#Tunneling Protocol
tech-developer · 7 months
VPN – The Next-Generation
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One of the most rapidly evolving technologies in the field of data security online privacy is the Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs have been in existence for many years but are now entering what can be considered their next generation of solutions. These innovative advancements are designed to enhance the capabilities and functionality of VPNs, making them even more secure and effective in protecting user data.
Next-generation VPN solutions build upon the traditional concept of VPNs by incorporating new technologies to further improve privacy, speed, and accessibility. These solutions are being developed to address the increasing need for protection against sophisticated cyber threats and growing concerns surrounding data privacy.
One major development in next-generation VPN solutions is the integration of advanced encryption protocols. Traditional VPNs rely on protocols like Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol (L2TP) to establish secure connections. However, next-generation solutions are shifting towards more robust protocols like OpenVPN and IPsec, which offer superior encryption and authentication mechanisms. These protocols ensure that user data remains encrypted and protected from unauthorized access while in transit.
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Another crucial aspect of next-generation VPNs is the inclusion of advanced security features. These features often include multi-factor authentication, intrusion detection systems, and malware protection. By implementing these additional layers of security, next-generation VPN solutions provide users with an added level of assurance that their online activities are safeguarded against potential threats.
Next-generation VPNs also aim to address concerns related to speed and performance. Traditionally, VPNs have been associated with reduced internet speeds due to the encryption and routing processes involved. However, new technologies such as Split Tunneling and WireGuard are being integrated into VPN solutions to mitigate these issues. Split Tunneling allows users to selectively route internet traffic through the VPN, enabling faster browsing speeds for non-sensitive activities. WireGuard, on the other hand, is a lightweight encryption protocol that offers faster connectivity and improved performance.
Moreover, next-generation VPN solutions are focusing on increased accessibility and ease of use. This means developing intuitive and user-friendly software interfaces that make setting up and managing VPN connections simpler for individuals with limited technical expertise. Additionally, the proliferation of VPN apps for various devices and operating systems ensures that users can access VPN services across a wide range of platforms, including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
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In conclusion, next-generation VPN solutions are integrating new technologies to provide enhanced privacy, security, speed, and accessibility.
With advanced encryption protocols, improved security features, and innovative performance enhancements, these next-gen VPNs are poised to offer users a superior level of data protection in an increasingly interconnected world. As cyber threats evolve, the constant evolution of VPN technology remains crucial in ensuring the privacy and security of online communications.
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fnife · 3 months
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archivistprotocol · 3 months
*slams into the room with all the grace of a baby and knocks shit off the tables, sending the red string board flying*
forget that relationship tension for a second (dw, i'm Thinking About It). SAM. PUT THE FORMS DOWN. and for the love of everything holy and good, DO NOT GO TO THE MAGNUS INSTITUTE RUINS. you wanna be the next redcanary??? that's where you're fucking headed, buddy. i know the saying is "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back," but in this case, there ain't nothin' to be satisfied about when it comes to exploring some ol' spooky ruins that are gonna grab you by the feet and drag you further in until you don't know if you're you anymore, or some unwilling servant to a gluttonous, knowledge-seeking eldritch horror. or, you know, you end up dead. there's that. sam. my man. put the forms down, stay the FUCK away from the magnus institute, and figure your shit out with celia and alice because i swear to the unholy eldritch horrors that if you hurt alice in your ill-advised crusade to unravel your past and the secrets of the magnus institute, something worse than a tunnel goblin gouging your eyes out is coming your way.
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dispersed-ghost · 3 months
Oh my fucking god
So my friends and i were talking abt tmp, as one does. And we were wondering if the tunnels were a thing now that the archives are in manchester (because yk the fucking hole in the floor...). Since they were a part of millbank prison and designed by smirk etc. We doubted it since we had not heard shit from smirk, but suprise suprise the assumtion was wrong. There is a prison in manchester, commonly called strangeways. Strangeways is, in fact, also built like a panopticon.....
I live in fear for the coming episodes. And i hope Jonny and Alex find some terrefying way to prove us wrong
Edit: the prison in question is HM Prison Manchester
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squash-a · 3 months
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My laughter has turned from nervous to downright delirious. Jonny Sims we need to have words.
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mssapphirerose · 3 months
One appearance in and I’m already wondering which evil clown would reign supreme, Pennywise or Mr. Bonzo?
Absolutely unnerving. I love it. Have I mentioned how much I hate clowns?
That theme song and that whole scene were so unsettling. It was a delightful moment of horror. I can’t wait to listen to it again late at night, in the dark.
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helpimstuckposting · 3 months
So uh… who do we think dragged their soggy ass out of that trap door?
