#Unapologetic Expression
jaideepkhanduja · 4 months
Dancing in the Face of Judgment: Embracing Authenticity and Defying Expectations
Dancing in the Face of Judgment: Embracing Authenticity and Defying Expectations #Authenticity #SelfLove #CreativeFreedom #UnapologeticLiving #JudgmentFree
The Liberating Art of Not Giving a Damn: A Brutally Honest Manifesto Ah, the sweet taste of liberation! Do you know what happens when you finally decide to stop caring about the opinions of others? You unlock the shackles that have bound you to a mundane existence dictated by societal norms and expectations. You step into the spotlight of your own life, unapologetically, and with a rebellious…
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longing-for-rain · 2 days
You know what gets me about Zutara and the hatred that has been directed towards it for nearly 20 years now is that Zutara is, fundamentally, a purely female fantasy.
Zutara was always written by and for women. Years ago, this fact was even used to mock it as something frivolous and stupid, the same way that most things women enjoy are mocked.
Zutara was created by fans. It was created by girls imagining something better for a female character they loved, and by extension, themselves.
Zutara is for all the girls who once caved to a boy’s romantic advances out of guilt and felt uncomfortable with that narrative on screen.
Zutara is for the girls who want to feel passion in a relationship.
Zutara is for the girls who want a partner who will love them through their darkest moments.
Zutara is for the girls who want a partner they don’t have to change for.
Zutara is for the girls who want to feel supported by a partner.
Zutara is for the girls who want a partner they don’t have to babysit.
And yes, Zutara is for the girls who want to be with a partner they find attractive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
When people attack the idea of Zutara, this is fundamentally what they’re attacking—women and girls wanting better for themselves in a relationship. And I think that’s really sad. But I guess it makes a lot of sense in a world where women are being increasingly bombarded with tradwife propaganda and where 13 year old girls are stressing out about what kind of anti aging and diet products they should buy. We are in hell.
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cock-holliday · 3 months
I keep seeing sentiments about how Americans knowing about JKR being a terf is a very tumblr thing and that a lot of people don’t know she sucks ass.
I will say that 1. Even American mainstream news reports on her bullshit a lot and frequently and has for years so if you consume literally any news you’ve probably heard this 2. I do not know a single UK citizen, tumblr-poisoned or not who isn’t aware of this now if they give the slightest fuck about queer people because she is very very publicly funding hate drives and speaking at events and continuously writing thinkpieces affecting public life. Somehow because it’s not HERE it allegedly requires niche SJW knowledge to be aware of her open, public campaign.
I do agree that not everyone who still participates in HP shit “must” know, especially kids, but I think it’s very ignorant to pretend it’s a minority of people who are aware when 5+ years ago NBC and NPR and EW and US weekly and fucking Business Insider wrote pieces like “Rowling Under Fire For Transphobia Once More”
It is wholeheartedly a public conversation here.
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screamin-abt-haikyuu · 5 months
I don't think anything can ever beat Haikyuu for me. And I don't think I can ever express my feelings about it in words. No matter how many times I rewatch it, it just makes my heart swoon. My happy place. I'm glad I exist in this exact timeline where I got to witness it like this.
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spaceratprodigy · 5 months
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⭐ Faith and Max ⭐
2021 vs 2022 vs 2023 vs 2024
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demikin · 16 days
Dude discovering myself as dragonkin bought me unrivaled joy. Yes, there is species dysphoria and stuff like that but i still dont feel unhappy or miserable
The fact that im a dragon! A fucking dragon! Makes me go !!!!!!
I gained a new and grand understanding of myself, i feel myself, i never felt secure with myself like this before. Its feels so right, how did i live without knowing such things?
Sure. Its sad that i dont have actual wings or horns nor can i shape-shifting or spit fire but i still feel so happy. The fact that from now on i will live as a dragon is so marvelous itself! Like. Wdym i get to experience the miracle of life as a DRAGON!!!! This is so amazing
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dennisboobs · 5 months
#the reason cisswap lesbian macden does nothing for me is bc i get my dose of lesbianism from canon charden <3#i say it (jokingly) all the time but i think if the sunny fandom was more open to charden y'all would have more fun#everything ppl do with macden to make it ~more fun~ is literally. already there with charden#macden is a lot of fun in its own way but if i want butch/femme lesbians i have charden already--#this is literally why i ship both. if i want to fuck around with gender i can throw charden together#if i want to fuck around with weird codependent loser roommates i can throw macden together#they have different dynamics and both bring different shit to the table#also idk such a massive part of dennis is his (often unapologetic but still stifled) more 'feminine' gender expression#so making him a cis woman who likes being feminine is like. yea. that sure is. cis woman dennis.#as someone who has an extremely complicated history w expressing femininity or anything that is even seen as being remotely femme#it doesn't grab me#the genderfuckery is not there#but TRANSBIAN CHARDEN???? YEAAAAAH#i think mac being so focused on upholding traditional mascilinity IS a very interesting dynamic to have next to. you know. dennis.#wheras charlie could not give less of a fuck#i think gender exploration with macden would take a completely different form but still be extremely interesting for both of them#but there's a lot less initial acceptance and a lot more hiding on den's part#especially if the two are in a relationship#because mac coming to terms with being gay took so long so dennis being at all feminine or even transfem is like#mac needs to do. more introspection#which is an entirely different set of issues to charden gender exploration where like#charlie being nonconforming. not shaving. not caring abt using she/her pronouns. being nontraditional in every way and not giving a fuck#would be absolutely fucking absurd to dennis who is very conformist after she comes out#and would probably be content to conform to whats expected of her as a woman with mac IF she did manage to come out at all#bc dennis would have to actually manage to come out. instead of hiding the fact she's trans > looking at carmen and the way mac treated her#i think both paths have additional challenges and that's. you know. whats interesting.#is cisswap den butchy? does she hide her masculine interests? is denise transmasc...??#cisswap mac being butch is like. you know. nonconforming so it doesn't quite do the same thing as canon mac either#mac being Traditional and catholic and having to push past homophobia (internalized and externalized) to be himself is. pretty huge#would cisswap mac be a tradwife. like. thats sort of the equivalent
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nemmet · 10 months
question: who is your favourite scooby doo character and why?
