c0ffeecr0w · 8 months
More South Park headcanons (ft Craig's gang)
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Canon age and high school/college HCs, though most are in general about them (biology, personality, ecc)
Might edit in case I add something or re-edit them
Kyle plays guitar and violin pretty well, though he plays the latter for special events and occassions (ex. music class)
Kenny and Cartman have funny contact nicknames for their friends. Ex. Cartman has Kenny as "Poor Kid", while Kenny has Stan as "Cup Of Depresso" jokingly, though Stan isn't aware of it but he might find it funny since he knows Kenny's sense of humour. Rest of the 3 have Cartman as "Fatass" or "Doughboy" unsurprisingly
Cartman is the worst cuddler/kisser despite being a big marshmallow. Kenny can do it with ease. I mean, he's the master at it. Just look at his love for girls and getting along with pretty much anyone, especially Butters. Stan is also a pretty good cuddler but not as good as Kenny, plus he'd get a bit nervous when cuddling someone, though he's gotten over vomiting when nervous/in love.
Stan gets pretty hiccupy/burpy when drunk
He gets pretty bad hiccups when overeating too
Stan has a dad sneeze, Kenny has a kitten sneeze
Kenny is the coldest to the touch, Cartman is the warmest
Both Kenny and Stan have moments where they gorge themselves, not just because they're both stoners but for other reasons, such as Stan being the most active. Stan gets depressed the most while Kenny just has a bigger appetite (Stan has a bit of one too), plus doesn't eat much sometimes. Kyle is sometimes repulsed by it
Cartman loves food but doesn't eat as much as Kenny, who can eat an entire 8 lb steak if dared to. Cartman would probably get to about 3/4
Stan is a quiet sleeper, might move to his own side of the bed if sleeping with someone. He'd sometimes stay up thinking or scrolling through his phone
Kyle is the most restless. He's sometimes a bit nervous to sleep with someone, especially Kyle or Wendy
Kenny's a cuddler when sleeping with someone, whether it'd be Cartman, Butters, Stan, Kyle. He likes keeping people safe and calm with him. Spoon all the way
Kenny loves Horror movies. He can watch them all night. Stan however would be scared, hiding behind a blanket/pillow until the scary scenes/entire movie is over or just hug someone near him to comfort
Kyle has a fear of centipedes/millipedes after the Human CentiPad incident as well as Japanese food. He can't eat or look at it without feeling nauseous from it
Wendy started learning Taekwondo around third grade and has done it ever since. Has done it on Cartman twice
Kenny has a high spice tolerance. He can eat a Carolina Reaper as a dare and probably wouldn't need milk to wash the spice. Kyle and Butters on the other hand have the least. Butters would probably quit after eating a Jalapeno
Bebe also likes spicy food, though she can't go as far as passing Habanero spice (100/150,000 SHU)
Butters sleeps with plushies, even in his high school and college years. Cartman has this habit as well but no one knows he does aside from his mom
Bebe and Kenny both try a variety of makeup fashion types together
Cartman and Kyle have the best skincare routine. Cartman mainly does it to be pretty while Kyle is germophobic
Cartman has told only Butters and Kenny that he's gay. Stan thinks he's bi since he had Heidi in the past. Kyle doesn't know, doesn't care but assumes he is gay/queer due to the whole "ball sucking" demand
Stan and Kenny would be the ones who'd eat dog treats/pet food if there's no food in the house
Cartman smokes nicotine vapes, Stan does weed and Kenny smokes both
Both Kenny and Stan have almost gotten pulled over by the cops from being drunk and high and somehow escaped without them noticing
Butters likes the High School musical movies and Kenny watched them with him because nobody else would
Kenny hangs out with almost everybody. Stan's gang, Craig's gang, the Goth kids, the girls
He hates clowns. He couldn't watch It or Killer Clowns From Outer Space because of his fear of them
Stan occasionally talks to the Goth kids, though he's closer friends to Micheal than the rest of them
Kenny and Cartman both watch makeup vloggers. Butters mostly listens to ASMR or watches arts and crafts tutorials. Stan just finds a bunch of memes and animal videos while Kyle mainly uses YouTube for music aside from Spotify
Stan and Kyle are the only ones who have cars. Stan's is a blue pickup truck that he drives everyone around in. Kyle's is a red Sedan Chevy that he mostly drives Stan, Wendy or Kenny around, refuses to let Cartman ride with him. Cartman just takes Uber when at far distances and going someplace alone. Kenny is too poor and short on cash to own a car. He uses Kevin's broken ass Nissan
Stan is okay with eating meat as long as he doesn't witness the slaughter of an animal. He's squeamish to blood and can't watch horror movies because of it
Cartman prefers Rom-Coms (blame Liane)
Craig's Gang HCs
Craig doesn't like coffee, so Tweek makes him a hot cocoa instead. With extra love ^^
Tweek is a bird freak. He fuckin loves birds. He has a cockatoo named Java. craig suggested him to call him Jupiter (named after one of my cockatiels IRL) or Neptune because space.
Tweek has ADHD
He's consumed less meth ever since he and Craig started to become lovers. Craig has helped him after he found out his parents put meth in his coffee
Clyde is the closest to being Cartman's friend than the rest of Stan's gang. Cartman even supports him being a bit chubby
Aside from the rest of Craig's gang and Timmy, Jimmy is friends with Kenny, who crack jokes at each other from time to time. In general, Jimmy is pretty chill with most people, especially Stan's gang
Tolkien is closer to Stan and Kyle (also canonically happened in the show) who he hangs out with. They enjoy playing music together, which all 3 have a passion for as well as sports, especially Token since he's a pro at both bass and drums
Tolkien is the most sporty and physically active out of the gang, being a pro at basketball and football and is in the same basketball team as Stan
All of them are pretty much A to B+ students
Both Craig and Tweek have travel bags for their pets when they walk around town, woods/wilderness or go on holiday
Token is the most sane out of the gang aside from Craig. He'd be the one who'd tell everyone to calm down when Tweek and Clyde freak out or in rare cases, everyone else besides him
All randomly watch Big Bang Theory or Always Sunny when chilling together. Jimmy and Craig chose them
Clyde is the most extroverted compared to the rest of the gang, while Craig is the most introverted
Tweek loves Rom Coms, he sometimes forces Craig to watch them with him
South Park (c) Trey & Matt
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cloudjumpervalka · 3 months
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really surprised i haven't posted these?
the first is a lineup of my apprentice for the arcana game in their various outfits. they have since become a big inspiration for my new book project
the second is a lineup of all my ttrpg characters over the years. more info about them below (this is so long i apologize but i love my blorbos)
Dagny - half wood elf druid. he lives alone in a swamp after running away from home. he doesn't much care for people after growing up in a toxic environment. he dedicates himself to preserving the wildlife he's found solace in. Notably has a pet seagull named Gordon and a coral snake named Alton
Beryl Frozenfire (ft. Sapphire Frozenfire) - mountain dwarf barbarian. beryl and sapphire grew up as siblings born into a wealthy mining family (all of their family is named after blue gemstones) beryl grew up more interested in fighting to protect her home while sapphire grew up interested in becoming a powerful wizard. they grew up as the best of friends but long story short, beryl accidentally kills sapphire during a raid on her family's mine. beryl leaves her family home to atone for this, only to return years later with her new traveling party against her wishes. while saving her family's mine which had fell apart after the disappearance of their two children, she finds herself now magically attached to an ax holding the angry soul of her dead sister.
