#This kid can't catch a break hahaha
cerealboxlore · 1 year
Late Night Pride Post (T4T Billy and Cissie Edition)
Yo what up, I have overdue assignments and overdue fanfictions to post, but hear me out:
Captain Marvel is found out to be Billy Batson, twelve year old orphan kid from Fawcett city, AKA, the Champion of Magic, AKA, the kid who hid his age and identity from the JL for over four years. :D fun
Yeah the JL didn't like that. However, due to his position as one of the heaviest hitters on the League, and his good reputation, Billy was not kicked out from the JL, instead being put on a probationary/suspension period, where he would be observed by a JL member to oversee his ability to be a hero.
Who is it overseeing Billy's JL suspension, Y'all ask? Well, y'all gonna find out~
Now, cut to a week later
Cissie and Billy going out on a cute little date and having a nice time together.
Going on a picnic in the park, taking a lovely stroll through the city gardens to appreciate Cissie's flora knowledge, touring the museum district together to hear Billy go wild about the exhibits~ They're just two youngsters in love who are having a very nice first date <3
Nothing can go wrong~
Except it's the Batson luck to always have something go wrong.
Just as Cissie and Billy are touring through the museum district and enjoying a rest for a root beer float to share, a loud and whailing screech booms from down the street. The Shockwave sent rubble and debris flying through the air, sending Fawcett citizens running for their lives at this new attack on their city.
Wanting to check out the scene but also needing to protect Cissie, Billy grabbed hold of her hand with a blushing face and ran outside, needing to see just a glimpse of what he was going to be up against soon before he sent Cissie to safety.
It was just a second.
A split second before his stomach sank to hell and dread filled his heart.
Down the street he could see it....
The green glow of a power ring and the ginger hair of the one superhero he hated the most; Guy Gardner.
And oh yeah there was an alien monster there, too 😒
Of all days, of all the superheroes to bring a fight down into HIS city, it had to have been Guy Gardner during his first date with Cissie. Oh that was just fantastic! Billy just had a hunch that Guy steered the fight into Fawcett on purpose.
Unable to transform into Captain Marvel due to the crowd around him, Billy had to let Guy Gardner handle this fight with a grunt.
When the dust settled and the crowd cheered for the the Green Lantern, Billy tried to escape with Cissie to leave Guy behind, but as luck would have it, Billy ended up getting followed by the annoying man.
Now, Billy wasn't only getting irritating advice from the man about being a hero when he was Captain Marvel, no, NOW he was carrying a third wheel on his date 🙄 who was constantly trying to give Billy not so subtle dating advice (child version advice, but still embarrassing coming from an adult regardless).
Guy Gardner: Hey, kid! A foot apart from the girl. Don't get any funny ideas about holding hands on the first date, hahaha!
Billy: (*`Д´)ノ!!!
Cissie thought it was funny.
Billy just wanted to punch Guy to the moon.
TLDR: Billy's first date with Cissie ends up interrupted by a hideous creature that came from space, and an alien, too.
Don't worry, in the end, Guy makes it up to Billy for embarrassing him on his first date and helps to impress Cissie with a little fly through the air for them both.
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Hello! I'm sorry for not getting to this post earlier, life's been crazy the last week hahaha (adulting, ya know?)
I watched the finale and boy howdy it had me in my feels 😅😅
If you haven't watched it yet, this is a post that definitely contains spoilers so read at your own risk!
Wanted to start off with some of the plots that stood out to me the most. these are just my thoughts and opinions/ feelings so please be nice in the comments. I kinda wanted this to be a discussion post for anyone interested.
Bobby- he lived! I'm so so so glad he was okay, i lowkey thought we were losing him. He's honestly one of my personal faves so idk how I would have felt if he didn't make it 😭😭 I also just wanted to point out, he literally quit, almost died, and then walked into the station like nothing happened. I cannot wait to see how the team is going to handle him quitting and literally not saying anything before everything went down. Like was he just planning on not telling them at all?? Also, in terms of what his plan was, honestly broke my heart. He DESERVES the life he built. He DESERVES the family he built. And the scene with him and Amir just.... ugh. Amir might not forgive him but I wasn't expecting him to tell Bobby he earned the right to a life and family despite what happened. His montage at the beginning of last episode BROKE ME.
Athena- Homegirl was out for BLOOD! Look, I love athena, but she literally misuses her job for personal gain and expects no consequences😭 both her and Bobby have been through SO MUCH these last few seasons. In terms of Amir, I think they just needa let the man live his life. Yes, her being there pretty much saved him from the cartel, but guys, she ate her words by pulling a gun on him. Im not sure what season she says it but she tells someone that it is in fact considered assault when you point a gun at someone. Angela Bassett performance this episode was 10/10, probably one of her best performances so far imo
Hen & Karen- omgggg these two I tell you. They can't catch a break😭😭 the way they lost Mara simply because a councilwoman was on a power trip just had me in TEARS. They deserve to have Mara in thier life, no matter what. I think they are good for her. She's good for them and Denny. I hope we get to see thier story progress more next season.
Maddie&Chim- THESE TWO! The fact that they were there when Hen got the call about Mara and were the ones who got her out of the group home just does something to my heart ngl. I literally love them both so much. They are so so kind and caring about the people in thier life.
Eddie& Chris- this is the one that truthfully really made me question some things. Eddie really, REALLY needs to talk to someone. The whole thing with Kim just, makes me feel icky. Did not like that little subplot one bit. I understand that Kim was simply trying to help, but I honestly think it made things so so much worse. Especially when Chris and Marisol walked in the door at the end of the moment. Chris literally stood there, and said "Mom?" He's traumatized for life. I honestly agree with his decision to call his grandparents. Little guy just needs a break. He needs space. His dad is going through something that he as a CHILD shouldn't have to endure as well. I know some people hate that Chris called the grandparents, and I know that Eddie really didn't want to let Christopher go but he needed to.. even if he didn't want to.. I think Eddie is going to be going through it next season and I can't wait to see what they do with him next season.
Buck- Buck, Buck, BUCK theres so much that I loved about him this episode. The fact that he showed up for Eddie and Chris and said "what can I do" I just... *chefs kiss* He showed up and said "I can't explain this to your kid but I will make damn sure he's okay" and DID. He made sure that Chris was okay, and on top of that made sure Eddie was also okay. And when the grandparents showed up, even though he couldn't convince Chris to stay, he didn't try to get any more involved than was necessary. You can see on his face that he's sad about Chris wanting to leave, but understands. He's sad for Eddie and put his hand on his shoulder to say, "I'm sorry, but im here for you". In my opinion, Buck has grown so so much since the first season and he's become another one of my favs.
Buck&Tommy- (I felt they needed thier own little section) I love what the actors, showrunners and writers are doing with this. Tommy and buck are in a HEALTHY, STABLE, relationship. It might have started out just a little rocky, but they've built on it and each other and im HERE FOR ITTTT! The vulnerability between the BOTH of them about thier own fathers/ father figures when Tommy asked buck if he was okay really proved that they are at the point in the relationship that they can open up to each other, and that Tommy cares. They know how to read each other. In terms of the daddy issues topic, im glad that queer, MASCULINE MEN are shown in a proper, HEALTHY, SHAMELESS sexual relationship. Buck opened the door by flirting and tommy picked it right up and im here for it. There wasn't anything "weird" or "out of left field"about it, Buck wanted to see if Tommy could match his freak and he DID! I genuinely hope they grow next season and give us more insight into thier relationship dynamic.
I also just wanted to point out, Cap literally told Buck "hes good for you, because we haven't had to talk about it" like what other proof do people need to see that they are a good match? Literally every other relationship buck has had, has ended in disaster. I don't think there was a partner he had that didn't warrant a discussion between him and Cap before Tommy came around.
The team all together- the fact that they all dropped everything to be there for Cap and athena really shows that they are a family.
Captain Gerrard- not much to say, not surprised that they brought him back, next seasons gonna interesting. Still a POS in my book no matter WHAT they do with his character.
All in all I loved the season finale. I loved that they wrapped up most of the major storylines to open the door for a new one (captain Gerrard return to the 118)
Thanks for reading if you stayed through this jumbled mess!
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shunshunrika · 1 year
Rin Itoshi stares at you during the party as rainbow hues of LED light up your face in fractals. You stare back, doe-eyed, unsure of why you're being looked at with such intensity.
You know him as the guy who is usually aloof and barely gives anyone the time of the day. He's beautiful af, everyone wants him. He knows that they want him. But if won't bat his long underlashes at them. Yet, he sits, slumped back into the couch, surrounded by a bunch of rowdy boys, sipping intently on his can of beer while looking directly at you.
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You decide you need to ignore him and focus on the party and the music and the booze, but Rin is smarter than that and even more stubborn. He makes his way to you, one conversation at a time. He has spoken gibberish gossip to 3 people beside you until he finally gets to you and traps you into a talk. Surprisingly, he seems like a good conversationalist.
It isn't until you are deep into some topic that you realize that the party has moved on without you and now you are alone with Rin in the house, with a few passed out drunkards.
"Let's get out of here." he says, grabbing your hand and ushering you towards the door. He nimbly takes your hand and looks at you yet again.
"Is it just me or your name is really pretty, Y/N." he says, his eyes getting glassy.
"How do you know my name?" you ask, your voice rising in panic. He quickly shuts his ears with his hands and after seeing you gawk, smirks at you.
"I'm kidding." He says, raising his hand to tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear.
"I could really kiss you right now."
"U-uhm?" you hesitate but his hands are already around your waist, snaking up your back.
"Will you let me?" There he goes with his killer gaze again. You can only reply with a really embarrassed face. "O-okay."
He swoops down on you like a starved man. His hands coming closer to grab your neck and tilt your face to give him better access. You let your hands wander and find purchase in his silky hair as you deepen the sultry kiss. The two of you sweat in the humid weather as you can hear crickets fill in the silence of midnight, other than all the sloppy smooching noises the two of you are making. You can taste the beer on his tongue and wonder if he can taste your cherry lipbalm.
You soon hear footsteps and a familiar voice call out to you.
"Oi, Oi, Oi. I'll film this and put it on xxxvideos." It's Shidou who has caught you.
You finally separate after what feels like minutes and try to catch your breaths. Rin and you stare at each other, dumfounded for a minute before breaking out into laughter.
a/n: kind of a self insert drabble because this happened to me in real life lol. minus the kissing part because hahaha I can't, i ran away when I felt the sexual tension build up and he was staring too hard. But damn was that guy just like Rin - bitch exterior, warm interior. I keep seeing him every now and then, here and there, he's pretty.
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purrincess-chat · 11 months
Okay, but be self indulgent with me for a minute.
Ladrien almost-kiss in Simon Says, Volpina exacerbates the Ladrien mutual pining, so in early s2 they start dating like maybe the episode before Riposte, he confesses to her. They're dating in Riposte and Gorizilla but like in secret. Eventually, Gabriel finds out Adrien is in love with Ladybug and because he's a shit father, decides to use Adrien as bait to catch Ladybug. Ladybug realizes what's happened and breaks things off with him bc she can't bear putting him in danger.
This happens an episode or two before Frozer, so in Frozer Adrien is still heartbroken, and his confidence is shaken, so he needs Marinette for emotional support when he goes out with Kagami bc he's trying to move on, but it's hard. After Frozer, Kagami is like I'm no one's second choice, boy bye 💅 as she should have, and idk maybe Marinette is still too heartbroken over Adrien too and can't commit to the blue boy either.
