#Void wave
electricstepagd · 11 months
Extreme demon color palette!
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bitchofdarkness · 8 months
I hate how fandom has become "if you haven't created anything in this very specific time frame after the release of the show/movie, everyone will have moved on"
And call me old fashioned, but that's just not me. I sometimes take ages to create and publish. And I will love a show or movie for such a long time (years, babes, years) that I just can't relate to the fast consumerism that's going on.
Because, let's be real, it can get really lonely in a fandom if most have simply moved on to the next shiny thing. Is what's created less worth, just because it was created outside the hype? Why is it such a taboo for this new fandom generation to love an old or "late" fic or art?
It's so tiring and I'm too old for the 30-seconds-hype-tiktok-shit. Just tired. So, so tired.
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gentlenotes-moved · 7 months
"you're flawless!" "you're perfect!" or!!!!!! maybe you're a little flawed. maybe you've fucked up. maybe you're a human with scars and faults. a human who's wronged and who's been wronged. maybe you've messed up. but... maybe you're a human that deserves love and happiness and good things in life. a human that deserves to heal and to be loved because you're worth something just for being alive.
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ghouljams · 2 months
Professor!Ghost who is well respected in his field, a little harsh in terms of grading, and not great with keeping office hours, but beloved by his students. I desperately want to stick him I philosophy where he BELONGS, I know he's got all sorts of complicated feelings and thoughts on humanity and it's nature, but he could also be a history professor, specifically teaching the history of combat/war. He doesn't socialize much, doesn't know anyone in his department, doesn't want to. He has his regular drinking group, the 141, and he's happy with that. He just wants to teach his class, write his papers for his special interest, and go home to watch the footie game.
Love walks into his class in the middle of lecture and he gruffly asks her to take her seat. She looks around and plops her butt down in the front row, dutifully listening and making the correct facial expressions the whole rest of class. Ghost tries not to pay too much attention to her, but she's all sweet smiles and a short skirt, biting her finger and crossing/uncrossing her legs one too many times to not be purposeful. She doesn't even have a notebook. It's only once Ghost checks his watch and asks if there's anything else before class is over that she raises her hand, flashing those pretty pink nails for the rest of the class. Ghost begrudgingly calls on her and has to stop himself from flinching when she says,
"I'm teaching history of human sexuality and its been cross listed with philosophy, I was told you were who I should talk to about recommended readings for that?" With the sweetest voice he's ever heard, soft and sultry and terribly distracting the way she leans forward against the lecture hall desk, like she's hoping he'll peak down her shirt.
"I don't have any," he does.
"Sounds like you do," she smiles.
"You're in the department, find them yourself." Ghost grouches, moving on to the next raised hand.
"Anthropology actually," Love corrects him, "or else I would have."
Ghost lets out a frustrated growl, grumbling to himself as he walks to his podium and scribbles down his office hours, stalking back and snapping the paper into her hand. "Ask me when I'm not in class."
"How about over dinner?" He glares and she laughs, "fine, just office hours, I'll see you then."
Ghost does his best to ignore her as she stands to go, eyes darting over his schedule as she walks. God dammit. He would've gone to faculty meetings if he knew something that pretty and dangerous was walking around.
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fullunadulteratedart · 7 months
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*suddenly back in my one piece phase from 2009 before i even had tumblr* here have some sketches and screenshot redraws while i try to figure out how i wanna draw them ⚓️
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So I have heard that even I manifested for everyone
It may not work for everyone
Because you still have to persist yourself
Kinda like this
You could manifest for a job but you still have to work
Someone told me this
And then said that those who promised to manifest in the void for others said that they tried but couldn’t do it for everyone
So their followers called them liars
Please don’t do that
We are the Gods of our OWN reality
Do it yourself
I’m here to guide you
Here’s a step by step guide that actually helped someone get super close and helped me get in!!!
What is the void state?
The void state is the deepest type of meditation
It is the state of pure consciousness where your body is asleep but the righty side of your brain is awake
Why we need to keep the right side of our brain awake?
