#Uzumaki Naruto Is A Ray Of Sunshine
Mission: The Flu Shot
001. SasuNaru | Sasuke x Naruto[Kiddie Crush]
002. ItaDei | Itachi x Deidara [Teenage Attraction]
003. FugaMiko|Fugaku x Mikoto [Married; Alive]
004. MinaKushi | Minato x Kushina [Married; Alive]
006. Minato & Fugaku | [Platonic Friendship with the Classic Uchiha Protectiveness ]
Getting Sasuke to do something generally wasn't an issue for Itachi. Simply because his kid brother practically worshipped the ground he walked on and would do anything to please his older brother.
Well, almost anything.
Apparently, getting a flu shot was on the exception list that Itachi hadn't even known existed. So, with no choice, Itachi has to use a not-so-secret weapon: Naruto Uzumaki.
[❝I don't hold grudges. I just remember important facts, that's all.❞]
It was just one word. Just two syllables spoken with the famous (or infamous, depending on who you asked) Uchiha glare. Usually, Itachi enjoyed and even encouraged Sasuke's defiant side. Seeing the staring contests between his kid brother and his father was amusing. However, being the target of said glare wasn't as funny, and he could wholeheartedly sympathize with his father. 
"Come on, Sasuke," Itachi said, pleadingly. He picked his brother up and set him on the doctor's bed for the fifth time. "It will be so quick you won't even notice it. Just one shot and then you're done. What do you say?"
"For me?"
"Hell No!"
Itachi did not sigh. He merely let out a sound that could be mistaken as a sigh. Uchiha's did not sigh. Then again, Itachi thought, glancing at his pouting brother, Uchiha's don't refuse to get their flu shots either. 
"He's still being stubborn?" The doctor asked, looking sympathetic. 
No shit, dumbass. 
"No, he still refuses to get it," Itachi replied wearily. He had tried everything! He had reasoned, bribed, threatened, and even begged—as much as an Uchiha would. 
"Don't worry about it. A lot of kids refuse to get their shots," the doctor reassured, giving Itachi a pat on the shoulder. "Sasuke is actually a level up with that, generally kids cry as soon as they step in."
"That's helpful," Itachi said, dryly. 
"Sorry," the doctor replied, sheepishly. "Do you have an old family technique or something you can use to convince him?" "An old family technique," Itachi repeated blankly. 
"Yeah! Sometimes, a kid needs to be convinced by something or someone specific, something they can't resist. Like, I had one kid take a shot because her Mum said that Tibbles—that's their cat by the way—could sleep in her bed if she took the shot. It was pretty funny, actually."
"As entertaining as that story was," Itachi started, dryly. "I don't understand what this has to do with 'an old family technique' that you mentioned."
"Ah! Well, I asked the girl's Mum why she chose that particular method, and apparently, she had to be told the same thing when she was younger to get the flu shot. It was like a hereditary weakness of some sort."
Hereditary weakness, huh?
Sasuke had a couple of weaknesses: his stuffed dinosaur, tomatoes, blue blankets, and a lot more. Unfortunately, those weaknesses wouldn't be strong enough to exploit. He needed something stronger. 
He thought back to his own childhood days. How his mother used to convince him to do things he didn't want to. She had a secret weapon that was used only in the direst situations: Deidara. 
His smiling best friend (and current boyfriend, though Deidara didn't know it yet), had been—and still was—his biggest weakness. He figured it was hereditary, seeing how soft and protective Fugaku was over his (self-proclaimed) best friend: Minato. 
It was a last-ditch attempt. Something that should be used only when there was no other way out. Only as a last resort. Should he really use such a powerful weapon? 
Itachi glanced at his stubborn seven-year-old brother who was sitting with his arms crossed and glaring at the wall.
No, this wasn't really a dire situation. He could find another way to convince Sasuke to get the flu shot. No need to bring out the big guns. Really, he just needed to think and—
A beeping sound broke Itachi out of his thoughts. He glanced down at his smartwatch which was displaying 2:45 in glaring numbers. Telling him that he only had a half-an-hour to get ready for his hangout with Deidara. 
