#Varian info
🛌your muse’s biggest nightmare
You see it every time you close your eyes, can feel all those old agonies as if they were fresh. The feeling of chains wrapped around aching wrists, the cold that cuts straight through you with icy fingers searching for your bones, the leering, malicious eyes you cant hide from and know want nothing more than to see you destroyed. To tear open everything you are and leave you nothing but a hollow shell of the child that was dragged here.
They've taken your gloves, and although the thin barrier wouldn't have served much protection, you long for even the slightest relief from the agonized misery that greets even the slightest movement of your wrists. The chains are only there to aid in your torment, this you know. Any illusion that it was a safety precaution disappeared after the first beating the guards gave you. You're just a kid, only 14. They know that. Even without the cold iron, there's nothing you could do to retaliate, to defend yourself. You may have been a severe threat out there, treated with fearful respect, even if it’s tainted with rage, but in here? What could a terrified, malnourished child without weapon or shield locked away behind bars do against the kingdom’s finest?
They ridicule your helplessness, twisting the knife in the cruelest fashion they can. All it takes is one wrong word to incite their wrath, one wrong look, or even just one guard who just had a little too much to drink, deciding that the emaciated figure in the cell, the boy who holds so much of the kingdom's animosity, is the best target for his frustrations.
The fear is constant, overwhelming, and the only relief found is when someone else is suffering what you’ve been briefly spared from. Watching someone else be beat within an inch of their life, and knowing that you, in that instant, are safe. Any relief the experience brings you is sour and tainted, your entire being disgusted that you could, even for a moment, take comfort in someone else’s misery.
The paranoia is only worsened by your your lack of rest. Any sleep you manage to force your body into is disjointed and filled with horrific images you can only begin to comprehend in your waking hours. When it gets especially bad, your reality deteriorates into a guessing game, unable to differentiate the nightmares from the cell you’re confined to. Sometimes, you can’t even tell what’s been happening until your eyes open to the painfully white walls of the medical wing, and you know you were either pulled out of another coma, or the body you’ve grown to hate has been damaged enough to require medical attention.
The torture is deliberate, you’ve decided. The helplessness of your situation fabricated to act as a fitting punishment. It’s deserved, you figure. You’d cry for your parents, but mom abandoned you years ago and what you did to dad is what started this downward spiral in the first place. It is… a fitting punishment after everything you’ve done, yet still your mind recoils from it.
There’s someone else here. Another soul who shares in your pain, or at least that’s what he tells you. His smile is alluring and words are sickly sweet, tainted with bloodlust and power-hungry righteousness. He promises repentance, revenge, and always highlights the injustices inflicted by the enemy, while skipping over the same atrocities committed in the wake of his deserved wrath. “It’s for the greater good.” He tells you, and his voice sounds so much like the one that whispers in your own mind, that you listen in rapture despite the tears flowing down your face.
You don’t notice his claws digging into your shoulders until it’s too late.
Force your rigid body to relax, bite your tongue to keep down your protests, plaster a smile on your unwilling face. You never know what may incite his wrath, and you know from experience that a friend’s fist hurts much more than an enemy’s. Complacency is the only safe option. Who cares if you’re uncomfortable? Who cares if the feats he speaks of make your stomach squirm? The discomfort is preferable to the leering faces on the other side of the bars.
You’re caught between the devil and the sea, so you grab the devil’s hand in hopes of keeping yourself from drowning.
Press yourself close to him, grip your hands in the fur vest that reminds you so much of your father’s. Here, you are safe. Here, you are protected. He promises that no one will hurt you again after this, that once you’re a part of the pack you’ll never be alone again. So you pledge yourself to him, join his congregation of liars and sycophants and pretend you are home. They will harness your rage and anger, turn it into a weapon to run through the hearts of those who wronged you. The kingdom that abandoned you will fall, and you will have brought about its end.
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eryanlainfa · 1 year
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Hugo knows. And he's not sure if he should laugh or cry about it
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moondwellerthatdwells · 5 months
Rough sketch of the full fish varian from this mermay post I love him so much I've always wanted to talk about my big fishes
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Info dump under cut and scary mermaids warning(I made them with my own logic)
So theyre called Merlings and they were created because i find the concept of mermaids very interesting so i thought hey what if they make sense somewhat???