Because the right side of our brain is more “creative”
We have two sides of our brain
They’re called “Hemispheres”
Left hemisphere(left side of brain)
Is for your every day activities you use more of during certain classes at school
This sides more logical
Meaning it knows things like
“1+1=2” “You eat cereal with a spoon spaghetti with a fork”
When you stay still for 15-20 minutes not only is your body asleep but your left hemisphere is also asleep
How to enter the void state
To enter the void state one must simply
In the void state anything is possible
You can revise death, heal someone from something, gain magical powers
Become famous be a billionaire marry your celebrity crush wake up next to your SP
Be the coolest person in the world
Have pink hair etc
Nothing is impossible
If you lost someone you could literally manifest in the void they’re still alive and healthy
Here are the steps to entering the void:
1. Get comfortable I don’t care if you lay down or sit up just be in a position where you feel comfy
2. Put on an instrumental to your favorite song if it’s relaxing enough it can even be a rap song
Just no lyrics
Make sure it’s upbeat enough to make you happy and keep you awake
Or a slow pop instrumental I don’t care if it’s Billie Eilish etc
Any song instrumental that gets you in your mood
3. Whilst listening to your instrumental, I want you to start daydreaming
Visualize your dream life
Picture that everything is perfect the way you want it
The 3D can be altered that’s why it’s an illusion
In this very moment that you’re lying down the only thing that’s important is your mind
Allow your thoughts to pass they don’t even matter
Shift those thoughts into your daydream
Fantasize about your dream life
Feel happy feel good
4. While daydreaming about your desires
I want you to picture your desired self as vividly as you can picture them staring into your eyes
Breathing with you
The breathing method I want you to try during this is
The “444” method
Breathe in on 4
Like this
As you’re breathing in through your nose count to 4 in your head or out loud
Then hold it
Release on the count of 8
So hold it then release on 8
Do I this until you feel super relaxed
Now imagine your desired self
Counting to a hundred with you
With each breath in you both count together
What you’re doing here is you are becoming in sync with your desired self
As she/he/they( your desired self) stares into your eyes
Let them count with you picture them just staring at you with a comfy smile and counting with you
Until you reach maybe 100 or 200 whatever you choose
5. After counting
Still imagine your desired self
Imagine they’re telling “you always wake up in the void”
Repeat after them start saying
“I always wake up in the void “
Create affirmations for them to say
And just repeat after them but using first place like they’ll say “You are pure consciousness” so you say “I am pure consciousness”
Become in synch with your desired self as if your souls are one because truthfully this desired version of you is already you
You’re just forming a deeper connection with them in this very moment
6. Start saying together “I am in the void”
7. that’s it
If you’re not in by now
I need you to focus on talking to your desired self today become in synchronized with them
This will help you feel a stronger connection with your desires instead of putting them on a pedestal
Subliminals to use
For Alpha waves
What is Alpha waves?
Alpha waves are a mindfulness meditation exercise that helps relief stress and many other things
The alpha state of mind is a relaxed state of consciousness while awake when the brain produces alpha waves instead of beta waves. Alpha waves can help reduce stress increase productivity, and boost creativity. Some techniques that may help you enter the alpha state include:
(Credit to google haha)
Examples of when you’re in the Alpha wave state
1. When you sit down to watch tv for awhile
2.While studying
3.Maybe reading a book
These are examples of things we do that trigger the alpha state
To get into the alpha wave
Listen to the subliminal above with the waves included
During this subliminal
Focus on deep breathing
Calm your mind
Slow down your heart rate
The frequency of alpha should be at 8 to 13 HZ
The video I mentioned above is at a frequency of 11 HZ
Isochronic tones are tones that basically forces your brain waves to move in synch with the frequency you’re listening to
Isochronic tones is what I like to call “Synchronized tones “
You can use binaural beats but these and isochronic tones are the not the same
The differences are
Binaural beats are separate frequencies functioning together
While isochronic tones are frequencies of a singular wave
You could use either one
“What if you can’t visualize?”
