#This is so adorable in a dorky way and I love it lol
machveil · 3 days
I blame you for my Simon brainrot, so have this:
Simon smitten with someone who is a complete nerd, just an absolute geek. Plays D&D, reads way too much, wears glasses (I double blame you for this) and dorky shirts and socks, etc. Him just sitting there listening to them ramble about something he has no clue about and then later on him referencing back because you cant tell me he isnt actually paying attention even if he doesnt have a vested personal interest in it.
I’ll happily take responsibility for Simon Riley brainrot lol
Simon Riley is absolutely smitten with Nerd!Reader - it doesn’t matter what fascinates you, he’s taken. anime, manga, comics? tell him about it. music, video games, movies? play something for him. are you into Dungeons and Dragons? he’ll listen to you explain everything - show him your dice, tell him about all the classes, spells, monsters
Simon Riley adores your glasses - prescription or not. thick frames? metal? plastic? functional or fashionable? he can’t stop looking at your face. if you do have prescription lenses you can convince Simon to try them on. they’re a little small sitting on the crooked bridge of his nose, he blinks once before handing them back, “Prefer my reading glasses.”. but if you wear his reading glasses? he’s nearly drooling, they look so charming on you - in fact, why don’t you just keep ‘em?
Simon Riley will soak in whatever you tell him. be careful talking to him about stuff you want, if you mention a certain pair of pretty dice or a new volume of your favorite series it’ll end up in your hands, cost be damned. if something is really expensive Simon will lie through his teeth so you don’t feel bad, “Was on sale, love, don’t worry. Hm? Exclusive release? Don’t know about that.”
Simon Riley, the big, hulking man he is, can be talked into cosplaying for you. he might roll his eyes, but he’s biting back a smile when you mention he would look good dressed as a certain character from a series you love. when October rolls around you might just come home to find Simon standing in the doorframe to your bedroom, dressed in oh so familiar clothes, “This what you wanted, lovie?”
Simon Riley that, even though he’s dead silent listening to you, can repeat everything you’ve said back to him. he might forget smaller details - the color of a character’s clothes, the way to specifically pronounce a name, but he remembers your favorite chapters and episodes, the class you play and your lucky dice. he might even surprise you when he talks about things you didn’t tell him, “Hm? Oh, jus’ did some light readin’ on it, nothin’ special.”
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dxfiedfxte · 8 months
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Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
@oraclememehacker sent:
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"We should become sleep buddies. I tend to sleep a lot myself as you know."
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Ever since high school Minato had always been a constant sleper. If he had no club, no homework, no plans or work after school, then Minato would always choose to sleep, which would often lead him to go to bed earlier than any normal person would choose to sleep. These days, with Minato's constantly hectic and busy work schedule, proper sleep was a luxury.
So the idea of a sleep buddy sounded nice, he never really met what he'd call a 'fellow sleep enthusiast' before until now. He wouldn't say no to enjoying a good snooze with someone who also liked catching some Z's as much as he did. The prospect brings a small smile to his lips.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Heck yeah! I'd totally be down. Meeting a real fellow sleep enthusiast is such a rare occasion these days. You got a deal, Futaba-Chan!"
[{ 🦋 }] - "Sleep buddies!" He holds up his hand with an open flat palm for a high-five.
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Let me just say, I absolutely adore your writing so much!! Your More Than Anything series with Vox is honestly one of, if not my favorite Vox series!!!❤💙 I was wondering if you could do a kind of silly, fluffy imagine with Vox where they're in their early stages of flirting/crushing and the reader avoids the topic of kissing... because they think Vox isn't able to kiss with his screen? Literally before episode 8, the question in my mind was "Can the dorky TV man kiss?" And then we got confirmation he most DEFINITELY could 🤣 I just think it'd be so cute and funny for that to be something the reader was wondering as well but wasn't sure how to ask him about it without being weird lol
Oh my goodness, such high praise aaaa! I actually have a scene in my Ao3 fic based on the same concept! I'd be happy to write some awkward smoochums! This guy is such a fucking dork and I love him.
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Assumptions [Vox x Reader Fluff]
You and Vox had been dating for a month and the overlord was on the verge of insanity. He knew that Valentino had much more intense needs when it came to physical affection than most, but he wasn't expecting such a drastic shift in needs when it came to you.
He knew that being in a real relationship was very different from what he'd experienced before with his fellow overlord. But he thought the two of you would have done something by now. Not even necessarily sex. (Although he'd definitely been fantasizing about that more than he cared to admit.)
The two of you had cuddled, slept in the same bed, and even h*ld h*nds, but you hadn't kissed yet and it wasn't for his lack of trying. He'd invited you on romantic dates and set up several perfect opportunities. But whenever he'd try to go for it, you'd always pull away before he had the chance.
He didn't understand. The two of you had been doing so well. You always seemed to be swept up in the little heated moments just as much as he was, so why?!
Vox had been completely distracted during his entire news segment and groaned as slipped into his secluded dressing room. If it wasn't for the fact that he caught sight of you in his mirror, he probably would have flipped out when he felt your arms slip around him from behind.
"What are you doing here?" he chuckled as he lifted a hand to rest on one of your arms.
"I missed you," you smile, squeezing him gently before letting go. "And I saw that..." you cringe. "Performance. You seemed off. Is something on your mind?"
Vox's eyes widened and he cursed himself mentally for putting on a subpar show in front of the camera. If you noticed, then the audience probably did as well. No one really gave half a fuck about the news, but ratings were ratings.
"It's nothing," Vox muttered. "It's just..."
He looks up at you with an unreadable expression and you gasp as he reaches up and gently takes hold of your chin. His brow furrows as he tucks your hair behind your ear and your heart races a million miles per second as he searches your blushing face for something. His eyes flick down to your lips and he slowly starts to lean, only for you to suddenly push him away.
"A-Anyways I just wanted to check in on you and see if we were still on for a movie tonight," you stammered.
Vox froze, not listening to your ramblings as he processed your deflection. He felt a sharp, cold sting of rejection in his chest and wondered if maybe you weren't as interested in the relationship as he hoped. His heart started to break, but then he noticed the way you were blushing.
"Why?" He asked quietly.
"Well, I just thought maybe you wanted to-"
"No," Vox grit his teeth as he grabbed you by the shoulders. "Why the fuck won't you kiss me? Every time I try, you pull away. We're dating, so why?"
