#Trails Ships
asoulofatlantis · 2 years
You always say that you are a shipper and that ships are very important to you. So lets talk about that. I ask you for your top 5 moments/scenes of each of the following trails ships: Estelle and Joshua. Rean and Alisa. Elie and Lloyd. Cedric and Shirley. Millium and Jusis. Swin and Nadia. And I want an explanation of why every of those scenes is in which place (but maybe try to make it short)
(Me? Making it short? As if! XD)
Lets start with Estelle and Joshua.
Joshuas and Estelles reunion Sky 2
I don't really think I need to explain this one. There was something amazingly satisfying about the whole scene. First of all because we waited forever for this moment, but more so because of the fact that Joshua has acted like Estelle didn't mean that much to him anymore in the previous chapters, in fact, for a small moment it even looked like he was considering a future with Josette. So seeing that he still cared about her, that he still wanted to protect her, still loved her and that despite everything, nothing of his feelings for her has changed, was just... as I said before, so damn satisfying to watch.
2. Joshuas and Estelles reunion (part two) Sky 2 (Beach scene)
One might argue that that scene basically belong to the scene above, but I really think we should see them as separate scene, as this was basically the moment were Joshua has brought Estelle to safety and decided it was time to leave her again, just for her to  give him a piece of her mind and him ending up crying with her arms around him and then they FINALLY had a real true loves kiss and it was so... hach... magical. Shipping-Heaven and all. All was well again all of the sudden (after almost 6 chapters of pure utter suffering) in the World of Trails in the Sky ♥ (One might ask why that is not my most favorite scene, but the moment of screaming "FINALLY!" when Joshua came to save Estelle can not even be beaten by a kiss XD)
3. The painful love-confession Sky 1
Even tho the scene was somewhat bittersweet, I think the final scene between Joshua and Estelle in the first Trails in the Sky game was romantic in etwas very own way and deserves the third place in this list. After we started out with Joshua OBVIOUSLY being in love with Estelle and Estelle being as oblivious as Trails-Protagonists can be, it was so great to see her finally revealing her feeling to Joshua. And on the freaking rooftop of a damn castle. (Seriously, these guys have the best places for their best moments. I mean, how many people do get a sweet reunion kiss at a beach?) We also get a kiss in this scene, obviously, although that was the final nail in the "something is off here" - coffin, it was still kind of nice. How often do we get kisses that early on?
4. The scene were Joshua was supposed to kill Estelle Sky 2
Guys, the panic. The pure, absolute and utter panic you feel when you think of the fact that Joshua who FINALLY got reunited with his beloved sun, is about to kill her in a state where he has no control over himself and that when he gets back to his senses will have to face that he killed what he loved most in the world with his very own hands. But thank god the boy saw that one coming and suddenly, kneeling over Estelle, Sword on her throate and all (if you are into that kind of stuff, with no people around and all, that would have been the perfect moment to start making a smut out of this scene - and now you know my dirty secret XD), comes back to his senses and reveals that he knew that Weissmann would try to make him kill the love of his life and found a way not just around this, but also to break his stigma. The way the scene played out was really wholesome.
5. Joshua getting angry because Estelle was attacked Crossbell-Arc
I honestly can not remember the full scene or what exactly happened anymore - the Crossbell-Games are a blur to me mostly, to be honest - but wasn't it that Estelle was intervening in a fight and was attacked by Wald or so because he wasn't having her stopping him? In any case, what I do remember is how our dear, rational, calm and collected Joshua got pissed of because of that and I was like: Ah yes, the ship is still sailing quite well XD It seems like a rather small scene compared to the others, but after a while it was quite satisfying to see.
Honorable Mentions: Their link event (subtle but cute) and Cassius asking Joshua when he is going to marry Estelle in the Hajimari special - because for once in my life I did actually agree with Cassius damn Bright XD
Next is Elie and Lloyd and that is actually a hard one, because I can barely remember anything from the Crossbell-Saga. But I do try.
