#This is probably a dumb idea but I needed to get it out of my system
hiimnothere1 · 2 days
Cute date idea I had ❤️
It’d be super cute if you wore a skirt and lifted it to reveal your underwear bulging and holding remote controlled toys in. I’d put my hands over them and move them around just to mess with you.
We’d go and pick out some new clothes and jewelry for me. In each store we’d pick things out but you’d be my entertainment as we do. I’ll whisper things I wanna do to you in your ear, call you a dumb fucking slut and all its variations, grab the toys and shake them around directly, and tease you about the toys and tell you about who’s staring at you.
If a large group of people were to stare at you, I’d put it on max and watch you fucking struggle to hold it in. It would be so cute to see you fold in front of them
Maybe someone would come flirt with you and I’d grab your ass and proclaim that you’re mine. The entire conversation, I’d feel you up in front of him. Maybe I’ll even have you lift your skirt in front of him and hand him the controls for a little bit. I’ll whisper in your ear “give him a little show” and have you whimper and squirm in front of both of us.
It’d be so pathetic if you came right then and there in front of both of us. Honestly, if you did, I’d probably have you beg him for forgiveness and give him permission to use your dumb mouth as forgiveness. Even if he does, you’re for sure getting punished as I will be fucking your dumb hole from behind.
I’d pour my load into you and put the toy back in before we finish out our date. The cum might leak out so you’ll need to squeeze your hole super tight against the toy so it doesn’t.
When we’re done our little trip and are back in our room, I’ll finally let you cum as I start to devour you on the bed.
Really cute date idea.
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exeggcute · 23 hours
the leaked mrbeast production doc kills me because like, for better or worse, this guy clearly has his shit down to a science. he knows exactly what game he's playing and he knows how to play to win. the actual doc is structured well, communicates its ideas clearly, but also was thrown together by a youtube guy who paid no attention to visual formatting or proofreading. and yet as much as I hate to say it, stuff like this is actually great and widely applicable advice:
What you consume on social media, when you watch youtube, tv, the games you play, etc. are what I like to call your information diet. Chris Tyson (our first subscriber and the guy in the videos) is a wonderful example of an information diet being used to perfection. The dude is funny as fuck. I’ve never met anyone in my entire life that can make people laugh like he can and I never understood why he was so good at it until I lived with him for a few years. The dude watches an obscene amount of cartoons and stupid shit. His eyeballs exsist to inhail copious amounts of just goofy, dumb, and brain numbing content. And as a result he can quote almost any line from any episode of spongebob. He’s able to draw from so much stupid shit in his head as inspiration to make jokes and be quirky. As a result he is fucken hilarious. But let’s imagine a different Chris, let’s say instead of cartoons and stupid shit, his information diet was stocks and investing advice. And for 5 years that’s all he consumed. Do you think he’d be just as funny as he currently is? No. He in my opinion wouldn’t even be 20% as funny. If you’re a writer or director you really need to monitor and perfect your information diet. If your diet is not correct, you won’t have a good pulse on culture. I don’t want you to be a chris, in fact, I think that would probably do you harm. Talent needs to inhale cartoons so they can be funny, writers need to inhale inspiration. Let’s say there is a purple fruit in the middle of Australia that when eaten makes you 2 feet taller. If it truly did exist, you wouldn’t have known that until just right now. But now that you know of it, you can draw on it for inspiration for every piece of content you write going forward. That’s beautiful, it can now sit in the back of your mind waiting for that one video where it is needed. It might take 10 videos or even 100 but eventually you’ll be brainstorming a bit and think of the right one to use the fruit for. Apply this to everything on this fucken planet. You. Can’t. Get. Inspired. By. Things. You. Don’t. Know. Exist. So how do you learn more about what's out there in the world? How do you stay up to date on the latest memes? How do you know what’s going on with celebrities? What’s trending on youtube? What other creators are doing? What’s popping on tik tok? Your information diet. Consume things on a daily basis that help you write better content.
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porkcutletbowl44 · 3 days
Pls post deleted scenes 🙇🏽‍♀️
Hi anon! I'm sorry this took so long, but I wanted to accumulate as much deleted scenes as I could until I started running out of the intrusive ideas for now 🤣
A lot of these won't make sense, hence why they are deleted because I have deleted a lot of scenes because I change my mind a lot, most are just funny replies, my notes to read for later, and just... Feral in general lmao.
So, yes, deleted for a reason! (I will be adding to it if I come across more out of pocket shit)
(probably riddled with spelling and Grammar mistakes)
Far From Perfect Deleted Scenes
(Spoiler free! at least one of these scenes is NSFW)
That comment strikes a nerve, and for a fraction of a second, Keegan's composure falters.
But he quickly regains his composure, and a flicker of irritation shows in his eyes. "Twat?" he repeats, his voice just as cool as before. "That's a new one. I prefer handsome devil, personally."
"More like arrogant prick." Simon replied with distain.
He knew that Simon was a strong guy, and he had no doubt that he could hold his own in a fight. But he also knew that strength wasn't everything.
He glanced at Simon struggling with the barbell, silently amused. He chuckled to himself and leaned over to Hesh, who was watching the scene unfold with a smirk on his face.
