kirbyofthestars · 2 days
Can you believe it guys? Artfight, just a week away. Artfight is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Artfight! Just a week away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Artfight! Just in a week! It got here so fast! Artfight! Just a week away!
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creepzei · 1 day
Virus! Sun!?!! He's weirddd
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Gonna post more doodle dumps <3 woohoo
(hyperfixation is sun and moon, AGAIN. I cannot stop drawing them.
I barley started getting used to drawing moon so that's why there are more suns than moons I'M SORRY THESE ARE THE ONES IM PROUD OF)
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fauxbia · 2 days
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I'll be doing my first Artfight this year!
I haven't been able to do Artfight despite wanting to for years, because making OCs is very difficult for me. Rain World and its Iterators managed to provide just enough inspiration to bridge that gap, and I can finally participate!!! Even though it's all Rain World! It's all just Rain World. Hell on earth.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to make that much art for it, though I'll certainly try my best. I'm super excited ^^
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burstfoot · 1 day
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shuttershocky · 22 hours
do you think Amiya would find Raiden as cool as Dante
I think Amiya would find Raiden cooler than Dante tbh.
Amiya's a teenager going through an edgelord phase, wacky woohoo pizza man isn't /cool/ cool to her, just kinda silly and fun. If you replaced Dante's athleticism, battle skills, and pizza addiction with a big coat and a need to get into trouble, you get close to Doctor's mischievous side.
Metal Gear's Raiden though (I assume this is not about Mortal Kombat), he's got everything — child soldier backstory, Gaslighting 2: The Gaslightening, his own body becoming a machine, a murderous streak he can barely control and has to resort to pointing it at evil, that's maximum cool.
If you made Amiya play MGS4, the scene that goes
"It was never going to work out for me. It even rained on the day I was born."
"You were the lightning in that rain."
would have her reeling in her seat. Not visibly, because Amiya has a need to look professional at all times, but internally she'd be screaming peak cinema.
I mean really. Look at her lines.
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Besides, that isn't her sword.
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dailygeminitay · 2 days
Gem is on a piece of bread!
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[ DAY 6 ] BREAD!!!!
and I am officially back! Got hit with a back to back sickness but I’m here now! WOOHOO
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pvrvnoiia · 19 hours
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oughgghfghgh lyrics from ' smells blood ' by kensuke ushio oguhGggGHH
other versions below woohoo
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ni-coi · 2 days
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I rewatched bsd and it was cool
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simmir99 · 1 day
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Welcome to 4616 Melrose Place
This is my spin on playing For Rent without playing For Rent. Who has time to loading screens for random visits or woohoo?! ;)
6 singles living in this luxury residence will the primary scene for my NEW LP premiering on July 1.
I loved Melrose Place back in the day and it definitely influenced my LP, but this residence is nothing like the one from the TV Show. This luxurious living space will have shared spaces including a kitchen, game room, rec room, gym, yoga studio, and an EPIC rooftop lounge with views of San Myshuno. Every suite has a private bedroom, bath and living room. Some suites include an office space or walk in closet, but all are fabulous in their own right.
Original apartment building is by the one and only AMAZING @bojanastarcevic and can be found HERE
My renovated version of this build will not be shared. It is a very heavy CC load, 8 GB to be precise. I clearly went all out!
Let the shenanigans begin!!
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unknownteapot · 1 day
smosh as tumblr textposts (7/?): character edition II
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wow another one woohoo!!
( pt. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 )
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tsu-kitty · 3 days
𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝓮𝓇𝓸
𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓉𝓌𝓸
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♡ wc › 1.5k
♡ contains › tsukishima x reader, fem!reader, tall!reader cause she's a middle blocker, reader is a nervous clutz with a fat crush on tsuki. kinda slowburn-ish. very fluffy.
♡ summary › after quite literally running into tsukishima (again), your pre-existing crush starts to grow even bigger.
♡ a/n › second part, woohoo! lowkey can be read as a stand alone, but part one provides a bit more context.
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“Time really flies, doesn’t it?” Yachi said as the two of you walked down the stairs on the way out of school. As a reward for completing the first day, the two of you were going to treat yourselves to ice cream. “I can’t believe we’re already second years!”
