beanghostprincess · 8 months
Something that has been a very pleasant surprise for me watching Fmab is Ling's character. I knew I would love him the second he showed up (Mamoru Miyano's characters are always my favorites and I knew I'd love him) but I never thought he'd be like this. I mean, of course, the character seemed to have way more depth than it looks like the first minutes he shows up, but still. I was not expecting him to care so much and so deeply for his country and his clan, but he literally does everything for them. And it's not even from a prince's perspective, he genuinely, in the most human of ways, cares about his people and his friends and he might be annoying to Ed because of wanting to get something out of him, but he grows fond of him and ends up caring about him. I don't know where his character is going yet, and I hate (I love) how many plot twists this show has because I can't predict anything, but for now? His character is just perfect for me. There's just something about what he tells Greed about friendships being bonded by souls that just fucking killed me because he appreciates human life and the value of love and connections. My first interpretation of this guy was "ah, yes, typical ENTP. Cocky. Selfish. Probably has a sad background and covers it with laughs. And he cares about people but puts logic fir-" and now I'm like ?? On episode 44 I think? And this guy is extremely ENFJ to me. And I just started analyzing shit without anybody asking me about this but! In my defense, I'll say he's my favorite character and I love him a lot.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
Hi there! How are you doing? I think it’s super sweet that you’re doing these ships! I’d love one if you have the time/energy, but please don’t stress if you can’t get to it!
I’d love to be shipped with any of the male characters part of ‘the boys group.’ I’m 5’4 with blue eyes and dark brown hair. I’m a Hufflepuff and an ENFJ. Some of the things I love to do include: baking, sewing/knitting/crafting, watching movies, writing, and reading!! I’m always reading when I have the chance (published books or fanfic lol)! I’ll read about anything, but I’ve been really into fantasy lately!
I’m also very passionate about musical theater! I acted since in school shows up until I graduated college last year. I also have a passion for travel and exploring new places. I’m currently a teacher - I’m not sure if it’s what I want to do forever but I do know I want to help others! Ummm sometimes I get insecure in my looks but I try to remind myself that’s just my mind playing tricks on me. I feel like the other big thing to know is I’m a very caring and optimistic person. Especially for my friends and family (who I’d do anything for) but I also try to see the best in everyone.
Thank you in advance if you post this ship! I hope you have a lovely day!! 💛💛
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Hi my love! I ship you with: M.M.!!! He loves how caring you are. The more entwined he becomes in this world of drama and taking down Homelander, the less faith he has in humanity. He sees how Vought has ruined countless lives, including his own, and finds it really difficult to believe anyone has good intentions anymore. And then he met you and he realized just how wrong he was. He also really appreciates your optimism. Being on a team with so many pessimists has made his job so much harder. Having you around, looking on the bright side, it's not only refreshing, but a necessity. He can't put into words how much you mean to him, especially when times are tough. You love his dedication. Marvin didn't want to come back and get involved with The Boys, but he did and he's stuck around since then. He cares about his friends, he cares so much about you, and he lets that be known. Even Butcher, who has lied and betrayed him countless times, is still someone he would do anything for. Some might call it stupidity or naivety, but you see it for what it is: dedication. Once you're in Marvins life, you're stuck with him. Of course you don't mind at all, though you wish he wouldn't give Butcher so many chances. Still, you love that about him. He cares deeply even if he tries not to show it and it makes him such an amazing person. Your relationship is cozy. When you're not trying to save the country from Vought and Homelander, you're both homebodies. He loves just being in your company while you're knitting or writing. You end up spending most nights falling asleep to a movie together. He loves listening to you talk all about your favorite books and he even goes so far as to reading them himself so that you can discuss them together. Because you both want to keep your work separate from your relationship, you have a rule where you're allowed to talk about Butcher and Vought and anything that makes you upset for a limited amount of time. After that, you have to move on and focus on something else. At times it can be difficult, but it's what's best for your relationship and your sanity. Your first date is a very classic move by Marvin where he asks you to dinner. The both of you are beyond nervous and, at first, the conversation is clunky and anxious. Finally, Marvin addresses the mutual anxiety and you're both able to laugh about it, getting more comfortable. He loves asking about what you're reading and writing, overhearing from Annie that you're going through a bit of a fantasy phase. He admits you that he tried to bake cookies with Janine from scratch and it ended in disaster: not only had they burned them and set off the fire alarm, but they were also the worst thing he's ever tasted. You give him some tips on what to do next time, offering to help if he wanted. He would love that! Your date goes great and, despite the nervousness, it leads to the most important relationship of your life. Relationship Headcanon: Marvin makes a promise to you one day, after this is all over, you'll travel the world together. When The Boys split up and attempt to go your separate ways, Marvin lets you pick any destination you want. You've got passports and all the time in the world. You two end up getting caught at the airport alongside the rest of the group, but he makes sure you know he's going to keep this promise. You'll get to see the world, you'll get to explore, he'll make sure of it.
Rita!!! Congratulations on five years!!! I really hope you like your ship!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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goldtowhite · 6 months
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nathan hong // character study
basic information:
FULL NAME: nathan hong
NICKNAME(S):  nate
AGE:  26
DATE OF BIRTH: october 2nd, 1997
PLACE OF BIRTH: los angeles, ca
GENDER: cismale
PRONOUNS: he/him
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, korean
NEIGHBOURHOOD: downtown los angeles
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: downtown lofts, he lives alone
family ties:
MOTHER: hong jiyoo
FATHER: hong seungmin
PETS: a cat named mandu
occupational information:
OCCUPATION: social media manager at sonic magazine
physical appearance:
FACE CLAIM: kim mingyu
EYE COLOR: brown
HEIGHT: 6'2"
BUILD: very athletic, very muscular
CLOTHING STYLE: streetwear when casual, nice business attire when working
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: his teeth have a sort of fangs vibe to them that make his smile really endearing
POSITIVE TRAITS: adaptable, amiable, courteous
NEGATIVE TRAITS: airy, enigmatic, indulgent
HOBBIES: going to the gym, running, bike riding, surfing, cooking, sketching
wanted connections:
CONNECTION TYPE: an ex: one where nate was definitely in the wrong. he's not very communicative with feelings, not in a malicious way, just in a clueless way. nate definitely like... assumed things were casual and it was not for the other muse and he just kind of kept doing his own thing and they broke up with some pretty bad blood.
CONNECTION TYPE: pleaseeeeeeee gimme a partner in crime and i need it to be like... they are yes men to each other. like they lowkey kind of enable each other for the worse sometimes.
this part of the questionnaire is intended to be filled out in character just like your muse is being interviewed by someone at sonic magazine for example. feel free to add as much or as little detail as you like. if you find there is a question that doesn’t apply to your muse for whatever reason within your category feel free to omit the question or come up with your own that you think is relevant. this section is designed to replace a character bio, but you can still add extra information to your intro as you wish. 
why don’t you start at the beginning and tell us who you are? nathan hong, first generation korean american. my parents moved here from korea about a decade before i was born to open a restaurant and start a new life. i worked there as soon as i legally could officially, unofficially i always helped. it's how i learned how to cook and all that, and i grew up speaking both korean and english, so i feel a pretty strong connection to both parts of me. the restaurant isn't something i plan to inherit in a meaningful way but i'll always keep it in the family.
what is your place in this massive industry? i went into being a social media manager simply because i feel really comfortable with social media. i've always run the socials for the family business and i found it pretty easy to get into doing that for other fields.
life in los angeles can be pretty intense, do you love it or hate it? i love it, but it's all i've ever known. when we visit seoul, i feel just as at home there. i'm not sure i'm the type who could ever give up city life, i think i'd get too bored. i'm not much of a homebody really.
what inspires you to show up for the musicians you work for or collaborate with? i just like knowing i can contribute to the industry in any way, and being bilingual i can also help out when we have artists who might not be fluent in english coming from korea to work with us. i guess i'm a bit of an unofficial translator as well, i wouldn't say my job keeps me so busy that i can't help elsewhere.
what are some of your favourite genres of music? i'm a hoe for top 40 pop forever, i also love a lot of korean music. i like pop punk, rock, really anything. country's never really done it for me but there are some exceptions.
what is the first record you ever bought? for myself? seo taji and boys self titled debut. it came out a few years before i was born but the first trip to korea i can remember, i found it in a thrift store and spent my pocket money on it.
what’s next for you? i feel pretty good about where i'm at right now, but i've been thinking about expanding my comfort in running social media accounts, like maybe taking on individual clients, or reaching out to gyms or other restaurants. my parents say i'm not ambitious enough but i think i'm chilling.
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sortingking · 1 year
Your King Has Reservations
I've seen a lot of quizzes/tests on the Internet, and I definitely think those are very fun to do! I am not too proud that I can't admit that I am a Slytherin and an ENFJ and according to one of my favorite tumblr quizzes, I am an Heir of Doom.
However, I think that we sometimes put a lot of weight into these quizzes, and we end up boxing ourselves in. I would like to stress that, from what I've seen in Homestuck, the game will put you into whatever role best fits YOU. When analyzing Knights, there's the straightforward purpose of serving others with their aspect. But I also always try to remember that Knights have a tendency to doubt themselves, even when they excel at their aspect. This might be something you resonate with now, before, in the future, or never. Depending on the time and the need, the game could very much change which classpects belong to who! Online quizzes/tests can't fully differentiate and place people accordingly; how could it? How can you answer questions through a pre-made quiz to let them know that you are good at something even though you feel insecure?
Another reason I'm not too fond of quizzes is because sometimes they focus too heavily on pieces of yourself that may not define who you are. When I was place as a Doom player, it was because of the high level of anxiety I feel, which was reflected in the quiz. But every day I realize more that I am not the anxiety I feel; those anxious thoughts are a small part of me that comes up, but I do not have to always engage in them. For this reason, it feels somewhat wrong that I should be stuck as a Doom player forever, when there are other aspects that I think better suit my other weaknesses and also my strengths!
This is not your King being a party pooper! Have fun, take the quizzes, see what you get. But let's all remember that that's what it is: fun! And the same goes for my sortings. I try to be very thorough with it, as I have intense respect for all the characters and the stories I pull them from. I am a King of passion, and why would I put so much effort into this blog if I didn't care about it. I guess this is just a reminder to be critical of how we let other things define us and an encouragement to disagree with me in the future, if you think I interpret something incorrectly. If anyone ends up being interested or curious in this blog, I hope you know I am the type of King who loves to hear feedback and never shies from a friendly disagreement.
If you're interested in classpect sorting, please send me an ask! Whether it's about a singular person or a series that you like (especially if they have a larger cast so I can do my 12-person sessions), I would be super jazzed to give it some of my time and effort. I have found that sorting is one of my favorite hobbies, and I would be delighted to find others that share this enjoyment!
Thanks for your time,
Your Devoted King
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Please, help me understand Fi more.
Hello! I hope you are enjoying your day!
I was hoping that could help me understand xSFP types and Fi types in general better, because as an ENFJ most of them seem reckless, annoying and egotistical to me. It’s easy to resonate with some of their fears and desires, however, I don’t really get them.
