#This is also goes to all the people that make fun of conservatives by putting on a southern accent
queeraliensposts · 2 years
Cis people who respond to transphobia with other forms of bigotry are the epitome of performative allyship. Like caring about trans people means caring about
Trans POC
Trans women
Neurodivergent trans people
Working class trans people
Fat trans people
Diabled trans people
Trans immigrants
Trans gay people
Jewish trans people
Muslim trans people
Latine trans people
You either care about all of us or none of us
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hi there! love your work! i recently had a prof say that all zoos (USA) are bad (so we shouldn't support them) and sanctuaries are better because using animals for entertainment is morally wrong, most zoo profits dont go to conservation, and conservation efforts are bandaid solutions to capitalism destroying animal habitats, so the real solution is to return the land to indigenous stewards to manage/rewild. i didn't disagree with the last bit, but the argument as a whole felt a little off to me for a reason i couldnt put my finger on. am i off base here? just feeling really unsure about the whole thing.
You're not wrong! There's a mix of reality and personal opinions in those statements, and it's definitely something worth critically examining. A quick fact-check of what they said for you:
All US zoos are bad
There's a massive range of quality of zoological facilities within the US (and around the world). Some are stellar and some are not, and it's really just not accurate to lump them all under the same umbrella for almost any purpose. Unless, of course, your issue isn't with animal welfare, and it's philosophical, which is what it sound like in #2...
2. Using animals for entertainment is morally wrong.
This is one of my favorite things to talk about w/r/t how we exhibit animals. Entertainment has become equated with exploitation and implicit low welfare in the last couple decades, and so you get a lot of people saying using animals for entertainment is wrong. But those same folk will say that they enjoy seeing animals in other contexts, and they think that's okay. Where's the line between enjoying something and being entertained by it? What makes something one and not the other? Also, we know that people learn better from from situations which are enjoyable/entertaining - even just a fun teacher who jokes around vs a dry lecture - so how can that only be a problem when it's used to make viewing animals more impactful? I wrote a whole piece on this a while back (linked here) if you want to dig into this more. Some zoos (and accrediting groups) are shying away from "entertainment" type branding - shows are demos now, for instance - and others are leaning into "edutainment" that's done with good welfare and communicates actual education messaging. In short, this is a personal philosophical belief, and you're right to question if you agree. (Even if you decide you do think that too! It's always good to question why someone is arguing what they believe about animal use, and how they came to believe it).
3. Sanctuaries are better than zoos.
There's two reasons I think he's misinformed here. First, almost all exotic animal sanctuaries in the US are licensed exhibitors - just like zoos! I only know of a couple that don't exhibit to the public at all. It's an important part of their revenue stream, because gate take helps support paying for animal care. Also anything you see from a sanctuary on Youtube, Facebook, or TikTok? Also exhibition! They just message about it differently, and often have a different ethos about how they exhibit (e.g. tours to reduce stress instead of letting people wander, doing conservation or rescue messaging instead of just display). Second... look, most people assume that the word "sanctuary" means a facility is intrinsically more ethical than a zoo, and therefore they must be a good place. In reality, many sanctuaries get much less public and regulatory scrutiny (at the state level) than most zoos. There are good sanctuaries out there, but there are also sanctuaries where stuff goes on that would absolutely be unacceptable at zoos, and it slides because of the assumption that sanctuaries are inherently more moral and ethical and care for their animals better.
4. Most zoo profits don't go to conservation
This is correct! Direct conservation funding is often a small part of the money a zoo makes. However, that's because money goes to things like facility maintenance, new construction, paying salaries, etc. If zoos put all the money they made back into conservation programs, practically, they wouldn't have the funding to continue to operate. The question that I'd suggest asking instead is "where are they putting money into conservation" and "are they doing conservation work or just throwing money at something to display the logo of the program." Also, it's worth keeping in mind that a lot of what zoos do to support conservation isn't necessarily financial. Many facilities contribute "in-kind", by doing things like sending staff to assist with programs or teach specific skills, or by donating things like vehicles and equipment. Research zoos do also seriously contributes to in-situ programs, and breeding programs for re-introduction like the scimitar-horned oryx and the black-footed ferret are also conservation. Could many of the big urban facilities with huge budgets do more? Yes. But looking just at dollars spent on conservation programs is disingenuous and inaccurate.
5. Conservation efforts are band-aid solutions to capitalism destroying habitats / Returning the land to indigenous peoples to manage/rewild is the real solution to conservation issues
This is a little outside my scope so I'm going to only address the part that I know. First off, like, there's no One True Answer to conservation issues. That's reductionist and inaccurate. Conservation really is a human issue, though, and it often has to involve solving human problems that lead to negative results for animals. There's definitely an issue with what some people call "parachute conservation" where Westerners swoop in and try to tell people living in range countries how to best manage their animals and natural resources without recognizing their perspectives, needs, or what drives their behavior towards those animals. That's not just a zoo issue - that's an issue with a ton of traditional Western conservation work. And there is progress towards fixing it! In the zoo world, I've been very impressed with the work out of The Living Desert, where their conservation people spend a lot of time overseas teaching people in range countries to evaluate and improve their own conservation programs, so they can assess efficacy and also have data to apply for grants, etc. They provide support when asked, rather than trying to tell people who live with these animals regularly what to do. One of my favorite programs that TLD collaborates with (they don't try to run it!) is a group called the Black Mambas that reduces poaching by supporting entire communities to reduce the desperation for food/income, educating kids about animals, and running all-female patrols staffed by community members.
Overall, it sounds like your professor's view of zoos is really informed by their personal moral perspective, and possibly reinforced by a lot of the misinformation / misleading messaging that exists about the industry and about conservation work. They do have some specifics right, but not necessarily the context to inform why things are like that. It was a good catch to question the mix of information and approach it critically.
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odinsblog · 7 months
For a very long time mainstream media has been conflating the word “moderate” with the word “conservative,” and moving the Overton Window further to the right.
And at the same time, the words “leftist” and “radical” and “extremists” are also being conflated, but that’s a discussion for another time.
Liz Cheney is not a moderate. Chris Christie is not a moderate. Nikki Haley definitely is not a moderate. I guess it’s nice that they are finally calling out Trump, but they all voted for Trump (twice!) and none of them are good people. (How do I know they aren’t good people? Because they spent most of their adult lives and careers supporting harmful conservative policies that intentionally target women and poor/Black/disabled/LGBTQ people to harm.)
