prettyboykatsuki · 10 months
going insane. thinking of wyll and reader raising little lily together... it only takes him one glance at you playing with your daughter, the sound of your melodious laughter and the tiny ones happy little giggles makes his heart leap with joy.
he wonders what he's done to deserve this. such happiness in the form of a loving spouse and a beautiful daughter.
he wonders about giving lily a little sibling too... later that night, when she's tucked in for sleep and you're laying in bed with your husband, he presses a kiss to the palm of your hand, trailing tender pecks of affection down your arm, up your shoulder and neck, smiling against your skin as you hum happily, comfortably at his affection.
when you ask what's gotten him like this he smiles, looks at you with a love so deep its difficult to hide - not that he wants to of course... he voices his thoughts, how he wants to father another child with you at his side, how he wishes to have some semblance of a normal life with you after everything you've been through, with two (or more, should you want to) wonderful children besides you.
you're silent for a bit and he's quick to reassure you its entirely up to you, he's already happy as it is, he doesn't want you to feel pressured...
he quiets down when you kiss him, hands cupping his face and he can taste saltiness on your lips. tears fall down your face but not of sadness or anything of the sort... it's happy tears, as you smile and whisper that you want this as well, you'd love to carry his child into this world one day...
you don't think you've ever seen wyll be this happy as when he kisses you back, one hand caressing the front of your stomach, where your future child will eventually be, like he's already anticipating it, desiring this as much as he did that first night you kissed under the stars.
im going to walk directly into the ocean
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ropes3amthoughts · 2 months
I’m going insane right now. I can’t stop thinking about Kabru and I can’t express my feelings well enough in any amount of words or pictures or emojis or anything. I want to analyze every single moment of his, every single thing he says and does, but it wouldn’t be enough. There is no way I could ever convey everything I think about him.
I’m going so fucking nuts right now you guys. He makes me want to stim and pull my hair out and walk in circles and kick my legs and giggle and bite my hands and twirl my hair and write one million words about him and draw a million drawings of him and paint him like a holy medieval oil painting and talk about him to anybody who listens and throw up and write his name all over my skin and save ten thousand pictures of him to my phone and carve his face into a rock and cry and just everything he makes me feel almost everything I could possibly feel it’s so overwhelming I’m not normal about him at all and I need to say something about him I feel like I’m going to explode he drives me crazy I love him deeply
He’s like a bug to me I want to put him in a little glass jar and feed him pieces of vegetables and berries and maybe little bits of my own meals and observe him closely and take little notes in my notepad about his habits and food preferences and I’d have a little light focused on him so I can watch him closely but turn it off at night time so he can sleep and then I’d take him out of the jar and set him on my counter and I’d tell him sit still while I open up a sketchbook and draw him with the fervor of a religious artist who’s seen the face of a god or a scientist who’s been ignored for the past twenty years and has discovered an entirely new species and is thinking this is the chance to finally prove themselves and I would sketch away like my life depends on it and I would fill every single page with his face and his whole body and every bit of how he looks and then eventually my hands would cramp up so bad I’d have to stop and I’d set the sketchbook down next to my notepad and together it would have every single detail to him as if it were a scan from his mind
Can we please talk about Kabru more? Can we please talk about every single one of his scenes? Can we please talk about his motivations? His goals? The way he sees others? The way he sees himself? Can we talk about the scene where he kills those corpse guys from a deep analytical view other than “wow he’s crazy he killed those guys” because it’s much more complex than that and he killed them because he saw them as bad people who were unforgivable and deserving of death and then right after he said his party couldn’t steal their money despite the fact the corpse guys stole from them first and he’s not a “two rights make a wrong” type of guy or a revenge seeker and he is instead a “justice must be achieved no matter what” type of guy? Because he’s determined to reach his goals no matter what, like with eating the harpy eggs? Can we talk about how he thinks bad people deserve to die and how at one point he thinks he deserves to die? Can we talk about how it seems like he’s a people pleaser because he does anything to get people to like him, but it’s not because he wants people to like him, it’s because he wants to use those people to further his goals, but he doesn’t have sinister goals, and by using others, he hopes to reach his goal of helping humanity? Can we talk about the fact he uses himself as a tool to use others to help others? Can we talk about how he is not very good at connecting with others or himself deeply? Sure he can talk to others and convince them of things, but he has a mask, he hardly lets the true him slip, he hardly lets himself be truly known. Can we talk about how Kabru clearly has not allowed himself to process his grief and trauma from Utaya but still throws himself into the dungeon and faces monsters constantly because he wants to help humanity and he sees himself as expendable when it comes to benefiting humanity and how it clearly fucks him up but he shoves it down and ignores it because he thinks there are more important things to worry about than himself? Can we talk about how Kabru’s ambitious goals are a means to cope with his survivor’s guilt and how he thinks the only reason he survived the Utaya tragedy was so he could protect humanity from anything like that from happening again, how it’s a way to try and justify why he deserved to live, when it seems clear he doesn’t think he deserves it? Eating is the privilege of the living, but Kabru is rarely shown eating, often forgetting to eat or eating things he finds gross. Maybe he doesn’t think he deserves that privilege, like he doesn’t think he deserves life. Maybe eating is something that keeps him alive, but it’s often disappointing and something he wants to avoid. He cares so little for himself! There’s his messy room, his disregard for his own feelings, his lack of eating, him drinking to deal with insomnia, etc. but when it comes to others he cares so deeply. He’s so selfless! He doesn’t care for himself and he loves humanity deeply! He has so many different things he wants to do! The story literally couldn’t have happened without his actions. He’s such an interesting guy!
I know it’s fun to put him in little fanon situations and people have probably analyzed all there is to analyze but could we talk about it again even if we aren’t professional analyzers and it’s all been done before just because it’s interesting and fun and he’s such a neat guy and it’s fun to talk about him at least for me when I talk about him it makes my heart start racing and my throat get tight like I can’t breathe and I start stimming and feeling giddy and it doesn’t have to be that way for you but can we talk about him even if it’s something as simple and surface level as “Kabru cool 👍” I know a lot of the anime onlys don’t know that much about him and are missing so much of his character and his arc and his backstory and all that so it’s hard to talk about him but I’m sure at least one other person has read the manga and is like “wow! I love this Kabru guy!” Because that’s how I feel except it’s more like “I love this Kabru guy so much I feel like my head is about to fucking explode” so maybe could we please talk about him more maybe draw him more maybe write about him more maybe he could get some neat little focuses here and there maybe he could have a nice time in fanart and fanfic and maybe someone could say something really cool about him maybe someone could hit me up as an anon and be like “I really like when Kabru did this” and I could be like “HOLY SHIT YES THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS ANON I LOVE YOU YES” that could be us for real
I feel like I’m gonna start shaking and throw up I love him so much do any of you guys get me I feel like pulling off my skin I think about him like 1-17 times every hour he is on my mind I was eating dinner and I was so distracted because I was thinking about the scene where the dungeon could’ve been conquered by the Canaries but Kabru doesn’t want one race to hold all the power so he holds Mithrun hostage and demands answers and when they don’t answer him he states that short lived races will conquer the dungeon and then he falls into the hole holding onto Mithrun fully prepared to kill the both of them if it meant Laios could conquer the dungeon and the island could be controlled by short lived races because he thinks that would be better for humanity the dungeon could’ve been conquered and sealed off right then and there and Kabru wanted the dungeon sealed off he wanted the monsters gone but he wanted more than that he wants power divided up between the races he wants short lived races to be taken seriously he thinks it’s impossible for them to see eye to eye but he wants short lived races to have some power he wants it to better humanity over all he doesn’t want to do what’s easy he wants to do what he thinks is right and he is willing to do a lot in order to achieve that he’s so ambitious but it works for him and he’s so dedicated to his goals and does he even know himself because he almost brushed it off at first I kept thinking about the “wait, am I really ok with this?” Line because like he wasn’t ok with that and he did something so drastic in order to stop it but I think it’s peculiar the way he thinks to himself the way he doesn’t quite know what he wants like he thinks he doesn’t want to eat monster food but then he does and he wants to do good for humanity but what does he even want to do for himself? And I always think about the “What was the purpose in me surviving Utaya?” Or whatever he said I’m not looking up the specific panel I’m on a ramble I’m not stopping for anything this is like a fucking train there are no sudden brakes I’m typing without stopping or editing or anything this is non stop. Does he not see himself as anything other than a means to better humanity? Something to be sacrificed if it’s for the greater good? Post-canon he goes on to study under Yaad and be Laios’ advisor and be Prime Minister but it’s all helping people he’s making decisions to help Melini and his friends and what’s good for people but what does Kabru want to do? Thinking about how Izutsumi goes around asking people what they are going to do and they all have different plans for the future but they decide that right then they’ll be enjoying a nice meal with each other. Has Kabru ever slowed down and thought he wanted to enjoy a meal with his friends? Sure he has meals with others, but it seems like he only has them because he has to eat because he needs it to live or because he’s trying to get Laios to like him so he can figure out what his deal is or because his friends are being held hostage or because he wants to help Laios with the Faligon feast and it’s all out of necessity or for other people. Does he ever sit down and think he WANTS to enjoy a meal with the people he cares about? Does he ever think he’s done so much good for humanity and maybe he can let himself be selfish for maybe an afternoon and eat a nice meal he likes with people he cares about? Miss Ryoko Kui please please can Kabru enjoy a nice meal with people he cares about and it’s because he wants to 🙏 can it be like an extra comic or something on the side please pleaseeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewe In the post canon Laios was playing in some random field with kids and Falin and Marcille were there in the background with a picnic basket because they were gonna have a picnic together but Kabru wasn’t there can he please come to their picnic and enjoy himself and have a yummy meal and have an overall very lovely time and think to himself he’s glad he came and he like smiles pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeee
I just want the guy who doesn’t eat meals very often in the manga about eating meals to have a nice meal 💔 is that too much to ask 💔 please please or can we at least draw fanart of that can we get some fanart of him having some like absolutely delicious food waiter waiter more Kabru fanart please and if the chef is able can we please get him having a nice meal? Ok thanks also can we get some fanfics can we invest more on the DunMeshi food themes I think there is not enough content about them eating meals I also think Kabru doesn’t get enough stuff focused on him so can we get some fanfics of him having some nice meals or do I have to write one myself because I will and it will sit around have done in my notes forever because I’m notoriously bad at finishing things but please please Kabru content and if it’s possible can having a nice time and if we can get even more specific can there be Kabru having a nice meal and feeling loved and happy and letting himself be a little selfish for just a little bit so he can focus on his own nice meal and let himself be happy pleaseeee
He makes me so fucking crazy there are so many things wrong with him and I love him. There are so many things I want to say that I can’t even think of the words to. I don’t know how to phrase any of it all I can think about it is Kabru.
Kabru ily 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He looks so stupid in this picture I love him so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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nikethestatue · 4 months
I find it so amusing that all of a sudden an English literature undergraduate degree is to be a revered and esteemed point of view in the interpretation of the ACOTAR series. All the while there have episodically been those in the fandom with PhDs and MDs (psychologists discussing trauma, mental health professionals who have been consultants on screenwriting and writing projects, OBs explaining how having pliable bones doesn’t change the soft tissue of a woman’s reproductive system, etc etc) explaining a particular subject matter expertise being met with severe harassment, accusations of lies about their degrees, doxxing threats to expose them to licensure boards, and all out attacks and assault. You’re telling me that, now, an English lit degree is an authority on interpreting subjective fiction novels and that’s just supposed to be taken as a word of deference?
I mean absolutely no hate towards anybody with an arts degree when I say this (I, too, have one)- but literature is not a science. There is no exact, reliable way to interpret literature. Scholars still debate great literary works throughout history. Lit is not a science. Do some people have a higher level of education that enables them to detect certain literary devices? Sure. But I think the point being missed here is that literature is not a science. It cannot be reliably interpreted outside of any one person’s individual bias. Culture, socioeconomic status, race, life experience all factor into how one interprets art. That’s fine and good. You don’t need a degree in lit to understand ACOTAR and pick up on foreshadowing. Education does not mean you can interpret subjective material without bias. That is the point of the scientific method in interpreting objective data.
One would argue that advanced degrees in most fields, particularly science driven studies where research is conducted in some capacity, are extremely equipped to think critically and analytically about what they read.
Seeing this all explode has really made me flashback to how actual licensed professionals in this fandom have been treated for attaching their credentials to their commentary or blog on a subject matter they have actual expertise and advanced training/experience in. Seeing the same people who attacked others with so much vitriol have this defensive energy is truly full circle. I can’t help but think how some of those in this fandom might be sitting back watching the hypocrisy. Where was this energy when actual experts with doctoral degrees and licenses were being attacked? Just wow.
Like you said, Anon, what's amusing to me is that some of these 'degreed' people seem to be under the impression that there is one answer to a written piece of literature. That there is something 'definitive' about their own personal interpretation. Where in reality, indeed, things are being debated for hundreds, and sometimes thousands of years. Everything from the Bible, to Plato, to Shakespeare, to Jane Austen, to Kafka, to Tolstoy, to Tolkien.
There might be some consensus on interpretation of texts, but at the same time, that's all it will ever be--interpretation.