Their reunion-hug Hajimari
Most of you obviously saw that coming miles away but I loved their reunion in Hajimari. After waking up with Rixia in Crossbell, Elie is the first one Lloyd gets reunited with and its with a wonderful tender embrace and and absolut moment of blissful happiness for those two and I LOVED IT. (Doesn't have anything to do with them mirroring a certain scene in CS3 between Rean and Alisa that will definitely not at all get mentioned again here soon XD) Definitly the most heartfelt of Lloyds reunions and it speaks volumes how easily he falls into that hug and hugs Elie back with the tender voicedrop and all. Hach... being a shipper is great ♥
2. "I support you with my heart" (or something like that) Hajimari
Not so much after our sweet reunion we get Elie having some doubt because she couldn't protect KeA whom Lloyd loved so much and that she feels like some sort of mother figure towards. Well, true to his Trails-Protagonist-Status, he came to assure her that everything will be alright eventually, telling her what he thinks about the path she has chosen in life and ending up with her squeezing out of him that he supports her with his heart, while his hand was on her shoulders for like 5 minutes or so. Absolut gold and speaking volumes about the state of their relationship, even tho no one says it out loud.
3. The rooftop-scene (not sure if it was Zero or Ao tho...)
What would a Falcom-intended-ship be without a heartfelt talk while watching the nightsky? Lloyd and Elie have that one covered for sure and even tho I have my qualms with this scene and how Lloyds character kind of ruined it, it still was a really nice moment for shipper to see them have that kind of semi-romantic canon-moment.
4. The talk in the morning after (once again, no Idea if it was Ai or Zero)
So after some teasing from our dear Randy, Lloyd pointed out that he and Elie would never be a thing and while the scene was kind of ruining the shipping-vibe he and Elie gave at that point, it was still so damn hilarious to watch Lloyd digging himself a hole deeper than any Rean has ever been in while this whole time (and that is what still makes the scene somewhat worth being in here) he never claims he is not interested in her, in fact, he just thinks he is not worth her, actually hinting that he would be interested but feel like its useless because she deserves better than him. Laughing aside it also makes the scene kind of bittersweet.
5. Elie basically being the mother to KeA who sees Lloyd as some sort of father Zero & Ao
KeA was for me personally an absolut turning point for the Crossbell-Saga as she brought something to the SSS that it has been lacking before. As a shipper tho, the best thing KeA brought was the fact that after she basically chose Lloyd as her father figure, Elie was naturally taking on the position of a mother figure and it worked so well with Lloyd and it felt absolutely meant to be this way. Your ship kinda raising a child together is somehow a next level-happyness moment for me as a shipper, so it needed to be mentioned here.
Honorable mentions: The optional scenes: Elie and Lloyd going to that party together dressed all fancy, the almost kiss at the IBC and the heart to heart on the Mekaba.
Next are Swin and Nadia. (I am obviously not following the order, because I want to save the best for last XD) They didn't have that much screentime or shipping-scenes, despite being obviously intended to be a ship, so this will be even harder than Elie and Lloyd.
1. Swin pulling a Joshua on us Kuro 2
Probably no surprise to you that for Swin and Nadias best moment, I chose the moment were he jumped in to attack the fake Ace in favor of protecting Nadia after leaving her behind for so damn long. And of curse the hug that followed after it. After everything those two put me threw in a game that wasn't even their own I deserve a thousand more of those hugs I tell you. But for now, that one was more than satisfying for me as a starving shipper. Also, I kind of liked the idea that they more or less copied what Joshua did with his Stigma, to protect Estelle. Because it says a lot about the direction Swin and Nadias relationship is going in.
2. Nadia sleeping on Swins lap Hajimari (and Kuro flashback)
It was so freaking cute ♥ I mean, if you have read 3 and 9 (which you should) you already knew that Nadia can only properly sleep when she has Swin closeby, like... body-contact closeby works best, but seeing it firsthand was so damn cute. And I loved that when she woke up and called for Swin, who had been checking on things in the cockpit, he immediately returned to her. I mean, guys lets face it, was is cuter then character A laying resting with their head in character Bs lap?
