#User training
ourjobagency · 10 months
5 Essential Tips for Maintaining Top-Notch Salesforce Org Health
Introduction: Salesforce has become an indispensable tool for businesses to manage customer relationships, streamline operations, and drive growth. However, just like any other complex system, your Salesforce organization requires regular attention and care to ensure it remains efficient, effective, and aligned with your business objectives. 
In this blog, we'll explore five essential suggestions to maintain a top-notch Salesforce Org health, helping you get the most out of your investment.
Best Tips for Managing  Salesforce Org Health 
Regular Data Cleanup and Maintenance: A cluttered and disorganized Salesforce Org can lead to decreased user productivity, slower system performance, and inaccurate reporting. Regularly conduct data cleanup exercises to eliminate duplicate records, outdated information, and irrelevant data. Implement validation rules, workflows, and data governance processes to ensure that data entered into the system is accurate and consistent. Consider archiving or purging old records that are no longer needed, which can significantly improve system responsiveness.
Optimize User Training and Adoption: Even the most powerful tools are only as effective as the users who operate them. Invest in comprehensive user training programs to ensure that your team fully understands the features and functionalities of Salesforce. Regularly assess user adoption rates and address any issues or challenges they might face. Encourage the use of best practices and provide ongoing training as Salesforce releases updates and new features
Govern Customization and Configuration: Salesforce offers an array of customization options to tailor the platform to your specific business needs. While customization is valuable, an excessive amount can lead to complexity, slow performance, and difficulties during upgrades. Establish a clear governance framework for customization and configuration. This includes guidelines for when to use declarative tools (like Process Builder) versus custom code, as well as regular reviews of custom objects, fields, and processes to ensure they remain relevant and effective
Implement Robust Security Practices: Data security and privacy are paramount in today's business landscape. Regularly review and update your Salesforce security settings to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information. Implement strong password policies, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based access controls to minimize the risk of data breaches. Regularly audit user permissions and deactivate accounts for employees who no longer require access to the system
Stay Informed About Salesforce Updates: Salesforce continuously releases updates, enhancements, and new features to improve the platform's functionality and security. It's crucial to stay informed about these updates and assess their potential impact on your organization. Create a process for reviewing and testing new releases in a sandbox environment before rolling them out to your production Org. This practice helps identify any potential compatibility issues with your existing customizations and allows for adjustments before affecting users.
Maintaining a top-notch Salesforce Org health requires a proactive approach that involves regular cleanup, user engagement, customization governance, security measures, and staying updated on platform developments. By following these five essential tips, your organization can ensure that Salesforce remains a powerful tool that contributes to your business success, helping you drive growth, streamline processes, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
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evergreen-pumpkin · 7 months
A snapshot of one morning, on a relaxed day with mild weather. Now imagine this when it's crowded or when it's raining or snowing.
Video description: POV from the lap of a wheelchair user. Very shaky. OP is going downhill on a fall day. Lots of trees and fallen leaves around. There are construction trucks to the left in the very beginning. Every now and then, you can see a German Shepherd on the left. Second obstacle shows a food robot crossing the sidewalk to drive in front of OP, but it stops suddenly and OP crashes into it. OP continues down the hill until she reaches another food robot, which is obstacle 3. This robot sits in the middle of the sidewalk while OP navigates around it. Then OP comes to a concrete ramp with iron railings, which is obstacle 3.5. It is very steep. After the ramp, OP goes to cross the street, where a black SUV blows through the crosswalk. Obstacle 4 is a ramp with red brick. OP struggles to move up and pauses at one point before continuing again to obstacle 5, where there is a big concrete building and manual doors. The German Shepherd service dog goes up to push the accessibility button multiple times to no avail. A student comes and opens the door, OP enters through two sets of doors into a hallway. Clip change to obstacle 6, OP is wheeling down a hallway and approaches a white elevator with out of order signs.
End of description.
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dilfsisko · 2 years
Walkable cities and public transit mean nothing if they’re not accessible to disabled people 
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incognitopolls · 7 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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vehemourn · 5 months
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The Red-Laced fury
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||The cursed treasure hunt||
reserved au rp with @demon-blood-youths
"Anything yet?" Megumi blinks to hear this but he looks from his cell phone. He didn't know what was going on, giving the thought that something might have happened. Gojo was told Kisho still was on his on going mission to find the cursed items that came from that party. However, it leaves another wondering what was going on. He did have some help along the way so it was something.
