#Vic Winner
dropouttvpollbrackets · 3 months
Most Unhinged Dropout Cast Member Poll Bracket - FINAL RESULTS!
Alright, folks, that does it for this unhinged poll bracket! Our winner is (to, I'm sure, very few people's surprise) Ally Beardsley!!! There could not possibly be a more deserving person for such a title. Whether you know them best from their hilarious sketch performances from back in the days of CollegeHumor, their mind-boggling character choices on Dimension 20, their unwavering commitment to the bit in every Game Changer appearance, their stoner shenanigans on Paranoia, the bonkers stories from their actual real life shared on Dirty Laundry, or the very real psychological torment they inflict on both Grant O'Brien and us, the audience, in Total Forgiveness, I'm sure we can all agree that Ally Beardsley has never encountered a hinge in their whole damn life.
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Also deserving of a big shout out right now are the winners of our two mini-brackets - Oscar Montoya, the most hinged cast member, and Jacob Wysocki, winner of our honorable mention mini-bracket - as well as, of course, our runner up, and therefore the winner of this bracket's Brennan Lee Mulligan Award, Vic Michaelis!
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Now for some final poll stats for the whole bracket:
The poll with by far the most votes was our final poll between Vic and Ally, with 2,221 votes
The person who received the most votes in a single poll was, perhaps unsurprisingly, Ally in the final poll, with approximately 1,495 votes, which is more votes than any of the other polls received in total
Our most unanimous wins of the bracket were Lou and Erika who beat Murph and Raph respectively with about 93% of the votes in each of their polls
The closest poll was Emily against Brennan, in which Emily won with a mere 52% of the votes
Though it wasn't ultimately the closest poll, the semi-final between Emily and Vic was also very close, and was the only poll in the bracket that a) was tied for a while and b) switched who was in the lead after the first day of voting
Anyway, thank you all for voting in this bracket! I'd still be interested in doing a mini-bracket between cast members who weren't in these polls, but I need some submissions to do so, so please drop me an ask! Also, sorry for taking a while to get this post up, I've had a busy couple days, and I foolishly hadn't prepared victory images for Ally and Vic beforehand. Anyway, keep an eye out for another bracket (or possibly some polls to help me decide on a next bracket, or some interim mini-brackets) coming your way sometime very soon! Thanks again for participating in this beautiful democratic process with me!
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sunflowersteves · 7 months
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surlifen · 2 years
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nmpositive · 2 years
Hats Off to Harry Nilsson! (Earl Cooper-Biro)
When I hear Harry Nilsson me 'at flies off!
And that's it, is it!?
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yourqueenb · 2 years
Note: Vote for who you think the most people picked, not necessarily for who you personally picked
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petrichorium · 2 years
tbh, I didn't even think of the whole water/rain/petrichor theme when I voted for hydro... I just thought that's what fits you best. guess it's become a subconscious thing at this time
Omg,,,,, my impact,,,,,,, subliminal messaging,,,,,,,
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a2zsportsnews · 3 months
Vic Seixas, Winner of 15 Grand Slam Tennis Titles, Dies at 100
Vic Seixas, who won 15 Grand Slam tennis tournaments in the 1950s, died on Friday. The oldest living Grand Slam champion, he was 100. His death was announced by the International Tennis Hall of Fame, which did not say where he died. “From 1940 to 1968 Vic Seixas was the face of American tennis,” the Hall of Fame declared when he was inducted in 1971. At 6-foot-1 and about 180 pounds, Seixas…
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pelova4president · 6 months
Shadows are to protect III
Alessia Russo x Putellas!Reader
Victoria Pelova x Putellas!Reader
shadows are to protect I, II, IV
summary~ Victoria has been nothing but good to you but somehow you find a way to ruin everything
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You picked the dead plants up and carried them into your kitchen that was still covered in white flour. Surely you could bring them back to life right. They just needed a little more loving and they’d come back. A little water and some sunlight.
You were puzzled by Alessia’s reaction. She didn’t want you, she made that very clear. But why was she so upset about it. Okay yeah, you made sure to show her that you were over her, that you moved on. But she had a boyfriend, she shouldn't even care.
You took a good look at the plants, they were doomed. In some way they were just like humans. They needed to be taken care of, they need love, light and water. They can't survive on their own, at least not long. Some can, like a cactus. But even they can't remain alive like that forever.
You've been doing most things by yourself, until Alessia. She was your water and sun until she wasn't. And you had held yourself up after but you couldn't keep doing that forever so you'd gone to your sister and then Vicky came along. And Victoria didn't just give you water and sun, she took care of you. And maybe that was the difference between the two of your teammates. One cared for you and the other pretended to.
Victoria was there for you when you needed her and she actually liked being around you. Alessia loved the idea of you, she was there whenever she wanted you. Not when you wanted her. It was a hard pill to swallow but it was the truth. You've been romanticizing this idea of Alessia Russo, the goalscorer, the golden girl, the fucking winner.
And the fucking worst of it all was that you still cared for her.
You fell into a new routine in the upcoming weeks. Victoria insisted on driving you to training even though she was clumsy in her car, maybe even more than Alessia. She'd buy you coffee on the way to training and you'd kiss her thank you every time. It was nice, she was nice.
Victoria took you out on dates after games and you'd have little picnic dates after training. You'd make the food and she covered the drinks. The two of you would spent hours playing with puppy’s and talking. You loved the park.
Training was less enjoyable. You got dirty looks from a certain striker and especially when you were with Victoria. Alessia took it upon herself to make trainings a living hell for you. She tackled you harder than was necessary and was throwing you at the ground every chance she got. You were absolutely fucking done with it and so were your teammates.
