#Very unstable fusion
garnets-stargeode2000 · 11 months
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By Aleth Romanillos
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Before reading AGIT id never actually fully considered that ghosts can just fuse with other ghosts, I guess I thought it was just a special case with Dan, outside factors lining up just right and all that. I think ghost fusion has interesting uses and implications I would like to know more of
Dan is the only ghost we've seen doing this which I think is interesting, technically you could argue Skulker and Technus fuse as well, but that I see as a mere teamup since they're both distinctly there are apart. "Proper" ghost fusion seems to end with only one combined entity
Is it a well known power ghosts have? Can all ghosts do it? How rare is it that this happens? How stable do most fusions turn out? How long do they last? Just how much of an outlier is Dan in this case?
Separate but related rambles, my own thoughts on this, and apolocheese for the fanon, but I tend to imagine Dan's core is just the two mashed together, strong and trying to make something whole but yknow, still ultimately gonna be fractured and cracked in some way, thus its capable of drawing more energy in and fusing with others, although they'll not be nearly as wholly apart of him as Phantom and Plasmius, as Clockwork didn't seem to effect his personality, more like a power up of sorts
I just like thinking it's something only Dan can really do, to the extent he does it, though I do enjoy other interpretation
Oh man I wonder what other ghost fusions would look like. Imagine Dan and Fright Knight or something. Ooo Dan and Frostbite? And of course other non-Dan fusions, man I love the potential here
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blue-star-doodles · 1 year
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I got the random idea of combining Raven and Starfire into one entity
Thus, here's Ravenfire!
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here's a concept for a fusion thing ig.. they're completely batshit and exist only to annoy the everloving hell out of the jack pack
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cizzle-freezy · 2 years
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Transcendence and Faith
The sequel/companion pieces to Blackout. Transcendence is Skylyn + Tempys, and Faith is Flarah + Gelum!
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Captive AU
So, the GIW has been around for a while.
Ghosts have been a problem for centuries, the US Government wouldn't have waited until the 21st Century to figure out a way to deal with them, so the GIW has been around for years. And the general Public knows about them, it's a common household name like the FBI or the CIA. They are simply seen as another government organization doing its job, no need to care about the Ghosts they capture, they're Non-Sentient anyways.
Over the years of their existence, they have acquired their own little prison full of Ghosts. And among that collection of Ghosts, 4 stand out.
Because they are somehow Ghost-Human Hybrids.
The first was captured a while before the others. A College Student studying Ectology had been admitted to the Hospital after a Lab Accident, where he had been diagnosed with an, as of yet, unknown and incurable Disease. He had Green Boils popping up all over his Face, and he was in excruciating Pain.
The GIW had sent a team to investigate, and they had found that the College Student was slowly transforming into some type of abomination. He was still partially human, but he was also partially a Ghost. They had him declared Dead and shipped him off to a Blacksite Facility to be experimented on.
The Second One came about 10 years later. Coincidentally, it was very similar circumstances. The very same pair of scientists who had been acquainted with their previous subject had just admitted their 5 Yr old son into a local Hospital. He had been in a Lab Accident that had stopped his Heart for a few minutes, and out of curiosity the GIW had sent a Team to investigate.
And what did they find, but a perfect recreation of their favorite Test Subject.
They declared the Child Dead, and sent him off to the same Facility they kept the other one in.
The 3rd of the Hybrids was actually created in a GIW Lab, 3 Years Later. In an experiment to see if the Hybrids condition could be recreated, a GIW Scientist had taken the DNA of the 2 existing Hybrids and had cloned them.
Of the Test Batch of 15, only 1 Subject survived. It was deemed only a Partial Success, because while they did manage to create a New Hybrid, it was Unstable and prone to melting if overexerted.
They placed it in the same Containment Unit as the other 2, and left it at that. No more Cloning Experiments had been conducted afterwards since the project was deemed an overall Failure.
The 4th and Final Hybrid was found in Gotham City of all places, 2 years later.
A GIW Operative had been visiting Family when their Van's Ecto-Detector had gone off. Soon after that they found the Subject in an Alleyway, seemingly disoriented from its recent awakening.
DNA testing had revealed the Hybrid to be deceased Jason Peter Todd, the adopted Son of Bruce Wayne who had been killed 6 Months Prior while studying in Ethiopia. By the Scientists Best Guess, an Anomoly in Space-Time had caused a Natural Portal to open right on top of the Teenagers Corpse, fusing his Deceased Body and nearly formed Ghost into One.
They shipped the Teen off to the Blacksite, and placed him in the same Containment Unit as the others.
So now the GIW have 4 Hybrids, all created from different circumstances, all different ages.
One was formed from the Slow Death of a College Age Student, after a Lab Accident had flooded his system with Pure Ectoplasm.
