#This sudden change of style is 100% because of the work I have to do rn I dont like how inconsistent it is with how I drew medic before thi
vaxxman · 4 months
the vaxxmanerrrrr
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soft-hard-peaches · 2 years
Reaction: You Changing Your Hair Style
Note: long time no see everyone! i've really miss making fic so i'm posting things i've had drafted forever ago lol. i'm a bit rusty but wrting again was fun.
+fluff+ +crack+
Kim Hongjoong
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>”Busy thats why but i should be done by 7”
>”Busy? You have no life thooo”
You ignore his last message. You weren’t going to dignify that with a response. You put down your phone and look at yourself in the mirror. Hair fully saturated with drugstore box dye, forehead stained messily, and adorning an old no longer white tee shirt that you never gave back to your ex. Usually you ask your bestfriend Hongjoong for color recommendations but you have a sudden burst of energy and now youre here I guess lol. You laughed at your appearance thinking would a person with no life clear up their busy schedule to dye their own hair because paying a professional sounds ridiculous and expensive. Once the laughter dies down you start to have second thoughts on your logic and skill set but you are already twenty minutes into the process so you must see it through. 
*VRRRR* The vibration grains your attention downwards. You unlock your phone to see the full message for Hongjoong.
>”I’m bringing your favorite for dinner as an early apology because I might be late since my boss wants me to head back to the studio for a bit.”
“Thank god!’’, you exclaimed. This means you have more time to talk yourself into thinking this was a good idea again and hop in the shower to finish this possible disaster. As you stain your porcelain white tub with colorful dye you think of Joong’s possible reaction. In all the years of your friendship, you’ve really admired his sense of fashion and eye for art. You don’t put him on a pudistal but you look up to his opinion. Maybe you were too confident thinking you could both choose a color and dye your whole head by yourself but you hopped out and headed to the mirror to see the finished product.
You gasped at your reflection, covering your mouth as you muffled yourself. “It’s actually cute”, you say, uncovering your mouth. You needed some more convincing so you grabbed your hair products to style it into something presentable for the hour or so. After styling your hair, you change into something not discolored and cover up the clumsy stains on your forehead just in time to hear your doorbell. It’s time to show off your totally perfectly planned dye job to Joongie. 
You practically swung the door open giving a little pose for a startled Hongjoong. "So this was why you were so busy today!” He laughed holding the hot food, shimmying into the apartment. You grabbed the bags to place on the table so he stopped to marvel at your work. “Y/N, you really should pick my next color.” 
His words were an ego boost.
Park Seonghwa
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Every now and again you’d visit your boyfriend in the practice room to keep him company during his long practice hours. You would bring him something to eat or drink to keep his energy up and tell him about your day. He enjoyed this time together as much as you do. With both of your schedules usually clashing, this is one of the few moments of the week that you can enjoy one another.
He sat down in front of you admiring the vibrancy in your hair.
"…what?", you sheepishly ask.
He doesn't respond yet, still gazing at your beauty. Wide eyed and enamored.
"What??", you slap your hand on the dance floor between you two trying to gain his attention.
In attempts to play it off cool, he shoots you a smirk, "N-nothing. You just look really good in this color." You both cringe slightly at his corny behavior as he lets out a breathy laugh, looking away finally. You smile knowing his compliment was genuine.
Jeong Yunho
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“Babe, looks like we’re twins!” You messaged him a picture of your new look fresh out of the salon. You wanted to try a new look so what better than having your hair colored like your boyfriend’s. Yunho loves when you two match whether it’s clothing, accessories or miscellaneous items. He’s 100% the type of boyfriend who would buy matching sets of things just to show off. You’re his first love so he wants the whole world to know your love for one another.
Today while you had a free day you wanted to surprise him with this eccentric display of partnership by getting your hair dyed to match his oreo styled white and black hair. You were pretty proud of the results and thought your puppy dog boyfriend would be obsessed but when he finally messaged back you were confused to say the least. 
> 🥲🥲🥲🥲
>”what do you not like it??
You were worried if maybe you took the matching too far. I mean matching hoodies and bracelets are one thing but you fully dyed your hair for him. While wondering what his message could have meant you get a face call from him and immediately picked it up. As his image pops up you immediately gasp at the sight of his black hair… not oreo but black. He tries to explain with a straight face that the company had planned to dye his hair black earlier that morning unbeknownst to both of you. As you hear laughter from his bandmates in the background you couldn’t do anything but giggle at the ridiculous situation with them. 
“The look suits you better anyways baby.” he finally compliments between chuckles.
Kang Yeosang
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Though this isn’t your first acting gig, it is the first where you had to dye your actual hair. You’ve never even gotten highlights before but they want you to dye the whole head. You’re pacing his room thinking out loud as he watches, eating potato chips. Yeosang is more than used to having his hair changed every other comeback or so but he understands how you feel. He gets up to hand you the bag of chips and sits you down on his bed in his place. “So what color do they want for you?” he asked, now standing. You respond, now stuffing your face with chips,” Light brown. Like a milk tea color.” He claps in encouragement, “That’s not that bad Y/N. I’ll probably look really good in it.”
Yeosang tends to be optimistic most of the time but you take his words as honesty. “Really?”, you ask, wiping your mouth. He walks towards you planting a few kisses on your lips, “Of course, nothing can stop your beauty.
Choi San
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You’ve always been hesitant to try out new things whether it’s a new restaurant or a new look, to the point that it took you this long to pierce your ears. You are a creature of comfort and disrupting your routine doesn’t sound pleasant to you but deep down you want to branch out even if in a small way. Your bestie San has always been the first person to hold your hand and encourage you so when you told him that you made an appointment with a salon to change your look. You reassured him, or more like yourself, that it’s not going to be a huge change but he’s excited either way that you're ready to get out of your comfort zone.
He drops you off at the salon for a few hours while he runs some errands. When you text him that you're done he gets back to you excitedly. Ready to see your new choice of look.
“San!!”, you waved at him cheerfully, “Do you like it?”. You seem so happy with the outcome that San didn’t want to pop your bubble. Honestly he’s happy youre happy and trying new things.
"... Wow...Y/n it’s great." Practically it’s the same color but you’re so cute when you’re giddy that he’s excited for you.
Song Mingi
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Getting tired of the same old same old, you wanted to spice up your look somehow before your boyfriend came back from touring. Mingi would have loved you if you were a worm but you wanted to wow him nonetheless. You messaged him about your thoughts and he suggested you to maybe get your hair trimmed or try lightening the color. He’s so gentle with your feelings, he didn’t want to over suggest and seem like he wanted you to make a big change. He adored you and wanted you to be happy with yourself more than worrying about what he wants. So with those few options you took them and ran. A handful of days later and it was time to meet your boyfriend from his long travels.
He knew that you did something to your hair but not to what extent since you kept it a surprise. You eagerly headed to his dorms, excited to greet him and show him your new look. Once his manager opened the door, he greeted you with a compliment and a welcoming gesture into the house. Luckily the boys weren’t around to see you before he did. Once you called out his name he came jogging down singing yours offkey but the sight of you caught his eye and his heart. “Wow you’re like a new person babe! So beautiful.” He walked up to marvel at your newly colored short shaggy hair. Smiling ear to ear, you're happy with the new look and more than happy that your boyfriend loves it maybe more than you do.
"We should go out today so everyone can see how hot my girlfriend is." He says leaning down for a kiss.
Jung Wooyoung
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"Bestie! Open the door bestie! My arms hurt!!" He proceeds to bang on the door impatiently, "Y/N?" he shouts almost completely without energy. You finally open the front door causing him to step back.
"Stop it, youre gonna wake up my neighb-"
You grabbed the food and tried to close him outside for yelling so much but he fought his way in. You both laugh from the bit of rough housing then Wooyoung closes and locks the door behind him, following you to the kitchen to help you set up the breakfast. The way the sunlight from the window shines on your now golden locks distracts him causing him to fumble with the cups.
You catch him staring with his lips parted a bit making you chuckle, "So how do you like it?" It takes him a moment to respond, "you know Y/n I've never really noticed how wavy your hair is. You blonde brings it out nicely."
That comment causes your face to flush suddenly. You hardly ever get complimented on your curl pattern. Honestly you're more used to backhanded compliments. Wooyoung senses your awkwardness and reassures you. "Your hair is really pretty."
Choi Jongho
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You like company whenever you have to run errands around town but usually Jongho is busy working so you’d have to either go alone or ask other friends so when he had a day off you took that opportunity to drag him around from place to place. Usually he wouldn’t mind because quality time is his love language but when you told him you needed to get your hair touched up he tried to get out (unsuccessfully). He begged, pleaded, even started pouting since it always works on his hyungs, nothing worked.
Being a seasoned idol, he’s all too familiar with how long and grueling salon trips can be (even though he hardly gets his hair dyed lol). But you told him you need to get your hair done for work and once you gave him your puppy dog eyes he stopped protesting almost instantly.
He sat patiently, making small talk every now and then with the stylist and patrons there during the few hours of wait with his only time of freedom being when he left to get you a snack. To be completely honest, Jongho enjoys any bit of time with you just as much as you with him. He’s enjoyed your time so much that he’s started developing feelings for you, even if he hasn’t realized yet.
Once you’re finally done paying for your hair you walk up to him ushering to leave but the sight of you with lighter hair makes him lose his sense. Already at the door, you look back at him still sitting. “Come on, this is just one place i need to go today”, you say smiling down at him.
He gulps as he regain’s himself to get on his feet. Realizing the budding feelings.
