#Trust me. I got a source. XD
piko-power · 8 months
On a scale from one to ten, how much of a blueberry muffin is Sonic Wachowski?
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According to my calculations... Hmmmmmmm...
20 out of 10. That is my official analysis.
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fantomette22 · 2 years
« Gaslight, Gatekeep and Girlboss » but it’s basically Patches, Gatekeeper and Dores at Byrgenwerth XD
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krysmcscience · 10 days
Did somebody say Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear? I think somebody said Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear. Thanks to that, have these retooled The Good Place jokes:
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The "powers that be" can refer to either the Theraprism staff, the Axolotl, or just. Ya know. Disney in general. Or all three! Whichever you think is funniest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The "party" Bill's referring to is Weirdmageddon, of course. He was quite the ashhole to everyone back then.
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Ford has probably gotten pretty good at the 'tune out your psychopathic ex with dank memes' challenge.
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It must be very cathartic to be able to make Bill shut up whenever you want with just the press of a button. I'm sure Ford doesn't abuse this ability at all.
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Oh, sure, 'Not now,' he says, before he immediately backs out of the newly-made hole in the Theraprism wall. 🙄
Don't worry, Bill doesn't get far.
also yeah i know this one doesn't have an attempted swear - i just wanted to use the joke because of the massive stink-eye involved in it because it makes me laugh
⬇️ More goofs beneath the brief ramble if you wanna skip it lmao⬇️
Why is Ford even there, you might ask? Well, he either decided he preferred to watch Bill suffer in person over being distantly and repeatedly harassed with the same evil desperation book for the rest of his life, or he got roped into some kind of contrived community service for 1.) all his many counts of interdimensional thievery, and 2.) his ignoring all the very clear warnings to NOT summon Bill in the first place (which I like to imagine is also illegal). Theraprism staff were just like, 'Wait, this guy matters to Bill? Ooh, we can USE that! It might be the only thing that can help him want to get better!' It is not considered that throwing Ford at Bill so soon after Weirdmageddon could instead make them both WORSE - in new and altogether special ways! :D
Anyway, I'm calling it the Community Service AU, and I am most likely not going to do anything else with it beyond appropriating these silly Good Place jokes. So, feel free to adopt the concept if y'all wanna??? Just make sure that Bill is still not allowed to swear, no matter what, full stop. It's gotta be a real linguistic corkblork of a situation for him, is all I'm sayin'.
Finally, have these bonus Good Place jokes, but with Handyman!Bill this time:
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'Opposite tortures' doesn't sound so bad...at least until it's an all-powerful chaos entity known for torture saying it.
you may think i forgot mabel's cute pink cheeks but the truth is that i did in fact forget but then immediately stopped caring which makes it okay, SHHHHHHH
And, finally:
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lmao this is shit
True facts, if you cram Season 1 Eleanor Shellstrop and Michael into a singular triangle shape, they turn into Bill Cipher. This is science, look it up. Or don't, and just trust the source that is me, bro.
Anyway, I should be in bed, y'all have fun with these, I guess. Tune in after like a week or so and maybe I'll have an addendum to my comic about how Bill was drawn naked for karaoke night. Because him actually being naked was not the only thing I considered as a plausible explanation. XD
Also if you see any inconsistencies or errors in any of these comics, No You Do Not :D
Also also, reblogs are rad as hell and I appreciate every single one, just don't repost, please and thanks. Every time a repost is made, an artist somewhere cries. :,)
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daydreamerwonderkid · 23 days
I was a part of an PMMM rp group ages ago and since I was last to join I was saddled with the role of Kyubey.
The original goal of the group was to try and create an alternative ending for a new cast of original characters. I believe the plan was to find a way to rp everyone into a happy ending if possible, but no one was against it turning out dark like the source material.
I don't remember a lot of the rules except for one because I purposely exploited it as much as humanly possuble. The rule was that if you had conversations with other players outside the main group chat you had to inform the GM of it and provide screenshot evidence of your conservations.
These private messages were meant to be used as filler rp where players could further develop their characters and relationships outside the main story. I want to clarify that I had full permission from the GM to use this option with less restrictions as they agreed it would be in character for Kyubey to seek out more private conversations versus participating more openly in the group chat.
Long story short I fully dived into my role as Kyubey and systematically went after everyone in private messages to turn them against each other. Again this was forever ago so I'm a bit foggy on all the details but I managed to convince at least 2 members to kill each other, got 1 to turn into a witch by manipulating their character into thinking another player's character was cheating on them with someone else from the group, and then managed to trick another player into doing a contract with some clever word play on my part that the GM later backed me up on when that player denied agreeing to it.
The group didn't last long mostly due to scheduling issues but I still hold some fond memories of it. I haven't been able to pull something like this since then.
But I'll never forget how it felt to watch all my machinations fall into place and the demented giggle I let out when that player finally realized I had tricked them into a contract.
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I am ... good for you? XD
Tbh I have no idea how text based rp works, but your GM must have had really trusted you not to abuse the game and/or derail the story by making you fucking Kyubey a;dljkfa;lgjal;dajga
Personally, I've only ever played villain characters when I've been the GM/DM myself. So in that aspect, I can absolutely relate to that giddy feeling that comes with rping a villain and pulling one on the heroes.
But HOLY FUCK, man O_O
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moonspirit · 3 months
Okay we had pappaarmin, mammaannie. Now we need uncle Connie, Reiner and jean and auntie Pieck, hutch, mikasa
I headcannon that Connie spoils his niece. He also definitely loves those baby bear suit things and buys one in every size possible. (Kids remind him of his siblings and therefore loves them (also is generally good with kids as he has experience))
As for Reiner…let’s be honest Annie teaches the kid to bully him. “Sweetie we don’t hit unless it’s uncle Reiner in that case aim for his balls”
Tbh I have no clue for Jean but he definitely has an obnoxious baby voice.
Hitch spends most of Annie’s pregnancy waiting for her to be able to drink again
Pieck is being sweet and motherly as per usual, and overall is such a sweet aunt. She and Connie teach Annie how to do hair as their kids hair is thick like armins and Annie isn’t used to that as her hair is so thin in comparison
Finally mikasa, the god mother (I don’t know who they will choose to be godfather) she bakes cookies.
Ahaha xD Good call!
The Alliance being parents to Aruani kids!
Connie's definitely the least intimidating of the bunch and Aruani kids have a blast of a time with him! He definitely does see his lost siblings in them and sometimes cries about it. Signs them up for all the local events, takes them along on market runs, is game at any hour of the day to go have some fun. Connie's also reliable in that Aruani can trust him not to let the kids get into any danger because he's been a big brother before, and he's still a great one.
Reiner's the resident sandbag - or that's what Annie tells the kids. Not that he minds particularly, because the Aruani kids make him very emotional. Watching them running around having fun reminds him of Gabi, Falco, Udo and Zofia during the Liberio festival. Two of them are still alive ofc, but the latter are long gone, and he misses the children and what he wanted to be to them. In that respect, Reiner's the man to go whenever there's a festival going on. A source of free money for all the delicious street food and sweet treats because all they have to do is give him large wet puppy eyes and he's spending every last penny of his Ambassador paycheck on them.
(The next day they continue their martial arts lessons under Annie's tutelage with Reiner as the punching bag).
Jean is... a little awkward with kids, but he's not bad at it per se. He's a little boisterous and loud, sometimes coming across as a bit aggressive but he's definitely got that protective streak (because remember, he was veeeery protective of Gabi & Falco during the final battle). The kids look up to him because he's always so well-dressed and perfectly groomed so they're definitely picking up some hair-care tips from him. Wouldn't surprise me if Armin wakes up one day to find his daughter and son standing on little chairs in the bathroom, working pomade into their blonde locks with their tongues out in concentration. "Hey, hey Papa! Do we look like Uncle Jean? What do you think?!"
