pretty much the girl from The Ring. However, she was scary only to look at, her heart was pure. The controlling man said something and the Dark version of myself (who was also floating) grabbed me and pulled me away from him. 
The controlling man had instructed her to drown me, in a sense. Like how in the mafia they might hold your head under water to get information. That is what he wanted done to me. I was confused, and i looked at him as such because i loved him. 
And as i was being pulled away by the dark version of me, she said into my ear (only audible for me and her to hear), “ i am sorry, i will not do it too hard”
I tried to look at her face, but it was covered by black hair (like in The Ring, exact copy except it was me). and she did exactly as she said
We were in a cavern underground, with a river running through it in many directions, and she held my head under water.
Barely enough, and brought me up again, and down again. I thrashed and choked. I felt as though i was fine the whole time, and yet scared. It seemed her words had comforted me, and that maybe i wasn't being as abused as i thought. I feel as though i might have also added to the dramatics at one point thrashing around with my head under water. 
Then i was yanked up out of the water by, i assumed my dark version however she and i lay on the stone wet (perhaps it was the controlling man?) The controlling man was yelling, perhaps he had had enough. Perhaps he may have actually felt for me, i don’t know. I didn’t hear what was going on, but i saw he had gotten closer.
I woke up after that. 
My Thoughts: 
Last post we established my process of creating this “controlling man” as my ego personified into a masculine man. Ego is materialism, it is everything in the 3D world that wants you to consume, and it isn't loving at all. It is the personification of want, need, and entitlement.
but in this dream, my ego was clearly personified, and she looked just like me, just dark, sad, scary, and truthfully she was loving and sorry. She was sorry for what she had to do and she did it anyway, and in a way that was loving. Like a deer hunter who believes that when they shoot down a doe they must watch the life leave its eyes as a sign of respect. It is loving and yet it still kills.
my ego version seemed to be a slave of the controlling man.
 I feel as though once again i am being pushed to see who the man is and why he is in my mind, and why he is coming after me in every dream.
if it is not me, perhaps it is something else in my life that i feel is coming after me. and if not, i feel it could be someone i know, but then it still wouldn’t make sense on why he is coming after me in my dreams.
perhaps it is just my own drives, i feel like my love for a man has controlled me. that makes sense. sometimes we love people so deeply and as i’ve stated in multiple posts, i am deeply in love with a man.
i think i am going to look at it in that aspect for now, unless more information becomes revealed in my next dreams. As i thought it was one thing, my dream showed me it was not, so now i will assume it is another  and see what happens.
 Next time should i become coherent in my own dream i will ask the man why he comes after me. Let my unconscious speak to me plainly. I have done it before, but it’s rare that i become coherent in the middle of the dream but not impossible.
 i am always able to recognize who the men in my dream are,  if i know them or not. Unless i don’t recognize them (such as this man who has come to my dreams before), which i explained before how i concluded who they might be. But above all, i know that if i am in love with the man in my dream, then the reality is its probably the same man i love in real life. But now the question is, what is this dream telling me. why is my unconscious showing me the man i love as a controlling man? in this post i have decided that it is because perhaps my love for him, has controlled me. That my love for him must be released. Why does my ego version listen to him. that question is easy. Ego personified, as i stated before is want and need. My ego, wants and needs him therefore she listens to him implicitly. Me, who i really am in my heart beyond my ego, also is deeply in love with him. but this version of Me who loves him beyond ego, does so without want and need. Me as i truly am, loves him just as he is, for the loving and beautiful man that he is. That is the difference between my ego and me.
my unconscious perhaps was merely showing me, the version i need to be, not the ego that wants, but the me that simply loves unconditionally without exception.
I feel as though thats where i am at for this man that i love, but this dream showed quite clearly the basis between want/need, and true unconditional love. I feel as though i needed to see that to move forward in life. i’m sure nobody see’s this blog but the reality is, is the man i love is no longer in my life. He left quite some time ago, and perhaps he was never really in it. this dream was just showing me not to let the controlling man, control me any longer. 
if this was what i was supposed to learn about the controlling man in its entirety, then i am sure i will never dream of the controlling man again. 