Anna Karenina throwing herself under a train: the number of interpretations of why she did it is as vast as the number of people reading the book. Did she do it out of guilt and shame? Sure. Did she do it out of a sense of despair over her future? Absolutely. Was she a product of her time, where women had no freedoms? Yes. Was she a rebel? Sure. Was she amoral? Certainly. Did she deserve her fate? Yes. Did she not deserve her fate? Also yes.
People just need to calm the hell down and stop acting crazy. Nobody cares if you have a degree. ALso, if you have a degree and you are WRONG In the end, that's just going to be embarrassing. So just be and let others be as well.
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appetite4savage · 2 years
Mr. Self-Destruct (Joe Elliott)
Joe’s POV
The sound of laughter from couples all around me is going to make my brain explode. I have to get out of here. I can’t though, I drank all the booze I have at home.
Nothing takes the pain away. Wherever I look I see her. I see him. I see them. In my bed that I paid for.
I can’t wait to surprise her. I wasn’t supposed to come home for another few weeks, but I just had to catch the first flight home. I’ll deal with the repercussions later.
That’s odd. I don’t recognize that vehicle in my driveway. Maybe she has a friend over?
I sneak up the stairs to our bedroom. I burst through the door and the sight in front of me isn’t what I expected.
“Honey, I’m h-“
I can feel my heart shattering into a thousand pieces.
The love of my life is wrapped around another man.
“Joe?” She scrambles to cover herself up.
“I’m going to leave, and when I come back, you and your shit better be out of my house.” I grumble, slamming the door so hard that I nearly break it off the hinges.
She did just that. This happened a month ago. It still doesn’t feel real.
I’ve developed a nightly routine of drinking myself into oblivion.
The squeak of the leather stool next to me being sat in breaks me out of my thoughts.
“Hi, I’m-“
“Not interested.” I don’t even look up. The last thing I need is a woman right now.
“Wow. Rough night?”
Sigh. I guess I can stop being an ass for five minutes.
“Rough life.” I glance over at the being sitting next to me. She looks like she walked in straight from a California beach.
“Been there.” She responds before motioning over the bartender. “The strongest whiskey you have.”
“You’re the first lass to not order a Dirty Shirley in the couple hours I’ve been here.”
She laughs, gulping down the two shots in one breath.
I raise my eyebrows. “Impressive.”
“I have an older brother.” She winks.
“Ah. Makes sense.” I nod and raise my glass to my lips one more time before I head home to give my liver a break.
“Heading off so soon?” She asks as I stand up and put on my jacket.
“Unfortunately, yes. The old liver is screaming for me to go to bed.”
“Um, well.” She pulls a sticky note pad out of her bag and a pen, quickly writing something down. “I know you said you weren’t interested, but call me if you change your mind.”
“Will do.” I hold up the note and walk home, thinking of her all the way there.
Earlier I was exhausted. Now, I’m tossing and turning. Soon I’ll know exactly how many tiles are on my bedroom ceiling.
Call her, Joe.
The voice in my head repeats this phrase over and over again.
Who am I kidding? She probably won’t even answer. It’s late. She might even still be at the bar.
Before I realize it, I’m sitting up dialing the phone next to me.
It rings for a while, so long that I contemplate hanging up completely. On the last ring, someone picks up.
I cough, nervously. “Uh, hi. It’s Joe from the bar.”
“Joe, right! Hi.”
It’s at this point, I realized I never got her name.
“You know, we never told each other our names.” I try to make conversation.
“Y/N. Gotcha.”
“What’s on your mind?” She giggles.
Right, usually when people call others in the middle of the night they have a reason.
“Oh, um. Well. I’ve had you on my mind since I left.”
“Yeah. I changed my mind.”
“I’m glad.”
“So, I’d like to see you again.” I managed to muster up the courage to ask.
“I’d love to. Meet me back at the bar tomorrow night. We can have a proper introduction this time.” I can tell that she has a smile on her face even on the phone.
“I’m sorry I was such an arse, it’s been a rough-“
“Don’t worry about it. It never happened. I’ll see you tomorrow, Joe. Goodnight.”
Five years later
“Joe!” She yelps as I catch up to her, spinning her around before we collapse on the beach sand. Turns out I was right about her looking like she had just walked in from a California beach. She had, because she lives there. Now I do too.
“How did you think that you could outrun me? Years of football experience, love.” I kiss her cheek as we watch the waves roll by, wrapping my arms around her.
She chuckles. “How naive of me.” Instead of trying to push me away, she pulls me closer.
“Happy anniversary.” I whisper in her ear.
“Happy anniversary. Aren’t you thankful you were at the bar that night?”
“Yes, very thankful I had my heart beaten into shambles and that I wanted to drink my life away.”
She’s used to my dry sarcasm but still slaps the back of my head.
“You should be. You should also be grateful that I gave you my number despite you being a complete ass.” She raises her eyebrows as she says this matter-of-factly.
“You’re right. There’s no where else I’d rather be than right here.”
We stay there until the sunset casts an orange glow over the water, bringing a peaceful aura to the beach.
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (30 Oct-5 Nov 2022)
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😍👂‍ The Long Game (Game Changers #6) (Rachel Reid, author; Cooper North, narrator) - #1 this story runs concurrent to Role Model so I thought it was good to read it straight after #2 I love that we got such a great sequel, showing them working out some more relationship stuff (cause as much as I love a HEA idea, HEA's require intentional action) but mainly #3 I need zero reasons to reread Shane & Ilya, my forever faves
🥰 Dear Mr. Postman (odetteandodile) - reread - delectable 'marriage for insurance while secretly pining' fic. so much good pining in this.
🥰 The Lady And The Tiger (Shivadhverse #3) (Sam Starbuck aka @copperbadge) - just so in love with this delightful fluffy series!
😊 Piece of Cake: A Swanley Story (Swanley #2.5) (Valentine Wheeler) - super cute short queer romance, love to see a legit older MC
🙂 Study Hall (Alec J. Marsh) - D/s short story
😍👂‍ Howl's Moving Castle (Diana Wynn Jones, author; Jenny Sterlin, narrator) - this narrator was great and I adored that they gave Howl a Welsh accent from the jump
🙂 There Are No Wolves in California (Werewolves on the Other Hand…) (isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella), KioFox) - 49K, Sterek - pure wish-fullfillment of a bullied Stiles being rescued by a wolf pack
💖💖 +270K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Mise en Place (Draco_sollicitus) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 26K - reread - absolutely adore this omegaverse shrunkyclunks
In the Woods Somewhere (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 5.5K - wow wow wow! incredible monsterfucking fic with great feelings. love love love
Ink & Ivy (ToBebbanburg) - The Old Guard: Kaysanova, 28K - reread - lovely, soft, wonderful modern tattooist/florist AU
Where There's a Will There's a Way (xiaq) - The Mandalorian: DinLuke, 21K - reluctant accidental Mandalore Din & Jedi twink Luke - just oodles of fun
Ghosts - s2, e5
Doctor Who - s12, e11
Doctor Who - Flux [s13, e1-6]
It's Been a Minute - Vampires are hot, y'all
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Lost Hits vs. Legacy Hits
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Scary Stories from Real Places
Ologies with Alie Ward - Vampirology (VAMPIRES) Part 2 with Jeff Holdeman
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Witch Cakes
Hit Parade Plus - Give Up the Funk Edition
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Chi-town, Soul Town
Switched on Pop - Scary Pockets funkify pop classics (with Lizzy McAlpine)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Thompson Ice House
Shedunnit - The Shedunnit Centenary
It's Been a Minute - Sophistication and sexuality at 70 with Christine Baranski
Still Processing - Alien Superstar
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 3: Richard Osman
Vibe Check - Choose Your Fighter
Articles of Interest - American Ivy: Chapter 1
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Hacienda Napoles
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Synth War
Song Exploder - Iron & Wine "Flightless Bird, American Mouth"
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 9: Selasi Gbormittah
Into It - We Need to Talk About Marvel (Plus: What's Vinny Thomas Into?)
One Year Plus - 1942: The Day the Music Stopped
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Kasanka Bat Migration
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 99: Domhnall Gleeson
Uncle Fester's Record Collection
Heavy Metal Halloween
Essential Hard Rock
Classic Disco Hits
Presenting Troy Sivan
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Prompt: Requested by the lovely @romanreignsgirl20 , as a surprise to her friend @jazzy-bella02 I hope you girls like it 😉
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Jon Moxley x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, rough sex, degradation kink (name calling), dirty talk, asphyxiation kink (breath play), cursing, dom x sub dynamic
Editor: @rheacanbreakme
Tag: @marlananicole , @bellalutionn , @yungbludjazz360 , @sassymox
Notes: *insert passing out gif here* I wish, girl, I fucking wish! You can check out my previous stories on my Masterlist if you’d like (it would make me your girl here very happy 🤗). And now, let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy...
My first AEW live event, how exciting is that? I’m excited for everything, but to be honest, the thing I was most excited about was to see my favorite wrestler (and my eternal crush) Jon Moxley. The only reason I had bought tickets for this live event was because of him. And I couldn’t wait to see him face to face.
Suddenly his music started, and there he was. Beautiful, with that bad boy attitude and swagger. He passed through the middle of the audience, cutting his way through the people to get to the ring, and that’s when he stopped by my side to stare at Darby, who was waiting for him in the ring.
He smelled amazing! Masculine, earthy, fresh, spicy and kinda musky. That was when he looked down at me.
“Hey there, doll” Jon said, winking
My voice got caught in my throat and I could only nod as a greeting
“Are you gonna root for me?” He asked, seriously
“Y-Yes...I- I came here just to see you” I said, my cheeks beginning to flush pink in embarrassment
“Oh really? So why don’t we make a deal? If I win you come backstage with me” He proposed
“And what if you lose?” I asked
His only response to me was a loud laugh as he ran to the ring.
The match ended as fast as it started. Jon took over Darby like he was nothing, and when the match was over, he asked for a microphone, squatted down next to Darby’s body and said
“What you have witnessed, is a message for anyone backstage who wants to fuck with me. Try your luck, buddies, but don’t you never forget that” His eyes searched through the audience until he found me, and while smirking, he continued “Jon Moxley NEVER loses! And at the end of the day, I always get what I want” He dropped the microphone on top of Darby’s chest, and made his way to the audience. When he was in front of me, Jon picked me up in his arms bridal style, and walked towards his locker room.
He placed my feet softly on the floor of his locker room, locked the door, and asked
“So, what’s your name, kitty cat?”
“Is it true that you came here today just to see me?” Jon slowly started to get closer, and closer to me
“Yes..I-I drove five hours just to see you, Mox” I shyly responded
“Five hours?” He whistled “Wow, that’s a whole lot of effort just to see my sorry ass” He cackled, lighting up a cigarette
“I have a sore spot for you, so..” I joked and Jon chuckled
“Oh yeah?” He sat on the black leather couch, and patted his thigh, almost as a hint for me to sit down on it
“Tell me, kitty cat, besides that sore spot is there any other spot that you might have for me? I don’t know, maybe like... a wet and warm one?” He asked, as one of his hands caressed my ass through my jeans
My face escalated through one thousand shades of red reacting to his words..
“Oh,” Jon laughed, amused, “Kitten is one of the shy ones, huh?”
“I’m not used to hearing those things..”
“It’s ok, doll. I like the shy ones! They always surprise you anyways” He smirked “Will you surprise me, Y/N? Will you make me believe that you’re all sweet, innocent and collected and then, when I’m fucking you, you’ll say the most filthiest things that can even make ME blush?”
I don’t know where the courage that took over me came from, but I grabbed him and said
“I guess you’ll have to find out”
Jon’s eyes became a darker shade of blue, as an mischievous grin took over his lips
“Oh, you’re definitely one of the fun ones! We’re gonna have a good time, kitten. I can already tell”
I straddled his hip and asked “Are you gonna talk the whole night through, or are you gonna do something, Jon Moxley?”
He quickly grabbed my thighs and laid me down on the couch, pinning my body down with his weight.
“You’re gonna wish you never said that” He threatened, coldly. And I believed him.
One hand quickly came up to my throat, and squeezed, hard. Jon leaned down to kiss me, but when he got close enough and I closed my eyes to savour it, the fucker leaned back, laughing
“How bad do you want it?” He asked, with mischief dancing upon those blue orbs
“Very badly” I panted
“Yeah? Are you gonna scream for me? Let everyone know how much of a whore you are for me?”
“Yes, sir” I moaned
“Oh, she’s a trained slut! That’s good. At least I won’t have to waste my time teaching you shit” He bit my lip forcefully
“Safeword?” Jon asked
“Color system, sir”
“Good” He released my neck and stood up “Strip for me” He commanded, sitting down on the armchair across the couch
I clumsily stood up, and began to mechanically take my clothes off.
“Stop” He said, making me look at him in confusion
“What the fuck are you doing, Y/N?”
“Taking my clothes off, as you requested, sir”
Jon shook his head in disappointment “Unbelievable” He muttered under his breath
“Are you deaf, Y/N?”
“No, sir” I replied, still confused
“I told you to strip for me! Not for you to take your clothes off without any passion” He said with disdain in his voice
“I’m sorry, sir”
“Start again” Jon commanded, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling the fly down.