The same goes for pundits like Ana Navarro and the other MSNBC “former” Republicans and Republican strategists who don’t like Trump anymore, but are still “proud conservatives.” They support most of Trump’s policies even if they don’t support Trump anymore. And Nikki Haley has even said that if the choice in November comes down to Biden or Trump, she believes that it’s who is Biden the bigger threat to America. (source)
And Nikki Haley has repeatedly said that she would pardon Trump, so that’s another big NOAP for me.
Look, I understand that neoliberals and conservative leaning Democrats have a tendency to kick left + kiss right, but people have GOT to learn that just because a conservative might occasionally do something right, like oppose Trump, that does not magically transform them into good people™ worth elevating or supporting.
One last thing: I’ve seen a lot of Biden supporters get all caught up in their feelings because Jon Stewart made fun of (gasp) Biden’s age. Listen: WE are not the ones who are in a cult! It is 100% okay for voters to joke about and criticize people in power. It’s MAGA who cannot criticize their dear leader, remember? It's the other guys, THE CULTISTS, who cannot accept even the lightest of criticisms.
“But Republicans will use it against us”
Yes, Republicans will use anything and everything against us, whether we said it or not. That’s what they dO. They lie, make shit up and try to use literally anything—true or false, good or bad—against non-Trump supporters. Being good and honest and not saying anything Republicans disagree with will not gain you any votes with Republicans.
Look, Idgaf about what Republicans and other people on the right think. About anything. Idc. Their opinions don’t matter and they aren’t going to change who I vote for in November 2024. I’m not worried about trying to change their hearts and minds, because they’re heartless and mindless.
At the end of the day, I dO think that msm tends to run with rightwing narratives, but once again, none of that foolishness will change my vote.
Put your grownup pants on and don’t get caught up in the drama.
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mxliv-oftheendless · 10 months
Alice in Borderland characters at Thanksgiving
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I am aware that this is incredibly dumb because Japan doesn’t have Thanksgiving lol but I just thought this would be funny. So enjoy!
I could see Arisu not even being there because his family sucks and doing a little Friendsgiving thing with Karube and Chota instead
But for fun, let’s say he does go
He’s become a master at finding places to hide and play his games and knowing when and how many times to resurface to make it seem like he isn’t hiding
Sits at the kids table
The kids definitely love him more than the adults
He encourages his cousins to steal money to pay for Fortnite skins
He ends up being the one the shyer kids open up to about their interests, and lets them because he of all people knows how it feels to get put down for your allegedly stupid interests
He (begrudgingly) lets his little girl cousins drag him to the bathroom to raid the makeup drawers and put makeup on him
He dramatically gasps and tells the girls he loves it to make them happy though
Doesn’t get involved in the family drama, but definitely loves to watch the shit go down
Avoids his more conservative relatives and their political conversations like the plague
Last to arrive, first to leave
Also sits at the kids table because they’re way more fun than the adults
He gets food with his shyer cousins so they don’t have to go by themselves
His designated contribution is the alcohol (he also brings pop for the kids)
Sometimes he’ll make a side dish and it’s always surprisingly completely eaten by the time the night’s over
Tries not to get involved in the political debates… but he almost always gets involved because of that one homophobic uncle
That one homophobic uncle always leaves with a black eye
He watches the family drama and definitely spills the tea to Arisu and Chota at their Friendsgiving
First to arrive and is immediately put to work in the kitchen
He helps cook everything and actually gets stressed out himself in the process
He texts Arisu and Karube that he’s a horrible cook everything will taste awful this is a disaster… then two minutes later goes “Oh ok the pudding’s thickening now nevermind”
His aunts love how helpful he is and always says he’s such a Sweet Boy for helping them
Also sits at the kids table (let’s just say most of these characters sit at the kids table lol)
Knows from being Arisu’s friend that some kids will hide by themselves for a while, so he tries to make sure they don’t miss out on dinner and dessert
Has become a master at guilt tripping his more conservative family members
If one of his uncles starts saying trans kids have something wrong with them, he turns to him with the look of a kicked puppy and tearfully asks him why he would say something so mean
He doesn’t get involved in the family drama and doesn’t know the context, but when the shit starts going down he texts Karube and Arisu live updates
“Oh shit Aunt Janet told Aunt Carol she’s jealous she doesn’t have a husband OH SHIT AUNT CAROL THREW HER DRINK AT HER WHILE I WAS TYPING THAT”
Doesn’t like Thanksgiving because of both the history behind it and her family, but always decides to suck it up and go anyway
Arisu keeps inviting her to Friendsgiving, but she doesn’t want to impose on the guys’ little tradition
If nothing else, than at least she won’t have to cook dinner for herself for once
She quietly helps out in the kitchen
If she brings anything, she brings a side dish that’s not too difficult to make
Either sits at the kids table or sits by herself
She sadly becomes the relative that listens intently to everyone else’s stories and chatter, but gets cut off when she tries to talk about what she’s been up to
She doesn’t get involved in any political debates, but has become an expert at humbling relatives who have awful takes with Judging Looks
She does get a little vindictive enjoy from telling her male relatives that politics makes them really emotional and she doesn’t want to talk to them when they’re so high-strung
Shares the family drama that goes down with Arisu and they laugh about it together
Hates Thanksgiving and everything about it
Only goes for three things: the food, the wine, and the drama
Inadvertently ends up becoming the babysitter of his toddler-age cousins
He has no idea why or how, but at least the toddlers provide some entertainment
Never brings anything, except a bottle of wine that he exclusively keeps for himself
(And maybe his teenage cousins if he feels like being an enabler)
He could hypothetically destroy any of his conservative relatives in a political debate, but chooses not to because he thinks it’s a waste of time
If there’s one thing he does live for at Thanksgiving though, it’s the drama
He’s the one who keeps track of it all and fills family members in on the context of the powder keg that’s exploded this year
“Yes, Aunt Janet, we’re all aware of your devotion to essential oils. It’s too bad you couldn’t find one to keep Uncle Carl from divorcing you.” he says, calmly taking a sip of wine.