You blinked up at him owlishly, your jaw hanging open before you grabbed his arms and breathed, "You can kiss?!"
Vox's brow furrowed as he looked you over, "Wh- The fuck are you on about? Yes, I can fucking kiss! I've been trying to kiss you for the past three goddamn weeks!"
You gasped before burying your face in your hands and groaning. "Oh my god, I thought... There were a couple times that I wondered, but this whole time I didn't think you could and I didn't want to be weird and..."
Vox stood taller as he processed your words. You didn't hate him. You weren't repulsed by him. You were just...
He burst out laughing, clutching his stomach as he absolutely lost it. "O-Oh my god! You're such a fucking idiot!"
Your face was burning with embarrassment. You knew he wasn't being malicious, but you were still mortified at the misunderstanding. "Oh shut up! It's not my fault you're a flat-faced fucker!"
You were about to go bury your shame into the couch, fully expecting him to hold this against you for the rest of the day, but you were barely able to take two steps before Vox intervened.
You let out a startled yelp as you felt his claws wrap around your arm and yank you back. In the split second it took you to blink, he'd trapped you against a wall. You flinched as his hands slammed against either side of your head, trapping you as he grinned down at you.
"You are so fucking stupid," he snickered.
Your face only grew warmer as your heart pounded with mixed anger, embarrassment, and something else entirely due to the position he had you in. His hand traces lightly over your cheek before cupping the side of your face as he looks at you with the softest expression you'd ever seen from him.
You gasp as he leans down and presses his lips against yours. Your entire body feels like tiny fireworks are dancing lightly over your skin. You shiver as your hands instinctively reach up to grasp at his vest when he pulls you close.
You're both breathing much harder than is necessary when he pulls away. For a moment you just look at each other with half-lidded gazes as you process the sparks that just metaphorically and literally flew. You were pretty sure a bulb went out due to the little bits of blue energy that sparked off of your boyfriend during the kiss.
Speaking of your dork, Vox breathlessly grinned as he squeezed your arms. He let out a small laugh before stepping away from you and turning as more little sparks flew.
"Fucking finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Vox yelled as he pumped his arms in the air and kicked his legs like a giddy child.
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beesinspace · 5 months
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Sir Pentious
I love an incompetent goofy villains ala doofenshmirtz so much!!
I wish mans had some more screen I would have loved to see the dynamics he had with the rest of the main cast more before the last episode, but I know that a "they only had 8 episodes" issue riiippp. But I 100% believe he would be either an unwilling participant and/or target to Angel's pranks amd think his friendship with Niffty would have been adorable if not unhinged lol.
Anyways, I kept Pen's colour scheme pretty close to the og's as I think the yellow really helped him stand out!
I pushed his snake attributes that one small step further, giving him a snoot etc. And turned the eyes on his tail into patterns on his back, primarily for simplicitys sake.
He wares his goggles all the time now so he looks more dorky (/so much affection) and I reached deep into my steampunk loving past to make his outfit, I think I healed some sort of inner cringe teen with this fit.
I overall like the vibe but this is another design I feel isn't hitting exactly the way I want it to, like I might try to push the inventor parts of his design more and look at changing up his colour scheme as after I did Niffty his and her colours are a biiit close, but we will see lol.
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devildomditzy · 2 years
What Petnames they call you
I’ve seen quite a few blogs do this and I just want to throw my personal hc’s in the ring while I work through this writer’s block.
not exactly proof read, so sorry for any grammatical/spelling mistakes! It’s midnight lol.
my immortal Darling. It feels dark, mysterious, and romantic. The way his says it feels vaguely threatening but in a hot way. You feel like you’re dating a vampire.
Dove. Now this one can have a double meaning, depending on how you look at it. On one hand it seems sweet, like he finds you adorable like a little bird. On the other hand he sees you as something to possess, to cage away and own, like a little bird.
Besides those two, there’s not much else. He refers to you as his significant other or other half in conversations with other people, but he likes to keep it fairly straightforward. He much prefers the sound of your name rolling off his tongue.
His favorite, of course albeit cheesy, is Treasure. He’s the Avatar of Greed and you’re the most important thing he’s acquired throughout his many, many years. It’s only natural to call ya what ya are!
Next in line would be Doll or Dollface. Not only does it flow with his cadence of speech, but he thinks it fits you perfectly! He’d never admit it out loud, but he loves to dress ya up in whatever cute little outfit he bought you from majolish this week, and he just finds you so adorable. But he’ll also use this one when he wants to be a bit more sultry.
He loves to call you Human when he’s teasing you, or specifically his human. He used the one generally at first around others when he was first assigned as your guardian. Now it’s my human whenever someone decides to get a little bit too friendly with you
He also uses Puppy when he’s teasing you for wanting attention or being needy in bed. You can fight me on this, and you will lose.
Henry. Yes yes we already know this one but it means a lot to him! It means you’re his best friend and his whole world! It means he can show his endearment through something he is familiar and comfortable with. And! It’s dorky!
He refers to you as his Player Two in the context of being his teammate, or the one person he can count on or wants to partner up with for any specific task. Wherever one goes, the other follows
He has the most trouble calling you Baby. It makes him so flustered! But it’s worth it to see the smile on your face.
He’s a big fan of Dear. It’s not too sappy and it’s not too flashy. It’s a classic, and he believes it conveys perfectly how he feels out you. There’s nothing in any realm more dear to his heart than you.
He’s read one two many fairytales and now he can’t stop calling you Prince/Princess. He wants to treat you like royalty, and trust that he will. Now if you want to call him your prince, he’ll absolutely melt.
Kitty or Kitten. OKAY LISTEN-
Love! It’s short, sweet, and to the point. It embodies everything that he is and everything he sees in you.
He’s the Avatar of Lust, of course he’s gonna call you Sexy, and he does it in the most casual of ways? He’ll call across the hall to you with this nickname, not caring who’s around to hear. He’ll giggle at Belphie call of “gross”, and Levi’s rasp of “normies”
Asmo may call a lot of people Sweetie, but don’t get it twisted, you’re the only person that he calls that and MEANS it. No one can replace you! There’s no one better, other than hiself of course. But you’re okay with that, right Sweetie?
(oh gosh oh golly here come the food nicknames)
One of Beel’s favorites to cure his sweet tooth is Honey - and there’s on one sweeter than you! It’s like he can combine his two favorite things, food and you!
