welldonekhushi · 10 months
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For WIP Wednesday!
Scarlet in MWII after the "Alone" mission! She ended up with Soap after the betrayal, hiding from the sights of the PMC's, as the two got injured badly and Scarlet's attention went towards Soap's arm, much to her constant worry.
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infectedkura · 1 year
little wip I started this morning, cause I couldn’t get Soap getting way to excited (and horny) over explosions and Ghost maaayyyyybe liking it a bit too much out of my head♥
Every demolition specialist Ghost had met in his military career had been a bit of a nutjob. The moment he had seen Soap around an explosion for the first time, he knew that guy was a very special breed. From the start of their briefings when Soap would be told to blow something up to the very end when flames would devour the skies, Ghost had started to watch him. How he would suck in a sharp breath when his skills would be mentioned and needed during a mission, to the constant twitching of his fingers. Soap would be nervous enough to almost infect Ghost with it. The first time this had happened, Ghost feared for the success of their mission but despite Soap skittish excitement he did an excellent job. Everything had been set up perfectly. Not too much, not too little. Perfect timing all around. a true master at his skill.
But then he had seen Soap face to face during an explosion. They were just on their way back to exfil, when Soap suddenly turned back around to watch the place go up in flames. Ghost wanted to push him to keep walking but the sheer look on Soap’s face had made him stop. The weird crooked grin that only grew wider with the flames in the distance. How Ghost could hear his trembling breath even a few steps away and few pearls of sweat running down his face and neck. The short laugh Soap had let out was ingrained in Ghost’s memory from that moment on. Dark, and chopped up by his breathing. The complete opposite to Soap's usual open and heartfelt laughter. He had just kept staring at the man, not being able to pry his eyes off Soap, just like Soap couldn’t turn away from the aftermath of the explosion. Only Price’s voice through their comms had gotten Ghost back to reality. He called out for Soap to leave but no answer was given. Soap had been completely transfixed and Ghost swore he saw the fire reflecting in his eyes even for just a moment. When he had reached out to grab Soap and force him to come with him, it was the first time in a very long while that Ghost had felt something like unease for his comrade. Soap’s eyes were completely dark and blown out when they stared back at Ghost. His mouth was hanging open slightly and Ghost swore to this day he saw blood on his lips where Soap had bit himself in excitement. This look on Soap’s face just felt unnatural. Ghost could still vividly remember how suddenly disarmed he felt even with his rifle still in hand. Like Soap could just crush him like a little twig. Without another word Soap’s face suddenly had relaxed slightly and they finally set into motion again, away from the destroyed base.
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onlycodcanjudgeme · 1 year
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Let's play a game!
We will kick us off with three words. If one or more of these words are in your WIP, please share the sentence. If not, we encourage you to add one sentence to a WIP and share that.
Then, tag some friends to play along - either with the same words or whatever you pick!
Our words are....
Gun, safehouse, touch
Tagging @alidravana , @artdrawsok , @lisbetadair , @sleepyconfusedpotato and @kaitaiga to start us off!
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callofdooty · 1 year
WIP Wednesday, but this time it's long as fuck
Still on that Hesh Whump lmao
Riley's barking in the distance. Only, Riley isn't in the distance. Hesh can see him, right here: a blurred mass of yapping, whining fur. It's weird. He shouldn't sound so far when he's so close... And what's he barking for...? Riley doesn't bark for nothing...
The confusion of it all only makes the stabbing pain in his head worse.
"Riley? What's- Shit! Hesh!?" He could recognise that soft rasp anywhere, even with his ears feeling like they were stuffed with cotton. Logan's here. And Hesh is on the floor.
Floor. Why is he on the floor?
Logan's already crouched beside him as his head clears up a little, and in all honesty, if anyone had to see him like this, he's glad it's Logan. He wasn't sure how any of the Ghosts would have reacted (and boy, what a great list of first impressions he would have started racking up) and lord fucking knows how Elias would have reacted. Definitely the last thing Hesh needed to do was to stress him out more. Logan was the second best option. The best option being that noone saw him like this.
Well, beggars can't be choosers.
"Logan-" He manages to sit himself up a little, relieved when Logan supports him with an arm around his back.
"What the hell happened?"
"Fuck- I dunno... I just... kinda fell?"
The hand on his back shifts, and Logan gives a puzzled look before suddenly his pressing his other hand to Hesh's forehead, icy contact taking him by surprise. Were his hands always so cold...?
"Shit, you're burning up!" That explains it. It being just about everything. The aches, the chills, the headache, the... falling. His arm gets thrown over Logan's shoulder as he tries to pull Hesh up from the floor. "I'm taking you to-"
"No, m' fine, Logan... Just... Help me get to my room?"
