#This boy needs a vacation
jcmfatagain · 4 months
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First post
Picture of me taken by a friend on vacation.
114kg in a slightly smaller 2xl
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dallieart · 1 year
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Drawings of Lafavel from 2022. A different vibe from the previous year, we didn't play this campaign much that year so there was significantly less art of him.
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frankiebirds · 5 months
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every day i think about elle and morgan going on vacation together and at least morgan wanting reid to come with. what were their intentions. were they bisexual in nature. also im also almost certain that this is the first time morgan calls reid "pretty boy" and it's while he's inviting him on vacation with him. it's 2005/2006 you cannot be this bisexual at your government job.
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yeah i think elle also wanted him to join them.
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mmelete · 2 months
One of my favorite things that I see in some LU/Hyrule Warriors fics is that Wind went through LU first, then HW after.
Instead of being depressed or angsty about seeing his brothers not recognize him, Wind has decided to make it his goal to troll them as much as possible.
Since Wind knows Mask and HW Link's future (In Lu canon), Wind hints about everything. Losing an eye, Malon, Artemis, future jokes, all of it.
Wind is having a blast. Meanwhile, Mask and Wars are like ???? until they get to LU and they're like, "oh. That makes a lot more sense."
And then they do it back to him. Little paradoxes. Hylia can't take it anymore. She needs a vacation.
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wishfulsketching · 1 month
Why is it, that when Harvey does something bad/has done some bad in the past, Jim is like "what you want forgiveness you absolute degerenate" and when Jim does something bad, Harvey is instantly that "it's ok buddy, you did your best, you're the light in the dark we need, love you man"
Jim, do better.
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canisalbus · 11 months
i did this quick machete art a couple weeks back, but never got around to showing you so - *hands you pale angsty babygorl*
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no-see-um-incorrect · 1 month
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To anyone who was watching the stream tonight and witnessed me losing my goddamn marbles over this man
I’m not sorry 
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nelkcats · 1 year
Multiverse in Gotham (again)
Danny could admit that since he discovered he could open portals on his own he had been a bit excited, and maybe he didn't think through the consequences.
After the third time he failed to close a portal in his own dimension and had to call Wulf, he thought maybe the scenario wasn't helping him, so he switched dimensions. The DC universe was weird enough to accept random portals opening and Clockwork seemed to agree with his reasoning, despite the obvious reproachful look he was sending him.
But it seemed that the Master of Time was letting him make his own mistakes, Danny hoped that was a good sign.
The problem was that he forgot the fact that Wulf was on vacation (his friend had warned him not to practice his power until he was back, but the halfa wanted to get better and surprise him) so he had no idea how to close all the portals he had opened.
That would be fine, if the other dimensions hadn't noticed the portals. Danny glanced nervously at the dinosaur, before shifting his gaze to the overgrown Batman and the female Joker. He grimaced, he was pretty sure they weren't from the dimension he was in.
Gotham had never had such a strange afternoon. Bruce was going crazy at all the signs of danger appearing in his city, though his system couldn't seem to find the source. He really hoped it wasn't a repeat of the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
For his part, Danny was still trying to close the portals when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. The halfa slowly turned to find Red Hood and Nightwing looking at him, both had their arms crossed and a look of disappointment on their faces (how did he know despite the masks? Danny had no idea).
"Would you believe me if I said it wasn't me?" Danny asked, hiding his glowing hands behind his back with a nervous laugh.
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noirandchocolate · 1 month
Uhhhh so it turns out that despite having a leaky roof (now fixed), the reason the sunroom’s ceiling was bowing and cracking? Was NOT water damage. Water WAS getting in via the roof leak and that’s why it was then falling out of the cracks, but in reality the amount of water in there was negligible.
So. The real reason?
The ceiling was fuckin’ built wrong in the first place, with thinner beams than should be used for that size of a room, and after 40 years of even just normal wear and tear it was getting to the point where the whole thing was gonna cave in. Also the ceiling fan was apparently mounted onto two small pieces of wood balanced between two of these too-thin boards?? And the second the contractor touched the mounting (after taking the fan down to remove the ceiling), it fell off.