Pieck is your cool aunt! She knows everything, and will teach you anything! Do the aruani kids want to dress up for the harvest festival? Auntie Pieck's got them! Do the kids want to sneak off to that abandoned windmill because there's rumours of ghosts haunting the place? Auntie Pieck's got them! Do they kids want to commit slight murder? Auntie Pieck's got them (and she'll get them out of it too!). On the rare occassion that Pieck also finds herself stuck, she's hollering out for Jean to come get her and the kids out of the mess and he's grumbling and groaning about it - but he does it anyway. Because it's his crazy girlfriend and his adorable nephew and niece.
Mikasa is the calm and cool godmother to the kids. She's definitely the most attached to them because I think she'd have liked nothing more than to start a family with Eren, and because that was never a possibility from the start, she spends her life longing for the reality she never will have. The Aruani kids make her emotional and protective in a very particular way. She loves spending time with them and even urges Aruani to drop them off at her cottage so they can take some time away for themselves. She takes them mushroom picking, teaches them horseriding, cooks them all the classic Paradisian food and snacks. She also reads to them at bedtime, but the kids beg her to tell them stories of her days in the Survey Corps and about titans.
Papa Levi is burdened with yet more children, and while he looks pissed to be having more unruly kids trying to clamber up on his lap and messing with his wheelchair, he humours everything they do T^T Because Papa Levi!
Hitch is, well, Hitch. She's bored when Annie's pregnant and is still bored once they become parents. What she needs is entertainment and she's getting none :<
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
Hi, Sorry to bother you again but You seem to be like...a lorekeeper of TMNT 2012 Knowledge.
How the hell does Magic work in that show? I'm aware RatDad Kinda has it with the healing hands, and I also saw Shinigami has it? I don't know. I'm confused. I kinda fell off in the middle of S3 and only know stuff based off the Wiki.
First off, don't always trust the wiki. Lots of fans edit it and add false info just to push their own narrative or make ridiculous claims with no source to back it up. I also recommend checking out the rest of season 3 and onward! It does get kinda sloppy by season 4 but it's still a fun watch! Reading a wiki ain't gonna do the series justice lol
Now, to your question, imma be honest with you, regarding the magic in TMNT 2012, I really don’t know how it works XD
TMNT 2012 barely acknowledges the magic concept, granted it was a very out of no where thing like "hey magic also exist in our universe btw!" and when it does show up it’s gone before you can even process it was there so it gets forgotten quickly (at least to me when I rewatch the show).
The magic in TMNT 2012 I don’t think shows up until season 3 (someone correct me if I'm wrong) when Leo is confronted by the deer spirit in the episode Vision Quest (who btw never shows up again, put them on the list of one and done 2012 characters). After that, every other magic related thing is very subtle cause the series focuses way more on the sci-fi angle, which was the theme that was established in the first episode and was continued to be explore throughout the series. I just crack it down to it being a spiritual ninjutsu thing, but I've rarely put much thought into it.
For those who are curious, the magic and even paranormal things we see in TMNT 2012 are few but what we got are...
The Deer Spirit
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The Healing Hands Technique
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(which btw I wish they used this technique more cause it would've been VERY helpful in other situations later down the line...)
Sir Malachi
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Was it magic or did he just drug the Turtles to play discount DND with him??
Alopex's cursed Blades of Vengeance
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Ghosts and possession
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Cults and Demons
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Magic users such as Jei and Kintaro
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Yokais such as Bake-danuki and Jorōgumo
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(granted these mostly existed in Usagi's universe so they probably don't fully count in the Turtles world but who knows)
And the very existence of Shinigami
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Though Shini and her whole magic thing is barely explored or explained. They say she's a witch but we barely see her do witchy things. Most of her tricks and techniques seem more like blink and you'll miss it magician stuff than an actual literal witch. We know she can hypnotize people and make them see scary hallucinations, and it's also suggested that she can shapeshift into a cat but she only ever does it once and it's very subtly to the point that some fans probably didn't even know that the black cat in her intro scene in her first episode was her.
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Btw, according to Shinigami's concept art, her hypno stone weapon (as seen in gif) is said to be a family heirloom, meaning she comes from a supposed long line of witches and magic users. Sure wish THAT was explored more for her character instead of her just being there as Karai's hype woman and another chick for Mikey to drool over...
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sourcreamuwu · 4 months
I have a bunch of headcanons about kid Scarecrow and the Mentor! (though I was thinking if it's just better to be an au but for now I stick with it) (Followed by a bunch of wonky doodles, of course!)
In his preteens Scarecrow had very little of his parents' attention, almost none for whatever reason(whether they were busy on their work or just didn't care) So most of the time he spent on his own somewhere in streets. He was a kid who climbed every tree, knew every dumpster and visited every abandoned building in his neighborhood. Had tons of bruises and wounds on his knees from falling and regularly got splinters.
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He was an outcast. Other kids' parents found him weird and a bad influence. Always walking on his own, going to dangerous places. So they told their children to not hang out with him. Not like they wanted to. Because "Ew, Scarecrow! Why are you showing us a dead rat?" or "Aaahhh! Put it away! Put it away!"(Holds a jar full of beetles). All in all, he was well known in the area for his antics.
One day he found an old acoustic guitar on a dumpster (this can happen. Trust me XD) Of course such thing got his attention. He took it and tried to pull the strings and spin the qbbsbdhsshs(THE TUNING KEYS!!!). He could give up on the instrument after an hour or take it apart if a lonely old man, musician in the past, wasn't passing by(👈👈read the Mentor). He sat on the bench near Scarecrow and just chatted to him. That type of kind old people who may start chatting with random neighbours or passing by people about the weather, the books... He showed Scarecrow how to play a few chords, told some interesting facts about guitars, shared a few stories from his life. The man definitely found a way to the strange kid's heart. Scarecrow literally fell in love with the instrument and the old man wasn't lonely anymore. (Y'know , elderly very often remain alone as their family has their own lifes and it's pretty tragic and he treated Scarecrow as he would treat his own grandchild/child) Scarecrow became a frequent guest in the Mentor's flat and it became his second home. The old man let him to see his collection of vinyls, taught him to play the guitar and taught him music in general. That's when Scarecrow decided that he wanted to dedicate his life to music and go further. I think later he applied to some music conservatory and finished it well.
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And Scarecrow's guitar could be his present on the graduation day :D
Now to the songs! In Shelter from the Rain Scarecrow visits the Mentor once again and tells him about his crush and gots an inspiration to write his own song for her. The main message is the love being the biggest source of creation and being a light (shelter) in trying times. And in Wastelands they argue badly because the Mentor doesn't support Scarecrow's way and tries to convince him to not go that destructive path but he refuses and believes that the old man is jealous of him having glory the Mentor didn't have in his years.
(The post is provided to you by @codenamejudas ' ask :) )
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sizzlinbaconpeach · 9 months
The text connecting Chris and Jill is “戦友” or “kanyuu” which translates to “commrade in arms; war buddy”.?
in the Revelation's bio for Chris, they called him Jill's Brother-in-arms.?
So they don't have feelings for each other?