"Y'know, for a big tough guy, he's got some pretty small dick vibes," Keegan quipped, taking a drag from his cigarette.
Hesh snickered, trying to muffle his laughs.
"Yeah, he's overcompensating for something," he said, his eyes fixed on Simon.
"Probably said micro penis."
Soap only shook his head with a scoff, muttering out, "Bloody hell..." under his breath, before leaning over and smacking Simon upside the back of the head.
He grumbled out in irritation, "Get yerself together, ya prick."
Fawn looks up from her coloring book, looking over at her cow.
"Dad...you're a heifer. Just like my cow."
Simon huffs in annoyance, you swear you saw his eye twitch to hold back his anger.
"You think you can just excuse your actions? Moving on like nothing mattered between us?"
"I swear to GOD I'm gonna invest in a meat hook next to make the other side of your ribs to match."
[this shit is ass delete immediately, uncontinue, swap for 3rd]
"Do you remember when we first met?"
It was a dumb question, he knows you do. You’ve told him countless times that you’ll never forget.
You shake your head, confused, "Simon, what is this about?-"
His large hands moved from your arms to your thighs, pushing them apart so he could step even closer to you.
His warm hands gently grip your soft flesh, his fingers squeezing your thighs gently.
"Just answer me," he pleaded.
He wanted to get closer, but he’ll hold himself back.
"Do you remember when we first met?" He repeated.
"Yes," you whisper.
A small, halfhearted laugh escaped from him, but it lacked any humor.
"What was your first thought o' me?"
He knew the answer to this, again, it’s a dumb question, but he wanted to hear it from you. He needed to.
"It was dark, all I saw was your mask and I thought you were gonna kill me..." You nervously smiled, trying to suppress it.
He almost smiled— but he didn’t, not just yet.
Not when he was standing between your legs, his fingers digging into your thighs.
"An' when you saw m'face?"
His head tilted down towards yours, making sure you had no choice but to look up at him with those pleading eyes of yours.
"I...." You trailed off, taking in a breath. "I don't know how to answer that."
His hands on your thighs squeezed gently, as if trying to keep you there. He was losing his patience, fast. He had to keep it together. He can’t get angry, it would wreck everything.
"Say it," He urges. "What did y'think when you saw m'face for the first time?"
"I thought... Maybe you weren't such a asshole after all. You trusted me,"
His thumb moves to start rubbing small circles on your inner thigh, his mind remembering how it’d move between your legs.
"Y'were the only one I trusted with a lot o' things," he said hoarsely, his eyes scanning your face.
His touch was making you shiver, he knew. But he wasn’t going to do anything irrational, especially when he knows you're still hurt, mad at him.
"The only one I trusted with m'heart," he continued. "The only one that I trusted with my life... Y'know that."
"You just said y'would. You'd consider it."
He steps closer to you again, the distance between your bodies almost nonexistent thanks to his fat chest. "You'd consider going out with another guy, just like that?"
"Well, it's a good thing I'm free to do that if I want to, huh? Considering YOURE THE ONE WHO LEFT ME FOR A FUCKING BIMBO!"
"I’ll go pack up her stuff if y'wanna go pump."
"Im gonna use the electric one finally, see how it works." You brush off
He didn’t respond to your statement, simply nodding his head in acknowledgement.
Though, he made a mental note to buy you a better electric breast pump. He’d been meaning to, for sometime, but just didn’t get around to it.
He gave you a light pat on the hip, signaling that he would head over to the nursery to start packing Fawn’s overnight stuff.
You sat Fawn on her play blanket, and fished around for the pump.
You opened the box and read the instructions.
In the other room, Simon headed into the nursery and began to gather up the items he’d need to pack into a small overnight bag: a couple of onesies, a change of clothes, nappies, powder, wipes. The usual supplies for a baby.
It didn’t take him long to get everything together. He sat down on the bed near the nursery and began pulling things out of the bag, double checking he had everything. Simon checked his watch and glanced towards the door, curious how long it was taking you to set up the breast pump.
Normally, it didn’t take long, just a few minutes of getting everything ready. It should’ve been done by now. But you were taking a long time, a noticeably longer time. His curiosity was starting to get the better of him.
He quietly walked to the door, silently slipping into the hallway and going to the living room.
Simon continued to slowly walk down the hallway, looking down when he heard you mumbling to yourself. He saw you sat on the couch, holding the breast pump in one hand and the instructions in the other.
He stopped in front of the couch, crossing his arms over his chest, an amused look on his face.
"Everything alright, love?"
You huff silently, "It says to be placed with the opening at the top, but there's two openings..."
Simon stepped up to the couch, sitting down on the cushion next to you. He looked at the breast pump with you, seeing exactly what you were talking about.
"Y'don't say." He responded, unable to keep the smirk from playing at the corners of his lips.
"Maybe..." You capped the top one, and stuffed it down your shirt and held it in place.
You pressed the on button, and it started to work
He raised an eyebrow, looking at the sight of the pump resting against your chest. The way it sat, pushed against your chest, looked uncomfortable. He reached over to adjust it for you.
"It’s not uncomfortable?" Simon questioned, hand hovering in the air.
"No, it's just...cold." you shrug, letting him hold it in place.