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(Text blurred out because funky notes in another language)
This is a teen and smaller species of merling about 6 feet but the anatomy is still similar!!! Just made varian merling(who is a blue tang) less terrifying to actually make it look like varian. They got BIG hands to catch prey and way more fins to stay alive in the ocean. Skin is like your typical sharks. Friendly mostly (except for the dolphins)
Another pic
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These are guppies, like the smallest merling species ever recorded, the biggest being the sharks. As you can see they all can open their mouths 2 times wider and have 2 sets of gills.
They all speak in bluish, which is a language i made up and can be learned but even im still not fluent in speaking it but just to show you what its like written then the sentence in the first picture in bluish is "wone dèr m'DAV'TOL Liqhu!". Wone means "I", Dèr means "Love" and m'Dav'Tol means "my big", Liqhu is "fish/those who lives in the water"
Hello thank you tumblr user if you read through the whole thing, it is now 3am where im at and i need to sleep. Have a nice day and nice dream maybe!!!!!
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whoviandoodler · 1 year
the crux of varian's character is that he just loves people SO much even when they're silly and stupid and weird- especially when they're silly and stupid and weird-, and it makes his situation so fucking heartbreaking to watch
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I'm bored and it's the middle of the night and I can't fucking sleep. Does anybody want to hear about my OC that started as a FMA (2003) OC, then became my primary PC for a tabletop game, then became an important side character in an original project my friend and I are doing, and is now almost always slotted as Varian's twin whenever we do crossovers between our thing and TTS?
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PUSAT LANGSUNG - WA : 0811-3470-111 (Ibu Inayah) - Kami menjual Madu Asli dari Malissa Nusantara dengan harga Grosir, Grosir Madu Malissa Nusantara adalah solusinya, Madu Malissa Nusantara adalah madu unggulan yang ada di Indonesia yang dihasilkan oleh lebah yang menghisap nektar tumbuh tumbuhan secara alami, sehingga terjaga rasa, aroma, dan khasiatnya.
Ada sedikitnya 7 alasan mengapa anda perlu memilih Madu Asli dari Malissa Nusantara : 1. Malissa Nusantara : Madu 100% Alami dari Nusantara 2. Tanpa bahan pengawet maupun bahan kimia. 3. Mempunyai beberapa macam varian sesuai dengan selera dan kebutuhan anda. 4. Dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit sesuai Nash dalam al quran 5. Mempunyai izin Dinas Kesehatan RI dan Hasil Uji Lab 6. Harga terjangkau Eceran & Grosiran 7. Sistem keAgenan yang terjaga (Tanpa Perang Harga)
SEGERA KONTAK KAMI untuk Info AGEN dan DISTRIBUTOR: TELP : 0811-3470-111 (Ibu Inayah) WA : 0811-3470-111 (Ibu Inayah)
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theatricalmage · 4 months
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The brainrot took over and so here's a vat7k hadestown au!! Don't know if I'll develop it fully but I liked designing it at least!
More info under the cut:
- Varian, the Coronan royal alchemist, tasks himself with deciphering an incantation capable of bringing the world back into tune. Times are tough, and the royal family + Quirin are doing their best to cope with the meagre crop yields and desolate weather (Corona not really being the sunshine kingdom - hasn't been for a while). He wants to help and do good and I think he'd be a good Orpheus.
- Hugo, having moved about from place to place, still has his interest in alchemy and does what he can to get by. He plans on temporarily staying in Corona before looting, but he encounters a certain like-minded scientist at the Snuggly Duckling. I think him being selfish works especially well in Eurydice's role, having a more pessimistic view of the world. It also works with how he gets drawn to Donella's offer of working for her later on, leading him to his death.
- Ulla as Persephone! I was initially stuck on whether to have Rapunzel (and either Eugene/Cass) as her (and Hades) but I was drawn to the connection that Hugo has to Donella and the Donella/Ulla relationship in vat7k just works too well. In this case, Ulla won't be Varian's mother. She's still gonna be somewhat of an inspiration to him though, being the previous Coronan royal alchemist and for her intelligence. For half the year, she'll return to Corona with food, drinks, and alchemical compounds/inventions, bringing Spring and Summer to the world, if only for a bit.