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slythmyth · 6 years
Expect The unexpected
Chapter 2 Expect the unexpected
Warning: Fluff, Strong language but just sometimes.
Reader x Taehyung
Picture is not mine!*
Once you’ve met someone you never really forget them
It was the 1st January 2019, 11 am to be exactly. You’ve never had such an hangover before. Your head is aching and you have a strange feeling in your stomach.„ wait what happened at the party? “ you asked yourself. It didn’t matter how much effort you put into remember what happened you just simply couldn’t remember except a beautiful boxy smile.
You stood up and tried to walk to your guests room where your bestie was sleeping. You stepped inside and watched her slowly waking up.„Did you sleep well (Y/bfs/N)?” „yeah kinda i had a strange dream, don’t ask me what about.” you sat right next to her and wondered if she could remember what happened.
„do you remember what happened yesterday i cant remember a single thing!” „well” said you bestie with eyes wide glued at the ceiling„ I danced with the hottest guy in the whole club!, we talked for kinda 10 min about his career and hobbies, we had shots, danced like wild and you-“„Me what?” you said with curious voice. „nothing I thought i could remember something but i just can remember what i was doing but not 100%.” your eyes saddened and your head looked on the floor. You thought that your bestie could help you remember that guy from the party but without any success. Your bestie looked at you and saw your disappointment. „But “ she started„ I think i can remember something, yeah i think my hook up and your mystery man know each-other, ergo they must be friends you know what that means noona?” „ That you will never learn that you cant call me noona?” you said with a sarcastic smile. „No stupid, it means if i can remember the name of my hook up we surly are going to find out the name of your mystery man!” she said with a proud smile. You first looked ar her with a disbelief in your expression but after thinking about it you start to believe that idea. it’s just logical but you know your best friend that if she wants something unconditionally, she gets it, but wait she cant even remember what she said 10 mins ago? how is she going to try remember a name, while she was drunk? „sweetie dont worry i got this” said (Y/Bfs/N) with a confident smile. 30 min after talking you walked to the bathroom, took your clothes off and started to pour water in the bathtub. You took your favorite scent vanilla and pour it in. You set in and put on some music. Moments after you relaxed, your best friend ran into the bathroom with her hands on her head grabbing her hair.„NOONA omg I remember something!” „CANT THAT WAIT PLS? FOR GODS SAKE!” you said while trying to cover yourself.„No cause I remember some names and i will forget them if i don’t tell you now!”you knew it was important so u said:„alright turn around cover your eyes and give me the towel and tell me.” „alright, so what I can remember is someone’s name was sugar i guess? and then Cookie, hope, jimmy, tea, worldwide something and something with monster. I’m 100% sure that my hook up was the monster but he told me his real name but i kinda stuck with Moon and joon something in between but i lend him my phone, i dont even know why!”You looked at her with a confused glance and said: "wait he used ur phone??? GO AND GET IT HURRY! “ „why whats the matter?” asked your now confused friend. „idiot he could’ve gave you his number or he took a picture now go and get that damn thing already !” your best friend rushed to her room and searched for her phone after finally getting it she couldn’t believe her eyes when she unlocked her phone. She found a blurry picture of herself with her hook up but she couldn’t recognize him. You run with your towel around yourself towards her.„And??? did u find something suspicious?” „well yeah this strange picture and well a unknown number on whatsapp wait a sec the initials are RM" Said (Y/bfs/N) with shocked face.„ I guess we found your hook up, write him something” you said nervous cause it was the only way to find that mysterious man from last night. So (Y/bfs/N) wrote a simply : Hey are you that guy from the new years eve party?”You both waited and waited for so long that you couldn’t wait any longer. „You now what crazy is when you have a simply 1 % chance to find maybe the love of your life with the help of a total stranger who maybe don’t even know him...” you said with all lost of hope. „wait noona he will write back i know it! HE WILL”
You put on your black ripped jeans, with your black low vans, and oversized wine red hoodie and walked to your closet where your black jeans jacked was hanging. „ I will never find him, sooner or later i’m going to forget him anyway so who cares.” „where you going?” asked your bestie while starring at her phone. „I’ll need some fresh air that’s all, be right back bye.”