I swallowed my embarrassment and did as I was told, and began to strip for him
I removed my t-shirt slowly, followed by my bra, which I let teasingly slide down my arms. Jon groaned at the sight of my bare breasts and started to touch himself through his boxers.
When I began to pull my jeans down, Jon said
“Come closer, Y/N”
I obliged and he told me to turn around, so my back was facing him now.
“Pull your jeans down, slowly” He said and I did as he wanted, pulling my jeans down, torturously slow.
“Hmmm, fuck. That’s it, kitten. Just like that” He cooed and I could hear him spitting on his palm “Take a few steps back, doll” He requested
I walked backwards until he told me to stop, that was when he told me to continue
“Fuck, you have a beautiful ass” Jon said, licking my (now exposed) ass cheeks.
He asked me to turn around, and so I did
“See through?” He asked, caressing the thin layer of light blue lace that covered my mound.
His soft and lazy caresses soon found my clit, and he began to circle the nub through the lace panties, making me moan at the friction.
I could now see that Jon’s cock was completely out of his boxers, as he was stroking himself. And I could already feel the pressure of my release, building up. As I was about to cum, he stopped the action on my clit and told me to lose the panties.
“Go to the couch, kneel on it, and rest your chest on the backrest” Jon quickly said, as he opened the condom.
Seconds after, I felt his presence behind me. He pushed my hips back slightly, and positioned himself on my entrance
“Are you gonna be a good kitten for me?” He whispered in my ear
“Yes, sir” I gasped, when I felt him sliding in
“Are you gonna scream for me?”
“Yes, sir”
“Are you gonna let everybody in this backstage hear how good I’m fucking you?”
“Yes, sir...please” I moaned
Jon forcefully thrusted into me, making the air escape from my lungs.
“Sir” I cried out, grabbing his wrist
“So fucking tight, kitten” He moaned “But don’t worry, we’re about to change that” As he moaned again and laughed.
Jon began to move slowly in and out, stretching my walls to fit him perfectly and once he could move easily in and out, his thrusts became so hard that my chest smacked the back of the couch each time he entered me. It all felt so good that I instinctively started to meet his thrusts
“Oh fuck yes, kitten! That’s right, baby, take it! Fuck yourself on my cock”
His encouragement made me move faster and faster and without noticing I began screaming
“I’m Mox’s good little whore”
Jon growled, pounding harder and deeper.
“Yes you are, kitten! Fuck, you’re such a good little slut! My perfect slut” He bit my neck and circled one arm around my waist, until he reached my clit and started to rub it
“I want you to cum for me, Y/N. I want you to milk my cock, baby. I wanna feel you clenching around me”
His words worked like magic on me, making me explode around him. My walls became so tight, it even got hard for him to move.
A few seconds later, Jon grunted as he came.
“I knew you would surprise me, but fuck!” He chuckled, as he slid out and took the condom off.
Jon threw the condom in the trash can and returned to the couch. I reached down for my panties, but he was quicker, taking the piece of fabric off the floor and tucking it in the front pocket of his jeans. Leaning down, he finally, for the first time, kissed me. An addictive kiss, that tasted like whiskey, mint and cigarettes.
“Wanna go get some burgers?" He asked, smiling
“Sure” I cackled
“Would you like to come to my place afterwards?” Jon questioned
I looked at him in surprise “You want to see me again?” I asked, shocked
“Of course I do! You’re my own little Pandora’s box, I need to know what else you’re hiding in there” He narrowed his eyes, making me laugh
“So, c’mon” He stood up and offered me his hand “Let’s go get our burgers, kitty cat”...
Please if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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ateezthings · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction: Crush being oblivious to their hints
Anon said: “Could you please write an ateez reaction to having a crush on someone who’s oblivious to their hints?? I have a second one too (more angsty heheheh), ateez reaction to their long time crush announcing they’re dating someone else??”
In this scenario I assumed their crush would be you, cz why would they not have a crush on you, hope you like it 😊 The second one will probably be out next week
Fluff, Slight Angst in Jongho’s part
Pairings: You x each member
Warnings: None (Them confessing their feelings for you, a little manhandling in Jongho’s part)
  Songs that convey the mood I was going for:
Moon Taxi – Say
Keane – Somewhere Only We Know
A Day To Remember – Everything We Need
Great Good Fine Okay, Before You Exit – Find Yourself
Because of your work you had gotten really close to all eight of the boys over the last few month. In the evenings you’d just chill and get something to eat with them. Nights usually ended with all of you lying on the couch in the dorms as one big ball of people, immersed in a show you had all decided to watch together. Some of them were always arguing and screaming during the show but overall, you got along great. You enjoyed their company. Little did you know that one of them enjoyed having you around more than the other boys.
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Towards the end of your movie night, you usually ended up dozing off on Seonghwa’s shoulder. It wasn’t that you were seeking him out, he just always happened to be near you when you started to feel sleepy. But you couldn’t complain, his shoulder was quite comfortable.
One night he told you to meet you in the kitchen, all the other boys were busy fighting each other for snacks in the living room.
“What’s going on Seonghwa?” It worried you a little because he was silent the whole day.
“Uhm, I felt like I needed to talk to you about something…”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Alright, uh… I sort of… uhm... have feelings... for you”
You needed a minute to comprehend what he just said. “Wow… okay… uhm... I didn’t expect that”
“I thought it was quite obvious because you fall asleep on my shoulder every night… but I guess not” He awkwardly chuckled.
Suddenly you felt quite dumb for not noticing.
“Okay uhm… I mean I like being around you… a lot… would you maybe give me some time to think about it?”
His eyebrows seemed to drop a little: “…Yeah, sure”
You couldn’t help but wanting to hug him really tight. While you were embracing him, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
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He pressed play and a wonderfully melodious tune started playing. After a few moments Hongjoong’s voice started to sing on the recording. It was a beautiful love song about someone having a crush on someone else, but all their efforts didn’t seem to get them anywhere.
“Hongjoong that’s a beautiful song… and you wrote it all in one night? Wow”
“That’s all you have to say to that?”
“Well, I complimented you on your efforts… what did you wanna hear?”
“Oh, just forget it” He stopped looking at you and quickly closed the file.
“No really Joong, what is this about?”
He took a deep breath: “It’s about you, Y/N, the song is about you…”
“Hold on… it’s about me? Are you telling me that you have feelings for me, Hongjoong?”
“Finally… Yes Y/N, I’ve been wanting to tell you but you never caught on to my hints…” Now he smiled.
“I never thought, you’d like someone as weird as me…” It was a lot to comprehend for you.
Then he took your hands in his: “I know that I caught you off guard, so I don’t need an answer immediate-”
“No… I do… I like you too”
He broke out into the biggest smiliest smile you had ever seen. You had always wanted to be around him… all the time. And apparently he felt the same way about you.
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On one of your Netflix nights, Yunho had asked you to come with him to get snacks from the convenience store. While you were leaving the rest of the guys yelled at you what they wanted. Typical. It was a beautiful night though, spring was coming, it wasn’t too cold.
“Let’s take this way, it’s shorter” Yunho suggested.
You didn’t recognize this part of your neighborhood: “Yunho? You’re not abducting me, are you?”
“No, you freak” He chuckled.
After a few minutes you arrived at a sort of terrace where you had a beautiful view over the city.
“It’s beautiful up here”
“Y/N, I need to tell you something, that has been on my mind for a while…” He fidgeted with his hands, before finally looking at you.
“Yunho you can tell me anything”
“Okay uhh… I kinda have a crush on you”
Your eyes grew big, you had no idea. “What? oh”
“Have you not noticed that I always ask you to help me with stuff and never the guys?”
Alright that made sense.
You had always thought Yunho was handsome but you’d just assumed he wasn’t looking for anything serious.
You approached him slowly to take his hands into yours.
After gathering all your courage, you closed the distance between you to press a sweet kiss on his lips.
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He had invited you to go to a flea market with him. You hadn’t thought much of it other than you having similar taste to Yeosang, so it was a good match to go together. What you didn’t expect were the thousands of people there, who apparently had the same idea as you. At one point you almost lost him, had Yeosang not grabbed your hand. He didn’t let it go after that. He did that, however, to the other boys as well, so you didn’t think much of it.
A few days later he texted you to come to the roof of their dorm building. You were curious, maybe he wanted to show you a new outfit he got and wanted you to take pictures of him.
When you got there, a few candles were lit and the skyline made for a great view from where the roof was located. It was beautiful.
“Uh, Yes, I’m here!” He waved at you to come to the end of the rooftop, where you had the best view.
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Yeah, you almost forget that there are people running around down there… anyway… why did you wanna meet me here?”
“Uhm… I sort of have something to tell you”
“Okay? Go on” It freaked you out how awkwardly he was fidgeting with his hands.
“Yeah, alright, I’ll just say it… I like you Y/N… a lot”
He took your hands in his.
“I like spending time with you a lot, we often say the same things, we have similar taste in music and clothes and I just really like you… so I was wondering if you’d let me take you on a date sometime? It doesn’t need to be awkward, we already know each other quite well and we could just go out for some pizza and we could get bubble tea afterwards or not, if you’d like to do something else we could do that to or if you don’t want-”
Apparently, the only way to get him to shut up was to kiss him: “Yes, I’d love to go out with you, Yeosang”
He smiled blissfully.
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“Y/N, I’ve got feelings for you… romantic feelings… and it’s been killing me… I needed to tell you… would you maybe go out with me sometime?”
You had noticed San was a lot quieter the last few weeks, he seemed to have turned his attention inwards. But this? Wow, you didn’t expect that.
“San, I don’t know what to say”
“It’s okay, but I needed to tell you otherwise I would’ve exploded right here”
His bluntness was really endearing. You had always gotten along the best with San… And technically he only asked for one date, so what harm could that cause, you liked to spend time with him.
“Yes… I will go out with you”
“Woah, really? I didn’t expect- Now I don’t know what to say” He chuckled.
“You don’t need to” And with that you kissed his cheek.
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All of you were watching It’s okay to not be okay on Netflix, when Wooyoung felt the need to be loud.
“Ugh, it’s so obvious Gang-tae likes her too, are you kidding me? He looks at her the same way Mingi looks at Y/N, come on could it be any more obvious? Just kiss already” He hadn’t realized what he just said but you stared at him in disbelief… as did Mingi.
Mingi liked you? Sure, he usually offered you the last piece of chocolate or the last bite of his ramen, but that’s what friends do, right? You excused yourself to go to the bathroom. While leaving you could hear Hongjoong scolding Wooyoung for not thinking before speaking.
Once you were done in the bathroom, you were surprised to see Mingi standing right in front of the bathroom door.
He smiled awkwardly: “Hi… uh… I’m sorry Wooyoung is such an idiot.”
“No, it’s fine… but is it true? Do you like me?”
“Yeah” He blushed and looked at the floor.
He was so cute. Wait what?... Maybe, you liked him too?
He took a step closer to you as your heart started pounding. Maybe you really liked him.
He was now right in front of you but he didn’t kiss you, he just smiled sweetly at you and took you into his arms: “You don’t need to answer me tonight.”
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“Oh, Y/N, sorry, I didn’t know you were still here.”
Wooyoung stood in front of you, only in his boxers, heading to the bathroom. You didn’t know what to say.
You had come to their dorms as usual, to watch a movie. After a while Jongho and Wooyoung had decided to retract to their rooms to get an early night.
You snapped back to reality when Woo clapped his hands right in front of your face: “Earth to Y/N! I appreciate you checking me out but next time do it a little more subtle.”
Oh no. “I-uh-I wasn’t checking you out… I was just-”
“You don’t need to explain yourself” And you could swear as he walked past you, he winked at you.
After the movie had ended and all the other boys in the living sleepily stumbled towards their rooms, you packed up your things to go home. That’s when Wooyoung walked out again.
“Y/N can I talk to you for a sec?”
“Sure, what’s up, Woo?”
Suddenly he seemed quite insecure, scratching his head, looking at the floor, very unlike him.
“Wooyoung, are you alright?”
“Uh yeah, I just needed to tell you- I’ve wanted to tell you for a while but uhm- I guess what I wanna say is that I sort of have a crush on you”
Your jaw dropped.
“Y/N, I thought you would kinda catch on and talk to me, at the latest back there when I purposefully walked out in my underwear, but you don’t seem to get it”
“Uh… I mean I like you,Woo, we’ve been spending a lot of time together lately… and uhm I can’t say I didn’t like what I saw back there, so” You couldn’t hide your blushing cheeks.
You didn’t need to talk anymore. He closed the distance between you two and kissed you.
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You had playfully picked a fight with Jongho about who got to pick the film for your next movie night. That’s when something in him snapped and he pinned you to the wall. He really took you by surprise.
“Alright enough, Y/N, you’re driving me insane with your oblivious behavior. Have you not noticed how I’m always working out shirtless when you’re in the room? How I give you the first bite of my tteokkbokki or how you always end up in a team with me when we play games?”
“Wh-what are you saying?” Your hands had come up to your chest, he seriously surprised you how he just took your arms and pinned them against the wall. But it also kinda turned you on a little.
“I’m saying that I like you Y/N… I like you more than friends…” That’s when he let you go, running his hand through his hair to relieve some tension.