3. Their reunion-hug Hajimari
The whole mess of Swin and Nadia as well as Rufus and Lapis being separated by whatever force has wonderfully shown how far our other groups have come in the meantime and how far Rufus team still has to go. However, the greatest part about it was Swins utter panic about not being able to protect Nadia and how Rean made sure to keep him calm until they could actually reunite and then, when they finally did have their reunion, Swin might have been surprised by the hug, but he certainly hasn't pushed Nadia away and the whole situation was all in all really cute. (Bonus points if you have noticed Reans silence after Swin said Nadia was like a sister to him - I felt like he was thinking the same thing that went through my head back then: "Yeah. Sure. Keep telling yourself that. God, this line is getting old at this point." XD)
4. Schoolfestival dance 2.0 Kuro 2
With the weird mix of Shizuna and Aaron and me not being sure about Feri and Quatre dancing together either, Swin and Nadia dancing too kind of made that scene a lot more enjoyable, especially since Nadia looked so happy. And dance-scenes certainly are an important part of any shippers greatest shipping-dreams and many ships will never ever get a dance scene (especially given how Van didn't dance with either Elaine or Agnes) so one must enjoy moments like these.
5. Riding on a motorbike together Kuro 2
Its once again really just a small moment, but I found it so cute to see Nadia hugging Swin from behind and enjoying it so much, while they were sitting on a bike together in the last Connect-Event with Van. Its small moments like these, for small ships like these that makes you happy.
Next is Millium and Jusis. They also don't have that many big moments, but they gathered a hand full of small moments over the cause of 5 games, so that should be doable.
Honorable mentions: Their introduction scene in Kuro 2s opening. Nadias reaction when it looked like Swin was stabbed in Kuro 2.
(By the way... how was I supposed to keep that short with so many ships? However, funny enough, Tumblr just told me the text is too long, so I have to make a separate post to answer the rest of the ask ^^‘)
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Because it is Mermay:
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Originally did this art for one of @radiance1 prompts/story ideas, which also gives an idea of colors so.
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somnimagus · 1 year
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My page for @destinytriofanzine! I drew something about kids always dreaming of far off places
[id in alt!]
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fistfuloflightning · 3 months
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princess-starscourge · 6 months
Obviously I want confirmed gay relationships in games but there’s also something special about the heavy subtext gays that I don’t wanna lose. Like we’ve built a community around it. We share in the screaming. We share in the pain and the confusion and the ecstasy. We share in the reactions over wildly fruity official arts. We share in the unhinged posts and the incoherent to everyone else but us explanations for why they’re canon.
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shadow0-1 · 5 months
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Along for the ride
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ahammz · 8 months
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stagnatedunicorn · 12 days
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Iceberg gets an assistant as per his promotion (laugh track plays)
(They’ve been colored by their hues, I swear iceberg isn’t just a mass of blue /lh -gears)
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5oz-mud · 9 months
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today we make niche art for just me myself and i . and then, we release it into the world like a helpless baby bird.
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judgmental-eyebrows · 3 months
my type of ship: a highly intelligent woman who is clearly In Charge and her half tamed boyfriend who glares at anyone who looks at her wrong.
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
Continue to answer the previous ask
Anonymous asked:
You always say that you are a shipper and that ships are very important to you. So lets talk about that. I ask you for your top 5 moments/scenes of each of the following trails ships: Estelle and Joshua. Rean and Alisa. Elie and Lloyd. Cedric and Shirley. Millium and Jusis. Swin and Nadia. And I want an explanation of why every of those scenes is in which place (but maybe try to make it short)
So once again, lets continue with Millium and Jusis