You walked out of your house heading to the city. It was cold and yet the sun was shining. You needed something to eat and get yourself some coffee, so you decided to enter the Starbucks coffee shop. You ordered a english breakfast with a latte macchiato for on the way. You sat down on a settle and ate your little breakfast as soon as you finished you stood up and walked along the streets. You saw a Shop for Artists, they sell utensils for paintings you didn’t know what it was but you had a strange feeling that you needed to enter this shop, as your life would depend on it. Your heart started to race as you would know that something or someone was in there.„Strange maybe i see something i need too finish my drawing at home.” you said yourself. As you entered the shop a familiar smell of paint got into your nose, kinda feels like home. You walked up to the acrylic colors and crash into someone who was taller then you. „oh i’m sorry my bad, here let me help you!” said the stranger lending you his hand. „this voice wait it sounds familiar to me.” You thought yourself right after that you looked up to him he had a kind smile on his face and honey tanned skin with a black headband, black jeans and black long sleeved shirt.
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„No it was my fault, should’ve watched my steps.” He disagreed and helped you to grab all your stuff that fell on the ground.„Thank you..-“ „V” he replied fast.„V? wait that actually can’t be your full name.” you said with a suspicious look. „yeah you right it’s not my real name but you could not pronounce it.” he replied with a smirk.„ oh yeah let me try it then.” He took a piece of paper and wrote his name down so you could pronounce it.„Kim Taehyung, what a beautiful name.” He looked at you with a very surprised face and said:„ well thank you but wow you could pronounce it perfectly, what’s your name?” „Y/N Y/L but I know that’s going to sound a bit weird but did we’ve met before?”„ actually we did at the party you remember?” „well now as you mentioned it yeah the only thing i could truly remember was that beautiful boxy smile.” As soon as you said those words you started to realize what you’ve just said and started to blush but you weren’t the only one. Taehyung touched his neck and looked on the floor while blushing like a little shy boy. You both talked for hours and drank hot chocolate in the Artist shop. You talked about so much that you didn’t realize it was almost 4 o’clock, you’ve spend almost 4 hours just talking with him. You phone buzzed multiple times so you looked at it and saw the 20 missed calls of your best friend it must be very important if she calls so much times. „Is everything okey?” Tae asked. „yeah it’s just my best friend called me multiple times and i’m worrying right know that something might happened.” he put his hand on yours and told you that you should go home and look after her. as soons as you agreed you both stood up put on your jackets and walked to the exit as Tae paid both hot chocolates. You both stared at each other like it could last forever and walked to the bus station. „It was very fun to see you again i wouldn’t mind if we can meet each-other like that again what do you think?” You couldn’t believe what you just have heard you felt a strange but familiar feeling in your stomach. „Of course we can i would love to” shortly after that he gave u a hug and before you could even react to it you noticed the bus that was waiting for you to enter. „I need to goo, thank you Taehyung for this amazing day I’ve never had so much fun in a long time!” Before he could even respond and ask your number you got pushed in by other passengers that almost missed the bus. He waved goodbye and said to himself:„No Y/N i thank you that we’ve met each other.”
You just have arrived at home and as soon you opened your door (Y/Bfs/N) stood in-front of you with wide eyes. „Noona omg you finally here RM wrote me back and thats not his real name btw its Rap Monster well actually its Namjoon but anyway you never going to believe me what i’m going to say to you.”
You rushed upstairs with your bestie put on some comfy clothes and sat on your bed.