A fucking half an hour! 
It wasn't just a dire situation anymore. It was a fucking crisis. 
"You know," Itachi started casually. "If Naruto found out that you got this shot, he'll be very impressed."
Sasuke took the bait, eyes wide at the mention of his precious friend. "He will?"
"Oh, yes," Itachi said, solemnly. "In fact, he'll probably praise you, hug you and offer to kiss it better."
"Really Ni-san," Sasuke said, beaming. "You think so?"
"Hn," Itachi nodded, trying his best to hide his smirk. 
Sasuke thought about it for a second. Imagining those gemstone eyes looking at him in awe, those warm hugs, those soft kisses...and all for him!
The seven-year-old glared at the bemused doctor. "Well, what the hell are you waiting for? An invitation?" He shot his arm out, smacking the poor man in the chest. "Hurry the hell up, I don't have all day!"
Itachi watched the scene in amusement and satisfaction. He wasn't called the Uchiha prodigy for anything, after all. He made a mental note to use this as blackmail material when Sasuke grew older. He deserved it for making Itachi panic and almost forget his date—erm, hangout—with Deidara. 
Speaking of which. He would need to cut his hair care routine short if he wanted to make it on time to meet the feisty blond. He wondered how many hair products he could use without messing up his hair. Perhaps, Mother would have a better idea?
Eh, he would think about it later. First, he needed to decide what flowers to bring. Would roses be a bit too much?
[❝I like your approach. Now, let's see your departure.❞]
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sleepy-edits · 6 months
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 years
My face whenever I see Naruto and/or Sasuke slander
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he runs on pure spite
he's just trying his best all the time
ray of sunshine
we wouldn’t have the story without him
he’s got his faults but he’s still one of [submitters] favourites
his true talent is in his irony: he wears bright orange, is loud, and likes direct confrontation; all things that should make him an awful ninja but he works hard and turns out to be a talented one anyway
he's determined; works real hard to achieve his dreams
he's entertaining and fiercely loyal to those he cares about although he does get a bit obsessive with Sasuke
entertaining to watch
good boy with good intentions even if he can be dumb af sometimes he's always trying to find the better option even for his enemies <3
sun coded boy who can also beat someones ass
was instrumental in the success of the story - he may not have won against Madara, but he put fear in him and had it not been for hacks, he would have decimated him where no one else could
believes whole-heartedly in his student to the point of dedicating his life to making him a splendid ninja
came from nothing, worked his way up from nothing, and is now considered to be one of the greatest shinobi to have come out of the Hidden Leaf. People know and fear him
made Itachi bail. That man was ready to fight everyone else, but packed it up when Gai came on the scene
kicked Jiraiya in the face and never properly apologized
great salesperson - always has a spare jumpsuit to give to passers-by and hook them on his favorite brand. True influencer and fashion icon
had a bowl cut before it was cool
was a great friend to Kakashi, and was there for him during the highs and lows of his horrifically stressful life. Arguably saved Kakashi's life with his constant support, and the story could not have happened without him. Is considered by Kakashi - one of the most powerful and infamous shinobi in the world - to be his equal and his best friend
loves kids. Supports his own students like he was their father, and equally takes pride in Naruto and protected Sasuke after Sasuke's first run in with Itachi
in the anime, he is shown to be hard on the outside but clearly permissive in that he would sneak Chouji food in the middle of a mission and try to push Naruto into figuring out who Minato was
confident in himself and confident in others - he is everyone's biggest cheerleader and he isn't just talk; he'll work hard with you. When he says he'll do something, nothing will stop him and he will follow his promises even when no one is watching.
hot. Man has pretty privilege
amazing, supportive teacher and friend
he is always trying to be positive in such a dark world and cheer up those around him
he's so good to Lee, Tenten, and Neji, you can just tell how much he cares about those kids
his speech to Lee was super moving. He knew Lee was scared and made sure to be there for him
he was ready and willing to die to defeat Madara in order to save the others
an actual decent upstanding father figure
unbridled whimsy
excellent tits
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cherrybnuy · 1 year
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Fox spirit Uzumaki Naruto, he's adorable ray of sunshine, a tiny baby, I want to protect him 🥺💕
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sea-owl · 1 year
You know, I still want an AU where Mebuki and Kizashi become the team parents for team 7. I have only found one so far and that's Rays of Spring Sunshine by sparklyfaerie over on AO3.