- Donella would be such an interesting Hades, losing sight of her love for Ulla, heart filled with fear and hurt, leading to bitterness and cruelty. Ingvarr being Hadestown and how by being the esteemed Ingvarrian engineer, she'd be in charge of major technological advances across the kingdoms and so would wield a significant amount of power (like how Hades is literally the ruler of the underworld). Ingvarr essentially being a near death sentence for its workers while also displaying its technological prowess, all still shrouded in mystery and corruption - a place so otherworldly compared to the rest of the kingdoms.
I didn't want to modify the outfits too much nor the personalities,, if anything I imagine the general plot beats being the same as the original musical/story but with slight differences that'd you get inherently as a result of these characters. I wouldn't want it to be the case where it's just the show but the names are changed. I'd want this to still make reasonable sense in this AU, with the actions being understandable for this particular cast of characters.
For Hermes, I ended up picking Xavier, as he's most knowledgeable of old legends and stories, which would work in reference to the Hades and Persephone myth (and so Donella and Ulla)! He'd act as a mentor figure for V, someone who can guide him in uncovering the forgotten incantation. Quirin would still be the good supportive dad he is (even if he doesn't fully understand his son's project).
Last but not least, the fates!! often lurking in the background, I'm still a bit stuck on who it could be? I'm tempted to have it be Raps, Cass, and Nuru as they've had celestial connections at some point (and ya know how stars can represent fate), but I also love the freckled siblings dynamic so much. Also Team Radical... Maybe Raps and Cass can be their normal selves but their Sundrop/Moonstone counterparts are the manifested physical forms of the fates? They wouldn't be visible to the characters though, just voices in the wind.
Anyways yeah!! Those are my thoughts. Do let me know if you've got any cool ideas or questions. I'm really combining my interests at full force and there's nothing anyone, not even myself, can do about it quite frankly. 😮‍💨
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sboochi · 1 year
For the art suggestions, maybe something with Hiccup interacting with Varian? Like, Varian showing off his inventions, Hiccup introducing him to Toothless, or just the two of them info dumping about alchemy and dragons XD
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Breaking news: local man who's always been treated as lame finds kid that worships him
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oneshlut · 8 months
I loved your hcs for Varian so much! 😍 Could you possibly write some fluffy headcanons got him having a crush and how'd he confess? Tysm for bringing me back to the TTS fandom 🙇‍♀️
A/N: OOH YESYES!!! im so glad you enjoyed my var hcs!! honestly one of my fav nerds to write forr, these already sound so fluffy to write! tooth-rotting, even.. oh, and good to have you back in the fandom !
Angel (Varian x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General fluffy crushing and confession headcanons for Varian
Extra Info: haha hello dolly reference at the end because im obsessed
In Corona, love at first sight isn't necessarily common. Sure, Rapunzel and Eugene got together in the maximum of a week, but Rapunzel was threatening him at first sight. And when it comes to Varian, you're gonna have to know him for a while until real feelings start to develop. Not just puppy love.
Normally, the two of you would hang out.. maybe two days a week. If you're coming over to his place, you'll probably just spend the day chatting while Varian works on whatever new invention he's workshopping at the moment. Sometimes he'll let you help. Sometimes. Otherwise, at your place the two of you will usually.. uh. Well, leave. There's a forest right outside your house, which leads straight to a breathtaking view of all of Corona. Varian never cared for "pretty views", but.. if you did, he did as well. That same forest has equally great places for cloud watching, but when you didn't feel like being calm all the time, you and Varian would explore the depths of the forest, discovering new things. When he wanted to, Ruddiger would tag along.
The first "sorta" hint of feelings "somewhat" developing was Varian inviting you to hang out more often. Two days a week turned into three. Then four. Maybe five, if your schedule allowed it. Even then, he still couldn't get enough. On days when you wouldn't be able to see each other, hr would send letters to you to check up on you. Still keeping in mind to not come off as clingy.. despite how truly clingy he was. Of course, Varian still viewed you as a friend--a best friend. How oblivious.
Speaking of which, Varian is extremely oblivious to his own emotions. Ruddiger would be the first to know that he was crushing before Varian himself knew. Whenever he mentioned you as a "friend", Ruddiger would subtly roll his eyes. Especially when Varian would talk about you to him. Ruddiger knew better by the look in his eyes when he practically ranted about you, but Varian didn't.