“God, Alessia what has gotten into you!” Leah scolded the blonde when she made yet another unnecessary hard tackle. “Nothing, just a bad day.” she grumbled. But Leah knew it wasn’t a bad day, she’s been doing this to you for a long time now. “Whatever, keep that out of training okay. No need to injure our own players.” Leah told her. You rolled your eyes at her, why did she have to act like this.
It wasn’t until days later that you spoke Alessia again. She hadn’t reached out since that kiss with Vic. You didn’t try to text her, if she wanted to say something she should be the one reaching out to you.
Vic drove you to Viv and Beth’s house. They planned some kind of victory dinner before the national camps. You were actively trying to get more along with the team since Victoria was close with most of the girls and you knew she’d love it for you if you got closer with them. Viv was like family for her so you tried your best to put your awkward self away to attend a team dinner.
Everything was going fine, Beth welcomed you in and Rona and Myle were happy to see you too. The dinner was amazing, since Viv cooked it for you. It’s been a while since you had a home made meal so it was nice. There were people all over their house talking and eating, it was kind of like team hang outs you had in Barcelona.
Looking around, in search of a Dutch girl’s eyes your eyes caught those of an English player. Her blues were drilling into you. It was hard to ignore the feeling of someones eyes on you, so you didn’t. You stared right back at her and the only reaction you got was a huff and some eye rolling. Jesus, what did she want.
You got up, ready to pour yourself another drink. “Vicky, you want another drink?” you asked the brunette. She was in a conversation with Teyah so she shook her head no. You walked towards their kitchen. The chaotic noise of conversations was still somewhat on the background but the quieter space was still nice.
Filling your wine glass with some water, something Caitlin would take the mick out of later, you leaned into the wall.
You were somewhat in peace until someone bumped into you. Your eyes shot open, “What the fuck?” you groaned. Blue eyes stared back at you, totally unimpressed. “What? Can’t take a little push, just like in training. Grow up man.” Alessia rolled her eyes.
Now you were getting mad. She’s been the one telling you to fuck off, how you were clingy and that she didn’t want you. “What is your fucking problem. I’ve done nothing to you, i stopped bothering you right? Just like how you wanted.” you placed your glass on the counter.
Alessia took a step towards you. “Yeah so you got with my best friend to get back at me. You’re so fucking selfish.” she huffed out.
“Joder, I didn’t do anything to you! I’ve let you do your thing with your boyfriend. I didn’t say anything to anyone about us, just how you’d like that right. I was just your dirty little secret no one should know about.” you walked out. But she captured your wrist before you could take another step.
“I broke up with him weeks ago and when i wanted tell you i saw you.. with Victoria. I wanted to say sorry but then you seemed like you didn’t want it anymore.” she whispered carefully.
It was hard to believe she wanted you, especially after what she had said to you. “Don’t say that, you don’t want to be with me. You made that very clear.” you turned around. Alessia’s brows were knitted together and her eyes were getting glossy. But she did that every time. And every time she got what she wanted, you in her bed by the end of the night. And after, she told you those lies all over again. How she didn’t want you, how nobody could ever want you and the next Saturday she’d look at you with those eyes and you’d fall for it all over again. It wasn’t healthy.
“Alessia, don’t.” you looked at her. But she didn’t take that for an answer and took your head in her hands like she’d done on some many other evenings. But those evenings were in one of your houses, where nobody could see. Her lips touched yours and you didn’t pull away, not fast enough.
You heard someone clear their throat and that pulled you out of your trance. You opened you eyes and saw Vic standing there with an empty glass in hand. “I- i uh i was just getting something to drink but..” her voice trembled.
“Vicky. Vic, i’m sorry but it’s not what you think it is.” you got out of Alessia’s grasp but Victoria was faster. She picked her keys up from the dinner table and walked out of the door.
Alessia watched the scene play out in front of her and placed her hand on your shoulder. You pushed her hand off of you. “Fucking look what you did Alessia! I don’t want you okay, you’re confusing me and i don’t need that. I just want someone that loves me as much as i love them and you clearly don’t” you breathed out. The tears had found an escape in the corners of your eyes and they traveled down your cheeks. You wiped them away angrily and walked out of the door.
Why couldn’t Alessia just leave you alone. You were finally getting along with everyone, you found your person, football was going good but she just couldn’t let you be. You’ve hurt Victoria, the only person that cared about you enough to be there for you.
You took your phone out of your back pocket and called her. No answer.
“Vicky, lo lamento. I didn’t want that. I only want you and our picnic dates, your weird movie choices and your clumsiness. I’m so so sorry. I will explain everything if you give me the chance. Ik hou van jou.” you spoke.
You knew she never listened to her voicemail but it was worth a shot. Maybe she’d listen to it. You had to leave for camp tomorrow and somehow that felt worse than your situation here. You had to pretend everything was fine and you were thriving at Arsenal like always. And you had to leave Victoria, that just wasn’t fair. You don’t get the chance to make it right.
And even though you don’t have a choice in leaving, you want to stay, or even better, disappear.
A/N i don’t know what i’m writing anymore. It seems like the story is only getting more angsty and there has to be another part. Should r just disappear and move or something?
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wileys-russo · 10 months
can you do a ficlet for ignorance is bliss snake with leah?
ignorance is bliss (2)
"morning wally." you greeted the swiss woman with a friendly smile, dropping into the vacant seat beside her with your tray of breakfast. "good morning, and where is your other half?" lia questioned with a raised eyebrow as you shrugged.
"around, i'm sure she'll be in for food sooner or later you know what she's like." you chuckled, the two of you falling into conversation about the luke coombs concert you were all going to later in the week.