E.g.: in ‘Shadow and Bone’ Alina Starkov’s whole personality is a huge red flag. It is quite difficult to understand how one can think only about herself (and Mal sometimes) when there are much stronger forces at work and you can feel that historical events are literally at your doorstep. It’s quite surprising to see Alina not making any effort(she doesn’t really want to know other Grisha or train or even think about what is going to happen). She gets a chance to feel normal, to fit in, to have a kind of family with other mages, and yet…
As you have probably guessed, I have no problem understanding Kirigan’s intentions, but I would like to understand Fi a bit better, as there a lot of main characters with Fi.
Thanks in advance.
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I am enjoying my day, thanks. I got done with work early, and realized I’m exhausted, though, so I doubt I’ll get much more ‘productivity’ done today.
SFP / SP types “live in the moment” and focus on what is immediately in front of them; they don’t see or look for the big picture, and whatever Ni flashes of insight they have are rational “sequence of order” premonitions. For that reason, you cannot judge them from an NF big-picture perspective, because their focus is here and now. Sometimes, they are reckless; other times, they are “on point” and skilled at seeing what is coming and doing something about it (either being part of it, or getting the hell out of Dodge).
I had a conversation with a friend one time about Marie Antoinette, as we debated whether she was ESFP or ISFP, and she pointed out that Marie could not have been ESFP, or she would have had a quicker sense of the reality of her situation. One of her ladies in waiting, an ESFP, saw what was happening and the way the trend was moving toward beheading aristocrats and left France. Marie was swept up in it all, and a casualty of it, because her feelings (subjectivity) outweighed her Se objectivity.
That is, in a nutshell, what is happening with Alina. Her personal feelings are directing every decision she makes. You have to “get” her not only from an ISFP perspective, but a 6 perspective, and factor in that she’s a social-blind Enneagram type. Her feelings are all that matter to her. Her feelings dictate her actions. Who she cares about influences her choices. She is a Fi-dom. Fi-doms have barometers that are in flux between “I love this,” “I hate this,” and “I don’t care.” For love, they love a lot. For hate, they loathe. And for the “I don’t care,” there’s no middle ground, and no need to think about it further, because they really do not care. Fi weighs everything according to itself – what its ethical judgment is about this thing, person, situation, belief, etc. How *I* judge it.
Alina is an orphan who has only ever had her best friend, and she is ripped away from him without any choice in the matter, and forced to attend a magical school where the only other person who seems to care about her, and offer her protection and guidance (the same thing Mal did) is the general. She’s an sx-user – if she doesn’t have fire with someone, she doesn’t “bond” with them. She’s an sp-user, she wants to feel safe and keep herself “okay.” She has no social instinct, which means friends aren’t to be made for “casual reasons.” (To be honest, that baffles me to; I have strong soc and not to make friends, take an interest in the other girls at the school, and think about what my role is would never occur to me.) She is a Se user, so she’s thinking about what is immediate and what she wants rather than seeing the bigger picture. It takes her time to start doing that, to start breaking down things and trusting her Ni, and by the end, she has a sense of her place of “belonging” in the world, but it’s still… about the person she cares about the most. It will always be that way.
She’s a Fi-dom, she has sx, and she’s a 6 – she NEEDS Mal. The story is all about a 6 learning to trust herself and do things for herself, rather than relying on other people all the time; like the Darkling’s mother said, you can’t always be using “amplifiers” (other people), you need to do it yourself. Every 6 must learn this. She’s about her connection to Mal (and later, the Darkling) and protecting that person; that is the central focus and drive of her life: I need you and me to be safe, and to be together. Other ISFPs aren’t like this. Harry Potter is one, and he takes on plenty of things that are “not his problem” because his Fi says, “Wait a damn minute here… this is WRONG. I MUST ACT.” SFPs act on what they feel is right – you see it in Harry Potter, in Buffy Summers, in Legolas Greenleaf, in Thomas from the Maze Runner. Feelings lead to action.
Fe/Fi conflicts a lot, and it’s not hard to see why, because it’s going in opposite directions. FJs want to be situationally-appropriate, FPs want to live their truth. FJs feel like they are obligated to society, to put themselves aside and work for a greater good; FPs feel like society is made up of individuals who should make their own choices, and not be “forced” to do anything. For an FP, it’s a choice of “*I* am going to do this, because it’s the RIGHT thing to do.” Consider Frodo in LotR. He didn’t have to take the ring, and throw his entire life into the toilet in the process, but he decided, with his Fi, it is the Right and Moral thing to do, and that the task should be his. The Ring came to him. It’s his responsibility.
Alina was not given a choice; she was revealed to have magic, and forced away from the man she cared about, her entire life uprooted – and it was not her choice. IFPs just want to live their life free of outside interference and for others to be able to do the same. Some of them are selfish, some are generous. Some of them would make friends, others would not. Some of them would say, “I have a responsibility to society to do X,” others would say “X is not my problem.” It’s all dependent on the individual. That’s what you need to remember about Fi: it’s all subjective. Everything for a Fi is subjective. You won’t find two Fi’s who are exactly alike in terms of what they think is right, if they feel responsible for what happens, or what should happen. They live in a world of a continuous testing of the outer world, to see where their barometer arrow swings. Do I care? If so, what am I going to do about it? If not, then what?
Ironically, an INFP introduced me to this show. As it turns out, her Fi only cares about the trio of Crows, so she watched it focused on them and sometimes felt angry about the changes to the book / their characters; she didn’t care about anything else, so she didn’t absorb it (or even necessarily watch other scenes). I watched it, absorbed everything, but only cared about the Darkling’s arc, as I found him the most interesting. As a result, we have nothing to talk about after seeing the show, since she only cares about the Crows and I don’t care about the Crows. For both of us, the viewing process was a process of looking for something to care about, something that means something to us as individuals, and devaluing everything else. That’s how Fi works: if I care, I care a lot. And this matters more to me than that does. It comes with a subtle tone of dismissal at times -- I don’t care about that -- but it’s really a process of what draws Fi.
That is just the tip of the iceberg about Fi; you can read a lot more about them and all the types in my upcoming MBTI book. ;)
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dylanaz · 3 years
Zuko's alter ego(Blue Spirit)
Zuko in the first episode is not smooth. But Blue Spirit is. And there's no way he's learnt that much in a few days. He must've known how to fight for a long time.
When I think Zuko is Blue Spirit, there comes many problems surrounding it, because I see Blue Spirit as perfect. But not Zuko.
It makes me think that there are two separate people, because they give off totally different vibes. It comes prominent when I'm writing, because I tend to make Zuko perfect when in fact, Zuko isn't the one I'm writing. It's the Blue Spirit that I'm usually writing about. Maybe I don't understand him. But why is Blue Spirit so... perfect?
I looked up the definition of "alter ego" to get a better grasp of it.
What is alter ego?
Alter ego is a second self or different version of oneself. Such as:
a. Trusted friend
b. The opposite side of a personality
Let's talk about his opposite personality first.
Zuko's an INFP. INFP's are introverted, honest, empathetic, intuitive, generous, open-minded, true to one's beliefs, creative, passionate idealistics.
INFP's are controlled by introverted feeling, extroverted intuition, introverted sensing and extroverted thinking functions.
The other type that has opposite functions is ENFJ. (Which is shadow function/alter ego of INFP)
When you think about yourself and compose a mental image of who you are and what you stand for that usually is your "ego".
When your ego feels threatened, when someone makes a judgment about you that doesn't align with who you believe you are, when you start questioning your own identity, then your shadow can become more apparent and lash out. You also tend to use your shadow when you make inaccurate projections about others.
I hope you're seeing the image, because there are many thoughts coming into my mind all at once and it's making me feel overwhelmed.
"No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are."
"You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them?"
"Please, Father. I only had the Fire Nation's best interest at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn!"
"You will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher"
"Azula always lies"
"For so long I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy. I'm back home now, my dad talks to me. Ha! He even thinks I'm a hero. Everything should be perfect, right? I should be happy now, but I'm not. I'm angrier than ever and I don't know why"
"Because I'm confused. Because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore."
"Then you learned nothing"
"When your ego feels threatened, when someone makes a judgment about you that doesn't align with who you think you are,"
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"when you start questioning your own identity, then your shadow can become more apparent and lash out."
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At this point, Zuko isn't himself. He is ruled by his shadow functions. Very unhealthy version of himself.
Conclusion: When INFPs use their shadow function, they become people pleasers and forget their own values, worth and they're easy to manipulate at that stage. Self-critical, reckless and passive aggressive. Mostly hopeless.
I don't think he used all of these functions wrong, but I am sure he used enough to be that unhealthy.
Then, how does it connect with Blue Spirit?
If we assume that Book 1 Zuko is an unhealthy INFP, (which he is) then doesn't that make his 'alter ego' more like his true self or someone he wants to be like? I mean, ego is literally the image of how you see yourself. 👀
On the other hand, if his alter ego is his "trusted friend", who would that be? His mom? Lu Ten? Blue Spirit from Love amongst dragons? (It's literally Blue Spirit mask he's wearing, but does he feel that much attachments to that character?) Piandao?
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jayt23 · 4 years
So, here's my opinion on the people I know irl based on their personality types and stuff
So, since I'm an introvert and it would be boring to just put my friends and family here, I'm just gonna include random people I know, like some trainers of this medical gym I go to for my health(I literally don't know what you call these but whatev)
I'm just gonna start with my favorite, INFP: So the people I know who have this type are: My lil sister, my mother, two of my friends, my crush and probably some other people I'm forgetting. Literally I can just dump my random knowledge on them and they're too shy to complain, so thanks for that Ig.
Next is the same but now it's extroverted 😱 ENFP:
People I know w/ that type: My best friend and also basically half of the YouTubers I watch. So obviously I like their humor, but the one I know personally is like the most pessimistic person I know so like, do your job? I definitely shouldn't be the person spreading positivity in our friend group, I suck at that lol.
I don't really have to say much about the next one, aka INFJ. I have one friend and like five online friends with that type and online stuff was all pleasant and the INFJ I know personally pretty much just sits in a corner and reads fanfic the whole time without talking to anyone. She could literally just lock herself in a room with noone to talk to and would be totally fine, but will talk shit back at you if you insult someone she cares about.
ENFJ: One of my trainers, my big sister, my german teacher. My sister constantly tries to improve my life and tells me inspiring shit I already heard thousands of times. The other two pretty much wanna adopt me? My trainer literally always says my name after every sentence and doesn't do that's with others like what's up with that? The teacher always tries to make me say stuff in class because she knows I'm really good at it and it gets annoying at times but it's also nice in a way.
I'm not really doing these in an order, just wanna get the sensors done. ISFP: I don't think I know any of them personally l, but I've always got a soft spot for them. I know like two ISFP YouTubers and both are really precious and sensitive, y'know?