He’s been designated as the one who brings the wine because he always gets the best
Always arrives fashionably late in a flurry of flashy yet tasteful clothes and cologne
He probably ends up drinking more wine than eating the food
Jumps between sitting at the kids table and sitting with the adults
He’ll sit at the kids table because he always manages to get the kids (or Little Gremlins, as he’s affectionately nicknamed them) to spill the hot gossip to him
He’s become the relative that the younger queer relatives feel the safest coming out to
Because this man is as pan as the day is long and you cannot change my mind
Listen I genuinely feel like if I came out as non-binary to him he would cheer loudly, ask me my pronouns, then get me a celebratory drink
If any of the kids accidentally get drunk on Thanksgiving, it’s entirely his fault
He LIVES for the family drama
He not only participates, but actively instigates it
“Tell me, Carol, is Ken having another affair or was it your bleached blonde head I saw blowing him in his car?”
Then he sends Aguni pictures of Ken’s face as he tries to explain himself to a fuming Carol
Always makes sure to bring a main course dish to show off how good at cooking he is
If any of his relatives tell him his cooking sucks, he laughs and flips them off
The one all the other cousins are scared of
And yet the one the great-aunts and grandmothers all think is a nice boy
Somehow gets along with his youngest cousins the best (they’re not old enough to think he’s weird yet lol)
Eggs on their roughhousing
His four-year-old cousin is kicking his sister, his sister is kicking back, and there’s Niragi on the couch with them going “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
Could outdrink his uncles and does
Absolutely hates football games. Only puts up with them because he likes to make bets with his relatives and win every time.
Fuels the fervor of political debates by being a troll, just sits there and grins like he thinks Uncle Jim is so fucking stupid for having such incorrect opinions.
Eggs on drama from the sidelines.
Aunt Carol and Aunt Janet are squabbling, and he’s off to the side with a glass of wine going like “OHHH, are you gonna let her talk to you that way, Aunt Carol???”
Just contributes to all the chaos and does not help fix any of it lol
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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august 17, 2021 3:00 p.m. yonsei university
[grant] did your dad apologize for being a dick, though?
[henry] of course. he was a good person and realized he was being a bit weird. he just hated noise. i think he'd have been happy to be born with a set of noise-canceling headphones attached to him.
[grant] except maybe he liked your mom’s noise from that day forward!
[henry] he did, but even if he hated it, he was probably glad to have hers back after a while. almost half the time they dated, they didn’t even live in the same country.
[henry] my mom worked at an art shop somewhere in seoul, and my dad had this sweet gig working at a museum in paris while getting a doctorate and doing some traveling, visiting art museums on every continent. he got the doctorate, but gave up the job to come back and marry my mom.
[henry] and she won out, to be honest. him teaching here was a prestigious position, and his family are pretty well off because they're in banking and all, so she got to quit her job after marriage, have me, and just sculpt for fun.
[grant] that’s the dream, right?
[henry] i think so.
[grant] it’s nice to be genuinely in love but also to support each other’s passions, too, whether that's helping them pursue a job or a hobby. i mean, that’s everything. that's the deepest form of connection. oh yeah, definitely the dream.
[henry] for sure. there wasn’t much for my mom to help with because she was never wealthy and her parents weren’t either, but she was a huge moral support. she was my dad’s biggest fan. sometimes getting a doctorate sucked, and he wanted to quit, but it was hard to quit with her on the sidelines cheering.
[henry] that’s like me and soobin. not much i can do on the money front because i'm not rich and i won't take money from my parents, and i couldn’t help with her medical school because i'm a certifiably terrible student, but i can be and am her cheerleader.
[henry] and i may not have been a photographer without her. being an artist is the worst career choice unless someone else has money to throw at the bills. and i make an okay salary! i have solid clientele booking all year long, but i don't charge what i "should" because i feel wrong asking too much money to do wedding photos and all. that shit's expensive - i'll take a small cut off the going rate so they get all they want for the big day.
[henry] besides, the one thing in life that makes me nervous is clients being unhappy. everything else about a wedding goes away except the photos. if they're unhappy, i'd rather the pricing not be an extra issue, you know? at least let it be a cheap mistake.
[grant] but you would have still pursued this, right? i can’t imagine you not at least trying it out. you have always been set on some kind of photography as a career. even when you were having a crisis around college graduation about whether you should pursue high-brow art or something very human and realistic like you do now, you never questioned if photography was your truth.
[henry] i would have. i've always known it was my goal. i just think the financial stress may have worn me down eventually if she wasn’t willing to shoulder an extra share of the burden. like i said, charging people themselves is a strange thing, and you just never know what can happen. sure, i did end up with a good brand through putting myself out there on social media, but that was no guarantee.
[henry] if that hadn't worked out, i'd have been in trouble. and when you don't have a lot of clients or reach, you have to be conservative and sometimes that hurts you on growth. blah blah blah. point is, i owe soobin a lot, both for financial support and her total faith in me.
[grant] well, teamwork makes the dream work and all that!
[henry] hey, you're part of the team, too. there's no one else i'd rather call at 3AM asking to check the red balance on my pictures because everything looks green to me. and as it turns out, having a friend with a massive family who host many events requiring photography is excellent for clientele building.
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ficthisficthat · 8 months
I can make a bingqiu boostle au EASY.
LBH makes a few bad decisions to make money fast to pay for his sick washerwoman mother’s treatment. He just wants her to be ok! But he ends up losing his scholarship and then his mother dies.
So he gets a job to be a security guard for some cultivation sect museum. He has no future but he does have access to priceless artifacts. So he steals Zheng Yang and one that gives him a one way trip to the past and uses it.
And it is cool - he has knowledge of advanced cultivation techniques from the future! People love him! LBH even gets to meet the legendary YQY and SQQ! They hate him which isn’t so great. YQY thinks of him as a showboat at a best or a scam artist at worst. SQQ thinks he's just a pretty face and not much else. So he doesn’t quite make Cang Qiong.
And then there’s a small conference or a meeting of allied sects of some sort. They have to deal with a threat. SJ is there and wants to kick him out but SY stops him and thinks they should give LBH a chance. SY takes LBH under his wing.
Even after the conference or dealing with threat, they do night hunts together. When they are not saving people or observing the fauna and flora, SY gets a harebrained scheme to make money. Even when LBH knows it won’t work, he goes along with it and supports it. It’s fun! They get to spend more time together!
