#Tristan Sinclair
murasaki-cha · 9 months
Just 4 queers all in the same place
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
So let me get this straight (PH mid s3 finale spoilers)
The whole freaking operation was a decoy
March was revealed to be a traitor and died before i could digest that fact (even if it was foreshadowed i was still </3)
Lauren is abducted by one of the circus member during a ptsd breakdown (on whose orders? Redcliff’s? the Leader’s? the Royals’?)
Viscount Redcliff currently sides with the Royals? The Phantom Scythe? Both? None? U n c l e a r
Bella hardcore believes that Kieran killed Neyra (T_T)
Kym and Will are thankfully okay, but Will still hasn’t confronted his dad about the murder of his sister-in-law, leading to his brother becoming a PS member ._.
we now know that Kieran was abducted because they mistook him for another kid they wanted to use to blackmail someone so 1) who was Kieran mistaken for? and 2) who was the other kid who was abducted and made into a slave along with him?
all that to say I still am unsure about whether Dylan died or not at Allendale lmao
Lauren’s parents used to be Apostles I and II and other Apostles have pointed out that it’s weird Lauren is still alive. So considering that March was a traitor, it means we’re slowly getting more and more hints that Dakan is likely the Leader of the PS (are Lauren’s parents the ones who sold the Snapdragon to the Royals, leading to their massacre, which is why he had them killed?)
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PS 1: can i just say i love the Queen as an antagonist who totally has the balls to show up in her own carriage to abduct and torture nobles who plot against her ?
PS 2: can i also say i love Dakan as the Leader, because privileged gay man fed up with the royalist system and leading an entire rebellion, first as a pacifist then as a terrorist after almost all his comrades were assassinated by the monarchy? hell yeah my man! (the representation in this series is so good)
PS 3: still waiting for an explanation about the fact that the prophetess/seer from the circus was completely right so far? what am i missing here? is she an Apostle (likely)? or does she have precog power (unlikely)?
Last PS: an out-in-the-open alliance between Lauren, Kieran, Bella, Neyra, Kym, Will (+ Lukas, Rafael and Tristan?) when?
lmao please read Purple Hyacinth. I’m in for a reread myself, there’re just too many clues I’m probably missing. 
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monica-tailor · 19 hours
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My humble contribution to this year's Dakistan week, a fae king wedding AU inspired by @weemiss-noone's galaxy brain ideas + this post by @samijey (who may or may not be pleased that their post led to this work of art from a totally random fandom they probably didn't even know exists XD)
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rena-rubel · 1 year
You know what?
I think Tristan is the leader.
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prplhycnth · 2 years
Ok so.
I think Dakan will betray Lauren and or Tristan will die. Hear me out
I don’t know how popular this theory is, it could be the general consensus people have drawn already but idk cause I literally never write theories.
Alright so I’m chapter 119 Dakan tell Tristan Lauren made croissants with the made, normal enough. But then Lauren says later to Kieran that her made woke her up, implying she was sleeping before coming. I’m guessing something sus is happening with the croissants, drugging, poison or something else idk.
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There’s also another thing. It’s smaller though
In ep 82 she has a flash back to the fortune teller warning her about traitors being close to her. In the flashes Lauren has, Dakans the only person smiling. Again, I could be reading too much into things but I’m paranoid of every supporting character at this point.
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I feel there’s probably more tidbits of evidence I could find but my memory sucks so I’m too lazy to find it.
From a plot perspective I’m not sure it makes much sense for dakan to betray them though, but maybe I’m biased cause I really like his and Tristan’s relationship. He could be part of the PS somehow, but he seemed surprised when Lauren told them her parents were part of the PS (then again it could have been acting.) the royals seem to suspect him too, and they were rightly suspicious about Redcliff so maybe they could be right again. Who knows. (By that logic Tristan would be part of PS too but idk anymore)
Authors note
Honestly this is more of a collection of thoughts than an actual theory but here we are. If you have any other thoughts or ideas send em in please I love this WEBTOON so much I could write abt it for agessss. Imma open my ask box I thinkkk feel free to write things.
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zayadriancas · 7 months
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“If you’re gonna make mistakes this is a great place to do it, as long as you learn from them.”
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sims-creations · 9 months
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[tristan] “a little head-ups would’ve been cool, you know?! I got a lot going on as it is! but here you are, just making vacation-plans out of the blue!”
[hayley] “and here I thought you’d be happy if she stays a couple of days with you. I guess I should be sorry for assuming?!”
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leaphia · 10 months
Alright, so mabye I'm not done asking questions, what about it?!? So for Tristan 11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? For Astrid 12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? and since I can't be chill about him 15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? and 18. What embarrasses them? for Aaron
Oh, are you challenging me?! Huh?!? Come at me!! *cracks knuckles* Ouch… jk thank you a lot!! And I can't be chill about Aaron either, I even started doodling something while thinking about his answers...
