#To take a world that is the Disney Descendants land
daydreamdoodles · 1 month
I still need to finish the books, but I don't think I'm loving the framing of magic in the worldbuilding
It's lowkey obvious that magic ban is in part to avoid going over budget in the movies with cgi effects. But especially in the books, it feels a little "oh magic bad and corrupts." There's good and bad, yet all magic seems to cause issues. The good acts of magic get written off, like they're an exception to the rule.
There's like. attempted nuance to it, but I don't think the execution really works with how everything else reinforces that previous idea of magic is bad.
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heliads · 2 months
Aaaaah so glad I made it in time x3 your writing is godsent and being able to request something fills my cold heart with joy!
Okay so I rewachted Descendants and just... imagine if Carlos has to live together/spend time with a villain kid that got adopted and raised by the big bad wolf (I checked and yes that is a Disney villain!).
For some plot... (my mind comes up with something funny so do not expect too much lol) maybe taking place during Descendants 2 (with Uma) and somehow the crew has taken Carlos and Little Bad Wolf has to keep an eye on him? Except that little bad wolf gets seasick "Dude this ship isnt even on open sea, how are you feeling sick?" "shut up!"
'get him back' - carlos de vil
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The pirates never should have taken Carlos.
It was a stupid move, really. Stupid to get Mal on their bad side, but even worse to kidnap Carlos. As if Mal wouldn’t do anything in this world or the next to get her friend back. As if anyone who dared to stand in her way would not find themselves lost to the salt of the sea if they didn’t immediately back down.
Uma didn’t learn that lesson soon enough, but she will. It doesn’t matter that she was a formidable foe, the moment she made the fight personal by kidnapping Carlos, it was all over. Mal’s got an unsettling edge to her voice, the sort of dark and twisted tone that makes you follow her orders without question. Villain kids don’t like doing what they’re told, but in this case, you’re all of the same mind. What matters the most is getting Carlos back. Your egos can wait until after your friend is back by your side.
Uma’s ship came by in the dead of night and took Carlos when he was walking around unawares. They must have all attacked at once, half a dozen pirates against one boy, because there’s no way Carlos would go down without a fight. There are clear signs of a scuffle on the roads where they took him away, obviously not the clean abduction Uma was hoping for, but the facts remain. Carlos is gone, and you need to get him back as soon as possible.
Mal has already drawn up a rescue plan. She’s enchanted a small boat to be silent and almost invisible in the dark waters; once night falls, you’ll sneak up to Uma’s ship and get your boy back. One of you will sneak on board and find Carlos, then dodge the pirates meant to be guarding him and bring him back to your ship. You’ll have to wait until the right time to make your escape, though, so you can immediately land at a local deck and make your getaway. Uma can beat you in water, but you’re faster on land, so everything has to be timed perfectly.
You’re the one who’s been assigned to the difficult task of slipping onto Uma’s ship. As the adoptive child of the Big Bad Wolf, you’re well trained in the art of sneaking around and blending in. You’re the perfect spy, so to speak, so you’re the best bet the VKs have at going unnoticed by the pirates on that ship.
Even though you know the official reason for your selection is simply that you’re the best among Mal’s VKs at staying under the radar, you can’t help a rush of pride at being the one selected for the task. When Carlos looks up to see his savior, you’re glad it’s going to be you. You want to be the one on his mind when he thinks of safety. You, not Evie or someone else. Just you.
The credit for this rescue, though, should rightly be shared among all members of your friend group. Right now, Mal, Ben, Jay, and Evie are on Mal’s cloaked boat, drawing close to Uma’s ship. It slides by before you, cresting the indigo waves, so close you could reach out and touch it with one hand. Right under it, you’re struck by the size of the ship. Carlos could be anywhere. This might take longer than you thought.
Mal nods at you. “It’s time.”
You nod back, standing up carefully and reaching for the rope ladder one of the pirates forgot to pull up on the side of the ship. Tugging it quietly to test its strength, you pull yourself up slowly hand over hand, pausing just before you reach the top so you can survey the deck and see how many pirates are there.
Not expecting an attack this late at night, Uma’s crew has left the deck mostly unmanned. Two pirates are idly chatting near the helm, keeping the ship on its course, and there’s a guy up in the crow’s nest, although he’s nodded off instead of keeping a good watch on any possible intruders. You crawl over the railing as quietly as you dare, sticking to the shadows to avoid notice. Oil lamps cast pools of sticky yellow light on the ground, and you skirt them as best you can, all the while making for the stairs leading to the lower parts of the ship. Your steps are silent, each taken with the fear of causing a loose board to creak and alert the crew to your presence.
Once belowdecks, you can breathe a little easier. Most of the sounds you hear are of snoring and sleeping pirates, although a few still remain awake even despite the late hour. Without the stars and moon bleeding white light overhead, the halls are darker, giving you more room to bleed into the shadows and avoid detection. A few times, someone pokes their head out of their door or shifts around a little, causing you to freeze in your tracks, heart hammering in your chest, but you still manage to come out of each close shave without getting caught.
The further you go into the ship, though, the worse you feel. Despite living on an island for most of your life, you never really had a chance to get on a boat before, and you can say decisively that you don’t enjoy the feeling. You like solid ground, a floor that doesn’t rock, and the stability of knowing there isn’t empty water under your feet at any moment. Uma’s ship lilts and turns every few seconds as it crosses the waves, and it leaves you feeling drained of all strength before you’ve even spent ten minutes inside.
You’re not here to complain, though, you’re here to rescue Carlos. You push past your growing nausea and keep peering in doors, searching for the room holding your friend. Before long, you spot it– a locked door at the end of the hall, a flash of white hair inside. It’s meant to be guarded by two pirates, but they’ve obviously grown bored of their post and settled in for a game of cards a few paces away. Perfect. You cause a small distraction by knocking a can to the ground down the hall, and hurriedly pick the lock while they go rushing off in the opposite direction. 
You swing yourself inside the cell and shut the door again just before they look back. Grinning, you allow yourself one moment of quiet victory before you’re engulfed in a rush of red and black and white.
Instantly, your body is on high alert, but you manage to calm down when you realize you’re not being attacked by a pirate but one of Carlos’ fierce hugs. He pulls back a second later, beaming ear to ear. “Y/N! What are you doing here? How did you find me?”
You laugh quietly. “You can thank Mal for that, she dropped everything to come rescue you once we found out you’d been kidnapped.”
Carlos punches the air triumphantly. “Perfect! Let’s get out of here. Pirates stink.”
You shake your head. “It’s not that simple, unfortunately. We have to wait an hour or so for Uma’s ship to pass by land. That way, we can escape onto the peninsula without trying to sail back or she’d catch us.”
Carlos’ face falls. “You’re telling me I have to stay in this rat’s nest even longer?”
You frown sympathetically. “I know, trust me, but we have no choice. She’d catch us if we tried to just sail away. And believe me, I’d like nothing more than to get out of here. I hate this ship.”
As if proving your point, the ship hits a sudden burst of waves and you nearly lose your balance and your dinner along with it. Carlos catches you before you fall, hurriedly bringing you over to a small, hard looking couch along the side of the cell. 
“Hey, easy there. Don’t go getting sick on my watch. You can lie down and try to regain your spirits while we wait for Mal, alright?” He says.
You close your eyes gratefully. “Thanks, Carlos.”
He giggles. “No problem. Although I can’t believe you feel this bad already, we’re not even out of the bay. This ship isn’t in the open ocean, how are you seasick? The water is practically dead still.”