Hello Anon! I want to start off by saying that it's okay if you don't ship Chris and Jill romantically - not everyone does. I mentioned in a previous post how I can certainly see how others would only view their relationship as platonic or coworkers. Unfortunately, the link in your question does not work so I'm sorry I can't respond to that in particular. And I am not trying to sow any discontent or attacking, I'm merely responding and enjoying my preferred ship. I hope you can understand. If we can all stay positive and respectful that would be greatly appreciated. ^_^ Chris and Jill have been fighting BOW's since the very first game. Actual canon is that they survived through the whole mansion together. They've always protected each other. So 'comrade in arms', 'war buddy, 'brother-in-arms', 'partner', 'bestest friend', 'kindred spirits', 'love of my life' are all titles they would/could use to address each other.
Also, in RE1 original, Chris and Jill were written to be romantically interested in each other. In a recent interview, the live-action actor for RE1 Chris stated that he wanted to remain as respectful as possible to Jill's actress as she was much younger than him and he knew they were supposed to be romantically linked in the story. Source: ROE Plays RESIDENT EVIL 1 w/ Original Chris Redfield (Charlie Kraslavsky)
And this cute song that plays when they are reunited: Long Lost Friend Long Lost Friend Revisited - I love how bittersweet this is, very fitting In my mind, there is definitely some romantic sweetness to this song. But Capcom likes to keep them ambiguous or seems to want to retcon them, so I don't know. Ship them or don't. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I just like how mature their relationship seems - built on lasting trust and respect. Even in Death Island there were ambiguous hints of something more between them. Like, Chris staring at a smiling Jill, backlit by a beautiful setting sun, seems kind of romantic to me. ... Only to fist bump her seconds later. Guess he wanted to keep it professional and clean in front of his sister XD
Before I got into Resident Evil (Biohazard), I never really knew about any 'ships'. I had vague memories of RE2 (Cleon bby) and RE5 (my unknowing teenage self actually shipped Sheva and Chris!), but it wasn't until I actually replayed the games as an adult and explored more of the extended lore that I became a Valenfield fan (and unexpectedly, less of a Cleon shipper). And what cemented it for me even more was the supplemental RE5 guide translations!
I highly recommend any Valenfield shipper to read it here. (scroll down a little more than half way on the page to find the STORY section. It's after the different colored text timeline.)
Some quotes from this official guide book:
... Referred to as "the BSAA's ace", Chris has a brilliant track record preventing many bioterror attacks, but Chris' chest is filled with an indescribable emptiness. Many comrades have been sacrificed to repair the errors of fools. Even if the world's saved, these friends will never return. He had lost his irreplaceable former partner. ...
... Chris has nothing against having a female partner. In fact, the partner he regarded as irreplaceable was a female too. She's the perfect person whom Chris can totally trust and rely on, someone whom he believes is what he needed to complete any mission. Chris felt their teamwork was like an eagle able to escape from biohazardous danger. ...
... Chris is staring intently at a statue of a sleeping beauty. He's like a person looking at his lover through a mirror, where the other side of the mirror's a different dimension. ... The image displayed on the PDA screen issued by the BSAA isn't very good quality. The faint face is illuminated by a weak light, ... Despite that, Chris is able to recognise the person. He's been chasing this lead all the while, just so he can repair the missing piece of his heart. This can't be a mistake, nor an illusion. This is a fact. ... It's Jill, his old partner who sacrificed herself and jumped off a cliff in order to save Chris. Due to Jill's absence ever since, the BSAA have removed her from duty. But two years later, there's finally a sign that shows she may be alive after all, and this sign's appearing right in front of her partner who refuses to believe she's dead. The reason why Chris, who was from BSAA North American branch, was hoping to join this operation within Kijuju, was because he'd obtained some sort of lead leaked by Irving on the black market while he was looking for Jill. ...
... Jill, with her antibodies, has been administered P30--- Gifted with superhuman abilities, she's been given a powerful drug that controls her mind too. This evil drug is continuously injected into her body, torturing her to no end. Just as Wesker intended, Jill's receiving hell-like suffering. "I'm begging you, kill me!" ... Wesker's instruction to Jill before he leaves, which is to kill Chris who has finally come for her, plays mercilessly in her mind like an echo. The painful, unbearable order's destroying Jill mentally, and she's begging with her mind for her old partner, Chris, to end her suffering. "Don't worry about me! If this goes on I'll only end up killing both of you! Shoot me, please!" Despite that, Chris refuses to give up. Chris screams like a beast at the brainwashed Jill. He promises that even if it means giving up his life, he's going to free his partner with whom he has finally reunited, from her curse.
But again, I believe Capcom will keep their relationship more ambiguous and open to interpretation - I think they want to keep all potential shippers content. And they certainly seem to be moving towards a more 'just a good friend/co-worker' angle than before.
Which, in my opinion, cheapens the over arcing story (RE1 - 5) and relationship - but that's for another post to ramble about, I suppose.
No hard feelings if you're not a Valenfield shipper. They have a good friendship and I can totally understand if people only see them as that and nothing more.
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nerdylilpeebee · 8 months
Really should be ignoring this, but- @beesproperty1
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Israel engaged in a ceasefire with Hamas (one Hamas kept attacking them through, I might add) in order to exchange hostages and there was a new deal on the table to extend the ceasefire, possibly permanently, so long as Hamas kept giving hostages back. I haven't looked into the state of that deal, but this kinda disproves "they aren't stopping and have no plan to."
And they aren't displacing anyone. Warning people to evacuate areas they are going to attack because terrorists who attacked their country in the worst terror attack since 9/11 are stationed there, hiding behind civilian loan buildings is not "displacing" the populace. The manipulation y'all engage in is RIDICULOUS.
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Ah yes, Gaza, the country that has been (at least supposedly) posting videos of the conflict the entire time it's happened has no cell service and is just entirely rubble now. Please ignore all the videos pro-palestine people spread that they claim come from inside Gaza and please ignore that the vast majority of Gazans are still alive (they wouldn't be if the entire country was rubble).
Also, here's a hostage testifying to the fact Hamas forced her to lie, not once but twice. As well as all the shit suffered, including the sub-par healthcare and torment at the hands of her captor's children (I didn't provide this before because I was in a comment section).
And you're damn fucking right I don't trust Gazan sources. XD Why would I trust sources that would be killed if they didn't say what Hamas wanted??? Literally the only truthful thing they ever reported was the old Palestinian woman saying Hamas steals their supplies.
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No, they are not actually killing one person each. XD If you look at how many bombs were used versus how many people Hamas CLAIMS died, they killed, at most, .5 people per bomb. Odd for someone intending to "devastate the area," but okay hun.
And no, Hamas formed from the Muslim Brotherhood. Their formation had nothing to do with Israel. And frankly, it wouldn't matter if it did, killing innocent people is not justified because you say "oh, but we're oppressed." And it's really fucking telling that you think it does. Something tells me the other person in the notes there calling me a psycho should instead be calling you that.
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They don't kidnap anyone. Most of the "kids" Israel imprisons are between 15 and 18 and most often than not they are arrested for violent crimes. Being a "kid" does not mean you get to stab your neighbor.
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"Despite the fact Israel pulled out of Gaza 20 years ago, Israel occupies Gaza so it's not a country, just an occupied territory."
Cool. They still elected Hamas. They still consider themselves a separate country and so does a good portion of the world. They are still committing war crimes (which none of y'all care about) and quite frankly Israel did a damn good job "maintaining" this "occupied territory." Literally over 500 trucks daily before this war, they provided water, food, AND Gaza got billions in foreign aid. Hamas stole the food and the money and destroyed water infrastructure (something y'all also don't care about).
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Except it was not actually blockaded. People called it a blockade, but that wasn't the reality. XD People spreading misinformation for decades does not make that misinformation true.
And it's funny you accuse me of being ignorant but clearly do not know anything beyond what Hamas has spoonfed you.