ESFP: My music teacher and one of my trainers. I don't like the tbh, I'm like his favorite or something, always being like "Was that gonna be your answer too?" When I put my hand up but didn't get picked. It was really weird and I didn't like it. The trainer on the other hand is really nice and made me feel more at ease when I first went there
ISFJ: My dad, but I also wanna talk about them in fiction. Two ISFJ I really hate are Superman and Captain America, the former I can still endure to an extent, but I think if there's no saving the ladder for me. My dad is pretty good, we just don't have much to talk about really, he also really avoids conflict and tries to kinda suck it up.
ESFJ: One of my trainers but we barely talk. I don't even really know what to say about her, I remember this one time when I put back a mat and she said I didn't have to and that she would take care of it and I was like "Yeah, but it's on the way, because I left my shoes there y'know?" And then we just stared at each other for a few seconds, that's basically all interactions I had with her.
ISTP: The best friend of a friend I'm gonna come back later to. Pretty much anything you've heard about ISTPs lives with this guy, he's like just quietly sitting on his phone and makes a sarcastic remark every hour or so. We joke about reading porn, that's pretty much it and if we're left alone it's just awkward silence intensified.
ESTP: A jerk who was probably into me in like fifth grade and a fictional character I could write a full personality analysis on. Although they tend to kinda be jerks I don't like personally, I can appreciate their existence and the chaos they bring.
ISTJ: My ex-therapist. Could be wrong about him, but honestly who cares? I was a patient for like two months then he had to move, so yikes. Therapy with him was fine. He would be like "Here's a few solutions to your problem, pick one and move on to your next problem." And I would be like "Oh these are just shitty advices, I'm just gonna do it my way" so I actually got better, whaddya know?
ESTJ: I don't really know with this one, I don't know any ESTJs personally and they're often just these traditional assholes and I know it's hard to write a healthy one, but I barely know any so... Idk
INTP: My type, if you haven't realized from the 'ENFJs want to adopt me' part. Don't know any in person and I tend to not really like them in fiction, there's like two I like, one of which being healthy and the other is just too relatable to me to hate him.
ENTPs: My other best friend and the best friend of the ISTP, but also the clown of my class and my math teacher. Ironically all of them hate each other. Tbh it's just nice to talk to the ENTP I'm friends with and play videogames together, the only problem is that he doesn't like my ENFP friend, since he is one of the most sarcastic people you could know and she doesn't get sarcasm like at all. In fiction I like them for their chaos, similar to ESTPs, but also because of their humor. The only ENTP I dislike and know of is Iron Man and I don't even know why. The class clown hates me and is pretty much failing in every class but german and English and my math teacher is really sarcastic but also has a soft spot for me because I'm really talented at math.
INTJ: one of my trainers and an online friends. My conversations with the latter so far all have been one of us talking about our favorite of something, mostly naming two things and the other sharing one of the favorites but preferring something else over the other. In short, we have so much in common that we would probably like anything the other also likes, but have enough differences in taste to have stuff to recommend. The trainer on the other hand really just leaves me alone. There was this one time he went to leave but he had told me he'd show me an exercise earlier so I kinda just waited to see and one of the other trainers had to help us communicate while we stared at each other since we both didn't really want to communicate with each other.
ENTJ: Idk, I'd love to meet one but at the same time not? They're like the perfect match for INTPs or whatever and I can see why but I don't know them enough to really say anything about them.
So, this is it and I don't really know why I stayed up until like 3 A.M to finish this but whatev
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ransprang · 3 years
Heeey can I get a Naruto and/or HXH pairing please? I don't care if it's nsfw or sfw. I'm a 4'9 female and bi. I don't have a preference for HXH, but for naruto i'd prefer men fjskskfj
I'm an ENFJ or an ESFJ, and I'm very, very extroverted! I call myself a compulsive extrovert because I'll talk to anyone who I think I have a chance of befriending, depending on my social battery. I like to make people laugh and I have a very strange sense of humor. Sometimes I don't realize how loud my voice is, and I'm very, very opinionated, and I don't shy away from confrontation if it's needed. I'm always open to listen to people vent about their issues, though I don't have the best memory so sometimes I'll forget what people have and haven't told me. I try and be as kind and caring as I can to those around me!! Despite my aggressiveness I'm surprisingly a pisces. I'm really emotional and anxious despite all of the impulsive things I do. If you treat me well I'll cling to you as hard as you'll let me !!
Writing is a big hobby of mine, along with drawing though I'm not very good. I write poetry mostly, and create characters and become too focused on fleshing them out to actually write a plot for them. I'm not athletic in any way, shape or form. I love the sciences, cats, video games, and napping! I'm constantly exhausted. I also try and do theatre sometimes!
My type is someone who understands my humor and isn't afraid to banter with me. Setting boundaries would be a good thing too for a romantic relationship, since sometimes I do tend to overstep. Kindness and loyalty are absolutely key for any romantic relationship w me !! My love languages are quality time, affirming words and physical affection.
I hate passive aggressiveness. I can get along with shy people, just as long as they aren't icing me out or treating me differently than how they treat others. I also have a mild fear of big dogs.
hey thanks for the request <3 hope you like your match ups
Your HxH match up is... Stick Dinner!!
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- We pray that your wacky sense of humor and his constant stream of bad puns can synergize and support each other.
- He's a fun guy and a... fungi cuz his head kinda looks like a mushroom cloud
- Stick dinner's a friendly, laid back fella and definitely smokes pot. You guys would probably become fast friends first before getting into a relationship~ 
- He wouldn't be passive aggressive or any kind of aggressive really so you would have to be the one to talk with the food service people if they get your order wrong.
- Just like the rest of Kite's team he's kind, loyal and full of love! Just make sure the tall boi doesn’t squish you accidentally. 
Your Naruto match up is....Sai!!!!!
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- Since Sai doesn't understand social norms he has a wild sense of humor too. You guys would banter well together as long as you don't beat him up for saying something offensive
- Underneath Sai's cold exterior there is a genuine desire for human connection. He would really appreciate your extroverted nature and ability to make friends and try to learn from you.
- You like to draw? Well so does he. He even wrote that little book about his brother leaving. You both can hone your art and story crafting skills together
- Sai has proven his loyalty several times since leaving Root and even if he isn’t great in the kindness department he’s a good person deep down.
- The poor boy still has a lot to learn on being a functional member of society and not being a mindless murderer. So he might not be able to handle your emotional or anxious side but he would do his best to help!
Your small dog,
admin san
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SDR2 MBTI: Nagito Komaeda - ENFJ
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Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (*spoilers*)
Nagito is an ENFJ!
An an intuitive, he deals with the world in the abstract, thinking in concepts, patterns and symbolism. Unlike an ESFJ, who might be most concerned with the well-being of their immediately family or social group, Nagito's concerned with the well-being of society and humanity itself, in a broader, more abstract way. His main focus and priority is improving the world in any way within his power. He lives in a universe where society values hope and talent. Unlike Chiaki in DR3, an Fi user (INFP), who challenges and goes against society's values, Nagito has accepted those values without question. He believes them to be universal, but has very poor logical arguments for them, suggesting he spends more of his time appreciating the hope and talent of the people around him and trying to take action to support them (Fe) and mostly neglects the logical consistency of these values, despite them being the most important thing in his life, and despite thinking about them a great deal (inferior Ti).
Everything Nagito does oozes Fe.
His greatest desires in life are to be useful to others, and to be loved. He fixates on the emotional content of what people say, rather than the logical content (e.g. Fuyuhiko in the funhouse, "Amazing... a heart that never gives up"). He has a tendency to deal with conflict with his peers passive aggressively (e.g. Kazuichi). He sees the world around him (e.g. a bed of flowers) in social metaphors. He feels a sense of responsibility for keeping the other students safe (yes, it's ironic, but he does when he goes into the final dead room). He thanks Nekomaru for his sacrifice for the greater good. He always talks about you, you, you, and when you ask about HIM, he's like "Sure, if that's what YOU want me to do!" He's also obviously a dom-extroverted judger in my opinion. He makes things happen: he drags Hajime around like a mom with a scared little kid in the prologue, he gets the plan to go his way in CH1, he effortlessly delegates in the funhouse, and he keeps things moving when they start to get derailed (Kaz and the rollercoaster). But it's not in a harsh, steamrolling Te-way like Twogami or Mahiru or Fuyuhiko bitching loudly at each other while everyone else watches; it's in a more subtle, finessed Fe way, almost in the background, like people don't even know he's doing it sometimes. And it works! He doesn't yell back and forth like the Te users about what to do, but he manipualtes them and gets what he wants anyways. He constantly exerts influence over people, and organizes them according to what he thinks is best.
Even his murders were Fe: The motive, to bring greater hope to the world (a value that is not at all unique), sacrifice himself in the process to bring about greater hope; but also the method (just think about other characters and how they implemented their plans. Gundham's, for example, was done by controlling time by setting clocks. All of Nagito's were done by heavily relying on emotionally manipulating others and predicting their behaviors and reactions).
He also uses Ni quite a lot. He's constantly forecasting the future, coming prepared (multitool), running through mental simulations of what is about to happen (the window in the octagon), and regularly commenting when he expected something to happen ("I knew you'd come here" in the threater) or when something susprises him ("I knew you'd show up, but I never expected it to be in [final dead room]"). He almost never uses Ne. He's not very interested in possibilities or novelty. He's much more steadfastly committed to a single idea (hope), and keeps things moving along steadily towards his consistent, hope-related priorities. Rather than expanding out (Ne), he distills everything down into one cohesive whole (Ni).
Some areas where people get confused:
"But people don't like him!"
Yes, people didn't like him, because he tried to get TeruTeru to commit murder (and he's a little bonkers). And yet, in a more normal circumstance, he was able to build rapport with Hajime very quickly, and even after the murder thing, he was remarkably still very influential, able to get Hajime and Mahiru to do what he wanted (even while literally tied up and isolated), get himself back into the middle of the action and the group (when he accepted Monokuma's file and read it for everyone; when he made a few well-placed comments to turn Kazuichi and Hajime against each other in the funhouse, and Nagito walked off to investigate with both Chiaki and Kazuichi), and keep things going the way he wanted them to (moving things along when Kaz didn't want to get in the rollercoaster).
"But he doesn't do what they want/makes them unhappy/he's selfish!"
Hot take: ENFJs can sometimes go against people's wishes. I've been studying an ENFJ on YouTube, and he strongly believes that unlike ESFJs, ENFJs are grand vision, big-picture people. The "group" they serve may not be a school, family, or community--it might be the entire world, or humanity itself, something larger and more abstract. And like possible ENFJs like Martin Luther King, who sacrificed the happiness of his own family and children for his greater loyalty to society, ENFJs (and Fe users), MAY sacrifice individuals for the greater whole. In fact, Fi users are more champions of the individual, while Fe users may expect individuals to sacrifice their own wants and needs for the group. Nagito isn't putting himself over his classmates; he cares about the greater hope and greater good of the world, and he's willing to sacrifice both himself AND his classmates for that. If a real, healthy ENFJ could put aside their own kids in order to achieve their humanitarian vision, why couldn't a really extreme one sacrifice strangers?