No worries!
If you are unable to visualize like I was I want you to practice this method instead
The non visualization method:
Requires no daydreaming no visualization
How to enter void with a clear mental image
1. As stated before get into a comfortable position
2. Put on either subliminal or instrumental
3. Close your eyes and instead of visualizing
I want you to lay completely still
In about 15 minutes or when you feel it’s been awhile
Start moving your eyes rapidly
Not too fast
You know when you’re fake sleeping and your mom tries to see if you’re actually asleep
Like that move your eyes
Not like you WANT to wake up but more like as in you are dreaming
This will trick you into thinking you’re in the “R.E.M” state
The REM state also known as “Rapid eye movement”
This occurs when your brain waves and your mind are becoming consciously aware
You’ll feel like waking up because you’re in the process of waking up
But you’re still asleep
This where you dream
Or if you have Aphantasia(the inability to visualize) whether your dream or not
Many people with aphantasia still dream they’re just low in sensory
Anyways during REM sleep
You’re basically half awake half asleep
The duration is about 90 minutes
To trick yourself into thinking you’re in the REM state
After awhile of laying still and tricking your body into thinking you’re asleep
Move your eyes rapidly
You’ll start seeing little lights or colors that’s behind your eyelids
These are called “phosphenes”
Focus on these colors behind your eyes
Until you feel you’ve are in a self induced trance
You might end up in the hypnagogic state
Hypnagogia are phoshenes which is where you’re between awaking consciousness and sleep
You’ll hallucinate different patterns shapes smells etc
This is just extra information
The main key here is if you can’t visualize
Trick your body into thinking you’re the REM state by moving your eyes
And focusing on the lights shapes sparkles or colors you see behind your eyes
4. When you feel like your mind is blank/fuzzy at this point
Start affirming or counting or both while still focusing on the colors
This helps you take the focus off of your surroundings and your body
Because at this point you’ll be feeling symptoms
If you don’t it doesn’t mean you’re not doing it right
You don’t need symptoms
They’re your bodies reaction to falling asleep
That floating feeling
Is also part of your body falling asleep
You ever had dream you were falling and you wake up thinking you were falling?
The void requires no symptoms
So if you get some don’t get excited
It just means your body is full asleep
It only takes 15 minutes to fall asleep
The Gateway Experience
First and foremost it’s important to know not to use too many different brain wave audios choose a few you resonate with the most
This audio below is from either the 60s or 80s
Anyways it’s been proven by the CiA that the void state exists
Monks have done for centuries tapping into it whilst chanting the OM mantra
Below I’ve provided the hemi synch subliminal and a theta wave subliminal one with the OM mantra one without
And one is for shifting realities but you can block out the shifting affs if you just wanna enter the void
We have different brain waves here’s what each one is and used for
Beta wave: Alertness awakened consciousness active thinking
You in school or work
Theta wave: Creativity
Dreaming deep meditative states
Meditation or when you’re about to fall asleep
Delta waves: Deep sleep
Reduced waking consciousness
Deep sleeping
Epilson waves: Spiritual awareness and insight along with inspiration
Subliminals I recommend
And good luck guys
I love you babies so much
But please remember not to give these subliminals or even me
The power lies within you
So if these work
It’s because you allow them too
You might think you’re self concept is good
But there’s two versions of your mind
Your 3D brain and your 4D brain
Your 4D brain is where your imagination lies
Your 3D brain is you right now
Both are you but they must both be in synch
Your 3D brain needs to also know your power
In other words you could say all you want that you’re “The God of your reality” or that you “Enter the void easily”
But you need to actually believe it
Many believe that reprogramming the subconscious mind takes months or weeks have clearly never of Psych k
Psych k is a method that aligns both sides of the brain in tune to absorb whatever information you tell it
It’s supposed to require your brain in only minutes
Watch this video to learn how to do it
I know some success stories are exaggerated but never get discouraged if you do
Search “Electra Soul” on YouTube
She helped me when I needed the motivation
Here is more subliminals for you to try out
Don’t ask people to enter for you
Because it’s not 100% guaranteed even if it was
Everything in your life
Is the way this because of how YOU assume it to be
Change your assumptions