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Actually the IDF did not kill Israeli's on the ground on October 7th, that is a blatant lie I've never seen y'all even TRY to back up.
And yeah, Israel also publicly declared the mistake and punished the people responsible. The individual soldiers disobeying their orders is not some evil act by the entirety of Israel.
And again, very funny you call me dumb when you trust the literal terrorist group to tell you the truth.
@row666 Wow, you really tried with that didn't you? XD Hun, sweetie pie, sugar-lump, please use that useless lump of gray matter between your ears. I was literally listing the massive fucking differences between the NAZIS STARTING THE HOLOCAUST and Israel retaliating to terrorists who have attacked them for decades. There is a really big fucking difference between these two events and the absolute AUDACITY y'all have to have to call me stupid and a psycho while you try to equate the Jews to the fucking Nazis for daring to defend themselves from terrorists trying to kill them all is insane.
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quinloki · 1 year
Age play, blood play, mfm for Marco, Thatch, and Sabo pls
Alright, we're going to do this one by Kink.
MFM, Blood play, Age Play.
I want to note two things before I go into this: I know almost nothing first hand about age play, and just spent the last 20 minutes reading up on it via a few sources I trust. I'm going to do My Best <3 but I apologize if I get something wrong.
Second Note: Honestly, I shouldn't have to say this, but in the lesser known kinks I feel compelled - if you're going to come into reblogs and chat being a fuck about someone else's style of consenting adults kinky times, I will block you in as many ways as I can.
If you're particularly unlucky, I will bury you publicly.
If any kink mentioned in these asks isn't your vibe just - move. along.
MFM - Threesome involving two straight guys and a straight girl because the guys don't interact (so I'm assuming straightness, otherwise why would you let a whole human body alone like that?)
Marco - Sure - A lot like Shanks, this man has spent almost his entire life as a pirate and on a pirate ship. Marco is pretty open to just about anything, but he's so laid back that nothing really comes across as enthusiasm. There's plenty he is enthusiastic about, but I think the damper on this situation would be in only giving attention to one of two available partners. He's all for following the boundaries of the session, don't misunderstand, but those bedroom eyes of his can admire a full range of people.
Thatch - Yes - Look, Thatch is here for a good time, and he's all in for the parameters provided, why not? It makes everyone else comfortable and he can make breakfast for three in the next morning just as easily as two. He'd be less inclined to invite someone in between him and his partner, but joining in with another couple is fine in his book. (Thatch, I feel, is not lucky in love xD So he can be pretty soundly in the "not-sharing" category when he gets into any kind of relationship.)
Sabo - Rather Not - It's not that Sabo's a stick in the mud or anything like that, but he is a bit of a control freak. He's also a little shy outside of an established relationship, and not very good at sharing when he's in an established relationship. Sex is also a vulnerable activity, never mind the emotional and physical vulnerability, but also tactically - and he's got a lot on his shoulders already. There's too many variables, and for better or worse, I don't think he's interested in much of any kind of group setting. A polycule sure - something established and vetted is something I could see for him.
Blood Play - A risky form of edge-play. Please, please, please practice this as safely as possible. (Also, I swear I do head canon some characters being for this kink, just not really any of these people XD - sorry!)
Marco - Sure - There's that continued "it's hard to get enthusiasm out of Marco" again, but in this case, it's a sure because Marco is Marco. There's a lot of risk with Blood Play (unless we're talking menstrual (well, there's still risk there, but differently)), but between his profession and his devil fruit, he's just about the absolute safest partner you could have for this particular kink. He's not much of a sadist though, and honestly I think he'd prefer to be the one getting cut than the other way around - but only if it's something that gets you off.
Thatch - I dunno - Thatch is, to me, kind of squeamish about blood. In battle it doesn't get to him, in the kitchen, it actually kind of does. He manages to deal with it well enough that only maybe a couple crew mates know about it. Blood belongs inside the body, and that's his stance on it. He's not going to pass out or hurl, but Thatch knows how to do two things with knives - cut food, and, well, cut people.
And how he does both aren't techniques he's comfortable using on you. You could maybe bring him around with Marco's assistance, but I can't see Marco helping since he'd definitely know about Thatch's mild squeamishness.
Sabo - Yes and No - Sabo has, to me, a bit of madness in him. I mean, he's been through a lot, and I think there's a lot of extra risk in blood play with him. I feel like it would trigger bad memories, and I feel like he would be all for trying it. It's a kink of control, and there's an intimacy to it no matter how you go about it. So he would want to, carefully, try it. It might not be the first time, or the second, but at some point I think the light would flicker across that crimson liquid in the "right" (wrong) way and if everyone is lucky, the knife is buried in the wall, and no one gets hurt.
Age Play - Consenting adults role-playing as a different age.
(psst, hey, not all kinks are sexual and a lot of BDSM is actually not sexually motivated! -- I say this as a very sexually motivated human, if I can understand it, <3 so can you <3 )
Marco - FUCK Yes - Marco's actually a little enthusiastic about this because it's new to him. You lay everything out for him, and spend a few hours educating him and going over the finer points. He's attentive, ready, and willing. It's pretty chill for both of you, and honestly it's become a good way to bond, and stress relieve together. Thatch probably teases him at some point that he's treating you more like he's your father, and not your lover, but the two of you just laugh about it. It's a sweet little shared secret between you.
Thatch - Starts as a I guess, moves to a Yes - It takes Thatch a little while to really understand the assignment, but the more you explain, and the more you spend trying, the more he gets into it. It is a nice change of pace from the normal rhythm of the day to day of the ship, and he shifts around in the different kinds of roles pretty often. You two played tag one time and it ended up being half the crew playing as well before it was all over and done with. Though, no one else really understood why you were both acting child-like, but that just for the two of you anyway.
Sabo - I guess/Sure - There's just so much muck around Sabo's childhood and his concepts of family that I think this would be more a can of worms than anything good. He'll try, a few different ways, and a few different times, but younger play would make him sad for reasons he doesn't understand (until his memory comes back), and older play would make him angry for reasons he doesn't understand.
Given time he could probably come into a full Yes, but he's gonna need therapy to unravel those memory traumas and family issues first.
I honestly feel like I learned more about myself than these One Piece characters with this particular ask, but that's life sometimes XD <3
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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amethystina · 3 months
i understand this question may end up leading you to reveal something you're not ready to reveal yet, but can we expect the kidnapping arc soon? Considering according to the timeline there's little over a week left of yohan and Elijah's stay. This is also assuming gaon is the one being kidnapped (?) Probably asking you to reveal too much but I'm genuinely very curious about the timeline and had to ask. No pressure to give me a response though😭
You guys really are excited about the kidnapping tag. And I admit that I'm beginning to fear that you all are going to hype it up way too much and then be disappointed when the moment finally arrives since it's not going to be all that spectacular. Like, calling it an "arc" might be giving it too much weight x'D
But, to answer your question: No, it's not going to happen anytime soon. There's a long way to go, in fact, with a lot of plot points that need to happen first.
As for the timeline, you have to remember that you got the estimate "a little over a week left" from Ga On, not Yo Han. And Ga On has no idea how long Yo Han and Elijah are actually planning to stay — he's just making assumptions based on his own thoughts and fears. Yo Han said one to two months and Ga On is the one who suddenly decided that, most likely, Yo Han will want to leave as soon as that first month is up.
But he's got no actual proof to support that theory (other than the fact that he broke Yo Han's heart) and also completely ignores the influence Elijah might have over the decision. As in, if Elijah wants to spend more time with Ga On, will Yo Han truly force her to return to Switzerland just because he's heartbroken? Or will he stay for her sake?