Morgana Thales - dusk elf death cleric. (yes i used Mor for a like month long side campaign i dont remember the exact details but bear with me) morgana loses her wife in a raid against their village. she then makes a deal with the followers of (i dont remember the deity oops but i think?? it was Shar?) to resurrect her wife in exchange of her service
Jullian - fey eladrin bard. he plays the hurdy gurdy. he's a traveling musician that relies on his constant traveling to refrain from forming any good relationships. (and honestly i've tried playing him in two different campaigns but i just can't rp as him lmao so me leaving those campaigns early is very in character actually)
Nanjo - human... doomed superhero... "vape ghost". she was born with powers that allow her to turn her body into vapor to "teleport" (similar to reaper/moira ovw) however every time that she uses her powers, she loses a part of her physical body. she currently does not have either of her arms intact, instead she moves her hands around with clouds of vapor she forms to create "smoky arms". she does not want people to know she is essentially disintegrating for multiple reasons. but the main reason is she is a retired jpop idol. it was too hard to keep her secret on stage so she left her other two group members to be a duo. while she cannot continue performing on stage, she uses her abilities in a modified cosplay of her favorite idol to fight crime
Olive Alberich - android on the run from being disassembled. she was built as a product of a corrupt company. she was purchased by a wealthy family that used her to act as a nanny for their child. she acted essentially as the kid's sole caretaker as well as her homeschool teacher as she had infinite knowledge in her head. one day the kid asks to do a science experiment as her homework for the day, but things go wrong and results in the kid dying from a explosion/fire that burns down that wing of the mansion. this event triggers an empathy chip in olive's brain that was not meant to be installed. olive distraught in that moment can recall her years raising this kid in new light while watching her body burn. her owners after seeing olive's new attitude, call for her recall as they believe she intentionally killed their child. she believes this is unjust and is now on the run. she has since acquired a new "cool girl" look by cutting her hair, changing her wardrobe, and replacing one of her eyes. if anyone asks, she's human
the last one is cheating because its beryl again but from when i tried bringing her back for a new campaign that was abandoned quickly lol
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bloodblanks · 1 year
tili tili bom [eyeless jack x reader] — chapter iii.
Y/N finds herself in a new realm which appears to be the very depths of Hell, accompanied by her new companion, the grim reaper.
co-written with the lovely dawn_citrinitas! ♡
author's note: this fanfiction will not contain much, if any, dark or explicit content, but nonetheless,
please read at your own discretion.
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<- previous chapter
“We’re going to Daemon Regnum,” the reaper explained. He crossed his arms over his chest expectantly, eyes locked on his interlocutor.
“Okay!” Y/N almost squealed with joy. At the same time, she jumped to her feet and off the bed, throwing off the blanket before putting on her favourite slippers. She began darting around the room, looking to collect the necessities for her upcoming travel.
Her eyes scanned the room, looking around it with disbelief at her current situation and childlike wonder. She carefully thought over what she would need for her upcoming travels. A concoction of anticipation and delight from the forthcoming event had her head hazy and spinning. She could barely breathe, let alone try to reason. The enthusiasm flowing from the young patient appeared to be contagious, seemingly infecting the reaper, who watched her every action with interest.
The first item was a voluminous, pink, over-the-shoulder bag from underneath the bed. Picking it up and instantly putting it on, she smiled at the knowledge that it could fit many things. Without hesitation, she took her cellular device, its accompanying power bank, and the necessary cables from the bedside table. She wondered for a split second whether she’d be able to recharge anything in this other world once the power bank went out but concluded that she likely wouldn’t. She’d have to conserve her battery.
She reached for her vape, a pack of cigarettes, and a variety of lighters, assuming that it could be challenging to find nicotine in this other world the reaper spoke of. She tossed those in the bag, too. Turning on her heels, she ran to the closet, hastily flinging it open, taking her favourite sweater from the coathanger and throwing it over her shoulders. She took a moment to assess the situation and figure out what else she needed.
Looking around the room, slower and with more care this time, she tried to ensure she wouldn’t forget anything. Her eyes caught on a plush duck lying alone on an unmade blanket. She instantly picked it up, throwing the duckling and the rest of her items into the bag.
Her sketchbook, a simple pencil, and a small eraser were the last things she retrieved. It seemed like her preparations were now finished.
Y/N turned towards her saviour from the despicable prison she was in, in anticipation of his next order.
“Just so you know, I’ve never brought someone back with me before, so I’m not sure if this is even safe,” the reaper spoke, wanting to cool the ardour of the girl beaming at him with happiness. He wasn’t exactly sure what would happen while transporting the girl to his realm. He hadn’t interacted with a mortal before, let alone bring one to Daemon Regnum. He could only hope the officials wouldn’t have his head for this. In all fairness, it wasn’t against any of the laws, but likely no such laws existed because it wouldn’t have ever been applicable, at least not until now. The only way for him to know what would happen would be to try it himself. He had never considered himself as much of an experimentalist, but he supposed there was a first time for everything.
“That’s fine,” she shook her head, waving her hand dismissively. It was better that she took some risk rather than delay her vital escape. Her departure seemed so close yet so far, just barely out of the grasp of her hand, just barely out of reach. Her burning desire to escape made the minutes drag on like an eternity, stretching out the very matter of time and causing the breathable air in the room to dissipate, oxygen no longer filling her lungs like it should. She stared at the reaper with anticipation, watching his every move.
The reaper, in turn, calmly approached the wall where he had previously left his scythe. He picked it up, raising it before approaching Y/N and stopping beside her. He took an audible breath, seemingly gathering his thoughts and tuning in to the upcoming transportation.
As the eyeless man was thinking, the young patient looked around her room again, succumbing to the obsessive worry that she had forgotten something. In an attempt to calm herself, she lowered her head, staring at the floor. At that moment, she realized the cause of her anxiety—she was still in her slippers. However, it wasn’t like she had any other options for shoes.
It looks like I’ll have to conquer Daemon Regnum while wearing fluffy slippers, she thought.
Suddenly, the reaper spoke, taking her out of her thoughts and back into the present moment.
“Ăpĕrĭo.” She didn’t have any idea what the word meant, only assuming that it had something to do with the portal that appeared out of nowhere, forming a gaping hole through space.
Her heart stopped along with her breathing as she took in the sight before her.
It stood around the same height as the ceiling, the width barely but just enough for two people to pass through simultaneously, although that part wasn’t particularly interesting to her. What did captivate her attention, however, was the surreal appearance of this portal.
Shining in all its glory, the portal had a dark, swirling centre, primarily black but with streaks of blue mixed through it. From it emitted a glow, coloured with a dark yet also bright blue, the particles of which were scattered around the ward, illuminating the previously dark room. There were no clear boundaries; instead, its edges were rippled, a much lighter, more diaphanous blue at its seams with strings of white that resembled strikes of lightning flashing through it. The portal seemed to move, its colours constantly blending with one another.