So let's add some more to the internet, lets make a childhood friends au for team 7. For shits and giggles we could also potentially add Sand Cousins to this AU later, also Merchant Haruno clan. (For those wondering what those are here's a link or two or three)
Okay, so here's what I'm thinking. We have merchant Kizashi Haruno who moved to Konoha to help expand business. Mebuki, who was originally from Suna, was a chunin level ninja during the war but retired after and moved with her husband. After the move to Konoha they have Sakura.
Mebuki has gotten a job in the village as a social worker or the equivalent to that. Because of her previously being a shinobi, a lot of her cases are children whose ninja parents died on missions. Most of them being clan kids, it was easy to find new living situations for them with other clan members and then do check ins. A lot of clans already had procedures put in place for this, too. Then, one day, she got her newest cases with a muttered good luck. Mebuki looked them over, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki. The only survivor of the recently massacred Uchiha clan and the vessel for the nine tailed fox.
Oh dear god, what the hell?! The mom in Mebuki was ready to fist fight someone. What moron deemed it okay to let two little boys who are obviously traumatized live on their own? Nope not on Mebuki's watch.
As the new case worker for each boy, Mebuki does have to go make house calls. She takes Sakura with her, so not only will Mebuki stay calm, with several little eyes watching her, but sometimes having another child there will relax the other, and having them play together gives Mebuki more insight.
"Sakura, be nice to these boys," Mebuki tells her daughter. "Life has not been kind to them, so we must."
The little girl nodded as she followed her mother to the first apartment.
Mebuki almost fainted at the state of the apartment she entered. Does no help this boy clean? Or at least show him how?!
"Are you my new social worker?" Naruto asked, recognizing the symbol on the file in Mebuki's hands.
Mebuki nodded, getting down on the boy's eye level while she talked to him. "Yes, I'm Mebuki Haruno, and this is my daughter Sakura. May we come in?"
The boy was on edge which Mebuki didn't blame him for he has gone through almost as many social workers as he had years on this earth. But after a gentle nudge to her daughter Sakura got him to relax a little. The way he bombarded her daughter proved Meuki's suspicions true, the boy was starved for attention. It was partly why Mebuki brought her along, and her daughter's empathy was sometimes needed to help gaining other children's trust.
Sakura spending time with Naruto also gave Mebuki an insight that this boy was indeed left to fend for himself. Well, she'll have to change that. One of these days later this week, she'll have to come back with Sakura to start teaching Naruto basic life skills. She'll be damned if this boy is only surviving off ramen.
The next stop was Sasuke Uchiha's apartment. This one Mebuki was more hesitant on bringing Sakura to. Trauma and the reaction to it is unpredictable, especially in ones so young. Mental health is also often ignored among shinobi and ninja clans. Mebuki highly doubts Sasuke has received anything in healing besides his physical body.
Unsurprisingly, the boy is angry and demands they go away. Unfortunately, Mebuki is just as if not more stubborn. She's a former shinobi. Does he really think a locked door is gonna stop her?
She makes a deal with Sasuke, if she can get in then he'll work with her since he'll be seeing a lot of her in the next few years. Sasuke snorts but takes the deal thinking she won't get in, after all this women is just a civilian.
30 seconds later, Mebuki Haruno is standing inside his doorway file ready in hand.
Mebuki is right that this visit was completely different from the one she had with Naruto. Sasuke kept his focus on her with maybe one or two glances at her daughter after introductions. Sasuke seemed more interested in getting them out as soon as possible and isolating himself. Well, that won't do either. Mebuki makes a mental note to make frequent visits to Sasuke's place. According to his file, the last social worker didn't even try to help this boy with his isolation issues. Guess Mebuki will have to go the exposure therapy route. Even if it's in small bursts with her or with her and Sakura, the boy needs some sort of human interaction.