in a similar vein to my how did you get into scooby doo post from last month, i'm now interested in hearing who your favourite character from the franchise is! are they a member of the core gang or a side character? which iteration/version of theirs do you like best? do you have any specific memories associated with them? do they mean a lot to you personally, or do you just think they're neat? it's time to gush about them in the tags/replies!!
#if you don't know me: hi i'm nem and when the scooby doo hyperfixation beam hit me back in 2021 i was cursed to forever think about#fred jones more than everyone else on the planet combined#i just think the evolution of his character is so fascinating#especially in the way that they made him more engaging by just exaggerating his core traits a whole bunch over time#my favourite iterations of his are mystery inc (for the canon autism and generally how emotionally affecting he is)#and what's new (for just how plain silly and sweet he is)#however now that i've seen the whole show be cool's version of fred is now a firm favourite as well (his focus episodes are amazing!!!)#there's just so much that can be done with him and there's never a dull moment when he gets quality screentime in an episode or movie#he makes me laugh he makes me cry and through relating so much to his character he essentially tricked me into loving myself#i grew up with undiagnosed autism and struggled with self-hatred for things like my intense interests/social struggles/hyperempathy#things that i now know are just. fundamental parts of me and the way my brain is#so seeing fred be his unapologetic autistic self (canon in mystery inc/coded in everything else) made me feel less alone & gave me hope#which eventually led me to seek out & obtain my formal diagnosis at 17 and generally just feel so much more secure in who i am#so yeah!!!! this silly goofy cartoon character means a whole lot to me and i'm glad to have a place to express that :)#i look forward to seeing everyone's responses to this question!!!#scooby doo
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pickleprickle · 6 months
Hi Lee!! For the 25 Days of Christmas, can you do something like making cookies or a gingerbread house with your clone of choice??
THANK YOU for this ask @sleepingsun501! Writing this brought me some joy in a bad time.
I meant to have this ask finished in time for @kaminocasey's 12/8's 25 Days of Life Day prompt: Decorating Gingerbread Houses. But, stuff. ANYWAY!!!!
Here's reader and Wrecker building a gingerbread house!
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“That’s not bad!” Wrecker exclaimed. It was genuine, just like everything else about him.
“It’s terrible,” you countered.
You frowned at your side of the gingerbread house: crooked icing, uneven gummy drops precariously stuck into it, candy cane that would not stand up and insisted on lolling at an angle. The side wall was lopsided and barely supported the roof. Wrecker, his brothers, and sister had never had a Life Day celebration and you’d insisted they come to your little house for proper festivities. You’d never built a gingerbread house, but Wrecker wanted to, and it was always so hard to deny his soft eyes and sweet smile.
“Didn’t say it was good,” he laughed. “Just not bad.”
Wrecker’s side was perfect: knife-edge precise icing trim, gummy drops in strict alignment. His candy cane stood firmly at attention and did not lean to the side.
It was always a mystery how those large hands built for violence could be gentle and nimble enough for such delicate work. One time, after you’d been trying for days, he untangled a knot in your necklace chain with his bare hands. Your fingers absently glided along his hand as they often did until he took the hint and enveloped yours in the warmth of his.
“All you need is practice, cyar'ika.” With his free hand, Wrecker picked up the two ginger people that had been cooling on a rack and laid them out on the countertop. “We can start here.”
Wrecker put the icing pipe in your hand and with his own covering it, guided your movements along the gingerbread people to leave perfect time around the edges, followed by faces and even clothes. One with armor, the other with a dress. All the while he drew closer, his free arm holding your back to his front while he quietly rumbled directions and encouragement. When it was done, Wrecker placed the gingerbread pair in front of the janky gingerbread house you’d built together.
“There,” he said softly, lips brushing your ear. “That could be us one day.”
You fervently hoped that one day would happen.
“It’ll still be a while before everyone gets here,” you smiled, turning your face toward his and lightly biting his lip. “How ever will we fill the time?”
Wrecker smirked, eyes becoming playful as he easily threw you over his shoulder and headed to the bedroom.