She noticed then that the entryway exuded a heat so warm that the room’s open window no longer mattered, the air instantly feeling like a hot summer day’s, clearly perceptible on her chilled skin. It was as if the tear in space—which beckoned her like a flame would a moth—was a burst of fire threatening to burn her, and for a second, she closed her eyes and imagined it as such.
“Let’s go,” the reaper said, his tone stern while draping his free hand over her shoulders and pulling her in close to him, her shoulder bumping against his arm.
His grip on her was firm as he took several steps forward, bringing the girl with him. Step by step, they finally stepped into and crossed the threshold of the portal.
Y/N squinted, the onslaught of the light almost blinding her for a second as her foot passed through and into the darkness of the portal. The blazing heat that the portal emitted felt as if it were burning her delicate skin for a second, causing her to wince in discomfort. Indeed, she would not be set ablaze, right?
The overwhelming brightness of the light faded into an ephemeral blue glow as she lifted her other foot in, her entire body illuminated with azure just before it vanished, plunging her into all-consuming darkness. She didn’t think she had seen darkness this opaque before, not even at night during the hours of the morning when there was no sun; this felt different. It was dark like she’d never seen before.
She couldn’t even make out where the reaper was, only knowing that he was right beside her when he gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, her panic receding as she figured everything was still okay. Nonetheless, she reached her hand upwards, grabbing onto the reaper’s—she just noticed—disturbingly cold hand, tightly clutching it as he lightly pushed her to take another step forward and then another.
It left as soon as it had come; the scalding warmth and all-encompassing darkness sank away into oblivion. Her sight was returned to her, and she could now move without the guidance of what she no longer felt was a hallucination. The scenery before her was not something she believed her mind was capable of conjuring.
If none of this turns out to be real, she thought, then I definitely need to change antipsychotics once it’s over.
Shaking her thoughts away, she took in her surroundings.
“Holy shit,” the words escaped her lips breathlessly, her eyes wide and jaw agape.
“Oh, you survived.” While his tone was relatively apathetic, he appeared surprised at the result of his experiment.
“It could’ve killed me?” the girl questioned in bewilderment, one of the first normal reactions she’s expressed so far. She wasn’t afraid of death, no, and nothing he could’ve said would’ve stopped her, but she felt as if she should have at least been warned or informed in some way.
“Entirely possible,” the reaper’s answer was as stoic as his previous one, and it was then she noticed that he was trying to tug his hand out of her grip.
Y/N loosened her grip, finally releasing the weary man. Instinctively, she turned behind her to see what had become of the portal, unsure how to react when she saw it wasn’t there anymore.
“The portal is gone?” she asked with evident confusion. She wasn’t sure whether it was worth worrying about, so she waited for the eyeless reaper to explain.
“Yes, it disappears once it’s been used,” the reaper muttered, his head turned towards her though his expression was masked.
“So I can’t go back?” she bluntly inquired, getting straight to the point. As much as she had wanted to escape the hospital grounds, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of worry at this newfound situation, the leading cause being her lack of medication. She hadn’t gone long without her prescription before and wasn’t sure what would happen under those circumstances. It would be ideal for her to have a way back if she started experiencing health problems.
“I can open a new one if needed,” was his explanation, followed by a teasing remark. “Scared already?”
Y/N instantly glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Not at all,” she responded haughtily. The reaper merely chuckled.
The silence hanging between the two companions prompted the girl to take a better look around.
The sky that spread out over her head resembled a painting by a mad artist. Above her was pure ebony that slowly transformed into a deep violet colour before stretching out into a rosy crimson that illuminated the distance. The further she tried to follow the colours with her eyes, the redder she saw, from an initial ruby-like colour to a bright vermillion that hung in the distance. It made her think of a stormy sky on a warm May evening.
The sight was monotonous, the sky as clear as it could’ve been, without even a single cloud. She couldn’t tell if the vermillion hinted at the sun or if it was just another splash of colour in this surreal world.
The aforementioned sky was scratched by the tops of coal-black trees. Their thick, twisted branches created a striking pattern with purple threads sewn into them—leaves. The trees were of enormous height, standing tall and proud and shooting into the sky, their leaves merging with the violet hues of the sky above. The colossal trees, rustling with leaves of dreamlike colours, fully captured the girl’s attention.
It was almost eerie, the combination of ash-black tree bark with dark raven skies resembling something from a horror film. Yet, the majestic plum-shaded leaves against the amethyst and garnet skies possessed a beauty that no mortal realm could display.
Y/N had to forcefully tear her eyes off the enchanting forest of trees, dense and merging into one another. She instead looked towards her feet, the sight not any less beguiling than the last. The pitch-black roots of the trees ran deep into the blood-red sea of grass, wispy and tall, visibly untrimmed and tickling her calves. With the ocean of sanguine before her, she could almost think that a large-scale battle had recently occurred here, staining the entirety of the earth with the blood of the wounded and the dead.
The delight blooming in the girl’s chest took the form of a light sigh as she admired the scenery. There were not possibly enough words to describe her joy, not even if she knew all the languages in the world. Overflowing with incredible wonder, her tiny heart fluttered in her ribs like a caged bird furiously flapping its wings and trying to break free.
“It’s beautiful,” the girl whispered, unable to overcome her overwhelming emotions. If she wasn’t restraining herself, she could’ve burst into tears of happiness, not knowing how else to express the vortex of feelings raging inside her.
The reaper merely chuckled at her reactions.
“Welcome to Hell,” he declared, his voice faintly mocking; she could hear him smile behind that mask of his.
“We’re in Hell?” Y/N’s voice was quiet, still, not wanting to disturb this place’s calm yet unsettling atmosphere. Perhaps living through the lousy seventeen years of her life was worth it for her to be in this magnificent world.
“You could say that.” In the same mocking tone, but softer this time, the man dressed in black spoke, his voice lowered to match the finally hushed girl.
“Explain,” she demanded, giving in to the reaper’s teasing.
“We’re in Daemon Regnum. In your language, it would translate to ‘The Realm of Demons,’” the eyeless man clarified, regretting having said anything as he was now being badgered with questions. While he hadn’t had the chance to communicate with humans before, he was sure that most would not be as brazen as this girl. At the very least, he figured they would be less annoying, with far fewer queries. He was met with another onslaught of inquiries just as he thought that.
“What language is that? And you’re a demon? I thought you were a grim reaper.” The view appeared to be not enough to distract the girl for long as she turned to the man with wide, glimmering eyes. It seemed that she decided to project her enthusiasm onto the reaper as an avalanche of questions. However, she thought it was only fair to ask, seeing as the reaper clearly wasn’t very talkative, failing to even inform her of a potential death earlier.
“You ask a lot of questions,” the reaper hissed through his grit teeth. It was evident that the number of questions she posed was not welcome.
“I know.” Her answer was curt. She wondered if the reaper truly believed his being irritated would stop her from continuing to be infuriating.