So now we gotta get not just a new ceiling and insulation but whole new beams!
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kishavo · 7 months
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DBH as text posts #6: Markus
HD/modded screengrab creds: ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
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Here it is! Payneland summer vacation au - the note Charles wrote. Read my idea for this au here
Edwin was sitting in the backseat of his parents' car, nervously running his hands over the cover of his battered copy of the book he's currently re-reading. He knew that something important was stuck between pages 202 and 203 and that knowledge did nothing to quell his nervous excitement.
As soon as they arrived home, he grabbed two suitcases and walked (he'd rather run if he was completely honest) inside. In his room, he took one last breath before opening his book.
Inside was a small paper, maybe slightly bigger than a postcard when unfolded. Carefully, he opened it.
Hey babes,
You're reading this, so you must've left already.
Everything I wrote here, I wish I had said it to you on our last full day together. Would love to say I wanted to be romantic like that, leaving you with something to remember me by, something you can read whenever you might need a pick-me-up. You're so dear to me, Edwin, and every minute with you was absolutely brills.
Never forget that you're brills too, yeah? For me?
I'm rambling, sorry. So yes, all of this could've been my reasoning for slipping you this note, but honestly I was just totally tongue-tied. Which doesn't make sense, does it? Because talking to you must be the easiest thing I've ever done.
My point. I'm so gone on you, it might be embarrassing if it wasn't us, weren't you. I hope you feel a little bit like that about me.
Five weeks was all it took for me. Maybe just a minute, though. Maybe seeing you that first evening was enough.
Five weeks wasn't nearly enough, though, I think an eternity might be too little. But I'd love to try, I hope we'll see each other soon. I hope you'll call me when you've read this, I already miss us talking.
I'll take that job I told you about, yeah? And I'll save up and take you on a date, or twenty, or a thousand, every single one's gonna be special. If you'll let me. I hope you will.
I'm running out of space, so I'll leave you (for now) with my number and a secret (I hope it's not a secret, I hope you knew this already):
Sweetheart, I think about you all the time.
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radioactivepeasant · 6 days
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
As per the poll results, we are giving Damas stress via Just Plain Silliness. It builds character. Not that I needed an excuse to Inconvenience Characters in the first place 😆 it's become my favorite way of writing anything. Not Angst or Adventure, but Aggravation of Character in ridiculous ways 😂
This falls into the Trespasser au (last "episode" of that found HERE) a bit before the second Arena fight in the game.
The king of Spargus, Jak decided, was a killjoy.
For a city where strength and survival were supposed to be the most important traits, he sure didn't like any of Jak's demonstrations of strength or survival.
"You can't race Leapers in the middle of the market."
"Don't swim over the reef."
"Stop antagonizing the monks."
"You can't race Leapers on neighborhood roofs, either."
"If I told you not to swim over the reef, why would you assume I'd be okay with you feeding the sea monster?!'
It was like he was vehemently opposed to the mere concept of fun.
Jak folded his arms and tried not to roll his eyes while Kleiver complained about the scuffed up suspension and undercarriage on the Dune Hopper. Sure, he'd cut it a little close on the broken bridge, but he'd gotten away with the artifacts and left the Marauders in a two car pile up, so who was the winner, here?
Not Jak, apparently.
Damas listened to Kleiver yell about how he'd have to redo the entire suspension -- a gross exaggeration -- and how there was half a metalhead stuck in the undercarriage. Now that, Jak hadn't known about. When had he run over a metalhead?
"Hey! We didn't do that!" Daxter protested, "How do we know you didn't put that there last time you drove?!"
"Because I don't take the Hopper if I plan to do a run down Turquoise Canyon!" Kleiver snapped.
Damas steepled his fingers in front of his mouth and examined the damaged vehicle.
"One of these days, kid, I swear to Volcan-"
"What?! I got the job done, didn't I?" Jak protested indignantly. "Did you want the Marauders to get their hands on a functioning power cell?"
Damas’s jaw tightened so much that his mouth appeared to be folding inward. He inhaled slowly, and let it out again, ears twitching while he was very obviously counting to ten.