“Shut up,” you mutter under your breath, fighting another bout of nausea.
Carlos laughs again, but thankfully remains silent. You have no doubt that he’ll be bringing it up again soon, though, probably to win an argument about which VK is the toughest.
You’d like to clear your good name, of course, but the rocking of the ship silences you again, keeping you absolutely still and silent on the tough couch. Carlos, sensing your obvious discomfort, tries to distract you by talking. He keeps his voice quiet so he doesn’t attract the attention of the guards outside, and the soft lull of his words spilling out into the darkness of your lidded eyes makes you wish for sleep. 
Carlos talks about how surprised he was when he was kidnapped, how glad he was to see you, what he plans on doing after you break him out of here, what he was supposed to be doing when Uma and her pirates took him in the first place. Carlos has always been a good talker, but you’re extra glad for it now.
When he pauses for breath, you laugh quietly and say, “I thought I was supposed to be the one saving you, but it looks like it might be the other way around.”
Eyes still closed, you can tell Carlos is smiling by the soft exhale he lets out. “I’d say freeing me from a pirate ship is a bigger deal than distracting you from seasickness. I’ll still give you this win.”
“That’s awfully generous of you,” you hum.
“Yeah, well, I’m a generous guy,” Carlos tells you. “It’s no problem when it’s you, though. I’d do anything for you.”
When you dare to crack open your eyelids, he looks more serious than you’ve ever seen him. All of a sudden, the breath is low and careful in your lungs not because of the churning waters beneath you, but because of him. Always because of him.
“Carlos,” you begin quietly.
“No,” he says, more determinedly, “I’m serious. I like you, Y/N. I really do. Seasick or not. I’ve liked you for a while, and if I was going to be stuck in a cell in a pirate ship with anyone, I’d want it to be you. You were the best part about the Isle of the Lost and the best part of Auradon. I can go anywhere if you’re with me. You don’t have to feel the same, I just– I thought you should know.”
You sit up carefully. “I do feel the same way.”
Carlos’ mouth drops. “Really?”
“Is that so much of a surprise?” You ask, laughing slightly. “I’ve followed you everywhere since we first met. We’re practically inseparable. The only reason I wasn’t kidnapped along with you is because I got distracted by Evie needing help finding a pair of matching shoes. You’re my home too, Carlos. You always have been.”
His smile is brilliant in the darkness. “I couldn’t be happier to hear it. Except maybe when we get off this ship.” He extends a hand to you. “How about we make our escape?”
You take it, letting Carlos pull you up. “I’d like nothing more.”
It feels like your entire life has opened up before you. If it takes a kidnapping, a pirate ship, and terrible storms for the two of you to finally confess your feelings, it might just be worth it after all. You’ve got Carlos, and that’s worth more than all the treasure in the world.
requested by @reinekes-fox, i hope you enjoy!
disney tag list: @blondsauduun, @lovesanimals0000, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed, @faerieroyal, @goldfish4403
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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artistshadow · 1 month
In the novel, are there any Disney heroes involved with war of roses?
Hopefully this helps answer any questions pertaining to the new Isle book. If anyone has any more questions, feel free to ask if this didn’t answer anything! I just felt like this will be easier than going back-and-forth pulling small tidbits to add 🤣😂😂
Okay, so here’s the briefest summary of what happens in Beyond the Isle of the Lost: Wonderland. We learn that Wonderland is sealed off from Auradon because the Queen didn't want to be under the Beast’s rule, I believe, so she raised an army to fight back just in case. This was known as the War of Roses. It sounds like there never was a fight. It sounds more like the Queen showed that she was no punk and wasn’t gonna let anyone scare or intimidate her, or most likely, she just didn’t want to be the one not in control so out of fear, Auradon closed the Rabbit Hole, which is one of two ways to get in and out of Wonderland, the other being The Pool of Tears. Because of this, Red has never been outside of Wonderland and doesn’t know much about what is going on in the outside world. The Queen has turned Wonderland pretty much into a dictatorship prison where so many things are outlawed that it doesn’t even seem like Wonderland anymore. She wants Red to follow in her footsteps and rule like she does, but Red ain’t having none of it. She wants to rebel against it all, but because she hasn’t had any sort of influence from anyone since everyone in Wonderland is scared to death of her mother, they never act out, so she doesn't know how. In comes Ace and Chester, two characters who sort of help her rebel, but they don’t know much either. Chester is, I believe, the son of the Cheshire Cat or at least a descendant of him. Ace…I'm not sure cause they never established, but if I were gonna take a wild guess, I would say that he could be the son of an Ace card. They do things to rebel and bring life to Wonderland by throwing parties, two to be exact, and the first failed royally, which resulted in them being arrested by the guards, and the Queen just dismissed them. The second party they throw in the throne room which makes the Queen blow her lid and start arresting everyone, which in turn makes Red, Chester, and Ace go on the lam. They plan on going to the Pool of Tears so they can escape Wonderland, but unfortunately, C and A get captured by the card soldiers. They tell Red to run for it and escape Wonderland, but she doesn’t want to leave her friends, so she goes back for them. Big mistake because that was a trap by the Queen, who throws her in the dungeon with them. The next day in front of all of Wonderland, the Queen shows just how much of a royal evil bitch she is by showing what she does to people who break her laws: She turns them into mindless card soldiers, as she demonstrates with Ace. It’s very heavily implied that she did this to the other kids she captured at the party. She then turns Chester into a cat, who then disappears. It goes without saying that Red is heartbroken, distraught, and traumatized by this, and her mother doesn’t give a flying fuck. So, Red now has this deep resentment toward her mother and is probably willing to do anything to get back at her. She probably wants to escape Wonderland more or perhaps take her anger out on the land.
This actually does something the other “prequel” books did as it gives us a look into who the character of Red is and her mother as well. It also gives us a glimpse of how much of a threat the Queen of Hearts is because when I heard that she was planning a coup in the movie, I was like, “yeaaaaah, but she’s really not that big of a threat like Maleficent, Uma, Audrey, or any of the other villains or ‘villains’ so how will this work?” But this gives us more information. It also gives a little more backstory as to why Wonderland is separate from Auradon and why Uma is looking to invite people from there to go to school in Auradon. Do I think they will reference some of the things from this movie? Maybe a little because a lot of it gives us reasons to see the Queen as a threat and more about why Red wants to rebel so much. Do I think we’ll get closure for Chester and Ace? Most likely not, and I hate that because while the other books left their endings with shots of happiness, this one ended completely depressing and horrifying.
Something to note: the Queen HATES cupcakes. In the summer preview, there was a picture of her younger self holding a plate of cupcakes while looking sad, so I wonder if we’re gonna see the reasons behind her hatred for them.
Maddox, the son of the Mad Hatter, is a science teacher at Wonderland High who is in the Queen’s favor. He’s interested in…wait for it…time travel, which is the basic plot of the film.
Reading this really makes listening to Red’s part in the new “What’s My Name” hit a little deeper, especially the parts where she says, “My mom’s as mean as it gets” and “It was rough growing up.”
I don’t know where Merlin Academy, Cinderella, and the other characters come into play, as the book mainly focused on Red, but I guess we’ll find out more in the new film.