Values VS Morals
Nagito has almost no Fi. He has never once mentions morality. The idea of something being "right" or "wrong" doesn't even cross his mind. He's not interested in Fi judgments at all, only accepting society's value of hope and talent, and doing everything in his power to manipulate the world (and people) around him in service of that goal.
Nagito is an ENFJ. Yes, he does extremeley unusual things. He is an extremely unusual person, thrown into an extremely unusual situation. But if you can make sense of those things, I think you can see how, in many ways, he is very clearly an ENFJ, and how this is expressed in his values, in the things he most wants out of life, and how it shapes how he interacts with the world and the people around him.
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nexyra · 3 years
What is your take on rwby chara's mbti types? I think
Weiss - xSTJ, thought that she was ESTJ at first but ISTJ makes a lot of sense too.
Winter - ESTJ
Pyrrha - ESFJ
Emerald - ISFJ (I've seen some ppl type her as INFJ but I don't see how she is a Ni dom?)
Whitley - ENTJ? I'm honestly not sure abt that..
Adam - fucked up xNFJ, probably INFJ (seen him typed as xNTJ but his delusional thinking process imo screams unhealthy Ti and I think his manipulation of Blake and the WF is more Fe than Te
Qrow - was thinking ISTP but with the more recent volumes I'm really not sure..
Penny - ENFP
Ozpin - Uuuuuh INTP maybe?? But I've seen some people type him as INFJ. INFJ 5w6 would make sense as to why he might appear as an INTP but idk..
Bartholomew- ENTP
Jaune - no fucking idea honestly
Ironwood - ENTJ
Sun - Seen ppl type him as ENFP but I don't see any Ne at all..,,ESFP?
Yang - ESxP, maybe ESTP
Cinder - INTJ
Mercury - ISTP
Oscar - ISFJ
Ren - ISTx?
Hello anon ! I see my love for typology hasn't gone unnoticed 😂 Thank you so much for the ask !
I prefer enneagram over MBTI because I find it easier to type; so fair warning that I'm not an authority on MBTI-typing. But I do have have an ongoing RWBY typing that includes MBTI sooo... here goes !
(I'm putting my ennea typings along with it, but not explaining them on this post)
Ruby • xNFP 6w7 9w1 2w3?
I just can't decide between the two fors Ruby because... it kind of goes both way ??? Like Ruby definitely feels as INFP for the first half of the series; she's got a clear Fi > Ne preference... But then when she develops her Tert in V6 it's just... Te ? And she really doesn't show much Si actually she fits more the Si inf vibe in the form of forgetting about bad memories and her mom until people dig it up and she's like "nooo !" ?? So it looks like Te > Si but also Fi > Ne; conclusion idfk
Weiss • ISTJ 1w2 6w5 3w4 sp/so
Clear Fi tert rearing its head along with the 1 so I'm going with ISTJ; I also never really saw any Ne. Her type isn't too disagreed upon so tell me if you want a lenghtier explanation.
Blake • ISFP 6w5 9w8 4w3 (in some order)
Wooh this might get the anger of some (i have experience with the INFJ typers) but Blake goddamn REEKS of Fi. Less so recently but for the first seasons oh my god. She straights up catch you by the shirt and tells you "I'm doing the right thing"; and said right thing is so heavily dependant on her own subjectives values, which is why Blake can't reconcile with the current White Fang; because she doesn't have a strong Je vision of "what objectively works in the end", she only sees actions in terms of immediate right and wrong, and this b&w dichotomy stems from herself. What the WF is doing is wrong and the circumstances don't matter for judging the morality of their actions (of course I'm not talking about murder here bc that's pretty wrong ALL THE TIME but for example the stealing occuring in V1 bc of the WF is a better example)
Yang • ESXP 7w8 8w7 2w3
I'm sorry about that but I can't help you on that aspect anon, I still can't make up my mind about whether Yang has Fi or Ti. I have seen arguments for both, and i'm not the best at picking up on Ti so it's hard for me to tell.
Jaune • ESFJ 6w7 3w2 9w1
No strong opinions on his MBTI, it's kinda just based on vibes
Nora • ENFP 6w7 9w8 3w2
Textbook ENFP, not much to say here x))
Pyrrha • XXFJ 2w1 1w2 6?
In my list Pyrrha is currently written down as ISFJ but that's mostly based on the general consensus and me wanting to get rid of the XX. I don't actually have any convincing arguments to decide on Ni or Si, so I could go either way if someone else makes their case well. I feel like she's Fe aux more than dom, but even about that I could change my mind. Pyrrha didn't have that much screentime in the end :((
Ren • ISTJ? 9w1 5w4 4w5
Ironically I'm not sure about his type, kind of like you. I've mentionned I'm not very good at picking up on Ti right ? And Ren was a background character before V4 really. I had him written down as ISTP for a while but I've seen some convincing arguments for ISTJ so I might lean toward that actually but who knows. The thing I'm very confident about is his 5 fix = )
➸ Faunus bonus
Sun • ESFP 7w6 2w3 9w1 so/sx
I don't see any Ne at all either so I don't understand the ENFP typings...?? Maybe the 7 stereotypes ? Imo Sun is just a very good boy; certified ESFP 7 himbo; triple positive sunshine !
Ilia • Ti-Fe axis ?
Again, not enough screentime for me to make an educated guess. My only certainty is : not high Fi. It's the source of their conflicts. Blake confidence in absolute right & wrong, tracing lines in the sand between acceptable & unacceptable. Whereas Ilia can only shake her head and say "Because it works", or cry out "I don't know what else to do !"
Adam • 3w4 8w7 6w5
I honestly don't really have much of an opinion about Adam's MBTI, i'm sorry anon ;; I don't know enough about how he thinks
➸ Oz-related things and his circle
Ozpin • INFJ 5w4 2w1 1w9
I would personally call him an INFJ. I... never really got INTP vibes from him ? I don't see the Fe inf work out with his interactions : he's always rather at ease, he knows how to navigate around people... His focus inherently lies on doing what's best for the "group", the people, humanity. Fx functions are both concerned with ethics, in different ways, and I think Oz reflects that well. He IS concerned with the moral weight of his actions, but it's a more adaptable and unpersonnal concern than Fi people. He regards Ironwood's soul machines as something wrong, but can still agree to use it if the situations demand it for example. So... if the INFJ + 5 makes sense to you, well that's what I'm typing him personally. I also feel like Ni fits him more than Ne. Ozpin has a very linear way of planning, he does use his fair share of symbolism in every day conversation... Even when taking decisions, he... kind of cares about the meaning of things a lot ? It's hard to explain but like; the way he highlights the difference between an army and a guardian, and the emotionnal response it brings. I don't know it feels like there's some Ni vibes in there x)
Oscar • ISFJ 9w8 6w7 3w2
Oscar's type honestly isn't the one I would have the easiest time explaining in lenght but yea. It's mostly vibes; also just like Ozpin he doesn't seem to have a particularly Fi reasonning. And he feels more grounded, I don't really remember any Ni so... yay ?
Ironwood • ENFJ 6w5 1w2 3w4 (pre-Vol8); ENTJ (post-Vol8)
Might be weird if you think he was a dictator from the start, but I kind of entertained the idea of Ironwood being Fe dom ? From his very first interaction it was very clear that he was a Je dom to me; he's all about objective results; he doesn't give off the "internal framework" or "personnal values" vibe AT ALL; so it was more a matter of picking Te or Fe. He LOOKS super Te don't get me wrong; but he also has an enneagram tritype that is very common amongst XXTJs (and TJs stereotypes thus derive from it). And just like Oz, his focus at all time seemed to be the greater good and doing what's best for the people still. So I was like... Eh, a "harsh" ENFJ I think that's interesting ? Plus Fe ethics actually derive from their environment, kinda like "everyone agrees that Y is wrong", and if you consider that James is from Atlas... Well his way of thinking and ethics align pretty well with the military.
His character took a turn for the worse in V8 (whether too quick or not depends on who you ask) and past that point he's a clear ENTJ; but I feel like it was more debatable before that. Idk though I might be overthinking this in the hope of making more interesting combinations xD
Qrow • ISTP 4w3 6w7? 1w9? sp/sx
I don't really see anything else than ISTP for Qrow... But he's not a character I would want to find Ti arguments for either.
Raven • ENTJ Cp6w5 8w9 3w4
Most villains get called ENTJ at the first occasions tbh zlqfznhqzkf but I think it fits Raven for the most part actually...
➸ Atlas
Winter • ESTJ 1w9 3w4 6w5
The whole Schnee family has the same enneagram tritype in different order/different wings, it's ridiculous I think she has a higher Te than Weiss, and Fi inf fits her more. She struggles more to reconcile with her emotions and the idea of a personal right/wrong than her little sis.
Penny • ENFP 4w3 6w7 9w1 sx/so
Perfect example of a healthy 4, she's a great friend a cutie pie. ... Sorry we were talking about MBTI x) Well again, textbook ENFP. Not much to debate here.
Whitley • 3w4 1w9 6w5?
Not enough material for me to guess a MBTI type correctly either, sorry... I could see some kind of xNTJ yea but it's really just vibes and not enough concrete.
➸ Antagonists and Extras
Cinder • 8w7 3w4 6w5
Never cared to guess her MBTI type. I hereby type her as insufferable qkfqskfq. More seriously, I don't really know sorry Anon :/
Emerald • 2w3 ?w? ?w?
I never got Fe vibes from her tbh, I just think she's a 2. And Fe as a function is very infused with 2 stereotypes. So yea. Like, she isn't even that worried about the morality of her actions or anything more than the other villains. She just cares more about her personal relationships and being loved, so she automatically looks much nicer, especially with 2 mechanisms of trying to make herself useful and needed. Also because she's surrounded by 8-ish people xD
Mercury • 8w9 7w8 ?w?
ISTP doesn't sound too farfeteched, but I never MBTI-typed him either, sorry.
Bartholomew Oobleck • xSxJ 5w4
The only vibe he gave me is Si somewhere because of all his talks about learning from the past and everything repeats itself and it's a mine of informations at Mountain Glen... That's really the only time I tried to put down anything for him, and it was Si + 5. He could be some kind of xNTP nerd too for sure, but that's more vibe and I couldn't make an actual argument for it.
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musicallisto · 4 years
Hi Clara!! Congratulations on 800 followers again!! (also I was looking through your blog and we have the same birthday!! 🥳) I was wondering if I could please have a male Bridgerton ship? I’m an ENFJ, libra, and Hufflepuff if that helps at all. I can be a bit introverted a times but I’m usually a pretty outgoing, kind, and optimistic person! (although I can be a bit sensitive at times lol) Currently I’m studying to be a teacher. My friends/family are very important to me, and I will always try my best to help them it whatever ways I can. As for some things I enjoy, I love to read and write, as well as spend all day watching movies. I’m also interested in signing, acting, etc. and making things with my hands (ie. knitting, embroidery). Thank you so much in advance!! 💛
hiii birthday twin!! <3 you seem like the most fantastic person ever, I love your personality - and your writing, but it goes without saying. I hope you like your vanilla milkshake, but don’t get caught sipping on it unchaperoned with benedict bridgerton, that would be quite the scandal...