One was form from the Instant Death of a 5 yr old Boy, after a Lab Accident had flooded his Body with a dimensions worth of Ectoplasm.
One was created in a GIW Lab in a Cloning Experiment. She was created to be 3 Yrs Old upon Birth, and was Unstable as a Result.
One was created from the Fusion of a Long Dead Teenage Corpse and a nearly formed Ghost, in a random Space Time Event that forced both together.
All the Halfas are basically a Family together. Vlad is the oldest, at around 35, and takes the Paternal Role.
Danny and Ellie are the Kids, and are 10 and 5 respectively.
Jason is the Oldest Child, and takes his Older Brother role very seriously. He is 15 when he is brought in.
They all take care of eachother, through all the experiments and tests the GIW force them through.
One of the most common experiments is to have them battle the other Ghosts in Captivity. Although that is just a thinly veiled dog fighting ring that the GIW scientists like to Bet on. Sometimes they are put up against eachother, but they refuse to fight until they are electrocuted into submission.
They were also forced to Push all of their Powers to their Limits every day, just so the Scientist can see how they are growing. This had drained them, since they only got the absolute minimum amount of Ecto to survive off of, and they were forced to use it all up every day.
This goes on for 3 more years.
Until the day when the GIW messed up.
During one of their Constant Dog Fights, they had made the mistake of putting two Electricity Core Ghosts against eachother. The resulting battle had created an Electromagnetic Wave that fried all systems in the entire Facility.
It was a Disaster. Dozens of Scientists were killed when the Door Locks failed to contain the captive Ghosts, and even more were injured when a few of the Ghosts managed to break into the Armory on Base.
It was only hours after the whole ordeal was Finally quelled that they realized that their most Valuable Test Subjects were missing.
Vlad, Danny, Jason, and Ellie had taken the chance to run away during the commotion. Vlad had unfortunately been injured during the escape, and Ellie had been forced to use her powers causing her to destabilize a little, but all in all they had managed to escape on one piece.
But now they were fugitives on the run from the Government, with an injured adult and a sick child.
Jason had an Idea though. While he didn't have very clear memories of his life, a side effect of his late resurrection, he did remember that he used to live in Gotham. And they all remember researchers grumbling about how their scanners always malfunction when they passed nearby Gotham.
So, Jason led his little Family to the most Familiar place in the city he could think of.
Crime Alley.
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levshany · 9 months
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how do I put this. Even those who actually track our blogs and are interested in our Aus can get a little confused about what's going on here. but I'll try to explain anyway
we already mentioned the crossover between Anarchists and Tandem and even DRAWED them once, back when Tandem was in development (and by the way, this crossover is canonical for both AUs). Now this story has been continued >:D
Here's some context: It so happened that the Colibri wanted to see what alternative timelines looked like and ran into the king and the jester. Phil was delighted with Colibri and wanted to flirt with them. Jester Collie was categorically against it. so he immediately possessed Phill and tried to fight Tandem. he didn’t succeed because his fusion with Phil is extremely unstable. and here we are
Initially, @angstyhikka and I just drew these three pages, but then @lasymit supported the idea and made a drabble which she allowed me to add to the post :3
"Let go, bitch! I'm not done with you yet!"
The savage creature desperately squirmed in Philip’s hands. It grabbed onto him, trying to either break free or, on the contrary, rush closer, glaring furiously and baring its shark teeth.
He held the clumsy, collapsing fusion at arm's length and looked at it with slight disgust. His tandem with the Collector was a strange but harmonious union. And what was writhing in front of them right now was the direct antipode of the word harmony.
“Well, I am,” he said distantly.
And with his other hand he grabbed the one sitting inside the demon’s body. Under the flesh soaked in titan blood, he felt a soft essence, like rubber or hot wax. The Collector from this universe felt completely different to the touch.
He stretched them, pulling them away from each other, disentangling them from each other. Paradoxically, bodies that should repel each other by the nature of their forces, like unipolar magnets, clung to each other very stubbornly. But Philip was still stronger with the power of the Collector in his hands, power which he clearly used better than the local... king of demons...
“Ouuuuch ouuuuch,” a boy in the robes of a jester, painted in red and black, shrank on the ground, wrapping his arms around his own chest.
He was not at all like his Collector. Philip had never seen his friend's material body before. But he knew he looked different. For some reason he knew this for sure.
"Who pulls a guy out like that!? Fuck!!", the now-green demon yelled nearby. And he clutched his head painfully.
What Idiots. They vomited three times while chasing him. Philip did them a favor by stopping this outrage.
Now these two were lying helplessly at his feet, groaning and gasping, trying to catch their breath and come to their senses. Now they are separated.
"What were you trying to achieve?" His question was almost rhetorical.