It’s pretty much confirmed that the Queen was never on the Isle of the Lost (which makes the mention of her hair salon in the second book kind of weird), so that means Red is probably the only VK who wasn’t born on the Isle. She’s heard rumors about it but has never seen it. The only people she has met from the Isle are Harry and Jasper, who apparently got trapped in Wonderland after the VKs got released from the Isle in the 3rd film. But how they got trapped there if Wonderland was sealed off before they were born is what’s puzzling me. But timelines have never made absolute sense in this franchise so I’m not gonna get to deep into it😄😂
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naisaspalace · 26 days
Personal Nakshatra Observation Series
*obs1. i am using astroseek for the charts so yes there will be a lot of mistakes relating the placements yet i hope i was able to send the overall nakshatra message even if the placement is wrong. *obs2. the nodes and saturn will also be included because this is the form i found to talk about the theme for today.
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nakshatra characteristics:
Translation: To hear Symbol: An Ear, three footprints Animal Symbol: A female monkey Presiding Deity: Lord Vishnu Ruling Planet : Moon Ruling Deity of the Planet: Parvati Nature : Deva Mode: Passive Number: 22 and 3 (the steps) Gender: Male Dosha: Kapha Guna: Rajasic Element: Air Disposition: Movable Bird: Francolin Trimurti: Brahma Colour: Light Blue Motivation/Goal: Artha Upward Facing Direction: North
nakshatra small overview:
this time we are going to talk about a moon ruled nakshatra, shravana, and how it can manifest itself on the fiction scenery. its co ruled by saturn, since shravana is at the middle of capricorn.
shravana is represented by the oracle readers by his ability to "hear" in fact this the main theme of the nakshatra, learn how to trust our teachers and those who are wiser and learn how to listen to our intuition only after this we are able to flow.
nakshatra short version of the tale: "After Indra ,The king of the devas, is defeated by the daitya called Bali, the king of the asuras, the great-great grandson of Kashyapa and Diti, the devas ultimately seek refuge in Vishnu, who agrees to restore Indra to power. To do so, Vishnu incarnates as Vamana . The devoted Bali conducts ritual sacrifices (partaken by the asuras, but not the devas under Bali's rule), one of which is attended by Vamana, who requests only three feet (steps) of land (usually to build a fire-altar). Bali agrees, despite being warned about Vamana's true nature as Vishnu (usually by his preceptor, the sage Shukra a descendant of Bhrigu). Vamana grows in size, and in three strides, encompasses all of existence and beyond. Three step to take back the three worlds from king Bali and return them to Indra Vishnu’s 1st step covers the earth, the 2nd step covers the heavens, the 3rd step, with nowhere else to go, goes on Bali’s head. Some say they covered the earth, the sky (the atmosphere), and the heavens (space). The three worlds are restored to Indra, and Bali and the asuras are banished to Patala, the netherworld."
shravana posses divination power, oracle reader and intuitive, and the ability to slowly unite everything and everyone around them as the Vishnu, ruling deity, is all about preserving the universe.
Power to make connections and to connect with others.
Pop culture representations:
Miley Cyrus ( pop culture, life controlled, cultural shock)
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yes Miley is a vishakha but she does have Shravana Saturn and her life was controlled asf so yes she will be here as well.
I guess since we all know Miley she doesn't need an introduction but she was a teen star and was the protagonist of the Disney show called Hannah Montana, where she had a double life as both a pop star and a normal teenager. and yes double life is vishakha BUT today we will analyse the control pop stars have to endure about their personal lives.. some stars even face conservatorships, and we will see more about this later on.
here we will focus on the main role Miley played as "Ashley" in black mirror, where it was displayed the super controlled life of a pop star, and to be even funnier is that throughout mileys life she often spoke about how awful it was for her, while growing up, having to be controlled by disneys contract (she was still working there).
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not only miley but selena, nick jonas, and emily osment all have shravana saturn and have endured the same effect. but miley and selena especially were unable to display a more sexual persona due to being the faces of the channel.
we all know about 2013's right, mileys "went wild or crazy", but that wasnt the first time where miley had displayed her discontent with being controlled.
take a look at one of her songs prior to this year (2013) :
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go I wanna be a part of something I don't know And if you try to hold me back I might explode Baby, by now you should know I can't be tamed I can't can't, I can't can't be tamed I can't be changed I can't be, can't, I can't be tamed
i know very jupiterian, but hear me out
now let's analyze her Ashley character and how it resembles back to herself.
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ashley O story is about a girl who receives music from dreams and she announces a doll, called ashley as well, who talks with humans, in fact the doll was made to be a companion to humans
while the doll was being sold out.. ashley was having intense personal conflicts with her auntie, where she reviled that her songs were messages that she wished she could say to her auntie but couldn't say it due to her being ashleys manager
she just wants to take advantage of ashley ability to dream songs and sell them to the world. through the story one girl name rachel bought the doll and ended up removing a certain devices that limited the dolls capacity and found out that the doll shared a conscience with ashley and finds out what was really happening to the real ashley.
well looks like dear miley likes to play little miss controlled life. shravana here displayed a powerful ability to make connections with others ( the doll and world) and be able to dream songs.. remember shravana is ruled by the moon so for her to be able to dream songs makes 100% sense here.
Nina dobrev ( our elena gilbert <3)
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ob3. katherine will be left for jyeshta okay dont bite me.
nina is an actress and she used to play the doppelganger characters elena gilbert and Katherine pierce on the vampire diaries. elena used to be a normal teenager until stefan, a old vampire, showed up (i don't remember the exact lore its been ages please don't ..) and her life changed a lot.
she ended up eventually turning into a vampire and she even found out that is somehow related to the original family.
here we will explore, again, the lack of control of the shravana native (this time nina's moon is shravana) and how its related to mysticism, due to moon's, the planetary ruler, influence.
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naiveness, a word that just came to me, the moons influence on shravana make us more naive? is the moon naive? because she loves everyone and shravana series to be loved by all? or is it saturn who limits capricorn's emotions making he believe the gods have forsaken him?
thats a nice perspective when u remember elena lost her parents her brother she even lost her life but she came back as a vampire in the end i must say she lost again because he lost her life, to be reborn as a vampire being the moon is like she was reborn as a node.
but what was elena's problem after all? she was stuck in the victim mode and she truly believed to be the sun (the planets go around the sun) while she was the moon and the moon is private, she is precious and dreamy.. i feel like ELENA wasn't a dreamer ....... she was the representation of Capricorn moon but this time she lacked saturns hard work, vishnus perseverance and the moons faith.
she didnt work to achieve her dreams and she wasn't a good friend at all and to me she wasnt the moon and neither saturn.
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hi my dears i want to say thank you so much for reading until the end i hoped i was able to help someone to learn something and i will talk about conservatorships on the second part and on the third i will talk about the philosophical side of capricorn / shravana <3
please let me know what u think and send me some feedback and also send me themes to explore further to you guys <3
readings are open. contact info.
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🔮Twisted Wonderland Theory Guess 🔮
“🤔 Is MC/Yuu is descendants of ‘Balance Keeper’? Or Alice from series ‘Alice Comedies’?”
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Never thought we are going to follow MC/Yuu's journey to Episode 07 Diasomnia soon. Probably the main story will began on winter seasons. Suddenly I want to discuss about the MC/Yuu, along other Yuu from Twst comic and Twst novel. We already know a two main character that resemble as MC/Yuu (Not official yet),Enma Yuuken (Comic) and Kuroki Yuuya(Novel). Since it's school of boys, means the MC is a male, while in the game the MC gender is neutral. Can be male or female. Same like other games too.