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star-sim · 6 months
i've read ur hello kitty meets batman and super massive black hole at least 10 times in the same day >< all ur works are so deliciously made pls tell me ur ways 😢😢
hihi! supermassive is like one of my all time favorite pieces (it’s also my longest too!) i’ve written, so it makes me so happy that you love it as much as i do!!
i have so many tips for writing long fics well, but these are my main point (very long lol):
never start a scene at the beginning, start in the middle. i really mean it, NEVER. starting at the beginning usually leads to being redundant and it makes it very difficult to express sudden and strong emotions/tension, just because the beginning is drawn out. starting in the middle makes your intentions clear as an author. cut straight to the chase, no introduction needed. it's much stronger, and makes it easier to add commentary and introspection
he walked into the room, took off his coat and jacket, and looked at her. she was in the kitchen. "i love you" he said. she stared at him, before blushing. how could he say that so casually?
"i love you," he said. she stared at him with wide eyes. just earlier he walked into the room, taking off his coat silently before his looked at her. how could he say that so casually?
of course anything can work as long as it's executed well, but it's imperative that you keep the flow of your writing strong.
which leads me to my next point: purpose.
i dapple in a loooot of written media, and something i notice about fanfiction in general is a lack of purpose. i genuinely mean this, every word, every sentence, every scene, every piece of punctuation, MUST serve a purpose. otherwise, your writing will fall apart.
let me break it down
words - words are so strong, so so strong. every single word carries emotion and history, even if many of them virtually mean the same thing. a single word can change the mood and tone of your writing, so choose them wisely.
example: if i'm writing a horror scene and need to describe the setting, which set of words creates that uncomfortable environment more effectively? <dark, dusty, smelly, nasty> or <shadowy, grimy, putrid, suffocating>
i'd say the second one, the first set is too general while the second set creates a very strong visual impression
sentence - unless important or a literary device, sentences should not need to repeat themselves. it makes your writing redundant and flat. every sentence needs to build upon each other. i like to imagine them as a building block for the house that's your story. they must carry a purpose, or else it will be useless and otherwise nothing will change if you don't use it.
scene - unless it's a motif or holds symbolic meaning, try your very best to make each and every scene distinct. what i mean by this is that i've seen school fics a lot, and they have 2/3 subway scenes. this is okay i guess, but if you want to elevate your writing, only have 1 subway scene-- and make it strong. this makes your scenes memorable. it's like when you scratch an itch a lot and it stops feeling good, if you do the same setting or idea over and over, it's no longer special and falls flat. there's exceptions of course, but try to give your scenes purpose. your scenes are there to build relationships or make a point come across, so utilize them wisely. they're your tools
punctation - SYNTAX SYNTAX STYNTAX. sentence structures are your best friend, because believe it or not, the way that you construct your sentences and use punctuation WILL 100% change the meaning of your words.
my 2 favorite uses are:
if someone is paranoid, anxious, catastrophizing, or anything of that sort, drag out your sentence structure, use repeated commas and less periods.
emotions like distress, panic, and just being frantic- use em-dashes and very short, choppy sentences
in short, what i’m trying to get at is that writing is fundamentally the manipulation of language.
in the end, it comes down to developing your literary voice/style, finding out what works for you, and using your intuition, which you'll have to train (and practicing helps!!)
i hope this helps, i'd be happy to elaborate more if you need me to
i'm sorry if i yapped or got too technical
thanks for coming by!!! im so happy that you like my works!
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just-absolutely-super · 3 months
FT Oneshot Review
Doing this because it’s been so looooooong since I’ve done a review for a FT chapter
Gonna talk in depth under the cut but here’s the TLDR version:
It’s a oneshot chapter that takes place a day before the final chapter of the series proper and before 100YQ, definitely a celebration for the upcoming anime series. The plot is nothing major or groundbreaking, but it’s a very cute in-between chapter that is full of typical FT humor, and that’s what i loved about it.
More in depth thoughts here:
First, i want to talk about the art style
Mashima’s art has always been great, and i love seeing his improvement whenever i read a work of his. The changes from FT 545 and now is rather subtle, but i can tell the difference. His girls are now more soft in features, while the men look more sharp and mature. Even the way he draws eyes are now different. I saw it during the course of EZ, but comparing Lucy then and now makes it more obvious. Here’s a comparison for people
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That being said, seeing this chapter actually DRAWN by Mashima feels more like Fairy Tail to me. Don’t get me wrong, Ueda does great work at replicating the style…but in the end it’s a replica. Mashima may be involved in the sequel but he’s not the one in the driver’s seat (maybe more like a backseat driver but Ueda is behind this wheel and I WISH EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT STOP PUTTING THE BLAME SOLELY ON MASHIMA WHEN SOMETHING HAPPENS IN 100YQ, HE HAS A PARTNER IN CRIME)
Anyways, since Mashima isn’t completely involved with 100YQ, i can tell fully this oneshot was all him. The style, the humor, even the way the characters act seemed more real for me. And that’s part of why I can’t always get enthused about 100YQ, there’s always a dash of Mashima, not a main course
But this isn’t about me comparing this one little omake chapter to the sequel, so I’ll stop with that now
I liked the acknowledgment that Team Natsu (or at least everyone on the team but Erza) are not S class and therefore have no fucking business taking on the 100 Year Quest mission. And it is so on brand of Natsu to be told this and he be like, “k but imma do it anyway!” I love him your honor
It’s also on brand for all of Fairy Tail to go on a manhunt for him to keep him from doing the thing gosh dangit!
Sadly not enough Lucy T-T I know she’s not prominent because she’s supposed to be in the dark about the decision to go on the mission but still… At least she got to look fabulous for a panel with her gala dress from 545
But what do you MEAN her book isn’t selling well???? She won AN AWARD that shit should be selling like hot cakes! Justice for my queen, I’ll buy all her books!
(HC most of her sales are from the guild and surrounding guilds who know and love her <3)
Anyways, nothing really else to comment on. The humor was typical FT, and the sudden random appearance of Ichiya was wild. He’s just here for the lulz I guess lmao I just enjoyed how wacky the plot was, I missed how silly this manga could be
And the ending was perfect imo. The callback to the beginning of the series with Makarov’s words about following the path you choose really hit me harder than it probably should have lol but seeing him give the team his blessing was nice. I really liked it…
So to conclude everything, it wasn’t a big extravagant plot. With Ueda taking the reins (with supervision) with 100YQ, there really isn’t much Mashima could have written about. It’s a good prequel to chapter 545 as well as the sequel, and it’s a good celebration of the upcoming anime series
I hope Mashima continues to revisit FT independently. If he does, I’ll always be here to read about my favorite fictional people ❤️❤️❤️
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I’ve finally caught up on all the Comedian’s Comedian podcast episodes I had downloaded. I’ve kept track of all the ones I’ve listened to in a spreadsheet, obviously. There are 68 of them. The list of them can very roughly serve as not a bad list of my favourite comedians, though it’s not perfect that way.
There are some comedians I quite like on TV and/or radio and/or podcasts, but haven’t seen/heard their stand-up, or in rare cases don’t much care for their stand-up, so I didn’t bother downloading their episode of this podcast since it’s mainly about stand-up. On the other hand, there are a few comedians on that list whose stand-up I don’t love all that much, but I think they’re smart and insightful and interesting, so I decided I do want to listen to them pontificate on a podcast about the art and industry of comedy for an hour. Also, there are a couple of people on this list whom I actively dislike, and listened to their episode out of a morbid curiosity.
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It's also an incomplete list of my favourite comedians because not everyone has done the podcast, or they may have done it at the wrong time. There are a few comedians I really like, but they did their interview on this podcast before they'd made any of the stuff I'm into, so I didn't bother listening to them because I figured it wouldn't cover what I find interesting (ie. Daniel Sloss). And there are a bunch of comedians who just haven't done it at all.
Here is an incomplete list of comedians who have not been on the Comedian's Comedian podcast before, but if an episode featuring them came out tomorrow I'd definitely listen to it: Sam Campbell; Frankie Boyle; Adam Hills; Jon Richardson; I started this list on my phone and when I wrote "Jon" before "Richardson" the auto-complete thought I meant Jon Stewart, so sure, him too; John Oliver; Kitson obviously (wouldn't happen but I can dream, I'm sure Stuart Goldsmith also dreams of Daniel Kitson having a sudden change of heart about doing podcast interviews); Rachel and/or Ruby from Shelf; Douglas Adams and/or Sean Lock if they ever manage to hook podcast recording equipment up to a Ouija board; Lee Mack; Armando Iannucci; Nato Green; Huge Davies; Ed Night; Simon Amstell; Steve Hall; Kristen Schaal; Demitri Martin; one or both Conchords; Ian Smith; Kiri Pritchard-McLean; Gavin Osborn (he counts as an honorary comedian, okay?); Rhys James; Roisin Conaty; Danielle Ward; Sandi Toksvig; Sue Perkins; Guy Montgomery; Eleanor Morton.
I'm sure I'll pick through more episodes as time goes on, and as I get into more comedians. But I've really enjoyed these, I'm glad I did finally go back to it after getting mad at Stuart Goldsmith for some bullshit from nearly ten years ago and not listening for a while. I think the moment when I fully, 100% forgave Stuart Goldsmith occurred while listening to the Laura Davis interview; Laura was brilliant on it, that whole episode was one of the best, and Stuart Goldsmith was on especially good form. If that one absolute cunt from 2014 was so terrible during his interview that I not only had no respect for him but I also lost respect for Stuart Goldsmith just for being able to be in a room with that guy and not punch him - Laura Davis was the opposite. So fucking excellent that I gained even more respect not just for Laura, but for Stuart Goldsmith just because he could be around them and clearly recognize the genius in his presence.