Babe. A lot of people give this one to Mammon, but I really feel it for Beel. He uses this one a lot in from of his Fangol teammates. As he gets ready to hit the field, he’ll give you a quick kiss before asking, “Will you cheer for me, Babe?”. It’s rhetorical of course, you’re his biggest fan.
Sugar. Okay, can you blame him? The only thing that can rival his gigantic cravings is his massive love for you. Plus, if your nickname is good related, it reminds him how hungry he is, then he can invite you to come snack with him. It’s a win-win!
Belphie physically cannot stop himself from calling you Cutiepie. Gosh, he gets of have one of those cherished humans he was so fascinated by all to himself? and you’re just so adorable? He can’t help it when he fawns all over you.
Sunshine. You were the shimmering, beautiful light that pulled him out of the dark place he has hidden himself away in all those years ago. You helped him move on from Lilith, you helped him see the good in humans again, and you helped him see that his brothers really do truly care for him. Now, you are the light that guides him.
He uses Beautiful the most generally. He doesn’t feel embarrassed saying it in front of his brothers, and he gets to compliment you at the same time.
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mblue-art · 6 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
Imma be boring at first and just ask you the same question back: What are you five favourite things about Colin and Pen’s relationship?
Lol, and yet I don't find this a boring question!! :D
They are friends who became lovers.
Look, I just love and adore this trope. I love that it wasn't a thunderbolt from the sky. I love that it was a bit slow burn and had time to build and grow. I love that there was a connection there long before romance simmered. I love begin their relationship already knowing each other -- and romance is an added element. It's delicious in the most beautiful way.
2. They liked each other before they were cool.
Yes, sure, they both are seriously hot in Season 3. But that element is more for us (and their own confidence) than it is for each other. As I said in an earlier post, Penelope does not give two shits about Colin's new Parisian styles or his new charming demeanor. She fell in love with one incredibly dorky guy and when she looks into his eyes, that weirdo is still there. Likewise, Penelope's glow up doesn't suddenly make Colin's feelings change. It's her confidence and vulnerability and the fact that when he finally kisses her -- all of those feelings he's always had come rushing forward.
3. They're both writers who support each other's dreams.
It's not just that they have similar interests (they do! it's part of the friendship thing), it's that the have a deep confidence in one another. They both very much care for the other one as an individual and (after sorting through the LW mess) are both deeply supportive of what the other one wants and needs. And having the same hobbies (as well as career goals - for lack of a better term) only brings them closer together.
(And let's be real - as a writer myself, I adore stories that feature writers at the center.)
4. They're both fucking old school romantics.
Ngl, this one really does me in. Penelope longs to be swept off her feet. Colin wants to be the dashing hero. For better or worse, they both love love and are happier being allowed to be in love. The fact that even while they were having issues, even when Colin was /angry/ at her -- they still got married. Because at the end of the day, being in love surpasses any other issue. They'll continue to have shit to work through. They'll have hard times and their own issues that will trip them up. But by god, their love is deep and that's exactly how they prefer it.
5. Their conflicts are not a result of miscommunication or repressed angst.
In a world where couples are either shouting at each other due to repression of their feelings or just plain not talking things out, neither Pen or Colin are able to hide their true selves very well, and neither do they want to. Colin might be a little slow to understand his feelings, but once he does, he's a man of action through and through. And even as he sorts out his own issues of LW and pulls away from Pen - she's still well aware of what is going on, and let's him have his space. Meanwhile, Pen's withholding of things (such as her feelings and of LW) come from self preservation, not lack of self realization.
Personally, I just find it refreshing that you have a couple who starts out genuinely caring for each other and sincerely understanding each other's feelings and the conflicts stem more so from external factors rather than issues arising because they are unsure of how they feel about each other.
(This is not shade on the other couples of the show -- this is me acknowledging that I have a personal preference for one type of story over another.)
Bonus 1 - The way they laugh together.
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Whether it being just giggling over an inside joke at a ball or finding the humor in even things like sex, the two of them always find a way to make each other laugh, and it's so sweet and adorable and they both become so alive. They've cultivated their own little world and are amused by it and it just warms my heart every time they laugh with each other.
Bonus 2 - The Carriage Scene
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This. This is a thing that actually happened on my tv screen, and my jaw is still a little on the floor. Because god damn that was hot and I am only human. Ooff.
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ichinoue · 1 year
I just finished watching bleach, and I'm not much of a shipper, as in I didn't care for the ships. But ichihime just didn't make sense to me, I have no problem with renruki but ichihime just didn't do it. So like I'm genuinely curious as to how they stuck out for people like you who absolutely adore it, I've also seen alot of hate towards it so once again I'm curious. Is there any reason that you personally always loved the ship? Be it their chemistry? Or interactions?I don't know I just want to see the appeal
Well, for starters, if you've only watched the anime, I think that can definitely taint your perception of IH because the animators butchered it so much compared to how it actually is in the manga, especially in the early arcs. I made a post on the very first IH moment in the anime vs. the manga here although it's pretty old so the links I used as references are probably broken now. But I definitely recommend reading the manga to get a true sense of what their dynamic is like!
Honestly it's hard to sum up why I love this ship so much without pulling out a bunch of manga pages and turning this into a full blown essay of things I've already said a million times before (but I'll attach a bunch of links to some of those posts below lol).
But I just love the sweetness of IchiHime. The mutual respect. The selfless care and consideration they have for each other. How dorky they are together. The way they make each other better, and stronger. The way Orihime can pull so many passionate, emotional reactions out of Ichigo--the way he softens around her, the blind rage when his enemies use her to taunt him, the way he flies off the handle in a panic when he thinks she's in danger, the depression he fell into when she was gone, the relief he feels when he realizes she's okay. The puppy dog eyes he gives her. The way everyone else kicks him in the head or punches him to lift his spirits, but Orihime--she only has to use gentle words. The vow to protect, the rising up from the dead to keep that vow. Not even death could keep them apart. Orihime wanting to love Ichigo in every lifetime she lives, she would choose him every single time. And yet she never expected him to love her back--he just did. All on his own. He was pining for her, they were pining for each other. It was mutual long before they even knew it.
And I think Kubo did so well writing for the IchiHime relationship. It's got cute, heartfelt moments, angsty teenager moments, silly, comedic relief moments, and dramatic, life-or-death moments. You can see their development from one arc to the next, see the clear-cut changes and growth in their dynamic from beginning to end. They never stopped changing, and growing closer over time. Which created a nice, long slow-burn for me to sink my teeth into over the course of Bleach's 15 year run.