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Now, was I influenced by your profile picture? Probably. But even without it, you’d be perfect for each other, and let me tell you the story of you both.
For your first society outings, and following your debutante ball, you became the talk of all London. Sure, you were praised far and wide for your beauty, but there was something else, ineffable and far more tender, that caused your name to linger on most gentlemen’s lips.
It was your first season, and yet you had already shown a mesmerizing elegance and poise, as well as an acute optimism and enthusiasm, making your conversation all the more enjoyable to all those you encountered.
Benedict had noticed you on your first ball, when whispers of your name and your every move had spread among the crowd like wildfire, and he had to admit that you were radiant, and your warm and welcoming smile gave you beauty like no other, but bright eyes and rosy cheeks were legion this side of London, and he knew the superficiality of these pretty little faces all too well. He wasn’t intrigued enough to start up a conversation or ask you to dance, and imagined you would be married in a matter of weeks.
But as time went on, and you apparently gracefully declined each proposal you received, Benedict couldn’t help growing a little bit more captivated each time he heard your name. What could you possibly waiting for? You’d had dashing young men bring you presents, you’d had the wealthiest nobles serenade you with flowers and compare you to a summer’s day; you’d had sonnets and promenades and bouquets and jewelry... and yet you had rejected them all, but not out of malice, still with this grace that everyone knew you to have.
Perhaps, and it was a little pretentious of him to dare entertain the thought, but it pleased a small part of his soul nonetheless, perhaps what you were waiting for was a portrait.
Eventually, after having theorized for days about what could possibly prompt such unambiguous refusals from a lady who seemed to have plethora of choice, Lady Whistledown must have deemed your situation to be less worthy of attention, because not scandalous enough, and you, like most other trends and fashions in that everchanging society, became an old tale before you’d even reached your prime.
But paradoxically, exactly when you were no longer the subject of Whistledown’s tittle-tattle, were you the most intriguing to Benedict.
It was then that he finally asked you to dance, under the watchful (and, though she did not show it, agreeably surprised) gaze of Lady Violet Bridgerton.
“You look positively radiant, lady Y/L/N. Your gown is exquisite.”
And he immediately regretted every single word that he had just said; he sounded just like those boring Lords you had rejected one after the other; but he meant it, he truly meant it, for he was just then seeing the hues in your eyes and in your smile, all those colors like those of a vibrant landscape...
If there ever was a time to show the depths of his soul, it was then; but he had always been good at avoiding conversation, not prompting it.
Still, you didn’t drop your beaming smile, and answered with a slight blush.
“Thank you, my lord. It is... oh, you will think it’s silly.”
“Not at all, I promise.”
“You see, you are the first to say that. Other lords have reproached its simplicity, but I am rather fond of it, because I sewed it myself.”
“Really? That’s impressive!”
He found he had little trouble continuing with the conversation after that, because you were so easy to talk to, so understanding of everything he said and so enthralling to get to know. You were creative and great with your hands, an artist, just like him, and it was the first of many things he would love about you.
“Tell me, lord Bridgerton... I have heard that you are quite the artist yourself.”
“Oh, that’s a gross exaggeration, they are but half-good sketches, nothing of interest, truly...”
Yet as he danced the night away with you, he felt as though a new blood surged through his veins, ready to craft the most beautiful pieces the world had ever seen, if only they could resemble the colors of your face.
“Well, I would love to see these half-good sketches someday, if you allow. I am sure they are brilliant.”
You had never seen a lord blush before, especially not a Bridgerton. It made your heart soar like it had rarely before.
“If you so wish. I couldn’t possibly refuse a lady.”
All along the ride back home, Benedict has the hugest, silliest grin on his face as he looks wistfully at the night sky.
“If it is what it takes to see my beloved brother swoon like a simpleton, then I will come to society balls more often.”
“Eloise, do not talk of your brother like that!”
But she’s right - it only took one night for him to be completely enraptured by you. He understands what they all meant when they couldn’t keep your name out of their mouths, when they said you were delightful and spirited... but they all hurried with their proposals, without getting to know you first, without listening to you, without discovering the depths of your character, and it’s all he wants all he can think about.
The next morning, he’s at your doorstep with a bouquet, and, of course, tightly wrapped inside it so as to not draw suspicion, a few of his sketches, ones that he drew the evening prior because his mind was too restless to sleep.
And thus begins a long period of courtship that has all of London in a frenzy. Surely no one expected the second eldest Bridgerton and the former diamond to have an affinity for each other. Truly no one.
“My Benedict has his heart set on an accomplished lady, a beautiful and clever one at that - this truly is the season of surprises! All a fulfilled mother would need now is for your brother to be the next to mend his ways...”
“And all his brother would need now, mother, is an escape from this interminable paperwork, but alas.”
You can often be seen promenading together in Hyde Park - you enjoy the company of the squirrels and the geese as much as he loves taking in the sceneries to later paint them.
“Y/N, pardon me if it is too bold of me to ask, but why are you not engaged yet? Surely you must have had a plethora of charming young men propose to you...”
“Handsome they were, but hardly charming. Oh, they all had plenty of qualities... an estate by the sea, a racing stable with twenty horses, a spot in the throne succession... but, oh, I care little if this is unbecoming of me to say, they were all so boring! None of them had half the charm that you have. The hours fly by when I am with you, Benedict, and I am entirely truthful when I say I have never felt as content as I feel with you.”
Everyone is London is awaiting the moment they’ll see you with a ring on that finger, but it seems to never come; yet everything is idyllic and your courtship and, beyond that, in your friendship, and he sincerely knows that he is irrevocably and utterly in love with you. But he just doesn’t dare ask.
To the point that Benedict’s entourage give him signals that it is now or never. Even Anthony, though with varying success.
“If you don’t propose to Lady Y/L/N, brother, I will.”
(And no one believed that.)
“Fine, I will, then!”
But what he has with you is so special that he’s terrified of rushing things. What if you are not ready, what if he is not as interesting, just as boring as the other men you turned down? What if he read everything wrong? What if...
Until he shoots his shot. It’s not nearly as romantic as he expected, because he fumbles over his words a few times and almost drops the ring in the Hyde Park lake...
... but given the enthusiasm with which you nod and embrace him - not caring about the passerby’s judging gazes -, he’s not sure why he agonized over it so much.
It’s self-evident that your love story is one for the ages.
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800 follower sleepover
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Decided to post one of my OC’s on here, so I hope y’all like her
(        the devil's match        )          ┊     ❛  ya know, being a dick will not make yours any bigger, so can we skip that step and get to the part where I break your neck? ❜
   character name   . .  kyomi tausa'afia ka'uhane.
   title / ring name   . .  ms. ka'uhane / 'the goddess of volcanoes and destruction, pele!'
   meaning of names   . .   
kyomi:  "pure and beautiful, to cleanse." named after her paternal grandmother, it was one handed down every few generations to those who seemed to shine bright with purity from birth, which was exactly what she appeared to have done. as she grew, she always had a shining glint in her eye, though many would say it's one of mischief while others see differently.
tausa'afia:  " pleasant, lovable " in the first few days of her life, she didn't have a middle name as their family reserved it for when their personality began to shine through, that way they had a name that fit them that emerged later on. kyomi was a sweet and adorable baby, capturing the hearts of anyone who held or even looked at her, hence why her middle names meaning reflects just that. 
ka'uhane : " soul, spirit " the surname is from her father's family line, having been derived 1500 years ago to distinguish his family's martial arts as users of spirit and soul, versus just muscle and occasional mind.
  nicknames   . .  
" i can't believe you'd put yourself in danger like this, kyo, do you thrive on getting your head kicked in that badly? "  —  wakatsuki takeshi, seething, after winning her battle against saw paing but sustaining major injuries.
" pele, you'd better not fucking lose, fuck him up!  "  —  adam dudley and cosmo imai yelling at her from the stands during her match.
" the strength of your spirit never ceases to amaze me, tausa, but remember, even the strong need to rest sometimes, and you need to realize that doesn't make you weak. rest now, get your revenge when you're healed. "  — sawada keizaburo, attempting to comfort his best friend after being unsure of whether her unborn child will survive due to being forced to fight in the kengan annihilation matches despite her condition.
" you still haven't figured it out yet, 'omi? you cannot love both of us and act like it's fine and dandy. fucking pick or i'll kill him right now.  "  —  ohma tokita confronting kyomi after finding out that she's been sharing a bed with Ichiro Nakata as well as him, ready to kill the supposed 'superman'.
   age   . .   kyomi is is twenty years of age
   gender   . .   she was born of the female gender.
   height/weight   . .   she stands at 5'2'' while weighing 155lbs of pure muscle.
   appearance   . .    " oh, but that's the irony, broken people like her are not fragile. "
   kengan match records   . .   46 wins, 0 loses.
   physical scent   . .   kyomi's natural scent is one of the saltwater and sandalwood, with hints of plumeria flower.
   sexual orientation   . .  she is bisexual, biromantic.
   marital status   . .   currently not married.
  " i can't believe your sweet-tempered father was reincarnated into that girl. she's tough as nails. "
   occupation   . .   kengan fighter, personal body guard / assassin, head of the ka'uhane clan with the inherited abilities of her ancestors. *
   personality type   . .   enfj-t  —  the protagonist.