Basically, maybe don't trust the depressed and unreliable narrator too much when it comes to this specific subject x'D
And yes, Ga On is the one who's going to be kidnapped. I've already answered that in another ask because I don't think that's a secret, given the source material and type of fanfic this is. Kidnapping is sort of a requirement, I'd say xD Besides, Yo Han is presumed dead so who would even come up with the idea of kidnapping him? And I'm too protective over Elijah to have her be kidnapped. So Ga On it is!
But please don't hype it up too much. I really don't think it will be as cool as some of you seem to hope that it will be >_>
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Ok, finally I can sit down and write this!! XD
Ahhh, what a chapter! Lots of new info, a new routine is starting to set in, and we had a bit of a surprise there at the end!!
So first off, we have that slow testing of the waters that is now a little more hopeful and I love it! So much of this chapter had me smiling widely and made my heart melt at so many points!
Like, first of all how the hunter teases the boys for "showing off" hehe! And it got me thinking! Because it never quite occurred to me how much they must have been holding back physically! Obviously they were careful not to exhibit any obviously demonic features, but the fact is that they never really went beyond what an animatronic their size should have been capable of. Always kept at a speed that seemed possible for their form when y/n was paying attention. never did anything that seemed far out of their reach. And when those things must have been so easy if they could have just done it, I bet it got at least a bit tiring hiding what comes naturally for them. It must be so freeing to be able to truly be themselves now! And of course, if they get the chance to show off a little in order to impress their heart haha!
And Oh. My gosh. The moment when Moon was startled by the crossbow! It caught my attention because aside from losing y/n (physically or metaphorically), the boys have not really shown fear. They themselves admit it's not something they tend to feel. They're always on the lookout and not easily taken by surprise, but they could have encountered at least a couple hunters before the one in the cornfield. They know what happens during an exorcism so there must be some instinctual fear when it comes to a hunter's weapons. But even more than that, I wonder if this is similar to y/n's fear of them growing bored and deciding to kill them in the future. But the boys may have imagined worse scenarios in which the hunter decides they actually are a danger and decides to take them by surprise, an attack when they least expect it. Even if they don't truly believe something like that will happen (and they could likely tell because of the heartbeat), the thoughts might have lingered and the sound of the unhooked crossbow put them on edge. (And in some way, that does confirm to y/n that they do consider them a strong person. They have seen them slay other cryptids, after all. So just what would it look like if the hunter, unhindered by the panic and the trauma that came from a demonic encountered, decided to play the long game to hunt them)
But then! Then when y/n realizes what exactly is happening they use the same words that Eclipse used to calm them!! And God if that isn’t such a neat little reversal of the dynamic so far. A promise that despite being someone that could hurt them the must, they will not. And it’s also a way to show the boys they accept their earlier reassurances. Trust is barely building, but Eclipse has repeated “You are safe” as basically a plea. To give them a chance. To beg y/n not to reject them. To try and not to be the source of their distress. And now the hunter is sincerely using those words back. As an apology and a promise. As reassurance. It’s like a direct response to the times the boys said it and I love it so much! 
And ooooo we get a conversation about the doppelgänger! Oh I can just imagine now, what their point of view must have been a couple of chapters ago. Before the reveal, the cryptid’s words were just an inconceivable (at least when in denial) lie and its dying scream just a way to hurt and mock them. But then it turned into a reality. How close the expression it mimicked must have looked to reality. The brief chase through the gully an eternity as every hope they had of this working out fine seemed to be disintegrating. And even when the worst had passed, the next whole day they just had no certainty that they would be allowed to stay at all. None of them are happy that the doppelgänger was right about how the reveal would go, but as y/n affirms, that was then and now is now. At the very least, it’s yet another way in which the hunter can see Sun and Moon’s more complex being.
(sidenote: Moon then not even shifting when y/n handles the holy water!! He believes them! They’re safe and the water in the in their heart’s hands presents no more danger to them than the unloaded crossbow! That’s just giving me so many feelings! ;w; )
Oh ho! We also get some more info about the sacred rules! I have some theories about Paahlott but at this point they’re pretty vague for what we know XD I have to wonder how she was able to summon them and why they all agreed to the sacred rules. Maybe their views were all already aligned with what she proposed, since other demons like Shoh seem to hold no fondness for the innocence of children. The defenders of the sacred rules at least seem to rather enjoy and care for the little ones on their own accord, rather than just protecting them with indifference! Lots to think about! Oh and also, it’s so sweet how the boys talk about their family and how they are already considering who would love y/n immediately. It’s such a needed pinch of domesticity sprinkled over the wild last couple of days!
I am also so here for the reflections the hunter makes as they see their true form once again! Knowing that there is good to be witnessed among cryptids, but also knowing that means the sadism is so much worse from those that chose it. Because now it’s not a belief that cryptids are merely mindless and driven by instinct like animals. Some might be, but demons certainly aren’t. So it gives much more significance to both acts of kindness and malice.
And ooooooh that vow and the saltshaker comes up again! In the very next sense in fact! I’m just trying to think of what possible scenarios the hunter might find themselves in to consider breaking the vow. Maybe during an attack the only way to protect themselves would be a salt circle. Maybe, there would be no likely way to perform an exorcism without affecting the boys so y/n keeps them at bay and tries to do it themselves so that they can save Vanessa without risk of losing the boys, even if it places the hunter at great risk themselves. Hmmmm!
And DFKGHSKLÑ the almost kiss though!! Boys please! XD I know they are very eager but gotta slow down a bit there kjdhgfjh And it’s a bit funny but it makes a lot of sense y/n isn’t ready yet, because, even with all the demonic cryptid situation, they have very literally spent a lot of time alone before they met the boys. I bet they didn’t really try for a serious relationship after the incident of their past, and with the animatronic friend it probably didn’t cross their mind as a possibility so far (maybe it would have eventually, but it wasn’t happening soon XD) Now everything is out in the open, Sun and Moon basically confessed to them right after the reveal and the realization that they already have been living together and know and care for each other so much is hitting them in the face all of a sudden! It’s familiar but new, just like everything about the situation, so I can’t blame them for panicking a little haha! Like, that’s a whole kiss!
But aaaahhh then it leads to such a show of trust! ;o; Eclipse says “You are scared” and so the hunter does what absolutely shows that’s not the case. This is the heart eating demon. The one that caused them nightmares after they saw him destroying the rake and consuming its heart. And they show them. They might not realize it, just meaning to get them to listen more closely and tell them that it’s excitement, not fear, but it’s still very much placing all the sharp bits of this demon so close to them. The sharp grin right up to their chest. And knowing fully that they will not be harmed. The boys will not try to rip their heart out. They are allowed close. Closer than anyone else. Because the hunter wants and trusts them to be.
But ough then the pain of knowing what happened to Henry! ;O; He thought he was dealing with Bonnie! No doubt the others had spoken about him! So there must not be actual info about him in the book. I wonder if it was written before the cornfield demon found him. Or if maybe in the book there is research that could be helpful, although it could be misleading if it was lying all along. And oof, of course, that would bring back some doubts. The fate of Henry’s daughter was decided because he trusted the wrong demon. Who’s to say another couldn’t do the same? And ah, it aches but it’s actually a good instinct for y/n to keep it in mind. They are deciding to trust, but not blindly. They already did that and it brought a lot of pain, even if it also brought a lot of good. Now they are considering all the evidence, which tells them the boys are sincere, but they won’t let themselves fall into denial. That’s something their heart probably couldn’t take if they ended up being wrong after all.