Maybe she can get him and Naruto to hang out one day? Though they may need Sakura there to buffer out the two as a middle man.
So Mebuki got to work. The Academy was currently on a break for two weeks, and Kizashi was currently away on business, so all of her visits she did have to bring Sakura. Naruto liked having her around. Sasuke seemed to tolerate it. Naruto eagerly took to learning from her, whether it's because he was learning with Sakura or Mebuki actually took the time to patiently explain things to him, she wasn't sure. She still had to break into Sasuke's apartment every time, but she actually got that boy to go out into the world even if it was just errands. And he's acknowledgumg Sakura more on the visits even sorta speaking to her. So that's a win in her book.
It was during this time that Mebuki learned the boys were actually in the same class as Sakura in the academy. She knew they all went to the academy but not the same class. This info from Sakura and the information on how they're treated helps Mebuki adjust on what she needs to do with the boys.
"Mama, Naruto, and Sasuke are lonely," Sakura stated to her after one of the visits.
Mebuki nodded. Her daughter was sharp minded. It did not surprise Mebuki Sakura picked up on the boys' loneliness.
"I want to help them."
"Continue being kind to them Sakura," Mebuki instructed. "They both need it, and maybe a friend."
When the academy started again, Mebuki wasn't surprised to hear the kids didn't interact much. The classroom and children themselves have their own social rules they tend to follow. Sakura was also friends with Ino Yamanaka, one of the most popular girls in class. So by proxy, Sakura was in the middle of the social circle, too. Sasuke wouldn't dare get close to it, and Naruto wouldn't have the chance.
What did give Mebuki some surprises was her first time checking in on the boys without Sakura. Kizashi had recently returned home and was gone again with Sakura on a daddy daughter weekend trip. Naruto, being disappointed that his new friend was away, didn't surprise Mebuki much. But it did hurt to think he thought it was because Mebuki or Kizashi didn't want her around him. Surprisingly the boy let Mebuki comfort him saying no they weren't forbidding it, this was just a planned trip before Naruto became Sakura's friend.
"Where's Sakura?"
Sasuke's question would have thrown Mebuki off had it not been for her ninja background. But she had seen the boy slowly warming up to her daughter.
"She's with her father right now."
This gives Mebuki an idea. On Friday afternoon, while children were in school, Mebuki had placed a sealing jutsu on the boys' apartments, one that locks them out. She also left a note saying they are to come over for dinner. After she sends Sakura to go get Naruto while she goes get Sasuke, and Kizashi starts on dinner.
Sasuke was glaring at her when she got to his apartment. "How did you do this?"
Mebuki smiled, with that pout he was trying to hide Sasuke almost looked his age. "Just because I retired being a ninja doesn't mean I still don't know how to use jutsu Sasuke. Now come on we have some things to pick up before dinner."
And that's how Friday dinners started, leading to weekend sleepovers after Mebuki and Kizashi insist that it was too late for the boys to be wondering in the dark. Kizashi's jokester nature warmed Naruto up to him fast and she swore she saw Sasuke smirk once or twice at one Kizashi's awful jokes. After a while Mebuki could stop putting the sealing jutsu on the apartments when the boys just started following Sakura home on Fridays but she kinda wants to see who figures out how to break the jutsu first.
They still don't interact unless they have to in the academy but Mebuki is starting to suspect that's more on the boys wanting this friendship to be private. Sasuke is naturally a private person and Mebuki suspects that Naruto is afraid of the public either turning one of his friends away from him or that they'll be ostracized like he was.
Mebuki knows this is technically crossing some professional boundaries but honestly she does not give a damn. And technically they're over at her house as Sakura's friends. Good luck trying to deny these boys one of their only two friends.
Mebuki can do without the pranks though. Naruto may be the only one the village blames for them but she knows better. That is not Naruto's handwriting and Naruto was never that detailed before.