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batterycows · 3 months
So Celia accidentally referring to Chorris by Jonmartin’s names when
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pickled-slugs · 7 months
TMP Digital premiere spoilers
was going through the transcript for fanart purposes and I noticed that they're specific about the episode taking place in the Royal Mint Court. A couple googles later I find that the main building of the court is called the Johnson Smirke building, built by our dearly beloved fucked up architect Robert Smirke, known tunnel enthusiast. Happenings are afoot in OIAR it seems
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buttercups-song · 4 months
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lokiscauldron · 2 months
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bonebrokebuddy · 3 months
Aw man, just reread my document I wrote on my speculation on how the metagene works & how modern DC could rewrite it to being a result of retroviruses & transposons and man, I really wish I finished that post.
Unfortunately, the reason I stopped was explaining it all down to the point where someone with little genetic knowledge could still understand it proved to be too lengthy and long winded of a task.
Maybe one day I’ll pour myself back into research & finish that speculative paper. Bc I had a whole fun idea that relied on that background information that was about the Daily Planet reporting on the discovery of an entire city of metas with similar meta abilities. The town faced such high levels of radiation and contamination, only the population with the meta gene survived:(
#The meta ability was just super perfect cell replication.#No changes outward. They appear perfectly normal#to be clear. ppl still age. the power is just that their cells are super good at replicating the way they’re meant to#Zero chance of tumors or damaged DNA due to the radiation because their meta ability just resumes them to their previous state.#the city blows up afterward in the news cycle due to people trying to go there so they don’t die from cancer.#and don’t have a risk of cancer BUT THE CITY IS STILL IRRADIATED AS HELL AND THE PPL THAT ENTER CANNOT LEAVE#DUE TO THEM BECOMING SO RADIOACTIVE THEYRE A HAZARD TO BE CLOSE TO WITHOUT PPE#i just thought it was such a fun idea and me being me I overthink the shit outta things & made it super long and overcomplicated#because I wanted people to also learn what retroviruses & transposons were bc they’re cool as hell#and by the time I wrote 5K words on it#I didn’t want to take the shortcut and just embed other ppl’s videos explaining it bc I had already put too much effort into it#for me to delete that research#bones speaks#the cause? the city was built ontop a large kryptonite meteor.#and someone (cough cough LexCorp. but no one actually has enough legal proof to say it’s them)#and when it’s investigated. it appears that someone (cough cough LexCorp. there’s not any legal proof that can pin it on them.#so lexcorp once again escapes scott free without evidence of villany)#has been digging tunnels under the city and excavating it. the excavation not following proper mining protocols caused the city’s ground#and water supply to become extremely irradiated to the point where it’s like when ppl were just eating & drinking uranium products.#actually imma stop myself here & make this it’s own post#anyways. the radioactive bit gets figured out due to the poorly constructed tunnels collapsing and the city conducting an investigation#leading to a ‘oh shit. the Geiger counter is saying this sinkhole is Super radioactive.’#to ‘HOLY SHIT THATS THE ENTIRE TOWN’#to ‘wait fuck how are we still alive? to ‘a weirdly high percentage of folks in the town had metagenes so not a super significant amount#of ppl has died from abnormal lookin cancer.’ to ‘oh my god everyone that doesn’t have the meta gene here is slowly dying get them Out Now’#bones writes in the tags#anyways. that’s kinda the story#I’ll rewrite the tags into a proper post and see if I can revise it so my paper isn’t needed to make some plot points work#bc it’s a Far simpler explanation than the one I wrote in the doc so I’ll base it off of this version instead
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ihavenohotcocoa · 2 years
Coming to you in a month: full list of every single echo and soundscape in Magnus + what they all signify
Why? Because this podcast makes me mentally ill and I can tell where any given clip takes place based purely on the soundscaping 👍
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archivegoblin · 2 years
These tunnels could use an episode of queer eye. Does anyone have Jonathan Van Ness’s number?
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richardmhicks · 1 year
Always On VPN and VpnStrategy
Always On VPN supports a variety of VPN protocols for the user tunnel. Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) are the most common. I wrote about the advantages and disadvantages of each in this post. To summarize, IKEv2 provides the highest security options but suffers from operational limitations. SSTP offers excellent security and is generally more…
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kelluinox · 3 months
Oh are people mad at JKR again and calling out her antisemitism? That's funny. No, it is! It's funny when people suddenly care about antisemitism after these 5 months we've had. It's funny when people who threw a grand ol party on October 7th suddenly care about being antisemitic. It's funny when the people who called the kidnapping and rape and largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust justified resistance... suddenly care about the Holocaust. It's funny to hear their "very angry very loud very righteous outrage against antisemitism" when they have:
1) said and done nothing about the hostages being held by Hamas, among which there is a baby and a 4 yo and women being subjected to sexual torture
2) done nothing to pressure the embarrassment called the Red Cross to pass vital medicine to the hostages and actually do its job
3) have gone full Holocaust denial with their denial of the 7th... despite eagerly sharing videos of Shani Louk and Naama Levy and Noa Argamani and the Nova Festival massacre as it was happening, asking Hamas to film their slaughter horizontally and calling victims "hipsters" as the massacre was actually happening
4) called for the murder and expulsion of half the world's jews from the Levant, labeling them all colonizers despite us being indigenous... which is ironic because they certainly don't seem eager to move their own ass and go back to wherever they came from (looking at you Americans, Canadians, Australians - shut the fuck up you hypocritical bitches)
5) attacked, and harassed, and bullied, and even murdered jews all over the world since the 7th. Jewish students were told to hide in the attic from an angry mob, have been unable to walk to class without verbal or physical attacks, have been unable to mourn the biggest massacre of jews since the Holocaust, have had posters of the kidnapped jews that they put up torn down, have had all their attempts at talks about antisemitism and peace derailed and have even been unable to wear their magen david without harassment. Jewish business have been targeted and defaced. And Paul Kessler and Samantha Woll were murdered. Murdered!