And then we continue with Vanessa! Oh these GPS marks have me so intrigued. Is she asking for help and the demon interfering? Is the demon setting a trap? What in the world does it mean! Hmmmm. Aaaah, I’m so worried about her! Not only is she suffering a lot, but what Eclipse said about exorcisms doesn’t bode well for her. As a hunter she must have a lot of strength and will to live, but it must be very tough to remain strong after the sheer amount of time she has been possessed. She must be incredibly tired D: Hhhhhhh knowing how Deep Dreams ends reassures me a little but oooough I can’t help but think it would be just as likely a scenario that she doesn’t make it. And how sad it would be. For y/n, who has been fretting over her, having to do what they must to vanish the demon, but in doing so sealing their friend’s fate. AAAAA the suspense!
But that’s just something you are great at, Naff! You always keep us on our toes! X3
And talking about keeping us on our toes! Oh I just knew those three strangers were not just gonna be passingly mentioned but I didn’t expect FEI to suddenly decide they were actually gonna do something about this! I have so many questions about this organization. Surely, if they are affiliated to the Pizzaplex and knew of both the demon and the vessel (maybe even the makers of the vessel), then it wouldn’t have taken so long to confirm right? The hunters certainly knew what to look for. So why? Were they using y/n as a test for the boys? Were they expecting the demon to kill them and when that didn’t happen they sent someone to take care of it? Just what is their deal?
And oh my gosh when I say that as soon as the female hunter started talking I immediately thought of Cafaro XD And then I gasped and pointed at her name when it came up gñklfjhsgñhj Like hello! Glad to see you! Time to get punched again! Okay bye! You are so lucky that in this life y/n is not a vigilante ready to stab your heart, but a very kind, life-treasuring soul! (Though they do both have a knife when fighting her which is a fun coincidence XD)
(side note (wow only 2 sidenotes this comment kdfhjg) : also very interested in that seal! I know y/n threw it to the ground, but maybe if they find out what it is, it could be used to force the demon into a vessel different then Vanessa, if they can lure it out! Then use that to exorcize it!)
Ok, ok, last thing I wanted to comment on was Singh! Aaahhh it was a bit bittersweet hearing him talk. The fact that he was so genuine about it. He so desperately wanted to save y/n and was trying to be reassuring. Like, he doesn’t blame them from the start. And even if he doesn’t listen, he pays attention. He notices the hand on y/n’s shoulder and assumes it means they are not free to speak. But also he does not miss the way in which Sun is protective of them, although he doesn’t stop to consider it as the others keep pressing the matter. Then when he is holding the hunter, he keeps trying to tell them that they don’t have to be scared anymore! Because they might be resisting out of the fear of retaliation from the demon! Or just because they’re confused because of the possession! And then, when he’s the only one conscious, and he sees them getting away he pleads with the demon! To just let them go and not hurt them. That they don’t have to do this! And wow, of course that would resonate with y/n. We hear similar words in the vampire episode. The hunter wanted to free someone else from their perceived suffering. Pleading to let them help. Help them stop them from hurting others. It’s pure kindness. If it was hatred or fear he might have let them just go without bringing attention to himself and risk the demon’s wrath. But he chose what he had as a last attempt of what he thought was the right thing to do.
And then, when there is no reason for the cryptid to pretend, he hears them ask their question. And he doesn’t know the meaning of it. This is another reality that will accompany the hunter if they let Eclipse stay. Allowing this means losing their source of income (even if they are already well off), and the organization that facilitates their job. What they have been all this time will become 10 times harder. So the boys ask again if they are sure. And y/n does not hesitate. And Singh’s world has been tilted. He might soon deny what he heard as a trick, but the doubt has probably been planted! He’ll be left to think about it all. Three hunters faced off against a demon and though the demon won, none of them are dead after all. 
I… got a lot of feelings for this side character that reminds us slightly of the hunter huh? kfdjhglskdjfg
But well, that’s all I have for now! Awesome chapter like always, Naff! I am so, so excited for what comes next and I just know it’s gonna have me clutching my heart! <3
Chaotik, I've been rereading this over and over and I'm not normal about your thoughts at all aldsfjalsdfasfd
Oh yeah, the boys get to behave more like themselves now that Y/N knows! It's a weight off of their shoulders and one less stress to worry about. Also, Y/N likes it!
"So just what would it look like if the hunter, unhindered by the panic and the trauma that came from a demonic encountered, decided to play the long game to hunt them)" <<< The boys have seen Y/N slay cryptids, monsters, and it would break their non-existent heart to see Y/N with that set look, committed to the hunt, focused on them.
AHH YESSS! I'm so happy you took note of how much that means to the boys to hear Y/N say "You're safe." It's such a fundamental moment because, yeah, that's exactly what the boys said to them, but now, it's from them. They mean it. It's true. They're all safe!!!
The doppelganger was a ghost haunting Eclipse for all that time, but now that the worst has passed and Y/N affirms that it might have gotten one little detail right, it never told them about this. About things being okay. And they are okay ♥
Oh ho, I'm glad you like Paahlott and the little lore drops! You're right that the demonic cryptids who agreed to the sacred rules already held affection for little ones. It was for their kindness that Paahlott summoned them. Likewise, Eclipse always had a tender spot for children, and the sacred rules were a simple thing to bind themselves to.
Yes, some cryptids have sentient were others are more mindless/animal-like, but demonic cryptids are a special case, and noting that they can choose good and evil (relatively for cryptids) is another blow for Y/N and their past trauma. The cornfield demon really is a special kind of cruel, but to balance that out, there's Eclipse, who's a very special kind of caring.
I am eyeing your theories on the vow and saltshaker so hard rn hehehe
Ahahah, yup, this is very new for Y/N, and sudden. There's a reason Y/N was pretty obvious to a robot kissing their injuries better. Y/N wanted to show their own love and trust and very real, reciprocated feelings. Y/N is feeling a lot, but it's not fear for their dear friend.
"That’s something their heart probably couldn’t take if they ended up being wrong after all." <<< Keep that in your back pocket for later :)
Ahhhh, thank you, babe! I know I've been teasing Vanessa for so long now, but we're gonna see her soon. Real soon.
About F.E.I.—They knew Y/N was traveling with a demonic cryptid for a long time. Another thing about F.E.I. is that they don't tell their employees everything. That's why the three hunters were so concerned/angry about Y/N.
Ahahha, I love your reaction to Cafaro! She's a fan-favorite (very punchable alsdjflasdf)
Oh ho, that's the last time that seal appears hehe
Ah, babe, I'm so happy you like Singh! He was really important to write for this scene. A lot of cryptid hunters are in Y/N's same boat of experiencing cryptid-related trauma, and most do it for good reasons, even Cafaro and Rowe despite their rough demeanor in that situation. They're people. Good people. Singh was truly concerned for Y/N and to hear that maybe Y/N isn't in danger after all, around a demonic cryptid, changed everything.
There are going to be consequences with F.E.I., unfortunately, but Y/N has chosen Eclipse.
Ahhh, thank you, babe! I always look forward to your comments! They bring me so much joy! ♥
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
What if TFP Autobot  Starscream kept Miko, Raf and Jack inside his jet form, to prevent them all from sneaking into the groundbridge?... What if the 3 learn that Starscream has SUPER ticklish buttons and begin to press them all rapidly?... What if the Autobots came back to see a loudly cackling Starscream, on the floor + begging for help? LOL XD 
XD This is going to be fun X) Starscream is not ready XD. Thank you for your request sweety anon ^^
The Autobots were off on a new mission, and they needed enough of them to go. They all trusted Starscream enough to watch over the base as well as the children. The Seeker was by no means satisfied, much preferring to go on a mission, rather than doing the sparkling-sitter.