"There are no jumps in the canyon," he said slowly, "So how did you manage this?"
Jak shrugged nonchalantly. "The 'rauders chased us out to the ruins," he explained, "Ran out of turbo, so I had to get creative with the jump."
Kleiver started swearing very creatively under his breath. Damas turned an interesting shade of red.
"That does it."
The king grabbed Jak by the channeling ring and near dragged him out of the garage before Kleiver could clobber someone with a wrench.
"One more stunt like that out of you," Damas threatened, "and I'm entering you into an apprenticeship. Let's see you foment chaos with an actual structure in your day."
"You're not gonna do that," Jak scoffed.
Damas’s eyes narrowed. "Try me."
Jak did not take this nearly as seriously as he ought to have. In fact, he seemed to regard the threat as more instances of Damas "worrying too much". Damas did not worry too much! If anything, he wasn't worried enough about the insanity this young unknown relative had brought into his city! More than one advisor or guildmaster had been privy to the king muttering darkly, "I'm either going to kill him, or start training him myself. I'll let you know when I've figured out which."
And of course, Jak kept being Jak. Climbing the Arena walls because he saw a Precursor orb someone had dropped. Messing around with some kind of evil alien satellite on the beach. Inciting other inhabitants of the youth barracks to join foot races in the barrack halls in the dead hours of night. And he seemed to regard all of this as perfectly normal behavior. It was like all the impulses he'd had to shove down in Haven, all the ways he'd had to be perfect to fit under the yoke of that terrible word, hero, everything came crashing down in Spargus. He had almost no limits here, and that kind of freedom seemed to awaken a wildness that was above the paygrade of the dorm supervisor.
It came to the point where Damas was actually allowing the kid to go out into a sandstorm, just to get some of that boundless energy out! It wouldn't have been his first choice. Or even his tenth. But the storm rolling in was much larger than anything else they'd seen that summer. And for all his recklessness, Jak was their fastest driver.
"Four scouts have not reported in," the king told Jak and Daxter. His face was grim. "Two just set off their emergency beacons. At the rate this storm is going-"
He shook his head, cutting off his sentence.
Daxter had worried that Spargus would be another Krew situation at first. But here was the king of the cranky lizard-riders, flipping out because a handful of scouts -- one of the lowest ranks in the city -- weren't accounted for before a deadly storm.
In Haven, their absence wouldn't have even been noticed until roll call.
The old timers in the market were right, weren't they? "King's eyes see all." This guy watched everyone like a hawk, didn't he? Daxter wasn't sure if that bothered him, or if it just reminded him of Jak.
He supposed that was fitting, considering the two were probably related, no matter how in denial Jak seemed to be about being an Heir of Mar.
"Where's the Crawler right now?" Jak asked.
The mobile sandstorm shelter wasn't invincible, but it could take a lot. That would be the scouts' best bet.
Damas looked out the windows, glaring at the dark clouds as though he could hold the storm back by sheer force of will. It took a moment to hear his voice over the water.
"The Crawler is in the steppes at the moment. She's not a fast vehicle, Jak. I need you to get those scouts to either the Crawler or the city."
"I will."
Damas turned a stern look on them both.
"No stunts. These are people's lives we're talking about."
"I know!" Jak sputtered, a little offended. "And I won't bust the car up this time, so Kleiver can give it a rest."
"No. I'm serious, boy," Damas warned, "If it comes down to abandoning the car for shelter or trying to drive in the storm, you leave the car. Do you understand?"
Jak huffed. Damas had seen him outrun sandstorms before! What was so bad about a slightly bigger one?
"I got it, I got it," he grumbled.
Damas glared.
"No. Stunts. You get back here in one piece."
"Okay, I got it already!" Jak groaned.
"I know, Dad!" Jak complained.
An instant later his eyes widened.
The water suddenly seemed much louder than usual.
Daxter wasn't even sure any of them were breathing.
Three pairs of dramatically widened eyes darted back and forth between them as silence built up like steam under pressure. It was going to erupt sooner or later, the question was how.