People tend to think LBH is the one doing it because of his rep and SY is the one saving him from trouble. In reality it is usually the other way around (though sometimes they are right – LBH likes being swept off his feet!). LBH doesn't mind it.
For once, he is someone's first choice, the one he turns to to share an inside joke. SY accepts him and respects his opinion! He looks to him for advice and treats him as an equal rather than an empty headed fool.
When SY’s relationships end badly, LBH is there to get him through it (he rather there not be a relationship to recover from at all) (he doesn’t tell SY to date him instead.) (He doesn’t know if SY would be interested.) (And the time period is more conservative.).
When LBH is badly injured, creates a special artifact that works as life support for him. Sometimes they have arguments but they have each other’s backs when it matters!
And then. it is during this one of arguments that SY starts investigating something strange. He goes to the other sects and his other cultivator friends such as SJ but they all turn him away, thinking he is just seeing things.
So finally, SY goes to LBH for help. Even when he is mad at him, LBH is willing to investigate with SY. But while following the trail, LBH gets badly hurt and is put into a healing coma. SY continues alone. When LBH wakes up, SY is dead.
But with his death, there's evidence. LBH realizes SJ KNEW but kept it to himself when SY went to him for help. SJ didn't trust anyone and wanted to investigate it alone and tried to stop SY. but SY wasn't swayed. Lbh has to work with SJ and CQMS but isn't happy about it. they solve the case but SY is still dead.
he looks for the current version of the artifact that brought him to the past. he gets help from some of the QJ disciples like NYY and MF. LBH and his little group tries to change the past to save SY. but things end up worse. without SY dying, there is no evidence. CQMS never gets involved. hm. maybe it was TLJ trying to merge the realms and he is almost successful but SY goes back to the past to set it right.
and life returns back to when SY died. sy told him it was for him, that he rather lbh survive. so if he can't change the past, then he will just have to move forward with the present. the years of grief and trying to move on but unable to TT^TT
tlj being the one to kill sy but also give lbh the clue about the Holy Mausoleum. LBH uses it. SY already fulfilled his role! nothing stopping LBH from reviving him!!
with the worst already happened. lbh decides to confess to sy. sy is very confused being recently revived.
and then they have the rest of their lives feeding dog food to others.
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eonars · 7 days
Feel like I've been nothing but a negative nelly lately so I wanna turn that around I'm genuinely loving being a PhD student especially in this specific situation like my supervisor has finally picked up the pace and is actually sending me out to do things I finally had lab work with the embryos last week and I'm starting histology training this week. I'm gonna get trained on fish lab stuff too and start taking once a month shifts down there to essentially cover the funding of my own experimental fish. My supervisor also said he's gonna try and get me into a bunch of science communication related things and I can even lead up a project on making an accessible to children comic book about our study and the importance of conservation. Slight downside is next year he wants to send me to France for ovarian implantation training for 3 MONTHS STRAIGHT which I'm super unhappy about but will have to see how that goes. I love my office buddies and the vibe in there is so fun and nice and there's various lunch invitations going every day. I've gotten really into the swing of getting up early and even though I have to take the slow train in and not the express one due to construction I can't complain too much bc the views are stunning and I just put music on and stare out the window the whole time. I'm also surrounded by women all day who all have doctorates and postdocs and they all come in bare faced and dressed comfortably getting some grays and some laugh lines and it's just such a comfortable relaxed vibe to be around in and I don't feel like I stand out weirdly at all. It's to the point now where if I see a full beat out and about in town it looks super unfamiliar and alien to me. I'm starting to lose the feeling of constant panic that I'm gonna get caught out and fired or something and I can feel myself like relaxing and settling in more to the routine and I'm literally feeling full in my heart thinking about how I get to do this for 3 years with these people and how lucky I am that we all get on so well and the vibes are so good in the whole experimental biomedicine department. I'm already thinking ahead and hoping and praying that I can pick up some kind of position at the university after this is done and just stay here and finally have this be my life. View from da 8am train:
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kalisseo · 10 months
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Ithink that Topher's mentality is very well summarized in "I am always right and I am always the good one" because he takes this "woke" mindset and tries to be the best person possible, to the point that he changed his identity so as not to be recognized as one of the worst historical figures, and those are good actions, not being a person with a conservative mentality is good, and I don't think that deep down Topher doesn't believe what he says , I just think that his true desire Is to be loved by others, and the way he tries to achieve it is by being an ally to as many causes as possible, is something he puts so much effort and so much attention that it ends up being something artificial/fake, because he doesn't really wants to be someone educated on those topics, he wants to be seen as a good person and good people are aware of the bad things in this world and do everything possible to change it!!
also it's an easy way to get people's support, and taking into account everything that happened to Abe in ep 1 s2 I'm not surprised that Topher took that path, but Topher is someone intense who gets angry easily and shows the worst of him when he's angry, so those traits of him along with his "woke" mentality only end up making him a hypocrite, because while he goes around shouting that everyone deserves respect, as soon as he gets into an online fight he reaches the point of MAKING THE OTHER PERSON CRY, and he doesn't hesitate to do horrible actions in order to get what he wants
He makes himself seem like a good person, and he says all these things worrying about the problems in the world, but he really doesn't care that much, and that's what's missing, his interest, but what really matters to him is If people like him
(I wrote the next text separately)
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I was listening to this song and thinking about Topher, then I remembered that the other day I saw that he is on the villain wiki and I think that's interesting
like, in his introduction he said he doesn't want to be associated with columbus because he is cancelled for being a dirt bag, and that's why he changed his whole identity, because he wants to be a good person
but he isn't a good person, hes an hypocrite, and he's rude with abe even though he was the only person that gave him and opportunity
and he isn't even capable of seeing that, he thinks the bad thing about him is being the clone of a horrible person, but he's just a clone and , as far as I remember, no one has judged the clones for their clone parents
(note?: also I think it's interesting that in the main cast Topher is the only one whose clone parent is known for doing atrocities, but there are background clones like Ivan the terrible so he's not alone )
so yeah, it's not his fault being a clone, but his decisions ARE HIS fault, he's not bad because he's the clone of a colonizer, he wasn't the one who did all those things, and it's not like the other clones exclude him or judge him for that, he's bad because he does bad things like the black mailing, he made jfk cry, he screamed at his mom and he screamed at Abe when he just wanted to do something fun with him!