“It’s crazy, right?”  you agreed. “Are you going to stay on as the boy’s manager?”
“Yes! I had an anxious nightmare about it last night. All the rivals teams were after me. It was so scary.”
You laughed at her story.
“But I’m still going to do it. I promised Kiyoko, and I can’t let her down.” She pumped her fist in the air.
“You’re so funny, Ya—ah!” Your heart dropped to your stomach. Misjudging how close you were to the landing, your foot missed a step and suddenly you were falling. Your arms flew up to shield your face, your eyes squeezed shut, bracing for the impact of the solid ground. Why you? Why on your first day of second year? Did you not pray hard enough at the shrine this morning? Were the gods unsatified with your offering?
The sensation of hitting the floor never came, though. Instead, the sensation was warm and oddly soft and smelled like fresh lemon laundry detergent, though there was a hint of vanilla tucked beneath it. Peaking one eye open, you were horrified to find Tsukishima was the person who had caught you. Not again.
Off to the side, Yamaguchi (who had been walking up the stairs with Tsukishima) cheered. “Wow, Tsuki! Awesome reflexes!”
Tsukishima ignored him, choosing to address you instead, a shadow of a smirk on his lips. “Please don’t make a habit out of this.”
You died a little on the inside, cringing at the fact that he remembered a year ago when you crash into him on the first day of school. Heat was creeping up your neck. Had he gotten more handsome over the spring break? Or was the shock of the fall making you delusional? No, you’d always thought Tsukishima was cute. Although now, maybe handsome was a better way to describe him. He was taller, his shoulders broader and his jaw more defined. His hair was longer, long enough to curl at the nape of his neck and behind his ears. A few stray waves poked out from the top of his head. When he wasn’t sneering or glaring, he looked almost angelic. It was all over for you…
Regaining your footing, you pulled out of his grip and bowed your head. “I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Too flustered to wait for a reply, you grabbed Yachi’s hand and took off down the stairs, taking extra care as you hopped down the steps. You didn’t stop until you were out of the building, where you immediately threw yourself again the wall and slid down to the dirt, hands covering your red face.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Yachi shrieked, dropping down to fret over you. “Are you hurt? Tell me where it hurts.”
“My pride,” you mumbled from behind your hands.
“Oh gosh, that’s serious! We have to get you to the nurse! Wait… your pride?”
You nodded.
Yachi paused. “I’m confused.”
“He’s so pretty,” you whispered. “Has he always been this pretty?”
“Say again? I didn’t catch that.”
“Yachi,” you whined, lowering your hands. “I think I have a crush on Tsukishima.”
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“Chance ball!”
Watching Tsukishima play didn’t help your situation at all. His play style fascinated you. The way his eyes followed the ball, narrowing ever so slightly in concentration. And the way his lips quirked up when he successfully shut down a spike had you weak in the knees. 
“Follow up! Tanaka!”
This early morning scrimmage between the girl’s and boy’s volleyball teams was a lot tougher than you had expected. Logically, you knew the boy’s were good—they had made it to Nationals after all—but considering two of their previous starters had graduated, you’d figured they’d have a few growing pains. This was only somewhat true, however. Whilst their receiving ability relied heavily on the libero and only one of them had a particularly strong serve, their blocks and spikes were deadly.
“Now!” Suzuki called. 
Following her lead, you leaped into the air, arms flying up to block the spike. Meeting the height of Tanaka’s block was hardly a concern considering you measured almost the same as him. His strength, on the other hand, sent an icy fear through your veins. Yachi had mentioned something about Tanaka working out a lot recently. Something to do with living up to the ace name.
Arms straight, arms strong, don’t let him through.
The ball catapulted through the air, aiming slightly left of your block. Reflexes kicking in, you shifted your hand. You couldn’t let it through untouched. Slowing the momentum by a fraction of a second was better than nothing.
“Ngh,” you grunted, a pang of pain slithering from your fingers up to your shoulder. You don’t stop, though. “One touch!”
