#They'd been married for like
spoiledskullz · 4 months
how old are welkin and knuckles when they have kids?
Pretty young LOL both knuckles and welkin are born the same year but Knuckles is February and Welkin November so he was 26 and Welkin was 25 when they had Beryl (the first born)
Zephyr is born when Beryl is 5, and Spinel is born when Zephyr is 6
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redrobin-detective · 9 months
Something I wonder about Simon and Betty's relationship is how long they were together before the whole crown ordeal. But they were engaged, you say. My aunt (in)famously met my uncle and had a ring on her finger in 8 weeks. We've seen that both Betty and Simon were both weird outcasts, crazy determined and a pinch insane. I would not be surprised if they decided they'd met their one true love and got engaged super quick.
My point being, Betty's shifting to revolve around Simon and Simon's rose colored glasses of their relationship feels very much like New Love. They're people who love each other and love being a couple but still haven't quite figured out how to coexist together, as two people in a partnership. I feel like if they'd known each other longer, lived together longer, some of the issues we're seeing would have probably self resolved.
I don't think their relationship is toxic nor is it totally perfect. It's two lonely, most likely neurodivergent people in a relatively early relationship still figuring out how it works. Everything that happened afterwards: the crown, the seperation, the time travel, the magic/madness/sadness just exemplified issues they had both as individuals and as a couple.
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cellgatinbo · 6 months
fit raided pac and almost immediately the huevitos and ratinhos declared the chats married 💍
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avelera · 2 years
I wonder, because I genuinely don't know, if there's a correlation between age and writers who consider a romance where the main couple shares a kiss to be the resolution of the romance rather than the beginning of it?
I feel like it's a younger perspective to think that a couple pining for one another, dancing around one another, and then finally confessing their feelings to each other, and maybe kissing or having sex represents the arc of a romance.
Whereas, at least for me, and full disclosure I'm in my 30s, cis, bisexual, married, and with a decent number of partners before that, a kiss and a declaration of love really just means the two of you can start negotiating what it means to share your lives together, what portion of your lives you're going to share, whether this is temporary or ride-or-die, or whether you have baggage to navigate, whether you love each other but don't like each other or vice versa.
And of course, most importantly for epic romances and genre fiction that deals less with mundane romantic concerns: just because you've declared your love for one another, doesn't mean you'll be able to keep it. In a story with action or adventure, one of you could die, or you could get separated, or be pulled in different directions by fate, just as an example. And maybe this just shows my age, but I've always found stories where established lovers lose one another ten times more emotionally impactful than potential lovers who were still pining for each other but never made it official "losing" what they never really had.
This all comes to mind because occasionally on my romance or smut-centric fics I'll get a comment by people surprised the couple got together so quickly, or worried because oh no, the big kiss happened in the middle of the story, so what's going to happen between here and the end? And I adore these comments for what they show me of the mindset of the readers (something the author can only ever guess at) but I also find it overall curious just how often, when I'm writing mature, often middle-aged or more (like, immortal) characters that people are surprised that these two adults kissed and yet that there's still more of the story to tell.
Because all I can think is, oh honey, they've kissed, which means I can now put them through the absolute wringer of what they will do to keep this love they've found :3
(Edit: I should clarify, I also love pining, slow burn, and get-together stories! Those are absolutely a valid and core part of the romance genre. I guess I just find it surprising when it seems readers only expect romance to be slow burn, or to be completed with a kiss.)
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aurawra21 · 26 days
Are 30 yr old Jeckole married?
and what is their stance on adopting children
they ARE married and the way i imagined them marrying was out of the blue, no wedding or anything, just the two of them going to the courthouse on a random day
and they don't want kids. period. sorry, i can't ever see them with kids and they dont want them either in general i think. if they were to be around children, it wouldnt be their own, but their friends' kids or something. but that's the most that happens. they're just the aunts.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Love the idea of each previous hero's journey being mostly lost to time, such that each time the cycle starts again absolutely no one picks up the very obvious clues that might lead them to the hero.
Oh, you've named your blond haired blue eyed child Link, have you? That's a good name!
Oh, he's found a strange red and white maned horse he's named epona who has utterly bonded with him? How unusual!
Yes, the princess Zelda is the same age, isn't she? What a good omen for the family!