"Please. Please, Logan, I'm... I just need sleep..." It's probably the most pitiful he's looked and sounded in a long time, and he must look scarily close to a kicked puppy because Logan relents almost immediately, deflating a little befoee giving him a hardened glare.
"Fine, but I reserve the full right to drag your ass to med at any pont, got it?" Logan grumbles, and despite his irritation, he's careful when he helps Hesh up, supporting him all the way back to his room, with Riley hot on their heels.
His bed is, admittedly, nicer than the floor. Not by a wide margin, but enough to feel at least a little more comfortable. Riley hopped up alongside him, head resting on Hesh's thigh as he whined softly. 
"Fuck... everything hurts..."
"Wonder why that is." Logan huffed, "You said you just needed sleep, so sleep. I'm gonna see if I can get something for you. Even if you're not going to med, you're taking something for that fever." 
"Okay, dad."
"Speaking of, I'll let dad kn-"
"Don't!" He pleads immediately, startling both Riley and Logan. "I'm fine. Dad doesn't need to know-"
"You almost passed out in the hallway, Hesh!"
"He's got other shit to deal with... I don't need to add onto it,"
"Swear to fucking..." Logan grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "Fine. But you get any worse and I'm getting dad." He wasn't about to argue, it was either this or Logan would go get him now, and that's the last thing he wanted. He gives a weak, sheepish nod, and then Logan is gone, shutting the door softly behind him.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Let's do some wip's for @onlycodcanjudgeme 's wip wednesday!!! Got two for you guys today! First one is sfw from the CEO/Single Parent AU! Below the cut is NSFW from the next part of the camboy au!
SFW CEO/Single Parent AU:
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NSFW Camboy AU:
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pogidoow · 1 year
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Cartel girl bosses 🖤
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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currently bustin’ my ass studying for midsems rn so have some wips of Damien and Lachlan from a bit ago! Two very different emotions here…
The second one…iykyk (งツ)ว
@onlycodcanjudgeme 🫶
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alidravana · 1 year
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It's that time of the week!
And I haven't participated the last two weeks I think, which is super strange. So have a snippet of the most random magic AU that sprung to my mind the other day:
Both of his parents thought that powers matched personalities.  His dad’s power was of premonition, able to see seconds, minutes, or sometimes years into the future.  He used it wisely as a soldier, and cautiously as a father, often able to shoot out an arm to stop a tumble or two as the boys hiked through the forest.  His mother’s power was fire, and considering how one of the lasting memories Hesh had of her was how warm her arms were wrapped around him, he figured that one made sense too.
Not Hesh’s powers.  If Hesh’s power matched his personality, it would be like his anger, his passion.  His power would be explosive, incendiary, ripping into everything, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.  
Hesh’s power was nothing like that. 
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artdrawsok · 1 year
It is Time for WIP Wednesday
For this, I'll be giving small tidbits of lore + a few concept design images (censored as best I could) for the COD Ghosts Monster AU. (It's taking a while)
Monsters in this world are normal, so seeing a vampire going to the store isn't anything new. However, cryptids such as Mothman are still urban legends (haven't been confirmed to be real or not real basically).
Ajax didn't originally know he was a phoenix so the reveal was...entertaining, to say the least.
Logan is ftm (female to male) trans. Everyone is supportive of this, do not worry!
Merrick was born a vampire but stopped ageing at 41 years old. He's still salty about it to this day. He was in his 20s during WW1 times so, Merrick is the eldest. Technically.
Kick can bite people affectionately without venom.
Hesh has been banned from several campgrounds for scaring people in his werewolf full form.
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welldonekhushi · 1 year
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For @onlycodcanjudgeme's WIP Wednesday, here is something that I'm currently working on right now! ;)
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infectedkura · 1 year
“One more time MacTavish … What. The. Fuck. Is your problem?” Ghost’s voice was low but as sharp as the blade he had always with him. The blade that Soap had seen in his hands so many times as he had slit open their enemies throats. He would be lying to himself if he hadn’t thought about how hot that sometimes looked, when he was watching Ghost through his scope.
Soap tried to say something but his mouth and throat were completely dried out. Only after a pitiful cough could he at least string some words out.
“What the hell is your problem? I told you I’m fine like 10 times” he snapped back with a raspy voice. He hadn’t planned on it sounding so angry but his feelings were a mess and the anger for himself was slowly boiling over to Ghost.
“You don’t look like it” was Ghost’s surprisingly calm yet determined answer. 
“And you’re avoiding me” he continued a bit quieter, moving even closer and squinting his eyes at Soap.
“Hasn’t bothered you before, that people avoid you, has it?”