of course that isn't comparable with colonizing a whole continent 😭😭 but my point is that Topher thinks that he's a good person, yeah he's educated in what Columbus did and isn't proud of being his clone, but he does all those horrible things that had nothing to do with being a clone, and he doesn't realizes that those things things are what makes him a horrible human being, and not his clone father
I think that it's interesting the connection between Topher's relationship with his clone father and his desire to be someone people love
hope this makes sense 💔 I just love to Talk about how Topher is an horrible person
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hexagonalhavoc · 4 months
Hex characters pride month headcanons 
[Author’s Note: Happy pride month! I hope all of you have a good and safe month, I thought this would be fun to make. These are my own personal headcanons and won’t affect my writings, feel free to request any character with any gender!
Also sorry I’ve been gone lately, ya girl got her first job 😎]
I feel like he grew up in a conservative family so he has some repressed feelings and views that he has to unlearn. 
I could see him being bi but being in denial about it for a very long time.
When his career starts to fail and he fades into obscurity that’s probably when he stops caring and becomes more open about who he is. 
It’s a shame he dies before he starts fully embracing it. 
Rip Lionel 😔
Carla is a lot more self aware and in tune with herself so she figures herself out pretty easily and when she does it’s not too much of a shock to her. 
I see her as being pansexual
Probably goes by she/they too. 
On her social media she’s super outspoken about it but irl she’s more on the down low.
Although she will talk about her love life in front of Lionel just to piss him off and rub in that she’s dated more girls than he has.
He doesn’t care for much for labels. He doesn’t put much thought into it, he just likes who he likes. (Jeremiah)
Reggie is everyone’s supportive grandpa. Even if he doesn’t understand what one of his patrons may identify as he tries to learn and hears about their experiences. 
Honestly as long as the patrons are onboard with his revenge plan he doesn’t care who they are. 
As long as you can kill Lionel you’re loved and accepted in his inn. 
Pansexual demiromantic but if someone asks what his sexuality he just gives them the death stare because he hates talking about himself. 
He has a hard time opening up and working with people so you can probably imagine how long it takes him to become romantically interested in someone. 
It doesn’t help that he’ll most likely push away the people he cares about because as much as he wants it he’s still scared of being loved. 
Poor boy needs a hug 
Chef Bryce: 
Honestly I could see him being gay and just not realizing it. When he does realize it he’s pretty chill about it. 
I can imagine him taking break out of the oven and then all of the sudden he goes. “I might be gay.” And then moves on with his day. 
He hasn’t really had time to think about his feelings so he isn’t really sure and it’s probably going to take him forever to figure out what aligns best with him. 
Lazarus & Chandrelle:
Putting them together so I can say they’re t4t. 
Chandrelle is straight while Lazarus is pan. 
They seem like they would be judgmental but they really don’t care. They’re just living their own lives. 
And after everything they’ve been through I feel like they’re finally able to have a healthy relationship when Lionel is dead and they live in the real world.
Genderfluid pansexual who’s come to wreak havoc on the world. 
If someone were to ask what she identifies as she would tell them to “guess :)” 
Sado loves to shape shift so she’s constantly doing things to alter her appearance which includes gender fuckery. 
Aro ace but in denial about it. 
Even though he probably wouldn’t be in a relationship if he wasn’t aromantic it still stresses him out when he’s alone. 
He’d probably think queer platonic relationships are silly until he’s actually in one.
If he was a real person he’d be that person who brags about having a lot of sex when in reality he’s never been intimate with anyone and wants to keep it that way. 
First Person Perspective: 
No one really knows what he is including himself and he doesn’t really care that much. 
Everyone thinks he’s judgmental but he silently supports everyone. 
Rust McClain: 
I’ve seen some people headcanon him as bisexual and asexual and I can see that. 
Unlike Irving it’s not like he has a distaste for intimacies but it just isn’t his thing. 
Rust is pretty open about being bi too, he doesn’t really care who knows and it’s not something that bothers him. 
He’s the supportive father everyone deserves like it doesn’t matter what you are he’s got your back. 
Very chill lesbian. 
If you’re friends with her you probably hear her make a lot of gay jokes but with strangers she doesn’t really say anything. 
I think her vibes give it away though. 
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Yeah, so... Just to clarify a specific TotK-related thing I haven't been super transparent about, or not enough perhaps? I'm not accusing Nintendo of being this machiavellian entity with TotK's storytelling. I mean, it's not impossible that some narrative limitations were put in place to avoid rocking the boat too hard (and some people actually are conservative and have conservative beliefs that they champion in the work they make/fund, it's A Thing too also that we tend to ignore or wave off because Surely nobody would actually think like that, buuut sometimes people do think like that also and it's really unfortunate but people do be conservative the same way people do be gay and try to inject gay stories in corporate settings that try to maximize profit and audience reach, conservatives also do that it turns out!!! not saying it's what happened because I have no idea but I'd hardly say it's impossible), but: I think the final result and what I criticize about it happened mostly because of carelessness and/or lack of power from the narrative department to make their case (I didn't even see a "Writer" or any mention of a narrative department in the credits btw, so I don't know what's up with that), and not from active malice.
I am a consultant, it's kind of my job to work with game companies to mesh gameplay and narrative together, and honestly an enormous portion of my job is to just... point out that some tropes and some "evident" writing shortcuts have Implications, or might end up saying the opposite of what the game wanted to say (not my favorite part of the job, let me tell you this). The game industry is really super fucking bad with themes and media literacy in general to be really honest with you, so sometimes this conversation goes over super well and lead to very interesting places where we get to define a clearer narrative purpose to collectively push, and sometimes people get incredibly defensive and reject all and any criticism before slamming the door on your fingers. It's a known thing in the industry (and everywhere tbh, like trying to get a guy who is "such a feminist" to admit that he's systematically torturing his female characters to give them character growth is uhhhh very veryvery fun as you can imagine)
So while I'm not blaming Nintendo for twirling their copyrighted Italian Mustache while secretely trying to inject imperialist propaganda in their good fun game, I do blame them for not spotting their biases during a 6 year development cycle and for not making their narrative ambitions a bigger priority given the subject matter, and I do side-eye them for addressing said biases in ways that reinforce the core issue, which is to create a fictional conflict that refuse to self-examine and will sabotage its emotional beats, its writing and its character arcs to preserve, at almost all costs, an extremely flat worldview that also happens to parallel really unfortunate real life propaganda stories in its imagery, themes and tone (and this is a criticism I only have for TotK, and not towards the entire Zelda canon which has historically been much, *much* better than this, even in entries that were pretty close plot-wise).