We know he doesn't talk much, but he's the sweetest lad, don't worry!
Don't fret, dearie, his wanderlust will abate when he grows up, I'm sure it won't get him in too much trouble before then.
Prodigious little swordsman, isn't he? He would make a great knight if he wanted to when he's older!
Oh? Rumours about a long forgotten temple in the woods? How strange! Are you sure it's not just the children telling stories?
Look at him in his armoured green outfit! That hat looks lovely on him - where did you find it?
#It's so funny#In just about every Zelda I've played there's been about a hundred signs link is In The Building and no one ever notices#Twilight Princess was the absolute worst everyone just kept bringing up Its The Hero stuff and it just was not clicking#By the time we got to epona I was half tempted to make a bingo card#Heck he even has a tree house!!#Strong oot time genes there XD#There's something about loading up a Zelda game and going 'yup. This is a Zelda game alright' but NO ONE in universe notices#YOU ACTUALLY LIVE THERE YOU GUYS STUDY THIS IN HISTORY CLASS#it also opens up the great trope of link casually knowing stuff from previous lives he absolutely shouldn't and nobody taking it seriously#Until he comes back with the master sword#Some of those games were particularly bonkers and if the specifics never got recorded then there's no way anyone would believe them#A zora princess tried to marry the hero?? Lmao try writing fanfic#Listen I know it says the hero came from the woods but kokiri don't exist he would have just lived in a cottage or something#How dare you besmirch the hero's honour! He would never lower himself to base property damage! Never mind pots!#No hylian can ever wrestle a goron are you insane??#Talking boat.... Sure#But you just KNOW Zelda would get some scholars and they'd hang off his every word#I love fics where link just casually references some world shaking knowledge (ie rito being zora descended and their own squid ancestors)#Or what the divine beasts were named after#Or what time travel feels like#Or that the myths hylians came from the skies are true#Or what one Zelda did when she vanished centuries ago#Or what the giant skeletons were#That kind of thing#Sorry I rambled#long post#legend of zelda#loz#loz zelda#loz link
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bluehairedspidey · 10 months
johnny cage in every single one of my fanfics: HEY BTW DID YOU KNOW THAT I'M MARRIED TO KENSHI TAKAHASHI
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strawberrisoulmate · 5 months
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{ modern day | 2010s - 2020s } > they're on a date 🥰🧋❤
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[ okay to reblog ]
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ubejamjar · 15 days
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♬ If you like it then you should've put a ring on it ♬
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mearcatsreturns · 1 year
“Even if this wasn’t your dumbest idea yet, there is no way you’d be able to pick someone right for me.”
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fractured-shield · 9 days
Pride tag
thanks for the tag @honeybewrites!
Rules: Tell me your OCs sexualities without telling me your OCs sexualities
Therien: "Sorry, not interested. ...No offense or anything."
Idhren: "I'm sorry to say I'm no longer interested in such things, these days. But my past partners have been a varied bunch. One commonality is that they are no longer with us."
Leithe: "It's not that I'm not picky, I just have lots of qualifications regarding personality and none about what's in your pants. ...And, ah, I may have a certain weakness for anyone who can wield a weapon or looks good in armor."
Oenith: "...never thought I'd have the luxury to do more than look, but I think I'd like to get to know someone first, now that I have the chance."
Waith: "Hang on, let me figure it out...okay, yeah, women."
Malin: "Flirting is good fun, I'm not one to turn down the desires of the body to a willing partner—but does it look like I live the kind of life I could drag another person into?"
(check the tags if interested lol)
tagging @the-golden-comet @katenewmanwrites @leahnardo-da-veggie and anyone else who wants to join!