Even MC/Yuu doesn't have a magic skills in Twisted Wonderland, MC has a unknown ability that can read predict what will happen on those students. Sort of a dimension psychic mind to see subject past and presence. Also, MC is the first person who met Mickey Mouse in the mirror. Dire Crowley did gave MC "Ghost Camera" in Prologue, a camera that is able to take a picture of anything possessing a soul. Sounds very similar how we make a moving pictures to make a animation short film in 90s. In scene old Disney "Alice in Wonderland" at “Alice Comedies”.
I did realize something of MC's ability "Time sight" of Future, Past, and presence. It is similar ability of Master Yen Sid, The Balance Keeper. Yen Sid is also can see someone's past like MC's did see Villains Past in different parallel. It could possibly MC is Yen Sid's Descendants. Why you ask? MC and Yen Sid almost similar, they're not in Heroes or Villains side. More like Tritagonist or Rebel. A person who knows which path they must follow and will seek the truth in knowledge. Plus, remember when the magic dark mirror in Prologue Can't see the colors of MC's souls due ceremony NRC? That is why MC is resemble of "Balance", between light and dark like Yen Sid. So, MC souls color is grey. Even the students see MC more like Cheeky and Blunt. No matter MC doesn't have a magic, but MC did have a secret talent That no one can have. Now let's talk about Connection MC with Grim. Grim's name is from story fairy tale. We maybe think Grim is similar with Stitch, but actually he remind me of Julius the Cat from "Alice Comedies". His mischievous, helper, and comedic is similar with Julius.
Only thing something connection to this, MC resemble as Alice and Grim as Julius. Alice met Julius the Cat in Cartoon land when Alice done visit Mr."WD" in his animation workshop. Julius always accompany Alice wherever she goes to seek new adventure she never see before. Same how Grim will always accompany MC to seek if there's a chance to return to real world while help Grim to graduate in Night Raven College with others too.
I do believe that Dire Crowley and Ambrose could it be Yen Sid "Apprentice". Both of them had same level mastery magician, Ambrose with Light Magic and Crowley with Dark Magic. While Yen Sin both light and magic, Balance Magic. I got feeling that Ambrose approach to Dire Crowley more like his "Kouhei/Junior", while Ambrose is Crowley "Senpai/Senior" (if it's true). One thing I suspicious on Crowley is, Crowley could be doing this Overblot situation is following the original Villains role story by choosing students that is already Have Villains heritage magic. Like Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia and Malleus when everyone is in Coffin due ceremony Dark Mirror. Grim could be part Crowley's plan too or it just Crowley himself pretend he didn't know anything. Ambrose actually knows what's going Due VDC last year in Episode 05 Pomefiore. Which means Ambrose can predict future like Merlin. For Crowley, he could be resemble "The Phantom Blot", character from "House of Mouse" and monster in "Epic Mickey". Since who else knows about "Blot" thing?
Last is connection with Mickey Mouse, we know that Mickey as iconic mascot of Disney. Funny of my thoughts that Ambrose and Crowley remind me of Mickey and Oswald the Lucky rabbit. While Grim as Julius the Cat. In Epic Mickey, Oswald feel jealous and annoying that his "father"-Loves Mickey the most, same goes to Toon people who always remember him than Oswald. Same goes Crowley is sick that people more support to RSA and Ambrose than NRC and himself.
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yourkimjaejin · 1 year
NCT's Moxy set to make Acting Debut in Disney's Newest Project
Posted Decemeber 27th, 2022
NCT’s next actor has emerged!
In a joint press release by SM and Disney, Moxy of NCT AG and NCT 127 will officially join the Descendants: The Rise Of Red cast as Chloe Charming, Daughter of Cinderella and King Charming. 
In Descendants: The Rise Of Red, Chloe is described as “the cheerful 16 year-old daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, who is book smart and athletic, but her privilege makes her somewhat naïve about the real world.”
“Being a part of a Disney Channel movie was a pipe dream for me growing up.” Moxy shared on the NCT AG instagram page, “The little kid inside me is screaming her head off. I can’t wait to take part in the filming of this movie and working with these fabulous women. Look out for my character, Chloe Charming!!” along with a picture of herself with the Descendants 4 logo, Moxy posted a video of her reaction to landing the role. 
Filming for Descendants: The Rise Of Red begins in mid-January but we’re already at the edge of our seats to see Moxy’s on screen debut!
Fan Reactions:
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Note from Author Izzy ~ Ignore the dates on the tweets, they are not correct. These tweets were posted on the day the article was released on December 27th of last year
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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shock-micro · 8 months
god imagine a theme park that's literally just like, letting you walk/ride around a completely new and inspired landscape
i saw a video showing off a land from avatar, and that's cool and all, but like. imagine stepping through a door and suddenly being in the sky, a series of islands tethered together by bridges floating over the land below, with its own style of architecture and things to explore
or how about a water world? a ride taking you on a tour of a planet made almost completely from an ocean? showing all of the lifeforms you could find there, how people like us could potentially live, survive, and thrive there- even letting us walk through a human base/colony
or, just an alternate version of the surface, where it's very similar to our world, but with many more types of people to meet, and you're canonically there as like a cultural exchange type thing
or a land set in the vague future, on a planet almost like earth, where you find out that it's actually the planet venus, terraformed over the course of thousands of years
and all of these places could teach us a lesson about our own world, too, like the alternate surface / the future land showing the importance of coming together in spite of our differences and working for a better future together
n like, these environments would be perfect for all ages, i think, because for kids there's the sense of wonder and adventure coming from a new world that can be seen without even going on a ride
and for adults, well. there's still the thrill of exploration, but on a deeper level, it's an experience that lets you step away from reality and see what could have been, or what could be, even for a moment
...or maybe i'm rambling, and these wouldn't be possible to put in a theme park whatsoever. whatever! it's my escapist fantasy, and i get to choose to inflict it upon all of you.
but for real. disney is just going for "slap marvel on it until it works", and universal is making admittedly cool brand tie-ins that can stand outside of the context of it being made for a brand. but can we just have a world not tied to an existing brand for once?
i honestly would love if this "multiverse" park were a standalone thing, but if it HAD to be a tie-in to get enough funding, i think there are still some unique directions you could take existing IPs
like, subnautica is RIGHT THERE. boom, there's your water planet! tears of the kingdom! there's your sky islands! you could explore the culture of the zonai before they descended to the surface! the experience sells itself!
anyway i think i've said all that i can, like and subscribe or whatever
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casinotrio1965 · 9 months
Disney Descendants : Another Scene from CJ's Treasure Chase
They’d packed all their old VK clothes in backpacks, except the key CJ had found under the special stone unturned. That was still tied around her neck. She had no idea what it was for, but she wanted it to be close at hand, just in case.
“C’mon,” CJ said, pulling on her backpack and heading for the door. She was anxious to get away from that revolting reflection. “We need to figure out how to get—” But the second she stepped outside, she was nearly trampled by a young couple running down the sidewalk.
“Hurry up, darling,” the man called out to his wife, who was a few paces behind him, “or we’ll miss the bus!”
“I am hurrying, darling,” the woman replied with an obnoxiously pretentious accent. “Stop rushing me. We paid good money for this bus tour of the kingdom of Auradon. They’re not going to simply leave without us.” CJ’s gaze followed them up the street and landed on a large silver tour bus idling in the distance. The words I Can Show You the World…of Auradon were painted on the side, and over the windshield was a sign that read
“Uh, Freddie,” she called back into the shop. Freddie was still admiring her ensemble in the mirror.