His eyebrows furrowed in thought as you informed him that the pump was cold. Which made sense, considering it was sitting against your bare skin. He adjusted it slightly, trying to ensure it was secure.
"Right, right…" he responded, his voice a tad lower than usual.
Simon found his eyes drawn back to the sight of the breast pump, sitting against your chest.
"At least it's the right titty size."
You huff, deadpanning at him. By the time you were done, you were filling up the biggest mason jar you had with milk. Simon sat there, watching the jar you had the pump connected to fill up with an impressive amount of milk. He was… in awe, mildly shocked at the amount.
"Jesus… that’s a lot o' milk." He mumbled.
"Liquid gold," you smirk, circling the milk around the jar.
"Guess so," he hummed as he watched you circle the milk around the jar. His eyes were still fixated on your tits, particularly the area where the pump was sitting against.
He could feel his jeans growing tighter by the second, and quickly tried to find a distraction. He cleared his throat, trying to think of something to say. He knew that if he just sat there and stared at your breasts, he’d get distracted and things would escalate quickly.
"Y'know, this new pump works… efficiently." he commented, watching as you held the jar.
You nod along, holding up a finger for him to listen to the whirrr of the machine
He went quiet, listening intently to the sound the breast pump was making. He had to admit, the new one was faster, and much quieter than the one you were previously using.
Simon hummed in thought.
"Y'were right 'bout the new pump bein' better. Quiet too,"
"No?" Simon repeated, his eyebrows raising in surprise at her reaction. "You don’t think they are nice?"
"No, because momma always says 'romance is dead', and 'men ain't shit', whatever that means..." She explained casually.
Simon sputters in shock and laughter, "Don't say bad words,"
[black jack or crazy eights]
Hesh looks up from his cards with a pout.
"I'm not a sore loser, I just don't like cheaters," he retorts, his words laced with teasing humor.
"You're just a filthy cheater."
"Womp womp, L, ratio, get absolutely shit on—"
[trashed for the better note]
Simon is home from his long day at HQ, locking the deadbolt behind him with a call of your name.
"In here, Si! I can't really walk fast..." you called out.
"'M comin'!" Simon shouted back, his voice a bit rougher than usual.
Simon eyes the kettle already cooling down from its boil, smiling appreciatively.
"Damn, look at ya... lil rascal getting ready to pop, huh?"
You smiled softly, leaning on the counter.
"Yeah, ready to pop my bladder. Been laying on it all day," you rubbed the back of your neck.
"I swear, you didn't have to piss so much before getting pregnant." Simon replied, turning the kettle off the eye.
"Then again, y'know how it is..." He shrugged. "Nothin' but a big ol' baby to the back of your bladder." he said, taking a couple of steps towards you, his hand reaching out to support your back.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his masked cheek.
"I'm ready for this thing to get outta me... I miss having sushi." You whined pitifully.
"Jus' a couple more weeks." he replied, resting his hand on your swollen stomach.
Simon looked down at you, his fingers tracing a small circle.
"Sushi an' wine. Thas what ya missin' the most, eh?" he asked.
"I can deal without wine, but I'd kill for a snow crab roll." You replied with a playful seriousness.
Simon scoffed, though it held no genuine disdain as he laughed. "Yeah, thas you just 'bout. Kill for food, sleep, an' me. What else?" he teased.
He drums his fingers on your belly, "Jus' hold on, yeah? 'M sure we can get you some sushi after things settle down."
"yeah." You smiled up at him, moving out of the way for him.
Simon chuckled, starting to go about the task of making tea.
"Not to mention the little one will be out n' 'bout before we know it." he said, looking down at you.
"An' then we'll have to deal with that. We're gonna have t'get used to bein' tired all the damn time... or just ya, really."
You glared at him slightly, dipping your pretzels in peanut butter.
"'M just sayin', 'm already used to bein' tired." Simon said with a small, smug smile, leaning against the counter.
"An' you'll be the one that's gonna have t'get up in the middle o' the night... feed him an' all that. So 'm gonna have me a lil sleepin' buddy." Simon joked, chuckling again... before realizing what he was saying.
"That uh, that sounded better in my head."
"'him'?" You looked at him confused.
"He... He... It... It's..." Simon replied, his voice growing frustrated as he tried to explain himself. "Whatever it is."
Simon paused for a few seconds, taking a deep breath to try to gather his thoughts
"I mean... I'd be fine no matter what it is." he offered, "I just.. just want it t'be healthy, Y'know?"
"yeah, I know. You think it's a boy?" You asked curiously, munching away.
"I mean..." Simon muttered, his tone growing serious, "I hope it's a boy... I, just,"
Simon sighed, "Just wanna be able to do the things with 'em. Take him out an' about. Teach 'im the things that I think a Dad should teach 'is son."
Simon paused again, letting out a small sigh.
"Sorry... I-I," Simon's voice had gone quiet.
what are you complaining about? It should be enough to have a healthy and happy child... right?
Your eyes softened.
"I get it...you wanna be the dad you didn't have."
"Exactly." Simon muttered, "I don't wanna be... well, I don't wanna be him."
"God, this kid is gonna be glued to your side." You giggle.
"I hope he is." Simon muttered, chuckling softly as he realized how he sounded.