“I have some ideas.”
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ishiitake · 1 year
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She went in the mines
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holy-loki · 1 year
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mirrors in velvet goldmine (1998)
#velvet goldmine#film#alright here comes the analysis#i think these are most (but not all) of the mirror scenes in this film#AND AAAAAAA to me there’s such a clear link between the expression of identity and whatever is being shown in the mirror at a time!!!#i wrote about this in the masterdoc (👀)#but okay okay we get jack fairy with the small mirror (concise and small but effective and so unapologetically him!?!)#which - to me - is a perfect expression of how jack fairy’s identity is portrayed in the film#relatively minimal but also central to the formation of everyone else’s identities#speaking of other people’s identitiessss#BRIAN SLADE COMING OUT FROM BEHIND THE DOOR THROUGH THE MIRROR AND MAKING THE LINK BETWEEN HIM AND JACK BY STEALING A PIECE OF HIS IDENTITY#screams#and arthur :(#curt’s little coat-mirror shot being right next to a slade poster because!!! what else would he be basing his own image and identity on!!!#and CURTS REFLECTION BEING LITERALLY SPLIT (and wavering!!) DURING THE SCENE WHEN HIS DAD IS BEING HOMOPHOBIC BECAUSE#THE SAFE SPACE OF HIS QUEER IDENTITY IS BEING SHAKEN BY THE UNDUE SHAME PUT ON HIM#aaaaaAAAAAAAA#and then of course#the teeenagers in the wonky mirror#showing the malleable nature of their identites and this point in their lives#don’t get me started on the brian slade three-split-reflections moment#which is a publicity still i think?? because i cannot seem to remember it in the film#but i think. just. the clear dichotomy between tommy and brian and maxwell. i#i have so many thoughts#my document is 30 pages long and growing#update: SO NOBODY WAS GONNA TELL ME HOW MANY TIMES I WROTE CURT IN THE TAGS WHEN I MEANT ARTHUR!!!#im so embarrassed right now.
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dirtbra1n · 1 year
yeah so about ichinose.
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if there’s one thing harusono is gonna do it’s give characters identifying marks
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like I really don’t think there’s anything profound to say here it’s just like. ahhhh I’m sending you psychic beams you’ll understand. basically I’m wondering though The hell happened in the year since this happened
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When you a grown man who his own man outside of male validation you can do what tf you want cause who gone check you ?
I don’t need male validation to live my life either . Y’all all clones of each other . Might as well be robots . I don’t got shit to prove to no one . Not my sexuality , the way I talk , how I express myself …. I know who I am regardless. Im a strong black man with his own mind
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emp-blast · 2 years
i've been sitting here trying to write a post about how it sort of sucks that the gay shooting games that i play do not, in fact, show any sort of romantic interactions between two male characters, but i can't find the proper words for that thought
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bednbunfast · 9 months
everything feels like it's falling apart,,
#☕️ | chatter#chise go to BEEEEEDDDDDD#hhhhhh i'm just#ive been thinkingnabout how i speak sometime s#and imnsorry ifni ever made anyone uncomfortable because i can get pretty sarcastic#sometimes?? maybe#i dont knwo#im sleepy...goodnight to people ?#ior good morning! idk#ior...iori...oh my god i forgot about iori my little guy my silly oc#i need to redesign him....#funny how i was unapologetically the most sarcasting little shit in junior high and then completely lost the sass in shs because of the fuck#ing pandemic man. i wanna be a little shit again#or not...i may have been roasting the class pres and he sent me to help clean woth the library when the tracher asked of someone was naughty#is naughty even the right wordi cant remember fuck i hate language barriers and words fhat can never truly be expressed#like?? to fully understand something in another language translating it isnt enough you need to#actually learn the langauge#because the contecnt and context and everything is just..lost#some words are not translated correctly to what it actually means andit frustrates me#gods punishment for the tower of babel isnsntupid iland i hate him for it#also like ive been asking people if jesus had a choice in becoming sacrifice and my granma said no and shes religous so nowni feel bad for#him bevaus ehe had no choice ornsomething idunno im itred#gnnfor reals#im sory agaij im just#i dontnknkw whay im supposed to be doing#taling with new people are jard so im so sordh#if i sound weird#im not very good at speaking with new people
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lgbtlunaverse · 9 months
The longer I think about it the more certain I am that my least favorite media/art discourse take is "There's nothing here. How dare you think something is here."
Whether its about someone ascribing meaning to something you think was meaningless "the curtains are just blue" style. Or, more fandom centric, someone looking into a relationship between characters you've decided wasn't significant. It's why I hate the phrase "why can they just be friends" not because it's favouring a platonic interpretation over a romantic one, but because of the word just. What about friendship recquires the word "just"? As if its lesser, uncomplicated, not worth thinking about with the same effort as a romance. It's not a call to engage with characters differently it's a call to stop engaging, period. I hate it.
You can find things meaningless or annoying or bad please go be the best hater you can be. But to not only feel resentment for people who've decided to see something where you think nothing exists but also become convinced that to do so is bad and they need to stop for your sake? "it's not that deep" You have no idea how deep it is. Shut up.
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