He wanted to go flying and going on a mission was the opportunity to do it! But apparently his envy wasn't a good enough justification for the Autobots.
“I'm not a Guardian! Why is it up to me to take care of them?! the jet asked indignantly. They are old enough to take care of themselves!
- Consider it a mission, Screamer. Bulkhead teased.
- What a mission!
- This will allow us to see if we are right to place our trust in you, Starscream. Optimus interjected.
- Y- Your trust…?!
- Yes.
- … But, what if…”
The flyer cut himself off in his speech, not wanting to show his doubts to the others… But, now, he was really afraid of failing… What would happen to him if one of the children got hurt?! Or worse?! So far, Prime hadn't shown any signs of violence towards him, but that could very well change...
Ratchet opened a ground bridge, and tasked Starscream with closing it. The group of Autobots passed through the portal, leaving the Seeker alone with the children. The jet sighed in annoyance, and headed for the machine to close it, when he heard small footsteps heading towards the still-open ground bridge.
The flyer raised his wings in surprise, as Miko was already walking through the portal, followed by the other two. Starscream froze for a moment, as surprise prevented him from moving. He recovered quickly and exclaimed:
“But... but… EH!!"
He caught up with the kids just in time, causing them to scream in shock as he grabbed them all at once. Miko was the one who struggled the most, slapping the Seeker's hand to free herself.
“Let me go! I want to see fights!" exclaimed the Japanese girl.
The jet raised the optics to the sky, not understanding the interest that this kid could have for the fights. It was just crude, worthless stuff, no intelligence behind it except useless brute force.
"There no way I am letting you go! None of you for that matter! You are under my supervision, and I will not tolerate the slightest deviation!
- You're lame! Miko replied, sulking.
- Think what you want, I don't care!"
The Japanese girl crossed her arms, while Starscream put them back on their resting platform. The Seeker decided to work on the new sources of energon, and ordered:
"You don't move from here! If I see any of you leave this platform, I'll lock you up!
- This is abuse! the young girl said indignantly.
- As if you really know what it is!"
The jet went to the base computer, and began working to better triangulate the energon he had detected in the caves, and its exact amount. He heard small footsteps moving again, and when he looked at what the children were doing, he saw that only Raf was left on the platform.
"Primus! For real?!" the flyer got angry, before going again in pursuit of Miko and Jack.
Starscream caught them, but this time he had more difficulty with the Japanese girl, who kept dodging. The Seeker didn't dare go too hard because he was afraid of hurting her, and the young girl was well aware of that. The jet finally managed to get her, and exclaimed:
"Again for Miko, I'm not surprised! But you, Jack!
- I was just trying to stop her! explained the teenager.
- You're only adding work to me!
- But-
- No buts! I promise it! You wil have it! I lock you up!"
The Seeker took one of Ratchet's beakers, and put the three children in it. He didn't want to risk Raf deciding on the same whim as his elders. Of course, that doesn't suit to Miko, who started to get angry at the container, but the jet really didn't care. Let her get angry if she wants, that's not what will get her out early.
Starscream lifted his wings when he heard a high-pitched sound of breaking glass behind him, and he barely had time to turn around for the children to rush towards the ground bridge control machine. Scrap! They knew how to use it?! Why did the Autobots teach them that if they really care about kids not coming with them!
The Seeker went after the human Sparklings again, and he practically had to fight Miko, who kept hitting his fingers with an iron bar she had picked up on the ground. Primus! Did the Autobot who take care of them usually go through this every day, or was it just with him?!
The jet finally managed to get all three of them, even the most stubborn, and walked back to the computer where he was working. The problem was that he couldn't continue his research under these conditions! He just have to turn his back for five seconds for the children to attempt their lives!
Locking them up didn't work either, and he still couldn't spend his day staring at them! The best solution would be for them to be with him all the time, but even then Miko might try to run away, right under his optics! That's when Starscream came up with an idea! It wasn't great, but it was a way to solve his problem!
The Seeker opened his cockpit, and put the children inside, despite their exclamations of indignation. Miko was the loudest screamer, of course, but the jet didn't care. There, he wished good luck to this reckless kid to find a way out.
"I'm going to smash your cockpit! the Japanese girl shouted, more in the form of a threat than a real warning.
- I would like to see you try! teased the jet.
- Know that Ratchet already tried to lock us up like that once, and we made him regret it bitterly!
- I'm not Ratchet!"
Suddenly, Starscream felt a strange sensation inside his cockpit, which couldn't stop him from laughing. He put a hand over his mouth, surprised at his own reaction, and really didn't understand how the feeling could have made him laugh like that.
"It's better when you're laughing than when you're grumpy! Miko smiled.
- I confess. nodded Jack.
- Just like Ratchet!" added Raf.
The sensation returned, and the Seeker raised his wings, before exclaiming:
“Oh! But what exactly are you doing?!
- We're looking for your ticklish spots!" replied the Japanese girl.
"Ticklish"?! What did that even mean?! The jet couldn't really go further in his thoughts, because the feeling came back, much stronger, which he was doing that he kept laughing uncontrollably.
Starscream began to roll on the floor laughing, when it was now simply impossible to stand. He opened his cockpit, to force the children out and thus stop this far too new sensation, but Miko simply took the opportunity to jump on his head, shouting:
“Yaah!! Tickle Attack!!!
- Aaah! Let go of me! Get off me, you little monster!!!" yelled the Seeker, half-laughing in spite of himself.
When the Autobots returned, they were met with a strange sight, as they witnessed the jet being technically beaten by the children on the ground. Ratchet was the one who intervened, and he easily understood how the little humans had gone about putting Starscream down like this. He had already suffered it once, and could only sympathize.
The others had never really experienced it, but from what they had seen, they could only tell themselves that it was apparently particularly effective against them. After that, the Seeker was adamant that he would never watching the kids again. He didn't want to have to deal with that terrible weapon that was the tickles ever again.
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returnofahsoka · 4 months
I don't know what you want to do with digital art so this is just broad advice, but here are my tips!
Most drawing softwares or websites give you a white background. Change that to a muted, softer, color so that your eyes don't work as much. It doesn't need to be a dark color or even a grey, even just something around this area will do wonder for your eyes:
Tumblr media
You can always put it back in white to check that your colors look good when you're finished, just don't hurt your eyes with your screen.
2. Speaking of screen, remember all those tips about how to work at a computer without hurting your back or your neck? Use them here too. One of the perks of drawing digitally is being able to just zoom in instead of getting the face closer to the drawing, I know that's not easy to get used to but trust me good posture is important.
3. You don't need any paying software or subscription, except if you absolutely need a very specific one, which most people never do. Digital art is one of the areas where the open source community works the most, there's tons of free software and material (and tutorials! there's tutorials for everything!) everywhere! My favorite is Krita because I like its options and tools (although I keep using the same handful ^^), but even something as basic as Paint can work well, depending on what tools you expect your software to give you. If you need Photoshop, you probably heard of Photopea already, I can confirm it also works really well.
4. Drawing time! If you have a tablet that has buttons, I really recommend spending a few minutes looking through a tutorial to attach your software's keyboard shortcuts to the buttons. Personally I have buttons for: switching between pen and eraser, zooming in, zooming out, rotating the image to the left, rotating the image to the right, and grabbing the image to move it. Also the basic Ctrl+Z. I'm planning to add the fill tool on the last button soon.
5. More tablet tips: your hand will probably not glide well on the surface of it. People usually buy a drawing glove for that, I still haven't taken the time to do that so I use a bit of fabric instead. Even just the end of your sleeve will result in smoother lines on the screen.