The way he finds out that he has a crush on you is actually a bit cute. It was Rapunzel's and Eugene's anniversary, so they had a celebratory ball with most of the town invited. Varian had asked you to join him so you could meet people like Lance and Cassandra, since you hadn't really properly met them yet. That was a shocker. It wasn't a fancy celebration, almost like a birthday party, but it was enough to send butterflies to your stomach when he invited you.
There was a sort of "climax" in the party, where Eugene and Rapunzel danced together in the middle of the ballroom. Almost like something out of a fairytale. At the time, you and Varian were on opposite sides due to the group of people shuffling back to give the couple room to dance. You were talking to different people at the time, causing you two to be further apart than usual. Further than Varian wanted at this time.
Varian watched the couple dance around the marble-like floor, sighing at the scene. It was cute, and the idea that the two found eachother and stuck together in the end was.. nice. The idea of a soulmate.. it was sweet.
And for "some" reason, Varian found himself thinking about you. You and him on the dancefloor, instead of the couple that his eyes were glued on. Breaking away from the trance that was the rhythmic dancing, he switched his focus to the back of the room, channeling in on the sight of you. Embarrassingly, heat rose to his face. Varian looked away before you got the chance to notice his longing stare.
The thought of his feelings troubled him. Not in the way that he didn't want to like you--more so in the way that he knew that he would mess up even more infront of you now that he had the knowledge of his feelings. Maybe this was just another Cassandra crush. Maybe it'll just pass over time. After all, there is no way you'd even like him back. Is what he thought.
He was absolutely right. Now more than ever, he was extremely clumsy around you. When he saw you, he tripped over his feet. When he caught a glance from you in the middle of an experiment.. the experiment would blow up. Sometimes he would stumble over his words, saying things he didn't mean to say. He was so obvious, it was adorable. You could probably pick up on his feelings before he even confessed. Varian, as oblivious as he is, still thinks he's being super secretive about everything. He's not.
Like with Cassandra, Varian will constantly offer to help you with certain chores or just personal tasks. His love language is probably "Acts of Service", which is partly why he'll do anything and everything for you. Oh--and by the way, he was wrong. This crush did not pass over with time like Cassandra.
After about 2 months, he finally gets the courage to tell you. He knew he would just keep making a fool out of himself in front of you if he didn't. Over letter, he asked you to meet him out in the forest that the two of you always hung out in. Ruddiger had insisted to come along with him, as some sort of "hype-man". Reluctantly, Varian let him follow him out the door.
It wasn't hard for you to find him. It was your normal spot: a clearing in the trees that let the sun shine on the forest floor. When you saw him.. a rose color flushed to your cheeks. The sight was beautiful, Varian sitting on the forest floor, (not noticing you), with the glimmering light from the sun that made him look like an angel. Swallowing down your butterflies, you took a seat next to him in the soft grass.
Only then did Varian notice you, mumbling an awkward 'hello'. After a bit of comfortable silence, sounds of nature surrounding you two, Ruddiger slightly bit Varian's hand: a signal for him to get on with it. The raccoon quickly fled the scene with a 'shoo' hand signal from Varian.
You watched as he took out a flower from his opposite hand, surprised you hadn't noticed it before. He must've had it for a while--you didn't see him pick it up earlier. It was a sunflower, fitting for the area in the forest. You were glad now for the somewhat-blinding sun, it hid your blush fairly well.
If Varian's heart could stop beating, it definitely did now. He was already nervous about the very idea about telling you how he felt, but seeing you in the sunlight.. how breathtaking you looked.. it was almost too much for him to handle. So he decided to keep his confession short and sweet. If he talked for longer than 20 seconds he was sure to pass out.
"I.. I like you. Mo-More than I should.. a-and ifyoudon'tlikemebackthat'sfinejustpleasedon'thateme--and this is for you-!"
After rushing his confession, he quickly gave the sunflower to you before immediately looking away. You couldn't feel more flattered. And.. you felt suddenly bold.
Tapping him on his shoulder, he reluctantly turned to you to see your reaction.
And, with a sudden kiss, Varian was frozen. Not frozen enough to be cold--his face was actually extremely warm.
