little-lynx · 7 months
Hello! So I’m finally in my working condition (lol) and I slowly go through all the things I need to draw. Today I will post some of the requests I’ve received on my Buy Me a Coffee account (which is not existing anymore unfortunately). That was looooong ago! But I’m happy I’m finally doing it haha ;)
So the first one was requested by my lovely @alwayseverlark :
katniss eating an icecream (and if possible with a toast baby having one also and/or Peeta)
I wanted to draw middle aged Katniss for a while and this request was perfect for that. I think dancing girl is 10 years old here and Katniss is around 45 I suppose? 🤔 I think they just bought an ice cream after school and spent some good mom-and-daughter time together while Peeta and boy with the blonde curls were enjoying themselves in the bakery ♥️
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buggiebite · 1 month
Chapter 1 - The Life of a Victor
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could’ve swore I posted this. it’s been sitting in procreate for a while…
my favorite moments from chapter 1!
Read: The Life of a Victor
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fireelementalessence · 10 months
I hate when people try to retcon Mrs Mellark into not being abusive or try to justify her abuse. Lightly spanking your kid is one thing, but striking him so hard in the face that he have to go to school the next day with a welted eye and letting the last thing you say him before he sets off to fight for his life basically tell him that you have zero confidence in him will forever have her on my shit list. Toastbaby boy is truly blessed because he’ll never have a mother like that.
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- Haymitch catches toastbaby girl sneaking out or stealing liquor, etc.
- haymitch babysitting the toasties
-haymitch walking in on everlark having sex (they’re 19/20)
- katniss sees her daughter at three slag heap
Ohh I went ahead with the babysitting prompt! SO sweet. Also yes I failed the 'under a 100 word' clause of this. Does anyone mind? I doubt it XD.
"Go on. I got everything covered, girl." Haymitch says, as if it makes her any more confident. The boy takes her hand and gives her that smile, the one that Haymitch knows is probabbly the closest thing to a soft spot Katniss has.
Or one of them. The other is playing on the floor with a wooden deer and stuffed fox. Pretending to not be thoroughly annoyed by this.
They manage to leave, and he turns to the girl stareing at her toys with an inherited scowl. Haymitch thinks that might just be his ticket to surviving this night.
Willow Everdeen is her mothers daughter after all, so he goes into the kitchen and finds the cookies Peeta left. That, and opening negotiations about attending a tea party with a fox and deer seems to warm the toddler up a bit.
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mega-aulover · 4 months
So I wrote the Addendum to Igniting Sparks - About our favorite Toastbaby naming geese; thank you to @norbertsmom betaing, thank you for all you do...I named some of the geese after a couple of your beloved pups -
Willow Melody Jade Mellark -
Willow Melody Jade Mellark came into the world with a shout. Her little face was scrunched up with displeasure at being ousted from her warm comfortable home. Her hazy blue eyes sparkled with curiosity at the new world before her.
Although she had an abundance of grandparents, it was her introduction to the old, beaten Mentor that altered Haymitch’s life. The day she met her beloved Uncle Haymitch, her little mouth formed an ‘O’. A bond was formed between the two, it was so strong Katniss and Peeta named him her godfather.
Haymitch went home and threw out all of his liquor. He had lost so many children under his custodianship that to have one that would never face the Games gave him a sense of purpose. Although they named her Willow, she became known as Melody because of how much she sang. Katniss’s first born always had a funny song or whimsical tune. For Haymitch, Melody was the song his heart needed to heal his wounds.
As a Mentor, Haymitch began drinking when he discovered how helpless he was when his mentees unjustly died. Year after year, he watched countless faces struck in a sick parade of death enforced by a lone man. Katniss and Peeta’s child, or Toastbaby as Johanna called her, changed his life.
Melody brought happiness to all who met her. She was as strong and resilient as the Willow tree she was named after. Whilst her sweet voice, bright smile, and gentle nature spoke of her middle name, Melody. She was always humming, always making up silly songs which delighted her grandpa Haymitch.
Melody, like her father, began speaking before she turned one. Her first word was not ‘Da’ or ‘Ma’, it was ‘A-Mush.’ Haymitch was overjoyed, Katniss and Peeta were not. He bought her a Duck plushie as big as she was. Melody loved the plushie so much she wouldn't sleep without it. After some time Katniss and Peeta hoped her second word would be ‘Da’ or ‘Ma.’ Once more they were disappointed when she clearly enunciated, ‘quack.’
Then she stopped speaking all together and Katniss and Peeta were afraid that she was falling behind. Haymitch said there was nothing wrong with his goddaughter. That when she was ready to talk to them, she would. Katniss wasn’t sure, but she felt as if Haymitch knew something they didn’t.
Read The Rest HERE
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mollywog · 9 days
Just wanted to let you know I've been systematically going through your fics on ao3 and somehow you have a way of writing things that are really 'up my alley' (regency era, arranged marriage, unexpected pregnancy, etc, etc the list goes on), I've loved every single thing I've read so far and I'm eagerly waiting for updates for many of the wips (I will not mention specific ones because I don't want to make you feel pressured)! So thank you for sharing your work with us!!
I let this sit in my inbox so I could come back to it for a pick-me-up these past couple days!!
I’m so happy to hear you like them!! (I’m going to consider you a kindred spirit 😘)
I’d love to hear what you or anyone reading is looking forward to; I’m happy to talk fics and WIP anytime! I make no promises, but sometimes the interest and discussion helps motivate me! I’m also open to prompts and suggestions (again no promises!)
Seriously, thank you so much for this @toastbaby 🥰
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
I found this gif here on Tumblr and let me just say that I'm in love!