"where's your wife then?" katie, amanda and stina joined the two of you as you finished off your toast and eggs. "she's just gotten here. good morning work wife!" you cooed, squeezing the irish womans cheeks who rolled her eyes. "ha ha, very funny."
"she's around." you once again shrugged off the question, turning your attention toward stina and amanda, chatting away with them for awhile as there was still no sign of
"i have to go see the physio before training." you excused yourself, grabbing your empty dishes. "yeah you better tape that ankle up tight, stina's out for blood." katie teased as the blondes face flushed bright red.
after a particularly awkward tackle earlier in the week at training with the swede your ankle had felt a little off, but after a scan you were cleared to train and to play, you just needed to listen to your body if anything got worse.
"ignore her stin! you know i said i wasn't upset, it was an accident." you cut off the older girl as she opened her mouth to likely ramble out her one hundreth apology for the week, having gone as far as to send you flowers which melted your heart, and softened leahs who was also ready to kill the poor girl afterwards.
"she might not be upset but leah is. maybe you should go and tape your ankle too in case big bad williamsons on the revenge tour." katie continued to tease as lia smacked her shoulder and you rolled your eyes.
"ignore her, she's just jealous you stopped a goal and its her fault her team conceeded one and lost." you smiled sarcastically, despite the tackle your team having come out victorious, katie unable to stop vic from scoring the winner in the last few seconds of the 11 on 11 game in training.
"oi!" you hurried off as katie scowled at you, blowing her a kiss and handing in your dishes with a complimentary smile, heading toward the medical room.
it wasn't more than two minutes later when your girlfriend stormed in, eyes scanning the room and narrowing further into her pissed off scowl as she was unable to spot you. "there you are! where have you been? breakfast is almost done?" lia scolded as leah arrived to the table.
"where is she?" the defender ignored her and asked bluntly, looking around the room but still unable to see you, but she knew you'd be here somewhere. "who? your missus? just missed her." katie shrugged unhelpfully as leah fixed her with a glare.
"physio. what has happened?" lia asked softly, grabbing the girls arm with a raised eyebrow of concern at her friends obvious sour mood. "can't tell you. i might need an alibi for once i've murdered her!" leah growled, shaking the swiss's hand off and storming away.
laura and teyah jumped in surprise as leah burst through the doors of the medical room, head swinging side to side and groaning as again there was no sight of you. "good morning!" laura greeted with a friendly smile as leah marched over, teyah grumbling the same though a little more hesitantly at the pissed off look on her team mates face.
"where is she?" leah asked, hands on hips as the physio responded you'd been taped and had just left to go downstairs to see one of the training staff about if they wanted you to do a specific program.
"is everything alright leah?" teyah asked with a frown, the blonde dismissing her with a mumble and a wave and zooming out of the room. "i think we might have a new regular in here with us for treatment soon lau." the blonde chuckled as laura hummed in agreement.
"hey there is a speed limit here you know." viv chuckled as leah sprinted into the gym, again looking around frantically and groaning, wanting to yank her hair out as again it would seemed she just missed you.
"she went out to the pitch." kim answered, sensing her and viv weren't who leah was currently after as leah mumbled something along the lines of a thank you and made her hasty exit.
"hey! eat this please." lia warned, grabbing leahs wrist as she zoomed past her, halting her in her tracks and shoving a protein bar in her hand. "leah." the swiss midfielder warned sternly as leah tried to hurry off.
with a huff she fell into step with her, ripping open the bar and taking an aggressively large bite. "are you going to tell me what has happened now?" lia questioned with a glance to her side, leah exhaling heavily as she finished her mouthful and they strode onto the pitch.
"fuck well it all started this morning-" leah started to explain however as she glanced up and her blue eyes locked onto the back of her head she was once more fueled with rage. "leah!" lia groaned as she dropped the remaining half of her protein bar and sprinted across the pitch toward you.
"what have you done this time?" beth questioned suddenly as you stretched, giving her a confused look. "what?" you asked with a frown. "well your girlfriend is flyin over here and she looks like she's about to kill you in five, four, three-" beth started to count down as you stood and glanced over your shoulder, eyes widenening.
"oh no you don't!" leah chuckled as you tried to run, her body hurtling into yours and taking the two of you down onto the grass, rolling and wrestling around before you were pulled apart. "mccabe, move." leah warned as you hid behind the irishwoman.
"katie, stay." you warned, hands grabbing her waist. "work wife duties, sorry lee." the brunette shrugged, leah scoffing and lunging forward before jen and lia pulled her back.
"right okay what has happened? explain!" lia ordered sternly as you peeked over katie's shoulder, stepping out from behind her seeing the firm grip jen had on your girlfriends bicep.
"whats happened? whats happened? go on then, tell them! tell them what you did!" leah scowled, pulling against jen but having no luck. "i didn't do anything you didn't deserve." you shrugged simply, diving back behind katie as a human shield as leah broke free before jen grabbed her again.
"okay enough! you first, go." lia ordered, fixing leah with a stern glare as she opened her mouth to protest. "she made me fucking walk to colney this morning!" leah pointed at you accusingly as lia looked at you in shock.
"don't start on me wally. she's being dramatic, as per usual." you scoffed, leah letting fly a string of choice words in your direction, her language creatively colorful. "explain." lia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose like a disappointed parent.
"well as we all know miss fast and furious williamson over here has her license currently suspended, for what? repeated speeding offences!" you huffed with a roll of your eyes. "which makes me the driver in the relationship."