Realizing what had just happened, he fell to the forest floor on his back, laying down with his hands on his face. He couldn't be more embarrassed. He was supposed to be the confident one, not you. But thinking about it more, he minded it less. At the time, he just felt embarrassed for himself. And the situation. He wasn't dreaming, was he? Cracking open his hands to peek at your grinning, teasing, and.. blushing face, Varian now knew this was reality.
"Maybe give me a warning next time, will you..?"
His voice shook, but still chuckled through the humility.
Ruddiger perked up from behind a tree, chirping in happiness from the success. Varian sat up suddenly, laughing as the raccoon jumped into his lap.
You watched as he pet Ruddiger calmly, before meeting your gaze a moment later.
It only took that very moment to be loved a whole life long.
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I am fine and normal don't worry about me I like him a normal amount.
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lichenaday · 28 days
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Glaucomaria rupicola (syn Lecanora rupicola)
*sigh* Yet another lichen species name that may actually represent multiple species, but more investigation is needed. G. rupicola has multiple morphotypes and subspecies, but it is still unclear how many of these may actually be due to genetic variation, chemical adaptation, or the result of parasitism by Arthonia varians which often effects the color of the apothecia. This crustose lichen has a rimose-areolate, white-gray thallus surrounded in a dark prothallus. It produces lecanorine apothecia which have a dark disc covered in pale pruina, giving them a glaucous, chalky appearance. G. rupicola grows on silicious rock all over.
images: source | source | source
info: source | source | source
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adriiiiiii19 · 3 months
Varian would totally bond with Honey Lemon, right? Hugo, I feel, would get along well with Hiro because they're both more on the machinery type. Oh, he would probably bother Gogo for info about her bikes.
Varian would totally geek about Honey Lemon's Chem-bag.
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
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Things that I probably will not completely complete later but here you have them
Now a little bit of info of the stupid drawing I made
The first ones are just color practices bc I wanted to test other kinds of colors n stuff
And the last two ones, the one where varian is on the window looking at the moon (yes that is a moon thank you for asking) is inspired in a fic by batz... Again dksjahkdjghka
And the other one with chica from FNAF is just bc I wanted to draw her :(
But in my mind it is like a little au where they went to the closed pizzeria and got wrecked there :3
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moondwellerthatdwells · 5 months
came here demanding indepth info about your moonspawn Au :)
I mayy have an idea of what in depth means but ill try my best!! In a form of 3 important bits
Sundrop's role, Moonstone's goal: the reason the Moon went crazy is that she literally needs the Sun. Moonstone is... misunderstood, in a way, just like how the moon in real life needs the sun to actually shine, Moonstone needs Sundrop to guide her, find her true shine.
Their relationship with their holders: Sundrop has no problem with his holder, Rapunzel, he likes her so much he gave her many gifts and protect her from all sickness! Moonstone... not so much with Cassandra, in fact its actively draining her life away, so Cassie looks.. pale, sickly, hell she looks like shes on the verge of death! Because she is! If Cass wasnt separated from the Moonstone in time, then by the end of the episode Cass would be dead.
But Moonstone likes Varian so there's that!!
The Moon's adoption(wow nice this title is so weird): Varian is not related to the Moon like how Rapunzel is with the Sun. Hes not born with its power! He was granted it. The Moonstone has no owner originally, so in this context... Varian is adopted... so instead of the owner/holder of the Moonstone, Varian is her child, her spawn.
Okay this is getting complicated but feel free to ask more!! I like to talk about my stuff
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medusamagic · 6 months
So you want to know more about Big Barda
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As Tumblr's resident expert on all things Barda, and as Kelly Thompson's Birds of Prey run brings far more attention to the character, I figured it was high time someone stepped in and gave the tumblr world a primer on DC's biggest and boldest heroine.
The Basics:
Introduced in Mister Miracle #4 by Jack Kirby, Big Barda was once the leader of Apokolips' premier death squad, the Female Furies. Trained from birth for a life of violence by Granny Goodness, Barda spent the first 250 years of her life as a living weapon. This all changed when she met Scott Free, a gentle Parademon-in-training with a mysterious past and a knack for escapes. Eventually, she and Scott both escaped to Earth, where they fell in love with both the Earth and each other. She's a lover, she's a fighter, she's a Pokémon card expert, but most of all, SHE BIG.