"It wasn’t me, it was all him!" like a child, pointing a sharp, protruding finger towards the Collector, the demon yelled. "I didn’t want to fight at all!"—here he gazed up at Philip with some strange look and batted his eyelashes expressively—"I wanted something else– something more interesting."
"Ohh fuck off, Maggie! You traitor!" came the shout from the red Collector. Philip silently decided to call him the Jester and the demon, by analogy, the King. Philip had already guessed his name. But he couldn’t bring himself to call this savage by that name. Not even in his mind. 
He ignored the King's vague attempts to take a tempting pose while still lying on the ground and grinding his teeth from the headache. He turned to the Jester.
"So you're in charge?"
Judging by King's behavior, it would indeed be reckless to put him in charge. But, having always been the decision-maker when paired with the Collector, by right of being the adult, Philip is accustomed to his friend almost never taking the leading role unless circumstances require it. Like a couple of years ago...
“Nuh-uh,” the Jester raised himself up on his elbow and rubbed his chest, inhaling deeply, greedily. "We're bros! Equal rights and stuff."
And he twirled his funny yellow gloved hand in the air.
Something in the Jester’s words pricked Philip. He didn't fully understand what exactly.. Until the King said, in a dramatic whisper:
"I no longer have a brother. You’re dead to me!"
And Philip stood there, trying to remember that the air was not hard, dense lumps, that it did not clog in the throat and did not press in the chest with a dull phantom pain. Meanwhile these two idiots, after a couple moments of aggressive looks, laughed out loud.
“Yes, I would strangle such a brother,” the King squeezed out, wheezing and squinting through laughter, “with my own-"
And he bent over, swallowing the end of the sentence with a cough as the toe of a boot hit him in the stomach.
"Philip! Philip... They've had enough... He doesn't know what he's talking about."
Philip's cheek twitched.
"Ouch... bro, save me!" the King squeaked hoarsely.
And this completely infuriated Philip. He swung his foot again, this time at the face. But he was met by an elastic wall. And the ground under Colibri’s feet, along with all the space, suddenly curved.
If it weren't for years with the Collector in his head, he wouldn't have realized what happened. But now he clearly saw how a couple of dimensions were distorted, folding space into a loop. He suddenly found himself not between the King and the Jester, but at a considerable distance. And these two were already close together. The boy helped his “brother” get up from the ground; King was now leaning on Jester’s shoulders, clutching his stomach. Perhaps Philip miscalculated his strength a little. This happens sometimes... Especially when it comes to emotions.
“Hey! Hitting people who are down is against the rules,” the Jester frowned. "Give us a timeout!"
Philip felt his jaw tighten. How the nodules rolled across his face. But the flaring rage, as it often happened to him, went away as easily as it filled the air in his chest, leaving reddish streaks before his eyes and pulsating power in his fingertips.
“Get out of the way,” he let his hands glow slightly.
"Ohhhh, what about a last kiss, star boy?" the King whined, clinging to the Jester and trying to straighten up next to him, as if hoping to reach Philip from a distance of ten steps and still get the coveted—
A kiss? Seriously, what the hell? Philip directed a confused, irritated look that bore all these unspoken questions at the Jester. He awkwardly shrugged his sharp shoulders, caught in the King’s grip.
"Don’t be mad... Philip, right? Don't be mad at him, Philip. His Majesty has a reason to be an idiot. And he didn’t mean it out of malice about the ‘brother’ thing.”
Philip looked at the Jester more carefully. The collector in his head was silent. But Philip sensed something from him. Philip also noticed the King’s uncomprehending expression.
“What’s wrong with ‘brother’?” The King sounded surprised.
And then Philip understood. And his face froze.
Yes... yes, what need is there to remember such things? He himself tried to forget for a long time... If he succeeded, would he be the same now as the king in front of him?
Looking at this wretched shell of a “King” who’d forgotten everything important about himself and the loyal “Jester” still standing steadily at his side, the Collector in Philip’s head began to sob. They both, it seems, had the same thought. It’s scary to look at the reflection of a future that never happened.
The jester smiled at him guiltily- at both of them. And then he confidently and widely showed about fifty teeth to his King.
"People don’t like such familiarity, you fool! You can’t just kiss someone the first time you meet."
"But it's okay to fight them when you first meet?" Philip was indignant...