"but she is the worst backseat fucking driver in existence! babe you're going top slow, babe you're going the wrong way, babe just listen to me i can get us there faster, babe i'd like to get there before i'm thirty." you mocked your girlfriends thick accent with a scowl.
"and this morning i had enough! so yeah i stopped on the side of the road about two minutes from colney and made her walk. and until she apologizes and learns how to be a silent and respectful passenger, she will continue to walk everywhere!" and with that you stormed off, joining a few of the other girls for warm ups as far away from leah as you could get.
"leah, the poor girls doing you a favor and this is how ya treat her? i'd make you walk too!" katie remanded with a shake of her head as leah groaned and jen let go of her, the blonde dragging her hands down her face.
"nah you don't understand how frustrating she is. she drives like a grandma well under the speed limit, never listens to my directions, takes the longest routes just because thats what the gps says. she stops at every single orange, gives way to everyone and lets anyone merge even when they are an absolutely pushy asshole about it." leah vented in frustration.
"so she is...a safe driver." lia asked bluntly as leah scoffed repeatedly struggling to come up with a response. "leah. you lost your license for speeding, something she was always warning you about. what would you do if she ever got into an accident?" lia questioned as her friends face paled.
"i don't ever want to even think about that." "right. so then how do you think she felt worrying about you anytime you were behind the wheel and speeding without a second thought?" "yeah alright, you may have a point." leah groaned realising she was the one in the wrong here, her previous anger fast dissipating away.
however now it seemed to be your turn, as despite her many attempts to talk to you throughout training you blanked her at every chance you got, right up until the end of the day where you'd dropped her gym bag at her feet and striding off without a word.
"need a lift?" katie had asked with an amused smile, twirling her keys around on her fingers as leah sighed deeply but nodded, following her out to her car.
"good luck." the irishwoman chuckled as leah mumbled a thank you as she dropped her off, dragging her feet up the driveway. she let herself in with her keys, nose hit with the scent of lavender from your diffuser and hearing the telly going in the living room.
kicking off her trainers and hanging up her bag she gripped the flowers in her hand that she'd made katie stop for, padding over to where she found you laid down on the lounge, already showered and changed.
"so i might owe you an apology." leah started, your head whipping toward her with a hard look. "i do owe you an apology." leah quickly corrected herself, moving to stand closer. "i am very very sorry for being a shit passenger and a big mouthed backseat driver." leah apologized sincerely.
"it's my own fault that i've not got a license and i need to be grateful for the fact that you do and that you drive me everywhere. i love you and i promise that as soon as my license is back no more speeding." leah promised, eyes shining brightly as you sighed, unable to stay mad at her for very long.
"are those for me?" you asked softly with a nod at the flowers in her hand. "beautiful girls deserve beautiful flowers for putting up with their girlfriends nonesense." leah held them out to you as you sat up and accepted them.
"don't forget their girlfriends stubbornness, recklessness and overall downright sometimes just annoying behavior." you spoke but with a smile so leah knew you were only joking. "yes, that too. are we okay?" leah worried, sitting down beside you as you nodded.
"yeah, we're okay baby. but if you ever tell me how to drive again i will not even hesitate to actually make you walk all the way from here to colney." "understood my girl, very much understood."
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
JEY RIZZO - JEY USO X Kabana Love (OC)
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Request: Okay so yk how the raw before war games when they were mentioning how they needed a 5th member? Well, this universe, it’s a mixed war games so Rhea is in. Cody makes his “call” Randy and a former NXT, newly signed Keiarie or Kabana Love for her ring debut with them. Mr. Main Event takes a notice to her and tries to yk, get his game on the whole night with her.
Thank you for the request @shantinextdoor. I hope you like it 🫶🏽.
taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @purplehairgawdess @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @alyyaanna @arination99 @empressdede @harmshake @m3llowww @theninthwonder @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @badbitchcentralinc @bebesobrielo @vensusworld
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“Well if it isn’t Miss Kabana Love..” Kabana smirked and excused herself from her conversation with Kelani Jordan and turned around to face The American Nightmare himself. 
“Well if it isn’t Mr former executive vice president.” She shot back, laughing when he rolled his eyes. “You not down here tryna become NXT champion are you?” She asked teasingly as she pulled him into a hug. 
Cody laughed. “Nope” he said, popping the ‘p’ “got a special invitation to come down here to watch the show from Shawn”. Kaiarie nodded
“Okay well, unlike you some of us have to work. ” She smirked, patting her NXT Women’s Championship that was wrapped around her waist. “But we should get dinner after.” 
“Oh totally.” Cody said, nodding his head. “I missed you busting my balls every chance you get.” Kabana and Cody  glared at each other before breaking out into smiles. “Come find me after your match”. She gave him a thumbs up before waving as he walked away, both of them oblivious to the two sets of eyes watching them.
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“The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the NXT women’s championship!” Kabana took a deep breath and shook out her stage fright jitters and her theme song started to blare through the performance center. 
She smiled as she appeared at the top of the stage listening to the fans chant her name as she held up her championship, her opponent in the ring already glaring daggers at her. “Making her way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois Kabana Love!”  She entered the ring walking up to Tiffany Stratton and started talking her shit, title raised high in the air. 
Kabana smirked as the referee stepped in between them, separating them and pushing them to their respective corners. 
As soon as the bell rang the smirk was off of Kabana’s face, it was game time. It was honestly one of her better matches with her and Tiffany trading move after move, near fall after near fall and the crowd was louder than ever. 
It was now nearing the end of the match and Kabana had just got her knees up to block Tiffany’s Prettiest Moonsault Ever and was about to set her up for the Love Tap when someone jumping on the ring apron distracted her. Both Kabana and the referee looked at Dominik Mysterio in confusion. 