“Wouldn’t I look positively sinful singing on a stage dressed like this?” Then she started to croon a soulful jazz number.
CJ rolled her eyes. “Freddie!” “What?” Freddie asked, frowning. “Can’t a girl solo for a minute without being interrupted?”
“We don’t have a minute. Quit setting the jib and look!” CJ pointed to the husband and wife, who were just stepping aboard the tour bus. CJ flashed her infamous grin. “I think I found our ride. And it’s leaving now.”
Bus ride for two, please.
And no, we’re not going to pay.
The driver of the tour bus regarded CJ and Freddie with great skepticism.
“I don’t remember you being on this tour,” he said. “Are you sure you’re in the right place?”
They were standing on the sidewalk, staring into the open door of the bus. CJ pushed Freddie aside. She could take it from there. “Now listen up,” she growled. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
The driver frowned in confusion. “What’s the hard way?”
CJ rolled her eyes. “I tie you all up and take the whole bus hostage. Duh!”
Freddie gently pulled CJ by the shoulders until Freddie was standing in front of the bus door. “Sorry about her,” she said quickly in her velvet voice. “She’s”—Freddie wheeled her hands around, trying to come up with a good excuse for CJ’s behavior—“practicing for a play.”
Comprehension dawned on the bus driver’s face and his smile returned. “Ah. I see. So you’re students?”
“Yes!” Freddie replied in her lilting cadence. “Exactly. And we’re studying Auradon geography this semester, so we thought, what better way to learn about this great kingdom than to see it ourselves! So we booked this tour.”
The driver seemed so mesmerized by Freddie that CJ thought he was about to let them board just like that. But then, as though he were coming out from under a spell, he shook his head. “Where are your tickets, then?” CJ watched Freddie’s smile slide right off her face. “Um…uh…” she stammered.
CJ butted in. “Some VKs stole them!”
The driver gasped as though she had just shown him a hook hand. “VKs?” His voice trembled. “You mean those awful children King Ben let into the kingdom?”
CJ faked disgust. “The very ones. Can you believe the nerve of that guy? Letting those scoundrels into our boring—” Freddie kicked her. “Er, beautiful kingdom?”
The driver shook his head. “I’ll never understand that proclamation. Giving the offspring of our enemies access to our homes, our lands, our children? Even though Mal turned her mother into a lizard, that doesn’t mean evil isn’t still in her blood.” CJ snorted. “I know, right? And now, because of those monsters, we don’t have our bus tickets. And we were so looking forward to this tour.”
The driver’s eyebrows pinched together in concern. “Oh, bother. Hop aboard. We’re heading to Briar’s Hollow next. Home of the fairies!”
“I can’t wait,” CJ muttered sarcastically.
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iamchristiansanchez · 11 months
Enchanted to meet you 🎢🎡🎠🎪
EP 6 🎬
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If US has Disney the happiest place on earth, Philippines has Enchanted Kingdom were a lot of filipinos can rEKindle their own magic!. Enchanted Kingdom is a world class theme park located on a 25 hectares land in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. It is one of the most favorite place to visit with the family especially during holidays and long weekends. Enchanted Kingdom offers a variety of ticket rates from EKspress ride access, regular day pass, junior day pass, senior | PWD day pass and junior PWD day pass. we bought the Ekspress ride access ticket so we don’t have wait in line. We tried and enjoyed so much the different rides around EK especially the extreme ones like the Anchors away, for me it is extreme especially when your seat is in almost stern side of the ship😭
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My family decided to go on ferris wheel as our second ride to try, As I stepped into the ferris wheel seat, I felt a sudden rush of excitement mixed with nervousness. The ride began slowly, and as we rose higher, my heart pounded faster. Looking out at the stunning view from a bird's-eye perspective was breathtaking. The wind blew my hair wild, and I felt a sense of freedom and thrill. At the peak, I could see the entire city below me, and it was a sight to behold. As the ride descended, I felt a tinge of disappointment that the experience had ended even tho it is a nerve wracking situation (that is why i don’t have the chance to take picture of that moment😢), but the memory of it will undoubtedly stay with me forever. 
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The park also features themed areas such as Midway Boardwalk and also a lot of food stand that you can find around EK such as Coffee, Hotdogs, Donuts and etc. around 8:00pm the park announced that there will be a parade but we will not able to see it because we are in flying fiesta at that time, but around 9:00 pm the park announced  there would be another breathtaking moment a fireworks show, for this moment they have to stopped some of the rides like ferris wheel and Space shuttle for i think safety purposes. Watching a fireworks show is an exhilarating experience. As the first fireworks launches into the sky, you can feel the anticipation building. The loud booms, crackles, and dazzling bursts of light leave you awestruck. The colors and patterns fill the sky, painting beautiful pictures as they slowly fade away. The crowd's cheers, the background music and exclamations only add to the excitement. During the finale, you're left breathless as the sky is filled with a barrage of fireworks, creating an unforgettable, magical spectacle. A fireworks show is a joyous celebration for all ages and a perfect way to make any moment like this memorable. To conclude, It was an amazing experience visiting this theme park that finally my childhood dream came true and I’m hoping that I will be able to go back here soon.🪄✨
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youremyonlyhope · 7 months
The Star Beast
Am I excited for the 60th? Eh... I'm just glad to have Doctor Who to watch after a year of nothing.
Why in the world were my Disney+ subtitles set to Chinese?
Donna my girl. You are the only reason for me to be excited. This whole post has a lot of salt throughout.
Also, I don't know how I feel about the exposition to the camera thing. Twelve did it better. Interesting opening sequence. And I think I have said I like the retro logo. Ok Rachel Talalay directed. That's promising. Those robots in the background felt cyberman-esque. Ughhhhh I have so many thoughts about the choice to have Donna name her daughter Rose. Ugh. I like that the running gag of Donna not seeing the chaos for random mundane reasons continues. Glad she's still roasting him. Ok if this is supposed to be a NEW Doctor, I don't like him saying Allons-y. Please. New catchphrase. The same face doesn't have to mean the same personality. Plus I don't know French but isn't saying "Let's - Allons-y!" redundant? Ok shoutout to Nerys that's fun. Shaun's a good man. I'm very glad we get to see more of him now since he was a bit of a non-character in End of Time. OH GOOD UNIT IS REALLY BACK PROPERLY. Wait do I remember seeing pictures of Kate in promos... I was about to ask why the ship was right side up if it crashed. Ok. It landed. God I've forgotten Donna's mom's name but I'm really glad to see she listened to the Doctor and shows Donna appreciation now. I was just about to ask how long it'd been. Because End of Time aired in 2009/10 but the whole timeline of the RTD era was messed up. So does that mean that Journey's End was technically 2008? God let me not try to make sense of this right now. God I hate this Meep thing with a passion. I hate its eyes. So much. Ah. Nightmare fuel. I don't like the sonic reverting back to be so similar to Nine/Ten's either. It would have been funner if he was using Thirteen's. Plus he should have been in Thirteen's outfit but I've already complained about that for a year. Cowards. "Off you pop" I wonder if that's a reference to Clara in the 50th. What is that the Time Vortex or something? Does Rose crochet these toys? Love that. (For the record I got nothing against Rose at all I'm just mad she was named Rose for pure fan pandering purposes.) Ok now I see why it was hiding in toys in the promo. Sylvia you are totally right to be angry at the Doctor this time around. "Oh wow he's so cute" no, it's nightmare fuel. GOOD JOB SYLVIA. He deserves that slap. Oh poor Shaun. He's such a good man though. Sees the chaos, sees a literal monster, and decides to compliment his mother-in-law's cooking. Good job. "I loved that man." Aw. Me too. "He's not dead." "You idiot." Love it. Kate came in to help take care of Wilf? Oh. Ohhh. My heart. "You've got two hearts? So do I." "You've got what." Oh Donna. Hmm so the hypnotized soldiers are not on the same side as the Wrath... I don't know how I feel about this sonic force field thing but ok. Resonating concrete. I'll accept that reference because it's about Nine. "Or we've got things very, very wrong." Yep I agree that Meep is probably evil and as nightmarish as the Meep looks. A living sun. I'll accept that reference because it's about Martha. Please RTD, reference something OTHER than your era though for this 60th anniversary of the whole show. SEE I TOLD YOU IT WAS A NIGHTMARE CREATURE. "With your weird child." Ah so Beep the Meep is a transphobe too. SEE. SEEEEEE. I WAS RIGHT TO HATE THIS THING. "I'm just passing by" Ok I always liked that line. God I hate this thing. SHE SAID THE DOCTOR. Ok these random Winter Soldier trigger words would have meant more had they actually be put into the show at some point prior to this. Because I have absolutely no memory of any of this besides the repeated "binary binary binary." Donna Noble is descending. Fixing up all the burning caverns like that is nonsense. OK ROSE. OK.