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 months
thanks to the sort of gossipy history i tend to read i know entirely too much about the grounds on which i could get out of the unhappy medieval european marriage that i am not and never will be part of.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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write to me
#I drew this when I was VERY stressed (days ago)#bee doodles#Tuvok/Janeway#Janeway/Tuvok#st voyager#st voyager art#letter writing and the preparation of warm beverages#Janeway & Tuvok seem like they'd call each other things like 'my other half' and 'my moral center' and 'my dearest companion' but then you#ask if they're dating and they're like Noooo. Absolutely not. and they're not but they are coming into each other's rooms at night#because neither of them can sleep well and talking about Mark & T'Pel while they lean against one another (holding the warm mugs instead of#hands - that comes later when they can pretend that maybe they were asleep)#because they're the only ones who know Mark & T'Pel - you're the only part of my old life that's here and that's a comfort and that's a#tragedy (because I care about you too much to want you here but I need you too much to wish you were anywhere else - and maybe I'm too#selfish too and too afraid to be alone) and when they're talking about Mark & T'Pel they can ignore the fact that they're leaning against#each other and how good the weight feels and how much their chests ache and how much they want more. Not even sex or a kiss but something#steady that lasts. (hold me close even if you can't tell me it'll be alright)#two people who're loyal to everything - too loyal to ask for what they want. They aren't dating because they're married to ghosts now and#to leave that haunted house would be to admit that there's nothing left there - that the grieving's done - and if the grieving's done then#the loving is too. It has to matter - it has to be present to be real (follow Starfleet rules follow Social rules follow the rules we make#up on the fly and honor as if they've been longstanding. Build a little life with me. Define strong lines we cannot cross. Look into my eyes#to make sure I'm not longing. Double check. Triple check. Don't look away. Please.)#When I want to hear your voice I'll read the words you've written - but I won't ask you to stay#Kathryn Janeway#Tuvok
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thatsitso · 2 years
Orufrey week day 3: First date
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First date, but they're both idiots who didn't confess for 20 years
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infizero · 1 year
showing my growth by rejecting the “every ship gets happily married and becomes wonderful parents to lovely children” mindset and admitting that many pairings should just not be parents
#long gone are my days of woobifying shadow and sanitizing sonadow down to aw cute hedgehogs and one of them is traumatized#they are RIVALS and shadow will never be that lovey dovey with sonic even if they have been dating for 30 years thats just not who he is#they can find happiness/contentment in each other like i imagined but that sprinkle of toxicity would never rlly go away#and again even if theyre perfectly happy existing like that. not a good environment for a kid!#i dont even imagine them getting married anymore like i still like my idea of the ''cat orphanage w a chao garden'' house that they live in#but they wouldnt be married. they'd be partners and sonic would live there. but he'd ''live there'' in the same way he lives with tails#in that. its a place to come back home to when needed but a lot of the time hes just elsewhere exploring and having adventures and stuff#and shadow would probably tag along on a lot of these adventures. but not all of them#also feeds into part of my idea for the future which has always been present which is just. sonic being romantically involved w a couple#other ppl (knuckles for example)#those relationships dont have a label theyre just friends and then sometimes theyll kiss or go on dates or something#he and shadow are partners. thats concrete. everything else is just fluid/undefined (also should clarify that this is in like a poly way lol#shadow is aware of these relationships and has no problem with them and sonic knows that)#anyways i didnt mean to ramble but i have been thinking about this recently#how i'd modify my older idea of sonadow in the future#thats the end. ps once again promoting the poly sonic agenda. if you look at him and you dont think hes poly. youre just wrong im sorry#(excluding aroace sonic enjoyers for obvious reasons lol)#serena.txt
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
You know what's juicy? A yandere forcing you to do the whole 'meet your parents' thing. How would they keep you in line? Or are you broken in already? Any well-known pro hero would just have to work their charm a little to convince them they're the right fit for you - like Hawks. Or Mirko. Any top 10 hero will probably meet little resistance on their part. (Because even if your spouse croaks - you’ll probably be set up for life.)
Lower ranked pros might not hog the front pages every day but they can still work the public - and to a certain extent, your parents. Who could say no to someone as caring and sweet as Fatgum? They just know he’s going to make you so happy. And someone like Nighteye? Good for you, he seems respectable enough and it looks like you’re finally taking your life a little more seriously. Most villains don’t even think of meeting your parents - but Overhaul would. He can’t help himself, he needs to do it the old-fashioned way (not to mention that it’s quite the twisted power play on his part). And that man can be quite the charmer when he wants to be - even if he sits on your parents’ couch, stiff as a board and just a tad pale because it is a little dusty. You won’t recognize him. I think Compress would be quite similar. What if you do try to tell your parents that something is very, very wrong - what if you try to escape - how will they handle it? Are they able to play it off, talk themselves out of it or do your parents simply not buy it? It’s a ridiculous notion, right?
And probably the most important question of them all: Why? What‘s their motivation?
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