“Are you fucking lost?” Kabana spat at him, rolling her eyes at the dumb little smirk on his face.
“What the hell?” She heard Vic Joseph say as she was grabbed from behind. “That’s Rhea Ripley Book, what the hell is she doing here.” Before Kabana could react she was set up for the Riptide and planted firmly on the mat. Rhea rolled out of the ring and wrapped her arm around Dom’s waist as the both made their way back up the ramp, smirking at all the boos they were receiving.
Tiffany took advantage of the situation and set Kabana up for another Prettiest Moosault Ever. 
1-2-3 ding ding ding
“Here’s your winner and the NEW NXT women’s champion. Tiffany Stratton.”  Kabana laid in the ring, glaring up at the ceiling as Tiffany celebrated with her championship. 
“Bull-shit! Bull-shit!” she heard the crowd chant and she couldn’t agree more. What just happened was complete bullshit. She had never had a run in with Rhea or any of the other judgment day members, so why in the fuck did Rhea just come out here and cost her the title? 
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Kabana was livid as she made her way backstage, trying to find Rhea before being told that she and Dominik were already gone from the building. “You alright?” Kabana sighed and turned to face Cody. “That was bullshit and 100 percent my fault.” Kabana narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “They approached me after they saw us talking earlier, thought I was trying to recruit you for our War Games match.”
Kabana scoffed and shook her head in disbelief. “Isn’t that fucking great. On everything I love Rhea better watch out cause she gon get hers.” She said placing a hand on her lower back as it began to ache again. “You still need a member?” Cody nodded with a hopeful look in his eyes and Kabana smirked. “Count me in then Rhodes, bitch got something coming to her.” Cody smirked and placed his hands in his suit pants pocket. Rhea had no idea of the beast she had just awoken inside of Kabana.
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Monday Night Raw
Kabana smirked as she made her way through the crowd dressed in all black. It was time for Rhea to reap what she sowed. 
Rhea was leaning against the ring post laughing as Jey was getting his ass kicked by Judgement Day and Drew Mcintyre. The smirk was wiped off her face as a figure in black jumped the barricade. She looked around for security before she was knocked onto her ass by a mean right hook. 
Kabana took off her hood and glared down at Rhea. She heard the crowd roar as they recognized  her but she kept her eyes on Rhea who was backing away slowly. “Oh you done fucked up now.” Kabana snarled and as soon as Rhea tried to get up Kabana pounced, tackling her back down to the floor, throwing blow after blow. Rhea pushed Kabana off her and got to her feet only to be knocked back down by a superkick from Kabana.
“You thought you could cost me my title and there be no repercussions?” Kabana asked a knocked out Rhea. “Bitch are you dumb?” She rolled her eyes as Dom came over and helped Rhea to her feet, helping her walk over to where the rest of the team were standing. 
“I’m so happy you guys won the advantage.” She heard Cody yell into the mic as she rolled into the ring to join her team. She paced behind the men, eyes still glaring at Rhea.. “I’m so glad you have a star like Drew McIntyre with you.. Because we’re not alone.” Cody trailed off and Kabana cut her eyes over at him then at Jey who was already looking at Cody. She had heard him talking about Randy joining them but she wasn’t sure he accepted. 
“We found a sixth member. Somebody that I.. have a legacy with.” Kabana started to smirk. This War Games team was stacked and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on Rhea inside of the cage.
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Survivor Series: WarGames
Kabana smiled at Adam Pierce as she handed him back his pen. She was officially a member of the Raw roster and after War Games her first order of business was taking that title away from Rhea. 
“Aww shit.” She heard somebody say from behind her. “Was that a contract I just saw you sign?” Jey Uso asked as he walked closer to her. Kabana nodded her head with a smile on her face. “Good, so that means I get to see more of you.” Kabana furrowed her eyebrows. Was he flirting with her?  “Happy you on our team tonight too. We definitely winning.” He said rubbing his hands together. 
“Are we gonna be graced with another wonderful press conference?” She asked, smirking at the way his cheeks turned a shade of pink. 
“Hell no!” He exclaimed as they started walking towards the dressing rooms. “And I put the blame all on ya boy Cody. Uce was giving me shot after shot.” He scratched the back of his neck. “It was embarrassing as hell too. I was stumbling all over my words and shit..” He trailed off with a shake of his head. 
“I thought it was kinda cute..” She said, eyeing him up and down. He looked extremely good in his War Games ring gear. The blue and camo mix looked good on him. 
“Stop flirting with my protégé Uce.” Cody came up to the two of them, wrapping his arm around Kabana’s shoulder. “You ready for tonight?” 
“Hell yeah, I’m ready to get my hands on Rhea. Stupid bitch been subbin’ me on twitter all damn week.” Kabana said, rolling her eyes and unzipping her hoodie, showing off her new ring attire. 
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“Damn K.” Jey said, choking on his words as she did a slow 360 for him. 
“It’s cute right? I figured I needed something new.” Cody watched as Jey hungrily looked Kabana up and down, a slight smirk on his face. “I’ll catch up with y’all in a bit though.” she ran off an extra pep in her step feeling Jey's eyes on her. 
“Have you no shame?” Cody asked, laughing when Jey shook his head ‘no’ 
“Nah, so uh- what’s the deal with you two?” Jey asked, eyes never leaving Kabana’s frame until she rounded the corner out of his line of vision.  “You and her.. You know?” 
“Hell no!” The American Nightmare exclaimed. “Brandi would kill me.” 
“So I can..” Jey said pointing in the direction Kabana went and Cody nodded, laughing. 