So, Marinette decides to just keep it chill for a while and focus on herself, but after Weredad in s3, she's like I can't believe I said i was in love with Chat Noir as if I'd ever hahaha...unless? S3 gives us requited LadyNoir, except things keep getting in their way, so they struggle to be together, then after Chat Blanc happens, and Ladybug sees that their love destroyed everything and got Chat Noir akumatized, she's like mmm better not. Chat Noir is heartbroken, of course, but when Ladybug becomes the new guardian, he realizes that something will always be pulling them apart.
Meanwhile, he's been getting closer to Marinette, and after Weredad, he's like oh, she likes Chat Noir, so he tries to impress her as Chat Noir, but in the end, they realize they're both being selfish and this can't work out either (or whatever the moral of Elation was). So, Adrien is like I'll just have to go after Marinette as Adrien because there are no superhero masks involved, and we can just be two normal kids. But then just when they start to get closer, boom Felix surrenders all the Miraculous to Gabriel, which sends Marinette into her s5 spiral, and she starts avoiding Adrien, he doesn't know why, eventually they figure it out and work through the trauma together, but Gabriel is still a trick ass bitch. Then in the s5 finale, Adrien actually gets to be there and help, and there is a reveal in the end, and they both realize they've been more or less dating each other the whole time on and off, and it's silly and then they makeout while Gabriel gets taken to jail or dies in a corner or something I dunno.
And that's the story of how we could have had all 4 sides be canon before the reveal if the show really wanted to play up the love square instead of whatever the hell they were trying to do with the rivals. The humor of the two of them cockblocking themselves four times, come on.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 9 months
can you post some skz lee headcanons? I would love to know what you hc on all the members. Make sure to take your time!
omg yes! let me know if you want ler hcs too!
SKZ Lee Headcanons: By Me!
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this gif is one of my favorites its so 🥺
✦ . ���⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  
a pretty good ler-leaning switch
like a pretty solid 70% ler, 30% lee
that 30% lee though
usually either tickled by lee know or changbin
changbin being the only one able to keep his arms up 🙄
weak to pokes
like if you manage to place some well positioned pokes he will literally be a giggly mess
laughs are so squawky <3
loud HAHAHAs
so cute honestly
3racha tickle fights
all i have to say
his worst spot is def hips
8/10 ticklish
EXTREMELY VULNERABLE TO FEATHERS (specially on his abs ykyk)
Minho/Lee Know:
no one expected him to be ticklish
but he is
of the most
members 👏🏻
100% will shout at whoever is tickling him
have fun trying to hold this one down
mostly tickled by chan or jisung
ya know
the only ones who would even dare
you have to catch him off guard
constantly suspicious of every movement
sweetest giggles ever 😭
worst spot is v line
dont even try to argue
9/10 ticklish
not AS vulnerable to feathers but get him in the neck with one and it's over
my baby 😭
definitely one of the lesser tickled members
his muscles aint for show
needs multiple members to pin him down
first few laughs are a little breathy
but once you really start working on his upper body
he will be the cutest cackling mess ever
upper ribs and armpits are prolly his worst spot
cannot handle even the lightest tickles to his underarms
careful not to get punched in the face if you do
he loves it tho
lower body is definitely not as ticklish
but aim for his knees and find out
probably tickled most by chan and jisung
3racha tickle fights
i can't really see anyone else aiming for him
8.5/10 ticklish
not very sensitive to feathers anywhere except the stomach
cutest giggles 😭😭😭
one of the biggest lees to ever lee part 1
there is literally no spot which isn't ticklish
not even his head
remember that head massager?
tickled most by minho
but practically gets tickled by everyone
poor kid can't catch a break
tries to tickle back but there's no ler in him
loud screams rather than laughs
like his laugh-screams are so loud
another armpit weak bby
cutest thing ever
10/10 ticklish asdfghjkl
Han Jisung:
what a giggly mess honestly
cute gummy smile
legs are one of his worst spots
nowhere specific
just everywhere cause he's that ticklish
there and his sides
he's always tickled there in the videos
giggles are one of the purest to exist
tickled most by chan as he is chan's baby
followed by minho and then changbin
3racha tickle fights 😭🤚🏻
waist is so ticklish it's an absolute delight if you manage to get him there
snickers >_<
hear me out
9/10 ticklish~
pretty feather ticklish around everywhere
Lee Felix:
definitely feather ticklish
idk i just imagine that to be the first thing about him
worst spots are probably stomach and sides
he will be screaming
ears are pretty ticklish
its pretty adorable
tickled most by minho or hyunjin
i just see tickle fights between hyunlix
high pitched laugh
brightest giggles ever
8/10 ticklish
thinks of himself as more of a ler than a lee
definitely has his share of ticklish areas though
for example, his neck and ears
idk i just find little giggles the cutest thing ever
worst spot is prolly armpits
i think we all agree
tickled most by chan
we all saw that one hug tackle video ok 🙄🤚🏻
loves loves LOVES cuddly tickles
will never admit it
will 1000% get back the person who tickled him
cutest laughter
7/10 ticklish
i can only see him being feather ticklish on his armpits or neck
one of the biggest lees to ever lee part 2
literally ticklish everywhere
just like hyunjin
literally insanely ticklish
sides? screaming
neck? screaming
armpits? screaming even more
worst spots? armpits and neck
we all agree come on
tickle fights with seungmin
loses 99.9% of the time
walking tickle spot
mostly tickled by everyone
being one of the most ticklish and the maknae
practically guarantees all members will not stop bothering him
cutest giggles ever
again, 10/10 ticklish
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  
hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! love youuu 💖💗
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butterfluffy · 2 years
“starry eyes”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· kid knows that he isn't the type to fall so easily, yet he still did, all because of those damned starry eyes..
⠀⠀➧ fluff | eustass kid × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, other than swearing...! mistakes may be present though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: i realized that i haven't written for my husband yet so yeah, here's one of boa's competitor for the 1st place of big tits in the one piece verse. 🤪
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   It's annoying. Kid is annoyed of it, very much. He hates how you ask him questions here and there out of curiosity. And no, no, it's not what you think. He's fine with the questions, but what annoys him is that you ask him your inquiries with those damned starry eyes.
It's filled with excitement every time and he doesn't think his heart can handle that precious, innocent look you give him.
He is falling in love with you because of them, and he knows it. Yet he just can't accept the fact that he fell in love so easily.
“Damn it! Where's my goggles at!?” Kid growls, looking around his workplace for his goggles. Wanting to start his project already..
And upon hearing his shout, you stood up from the corner you're sitting at when you were observing the red haired male, letting a chuckle out of your mouth as you approached Kid. “Capt, you dummy, it's hanging around your neck!”
“It's right here, see?” Standing in front of him, you then took his goggles, placing them back up to his face that slightly reddened like his hair from embarrassment.
“..Oh, yeah, I forgot it was there for a moment.” Speaking with an unusual low tone, Kid scratched the back of his neck and sat back on his chair. Taking various metallic scraps and junks and piecing them together..
“Hey Kid~ What are you gonna make?” You asked as Kid instinctively looked up to your figure, eyes landing on your starry ones.
Well fuck. Kid says to himself, feeling an electric current run through his system, causing him to jolt, not being able to speak clearly, only stammering an answer out of nervousness.
“I.. Uh, It's a—shit, uhm, I.. I don't know yet..!!?”
Raising your brows by his answer, you then busted into laughter. “WHY THE HELL YOU LAUGHIN'!?”
“Hahaha! Sorry, Kid. I just think it's so unusual for you to be stammering and blushing like that..!” You answered, snickering as Kid's blush grew redder by each second.
“It's cute though! Pretty unexpected for such a tough man like you, still, I like this side of yours.” You continued as Kid's mouth fell agape. A shocked, yet flustered look seen on his face.
“H-HAH!!? WHO ARE YA CALLIN' CUTE!?? YOU'RE THE FUCKIN' CUTE ONE HERE, NOT ME!” Kid exclaims all of a sudden, catching you off guard.
Having silence take over the room, Kid snapped his head away from your direction, embarrassed as ever.
“Captain, did you just say that I'm... Cute~?” You cooed, tilting your head to the side as your starry eyes stared at Kid's that kept avoiding them.
“Kid..~! Am I cute? Hey, answer me, capt!” Asking him your question, Kid gave no answer, gritting his teeth out of frustration that he had a slip of a tongue moment.
“Kid, Eustass Kid! Captain! Do you really think I'm cute..? Heyyy~” Poking the man's pale skin, you huffed, sitting on the floor beside him, waiting for an answer that was never given.
“Kid,” You called, a heavy sigh leaving your lips, finally catching Kid's attention. “Was that a joke? Am I not cute for you?”
Asking your questions with puppy eyes and a pout, Kid hitched a breath, frowning as he clicked his tongue, “Tsk.. No, it's—it's true, yeah, you're cute. Happy now?”
“Yeah! I'm more than happy knowing that. Anyway...” Trailing your words, you hummed, staring at Kid who tried his best to not break eye contact.
“...Do you like me..~!?”
Dropping the question like a bomb, Kid exploded into a blushing mess. Incoherent words coming out of his mouth as he played your question back to the way the eyes that made him fall for you slowly fluttered as you spoke in such an excited tone.
He can't handle it anymore, he feels like his heart is going to explode if he keeps bottling his feelings for you up, so it leaves him no choice but to confess..
“..Ugh! Damn you, Y/n! Yes, yes I fucking like you, I fell for you because of that shitty eyes that gets me lost in space if I stare for too long!”
Admitting it all, you were then left speechless as a blush as red as Kid's hair spread on your face like a wildfire all the way to your ears and neck.
“..T...That—I wow, that's.. Unexpected? I... I thought you'd curse me out and say no but... Here you are, confessing to me.”
Breathing out with his nose, Kid held both of your wrist before leaning his close, red lips kissing yours then embracing you tightly.
“Yeah, I am. I confess that I love you, and no, I won't take your rejection.” Burying his face on your neck, Kid squeezed your hands gently as you sighed in awe.
“Don't worry, Kid. I'm not rejecting you, because y'know, I love you too..”
Hearing this, the corner of Kid's painted lips tugged upwards to a smirk, “Good, you better not regret this 'cause I'm not lettin' you go.”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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cassedyevihtt · 7 months
The secret's that you keep
Vanessa x Mike fnaf movie fanfic (slowburn romance, wholesome)
The time between when they meet and when Vanessa tells Mike who she is and who the killer is is much farther apart. Which means they have a lot more time to get to know each other.
Part 2 of 8: "He'd have no chance"
Yesterday, Vanessa was at Mike's doorstep. The restaurant had been crashed by some people. A break in. His responsabilety, even though it was in the middle of the day that it happened. Her lips had been tight like a straight line. Disappointed. She'd wondered what the fuck he'd been up to. How could he forget to lock up the place?
The only time she smiled was when she saw Abbie. Mike's little sister. There'd been a hidden dread there. Behind her smile she seemed scared- of what? For the kid perhaps?
They'd walked to a river. Mike told her about his brother. How he got kidnapped. Thats why Mike lost his last job, and thats why he sleeps at his current job. That is also why he struggles to make ends meet. She listens and she understands. "I've seen crazy, and this isn't it" that's what she'd said. She threw his medicine in the river after that. The proof of why he could've forgotten to lock the old restaurant. They talked about that on the way back. He appreciated it but maybe think a bit more about the environment next time as what she was littering. She laughed at this.
Nowadays she helps him with abby. One time he wanted to ask her if she could babysit abbie that day she didn't answer. He was unable to get ahold of her over the phone so he went to the policestation.