1. Millum gets resurrected CS4 Cold Steel 4 was hands down the game that awoke the most feelings in me (CS3 Ending aside...) and many of the emotional moments I experienced were connected to Millium and Jusis, but none of their scenes made me cry as much as when Millium was finally brought back to live. I loved how Jusis hesitated, because he was scared and how he gave a damn about anything or anyone else when she finally woke up and he went to hug her, basically crying. It was so wonderful ♥ 2. A not romantic romantic moment in the night of promises CS4 We have a brief moment in Mishelam with some of the boys that have gathered in CS4 in which they talk about the fact that the night of promises could be THE night (still laughing about the fact that it was Lloyd of all people who said it XD) and when people ask were Jusis is, he is obviously with Millium because it could be their last night together and while they (for multiple reasons) were, of course, keeping it PG6, they were still standing together at the most romantic spot Mishelam had to offer that night, looking at the sky and the light together. And despite Jusis denying any romantic background to that moment, there is no way in hell he didn't notice it too. This is, by the way, is also the place were Reans final bonding event plays out if you chose to have one, once again making sure you notice the importance of that spot. 3. Wait for me Hajimari Near the end of Hajimari, Jusis decided to save his “brother” and Millium had to stay behind, however, the way he told her to wait for him was absolutely adorable and those simple words did bring across so many things that, even tho it was a rather small moment, it still felt very important for the ship. I do believe we are finally past the sister-zoning with Jusis and that IS a damn big step. 4. Jusis inner Monologue CS3 The moment in dawned on me that Jusis in Millium were intended to be meant to be romantic was the moment in Cold Steel 3, when we see them reunite on screen, Millium-special-hug and cake included (XD) and Jusis sits next to Millium on the Sofa and suddenly has an inner monologue about how he doesn’t care that she is artificially created and all that and was looking at her so fondly while doing it. There was something really special about that moment. It gave the ship some footing that just wasn’t there in the previous games, even tho one can not deny that it was always hinted that Jusis and Millium would share some sort of special bond. 5. You know you want to (or something like that) CS2 If you bring Millium along in Cold Steel 2, when you reunite with Jusis after putting up with his bullshit, she tries to hug him but he is already very god at dodging her. However, Millium tells him that she she knows he knows he actually wants to hug her and later on even added something along the lines of that her arm would always be open for him or something. And although Jusis did not react to it much, it was absolutely adorable to see their dynamic being actually already this strong as early as the beginning of Cold Steel 2.
Honorable mentions: Their freaking link-event in Hajimari. Oh god. BEST LINK EVENT EVER! (And saying this as a Rean and Alisa Shipper says A LOT) I love it so much. When I played Hajimari with the Spreadsheet I put Jusis and Millium in my Team all the time just to get my hands on this link event all the freaking time ♥
Soooo... now we get to the fun part. Its time for Shirley and Cedric. Tho they do not have that many scenes together, so that will still be hard.
1. Making sure he is okay CS4 Watching the whole of CS4, Shirley and Cedrics relationship doesn’t really look like anything good at first glance. I knew how this would end, because I had seen the infamous “The wargod? You want to introduce me to him as your...” - scene and we all know why that sentence was put there. Seeing them together for the first time made my question which idiot fought hinting this ship was a good idea. However, after watching Cedrics final Diving Knight fight and everything involved in it, I absolutely changed my mind (Its Hopurai all over again in a weird way XD) and that is because the scenes surrounding it perfectly show how Shirley went from borderline insane to almost too calm in the span of less than two months, just to make sure Cedric is okay. The whole scene, her “Yeah, yeah”, when he gave his “I will win and all” - speech, her standing there smiling, while class 7 got Cedric out of his curse-stupor and jumping in when it was finally time to make him realise that he can’t blame this whole mess solely on the curse but has to accept his own faults and weaknesses, her giving him her power even tho she likely knew that he would lose and actually very likely wanted him to lose, Shirley sibling-zoning Cedric and finally ending up collapsed out of exhaustion on top of him, smiling contently. It all was just pure shipping-gold in a weirdly satisfying and eye-opening way. I love it ♥ 2. Show me just how far you’ve come Hajimari As a Shirley and Cedric shipper, one must love Cedrics special Episode in Hajmari. Because if you watch closely enough, the whole episode characters constantly point out the lengths Shirley is willing to go to get Cedric were he needed to be. Staring with the enhances Jaegers pointing out that she is much harsher in the way she trains him, then she is with anyone else, her dealing with the shady Ouroboros Professor to get Cedric the Archaiism he needs as a support, that only work tho if he knows what to do with it, the Red Constellation pointing out that Cedirc is worth being under Shirleys watch (basically establishing them respecting him and the time Shirley put into his training) and Gareth immediately wanting to jump in when it looked like Gilbert was about to hurt Cedric. All that was supposed to show his worth to Shirley in one way or another, while it also showed that she knew him well enough to know that his doubts could be swayed by this kind of survival training - it could have killed him, but she knew he could handle it. Also, the way she looked at him when she finally told him to show her how far he has come in the fight against Gilbert. It was just... subtle shipping-hints everywhere and I enjoyed it far more than I ever expected. 