"But... I want 'em to not be afraid to speak up and tell me 'bout stuff. I want 'em to not be afraid to let me know how they're feeling. I want 'em to come to me when they're sad or excited or hurt. I never *got* all that.. and.. well.. I want to give him the childhood I never had, you know?"
"you're already a great dad." You murmured affectionately.
Simon scoffed, though it held no genuine malice as he let out a small, soft chuckle. "Nah... haven't been a Dad yet. Just a... an expectin' father who's gonna soon be a Dad."
He paused a moment, looking down at your stomach, his hand shifting to rub it.
"The baby's still cookin' in there... we still got a ways to go before we start doin' the Dad stuff."
"well...you practically raised your brother. I think you have most of the skills already," you murmured carefully.
Simon stiffened slightly, his fingers tightening a little on your stomach for a moment, before settling once again.
"Right... well... he wasn't my son. He was my brother."
Simon sighed as he continued to massage your stomach.
"It's different." he said shortly, the topic of his brother something that Simon had always been sensitive about, even if he rarely spoke of it.
"it is different, but its still the same necessities, y'know? Feeding, bathing, bedtime..." You trailed off.
"I suppose..." Simon grumbled, his tone quiet, and his grip on your stomach now loosened, his hand now resting gently.
"I just want to be a better father than mine was... better than his. I wanna make sure this kid gets raised proper, y'know?"
"Just wanna be the father that a kid deserves. Not the alcoholic, narcissistic prick that I got." Simon grumbled softly, his words holding no malice, just the facts of his own miserable childhood.
"you're gonna be such a a good father..." You sighed out tenderly, cupping his cheek.
"I sure as hell 'ope so." Simon muttered, nodding as he looked at your hands on his cheek.
"I couldn't bare for our kid to experience even half the trauma that I did. Can't let 'em go through that, y'know?"
"you will." You assured. "You're not your father's son anymore." You shook your head. "You are your own person, top of the Riley family tree."
"Hmm.." Simon muttered softly, nodding as he took a deep breath.
"I know, but I can't help but... I just get scared." he admitted, looking up at you and meeting your eyes.
"Just the idea of havin' to take care 'o somethin'... someone other'n myself... it's a big responsibility." he breathed in again and let out a shuddering sigh, looking back to your swollen stomach.
"we are in this together, okay?" You murmured, trying to wash away his worries.
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laniidae-passerine · 3 months
I’m finding that the laziest moments of Doctor Who’s writing are the ‘retroactive twists’ - when the show runner reveals something happened way back over there, in the past, before they were even running the show. And we swear it happened, way over there, far back, and you didn’t see it because of reasons but it’s definitely been happening! And it totally makes sense and I absolutely didn’t just pull it out my ass to justify my paper thin plotline! All this kind of writing does is make me miss self contained season length plots. We’ve had people complaining that Moffat was guilty of the “this thing is big and scary and it’s going to happen, oh god it’s showing up, we’re going to discover what it truly is….. next season!!!!!!” plotline (and yes. he was. twelve is my fav doctor but yeah Moffat loved a mysterious horse and a big stick) but now suddenly when RTD gets out his own mysterious horse and a big stick, it’s got to be genius! everything is eventually going to make sense! and we’re absolutely not being had by a man who used to be able to write this show and is now a hack!
#FUCK OFF RUSSELL#write a good show or go home christ alive#it’s just nostalgia glasses. we could get an episode where all 10 does is sit in a daybed and list the symptoms of shingles#and a lot of people on this website would be falling over themselves to try say that yeah it’s not good! it’s not well written! but it’s fun#and obviously that’s all doctor who needs to be. fun! not good or interesting or well written or good scifi but fun. just mediocre mush fun.#im sorry that you love dave 10nant so much (name censor bc tbf this ain’t his fault he’s just here)#that you cannot handle admitting that RTD is bad at his job now or that bringing 10 back as 14 was a shit idea#and that plotline was boring and kinda dumb#but it’s true. it’s gone downhill. RTD does not know what this show is anymore#and I frankly think he’s gone from a fanboy being able to write his dw dreams and make them episodes#from a man who views this show as his little pet project that sprung him into success#the best episodes are written by people who love this show. adore it. think of it as something big and grand#and are so thrilled that they get to add part of themselves to it with their stories and words#it’s why he used to be good. and now he doesn’t really care anymore and it shows.#it’s why my favourite doctor is my favourite doctor (and probably why people adore 9 + 10)#because you can feel the love exuding from every performance. it’s a childhood dream. there’s not time to waste a second of it.#sorry but this season was bad and the overarching story was bad#and the Christmas special is going to be bad. because it hinges on the idea we’re going to ‘find out more next time!’#shut up and tell me now. or at least in the season. ‘ooh ruby’s snow power will be explained next season’ NO! EXPLAIN IT NOW#doctor who#dw#dw negativity#rtd2 era#rtd2#rtd
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smolmakerel · 1 year
You know what? I live for the Black Widow AU that I saw floating around some time ago (I don't know if it's still a thing). It's such an interesting concept, and it got me thinking of another AU.
Captain America AU
Imagine, it's the early 20th century and WW2 is just starting, but women were allowed to fight in the army. There in NYC are the Carpenter sisters.