You still hadn’t moved. When Jongho noticed, his eyebrows drooped a little: “I’m sorry, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to do that”
“No, Jong, it’s just…that… uhm… you’ve never- I’ve never been turned on by you before” Now you were blushing.
His eyebrows were raised: “Oh really? You liked that? There’s more where that came from…”
He took your wrists into his harsh grips again and hungrily pressed his lips on yours.
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ofmythsandmadness · 3 years
to be called beautiful | d.h.
❛ do you ever miss, having someone around to love you?❜
SUMMARY: vigilantes!au. you push the boundaries of your relationship, and ask for a wish you know won't be given back. (or — it's late, and after another night of patrol, loneliness sets in deep.) WARNINGS: slightly nsfw??? mentions to sex, no descriptions. it's not a sexual story, just a part of an inner monologue. WORD COUNT: 2.6k+ NOTES: reposting this in hopes it shows up this time (pls pls pls i'm gonna cry). i've been writing a whole other series that is a totally different writing style, but i've been trying to work out my emotions in small, focused pieces like this one when i can't focus. i might develop this into a small ficlit series of it's own, bc i think it's kinda fun — but we'll see how this goes.
THE BEAST THAT IS YOUR LONELINESS has been your burden for too long to say.
It's hold on you is a familiar ache, one you've felt for years, like a chronic tight tugging on your heart that refuses to give in no matter what you try. But you still refuse to name it for fear of coming to terms with the implications of it all. That you're really alone in this life and you're terrified of what that means and the fact that you can't have what your childhood stories promised would be yours.
Like the fool you are, you cling to the idea that it's just passing notions. You'll get over it one day. The flitting daydreams of a fairytale romance better fit for a vanilla Hallmark flick suck, but one day they won't hurt so bad. You'll numb and find a way to fill the void. And you try, you really do, pushing it down for the quick release of meaningless acts and walks of shames and cold bedsheets.
Sex is a toxic friend. You choose it's pull when your heart aches most and the loneliness begs for your breath to the point where every gasp of air is a privilege, not the bare minimum. It's not what you crave. There's no romance, no love. It's a trade and one that always leaves you feeling robbed of something you're not sure you ever even had.
You rarely remember their names. You know they probably won't remember yours. And why would they? The shudders, the whimpers, the cold moans that amount to nothing but crumbs of a supposedly passionate act only pass an hour, then they're gone. Or you're gone, if you're lonely enough to risk it. A bit of fun, a breath of pink and white and the feeling of someone pulling you closer, begging for your skin against theirs.
And then, it's all grey again. And you're alone at your apartment, washing your body free of the marks some stranger dared to press into your wilting skin, wondering what it would feel like for a lover to kiss you that same way. Running your fingers over every inch that has been caressed by so many faceless guests, trying to hold yourself in the way your foolish heart pounds for. But it's never enough. Your hands don't cup your flesh, don't mould and kiss and promise the carefully knitted lies any lover had dealt you in the past. And you're as cold as ever when they fall back to your sides. Nothing enflames your skin like you wishes it could — like those you wish would.
It's a discontent you live with. Just as you're sure millions of others do. That's what life is; you push yourself through the day, through your mundane day job and your taxing nighttime hobbies (because you sure as hell can't claim what you do as real work if your only pay is in blood and tears). You cling to the good times that happened too long ago to remember clearly, and make the moments that you're alone with your thoughts as small as possible.
But there's no time to consider all that now.
You scrunch your face up as tight as you can, squeezing your eyes shut to the point where you see stars, exploding like confetti in some absurd black void that hides behind your lids. For a moment you hold the pose, watching the stars erupt, until the position hurts too much and you have to release.
Surroundings blur and then clear as your eyes readjust from their disassociation. You stare blearily at the random coffee shop you and your 'associate' chose for the night. It's just as generic as the last five visited, a thousand shades of brown and red and weary smiles the bored baristas wear just for a cheap check that'll barely cover their asses. It's worn and empty; no one's hear except the two of you and the workers who probably hate you for being here so late.
Normally, you would feel like an asshole staying so late. But you can't bring yourself to move, or even suggest to. It's all too heavy. And even if it's in brooding silence, you don't want to leave your partner. Not yet, you beg the universe, just a few more minutes.
And, speaking of—
"What's got you so blue today?"
You blink. Look over to him, only to see him already watching you.
There's really no point lying. He always unravels you too quickly, too easily — it's the detective in him, unravelling anyone and scooping their truths from shivering flesh. Some sort of childhood trauma response he developed into another super power.
You used to hate it. Now...if you concentrate hard enough, his sharp gaze feels like one of a lover's.
"Don't know what you mean," you tell him, foolish and flustered. "I'm just fine."
"Bullshit. You've sighed a dozen times in the last five minutes."
"Tch. No I haven't."
"Did too!"
His teeth glint, white and clashing against the full pink of his lips. You wish you could denounce all the times you wondered what it would feel like to have them graze against your keening skin — but not even all the gods could cleanse of you of those thoughts. Those desperate, pleading, melancholic memories stain; he can't see them, but you do when you look close enough. And you can't escape it, much as you try.
"Seriously, though. What's up with you?"
Your gaze falls down to your hands, eager to escape his allure, though it's not a great distraction. It only makes you more bitter, really, taking in all the flaws that litter your weaponised limbs. They're calloused from a million fights. Your knuckles are scarred, aching from wounds you reopen every other night. A thousand scars from a thousand scrapes, cuts, slashes and grazes linger on once perfect skin. You don't know how many there are, anymore, only that you wish you could wipe them off. Start over, have a clean slate. Erase all your mistakes and be beautiful again.
"I'm just tired," you lie. It's tense and pitiful; you know you've screwed it up the second the words leave your lips. "S'all."
"Ri-i-ight, and I'm the goddamn queen of England."
The absurdity of his retort makes your lips twitch. It's not enough for a smile, your self-inflicted misery makes sure of that, but it's a seed of something. "Wow. Didn't know I was in the presence of royalty."
"Yeah, yeah. Shut it."
"My apologies, your highness."
"Shut up, you little shit," he grumbles, but it's as soft as you get from him. It's practically a cry of love — or your foolish mind paints it as such. You take his teasing insults as promises of adorations and his arguments are poems of lust and infatuation that tug on your heartstrings in ways you know they shouldn't.
You're partners, for crying out loud. Professional coworkers (if you call the bloody mess you two create work). You don't get to miss him, or crave him, or love him like you do.
"Something happen to you?"
You watch his own hands fold and unfold on the table. The long, delicate fingers stand out on a man like him; someone who paints himself in only sharp angles and cutting lines. But you think they match him well. They promise life. Bleed hope, even in the raised scars that lace his skin like your own. You've watched those fingers grip a blade, launch it into flesh, pull and push and dig and rip and take and committed acts of atrocity most people would run from. You know he probably thinks of his hands the same way you do. But you think they're beautiful.
"Nah. It's...it's nothing. Really."
You can't see his face, but you imagine his narrowed eyes and furrowed brows asking for an answer you're just not willing to give. "C'mon, just tell me. Can't be that bad."
Your body laughs. You hear it from some place far away. It's cold and hoarse; you wonder how long it's been since you've heard a genuine laugh from yourself. You wonder if he notices (and wishes he did, foolishly, frivolously...).
It's probably stupid, but you go for it.
"You ever miss having someone?"
Something creaks; his chair, groaning as he shifts his weight. One of his fingers taps against his empty coffee cup; idle music for a restless soul.
"Like, in what way?"
"I..." Your nails dig into your palms. This was a mistake, but one you have to follow through with. He won't accept silence after something like that. "In the cheesy, domestic sorta way? That whole, havin' someone to come home to, someone who you can talk to, someone who..." the words stick like molasses in the back of your throat. Try as you do, they refuse to give themselves to him, so you have to substitute. "Just, someone who likes you, past your body or, or whatever."
"Sorry." It's your turn to shift in your seat, awkwardly searching for something to occupy yourself with as this uncomfortable energy you've created carries on. But your cup's empty, and you don't have the cash to ask for another overpriced latte. "Forget about it. Let's talk about somethin' else, yeah?"
He doesn't answer that. In fact, he doesn't say anything at all for a moment, long enough to make you wonder if you've just crossed the line of no return. You can't bring yourself to look at him, hell your cowardice is painful enough to make you wonder if you should just make a run for it, say au revoir! to the bond you've built with this knife-obsessed robin hood and crush your heart forever.
It's tempting, and you consider it, but then he fills the silence.
"I miss Eudora sometimes."
Finally, your gaze tilts up. Your eyes meet his lips. He's not smiling anymore.
You guys don't talk about exes together. It's a forbidden topic, same as family or childhoods or the number of people that have cut you open and bled you dry for fun. It's too personal, and in this line of work, personal doesn't fly. But you know Eudora Patch, because this line of work requires a couple run ins with people like her, and because your partner in crime has never learned how to stop his emotions from bleeding into his expression.
"Not because I still love her, but y'know..." his fingers wave aimlessly. "It was nice, when it worked. I liked having someone to sleep with. In a non-sexual manner." His lip curls a little. "Guess the sex part was nice too, though."
You nod. "Yeah, I get that. It's...it was nice, having someone who knew you. Who wanted to make you feel good, not just for themselves but 'cause that sort of things matters."
"Y'ever consider pursuing that sort of thing?"
He shakes his head. His adamancy is a truck smashing into your heart — though you know you should have expected no less, it still hurts. "I can't. It never works, with people like us. Y'know?"
"Yeah. Makes sense." You want to say more. You probably should say more — but you doubt he wants to hear your woes about intimacy, and the pathetic ways you crave affection you probably don't deserve. "Yeah."
His brows knot. "Why're you asking? Someone do somethin'?"
"What? No."
"Cause, like, if someone's hurt you, I'll—"
"I'm fine," you promise, and without thinking, you reach across the table to pat his hand. To reassure him like one would a lover. But just before your fingers meet his, the bitter reminder that he's not yours sets in and you draw back. Your hand falls a couple inches from his own. "And I can take care of myself, if I wasn't. Don't worry."
He chuckles mirthlessly. "Y'sure about that? You're still the dumbass that tripped over her own feet twice walking down an empty sidewalk, and—"
"—oh, you are such an asshole, why can't you just—"
"—so if you need someone to cut a bitch, I'm available."
You soften slightly. Try to smile, even if it's a false promise and probably hangs like a broken door on mismatched hinges. "I appreciate that. But I'm okay. Think I'm just tired, and a little lonely."
"What, I'm not good enough for you anymore?"
Bitterness seeps onto your tongue; it speaks before you can shut your lips around it. "You're fine as a partner against crime. But you're not anything otherwise, are you?" It feels like a taunt. You hadn't meant it to be — though, maybe you had.
If he takes your jeer poorly, though, it doesn't show on his face. He's still smiling and watching you, eyes simmering with a joke you wish you were in on.
"It doesn't matter though. Having someone's too complicated, 'specially for fools like us. Sometimes it's just..." you don't have a good answer. Not one he'd want to hear, anyways. "I just miss it sometimes. It'd be nice to have someone to talk to, or eat breakfast with in the mornings."
He nods slowly. "Yeah. Was nice, having another body around."
"Yeah. Ha. I," you stutter out a chuckle. Tug at your lip, nibbling at the cracked skin that comes with your long nights. "No one prepares you for how lonely adulthood is. Like, I'm half tempted to make friends with the takeout guys, just so I have a friend at all."
"We're friends."
"You know what I mean," you mumble, swallowing the bitter 'are we?' that almost makes its way off your tongue. "It was just nice when I had the time, to have a person around. Someone to like, hold hands with, or-or call me beautiful, sometimes. I-I can't remember the last time called me that, any..."
You hadn't meant for that last confession.
He wasn't supposed to hear that. It's too personal, too personal, too fucking personal for someone you don't even know.
Everything trembles; you're shaking like an avalanche, ready to sweep it all away under some snow drift. Never to be seen again. But you can't do that, there's no taking back the way your voice cracked as it reaches it's last word, and how your hand slips into a fist, ready to charge even though there's no punching your way out of this fumble.
You crack. Stumble out of your seat. Before he can talk you're moving, throwing a couple bills (too many for your poor wallet, you'll pay for that later) down and mumbling something about heading home. Your head's spinning and you just want to sit down again, pretend like this never happened and ask about some meaningless moment in a meaningless day that you wish could be yours and his, not just—
"—text me when you're goin' out again," you say, high and nervous. "I'll be around."
You turn.
"You don't have to leave."
"I got work tomorrow. Early."
"Thought you had the day off?"
Fuck, la deuxième acte. "Taking a shift for someone."
"Oh." He doesn't believe you. He would be a fool to. But he agrees anyways. "Okay."
"See ya, Kraken."
He doesn't answer you back. It's probably better that way.
Many hours later, you're in bed, finally dozing off. You've rinsed off the filth of the night and resigned yourself to a barely adequate rest alone, too tired to consider what usually makes your mind race. It's been a long day; let future you contemplate all the ways you've screwed up.
Just as you're about to fall asleep, however, there's a small ping! that immediately wakes you up A notification sound reserved for only one person.
You groan but still roll over. Your heart may be a humiliated, burning mess, but it still beats for him, much as you've tried to stifle it.
kraken // 2:36 am. you available at 11p tomorrow?
kraken // 2:37 am. got word somethin going down at east docks, wanna check it out before it gets bad.