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... I love hate him. *still continues to draw him* ANYWAYS, OC QUESTIONS:
Tristan - How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
He pretends he understands everything during conversation until he can try to figure it out himself. He's bad at hiding it, so you can clearly see on his face that he doesn’t understand xD So people ask him something like “You got that?” - “Actually, no.”
If it’s something like a spell or something he’s confused about, he does some research in the books he owns (he might not look like it but he enjoys reading and owns a lot of books)
Astrid - How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
She grabs anything within her reach, which could be useful, trying hard to reach the spot until she loses balance and falls over xD If her best friend Emilia or Orpheus are around she just asks them for help
Aaron - How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
OH that’s a good one!! I'm going to first answer on how he speaks: He speaks in a very calm, charming way and likes to stay polite most of the time, since that’s what his family taught him. (Except when he’s really angry and threatens you, but to make him lose his temper you need to piss him off really hard) He’s very manipulative, so almost everything he says is thought through and with ulterior motives (he doesn’t have to think for too long tho, he’s rather intelligent) He also uses a good amount of wit and sarcasm, which mostly is thought of on the spot.
Fun fact: Sometimes he does rehearse villainous speeches he can say to Shelter/Sookie. He tells them to his cat first tho xD
What embarrasses him?
He likes to be in control (of things, people around him, anything) so what embarrasses him is if he would lose this control. When someone overpowers him and lets him get on his knees to bow his head (for example) Although that’s a mix of anger and embarrassment actually, because around his father back then, he's never really been in control… OH also, if someone shows some kind of affection to him. He is not used to it, so if someone would give him a hug or something he would be confused and embarrassed at once xD
[OC Questions from here :>]
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degrassi-ship-war · 1 year
Degrassi Ship War: Round 2B
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
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I didn't know Dakan called Tristan 'My dear'!!! THE SEXIEST OF PET NAMES!!!
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mikeyss1ut · 2 years
(I write smut but very vague ! Mostly fluff)
Rules for requests
Get to know writer
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Original scream:
(Any other characters just ask I probably will)
Scream 2:
(Any scream two character I didn’t really have any I didn’t like)
Scream 3:
(Anyone again no characters I didn’t like)
Scream 4:
(That’s all I didn’t like this movie except for Jill and sidney I don’t care what y’all think I didn’t like this scream)
Scream 5:
Judy (milf power)
Gale( gilf power)
(Just kidding she’s still a milf)
Sidney( extra milf power)
Scream vi(6):
Ethan Landry
And everyone in scream 5 cast as well.
Max mayfield
El hopper
Nancy wheeler
Robin Buckley
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair (blurbs only or related like siblings)
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Will byers
Mike wheeler
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Rue bennet
Jules Vaughn
Nate Jacobs
Kat hernedez
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie bennet
Caroline Forbes
Hope Mikealson
Hayley Marshall
Lizzie saltzman
Josie saltzman
Rebekah mikealson
Freya mikealson
Klaus mikealson
Stefan Salvatore
(I mostly write for girls in tvd world because there’s not many men I enjoyed in tvd😭)
Wednesday Addams
Tyler galpin
Enid Sinclair
I’ll also do the ship things were I ship you with a character if you tell me about your self. You can do preference boy or girl:) just tell me which scream movie you want. If you want one character from each movie I’ll do that to and if you want me to pick a random character I think you would go good with also let me know!
Other horror movies:
Nancy Thompson (nightmare on elm street)
Any IT remake character (not penny wise unless you really want him.)
Jennifer check ( Jennifer’s body)
Taylor swift
Tristan dugray
Rory Gilmore
Kate bishop
America Chavez
Effy stonem
Tracy freeland
Evie Zamora
Wednesday adams(show version)
Endid Sinclair (show version)
Wanda maximoff
Natasha romanoff
Violet Harmon
Michael Myers
Peter Parker (any)
maxon schreave
Sarah Cameron
Kiera carrea
Rafe Cameron
John b routlouage
Jj maybank
Thomas (maze runner)
Marcus Lopez
Sam Fraser
Deena Johnson
Ziggy berman + Cindy berman
Lexi cross
The outsiders:
Dally Winston
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Darry Curtis
(I’ll add to this list later my brains dead I made this while doing homework)
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karmaalwayswins · 10 months
The Beths perform "Not Running" live at WFUV in 2019.
Video Credit: WFUV Public Radio
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rhetoricalrogue · 1 year
Find the Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @evilbunnyking to find trace, touch, kiss, and laugh in my WiPs.
Trace and touch, from an Astrid/Adam snippet that's still being picked on:
Cool fingers traced along the edge of her scar, causing gooseflesh in their wake. "How old were you when this happened?"
She watched as his hand reached the deeper marks along her ankle where the scarring went deeper. "Nineteen." Astrid settled further against the sofa, trying her best to act unaffected by his touch. She knew she wasn't doing a good job either, but he had the grace not to say anything. "Nineteen with the entire world ahead of me, before some guy t-boned my coach's car."
"I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's okay. We were lucky to make it out of that crash without being hurt worse. I don't know how lucrative a career in professional fencing would have been and you only get to go to the Olympics once every four years." She wiggled her toes. "It would have been nice to have been able to go to the one I qualified for instead of healing up from surgery, though."