Mike walks up to the counter, a guy with an impressive mustache looks up from his papers. "Um i am looking for Vanessa shelly." Mike itches the back of his head
"And? What do you want with her?" The guy mumbles a bit grumply. "Well I'm her friend and she didnt pick up her phone all day so i just wonder if she is okay or if any of you know anything?" Mike catches himself fiddling with his hoodie. "Ah yeah well, friend? Alright, she is down in the basement doing some training." As he explains a new officer goes behind the counter. "I was headin' down there for mah lunch anyway so i could show you, but ya can't disturb 'em" he gets out of his chair and takes a box of food with him. "Great, yes alright" Mike nods and follows along.
As they walk down to the basement the walls go from wood to concrete. The noises of people talking goes over to shots being fired. The guy gives Mike a headset to protect his ears. He sits down on a chair and eats his food. Mike looks at the long shooting ground in front of him. The policepeople shoot strategically and with concideration of one another's positions. Among them Mike spots Vanessa's blond hair. How long has she been practicing like this? He'd tried to call her all day. Mike places himself so she can see her face too, her profile. Her green eyes are determined. Focused. She fires a shot. He looks at where it lands. In the middle! He looks back at her face. She fires the next. Almost in the middle. And she continues like that. Mike can't help but stare. Study how she stands, how her arms move and tense up as she fires. Sometimes she grits her teeth. Her and the other police people all unload their guns and take 30 pushups before they run back and load their guns again. Truly training. They continue with this for 30 minutes. Vanessa finally spots Mike. He is sitting in a chair now after the guy with the beard left. She grabs a towell and slings it over her shoulder, dries her face. "What are you doing here?" She mumbles in her towell. She puts it down and looks at Mike. Mike stands up. "Yeah, no you didn't answer your phone all day so I wondered what was going on"
"Hm" she nods lightely. "What did you want then?"
"Would you be able to babysit abbie? She likes you more than our aunt"
"Hahaha well i would hope that. I might have time yes" she sighs with a smile.
"Alright! Um are you hungry? I promised Abbie pizza today"
"Sure yes, pizza sounds good" she answers as if she'd forgotten hunger was a thing.
An hour later they're in Mike's drive way. Vanessa is driving behind Mike in her police car. Mike has a pizza on the seat beside him. It somehow reminds him of Freddy's how was that pizza like? Better? Worse than this one maybe? Mike looks ahead in the mirror. Vanessa stops her car behind Mike's. Mike thinks back to the shooting hall. She was so confident. As if she was lost in 'the zone'. As Mike grabs the pizza and walks out he finds himself thinking a silent prayer. May this lady never be an enemy of his.
He'd have no chance.
Abbie, Vanessa and Mike sit around the table. Abbie shows Vanessa her latest drawing and happily eats her slices of pizza. Later, in the evening, Abbie takes slices of pizza to her room to share with her 'friends'. Mike sighs and let's her go. "She is a bit of a sunshine isn't she?" Vanessa chuckles.
"Yes well, she's all yours" mike stands up and gets ready for his night shift. "Sure, than you".
Mike nods and opens the door. "And mike?"
"Stay out of trouble".
"Ofcource" his breath turns to a small cloud of fog in the cold evening air. Winter was on its way. He closes the door and Vanessa heads to abbie's room.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
i have been catching up on genshin quest... ( through watching others play because due to eye condition I can't play the game... )
greater lord rukkhadevata... wanderer... i am tempted to give you isekai'd child reader brainrot...
"One day, soon, I will reach your height!" As the kid points to the wanderer. "You'll remain short, short." ( So they say, as they attempt to use his hat to cover themselves from the heavy rain. ) Maybe his attitude will rub off on them...
As for the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, if they spill it out by accident to Nahida, all chaos breaks loose because there's no reason for the kid to lie— The traveler will have a hard time covering it up. Well, at least they'd have another new secret to share together?
Ok, I've been having this thought. Imagine if the kid sees The Jester ( outside the Fatui, I suppose ) and then just says "Dainsleif? Since when did you look so old?!"
That's all! Sorry to bother, but goodbye and see you!
Ohhh Easter, so nice to see you alive again! Glad to see you're at least caught up with the lore and stuff
Wanderer does seem like the type to call someone a shortie, and that's because it's very rare to meet someone like that hahaha and to emphasize, he'd even fly up. He is definitely going to be a bad influence with him sticking his tongue out and everything, Nahida and Traveler would smack him with a broom when that attitude goes to isekai child reader - oh but uppies! That child would absolutely love him for his skill
As for Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, I doubt they'll spill anything that valuable other than the name and missing them perhaps (most likely they'll remember about her when interacting with the aranaras or Nahida hinting about her past). Traveler's damage control is about making up a lie of who that is, which they would say uh Descender information, you won't understand haha
Definitely call him Old man Jester, and maybe kicking him on the knee for what he did to Scaramouche back then, their new bestie
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tartaeya · 1 year
kaeya 😈 also bennett hehe
OH HI.... I would love to do this meme for those two ;o;
favorite thing about them: Kaeya's just so damn cool, genuinely the most interesting Mondstadt character with a ton of foreshadowing set up for his relevance and even that isn't as important as just how complex but likeable he is? Everything from how everyone knows Kaeya's smiles are fake (even to kids!) to the fact that he's so competent despite being a cavalry captain with no cavalry... we stan a babygirl who can get the upper hand on just about anyone. I love that he's kind of an asshole in Venti's story quest to Diluc, LMAO it just shows a side of him we don't often see.
least favorite thing about them: I agree w/u Kaeya could turn out to be the Tsaritsa and want world domination or something and I'd be like yes sweetie you're doing great
favorite line: god I'm bad with quotes but I'm fond of "Khaenri'ah, huh? You sure know a lot! The legacy of Khaenri'ah is long gone, the sinners are all that's left, and they're not worth mentioning." from his voiceover quotes. go girl give us nothing
brOTP: favonius crew!
OTP: Chaeya obviously, they were my first Genshin ship thanks to a friend posting about them often enough for me to get curious and now I feel like these two characters are Made for each other and that they're def gonna meet in canon. And if I'm wrong, I will be so sad :') BUT THAT'S OKAY they don't need to meet in canon for them to be perfect.
nOTP: I could just take the easy route and say k*luc but honestly I hate every other ship involving Kaeya because I have ship blinders on for every ship I'm really invested in. I Do Not Perceive them with other characters.
random headcanon: Kaeya can't cook and from the fact that he grew up with a rather privileged life, I like to think he'd learn a lot from Childe about how to take care of himself. Also that Kaeya sneaks Childe into the Favonius Headquarters barracks from time to time...
unpopular opinion: hmm. I feel like people dismiss Kaeya as a jerk at times but forgive other characters for being jerks in the exact same way/dismiss him as an irrelevant starter character. Like there is no other character in Genshin, to me, that has as many secrets as him. I think it's premature to write him off in any capacity!!
song i associate with them: I like Curses by the Crane Wives for him!
benny boy beneath the cut so this post doesn't get too long!
favorite thing about them: Benny is just the sweetest little guy and a constant in my team ever since I got him. He's just So Good and doesn't deserve all the bad luck he has :( He's really versatile in terms of both combat and characters he pings off of! I feel like he'd be particularly good in a summer event, esp for more lore about him.
least favorite thing about them: I accidentally c6'd him :(
brOTP: most of the Mondstadt Obvious Teenage Characters tend to go along really well with him as friends. I also like the idea of Diluc being friendly with him because I run them in the same team comp often.
OTP: I subscribe to your Benyun agenda hahaha, the art is so cute!
nOTP: i can't see him with any girls i'm sorry
random headcanon: He accidentally does the bad luck superstitions often. Walks under ladders, breaks mirrors, black cats cross his path... etc. Can't catch a break.
unpopular opinion: I don't really have one!
song i associate with them: UHHH i don't. Have one RIP I'm so bad with song memes
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perfectionts-virgo · 1 month
a Towering apartment buildings loom over horizon, A neighborhood, black owed buildings spotted on the block. Adults play pickup basketball on a milk carton hoop, when one black truck and one black suv pulled up.
"In a world that need help, Here comes the Justice nine" a young woman said looking at the book reading to her baby boy eyes starting closing.
"the last mission, they won with victory but they vanished without a trace"she continued till she turned her head seeing her son fell from slumber.
Getting from the chair next to his bed, kissing his forehead. Walking over his little book collection, putting his book back in order. Hearing a door creak. Walking out his bedroom quietly, walking down the stairs seeing the living room playing brown sugar with low volume. Getting closer seeing a tall buff figure with a male and female figure behind him. She let out a shriek.
"Baby it's me" a man said walking closer, letting her see it's a her husband.
"Chad, don't scare me like that" she huffed playfully his him on his muclar chest that she love very much.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you" he said wrapped his huge hands around her waist pulling closer to her
"It's okay, all that matters your here" she replied with a sly smile
"Did we missed something?" A guy said with a low chuckle
"I know that not Van ?" She said pulling away from the hug with her right eyebrow rising
"You know it, little sis" the guy replied walking with a big smile, giving each other a hug
"Van,How's you and Skye ?" She asked pulling away from the hug moving closer to her husband embrace
"She doing good, the kids growing up" van answered looking around the well decorated house
"How's my nephew doing?" The guy asked with a smirk
"He's doing amazing, just missing his father" she answered with a sly smile til she turned to face with a sad expression "That's all"
"Farriah, I missed y'all, so much" Chad replied pulling his wife in his arm wrapped her "these missions are no joke"
"I Understand, He just need something that have you" Farriah said
The door opened with women walked in with a warm smile.
"Davia! Look at you girl" farriah said giving the women a hug "girl I told you what marriage & kids will do"
"Girl, I know" davia replied pulling away "I miss my family but these damn mission but kicking our asses"
"Damn, they really making pulling y'all ?" Farriah asked looking at them with concern
"Yea babe, We be the agents then detectives" he said looked at van and davia
"And the heroes" van replied looking at him and playfully side eyeing me "Don't forget that bro"
"And being mentors the new recruits" Davia said letting out a breath "girl we can't catch a break not even for a bite or a nut"
"Hahaha, Girl you a fool" farriah chuckling shaking her head "Chad you better was playing with your hand or it's not going to be pretty around here"
"You know I don't like that" Chad replied giving farriah a kiss on her left cheek
"Awww, that's cute but Davia didn't lie" van joked with a smirk "we don't have time to come home and spend time with our families"
"But now, I got my hubby for the tonight" farriah said hugging the side of Chad with the biggest smile on her face not even looking at the three disappointed faces around looking at each other for how will break the bad news.
"About that" Van said looking at Davia, with she rolled her eyes in annoyance
"We're not going home tonight" Davia said looking at Chad
"We on a two month mission" Chad announced getting ready for the disappointed look on your face "we leaving in couple of hours I had to see y'all before I leave"
At the moment, Farriah felt like a whole building just dropped on top of her. Like she finally see her husband after being gone for months and now she not going to see for two more. I know she not hearing that... Right ?
"Wait , Two months are you serious?" Farriah asked looking around but meeting the same sorry genuine expressions.
"I know, but two month will be fast" Chad said giving her a peck she missed so much "I will be back I'm going to tear that ass up"
"Whatever, You promise" farriah asked looking at him in the eye
"I promise" Chad replied with a sly smile "I have to go now"
"No" farriah said quickly hugging tightly "y'all just got here"
"I know baby, But duty calls" Chad said giving her a finally kiss "I love you and Calvin"
"We love you too" farriah replied holding herself with a tight lip smile, seeing her love of her life and their friends walked out the door, making her locking it turned her back on the door seeing the decorated living room and kitchen, shaking her head turning off the tv... walking up the stairs opening her sons room seeing him still sleep closing the door behind her... finally reached to her share room with Chad closing the door getting under the covers grabbing her long pillow holding it tight... everything starting to feel like a blur.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Present Day
Looking up the tall building that will change my life for good, walking in the lobby seeing every shade of black around the room... seeing a woman and men behind a desk, I made my way over till I heard a man saying my last name.