Tara Carpenter is a sickly little thing. She has asthma, was born early, and is always ready to pick a fight with people much bigger and stronger than her. She looks up to her sister Sam and is desperate to fight in the war with her when Sam volunteers.
Samantha Carpenter is a perfectly healthy woman. She's been working her way up the ranks of the U.S. military to become one of the people to put an end to the war. She worries that if she doesn't hurry, the opposing side might nuke the United States and Tara -
Tara might die.
But Tara wasn't afraid of death.
It took a lot of perjury, but Tara managed to enlist in the army with the help of a certain doctor (whose name I'm too lazy to look up rn). Seeing such a thin, sickly girl in the army, the other recruits and higher ups don't believe in her.
Despite their lack of faith, Tara has heart. And with her heart, she was recruited for a secret program. She was going to become a super soldier.
She signed on to be a lab rat of sorts. It hurt, the administration of the serum, but she came out...
Looking exactly the same. But on the plus side, she has better reflexes, stamina, and no asthma! Sam was going to be so proud of her when they finally met up.
Only for disaster to strike.
Sam, trying to protect Tara, ended up being thrown from a train and off the side of a mountain. Tara, devastated with the loss of her sister, was determined to end it all.
And end it she did. Only, Tara didn't expect to wake up nearly a century later in modern America. S.H.I.E.L.D. was eager to recruit her into this "Avengers Protocol", or whatever.
She also didn't expect H.Y.D.R.A. would come back with a familiar brunette on their side. Her left arm shines with metal, and her eyes became hardened over the years.
Tara knows this is Sam, her older sister who she thought she lost forever. The person she would die for.
They call her the Ghost Face now, but Tara knows Sam is still in there.
Why would the Ghost Face hesitate multiple times to kill her otherwise?
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lieutenantselnia · 2 months
Internet archive I love you❤️❤️❤️
#my 14 year old self is crying tears of joy rn#I was able to recover videos of a yt channel that I used to follow as a teen but was closed by the owner from one day to the other#for *years* I thought I'd never see them again (aside very few scattered reuploads)#granted my interests changed and I was occupied with other things#but every once in a while I was wishing I could just watch at least my nr 1 favourite video of them just one more time#but NOW I found out that someone salvaged basically the entire channel and just - put the videos up for downloading?!#it feels so unreal because after all this time I can just watch them again? as often as I want?! and they're mine to keep forever?!! ahhhh#I'm getting unreasonably emotional over this but that channel genuinely meant a lot to me at the time#I still remember that I was on the school bus home when I discovered it was gone#and I swear if I hadn't been in a public setting I'd legit have cried over it. it certainly ruined an otherwise really nice day for me#granted my 14y/o self probably had a bit of a dumb sense of humour (harmless. but dumb. what do you expect from a 14y/o?)#(hence I'm also hesitant to mention the channel name bc I'm not sure if I'm ready to potentially embarrass myself)#but I still feel an odd fondness looking back because I know how much those videos meant to her <3#especially my one favourite video which 1. was the sole reason I discovered one of my favourite tv shows ever#and 2. was probably the spark that really ignited my initial interest in animation and digital arts#bc for the first time I consciously realised that you can actually do cool and fun stuff even as just one single person#and that you don't need an entire animation team to just - express yourself creatively and bring your ideas to life#like I'm not even joking when I say if it wasn't for that channel I might have ended up in an entirely different education/career path#anyway I'm happy. but I'll stop now. oh gods I'm abusing the tags again instead of just writing all that *into* the actual post#internet archive#personal#selnia talks
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emily-mooon · 1 year
Sometimes I just feel like writing a fic where chapters are episodic and I don’t have to elongate an event cause I finished it in one chapter.
And this is where I pull out a fake presentation talking about a 1930s Jancy au that is a slow burn friends to lovers where they get into weird situations and go on adventures like it’s a book written by L.M. Montgomery and has a similar energy to Little Women.
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floral-hex · 1 year
Tumblr media
Somehow one of my old high school notebooks ended up at goodwill and not only did someone buy it, but they found my phone number and texted me 😬😬😬 which is… not cool, but also they turned out to be nice, so whatever, I guess
#I got this and started kinda freaking out because I had no idea what was in it#and how do people keep finding my phone number???#damn I kinda hate this digital world#anyway I figured out that one of my trash bags got mixed in with my goodwill donations a couple of weeks back#and some goodwill worker actually looked through all the trash and thought ‘yeah someone will buy this old used notebook’#anyway they sent me a pic of a couple of pages and I’m prettttty sure it’s all just dumb highschool stuff for tv broadcasting#but they were nice and it made me feel nostalgic to briefly talk about it with someone so I can’t be too mad#I mean… I dunno#maybe it’s some bored teenager and they find this weird notebook and want to know more about it#not that there’s anything too wild in there#really I vaguely remember flipping through it before tossing it and I don’t remember anything eye catching#if it had anything I really thought was important I probably would have kept it#and it’s about 15 years old so I’m of the mind that it’s aged past my need to worry what’s in it#eventually you get old enough that the stuff you did in your teens feels like someone else’s bullshit#like… 15 years on I’m barely the same person#whatever is embarrassing in there is embarrassing for teen Ian not current Ian#but wow… I really hope they didn’t pay for that#or that they at least got a few laughs out of it#that would actually make up for finding my number#if someone else can even briefly enjoy some of my old dumb stuff then that’s pretty cool#but also… how’d they get my fucking number!?#bleghhhh#for a second I hoped it was one of my old poetry books.#I would love to get one of those back#I used to have so many notebooks of my poetry#but ya know dumb teen-to-twenties Ian had to get all moody and trash them#well… that’s life I guess#ok anyway sorry to bother you#mine#text
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chalkeater · 2 years
Im soo happy i made the art of the height comparisons thing but oh my god some people are just So Wrong about the canon heights or are completely misunderstanding the SIMPLE point/joke/au/headcanon whatever- i was TRYING to make. Like on one hand i totally agree that yeah youre right Noelle isnt THAT SHORT im 6’2 and she’s 6’0. Monsters are just tall in my source but if people are gonna agree with me they should at least not be wrong about it .. how many times do i have to read “good headcanon but its not canon” girl its my little personal joke and indulgent thing “um Noelle is actually taller than susie anyway” no Count the pixels?? “youre wrong noelle is canonically shorter-“ im not stupid im just suggesting people consider a little fun idea that isn’t canon on purpose
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gazelessmenagerie · 20 days
Wait wait Broly is it actually possible for you to have four more arms? If not you can't be teasing us with such a good time.