Yes, it's Philip. He cannot refuse to call this man by his own name. Philip himself could one day become such a “king.”
also @kenku97 helped us with translation and added this comment, I gotta show it to you ;v;
"I thought “The collector in his head sobbed” needed more context for people who aren’t as tightly wrapped up in these AUs as we all are. To understand why Collie’s crying, you need to point out how Tandem Collie sees himself in the Jester. They’re both caring for a Philip who is forgetting himself and the people closest to him. Jester is living out Tandem Collie’s worst fear: what will happen when Philip can’t remember anything anymore? What will become of their friendship? And it’s bittersweet because the King and the Jester are still friends, even though the Jester basically had to start over from the beginning. Jester Collie is quietly carrying all of those memories inside his heart of a friend who has basically disappeared while still learning about and loving the brand new person his friend has become. It’s so sweet and so sad.😭"
that's pretty much all for now It’s hard to return to drawing after the holidays. and this is not even a new art you see, but last year’s. therefore this comic cannot be considered the first work of this year sadly
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carionto · 11 months
C'mon, Really? Look, Just, Let Me Help You!
Humans: We need to have a talk about your secret war plans against us.
Aliens: W-what? No, that's not it, how-
H: Our intelligence operative are very good. Don't pretend these [throws folder on the table that scatters hundreds of pages of classified documents all over] aren't yours.
A: F-Fine! Yes! We made plans about how we should fight you if we ever got into a war. We admit it! What do you want?
H: Huh? No, what I'm trying to say is, why do your plans suck?
A: Err... what?
H: Yeah, compared to our plans and war games, you don't seem to utilize all the advantages you have against us. There's not as much coordination and specialization of forces as we expect in our simulations. What gives?
A: You've lost me.
H: Look, every civilization should run military simulations against EVERY existing party, not just the ones you're natural competitors, or ones you see as antagonistic. Hell, while we were "vanished" our military literally had nothing else to do and spent a solid 200 years making up every kind of scenario against every single potential power we might end up encountering once we "reappeared".
Honestly, there are so many things we are shocked about once we got our hands on your plans, I legitimately don't know where is the best place to begin.
Okay, for starters, why don't any of your plans include making use of our superior technology? It would work, we tested it as well. We built a scale model of one of your capital ships, plopped one of our fusion reactors in and BAM, shields and weapons instantly became on par with our Destroyers, and could even do some serious damage to our Dreadnoughts (for a few seconds before our counterattack vaporizes it, but that's besides the point), so we know your technology is fully capable of handling us.
A: For the millionth time, we are not using unstable power sources that could totally blow us up at any point!
H: It is safe! Those things only have a 0.002 percent chance to fail, and a one in six hundred thousand chance of THAT resulting in an explosion. We've only had twelve incidents the entire time we've been using them.
A: No.
H: Well you ain't winning a war against us with that attitude.
But anyway, one other thing your plans never do is blow up Earth and irradiate the shipyard orbits, what gives?
A: That's an abominable crime against, well, EVERYTHING!
H: Weak. But okay. One other thing though, and this one is just baffling, your deployments and gathering locations are always in the most obvious and convenient places. Those are, no joke, where we would place recon units and prepare ambushes the moment we even got a hint of a whiff of hostility from you. How come you never seem to account for us expecting you to do the obvious and pre-emptively counter that. And inversely, you never expect us to not be in the logical places where we should be.
A: I think my head is spinning from that. What?
H: Reverse psychology? Predictive behavior, or whatever it's called, not a psychologist. If you want to win against your enemy, you have to think like your enemy first.
You look dizzy. I know it's a lot to take in, but we'll guide you through this. Think of it as homework. After we have a more thorough meeting on this subject, we'll wait and let you figure things out back in your secret HQ's. But, if the plans we acquire later still won't account for the things we discussed, we'll be very disappointed.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Can I request a yandere Garnet (SU) concept? Thank you
Kept it mostly platonic as I just view her like that. I'll take feedback on this as she is... surprisingly hard to yandere properly.
Yandere! Garnet Concept
(Ruby + Sapphire)
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Jealousy, Manipulation, Violence implied, Isolation, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Considering the nature of Garnet already being a relationship, I feel she'd be more platonic to her obsession.
Not only that, but she'd be so stern and protective too.
Garnet isn't always emotive, although some aspects of Ruby and Sapphire show through separately at times.
She tries to think rationally like Sapphire, but sometimes loses her cool like Ruby.
Most of the time Garnet is calm with her obsession.
You could throw a fit at her and she'll take it... only to scold you later.
As long as you don't try to hit her, she can tolerate your outbursts.
The only time I can see Garnet as romantic is a very rare case where she likes another Gem.
In that case she'd want to try fusion with them if it meant she could keep you with her.
She'd wait until you're ready, however.
But let's be honest, based on what we've seen in the show, she isn't interested in that with many.
She'd be more likely to protect you platonically because she sees you as family or a close friend.
Garnet is an unnerving yandere as you can't read her all the time.
She's deadpan towards most around you... including you at times.
There's times you'll want to hang out with others, like friends or maybe a partner of your own, only for Garnet to step in with an unreadable expression just to say one thing.