"Mr. Thomason" a man said I turned to face a fine man, he is tall, buff, and let me add a beautiful face... but don't tell nobody I said that.
"Yes, Hello Mr?" I replied looking at him for his name
"Mr. Cleveland" he said with a smile with his hand out
"Nice to meet you" I replied While we shook hands, walking to the elevator
"Press 54" He asked while looking at his watch
I pressed the number, feeling the elevator moving up seeing a beautiful view, feeling a sudden stop... I seen Mr. Cleveland turn around, seeing the elevator door open seeing a long hallway with the legendary heroes pictures hung up on each side. Walking down the hall feeling myself getting anxious, Mr Cleveland knock on the door three times like a code hearing a woman voice telling us to come in.
Walking in the office, seeing a huge window seeking out the view... a beautiful woman turned away from grabbing a folder, She tall, voluptuous, melon-sized breasts, she turned around walking towards us. She have a pixie cut, her beautiful brown eyes, she flaunted all of her voluptuous assets proudly... she wearing skirt suit flaunting her cleavage.
"Hello Mr.Cleveland I" she said before her eyes cut looking at me "Calvin Thomason"
"All his belongings, In the helicopter" Mr. Cleveland announced with a smile
"Thank you, Mr.Cleveland" She said with a warm smile "I got from here"
"You need anything else ?" He asked flirting his buff chest press against her huge cleavage
"When I get back" she answered sizing him up and down "I have a job to do"
"Call me when you make it back" he said turned away, he looked at me for the last time before walking with a smirk "nice meeting you Calvin" walking out the door.
(Oh they be Fucking.... Good too)
"My name is Victoria Steele, I will be your boss" Victoria announced taking a seat on the edge of her desk crossing her thick legs "I been watching your work your good at what you're doing, The heroes you assembled"
"Wait, I didn't assembled a team" i replied looking at her, staring back with a bored expression "I just paid attention who is powerful and credited"
"Well, that's assembling a team" she said handing me the folder, opening the folder seeing all the heroes I said would be good to work together "so that's your team, their waiting on you"
"Well let's meet the team" I replied feeling myself being more nervous and anxious... so of course I'm feeling defeated
"Wonderful, let's meet the team" Victoria said putting on her black over sized blazer with a rose pin on the left pocket "you ready"
"Let's do it" I replied getting up from the chair following behind, walking in the elevator seeing her taking out her card sliding in her card feeling the elevator moving up.
The elevator slide open, Seeing the helicopter ready making our way, Victoria getting in first I'm taking a seat putting on the headphones... the door sliding closed feeling the helicopter start moving floating over the city.
"It's been years I been working, I will never be tired of this view" she said looking right side of the widow, I'm looking on my left just in awe.
Seeing a tall building, with a helicopter landing floor, Feeling the helicopter land the door start slide open... walking out waiting on Victoria talking to the captain turned around she her walking towards the building.. seeing the door slide open looking around a modern condo / House waking down spiral stairs seeing a nice looking living room with huge windows looking out the city, I turned my head seeing the "Dream Team".
"It's your Time to shine" Victoria encouraged nudge my right shoulder, with a smirk
Walking down the stairs, seeing the group turned around with a smile.. I felt was anxiety.
"Welcome Team, this your boss" Victoria announced with a smile standing on my right side
"Hi, my name is Calvin Thomason" I said with a fake smile fighting to let aniexty to take over.
"Nice meeting you, Mr.Thomason" Aaron Hickston said with smile, he grew up in down south with his farmer father and high school teacher mother raise their miracle child up to wonderful child till he was ready to Fight for the country that he thought have his back, it was a struggle for his parents because they rather him  go to college then the army but he went anyway... on his first mission the middle of the night he saw a huge meteor... of course he walked closer touch right when it exploded... he woke up back home in the hospital with no scars or broken bones... two months later he can fly and have ability...
"No, it's nice meeting y'all" I replied looking at them "but I want y'all to know I'm not treating y'all like everybody else, y'all human"
"So your our boss" Erik Boseman asked with a smirk "Ooh, were going to have fun"
"Yes, but don't get ahead of yourself" I answered with a sarcastic smirk "y'all have to save the world"
"Well, I'm honored that your our boss" Lauren McNeil said a smile
"Thank you, I'm going to do my best for y'all" I replied looking at the group in front of me "well I been traveling all day I need some rest"
Everybody went their separate ways, I'm making my way to the second floor finding a room I could call my own, waking in a room room that could fit two luxury apartments together, went a huge window looking out the bridge with city lights walking pass the desk area to a door waking in a walk-in closet putting my luggage, seeing another door across the closet seeing it being the bathroom, walking out looking around really trying not to pinch myself, taking ouff my hoodie walking towards the bed taking a deep breath before I fell face first on the bed out like a light.
Three Hours Later
Woken up from my slumber with the dryness of my mouth, getting up seeing the city lights on the display, waking out my new room going down the stairs seeing the kitchen, open the very advance refrigerator, grabbing a bottle water, open it to take three big gulps, throwing away the bottle making my way the stairs walking down the hallway till I heard smacking sound following by groans and moans.
"Oooh Mmy Ggood" a female moaned "ooohhh"
Walking further seeing the door wide open, Seeing Aria Livingston laying up on her elbows with her thick legs up in the air looking in bliss, with Ulysses hands hooked under her thighs. Her legs start trembling, hearing sucking and slurping, his face buried in between her thigh. Hearing slurping.
He pinned her legs firmly above her head, moving his head from up and down continually sucking and slurping, moving head side to side. Aria let out moans, echoing in the bedroom. A soft gasp left her lips, seeing his fingers stroke into her pussy.
"I-I'm Cummin.. D-dadddy!!" She mewled, while throwing her head back while her body shaking uncontrollably
"Ooh shit, Mm Baby" seeing her hips gyrate against his face, I guessed she loved it because her legs start to shaking and trembling.
His hums of appreciation of vibrate through her, pulling a deep gasp from her chest, shaking his head side to side faster hearing slurping, seeing her eyes rolled back of her head (I guessing she reached her orgasm) her thighs shook.
"This pussy so good" he announced, they giving each other pecks to it turned to a make out session
"I-I'm Cummin" she moaned out, she started to sway her hips while he kept sucking and being in sync with his fingers, he quickened his pace with his fingers, hearing cries of passion, seeing Aria arched her back while rolling her hips, seeing her body quivered, with her mouth agaped and her shut tightly while letting out cries, he continued eating until her body start shaking uncontrollably.
"Oo Mmmy Ggod !!" She screamed out, I guessed using her power pushed his head away
"Damn your pussy so tight" he said while their hips rolled in sync, gripped on her hips tightly while continue riding, meeting with his intense thrust.
He flipped Aria on her back, stroking her having her pressed on the bed, he wrapped his musclar arms around her as he continued speed up his strokes. Her moans started to sound winded.
"Giving me that pussy" he said with a chuckle, flipped her her smacked her left cheek, making her ass recoil, making arched her back perfectly. "Good Girl"
She began to throw it back on him, making her ass jiggle, seeing Ulysses smack her ass while continue giving her deep strokes, hearing him grunt while she throw it back with speed that's when he sped up his stroke and knock her off her track, her ass clap while he snap on his hip, he taunts her constantly hitting her spot moving his hand on her hips, leaning back and angling his hips up, seeing every stroke makes her body arch perfectly, he strokes hitting upward.
"You better cum on this dick" he said continue stroking, hearing her ass clapping
"Yyyeeeessss Please, Dadddyy!!" She moaned, continuing throwing her ass back matching his stroke.
He continued hitting her from the back, seeing his back muscles flex, while seeing her make love faces on the bed while her ass recoiling,Aria spread her legs wider and he start smacking her right ass cheek,
"When you want it ?" He asked constantly hitting her with strong strokes
"I want it in my pussy, Ddadddy" she mewled, while throwing it back some more while her eyes rolled back of her head
"In my pussy ? Ooh you so nasty" he groan continuously hitting from the back
"Ddadd" she was about to continue but she start to shake uncontrollably
"Who shit !!! I'm nutting" he moaned not moving smacking her light cheek while she start trembling
I quickly moved away from the door, making my way down the hall, all of a sudden a door open seeing Erik Boseman walk out of a bathroom I'm guessing butt naked, caught me by surprise I'm just looking at him, my eyes trailed his body, his dick hanging and standing up. I'm actually impressed with well- built he is but I'm still in shock seeing Ulysses and Aria fucking and now Erik and his third leg (must be a dream I'm having I should beat my ass when I wake up) Erik walked back in his room, Closing the door hearing the door locked.
"Let me see that pussy" he says hearing the bed creaked
All of a sudden I heard was strained and muffled kissing and clapping noises. Making my way back to my room closing the door locking behind my self getting myself in the bed.
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mnovenia · 10 months
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DAY 3 in Korea - 29 July 2023
Today I woke up early as Yoora needs to go to church for translating. I woke up and SooYi was next to me: Imooooo~~ and they were being goofy since early in the morning. I can't believe how Yoora managed to wake up cheerfully with only 4 hours of sleep. I then woke up slowly, the kids are heading to church first for performance with TaeKyun Oppa. I was left with Eonnie to listen to WRC message slowly though youtube.
Then we were heading to have lunch at the place where Yoora was also heading. It was so nice, we ate a lot, Eonnie took pictures of me, bought us a lot of pasta, sandwich, soup, everything. Eonnie did a lot for us really. She really cares about me, wants me to have the best time in Korea, and despite of that I found out that she was struggling herself in her business. She didn't even know how to pay her employee's salary for that month :''''''''' That's why on the following Sunday, Eonnie plan to do live shopping to sell furniture, hoping that she can make ends meet. After Eonnie shared that, my heart breaks so much, I couldn't think of anything else than helping out Eonnie. She shed tears as well as the shared and what she gained from the WRC message in the morning. She said even God allows her to hit the rock bottom, she is ok and perhaps she can just close everything and move to Indonesia, etc. But i'm glad God works in everybody's life, and I believe, family like EunJung Eonnie and TaeKyun Oppa will be used deeply by God and will be blessed through every journey. I can only pray God's blessing upon them, I wish they know how much I've blessed by them and I couldn't think of anything else apart from God's continual protection over Oppa, Eonnie, Yui, SeoYi, SooYi. I love you so much.
Then Yoora went home, I join Eonnie to see the kids' performance. I was a bit tired and down but I met a familiar face that energized me: YENEUNG!!!! She was ike: Marshella!! hehe i'm so happy at least there's someone I know. Then I saw the kids, moms, how teachers volunteered so hard for these many kids, and I got to know Sharon (Jei Kwonsanim). Seoyi always gave me extra energy with her acts. She fed me ice cream, she was so happy with a baloon and play around and made me smile.
After many conversation, we headed to swimming pool that I thought for fun. Turned out we went to KBS's professional pool and booked for 2,5 hours!! I was not impressed in the beginning since I couldnt remember when my last time swimming. The place reminded be me of 2521 drama HAHAAH. Then of course I the pisces enjoyed swimming like a fish. There Eonnie Oppa found my new talent and hobby. I think it's a perfect way to escape and be on my own for a bit. It was tiring though.. At that day I was also taking care of Hayoung that is so cute, I sacrificed my (eonnies gogles) but then the sensitive Eonnie realized and directly bought me new ones and Taekyun oppa catch the gogles for me, thank you so much I will never forget even the most detail attention like this.