3. Ouch, he is going to sulk on that one for weeks CS4 Aside from the fact that it looked like Shirley was looking at him on the screen (possibly an indication she was standing next to him, but we could argue about the whole “looking in someone's direction on the large screens makes no sense” for hours, without fully getting it, so lets leave that topic aside), there was not much interaction between Shirley and Cedric at the attack on the pantagruel, however... when Cedric leaves after getting scolded by Osborne and Rufus, Shirley indicates (among other things that are indicated by that sole line alone) that she will be by his side, with her “Ouch, he is going to sulk on that one for weeks” as it basically says that she is the one who is going to deal with his sulking or why would she care otherwise? This was one of those moments that are a thing with Shirleys and Cedrics ships. Subtle offhand commands that don’t really seem important usually give us some informations about those two and their relationship. 4. Princeyboy CS4 The Orlando-Family has a tendency to give nicknames, especially to people they find cute or have a special relationship to. And they do not care about pride or anything. After all, Shirleys nickname for Randolph, is Doplhy, despite the fact that he once was called the freaking red reaper. In any case, I said it before, that Shirley calling Cedric Princeyboy is actually a mockery. However, the fact that she did give him a nickname, still indicates a special role he has in her life. And I honestly loved it a lot to hear her say it XD In Hajimari, as far as the Spreadsheet goes, she stopped calling him Princeyboy and I can tell you, that I will totally miss it and hope that every now and then she will still use that one for mockery or when she feels playful around him. I don’t know why but despite the obvious mockery behind it (after all, its not just her mocking his title, she also calls him a “boy” for a reason that is likely his lack of maturity and maybe also because of the babyface XD) I also find it somehow cute. In any case, it does mark him as special for her and that makes it good enough for me as a shipper who has to deal with such a “read between the lines” ship as them. 5. Not my type CS3 And while we are at it, the moment at the end of CS3 where Shirley points out, totally out of nowhere, that Cedric is not her type and which, funny enough, is the scene that started that ship, still holds a special place in my heart. It was just so... out of place back then. When she said that I was literally like: “And you have the need to mention that now why exactly?” She said it out loud. No inner monologue or anything, like she needed to convince herself of it. Much later, at the end of CS4, it finally made sense. It finally was revealed that this was THE MOMENT where she decided she needed to make sure he is okay, because she noticed that something was off with him. It will probably always be a special moment for me, because of were it lead to.
(That was actually hard, you know. I hope they really do come back in Kuro 3 and have at least some shippy stuff to do, so that the list can get a bit more interesting ^^’)
And now... the most important of them all. Its finally Reans and Alisas turn. For them we have a whole list of scenes and moments to decide from.
1. The Reunion-hug CS3 Yes. You saw that one coming too, if course. The reunion of Rean and Alisa in the second chapter of Cold Steel 3 was hands down my favorite Rean and Alisa moment. This scene was absolut gold. The moment of Alisa dealing with her emotions after finally seeing Rean again and then just giving in to the urge to hug him and almost running him over in the process. Rean being suprised at first, but then absolute falling into the hug, hugging her back, dropping his voice, burying his lips in her hair.... AHHHH! I LOVE THAT SCENE SO MUCH! ♥ The fact that Sharon had to say something that would embarrassed Alisa enough to get those two out of their very own world. This scene is just pure gold. (Bonus points for Rean later on not being able to deny that he was totally overwhelmed by Alisas beauty XD) 2. A Total of 4 Kisses, 5 hugs and 2 dances! The whole Cold Steel Saga Why just take one moment per number? Lets take them all! The best way to show how strong that ship is, is by adding the Numbers. Rean and Alisa kiss for the first and second time as early as CS2, if you chose her as your partner that