It wasn’t until the boys had you beaten two sets to one and cleaning began did you notice the tingling in your right pinky. Comparing it to the other, it was definitely a little swollen. Not a lot, but enough to make you wonder if you should see the school nurse. If it still didn’t feel okay by lunch, you would see her, you decided. No need to overreact, it was probably just sore from when you blocked Tanaka’s spike. His hitting power was really something else.
Hours later, when the jingled of the lunch bell filled the halls, your pinky was still tingling. Inspecting it’s appearance in comparison to the other again as you walked, you concluded that it wasn’t anymore swollen then the morning. Still, it’d be best—
You hit a hard body. Again? Really? The force of the collision bounced you back, but a hand hooked around your elbow before gravity could yank you to the ground. 
“Pardon me,” you said, bowing at the waist. “Sorry for running into you.”
“I thought you said this wouldn’t happen again.”
Kill me now. You straightened. “Tsukishima.”
A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. “So, are you vision impaired or just an airhead?”
“No,” you pouted, avoiding his eyes in the hopes your cheeks would stop boiling. “I’m just… clumsy, I guess.”
“I see.” He tilted his head curiously. “So where are you going that requires you to not look at your surroundings?”
It was impressive how he managed to turn every statement and question into some form of insult or quip. 
“I was going to the nurse,” you told him. “I hurt my finger this morning playing against you all.”
Glancing down at the hand you were nursing against your chest, Tsukishima’s brow furrowed. “It looks fine.”
“I know, but I was going to ask the nurse to tape it, just to be safe.”
He gave you judgemental look. “Are you saying you don’t know how to do it yourself?”
Face burning, you shook your head.
“Tch, what kind of middle blocker doesn’t know how to tape their fingers?”
“The me kind, it seems,” you mumbled.
“Come with me, I’ll teach you,” he said, walking away before the thought of protesting could even cross your mind. 
You followed obediently as he lead you into his classroom and towards his desk where he told you to sit. Taking a seat at the desk in front of his, he dug through his book bag. It was hard to pinpoint exactly why, but being in Tskuishima’s class room and sitting at his desk felt oddly intimate. Maybe it was the simple fact that these things were associated with him and all his sour-attituded, smart-mouthed, angel-faced attitude. Oh, you so had a crush on him. 
Tsukishima secured the roll of  white tape. “Hand out.”
Heart skipping multiple beats, you layed the hand with the sore finger out, skin tingling with anticipation.
Tsukishima ripped two long strips of tape from the roll. Flipping your hand palm-up, he held your pink against your ring finger with a gentle pressure and started taping. Your heart wanted to jump out of your chest. His hands were so strong and warm, slightly calloused from volleyball, and his fingers were long and slender.
“So you wrap one strip around the base of your fingers,” he said. “And one at the top. Then you wrap them all the way around from the bottom to the top.” He picked up the roll again, circling it around your hand as he mummified your fingers. “It’s so easy, Hinata could do it.”
You knew just enough about the infamous Hinata to find the snide remark funny. “Thank you for teaching me, Tsukishima. I appreciate it.”
“It’s fine,” he replied, tearing the roll off and tucking it back in his bag. “Just don’t forget how to do it, airhead.” He stood up, lightly brushing his hand over your head as he walked away, completely unaware of the effect he had on you.
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averagetmntfan · 3 days
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spoonietimelordy · 1 day
-Them shooting the tardis is so painful to watch
-wtf they're all dead O.O, ok definitely not staying dead but still
-fucking hell he was here all along
-"in the name of life itself" (that line was written for rowan)
-love that tardis
-woohoo the dalek are dead, what a consolation price
-"I did this" "this is my fault" oh babe
-😭 this scream
-a spoon, do you want to destroy me?
-"might save the universe with this spoon"
-oh no, not the baby no 😢
-"cultural appropriation" oh someone I know is gonna yell
-"dna match" 👀
-Mel... :(
-and everyone is back!
-"clever boy" 👀
- the mum and her kiddo 💕
-"with a spoon"
-"I must become a monster" ooooooh
-"surely that's what I am life" "I am the one that brings death" hope you're happy Rowan
Ok do I get a point for the purgatory being metaphorical and not literal?