I love the warm pool as well, i'm just afraid my nose filler will melt HAHAH. Then not long after Oppa's sister came with her husband and Eunchan, so cuteee. They all were so good at sport. My impression were like: these koreans are so kiasu that they didn't want to waste any time and yeolshimi swim from here and there. I was back and forth to toilet, drink from innovative paper cup, and amaze how everybody is literally naked without anything OMG I still cannot tolerate it.
Afterwards we're cleaning up, Yuseosoo were so grown up that they took care of everything on their own. I helped Hayong, dried our hair, put on lotion, uncomfortably shower naked that everybody realize that i'm not korean hahaha..
We then heading to Korean BBQ place, we're so hungry and the place was so impressive, nice, all you can eat and Taekyun oppa paid for everyone. I mean there were 12 people perhaps. I'm so thankful and FULL, it was the best korbek and oppa gave tips to eat a lot of yangpa when we're begah. But tbh i really love their kimchi and meat and gimary and tteok everything. Thank you so much Oppa.. So funny that afterwards Eunchan throw a lot of question if I came to Korea with airplane and stuff. There I found out that Eunchan's family don't go to church, but Eonnie said it's time because Eunchan's fathers mom was passed away so sudden and he was still so sad about it. I will be praying for God to speak clearly to two of you Eonnie Oppa and you finally realized how precious our Father's love, and its for everyone.
We're home and Eunchan wants to sleep over and made drama, but I think after play for a bit, I went to sleep early. But not only that, I was confused what to wear because we're going to meet Pastor Chung, so Eonnie helped to pick up my outfit, gave me more options, clean noda on my shirt, even steam at late night and after tiring day, she's truly act as the best older sister that I always dream to have, even more than what I can think of. I don't think any of my family ever treated me this special apart from my late beloved mom :''''''')))) At that night, Oppa was also checking.
Aduh Tuhan aku paling gak bisa diperhatiin gini, aku sayang banget, terharu banget sama Eonnie Oppa, I wish I could repay what they have been doing to me.. I promise myself one day I'd love to have opportunity to return their kindness.. In the meantime, please bless and protect them always.. Saranghaeyo Eunjung Eonnie, Taekyun Oppa too :'')
0 notes
callsigndragon · 1 year
"Me spending a few days thinking about italics anon, wondering if they're okay. *italics anon procedes to send me the most beautiful ask ever and makes me tear up in one of the hardest days I've had recently*" - awww, my Love, you make me tear up!!! Love you so much!!! 💗💗💗💗 Also hope that the hard days are over for you and you'll get some time to relax!!! 💗💗💗💗
"This... i keep thinking about it and i can't let it go. I might finish it and just share it with the people who want to read it. I just loved that idea so much, i want to finish it. For me." - do whatever makes YOU feel the best, Darling, that is the most important thing!!! Either way I will support your decision! 💗💗💗💗
"Also, in case you don't know, in Hold my hand, i'm planning to use Red as an OC and watching them fall in love is so amazing jkshdsfkdsds" - oh my goodness!!!! I cannot wait!!!! Seeing my loves fall in love will be amazing!!!! 💗
"As someone who has lost an important woman in my life recently, I realized that once they're gone, you don't just ramble about them whenever you have the chance. It comes in small pieces, something triggers a memory and you share it with the person in front of you. So yeah, i wanted to show how much Carole means to them, and how they keep her in their minds, but they just can't share all the details about her" - I am so sorry for your loss, Darling! Sending you so much love and many hugs and condolences! 💗💗💗💗 But you are doing an incredible job at portraying this and I am in awe of how gracefully you handle such a difficult topic. Hats off, Lovely, honestly!!! 💗💗💗💗
"Thank you for all your comments love, and I missed you a lot! Hope you're feeling better 💚💚💚💚💚" - I missed talking to you my Love!!! And I feel so much better now, especially after reading your lovely reply! 💗 Love you so much Darling!!! 💗💗💗💗💗 And thank you for the well wishes, it means so much!!! 💗💗💗💗💗
Also, I managed to catch up with Desperate times, desperate measures!!!!!! So I will be gushing about the chapters a little (a lot) of you don't mind...
"Orphaned kids. Luke and Anne are dead. Dead. You had talked with Anne a few hours before, before your promotional event started, because you were feeling completely nervous and she was the one that used to calm you down." - ouch, the sudden change and loss is so difficult and you portray it so honestly!
"Jake Seresin is the closest thing to a lifeline you have right now." - I love this, that despite them allegedly not liking each other, they still are there for each other
"“Page? Page, come on. Okay, listen to me, take a deep breath, hold it for three seconds, and then let it out.” He instructs you, wanting to get you out of your hyperventilating state. But you can hear in his voice that he also wants to break down and cry." - this is so sad, but so beautiful too! It says so much about Jake's character!!! Love it 💗
"A house that is waiting for a family that doesn't exist anymore." - ouch!!! This is such a beautifully heartwrenching description!!!
"Hating each other was the only thing you agreed on over the years." - oh, how things will change....
"“They picked us together?” Jake questions, looking at the lawyer as if he had grown a second head." - hahaha, the shock!!!
"“Look, I know this isn’t how you wanted to start a family but-”" - love that the lawyer is in the dark about their relationship status, hahaha
""How does this relate to Emma?" Jake objects, feeling offended by the way this man simplifies his job." - my prideful man, hahaha, taking offence
"“You have to get married.”" - I love this solution, hahaha, just imagining their faces is hilarious!!
"“I think none of us have a say in that. I’ll call the registry office and see if we can go today.” He gets up and shakes the lawyer’s hand before grabbing his phone and stepping out of the room to make some calls." - moving fast!!! But it is such a good concept, I have to say!!! And it is great that they don't have time to overthink it all
"Falling in love doesn’t seem like an option anymore." - oh hoho, it doesn't? Hahaha, I am so looking forward to seeing their attitudes change over the chapters!!!
"You let it all out before you even realize that you’re just rambling and rambling, and that probably Gabby hasn’t understood a thing and she’s going to freak out." - poor Gabby, what a shock to her too
"You nod, eyes unfocused as you drift away, remembering a conversation from a few weeks ago, in which you told Anne that you ‘envied the life she had’. A life that now was yours." - oouh, ouch, again! Your description of the change in life is so good!!! I love the contrast and all the weight that comes with it, just a beautiful and also very heartbreaking and dramatic set up! Incredible!!! 💗
"Gabby may or may not have a tiny crush on her. But she knows that this is not the time to be a teenager with a crush." - awww, I love them already!!!! I am so exiced for Nat and Gabby too!!! 💗
"It was the perfect team. You wrote. Gabby performed. Anne directed." - awww, this is so special to me, because this is literally how my friends and I imagined our lives would be when we grow up. The nostagia!!!! Love it 💗
"Jake should listen to Javy sometimes." - hahaha, this is so true!!!
"“Then tell me, what was I supposed to do? Let a bunch of strangers take my goddaughter away?” You can see the unshed tears in his bloodshot eyes. He had been crying, too. Probably even more than you and Gabby." - oh my goodness, the poor darling!!! And I love that Page just knows already that Jake is probably taking this incredibly hard and that he is crying more than any of them! Love their connection already!!! 💗
"“How long?”" - off topic, but this question always makes me think of Hadestown, no matter the context...
"“A year.” You proclaim, feeling as if your words echo all over the house." - dundundun!!! I love that they have a time limit on it! I am so exited to see how their relationship will grow during this time 💗
"“No, I don’t have anything appropriate for a fake wedding.”" - hahaha, not a lot of people would have something ready for something like that 😂 Love the breath of levity you include!!
"“Yeah, we’re trying to find a dress.” Gabby says, checking her reflection in the mirror before Nat opens her eyes." - love the little details between Gabby and Nat!!!! 💗
"“Me and Bob will take you to the courthouse. Take as much time as you need.” She nods in Gabby’s direction and leaves the room." - and I love how helpful Nat is!!! First the dress, then this, I just love her! 💗
"You start crying as soon as you realize that your best friend will not be attending your wedding." - my heart!!! This is so sad!
"The ceremony isn’t long, and you’re grateful for that. Because you’re not sure how much time you can hold Jake’s hands on yours, while faking to be madly in love. Jake plays the part like a champ, even telling the officiant that he didn’t want to rush this wedding, but he’s going to be deployed soon and wants to marry the love of his life before he has to leave for a few months." - loving this!!! Jake being able to play the part like a champ is so in character!!!! This is so good!!! 💗
"You didn’t care about these small traditions because this wedding wasn’t real, but if you’re going to be married to this idiot for a year, at least you’re going to do it right." - ahhh, this is so great! Love that even though it is a marriage of convenience it is done right!!!
"You and Jake look at each other, feeling the weight of the words on your shoulders. There will be adventures and challenges, and as much as you hate to admit it, the only way you are going to survive this year, is by supporting each other." - love that they recognise this!!! Cannot wait for all the adventures and challenges!
"Love. The only thing that you don’t feel towards your soon-to-be husband." - good things come to those who wait, it will happen eventually... I love the way you set up their relationship, and how far it is from the loving marriage that one would want! 💗
"Javy gives Jake the ring, that is soon placed on your finger. It’s cold. A coldness that burns your skin." - the description!!!!!! My goodness!!!! Love, love, love it!!!! 💗
"And when he kisses you, Jake doesn’t know if the saltiness in his lips is because of his tears or yours." - ahhhh, the sadness!!! The tears!!!! The ambiguity!!! The love I feel for this series!!!! Beautiful, my Darling, beautiful!!!!! 💗💗💗
Amazing writing, as always my Love!!! Incredible and such a wonderful twist to this trope!!! You always manage to make everything so original and unique!!! Love it!!! 💗💗💗💗
Lots of love and hugs to you my Darling!!! 💗💗💗💗
(italics anon 💚)
"Me spending a few days thinking about italics anon, wondering if they're okay. *italics anon procedes to send me the most beautiful ask ever and makes me tear up in one of the hardest days I've had recently*" - awww, my Love, you make me tear up!!! Love you so much!!! 💗💗💗💗 Also hope that the hard days are over for you and you'll get some time to relax!!! 💗💗💗💗
Sadly hard days aren't over, but let's hope they get better ❤️
"Hating each other was the only thing you agreed on over the years." - oh, how things will change....
oooh they will my love they will
""How does this relate to Emma?" Jake objects, feeling offended by the way this man simplifies his job." - my prideful man, hahaha, taking offence
he's very proud of his job and this lawyer is just simplifying it and saying it's dangerous. Jake will get mad hahah
"It was the perfect team. You wrote. Gabby performed. Anne directed." - awww, this is so special to me, because this is literally how my friends and I imagined our lives would be when we grow up. The nostagia!!!! Love it 💗
really? that's so cute!
"“Then tell me, what was I supposed to do? Let a bunch of strangers take my goddaughter away?” You can see the unshed tears in his bloodshot eyes. He had been crying, too. Probably even more than you and Gabby." - oh my goodness, the poor darling!!! And I love that Page just knows already that Jake is probably taking this incredibly hard and that he is crying more than any of them! Love their connection already!!! 💗
Page has this idea of Jake being a player bc he acted like a dick on their first (and only) date. They'll talk about that date soon (maybe). But the also knows that Luke talked about Jake as if he was talking about his brother. It was more than a friendship, and she knows that he must be having such a hard time...