is. But why wouldn’t you? (XD I am aware of the many haters, but leave me in my dreamworld here.) The third kiss (once again, Alisa is the only one getting a kiss) is in Cold Steel 3, optional, yes, but still there. The last but most important kiss is at the night of promises in Cold Steel 4 in Reans Final bonding event. No one else gets that many kisses. Rean and Alisa share 5 freaking hugs over the curse of the saga and while some of them are bonding events-only (or if you have chosen Alisa in your final bonding event) two 3 of them are canon. Which are the reunion hug in CS2, the one in CS3 and the belated reunion-hug in CS4. Canon, guys. You will get them, if you like it or not. Falcom gives a damn about who you want as your final bonding-partner. Achem. If you chose Alisa in your CS1 final bonding event as your dance partner she will also be the only one of old Class7 who gets two dances over the curse of the game, because she is the ONLY old class 7 girl that Rean canonically dances with at the ball in CS3. (Also, I have to say it, try to watch the hug between Rean and Laura and Rean and Alisa and compare them and tell me Alisas reunion hug is not more intimate and tender then Lauras.) 3. Sitting in Reans lap CS2 In Reans and Alisas third Bonding-Event in CS2, she asks Rean if she can see the inside of Valimar and he transportes both her and Rean into it. And while we see much later with Celine that it isn’t impossible to position another Human in a different positon, Valimar choses to put Alisa right in Reans lap for that bonding event (I wonder if he did that with Dreichels and Lianne too XD) and Rean was surely not about to complain about it. It was adorable to see them have that moment of romantic staring into each other eyes and all that ♥ 4. The whole Breakup-issue CS4 Now you might ask: What the hell is wrong with you?! But let me explain! Do you even know that Rean and Alisas relationship is special already because of that breakup? Think about it. The first kiss Rean shared with people like Laura was in the same game, he and Alisa were already at a point in their relationship were they could break up. That is how far ahead of the others they were. Also, while the girls kissing Rean and confessing to him hardly had any big impact on them when the game continued, Reans and Alisas breakup was intentionally made to hurt you until it was fixed. If you play your cards right, Rean and Alisas link event in CS4 will start out to be hand holding, just to, after the breakup, go to an absolutely unbearably awkward scene that only returns back to hand holding shortly before the second bonding event. And its not just the link event that is awkward. These two are constantly sad and walking on eggshells when talking to and with each other and react very defeated whenever someone wants to tease them as a ship. As a shipper, it was painful to watch. However, something very special about Reans and Alisas Bonding events is how Rean is the one perusing here. In the other bonding events, the girls are like: “Here I love you, but you don’t have to say anything” and he actually doesn’t really say much about it until the final bonding event. However, with Alisa, Rean is the one pushing things, telling her that he sees them having a bright future together and all, even being the one who comes running to the final bonding event. All this pain ended up being well worth it, because at the end of the day, it established Alisa as Reans favorite and that is all that really matters to me. (Bonus because Alisa is the one of class 7 who breaks down when Rean dies and even gets comforted by Emma, regardless of the fact that you might actually date Emma.) 5. Rean favoring Alisa when he mentioned class7 Hajimari Rean and Alisa have been seperated though almost all of Hajimari as Alisa was stuck in Crossbell. However, Alisas name was constantly on his lips. Often the only name on his lips in fact, even tho Machias, Sharon and even Towa were stuck there too. It was always “Alisa and the others” and she was the one he greeted first when finally reunited. Also, I have to mention the scene on the phone. So, after finding out what happened in Crossbell, we see Rean on the phone, trying to call someone, but not reaching anyone, but he doesn’t say anything about it at first. However, shortly after, he is supposed to call Crow because of the C issue, shortly after he can not reach him he only has one thing to say: “I can not reach Alisa either.” not his colleauge Towa and not his friend Machias, just Alisa. It was quite amusing, because he kept only mentioning Alisa until they got reunited. AND in his special Episode, were Rean meets Shizuna, its mentioned that he wants to buy gifts for everyone but for old Class 7 it is once again just “Alisa and the others”, because Rean has priorities. And I love it ♥
You might be wondering why I mostly didn’t chose specefic scenes, like the Nightsky scene in Nord, but I feel that these things are so much more impactful.
Honorable mentions: Synchronized reactions in Hajmari. Alisa screaming Rean all the time. Their picture perfect first meeting. “Irina? She has raised a wonderful daughter.”