That's it, nothing else.
She's really good at shutting down things she doesn't want you doing.
There's times you're allowed to be with other people, she wants you to have some other bonds.
But she doesn't want you to ignore her completely.
I have a feeling you can't really argue with her, either.
She'd want her obsession to respect her and her decisions.
Essentially, you listen to her or she makes you if she feels it's for the best.
She's the type of yandere who would "mom" her darling.
She's usually level-headed so most of what you do won't break her composure.
She isn't always stern and stoic, though.
Sometimes she's genuinely caring, wanting to let you know she does care for you.
That she loves you.
She does what she does because she wants to cherish the bond you have with her.
After all, Garnet knows quite a bit about bonds.
Most of her obsession is this protective guardian role.
She tries to be very understanding with her obsession.
Due to the nature of Garnet viewing relationships as sacred, she wouldn't want to rush anything with her obsession.
Doing so would lose your trust.
She is fine with acting like a guardian to you, as a Crystal Gem she's used to such a thing.
She may be protective and stern... but she would want her obsession to come to her when they were ready.
She knows getting you to love her by force will only hurt you both.
Ruby may be overly eager about having you accept them, but Sapphire is careful to keep them both calm.
If you're a Gem then they try to be even more patient... Unstable fusion will hurt you even more.
Garnet, out of most Gems, is one of the more patient yanderes.
Bonds take time to develop and locking you away certainly won't help.
Ruby is no doubt the half that feels the most jealousy when they see you interact so well with others.
Sapphire knows they shouldn't be jealous of you having other people you enjoy.
Sapphire knows you'll come to them at some point and see they care...
They just need patience.
Although... they do fear you'll never come to them...
I can see Ruby and Sapphire splitting because of their differing beliefs throwing them out of sync.
They have different obsession types, which means if they get impatient... they can't be Garnet.
Ruby's scared you'll never love them the same way they do you.
Ruby wants to show you how much they care, to the point she may be too reckless and scare you off.
Meanwhile Sapphire fully believes in waiting.
She wants Ruby to calm down, to give you time.
You may be confused when you see the two out of fusion, concerned even.
Completely unaware that you are the reason they're having a fight.
Eventually the two may make up, both loving you and wanting you happy.
Sapphire has to calm Ruby's jealousy... but soon they'll be Garnet again, ready to give it another shot... hopefully.
Garnet would stick by you regardless of how you feel.
It's really hard for me to view her as toxic as Garnet herself is a pretty healthy relationship in my eyes.
She believes in love being comfortable for both parties and would wait years for you.
Even when she's impatient or jealous, she can usually calm herself down.
She's been around for years as Garnet, she'd wait as long as she had to in order to gain the affection of her obsession.
When you finally think you can be there for her, Garnet would welcome you with open arms.
Her most toxic traits are a subtle jealousy towards others along with being overprotective.
Anything more toxic causes Ruby and Sapphire to split until something resolves the issue.
I am struggling to make her toxic while being in character....
She'd do just about anything if it meant you'd be protected.
Protecting you is her way of loving you.
Her obsession could hate her and she'd probably still try to be encouraging with them.
Garnet may be intimidating... but she's actually one of the better yanderes in my eyes.
She mellows out both Ruby and Sapphire's traits which makes her pleasant to be around.
She seems controlling and overbearing, but genuinely cares for your feelings.
She'll let you take your time.
If you aren't hers in the end, then she'll maybe nudge you in the right direction.
If you're a Gem, she may offer fusion to show she cares for you... that she wants to include you.
If you're human, she protects you in whatever way she can.
She'd do anything to have you happy and protected.
Even breaking her composure if she sees you get hurt.
Garnet can be ruthless when protecting those she cares about.
Imagine if you see her shatter a Gem to protect you... or maybe have blood on her gauntlets.
She sees her overprotective tendencies as caring for you.
You may be scared of her, or maybe even hate her, but she's willing to wait...
If you're in danger, she'll isolate you with the rest of the Crystal Gems.
Even if you aren't in danger, she may still isolate you to prevent any potential danger.
She'll still give you your space, She'll even say she loves you... but you can't go out on your own.
She feels bad that you aren't happy all the time with her... If at all...
She hopes it will change... but...
As long as she has you in the end... and you're safe...
Then she'll accept loving you from afar... until she can't take it anymore, that is.
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kimikitti · 18 days
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Design round ups for the week!
Obi is getting a revamped magical girl phantom fusion form with Riddle's Phantom. I decided it needed to be more Obi so I mixed in more elements of a jester into the design. And of course the guy gets a big hammer to smash things with. I bet he says stuff like "It's time for you to lose your head!" and then bashes you with the hammer. (I likely wont make any finished pieces with the phantom fusion designs it's mainly for fun and for lore)
Obi can fuse with the phantoms depending on their relationships with him. Each one gives certain added abilities. However, these forms are unstable. The longer Obi maintains these fusions the greater risk he is at losing himself in them. (Imagine he's fighting an overblot and his face starts to melt) The phantoms all have different relationships with Obi and have differing perspectives on it.