„It doesn’t matter what it is I have something better so-“ „NO NOONA YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!” you looked at her tried to calm her down. “Look Y/N remember yesterday at the bus station we saw the 7 handsome men dancing on the tv?” you nodded.„well guess Rm is that guy from that BTS video, the one with the greenish hair and he knows the name of your mystery man it is V-“ „Taehyung” you said sharply after her. „Taehyung?” you bestie said with confused look. „Yeah V is just a nickname and Guess what i met him at the artist store today! we talked and drank Chocolate, wow why didn’t I recognize him when I saw him at the party?”
„Anyway he send me that picture just 5 min ago and look its your boy V.” You took your besties phone and couldn’t believe what you saw. It’s him.„Okey Namjoon invited me to a concert of them and he said I could bring someone with me that means you could see V again! isn’t that nice?! “ „Thats great cause I don’t have his number and its better if you wouldn’t ask RM cause i think its better that way.” you said with a smirk on your face.
RM continued to write the date of the concert and all the infos. You were laying on your bed an thought about the amazing day, You knew from the beginning that you would see him again even if you weren’t 100% sure. „Maybe we really never forget someone after we’ve met once.” Afterwards you fall in a deep sleep and dreamed about V.
That was Chapter 2 Hope you liked it!
Chapter 3 Idol
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fallen-gravity · 7 years
Your tag for Moana and Maui is "Team Bun Buddies" and a prompt came to mind: Maui, unless it's absolutely necessary, wears his hair long to cover the tattoo on his back, the tattoo of his abandonment, the proof that no matter what he does, he isn't good enough. Moana, messing with his hair, gets snapped at for trying to put it up. He explains why he doesn't want it to show. It's still hard, after all this time. (Love your fics btw)
kSHdajkl thank you so much!! I loved getting to write a story based on my tag for them, because the fact that I can proves even further that it’s the perfect tag to use on these nerds
“Do you want blue flowers or yellow flowers?” Moanaasks, finishing up on twisting a small bouquet of flowers into a crown shapefor herself. “I was gonna make you one with both, but now I don’t think I haveenough” she says, places her little flower crown on her head before reachingdown to pick up her basket.
“Well, then why do you get both?” Maui asks, sittingwith his legs crossed on the floor in front of her, turning his head around andpointing an eyebrow up at her yellow-and-blue crown.
Moana smirks. “Because I’m more important than you”she says, and he glares at her.
“I’ve got an entire spread of tattoos right herethat would love to argue the exact opposite” he deadpans, and Moana rolls hereyes, then gestures vaguely towards the direction of her fale door.
“And I’ve got an entire island ready to arguefor me.” She shakes her head amusingly. “Tattoos just don’t compare” She says,and Maui opens his mouth to argue, closes it, and grunts.
“Fine. Blue”
“Yellow it is” Moana smirks, placing her basket ofwildflowers on the ground. She sorts through them, picking out all of theyellow flowers and leaving the blue. She keeps the basket close to her feet, incase it turns out that there’ll be enough room to add blue later on.
Maui had been the one to ask her to make him one,after he had spotted her wearing one a few hours ago. Not because he wanted tomatch with her or anything, he’d insisted, but no matter how many times hetried to argue against the notion Moana wasn’t buying it. So instead of justmaking him one or giving him the one she had on, she tossed the one she hadaway. The flowers were wilting anyway, and she wasn’t one to argue with havingmatching flower crowns with her best friend. So when she was finished with herduties as Chief for the day, she told him to meet her in her fale whileshe gathered the flowers herself.
Taking her bouquet of yellow flowers, Moana ever socarefully begins to tie them together into a crown shape. It’s harder, making onefor him instead of herself, because his head is so much bigger than hers, butthis isn’t the first she’s made for him in the past. She takes the leftovertwine she didn’t need to make hers, and begins to tie the flower stems aroundthem. One at a time she works, tying and snipping and attaching each flower tothe twine until the brown rope underneath is no longer visible. Then, she takesthe rest of the yellow flowers, snips the stems off completely, and shoves themon top of and in between other flowers to add fullness to it.