6. Many pens are pressure-sensitive! If yours is too, you can always begin by using one of the most basic pencils in the software that don't have pressure sensitivity, and work your way up to other pencils once your hand learned how to draw this new way. There can be other settings like angle of the pencil tip or speed, but those also take time to get used to and most people find them less intuitive. But do experiment with what you've got! You should be able to change the size of the pencils, and every other setting too, so if you like some aspect of a pencil but not another, you can just disable that other one xd
7. If you're not drawing with a tablet but with a mouse... Well I take my hat off to you.
8. This one's not specific to digital art, but I find that taking a few minutes to just draw lines and circles and waves works really well to get the hand and arm used to working in a new position. I do that every time I draw for warmup, but whenever I'm at another desk I really notice how much my hand needs it to get used to the new angle. You already know how to draw, your limb(s) just need to work on the neural pathways to become familiar with the new position(s). Thankfully cerebral plasticity works fast!
thank you!!
this is all such useful advice! i'm planning on getting into digital art again (my previous forays have been historically... not too successful) bc my laptop has a touch screen, i got a digital pen and krita is free xdd. it took a bit of fiddling around to find the settings and the brushes i wanted and i still haven't figured out where the ctrl+z is but eh, we're getting there. it's so different to traditional art though omg. but it does give very satisfying results i'll have to give that. thank you again, i will keep trying!!!!!!
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phlurrii · 1 year
Okay new crack theory time
Okay, so the facts that Meau hung out with humans and in their civilization once upon a time, that they had their trust betrayed by the same humans, their reaction to Randy, and the fact that they have a significant trauma with their second neck, I definitely could kind of see what happened in the last comic makes sense. But now, seeing how that trauma happened, I'm starting to think that there might've been a separate trauma to creating Noe. Maybe. I'm not entirely convinced, but I keep looking at the post where you introduced Noe's ghost-typing, and the significant glitchy effect on Noe, coupled with Meau's look of concern or surprise or some combo of those, looks like that might've been the moment Noe manifested, or Noe got corrupted. It also kind of looks a little bit like Noe jumped in front of something, now, shielding Meau. I'll come back to that point in a second.
On top of that, I'm wondering if Giratina's violent outburst didn't happen as some form of retaliation for the humans grabbing Meau's second neck. She already looked afraid and frantic, trying to get away from something. Maybe Arceus wanted to leave the humans be, and not slaughter them into extinction (don't think I haven't forgotten about the extinction event you mentioned before) but Giratina wanted to just wipe them out, humans don't just get to disrespect their own species's creator, but also that's Giratina's younger sibling.
Maybe the fight between Giratina and Arceus is so violent that it still creates some kind of extinction event, and Meau tries intervening, which might have helped create/corrupt Noe? Maybe the trauma wasn't necessarily physical in nature (as I had been assuming all this time, with their second neck, since that has extra power in it, as you mentioned in the Shadow Synergy Stone comic). Maybe seeing them fight is traumatic. However, Noe also might be an echo of something, so what if they started as some kind of defense mechanism? Maybe some of the extra attack/energy if Arceus and Giratina fought destructively went for Meau, Noe took the hit, and they became corrupted.
I hope that made sense!
(I'm also toying with the idea that Noe and Meau share a soul or have some kind of Destiny Bond going on between them, but that's a mess for another day lol)
I'm making a bigger job for myself trying to pin-point the extinction event, Noe's origins/Meau's trauma, and Giratina's violent outburst all into one event or events right after each other. I'm probably trying to connect things that are separate history beats XD
Okay I wanted to get that timeline out it before I replied to this so you would have context as well as frankly with the work you’ve put in? You deserve the damn timeline to help with the history beats X3
First bit, again the source citing actually helps me answer these and it’s phenomenal, muah, chefs kiss, anywho! There’s certainly a trauma that lead to Noe’s creation and you are correct that the second neck’s trauma, whatever it was, was not related to Noe’s appearance. However, it does still have a significant tie in to Noe and Meau’s current state.
Second bit, I have words, but these words need more time in the tea kettle before I can properly lay them out without giving things away or putting myself into a corner narratively. For now, I will say, Giratina and Arceus had very conflicting views for how to handle what the humans eventually did.
I can deny that Missingno. did not come from any sort of trauma, for Meau, relating to Arceus and Giratina. While his corruption was due to his own actions, none of which he regrets nor would go back on.
The last bit regarding sharing a soul, it’s… well, for current day… you’re on the right track.
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fangirleaconmigo · 8 months
As someone who uses they/them but is not out to their parents - if you're doing as they ask in front of their parents, consistently and without question, then you're doing the right thing. That's one of the biggest sources of stress, for me - that someone who knows will out me by accident before I'm ready to have that conversation. You stop misgendering them in front of their parents only when they tell you to stop - forget what surgery they have or haven't had, forget what hormone therapy they're on. They'll make that call when they're ready, when it's time, and your role here is to follow their lead.
The non-parent relatives are the same. If in doubt, ask what someone knows before you head into a situation. If they're anything like me, they'll appreciate that you're aware of the stakes. Knowing that you're being careful about it will probably be a weight off their mind.
In terms of things you can do - obviously, gender them correctly to their face. If you slip up, apologise and correct yourself - doesn't need to be a big thing, just acknowledge it in the same sentence and move on. Practice when they aren't around. Make it clear you're a safe space. Make it clear you're trying, that you value this trust they've offered.
Genuinely, though, it sounds so simple but the most affirming thing you can do is use the right pronouns without question or hesitation. I came out to my best friend of nearly 20 years this spring. Her response was basically, "I was wondering when you were going to figure that out," and she switched immediately. That change is like when there's roadworks outside your house and they have been jackhammering for hours and suddenly it stops. It's a joy and it's a relief.
If you're not sure, ask. Just make it clear when you ask that it's coming from a place of 'I want to make sure I am doing what makes you most comfortable' rather than a request for explanation or justification.
All this said. You sound like you're doing good. The fact that they have told you says you are doing something right. The fact that you're worried about how best to support them says you're doing something right. Keep doing what you're doing. You love them, you sound like you are treating them with care, and it sounds like they can tell.
Thank you so much! I'm sorry for the delay in answering. I appreciate you taking the time to give such thoughtful advice.
For those who missed it, a while back I asked for advice on how to navigate trying to support transmasc young people (two in my family) with unsupportive parents, when the parents are my age or my peers and I'm often in company with all of them.
I also had a lot of anxiety about bringing up the issues of pronouns because I didn't want to pile on to the stress they were under by making it weird.
But I did take your advice. All of this advice. And with the person who uses he/they, I got the courage to just ask, and just outright said that I was asking because I wanted them to be comfortable and happy, not because I was looking for justification.
He thanked me for asking and when we hung out next (I took him out for a birthday celebration with my son and gf-my son's gf), I just made sure to use the right pronouns.
I think it all went well because I then got a request through my son to help connect him to trans resources. We live in a tiny conservative town and it is suffocating here for me, so I can only imagine for the younger queer folks.
So I was encouraged to be given something tangible I could do to help. My strength is research and networking for sure. I'm often the family extrovert brought in when these things are needed and I like feeling like my skills are needed XD I found a bunch of stuff (local support groups, trans friendly churches, trans friendly therapists, etc etc) and forwarded it.
So, I think these are all good signs and I thank you (and everyone else who answered) for helping give me things to think about and how to approach the issue.
I'm a big worrier and the thing I worry most about is probably looking after the young people in my life. I went through so much shit as a kid that it makes me hyper aware and it always makes me feel better if I know I can help in any way.
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