Stuart Goldsmith is an excellent interviewer, everything else aside. I do love his style of treating the nerds as his target audience, aiming it at people who already know the basics so they can get beyond that right away. Being casual and conversational but also taking his craft seriously and using skilled tactics to get the best out of the interviewees, repeating a question if a comedian dodges it or tells a joke instead of properly answering. And he's always so prepared, takes the time to get to know someone's work quite well before interviewing them so he can ask intelligent and relevant questions. It sure makes it difficult by comparison to hear any of the other bland interviews that are out there and ask the same generic questions every time from someone who neither knows nor cares who they are.
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Genuinely speaking, what was up with people (on Twitter, mostly) spreading around screenshots of random artists posting their art improvements and people getting upset that their art had a “downgrade” and that they actually went backwards on improvement with their art. I remember there being an underlying issue that was the cause of this sudden thing, frankly I don’t 100% remember what it was. Now I don’t know too much about the people they usually did this with, if I had to be honest. Maybe the people/screenshots they always referenced were not great people. Regardless of whatever, here’s my two cents on that action as a whole, completely disregarding whatever that original issue was, cause I’m not opposed to believing that this still happens to unassuming artists trying to mind their own business.
I guess y’all have never once considered that improvement is a versatile thing with art. Maybe people’s art styles seem to change to, what you consider as, “for the worst” because you look at it with a blind eye based on a scale of “high quality art” vs “low/lower quality art”. That’s black and white. Whatever happened to considering the art process? Maybe for some artists, the style changes you consider “downgrades” are easier on the artist to work with. More efficient for them, even. The efficiency of making the process easier for them plus having a style to correlate with the tweaking of their process is improvement on it’s own. Sure, maybe their art looks different than it did some time back, but that’s because art is ever changing for everyone.
People draw what they want however they want, and if they want to switch up the process on how they make art, that’s not for you, the person who did not draw their art, to judge. I promise you that the artist probably doesn’t actually care if you miss their old style. Maybe they don’t miss it. And maybe they don’t miss it for a number of reasons other than quality. Maybe they didn’t like a certain thing they did with their shading, or didn’t like that they were spending 5 hours on perfecting the linework (I’ve been there before, it’s tedious.). Maybe that artist wanted to add steps to their process or rid of unnecessary ones. Improvement with art is not specific just to the changes of quality of their art. Drawing is a process— it’s not easy without practice and can sometimes be stressful and strain you. Your body hurts from arching your neck so low into a sketchbook or your fingers hurt from using a pen for so long. Your eyes and head hurt from staring into a digital screen for so long, and often you forget about your own physical needs because you just have to get this one detail right first.
Everyone who doesn’t draw will digress. “Art is easy”. No. It’s. Not. It’s only easy for you because all you have to do is look at it.
You do not get to decide if or how an artist has improved or whether or not they have improved at all. You will never be able to see a piece the same way as the artist who put time and effort into their craft as if nursing their own young. It’s not your job to make comments or even critiques unless the artist has opened up to the idea, whether or not you mean it with lighthearted or helpful intentions. Your job, as the viewer of the art, is to view and to share the art. That’s literally it. You are not, and never will be, entitled to tell an artist that they have somehow not improved. You didn’t make their art. You don’t know why they made these changes. You don’t get to question that. Their art improvement does not lie just within whatever’s on the canvas. You love the art, but often forget that there is a person behind said canvas who meticulously plans every stroke of their brush, what colors to use, and like Atlas with the world on his back, they carry with them years worth of practicing how to draw eyes, hands, backgrounds, perspectives, this thing, that thing, you name it. You forget about the fact that people (the same kind that you are criticizing) are the only things that can create the things you love with their love. By insulting what you deem as “bad improvement” by your standards, you insult the entire process; not just what you see firsthand. Think whatever you want to think in your head— but you best trap it if your words could offend, lest you find yourself taking just one organism off of a food web, throwing the entire course on its side.
Honest to god, what happened to being happy for someone making a positive change for themselves that they are happy with themselves?
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schwender-exe · 7 months
Yet somehow further devlog #6
Ahoy all, it's around that time of the month again where I show off what I've been working on! While, this time I don't quite have a game ready to be shown, I do want to show some tools and scripts I've been working on in the meanwhile in preparation for a game genre I want to try and tackle.
#1 Dialogue scripts!
Since my on/off break at the start of the month, I've been reworking an old dialogue tool I've made starting way back when I was still working in Love2D. Originally, it was hastily put together, not quite understanding the full scope of how it all worked, but hey, it ran. Since then, I've ported it over to Godot and been making major improvements, taking some notes from my event system script (a script which lets you queue "events" to run in a specified order, waiting for each event to be completely finished running before continuing to the next one.) to make it its own thing!
Since the original Love2D version of the script, I've always wanted to reproduce something I saw from a tweet (which I can't find anymore, of course), which showed the in-house 'dialogue script' reader which was easy to write/read and even color coded on top of that which made it even easier to read! I remember being so inspired by that original tweet that, well, after all this time I can say I finally made something practically on par with it! here's a little snippet as an example:
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This doesn't show the full scope of what I created, with ~17 keywords total, some of which having different effects depending on sub-keywords, eg. "money add 100" or "money remove 100", etc.
While it's not modular enough for me to 'pack it and ship it' out for the masses (trust me, I'd have to make a lot of changes for it to properly work more modularly and fit into others' projects), but I'm proud of what I created nonetheless.
#2 Point and click buttons
I've messed around with a point and click style game for a while, but never really got far into it because I always like things working a very specific way, and one thing I could never get working how I want them to is buttons. Specifically, the ones Godot has by default. They do their job, but at the end of the day it doesn't fit exactly what I want out of them, especially for a project like this. So I set out to code my own buttons, heavily based off and using what Godot have already set up.
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Behold! ...Yeah, I know it's not much to look at, but it was hard! I swear! I mean, check this out:
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I fit in a few different mouse detection types (think of it like the button's hitbox), and different ways the button will react on hovering over it! I know, I know. probably not very exciting, but it was fun to program together and get working! There's a lot more on the back-end, specifically with that mysterious "Hover Name ID", which I can set to be 'undiscovered' (like in the screenshot) if it's a location on a map, or maybe you want to have an area locked off and hidden until you progress through the story a certain amount? Perhaps the name of a character changes until a sudden twist?! all easily done with a line or two of code rather than having to wrestle the code down and change it to work a specific way.
#3 Put it together and you have yourself a Visual Novel
Yeah, that's right. I'm working on a visual novel! Hah! Well, that is as soon as I'm able to get what I deem a fun and exciting story and manage to get it out of production and available for everyone to play. Now, some might say "why not use an engine/framework that's already out there and built for visual novels so you don't have to do all this work? Like Ren'py?" and to that I say... fair point. However, I've always loved writing some of the backend scripts, even if they aren't the most pretty. They get things done the way I want them to, which means I can work more efficiently and have fun making scripts and whatnot along the way.
I know this isn't exactly the most exciting for anyone who's used to seeing me post cute pixels and miles of progress, but something's clearly up with me lately and until I get to the bottom of it I'll have to inch forward with my progress and show what I've achieved, even if it's not the most exciting.
tl;dr I made some nice backend tools which allow me to more quickly work on some fun project(s) in future, hopefully.
As always, for anyone who would like further knowledge, feel free to ask! And to all those who read this far, thank you!
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machifuwa · 2 years
World's Most Beautiful Mirror | Epilogue 3
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Yuuta & Hinata: "~……♪"
Hinata: "--Yes! We, '2wink', are in charge of the honorable opening song, which marks our second appearance at "Volcano Island"!"
Yuuta: "Peace, pea~ce"
Hinata: "But first, let us introduce ourselves again. We '2wink' are close twin idols belonging to Cosmic Production!"
"I'm your twin brother, Hinata Aoi!"
Yuuta: "I'm your twin brother, Yuuta Aoi."
Hinata: "Yuuta-kun is low on tension!?"
Yuuta: "That's the instruction, it can't be helped."
"It's our selling point that they won't know which is which."
"Aniki was the only one who appeared in "Volcano Island" last time, and as a result, it seems that each of us (2wink) have our own fanclub."
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Hinata: "Heey, we both have our own fanclub! I'm thankful!"
Yuuta: "Or rather, only Aniki, who just ran away and appeared in "Volcano Island" out of the blue, has fans."
"People would come to our live performances, and they would mistake me for Aniki and give me cheers like "Hinata-ku~n"."
Hinata: "That's also somethingーdoesn't it feel like a game that no one can beat? That's why, we've decided to play different characters as a challenge for a while!"
"The brighter one is Hinata, the older brother, and the darker one is Yuuta-kun, the younger brother!"
Yuuta: "Wouldn't it make a bad impression to say 'the dark one'? Why not 'the cool one' or something instead?
Hinata: "Yuuta-kun, my younger brother, is always complaining like this!"
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Yuuta: "Hmm."
Hinata: "By the way, Yuuta-kun changed his hairstyle a little bit! What do you guys think? Now it's easier to recognize!"
Yuuta: "Of course, the best thing is for '2wink' to be loved as '2wink', but in the future, we hope that by doing so, the number of our fans will increase as well!"
Hinata: "Yeah ♪ Our style might be a little different from before, but we will shine brighter than ever, so make sure to keep an eye on us!"
"This was Hinata, his older brother!"
Yuuta: "This was Yuuta, his younger brother ♪"
Hinata & Yuuta: "And the two of us combinedーwe're '2wink'~✩"
Hinata: (Is this...is this really okay? I wonder if the viewers are saying, "What the heck are they talking about all of a sudden?" I wonder if they're taken aback by this?)