OOf, I want to draw Obi fighting malleus so bad, switching between fusions to the point where he loses track of them. And starts mutating. (the body horror! the angst!!)
Next up is my very traumatized son Tenjin. He's getting a less goofy hairstyle now. And I'm thinking of making him more of a short king. He's still built like a brick shithouse that can fuck you up. But he might not be as tall as you would expect. (Nothing is set in stone yet, but I do enjoy characters who take up the room without needing to be physically the biggest)
In the interest of keeping my ideas in a place I'm gonna monologue some of Tenjin's lore here.
Early childhood: Tenjin grew up with a parent who was definitely not equipped to take care of a child. Due to his parent's narcissistic tendencies, Tenjin was often neglected and put down. His involvement in gangs led him to find a dangerous but sought after sense of community and safety.
He holds himself in very low esteem and has internalized very rigid power dynamics. Tenjin believes that there are only two kinds of people in the world: those who were meant to lead and those who are meant to follow. He believes himself to be a follower, the muscle for most people.
Tenjin initially did not want to go to NRC. But when his acceptance was discovered by his parent, they flipped out. Tenjin and his parent had a big fight that resulted in his facial scar. (I'm not going to go into too much detail on what went down here) After being practically kicked out and with nowhere else to go, Tenjin begrudgingly goes to NRC.
(hehehehe.... can you imagine how bad this is going to get before it gets better? Let me tell you, its only down hill from here for a bit.)
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garnets-stargeode2000 · 7 months
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lis-zhuk · 1 month
TDL & TCO - fusion
a comic-collaboration with @vulami-wantz-t0-sleep
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So... yeah. They can merge for they are very simple organisms (plasmoids).
And while for Internet sticks merging can be dangerous - if they spend too much time merged, their innards and magic (even if they have little to no magical potential) meld into one, making two separated sticks into a creature with two cores; for Animated stickmen (or Hollowheads) it is hard. They mostly consist of magic and are active users of it (staring at you, Second) so they have a greater control over it and are more natural. Also, Hollowheads don't have cores - their cytoplasm is much thicker and membranes are almost impenetrable.
Note: fusions can happen between more than two sticks, but they are difficult to both perform and sustain, they lack stability and the new self is in constant pain.
So for Animated sticks merging is the question of syncing their flows and entering the state of mutual acceptance. Their mind stays two, but they enter a slow dance of balance that creates the third self - "us" of the two. It has consciousness and understanding of itself as two combined. It exists only in the fusion and proactively reacts to whatever its parts are doing.
In a way, fusion is a long magic exchange between two.
Note: Merging with someone can be seen in many ways, from weakness (too weak on one's own) to a making out session
In calm state it's collected and whole, either being a rough merge of the components' personalities and/or reflexes or a whole new person, having only the childish wonder and some critical memories of both of the sticks. When the parts become unstable the fusion feels pain, as their body becomes to split back into two forcefully.
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(an old ref for TCL, previously - TOL)
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(new TCL concept)
TCL likes being, just being in general. They presumably formed their personality from little bits of both TDL's and TCO's minds. They don't belong to Alan but aren't that different from a usual hollowhead. TCL has high stability and can endure the pain of Dark getting fascinated over a sunset from bird flight's height or enraged by some rando. They can channel all the excessive emotions of the parts into their own. For a short while after the first TCO's and TDL's merge they had halves of their hair swapped, exchanging some powers too. After that they had to force a mana exchange (Dark almost caused a local cataclysm while trying to go on a flight)
Note: TCL most likely uses a different name, like Cataclysm or Hazard. TCL is just a placeholder.
Usually, after the sticks divide, for a short while (while there is mana that didn't divide properly) they can hear their combined self in half-conscious space or have bits of other's memories. As hollowheads keep all the info throughout their whole body (okay im voting for the primitive colony structure, lis can't continue stating that they are unicellular with this stuff going on)
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raye-roye · 1 month
Billford (fusion) Lore...
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In the first few months of his existence, Billford was very unstable! Thoughts misfiring and senses being scrambled and whatnot. Wasn't a very fun time.
Ford initially called Stan up to visit as a safeguard in case the fusion didn't work or was too unstable to maintain. (Where was Fiddleford during this? Idk)
Stan immediately wanted to leave (Billford's existence was incredibly unsettling to him), but decided to stay and live in Gravity Falls when he realized Billford could be a danger to themself and others.