Relief is a sweet blessing. You exhale and smile into the darkness. He's still a professional, even if you seem unable to understand what that means.
you // 2:40 am. for sure. meet me at my place whenever and we can prep.
You leave it at that. Whatever he has to say after that, cannot be too important to waste your precious hours of sleep. So you roll over and shut your eyes and let yourself forget about the empty space that fills your place.
It's a decision you regret the next morning, when you wake up and realise what you missed.
kraken // 3:31 am. you ever get lonely for someone, feel free to let me know.
kraken // 3:32 am. might not make a great boyfriend, but i'll eat breakfast with you. so long as you're cooking.
A/N - I had a whole idea for two tired vigilantes (like what Diego does in season one, but partnered up) who both are really lonely and tired of life and all it's shit, and rely on each other more than they'll ever admit, and...I'll probably never write it, but this was a fun bit of that. two lonely emotionally deprived assholes who can't accept that maybe they can be loved and the person who wants to is right in front of them. :)
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The Next Chapter (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood X Reader
Requested: yes!
Summary: A family gathering has you and Calum thinking about the future
Warnings: Fluff. I used the word vagina once. Maybe some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, sorry)
Word Count: 1.7K
Author’s Note: Loving these request 🥺❤️ a little fluffy piece for my favorite boy ✨ Remember that Reblogs, comments, feedback and likes are very important and appreciated ❤️ I love to hear from you guys and you don’t know how much that helps me and motivates me! Hope you like it and Happy Reading🦋✨🌻
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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Anon: omg can you do one ab asking if cal wants to start a family
“Babe! Hurry we are going to be late!”
You were standing at the front door, looking inside of your bag in case you have forgotten anything.
“Y/N, you do know I went to the bathroom five minutes before you were done getting ready, right?” Your husband, Calum, said as he walked up to you.
You had to admit, you married the hottest guy on the planet. How can someone make a pair of jeans with a simple white shirt look so good?!
“But I still beat you at the door, didn’t I?” You asked with a grin that Calum easily reciprocated.
“That you did” He smiled, placing one hand at your side, kissing your template, and whispering in your ear “But that doesn’t mean you can beat me at the car” And with that, he started sprinting towards the driver’s seat.
It amazes you how after almost 7 years of relationship you never got over the honeymoon phase. You have met Calum when both of you were young, reckless, and stupid; and not looking for a relationship. But it only took one look at those brown eyes and you were hooked.
You still remember how he came to you with a lame excuse to talk to you at one of the many parties you used to crash with your best friends.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” He said, and you almost thought he discovered you and was going to call security “I’m pretty sure god will wonder where all of their angels went”
He quickly apologized once he realized the words that fell out of his mouth, but you just stood there giggling at this cute attempt of flirting. And, as they say, the rest was history.
The next couple of years came and went and it almost seemed like you were in some kind of an alternate reality where everything played out as it was supposed to. Yes, of course, there were rocky times, especially when distance came to play, but all those times just made your relationship stronger.
Neither of you knew why, but being together just felt right. Which ultimately came to him proposing one eventful night in August after visiting his parents in Australia. And that then leads to your wedding just a few months later, you still recall that as one of the happiest moments of your life.
That was 3 years ago, and you were proud to say that you got to marry your best friend. Every day felt like a never-ending slumber party with new adventures and dreams to fulfill. And you wouldn’t change it for the world.
You were thinking about it as of now, looking at Calum with a smile as he drove to your cousin’s place to celebrate the birthday of the newest addition to the family: your baby niece.
Going to these kinds of parties became pretty regular for you, given that you came from a really big family and all your cousins were almost the same age as you, so they started popping babies out like it was nothing! And you were so thankful Calum was always happy to come along “I love your family, Angel!” He said “And you have to give it to them, they know how to throw a party”
It was true. If there is something your family doesn’t take lightly is parties. You still get a headache every time you remember the stress of convincing them to do something lowkey for your wedding. And as you parked outside your cousin’s house you wonder how you actually did it.
“Wow,” Said Calum as he looked at all the balloons decorating the front door “They really went all out on this one” He laughed.
“Sabrina is one year old!” You laughed, unbuckling your seatbelt as Calum opened the door for you “She won’t even remember this!”
“Yeah.. but at least Aunt Bridget will get to brag about having real mariachis playing at the party”
“Real maria-?” You asked, but Calum was already trying to hold his laughter as he pointed to a mariachi band getting out of their van “Okay, that is new… We are not even from Mexico!”
“No… but mom went to the wedding of Mr. Gómez’s son and she insisted we hired the same band for little Sab’s birthday” Your cousin answered as she opened the door.
You and Calum hugged your cousin before making your way inside the house. You stood in awe as you walked up the backyard and everything was decorated in different shades of pink and purple. Even the family dog had some sort of ribbon around his collar.
“This looks…” You began
“Like if a vagina exploded?” Calum finished for you. You slapped him in the arm playfully, trying so hard not to laugh along with him and be serious.
Your cousin came back a few moments later to hand each of you a drink and inviting you outside to join the party.
The mariachis were actually really good, especially when they made Calum have a dance-off with one of your uncles to the chicken dance song. And the rest of the party was also really fun for kids and adults alike.
Now the sun was starting to set and most of your family members decided it was time to call it a day after so many games and dancing. You and Calum, however, decided to stay a little longer since most of your cousins unofficially agreed to have a ‘family-friendly after-party’
You were sitting next to your cousin as you held her baby in your lap, making her dance along with the music.
“You are good at this,” Your cousin said, looking at you and baby Sabrina.
You laughed “It’s not too hard of a job to entertain a baby” And to prove your point, you started making faces at your niece, who started laughing right away.
“It’s not that! You, my dear, have the touch”
“The touch?” She nodded.
“You have that motherly essence, it’s easy for you to engage with the children - they all love you by the way, which is a fact I’m extremely jealous of - And you just have that capacity of love only a parent can understand. C’mon, don’t tell me you and Calum haven’t thought about having a family?”
You drifted your eyes to find Calum amongst the crowd of adults and children.
He was playing soccer with your older nieces and nephews, laughing as he threw himself to the ground on exaggerated acting as the kids scored goal after goal, laughing at your husband’s antics.
And just like that, it was like an image of your future passing by You and Calum sitting in the backyard with Duke running around with your child, playing all sorts of games with you, swimming in the pool, and eating ice cream. Reading bedtime stories as Calum sang them to sleep, him teaching them how to play different instruments and sports, always encouraging them to follow their dreams and passions… Yes, you could get used to that.
“I- I haven’t thought about it” You finally said with a light blush on your cheeks. You didn’t know if it was because of the question, your daydream, or the way Calum was looking and smiling at you.
You couldn’t stop thinking about what your cousin said even when you were already in the car and on your way home with Calum humming along with the songs on the radio.
Once you reached your home you started looking around, thinking of all the places you could share with your potential future family; cooking dinner together at night or watching frozen one thousand times on movie night or creating a playroom just for them so they could have their own space to create whatever comes into their minds and-
“You are really quiet, Angel,” Your husband said, interrupting your train of thought “Is everything alright?”
You pressed your lips together in a tight smile and nodded as he came to hug you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder “Did you have fun with the kids today?” You asked cautiously.
Calum chuckled “Yeah… Matthew almost threw me off at one point, he’s getting good at soccer”
“I hope so! His dad told me he started going to practice cause he wants to be a soccer player and a musician like his uncle Cal” You said, pecking your lips in Calum’s red cheek. You could see that he was slightly embarrassed but in a good way. You wonder if your future children will be like that as well.
Maybe they’ll have his cheeks, or your eyes… oh, please let them have Calum’s curly hair.
You smiled to yourself at the thought of little chubby-cheeked curly-haired heads running around your house. They will be perfect and they will be so loved…
Calum hummed next to your ear, placing a little kiss to the shell of it “I know what’s got you all wrapped up in daydream land” He said, hugging you tighter.
You turned your face to look at him “You do?” He nodded and placed his head on your shoulder again.
“Knew it since I saw you looking at me when I was playing with the kids” He placed a kiss on your cheek and made you turn around completely while still holding you by your waist. You swore you could hear the beating of your heart thundering louder and louder.
“And to be honest, I’ve been thinking about it since the first time I saw you hold a baby”
You blinked at him, confusion written all over your face “What?”
“Well… I knew from the moment I saw you that I wanted to start a family with you. I just confirmed it the day you took me to Matthew’s birthday party to meet your family” He said as a matter-of-factly.
“Yo-you want to start a family with me?” You asked with a flash of hope in your eyes.
Calum smiled at you, his eyes filled with pure adoration “I want to start everything with you, Angel. As long as you let me”
“Do you think we’re ready?”
“I love you, you love me” He said and you nodded with a smile “We’ve been together for 7 years, married for 3; we both have steady jobs, I’m not leaving for tour anytime soon so I’ll be home through every step of the way, we live in a nice house and Duke is more than ready to have a new partner in crime, so… what do you say, love?” Calum said with a cheeky smile.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer into a kiss.
“Let’s do it”
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @theshyspy @talksoprettyjjx @sarcasticallywitty15 @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @Yeah-and69 @mystic-232
*if Your @ is crossed it means I can’t tag you for some reason, please send me a message so we can fix this ✨
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Gleamin' Shiny and Bright ✿ L.E
Loving Lily made it feel as if the world suddenly became saturated with varying piercing bright colours that were hidden before. It was endless and expanded with every waking moment. She learned to love Lily in hues and shades of colours: reds also revealed to have pinks, blues suddenly had turquoise and periwinkle, purples became violets and lavender while yellow became creams and blended with red to make orange.
Pairing: Lily Evans x [F]Reader CW: Implied sexual content, fluff, a lot of fluff, discussions of marriage, fluff, Unbeta’d A/N: Inspo: Emerald Eyes by Fleetwood mac
【 Masterlist | Playlist | ao3 】
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Lily’s fingers softly trailed down the contours of Y/N’s spine as her lips trailed her jaw all the way up to her ear. Both laid bare, bodies intertwined in soft silk sheets, basking in the soft golden glow of the setting sun. Lily whispered seductively into her ear which had her skin burning in its wake.
“You’re insatiable!” she giggled, pushing Lily away playfully before turning to face her.
“Only for you.” Lily purred, before attacking her with peppered kisses. Y/N’s hands sneaked to cradle her face, weaving their way through her red, messy hair cascading all around her.
The way the warm rays spilled onto Lily made her look ethereal. A soft blush spread all over her cheekbones as Y/N subconsciously traced her freckles. They were laid out like a constellation, a road hidden with secrets and stories that only she knew.
She would consider herself lucky; to be able to touch, to know, to laugh and to hold someone like Lily Evans. Y/N could live a thousand lifetimes and still never feel worthy of someone like her.
She recalled the early stages of falling in love with Lily. It crept on her slowly, quietly but then pulled her into a whirlwind. Falling in love with her felt like climbing onto a roller coaster, being strapped in tightly and started moving. Every sharp twist, every slump and new loop constantly had her wanting more. The ride would speed up, her heart pound and fluttered before her stomach turned and twisted once the ride flipped upside down. But she was more than fine with that. Perfect, actually. It stayed like that, for weeks, for months until the ride came to a stop.
Being in love with Lily was like climbing off the ride, dazed and high, enriched in the atmosphere around. Everything felt soothing, like slipping into a warm bath on a winter’s eve. Even her name brought her to ease.
Every kiss pressed to her lips made Y/N feel sun-kissed, basked in a thousand stars. “I love you,” she breathed.
There was a soft gaze in Lily’s eyes as her forehead leaned against hers; eyes darting across her face like she was trying to commit everything to memory. Before Y/N went to open her mouth again, she was suddenly interrupted. Her words were quiet, breathy — barely above a whisper but it seemed like the loudest Lily had ever spoken.
“Do you want to get married?”
Y/N halts, becoming motionless and pulls away from Lily to stare unto her bright, emerald eyes as silence ensues. Her jaw is slacked, confused as she studies a-way-too calm Lily whilst her abdomen explodes with fluttering butterflies. They could both hear the soft crashing of waves in the background along with the seagulls singing their daily rituals. They both had rented out a small cottage in Cornwall for their second anniversary, their window wide open as the curtains moved as the breeze flowed in.
She swore her heart stopped.
“. . .What? Was that — are you proposing?”
But then the reality of what she said must’ve hit Lily all at once as the words fell from her lips because she sits upright, eyes wide and tries to seem unperturbed by Y/N’s shock. She rips away, hand threading through her hair as her mouth opens and closes like somehow the action would take back what she said.
“Ugh — Y’know. . . um — right, sorry. I — let’s er. . . forget what I said.”
Lily pushes up, away from her, the cool feeling of the evening breeze now surrounds them but Y/N grabs her wrist and pulls her back.
“No, continue!” she urged. Somehow, Lily’s blush deepens.
“Well — erm, no, I wasn’t proposing,” but then Lily sputters, quickly adding on. “It’s not like I don’t want to! I very much want to — it just won’t be like this? Wait, um — okay.” She stops to recollect herself. “We’ve just never talked about. . .” her eyes glance up to gauge her reaction, “marriage before. . . and once I propose, I just wanted to make sure you were on the same page?”