Yuuta: (There's no point in ranting about it now! We just followed the instructions of the "Producer"!)
Hinata: (Heeey...Oogami-senpai said that the "Producer" might be able to understand our feelings.)
Yuuta: (That was never the case! What the hell are you saying! I summoned up all the courage and even though my heart was beating fast, I still went to that meeting as "Byakuya Aoi" to test him.)
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Hinata: (So that's the style you're going to use from now on, isn't it! You're going to give each and every one of us our own personality! That's very good!)
(All of our staff here in "Volcano Island" will surely be of help to us!)
Yuuta: (Yeah! That's how it is! It's not harassing at all! It's interpreted positively and weirdly!)
(...Well, I kinda like the fact that he recognized me at first glance as "Yuuta Aoi with a different hairstyle" instead of "Byakuya Aoi".)
(I don't think he even suspected you as someone else. That person probably really likes us and just wants to produce us well.)
(That's what a "Producer" is, after all, yeah?)
(They will do whatever it takes to make a sale, as they have done since their working days. They never miss an opportunity.)
(...If you're an idol, of course, you'll want to seize that opportunity. So, the reason why I was the only one to perform in "Volcano Island" in the first place is because...)
(--It was a 100% well-intentioned request. There was a slot for one person, so they just asked one person.)
Yuuta: (I don't know. I still think they were testing us. If we had insisted on being twins and refused to have only one of us in the show--)
(--We, "2wink", have decided that we didn't want to sell in that way, to put it simply, we wanted to prove that we weren't the same creatures as they think we were, and lost interest in us.)
("I'm an idol who doesn't deserve to be produced.")
(I felt that kind of eyesight as a worker...I had the same eyes as the "Producer".)
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Hinata: (Yuuta-kun, you don't seem to like being tested like that. But for some reason, the conversation with that person was rather lively.)
Yuuta: (There's no reason to hate him. I'm a little angry that I was being tested though.)
(That person's serious as a "Producer" and set up an equal fight with us.)
(That's what I've always wanted. I was looking for someone who would look at us as equal business partners and do everything in their power.)
(And. Maybe that person, once he admits it, he'll never let us go. We're doing what he says, and he's doing his best to produce us even now.)
(I don't think it's an overestimation to be a talented "Producer". That's why they have so much to offer, and they can't afford to be all that concerned about us.)
(And since no one always succeeds, there's no guarantee that the strategy to differentiate us this time will work.)
(For now, I'll go with the flow.)
(I'm done with being a recluse and babbling on and on about my problems to the point of worrying my friends and family... I'm moving on. I'm going to work hard and leave my mark on the world.)
(...I peeked in the CD Aniki gave me.)
Hinata: (Ah, that "Producer's" personal song during his active idol life? How was it?)
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Yuuta: (It was awesome.)
Hinata: (I knooow~! It was great!)
Yuuta: (Yeah. It was frustrating, but it was great. It was a sparkling and refreshing idol song that completely blew away all my bad feelings.)
(Even such good things are buried and forgotten without anyone noticing. We live in such a harsh industry.)
(In the idol industry, where the eyes of the living are drawn to the world, that person wanted to be noticed and turned to the light of other people.)
(And as a result, it sounds like his being called a bat bastard.)
(Let someone who wants to say it say it. What's wrong with wanting someone to notice you, to love you?)
(Moreover. Using that frustration as a springboard, he's doing his best to produce something better so that everyone will notice something good this time around.)
(He's taking idols out into the shining sun so that they won't be buried like he did.)
(I want to reflect that light back to him. I want to shine beautifully, too.)
(I don't want to feel depressed every time I look in the mirror.)
(So I'm not some "Byakuya Aoi" or who-knows-what...)
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(--I will become the Yuuta Aoi that people can be proud of and love!)
(I'll change my hairstyle, change my character! Do whatever I want! I won't choose any means, I'll just pretend I'm dead!)
(As myself, as Yuuta Aoi, I will remain in everyone's memories!)
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Season: Winter
Translated by mars
Proofread by machi
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ani-dragmire · 2 years
Hey Anidragmire, I have some things to say. this may seem sudden but I always wanted to say this. I just didn't have the courage until recently. all because of a friend's help, a friend which you may know too! XD. your art is So amazing and you are awesome!! I already mentioned that I was inspired to do art by you and your artwork, but it's never enough for me! The very first time I saw your art, I was immediately drawn to them! they have everything! your style, and the way you show emotions, and feelings... I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOUR ART!😍your art has changed me as a person! before I discovered your art, I was a miserable being! I didn't have any hope or anything! but now I have a purpose, all because of your artwork! not everyone can do that you know. You and your art were able to do just that without even talking! and I'm glad I found you. I will not say you are talented because what you have achieved so far, is all because of your hard work, consistency, determination and so much patience! and I respect that! you have created something beautiful Ani. this community, the number of people who get inspired by you!!to be honest, I kinda feel sad when you weren't able to post anything, we know that it is because you are busy. but when you do post, the day gets so much better by ×100!!. If I could meet you, I could just hug u right now!! XD. Ani, we adore and appreciate you so much! I know I do! THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you did for the kfp franchise, pandom, this community, TiPo XD, and us!!! we Love you ANI!!(❤ ω ❤)😘😘💖💖💖I wish you nothing but the best on your future journey!!  I wish you to improve even more on art! and lastly, KEEP CREATING AWESOME ARTWORK!!💞
Aww... thank you very much for your words, you don't know what warms my heart 😊❤
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marlsbys-dragons · 1 year
Writeblr/Blog Re-Re-Re-Introduction
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Hello! First off, new blog name! I am now Marlsbys-Dragons! (Just uh, just imagine that there’s an ‘ between “by” and “s” lol). I was formerly Willow-Grimoire and before that MperialScribe, in case anyone is confused to see me in your followed/follower list. 
And if you happen to catch this post in the maybe 5 minutes between me posting it and actually getting my name changed, congrats!
Now, for the actual introduction!
I am known, pseudonymously, as Meridian Morgan Marlsby. Please feel free to call me Meridian, Meri, or Grimsy (from the prior username above). You can refer to my blog description for other personal information! I’m making this intro basically because I want to try and get back/more into writing, and I hope getting all of my concepts together in one place right at the front of my blog, and showing I've got work done on them will encourage both me to write and other people to ask me questions!
I have a lot of different concepts, and I’m gonna try to get summaries of all of them on here, and eventually I’m also gonna try to get more in-depth posts for each of them. The original plan was to try and do kinda brief glimpses at my various stories, but goshdarn it I’m verbose and this has turned into a full-on brainstorming project, so expect summaries in a variety of lengths and styles below the cut, lol. 
If you are interested in stories involving themes of queerness (especially nonbinary- and trans-ness), hard-ish magic, detailed Worldbuilding, unique (hopefully) creature design, political intrigue, genre-bending and (insert other thing that’s cool about my concepts), all of which are 100% unwritten (no, really, I’m serious, I haven’t written anything other than Worldbuilding notes, aren’t you excited!?) read on below!
An Age of Darkened Heroes:
Set in a neon-drenched, alternate version of Earth, a world where the undeniable presence of parahumans throughout the entirety of human existence has changed history into a bright and twisted version of what we know, this is the story of the supervillain Deorcnysse, a former Redcoat given immortality and immense power by a demon lord, on his brutal campaign to conquer the human race.
Age of Darkened Heroes features (what I consider to be) a interesting alternate history with a cyberpunk aesthetic, both the result of parahumans existing throughout most of humanity’s past, with a cast of all original superheroes and villains engaged in a complex and often political conflict.
I started working on this concept because I wanted to write something where the main character is an actual villain, actually evil, not an antihero, no redemption arc, no secret positive motives or anything like that. Deorcnysse is a true villain, utterly unaffected by criminality and the loss of life or anything approaching morality in his efforts to complete a simple goal shared by his demonic partner: dominate.
A Traveler's Tale:
Blessedbe Morringer has had a hard life. What other kind of life could it be, with a name like Blessedbe and a family like his? Since they met, his parents went from agnostic, to new age spiritualists, to non-denominational something-or-other (his Pa’s words), to evangelical christians, to the kind of christians who move their family across the country to a compound in Appalachian foothills of Tennessee just in time for the birth of their youngest kids, Blessedbe and his identical twin sister Praisebe. 
I won’t bore you with the details of their numerous, esoteric, and unfortunately often hateful beliefs, but suffice it to say that Bless, as he prefers to be called, would doubtless be beaten if his parents ever found out he knew what “transgender” was, much less that he *is* trans. 
Then one day, when he was almost 17, his life got harder: a sudden slide, a sudden-er drop, and a sudden-est stop, and his ma and pa, oldest brother Daryl, youngest brother Jubilation, favorite sibling Springfield, all just... gone. 
And now he discovers a new fear, for who will he live with now? Alas, the wrong choice is forced upon this young man: he goes not to his father’s numerous siblings back in California, but to the sisters (and I suppose brothers, though they hardly count, even by their own standards) of his Ma, and suddenly her strictness, intolerance, and penchant for viciousness seem almost pleasant.
He cannot stay here, in this big dark house, so silent and yet so brimming with noise. And so, at the urging of his brother and sister, he leaves, running into the woods, taking a rifle his great-grandfather wielded in WWI, a good sturdy knife from the kitchen, all the clothes he can carry, a lighter, and a set of encyclopedias almost as old as the gun. 