Anyway, here's some links of posts that explain different aspects that I love about this pairing:
I have an extremely long masterpost about IchiHime here, which mostly goes into detail about why I think it was obvious for canon, but it covers almost every single IH moment in detail and my love for the pairing and reasons for shipping it are pretty much woven into the fabric of this post lol.
The chemistry of IchiHime.
My top 3 favorite IchiHime moments.
Masterpost of moments where Ichigo and Orihime protect each other.
IchiHime implications of the lust arc.
Ichigo being teased about Orihime.
Ichigo's vow to protect Orihime.
Ichigo and Orihime's growing feelings for each other.
Orihime consistently being singled out to target Ichigo's heart.
Orihime loving Ichigo's kindness.
Ichigo being receptive to Orihime's feelings.
And these are some posts made by other people that I like:
A post about Ichigo's feelings for Orihime.
This one is an image post that basically combines almost every single IchiHime moment from the first to last chapter, as a visual reference.
A response my friend gave when asked the reasons that they ship IchiHime that I wholeheartedly agree with.
And another list of reasons.
I also just really love this post.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
You are one of my favorite writers. OMG, you have no idea how much I love your writing. They are the best... But a question for you. Why do you love buggy that much? It's just that, i like him yes. His scenes are funny and his luck is something else. But the truth is I am obsessed with Ace, Law, Zoro, Shanks, Mihawk,... and many more. But I don't see buggy that way. Can you tell me what you see in him?
Thank you
Hello Darling! Thank you so much 💓
As for my love for Buggy, I weirdly love funny guys, it's a weird thing for me. I adore the failing upward ways and a oddly pathetic way.
If you can make me genuinely laugh and have some weird dark humor, dorky and long hair. I'm down!
I do like Mihawk, Law and sometimes Ace. But not attracted to Zoro or Shanks really lol
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fic rec friday 16
welcome the the sixteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. home depot catalogue by @moonguilt
“No, really, he’d love to,” Lance said into the phone, just as Keith pressed the button for the kettle to start heating up.
Those words were enough to raise Keith’s suspicions just a tad. He shot Lance an inquisitive glance while opening the cabinet to retrieve his box of morning tea, but his husband was the picture of innocence, flipping casually through a Home Depot catalog they had received in the mail yesterday.
“Oh, definitely. If you need someone to paint your insides white, Keith’s your man.”
Keith dropped his box on the counter, tea bags spilling out onto the granite.
Keith is having a normal, relaxing morning. Lance throws him a curveball.
this one made me LAUGH. out LOUD. it’s domestic and fluffy and FUNNY dear god, like it’s such a lance thing to do and such an objectively funny prank that i just!! literally just typing this makes the urge to reread it too great my hand has been forced.
2. kindling by @moonguilt
Lance struggles with his attraction to Keith during training, and it all comes to a head when Keith corners him afterwards to ask why he was off his game today.
Prompt from tumblr: Angry Kiss.
one of my fave vld tropes EVER is lance being whipped and then equally as furious that he’s attracted to keith at all. it’s endlessly funny to me. and then keith being the eyebrows raised, not surprised one??? gets me every time. also keith is a massive sweetheart in this fic and i love him
3. chocolate granola bars by @moonguilt
“A pillow fort sleepover!” Lance cried out, leaping up with such alacrity that Pidge had to grab her laptop to prevent it from sliding to the floor.
“No way, we're not—” Pidge stopped and blinked, exchanging a glance with Hunk, then looking back at Lance again. “... Oh.” She evidently had not been expecting such a tame suggestion. “Okay.”
Or, Lance is bored out of his mind and decides to organize a sleepover with the squad. Nonsense ensues, and Lance works through some confusing emotions—particularly those involving a certain mullet-haired team leader.
okay there are too many good things about this fic i cannot choose which to highlight, and so i will mention them all. ahem: a) lance is a ray of sunshine who regularly uses his power of cuteness to his advantage, b) adorable team bonding, c) shiro is a dorky nerd, d) HEALTHY LANCE AND ALLURA COMMUNICATION, e) krolia and romelle have actual characters, f) lance has allergies which isn’t rly important but he gives me a vibe that he’s allergic to several things and it’s very validating to see it in fic, g) lance validation and feeling expression for the piece of shit game show episode, h) observant lance!! and i) literally the most painful and necessary and well-written klance fight i’ve read in a while! hurt badly but was resolved wonderfully 10/10
4. Terminal Velocity by @speakswords [GORE WARNING]
The only fate worse than being tortured to death is watching, helpless, while the person you love most takes your place.
this is one of my fave vld fics of all time. although fair warning it is very violent for a good chunk of time. the story is EXCELLENT, the entire thing will have u biting ur nails in terrified anticipation and i mean that literally. whole time i was gagged. at the edge of my seat. AND i have several specific lines screenshotted bc the pure fucking devotion and care knocked me out of the water
5. you and me are cosmic dust by Yuu_chi
Knowing that your team loves and trust you no matter what and believing it are two very different things.
i LOVE keith angst. i know this fandom is very langst heavy and honestly i am too but sometimes keith angst is so so good. and this fic is one of them!! excellent read and features observant lance as well. OH and there’s a little sprinkling of suave keith in here too lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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regularme12 · 6 months
Fairly Odd Parents Tickle asks
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I'm so sad there really isn't much tickle content out there for this show, so I'm making some.
1. Who's the most ticklish character?
I gotta say Cosmo. I mean, look at him. He's so cute, bubbly, dorky, ticklish!! Canonly too. Ofc he's gotta be the most ticklish, he basically asks people to tickle him because he enjoys it all too much.
2. Who’s the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn’t?
Wanda. She's powerful, and strong, but isn't ticklish. She's always the ler to, Poof, Cosmo, and Timmy, never the lee. Which they all hate, well, minus Cosmo, he doesn't really care unless he gets his fair share of tickles.
3. Who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles?
Timmy, between him Cosmo and Wanda, he's just a kid, and have the best reactions, not like Cosmo don't. So them two likes gaining up on him, esp when he makes them do hard wishes exhausting them later on, and when they calm down, they strike. Timmy hates being tickled, and he's canonly ticklish too, so anyways he hates when ppl tickle him.