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“So whatchu doin after this?” Josh asked Kabana, ignoring the looks from the rest of their teammates who were locked in the cage at the top of the ramp with them. Kabana stopped her staring contest with Rhea to cut her eyes over at Jey. 
“Like after the show, you wanna go get dinner or something..” Sami and Cody startled to chuckle at the look of bewilderment on her face.” 
“Wait, you’re asking me out.. In the middle of our match.” 
“You know what they say, Carpe Diem or something like that.” He smiled, his grillz gleaming in the bright lights. 
“Jey, i’m pretty sure, it’s gonna be like 2 am once we actually get out of here.” Jey nodding then stepped out of the cage as the referee opened it. 
“Okay, then my hotel room.” He winked, “Think about it.” he pointed at her and smiled before running down to the ring to help out Seth Rollins. 
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“I can’t believe i’m actually doing this.” Kabana muttered to herself as she stepped off the elevator onto the 3rd floor. She exhaled a shaky, nervous breath before knocking on the door that matched the number Jey had told her earlier before leaving the arena. 
She rolled her eyes with a chuckle as he opened the door with a wide smile. “Finally, the food was starting to get cold..” 
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🫣 i hope you don't hate it. Thank you for trusting me with your request @shantinextdoor 🫶🏽`
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suzukiblu · 2 months
Winner of the "🧮❓" poll, "be the person you needed when you were younger", aka "YJ accidental baby acquisition". (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Our kid,” Kon corrects, and hugs Kenley tighter. Kenley loops their arms around his neck mechanically, clearly still not familiar with the process. Bruce is going to see that mechanical body language and see someone who’s acting, Tim already knows. Not someone who’s just learning something they weren’t taught in development. 
And they can’t, actually, prove that assumption wrong. Not without getting a telepath or a truth spell involved, and even then, well–Kenley was being programmed as much as they were being educated, so who knows what might be in their head to deal with or work around things like that? 
Bruce might be right, if he thinks Kenley’s acting. 
They don’t like him or Cassie or Bart. They don’t like Superman. They don’t like Dick or Vic or Kori. They don’t like anyone but the only other clone available, in fact, who just so happens to have one of the strongest possible superpower sets on the planet–one that has been visibly evolving into something stronger and stronger in the public eye for years–and also a very well-known affinity and sympathy for other clones, including literal supervillain ones, and also is dedicated to that sympathy up to the point where he has very publicly started shit with the government and other superheroes and the fucking Suicide Squad over it. 
And if it only took fifteen seconds to make Kenley–if the security system didn’t trigger until specifically Kon was there and close enough to do something about it, even though the team had been clocked as breaking into the lab long before that–
Well. That’s definitely something that Bruce has thought of by now.
But it would make sense, though, for a newly-produced clone to trust the only other clone available more than anyone else. Especially for a child. Especially for a technical-newborn who’d met that other clone before anyone else in the world. Especially after that other clone had saved them and carried them out of a burning lab wrapped up in his arms and his jacket and immediately declared them “ours” and refused to turn them over to government custody or even let the government know they existed. It’d make sense, for Kenley to trust the person who’d done all that for them without a single moment’s hesitation and to ask that person for a name and to listen to that person above anyone else. 
But they also knew to ask for mango.
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bouncyballcitadel · 1 month
"Chance Encounter" - A Short Snippet
For raffle winner @riseandshine-pudgey. Vic and Dr. Sloan end up in the same restaurant.
You are not a social person.
You hate parties, you hate crowds. If it were up to you, you'd stay at home - try out new pasta recipes, drink a glass of wine. Small talk is your anathema. Running into coworkers outside of the hospital - the bane of your existence.
Precisely why you eat at Christine's on Mondays. Christine's is already a hole-in-the-wall, which is to your advantage. And, let's be honest - no one goes out to eat on a Monday. This ends up being a perfect combination for you, your very own date night: a tiny pocket of time that's wholly your own.
Just you, a glass of red, and a plate of truffle gnocchi.
...Except today.
Because today, just before you're about to spear your first gnocchi, the bell above the door jingles. And in she walks - none other than Dr. Ivy Sloan.
You're pretty sure Dr. Sloan doesn't think about you. And you don't think about her either. Ever since the...spat you got into your first year, the two of you have stayed in separate orbits. You weren't going to change for her, and she had given up on changing you. You were never going to be the warm and fuzzy type, the type to pull up a chair, to hold someone's hand. You weren't a heartless bastard - you just...didn't believe in adornments.
Competence. Skill. Drive.
Those are the skills you've cultivated during your training. And...fine, you've smoothed out some of your rougher edges too, if only to appease the powers that be.
As you watch Dr. Sloan take a seat at the other end of the room, you fight the urge to shift in your seat. You know she'll see you eventually - you're not exactly short - but you want to delay the moment as much as possible. Once she sees you, once the two of you mutually acknowledge each other's existence, any sense of privacy on your end will be lost. You know, inevitably, that you'll feel perceived. That your chances of enjoying your truffle gnocchi and your glass of red wine at ease will infinitely diminish.
If only it were anyone else. If it were Jay, for example - he'd probably sit with you, but you could tolerate that. Or, if it were Dr. Saxon - the two of you could just ignore each other. But, because it's her - because of what she means to Peter, you can't just put her aside.
It's no secret that Peter and Dr. Sloan are close friends. And, you're sure there's a side to Dr. Sloan that you're not privy to. But if Peter trusts her, confides in her, shows his true self to her - and she can't stand you, then what does that say about your and Peter's relationship?
