#VS. Hex
underratedgrapeju1ce · 4 months
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is anyone even still in this fandom
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
Apparently, I forgot that The Flash and Green Arrow fought. Flash won.
Now that I've rediscovered that little tidbit, and I'm procrastinating on sleep, here's a list of Batman fighting other heroes (a loose term that is) and who won! (All canon, btw)
Batman vs. Superman - Batman
Batman vs. Spawn - Spawn
Batman vs. Nightwing - Nightwing
Batman vs. Green Lantern (Guy) - Batman
Batman vs. Aquaman - Aquaman
Batman vs. Batgirl - Batman
Batman vs. Batgirl - Batgirl
Batman vs. Wildcat - Tie
Batman vs. Catwoman - Catwoman
Batman vs. Jonah Hex - Jonah
Bruce Batman vs. Jean-Paul Batman - Bruce
Batman vs. Robin (Damian) - Robin
Batman vs. Hawkman - Hawkman
Batman vs. Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman
Batman vs. Red Hood - Red Hood
Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Batman
Batman vs. Master Splinter - Tie (I'm pretty sure)
I was gonna round it out evenly with Batman fighting all of his kids, but I can't find him fighting Steph (not his kid, but his kid), Tim or Duke.
I might add to this, I might not. Please do leave Hero v. Hero fights in the comments, though, I wanna see who wins
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gamingglitchgg · 4 months
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Uh oh homestuck!!
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gingerswagfreckles · 2 years
No offense but the rise of magical thinking in the left through astrology and Tiktok witches is a direct parallel to same phenomenon happening in the right in the form of anti vaxxers and Qanon. It’s a diluted form of the same anti-intellectualism that has underpinned every populist movement since the beginning of time, and it is undermining what could otherwise be a moment of real momentum and change in our society. It’s not all in good fun anymore and we have to stop pretending that it is. Hexing the Supreme Court doesn’t count as direct action and it never did, and believing in “alternative science” is no different from believing in “alternative facts.” Crystals can’t heal you, sage doesn’t do shit, and progress has never been made through mass delusions no matter how they are packaged.
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hrokkall · 2 years
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darklight-phantasm · 4 months
I think a lot about the potential dynamic of Hex and Fright Rider when you consider that she's been undead for centuries (confirmed in the Mask of Power series) and headcanon that he transformed only a few years ago. Youngster met with the same fate as this wise and powerful elder brought together by a common goal. Hex went to the underworld willingly, sacrificing everything but was received with distrust back home while Rider was taken there against his will but (I assume) kept the support of his loved ones. Rider has yet to experience the consequences of his immortality which Hex is painfully aware of. Seeing how he thrives despite his circumstances while it took her several lifetimes to come to terms with it. They can learn so much from each other, just as easily as they could take each other down.
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riddle me this batman
Is hex evil wonder or is wonder good hex
(I do not understand wonder as much as i think i should)
(immediate answer jumpscare) so technically no sembla is EVIL as they're just powers, and powers are only bad with how they're used
to differentiate Hex and Wonder, think about what exactly you're trying to control. Hex controls the perceived means, Wonder controls the outcome.
Say you have a box; this box cannot be opened normally, nor do you know what's inside the box. Beside you are a Hex user and a Wonder user. the Hex user cannot actually use psionics to open the box, nor can the Wonder user control what's in the box.
However, the Hex user can up the odds of there being treasure, a desired other object, an awesome found footage tape or something, or.... a live scorpion if you wish, etc. Anything that's PERCEIVED TO BE LIKELY to be in a box. it's like Schrödinger's Cat turned into a magical ability that can be utilized.
As for the Wonder user, they can't change what's inside the box nor can they control what they use to open the box. HOWEVER. They can definitely cause SOMETHING to happen. They don't know what, but something happens; this can be a bunch if rats or locusts suddenly appearing and eating the box's walls, the box straight up explodes, a piano fuckin falls from the sky and cracks the box open, you name it.
Point is, Wonder user wanted X task done, and X task will be done in an unknown way. As for what's inside, the Hex user will determine all perceived likelihoods of the various items that could be inside, and uses their powers to raise the chances of a desired outcome.
Wild magic vs magic tricks.
TLDR; if anything, Wonder is more blatantly dangerous. But Hex COULD be more lowkey and nefarious!
But neither are inherently evil. Just different.
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anewgayeveryday · 1 year
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Hex from Friday Night Funkin vs Hex Mod-Pansexual
Requested by @crossover-enthusiast
Status: Alive
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 4 months
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bring down the house!!!
(unedited version under cut)
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hexedbug · 7 months
anime twink humanizations of the stick figures from animator vs animation remain my number one artistic inspiration
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icedbatik · 1 year
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vanlegion · 1 month
Remember that bonkers parody I said I my brain fucked me on? Sent me spiraling into laughter for a couple days?
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Haha, everyone expects the Neon Genesis Evangelion Parody (I mean, when you have a dude who is LITERALLY looking at Gendo Ikari and is like 'Hold My Beer'), but no one expects a Kill La Kill parody! JK Someone on here straight up mentioned a character from KLK and my brain self destructed from that point and I couldn't stop thinking about this for a hot minute. When I say I was in tears...
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biomorphic-beast · 2 months
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remus-poopin · 1 year
What are you guys theories for what Mulciber did to Mary Macdonald? We know it was dark magic and we know Lily thinks it was “evil” and “creepy” we also know Lily has a bias against dark magic. On top of that we know that Snape refers to it as “it was just a laugh, that’s all” and compared Mulcibers behavior to Potter and pals.
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Hex: That was the worst throw ever. Of all time. Osiris: Not my fault. Somebody put a wall in the way.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Hex vs Curse - Witchy Quick Tips
One of my biggest questions when learning about curses and hexes was: What's the difference? They seemed like the same thing to me, if I'm being honest. So I looked it up!
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First I found that there were a few sources that used them interchangeably. Using curse as a synonym for hex and vice versa.
Also note that many of the sources are not viewing curses and hexes from the lens of a witch, so they may often mention that there are always evil intentions involved. However, anyone who has done a hex or curse on an abuser or similar will tell you that "evil" was not coming from the side who had done the cursing.
Now that we have that cleared up, let's learn the difference between Hexes and Curses!
Definition: A baneful spell placed on someone or something.
Comes from the German word "Hexen", meaning witchcraft. (source)
May have shorter-lasting effects. At the longest it will die along with the being that's been hexed.
Only done by those who practice witchcraft (hence the root of the word) and are a specific type of spell.
Often less intense than a curse and will not often cause extreme or fatal damage to the one hexed.
Definition: An utterance or phrase invoking magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.
Comes from the Old English "Curs", meaning to pray that evil or harm befall someone; consignment of a person to an evil fate. (source)
Longer-lasting effects and can last for generations
More intense than a hex, often detrimental to the being cursed.
Can be even by those who don't practice witchcraft and are not specifically a type of spell.
Are they the same thing?
I think they can be used fairly interchangeably, you could argue that a hex is just an intentional, less extreme curse. Or that a curse is just a more intense, longer-lasting hex. Either way, in most daily-life situations you won't need to know the difference, so don't stress out too much about it.
Other Sources:
Feel free to let me know if you disagree, I would love to hear what other people think about this topic!
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