   [   positive   ]
‣  motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others
‣  very perceptive about people's thoughts and motives 
‣  fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic
‣  strive for "win-win" situation  
‣  loyal and committed
‣  warmly affectionate and affirming
   [   negative   ]
‣  tendency to be smothering and over-protective/manipulative and controlling
‣  doesn't pay enough attention to her own needs 
‣  critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match her own/sometimes unaware of social appropriateness or protocol
‣  extremely sensitive to conflict, with a tendency to sweep things under the rug as an avoidance tactic/blames herself when things go wrong, and not give themselves credit when things go right  
‣  her sharply defined value systems make her unbending in some areas/she may be so attuned to what is socially accepted or expected that she's unable to assess whether something is "right" or "wrong" outside of what her social circle expects
   personality description   . .   ❛   part of her mystery is how she is calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet.  ❜
         ‣  kyomi is a typically bright, energetic and friendly individual, radiating warmth and acceptance to all those who come in contact with her. her kindness is talked of in abundance with her people, as well as her humor that can at times have the entire tribe rolling about with laughter. exceptionally considerate of others feelings, she will often force hers down to where she no longer has to deal with them so she can focus on the tasks/needs of others at hand. despite all of this, she is a skilled warrior who’s talents outshine those who are double her age and trained every moment of the time, leading to her confidence in her abilities to border on cocky. with these abilities however, she is able to defend her tribe and grow an ever expanding bodyguard service from those she’s trained, hiring them out to the highest bidder with these skills. her intelligence is what helped her launch the idea, her mistrust and misjudgement will end up being her downfall; getting her into situations where she’s forced to be the compeditor for Omni Air International, who threatened to level her village if she didn’t comply. over her family and fellow villagers she is fiercely protective and thoughtful, willing to lay down her life if need be for them so they could continue to live in peace. aside from that, she at times can be extremely angry and resentful of the hand she had been dealt, knowing that it was beyond her control and that was what bothered her the most. in competition, she is a blood thirsty and calculating competitor, who would rather break necks than ask or answer any questions directed at her. when pushed to it, she will shut down the side that everyone knows and loves entirely, revealing a murdeous monster who would tear down anyone in her path. 
   likes   . .   relaxing in the sun, training, eating exotic and new foods, spending time with her twin children. 
  dislikes   . .   being told what to do/forced into situations where she has no control, arrogant people, disloyalty, early mornings.
   skills   . .   healing by meditation, knive throwing, rock/ice climbing, cooking, drawing/painting, ballet, hula dance. 
   any flaws   . .  she can be very critical of others with no real cause, her jealousy is out of control, she’s got a large scar on her back, left hip and left thigh from when she was attacked by a shark at the age of 12.
  personal phobias   . . deep bodies of water, dark spaces, being alone, 
  habits   . .  nail biting, smoking, constantly triple checking her surroundings, self isolation when feeling vulnerable.
   weapons   . .  seismic senescing through her hands and feet, pressure point and medical knowledge, garrote, knive throwing, judo, kenpo, jujitsu, grappling, wrestling.
   family or blood relatives   . .   —   akela ka’uhane  |  father, 39 years old  |  alive  |  intermediate chief along side his wife in his daughters absence/guardian of his grandchildren.
                                                 —   makani ka’uhane |  mother, 37 years old  |  alive  |   intermediate chieftess alongside her husband in her daughters absence/guardian of her granddaughter/healer
                                                 —   noe olina ka’uhane  |  daughter, 3 years old  |  alive  |  living with her grandparents while her mother is away, training in meditation and energy control with her grandfather.
                                                —-   kanoa haikili ka’uhane | son, 3 years old | alive | living with his grandparents while his mother is away, training in meditation and energy control with his grandfather. 
   affiliated company / empoleeyer   . .    omni air international 
    friends   . .  —  miyuki dotokayashi |  best friend | alive | daughter of naga dotokayashi, ceo of Omni air international  
                      — sawada keizaburo | best friend/unofficial bodyguard & uncle to her children | alive | kengan fighter/employed                             by murder music.
                      — wakatsuki takashi | best friend/father figure | alive | kengan fighter/empoyed by furumi pharmaceuticals.
                      — saw paing yoroizuka  | close friend | alive | kengan fighter/employed by village of the dawn.
                      — adam dudley | close friend | alive | kengan fighter/employed by boss burger.
                      — imai cosmo | close friend/brother figure | alive | kengan fighter / employed by nishihonji security services.
                      — okubo naoya | close friend/ex-lover | alive | kengan fighter.
                      — himuro ryo | close friend | alive | kengan fighter. 
                     —  kaneda suekichi | close friend | alive | kengan fighter.
                     —  gaolang wongsawat | close friend | alive | kengan fighter.
   romantic interest(s)   . .  ohma tokita & ichiro 'lihito' nakata  —  ❛  you’re selfish, is what you are. making us both love you and then refusing to choose, what the fuck is your game? ❜
          —  ohma 'the ashura' tokita : my, oh my. the relationship between ohma and kyomi began when they first encountered each other during her first trip to japan 2 years prior, representing Omni Air International and winning 27 consecutive matches before the annihilation tournament took place. they met in a coffee shop, he decided to stop in and devour whatever pastries they had on display for the day, and due to his large, intimidating frame, most people were afraid of him and kept his distance; not kyomi. she found his seemingly brooding and potentially aggressive nature comical in contrast to the sweet treats he was eating, so she being the outgoing individual she was, went up to him and asked him how the desserts tasted now that he'd robbed everyone else of the chance. her boldness and confidence in the way she carried herself was enough to catch his attention and intrigue, so he invited her to sit with him and try the remains of what he hadn't inhaled just yet. it was in that sit down, taste testing the different assortments that laid in front of them, that a bond was formed and only grew with the more time they spent together, finding more commonalities than initially suspected. as close as they got, there was still a wall put up between the two of them, set up unintentionally by both parties to refrain from either getting hurt. this didn't stop jealousy and possessiveness to overwhelm the 'relationship' that they had developed, resulting in it's momentary end in an explosive way. now, two months later, they met once again at the kengan annihilation tournament representing their respective companies, which was a shock to them both, especially on her end. the greatest shock for ohma was when the new 'superhuman' he had been introduced to a little while prior to this, was now following around his woman like a puppy, only sparking the killer instinct within him that lie just beneath the surface. that, and the hickies and love marks that covered her body in the most obvious and infuriating places. now aggressive and hostile toward the woman who somehow held a vice grip on his heart, he couldn't help but blame himself at the same time for allowing her to slip through his fingers, however he will be damned if he lets 'lihito' steal what's his. with kyomi seeming to decide that she was fine with loving the both of them, fucking the both of the, that was when he snapped and would become a much more outwardly angry person than his usual calm demeanor, lashing out at any person who happened to make the wrong comment in his presence. despite his feelings of rage and hostility toward the situation, he couldn't help the fact that he loved her, and he would continue to love her even if he hated the choices that she was making, and the fact that even though he knew her for two years time now, it still felt as though she was hiding a part of herself from him, which was frustrating for the fighter, because in their long nights together, he had spilled his guts to her, given her every part of him, and he was met with this. 
         —  ichiro ‘lihito’ nakata : meeting this goddess was a complete accident, one that ichiro was more grateful for than he cared to admit out loud- scratch that, he'd happily yell it from whatever roof top she requested. having met after he was observing his competition for the next few matches, he quickly took notice of the seemingly unbeatable 'pele', swiftly deciding two things: that she would soon be his, and he did not want to fight her in any upcoming matches, because he knew he would get his ass handed to him, and that wasn't something the self proclaimed superhuman could afford to his ego or image. after she mopped the floor with her opponent, he approached her and asked if she would like to get something to eat, explaining he knew just how strenuous and appetite increasing these matches could be, it didn't take much pressure to get her to agree. the two went to an authentic japanese ramen shop, as she had never been before and had only been in japan for a few days, which was mostly spent fighting or training, this being the first time she actually had a moment to herself to breath. they ate bowl after bowl, stacking the piles high as they could go before ichiro realized that this woman had not only stolen his heart, but emptied his wallet as well, not that he minded. her smile and full belly was all he cared about at that moment. over the next few months, the two became closer and closer, though there was weeks where she would pull away and disappear, for reasons he did not know of; come to find out much later, she was spending the other parts of her time with the infamous ohma tokita, his self decided rival in the kengan matches. this discovery once they had arrived at the tournament only fueled ichiro's rage and desire to win, to prove that he was the better man, the stronger man, the one for her. though the two decided amongst themselves that they would compete for her heart, they were infuriated to see that she decided that it was fine to simply love them both, which wouldn't have been too terrible for him if it wasn't for the fact that ohma made it abundantly clear that he wasn't okay with that, and would repeatedly threaten ichiro's life, which was met with the response of 'try it' every single time. the relationship that they have is a rather lax and easy going one, though at times he can be a bit smothering and over-protective, that's only because he doesn't want to lose out on what he sees as his one chance at happiness. 
   backstory   . .   kyomi was born the only child to a long line of renowned martial artists, one that had developed it's own style that included many aspects that weren't included in the traditional way of teaching. over 1500 years ago, her ancestors figured out how to manipulate matter and atoms, giving them partial manipulation over their surroundings as well as a physical power up. they also figured out the ability to heal themselves faster through the power of meditation, which came in handy for those who chose to be warriors, such as kyo.  the longer the line, the more ancestors that could be called upon for assistance in a fight, using their knowledge and own distinct styles of fighting, the stronger the power up, making kyomi at the time, the strongest ever of her line, surpassing that of her past life and previous tribal chief by what seemed like miles. from a young age, she displayed strong discipline and technique, mastering things thrown at her within a few days time and leaving her teachers in absolute awe, as well as her parents, though they also beamed with happiness. the ancestral spirit didn't manifest in every generation, it only happened when the current host dies, so it can be passed to the new one, which so happened to be a feisty, strong-willed and opinionated young woman who was more than willing to kill for her goals and those she cares for. at the age of 16, she made the mistake of getting too attached to a tourist visiting one of the vacation spots on the main parts of her island, resulting in her losing her virginity and discovering she was pregnant a few months later. with the support of her family and village, she had her children and would not have been able to handle it without the backing that she had. as chieftess in training, her father and mother handled most things for her while she focused on her own children, but also growing up still given she had them so young. it was during this time that it became apparent that she was suffering from post-partum-rage, which was honed and harnessed into a deadly weapon to add precision and greater force behind her strikes. at the age of 18, she was brought to omni air international headquarters by her best friend, being told that her father wanted someone strong to represent his company in what was known as the kengan matches in japan. this didn't appeal to her too much, initially she refused, but when her home and tribe were threatened with extinction, her own children who were innocent, she had no choice but to comply. her best friend had no knowledge of this, and was unable to stop her father from forcing her companions hand, but it was no use, he would not budge on his decision. she was the strongest by far that he had come across, and he wouldn't let her slip through his fingers when he had the power to bend her to his will, no matter the rage and resentment he was building within his fighter. after saying her goodbyes to her one and a half year olds, her parents and her village, she set off to japan, where she found it hard to adjust to the culture and the language, resulting in many fights and brawls due to misunderstandings. it was during this time that she met several people who would become close friends and mentors to her, the relationships forming due to their close proximity from the kengan matches, as they were all participants in some way or another. the romantic relationships she did not plan for, and being the privileged person that she was, assumed that she would just be able to have both of the people who had captured her heart, not taking their feelings into consideration whatsoever. this was a result of no one taking hers into consideration for bringing her there in the first place, forcing her to fight for the lives of her people and not being allowed to lose no matter what. she cared very little for what people viewed as 'fair', even if she did love them.  
extra   . .       —  kyomi is ambidextrous, though the punches from her left hand hurt far more than the ones from her right, she believes most of her past lives were prodominantly left handed, which she finds awesome as hell.
—  even after two years, the people closest to her, aside from sawada and wakatsuki, known nothing about her life back in hawaii, which is something that she prefers to keep due to her not knowing who she can truly trust anymore.  
—  though both ohma tokita and ichiro nakata have perminent places in her heart, if she was forced to choose, she would have to drop them both because she couldn't bear hurting one by choosing the other
—  sawada interestingly enough knew kyomi before she came to japan, having met her a few times when he and his employer made trips to hawaii to open new stores there for murder music, as he was her body guard as well as fighter. the two clicked while she was pregnant, he was very kind and thoughtful when interacting with her, never once judged her and was there when her twins were born. he's a brother that she never had, acting as her protector and best friend all at the same time; the relationship she has with lihito makes him sick to his stomach but it's her life, and he refuses to say anything for fear of getting his face kicked in.