-so her mum is just a random girl? Ok, I'm fine with it. Ooooh she became important because we made a myth out of her, of course, I'm stupid, how did I not thought of that? Come on I kept saying myths where the answer and I missed it!
-oh the coat is on for the first time this season, doc!
-yes bring up susan, ruby!
Go see susan for god sake!
Also, is rusty doing us a swanqueen? Adoptive mum and bio mum gonna date?
Oh wtf ! Mrs Flood is doing us a lemony snicket
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creeps-and-pasta · 1 day
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woohoo! yippee! it's the Star of the Show! 🎪
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krystalkyro · 2 days
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on stage- s. hinata
whenever you're ready
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you put your phone away into your bag, straighten up your papers in front of you, and look up to the stage for the first audition. the girl who goes first is a familiar face, the lead in your last production, so obviously she gives the audition of a lifetime.
“she's good. i mean, obviously.” you lean over to akaashi, whispering once she exits the stage. akaashi scribbles something in his notes.
“i agree. i think she could easily play one of the leads.”
you shoot him a thumbs up as the next auditioner enters the stage, for possibly the most monotone audition of all time. you end that not as good one with a quick “thanks for auditioning!” 
this is going to be a long day.
18 auditions later, and its time for a well deserved break. you and akaashi head out to the lobby of the theater and stand in front of a busted up vending machine. 
“got a quarter? i've only got 2.” you ask, eyeing the m&ms sat in the second level of the machine. 
“nope, you could ask bokuto. He’s always carrying around loose change.”
“good plan.” great plan actually, you think, maybe he's with the ginger from earlier.
with that the both of you round the corner of the lobby, where you spot the trio of volleyball players.  
oikawa notices you two first, “well if it isn't the famous writer and less famous director!” 
bokuto and the other guy turn to you two quickly. ignoring oikawa, you turn to bokuto. “Do you have a quarter?”
oikawa frowns once he realizes he's being ignored.
“yup! what do you need it for?” “vending machine around the corner.” 
the ginger cuts into the conversation at this point, “theres a vending machine here?” he asks excitedly.
“yeah, its just around the corner! want me to show you?” you respond, hopefully not sounding too eager. you shoot keiji a quick side eye, and he fortunately catches your drift.
“i'll stay behind, i'm not super hungry.”
“i'm shoyo by the way!”
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“so...whats it like directing plays?” he asks, finally figuring out where to put his collection of quarters. you swiftly put your phone down.
“uhm...it's really fun. getting to direct has always been a big dream of mine, and getting to actually do it is super great, even if it's a play instead of a movie. this show might be my favorite so far. why'd you decide to audition?”
he punches in the number combination for his drink of choice, “oikawa told me i had to, but now that i'm here watching the auditions, i'm super excited! everything about it seems so cool!"
you both laugh. the vending machine clangs as the drink hits the bottom of the chute. he picks it up and hands it to you.
“i'm hoping this will convince the director to cast me.” he smiles at you, hand outstretched.
"bribery doesn't work on me,” you laugh and accept the drink, “just have a decent audition, and you'll be fine. thanks though.” 
shooting him a quick, nervous smile, you turn back into the empty theater and have a seat at the empty table.
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15 mediocre auditions later, oikawa is finally up on stage. he performs the monologue perfectly, and is met by audience applause once he finishes and takes a bow. you roll your eyes, but smile at him anyway, shooting him a thumbs up. it was a perfect auditon to be fair, not that you'd ever tell him that. after torus dazzling performance, shoyo takes the stage.
“woah! how am i meant to follow that up!” he exclaims. you grin at him from the audience.
“you can start whenever you're ready.”
a/n: woohoo 2 chapters in 1 day and first meeting of shoyo and yn!!! i really like this chapter, even though theres a lot more writing than smau, but dont worry there will be a lot of smau in the next part! also i'm starting to plan a second fic, and i'm still trying to decide which character to use, so expect a poll coming soon for that!
taglist: @yuminako @mylahrins @/intergalacticrory @zzzlevislothzzz @hibernatinghamster @shoyosluver @/walllflowerrrsss
if you arent underlined i cant tag you !
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