So I am finally done. This was really fun and all, but next time, one top 5 or top 10 for all ships would be plenty XD
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sukibenders · 13 days
Aegon, Aemond, Helaena, and Daeron looking at Alicent after she washes her hands of a war, that she (and Otto) dragged them into, and the throne, that she (and Otto) forced them to grasp/fight over even though they obviously didn't want it, and goes off to live her best life while they are all still stuck in a cycle forced on to them without their input (obviously this is about the s2 final):
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#anti hotd#like....what were they doing with alicent in s2? like-#in s1 they had great foundation for pushing her character and her belief as to why her children would be under threat from just existing#(even if u like rhae- understandable- it's not hard to take a step back & understand some of ali's pov#especially when daemon comes into the picture)#there's buildup for why she's forcing this on to her kids (murky but still) & still shows that she loves them in a complex way#heck there was even room to show her after all this also wanting to be close to the throne trailing into s2 whatever#but then s2 shits on that by making everything that happened in s1 hold no weight & ali (& otto) basically ruin their kids lives#like i like alicent but s2 makes no sense characterwise & makes her just...a bad character overall#like ive always felt bad for her kids bc ali was wrong a lot of times but u understand it bc toxic/complex family relationships where the#love is still there but it's complicated#but now post s2? i feel sorry bc their mother pushed them down a path and then left them to live her life?#HUH!?#fanfic writers save me!#aegon ii targaryen#aemond targaryen#heleana targaryen#daeron targaryen#alicent hightower#kind of...anti alicent hightower too?#hotd showrunners really ruined this family & it frustrates me so bad#dni if you can't have a collected conversation about this#like “sorry sweeties mommy wants to makes amends with her childhood crush so rip!”#(& this is from someone who ships rhaenicent)
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muffyrock · 3 months
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Here are my works for the @hxhbigbang24 event!
I’m so happy I got to illustrate @i-heart-hxh’s killugon fic “Star Trails.” I highly recommend checking it out, it’s as sweet as cotton candy. I loved your domino metaphor btw shdjakdbsl
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ponira24 · 9 months
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Magical stargazer
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
expand on your marc/bezz thoughts please callie i want to hear everythinggggg
what a fucking. a/b/o ass podium. truly insane dynamics on display on all fronts UMMMM. so. the only. scenario where i can see anything like this happening in marc’s crazy little hot girl mind. is if he is triangulating his desire for vale through his little protege. like the thesis of this is. alpha bezz juuuuuuust understanding his sexuality here confronted with. the wettest happiest neediest omega the world has ever seen. anyways under the cut she got. LONG ♥️
so. BASICALLY. in my mind palace marc was on heat suppressants off the shits for yearrrrrs until his arm kind of made him go cold turkey because they interfered with his pain meds (giving up control over his heats ANOTHER thing marc hates so bad about it all) and vale shows up in the paddock for the first time since marc left the murderbike to a place where marc is FINALLYYYY catching a whiff of happiness after four miserable years (portimao alsooooo compelling, but marc is now like, EYE think a lot less anxious on the bike) and marc’s biological clock decides he’s safe, realizes his alpha is in proximity (wind changes and his knees feel like jelly), and goes off like five alarm claxon sirens like YOUR DICK APPOINTMENT HAS ARRIVEDDDD. truly marc smells insane he LOOKS insane the wet patches on the racetrack on saturday where allegedly from rain but NEVER rule out that they were actually a result of marc marquez’s wap
but despite every alpha in the paddock being like IS THAT ALLOWED?? marc is like. he is stillllll learning to respect his body still yearning to put everything on the line for another taste of that top step JUST got to a place where he feels like hes adapting to the bike and gaining confidence. he literally got POLE in the SPANISHHH GRAND PRIX, thats an insane carrot on a stick for our little guy who is so wrong in the head <3 and marc has always been a guy who needs to contextualize his suffering as a narrative arc to cope with it all so hes veryyyyyy aware of the sway a weekend like this can have in terms of his confidence! AND his career! and when he crashes in the sprint he looks at his hands and SERIOUSLY considers not going for it (allllll of the injury stuff. again it’s JEREZ. and the body keeps the SCORE !!) but it’s marc and its spainnnnnn, so he spends the night before the race going through his first heat since he was 15 ALONE and feeling absolutely out of his fucking MIND. (valentino rossi inside the same square mile or so as him and he wants to pick up the phone and call him so bad he wants 2 CRY. three fingers deep in himself one of vale's hoodies from 2014 spread out on the bed and it’s not enoughhhh). but the night passes. and its sunday and he's not 100% out of it but! hes insane in the pussy and he actually feels a bit clearer. still smells crazy but less shaky and ALWAYS determined. so he races!!!