4. Who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others?
I was gonna say Mr. Crocker because he's so observant, so he would observ other people and tell others about it, but who's he gonna tell? The dude's a loner. So it's gotta be Vicky, she always tickles Timmy, not out of the kindness of her heart, she knows he absolutly hates it. So she would tickle him till he does something embarrassing, like, snorting or pissing, or passing out, no idea. She does this infront of his parents too which is way more ebarrassing since it's his parents for the love of God. Also when his friends come over, she takes it out of her way to tickle him to death in front of them, and when she has enough, she'll leave causing Timmy to have another round of tickle torture between A.J and Chester, because they find his reactions adorable.
5. Who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about?
I know how I said Wanda isn't ticklish, that's bc no one but Cosmo knows that if u tickle at this one specific spot behind her ear, u'll get her laughing hard. So technically she isn't ticklish to other ppl but Cosmo. Still, Cosmo is way more ticklish than his wife.
6. Who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars?
Between A.J., Chester, and Timmy? Gotta be A.J, he's really not ticklish but one spot, which is his sides, still, he's not bad there just a couple of giggles. But, between Cosmo, Wanda, and Timmy? Defo Wanda, again, not really ticklish, even if Cosmo does tickle that specific spot, she'll just go for under the arms. And he don't go for that spot unless it's just a tickle fight between them two, minus Timmy.
7. Which character has a kink for tickling?
None, I'd like to keep this cartoon rated PG, lol, sorry😭
8. Which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them?
Tie between Chester and Wanda. Again, Wanda. Her and Cosmo was kissing, and he brought his hand up to pull her hair back behind her ear, until he hit a sweet spot right behind them, making her squeal back holding the attacked spot. Cosmo was grinning ear to ear now, "Huh, I thought you weren't ticklish. Guess we know new things." And Wanda just retaliated by, "I swear, tell anyone or tickle me there at any time, I'll tickle you to death, and I mean it. I'll be writing your obituary." Cosmo eventually agreed. Now, Chester. He was too busy tickling Timmy, and sometimes A.J. just to hear giggles here and there, if Timmy's not there to "play", then they got fed up with his relentless attacks, so they teamed up and tickled him to peices, realizing he may be a lil more less ticklish than Cosmo, so like the second most ticklish. It's so cute. So A.J and Timmy tickles him all the time. And he does NOT like it, one bit.
9. Which two characters have tickle fights all the time?
Cosmo and Timmy, and ofc Cosmo always loses, bc he wants to and he's just so ticklish.
10. Which character only let's one specific character tickle them?
Timmy only let's Trixie tickle him, and he's not talking about reducing him to hysterics, that's just too embarrassing, he means like a couple of squeezes and pokes. Since she told him she likes his little giggles and laughs, he let's her more often now. Even go as far as to provoke her into giving him a few pokes.
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What are your favorite things about Josh??? Movies, facts or anything like that???
Wow! Hmmm
1)He is mysterious or rather he's one celeb that I get to sleuth on.
2) He is sort of awkward and dorky, which is something I find adorable. I can tell he tries really hard to stay up with current trends on the outside of himself. Like what he wears in public but he likes to deck out his own house in this time period the he admires (the 60s). I get it lol . Every era, I noticed he was wearing the most "in" attire but his demeanor said something else.
I dress like a hippie Bohemian hobo on the outside but my room is like a forest fairy theme.
3) I love the way he walks. There's something signature about it that I've noticed. He does this hop thing in the back of his heels or toes depending on his mood. A bouncy thing that I've noticed. It makes the back of his hair move, which then causes him to push his hair back lmfao. It reminds me that Josh still has something youthful in him.
4) I like his flaws. They make him less perfect...I know that sounds fucked. Lol The things I've learned about him. We share similar neuropathy things and childhoods as well. When I learned about his struggles with ego, substances and from my own opinion, sex addiction, is really fun in a way.
5) His music taste and his background in art. We are both painters (I'm more of a sculpter) and we both have instrumentalist backgrounds.
6) I love how charitable Josh is. He is a true humanitarian in ways that I DO look up to.
7) sometimes I do dislike him or get kinda "rawr" about him when I feel like he's bullshitting, but I like it lol. I like to bust his balls and yeah I know he doesn't know me but it's fun.
8) Following point 7, I love to gossip about him lol. Others don't because they're a bit fragile about it but I love to talk about him .
9)I love his brown, orange toned aura. It's very arousing.
10) I love his hair and eyes. That mole on his neck. His eyes are like these watery little abyss gaps you dive into .
11) His gap. Another imperfection that I love about him.
12) sometimes I do feel like he's for me. Lmfao but then I'm like...get back to reality.
13) Favorite movies are "O" , Mozart and the Whale, Wicker Park. I LOVE AUGUST!
I don't care much for 40 days and 40 nights but I love the optics in them. I loved him in penny dreadful and I think he was doing great in paradise lost.
I think Ida Red was a good "meaty" movie.
14) I don't think he's the best actor in the world but love that he keeps trying. I think his acting was rather distracting in Trap for many scenes. I don't think awkward killer suits him but more of someone who knows what they're doing and not really hiding it for other reasons.
15) Following 14, I guess it's fair since he originally wanted to be a painter but knew it wasn't going to be a solid career goal. So he switched to acting. I love that he still stayed in the artistic field because it gives me encouragement to still go for things that I want to do.
16) I love his Minnesotan boy appeal.
17) I do feel like If I met him, I would barely look at him lol
18) I love hearing about people seeing him frat boy drunk in NYC. And all of the dick reports lol. Fun.
19) and knowing that he was once possessive and clingy as a bf was interesting to know.
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lodeddiperactivate · 1 year
Love me, hate me | Hobie Brown x Reader
Summary: Reader is at her lowest point in life and meets Hobie. Story started at a diner, where the reader started talking about spiders to Hobie. Reader has no idea that Hobie is Spiderpunk (and this story will end with her not knowing) but it gets interesting towards the end. Hope you enjoy xx
Writer's notes: I know that Hobie is British but I also know that he lives in the US so this is set in the US but I wanted to use pubs as a location as well because Idk I just do lol also, Hobie lived in a squatters area but I didn't follow that here (again, for the puroses of this story!).
Warnings: Smut, angst!
Pairings: Hobie Brown x Female Reader
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"Did you know that some spiders can turn invisible to escape predators?" You said.
Hobie had looked up from the cup of coffee he was drinking, and landed his eyes on you. You spoke so suddenly that he wasn't sure if you were talking to him. In your defense, you're also not sure if you were talking to him or just simply voicing out your thoughts.