Once she’s completely satisfied with it, she bouncesit around in her hand a few times for good measures, and then she smiles.
“All set!” she says, and grabs at his hair with herfree hand to begin parting it here and there. “Now, I think I might’ve addedtoo many flowers to this one to really let it sit on its own”, she starts,places his flower crown on her wrist like an oversized bracelet as she gathershis hair in both of her hands. “So I’m going to have to put your hair up in abun in order to-”
“No!” Maui suddenly snaps, almost sounding afraid,and jumps to his feet so suddenly Moana physically stumbles at the gesture,accidentally knocking over her basket and sending the blue flowers scatteredall over her fale floor.  She frowns.
“Maui?” she asks, and when he turns to her he’sreaching back to fix his hair to how it was before.
“Do whatever you want with my hair, I really don’tcare” he says, still reaching back to fix whatever problem with it Moana hadapparently caused. “Put anything in it, mess it up all you want” He says,shaking his head. “Just-just don’t put it up, okay Moana?” He asks, and eventhough he’s facing her now he’s still reaching behind him and pattinghis hair down like there’s something he’s trying to hide from her.
Moana frowns, because in the ten years that she’sknown him, she’s only seen him this nervous and fidgety with his hair oncebefore. It was right after Lalotai, the first time. No matter where on the boatMoana would walk, Maui would start to grab at his hair and push it around, likethere was something on his back he didn’t want her to see. Moana had brushed itoff at first, but then later on, just as the stars were coming out, he went to reachfor his hair to put it up in a bun.
And he hesitated. His hands froze, and Moana couldswear that his eyes darted towards her for a moment, like he was afraid of whatshe would do if he did put it up. But just before she could return his gaze, hesighed, and for some reason he decided to put it up anyways. He lied down onthe deck before Moana could see whatever it was he was trying to hide from her,and it wasn’t until much later that night did Moana learn what it was.
The tattoo of his abandonment. It broke Moana’sheart to pieces in ways she couldn’t begin to describe when he told her thefull story. Of his own mother tossing him into the sea like he was less thanworthless to her. His own family, the people who are supposed to be there forhim no matter what, to support him unconditionally, and they turned a blind eyeon him like he didn’t matter to any of them.
And to make matters worse, to break Moana’s heartjust a little further, he believed they were in the right. Moana would’veexpected him to feel anger or some form of indignation towards his family, butshe found none. All she found was apathy, and when she looked deep into hiseyes, even when they did not turn to meet hers, she nearly recoiled when shefound remorse. Like he blamed himself for what his family did to him. Itstill bothered him. Thousands of years later and it still hurt him to thinkabout.
And even now. Even today, it still bothers him. Howcan it not, her brain adds painfully, when it’s branded into his skin.
Moana frowns. “Do you want to talk about it?” Sheasks, and instantly his hands freeze on his head. He drops them to his side.
“About what?” he asks, and the fact that he’spretending he doesn’t know what she’s talking about is only making her feelworse.
“About what’s bothering you” Moana mumbles,empathetic sadness creeping its way into her tone. For a few seconds, Maui saysnothing, but then when their eyes meet his expression sort of crumples and hedrops down onto the floor into a sitting position. Frowning, Moana walks overand sits by his side.
“I’m sorry” Maui says first, shaking his head beforeturning to look at her. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It’s just-I don’t-”he pauses, stuck, and Moana scooches closer to him as a means of encouraginghim to keep going. He sighs. “I don’t want that tattoo to be exposed”
“It’s okay”
“It’s just-” he starts, and leans back on his hands.“It’s just hard sometimes” he mumbles, averting her gaze.
“It still hurts you to think about it” Moana fillsin, and Maui nods.