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gettothestabbing · 5 months
It is very puzzling to me
how many female friends have told me, as a method of reassuring me about being dumped via text, "He'll come back to you."
I don't want him to??
Outside of the specific context of him wanting to mend our relationship and apologizing for his unkind behavior and failure to communicate, I'm not even interested in speaking to him. And even in that context, I would just let him down gently, because there are unsustainable differences in our values that keep me from marrying/continuing to date him.
Just because my feelings were hurt by the breakup doesn't mean I'm pining for him. I know myself well enough to tell the difference between "I don't want to be single again / I don't like being blamed when someone else messes up" and "I'll never love again, he was the ONE"
Actually, I've moved on so hard that I'm now (1) going on a second date with someone else I met on eHarmony and (2) feeling kinda bad about it because I started crushing on a recently-dumped/mid-divorce coworker who I've become better friends with recently.
Which is, like, a whole other can of worms. My sis said that it's not wrong to date other people when the person you like is unavailable. But it still feels a bit wrong. I don't date for fun, I date to find a husband. If I don't feel like a relationship can become a marriage, I stop pursuing it, and I try to be upfront about that with the men I date.
Current ways this could go:
Dates go well, end up with new guy, stay friends with coworker and ignore crush until it goes away
Dates don't go well, stay friends with coworker and ignore crush until it goes away
Dates don't go well, stay friends with coworker, eventually my crush becomes mutual and we marry in our shared faith tradition and have adorable children
You can probably tell which one I'm quietly hoping for, and also which is the least likely. It's so rare to meet a guy who is CS AND conservative AND close in age AND lives near me. Plus he's smart and cute and a cat person and fun to talk to??? Who allowed this.
I actually had a crush on him when we first met a year ago at work. But as soon as he mentioned his wife, my brain turned off the crush, and I was so glad for that. And then his wife decided to divorce him because she's been cheating on him, and all he wants is someone to talk through it all with. He has decided I am that person. So I've gotten to know him way better than I ever did before the divorce. And he's kind of perfect in almost every way.
I hate myself for crushing on him right now. I'm working very hard to never ever act weird or indicate it to anyone. (I swore the friend who guessed to absolute secrecy, but she ships us anyway.) It makes me feel like a creep to like him when I just went through a breakup and while he's going through a messy divorce and some other personal stuff. But it also makes perfect sense that, as soon as I learned he was technically not single, my crush circuit turned back on.
Honestly, I'm grateful for the opportunity to talk to him more. I am learning a lot about being a good friend these past few years. That should be expanded to men again. Just because I had weird experiences with male friends in college doesn't mean I can never have a male friend again.
I'm just not going to focus on these feelings. I want to be a good friend to him. Wherever the crush gets in the way of that, it must be suppressed or redirected. i can keep working on self-improvement, on my career, and on helping out with family and community stuff. There are so many important things to do, good things that glorify God and help people tangibly. As much as I cherish and desire becoming a wife and mother, I know that these things do not and should not come first, especially not right now. And if I ever get to be either of these things, I will be grateful for the work I put in now to be better at those roles (by becoming healthier, a better friend, and a more well-rounded person).
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wayward-dreamer · 3 months
I've been seeing a lot of people saying they're not liking this season (I'm not talking about the extreme conservatives who are review bombing it because they didn't realise this show was making fun of them until now lol), which is totally fine. Everyone has their reasons which are valid, but I've honestly really been enjoying it so far.
I like the idea of everyone dealing with their pasts and how it's affecting their present, and then possibly how it'll affect them in the future. Some might say it feels disjointed or that we don't need to know all this stuff about their backgrounds, but I actually feel it's the opposite. I think anything you get to learn about them makes them more rounded characters, and gives us more insight which is always a good thing considering we only get 8 episodes a season.
Yes, some of it is a bit recycled i.e. Frenchie's past, Kimiko's as well. That said, this is the most we've explored with Frenchie's days of working for Little Nina, more than S3 when Nina was actually in the season. We're always told things about him, but this is the first time he's dealing with the consequences first hand with Colin, and I'm actually glad they've done that. I think the addition of this girl in Kimiko's storyline who is from Shining Light might've been better explored in S3 as a continuation from S2, but I think this a way of putting this storyline to bed before we get into the final push in S5.
Hughie's arc is killing me, and Jack Quaid is absolutely crushing it. Annie's arc is great with her having to grapple with what's happened in the past and reconcile it with everything she's trying to do right now. Homelander is more frightening than ever, which I didn't think was possible but it is. Episode 4 is the peak (so far) of how scary and downright mean he can be. And his absolute delight in the face of that is disturbingly fantastic. Also the revelation that he's basically psychologically programmed to need and crave love is genius. That just makes him human, which is the one thing he hates to the point of wanting Ryan to hate that part of himself too. Brilliant. I also think Butcher's story carries a lot of weight despite being subdued, but it makes sense for what he's going through. And A-TRAIN HOLY SHIT. I think they're handling this road to redemption really well, and I think I'm one of the few people that don't think he's gonna die this season, which might just mean I'm delulu but whatever lol
Other seasons have had one central plot which have split into seperate arcs, but this one has a lot of arcs which are going to converge into one central plot soon I feel, which I think is just another way to do it and keep everyone on their toes. I like that the tone is a little darker this time, because they're building towards the end, not just of S4 but S5 too. I think it works for this season to set up the next and last, because we have more time to work with. So it's more like 16 episodes towards the series end, rather than 8, if that makes sense.
So let's see where this all goes, I'm really excited to see how everything unfolds!!