After weeks of trying to live in unfamiliar forests (forests he would have known were in Maine if his aunts had bothered to tell him where they moved him too), he stumbles into an unknown town and in desperation pawns his rifle. Soon out of money, the poor teen resorts to stealing a strange book with clockwork on its cover from a small curios store on the edge of town, hoping it will be enough to recover his prized rifle.
Caught redhanded by the owner, Bless runs for it, back into the forest. No sign of pursuit, but it doesn’t matter. Weeks of isolation, months of abuse, years of fear filling his mind, he runs, smacks his head on a twisted trees, and falls down a long slope.
Waking after his tumble, Bless scrabbles in the deep leaf cover for his things, his pack with clothes and food, bookbag with encyclopedias and knife, the stolen book, his... rifle. But, he hasn’t gone back for that yet...
Wait wait wait, hold on.
Is that a squirrel?
Why does it have a sword? 
More than 1000 years ago, a young man fled the blasphemy of christian Normandy, heading north towards the homeland of his people.
On the journey, a storm struck his longship, wrecking it upon an unknown shore. Upon the desolate island, a tower, and a stranger.
Displaying unnatural power, the stranger struck down the survivors one by one, before the young man took up one of the island's stones and struck down the killer.
The ship destroyed, the young man survived on the island for months, before eventually another came, seeking revenge for the death of the stranger.
In desperation, the young man spoke read from an ancient book held in the tower, and began to meet the new threat with eerie powers of his own.
Alas, this was not enough, and the young man turned his power to the island itself, warping its trees and stones into a great ship, which he poured his new power into and sailed away in.
Slipping in and out of time on this strange vessel, the man would meet a woman, and start a family, eventually giving his life to the ship to further protect his family from the forces that still hunt them.
In the modern day, the man's great-grandchildren still live on the ship, still watched over by his wife, still hunted. Empowered by the ship Enduring, his descendants struggle to survive their enemies, the world, and each other, as a shadow from their past brings all together.
Sagas of High Imorre:
Everyone knows there are 12 races inhabiting the world of High Imorre. Everyone knows the old chant, roughly translated from some forgotten tongue thousands of years ago, just out of the memory of the oldest Aelfy:
Aelfy and Druings. Strong of magic, long of life. Ancient enemies for dominion of the forest.
Dwaurvs and M’e’rr. Insular, mysterious, inaccessible. Grown strong from their mastery of their elements.
Sunfolk and Chythych. Peaceful, amiable, terrible when threatened. Content to live in their own places, among their own kind.
Jants and Lost Unrisen. Wisest, eldest, wanderers. Long memories breed long nightmares, and homes are forgotten.
Arukendi’i, Humhuns. and Scaled. Proud, warlike, glorious. Ever expanding, ever advancing. Great devotion to dead gods means great deeds in their service.
Ffae. Strange. Magical. Indiscernible. Alien. Custodians of magic, keepers of stories. Madmen who summon armies with their laughter.
But across the mightiest seas of the world lays a lost land, with a people not new, but forgotten, save for the eternal hatred earned by their ancient crimes, and they have another verse for the chant of Men of Imorre:
Orcs. Reviled. Cast down. Men in the shape of beasts, or beasts in the shape of men. From their hands flows blood to drown nations, and iron to rebuild them.
Too long have the Orcs suffered, exiled for grand deaths they no longer remember, yoked by a true tyrant, an immortal sorcerer of historic power, currently in the guise of the Boy-King, Al-Hannerapt. Too long have they been denied their freedom and their identity, their culture twisted into a cruel parody of children’s tales and their ancient khanholds forced together, their treasures, their art, their culture, and their lands amalgamated and perverted by an evil of old who thinks of naught but power.
Too long has this endured, but no longer. Patience is the most valued of Orcish traits, and the strong blood of Urgor has deemed the wait long enough. With chain and with sword, with cunning and with ferocity, Urgor-in-Exile will reach out its hand, the vengeance of a thousand years of Orcish slavery, and the Ceaseless One will cease, drowned by blood as the chant forewarns.
A world of magic, dragons, and unending rain, ravaged by strange invaders with impossible machines. Gods silent, alliances crumbling, the inhabitants of Vorsagaard are rapidly losing ground to the multiheaded hydra of the conquerors from some strange distant world, a hydra held back only by its ignorance of their lifeblood, their magic.
On another strange and distant world, a boy awakens. Or at least, he thinks he’s a boy. Seventeen year old Tyne Jefferson has only recently come to the conclusion that he might, in fact, be a he, much less a boy. Probably gonna keep the “they”, though. That feels right.
Recently graduated from high school, Tyne lives a privileged life as the child of a successful tech millionaire, beta testing the games produced by their father’s labor-of-love game studio like the smash hit MMO StormWorld, streaming, and gaming competitively across the world. Little does Tyne know, but soon, Vorsagaard, the Storm World itself, and its many gods, will reach across time and space to pull them towards a home he never knew he needed, and a conflict already far beyond stopping.
The Annals of Humanity and the Stars:
TAOHATS (my preferred acronym cause it just seems funnier than AHS) is one of my three largest story concepts, alongside StormWorld (see above, my oldest concept by... a lot, more than a decade old at this point), and the Heraldic Ages, listed below. TAOHATS is designed more as a setting for stories to be told in than a concept with both a setting and a story at it’s heart like most of my work. It’s an expansive sci-fi world with some space opera or fantasy elements, inspired by some of my favorite series, like Star Wars, Red Rising, Safehold, Out of the Dark, Frontlines, Mistborn, and Powder Mage. 
Currently TAOHATS is divided into 3 main eras, a feature you’ll find mirrored in the Heraldic Ages, each centered around a single story, though I do plan to have more. In the interest of some semblance of brevity (wasted on this post, I know, I mean look at that sentence, good gods), I’ll save the explanations of each story’s plot for a different post, and instead try to give a brief overview of each era’s setting to try and explain the world as a whole.
The Annals of the Long Search: set on the Nova Futura, the largest spacefaring vessel ever constructed by humanity. The Futura was built in haste to pursue another ship, the Nova Caelum, Earth’s first attempt at a colony ship, which had been launched through, and seemingly delibrately destroyed, the Charon Gate, taking humanity’s only connection to the stars, as well as their best and brightest, with it. The Futura’s mission to find its predecessor and the invaluable technology and knowledge contained aboard will be abandoned after a journey of more than 400 years of strife and conflict in favor of colonization efforts.
The Trials of Humanity: A mere 15 years after the departure of the Futura in pursuit of the Caelum, Earth, struggling with environmental collapse and resource shortages, exacerbated by the construction of the two ships, is invaded by aliens. Numbering only a few thousand, the Tāft decimated the few tattered surviving extraterrestrial colonies, then swept aside Earth’s hastily raised defense and obliterated all ability to resist. At first it seemed the Tāft were only there to extract resources, but then the abductions began. The Tāft were studying the Pulse, the unifying conceptual field of the universe, trying to learns its secrets and win a war with an unknown enemy. They remained on Earth for years, before eventually connecting a small group of humans to the conceptual imprint of an ancient unknown species, giving these “Unending” access to what many species call magic, and ensuring the Tāft's own defeat.
The Star Epic: more than 1,000 years in the future, humanity has not changed as much as you may expect. Technological progress has largely slowed to near stagnation, the prospect of infinite expansion through the galaxy more appealing than advancement. Numbering in the tens of trillions, humanity has settled into 19 great zations (interstellar civilizations) and countless smaller transpolits (transstellar polities), starnats (star nations), and yunesy (united systems). Connections have been forged with the Pulse; ftl travel and communication, gaiaforming, artificial sentience, and other advancements are widespread; and alien life, sapient and otherwise, has been discovered, studied, fought, befriended, and fought again. For generations humanity has seemed poised on the edge of some great unknowable leap forward, but always in the background: tension, building equally quickly to a much more violent resolution.
The Brethren Empire:
Humanity is not alone.
A massive vessel appeared out of nowhere and entered lunar orbit, sending down representatives of the Rimringdsi, an alien race startling similar to us. They bring gifts of advanced technology and science, but also a warning.
They are being hunted by the Ukiirdarse-Raln'Kiin, a savage alien race led by a hive-minded caste of scientist-shamans and engineer-lords. The technology the rimdsi present to us is not their own, but that of previous victims of the ravaging horde, desperately collected and sent ahead of their bloody crusade in hopes of fortifying others against them.
Humanity, shaken by this dire warning but not broken, must prepare. Will Earth, as technologically behind the Ukiirdarse as it may be, finally be the great anvil which breaks the brutes?
No. All the defenses mustered by man and rimdsi were useless, battered aside with barely a glance by the overwhelming might of the Ukiirdarse-Raln'Kiin.
Earth is bombarded, the great Rimringdsi is ark seized, and the survivors are hunted like animals as the Ukiirdarse upper castes test mad technologies across the globe.
And yet, many more humans survived than it seems the Ukiirdarse-Raln'Kiin expected, and early resistance cells have seen surprising successes against the comparatively technologically backwards lesser castes.
There may be hope yet.
The Closing Hand:
Welcome to the center of all the World, the Quartered City, Om Sertonnatul; capital of mighty Rhosettay, mother and master to all other nations; home of the Halmath Sord and its Tothqua Exieda, the last remaining organization of practioners of the Warm Magic and the council that leads it.
A terror has descended upon the magicians of Om Sertonnatul: the Mechaniast, a serial killer with clockwork arms and a simple message of non-magical supremacy, riling up the already suspicious populace and brutalizing magicians no matter where they hide. To stop this threat, the Tothqua Exieda summons the most dangerous mage of their order, their dedicated executioner, from the war-torn and intrigue-ridden north. Enemies of the Sord beware, for the Faebreaker comes.