Y/N’s lungs seem to collapse, rip apart and then piece themselves back together as the implication from Lily’s words reverberated inside her now very empty head.
I want to, she said — once I propose. She said once and want to. That means it will happen — that she has every intention of marrying her eventually.
Lily Evans wants to marry her. She has to take a moment to process it, but the silence leaves Lily panicking.
“Nevermind, it’s stupid — not important —”
“Stop it,” she finally snaps out of her daze, “that wasn’t stupid. Far from it.”
Lily drops her head into her hands as she struggles to put her thoughts into words. Her palms eventually worm their way to press firmly against her eyes as her fingers yank down on her hair. She was struggling, immensely hard and Y/N’s heart ached at the scene. So, she moved closer to her, closing the gap between them as she placed an encouraging hand on Lily’s knee. That seemed to stop the intrusive thoughts altogether as she bit her lip.
She takes a deep breath of air, feeling the breeze help calm her down and chest starts to return to its normal intervals.
“I know I want to get married,” she states. Her eyes lock with Y/N’s as she desperately tries to make out how she’s feeling. Lily read every micro-expression, studied the way she blinked or breathed in hopes of an answer.
Y/N lets the words sink in for a second and her heart beats so hard against her chest she wonders if Lily could hear. But then Lily coughs; she wants a response — some sort — any sort of confirmation that what she said was okay. “So. . .”
“Wow.” Inwardly, she scolds herself.
Lily tilts her head. “Is that a bad wow?”
She gently lays herself back down on the soft pillows as Lily follows. They both face each other as the wind beckons them. She tucks a strand of fallen red hair behind Lily’s ears and Y/N couldn’t help but fall in love just a little more, a little harder and a few imagines of what their potential wedding could look like popped up.
“No," she reassured her, "but you really know how to leave me breathless, literally.” And then Lily let out a breathy chuckle and she smiled. Her smile… it lit Y/N up like a thousand stars. Her smile was so bright, so beautiful that it could make flowers grow and it was the most precious treasure Y/N could ever ask for. Her heart cooled, from the cool wind, to a warm contentedness.
She pulls Lily flush against her, pressing a soft kiss against her velvety lips and pulls back just enough to see her reaction but bathe in her warmth.
“I do too,” her breath fanned gently across Lily’s face.
She couldn’t contain her smile as her eyes crinkle. “You do?”
Her smile was wide and Lily’s eyes gleamed so brightly that they could rival emeralds themselves. Y/N knew for a long time too. Everything about their relationship made her feel safe, surrounded by a serenity that only Lily could provide. She made her feel hugged like freshly fallen snow on a mountain; eyes so profound that searched through the very inner workings of her soul. She felt new and exciting, yet like she’d known her forever. Lily was dazzling, beaming with glittering colours. She’d known for a while, it’s just the realization came a little later than her lover’s.
“I want to get married too.”
Lily tackled her into a hug which had them both chuckling out. Both in amusement, but filled with the purest love that made their hearts ache with pride.
And so they started brainstorming.
“Is there a time you would want to?”
“Anytime. We’re young, in love — the world is our oyster, blah, blah,” Y/N replies, but her answer is honest. Anytime. “Getting the timing down will be hard.”
“Imagine proposing and James see? I think he’ll wail and faint.”
“Or Sirius would make it about himself.”
“He would whine about not proposing to Remus first.”
“What about a public or private proposal?”
“I was thinking the exact same thing.”
“What about flowers?”
“Oh, pfft,” Y/N lets out a snort, “there obviously has to be —” “Don’t you dare say what I think you’re about to say.”
Y/N mocks offensive, dramatically rolling her eyes. “Let me finish!”
Lily rolled her eyes. “Terribly sorry.”
Her lips twitch into a knowing smirk, “— lilies. There have to be lilies. Maybe they’ll be my bouquet.”
“Of course, of course.”
“Preferably. . . would red clash with our scheme?”
“Red, as in my hair?”
“Yes.” “Then probably.”
They burst out into another fit of giggles. Maybe it was paradoxically — a placebo — cliche — but Y/N felt her heartbeat calm at the thought. Maybe it was finally getting an answer, that they’re taking their relationship to the next level. Marriage. . . forever. . . It's said to be scary, but maybe it’s because it’s with Lily that it seems the exact opposite.
Loving Lily made it feel as if the world suddenly became saturated with varying piercing bright colours that were hidden before. It was endless and expanded with every waking moment. She learned to love Lily in hues and shades of colours: reds also revealed to have pinks, blues suddenly had turquoise and periwinkle, purples became violets and lavender while yellow became creams and blended with red to make orange.
Unknowingly, for their fourth anniversary two years from then, they both bought a set of rings with one question heavy in their hearts, knowing deep down what their response would be.
And then, I do.
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Like a Thousand Promises (Astrid x Harald)
A/N: This is my contribution to @maggiescarborough​‘s Women’s Day Challenge. Astrid is not my female fictional role model, but she’s, besides Helga, my Vikings favorite female character. She’s a free spirit, and I love that.
As usual, thanks to my beta, @geekandbooknerd​ 🌸
It’s not Ivar related, but I decided to use ma usual tag list. Sorry about that.
This is not a summary: Did Astrid have feelings for Harald? Could she have loved him if things had been different? Could they have been happy? This is my answer.
Warnings: short piece; shameless smut; my poor attempt at writing smut.
Words: 958
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The grass tickles her buttocks but she doesn't care. Not when he pins her down like he does, ripping her clothing off. Their laughter dies down when he rubs his cockhead against her clit, their breaths mingling and their eyes glued to each other's, and she lifts up her legs, wrapping them around his waist. He groans and moans as he shoves his cock inside of her, and she digs both her hands and nails on his lower back. He kisses her fiercely, using his tongue and teeth and then thrusts powerfully into her, grunting as he slides further into her. She lets out a whimper as he slams deeper into her.
"Did I hurt you?" He asks but doesn't stop pumping into her and she just shakes her head no, still gripping his ass in her hands. She moves him closer against her, her teeth biting his lower lip. Sweat beads his face as she feels the heavy pounding of his thrusts as he drives himself into her warmth, her eagerly welcoming body dizzy with pleasure.
 Grunting, he thrusts harder, again and again, going into her deeper as he begins throwing his weight into each thrust. She screams in delight and claws at his back, her ragged breathing matching his. "Don't stop, just don't stop!" She pants, driving him mad. He lets out a wild chuckle. "I won't!" Reaching between them, his hand finds her clit, stroking it with his rough thumb, while he brings his mouth down on her breast, sucking hard on her nipples. Overwhelmed with lust, the friction against her clit setting her center on fire all over again, she clutches her arms around his neck as her hips come up off the ground to meet every thrust with a matching strength.  
 "Astrid," Grumbling out her name, he gasps as her core begins to convulse around him. With a scream, she arches her head back, her body tenses and her legs tighten around his waist. Pleasure slamming into her, she can't breathe, can't think, lost in the moment, as her entire body explodes around his, black spots appearing in her vision. Desire rushes him so hard he can't stop the frantic bucking of his hips and finally his cock erupts as he shouts her name, emptying himself within her with a fierce, primal growl. Spent, he finally collapses on top of her, his cock still buried within her.
 Long minutes later, rousing himself from the fantastic scent and feel of her body beneath him, he pulls out of her and rolls onto his side, his hand resting on her belly. Still breathless, he gives her a dazzled smile. "Wow… That was…" He rolls his eyes, unable to put words to it.
 Chuckling, she nods. "Indeed, that was…" Leaning on one elbow, her mouth finds his for a sloppy kiss, her fingers running gently through his disheveled hair. "I could get used to this," she whispers, almost shy, and his hand cups her cheek as he suddenly stares at her with a serious face, his brows furrowed.
 "Do you still hate me?" He lowers his gaze, as if frightened by her answer.
 She keeps silent for a long time, fingers playing with his loosened braid, a half-smile tugging at her lips. She sits up eventually and as he follows her, she wraps her small hand around his coarse one and tilts his chin up with her pointer finger. "I don't."
 Her words put a broad smile on his face and he lifts his head, proud and smug. But then there's a cloud in his eye and she raises an eyebrow questioningly.
"Ivar…" He begins, stops, clears his throat, "Ivar told me you were Lagertha's lover. Aren't you going to miss her?"
 Twisting her lips into a grin, she heaves out a nervous sigh. "Isn't it a bit late to ask this question?" As he keeps quiet, she tilts her head to the side. "Anyway, I did agree to marry you. I didn't have to. Or did I? You abducted me, after all."
 He shakes his head sheepishly. "I shouldn't have done that, I know. But… I have no luck with women and I needed a queen." He shrugs, swallowing. "Yet, I wouldn't have forced you to marry me. I might even have let you sail back to Kattegat, you know?"
 "I know. I chose to stay. I chose to marry you. It was my decision." The look in her eyes tells him she means every word.
 "But why? I don't get it." He asks genuinely, leaning towards her.
 "I am a free woman, am I not?" She gives him a crooked smile, a twinkle in her eyes.
 "Of course, you are, you know that. But what does that have to do with anything?" The frown that crosses his face gives away his disbelief.
 "As a free woman, I chose to love Lagertha, former earl of Hedeby and current queen of Kattegat. And as a free woman, I chose to marry you, Harald, future king of all Norway, and for now king of… whales!" She bursts out laughing at her own words, but he doesn’t, keeping a straight face.
 "You don't love me though, do you?" He asks shyly, hesitantly, lowering his gaze once again.
 Soothing hands cupping his face and with her thumbs stroking his cheekbones, Astrid's voice is surprisingly soft when she speaks back. "Not yet, Harald. But be patient. I've got the feeling that I'll get there." She then closes the gap between them, her lips finding his for a kiss filled with a thousand promises.
 As he closes his arms around her, inhaling deeply the scent of her hair, he lets out a chuckle. "I may have luck with women, after all."
@honestsycrets​ @lisinfleur​ @waiting4inspiration​ @saldelys​ @gearhead66​ @inforapound​ @readsalot73​ @milkkygirls​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @shannygoatgruff​ @zuxiezendler​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @hecohansen31​ @lonewolf471​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @fuckindiva​ @tgrrose​ @didiintheblog​ @peachyboneless​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @ethereallysimple​ @destynelseclipsa​ @cocovikings23​ @pieces-by-me​ @xceafh​
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
That’s The Way (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Jimmy Page x Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Warning(s): smut/nsfw, cheating, cursing, angst, Y/N being a badass :)
Author’s notes: We’ll be honest...this chapter is a lot to handle 😂 which is amazing since it’s only Chapter 3 of many! We suggest taking a break throughout, because you’re gonna need it 😂 So much happens that your mind may actually explode from the drama. By the way, Jimmy is introduced in the next chapter so yay! As usual, please enjoy, happy reading, and send us messages if you have theories, comments, music recommendations for the playlist, or if you want to be added to the tag list :)
Chapters: 1 | 2
Paul took Y/N out to dinner that week, and they had a wonderful time together. It seemed that every conversation they had together brought them closer and closer, and Y/N was in pure bliss. From that point forward, the two became inseparable.
Y/N’s parents, however, were not super pleased that Y/N was seeing Paul, especially because they had warned her about the romantically-unattached musician’s mannerisms and habits not that long ago. They just decided to act like they liked Paul, so he wouldn’t get suspicious or feel bad.
Two members of The Yardbirds in particular (and I’m sure, dear reader, that you know who they are by now) were hit with pangs of jealousy whenever they saw Y/N constantly attached to Paul’s arm. And, to make matters worse, it was under any circumstance imaginable: parties, interviews, photoshoots, meetings, airports, train stations, hotels...the list goes on. Yes, they did spend plenty of time apart, but attraction can make a man think irrationally. Even though they were specifically and strictly told to keep their mouths shut, it was very tempting to just say the truth and end their misery. A part of Chris and Jim felt happy to see her happy, but another, traitorous side of them felt exponentially bad for her. They knew that she was being used by Paul as arm-candy, and they knew that she, of all people, did not deserve that.
But that’s the name of the game, unfortunately.
18 February 1966
The Yardbirds were scheduled to perform on an episode of Ready, Steady, Go! that night, and Y/N decided to go and be a part of the live audience. She felt an obligation to support Paul and the band, since they were all friends (and a boyfriend, of course) now.
Before the show, Jim, Jeff, and Keith were all sitting on the stage, discussing the logistics of the rehearsals that would start soon. Y/N stood in front of the already-prepared stage and chatted with them.
“So what are you guys going to do on our days off next week?” Jeff asked.
“Spend time with my family,” Keith replied, adjusting his sunglasses.
“Not sure yet, haven’t figured it out,” Jim added.
“How ‘bout you, Miss Y/N?” Jeff nodded towards her with a smile. She answered with a soft giggle.
“I’m probably going golfing with my brother and a couple mates.”
“You golf?” Jim asked. She seemed to be getting more and more perfect by the day.
“Mmhmm,” Y/N nodded enthusiastically, “I’m bloody awful at it, but it’s fun, and I can hang out with my brother, so it’s a win-win.”
“You never told us you had siblings,” Keith smirked, tilting to the side and crossing his arms.
“Oh yeah, I have three. There’s Tommy, my older brother; Charlie, my younger brother; and Lillian, my little sister,” Y/N said.