Billford has stabilized over the years they've been together, so nothing like this has happened in a very long time. Stan still gets on edge when he notices Billford cross paths with any wildlife.
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sysmedsaresexist · 2 years
I've heard one of my posts is causing waves
Here's some more things that are normal in DID/OSDD systems, and some weird myths, in no particular order
- Not realizing you're a system until later is normal (average age of system discovery is 18-21)
- It's rare for children to display distinct alters (not impossible, just a rare occurrence in a rare disorder (based on numbers, it's considered rare, yes), alters tend to form in mid-teens)
- Feeling as though you "created" an alter is normal (related to unconscious feelings of control over an uncontrollable situation, and/or tricking yourself into an explanation, also, if you have a need to be filled, the brain WILL provide)
- "mixed origin systems" are totally normal for DID/OSDD. I have a couple alters that could be considered "endogenic", but I'm really just... DID, with normal alters forming in normal ways
- Alters forming at any age/time is normal (you can form a brand new alter at fifty, after having undergone complete fusion, once the ability is there, it's always possible to split)
- Alters don't always appear immediately after a traumatic event (alters can take YEARS to come to front after forming, making it impossible to tie them to specific events unless THEY'RE aware of the connection)
- Alters can form from stress, not just trauma (and the brain is notoriously good at hiding how stressed you are from yourself)
- Comfort splits ARE normal in DID/OSDD
- The amnesia criteria in DID doesn't mean you need to experience amnesia day-to-day, you still have DID if you can't remember childhood events but have good communication now
- The dysfunction criteria is redundant and circular, where the symptoms themselves fulfill the criteria, and as per the DSM, doesn't imply any inherent need for treatment or distress-- so being happy, loving your system, feeling like your system helps you more than it hinders you, all normal (and good!) but still DID/OSDD
- OSDD 1a does not involve alters as they're known, but states or modes that influence you, and amnesia occurs during these periods of influence; OSDD 1b involves "emotional amnesia" only (which is just a stupid, fancy word for dissociation (an emotional disconnect from a memory) that doesn't actually exist in the medical world)
- You can have as many EPs and ANPs as you'd like. The majority of systems with OSDD feel as though the one ANP theory doesn't fit them, and there have recently been updates to theories to acknowledge this
- Integration is the lowering of dissociative barriers to allow for better communication between system members, and is absolutely necessary for functional multiplicity (fusion is the joining of two or more alters). These definitions come from the ISSTD, and it IS recognized by the ISSTD that integration and functional multiplicity are viable and attainable treatment goals. Keep this in mind when conversations about these topics come up-- if you can communicate clearly with alters, you're already well integrated. It's not scary, it's not bad, and no one can or will make you fuse.
- CPTSD, the basis of dissociative disorders and DID, presents very differently from PTSD -- mostly presenting as a negative view of the self and vigilance rather than the flashbacks and nightmares you'd see in PTSD (it's quite similar to BPD, but the view of the self is negative rather than unstable). If you resonate with some aspects of BPD and have a system, and you don't experience the "typical" presentation of PTSD, that's normal. That's CPTSD (complex PTSD, not chronic PTSD), maybe read up on it.
- You don't need to know your trauma to acknowledge that you have DID/OSDD, and no one should be pushing that you search for trauma. Who cares, move at your own pace, maybe you'll never figure it out, and that's perfectly fine. People who push others about their trauma will face my wrath.
- Trauma isn't an action, but a REACTION to an event. What traumatizes one person, may not have any effect on another person, and vice versa. This isn't about what might have happened to you, but how you felt about it. There is no Trauma Olympics, and people who play that way are ridiculous. Trauma reactions are personal and unique, and come from anything-- bullying, isolation and loneliness, abuse. And yes, other disorders can make you more susceptible to trauma reactions. Having autism or ADHD or BPD, EDs, psychosis, schizophrenia-- all of these create more opportunities for trauma reactions, and make someone more susceptible. That doesn't mean you're not trauma based. It doesn't mean those things caused your system. It means those things made it harder for you to navigate life and left you more susceptible to trauma. That's it.
- MADD is typically trauma based
There's so, so many more. Other DID/OSDD systems, feel free to add on, endogenic systems, ask if something is normal.
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picturejasper20 · 11 months
One thing i want to talk about is how Danny Phantom A Glitch in Time is pretty similar on themes and character arcs to Steven Universe Future.
In general in DP A Glitch in Time there is this whole idea of searching for a new purpose-¨emotional drive¨ as it get called in the story- in a era where Danny managed to save the day and ¨earn his happy ending¨.
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You get a lot of panels of Danny just feeling unhappy with his new status quo, not because he has tons of problems, in fact he has more than he could ever dream of. It's that he feels like he isn't needed as a hero anymore since there are other people that could fight for him. He isn't ¨useful¨, or well, in the way he used to be. He feels like people don't need him to be Amity's protector.