“More than I’d like to admit” he mumbles, and turnsto meet her gaze again. “And I know that maybe I should be over it by now,right?” He pauses, and picks up one of the little blue flowers from the floor.“But-they were supposed to be my family. My own family didn’twant me, Moana, and that’s just-that’s not-”
“That’s not just something you can get over” Moanafills in, speaking both for Maui and for herself. Because it hurts her, too.The idea of Maui- of her best friend being left alone to die- it hurtsher more than she’s willing to let him know. Nobody deserves something likethis to happen to them, and especially not him. He’s so caring to so manypeople, and there’s nothing that he wants more than to be accepted. Everythinghe’s ever done he’s done so selflessly, and for someone likethat-someone like him to have to go through something like this-he doesn’tdeserve this. He doesn’t deserve a family like that.
“And to make things worse”, Maui continues, “Ofcourse I’ve got a tattoo of it. Right in between my shoulders, weighing medown” He looks down at the blue flower in his hand that he’d apparently stillbeen holding before he drops it onto the ground. “It’s like a reminderthat-that no matter what I do-” He drops his head. “I won’t be good enough” Headmits, defeat ringing heavily in his voice. “Not good enough for myself-” hepauses. “Not good enough for anyone else” he mumbles, and for a few solidseconds Moana just sits and stares at him, heartbroken.
Because those are the untruest words he’s everspoken in his entire life. He means so much to so many people. To her. He meansthe world to her. He’s the most important thing in her life, right up therewith her people, and right up there with-with-
With her family.
“Maui, listen to me” she says, trying to ignore theshakiness in her voice. “I don’t ever want to hear you say those words again”she says, and Maui turns his gaze back on her at her words. He goes to protest,but she shakes her head, and he closes his mouth instantly.
“Maui- those things you just said- how you’re notgood enough-” she pauses to shake her head at how wrong it sounds comingfrom her mouth. “That couldn’t be any less than true” she says, and at thispoint she can’t help the wavering in her voice. “You’re not-you’re notworthless”. She scooches even closer and wraps her arms around him. “You meaneverything to me, Maui-you’re-” she pauses to attempt to pull him closer.“You’re my best friend” she says, head pressed gently against his shoulder.“You’re not worthless, you can’t be, because-” she pauses, and pulls her headaway so she can look him in the eyes. “Because- you’re like family to me, Maui”she says, and all at once, his face crumbles again. Not in sadness this timethough.
“Moana…” he says, almost sounding touched, and whenshe presses her head against his shoulder again she feels him adjust himselfbefore he moves his arms to wrap them around her.
“You’re so important to me, Maui- I don’t want youto forget that.” She pulls her head away from his shoulder again. “Not just meeither-Everyone here on Motunui, you mean so much to every one of them” Sheshuffles slightly in his arms to allow herself to look at him more comfortably,tucks a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face back behind herear. “If you’re-If you’re ever looking for, y’know, a place to go, or-or afamily to turn to-we’ll always be here.” She pauses. “I’ll always be here” She says, looking him right in the eyes toprove to him how much she means these words.
Maui only looks at her for a long second, like he’slooking for something in her eyes, but then he sighs, long and heavy. “Okay” hesays, and places her gently back onto the ground. “Okay” he repeats, noddinghis head. Moana rolls her eyes, and as she does she catches sight of theall-yellow flower crown sitting on the ground a few feet away. Careful not tocrush any of the blue flowers still scattered around the floor, Moana standsand goes to pick it up before she goes to sit back down beside him.
“And if you ever start doubting yourself again, justremember that you’ve got a tattoo that proves you’ll always be goodenough” she says, and he blinks at her in this weird sort of mixture of shockand confusion.
“Huh? Where?” He asks, looking all over himself, andMoana laughs as she reaches forward and jabs right over his heart, right atMini Moana raising her hand to measure the stars. And before he can do or sayanything else, Moana stands, and as she walks by to pick up the basket as wellas the blue flowers, she plops the all-yellow crown right on top of his head, ruffling his hair slightly both to push the crown into place and for a bitof an added effect.
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