The Ferrymen:
A zombie survival story set after the collapse of technologically advanced capitalist dystopia, following a group who survive by the risky method of waking up cryogenically frozen people, in hopes of using long dormant bank accounts to buy supplies and weapons in the massive seed vaults-cum-nuclear bunkers-cum-automated department stores that dominate the crumbling cityscape of a hyper-urbanized northeastern United States.
The Heraldic Ages:
Aethling Incorporated, or the Capitalists’ War: In the not too distant future, the emergence of megacorporations has destabilized international politics.
Social democratic reformations in the US, China, and India have done little to slow the explosive growth of their power and influence. Then, following the US Congress's refusal to grant corporations personhood and under the threat of nationalization, the Heracles Corporation, largest retailer in the US, suddenly declares secession, arming its employees and launching attacks of heavily armed mercenaries against competitors and government installations.
Within months the conflict has spread to much of the world and the American government has all but collapsed, ceding authority to so-called "loyalist" megacorps like Amatik Multinational and Persephone BioSci.
Waiting in the wings of this conflict as nations across the globe collapse to armed corporations is Aethling Incorporated, a heavy machinery manufacturer and low level US defense contractor, led by Rikard Aethling, a man with a great vision for the future of Earth.
Herald of the First Ascent: Andrus Baird is tired. Sure, he's got a ship and GUE/GSF citizenship, but the fact that his family was too poor for him to ever actually step foot on Earth, the planet his mother came from, means he's in the lowest tier of citizenship, lacking many of the benefits available to most other citizens. No stipend, no automatic diplomatic status, no augments, barely any access to Earth's medical systems, banking, or proprietary tech.
At least he has a ship, but most of his legitimate work as a freelance transporter comes from ISAAC, and if the Initiative ever discovers the Pyromancy has a psyche-simulating artificial intelligence on board he'd lose everything.
Then one day, a back channel job comes in. A mother on the city-world Athena wants someone to pretend to kidnap her son, a boy who seems to have the supernatural ability to control technology with his mind...
Freefall: Fifty years after the mass emergence of superhumans across the human race, the Grand Solar Federation's Metahuman Marine Corps is the terror of the galaxy. Elite soldiers, armed with the best technology in existence, wielding unnatural powers, none can stand against them. The Bulldogs, the Davies, the UHSFL, the ISU, all have been defeated soundly.
The GSF is rapidly transforming the galactic balance, building a new order on the backs of the MMC. Then, everything starts to go wrong.
A routine mission to clear out pirates on an interstellar backwater goes horribly wrong, and one of the MMC's most decorated soldiers, callsign: Tracker, is left for dead. Wounded but alive, Tracker must fight for survival on an ancient world, terraformed by a long lost alien race, discovering forgotten secrets and powers along the way.
Secrets and powers Tracker plans to use to enact their retribution on the tyrants that abandoned her after using her to build an empire.
Let Our Voice Be Iron:
One of the few concepts I've discussed on this tumblr, formerly known as The Lancer’s Grave, The Lamellar Regnant, and in one old post I found Sinew and Will for some reason?
23 years ago, Laydra montSaaerva served as apprentice and sniper to the legendary warrior and scoundrel known as the Spearmaster as they fought alongside a ragtag band of adventurers to free the kingdoms of Netadwam and Berlttarye from great tyranny. Now she has travelled again across the Mirror of Heaven and returned, in disguise, to the lands of the Spiral Sea and the city of Hellion Aktra. Armed with her intellect, guns, and formidable knowledge of emotion magic, Laydra sets out to combat the strange forces from the Cradle Lands that first called her here, as well as the theocratic republic that has corrupted her friends’ legacy and legend for its scripture.
The Liars’ Club:
The Pretender, the Actor, the Klepto, the Con Artist, the Cheater. Five kids, all with a history of lying and trickery, all now moved suddenly to the same small town in the middle of nowhere. All with secrets, all with parents who keep strangely disappearing. Brought together by the deception that has shaped all of their lives, only the Liars' Club knows something is wrong in the town of Silver Lake, and only the Liars' Club can do something about it.
The Stars Seem Brighter:
550 years in the future, Humanity spread out amongst the stars and encountered a dizzying kaleidoscope of alien species. Then, the largest of the new Human star-nations, the Confederation of Orion Protectorates, involves itself in a regional dispute between two alien powers, igniting the War of Empty Heavens and shattering galactic peace and Human unity. In the aftermath, the new galactic order is dominated by the COP and its allies, leading those who lost the war to band together into ICTO, the Interspecies Cooperation Treaty Organization. After 50 years of tenuous peace marred by constant COP expansionism, ICTO has reached a fragile agreement with one of the last great galactic powers, the Conclave of Unaligned Species, forming the Goldspires, an international, government-funded, privately-run fleet specializing in exploration, research, search and rescue, peacekeeping, and (unofficially) privateering, intended to serve as a proving ground for inter-governmental cooperation and technological exchange.
Under One Sky:
A planned duology, Up From the Valley and So Say the Mountains, in a somewhat low-fantasy setting. A young woman in a small backwater feudal kingdom struggles to navigate the politics of the Valley of the Colossi after an arranged marriage into the family that conquered it. When tensions overflow, she is thrust into a position of power and must try desperately to defend her home from invaders and civil war, and eventually leads her people to form a new great power in her world. I’ve got quite a bit of plot for this, so the descriptions are gonna be a bit different from most of the others as I try not to give too much away.
Halliday: the aforementioned teenage bride, struggling with her marriage and the political tensions of the Valley of the Colossi.
Goshawk: Estranged eldest daughter of the conqueror of Halliday’s home.
Throjyn the Hallew: Exiled rebel and criminal from Goshawk’s home county, living in secret in the Valley.
The Lesser Tender: A young nonbinary monk living a quiet life in the cliffs above the Abbey, who may know things that should be forgotten.
Deirsu tue’Thatark: Representative of a foreign power, secretly investigating the Valley.
Unnatural Directions:
In the vacation town of Normal, North Dakota, a story is unfolding. The LaRue family has been protectors of a mysterious legacy for centuries, keeping the powers of ancient heroes alive by passing them from worthy successor to worthy successor in preparation for the day their enemy returns.
Phillips LaRue lives an idyllic life in Normal. Unaware of his family's mission, he spends his days roaming the town and the mountains around Château LaRue, the family ski resort, befriending the other vacationing teens and dragging them on adventures.
Then one day, tragedy strikes, and Phil is forced to assume leadership of his family and all its secrets, the magical powers his family has guarded lost to his friends, friends who will disappear from his home before he knows it.
Oh also just to clarify, I refer to my story ideas/WIPs/what have you as Concepts, a holdover from my pre-internet days before I learned the lingo, and one I feel more accurately captures both my creative process and the current state of my work.
And if anyone is interested in being added to a taglist or something, for one or all of these, just let me know and I’ll set it up! 
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In Search of Lost Time
Here's my unimportant little story:
I spent 10 years of my life (I'm now 43) being a passionate fashion, interior, and art blogger and influencer. I quit this year, because I got sick of a lot of shit (particularly the fakeness of most of my peers in the fashion world, and the fashion world itself) and this socalled 'career' was taking me nowhere. That I got successful at it was something very organic and absolutely unexpected (I was an early bird getting the worm too), but I continued with it, despite my lifetime dream to become an avant-garde artist (before I started being a blogger, I had just gotten rejected from Egon Schiele's former academy of arts).
In my heyday, I was one of the top fashion bloggers in Germany. I left a giant body of work and every bit of it was 100% me. I called my style 'minimal luxe' and it consisted of a quiet elegance with lots of leather since I've been an anarchist and punk at heart for most of my life, of architectural and playful silhouettes because I actually studied architecture and as a designer, I wanted to achieve formal beauty with my outfits, minimalist, because I believe in a very much needed environmental-friendly philosophy that encourages people to consume less and stick to essentials. I played with proportions, asymmetric lines, volume, high quality materials and textures, shapes. I was bullied when I was younger for always wearing black and was even nicknamed 'Morticia' by my classmates (no, I was never a goth, but I felt black was elegant).
Even though, back then there were a few bloggers with a similar aesthetic, what I created was very individual, since it mixed things that only belong to me based on my ideals and experiences. I struggled for years not posting what the algorithm 'liked' (I got sick of sneaker outfits which was what most people wanted to see), but thought some day it would pay off to be myself. Well, it didn't. After a few years a handful of extremely hyped new younger influencers appeared and all of a sudden, I saw them wearing ALL of the same small niche brands I did for years, I saw them wearing similar silhouettes, a similar aesthetic and sometimes even nearly identical outfits. Some go as far as posting the exact topics I did since my beginning (film, fine art, architecture). If I post Bergman's Persona, you'll see them the next day posting a story about it, if I threw myself off a bridge, so will day. But nobody (expecially younger folks) gives a shit, because the past doesn't matter to them, but who and what is 'in' today is what is relevant. I do hope karma bites them in the ass at some point in their later lives to see how it feels like to be the early bird and be replaced. And maybe this rant concerns no-one and it is irrelevant with our current climate change crisis and ongoing war, it seems even banal. But how do I recover and search my lost time?
It's so weird to see a girl in their early 20's and 30's dressing up like a 40 year old. And what is weirder is the lack of identity/personality and intellectual honesty taking credit for what is not theirs. It's so much fun to find yourself while you are young than just emulating another human being. It's so much fun to embrace your true ideals and beliefs and express them with fashion (I doubt any of these girls have concerns about global warming or minimalism by flexing in a disturbingly constant manner their new designer gifts, or listen to punk or that they were called Morticia when they were younger).