Kiss, from some vague Elena/Arturo feelings that are still percolating in the noggin:
"Doctor Martinez."
Elena saluted her co-worker with her chipped coffee mug before setting it down to grab a clipboard with her daily rounds. "Doctor Jimenez. Cold enough for you this morning?"
He gave a quick look around the infirmary tent to make sure there weren't any eyes on them before moving close. "It sure was." Reaching out, he took her mug and drank from it, making sure to press his lips to the place hers had been. It wasn't exactly a kiss, but for two people trying to fly under the radar to avoid the no fraternization rule, it would have to do. "The other side of the cot was cold without you."
Laugh, from a Lilian + Tristan + Sunny beach day idea that's been keeping me company this week:
"He's barely fifteen months old," Lilian protested. "I don't think he's going to be swimming laps any time soon."
"Hey, it's never too early to teach him! I was just a little'un myself when the priestesses taught me to swim in the lake behind the temple."
Lilian smiled as Tristan's babyish shrieks of laugher filled the air, the barest bubbles of surf rushing over his feet as she held him upright, wet sand scrunching between his toes. "Give him a year or so, then you can take him out to swim to your heart's content. Until then," she picked her son up in her arms and pressed a smacking kiss against his sun-warmed cheek. "There's a picnic lunch to be eaten and naps in the shade to be had."
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stevenvenn · 1 year
The Beths - Tiny Desk Concert Have you seen the charming Beths from New Zealand’s Tiny Desk Concert? So great. I love how Liz Stokes’ kiwi accent comes through on the songs. One of best bands out there today. Incredible songs and musicianship.  Worth your time.
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sims-creations · 9 months
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[tristan confused] “would you mind telling me what’s that all about...?!”
when he received an unexpected text from hayley this morning, he was shortly on his way over to her house. from what he understood, she was either leaving with or without their daughter. right now he wasn’t sure what option he’d prefer.
[hayley annoyed] “dude, it’s about time you’re here! I texted you at least two hours ago. we’re going to mt. komorebi for the weekend - hence the suitcases.”
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leaphia · 10 months
uh uh uh OC questions!! hehehe yesss >:] For Sookie 30. Who do they most regret meeting? For Aaron 21. Why do they get up in the morning? For Noah 27. What causes them to feel dread? For Tristan 28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? And for Astrid 34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? And for you of course (and any or all of them) H) What trait of theirs do you admire most? :>
Waaaaah thank you so much for all the questions! ;v; <3
This will be quite long omg
Sookie - Who do they most regret meeting?
Aside from like half her classmates back in high school, who were bullying her for being "the weird comic book geek" I'd say… Aaron. He's not only the type of villain who embodies everything she hates (arrogance, possessiveness, narcissism, etc.) after their first encounter he wouldn't leave her alone anymore. He's planning any kind of evil schemes to lure her into a trap, to catch her attention and to eventually "make her his", as he developed a crush on her. And Sookie gets incredibly mad and annoyed by him, as the only one she really loves is Noah…
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Aaron - Why do they get up in the morning?
There was a time when the only thing that would get him out of bed were his inventions and robots, he could tinker on. Now he has other reasons like his cat Giselle, who he wants to care for. (He loves her very much <3) And (as weirdly as this sounds looking at the previous question) another reason would be Shelter/Sookie and their encounters. It's the only thing that really excites him and lets him forget about his "boring" life. (As already mentioned, he has a crush on her and since he never felt like this to anyone before he wants to... "explore" these feelings.)
Noah - What causes them to feel dread?
There isn't much that Noah is scared of… except Spiders. If he has to fight a bunch of giant spiders I guess he would die of fear immediately xD But what would cause him to feel real dread is if Sookie or any other of his loved ones (his mother, his best friend) would be in danger, something that could threaten their life and he wouldn't be able to save them.
Tristan - Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
No. He hates if somebody lies to him. And he rather wants to know the cruel reality than being under an illusion. (That doesn't mean that he hasn't lied himself before, he actually did lie to others if it was necessary xD)
Astrid - How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
It's really really hard for her. If it's something grave she feels guilty for, she would lie awake at night, thinking about it and how she could make up for it. (the first night after she started working together with Tristan - a criminal in her eyes back then - she didn't sleep a wink)
What trait of theirs do you admire most?
Sookie - her kindness and will to help. She tries to see good in everyone. :>
Noah - his sarcasm xD And I think his tolerance and acceptance towards any kind of people? He puts others needs first instead of his own, for example he also accepts Sookie's boundaries and loves her for who she is <3
Aaron - His confidence. Even though some family issues and other bad sh*t that happened to him, he knows that he's of worth.
Tristan - Everything. Uhhh I think his patience. He can stay quite calm in stressful situations most of the time. ovo (Which is funny because contrary to his fire-magic-powers, he's not impatient or aggressive xD)
Astrid - Her determination. When she sets her mind on doing something, there's nothing that can stop her.
[OC Questions from here :>]
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