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" In what world do you live in where I possess six arms? " Could it be this worm had simply drank too much liquor and were simply seeing triple? The calming effect of chamomile left its taste in the air and upon his tongue, cascading down his throat with an additional honeyed flavor to make it ever sweeter to drink. His tail twitched to the side, curling a tighter semi-circle round his seated frame as he reached for a kettle and poured himself another cupful of the tea.
Six arms.. where the hell did these morons think these things up? He didn't even know how they'd attach to him without it being awkward in his mind. Perhaps claws would be a better addition to his arsenal, providing a savage means to claw and tear at flesh along with his fists pulverizing anyone caught in their midst.
" Take your drunkenness elsewhere before I get irritated by your pathetic self. "
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exopelagic · 6 months
i will not panic abt my exams
#it will be fine actually#I’m stressed bc they’re in. a month now like a month from today and I’ll be done#but that just means I have a whole month to be making notes I can do a lot in a month#I’m going home on Friday which is stressing me out but it’s just one week I’ll go Friday and leave Saturday/Sunday#and if I can do a handful of lectures while I’m at home that’ll be a useful step no matter what#i can probably focus on like molecular ones which are easier to structure bc I just need to pull out the mechanisms#tomorrow I just gotta read up on two topics really and then I can write the dumb mock exam which I won’t be able to do at home bc its 4 hour#I hate that we have to do that especially bc it’s got shit evil questions but whatever#and I can’t feel bad abt being slow to get back into this bc im an animal with a body and it takes a while to get back into Anything#and I’m worried abt the exam yes bc of how it went last year when I was unprepared but 1) I won’t be THAT degree of unprepared this year#2) it is unlikely that i get as insanely unlucky as I did last year#fucking hell I just. don’t think I’m made for this kinda system I can’t make myself work in it#every single term of my degree so far I’ve been fighting to keep up with everything and had no time to properly prepare for the exams#and then scraped it by working off a baseline level of being good at putting ideas together quickly and strategically working last minute#on whatever will give me the best shot at getting what I need but that’s not possible in these two exams bc I have over 100 lectures to know#I can’t do 100 lectures in a month. it’s just not possible but what I can probably do is summarise some important bits for like half of them#I think I’m bad at the whole sustained effort on a big task over a long period of time#bc this is so huge that there’s no way for me to see progress or move on to anything new bc it’s just. a stack of 100 lectures to deal with#I HOPE I’m better at dealing with project next year bc i think it’ll be more task based#and like I can watch the lectures the first time round bc there’s a set thing to do and an end point#I have genuinely no idea how to approach this in a way that will be useful achievable AND get enough done within the time I have#anyway I can’t stress abt it now bc I have to go to the shop and then home to cook. so#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#luke.txt
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dix-rose · 8 months
pov: I'm trying to calculate if I bomb this exam on friday will I actually combust into a million pieces
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holographicbutch · 8 months
I have such a Talee'ah brainworm rn it's unreal. Any time I see a group of characters in media I imagine what she would be like in that group and in one-on-one interactions with them and it's really taking up way too much of my brain space
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Obsessed with the way my most recent homework task was like "create this program in javascript and then document the process on your blog" because like. You know you're not getting an honest depiction of my process, right?