If I entered for everyone but you still have a shitty self concept
Your life would not be better that’s like me giving a kid homework for something he’s already been taught
But he still expects me to do it for him
How else does he learn? He does it himself
Then if he needs help he asks
Reason why they’re called “TEACHers” to teach you the things you need to know not do it for you
Plus you feel so much more accomplished and confident when you get things done by yourself
At the end of the day all you have is you
We’re all just random strangers
Your subconscious mind is not a person so stop talking at it
But talk TO it
It’s like a tape recorder
The current tape that’s in is repeating negative affirmations that’s you’ve subconsciously embeddeded into your mind
Change the tape
Re record those thoughts
Place them with wanted desired thoughts
Here’s more subs for you as I mentioned earlier
Hemi Synch
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mxmollusca · 2 months
It's been two months since the completion of Wave Hello to the Void and @zacharybosch and I miss our boys so much. If you haven't given our cryptid hunter multimedia AU a chance, now's the time! It's 78k weird, wonderful words, and @eefaevie's art is mind blowing!
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Also available in podfic form from the wonderful @loopydangerfrog!
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northstrz · 11 months
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always gold, radical face
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eefaevie · 6 months
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Suddenly, the room goes silent as the front door opens. In walks the single most breathtakingly gorgeous man Stede’s ever seen. Everything about the man is striking; he’s dressed provocatively in a well-worn black leather jacket over dark jeans and boots, and his long, silvery hair is piled into a high bun exposing the bronze expanse of his elegant neck. Stede can see the edges of faint black inkwork peeking out from under the cuffs of his jacket and across the top of his chest, and his short-cropped beard emphasizes an absolutely stunning set of cheekbones. And his eyes, god, his eyes; they’re luminous, as vast and dark as the swath of sky held aloft by the telescope on the hill.
art and excerpt from chapter one of Wave Hello to the Void, an ofmd gentlebeard fic written by @mxmollusca and @zacharybosch with some art by me ❤️ check it out on ao3!
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writeouswriter · 1 year
There’s something so fascinating about Cecil winning the tumblr sexyman poll when he for the most part doesn’t have a canonical appearance, he truly is the ultimate sexyman because he’s everyone, he’s no one, he’s whoever the listener imagines him to be, so different, and yet recognizable each time, you look at him across all his designs and interpretations and you just know. You just know.
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nordarknessdimsthesky · 3 months
@appleteeth had a galaxy-brained take that Rhys Darby's scenes in Desert Sparrow's Karma music video feel like the prologue to Wave Hello to the Void by @mxmollusca @zacharybosch and @eefaevie. So of course I had to make that vision a reality with a short amv to Lemon Demon's Touch-Tone Telephone.
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Can't stop thinking about Mothman Ed in Wave Hello to the Void 💚 It's so incredibly written and I'm
Thx for writing it @mxmollusca @eefaevie @zacharybosch 🦋 💚
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monstrouscrew · 3 months
when being held is the highest form of blessing
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(ID in the alt text)
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iersei · 11 months
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two teenage twin menaces; what crimes have they commited? (what crimes haven't they commited?)
because @babacontainsmultitudes's post spoke it into existence and so i had to
[individuals under the cut]
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mxmollusca · 4 months
The incomparable @emi--rose made this beautiful Mothman sweater to accompany Wave Hello to the Void and it's my new favorite thing:
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Complete with mild spoilers
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Literally transformative work of transformative work of transformative work...
This community is amazing ♥️
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eefaevie · 5 months
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happy tuesday! Chapter 5 of Wave Hello to the Void just went up ✨ more familiar faces, more mystery, more tension 👀👀👀 @mxmollusca @zacharybosch and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts 🔥
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