Right now, Megumi was told by Gojo to check on him but he was not answering the text messages he sent a while ago. "I don't think so. I can try to call him and see if he can answer the phone instead. Or maybe something is effecting the signal."
"I guess that's possible but give it a shot." Yuji said. Megumi nods and goes to do that, seeing Kisho's number and hits speed dial and waits for him to find something.
"I'm sure they are fine you two..just call them and we will see their fine." Nobara said. Miko agrees hoping they were alright. She wanted to go with them but she was still on stand by to recover.
"S..same here..." she mutters seeing Megumi still waiting for Kisho to pick up.
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spenglerstwinkie · 20 days
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30 days to train aka 30 days for kars to cyber bully joseph
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tangybug · 2 years
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bullet train characters + text posts (2/?)
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aiweirdness · 1 year
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jaidenk-nox · 4 months
More lizzy
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"this user likes the httyd (how to train your dragon) books" userbox made by me!!
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feel free to use but keep my username visible ty!!! :3
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carrotkicks · 6 months
i'm sleepy right now but
here's part of the school au timeline bc i'm gonna make a silly video game inspired miniseries based on that Player: START drawing i just posted in order to talk abt some parts of the au that i find making comics and lore posts tedious for
Dazai transfers in, she runs into Chuuya, and she notices her crazy strong ability. the first arc is Dazai just making friends, particularly the Detective Club, which is the og ADA trio, and Chuuya, who she is needlessly annoying to.
Chuuya's infamous in their class because she's "mysterious" and "kinda scary." Dazai forces friendship onto her with but here's the abridged version of the pitch: "I can nullify your powers, meaning i'm a threat, so you should keep me close. Keep any potential enemies where you can see them." (This will end up being a decent lesson for Chuuya later)
Okay [here] is just a cutesy slow paced section of Dazai and Chuuya becoming friends. There's some secrets coming to surface though. I think in this section we get a paced out series of flashbacks describing Dazai's backstory, and some hints about Chuuya's "home" life with N, and the abuse, but nothing in Chuuya's perspective yet
Dazai's pre-Mori life in this AU is vaguely like Batman's origin story and that's all you need to know for now i think.
Considering that Dazai is Mori the Mafia Boss's ward and recently participated in a coup,, there might be SOME risk of her attending the Academy, right?
School gets raided by some belligerent gang looking to fuck around with the Port Mafia, *a miniature school-contained zombie infection bc of an ability user storyline ensues (don't ask why. i've been thinking about it a lot* Skk saves the day, but it puts the two of them on the Map. Namely, a couple of assassins take notice (cough Rimbaud cough Verlaine... cough they aren't working together btw we need multiple quests obvs)
Adam Frankenstein new substitute gym teacher gets sent to the Academy to keep an eye on and protect Chuuya in particular. Why's she still in this school if there's shifty evil government bureaucracy nonsense happening? plot reasons. but she's got a bodyguard now :)
Random but EXTREMELY important fact is that Chuuya is not as good a fighter as he is in canon. She's skilled with her ability, but without that she's more or less on par with Dazai. She's considerably worse at offense than everyone else but decent with defensive moves. Either way if Chuuya's ability isn't at her disposal, she oughtta back out of the battle... Will she though? nah.
Rimbaud crawls out of his burrow when he realizes that his target from 7 years ago has resurfaced in a more vulnerable position. Obviously he's gotta take a crack at capturing it, right?
ok sleepy again. i leave you on this cliffhanger. I'll reveal some "stats" in the art posts later. BYEEEEEEE
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mornlucc · 6 months
I was practicing painting with Yoichi 💥
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incognitopolls · 3 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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astro-nautic · 6 months
Guys help I'm hyperfixating on these octonauts characters from the Chinese book series helpppp
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I know next to nothing about Captain Flying Fox and Agu but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
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ponydoodles · 4 months
hello everyone!! just a quick one, thank u for all the asks reminding us to turn on preventing third party sharing- we’ve already done it 🫡
to anyone who hasn’t already make sure to go to your settings -> visibility -> ‘prevent third party sharing’ (pictured below) and make sure that’s ON! this means your data and such cannot be sold to research companies and posts can’t be used in ai training models!
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-mod treat
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