The black-clad man sighed deeply, once again crossing his arms over his chest. It was then that his regrets were truly showing, the man now unsure why he agreed to bring along such an obnoxious person. Not once had he met someone so plainly aggravating, even within others of his kind.
“It’s Latin. And technically, I’m both.” The eyeless man spoke monotonously, clearly not wanting to answer but assuming that the quicker he responded to her exasperating questions, the quicker this entire ordeal would be over.
“That’s cool,” the girl exclaimed, a slight grin on her face. So the intriguing reaper she had been talking to this whole time was also a demon. She then considered calling him Mr. Demon but felt as if Mr. Reaper had more of a ring to it. Almost instantly, she followed up with another question, “So Daemon Regnum is Hell?”
“If we’re using your human terminology, then that would be the closest thing.” The frustrated demon spoke indifferently, trying to mask his annoyance while silently hoping she would tire of questioning everything soon. He tried to mentally imagine just how many questions she would have left.
Y/N’s hand was on the strap of her bag as she turned her whole body towards the demon, her attention completely shifted to him and the information he possessed. Information that was high of interest to her.
“Latin is a human language too,” the girl responded, unable to hide the apparent smirk from her face. At this point, she was just trying to get under his skin and further provoke him, finding undeniable amusement in his reactions. Perhaps it wasn’t the brightest idea to provoke the one person saving her from her once hopeless situation, but she didn’t feel like he would take it too badly.
“We used it first,” the eyeless reaper responded with evident displeasure. He lowered his head to look the girl in the eyes, staring straight into her to emphasize his words. As much as she was irksome, he found her to be entertaining in some strange way, not that he could explain it and not that he would ever admit it.
“Whatever you say.” The young patient shrugged.
The demon didn’t respond, which was a rather dull response in Y/N’s eyes; not that it really mattered, though. After all, there was much more enjoyment to be found in her surroundings than teasing the exasperated demon. And so, she decided to give the pestering a bit of a rest. Just a bit.
Re-examining her surroundings, Y/N observed the scarlet-toned grass that was present in every direction, gently folding under her feet with each movement. She noticed that the charcoal-coloured bark of the trees appeared as if they were made of resin, and the grape-like shades of leaves were fully opaque, with black veins running through them. It made her think of the reaper’s hand.
She was sure then that no earthly landscape could compare with what the demons’ haven consisted of.
“I didn’t think Hell would look like this,” the girl said softly, once again lost in her own things. She couldn’t help but worry that this was all a dream and she’d wake up soon on her creaky hospital bed in a cockroach-filled, nauseatingly white ward.
“Right. You mortals think it’s a world of blazing fire and eternal suffering.” She could catch the sarcasm in the reaper’s voice, turning her head back to him and seeing that he had looked away from her, his eyes staring towards the wine-stained skies.
Somewhere in his voice, she could hear the tiniest, slightest hint of sadness, perhaps a feeling of wistfulness. She wondered why that could be.
“I just didn’t think it’d be this pretty,” she stated before imitating the demon’s actions and gazing into the berry-tinted skies.
“Well, you have plenty of time to admire this place. Let’s get a move on,” the eyeless demon spoke up, not wanting to succumb to the mournful mood that was slowly overcoming him. Something about the girl—he knew what it was, but he preferred denying it—revived what was once buried feelings of forlornness and longing inside him. He didn’t understand just why his brain made that connection, but figuring it out would ignite this gnawing, pensive feeling inside him that he’d do anything to avoid. No, he wouldn’t think about it right now. It was better to let bygones be bygones.
“Where are we going?” the girl asked, hoping the conversation would distract her companion from whatever sorrow had risen in him. She had an idea of what it could be, having noticed the longing that had clearly eaten away at him with the first word he spoke upon his arrival in her hospital room. It was evident that something was tormenting him; whether he liked to admit it or not was of no matter to her; she could tell solely from the singular uttered word.
She figured the least she could do was distract him from his own demons.
“Do you have a question about everything?” the man grumbled. She couldn’t tell for sure, but it felt like he was glaring at her from behind his mask. But it seemed her plan had worked; the melancholy mood had lifted.
“Usually, yeah,” the girl chattered, making doe eyes with an innocently mischievous smile. She was happy to find that his emotions were easy to tamper with.
Only an exhausted sigh escaped the charming reaper’s lips as he finally accepted his defeat. He had made the mistake of bringing this brat with him and, by doing so, voluntarily condemned himself to endless questions and tiresome teasing.
“Daemon Regnum is essentially one big circle. It’s divided into three seconds, Adytum, Medietas, and Extremus. Adytum is the innermost circle, Medietas is the middle circle, and Extremus is the surrounding edge.” A long and measured answer poured from the lips of the demon as if it were rich syrup or honey. It was only then that Y/N had the time to truly notice just how delectably lovely her eyeless companion’s voice was. It was deep and velvety, with a hint of a rasp to it. When the girl noticed that detail, the charming reaper’s voice seemed to increase in attractiveness.
Meeting with the expectant gaze of her interlocutor, the young girl did not immediately understand with what to respond, somewhat lost in her thoughts. The demon then cocked his head inquiringly to the side, checking whether she was still listening to him. Realizing what he wanted, Y/N nodded to acknowledge what he was saying, even adding on a small ‘okay,’ letting him know she had heard him.
“Adytum is for the ruler and higher-ranking officials. It’s where all the grand palaces and castles are. Medietas is where your average daemon civilians live, and Extremus is mostly uninhabited, so it’s just nature,” the sweet-voiced demon continued his explanations after confirming that the girl was indeed listening.
“Are we in Extremus?” the girl inquired, trying to shove the intrusive thoughts she had about her companion’s voice away, instead focusing on the actual content of his speech.
“Yes,” the reaper answered curtly, hoping this would be the end of the conversation, but no such luck was to bestow him.
“Why?” Y/N’s question was simple and, for once, not for the purpose of pestering her companion. She was simply curious about the new realm she had stepped foot in, wanting to know what was happening before she could relax and enjoy the view.
“Daemon Regnum has many points of contact to Terra Mortalis,” the reaper continued, his voice blank and absent as if he was reading directly from a textbook. He sounded beyond bored having to explain the basics of his world to the overbearingly inquisitive girl.
“Terra Mortalis?” the barrage of questions didn’t end, despite her mind already feeling overwhelmed by the sudden influx of information she never thought she’d hear.
“The Land of Mortals. Your world.” His answer was brief and to the point. The man leaned his weight onto his scythe, settling there in expectation of a never-ending conversation.
“Okay.” Y/N nodded briefly to show that she was still paying attention.
“The points of contact in Extremus are rarely used, since nobody comes here. The ones in Medietas and especially Adytum are used often, which means there are many other daemons coming in and out of portals there. I don’t want you to be seen by them,” the black-clad demon’s voice was as composed as ever. Wanting to spare the demon from further questioning, the girl took it upon herself to figure out why he would need to hide her from his brethren. She came to a conclusion relatively quickly, however.
While he had unsuccessfully tried to threaten her a few times, the reaper had otherwise been nice to her. Too nice. Despite nothing preventing him from placing the blade of the scythe against her neck and forcing her to speak, he hadn’t done so. However, she wasn’t sure the same would go for the other demons in this realm.