People tend to surround themselves with similar people. It's no shock to you that throughout your life, you've called more than one Kyle your friend. But you and Dr. Sloan are complete opposites. And, you like to think that you're more than just another resident to Peter.
But, who's to say? Maybe the rumors are overstated, of you being Peter's "favorite." Maybe the way he treats you, spends time with you, believes in you - it's all in the name of mentorship. Maybe the glimpses you think are the real Peter aren't glimpses at all.
You drink from your glass - a larger mouthful than you bargained for - and immediately almost aspirate. You manage to swallow the wine, the smallest of mercies, but you know already when you look back that Dr. Sloan's gaze will have turned on you.
Your eyes meet and before you can strategize what the best next move would be, she inclines her head in the smallest of nods.
Amanda brings her a glass of wine - so she's a fan of reds, too.
You nod back. And she turns her gaze back to her menu.
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dropouttvpollbrackets · 4 months
Most Unhinged Dropout Cast Member Poll Bracket - FINALS!!!
Our semi-finals have reached their end, and that can only mean one thing: it's time for the final poll of the bracket!!!!
In round 4, we saw Ally absolutely wipe the floor with Izzy, with 62% of the votes, a real testament to Ally's lunacy, given everything about the way that Izzy is. We also had a nail-biter of a showdown between Emily Axford and Vic Michaelis, which was a) the single poll in the bracket with the most votes so far, and b) the only poll so far in which the person who was in the lead for the first day did not ultimately win the poll. In the end, Vic reigned victorious, but Emily definitely got a lot of well-deserved appreciation for her love of antics and shenanigans and chaos.
This means we are down to our two finalists: Vic Michaelis and Ally Beardsley! I'd say if I were to classify the unhingedness of these two absolute madmen, I would say that Vic's is characterized by weirdness, while Ally's is characterized by chaos. They are both responsible for some of the Dropout moments that make me feel the most like my soul is leaving my body and I am losing all touch with reality. Both of them are such masters of comedy, having each made me laugh til I cry, cringe with my entire body, and sometimes just stare in bewilderment more times than I can count. While only one of them can take the title of the most unhinged cast member, they are both winners in my heart.
Anyway, now that that's all out of the way...
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retromania4ever · 6 months
1968 #targaflorio / Sicily 🇮🇹🏁
Vic Elford 🇬🇧 & Umberto Maglioli 🇮🇹 (Winners🏆)
Porsche 907
#classiccars #classic #history
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panelshowsource · 5 months
rather than who you would like to see on the next taskmaster series, who do you think will be on it? like just your predictions or any inklings you may have!
anon if you're still around then you'll know i really took my time with this hahaha so sorry! i hope anyone reading this takes it as just a bit of fun and nbd, who knows who we'll get or who alex & the network have in mind! i'm answering thoughtfully (bc i always feel guilty not to 😩 so sorry this is long lol) but it's really just fun!!
i will say, of the more recent-ish series, i did get a few right!!! krishnan guru-murthy, nicola coughlan, alan davies, judi love, sue perkins, john robins, and joanne mcnally were people i just knew would eventually be on if the show could get their schedules right, and i was also certain sarah millican and dara ó briain would be asked — though not necessarily that they'd actually agree. when you have a level of seniority and esteem, the "it's such a great opportunity" aspect of the show isn't such a draw 😅 for some reason i feel SO PROUD about guessing nicola! i was just WAITING and wish sooooo much she had done a full series 😭😭😭 (how fun would saoirse-monica jackson be too!)
anyways, as for people who haven't been on yet — and this isn't to say i want them all to be, just that i think it's likeliest they have been asked or will be asked; i talked about who i want to see a little while ago here — it's important to consider the casting 'roles' the network has in mind when working with the producers to form a series, so i will keep that in mind too!
established comedian, typically a straight white man over 40: bill bailey, vic reeves, harry hill, geoff norcott, kevin bridges, adam buxton, ade edmondson, paul whitehouse (tommy tiernan? god i feel bad for not saying ed byrne but why do i feel like he's not gonna make it in the next few series? i'm on the fence with nick helm — unless he's friends with alex, then his chances go up significantly imo — and tom allen for some reason, and i feel like john bishop is almost too much of an ask?)
fresh talent comedian, typically a man under 40: rhys james, huge davies, ahir shah, darren harriott would be my top guesses but tbh any of the semi-recent edinburgh comedy award finalists are good bets as a majority of the winners from the last ~10 years have been on the series + throwing out tom rosenthal (i know he's not fresh fresh and also mostly an actor)...and, like, jazz emu?...just because if taskmaster know how much its audience adores weird little white twinks then they'll cast them
female or non-binary comedian: 100% sarah keyworth + harriet kemsley, maisie adam, jess fostekew, suzi ruffell. i've shifted away from betting on cariad lloyd and catherine bohart for some reason... (joanne was my no.1 lady bet for the last like 4 series hahaha)
non-comedian: this is very, very hard to predict because between comedy actors, non-comedy actors, tv presenters, news people, reality & social media stars... the potential predictions are just so endless! logically, the most likely is an established actor with a lot of comedy connections (think sally phillips, lolly adefope, liza tarbuck, sian gibson, daisy may cooper, susan wokoma; this category is where tm gets quite a few of its female contestants): matt holness, kevin eldon, amanda abbington, tom davis, sharon horgan, kathy burke, georgia tennant (also friends w alex?), su pollard, tom basden, apparently anyone from the cast of ghosts, and so on and so on and so on... + i'll also throw out maggie aderin-pocock as a serious contender + i really feel like one of the spice girls will be on new years treat
friend of alex: john robins was the prediction for the past few series, so just worth keeping in mind other people in this circle include elis james, matthew crosby, tom neenan, and so on
freebie answers because alex/greg have mentioned them before: jack dee, lorraine kelly, joanna lumley (i want jennifer saunders SO BAD give us an epic series w both ade and jen pleaseeee tm gods!!!!)