You and Hobie sat on separate booths facing one another. The diner was almost empty except for the waiter at the far end of the room. He was polishing some of the utensils and mumbling something under his breath.
"What?" Hobie said.
You detect a hint of annoyance in his voice. You decided to taunt him a bit.
"I said spiders can change their skin to escape predators."
"Yet, Spiderpunk don't have the same ability."
Instead of responding with a witty remark, which was what you were expecting, he simply scoffed and returned to drinking his coffee. You were disappointed.
Life has been pretty disappointing lately to be honest. You recently got laid off at work despite excellent performance ratings, plus you were rejected at your dream school for your chance to pursue a Master's degree, plus your roommate decided to kick you out because she wanted her boyfriend to move in with her, plus you're nowhere near finding a suitable apartment that's well within your budget. So yeah, life has been one disaster after the other and you were craving something different, probably something exciting and dangerous too. Your red flag was that when everything goes to shit, you find ways to attract something worse. Deep down, maybe you loved being in the midst of chaos.
You took a sip of your coffee when you felt a pair of eyes on you. It was Hobie and he was not hiding the fact that he has been staring at you. His brows furrowed as if he was in deep thought.
"What do you want?" You asked him, annoyance evident in your voice.
"It's true, I guess this Spiderpunk dude ain't it."
"Bummer. That would've helped him if he was running away from his millions of fans," you said as you took another sip of your coffee without looking at him.
You expected an arrogant response but Hobie had replied with a heartily laugh, it was boyish, almost in an adorable dorky way how he laughed. Not at all what you would expect from this stranger sitting across from you, at another booth.
"What's your name?" He finally asked you.
"Y/N, you?"
"Well, Y/N, cheers, this has been nice but I have to go."
And with that he left. But just as he was about to walk out the door, he called out, "I'm Hobie."
A few days passed after your encounter with the stranger from the diner, and you had not forgotten about his adorable laugh. You sometimes find yourself smiling when you think about it.
"Do you like it?" The realtor asked.
You snapped back to reality and blinked at her. What did she say? She was showing you a small, almost shoebox-like, apartment near the park. The amenities are great, the location is great, but it's not that spacious for the price. You sighed because you had been touring apartments for days now and still no luck. You thanked the realtor and shook her hand as you both went your separate ways.
It was late and you decided to go clear your mind - with alcohol. You wanted to forget about the fact that you only have less than 24 hours to find a new place or you'll be sleeping in a park bench or under a bridge soon.
The nearby pub was packed and everyone was already mid-drunk or fully knocked out. All you wanted to do at that point was to let loose but you need alcohol in your system first and fast! You ordered shots, just to get to that state of mind quickly. Those 3 shots you downed worked like magic and before you know it, you were jumping and swaying your hips to the music.
Mingling with a small crowd, you felt hands all over your body. You didn't know whose hands they were and you did not care. Frankly, it turned you on that you started grinding with the first guy who had his hands on your hips. You feel him move his body closer to yours and in a matter of seconds, you feel him kissing and sucking the nape of your neck.
When you opened your eyes, you noticed from across the room, a familiar face, Hobie's. He had an annoyed look at his face.
You decided to ignore him and turn to face the guy you were dancing with. He was fairly attractive and so you decided to wrap your arms around him to pull him even closer. Both of your lips were inches away from one another and you can smell the whiskey he had been drinking. You leaned in for a kiss when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder, yanking you away.
"Sorry man, she's with me," Hobie said as he positioned himself between you and the stranger.
"What are you doing?" You asked. The stranger blinked at Hobie.
"Leave us alone, Hobie." You said, this time with more conviction.
"Yeah buddy, leave us alone. We were having such a good time." The stranger winked at you, which irritated Hobie even more.
"See, I am not your buddy. And if I am being completely honest with you, from where I was sitting, I can confidently say that no one was having a good time especially with your dancing, Sir Lady Hips!" Hobie stepped closer to the stranger and said, "so why don't you do us all a favor and walk away."
After some thought, the stranger said "Okay" and turned to walk away before he turned back once again and tried to land a punch on Hobie's right cheek, which Hobie easily caught. In a matter of seconds, it became a full-on brawl.
To say it was a mess was an understatement. Things were resolved in just under a few minutes with the stranger being accompanied by the pub owner out of the place. You were pretty mad at Hobie as well since 1. He had no right to interfere 2. You were already in the heat of the moment when he took that opportunity away and 3. Who does he think he is? Frustrated and really horny, you decided to pack up and go to a different place when you hear Hobie call out.
He managed to catch up just when you were to turn a corner down the street.
"Oh hey sorry I didn't hear you," you said in the most sarcastic tone you could mutter.
"I sensed that you're not happy that I drove your pretty boyfriend away huh, Y/N."
"Two things. First of all, he's not my boyfriend. He's some random dude that I was planning to fuck because my life is shit. Two, you're right. I am not happy you interfered. Who do you think you are? And I absolutely do not like you."
"That's three things," he grinned.
"Whatever, Hobie. Leave me alone!"
"At least, let me walk you home," Hobie had called out.
"I don't wanna go home because in a few hours, I would already be homeless so why not start now." You shouted back at him. All of the stress had already piled up and you were spewing words of hatred and annoyance towards him even though he had nothing to do with most of the things you said.
There was a moment of silence after you had spilled your guts to Hobie telling him how your life is like for the past few days. You gasped for air because you knew you were on the brink of crying. Hobie stood there for a moment before walking closer and pulling you in for a hug. You immediately gave in to the hug because well, a hug seems nice right now after the day you've had.
"Come with me," he had said as he held out his hand for you to take. You didn't really questioned it but you went along with Hobie as you started to walk to his place.
Hobie had guided you to his room which was somewhat neat. Framed photos hung on his wall but a few papers were sprawled on his desk, on the floor, on his bed, beside the window. You walked around his room, taking in every detail and he followed you with his eyes.
"So, did you bring me here to push some propoganda shit?" You said as you noticed "Metaphor for Capitalism" on one of the papers on the floor. Another one that says, "We don't have the power of the state. We don't have the authority on our side, the cops, or the media. What we have are angry hearts."
He didn't reply and only smiled at you. It was genuine and warm, his smile felt comforting despite everything that has happened.
You smiled back before sitting beside him on his bed.
"You can stay for the night if you want."