Mama Katniss and toastbaby are just toooooo precious 💕 They fill my heart with joy 🥰
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triassictriserratops · 2 months
Katniss & Peeta: Toastbaby Discipline
Curious what ya'll think - how would they ground their children if necessary? A couple of things I think WON'T happen: 1.) Hitting or Yelling - I could see Peeta having to unlearn instinctive reactions at first, having grown up in a verbally and physically abusive household. But I think if he did it even ONCE it would horrify him and he would absolutely put his foot down on that being the way anyone in his family ever treats each other. 2.) Food Control - They are NEVER sending their kids to bed without supper. Hunger is not something they'll ever use as a punishment, even lightly. Katniss especially would NEVER let her children go to sleep hungry for something they did. (I like the idea of having to help Haymitch with some task or spending time with Auntie Johanna on her wilderness treks. She'll pick them up and just be like, "hey kid, what the fuck?" but then fistbump them when their parents turn their backs.)
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waywardangel-wilds · 3 months
I think Peeta’s little-brother shenanigans become more frequent the older her gets post war. Just think of all the ruckus he and the kids drum up. He is out there tackling his kids into massive muddy puddles. He once tossed Katniss into a pile of fall leaves while they were walking back home from getting their kids from school. His little troublemakers and him are constantly in cahoots. They’re always giggling around the corner, planning the next ‘prank’ against mommy or gruncle ‘aymish. Mother’s Day? She’s waking up to not only breakfast, but also a bunch of loud people jumping up and down on the bed. New years? Perfect opportunity to make Haymitch open one of those trick snake jars filled with ‘nuts.’ They are having fun dammit! Regardless of how predictable their jokes are.
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buggiebite · 1 month
Katniss super attached to her youngest boy. yes or no?
Yes! I think that her little boy can be a rambunctious thing when he’s playing with his sister, but when it comes to social settings, when he’s in trouble, or just when his energy has run out, he’s at Katniss’ hip. The toastbabies are their own people, not exactly like their parents, but the boy is similar to Katniss. He’s also her baby!
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atelierlili · 3 months
Peeta aggressively flirting with his wife Katniss in public like.
Peeta: Katniss be careful about going in the frozen aisle, cause you're so hot, girl on fire. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Peeta: You burn so bright you put the sun to shame. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Peeta: I had a good pick up line, but you're so hot, it melted my mind. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
And Katniss is just dying ( and internally giggly and twirling her hair) and running away from him.
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So, based on my headcanon Peeta uses both a wheelchair at home or crutches to prevent hurting both his amputated leg AND his good one.
He absolutely delights toastbabies by riding with them on his lap in the chair. They love to playfully try and push him and play in it when Peeta isn't using it. They request their own play crutches to 'walk like papa does', which of course Katniss makes them because when can she say no to her babies ever?.
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districtunrest · 10 months
'drunk uncle' being used to equate what Haymitch is to Katniss and Peeta after the war has never sat right with me. idk it just doesn't seem like enough to describe what he is to them? like that's their 'not-my-dad-but,' not the vulgar, bigoted relative you don't want to invite to Christmas but have to, which is what 'drunk uncle' tends to evoke
and they are very much his kids, even if it's not outright daughter and son. like that's still much closer to what Haymitch thinks of them than a niece or nephew, isn't it? bittersweet as it is, he is probably going to know Katniss and Peeta longer than their actual dads did, though obviously they were there for the start of their lives and not him. but it's not overshadowing so much as... filling the role? even if he fills it out much differently? idk
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everlarkficquestions · 6 months
Hi! Do you by any chance have a master list of fics about Everlark as parents??
We don't have a masterlist, but here are several fics about Everlark as parents:
me and my husband (we are doing better) - asclexe
Food Comas - albinokittens300
Love Is - dandelionlovesyou
Sugar and Spice and Everything’s Not So Nice - JHsgf82              
Felicity - MegaAuLover  
holding my breath for the fear of sleep again - vampphobic      
Singing in The Meadow - LovelyToTheBone
Mellark Mistletoe - dandeliononfire        
Of Elves and Eggnog - Miffy          
Paints and Petals - starsmahogany      
Peeta’s Holidays Escapades - Elricsister
Birds in Heaven Know I Love You - CassandraO
Just Hope They Grow Up Normal - CassandraO
Not a Walk in the Park - HGfanonezillion
The Pearl Ring-Demona424
Cold Night In - BlackCat46  
A Day With Dad - Everlark_Pearl
All I Know - JLala
And the Book - thegirlonpeetamellark
A Remedy Against Nightmares - Medea Smyke
Christmas Behind Closed Doors - Miss_Scarlett
Comfort Starts at Home - Everlark_Pearl
Everything You Are - sucrevenin 
His First Hero - Everlark_Pearl
Simple Gifts - Court81981
Simple Things - IzzySamson
Snow Angels - alwaysameiko
Sunrise and the Flame - MalTease
The 10 Steps - jw77
The Life Lessons series - hmweasley
Yellow Blossoms - shesasurvivor
Before and After the In-Between - notanislander
Sweet Talk -flythroughflames
Out of the Mouths of Babes - springsdandelion
The Many and Varied Adventures of Young Fletcher Mellark - orphan_account
They Say It’s Your Birthday - oh_so_loverly         
Easter Tradition - Sagittaria_sagittifolia   
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?- titania522
Sunrise - youarebeingridiculous         
The Family Plan - JLaLa                          
If anyone knows of any more, please let us know!
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lesbianjad3 · 4 months
I don’t know about y’all but I want the new book to be haymitch telling the toast babies about the past or just his life and he gets caught up and tells them about the games
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alunaloverworld · 3 months
The Hunger Games fandom on Tumblr is wholesome. There are loads of fanarts and headcanons of the Everlak and Toastbabies and more books of the Hunger Games that Suzanne Collins is publishing are coming that the fandom is talking about.
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