6) refused to listen to jews about antisemitism and have eagerly repeated antisemitic conspiracy theories as old as the middle ages like the gullible bigoted little idiots that they are: Jews control the media by distracting Americans from Gaza by using Spotify Wrapped, the Superbowl, and making a Stop Jewish Hate ad (wow do I 'love' it when Americans make fun of their own intelligence by admitting that they're so easily distracted). Jews poison wells - they poison Palestinian land. Jews steal Christian kids and drink their blood - Jews kidnap blond Palestinian children and steal organs from Palestinian corpses. Jews love killing and are bloodthirsty monsters - Jews intentionally target civilians, have killed 0 terrorists whatsoever, and are rubbing their hands in glee watching mass starvation unfold. Oh, and they also do all this on Ramadan because they're evil like that. Beyond that we also have had: Jewish doctors are not to be trusted - straight out Stalin's doctor's plot. And Zionists are racists - straight out of Imperial Russia's Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Wow, congrats on quoting Imperial Russia and the leader of the Soviet Union, fuckers. Though frankly you don't seem embarrassed about that considering your genocidal intifada posters display the hammer and sickle, do you?
7) have ignored literally everything Hamas has done. From the rape and brutal murders and kidnapping (videos of which they published themselves!). To the tunnels. To the theft of aid. To the execution of civilians following humanitarian corridors to safe zones. To using hospitals to hide weaponry, terrorists and hostages. To forcefully keeping civilians in said hospitals even as they try to evacuate, using them as human shields. To shooting at civilians who try to get some aid before it's stolen. To sending 4 yo children to Israeli soldier camps to assess their preparedness. To keeping weapons beneath a child's bed. To enlisting child soldiers. To programming children with Mein Kampf. To launching rockets from next to kindergartens and across the street from a building belonging to the joke we call the UN. To breaking the November ceasefire 15 minutes in because even an hour without killing jews was too difficult for them to accomplish. To separating families despite the hostage deal being that families will not be separated. To branding the Jewish boys they took hostage (sound familiar to you yet?). To forcing child hostages to watch their October 7 videos and threatening to shoot them if they cry. To raping female hostages. To depriving elderly and chronically ill hostages of life saving medicine. To forcibly converting female hostages. To not releasing the Bibas family despite the deal being that all children be returned. To executing hostages and then lying they died in air strikes despite the cause of death being a bullet. To creating sick games where they publish photos of hostages and dare psychopaths on the internet to guess which are dead and which alive. The list goes on and on and on and you lot stick your fingers in your ears every single time and go "lalala not listening".
8) Have supported the Houthis who literally have "a curse upon the jews" in their slogan
9) Have supported Bin Laden
10) Have supported Iran by supporting its proxy - Hamas.
11) Have shamed Ukrainians for trying to remind them that Russia is still attacking them, and told them that they should support Palestine when... Hamas and the Houthis have literally visited Moscow and Iran are Russia's allies. Good job, guys. Good job.
12) Have done everything to exaggerate what's happening, twist the facts and demonize Israel, all the while portraying it as "criticism". A war is suddenly not bad enough on its own - it has to be a genocide to get people to care. Displacement caused by a war is not bad enough - it has to be ethnic cleansing. Israel is suddenly a fascist Nazi state... despite being democratic and Jewish (where have all the people who laughed at Putin for calling Zelensky a nazi despite Zelensky being a jew gone? I wonder). The war in Gaza has to be the worst conflict on Earth, despite there being ongoing genocides in Sudan and China and the goddamn invasion of Ukraine.
And before any of you antisemitic goyim start furiously typing that it is a genocide and I'm a genocide apologist, please do keep in mind that jews know more about genocide than you ever will. And being a Russian jew I will know more about fascism than you ever will. So do us all a favor, shut up and listen to people more educated on the matter than you.
13) Have tried to define Zionism and Judaism and Jewish history to jews. Thanks for the goysplaining, I guess
14) Have mocked released hostages and their testimonies. Falsely claimed that they were not mistreated and actually written fanfics of them falling in love with the terrorists who murdered their families and kidnapped them
15) Have defaced the statue of Amy Winehouse
16) Have made lists of jews. Oh, sorry, "zionists"
17) Have devolved into race science
And to conclude my post, here are just a few photos of the shit goyim have done since october:
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