It was around the time of graduation that Mebuki was starting to become a little worried. She was excited for the kids don't get her wrong but the politics of the whole thing was a pain in the ass. Newly graduated genin in Konoha were pretty much considered emancipated minors. Genin who were wards of the state like Naruto and Sasuke would be aged out of their social workers care. They would then be put on teams based on skillset. Mebuki was worried how well that was gonna work out for the children. The only ones she can see them working well with is one another but likely hood of all of them ending up on the same team was not very high.
Well she might as well start preparing. She'll have three jonin showing up soon. One to talk to the parent of Sakura and two to talk to her as the social worker to Naruto and Sasuke.
Mebuki couldn't help the laugh when she learned that all three meetings would be with Kakashi Hatake. Oh is he gonna have his hands full, she hopes her little brats gives him hell.
I'm imagining after the war team 7 stumbles into the Haruno's house at some point because Mebuki put that same damn sealing jutsu on all of their apartments. Mebuki starts chastising Sasuke like "Where. Have. You. Been?!" like he's a teenager who missed curfew and not a wanted missing ninja for the last three years. Later on when Sasuke and Sakura start traveling together Mebuki and Kizashi have a bet on how many grandchildren they'll have by the time they return and what the genders will be.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Uzumaki clan + potential sea serpent ancestors + developed in the womb of a jinchuriki + raise by Orochimaru + sibling of Anko + son of the fourth + current jinchuriki = naruto being really freakin scary
Oh Naruto is fucking terrifying but the scariest part is the fact with all of that that he’s still an absolute ray of sunshine with the power to pull people in and make them completely devoted to him with little more than a punch and a few words.
Orochimaru is honestly wondering how he managed to get two extrovert children and why they keep bringing home more of them.
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nepobabyeurydice · 8 days
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Size Of The Moon
Chapters: 2/45 Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto Characters: Uchiha Tsukimi, Dai-nana-han | Team 7 Ensemble (Naruto) Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Self-Insert as Uchiha Sasuke, Self-Insert, Female Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto is a Ray of Sunshine, Haruno Sakura is a Little Shit, Tsukimi is tired always, so many references, Shinobi Politics (Naruto)
Series: an end of your voyage of sorrows
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fxckin-blackbeard · 8 months
ᒥ💀ᒧ—         Zenjiro Uzumaki - Past Naruto OC
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Art by: Me
Name: Zenjiro, Zen, Zenji Age: (Varies, but last I played him it was 30+) Race: Human Gender: Male About: It's long...Super long...So like, if you want to know you can go to @uzumaki-zenjiro which is my roleplay blog for him that I haven't touched in a year. Tldr; Childhood trauma has made this man a cold-blooded killer and he's a major asshole.
ᒥ💀ᒧ—         Zenjiro turned sharply after his shoulder clipped their’s and gave the person a hardened glare. “Watch where you are going or next time I’ll snap your spine and watch you suffer.” Zenjiro, the ray of sunshine, spoke with venom and malice on his tongue.
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ao3feed-hashimada · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MSxRy6b
by Anonymouskuchiki
Rumors are spread around konoha that Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Ino are all cheating on each other with each other, forcing the quad to come out in an attempt to dispel the rumors. How will their newly revived family members take it?
Words: 3611, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto, Yamanaka Ino, Uchiha Itachi, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Fugaku, Haruno Mebuki, Haruno Kizashi, Yamanaka Inoichi, Karin (Naruto), Deidara (Naruto), Hatake Kakashi, Yahiko (Naruto), Konan (Naruto), Hoozuki Suigetsu, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Other Naruto Character(s)
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto/Yamanaka Ino, Uchiha Sasuke/Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto/Yamanaka Ino, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Fugaku/Uchiha Mikoto, Deidara/Uchiha Itachi, Konan/Nagato | Pain/Yahiko, Hoozuki Suigetsu/Karin, Hatake Kakashi/Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito, Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Overpowered Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto is ripped, Namikaze Minato Lives, Uchiha Itachi Lives, Uzumaki Kushina Lives, Everyone Is Gay, Polyamory, Coming Out, Bottom Uchiha Sasuke, Top Uzumaki Naruto, Bottom Uzumaki Naruto, Top Uchiha Sasuke, Good Parent Uchiha Fugaku, Fuuinjutsu Master Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi Being a Good Brother, Strong Haruno Sakura, Sharingan User Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin Lives, Uchiha Shisui Lives, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Fluff and Smut, Uzumaki Naruto is a Ray of Sunshine, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Post-Fourth Shinobi War
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MSxRy6b
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eiloveir · 3 months
→﹐naruto hc! <3
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‹𝟹 :: ⭑⭒  🗨 !!   𓏲  what naruto men would be like as boyfriends!