“The downside is that it’ll take a while to get to Adytum,” the grim reaper stated.
“How long?” Y/N queried.
“We have a different perception of time than mortals,” the reaper started, “but it depends on if I carry you or if we walk.” The reaper finished his sentence before staring at Y/N, waiting for her answer.
“I want to walk,” the girl blurted out instantaneously without thinking. In the hospital’s cramped, stuffy, restrictive walls, there wasn’t anywhere to go for a pleasant walk. However, now, she had an entire realm before her eyes. If that wasn’t any reason to go for a walk, she wasn’t sure what else would be.
“Then in human time, it should feel like… a month or so?” the demon continued looking at the girl, silently hoping that she wasn’t wholly unhinged and wouldn’t try to go for a month-long walk. Especially considering that she barely had any of her stuff, he hadn’t seen her take any of her medications, not to mention she was wearing pyjamas and slippers.
“I want to walk,” the girl declared, not a single hint of hesitation in her voice. She could tell this was not the answer he so desired, but unfortunately for him, he had made the mistake of giving her a choice. She didn’t care how long it would take, be it a month or a year—although she didn’t really have a year—because she knew she wanted to walk. In her goddamn fluffy slippers or even barefoot. The sanguine grass that sank underneath her feet was nothing but pure ecstasy to the girl who had spent two months confined in the four white walls of the hospital building.
“Seriously?” the incarnation of death responded with a groan. He could only hope he had misheard her, or perhaps she’d recover from her madness and change her mind.
Sadly, his hopes crumbled to dust with her following statement.
“Yes,” Y/N said with a beaming smile.
A defeated sigh left the demon’s lips. Perhaps he will learn to parry her asinine statements one day, but it wouldn’t be today. Underneath his mask, he shut his eyes, realizing it was pointless to regret what he had done, reminding himself that soon, this girl would sink into the unrelenting jaws of oblivion, and all this insanity would come to an end.
“Alright, whatever. Let’s go.” 
next chapter ->
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moodymisty · 7 months
Mortarion is an interesting primarch to simp for because at first you think he’s just a dude with a grim reaper theme (which by itself is pretty cool) who’s kind of sickly. And then you read a little bit about him and it’s like. Oh. This sure is A Guy. Like his backstory is basically sci-fi rapunzel. He managed to, as previous anon stated, create suits of armour for an entire army. And from what I know he has a numerology hobby (which is just numbers astrology). (Like my interest in Ferrus doubled when I found out he ate gravel for a while, so you can see what this lore did to me)
He’s got an air of gloominess about him, and I like a man who is apathetic and mean to everyone except for me. And since he’s mothman, have you seen the Point Pleasant West Virginia mothman statue? The one with that’s double cheeked up?? Like if you know then you know.
Overall, I cannot fix him but I can make him feel loved. Even if that means he’ll be blowing vape smoke in my face the entire time. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
I’m fucking shitting y’all. Sci-fi Rapunzel lmao.
The whole suit of armor thing both you guys brought up is so funny because it proves just how resourceful and damn smart Morty really is, but he couldn't get over his issues (and pskyer bigotry) for five minutes to really get things done. Cause all things considered the dude really did care.
And all the ladies love a good sad man with a shitty personality, so I respect the Morty simping. I mean Loki and Astarion took over the collective conscious for how long? It's just that Mortarion is a bit too not skinny and long haired to be a tumblr sexy mothman.
I considered myself decently versed in the lore but are you memeing or did I fucking miss something. Cause I mean tbh he fucking would but I need answers. Are we just memeing that his head hit the floor again or did this dude actually chew concrete.
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trinidaddy888 · 2 years
You Wanna Smoke? (Chapter 6)
Chase runs out of weed and must go to the human world to get more. How will they manage? And who will they be smoking weed with? Find out in this self-indulgent fic about my Obey Me blunt rotation.
Characters: MC, Mammon, Lucifer, Thirteen, Diavolo, Asmodeus, Simeon, Beelzebub, Solomon
Genre: Slice of Life
Tags: Marijuana, Recreational Drug use, No romance just bros being bros, No Spoilers
A/n: I had a blunt rotation list for Obey Me characters that I’d like to smoke weed with and I decided to make it into a story. The full story is already posted to AO3 but I wanted to keep a writing tumblr for all my stories. The previous chapter had art but I got lazy from this point on and stopped drawing lol.
Story Index
Heaven. I came from Hell straight into Heaven. They had everything .
Wall to wall was stocked with cannabis paraphernalia. From bongs to pipes to rolling papers. From herb to carts. From inhalables to edibles. Everything was beyond what I could think of. It was as if I was a toddler in a candy store.
“Damn Chase,” said Mammon looking at me with amusement, “I’ve never seen ya grin this much.”
I nudged him. “If you were a stoner, you’d understand.”
I glanced at Thirteen and Diavolo. Their eyes shone with excitement.
She leaned over and whispered, “Usually I think human world weed is mid but this collection is impressive. What are you getting first, Chase?”
The first thing I noticed was the bongs behind the counters. There was one shaped like a skull and bones that warmed my little goth heart.
I pointed at it, “That.”
We spent about an hour looking at what Emanate Herbals had in stock. I bought indica and hybrid flower, carts, and that beautiful bong that had my name on it. I also got some skull patterned rolling papers for me and Thirteen.
Thirteen bought as much flower as the dispensary would allow and enough patterned rolling papers to match. She even managed to find a pipe shaped like a Grim Reaper holding a scythe.
Diavolo bought distillate and hash to make edibles and a new vape battery with carts.
Mammon didn’t buy anything, mostly because he was not a stoner and because I promised to use my stock to smoke him out. I wondered what type of person he would be while high.
“Alright, friends,” said Diavolo, “What next?”
“Pizza,” I said, “The perfect stoner party meal.”
We got back to Devildom by noon. With Diavolo’s help, we managed to smuggle our contraband into our respective rooms, save for some flower, rolling papers and my bong. That was for Mammon’s room. We also successfully snuck a cheese pizza into Mammon’s room without attention from Beel. He must have still been at Hell’s Kitchen.
“Okay,” said Mammon shutting the door behind him and taking a seat, “What’re we doing first?”
I placed the pizza pie on the coffee table next to my bong. “That’s up to you, Mammon. It’s your first time. What do you want to try?”
He pointed at my bong. “That looks interesting. I think that?”
I grinned at him and looked at Diavolo and Thirteen. They nodded.
I poured some water into the bong and packed the bowl with weed I ground on the car ride back to the portal.
“Observe,” I said to Mammon.
He watched as I placed the opening of the bong to my mouth. I held the flame of my lighter to the bowl and sucked until there was a cherry to the herb. I placed my hand over the mouthpiece and waited for smoke to fill the chamber. Mammon was mesmerized by the tendrils of smoke that danced into the chasm as it went from whisps to a milky fluid smog.