Barda's signature defining attribute is her raw strength. Her raw muscle allows her to keep up with heavy hitters like Wonder Woman. This isn't to suggest that she's a simple-minded brute, however-- Barda has centuries of military experience under her belt as leader of the Female Furies. She's mastered multiple weapons, including spears, swords, and her signature Mega-Rod.
Below are some reading recommendations for anyone interested in Big Barda:
Essential Runs:
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #4-18 by Jack Kirby (1971-1974)
This was the run that introduced the world to Big Barda, as well as the Female Furies. If you want to know the basics of Barda, there's no better place to start. This run is collected in a trade, as well as a part in The Fourth World Omnibus Vol. 1.
(NOTE: Even though Barda doesn't appear until issue #4, I suggest you start with Issue #1. It'll help you get acquainted with the rest of the mythos.)
Justice League International #14-24 by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis (1988-1989)
Big Barda was on the JLI! She plays off the other characters as well as ever, and a lot of what's great about her in Jack Kirby's original run is still here! Definitely check this one out if you want to see her in another team setting. This has been collected in this omnibus.
(NOTE: Once again, I recommend you start from issue #1.)
Popular Runs:
Mister Miracle Vol. 4 #1-12 by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (2017-2018)
Yeah, I know.
Listen, Tom King is a writer with... idiosyncrasies to put it nicely. The characters in the periphery of his stories tend to act really out of character, and his dialogue can be clunky at times. That being said, The Scott/Barda dynamic in this book is excellent, and this book has some of the best art that the Fourth World has seen since the 80s. The series has been collected in a trade.
(NOTE: Did you know that the CIA has over 2003 files on Tom King? Look up "Tom King CIA 2003" for more info!)
Mister Miracle: The Great Escape by Varian Johnson and Daniel Isles (2022)
If you're at all interested in the idea of a Young Adult reimagining of Mister Miracle and Big Barda's origin story with an all-black cast, this book was made for you. It's a bit heavy on the YA tropes, but the Scott/Barda dynamic is really solid. It was released as a standalone graphic novel.
Birds of Prey Vol. 5 #1-??? by Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Romero (2023-)
Admit it, this is the reason you're here. The Cassandra Cain & Big Barda is so instantly iconic, I'm surprised no writer has paired them up sooner. It also helps that this book has the single best Barda look since Jack Kirby's original run. Plus, she gets to throw down with Wonder Woman! What's not to love? This run is still ongoing, but the first 6 issues should be getting a trade pretty soon.
(NOTE: I started writing this before BOP #8 dropped, I had no idea about that thing that happens in the newest issue.)
Stories to Avoid:
Action Comics #592-593 by John Byrne (1987)
This is not a comic book-- it's an infohazard designed to cause pain and suffering to anyone who knows of its existence. Its premise is vile and disrespectful on the surface, and it becomes more insidious when you learn the context of its creation. This pair of issues is profoundly evil, rivaling even Avengers #200 in terms of loathsomeness.
For those who dare to investigate this, Content Warnings for rape, mind control, and human trafficking.
Anyway, let's end on something a bit lighter, shall we?
Remember that Mister Miracle YA graphic novel I mentioned earlier? Barda is getting a graphic novel of her own this summer! It's not out at the time of writing, but the preview pages look promising!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that introduction to one of my favorite superheroes ever. Please get back to me on this, I have no one else to talk to about Fourth World stuff.
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withered--s0uls · 6 months
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"Dormant" absolute Solver AU shenanigans oop... this would take place during episode 7. (more info under cut)
Sneaks in a Varian Tangled Reference bc I live my son and this is inspired by him.
Cyn ends up on the same side of the rockslide as Uzi. Uzi is uncertain about her after losing any trust she might have had in Tessa and now questioning N too. She tells Cyn to stay distant.
So Cyn follows at a distance. As they explore, Cyn gets anxious and starts self soothing using a method N taught her years ago. Uzi takes note of that, recognizing the quote from N. After the song in her head played on repeat for a few times she turns around to check on Cyn, who is still repeating the quote. Cyn pretends to be okay, but it's clear her anxiety is making her struggle to keep herself together and the Solver symbol begins glitching on her visor.
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