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This itself shares a lot in common with the arc that Steven goes through in Steven Universe Future. He feels like people don't need him anymore and still tries doing the same thing he raised himself to be: a ¨helper¨, someone who is defined by his role to help others. This causes Steven to feel lost in his own sense of identity and purpose in an Era that is supposed to be ¨his happy ending¨.
You can see this applied in DP A Glitch in Time with Vlad Masters too. From the start of the story he sends off these vibes that he has been aimless since post-Phantom Planet events. When he returned to his home he found that ¨he had nothing to return to¨ as in the sense nobody missed him nor cared he was dead or alive. He also became enemy number 1 considering how he tried holding the world hostage, making him lose most of the power and position he had.
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What it is interesting is how Vlad tried going back in time to ¨fix his mistakes¨ by asking Clockwork to give him that chance. From the beginning of the story he admits that he did something wrong, just not what. There is this idea that he isn't interested in being in role of the ¨villain¨ anymore. The worst he does in the story is probably looking forward to keep the origin of ghost powers for himself, aside from accidentally realizing Dan during his fight against Clockwork.
Much like Steven Universe Future, you have these characters struggling to see where they could fit in this new status quo. Their character arcs involve finding a new purpose and learning more about themselves in the process.
Lets talk about Dan Phantom's role in the story. He is the main antagonist from A Glitch in Time. He absorbs Clockwork, master of time, to become more powerful, thus causing terrible time glitches for the rest of the characters. A lot of Dan Phantom's arc in the graphic novel has to do with self-destruction. Him being obsessed with ¨winning¨ and continue fighting even when the fusion with Clockwork is very unstable, is hurting him and destroying the reality at the same time.
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Dan's obsession with ¨winning¨ reminds me quite a lot of Jasper from Steven Universe as well as Steven's arc in SU Future. There is a lot of repeating what the same thing over and over even when it isn't working anymore. The character themselves struggle to be something beyond the the role them or others pushed them into and they don't know what to be outside of that.
In fact, there are some panels Dan reminded me a lot of Jasper, such as when he is getting time glitched/corrupted.
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Another main theme in Danny Phantom A Glitch in Time is about the characters getting second chances- the characters in case being Vlad Masters and Dan Phantom. Both characters do the terrible things they do due to their circumstances. They have certain pretty bad things that happened to them that lead them to become evil and hurt people. In addition to this, there tons of mentions of how ghosts aren't evil and they have reasons to do what they do. During the fight against Dan, Danny tries persuading him into stepping down and stopping the fight, pointing out that the timeline is getting destroyed. At one point he asks to Dan ¨why are you so angry?¨.
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I want to bring up that, yes, this theme is a continuation from the main theme of The Ultimate Enemy episode from the series. But, at the same time, when reading the graphic novel i couldn't help but think about how Steven Universe has these similar ideas of looking into what motivates an antagonist and them being given a second chance to do things right. What really made me think about this more is seeing Dan Phantom, the main antagonist from the novel getting a second chance. Because in any other show, a character like Dan would probably be destroyed but this is something that wouldn't happen in Steven Universe, since it isn't so much about if someone ¨deserves¨ it or not as it is if they choose to change.
I'm not saying that Danny Phantom A Glitch in Time ¨ripped off¨ things from Steven Universe. That would be an absurd conclusion to come to. What i'm discussing here is that it is possible that the graphic novel was influenced by Steven Universe, mainly Steven Universe Future to some extent, in terms of themes and character arcs.
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lion-buddy · 3 months
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redid thier ref yayyyy
also info dump below the cut
Cure Prime is a su style fusion of Cure Supreme and Cure Puka from Precure All Stars F.
With their severely contrasting personalities combined, they become one somewhat functioning normal person. Supremes cold bluntness is canceled out by Pukas timid kindness, which results in Prime being a bit off-putting, but balanced in their natures. Primes height and strength makes them seem very intimidating, but in reality they’re really just an air-headed ditz. They are not very socially aware and have a tendency to drop a lot of cryptic one liners, but they mean well.
Prime has the same powers as Supreme Origin, since when fused both Supreme and Pukas powers combine, essentially recreating the original Supremes power set, but in cure form. And with better morals.
They’re an extremely skilled fighter, choosing to exhaust their opponents through hand on hand combat than use their powers. They do this because they are very aware of the damage their powers can cause, and it often leads to Prime becoming unstable, so they only use them as a last resort.
Prime is the prefect strike of balance between both Supreme and Puka, and are usually pretty stable. But if something were to overwhelm them, they’d fall apart pretty quickly. This is often triggered by the use of their powers, there are a lot of unchecked emotions between the two regarding their morals.
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