“Wow, full house,” Jeff remarked, “I have a sister, Annetta, who I think you’d get along with quite well. I’ll have to introduce you to her soon.”
“Oh, that’d be great! I’d love to meet another Beck,” Y/N replied playfully. Jeff just laughed and shook his head.
“It’s a shame that I can’t spend time with Paul this week. He said he was busy, but he didn’t explain why,” Y/N sighed, “whatever. It’s probably legitimate, so I don’t mind. We’ve been hanging out too much anyway.” She laughed at the last part.
“He’s probably just going home to his wife,” Jim replied, thoughtlessly.
At that instant, everyone’s eyes widened, eyebrows raised, and lips downturned into a shocked, panicked frown.
“He’s...what?” Y/N asked quietly, sounding like she was about to shatter into a thousand tiny pieces.
Y/N noticed that Keith and Jeff were glaring at Jim, who was clearly embarrassed at what he had revealed. He hid his eyes with his hand.
When Jeff finally found it in him to turn away from Jim, he deeply exhaled. He then reached out his hands to touch Y/N’s shoulders in an attempt to comfort her.
“Look, Y/N, you weren’t supposed to find out this way, and I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you sooner,” Jeff began, “but he is indeed married. I honestly don’t know why he wanted to pursue you, and I warned him against it because of how much we care about you, but he did it anyway.”
Tears streamed down Y/N’s face and her bottom lip started to quiver. “I can’t believe this,” she whispered, “he made it seem like I was the only one…that he was really in love with me...”
Jeff hated seeing his friend cry because of something he could have prevented. But, Y/N was somehow still beautiful when she cried.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Jeff consoled gently, getting off the stage to hug her, “here, let’s take you backstage to calm you down a little.”
Y/N refused Jeff’s kind offer with a shake of the head. Through her blurry, teary-eyed vision, she just plastered on a smile, and wiped the wetness from her eyes.
“Ew,” her voice cracked, “why am I crying? That’s so gross of me, I’m so sorry. I’m definitely making you guys uncomfortable.”
The three musicians’ eyes widened at Y/N’s sudden burst of emotional strength.
“Y/N, you just found out you were Sam’s side chick, and you don’t care?” Jeff inquired, genuinely confused as to what was going on with Y/N’s emotions.
“It’s okay to be sad, love. And utterly fuming with anger. I must admit, this situation wouldn’t be as dire if it were someone else, but it’s you,” Keith added. Jim just sat in silence. He didn’t know what to say. His message destroyed Y/N’s heart and her innocence.
“I am sad, but if this ‘thing’ went on any longer, I’d probably be even more devastated. You saved me from a lot more unnecessary heartbreak, so thank you, Jim,” Y/N said. Her tone sounded completely numb.
“How are you gonna tell Sam?” Keith asked Y/N.
She exhaled deeply. “I don’t know. It wouldn’t be fair of me to lash out on him before being on national television.”
“How can you care about fairness? Don’t you realize what this man has done to you?” Jeff asked, anger interlaced in his voice.
“Yes, Jeff. I do,” Y/N replied stoically, “And I’ll be fine, really. Let’s just forget about it, okay? I’m just lucky to be here, watching you perform. What song are you playing again?” Y/N tried to change the subject, but on the inside she was in deep agony and pain. She poured all of this time and emotion and her body into this cute musician boy, just to realize she didn’t matter.
“‘Shapes of Thi—’” Keith began quietly.
Jeff cut him off. “Y/N, I seriously refuse to believe you’re okay. Please, just let me help y—” he started.
“Jeff! I’m fine! Seriously,” Y/N raised her voice a little, annoyed at the nagging.
“But you seem—” Jim began, barely perceptible.
“Oh my God, Jim, I’m fine!” Y/N shouted. “I don’t care. It’s done, it’s over.”
The three men sat in silence after Y/N’s sudden outburst of anger, which was very out of character for her. She quickly realized what she had done.
“I’m so sorry for lashing out on you guys. That was uncalled for, it’s not your fault. I’m gonna go to the loo, excuse me,” she said quickly, walking out of the scene before anyone could call after her.
Y/N stayed in the bathroom for all of rehearsals, and she finally reemerged right before the broadcast was about to start, looking as fresh as she did when she got there. It was as if the news was never even brought to her attention.
She refused to make eye contact with Paul through the entire performance, even though it was apparent that he tried to get her attention with his eyes. Chris was just confused that she wouldn’t even dare to glance at Paul. Just a little trouble in paradise that he didn’t know about maybe?
After the show and when the band went offstage, Jeff went back into the crowd to check on Y/N and brought her backstage.
“You have to confront him,” Jeff pleaded.
“I don’t want to,” Y/N whined.
“You have to, or else he’ll bloody win! You don’t want that, and I sure as hell don’t want that for you either! He is the one at fault. You have every right to fuck him up for it.”
Jeff’s little speech gave her an impulsive boost of confidence.
“Fine. I’ll do it. Get everyone out of the room, though,” Y/N stated firmly, beginning to march down the hallway behind Jeff.
Momentarily, Jeff went into the room and rounded up Keith, Jim, and Chris, and filed them down the hallway into another room orderly.
As Y/N was about to enter the room, Jeff whispered in her ear, “Good luck, kid. Knock ‘em dead.” Y/N smiled at Jeff before entering the room and closing the door behind her.
Paul warmly smiled at Y/N as she entered the room.
“Hello, love,” he said gently, “how did you enjoy the show?”
Y/N painted on the most genuine smile she could force. “It was...almost perfect.”
Paul’s eyebrow quirked as he smiled in a confused way. “Why almost?”
“I don’t think rehearsals went as well as I had planned,” Y/N replied smoothly.
“Why? Did something bad happen to you? You’re speaking in riddles, dear.”
“Oh, I apologize,” Y/N snickered, “it’s actually so funny that you bring up riddles, because that seemed to be the exact problem at hand.”
“What does that mean? Did someone tell you something you couldn’t figure out?” Paul chuckled, “You’re confusing me.”
“I figured out that you would be going home to your wife next week.”
All the colour from Paul’s face was drained in a millisecond, and his originally jovial expression was gone. It was as if someone punched him in the gut.
“Who...who told you?” he asked, panicked.
Y/N was taken aback. “I find out I’m your side-chick and you have the audacity to ask who told me? Not an ‘I’m so sorry that I lied to you and broke your heart, Y/N’?”
Paul huffed. “And you expect me to just keep my composure when someone of your gravity walks into the room for the first time? I really am sorry, Y/N, I truly, truly am, but—”
Y/N’s calm and quiet demeanor had left the building at that point. She was mad. Really mad.
“But what? You tell me how in love you are with me, and how I’m your one and only forever, just to realize that I didn’t matter? I’m going to be eighteen years old in March. Eighteen. What do I know about love? Nothing, absolutely nothing. And you chose to take full advantage of my emotional vulnerability.”
“But you did matter. You’re so special to me, Y/N. Don’t you understand that?”
“Don’t you understand that you have a wife? You never loved me. I was never special to you. I was just another fling. But you won’t admit it to yourself.”
“The life of a travelling musician is extremely difficult, Y/N, and you don’t get that,” Paul said severely.
“And that shouldn’t be used as an excuse. You know what? We’re done. Whatever this ‘thing’ is, is over. I wish you the best,” Y/N concluded as she walked out the door and sternly shut it.
The nightmare was over and Y/N was a free agent.
Before she could debrief about her experience with any of the other Yardbirds, Y/N left the venue, caught the first taxi home, ran up into her room, and cried herself to sleep.
22 April 1966
Y/N found recovery time and solace in those two months without Paul. She didn’t go to any Yardbirds gigs, but she sporadically met up with Jeff, Keith, Jim, and Chris at a pub or restaurant to catch up over a meal and drinks. Chris had recently mentioned to her that they were playing in London on the 22nd, and if she felt comfortable, she could attend for free and get backstage to hang out.
Y/N said she’d have to think about it, but she’d definitely consider it.
She had realized over the course of two months that she was not truly in love with Paul. Yes, she fancied him, but she must’ve mistaken the feeling of being genuinely in love with the person for being in love with the situation. Y/N concluded that this relationship was the equivalent of living out one’s childhood dreams of a romance with their schoolgirl crush.
She decided that she was retired from dating for a long time, especially because of how this shitshow ended, but a miniscule piece of her wondered when and how she’d meet her other half.
In the afternoon on the day of the show, which was to be played at the Wimbledon Palais, Y/N made the reckless decision to take a trip down to the Yardbirds’ hotel, but not for the reason you might expect.
Y/N never got the chance to thank Jim McCarty for coming clean about Paul’s infidelity to his wife by “dating” her, and to formally apologize for ripping him at the Ready, Steady, Go! rehearsals. She felt bad for being so dismissive of him, because he was always so nice to her and apparently seemed to care more about her wellbeing than Paul ever did.
Y/N stood on the platform of the train station anxiously, meticulously scheming in her mind about what she would say to Jim to truly and genuinely express her gratitude. She thought about how the encounter would go all the way to London, and all the way on her walk to the hotel.
When she arrived at the hotel, she greeted the concierge, and took the elevator to what she believed to be the Yardbirds’ floor. She took an educated guess as to which room Jim’s would be, just by what she had seen in past times. Y/N took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
When the door opened, she realized that in her best interest, her guess was correct.
“Hi,” she greeted breathily, her fingers interlaced together in front of her timidly.
“Hi,” Jim smiled. After a short moment of awkward silence, he continued, “Um, what are you doing here? Not that it’s a bad thing, which it’s not, but…” he trailed off.
“I just wanted to tell you something that I think needed to be said in-person,” Y/N said quickly.
Jim raised his eyebrows in surprised delight. “Oh, okay.” He moved out of the way of the doorframe so Y/N could enter the room, then shut the door gently behind her. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he chuckled, “make yourself at home.”
Y/N smiled and thanked him graciously, but shyly, as she sat down at a small couch at the edge of the bed. Jim was quick to follow her actions.
Y/N took a deep breath before beginning, “I just wanted to thank you for informing me about Paul in February. I know, it’s been a really long time since then… but I’ve needed some time to myself to think and refocus and recuperate, y’know?”
Jim just laughed. “You came all the way here to thank me? That’s so nice of you. You didn’t need to do that.”
Y/N grinned. “I don’t know, I felt this obligation for some reason. And in addition, I wanted to apologize for lashing out at you as well. I was just shell-shocked, I guess, and I unfairly took it out on you and Jeff.”
“If I forgave you then, I’ll still forgive you now,” Jim smiled, “don’t sweat it. In all honesty, I was surprised at how well you took the news.”
“I just wanted to be as calm and composed as possible,” Y/N blushed, “but obviously I didn’t get very far, did I?” Jim laughed at Y/N’s little jab at herself.
“Well, you’re so quiet, at least you showed a piece of your inner self that night,” Jim teased. Y/N just beamed at him.
“You know, since I owe you, now… I guess I just need to live a little, y’know? I have this introverted shell I need to break out of someday, and I might as well start now,” Y/N offered with a chuckle. “So, with that being said, let me do something for you. Anything you want.”
“Oh no, that’s too much. You didn’t even cause me any grief,” Jim retaliated playfully, “thank you, Y/N, but I think you’re overthinking this whole situation.”
“Please,” she continued with a pleading voice, “I feel awful, and plus, if it makes you feel better, you’ll be helping me clear my conscience. Jim, I’ll do anything you want, no matter how crazy… I’ll take you jet-skiing, I’ll ride on a bike in a bikini when the temperature is below freezing, I’ll clean your kitchen… anything you want me to do, I will do.”
Jim grinned at the bizarre options Y/N gave him before contemplating her invocation for a moment. Anything, huh?
“Kiss me.”
“You said you'd do anything, no matter how crazy, yes?” Y/N didn't get a chance to finish, as Jim interrupted her with a hand at her wrist, and a flinty look in his eyes, that gazed right into hers.
“I did.”
“Well,” Jim continued, stepping ever-closer to the young woman in front of him. She looked just as beautiful as she always had, if not more. Jim was convinced she was perfect, and wanted to protect her. To treat her right, the way she deserved. “You could get on your knees, in front of me.”
Kneeling down on the carpeted floor, Y/N looked up at him through her eyelashes, and the glint in her eyes made his knees weak. She looked almost shy, and he couldn't help but send a comforting smile her way.
“Have you done this before, Y/N?”
She shook her head at this, and looked down, almost embarrassed. Jim, heart pounding in his chest in anticipation, reached out a hand to lift her head. Her eyes held trust, and a hint of nervousness, but her lips quirk up in a smile, her cheeks flushing.
“I’ll walk you through it, love.” The sound of a belt clinking to the floor reached Y/N’s ears, zipper following suit, and she couldn’t help the way she almost thrummed with anticipation. Her parents had warned her against exactly this type of thing. Musicians were, according to her parents, a fickle breed, who only wanted her for her looks and body. It hurt to think of it now, when Jim was being nothing but a gentleman to her. She wanted to break out of her shell, and maybe this was the way to do it.
Y/N looks to Jim and sees him exposed, fully hard now, and her cheeks erupt into shades of rosy pink. He was big, much bigger than she would have expected, and she smiled up at him.