complete wild card bets that are either my instincts kicking in or my bias taking over: limmy, adam buxton, paddy mcguinness, diane morgan, daniel sloss, joel dommett, jess hynes, spencer jones??, alasdair beckett-king or josh pugh + if suzy izzard wasn't doing a big nyc show i'd say that's a good guess if only bc you know greg & alex grew up big fans
did i mention too many people?? if i had to put my money behind a single person it would be either ahir shah or sarah keyworth
these are almost all of my fr big heavy hitters when it comes to placing bets! but there are of course so many people i didn't name who i could totally see on either a main series or the ny treat — so many people just make sense and that's the beauty of taskmaster!!
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Rebecca trained at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. Theatre credits include A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Shakespeare’s Globe, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time for the National Theatre (UK and Ireland tour); Rathmines Road for Fishamble at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin; Trans Scripts at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, Massachusetts; The Bear / The Proposal at the Young Vic; and Hamlet at the Gielgud Theatre and Athens International Festival. TV, Film and Video Game credits include Monsieur Spade, This Is Christmas, Irvine Welsh’s Crime, Hogwarts Legacy, Horizon Forbidden West, Heartstopper, Annika, The Rising, Sex Education, The Gallery, The Queen’s Gambit, Finding Alice, Creation Stories, Last Christmas, The Sisters Brothers, Colette, The Danish Girl, Flack, The Romanoffs, Moominvalley, Hank Zipzer, Boy Meets Girl, Doctors, Casualty, The Detectives, and Keeping Up Appearances.  Radio credits include Clare In The Community, Life Lines, The Hotel, and 1977 for BBC Radio 4. Guest appearances include Woman’s Hour, Front Row, Loose Ends, Saturday Live, and A Good Read.  She plays Tania Bell in the award-winning Doctor Who: Stranded audio dramas. Rebecca has also recorded numerous documentary narrations, audiobooks, and voice-overs. Rebecca is also a voice and speech coach, holding the MA in Voice Studies from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.
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Born in South Wales, Seán trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. He has worked extensively in audio drama, television, theatre and film.  Seán is perhaps best known to Doctor Who fans as Narvin in the Doctor Who audio series Gallifrey and has appeared on TV in Doctor Who - The Christmas Invasion and Torchwood. Recent TV credits include Mudtown (BBCiplayer/S4C), Dal y Mellt (Netflix), His Dark Materials (BBC1), All Creatures Great and Small (Channel 5), A Mother's Love (Channel 4) and Series 5 of Stella (Sky1).  Films include supporting leads in Boudica - Rise of the Warrior Queen, cult horror The Cleansing,  the lead in Forgotten Journeys and John Sheedy’s forthcoming film ‘Never Never Never’
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Samuel Clemens trained at the Drama Centre London and is an award-winning director with over twenty years’ experience. Samuel has recently written and directed his debut feature film ‘The Waterhouse’ with Take The Shot Films & Featuristic Films and represented by Raven Banner Entertainment, which is due for release this coming year.  In addition, he has directed fourteen short films, winning awards all over the world including shorts ‘Surgery (multi-award winning), A Bad Day To Propose (Straight 8 winner 2021), Say No & Dress Rehearsal’. Samuel also directs critically acclaimed number one UK stage tours and fringe shows (Rose Theatre Kingston, Swansea Grand, Eastbourne, Yvonne Arnaud, Waterloo East Theatre) and commercials include clients JD Sports, Shell and Space NK. Samuel is also a regular producer and director for Big Finish Productions & Anderson Entertainment. He has cast, directed, produced and post supervised numerous productions of ‘Doctor Who – (BBC), The Avengers (Studio Canal), Thunderbirds, Stingray (Anderson Entertainment), Callan, Missy, Gallifrey’& Shilling & Sixpence Investigate’ and many more. Samuel has directed world class talent such as, Sir Roger Moore, Ben Miles, Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Alex Kingston, Frank Skinner, Rita Ora, Rosie Huntingdon-Whiteley, Rufus Hound, David Warner, Celia Imrie, Samuel West, Youssef Kerkour, Sophie Aldred, Ian McNiece, Colin Baker, Olivia Poulet, Stephen Wight, Jade Anouka, Mimi Ndwendi, Michelle Gomez, Peter Davidson, Paul O’Grady and many more. Samuel is one of the founding members and directors at Take The Shot Films Ltd and is Head of Artistic Creation and Direction. Lastly, Samuel is a regular tutor at The London Film Academy, The Giles Foreman Centre for Acting & The Rose Youth Theatre and is a member of The Directors Guild UK. As for upcoming projects, Sam is currently in pre-production on his next feature film “On The Edge of Darkness”, which is based on his dad’s stage play “Strictly Murder”.
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Attila Puskás is a native Hungarian Voice Actor born in Transylvania – Romania, so Romanian is in his bag of tricks too, but most of his work is done in English, in a Transatlantic Eastern European Accent, but is quite capable of Hungarian, Romanian and International Eastern European accents, plus Standard American. His voice range is Adult to Middle Aged (30-40+) due to his deep voice. Vocal styles can range from authoritive, brooding to calming and reassuring and much more. He’s most experienced in character work, like Animations and Games, but his skills encompass Commercials to Narration as well. He’s received training through classes and workshops, pushing him to the next level to achieve higher standards. Now on a journey to perfect these skills and put them to good use!
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