"And when he kisses you, Jake doesn’t know if the saltiness in his lips is because of his tears or yours." - ahhhh, the sadness!!! The tears!!!! The ambiguity!!! The love I feel for this series!!!! Beautiful, my Darling, beautiful!!!!! 💗💗💗
Thank you! It's a bit special for me and you can't even imagine the plotwists I have planned for this series. Is based on a film, and i don't it to be exactly the same, so I thought how to make it a bit different.... and do i have to say that is fucking different in the end hahahaha
Lots of love 💚💚💚
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baekhvuns · 1 year
The word soccer pisses me off for no reason, lmao. My friend and I established it has to go, I say American football or sometimes futbol, that's what most languages/countries do. But then I see American people calling football not only soccer, but futbol...... pls why. So rugby and American football are a bit different that's why, but it's all so confusing lol. I've noticed recently we've had a few promising players, but they're kinda one trick ponies and don't last long. Mbappe is probably one of the only ones being pretty consistent, but we know he needs to learn a few more things about team work.
It was shitty that people were like SEE PORTUGAL IS FINE WITHOUT RONALDO THEREFORE HE CAN GO, uhmmm okay.
Cricket?! Ajdhahsgajagsga. When it comes to team sports I only like football, I used to be forced to watch volleyball when I was younger. But I love tennis, I like athletics from time to time, swimming and ice skating, ski jumping too. When it comes to playing I used to play football, I occasionally play tennis and... golf
I love that whenever media report Pique is leaving/retiring everyone's like "FINALLY" 😭 in the early days I actually liked him, but he's the villain for sure. Mourinho love him or hate him (I'm both avhahsjabsshahams) him and Ronaldo were unstoppable
Stopppp, hopefully Suarez's kids are fine, but the biting... lowkey iconic ngl. Yes it would be cool if all the top players achieved everything they want, but who knows what's gonna happen, they need good teammates for that to come true
Also, damn Mo can't catch a break, every year the same shit 😭
It's because I have connections in Arsenal 👀 so when I moved to London lots of new faces were there, like Bellerin, Oxlade-Chamberlain etc. Also London is a small city if you know a few people from different industries, they always know someone and their friends know someone from school and it goes on, hahaha. It's not like I'm besties with all of them, but I met lots of celebs. Griezi is good, but the Barca transfer was uncalled for
Wooyoung would step on the pitch and get red just because, even his hair is red rn...
Hold ooooonnnnn so Seulkai reconciled then, we won?!
Atz is collabing with Tbz on 31st, Hwa pls be there <3 Atinys have been fighting over the Hwa thing for the past two days and clearly a lot of KQ stans don't get the point (they're like "none of the members have a lot of relevant schedules" - uhm false "they literally play rock paper scissors and decide who does what" lmao I'm sure that's not always the case, but aight... "kq isn't big enough to score them all the gigs" what even lmao) but tweets like this don't help pls 😭 OP was hyperbolic, but was there a reason to say it like that. Can't have a normal discussion on that fucking app 🔫
I'm envisioning Lego live during Fashion week now 😢
Taemin Jesus confirmed
Lmao okay but real, Hwacore
Ah damn Jackson, but understandable, it's hard to date when you're an idol and a celebrity in general. I'm sure he has lots of volunteers, but... most of them are insane fans 😬 did he say that about the lights? I didn't know kahdiausiabshahaha guy's really bitchless, kinda hard to believe, but hopefully he finds someone soon
This video I fucking can't, so much to unpack lmaooo
Baek he did what... POET HWA?! Can he stop for a goddamned fucking second 😭
Slutshaming?! And your neighbour?
I got Pimm the bat 👁👁 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
The word soccer pisses me off for no reason, lmao. My friend and I established it has to go, I say American football or sometimes futbol, that's what most languages/countries do. But then I see American people calling football not only soccer, but futbol...... pls why. So rugby and American football are a bit different that's why, but it's all so confusing lol. I've noticed recently we've had a few promising players, but they're kinda one trick ponies and don't last long. Mbappe is probably one of the only ones being pretty consistent, but we know he needs to learn a few more things about team work.
no bc soccer don’t even make sense, football does bc its A FOOT BEING USED AND A BALL BEING USED, english language i swear 😭😭 every time i wanna look up football ill always be welcomed with the nfl and all it is super annoying 🔫🔫 rugby and american football are like long lost cousins, with diff balls but should be considered as one 🔫🔫 NO CAUSE WHAT IS THIS DBDBDB AND THIS FHWJHDWK MADE ME GAG A LIL and bellingham joining rm too?? 👁👁 phewww this guy’s so funny fbfb fit’s the rm team vibe
BUT WHAT IM SURPRISED ABOUT IS BRAZILS WANTING ZIDANE AS THEIR COACH, ITS HIM OR MOURINHO?? brazil 2026 wc confirmed then dbdbd a nightmare for france i guess 😭
It was shitty that people were like SEE PORTUGAL IS FINE WITHOUT RONALDO THEREFORE HE CAN GO, uhmmm okay.
Cricket?! Ajdhahsgajagsga. When it comes to team sports I only like football, I used to be forced to watch volleyball when I was younger. But I love tennis, I like athletics from time to time, swimming and ice skating, ski jumping too. When it comes to playing I used to play football, I occasionally play tennis and... golf
LMFAOOOO ITS IN MY BLOOD JCHCJKCC THE 2010-2011 ERA WAS MY PEAK FAN ERA i tell u the match’s outcome was like what argentina went thru, they just went kinda crazy, everyone on the streets holding flags, songs blasting and screams and swears and sweets on the streets it was a chaotically amazing fbfbf,, FORCED TO WATCH DBDBD DID U PLAY THE VOLLEY?? ICE SKATING I DO LOOK FORWARD TO BC ITS A BIG SPORT HERE ALONG W HOCKEY but those fans are so toxic,,,, ooo a golf 👀 u say, what a fancy sport,,, old money vibes
I love that whenever media report Pique is leaving/retiring everyone's like "FINALLY" 😭 in the early days I actually liked him, but he's the villain for sure. Mourinho love him or hate him (I'm both avhahsjabsshahams) him and Ronaldo were unstoppable
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭😭 ITS THE WAY EVERYONE COLLECTIVELY COME TOGETHER TO SAY FINALLY 😭😭 no yeah in the early days he was great, i just think as more ppl (messi) started garnering fame it just kinda got to his head and then what he did after messi left 🔫 would 10/10 jump him,,, sEE mourinho brought the beast mentality be it thru toxicity or what, HE MADE IT HAPPEN and it changed rm for the best, despite being a barca fan, his and pep’s era of football was not just peak for their teams, but PEAK/PRIME football itself. the hatred, toxicity, two of the greatest players, insane team value and players…what an era,, EXACTLY HIM AND RONALDO WERE THE BEST MATCH,,, maybe he’ll come back to rm since his kid’s there now?? maybe a chance
Stopppp, hopefully Suarez's kids are fine, but the biting... lowkey iconic ngl. Yes it would be cool if all the top players achieved everything they want, but who knows what's gonna happen, they need good teammates for that to come true //// Also, damn Mo can't catch a break, every year the same shit 😭
HDWNHDWK ITS SO FUNNY BUT SO UNHINGED??? his lids grow older and some fuck just brings up his dad’s biting skills dbdbdb but guy’s a great player that ghana match 😭😭😭 right! good teammates and a good coach, argentina’s latest one was chef kisses, the formation and playing with the players strength 🫡🫡 LMFAOOOO NO BC JFKWHDKW THIS & the fact eid and christmas are gonna be on the same day in the near future 😭😭 which one will he be 😭😭
also wtf is this what? how? on earth? and why do he look like younger ibra too 😭😭
It's because I have connections in Arsenal 👀 so when I moved to London lots of new faces were there, like Bellerin, Oxlade-Chamberlain etc. Also London is a small city if you know a few people from different industries, they always know someone and their friends know someone from school and it goes on, hahaha. It's not like I'm besties with all of them, but I met lots of celebs. Griezi is good, but the Barca transfer was uncalled for
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hUH. that would make sense i would not be surprised if u know or have passed someone i know bc they’re also in the industry, BESTIE GOT CONNECTIONS 😳😳🤚🏼i know only 3 famous ppl just on different continents,,, but planning to befriend morinho if i catch him at the next wc 🫡 yEAAAH it was surprising def thought he’d go somewhere else dbdb
Wooyoung would step on the pitch and get red just because, even his hair is red rn... //// Hold ooooonnnnn so Seulkai reconciled then, we won?!
NO SERIOUSLY FBWKFHWKKCKC if anyone tries to go near the box he’d kill,, his motto would be if the player is alive it’s not foul dbdbdb WE WON????? WE DID!!! the song too is so good, hot&cold, very etl <3 the vocals and all 😮‍💨 peak sm, the best song on the album tbh
Atz is collabing with Tbz on 31st, Hwa pls be there <3 Atinys have been fighting over the Hwa thing for the past two days and clearly a lot of KQ stans don't get the point (they're like "none of the members have a lot of relevant schedules" - uhm false "they literally play rock paper scissors and decide who does what" lmao I'm sure that's not always the case, but aight... "kq isn't big enough to score them all the gigs" what even lmao) but tweets like this don't help pls 😭 OP was hyperbolic, but was there a reason to say it like that. Can't have a normal discussion on that fucking app 🔫
HWA PLEASE BE PRESENT 😭😭😭 ONE LINE IS GOOD TOO PLS!!! no cause “kq isn't big enough to score them all the gigs" what even 😭😭🤚🏼 diminishing all the previous opportunities they had just bc one didn’t go a certain way,, no bc this too?? can never have a proper discussion, someone always gotta be butthurt
I'm envisioning Lego live during Fashion week now 😢 /// Taemin Jesus confirmed /// Lmao okay but real, Hwacore
and its just him trying to finish his set and its atiny’s chanting his name outside his venue 😭😭😭 WHEN WILL THOSE DAY COME,,, taemin jesus confirmed but he’s also a femme fatale confirmed its literally his concept described in words
Ah damn Jackson, but understandable, it's hard to date when you're an idol and a celebrity in general. I'm sure he has lots of volunteers, but... most of them are insane fans 😬 did he say that about the lights? I didn't know kahdiausiabshahaha guy's really bitchless, kinda hard to believe, but hopefully he finds someone soon
he’s bitchless and maidenless 😭😭😭 he did say that about the lights! eric’s dive show! it is kinda bard to believe, thought he’d be announcing his engagement or something but he’s also quite young, more time for him!
This video I fucking can't, so much to unpack lmaooo //// Baek he did what... POET HWA?! Can he stop for a goddamned fucking second 😭
he is what.
i cannot take this anymore. no. CAN HE STOP FOR A WHOLE MINUTE?? VOLLEY LEFT HITTER, BEST SWIMMER, BLAVK BELT A POET AND MORE?? HOW MUCH MORE U GOT MF PLS REVEAL IT ALL AT ONCE I CANT KEEP GOING ON LIKE THIS,,, i hope he sucks at basketball bc id actually lose it if he’s good at it
Slutshaming?! /// And your neighbour? /// I got Pimm the bat 👁👁 - DV 💖
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭😭 he’s actually living just down the street from me, sometimes when i walk past i hear songs played rly loudly <3 mingi canadian lumberjack era
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ive got u a svt quiz bc that’s the only decent one out here
0 notes
twistedoverbloat · 2 years
Imagine a buff! Yuu like they can't see it through the clothes but literally could lift anyone and is physically stronger than Malleus. Sebek would be jealous of a human, a magic less human having bigger physical strength than him and Waka-sama, and would try to prove his strength or having like a fight off (like with the gymnast! Yuu)
Naw bc Sebek would try and fight you all the time to show he's stringer and he'd get his ass handed to him.