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hotluncheddie · 7 months
Hai agaiiinnnn it’s me ☺️
That’s so fair about being sensitive about like substances and having to have the right kind of vibe to partake! I’ve only been high twice and I only get high with my one friend and it’s like fun becuade it’s funny to be high but also it just makes me really really sleepy so it’s not totally worth it for me lol
Also saw you said you don’t have a best friend but if you want to be internet best friends I’m down! I am the type of person where just anyone I like enough I get super excited about friendship so my brain like golden retrievers and goes !!bestfriend!! Like 10 minutes after knowing them lol. Some people are more picky which I totally respect that if that’s your vibe too it’s probably a better way to be to be honest lol
Also also I was reading your fics (love them by the way) and I saw you have a couple angsty ones and a couple smutty ones and a couple Steve is catholic ones and I was wondering have you read a mess of holy things? It’s a no upside down au but Steve was raised super conservatively catholic and then goes to college and meets Eddie an ex-catholic and they have this crazy intense friendship turned relationship and Steve deals with all his internalization of his identity by letting go of the religious oppression he was raised in and it’s AMAZING it’s my favorite fic of all time I tell everyone I know about it lol you might add that to your list!
Also also also it’s so sweet you’ve been with your partner for 9 years and your only 26 I love that that’s is so cute and amazing 🥹
Okay byeee *smooch smooch*- 🍯
hi!!!! 🥺🍯🫂
but omg literally it's made me so sleepy before and like sometimes makes it so i really done wanna talk at all. so not very good for handing out with people. but that's so nice that you have one friend where its comfy and fun to do that!
i would like to be friends!!! but that's so sweet and nice omg u should be happy you're like that, golden retriever brain is actually so special to have <3. i find making friends really really hard tbh and especially online. im just not very good at like the transitions of friendships like getting closer to someone gradually it kinda confuses me and i always think im doing it wrong. so not picky just bad at it lol
ty 🥺 but i have read a little bit of it yes!! some of the chapters have come up on my timeline and so i've read bits!! just checked ao3 and its complete so i will def put it on my list!! i'll take your word for how good it is!!!
but that writer is so so talented omg i've read a lot of their work it's so so so good - very lovely closeness and care and like just touching to touch
but aaaaa ty yeah!! long time!!! ❤️
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 38
It is STILL 1941. I just want to point out that there are no episodes in 1940. None in 1942. But 1941? THIS IS OUR THIRD. It's a wonder the Doctor still goes, given the high chance of meeting a past or future self, frankly.
Anyway, we get a Christmas episode! The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe. The Doctor starts on a big spaceship in space that looks very cool, which he possibly blows up. Eventually he sort of falls off it and falls through Earth's gravity well, trying to grab and don a spacesuit. He takes ages to do it. That's actually quite dangerous - the vacuum of space does dangerous things to living tissue, and yet he survives entirely unscathed. That's good information. It's good to know officially, for example, that if the Doctor is exposed to the vacuum of space, he will not, for example, go blind.
Anyway after landing he meets Madge, a woman who helps him back to the TARDIS. Three years later - in 1941, when "everything in the world happens" - the Doctor Who showrunners, apparently - Madge's husband dies in WW2 when his plane is damaged and a propella stops. She doesn't want to tell her children (a wet boy called Cyril and an annoying girl called Lily) until after Christmas, but they all go away to a... random manor house, IDK that part is weird. I think it's Stradey Castle.
The Doctor is the caretaker. He decides a suitable Christmas present is an interdimensional portal to Narnia Androzani Major aka the twin planet of the place with the caves that are haunted by the Phantom of the Opera in the English series. It's a big snowy wood. For the record, I am 100% on board with this present.
The wet boy opens it early and crawls inside, because of course he does. The Doctor and the annoying girl follow. This is the least fun bit of the whole episode, actually. She's annoying because every single one of her lines is her demanding answers while never working out a single thing for herself or doing anything useful, plus haranguing the Doctor at random points. In return, he's consistently a cunt to her ("GOD Lily weren't you LISTENING?" is a line he has a good four times, plus additional derivatives thereof.) After a while you start to wonder what the point of the episode is.
Madge also follows after them all. A trio of comedians (best scene of the episode) headed by Bill Bailey turn up, and explain that deforestation is about to happen via acid rain, which is literally the worst harvesting procedure I've ever heard of, and I would like you all to remember at this point that what I do for a living is lecture in environmental conservation and climate change with a specialism in trees and woodlands, so I have heard a great many terrible harvesting procedures, both hypothetical and real. Where's the Phantom of the Opera guy and his androids when you need them? This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Explain this business model to me, Androzani Major. Fucking idiots.
But it means the forest is trying to escape. They wish to do this by putting all their souls into a living human. It has to be a woman, because at this point Steven Moffat had read a book on gender theory and was trying to make up for past crimes, I assume, but it's patronising as fuck regardless (also there is a viscerally GROSS line about the Forest of Cheem "fancying him" which I know I'm furious about but as we technically haven't seen that episode yet I can't be but YOU JUST WATCH ME add it to the question list). Everyone ends up in a tower with some beautiful tree people and they all fly away in a spaceship - the tree souls just settle among the stars, which is... really not a resolution for trees, actually, but okay. Meanwhile by flying back home through the time vortex, Madge accidentally provides a light for her husband in his broken plane to navigate by. This does not make much sense, given that the issue with the plane is that it has visibly lost an engine and a bright light is hardly helpful to that problem, but okay. It means he lands outside the manor house on Christmas day when they do, though, so they're reunited? I mean there were two other men in that plane, neither of whom are seen or heard from again, fuck knows what happened to them, BUT OKAY
This would have been an okay episode, but regrettably, the actors are woefully not up to the task of the emotional weight and nuance it was built around. Also it bears repeating what the FUCK is that harvesting technique I mean
Almost none and then right at the end the Doctor reveals that his friends think he's dead??? So he goes off to visit Amy and Rory and tell them he's alive. Turns out they already knew because River told them. The scene is sterile and lacklustre because they have no chemistry, but Matt Smith does his best to save it.
So that's fun! Maybe next episode we'll get to move to 1943, as a treat
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?)
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? NEW INFO: how did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years?
How does the Doctor survive River
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead?
Is Matt Smith's Doctor a tree racist?