—  she and raian have an unspoken rivalry, due to them both having destructive power, and her being referred to as 'the devil's match'. kyomi finds his blood lust entertaining and would love to fight him, him feeling the same with her, but having a bordering obsession with her as well, having to keep constant tabs on her and be aware of where she is at all times, something he does his best to keep hidden from everyone, including those in the kure clan. If anyone is going to beat her for good it would be him.
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hello! I recently started following you and started up one piece once again. I just finished the Sky Island. Had to start over cuz mom wanted to watch (she likes zoro). I adore all the straw hats even some of the other characters. Buggy is hilarious. Though I was wondering if I could get a match up with some characters. My personality type is ENFJ-T. I am loyal to a fault, sensitive to emotions and others emotions and I'm able to pick up on it before they've even noticed. I do speak my mind and it sometimes gets me in trouble. I love being able to help others and I'll even go as far as do the thing for them or even help them as much as possible. I listen mostly to what they have to say and I'll offer advice but I don't ever force it on them. I find myself getting leadership roles or people just end up following me for whatever reason it may be, it could be something like a small project to larger project. I don't mind it though it does make me nervous since I know they are relying on me. I am very protective of my family and friends and will even fight them if necessary. I am the type of person who will literally give you the shirt off my back, even if that person has hurt me so deeply. I'll still wish them well and hopes that they've learned a lesson as much as I have. I am out here to have a good time and live a happy life and if I can share that with other people than that's fine by me. I know that if I loss some of my happiness it's going to someone who needs it. If I find out someone has been messing with my friend of family member I'll get angry and cause some trouble for that person, whether it's dumping horse crap on their front porch (which I have done). Though I don't think I'd physically hurt someone ever. That's just not in me. I've been told I'm too nice. I am 5"0, I have short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I am tiny but I have some chub on me (around my thighs, ass, and my stomach) which is fine because organs and what not. I have freckles across my nose, and a scar on my right cheek going from my ear to the center of my cheek. I do wear glasses (always) and contacts from time to time. And I love sharing my food and anything I have on me, being money, snacks, change or whatever. (If this is too much I'm sorry I am not using to doing asks).
Hiya!! I am glad to hear you got back into it! I will definitely say One Piece has been a great show to keep me going with my own mental state, so I hope you decide to continue it! 😊🤗 (I also got my mom in OP, though she hasn't picked a favorite yet haha)
But you most definitely can, love!! We are actually quite similar! I just struggle talking to people so tend to fall into the INFJ category haha! I hope it’s okay I added characters who have been introduced later on after Sky Island, I won’t state any spoilers, mostly just their personalities. (Also never apologize! I love how you described yourself, it was perfect!)
Babe is your dream woman! She’s an ISFP, which is your ideal type based off the MBTI and I also feel she would radiate well with you! She’s also extremely loyal, despite her introverted nature, you will still see her stand up for the things she believes in and the people she loves.
She admires your ability to want to be there for others and taking on a leading role, she will definitely be your right hand woman in any project you do and will not let you down! She also admires your ability to want to help, though she worries people might take advantage of you, so she is deeply protected of you!
I believe she would also worry about you getting hurt or caught in something dangerous when your emotions get the best of you, so she will do her best to be your logic in your time of need! Reminding you there are other ways to get people back from hurting you or your loved ones.
This beautiful woman is 9′5ft! So she is a giant compared to your 5ft self! But she doesn’t mind the height difference and won’t tease you of it, it makes her feel like your protector in a way and just loves that even though you are so small compared to her, you pack a punch!
All around this woman loves you, for you well, being you! She knows everyone has flaws in the world, but she still loves yours and wouldn’t trade you in for anything! She will do everything in her power to bring you happiness and love, and she knows you would do the same for her with your caring heart!
This lovely admiral is an INFJ (go team!), out of all the admirals he is regarded as being the most morally just one. He believes in right and wrong and has no problems admitting when marines have done wrong and pirates have done right. 
He shares similar view points of you, and would do the same for his friends and loved ones, however, he will also be the logic you need to not get yourself caught in something dangerous and unsightly. He admires your dedication and love for the people around you, and believes you are worth fighting for and protecting.
He’s another one who will worry over your kind heart, he’s no full to the corruption of man and will stir those away he knows only mean harm to you. If needed he will be the knight you need when cruel hearted people try to steal your light.
Quite tall himself, a staggering 8′10ft (like why is everyone in OP tall?), he feels even more protective of you and considers you small and innocent in nature. He’s also older in age (54) so he even finds you to be more innocent and a representation of the world he hopes to see one day.
Despite his gambling nature, he will not take your heart as a gamble. He values you and your humane ways and never wants anyone to taint that. He will always take your words at value and do his best to see your side of things, he only hope when the time comes, you will share that dedication in tenfold.
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mx-kenpachi-be-thic · 4 years
Hi there, could I also get a ship (maybe even 2 genders if it's not something to much to ask for 👉🏼👈🏼), I really adore them. I'm 1,68m, blue eyes, really dark blonde hair and glasses. More of a pear shape with a tiny waist. I'm a bisexual ENFJ even though I'm a really shy and introverted person. People always describe me as either a really wholesome, cute hypemen or a mischievous, annoying bastard and there is no in-between. Either way my heart is as big as my ass and brain (even if it seems like I can seriously lack some major braincells) but hey I'm not booksmart but streetsmart 🤪 I quote vines and memes so often, that I don't think I can talk normally anymore. I'm that friend that makes everybody laugh the whole day even though I struggle with tough depression and some other issues like epilepsy. My job is to make my loved ones happy, support them, make sure that they know that they're loved and so much more. Even though I only bullshit the whole day because I love making everybody laugh (also because I'm hilarious 🤪) I also love to talk about serious topics like philosophy, emotions, psychology, morality and things I enjoy like art, music, the art/morality/intentions behind characters. I'm REALLY emotional and a bigass crybaby when it comes to movies and talking about my (negative) emotions. At this point you could name anything and give me some time and I could get completely absorbed by it because I have a lot of enthusiasm. As the biggest pisces stereotype, I'm also a huge empath with an amazing intuition. I'm always right about people and situation even if they seem impossible (even to me). I don't really like people depending on me because I'm scared that they could get disappointed or that I won't do the job good (also because I'm a perfectionist) but I'm actually really reliable, helpful and watch out for everybody. Also love dogs, cats, babies and the colour blue, black, white, yellow and orange 🥺. Kind of get often compared to cats and dogs though which is weirdly fitting.
❤️✨ Thank you so much for taking the time to do all of this and have a wonderful day/evening/night full of blessings and happiness ✨❤️
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D’aw~ Thank you so much. And you’re very welcome.
I ship you with Ikkaku Madarame
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There was a lot of things that clashed between your personalities; Ikkaku is by no secret extremely brash, while you’re quiet and shy, and while you quote vines and memes, he has absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. If he was honest, though, seeing you show so much love for something he’s clueless about was adorable to him. And it’s a good thing you hate people depending on you, because he hates depending on people. 
I ship you with Soi Fon
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Soi Fon isn’t the cuddliest girlfriend, but she’s supportive when it counts, and it always shows up after you seemed to have accomplished the miracle of making her laugh. What first caught her eye, though, was your ability to flip a 180 from being wholesome to being a “bastard” - the first time you heard her say your personality meant you’re an honorable warrior deep down, you thought you heard her wrong. 
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random-esfp · 5 years
Hello, some already know my blog since it attracted attention for being one of the few MBTI blogs run by a sensor, especially an ESFP. I have always claimed to be pretty different from ESFP stereotypes, though I enjoy MBTI stereotyped memes and shitty posts. But there is one thing I can’t cope with: ignorance towards our type. 
I am a strong Se (extraverted sensing) function defender, and I keep finding shallow and over stereotyped descriptions on how we use it and how do ESxPs portray and represent it. This originates a blurred vision of ESxPs in particular (all sensors are badly perceived in general) which affect us, especially because the most common believing among the MBIT community it’s that we are the dumbest.
First thing you have to learn about MBTI: IT CAN’T determine the IQ or cleverness of ANYBODY. 
Fine, with that being clear, let’s continue.
I have been posting little call outs and statements about ESFPs being wronged as other types when being perfectionistic and having leadership skills etcetera but I think the time has come for making an appropriate post of how a non-stereotypical ESFP can be. I know my case it’s not common, since I am an ambivert and that affects my behavior but I’ll try to be objective. 
Usually, ESFPs in fiction are portrayed as the flamboyant hero or the funny sidekick. Anyway, we are always seen as the bright, carefree, funny, attractive and badass characters, but in real life, we are more complex than that. 
Because of Dominant Se: 
The first thing you have to think regarding Extraverted Sensing is experience and engagement. Sure you have already heard about this but it doesn’t mean we crave every day to be high or to hit all the parties. Life is beyond physical pleasures. Even for us, who feel comfortable with sensorial stimuli the most because we need them to create our safe and accurate visión of the world around us. 
An ESFP will most likely say yes to everything. That’s, in part, because many of us are insecure and indulgent or pleasant with people. ESFPs can struggle a lot with assertiveness, swinging between being extremely obliging or aggressive-reactive (usually ESFP enneagram 2  o 3 are the first ones, while enneagram 6-7-8 are the last ones). But a     healthy ESFP will eventually address this tendency to “say yes because of  FOMO” (we have A LOT of FOMO) and will start seeking out what’s more convenient for them.
Se encourages us to live in the moment and take any opportunity or experience we can, but let’s remember we have another three functions. So a balanced ESFP knows when to engage with the flow and when to keep away from it. Of course, we are more willing to take risks but that doesn’t make us reckless in any way.
Instead, we use Se to manage our time and energy efficiently, and this is very important. You know how it is said that INxx types are the most likely to procrastinate while Te types are the ones who “get the shit done”? Well, ESFPs are somewhat in the middle. That’s because ESFPs are impatient. Our Se hurries us to take the task and finish it as soon as possible to engage with something else sooner than later. That’s also why it is said we “only care” about the present. It’s not that we don’t care about the rest. It’s that we are ENGAGED with the present.
ESFPs like to economize time. We’d rather lose money than time. Because time means experience. But we don’t concentrate that easily. Stimuli chase us and beg us to pay attention to them, not to the task. Still, we want to maximize that time, so manly this tension reflects on us as being very capable of working under pressure. When we are given little time to do something, we somewhat get more relaxed because that means maximizing time to the fullest. And THAT is also Se.