“All you gotta do,” I said carefully holding it out to him, “s make sure your mouth is inside the rim of the opening creating a seal and inhale. Don’t let the smoke out. When you’re done, cover the opening and pass it to a friend”
He glanced wearily at the bong, “Do I have to inhale all of that?”
“Yes,” said Thirteen, Diavolo, and I simultaneously.
He sighed and with a shrug, he took it and inhaled. Obediently, he took in all the milky smoke. He covered the mouthpiece with a hand as he held it in and exhaled coughing as if he was about to hack up a lung.
“Easy, there,” Diavolo said, “Don’t hold it in that much next time.”
“How the heck was I supposed to know?” Mammon said through coughs.
I patted him on the shoulder, smiling. “I’m so proud of you.”
Mammon blushed and smiled. As he passed the bong to Diavolo, my D.D.D. vibrated. I got a text from Lucifer.
“I heard you went to the Human world,” he wrote, “I offered you the chance to go with me but now I see that you didn’t want to go because it was with me. If that was the case, you could have been honest. I guess I was mistaken in thinking that we were becoming close.”
Fuck. I hurt Lucifer. And I couldn’t tell him why I hurt him.
“Sorry,” I responded, “I promise you, that was not the reason why I said no. Give me a chance to explain.”
I saw the tiny “Read at 13:45 ” text under my message and sighed. How was I going to save my friendship with him?
“Hello?” Thirteen called out to me, while exhaling a cloud of smoke, “I’m passing it to you.”
“Sorry,” I said, taking the bong. I placed the rim to my lips.
Well, I thought, That is Future Chase’s problem .
And I took the biggest hit I could.
As the hour went by, we passed the bong amongst ourselves until the cherry ran into ash. I let Mammon only do two bong rips, for his own good. Thirteen, however, opted to roll a J for herself when we were finished with the bong.
We put on The Tale of the Seven Lords movie and everything about the movie was more hilarious than I remembered. Levi would be enraged at our laughter if he were there. He might have even called. it sacrilegious.
Mammon, Thirteen and I managed to get one slice of pizza while Diavolo devoured the rest. It was as if stoned Diavolo shared Beel’s bottomless stomach. I was amused.
Thirteen finished her joint by adding a filter, then said, “There’s human weed in this, if you guys want some more.”
“I’m waiting for this high to settle a bit,” I said after sipping some water. “Give me like thirty minutes.”
She smirked. “Who said this J will still be here in thirty minutes?”
She inhaled as she lit it, sparking a cherry. The whites of her eyes remained white. Not a speck of red in sight. I was impressed. She was a marijuana demon. Er, Reaper. Whatever.
“Can I ask, why you do weed?” I asked Diavolo.
“Well,” said Diavolo, sitting up, “There is a lot of pressure on me as the Prince of Devildom. I’m supposed to lead a good example to all my citizens and students. I’m never supposed to falter or mess up as a prince. Weed helps me relax from that stress.”
“Damn,” I said, relating to what he said, a little bit. “What about you, Thirteen?”
She shrugged. “It’s just fun. That’s it.”
We nodded, agreeing with her. I looked over to Mammon. He was silently staring at The Tale of the Seven Lords movie as if he was peering into a portal to another world.
“You good, fam?” I asked.
He grinned from ear to ear, chuckling. He was reclined on the couch next to me, his eye blood red and half open. He leaned on me.
“I’m good, good. Good. Good ,” he said, drawing out the last word. He saluted me and giggled.
God, he was so cute when he was stoned. I put my arm around his shoulder. He put his arm around my waist, pulled me closer and leaned on my shoulder.
“Glad, that you’re having fun,” I said, grinning.
I felt so chill in that moment. The guilt of hurting Lucifer’s feelings melted away. It would be back when I sobered up. But at the time, I was enjoying myself. I even learned what type of person my friends were when high. Diavolo was more jovial than he usually was with the ability to eat nearly as much as Beel. Thirteen was the silent type, with one the highest tolerances for weed I’d ever seen. And Mammon was the giggly, spacing-out and cuddly type.
“Damn,” said Diavolo inspecting the empty pizza box, “No more munchies? I guess I should get more. Does anyone need anything from the vending machine?”
“I’m good,” I said
“Same,” said Mammon and Thirteen.
He got up and went out the door. I got up and put in the DVD for the 2nd movie in the TSL lineup. As the opening credits rolled, I decided to dump the dirty bong water into Mammon’s sink and rinse it so I wouldn’t have to spend time doing that later.
I heard a knock at the door. Must have been Diavolo. I noticed his phone laying on the coffee table. Maybe he realized that he left his phone?
I picked up his phone and opened the door. Suddenly, my chill washed away and anxiety filled its place.
“Chase” said Lucifer, squinting and wrinkling his nose, “What is that smell?”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
OMG do you know that YT video where this guy vapes Carolina reaper pepper, snorts it and rubs it in his eye? 🤭😂😭 what if Eddie did that on a live and his s/o takes care of him afterwards?
I've never seen it 😂😂
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telepathy-supremacy · 2 years
About Me
(Highly recommend reading this before you follow, but that's purely up to you. Just don't blame me if you get caught off guard by something I post/reblog when it's right here lol)
Main: @raelyn-dreams
Haikyuu Sideblog: @futureacesquad
Twisted Wonderland Sideblog: @pieceofourworld
I'm cool with dark topics in fiction, and believe in freedom of art: banning is a huge no-no for me no matter the content. As long as it's tagged, I follow "DL;DR" to a T, and highly advise other people following me do the same :)
Honestly, I don't have much if anything for interaction rules, but some things you should probably know:
Basically, as long as there's no explicit Not-safe-for-Luke discussions with me, we're good!
Don't drag me into fandom discourse, because a: 98% of the time I don't know what's going on and b: I'm happy in my own little curated bubble, please and thank you :)
I post whatever I feel at any given time, don't really have a schedule, I just kind do what I want.
And, last thing: I'm not a heavy interactor (I've had some bad past fandom experiences and I'm just not that type of person anyway), but I do appreciate any support I get 😊
Writing Request Rules
General Rules:
Please be nice!
Send your request through an ask or PM me.
I reserve the right to decline an ask for any reason (though I'll almost always give an explanation, and you're still free to request other things!)
I'm alright with translations, podfics, etc, as long as permission is given from me first!
Things I Will Write:
OG + Nightbringer events
Anything hurt/comfort (this is my jam!
Canon-compliant (missing scenes, character studies, etc)
Canon-divergent (provided it's a small-scale divergence)
Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen
Pre-Fall, War, and Post-Fall (before game events)
Alcohol/Demonus Use
Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Bipolar 2, Chronic Pain
Panic/Anxiety Attacks
Characters of any sexual orientation.
Characters under the trans/nb/intersex umbrella
Characters on the aro/ace spectrums
Anything not mentioned here or on my other lists is also most likely a yes!
Things I Will Write, But May Take Longer Due To Research:
Eating Disorders
Autism, Schizophrenia, Bipolar 1, Severe Phobias, Dementia, Alzheimer's, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Mythomania (Pathological Lying), Narcissistic Personality Disorder, etc (feel free to ask me if something isn't mentioned!)