Damas made a very small, strangled noise in the back of his throat.
Jak snapped out of his moment of horrified realization.
"Uh. I'll let you know when everyone is accounted for!"
He pivoted and bolted for the elevator before Damas could see his entire face burn crimson.
A guard at the back of the chamber opened his mouth to comment and in one rushed tangle of syllables Jak hissed,
Damas didn't blink for a good two minutes after Jak had left.
He didn't move for a good two minutes.
He stood exactly where he'd been, staring blankly at the empty elevator shaft.
The captain of the tower guard, an older man named Cephus, left his place by the windows to lean into Damas’s peripheral vision. He waved slightly, and the king finally blinked.
"Are you alright, sire?" Cephus asked.
Damas made a curious wheeze before speaking through a groaning inhalation.
"Oh no."
"Hm!" Cephus stroked his long beard. "Guess the wild one imprinted on you! Do I offer congratulations or condolences?"
Damas nodded slowly and stiffly.
There could not possibly have been a worse time for the monks to finally send him the results of the blood test.
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frosteaart · 4 months
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"Well alright then."
[screenshot redraw - click image for higher quality]
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sketchupnfries · 1 year
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Some Dark Side Cal since I'm still thinking about that game
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ballads-of-breeze · 1 year
Oh my god. The end of the route with Venti. Kaeya slipping away because he’s not a follower of Barbatos and thinks that means he’s not a true son of Mond. Venti essentially telling Kaeya and Traveler point-blank that he’s tired of losing the people he cares about before the ending (I think he’s alluding to the nameless bard’s death before he got to see New Mondstadt + maybe the Ragnvindr ancestor leaving before the same). The poem and exchange at the end where Venti tries to tell Kaeya that it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t follow him and is from Khaenri’ah, he’ll bless him all the same (and what a thing to say to a descendant of the godless nation)!! I am also specifically losing my mind over this line
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(Yeah he sure does have stars in his eyes, and the Abyss euphemism is NOT subtle. Kaeya admitted in Caribert that he doesn’t want to be connected to the Abyss, and the poem as a whole is Venti describing Kaeya’s struggle with who he’s meant to be and his fate)
And this one
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The thought of not having to live forever in struggle over his identity under the shadow of the legacy his ancestors have left him, and being able to choose the dawn—I can’t help but think this is intentional; the dawn is widely used as a symbol of new beginnings, but it’s got to also be representative of his adoptive family (especially Diluc, whose name origin diluculum apparently means dawn) which is closely associated with dawn.
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akkivee · 2 months
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i don’t have the mental capacity to write a full report on my thoughts for the chuuoku stage, but here’s a condensed list for you lol:
i hated the amount of singing in it and while i can get a gold medal in mental gymnastics to justify it, i still don’t want it lol
otome has the voice of an angel tho LOL
i regret having poked around for spoilers bc nemu experiencing her very own betrayal, the aohitsugi right of passage lol, would have been even more devastating if i didn’t know it was coming
but it did add an additional layer of comedy on inori’s end lol she really did just lie to nemu about not being spy when it really was her ass LOL
having that knowledge that inori would betray her made me notice more clues tho like the way tsukuyomi’s and hers mics paralleled each other’s and they showed those off in the opening dance number lol
could literally cry all day about nemu being brainwashed and the times it started weakening was when she was wondering if she really hated her brother and when she was standing up to chuuoku on behalf of the friendship she had with inori TO BREAK FREE FROM THE TRUE HYPNOSIS MIC ITS DEPENDENT ON BONDS YALL
could also cry all day over ichijiku she was mmmfrrtfghpgf and i just really liked how you could tell she was soft on nemu, like very soft, but was still trying to maintain the leader/subordinate relationship they have like uwu honestly
honobono is an entire fcking menace what a sociopathic queen 🩷
and like literally lmao her solo in this stage takes inspiration from an awich song called bad btch bigaku and yeah honobono sure do have her own flavour of bad btch 🩷🩷🩷
honobono does not want to be understood, much less woobified to uwu soft sad girl, but genuinely i want to know, why is she like that???? what happened lol?????
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