So for this one I'm going to do the first years and the Diasomnia dorm.
So when Yuu did finally become friends wit the Diasomnia dorm they did dome workouts with them along with the first years. Jack was really happy because some people couldn't keep up with him, Epel wanted to gain more mass, Deuce was happy to have there, Grim was watching from the sidelines doing soem of the workouts, and Ace was dieing because of the intensity of the work out.
So after doing 20 laps around the Diasomnia track field they have Yuu was breaking a bit of sweet and it was kinda hot despise the Diasomnia dorm being gloomy. To beat the heat they took off their P.E. jackets and took off their pants to show their shorts they have underneath. Yuu's arm and leg muscles were finally showing, Epel seeing this first whined "OH COME ON YOUR EVEN BUFFER THEN ME??" Deuce then turned to see what he was talking about and saw Yuu.
He gasped "HOLY SHIT YUU YOUR JACKED-" Jack hearing this though he said his name turned "What do you mean Deuce-Ayo? YUU YOU HAVE MUSCLES??" Ace was on the ground catching his breath. "Yeah they have muscles they always throw me over their shoulders when I 'act' out infront of Riddle." He finally got up "Plus how did non of you know? They can spare with Jack with ease. Deuce you even wrestled with them, and honestly anyone can pick up Epel." Sebek who was staring at their muscles intently decided to challenge the human.
"HUMAN I BET IM STRONGER LETS FIGHT!" Yuu lookeda t him "DUDE I really don't want to I want to get this workout routine done-" Sebek then turn up his head sneering at the perfect "AWE are you scared I will beat you?" If you looked at Yuu closely you would see a blood vessel popping out. "Oh it is on you Crocodile shithead!" The challenge caught Lilia's attention.
"How about this well do a little torment of who is the strongest out of all of us!" The first years along with Malleus and Silver agreed. Lilia smiled "I shall be the referee!" He then looked at everyone "I pick....Epel and Ace!" Ace scoffed "Com'on don't do that to the poor kid!" Epel looked fired up "BRING IT YOU LITTLE-*Ahem* I'll take you down bitch." Yuu giggled at the outburst Epel did. Deuce shook his head "Ace is done for." Ace turned to him "What no!" Lila clapped his hands and made them come to the middle of the field.
"Now there are simple rules!
1 No biting!
2 No weapons!
3 Any trick is available to use!
4 the other person needs to be down for 5 seconds!
Are we clear?" Ace nodded and Epel looked ready to pounce. Lilia the took out a horn and blow it. "BEGAN!" Then they went into it. Epel won because Ace decided it was a good idea to provoke a short person with anger issues. Epel whooped with joy and he rushed to the others "HAHAHA I FEEL SO COOL RIGHT NOW!" Yuu clapped for him "Perfect form with the body slam Epel!" Epel smiled as Lila did another fight.
This time it was Jack against Deuce. Jack won sicne he had more stamina then Deuce and Jack made a plan to kick Deuce's leg underneath him and held him down. Deuce was a but sad but happy he learned a few things from this! "Good fight jack!" They shook hands "Yeah dude it was good!" Epel jumped with joy "Yuu I'm goign to fight jack!" Yuu smiled "Try and use your small stature against him." Epel nodded.
Adeuce was sitting by Grim who was bored and they all three began to talk about different things. Lilia then called up Jack and Epel, with a roar he called out the start of the match. Jack sadly ended up winning but Epel was able to get away from him and did get him on the ground using Jack's weight against him. Epel seethe "UGH I wish I was bigger!" Jack patted his back "Hey even so your smaller then me you got me on the ground for 3 seconds!" Epel nodded as Jack stood with the other who have yet to fight.
Lilia the got Sebek and Jack to fight. Sebek and Jack went at it for 20 minutes till Sebek got Jack on the floor for 5 seconds. Jack gave him a bro handshake and complemented his skill. "We'll that was interesting!" Yuu said aa Jack went to sit with he their first years who were out. Lilia then smiled at Yuu "Sebek and Yuu!" Sebek got smug thinking he could defeat the small perfect.
Yuu and Sebek stood in the middle of the field as they got ready for the match. Lilia looked at the two "Now remember the rules and.....BEGAN!" Sebk lunged for Yuu but they got under his arms and grabbed his waist lifting him with ease despise their small stature and slammed him down. Sebek squirmed under him and he tried to get on top of Yuu. He did get them but Yuu turned him around and got his face on the ground as Lilia called out "5 seconds! YUU WINS!" Epel cheered and the tiers clapped.
Sebek grumbled on the floor 'I just got embarrassed infront of Waka-Sama....' then a hand was held out infront of him "Hey dude you good?" Sebek took the hand "Why yes human I am good. Your a very hard person to beat but next time I'll beat you!" Yuu smiled "I hope you do or else I'll be stringer then you!" Sebek smiled as he went to the other first years.
Lilia looked at Silver who passed out and didn't wake "Haaa Silver my boy I'll let you rest." He then turned to the reminding two "Malleus and Yuu shall fight now!" Malleus then looked kinda worried "BUT what if-" Yuu cut in "I'm goign to beat you Tsunotarou!" Malleus smiled. "Okay but I will not go so easy on you just because we are friends!" Yuu nodded. And then the match began.
Everyone looked in shock as Malleus was frozen on the ground looking up at Yuu in awe. Lilia then roared "YUU IS THE WINNER!" Sebek and Silver both shoot up "HUH?" "How did-" Epel and the rest shouted out in cheers "WHOOOO YUU YOU FUCKING ROCK!!" Deuce and Ace jumped on Yuu who toppled over Jack then Jumped on them too.
Jack threw himself on them too. Epel got on top of Jack and they were cheering and then Sebek got by them "I WANT A REMATCH!!" Yuu rolled his eyes "DUDE I just fought Malleus who's stronger than everyone I really don't want to fight anymore anyways." Sebek grumbled agreeing that yeah it's not worth fighting them if Waka-sama couldn't beat them.
What the group didn't know that one of the other students of Diasomnia saw Yuu take down the Fae prince. They went off and told everyone.
By next period everyone knew how strong Yuu was. Lowkey everyone was now respected of someone.
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griffintail · 3 years
Okay so I'm on an angst kick tonight so here's a fic about how Little bee feels about all her new siblings.
Old news
Bee was hitting her breaking point, ANOTHER new sibling? As if Michael wasn't enough now she had to complete with the literal angel that was Boo. Her step fathers new adopted child. How could her dad do this to her? Bringing in this new 'family' as if their real family wasn't God knows where alone. She missed her cousin and uncle dearly, Little (F/L) was practically her sister at this point and sometimes Tommy was more of a father to her then her own dad. It drove the teen up the wall how quickly her father discarded them.
Now she's supposed to consider these strangers her family? No way in nether.
If anyone wants to expand on this feel free too, I wanted to write an argument but I can't think of good dialog for it.-🦊
Hahaha. Angst that I feel on a personal level. I didn’t add Little boo because I try to keep the characters separate when I write for the Lost Ones kids but there’s most certainly Michael! I really wanted to write this....NON-CANON TO LOST ONES
Old News
Pairing: Parental! Tubbo x F! Teenage! Reader
Part 2
Warnings: Angst, Misread Situations, Feelings of Neglect
         She sat alone at the docks, looking back to see her father playing with Michael in the upper story window. She huffed angrily as she looked back to the freezing water.
         …They were supposed to go fishing today. But Michael was sad.
         They were supposed to go last week but Ranboo wanted a day together with no kids. So, she had to watch the stupid zombie piglin…
         God, she never thought she’d miss the days when Uncle Tommy would drag her and Tubbo off on dangerous adventures. She never thought she’d miss all his yelling…she never thought she’d miss L’Manberg…With all the good memories that it held inside…
         At this rate, she’d start missing how her father and Tommy fought Dream all the time!
         “Hey.” She jumped, looking up to see Foolish. “You’re shaking kid, you should get inside.”
         Her jacket had long since felt cold. She just didn’t want to go inside and listen to dad talk to Michael though. Not when he hadn’t properly talked to her in months. She looked at the house before looking at Foolish.
         “Is the mansion warm?”
         “Uh, kind of. There should be a few rooms, come on.”
         She got up and followed Foolish inside. She’d go to her actual room later…for now, she just wanted to sit and watch the trees sway without thinking about everything she missed…
         She stirred her mushroom soup as she sat at the dining table inside their home after night fell. Ranboo was out, thank god, but Tubbo was upstairs with Michael again and she had to make and eat dinner for one…
         “Hey, I need to talk to Foolish before he leaves. Watch Michael for a few minutes alright?” Tubbo asked her as he jumped down from the ladder.
         “Ok.” She muttered.
         “Thanks.” He smiled before rushing out.
         She rolled her eyes and kept eating her warm soup. The kid wouldn’t die, he was old enough to be fine. There was no need to make her eat cold soup to watch the stupid zombie piglin. After a few bites though, she heard a loud thud upstairs and she face-palmed before going up the ladder.
         The little zombie piglin was sniffling as a little bit of blood trickled from his forehead.
         “What happened?” She sighed, going over and sitting in front of the zombie piglin, wiping the blood away with her sleeve.
         Michael pointed to the bed and the floor and she shook her head.
         “You jump off the bed?” And he nodded. “Yeah, that hurts like hell. I fell off a lot of crap, mostly because Uncle Tommy dared me but I digress.”
         Michael gave a snort and she gave a small glare with no actual heat behind it.
         “You think that’s funny little shit?” She asked and Michael shrank but she smiled. “I’m just joking. But hey, watch out, I’ve been taught by a lawyer, I’ll sue you next time.”
         She didn’t hate Michael; she just didn’t like how he and Ranboo got all of her father’s attention. Michael was a funny kid and smart when given the chance. She just wanted to avoid him though so she didn’t have to think about what he gets that she can’t.
         “Alright, come on, I think there’s some of those special potions for you downstairs.” She said, standing up.
         The teenager was about to pick him up when Tubbo came into the room.
         “Hey, how—What happened?!” Tubbo exclaimed, rushing to Michael, not a second glance to (Y/N).
         “Oh, he just fell a bit.” (Y/N) said.
         “He fell?! How? Weren’t you watching him?” Tubbo asked her with even looking at her as he carefully looked at the minor cut on Michael’s head.
         “Dad, he’s fine. It’s just a little cut from a fall.” She wasn’t watching him but she also wasn’t going to tell on Michael that he just jumped off the bed.
         “You call this fine?!” He motioned to Michael as he finally looked at her.
         “Yeah, I had a lot worse going on adventures with you and Uncle Tommy.”
         “Yeah! But he’s not you!” Tubbo huffed looking away.
         (Y/N) was taken aback by that. He wasn’t her…No, no Michael wasn’t her. He was better than her, just look. Michael always has her father’s attention. What was she? Just…just a disappointment.
         Tubbo canceled plans with her, Tubbo rarely spoke to her as much, Tubbo barely spared her a glance some days. He had a better family now…
         “You’re right.” She whispered, Michael giving little snorts seeing the tears in the older girl’s eyes. “I’m going to go.”
         “I think that will be best,” Tubbo said, once more not looking at her as he picked Michael up.
         Her lip quivered before nodding as she rushed downstairs. Tears poured down her cheeks as she grabbed a bag and threw her clothes in. Nothing else.
         She left the house, hearing nothing from her father as she walked away from Snowchester.
         It was better for everyone…They could be happy without her bothering them now…
         The darkness surrounded her as she clutched her bag as she crossed the path back towards Dream SMP land. As she got across, she looked up at the well-lit hotel her uncle had finally won back. Without much thought, she dashed up the path to the building. As she got to the door, she hesitated.