Ok no wait now I'm mad again. At first when the show was in promotions the assumption was that Donna named Rose subconsciously. Because we weren't sure if Yasmin was playing a trans character or not. Then when this episode started I was like "Ok so Rose picked the name Rose by random when she transitioned and it's a coincidence. Fine I'll accept that." but didn't actually put it in the post. And now NO. SHE HAS SOME OF THE METACRISIS IN HER. SO SHE NAMED HERSELF AFTER ROSE. I'm mad all over again. Just let it go RTD2!
Ok the Keep Out on the shed might be a reference to Twelve's sign on his Tardis. Fine. Fine. I'll take that. Glad they didn't zoom in on the Adipose before that. that would have been too obvious. Because the toy is just straight up an Adipose. Also happy 10th birthday to Owen the Adipose plushie I crocheted around this same time. "We're binary." "She's not." "Because the Doctor's male" "And female" "And neither. And more." Ok ok confirmation of the Doctor being non-binary ok. This has been a rollercoaster of me being angry and me being happy. "My father would be impressed, I have no higher compliment" That is VERY true there is not a higher compliment than that. Oh is the episode going to be dedicated to Bernard... Oh and we're getting that Toymaker dude later right? And Rose makes toys. Ok I see why this random Old Who villain is relevant to this story. "Shame you're not a woman anymore, cause she would have understood." True. So they can just... let the time lord energy go... sure I guess? OK THE SIGN BY THE ROBOT THINGS SAYS CYBERDOG. I DIDN'T SEE THAT BEFORE. THEY WERE MEANT TO LOOK LIKE CYBERMEN. I do like Ten being insulted by Shaun saying "But not him." since I do somewhat headcanon Ten as being a bit in love with Donna.
Ok at this point I realized that Tumblr had stopped autosaving this draft around when we saw the Adipose. So let's see if I can even post this last half.
I don't mind this Tardis design. Kind of like One's mixed with Eleven's. Ok the set itself is actually impressive. I like it. Oh Donna. Ew I do not like the breathy Doctor Who theme nope.
No dedication to Bernard at the end. Did we already get something dedicated to him? Or maybe they'll just dedicate the episode he's actually in.
As an episode, it was cute and fun. I think RTD2 needs to take some of his own advice and let it go, specifically the Rose thing.
As a 60th anniversary special... Ok I was glad this episode wasn't just purely RTD era callbacks every other moment. But still, it's an anniversary special. Give me more about all 60 years. Or at least the very least more about the Moffat and Chibnall eras. I guess we'll have to see since all 3 episodes are supposed to be anniversary specials. But for the episode airing closest to the anniversary, I'm disappointed that it didn't feel like an anniversary episode.
Edit: I went to check the cast and at the time it had a 9.2 on IMDB and was above Blink as highest rated episode. It's now down to 8.2 which is more reasonable. But god I'm annoyed at the way some fans have just eaten up all this pandering.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
7 question ask: Aurora/Briar Rose
Three facts about them from my personal headcanons.
While I don't see her disliking the name "Aurora" the way some fans do, I can imagine her always keeping "Briar Rose" as a nickname, and Prince Phillip calling her that in private.
When she was growing up in the forest, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather always taught her to think lovingly of her parents. They never told her their names, of course, and they gave her a simplified version of what happened to them – e.g. "They were unable to take care of you, so they entrusted you to us" – but they made sure that she knew how much her parents loved her and thought well of them, to prepare her for the day when she would learn who they were and go back to them.
Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid and Princess Odette in The Swan Princess are both descended from her and Phillip. Probably from two different children of theirs who each married into the royal families of different lands. The Swan Princess obviously takes place first, later than Sleeping Beauty but still in medieval times. Odette could be their granddaughter or great-granddaughter: it's no wonder that she looks so much like Aurora, with such similar luxuriant blonde hair and violet-blue eyes. (Prince Derek's mother, Queen Uberta, was probably also named after the by-then deceased King Hubert.) Eric is a more distant descendent, since The Little Mermaid takes place in the 19th century, but Aurora and Phillip's portrait can be seen in his castle.
A reason they suck: I'll admit that of all the Disney Princesses, she's probably the least developed as a character. It's alright, though, because what we see of her is lovely, and because she's not really the protagonist – the three good fairies are.
A reason they are great: Brief though her characterization is, she still comes across as a person easy to love: joyful, affectionate, romantic, playful, intelligent, dignified even as a peasant girl, and with a magnificent singing voice.
A reason I relate to them: I also enjoy romantic fantasies.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character:
Prince Phillip is her one true love.
Five things that never happened to the character that I believe should have happened:
In a perfect world, that Maleficent had never cursed her.
In the same perfect world, that she had grown up with her parents.
Even if the above couldn't happen, that Flora and Merryweather hadn't accidentally revealed her to Maleficent's raven with their silly pink-vs.-blue wand fight.
That she had brought Phillip home to meet Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather right away instead of telling him to come later that evening. Even though it's probably "seemlier" for her to tell them about him first instead of bringing him straight home, then she and Phillip would have learned each other's identities right away, and much angst would have been avoided.
That she had been given a few lines to speak in the final scene.
Five people that character never fell in love with and why.
King Hubert. He's an old man and he's her true love's father.
Maleficent. She shows no signs of attraction to women, but even if she did, she wouldn't love the villainess who tries to kill her.
King Stefan. No father/daughter incest!
Flora, Fauna, or Merryweather. Again, she likes men, and besides, they're her foster mothers!
Phillip's horse Samson. No bestiality!
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an4me-79 · 7 months
Un-Twisting Twisted Wonderland Theory
There are a lot of Twisted Wonderland theories out there.
About how it will end, are we stuck in a time loop(thanks for that Halloween, Malleus), and what is up with Ramshackle Dorm!
But one theory I have seen very little of is this: Why are we (the mc/Prefect) even in Twisted Wonderland to begin with?
