#Tuscany chicken
brooklynfoodie · 2 years
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thelcsdaily · 2 years
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Tuscan Herb Chicken and Linguine
This week, I'm making my new go-to pasta dish: Tuscan herb chicken over lemony linguine. Tossed with linguine and a dusting of Parmesan after being cooked in a lemony sauce with shallot, garlic, and chili flakes. Just one bite will convince you of why it has become my new favorite.
“Food brings people together on many different levels. It’s the nourishment of the soul and body; it truly loves.” -Giada De Laurentiis
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thebirdens · 4 months
its been over 2 years since I posted anything on this account.. I still have my birdies although everyone is starting to get up there in age. I affectionately refer to it as a retirement home
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getcakrecipes · 4 months
Tuscan Garlic Chicken
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kmhomecooking · 1 year
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Creamy Tuscan Chicken with Homemade Pasta
Among any other creamy chicken recipes, this is one of my favorite recipes that goes so well with our homemade pasta! I used 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of heavy cream to reduce calories. My hubby didn’t notice and he still loves it a lot! Starches from pasta combine this meal perfectly and make it so comfy!
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growingstories · 1 year
The bike trip
Tomasso, a 27 year old Sicilian man living in Milan. Tomasso had a deep love for and fitness enjoyed running often. He balanced his passion for health with his profession as a real estate broker. Alongside these interests, Tomasso had a deep passion for food and loved to cook. He often found himself exploring the culinary delights of his hometown, Milan, by frequenting nice restaurants.
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While Tomasso enjoyed a variety of outdoor activities on his holidays, he particularly loved indulging in hiking, skiing, and bike tours. However, despite being an Italian, he had never taken opportunity the to explore Tuscany. This was mainly due to the fact that his family hailed from Sicily, and his travels were often divided between Milan and his ancestral home or other destinations abroad.
One day, Tomasso stumbled upon a brochure advertising a four-week culinary trip through the enchanting region of Tuscany. The idea of visiting little villages, trying local delicacies, drinking good wine, and relaxing in beautiful hotels beneath the warm Tuscan sun sounded absolutely perfect to him. Determined to embark on this adventure, Tomasso began training for his trip. He dedicated one to two hours each day to wearing a heavy backpack, as well as participating in various fitness exercises to achieve the perfect summer body just in time for his holiday.
When the day finally arrived, Tomasso packed his car and embarked on a scenic drive to his first destination. Much to his delight, he was greeted at a stunning hotel with a glass of Prosecco and a delectable buffet of cured meats and cheeses. Overwhelmed by the abundance of food and the enticing free-flowing Prosecco, he indulged himself to the point of feeling a little tipsy. Just as he was about to retire to his room and rest for his trip, he received an unexpected call dinner for. Confused, as he thought he had already experienced dinner at the buffet, Tomasso found himself faced with even more extravagant dishes. A vitello tonato served as the starter, followed by a large plate of delicious and rich pasta. Just when he believed the pasta was the course main, a great roasted chicken appeared before him. Unable to resist, he ate until he was uncomfortably full. And to his surprise, a bottomless tiramisu was served for dessert. Despite his overflowing belly, he eagerly devoured a second plate. The night was filled with restless sleep due to the excessive indulgence.
The following day began with a sluggish feeling, which Tomasso attempted to shake off with a carb-loaded breakfast. He then set off on a two-hour bike ride to his first destination, a dairy farm. There, he tasted a variety of amazing cheeses, such as burrata and aged cheese, accompanied by rich artisanal bread and fruit fresh from the farm's garden. After another hour of cycling, he arrived at an olive grove, where he enjoyed a delightful olive oil tasting, followed by homemade pizzas. The final stop was a winery, where he indulged in a tasting of many excellent wines, paired with bread, cheeses, and meats. The overindulgence caused him to feel a little tipsy. Fortunately, the tour operator offered the use of a bus to transport the participants and their bikes back to the hotel, allowing Tomasso to enjoy several more glasses of wine. Once back at the hotel, he was met with yet another amazing antipasti buffet, accompanied by Prosecco, followed by a four-course dinner. Despite his attempts to exercise self-control, Tomasso succumbed to the temptation of all the delicious food before him.