Do you want to be an influencer? Don't waste your time, that's my two cents. Today you are at the top and tomorrow you are nothing replaced by younger, more beautiful, skinnier girl (if they happen to be white, their privilege does the rest). Invest that energy in something that will leave your positive mark in the world FOREVER and not in something so vapid and ephemeral, so self-centered as a fashion influencer. Despite everything, I still do believe that if you follow your passion you will be the best at it.
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mi4019mariaperera · 6 months
Interview Questions - Answered in my P.O.V.
Hey everyone. Before showing the draft script and audio 'Team A' created, I would like to share my answers for the questions we asked while interviewing students from AOD.
These are the interview questions I'm referring to.
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Please take some time to check out my answers down below!
Answer 1
In school we didn't get any projects as such. It was just studying the textbook, teacher's guide and heavy reliance on tuition classes. We never got any projects/ assessments as such.
In uni I would say things are very different. The work we do is assessment based. We learn from our lecturers, get the briefs on the assessments and we have to put in all the effort to complete assessments by fulfilling the brief and before the deadline.
If I were to choose which study method I prefer, I would definitely select the uni assessment. The important fact being that 'MGA' is a field of study I'm passionate about and I want to learn more about. Regardless of how many assessments I get, I would still feel motivated to get the job done.
Answer 2
School did not teach us anything related to the adult life in term of handling uni projects or how to get things done in the corporate world.
In school the teachers just pressurized us to memorize the textbooks word for word and to pass the exam. That was basically it.
Rather than blaming the teachers, I think the main blame should go the Education ministry because they are so stubborn to make a change in the education system for the better. It's their responsibility to organize various work life or uni life programs to give the students an idea of what the world outside school is like.
Uni on the other hand focuses on us working on our portfolios during our first year itself. We are also given opportunities to be exposed to the animation industry in Sri Lanka (e.g. Mogo Studios) and internships during our 2nd year.
3. Answer 3
For this question, I wouldn't answer it based on the level of difficulty, but on my personal preference.
I have been studying the local school syllabus for more than 10 years of my life. The Northumbria syllabus is what I've just started learning. Regardless, my preference would be the Northumbria syllabus 100%.
Throughout my school life I felt like a bird in a cage filled with heavy books I was uninterested in studying. There was no freedom to write down my own opinions or show my creativity in answering questions. All the answers had to be written down word for word.
The sudden jump from a syllabus that shoves so many books into your brain to study and memorize, to a syllabus that expects you to dive deep into your own style of research and gives you full on creativity to answer questions and express your own opinions can bit quite overwhelming.
To put it in simple terms, studying the local syllabus felt like a toxic relationship. But getting started with the Northumbria syllabus felt like I put an end to a toxic relationship and I'm currently single. The freedom given may take some time adjusting to, but it is definitely what I need.
Answer 4
I can guarantee you 100% that I did not enjoy any bit of my schoolwork. I had to stay up till late studying through textbooks I wasn't interested in reading just for the sake of passing my exams. It was absolute torture.
The uni assignments on the other hand don't feel that stressful to complete since this is a field of study I'm invested in. The assessments contribute to the learning process I look forward to.
Answer 5
There was absolutely no freedom towards studying in school. If you want to survive the system, you have to stick to the books.
I wouldn't say that 100% freedom exists for uni studies, but it is definitely much better compared to school. You get to learn new things for your lecturers and at the same time, it's important that you made the effort to learn more on the topics of discussion for your advantage.
There are many things to talk about in terms of freedom, but uni definitely wins this round.
That's all for my answers. I will be posting the draft script on my next post. Thank you for reading my blog ;D
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dashawfrostart · 1 year
Long Time No Talk - And This Week In "Time & Again"
... I am not gonna lie, it's a been a while. I really stopped posting virtually everywhere for a few months - that is, undoubtedly, because of my remarkably introverted tendencies when it comes down to posting on social. But for those, who know me, this should not come as a surprise.
Some endeavours we take sound awesome at first - but afterwards the spark simply dims, and you don't feel like that was a nice idea anymore. It happened to me a few times - and let's be honest: this happens to everyone of us from time to time! Maybe it has to do with the amount of effort we didn't anticipate, or maybe the idea just doesn't sound as exciting over time, for some tend to lose interest quickly. Blogging hasn't been easy for me in my twenties and later on.
I feel bad about it though. Because this is something that I really wanted to do. I'm an old-schooler after all 😎. But truth be told, it's never too late to start over or continue! And my writing practice makes it an important undertaking. Just as I've already mentioned in my very first blog post: my goal and the purpose of this website hasn't changed. Some people I know in real life are fascinated with my manner of writing - although I myself am not particularly convinced. I think I have a lot of room for improvement. It's all pretty subjective though. But I don't like to look back, to dwell on the past, and to hang on to whatever has been lost. Instead - even though I might stumble on my way - I will go further and press on. Giving up is not my motto. I am still very eager to practice writing - and I will do it here.
And lately I even came up with a nice way to fulfill that wish.
On to the important topic now! To make this place a bit more lively and significantly less boring, I decided to take on a great responsibility! And I've been thinking about that for a while already. I'm going to start posting once-per-week posts with updates on how the work with "Time & Again" is coming along. I guess I could share that with the rest of you. Mind you: I've never been a big fan of spoilers and I didn't like to show off the unfinished pieces and WIPs very much... Although my views recently started to shift. I think I might be okay with that now. Let this be my little devlog, just like the videogame developers would've put it - but about my graphic novel instead of a game! (the game might still be coming out... It's still in my dreams, but who knows? Opportunities might suddenly turn up, right?!)
And just to tease you a little more... There's A LOT going on with "Time & Again" right now ;) You think I disappeared from the face of the Earth without a reason, or because I'm lazy, or because another one wave of typical for me "social networks disappreciation" covered me up?!.. No, you're wrong! 🤪 I've been, indeed, working very hard on the continuation of my strange story that will sure take quite an unexpected - for some - turn of events.
To avoid turning this post into a sudden wall of text - although if you're here reading my notes AND my graphic novel, then I'm sure you must not have anything against walls of text, you know what I mean, right? 😁 - for this first post from "This Week In 'Time & Again'" series I'll just briefly mention what I've done so far.
As some of you remember, Chapter 4 broke off on a rather uncertain note.
There is a reason to it. The next 4 chapters are going to be somewhat different in style and feel. It's an experimental graphic novel after all.
Over the past few months, I spent a lot of time polishing the script for the rest of the story, trying to straighten the paths that have been bent and didn't make the creation look good. In the last few days, I worked diligently on making the page templates for Chapter 5, and arranged the text lines, and speech bubbles.
At this point of time, the storyboard for Chapter 5 is 100% complete, and now I just need to fill all the pages up with the artworks! Simple and exciting!.. I perhaps made it sound extra simple. But really, it has never been easy. Making all these artworks takes time - sometimes a lot of time. One really should not underestimate the work of artist, because it's a tough job (that sometimes hardly ever pays 🤪). Right now everything goes well and quite fast. I'm not competing against time, I'm just working on it continuously and dedicatedly with a minimum of distractions as possible (still play Doom mods tho XD). So I'm getting there!
So far, I'm aiming to release Chapter 5 at around Christmas/New Year's. That said though, since I'm planning on complete overhaul of the design elements for the rest of the websites and social prior to release of Chapter 5 - for the new concept requires that! - I honestly might not make it in time. But the time will tell. No reason to plan way too far ahead and attempt divinations before starting the main part of the work 😁 So I'll just see how it goes.
That's it for today, folks! See you next week with another one - hopefully larger and more substantial! - post from "This Week In 'Time & Again'" series! Take care! 👋 (and prepare yourselves to be spooked 😈, heheheh!)
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knoxvilleforever · 2 years
Vacation with Johnny Knoxville Headcanons
request: super fluffy vacation HC with Johnny?
getting this man to go on vacation was outright painful
he is a workaholic
you had to demand he take a vacation with you
and he didn’t need much convincing
he just had to find time to take a break
you ended up intercepting a work call he was on
‘jeff, spike, we both love you very much but i need to teach johnny the meaning of the word vacation.’
he attempted to reach for his laptop which was on the table, so you dived on his lap to stop him
‘i’m gonna try and work more often if this is how you stop me.’
you end up nose to nose with your arms wrapped around his neck
‘we could do this all the time on vacation, you know.’
johnny let you choose wherever you wanted to go
he didn’t care as long as there was a beach
and you were ensuring there’d be a beach
the first thing you guys did when you landed was change into swimsuits and head straight to the ocean
you couldn’t wait to get in the water
johnny thought it was so cute
amongst other things whilst you had that swimsuit on
he 100% tries to teach you how to surf
cue the two of you trying to balance on one surf board
he had a grip on your waist when you finally managed to stand up
and you didn’t know if you should keep trying to fall in if it meant he was going to hold you like that
you’d spend all your time on the beach if you could
offers to put sunscreen on for you every five minutes
‘i’m just worried about your skin, honey.’