We come from a world without magic. Also, we are confirmed to not possess any magical ability at all! So why would the Haunted Mansion's horse and coffin carrier even show up in our world in the first place? Why take a non-magic person to an arcane academy?
Whether we are male or female isn't treated like an issue, so I won't be touching on that.
But WHAT is at play here? And who is responsible for making us part of a chaotic chess game? Let's look at this one piece at a time.
Twisted Wonderland:
The world of Disney's stories? Yes, but how many? Characters/Possible 'Descendants' of villains, heroes, princess and side characters with very close similarities to the originals live here. The residence themselves call it 'Twisted' Wonderland!
However, we are yet to hear bad words about characters like Alice, King Triton, Snow White or Hercules. If the whole world is meant to be completely twisted, shouldn't the heroes be portrayed as the villains here? Most are not referred to by name, but that could be our main cast assuming we have no knowledge of 'historical' events. So is everyone the hero of the world's story? That doesn't seem possible... This place is far from world peace!
Even Lilia admits history tends to get muddled if given enough time and removing enough evidence. And Disney, if all media can be included, would have a vast, tangled and diverse timeline. By why call this place 'Twisted Wonderland' when just 'Wonderland' would due fine? Are they admitting this is a different Wonderland? Perhaps it's been soooooooo long that no one really cares. However, there are clues. Too many to ignore, for us.
Night Raven College:
Now it's one thing if we, the outsider, call the lands twisted. We have a different history of almost all their forefathers. Most of which are guilty of trying to murder members of their own family for personal gain. Yet they founded a school?
Okay, it's a stretch, but I'm assuming the events of Descendants are cannon here for this all to work! The villains are brought back, Isle of the Lost, Mal and Ben happened and so on…
So then… could Sage Island be the former Isle of the Lost? Maybe! It would all make sense for the villains to convene there, and later for the heroes to set up on the opposite side to both monitor and balance out the residency. Could the villains have reformed? Also a maybe. But it seems more likely they 'twisted' their histories a little at a time.
While Sage Island COULD be the former Isle. There's one other place in this world that could be that's far worse…
Remember when Mickey met Oswald the Rabbit? If not, Epic Mickey is the game for you! Those that lived in this mirror world called it Wasteland. In it, Mickey accidentally spills some ink on a world the Sorcerer Yen Sid created for forgotten characters. Sound familiar yet? Hold on, the main villain is called 'the Blot!'.
The Blot wants Mickey's heart for it's 'magic'.
Also what?
Once it did, it could leave the Wasteland!
What does the Blot of Twisted Wonderland do again? Feeds on the heart's negativity and tries to take on a life of it's own! Failure to do so… Well, don't want to spoil TOO much in the game. But Wasteland was made to be a sort of mirror image of Mickey's world, if a bit twisted to fit the needs of who Yen Sid brought there.
But the Blot is exclusive to Wasteland. Only for the characters of Twisted Wonderland, it goes hand-in-hand with having magic itself. It would still be the perfect land for Villains to plot a grand scheme, especially if they got an ally who was able to rewrite history. Like an entity made of INK, and was able to get into the hearts of the residences. If the Blot is still a sentient entity, I can only assume it is spread out too far to remember what it originally was by now. Or… It's made a deal to finally escape the renamed Wasteland.
The Protagonist:
I'll put the final conclusion here: WE are the Bigger Bad.
Okay, maybe not intentionally, but we are, as the mirror called us, "the seed of evil.". Sure we're a 'shrimp', we don't have magic, and not a bad (perhaps sarcastic ) bone in our body. But we are a POWDER KEG!
We have prophetic dreams about every upcoming Blot incident. Every time it's through the real, unblotted/unfiltered, tales of the main founders. We have the truth!
But who would believe us? Answer: no one. We have no physical evidence. At first.
Not just the Blot incidents, but strange creature and parallel world events(guess Yen Sid found a few more misfits to make homes for) keep happening at Night Raven College, more specifically to us. Eventually, even the more skeptical students will have to accept that we are from a different world entirely. And that we are indeed seeing something about their world that even they don't know
The question being: how many times is enough? When do we snap and blurt out the truth?
Whatever the amount, we are gaining friends and trust. And, honestly, it seems the fiction of their history is doing more good for our new friends than the real truth. In fact, there doesn't seem to be an real need to expose the gigantic scam.
Someone needs to uncover it in order to desperately get something. Like… A way home? Or maybe an accident occurs while searching, and the fact that the Great Seven are really evil frauds comes out?
Who would be the most likely to expose the truth AND be believed? And what would be the most likely result?
Floods of it.
Grand Scheme:
Maybe the original villains did, or will, cheat death. Maybe not. But if the heroes (and/or their lineages) who followed after and defeated them are destroyed forever, it would be the final, most diabolical revenge: the End of Twisted Wonderland.
The Blot wins.
And the Seed, the kidnapped protagonist, will have inadvertently been responsible….
So I hope Crowley is seriously looking for a way to get us home before things become desperate. Or there really is a book in the library to help us.
If not...
What do you think?
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Children of the Reign: Chapter 5:  Are you still there inside my chest?
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies)
When different stories from different places reach their happy endings, something in the world clicked. The land of Auradon has born.
By the god’s design, King Adam rules upon the land, he is determinate to make his kingdom the greatest that ever was. All the great villains are exiled to a forgotten place, the abandoned mined city of ghosts, deep on the mountains, locked without scape inside a magical barrier. Auradon flourish under the new reign, but the secrets can’t be kept for too long. In the Lost City, chaos rules over the people.
After thirty years, King Adam has died, and his only heir Benjamin must ascend to the throne. His fist command: give freedom to the children born in the Lost City, a chance to live in Auradon for anyone who wants it. Evie, Mal, Jay and Carlos are the first ones to accept, but their arrival will change the fate of Auradon forever.