#like if i'd been totally honest about the process of creating that program i would've been like 'okay so i opened my laptop at 10am'#'then i spent almost a solid hour on tumblr.com. at ten to eleven i realised i hadn't eaten anything whatsoever and also that mabel needed#her lunch. so i fed mabel and then myself and got back to it'#'while eating a cheese sandwich i created all my necessary variables and then realised i have no idea how to calculate a percentage#like i know that 15% of 30 is 4.5 but i can't use MY process of getting there for my program because i just divide 30 by 10#and then i divide that in half and then i add those numbers together and then i get 4.5. so i googled how to make a percentage calculator#in javascript and i confidently copy-pasted the first option and it was like 'your total is -50' and i was like 'uhhhh how'#and that was when i realised the difference between calculating a percentage and calculating percent of something#eventually i worked out how to do it but it took me like a solid hour. then i couldn't get .toFixed() to work for thee longest time#i eventually just read an article properly and found the syntax for it and then it worked. then i couldn't work out how to put a £ in there#but i eventually did it. then i added the tip amount into the output as well solely because i saw i'd get extra points for that#and then times new roman started to annoy me so i did some basic styling which required me to google 'how to put your text in the centre#of the page in css' for approximately like the 15th time#and then i tried to reassign my let variables but codepen kept throwing errors and i genuinely could not be bothered to figure out why#because i wasn't sure if it was necessary for the homework or not but i couldn't see it in the instructions so i figured probably not#so at that point i gave up on that line of enquiry; typed up a blog post; screenshotted everything & just submitted it'#like no one needs to know precisely how dumb i am. it's just not required#personal
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hadersversion · 2 months
I. i can fix him (no really i can)
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“he had a halo of the highest grade, he just hadn’t met me yet.”
pairing: rafe cameron x innocent pogue! reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ minors dni!! language, soft rafe cameron because my boy just needs some love, slow burn!!
mood board!
“hey,” i said, nudging him with my foot. “hey, rafe, i think it’s time for you to get up.”
i look down at the boy who was passed out on the ground of the beach. his shaved head covered in sand as beer bottles surrounded him. his eyes fluttered open at me, staring at me. “w-where the hell am i?” he said, slowly sitting up.
“the beach, it’s 6:30 in the morning.” i sigh, looking at my watch. “i assume you were at a party here last night and got ditched on the beach by your friends.”
i watched as he looked around the empty beach and groaned, covering his face with his hands and yawning. “fuck.” he mumbled to himself. he ran his hands down once before looking back at me. “thanks, for uh-….”
i laugh to myself. “making sure you were alive? don’t mention it.”
he nods with a smirk. “yeah, that.” we stay there in silence. “i’m sorry, w-what’s your name again? i recognize you from your friends i just…”
“y/n y/l/n.” i nod at him.
“y/n y/l/n.” he repeats back at me, not once breaking eye contact with me.
i feel my face heat up, not knowing what i’m feeling in this exact moment. this is rafe fucking cameron, kook prince and sworn enemy to my friends. he’s not a good person. i know who he is and i should hate him, but when his eyes pierce through me like that…like he knows all my secrets….that’s when i start to question reality. “well, i should get going.” i say, pointing awkwardly to the beach.
“it’s 6:30 in the morning, where could you possibly be going?” he asks, pushing his knees up and resting his arms on them.
i sigh and look around, feeling like i’m in the hot seat. “uh…it’s uh…it’s dumb, you wouldn’t wanna know.” i try to dismiss him.
“no, i wanna know, tell me.” he says, sternly.
i bite my lip and sigh. “towatchthedolphins.” i say in a fast whisper.
“what was that?” he asks with a cocky smile, making me blush. “i couldn’t hear ya, could ya speak up?”
“i’m watching the dolphins!” i say more clearer, looking down at him. “i’ve been waking up early and watching the dolphins. this is like their prime time, so i like to sit and watch them while i have my breakfast.” i admit to him.
i wait there, expecting him to laugh or do something heinous that rafe cameron would do to a pogue. but he doesn’t. he just nods. “cool, i didn’t know that was like a thing.”
did i take one of kie’s edibles this morning by accident? did i actually never wake up to my alarm and i’m still tucked away in bed? or did rafe cameron just have a super normal reaction to something i said to him?
“yeah, right now is the best season for it.” i inform him with a shy smile on my face.
he continues to stare at me with those fucking perfect blue eyes. he rakes over my body once and stands up. did he just check me out? “well, y/n, enjoy those dolphins. i should probably get home before my dad has a bitch fit. thanks again.” he waves goodbye to me before staggering away towards the exit of the beach. my body lets out a breathe that i didn’t even know i was holding and i start to feel tingly inside.
what the fuck just happened?
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
after that, i seem to find rafe cameron everywhere. as i ride my bike to work, go to the beach, hang out with the pogues. he’s clouded up my brain and i have no idea what to do. it’s not like i can tell anyone, i’d be marked with a scarlet T for traitor. but my thoughts can’t stop themself from being infiltrated by him.
“yo, y/n, everything cool?” jj asks me, sipping from his beer.
he snaps me from my rafe cameron brain rot, taking me by surprise. “yeah, everything’s alright. sorry, just a little tired.”
a whole group of us hang out by the beach at the boneyard, the usual pogues, some kooks who we invited in to fuck with, and the vacationers. everything was going alright, until i saw him.
“ain’t no fuckin way.” i hear jj spit.
rafe and his friends stroll up to the party, with a few girls scattered around them. i feel my face goes hot as my friends spit their remarks about him.
“what makes this douchebag think it’s okay to just show up here?” i hear kiara say.