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The ensuing days followed a similar routine with different locations. However, due to his excessive drinking at the winery, Tomasso found himself skipping the long bike rides. As the days went by, he couldn't help but notice aated blo feeling that never seemed to subside. His normal clothes began to feel uncomfortably tight, leaving him wondering how he had gained weight despite the long bike rides.
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By the halfway point of his trip, Tomasso noticed that his once-pronounced abs were now hidden beneath a layer of fat. Consequently, he started skipping even more bike rides, as they were often paired with alcohol-related activities. This pattern continued, and he found himself becoming gradually bigger and less active as the weeks progressed.
By the end of the third and fourth weeks, Tomasso had practically discontinued any form of bike exercise, delegating the task to the tour guide. One day, while glancing at his reflection in the hotel mirror, he saw a full-blown belly staring back at him. Despite his growing size, he had no regrets. The tour had been an absolute blast, allowing him to immerse himself in the amazing specialties and cultural experiences of his own country.
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The rest of the summer, Tomasso enjoyed the bottles of wine and various foods he had taken home as souvenirs. Unfortunately, he remained quite inactive during this period. As September approached and he reached for his regular clothes, he realized that none of them fit anymore. He knew it was time to go on a diet.
The following summer, Tomasso decided to book another culinary tour, this time in Sicily. Four weeks of indulgence awaited him, followed by two weeks of visiting family. However, his body had not fully recovered from the previous year's excesses, and he had only managed to shed a few kilos. This time, the bike rides were even more infrequent, while the food intake increased exponentially. The visits to family members provided even less opportunity for physical activity, as Tomasso found himself overstuffed with his mother's and aunt's delicious meals. By the end the of holiday, he had gained even more weight than the previous year, leaving him to question when he would ever manage to lose the excess weight.
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
mj my dearly beloved 🥝 please provide me with your top 3 favourite foods and your least favourite fruit and vegetable
Oh lord, a thinker from Lola on a Saturday morning 😅
I'm the cook in my household, I am a HUGE food as a love languages motherfucker, so this top three is, like, a balance of love to cook/love to eat:
Lasagne. I make a fucking MEAN lasagne and when I was in Tuscany I got the tip to soak the mince in red wine for ~24 hours before cooking which was a fucking EXCELLENT piece of advice.
Chipotle enchiladas. A super quick post-D&D meal if I've been marinating the chicken before we start playing but fucking delicious.
Butter chicken pie. This is my 'I wanna impress you' recipe lmao. It's absolutely fucking divine and super easy to make!
Least favourite fruit: Not to be, like, Mentally Ill On Main or whatever but I cannot eat fruit where you have to eat the seeds? Apples/pears/etc are fine, but anything where you pretty much have to eat the seeds e.g. strawberries is a huge nope. However there's a lot of those fruits where I really love the flavour, I just can't eat the fruit itself. So in terms of a fruit I hate the flavour of as well... probably rockmelon/cantaloupe? It's just Not A Vibe
Least favourite vegetable: I originally said broccoli here, because the texture is the worst, but then I realised if it was drowned in ENOUGH cheese or something I might bring myself to eat it. Pumpkin, however, is a huge fucking nope no matter what it's hidden in.
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justforbooks · 7 months
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Zuppa Toscana is Olive Garden’s most popular menu items. Their version is made with Italian sausage, crushed red peppers, diced onion, garlic, chicken broth, heavy cream, potatoes, and kale. It’s richer than the original, which is typically made with a lot more vegetables and water, instead of cream — basically far from any Zuppa Toscana you’d probably see in Tuscany. That said, because “Zuppa Toscana” is such a broad term, it’s hard to find its exact origins, and I’d bet that ingredients varied by region or what was available seasonally. Serve with crusty bread for a cozy meal that everyone is sure to love!
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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bladesrunner · 10 months
tagged by @simonghostrileys thank you liliana 😘
❤️ last song you listened to? – pied piper by bts
🧡 ideal pizza toppings? – mushrooms, chicken ranch & also pear, prosciutto and gorgonzola
💛 dream vacation? – tuscany, sweden, french alps, scottish highlands, brazil, south korea, and paris of course... ugh there're so many 🥰
💚 earth, air, fire or water? – fire is my element, but i'd say air
💙 cartoon you grew up on? – grendizer, pokémon, teenage mutant ninja turtles, totally spies, the kids from room 402 from the top of my head
💜 favourite scent? – mint, neroli, seaside breeze, freshly cut grass, new books
✨ tagging @rileykeouhg @ryukzaki @mcbride @bqrbie @calkestis @jamietarrt @jowhittaker @chriswevans @linusbenjamin @elena-gilbert and anyone who wants to do it!