And on the Lost City, a Pirate Queen will find her chance to take control. They are the new generation; it is time for their stories to be told.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26884657/chapters/114763897
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mallowmaenad · 9 months
my new political ideaology is that I get a device called the dipshit detector that removes self-important white people’s ability to use cellphones for 1 month and I don’t fucking care if this is a fascist dictatorshit i actually would turn joe biden into joe woke and donald trump into pronoun trump if i see one more loud mouthed straighty act like their opinion fucking matters im introducing their shy 9 year old son to my little pony i cant fucking take this shit yes fuck it throw republicans in concentration camps they’re practically begging for it they wont shut the fuck up about how theyre gonna be hunted down and killed wish granted bitch blam blam its wabbit season bitch im sick of liberals im sick of voting im sick of norway if youre even slightly uncomfortable around gay people you should be set on fire black power asian power jewish power latino power and i fucking mean it im not just buying the stupid 30$ tshirt on fckhate.com the worst thing to ever happen in american history is abraham lincoln not publicly executing every confederate general and outlawing slavery full stop we literally live in starship troopers we are trapped in a shitty gmod half life dark rp server yeah I do think you’re basically a terrorist if you go to disney land and i also think that if the first words out of your mouth when the rustbelt gets set on fire is “those dirty rednecks deserve it” ill show you a fucking redneck you fucking yank prick you fucking racist i wish hilary clinton would explode on live tv charitys are fucking fake theyre as fake as those cardboard towns in north korea oppenheimer was a limpdick pussy and fallout is becoming a game franchise that fetishizes the mass genocide of asians and i want todd howard pinned under a large rock for it spec ops the line wasn’t ugly enough there is a conspiracy started by the cosmetics, nutrition and fashion industry in collaboration with the upper class descendants of fucking typhoid “moneybags” marys to fool the masses that fat people aren’t hot as fuck. My body and mind and soul degrade with the week because of yhe shit ass menial labor yhey made me do and the fucking lead in gasoline and world war 1 started a chain reaction of fathers beating their kids and wives because it’s cheaper to buy a gun than go to therapy because we’re fucking warhammer orks without any of the endearing mental stupidity we live in mordor. we live in fucking mordor. it literally does not matter who is president our two political parties are Nazis and Neo-Nazis bernie sanders was the closest thing to a centrist this country has ever seen. capitalism grinds up joy into a paste to divvy out on 500$ gucci toothpicks public urination should be legal rent is theft corporations are agents of satan who is jesus christ who is not jesus of nazareth jesus christ is the poster boy of white supremacy i fucking hate Hamilton white people should listen to MORE rap i want to get my dick sucked at a death grips concert. Laundromats and burger joints where you can get a meal for 5$ are far more important than police stations and walmart. pop anarchists want to personally confiscate your wheelchair uou fuckers treat yhis like a game fuckin e girls with hammers and sickles in their icons arguing about what form of communism or socialism or whateverism is right when bitch that is a pipe dream you are going to die in captivity arguing about which dragon ball z character is the strongest (girl broly) at least go punch a hole in your wall and fuck it to prove you’re human you facebook fetishist jesus christ every other day i want a biblical death just so my fucked up thouhhts mean something i need a fuckingjason vorhees bitch wheres the yandere tea party this is all so fucked up its not fucking real the christian god hates you whoever says otherwise is trying to make you a fucking slave. Mormonism and scientology should be wiped off the map any religion formed after the invention of the gun is a fucking pyramid scheme i wish i was a 9 foot toll shark lady with hugebrealssta so i could fucking knock over thechrystler building
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parfumieren · 1 year
New York (Parfums de Nicolaï)
While going to art school in Manhattan, I lived in a claustrophobic railroad apartment on 43rd and 8th -- the heart of good old seedy pre-Disney Times Square. The apartment (an illegal rebuild in a building zoned strictly for business) belonged to an artist and her filmmaker husband. In exchange for room and board, I nannied their delightful two-year-old and stretched endless painters' canvases in the upstairs studio, where I could actually see the sky.
Only the width of 43rd Street separated my tiny bedroom from that monument of sleaze, the Times Square Hotel. The room right across from mine housed a young drag queen who often sat in front of her dressing room mirror, smoking Virginia Slims and examining her exquisite face for flaws. In this cold and ugly city, we were two loners connected only by the view from our windows. Yet in the hours I spent watching her watching herself, I felt a sense of wordless connection to this lovely, remote stranger. She was my New York.
That winter, every plywood wall around every construction scaffold in the city seemed to be plastered with posters advertising Rattle and Hum, the documentary film chronicling U2's Joshua Tree tour. As a longtime fan needful of distraction from the grey city streets, I went to see it in the theatres two or three times. Its iconography - deserts, highways, endless stretches of open sky -- proved a potent consolation for a small soul stranded on a hostile urban planet.
The first time I sampled Parfums de Nicolaï's New York, I was sharply startled by the inconsistency between its name and its aim. What, if anything at all, does this painted-desert fantasy have to do with the city? There's no sagebrush, no sweetgrass there. No space.
Then I remembered that when I lived in Manhattan, hemmed in all sides by concrete and stone, I longed for nothing more than to be airlifted to Joshua Tree or some similar wide-open landscape in the American Southwest. In fact, I doubt I could have understood this perfume if I hadn't lived there and been desperate to get out. New York the fragrance is not meant to provide a portrait of New York the city, but rather an olfactory mirage of the sort all city-dwellers dream about-- sky and land that stretch all the way to eternity, and no damn buildings in the way.
The best way to describe this unisex fragrance is "L’Heure Bleue Pour Homme”. It encompasses many of the same notes (citrus, carnation, vanilla) and special effects (that ineffably soft focus! those melancholy shadows!). But just as Guerlain arrived at Mitsouko by marrying a fresh peach accord to a pre-existing chypre, his descendant Patricia de Nicolaï took the supremely feminine L'Heure Bleue and Americanized it with a dash each of tumbleweed and testosterone. The results shimmer with desert heat-- but a desert of the sort ruled by Priscilla the Queen, elegant, tough, tolerant, embracing all genders, generous to a fault with her great, big, wide-open heart.
When I wear New York, I think of my New York-- a boy teetering on the cusp of womanhood, hiding her tender young heart beneath the brittle exterior of a grand courtesan. I wonder where she is, what window she looks out of now, what she sees in her mirror. If I could, I would go back in time, take her out of that dark little hotel room in the city, and give her all the skies in the world to play beneath. I'd tell her: Forget the mirror. You're perfect, you are.
Scent elements: Lemon, petitgrain, bergamot, lavender, artemesia, pimiento, pepper, patchouli, cedar, vanilla, leather, amber
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
The way Amy helped Metal Sonic in sonic mania adventures, and the way Shadow tried to reason with him in Archie... Imagine an AU where an adult Amy and Shadow adopt Metal as their weird murderbot son?
That Sonic Mania Adventures short is my favorite of the series, and it’s one of the most pure, charming things to come out of canon:
...and that bit from Archie shows Shadow’s best side:
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But...it’s still not my favorite idea. Sorry! :(
Metal Sonic has never done anything to earn that kindness. His first deed was to kidnap Amy. Then, he attacked Sonic over and over. Even when he went rogue, he tried to take over the world on his own. Although these scraps of canon reflect well on Shadow and Amy, I just don’t believe he’s done one thing to earn redemption. No one changes unless they WANT to change. I draw certain lines on who I’m willing to redeem, and kidnapping an eight-year-old with no remorse crosses one of them pretty definitively.
I also don’t think modern Amy would view him the same way her more childish, naive classic counterpart does. Classic Amy is adorable and I love her, but Modern Amy has more of a temper and a backbone. As much as Shadow appreciates Amy’s selflessness, he’d respect her pride and unwillingness to be a doormat, too. My thoughts on Metal Sonic, Amy, and Shadow are summed up best in my recent headcanon on them. There should be limits to forgiveness, and I don’t like the idea of Amy having to nurture her own kidnapper. Even if it’s an AU, the knowledge that he’s happy to do that rubs me the wrong way.
I get the appeal. I really do. I just think there are much better options for unofficial Shadamy families, like these:
Silver as a Shadamy descendant. I have a whole tag, but the best is Shellshock.
Raising Chao. This has a whole tag, too, and my first chapter fic, Shadow Sitting, is full of it.
Babysitting. They look after a Knuxouge child in this one. This headcanon and its sequel mention them looking after Cream, and they bring her to Disney Land in this prompt.
Side note: one of those mentions the possibility of Amy and Shadow teaming up to babysit Cream and Charmy. I’ll never actually write that because I don’t know children particularly well, but I have a couple fun ideas about it. I like to think that on Cream and Charmy’s first playdate, Vanilla and Vector think Cream will be a good moderating influence on Charmy, but she just winds up matching him with her own unexpected mischievousness, making the two of them a bit of a menace. Amy’s close with Cream, and Charmy thinks Shadow is super cool, so Amy and Shadow are the best for babysitting them specifically. Shadow also knows all the little tricks the kids can get up to thanks to the little pranks he and Maria played on the ARK, so they can’t get much past him.
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