For just a split second Soap swore he had seen honest surprise and even pain in Ghost’s eyes. Soap mentally slapped himself for the comment immediately but it was too late. That had been a low blow and Ghost’s grinding teeth made him realize it didn’t leave the usually so cold lieutenant unaffected.
“Careful Sergeant” Ghost growled, cementing his hand even deeper into Soap’s arm, that was starting to hurt.
As much anger had piled inside Soap he preferred it over owning the now familiar warm pain in his chest that once again started swelling inside him again. Anger was better than that. Hate was better. Was easier to work with. Easier for others to understand. And hopefully easier for Ghost to reciprocate. Soap knew he had reached a dead end and like a wild animal he wouldn’t let his hunter get him unscathed. An eye for an eye.
“Of what? Don’t think I’m in the wrong here. Just because you’re my superior doesn’t mean I gotta share my bloody diary with you” he snarled as he tried to wiggle his arm free but the friction of Ghost’s gloved hand on his naked skin made his anger get ravished by the creeping hotness even faster. Ghost didn’t move except for his hand that put more pressure on Soap's arm again only to let loose for a second and then repeat the process. Soap was expecting an answer. Wanted one. Wanted for Ghost to just get angry at him. Chew him out for his disobedience and leave. But Ghost stayed. Towering silently over him when suddenly Soap felt the other gloved hand on his hip, pressing into his skin to keep him still, the only thing separating them, the fabric of his thin shirt. Soap’s breath hitched. His head involuntarily fell forward, leaving him staring at their feet. He didn’t dare to move. Didn’t dare to say anything more. Too scared of his own voice or whatever sound would come out of his mouth now.
WIP Wednesday @onlycodcanjudgeme
This fic is fucking torturing me ... I rewrote the vibe of this scene like 4 times and it should’ve been done last saturday but yeah ... might take a bit longer UwU
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onlycodcanjudgeme · 1 year
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Happy Wednesday everyone!
Saw this on a friend's page, and thought why not, this could be fun. The game is to summarize one of your WIPs (art included) badly in a single sentence!
Kicking us off is one of our admins' attempts:
A typical afternoon filled with 'friendly' snowball fights and PTSD flashbacks.
Tagging a few of our followers to play along (but please join in if you'd like to): @cassandras-nest, @sleepyconfusedpotato, @lisbetadair, @satan-incarnate-666, @vvh1sk3y, @xwendigox!
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callofdooty · 1 year
Wip Wednesday Time, I got whumpril fics in the works. Here's one of them! A little Hesh whump, as a treat :)
"Yeah, Logan said you were planning on keeping this a secret," Elias sighed, and Hesh only feels all the more awful about it. As if sensing it, or even just straight up reading his mind, he continued, "I'm not angry. I just want to know what's going on with you. Why'd you want to hide this from me?"
"You had too much to worry about..."
"David, I'm always gonna worry about you. You're my son. There's never a time where I'm not worried about you and your brother."
"I know, I know, but- Jesus, I'm twenty-eight! I should be able to take care of myself. Not relying on my little brother or my damned dad like a kid anymore."
"Hesh, you relying on us is not a weakness." Oh boy. That's a sterner tone of voice all of a sudden. "When I brought you and Logan up, I wanted you to be able to rely on each other when you needed it. One day, I won't be around anymore, and it makes me feel a hell-of-a-lot better to know that you'll be able to get through hardships together."
"There's never any shame in letting your team help. That's what a team does, we look out for and support each other."
His mind immediately goes back to Ajax. The way Merrick and Keegan had spoke of him, the way they handled him in death... The closeness of the Ghosts, how they so obviously and openly care for their own... It reminds him of his own family, and knowing now that Elias had at least some hand in shaping these men into who they are, it's only become more clear. He can see the same teachings, same guidance, playing out in front of him. They're strangers, but they already feel so familiar.
"I know you prefer to be strong for others, and I wouldn't want you to be any other way, but you're not invincible, David. A man obsessed with his pride will eventually be a detriment. To himself and his team."
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Okay I feel bad about these taking so long and I haven't done one of these in a while, so take some Sneak Peeks for @onlycodcanjudgeme 's wipwednesday :)
Camboy/streamer AU:
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Pyre (Aka Assassin AU):
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pogidoow · 1 year
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My own insert for Frost and some canons❄️
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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Oop it’s Wednesday meaning it’s tumblr user kaitaiga’s weekly time to post! @onlycodcanjudgeme
Don’t have many recent wips on the fly but I do have one that’s based on @alypink ‘s post from a while back! I wanted to see them interact and see Damien’s reaction to Aly gifting him the plush 🥺🥺
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