‘worried about the skin on my ass?’
you couldn’t deny that you liked the feeling of his hands rubbing over your back and slowly dropping further and further
but the strange looks you got when he was taking extra care massaging in your sunscreen were enough for you
he loves the pool
is a huge big kid and wants you to get in the pool with him at all times
definitely splashes you
whether you’re in or out of the pool
you’re getting splashed
reading your book by the pool? a six feet tall dripping wet pj will squeeze himself next to you on the chair until you pay attention to him
you get him back by asking him to help you out of the pool once he’s already out and dry
and use all your strength to pull him back in
he tries to make out with you in the pool
in fact tries to make out with you everywhere
‘c’mon, look at the view. it’d be rude if we didn’t kiss a little.’
the two of you are both very sunburnt and drunk by the evenings
johnny takes you on a romantic stroll down the beach
it’s more of a stumble because you’ve both been drinking cocktails
but it’s giggly and spontaneous and you both are so in love
picks you up bridal style and carries you into the water at your protests
you steal his hats all the time
and his sunglasses
he starts wearing a pair on his face and another tucked into his shirt
because he knows you’ll steal them
one morning he just places his hat on your head before you leave
you can only grin and knock the cap off again so you can kiss him properly
he’s pouty when you have to go home
you go down to the beach for a few hours before heading to the airport
you lay on your back to tan and all of a sudden johnny’s lying on top of you with his head on your chest
‘okay, i’m not leaving. we’re staying here forever.’
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mangekyuou · 3 years
hey !! could i request strawhat pirates with a teen reader who’s really elegant and stuff? she’s just really kind and sweet and sort of princessy?
okay so i thought this rq worked better with headcanons. and i usually don't write headcanons because i don't think i'm good at them. but i wanted to take a stab at it. ( if it's bad...i am so sorry )
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Now for the Straw Hats to even consider letting such a young girl join the crew, you must be incredible strong...or you showed Luffy something semi-cool and he wanted you to be apart of the crew. 
Let’s be honest, he’s easily impressed. 
You could do that finger trick where it looks like you can take off your thumb and Luffy is BEYOND EXCITED and wants you to teach him how to do it.
But moving on, you’re part of the crew.
I imagine it is fairly hard at first getting used to the sudden change and being surrounded by a crew of pirates. Your elegant, well-mannered behavior will probably clash a lot with just about everyone, except Nami, Robin, and Sanji.
Being another girl on the crew, Nami and Robin would always be there for you and be the ones to help you truly get used to the crazy antics of your new crew.
Nami loves to take you shopping. She doesn’t mind spending money on you because she finds you so adorable. Of course, she’ll end up being cheap and haggling vendors. And will somehow successfully get away with it.
Nami is also the one who keeps everyone else in line around you to make sure a certain someone isn’t bothering you. By someone, I mean Sanji. She wastes no time to defend you from his ogling.
Robin with her mother-like instincts will immediately take to you and would probably be the one you spend the most time with. Whether it be reading together, playing board games, or anything else you like, she enjoys her moments with you.
She can also be pretty protective of you if she feels something is too dangerous for you to handle. She will voice her concerns and if you don’t heed her warning and get into danger, she will save you herself.
There’s been one too many dangerous things you have been talked into doing by your captain, needing Robin to help you. She just doesn’t want to see you hurt. She understands you are young and you want to experience a lot, but it doesn’t stop her from worrying.
Speaking of your captain.
Luffy will want to spend a lot of time with you and will try to understand your attitude and will want to try it out for himself. But he will quickly realize how much it is not for him.
He has probably tried on your clothes more times than he can count. He thinks he looks cute in them.
Luffy will 100% rub off on you. There’s no way you’ll stay the exact same after staying on a ship with him and the others for some time.
Sanji HATES when you spend time with Luffy. Not that he’s jealous ( he most absolutely is ) but he hates that Luffy is little by little turning you into a hooligan. It broke his little heart when you stopped referring to him with honorifics. He cried.
Originally, Zoro had no opinion of you. You were his crewmate, nothing more nothing less. Getting Zoro to open up to you was harder than the others, who were accepting to you pretty early on. Your kindness alone wasn’t enough for him.
However, asking to spar with him will get his attention. If it becomes a regular thing, he’ll look forward to your sessions and truly wants you to put up a good fight. He’s a bit harsh on you, but he does it out of tough love.
He doesn’t say it often, but he is very proud of you.
Chopper and Usopp trying to be elegant with you and saying formal words incorrectly. Having tea parties and playing dress up on the deck of the Sunny.
And Franky being upset that he wasn’t invited so you spend a good 30 minutes trying to get him in a suit jacket and arguing with him about how he needs to put on pants because fancy guys wear pants...he refuses. But he lets you style his hair instead.
And of course the rest of the Straw Hats attend these tea parties with Brook playing soft music. However, they’re always ruined by Luffy...but you always end up laughing.
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aikoiya · 2 years
You know what’d be interesting? If when Vlad came back to Earth, the Danny he met was different from the one before.
Like, I see a lot of stuff going around about trans Danny. Now, I don't really believe it, but let's just say, hypothetically, that it was true? Well, what if while Vlad was stuck in space, Danny realized that she didn’t wanna transition anymore. That it shouldn’t matter if she was a little more masculine than other girls. She was just a tomboy & shouldn’t have to go through hormone therapy or a life-altering surgery or literally castrate herself just to appease other people's twisted ideas of what a boy or girl should be. She’s never cared about being a girl before, so why should she now?
Really? She’d only pretended she was one because she remembered her mom saying that she’d always wanted a son. It'd delighted the woman when she started asking to be treated as a boy. She had encouraged it, not even really questioning her about it, but now Danny knew just how toxic that was.
When she takes off her binder & starts using her old name again, it’s like a huge weight off her chest. (She never went on puberty blockers or hormone therapy because it sounded too experimental to her.) She doesn’t have to be something she doesn’t actually think she is anymore!
Not to say that gender dysphoria doesn’t exist, so much as Danny, herself, isn’t a subject to it. She has no problems with the transgender community. She's just not one herself & she doesn't appreciate others trying to force their views onto her just because she isn't the perfect image of femininity.
She is bi though.
Because of this, she doesn’t think other kids should be allowed to make that transition until they reach between 18-25 because what if they changed their minds like she did? What if they wanted children of their own? The brain doesn't stop developing until the age of 25. There’d be no going back after surgery. Like, sure, once they do reach that age, then fine. Go ahead, it's their body & they are mature enough to make that decision for themselves. But otherwise, don't do it.
Danny just jumps with both feet back into being a regular tomboy & loves every moment of it. Unfortunately, she & Sam break up as Sam prefers guys, but they stay bffs.
Then Vlad comes back & he’s stunned by the sudden appearance of this beautiful half-ghost woman. When he learns that she was his little badger & that she was a biological female, he’s shocked into silence. He tries to take out his revenge but keeps getting sidetracked by certain new, rather obvious, features of his enemy.
She inherited her mother's body type is all I'm gonna say. Besides, Vlad's always liked a woman who could kick his butt & look fantastic doing so.
Personally, I am of the opinion that Vlad didn't have access to the Ghost Zone until after Danny became a halfa. The reason being that most of his tools are Fenton knock-offs, so I don't see him managing to build a working full-sized portal when even they hadn't yet. Even if Vlad managed to get the proto-portal to actually work, it was too small to be able to fit him & the only things able to pass through would've been blob ghosts & Skulker without his suit, maybe some of the smaller animal ghosts. As such, the only ghosts he would've made physical contact with would've been those just listed. Vlad wouldn't have had anything especially strong to fight like Danny does nearly every day. Not only that, but most of the business he'd conducted in the GZ would've been done through a middleman, i.e. Skulker.
I firmly believe that, as a businessman, Vlad would eventually have found himself weaker than Danny. Primarily because of his style of fighting, which is to never fight anyone that he isn't 100% sure that he can beat & to then overwhelm them with pure power. Did you see how he ran from Pariah Dark & Vortex? Not only that, his personality is that he never cleans up his own messes & avoids the consequences of his actions whenever possible.
As such, I think most of his power is due to being a fully mature adult & even if Vlad has trained his abilities, the fact of the matter is that that sort of thing has nothing on real life experience in battle. Not to mention, I highly doubt he even knows how to utilize his core element & just tries to suppress it whenever the heat gets to be too much. The reason being that Danny needed Frostbites help.
Vlad never had that.
So, I feel like even a female Danny would end up being much stronger than Vlad upon reaching maturity. Like, sure being female affects physical attributes, but not her actual energy-based powers & not her flight. Anything envolving using her body (minus flexibity) would be less than if she was male, but not by much, however everything else would be the same.
So, it'd be like comparing a male nerd to a female veteran. Vet trumps nerd.
At the same time, I do think Vlad has a talent for escapes.
So, it'd be a lot like seeing their first fight in Bitter Reunions reversed.
Edit: There have been comments recently calling me a TERF, but that term is incorrect.
TERF isn't simply being anti-trans which is the way that the word's been thrown around. It is defined as someone who excludes trans rights from the advocacy of women's rights.
Thing is, neither women's nor trans' rights are even brought up here. If you're going to antagonize me by calling me something, please use the correct termonology for whatever it is you're accusing me of.
If you wish to debate with me civilly, that's fine. I like a good debate, but please respect me & my opinions & I will respect you & yours. I admit that it's possible that I could be wrong about some things & feel free to try & correct or convince me. I like to think that I'm a mature enough person to be able to admit when I'm wrong, but only if there's enough evidence to do so.
I just don't understand how simply having different opinions from someone elses & merely stating them could infringe on anyone's rights. That sort of logic would mean that no one could ever voice their own opinions for fear of infringing on anyone's rights & that just leads to stagnation. Or, is it that only your opinion matters? If so, that's highly arrogant & I can't help but wonder where such an idea came from. It's a sentiment that lacks empathy.
Maybe I'm just trying to increase visibility on detrans rights? They're a minority too, even more so than transpeople in fact, so why is it that so few people talk about it?
I hope you all have a good day, take care of yourselves, & learn tolerance for other people's opinions.
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