         Would it be better for her uncle if she didn’t bother him? Would he be happier?
         “(Y/N)?” She heard behind her and she once more jumped as she looked to see Tommy walking past the gates to the hotel.
         He stopped seeing her red eyes and the tears staining her cheeks, along with the bag by her side. He then rushed over, taking her arms.
         “What happened? Who hurt you? Who the fuck is going to die?”
         At his words, she sobbed. She hadn’t felt this cared about in months…
         Tommy was startled before hugging her tightly. “Hey, it’s ok, kid. I’ll fuck up their shit for you. No need for the waterworks. Let’s get inside.”
         He brought her inside as she cried harder and he didn’t get much of an explanation once she calmed down as she didn’t want to talk about it but he set her up with a room and told her they’d talk about it tomorrow when she got some rest. Yes, Tommy was worried but he knew that he couldn’t just force the kid to tell him everything when she looked exhausted.
         “I don’t know how Tubbo fucked this up, but I’ll fuck up his shit later,” Tommy told her, ruffling her hair. “After I beat the ass of who hurt you. Get some rest.”
         He left the room after that as she held back the tears this time. If only he knew, and lord did it feel so good to feel like someone cared…She had missed Uncle Tommy…
         Tubbo came to (Y/N)’s door later after putting Michael to sleep. Tubbo felt guilty about getting so snippy with his daughter. She was right, kids get hurt. He remembered the clumsy little girl that would fall down all the time or who he’d have to catch after Tommy dared her to jump from various places. It made him feel guiltier when Michael tried to stick up for her, trying to take all the blame.
         He hadn’t been angry; he was just scared. He had fucked up in some areas with (Y/N), he couldn’t fuck up again. Michael wasn’t the same as her, he was more fragile, a different creature entirely, which meant he had to be extra careful. It was better she went to her room though, so he didn’t say something he’d regret. He felt regret though for being so loud with his words.
         “(Y/N).” He knocked on her door.
         She didn’t answer and he sighed.
         “I’m sorry for yelling. I didn’t mean it. I was just scared because Michael isn’t like you or me. He gets hurt a lot easier. And…shit. I forgot about fishing, didn’t I? I’m making a lot of mistakes today. I’m so sorry little lamb. I…I’ll leave Michael with Foolish tomorrow and we’ll have a day all to ourselves, no matter what. We’ll have your favorite breakfast and do whatever you want, ok? Just you and me my special little bee.”
         There was still no answer and he let out another as he nodded.
         “I’m going to stick to it! I promise (Y/N). I love you so much. Good night.”
         And he left without opening the door to see what he’d find out tomorrow…
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Attending Orthopedic Surgeon - 7 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"Hey, you okay?"
You looked up, propping yourself up on your elbows as Teddy walked into the on-call room.
"Yeah, sorry, I just needed a minute to... Meredith's going home!"
"She's going home? Hell yes!" You smiled, watching Teddy walk around the room excitedly.
"I mean, I haven't had good news, since forever, and I-I know that we are still in the thick of things, but we're finally getting a handle on how to treat this. I actually feel hope!" Teddy grinned, her grin faltering into a smirk as she finally noticed you laying on the on-call room bed.
"What's with the smirk- oh!" You squeaked, cheeks feeling like they were burning as Teddy launched herself at you, pulling you into a kiss as her hands ran under your scrub top.
Joey: first day in OB
Braces: good luck, resident
Joey: you're a little shit
Braces: that's no way to talk to your superiors
Joey: omg
Braces: i'm kidding
"You called these guys?" Teddy stuttered as it was revealed that Winston had called Link and Owen up to the COVID ward.
"They said it was slow downstairs." Winston admitted as Link chuckled.
"Y/n and Nico have it covered."
Joey: Jackson's leaving for Boston?
Braces: damn, happy travels to him
Joey: no breakdown over someone leaving?
Braces: you were closer to him than me
Joey: he thanked me
Braces: didn't need to know that
Braces: least he didn't say goodbye in a letter:/
Joey: you're not allowed to leave me any time soon
Braces: I'm never leaving you
"Sorry, it's just the new guy, trying to get the lay of the land. Alright, I couldn't help but notice earlier, you and Altman-"
"Teddy and I are just friends and co-parents. Teddy is dating Doctor S/n... I can't really explain it all." Owen admitted, shaking his head as Winston looked confused.
"Hey, Avery! Send some postcards from Boston, yeah?" You smiled, spotting Jackson leaving Meredith's room.
"Are you going to send me postcards of Seattle?" He smiled, chuckling as you stopped to consider it.
"Is that you asking for postcards of Seattle? You going to miss the west coast that much?" You teased, smiling as Jackson rolled his eyes.
"Give 'em hell, S/n. You, Jo and Teddy, the three of you are a force to be reckoned with." Jackson nodded before walking away, leaving you to smile as you watched him go down the corridor.
"Give them hell, Avery, and change things for the better."
"Braces! Teddy! Come on, it's time for Meredith's clap out!" Jo shouted down the hallway, breaking out into a jog as you and Teddy ran to catch up, heading down to stand outside of the ER.
"Okay, okay, okay, folks, I know we're excited, but you're gonna spoil the surprise, so let's keep it down until Perez wheels her out, okay?" Bailey instructed, waving at you, Jo and Teddy to get out of the way and stand near Owen so the ER doors wouldn't be obstructed.
"What happened?"
"uh, Doctor Grey is not in her room and all of her things are gone." Perez explained as he wheeled out an empty wheelchair.
"Hahaha, nice one Grey... evening everybody!" Hayes waved, heading back into the ER.
"Grey made a run for it and bypassed the crowd!" You realised, laughing as Jo, Teddy and Owen looked confused and Bailey wondered where the hell Meredith was.
"Hey, I'm going to go up to talk to Luna." Jo smiled, quirking a brow as she noticed how you and Teddy kept sharing looks.
"I'll come up later and see you both, if that's alright?" You enquired, barely taking your eyes off of Teddy as Jo smirked and rolled her eyes.
"Sure, I think the on-call room is free by the way, but I know you two have a thing with supply closets-"
"Not the orgy supply closet joke again." You grumbled, biting your lip as Teddy held your waist.
"I'm not letting you hear the end of it, and neither is Callie or Arizona, and I think Bailey would rather forget what she think she walked in on, to be honest." Jo teased before she headed up to see Luna.
"So... on-call room?" Teddy whispered, smiling as you nodded, a mischievous smile crossing your lips.
/// Time Skip /// Week One ///
"Has anyone seen my keys?" Jo enquired, looking around as you sat with Allison in the high chair, trying to get her to eat her breakfast.
"Uh, here!" You called out, flicking the keys at Jo.
"Oh, lovely, they have... whatever Allison is eating on them, thanks Ally." Jo grumbled, wiping the keys with a towel.
"She's not enjoying her oatmeal... probably because it's oatmeal." You replied, trying to persuade Allison to eat the incoming airplane of oatmeal as Jo got ready for work.
Joey: Luna's legal guardian sucks
Braces: I honestly forgot social services gives legal guardians
Braces: because you act like her legal guardian/parent, y'know
/// Time Skip /// Week 2///
Joey: Luna's guardian is glad she doesn't have to think about her because Hayes and I look after her
Braces: fuck that, i hate social services
Braces: we don't even know if my recorded birthday is my birthday because of them
Joey: we haven't celebrated your birth-month since before we were interns
Braces: maybe post-pandemic
Joey: i want to adopt Luna
Braces: I'm gonna be an aunt?
Joey: why are you so chill about this?
Braces: because you've basically been Luna's unofficial parent since Val died
Joey: I just never thought I'd be doing it alone
Braces: you've got me
Joey: you wanna raise a baby with me?
Braces: you're basically Allison's auntie Jo, let's be real, Allison loves you and the apartment is basically a matrifocal compound
Braces: I know you don't plan on living with us forever but
Joey: I don't want to think about men right now
Braces: fruity
Braces: I don't think about men really ever
Joey: shush you
/// Time Skip /// Week Three ///
"Okay, so what's the hold-up? Sorry, are we not thinking you're going to adopt Luna yourself?" Link enquired as Jo complained about Luna's social worker.
"Okay, it's crossed my mind, and I talked to Braces... I never pictured myself doing this alone... but Braces wants to help, and the three of us have talked about moving into a bigger place, a bigger 'matrifocal compound' as Braces calls it. Maybe it's the pandemic or the fact I felt connected to Luna's mom, or because Luna's perfect and I completely fricking love her." Jo admitted, leaving Link to grin.
"I think you can stop asking yourself if you can do it, Jo. You already are." Link patted Jo on the shoulder before walking away.
Joey: I want to adopt Luna
Braces: you're going to be an amazing mom
"Hey, can we talk?"
Your voice had Teddy snapping up from where she had been leaning on the railing.
"Hey, whoah, breathe, it's good, I think?" You chewed your lip, trying to calm Teddy down as she looked worriedly at you.
"What's going on?"
"Jo wants to adopt Luna... and I want to help her raise Luna, but I want your opinion, because we already have Allison with three parents and-"
"Would Jo still live with us whilst raising Luna? Because I think Allison would love a little sister." Teddy replied, watching for your reaction.
"She'd still live with us, because Jo needs us, and I need her, and then she was all 'i don't want to think about men right now'-"
"Then yes, but we're going to need a bigger place, and the dynamic is going to be very different..." Teddy replied, biting her lip as she began to overthink.
"Hey, it'll all fall into place, it's going to be hellish at first, but it's always hellish when there's babies involved and you don't have a routine yet-" Teddy cut off your rambles by pulling you into a hug, letting out a chuckle as your voice was muffled by her.
/// Time Skip /// Week Four ///
"I'm her mom. I'm gonna- I wanna be her mom." Jo exclaimed, letting out heavy breaths as she watched Luna be put on manual respiration after she aspirated.
/// Time Skip /// Week Five ///
"Her chest x-rays still shows aspiration pneumonia. We'll keep her on antibiotics and see if we can extubate her next week." Hayes explained as he found you and Jo sat at Luna's PICU incubator.
"Should probably call Carmen." Jo grumbled, looking down at Luna as Hayes pulled up a seat to sit with the three of you.
"Ah. It can wait. Wouldn't be a normal day if a parent or guardian wasn't mad with me about something." Hayes chuckled, leaving Jo to let out a quick chuckle too, "of course, when you become her legal guardian, I'll deny that I said that."
"If she lives long enough for the paperwork to go through." Jo sighed, rolling her eyes as you scoffed.
"If Luna is anything like you, she's a fighter, and a survivor."
"Were you here again all night?" Hayes enquired, glancing between you and Jo.
"If I went into cardiac arrest and had a tube shoved down my throat, I wouldn't want to be alone. Plus, Braces wouldn't leave my side, she's stubborn like that." Jo admitted, looking up at you as you smiled softly at Luna.
/// Time Skip /// Week Six ///
Joey: I failed my background check
Braces: ???
Braces: fuck
Braces: I'm sorry Jo
You were laying on the couch, watching Allison sit on her floor mat and play with her toys, when Jo walked in.
"Hey- oh, okay, okay..." you whispered, immediately wrapping your arms around Jo, as she all put flopped on the couch, on top of you, sobbing into your shoulder as Allison went quiet, watching the scene in confusion.
You already had a basic idea of what was wrong though.
Jo wanted Luna.
Jo wanted her daughter.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld @multifandomlesbianic @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @inquisitive-nix @fire-and-blood-targaryen @unexpected-character
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