Cultural Traditions
Celestial Realm/Devildom Lore
Things I Won't Write:
Explicit Content
Excessive Gore
Smoking/Vaping/Tobacco Use
Child/Animal Abuse
Drug Use
Anything romantic/sexual involving Luke or MC
Anything I feel I lack the knowledge to write properly at this point in time
Character Death (excluding canonically-dead characters)
Suicide-Baiting (I'm aware Asmo does it a couple times in-game - I personally think of it as one of his flaws that he needs to work out, so I personally won't be writing it)
^ Adding to this, any of the characters being complete assholes to each other in general. While I'm cool writing fights, arguments, banter and misunderstandings, anything past what, say, Mammon gets in game is typically a no.
Explicit Demoncest
Anything set within the major events of the game past Lesson 20 (reaper arc, human world, student council trials, etc). This is purely due to the fact that I either haven't gotten to them yet or don't feel confident in my ability to write about them.
Anything heavily including Michael
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catacoves · 2 years
anti vaping commercials do NOT get it. they need to learn from the anti smoking campaign and start putting the fear of god into people again. this is a burnt piece of chicken just kidding it’s your lungs. this person has a hole in their throat. the grim reaper is knocking at your door
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vorqiclamithic · 1 month
Alright, I need to DO something about my tagging so I'm gunna try and make a list of common tags that would be important for me & those w/ triggers (likely to be added to, do keep an eye out)
Trigger tags
Graphic Violence
Underage Violent / Abusive
Gore (maximal)
Blood (minimal)
Body Horror
Ed / Eating Disorder
Disturbing Drug Use
Casual Drug Use
Flash Warning
Smoking / Vaping
Abuse / abuse discussion
Canon /j
More & UTMV stuff under cut
Undertale Multiverse/Alternate Universe tags
Ut fandom (umbrella term for all of this)
Swap!dream / Swad
Swap!Nightmare / Swan
Fs!Sans / Papyrus
Sf!Sans / Papyrus
Fell!Sans / Papyrus
MTT (murder time trio)
SS / Star Sanses
SSP / Star Sans Poly
Nm's Gang (includes Nm himself, Dust, Horror, Killer, Cross. Aka Bad Sanses)
BSP / Bad Sans Poly
Au (an additional tag after a previous <au>!tag to signify it's not the original)
Non-UTMV Tags
<insert au type/name>!au
Abuse discussion
Tumblr Info
Palestine Info
<insert other area of interest> Info
Oh tumblr
Cat / Kitten
Dog / Puppy
Media Tags
Text post
Image / Photo
Commonly Reblogged Artists
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mercyorangebeam · 3 months
id be interested to also categorize different kinds of abilities and how that contributes to complexity
smokes (7) - brimstone, viper orb, cipher, omen, jett, astra, harbor
blinds (10) - phoenix, reyna, breach, omen, skye, yoru ball, yoru fake, kayo, fade prowler, gekko
mollys (damage) (8) - brimstone, phoenix, sova shock, viper, killjoy swarm, raze grenade, kayo, gekko
recon (6) - sova dart, sova drone, cipher cam, skye dog, fade orb, deadlock sensor
CC (9) - sage slow, cipher tripwire, breach stun, astra stun, astra pull, chamber slow, neon stun, fade sticky, deadlock net
heals (3) - sage, reyna eat, skye
walls (intangible) (6) - phoenix, viper, neon, harbor wall, harbor slow wall, iso wall
walls (tangible) (2) - sage wall, deadlock barrier
teleports (3) - omen, yoru, chamber
dash (2) - jett dash, neon run
spike planter. weirdo. (1) - gekko.
dmg boost (1) - brimstone stim beacon
hack (1) - kayo knife
turrets (1) - killjoy turret
invuln (2) - reyna fade, iso bubble
vulnerable mobility (2) - jett updraft, raze satchel
vulnerability (debuffs) (1) - iso projectile
damage (4) - killjoy alarmbot, breach aftershock, raze boombot, chamber pistol
heals (9) - hog vape, mei cryo, soldier heal, bap shift, brig pack, illari pylon, moira orb, zen orb, lucio aura/amp
immortality (2) - bap lamp, kiriko suzu
invuln (2) - reaper fade, moira fade
dmg boost (2) - mercy blue beam, zen discord
shields (4) - rein, sigma, winston, ram
bubble (1) - zarya
boops (4) - pharah concussive, brig whip, lucio, zen kick
overhealth (3) - ball shields, jq shout, torb overload
dmg reduction (5) - mauga overdrive, orisa gold, doom block, ram block, cass roll
CC (9) - orisa spear, hog pigpen, sigma rock, ball piledrive, doom punch, ram vortex, cass hinder, junkrat trap, ana sleep
recon (1) - hanzo sonic
anti heal (1) - ana nade
heal boost (1) - ana nade
dash (3) - genji, pharah, tracer
recall. weirdo (1) - tracer
teleports (4) - reaper, sombra, symm teleporter, kiriko
invis (1) - sombra
hack (1) - sombra
res (1) - mercy
speed boost (1) - lucio
turrets (2) - symm, torb
matrix (3) - orisa spin, sigma suck, dva eat
hook/pull (3) - hog, jq knife, lifeweaver
platform (1) - lifeweaver petal
damage (10) - rein firestrike, doom slam, bastion grenade, echo stickies, echo beam, hanzo storm, sojourn orb, soldier rockets, jq axe, moira orb
form shift (2) - ram, bastion
DOT (2) - ashe dynamite, widow mine
passives (14) - support passive, dps passive, tank passive, mauga, jq, zarya, echo, genji, hanzo, kiriko, junkrat, sojourn, brig, mercy
deflect (1) - genji
vulnerable mobility (16) - mauga charge, rein charge, winston leap, ball grapple, ball roll, ashe coach, echo flight, junkrat mines, pharah flight, sojourn slide, soldier sprint, widow grapple, brig bash, illari shift, mercy GA, dva boosters
wall (1) - mei
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exanimateisacomic · 4 months
Luis is always on edge, spending his mornings recovering from the previous night’s binge and looking from the front porch for strangers and wanders.
He has a loaded gun for anyone he sees, a bullet with their name on it.
Usually he sees nothing and then heads in for breakfast.
This time he sees a figure approaching from the distance.
Luis squinted, usually he gets stragglers that just happen to wander his way but this one…
This one is walking with a purpose, he knew where they lived.
As the figure came closer, Luis could see he was clad in a black cloak with a hood covering his face.
Luis tensed up, he’d recognize a Reaper hood anywhere. Fuckers like him are higher up on the demonic food chain. This must be it, his years of being on the run finally caught up to him, he’ll lose everything
He cocked the hammer on his pistol not today he thought
He raised his pistol up and aimed on the reaper.
The reaper didn’t seem to care, he just took out a vape pen and took a long drag from it
“Now is that anyway to welcome a guest?” The reaper said, vapor escaping his mouth as he spoke
Luis hesitated. He knew that voice anywhere.
“God-damn it Luke!” He spat, lowering his gun in an exaggerated motion “I thought you were someone else!”