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Rules Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by absolute cutie @l-o-s-t--hope thank you <3
Relationship status: taken
Favourite colour: greyish purple
Song stuck in my head : All I Want by A Day to Remember
Last song I listened to: Where Idols Once Stood by Thrice
Three favourite foods: lasagna, my mum's chicken soup, pizza
Last thing I googled: a synonym for "herausfordernd" (=defiantly)
Dream trip: idk, many! I wanna go to tuscany, the maldives, the algarve and more 🥰
I tag @dekaythepunk @king-for-a-weekend @bundescancler @noworriesbae @blakenstein @addictt-with-a-pen @faint-rhodonite @my-sxe-world @fuck-nonsense @harwinstrongwife if you want :D
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werebutch · 5 months
My dinner lineup this week is chicken Alfredo mini pizzas, broccoli apple salad (again), creamy Tuscany chicken, and probably something either from scraps or whatever my sister suggests.. the one thing about cooking a lot is that I have so much that ends up not being used. I want to make a goal to use as much leftover ingredients as possible.. which means getting comfortable with improvising. We’ll see !
My side quest is to also make some snacks which include awameh, kaak bread, and watermelon + feta skewers with basil 😸 I’ll be so happy if I get all of this done heheh
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foodies-channel · 7 months
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🍥 Roasted Lemon Chicken from Tuscany
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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probablyfunrpgideas · 2 years
Idea: set every important story moment in an Olive Garden.
The team meets up for the first time over chicken veggie lasagna.
A terrible revelation - your cleric friend wasn’t really away at culinary school in Tuscany!
You must unmask the villain before the unlimited breadsticks run out.
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toxoplasmewsis · 2 years
drop the soup resippy
It’s just a knock off of Tuscany soup (zuppa toscana) but I make it basically like…
16 oz bacon toasted (cut it with scissors to make it bite piece before you cook) -> btw I made a vegetarian version of this, oyster mushrooms! Scoop out once cooked so they don’t overcook (both meat and mushroom)
Scoop out some of the bacon grease, (or put in more oil if you use oyster mushrooms) and then put in your spicy Italian sausage (or beyond sausage + maybe some appple cider vinegar, but a LITTLE or else it’ll come out TOO vinegar - gives an amazing spiciness). Scoop out once cooked so they don’t overcook.
Put in minced onions (about half an onion - I hate raw onions so I chopped them up real good so you can’t (feel it) let them semi-brown, then add minced garlic until it smells amazing (garlic is a personal choice, but a lot imo). Add 2 lbs of chicken broth (vegetable broth if vegan) and about 1.5lbs - 2lbs of water depending on how liquidy you want it - my family loves DRINKING soup, but if you’re more of a heart soup person, less water)
Once boiling, add about 2-5 potatoes, chopped into even quarter pieces, (depending on how many ppl you’re feeding) and let boil on a medium heat until you can poke it through with a fork ALMOST
Add about 1lb of kale, bite sized pieces so they’re easy to bite. Add your Beyond sausage/Italian sausage at the same time so it can get the flavor of it in the soup as the kale softens. You can also add your bacon/oyster mushroom now if you feel your soup doesn’t have enough flavor.
Next, (and last) add about 8 oz+ of heavy cream (this is more than most soup recipes call for, but like… y’know… holidays…) and let boil on very low heat all together. If you see white spots on the top of your soup, the heavy cream is separating from the fats, the soup is super done you can stop boiling.
You can add chicken bouillon(or vegetable) throughout the recipe to make sure the seasoning is good, but don’t add too much until you add the meats/oyster mushrooms in cause the flavor will intensify when you slow boil
The whole thing takes about an hour with prep included. Also I’m drunk so sorry if recipe is confusing difjfj.
Also, the only thing that stops me from labeling this recipe as vegan is I don’t know a good replacement for heavy cream, so if you can find a good replacement for that you have yourself a vegan recipe!
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adtothebone · 2 years
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“I’m named after the Tuscany region of Italy, best known for its Tuscan chicken, the only breed of chicken with tusks. …Why yes, I did learn that on the Internet. Why do you ask?” — Tuscany
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