“i don’t know but i don’t like it.” john b adds in.
my eyes can’t seem to leave his figure. he looks just as handsome as i remember from the beach. i know i am staring but i just cannot seem to care. but my brain short wires when he looks up, meeting my gaze with a cocky smirk. shit.
i feel my face get darker as i quickly avert my gaze down to my feet. "uh, i'm gonna get a beer. anyone want one?" but before my friends can even answer my question, i quickly make my way over to the coolers. once i know i am out of their sight, i take a well needed deep breathe and try to ground myself. my brain feels fuzzy with thoughts of rafe cameron but i have to push them down.
i bend over to grab a beer from the cooler when i hear a familiar voice behind me. "mind if i grab one?" i quickly turn my head to see rafe, staring into his blue eyes like they were the goddamn eighth wonder of the world.
he's so close yet so far away, i can smell the expensive cologne he has on. my brain gets off of autopilot and screams at me to put space between us, which i attempt to do. but before i can think, i'm tripping over my own feet, almost falling back. but i feel rafe's large hand quickly land on my lower back, saving me from the tumble.
"woah, there, did you already have that much to drink?" he jokes.
i stare at him, my face probably matching the color of a budweiser can. "i...uh...i..um..." i feel myself babbling on, unable to form a single thought as he has his hands on my body. "s-sorry about that. but i...i've only had one beer, i'm just a total klutz sometimes i swear."
he keeps his hand on my back, i can feel him slightly rubbing it, sending goosebumps all over my body. he keeps looking into my eyes, which seems to be his favorite hobby at this point. "well, i'm glad i caught ya." we stand there in silence for what feels like an eternity, until i remember where i am. who i am here with.
my friends.
i frantically look around, making sure they aren't looking at me dying under rafe’s touch. i pull away from him quickly.
"don't worry they aren't looking." he reassures, grabbing my beer and opening it for me. "i assume it's your friends you are looking for." he hands me back the cold beverage, our fingers brushing against each other.
i quickly snap my hand back and look up at him, he has a small smile on his face as he looks down at me. "sorry, but, i mean...you understand, right? my friends don't like you, you don't like them. if they see me talking over here with you...it'll be a whole thing."
"i didn't peg you as someone who cares about what other people thought about them. i don't know, i mean you did admit to me very easily your love for dolphin watching." he smirks as he grabs a can of beer and opens it. "just saying."
i want to hide away forever. "p-please don't mention that to anyone else. please." i beg with an awkward smile.
"i won't, i won't. don't get so freaked out." he takes a long sip of beer. "it's kinda cute." he says so nonchalantly.
did he just call me cute?
this is a prank, this is merely a big joke to him. it has to be.
i can tell i took too long to process what he just said because he nudges me lightly with his elbow. "did i lose you there?"
i shake my head and laugh. "sorry, i'm all good." we stand there, sipping our beers in silence. "why are you here?" i ask with no hesitation, which earns me a wide-eye reaction from rafe. "that was rude but...like for real, why? you never come to pogue parties. i thought we were too beneath you to ever join us."
"i mean, you have a point." he looks down at me with a smirk, which makes me flip him off. he chuckles at me and sips his beer. "honesty?"
"please." i say.
he sighs and looks around. "i'm here to see you."
i choke on the sip of beer i'm taking, too shocked at what he just told me. i watch as he steps forward in concern and tries to put his hand on my back, but i move away quickly. i cough agressively before turning to him. "i-i'm sorry, what?" i almost laugh in his face.
"i'm pretty sure you heard me, y/n. i'm here for you." he admits.
i stare at him, waiting for him to laugh, admit that it was a joke, or even a ploy to mess with the pogues like some kind of goddamn trojan horse. "you're serious?"
"i think you would know if i'm lying." he shrugs.
i stand there, unable to wrap my head around what he just said to me. "you're so full of shit." i blurt out.
he just laughs. "am i now?"
"you're here to see me? the girl whose name you couldn't even remember a few days ago?" i cock my eyebrow at him.
"is it so horrible to believe?" he questions. i look at him, trying to tell if this is real or fake. he waves his hand in front of my face. "i lost you there again."
"i'm sorry, it's just...i'm me...and you're you. we exist on totally different planets...universes." i tell him.
"yet here we are, right next to each other on planet earth." he says.
he got me there.
"y/n!?" i hear kiara yell.
rafe turns his head to the voice calling my name and then back to me. "that's your cue to leave, i think."
i cannot turn away from him, too dumbfounded about the past 5-minute conversation we just had. "you're not slick." i say, starting to walk away backwards so i'm facing him.
"i didn't think i was being slick!" he says, with his hands up in his defence.
"i see through you and your lies, rafe cameron! i really do!" i yell at him as i get further away.
"yeah, i'd like to see you try, y/n y/l/n!" he shouts back, smiling at me.
i crack a smile back to him and flip him off before walking into the crowd, looking for kiara.
she comes up and puts her shoulder around me. "you all good? was he bothering you?" she asks, looking back to where rafe and i were.
i follow her gaze and see rafe still standing there with that same look on his face. "no, he wasn't. i'm all good, i swear." i say honestly. "just having a small talk."
"with the kook prince? no one ever just has a 'small talk' with rafe cameron, y/n." she says, squeezing me tighter.
"well i guess i'm the first person to ever do so." i shrug and continue to walk back towards the boys, trying to hide the stupid smile rafe cameron put on my face.
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upgradebitch · 1 year
girl i can’t do this and i don’t want to
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