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fantomette22 · 1 month
maybe people wouldn’t be so resistant to the one take about gehrman being a creep and the doll being nothing but a conservative bastardization of maria if the people that read the game this way weren’t such dicks about it being the only right take. and rude to gerhmarias like they’re sexist devilspawn. nothing wrong with feminist takes on bloodborne but they don’t always have to be written in that condescending voice like everyone else is fucking stupid because they think gehrman possibly loved maria or maybe the great ones are just organisms that impregnate certain women from an old superpowered bloodline. why can’t all readings be valid?
Yeah that's a good question... I really wish.
I don't want to put everyone in the same bag but many people with that take are /were (it's been a while really) extremely mean and rude about others takes sometimes. Saw it more than once for sure... I know some people are gonna say "but it goes the other way too!" Well if you keep being insulted you might retaliate at some point yeah... (but from what I saw really it was never that disproportionate except 1-2 times compared to like 10+ times cough cough) that's not good either through and I really tried to not to do that and respected everyone.
I really don't like the creep take, it make me very uncomfortable for lot of reasons. I like dark themes and tragedies for sure but if I could not get thrown in the face horrible things that are going on in the world all the time and especially when I am trying to have fun, I think that's understandable right?
I prefer the others interpretations for that because 1: they have legit clues and back up to those as well! Like there's literally proof it was probably not that way! With interprets, personal resentments or even mistranslations etc 2. Like I already said it before I think, we got the "choice" to go with what we want almost. Why hurt ourself when we could be more at ease and comfortable and have fun?
(Many people who casually play the games don't view gehrman that way + I personally think. If he was that creepy/bad. Wouldn't he be like Selves.Gideon? And not like tragic final boss? Plus no one is gonna fight that way about them or Alfred, Logarius and other characters like wtf)
I can try to understand that some people really can't imagine another interprets and won't change their mind. I really try to make the effort to try to accept that and leave people alone. Sometimes I would like it goes the other way around as well. But many people just absolutely don't freaking care actually 😑 and at times it tell something more...
I don't wanna be mean but sometimes I think people might really thought about it too far because clearly devs wouldn't have thought of it that way ? maybe? or I mean they literally leave choices (also doing big ass essay is nice but going too far of the main material + not knowing sometimes basic lore things hm... maybe there's lil a pb? ) I absolutely love compared what real life things inspired fictives universe! But sometimes it's just fiction. Fantasy. And it can't have a full 100% realistic and historical view on it. And I mean what does that even mean? Life was different for everyone for countries. Of course there's huge "trends" but it's reductor I feel?"
Anyway hm let's move on guys that's not worth fighting for this shit.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Okay, so more thoughts on trophy husband!Hob because everyone here are wonderful enablers.
Hob wanting to do a photoshoot with some cool clothes he found at charity and vintage shops (sure he could pay a designer to hand stitch him something now, but thrifting is about the hunt. Besides it's fun to put on his "just some guy" aura and go out among normal people.) and Dream being super normal about anything Hob mentions wanting books out a whole ass historic manor for a day. Hob is used to filming and photographing himself and keeps to it now that it is all for fun and not his main source of income, so it is just the two of them. Dream may have also become obsessed with taking photos of Hob and bought the phone with the best possible camera after he tried taking Hob’s picture the first time and didn't manage to fully capture Hob's beauty. The fancy camera didn't help Dream's skills at all, but the thousands of photos he's taken since then certainly have.
The last photos of the day are of Hob's prized finds and have him dressed up in a lacy negligee slip covered by a diaphanous robe with billowing sleeves and an even wider skirt all trimmed in feathers. The kind that an old school Hollywood starlet playing a bereaved wife would wear when assuring the officer that she just didn't know anyone who would wish her husband ill, and she'll just have to go cry in the piles of money he left behind about it. The color of the robe is rich in the fading light of the sunset and beautiful against Hob's skin, contrasting well against the wooden banister he is leaning languorously against.
The photo is taken from the bottom of the staircase looking adoringly up at Hob who has his hand brought up to his mouth as if caught mid gasp, his wedding ring smeared with blood red lipstick from where it rests against the plush of his bottom lip. Hob would have pulled the shocked expression off, if it wasn't for the ravenous look in his eyes as he stared down at the photographer.
When Hob posts the photo up on social media the conservative press goes wild saying it's a clear sign that Hob is planning to kill Dream off for his fortune, they wonder if it would be admissible evidence in court if Dream were to meet an untimely end. Anyone else with two brain cells to squeak together know that the look Hob was giving means that the only way he is killing Dream is accidentally from heart failure mid-fuck. It becomes a bit of a meme to tweet at Dream to keep up with his cardio. Hob can't stop laughing every time he sees it.
Of course, Hob and Dream took full advantage of having the manor all to themselves. They might not have been able to fuck on the historic furniture, but the kitchen counters were sturdy enough. While all that marble was a bit uncomfortable it made an appropriate enough altar on which to worship each other.
Skskdkfjfjg everyone thinking that Hob is some kind of femme fatale when he’s actually THE most devoted spouse in the world?? Hilarious. You just know that he plays up to his meme and changes his bio to “looking for my second husband” or something djdjdjf.
During the photoshoot they’re totally doing a little elaborate model x photographer roleplay. Hob is making Dream work hard to seduce him, making sure that the photos are perfect and that Dream is absolutely at the end of his rope before Hob finally allows him to touch. They fall on top of each other and fuck on the floor in the hallway, knowing that potentially anyone could walk in and find them there. Dream takes a minute to take a few private pictures, just for his own future enjoyment. Hob looks absolutely perfect spread out on an antique floor rug, his legs wide and inviting Dream in between them. Dream has to pay an extra cleaning fee to the owners of the house, but he can afford it and frankly, he doesn’t give a shit. He even offers to buy the manor, just in case Hob wants to come back for a second shoot.
When the (fully dressed, public-friendly) photos come out on Hob’s social media, no one can fail to see the fresh indentations of Dream’s teeth on his throat. Hob scolds him for it, but Dream couldn’t help but lay a proper claim on his husband. If people are going to be able to see his beloved in his beautiful clothes, then Dream wants to make damned sure that nobody gets any ideas about who he belongs to.
(Hob retaliates by finishing off the photo set with one of Dream in the middle of getting re-dressed, his back to the camera and his t-shirt halfway over his head. He’s all about showing off his husband, as well as his husband’s money <3)
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