AND BEZZ. oh boy. synthesizing the thoughts of many scholars on this topic. bezz is somewhat newly single VERY newly aware of his sexuality AND the kind of alpha that sees a hot omega who is CLEARLY in heat without a partner and feels crazy. dogboy 9000%. what do you MEAN no one is taking care of him?? jennifer lawrence voice. what do you mean. what do you meannnnnn. a service top realizing no one is SERVICING marc and as such becoming wildly horny AND itchy under the collar without being able to name exactly why. base instincts are going CRAZY while pecco is politely ignoring it all.
so bez is out of his head but just barelyyyy realizing it. mostly just kind of knows that he wants marc 2 pay attention to him so bad. soso bad. clumsy a little embarrassing. truly WATCH the cooldown room video bezz is constantly asking marc little questions and touching him and trying to get him into the conversation (staring at marc waiting for him to talk and marc does not!) like bezz is going right through pecco (his homoerotic bestie of OUR fiance and straddling in parc ferme fame) to BLAST marc in the face on the podium. he is specifically going to HIM to clink champagne bottles. he is staring at marc in the press conference giving him the up and down like a horny psycho. he is complimenting his riding and licking his lips and touching marc's waist and tracing his lil finger over the part of marc that USED TO BE HURT with the careful tenderness of someone MUCH more familiar with marc than he is lmao. truly. cunt struck. scenting him off IMPOLITELY. friendship ENDED with heterosexuality marc marquez's ass is now my hypothetical best friend. if no one will top him then EYE WILL. behavior!!!
but marc is ATTEMPTING to nobly IGNORE this... aware he's in heat (its burned off a bit, for the time being, after the adrenaline of the race... mellowed out to edgy horniness...) and aware bezz is an alpha and he can SMELL how interested he is and. well the attention is interesting and feels good and the base part of his stomach that likes feeling hot enjoys the way bezz smell is tugging at him BUTTT he's taken!! like not really but he ISSSSS!! so hes ignoring bezz keeping his eyes determinedly on that screen watching the overtake he tried on pecco... but the paddock is tiny and after the race marc decides to go out and celebrate and. hes horny and happy and a lil bit keyed up from vale being there and. as fate would have it. he lands at the same bar that the academy crew is rolling at. and bezz is there and. he comes up to marc. and sort of. clumsily tries to talk to him. buy him a drink. and hes young and hes charming and marc is going to cut him loose as gracefully as he can and fuck off to ride out the rest of his heat in peace but. bezz cracks a joke in his lilting italian accent (marc has a FETISHHH) and marc barks out a jajajaja cackle before he can help it (everyone. says one of the ways bezz is most like vale is his HUMORRR)... and marc is DRUNK and bezz is SWEET and TOUCHING HIM and he smells GOOD and also. when marc closes his eyes he can catch a whiff of VALE on bezz's SKIN... and it curls into his chest and makes something in his heat addled brain settle in a way he's been craving all weekend... lighting him up and holding him down in a way that clutching onto that hoody that doesnt smell like vale anymore three fingers deep in himself didnt... and its justtttt enough to let bezz take him home....
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whiteladyofithilien · 8 months
I think my main reason for shipping Caranthir and Haleth is because we need at least one inter-race Tolkien couple where the human is a woman. Like all three canon human-elven pairings it's always the fabulous fae elven beauty and the heroic dude and I'm like... What about a mighty elf-lord and his badass human lady? Hmm? I need this to be a thing and Haleth/Caranthir is the only ship I know of that has that dynamic going for it plus of the middle three sons of Feanor Caranthir is the only one NOT part of the attacks on Luthien... therefore he's the best of those 3
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