Of course, we are also all that beautiful descriptions we find over here: aesthetically selective and sensitive, very observant, can notice when the mood changes in a room, we are very sensitive to the lighting and the sounds etcetera. I’ll drop over here some Se posts very accurate and flattering because trust me, Se is not about jumping off a cliff or fly off from a bullet. That’s fiction (or you have mistaken us for ISTPs lol)
Because of Auxiliar Fi: 
Fi can be a very upsetting function especially when Dominant. We aren’t “that idealist bitch” but we usually have a full sense of what is wrong and what is right for us (well, that is literally Fi). This means we can be reactive and susceptible when feeling     attacked (and trust me, we DO feel attacked easily). We come across as social butterflies but being with insensitive or negative people can use up our energies. However, healthy ESFPs are usually more realists than optimistic rays of sunshine. Let’s not forget we are truly sensors, we crave for outer stimuli and although we can have our mystical believings, usually we trust what we see, touch and hear. What we can prove. The tangible. 
We are people-oriented so these observations lean mostly on those who surround us. Making us empathic and, somewhat, INTUITIVE. Yes! ESFPs are very intuitive when it comes to interpersonal     intelligence. In my group, I am the most likely to realize or notice when someone is a little more upset than usual, or when someone has changed anything on their image. 
We engage the moment, the action, and that includes voice tones and gestures of people, which we use to complete our vision of the world, make conclusions basing on those observations and take action on it as sociable beings. (Gosh this point it’s the most confusing. We can come across as ENFJs). 
INTERESTING REMARK: Why Se+Fi sometimes seems like Fe?
I have been struggling with this for months. I was so sure I use Se and Fi. I am individualistic and I don’t care if my opinions go against the crowd. I always say what I think. Sometimes I’m brutally honest. I don’t personally seek harmony. I’d rather be honest with myself. So… why do I sometimes feel extremely empathic to the point to think I am using Fe? 
I think it’s basically because of what I have said earlier. The vivid observation makes us both sensitive and intuitive about people’s emotions, moods, and thoughts. ESFP’s minds can be very quick analyzing external stimuli to get to a conclusion. Basically, that is Se, and when it gets in touch with our emotional patterns, we spot the change, we comprehend it, and then we decide how to act based on our mental outline. Sometimes we won’t feel anything for them; sometimes we will feel exactly as them, and THEN is when Se+Fi looks like Fe, but we are just empathizing with people. And Fe isn’t exactly that. Fe users are known for their empathy BUT they also project other people’s emotions, suffering with them even with no clue that people may be actually feeling that. This post (by an xxFJ type) explains if perfectly, it made me realize I have mistaken my empathy with Fe for so long.
Because of Tertiary Te
Healthy ESFPs are real pragmatists, down to Earth people. They are those who in a brainstorm may not participate the most but will show support and excitement for those ideas that seem feasible.     But with those who don’t… well. Let’s say we have already reached a decent assertiveness point… we’ll tell you when your thoughts or ideas are unviable, out of context or unnecessary. Sorry but that’s it. 
As I said,  we value time, we value DOING, not eternal thinking (Se again). So, why do I  have to waste 3 hours of my time discussing this fifteen surreal ideas for our project if we don’t have even put into action at least ONE of the plausible ones, Brenda??? (Brenda is ENxP sorry)
Oh, gosh, I REALLY love Se+Te healthily used. It’s!!! So!!!! Useful!!!
Let’s say it straight: we can be very efficient CEOs. I’m kinda into that at the moment actually. The difference between ENTJs and ESFPs (there are A LOT of differences but I mean in the CEO context since they share all 4 functions) is that ESFPs aren’t used to Te as primary function, and Se will always take the lead, so ESFPs may think less of the consequences of their decisions because they lack that Ni “vision”. Also they have a more “soft” leadership style that can lead them to stressful situations who may end up in loops or grips that aren’t funny at all.
Anyway. Realists. We put things into action. We are quick at decision making and enjoy dynamic jobs where we can train this trait. ESFPs may not have 100 ideas per minute but they will have 2 o 3 that actually are possible and they will just get the shit done. 
BONUS POINTS If they have overcome their insecurities and reached     assertiveness. 
Oh, does it seem like an ENTJ to you? We don’t have that “vision” because Ni is our frenemy, but what is real is that a healthy Te use, especially in mature stages of life, distance ESFPs from that     “dumb party animal look-who-just-broke-the-table-dancing to-Beyonce” type of persona and it makes them effective leaders. Real doers. (Without losing their flamboyant temperament!)
Because of Inferior Ni
I can only think about shitty Ni grips at the moment but I’ll try to be objective.
Healthy inferior functions. This is a very good post about it. It says that inferior Ni: “May display delusional and grandiose thinking” and “Can turn gloomy when life circumstances don’t go their way”. Well, yes, that’s me. That’s ESFPs. Inferior functions aren’t funny. And because of that, the not-so-funny side of ESFPs relays here.
ESFPs can be pretty gloomy even when healthy. As very emotional types, ESFPs project their dark thoughts about the future on Ni. As I said, they naturally engage with the moment and like to take action, but Ni is that subtle but insistent voice in their head that goes like: you should think about this… and that… and what are we gonna do about this thing? Where are you gonna live in ten years? Who are you gonna name your baby after? 
We refuse to think about the long term but when we are forced to do so because of #adulting ESFPs can take two ways:
Keep refusing thinking long term. Which can lead them to immaturity, dissociation of reality, avoidance and some other mental disorders.
Keep it serious and do it. We will complain about it. We will refuse to talk about what we haven’t made up yet, but we’ll try. 
A healthy ESFP who decides to confront Ni and try to use it becomes more focused, serious and driven. Of course, we will have our mental breakdowns because we aren’t comfortable with it, but that is part of life. 
ESFPs who are private about their lives, who are hesitant and reflective… are struggling with Ni. Because we know we need it. And it makes us feel uneasy because Ni requires depth and details and we prefer to improvise and get-by-doing. Ni also demands using all the time Se don’t wanna “waste”. But it’s not time wasted, it’s invested (although too dilated in time for us to appreciate it). However, when we see our goals reached we appreciate the effort we’ve made. 
How are ESFPs usually defined: dumb, reckless, shallow, overly-sensitive, can’t think in detail, bubbly, too much sociable.
How are ESFPs non-stereotypically: observant, doers, quick-minded, leading to action, perfectionist, efficient.
Well, that was almost 2k words about ESFPs in depth. And I could say much more, but for now, I think it’s enough. 
I invite any underrated or extremely stereotyped MBTI type to do their Edition. Or to make some feedback. 
Hope this was useful and/or revealing for you. 
Thank you! 
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
How the general public views types vs. How I *personally* view them
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INTJ: Genius who’working on taking over the world or on curing cancer depending if they’re good or evil.
Me: Much more community-serving than the misanthropic stereotype thrown at them. Insightful idea people who actually want to make it happen. 
ENTJ: Definitely trying to take over the world, but most likely a ruthless CEO
Me: Not a ruthless CEO, but rather a bit more of a life coach. Doesn’t mince words but can be quite fun and inspirational under the right circumstances. My most enviable type because other than the nasty repressing of feelings, they are usually super well-rounded at seeing everything and adjusting accordingly. 
INFJ: Mystic, saint, wasn’t born but rather hatched from a pod in another dimension
Me: Essentially an ISFJ but with more of a spiritual/esoteric edge to them. Not concerned on focusing with your every day problems but rather the life path you should take. Incredibly smart but sometimes overshoot their ideals. 
ENFJ: Oprah/Bono
Me: Actually more over-dramatic than ESFJs but once you can get passed that, you can see how insightful they actually are. 
INTP: Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast
Me: I think the nerd stereotype is actually kinda true? Although they are often more (surprisingly) artistically inclined. Super smart, probably more than all types, but do indeed tend to be lazy. 
ENTP: Charming troll
Me: Heretic troll, except…..sometimes we kinda need that to put things back into perspective? Has this weird ability to constantly shift back and forth between being super realistic and day-dreamy. really good at giving advice, but go off and run with it before they go too far down the rabbit hole. 
INFP: INFJ but without the whole “wanna change the world’‘ thing. Because they’re too emo.
Me: The true ’'artists” of the MBTI family IMO. I do believe that most world-famous artists are actually ISFPs because A) They are more common and B) They usually know better than INFPs how to cater to a large populace. But I think INFPs are usually more unhinged artistic types, more difficult to comprehend but in a good way. Same as INTP though, they are subject to being lazy (sorry). 
ENFP: Any anime or manga character
Me: The ultimate SJW type (those stereotypes are true) but way more grounded, realistic and business savvy then they give themselves credit for.
ISTJ: Boring suit and tie guy, not openly racist/homophobic but probably is. His only wild side was a brief fling with the secretary
Me: Stick in the mud, judgmental, but surprisingly rebellious and artistic. Seen as the ultimate conformist but actually has their own thoughts and views of things, which believe or not,  can go against the popular consensus. 
ESTJ: Drill sergeant
Me: Way more fun and zany then people give them credit for (what with all that stiff authority figure stereotypes) but do indeed have a tendency to point fingers and tell you they’re right and you’re wrong. 
ISFJ: Mom who read 457 Danielle Steele novels
Me: Actually one of the more mysterious MBTI types. People love to lump them into the predictable “mom” or “nurse” category. But I find them to be sleeping rebels whom at anytime will do something that you’ll never see coming. Much more secretive than the stereotype suggests. When they snap, all hell breaks loose. 
ESFJ: Soccer mom if over 30, basic white girl at Starbucks if under 30.
Me: I believe to my core that they actually are the most well-meaning type. They really are the nurturers of this world and WAY smarter than people think (because socially smart is actually very much a thing and they have that in spades), but they simply struggle with boundaries, which is why they are often considered as being overbearing. 
ISTP: Car mechanic if held under low esteem, apocalyptic survivor if held in high esteem. Wishes “The Purge” would come true. 
Me: One of my personal favorite types. I love dark and uncalled for humor and they are one of the few types who actually get off on it. Super practical and helpful BUT yes, they have trouble taking accountability for their own actions, always blaming others, even the fricikn’ government for sh*tty things they do, and that does get annoying over time. The concept of personal responsibility seems to be lost on them. 
ESTP: Annoying jock/frat boy, passed out on booze every night
Me: The ultimate realists who don’t mince words. They are extremely inspirational leaders, but sadly don’t realize or don’t want to put their energy into it. By far the most popular people you will encounter and thus you will try to copy them, until you sadly realize their swag/sass in 100% natural whereas yours is probably forced. The unhealthy ones however will range anywhere from jerks to borderline sociopaths. 
ISFP: Chosen to defend the realm of Earth from the evil Aganor and his dark army,
Me: The true “rebels” of the MBTI. They simply do NOT give sh*t what you think. Tell them that jumping off a bridge is stupid and will kill them and they……will probably do it. Just to prove you wrong. But in all seriousness, these people balance the artistic and realistic like no other type. 
ESFP: “Like, let’s totes party! Like 4 realz!”
Me: Often portrayed as the least intelligent type, and that may be true if they are young, dumb and full of c*m, but most of the mature ones are so driven and business-focused that they make your typical ENTJ blush by comparison, BUT yes, they are often slaves to their values and can make dumb decisions just on the basis that they won’t cross a subjective line in their morals. Just like ESTPs, if you’re looking to boost your stock through appearance, they know how, but won’t be as much jerks about it.
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