Luke lowered his hood, revealing a slender face with pale skin, green eyes with one more dilated than the other, and dark brown hair slicked back behind his ears. He smirked
“Well, no one else knows you’re out here. Not yet.” That last part had some mild hostility to it.
Luis kept his gun armed. “So what are you doing out here then?”
Luke sighed. “Okay, I’ve fallen a bit behind in my duties cataloging and processing damned souls into their new positions. I need one more to make my quota and then I get my paid vacation. And rumor has it you’ve got one-“
Luis quickly pointed his gun at Luke’s forehead.
“You heard wrong.” He grumbled, trying to sound badass
Luke shook his head “now Luis, you’re not gonna make me play this game with you now are you?”
Luis squinted at him. “What game?”
“Oh, just the one where if you don’t help me, I spill the beans about this little home out here and where someone with an axe to grind can find it.”
Luis took a step forward “you’re bluffing.”
“As are you.” Luke retorted “look, All I need is just his name and some basic info. I’ll stick it the large pile of files on my boss’s desk. It won’t be processed for years.”
“If that’s the case, why not just file a phony file?” Luis asked
“I’ve done that too much as it is.” Luke admitted “plus I need his dictation to file, some newer regulation that’s been the standard for the past few months.”
“Fine” a voice said from behind Luis, the two looked and saw Seth standing there in his usual casual formal attire and mug in his hand. He took a sip and continued “if that’s the case, I’ll do it.”
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expiredvampire · 7 months
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yoncho · 1 year
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: ̗̀➛ name: choi yon
: ̗̀➛ assassin name: grim/the grim reaper
: ̗̀➛ from yeongjong, incheon, korea
: ̗̀➛ 22 years old [9.24, libra] / 5'0" / pansexual / she/they
: ̗̀➛ poly [2-3] ; single, interested in @badbf-cb Hanse [a pretty dummy]
: ̗̀➛ occupation: bartender and english tutor
: ̗̀➛ appearance: medium length hair [cuts it shorter from time to time], black [tends to dye it different colors and curl it], grey eyes, nails always painted, makeup is a must, piercings on her lips, nose and ears, tattoo sleeve and tattoo on her thigh
: ̗̀➛ personality: terrible with emotions, tends to enjoy others suffering but at the same time feels guilty deep down, tends to have moodswings [sometimes worse then other times], can be detached from emotions, in secret wants someone to love and feel wanted, can be really soft when you're close enough to him
: ̗̀➛ favorite weapons: kusarigama [chain sickle], scythe, venom
: ̗̀➛ likes: knives, guns, darkness, reading, horror movies, silence, greens and reds, blood, whiskey, secretly has a sweet tooth, vapes, cigarettes, weed, most drugs
: ̗̀➛ dislikes: people, being touched, any movie that isn't a horror movie, pink or most pastel colors
: ̗̀➛ outfit on the job: wears a mask [skull or animal mask] and all black with accents of green or red [changes it up to not get caught], tends to wear fake fangs, cape with hood
: ̗̀➛ nsfw: sub, might dom if she trusts you and you ask; free use, size kink, gun play, blood play, knife play, shibari [receiving], choking [giving && receiving], wax play, bdsm, impact play [receiving], oral [giving], dirty talk [receiving], praise [receiving], burning [giving && receiving], multiple rounds, overstim [giving], hair pulling [receiving && giving], toys [receiving], begging, spit play, pegging, she is open to most kinks but prefers harder kinks
: ̗̀➛ faceclaim: @/n.a.nass
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torkum · 2 years
Vaping is for people who aren't truly committed to meeting the Grim Reaper
Cowards 😋
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IN the mist lays Vapor.
Name : Vapor.  Most call him “Vape”
Age : 21 D/O/B :  Augest 1 Height :  5′1″
Sexuality :  Pansexual Soul : Sky Blue Parents :  Quarrel (Mother) @thepleasantjellybean and Anarchy (father) @proxypuff
Vapor or Vape is roughly calm and cool person.  His temper at times, but whose wouldn’t when your siblings can be twats.
Growing up Vape found he would read every book in a library before actually holding a conversation with someone. He was constantly bullied in school, but never told his family about it. He found friends hard to make at home, but when he got around Reapers he seemed in his element.  He loved ReaperTale.  He felt like he was more at home there, then his home.  God kids wouldn’t pick on him to badly. 
Vape’s house with his parents was like a small safe space.  He often didn’t like even stepping outside.  He much rather his own little world in the house.  He could let his hood down, because he can’t control his glitches like Grandma Geno can to cover his eye.
One time visiting he quickly run to his grandfather Reaper and asked to learn how to make a scythe.  When he was explained that monsters come in two types.  Monsters with special attacks, and ones with special weapons.  He felt sad.  After that Vape worked hard, spending entire days in the woods trying to make his scythe appear.  It was all, but hopeless until he got into a fight at school.  The elemental monster child went to hit him with a sludge ball, and he suddenly made it appear, as a way to defect the sludge ball.  It didn’t, but he was so proud of himself that he ran home with his Scythe and showed his parents, covered in sludge..
Vape’s love for Reapers and everything to do with them comes from his mother.  Though Quarrel never pushed him at it, Vape always looked up to Quarrel for working a “Cool” job.  His grandfather had one day explained a reapers true job and what it meant to do it.  Vape found a new respect for the job and no longer thought it cool, but to be the most important job out there.
Vape spends time with his father Anarchy.  The two have traveled AU to AU,  Gathering data on those living there.   He has made it a personal goal to write a book on every AU he finds.
Vape’s right eye was like that from day one.  The sight magic inside it often flickers.  He doesn’t depend on it at all. Quarrel and Anarchy tried everything they could to help him. Took him to see life, but nothing made the Right eye stable.  So Quarrel tried to teach him how to cover it as a way for the left eye to become stronger, but this didn’t work.  Due to the Data-Skeleton code he had in him as well, vape wouldn’t be able to maintain his glitches and suffered with Re-Boots like his father.  He had to start wearing glasses to make up for the fact that having one eye full time and the other part time would cause his head to hurt when he tried to focus.  The cloak came much later when he begged about looking more like a Reaper.  He discovered that if the hood laid a curtain way on his head his eyes was not seen and calmed down.
Vapor gets his name from the magic that he expels from his mouth and nose like a plum of smoke. 
Vape started Vaping when he was sixteen.  he creates his own flavors, but none of it is nicotine based.  He does it now for effect.
LV - 1 HP - 25
DF -  3 AT -  7
Weapon - Scythe.
Shortcuts -  Quarrel taught him.  A teleport from one place to another that is only a short distance.  (max within one mile.
Portals - (A up and down rip.)  Taught by Anarchy.  A way of traveling from AU to AU.
Floating - (a god power) Taught by Anarchy an ability that he can use for a short amount of time that requires a lot of magic and concentration.  Vape likes to use it.
Reaping - Slicing through a dying soul to call it to his soul collection bag.
Smoke - Mainly a exposition of magic and vapor that is meant for him to reap a soul without being seen.
Daughtry - Start of Something Good
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pixelsurfer20 · 3 years
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Strawberries never tasted so good as these from The CBD Reaper (UK)
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