✰ pairing: them x f!reader
✰ warnings: none, except maybe being a bit cringy? it’s rushed too, there might be errors since i didn’t proofread.
i was bored and had nothing to write, so i came up with this idea to occupy someone’s delusional thoughts — though the characters might seem out of their usual paced.
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the sunshine boyfriend
uzumaki naruto, rock lee, inuzuka kiba, akimichi choji
a surge of energy that is consistently buoyant in your life. they make you laugh with their jokes and antics, and their contagious laughter and lively humor makes your day. they are the gregarious person that infuses the group with spontaneity and a sense of joy during social events. they may be that social, but beneath that there’s a side that comes out in the way they treat you. they always make sure you feel supported and loved—paying close attention to your happiness and well-being. they are there for you with effort and loyalty, whether it’s celebrating your victories or providing you with comfort during your most vulnerable times and they constantly bring warmth and positivity into your being—in your life, like a ray of sunshine.
the reserved and protective boyfriend
uchiha itachi, hyuga neji, gaara, aburame shino
prioritizes your happiness above all else, their actions speaking volumes about their commitment to your well-being. they don’t rely on words to show their affection; instead, they express their love through thoughtful gestures that make your heart flutter. their confidence in your bond is reassuring—as they know your heart belongs to them alone. they’re attuned to your every need and desire—noticing the smallest details that make you feel truly understood and loved. your relationship with them resembles as each other’s safety nets—like the archers, both are holding onto one another.
the ideal boyfriend
uchiha obito, hatake kakashi, nara shikamaru
they radiate a sophisticated poise and a playful charisma. they always know how to make you laugh and feel at ease while adeptly balancing a relaxed style with courteous care. their dependability make you feel consistently loved—their protectiveness guarantee that you feel safe and treasured. they are the kind that are good at flirting—the tease one and those who can be called a “playboy”—but they are extremely loyal. they are often perceived as having many women in their lives, but in reality, that is just their aura; they only have one person in mind, and that someone is you. they are the combination of carefree and playful, which makes them an ideal partner in every way.
the black cat boyfriend
uchiha sasuke
someone who, like a feline, keeps a cold exterior, appearing remote and aloof. despite his outward demeanor, his heart races in your presence, and he blushes when he sees you. he may reject inquiries about his thoughts with a flippant “it’s nothing,” but his actions scream louder than words, much like a black cat’s intriguing charm. although expressing feelings vocally is difficult for him, he expresses caring through actions and intimate moments shared only with you (just like with the second one)
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alamodearts · 4 years
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a small naruto on your dash? BELIEVE IT!!!
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he runs on pure spite
he's just trying his best all the time
ray of sunshine
we wouldn’t have the story without him
he’s got his faults but he’s still one of [submitters] favourites
his true talent is in his irony: he wears bright orange, is loud, and likes direct confrontation; all things that should make him an awful ninja but he works hard and turns out to be a talented one anyway
he's determined; works real hard to achieve his dreams
he's entertaining and fiercely loyal to those he cares about although he does get a bit obsessive with Sasuke
entertaining to watch
good boy with good intentions even if he can be dumb af sometimes he's always trying to find the better option even for his enemies <3
sun coded boy who can also beat someones ass
ncredibly smart and talented
made a jutsu that can go toe to toe with a tailed beast bomb as a child hello
gave his life to protect the village
cutie/very nice to look at
great hair
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khilluas · 5 years
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Ep 150  A Battle Of Bugs! The Deceivers And The Deceived!
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madainncheothar · 5 years
A ray of sunshine ☀️
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its-an-art · 6 years
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Happy girl Kushina Uzumaki My art~
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