You looked at him, trying to test how genuine the offer is. When you decided he was serious, you fall back on his bed and let out a sigh. What a day!
You feel the bed shift as you sensed Hobie moving. When you opened your eyes, he was hovering over you, studying your face.
"What is it?" You feel that moment was an intimate moment, and you're not sure what he would say next.
"Why do you know so much about spiders?"
You burst out laughing at his question and noticed the pained expression on his face. You were so taken aback that you cupped his face with both your hand as a means to apologize.
"I don't know. I guess I have a fascination with this Spiderpunk guy."
He then smiled and closed his eyes. He had his eyes closed for some time when you decided to pull him closer. Your hands still cupping his face, you moved to give him a kiss, which he reciprocated and deepen into a full blown making out session.
"I really don't want anyone to be walking in on us."
"Don't worry. It's just us here."
He paused before saying even further, "that is unless you would be too loud."
You felt a shift in his persona right at that very moment. All of his boyish jokes and playfulness gone and replaced by something more mature, something sexual and carnal in nature.
With that, it's like your body had moved to its own accord and had straddled him on his bed. He was still sitting up as his hands found your waist, steadying you as you slowly grind on top of him, feeling him grow by the second. You leaned in for another kiss, and this time, he was sweet. He was not in a hurry. You feel him moan through the kiss as it deepens.
"Someone's a little excited," you said alluding to the fact you can feel him very hard at this point.
"And whose fault is that?"
"Haven't we reached a point where we don't pass the blame to another person?"
"You're right, you're right. My apologies," he said as he flipped you over in one smooth move so that he is hovering over you.
"I guess I should try to make it up to you then," Hobie said as he run his hands up your thighs and gently hike up your skirt so he could feel your wetness soaking through your panties. He moved his thumb in circular motion through the fabric until you let out a moan. He quickly cupped your mouth and signalled you to be quiet. At this point, with your skirt still hiked up to your waist, he removed your panties and tossed them to the floor.
"Look at you, all flustered, and I haven't even pulled out my cock yet," He said looking down on you with a smirk.
"Stop teasing me," was all you could say.
Hobie had unzipped his pants and had his cock in his hand, guiding it towards the entrance of your pussy. You took this time to take off your shirt and his. He leaned in while rubbing the tip on the entrance slowly, up and down, which made you catch your breath.
"Tell me what you want."
"You. In me. Please, Hobie."
In one swift motion, Hobie buried himself in you, and again, it made you yelp and moan. The emptiness in you being filled to the brim. It felt so good and warm, and for a few seconds, there was no movement. Then, Hobie slowly pulled out until only the tip is inside then thrusted in one quick move. He repeated this a few more times to help you get used to his size.
"Fuck, you're big."
Hobie had buried his face at the nape of your neck, and you feel his smirk when you complimented him on the size of his dick.
"Is that so?" Hobie had said and at that moment, he thrusted in you, this time with a bit of force. You had wrapped your legs around him and was already moaning uncontrollably at this point.
"What did I tell you about being quiet?"
"You said no one's here, so what are you worried about?" You retorted.
"Oh I'm not worried. In fact, I want everyone to know how good I'm making you feel," he said as he thrusted in you once again with force. At this point, he was going in and out of you quickly, and you were trying to catch your breath.
"Hobie," you moaned into his ear. "Please"
"Please what? Use your words, Y/N"
"Please, I wanna cum."
With that, as if on cue, you feel Hobie exploding inside you. He groaned and moaned your name as he emptied himself on you, and you cumming all over his dick. Your legs were shaking and still wrapped around his waist.
After a few seconds, he fell on top of you. Not all of his weight but he had rested his forehead on yours, as both of you tried to catch your breath.
"That was..."
"That was fun," you finished his sentence. He rolled over as he wrapped his arm around you and you laid your head on his chest.
You listened to both of your breathing and waited for it to return to normal. You feel Hobie leaned in to give your lips a quick peck as you drifted off to sleep.
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wttcsms · 6 months
okay, so just yapping and sharing lots of notes & minor spoilers & extreme details of what i have planned/going on for balancing act (which WILL see an update this month, trust 🤞🏻)
please please please, if u read this, lmk your thoughts & if ur picking up what i'm putting down or else i have to revise my outline LOL
what's fun about balancing act is that we get to see my take on gojo's character; i've received comments and asks saying how they like how i've written not just gojo, but all the in-verse characters we have & i'm excited to expand more on gojo's friendships with everyone around him bc as a fanfic writer, it's a fun challenge to see how in character we can get these people when they're thrown into a wildly different universe.
so, talking abt "my take" on gojo's character: he's a goofy guy. he's cocky; he's a flirt. he knows he's Got It All, and he definitely drives a fancy sports car w a custom license plate that reads SIXEYES (bc this is a finance bro au, everyone claims he must have six eyes w the way he never seems to watch the markets but knows exactly when and what to go all in with). BUT !!! i love balancing act bc gojo is not reduced to "cocky womanizer and then u 2 fuck despite claiming to not like him" we get to see gojo's character shine through in his actions, not only in how he treats reader but also in how he interacts with all the characters. he's silly, he plays pranks, he sometimes (almost always) is annoying, but the things he does for them is always stemming from genuine kindness 🥹 like, i have this thought (my finance girlies will understand what i mean/it'll be explained in the fic) that yuuji is interning at the firm for a summer but he's from a non-target school & doesn't come from the same circles as most of the people in finance; knowing that yuuji feels a bit alienated from his peers, gojo goes out of his way to make dorky company merch and requires that all interns wear it & OF COURSE, it's one of those vests with the firm's name monogrammed on it & it's so pretentious but it's a finance bro right of passage and he did this so yuuji would have that status symbol but he also didn't want to single him out. things like that 🥹 he's thoughtful and we need to talk abt it more and we will explore this more within the fic!!!!
and balancing act is so special to me because it's all about loving someone so much that the mundanity of life suddenly seems exciting; suddenly, the boring, not so glamorous parts of life are an opportunity to showcase how much you love someone. MINOR SPOILER, but a scene that's so sweet and exemplifies this is the fact that you live in a luxury apartment building. authorizing/registering a specific vehicle to your apartment's parking services is a pain in the ass, and it's even more annoying to take off a car from the car registry list. that's why any past boyfriends, u rarely let them into ur apartment (bc it's ur safe space, where u can just be urself entirely) and the ones who do make it to ur apartment always use guest parking, which has a time limit. we, in typical romcom fashion, get the adorable "you're sick and he takes care of you" trope!!! so you have a bad flu and gojo drives you to ur apartment and takes care of you, but he's not registered as an authorized vehicle so he has to go to guest parking. well, he spends days with you while u recover, and he sees all the parking fines on his windshield. it's $100 per every hour he goes over the time limit. it's been days. your doorman is a sweet man who is always looking out for u and never likes any of the boys u take home, and he beefs with gojo (for comedic purposes, i promise. it's a fun dynamic) and gojo knows it's the doorman who reported him to parking services. gojo ofc is returning to the apartment building, holding the stack of tickets in one hand (using the same hand to wave cheekily at the doorman), and goes back in ur apartment to show u all the tickets.
he doesn't hold it against u though. what he says is, "your doorman hates my guts." all pouty and whiny. you tell him that the doorman hates the guts of all the boys u bring back & that he shouldn't feel too special, and that this is his way of saying gojo's overstaying his welcome, which u find hilarious. and gojo is like "well, he's saying you're only worth $100 an hour." blah blah blah, BUT !! circling back to the mundanity of life and how it serves as an opportunity to show our love for someone:
you go through the trouble of registering gojo's vehicle under ur apartment. even though u keep saying gojo is annoying and a pain in the ass and that this fascination he has with u will eventually fade, even though u claim there's a time limit to his affections and you KNOW how much of a hassle it is to unregister his vehicle if things do go south for y'all... you still go through the trouble of registering his vehicle, a sign that you like him. a sign that you're hoping things will be permanent.
and that's basically a major point of the fic!!! that our actions, our silly, simple, boring actions, can all have special meanings 🥹 if you look for it, you'll see that love really is anywhere
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mikuni14 · 9 months
Cherry Magic Thailand - Ep 4
I love you Cherry Magic Thailand. I love you Achi and Karan. I love you Pai, Dujdao and Rock. I even love you, Mr. Tanaka 😊
Okay, it's official. After 4 episodes, I like Cherry Magic Thailand more than Cherry Magic Japan. Omg. I said it. I'll probably go to bl series hell for this 😁 Cherry Magic is one of the loveliest, most enjoyable, most wholesome, most, um, green-flagy BL series I've ever seen. The way Karan and Achi are together is just magical, they are both equally adorable and lovable and so sweet, funny and dorky 🥰
Dujdao is my guru, lol, her attitude towards work and work printers is 👌👌👌 I love watching her funny reactions in the background. The scenes with The Secret of Fujoshi Pai and with Rock (gods, please send me a colleague who would bring me fries) were again, so nice and funny.
I love heartbroken Achi, who still wishes Karan the best and to succeed in life and be happy. And how he doesn't run away from his problems in the scene with Karan's potential girlfriend.
The second pair, although much better than the one in the Japanese version, is still of little interest to me. Unfortunately, a constantly panicking, very emotional guy in a romance is not really my style. But I really like Jinta in scenes with Achi, I like their friendship.
"If it's not kind to you, you don't need to be kind to it" oh Dujdao, please teach me your corporate ways, sensei 🥺🙏🙇‍♀️
I smile all the time while watching this series, I just love it so much ok 💞💯💯
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watercoloredlie · 10 months
So I read Flight of Icarus and it wasn’t that bad.
I love that Eddie got his love for music from his mom. She sounded like a cool lady gone too soon. It’s cute that he shares her initials.
Al Munson can rot.
Wayne should be protected at all costs. I hate how people lump all the Munsons together when Al is the only real bad one. Wayne always had Eddie’s back and I love that.
Higgins can rot too. I hate that stereotype of the jocks getting away with bullying while their victims get in trouble.
Bev is cool for the most part. I didn’t mind the idea of Eddie also working at the Hideout.
It was cool to get a glimpse of another Hellfire campaign with Eddie as DM. Also kind of cool to get a glimpse of earlier versions of the characters we saw on the show.
Ronnie was cool. I can see why she and Eddie were compared to Robin and Steve. Love that Granny Ecker was cool with Eddie too. At least until he upset Ronnie. It was cool to see Ronnie not backing down to the bullies.
Paige. I expected her to be terrible given everyone’s reactions to her, but she really isn’t that bad. Eddie was his cute dorky self with her. I was surprised that she bailed him out after their argument though. It’s funny that people think Eddie was a virgin with no game. Man had Chrissy skipping up to his doorway. He had her smitten with him in the woods. But I digress.
Chrissy my love. She was so badass standing up for Gareth and Eddie. This book just made me love her more. I loved the flashback to the night of the talent show. She and Eddie were adorable.
Reefer Rick was pretty much just how I had headcanoned him.
Eddie meeting the Byers boys and protecting Will was awesome. I love that Will got the first invite to Hellfire. I wish Eddie knew how the boys didn’t want to play DnD with Will in season three. Oh he would have reamed them out.
I appreciate the Warners for being welcoming to Eddie. Props to Mr. Warner for calling Wayne a good guy. Sure, Eddie had to downplay stuff a bit, but it was nice to see a family like Paige’s not immediately brush off Eddie as no good.
Eddie deserved to live and to graduate. This book just made it clear how even more unfair it was that his storyline ended the way it did. There was a lot of foreshadowing to it in the book too.
It was also pretty cool to see Corroded Coffin band moments. I still think Dougie is the unnamed member of the band since they did say their rehearsal space was in his garage and that kind of does match up with what was shown in Season 4. Although he’s supposed to be a senior in the book so that doesn’t line up. I don’t really know if he is the unnamed band member or not.
Also unless I read wrong, did they really mess up Gareth’s wrist when he’s a drummer? Only to have Jason mess up his hand in season four? That was uncalled for. Leave Gare alone.
I appreciate how understanding Hop was with Eddie. I think deep down even he knew Eddie was a good kid for the most part.
Eddie’s LOTR monologues were just so Eddie lol. It was cool to see Ronnie try to help him with his studies though. Hurt to see him call the assigned reading for English bland, but I get it. There were some books we had to read for English that I didn’t like either.
It was a nice touch that they mentioned Eddie enjoying comics. Especially the Xmen ones since it kind of confirms he got the Hellfire Club name from the Xmen comics.
All in all, not a bad book. Third ST novel I read. Lucas on the Line was really good despite the descriptions of Eddie not really being accurate. Also read the Hopper book which was pretty good too.
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