“Okay, love. Open your mouth.” Y/N opened her mouth, sinking it over his tip, which elicits a strained moan, full of pleasure. His hand landed in Y/N’s hair, fingers clenching gently around the tresses. The light tug Y/N felt only spurred her on.
“That’s incredible, princess. Now, try and circle your tongue. You’re doing so well.”
Y/N did as she’s told, and it’s like a spell was put over the man. He craned his head back, neck bared, as soft whimpers fell past his lips. Growing more confident, knowing now what he liked, she let her teeth rake over him lightly, which worked more moans from him, almost breathless in his euphoria.
With a murmured “fuck,” he comes, Y/N’s name the only thing on his lips. She slowly released him from her mouth, wiping her lips with the back of her hand as she stood. Jim, leaning up against the wall, was in bliss, heaving breaths and ruffling Y/N’s hair as she approached.
“That was… you're perfect, princess. Absolutely perfect.”
Y/N laughs, smile nearly splitting her cheeks, and she pressed even closer, pressing her lips to his in a soft, content embrace. She could taste the sweat on his lips, and she couldn't help but think that she could definitely get used to this feeling.
Jim revelled in the feel of her soft lips against his, and he was struck by the thought that this is exactly where he’s supposed to be. He’s where he wants to be, beside Y/N.
Taglist: @blood-on-blood @reincarnated70sbaby
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sp00kyjellybeans · 4 years
Ghostface is typing... [Stu Macher x Reader]
What happens when you text a killer?
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First real chapter woooooo- Hope you all enjoy
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,059
part one//iMessage part two//iMessage part three//iMessage Group Chat part four//iMessage Group Chat part five//Movie Night
In hindsight, you didn’t think through the possibilities of tonight. The awkwardness that has ensued was beyond your comprehension when you agreed to be picked up in the first place. You figured that since you’d be spending time with some of the most popular people at Woodsboro High it’d be fine. No awkwardness. Just some movies and pizza... right?
Currently, you sat in the back of Stu Macher’s car. Stu picked you up no earlier than 6:55pm in his Mercedes-Benz, which subtly reminded you that you were hanging out with one of the richest boys in school on top of his popularity.
Tatum sat in the front seat alongside Stu with their hands intertwined, yet the blonde had her body facing away from him completely. Her head rested comfortably on her manicured hands, staring out the tinted window after greeting you. 
The drive seemed to last longer than it actually was. The seven minutes it took to arrive at Sidney Prescott’s place felt like seventy minutes. It didn’t dawn on you until Stu pulled into the driveway that you were at Sidney Prescott’s house.
Although knowing each other since kindergarten, you had only seen her house at fleeting moments. The most recent time was when her mother passed. As a spastic attempt to leave town, your parents were eager to leave due to the murder, you passed by the beautiful white house that had turned into a crime scene.
“Woo!” Stu’s voice knocked you back to reality, shutting the car door with a slam. “It’s movie night, babes! BILLY! Where ya at?” Stu bellowed out, cupping his hands around his mouth. 
You walked alongside Tatum up to the porch, her eyes practically rolling into the back of her head. 
“You’ll have to excuse him. He’s an idiot,” she sighed, ringing the doorbell. 
“Randy���s not here. Damnit! I wanted some ‘za,” Stu whipped his head around, unable to find Randy’s car. “It’s past seven! That dork is always late.”
“Just give him a minute,” Tatum rolled her eyes once more. “Sid and I will make some popcorn in the meantime. Just chill.”
“Hey guys!” The door opened to reveal a smiling Sidney. “(Y/n)! So glad you could make it!” Sidney leapt forward and threw her arms around you in an embrace. 
“I’m glad to be here! Thanks for having me,” You smiled.
“What? No special greeting for me?” Stu whined and Tatum swatted his shoulder. “Ow- The hell?” 
“Come on in!” Sidney grabbed your hand and led the three of you into the living room.
As expected, the inside of her house looked nothing like the crime scene you had envisioned. It was decorated with normal, suburban house décor but most of the lights were out. The only light source coming from the hallway and kitchen bulbs. In the living room sat Billy, who was flipping through various Netflix movies under the horror tag.
“Billy, this is (Y/n)!” Sidney stood to the side and presented you like a new toy. 
“Sup,” Billy barely acknowledged you, still flipping through the movies.
You offered a small wave and allowed Sidney to lead you to the couch. You sat on the end opposite to Billy, pulling your legs to form a criss cross position on the cushion, with your shoes off of course. 
Sidney positioned herself next to her boyfriend and Tatum did the same, with her on your right, leaving no vacancy for Randy who was still late.
“I swear to god you better not put on some cheesy horror movie-” Tatum groaned. 
Stu sent puppy eyes her way almost instantly, “Babe come on!”
“No! We watch one every movie night. Sid hates that shit, too ya know,” Tatum crossed her arms stubbornly.
“Is that true?” Stu turned to face her and she nodded her head. “You lie. You always watch them with Billy.”
“Because he makes me?”
“I’m sure (Y/n) would wanna watch! Don’t you, (Y/n)? Then Randy is always up for it so we win!” Stu pumped his fists up in the air. 
Tatum nudged his side, “She didn’t even say that she likes horror movies, dipshit. Give her a chance to speak.”
The group of four peered at you with curious eyes, waiting for your verdict. You chuckled nervously but went with the truth.
“I actually kind of like them...?” You winced, afraid of how the girls would react. It was a stale reaction.
“Wow. That’s unexpected,” Sidney raised her eyebrows. “Horror movie it is then.” 
You glanced at Stu, who’s expectant expression shifted to pure joy, “HELL YEAH!” The boy stuck out his tongue and held his hand out for a high five, which Billy promptly ignored, “Come on! Don’t leave me hanging!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tatum muttered, sending a pleading signal at Sidney. Neither of the boys noticed this.
Sidney understood Tatum’s expression instantly and pushed herself off of the couch. She walked towards a door, looking at Tatum expectantly, “Tate, come make popcorn with me?”
They left the room, whispering ensued as soon as they entered the kitchen and you were left with Billy and Stu. Once he had lost sight of the two of them, Stu leapt across the couch, taking up the space that Tatum occupied.
“I didn’t know you watched horror movies,” He grinned and leaned on the headboard of the couch. He reminded you of a puppy. “That makes you like a thousand times more interesting.”
You scoffed playfully, “You mean I was boring before?” You put a hand to your chest. “And I thought we had meaningful conversations.”
Stu’s face dropped, “Wait that’s not what I meant-”
“I’m hurt, Stu,” The disappointment was clear in your tone, especially when you turned away from him with your arms folded.
“(Y/n) I didn’t mean that-”
“I’m kidding, Stu!” Unable to contain your laughter you turned back at the blonde. Realizing that you were just messing with him, he joined your giggles, laughing a lot louder than necessary. 
On the other end of the couch, Billy turned his head from the TV to stare at you and his friend. He was annoyed with how obnoxiously obvious he was. Neither of you noticed but his prolonged stare was interrupted when a ding sounded from his phone.
Everyone else in the room had their phone buzz in response too, indicating someone messaged the group chat.
“Oh, Randy said he’s here. Should I let him in?” You lifted your phone to your face.
“I got it!” Sidney called from the kitchen and darted into the foyer.
Stu didn’t bother looking at his phone and instead stared at your screen, a grin wide on his face.
“What?” You said, confused at his smirk. “What’s that look for?”
“Why in the hell is Randy put as Randy Geeks in your phone?” Stu snatched the device from your hand and stood up tall on the couch, looming above you. Every second that passed his grin had grown wider.
Billy covered his mouth with his hand, looking between you, Stu and the newly arrived Randy.
“My name is what?” Randy asked, exasperated. 
While Randy stared at you both, Stu stood upright on the couch to prevent you from grabbing the device. You were both too distracted to notice Randy in the room until he spoke. 
“Oh my god!” Your expression shifted from defeated to horrified to guilty all in a matter of seconds. “I didn’t mean anything by it- I just tried putting your full name and it autocorrected from Meeks to Geeks! I thought it was funny!”
“It is funny,” Tatum said. She had a bowl of popcorn in her hands, shoveling the pieces into her mouth. Her amused expression moved onto Randy. “Hey, Geeks.”
“Watch it,” He pointed at Tatum. “Never insult the guy with the pizza.”
“WHY IS MY NAME STILL GRU IN YOUR PHONE?” Stu exploded, his mouth agape. “I’M CHANGING IT!”
How did you even unlock it? What the hell, Stu?” You jumped up and tried to grab the phone back from this excessively tall boy.
The disadvantage here was, in comparison, you were small next to Stu. His long arms extended past your limit of reach. In a desperate attempt to take your phone back, you started to pound on his back. Maybe he would drop the phone or fall over. But it was no use. The lanky boy jumped from the couch and ran out of the room.
“Great,” Tatum rolled her eyes. “We’re babysitting.”
You groaned and landed onto the couch cushion, far too lazy to chase after the boy. Moments after he ran off you heard a door slam and lock, so there was nothing to be done.
“Stu!” Billy barked five minutes later. “Come get your pizza!”
“No way!” Stu’s muffled voice could be heard from the kitchen. “The stuff on (Y/n)’s phone is juicy. I’ll be in here for hours!”
“More for us...” Randy muttered.
“Sidney, can you help me out?” You whined. Your appetite vanished the moment Stu spoke, the phone was your top priority. Nosy Bastard!
“There’s a key in that drawer over there,” Sidney pointed. “Skeleton Key, it’s pretty obvious. The bathroom at the end of the hallway”
You gave thanks and snuck down the hallway, trying to make the quietest footsteps possible. Once you reached the doorway you could hear Stu snickering behind the thin wood. Sticking the key in the keyhole you turned it slowly...
“AHA” You snatched the phone from the boy and he let out a scream of terror. Behind you there came an eruption of laughter from four people.
“HAHA OH MY GOD,” Randy roared, his phone held in his hand. He had filmed the entire interaction. “That’s going on the private. (Y/n) what’s your snap you NEED to see the look on his face!”
You slapped a hand over your mouth upon realization of what had happened. Your eyes darted to Stu, who was red as a tomato. 
“Whatever, Geeks.”
The rest of the night was more fun than you could imagine. No more awkwardness. You wouldn’t tell a soul but it was even more fun than hanging out with your old friends.
The movie everyone agreed on was Happy Death Day. Billy and Stu were annoyed (Stu was already annoyed but for different reasons, obviously) since they wanted to watch a classic, Evil Dead, but the rest of you were eager to watch the horror-comedy. It came down to a vote and majority ruled. Even Randy voted for the film. It didn’t compare to the classics at all, but you didn’t hate it.
As you watched the movie, you interacted frequently with Randy. He had forgiven you for his contact name and you both had more in common than anticipated. For instance, you both loved movies of all genres, though unlike him horror wasn’t your absolute favorite. You were a total sucker for romance of all genres.
Sadly, you didn’t get to visit with the others as much as you wanted. The couples seemed focused on everything but the movie so you and Randy were left to converse. Little did you know, Stu had been keeping tabs on you in the corner of his eye.
The night flew by and it was time for you to go home. You bid your goodbyes and decided to ride home with Randy. You found out that you both lived on the same street, so it was more convenient than having Stu drive around town.
“You sure, (Y/n)?” Stu stuck his hands in his pockets, bouncing on his heels. “I don’t mind giving you a ride.”
You, Randy, Tatum and Stu stood in Sidney’s driveway, discussing who would go with who. Stu was insistent on driving you home for whatever reason but you could tell Tatum wanted the opposite.
“No worries,” You smiled. “I’m sure you’d like to spend more time with your girlfriend anyway.” You winked at the tiny blonde, earning you a grateful smile, and not noticing the frustrated look on Stu’s face.
“Alright... Bye then,” Stu said and strode to his shiny car.
The boy didn’t exit the driveway until Randy’s car left his vision, his jaw clenched the entire time.
“Can we go, Stu?” Tatum whined to her boyfriend.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”
“You’re what?”
“Going. I’m going.”
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inseongsfoxybae · 4 years
Pairing: Hwiyoung + Female Reader; friends to lovers
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Words: +1,6k
Requested by @geminirules​: This is the first I ask for a request from you Blue!🥰 I was wondering if I can have a request with Hwiyoung where him and the reader are on their first date together in the amusement park, please? 🥺 Thank you so much love you lots! x
Author’s message: Hey, baby! Your request made me so soft and in love and I really had a great time working on it. Now, it’ here and I hope you like it and feel free to send in more requests later 🥰 Love you too, Luna ❤️ Foxy kisses 😘
P.S: As english is not my mother language, it may contain misspelled. Also, sorry for any other mistakes :)
Synopsis: After keeping your feeling just to yourselves, you and Hwiyoung finally had the chance to take one step further in a lovely and funny way to enjoy each other. 
so precious 🥺
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You were close friends with Hwiyoung. Best friends. More than friends, maybe. But not valentines.
None of you went out on dates or flirted around. You knew he liked you, he knew you liked him and everyone knew you liked each other. But the two of you were too shy to take the first step to turn this into something more. 
Although you used to be together all the time, it was always working or studying or just doing nothings in a bookstore, each one minding your own business. 
In an afternoon, when the two of you were working together, heads very close to each other and hands touching, Hwiyoung looked at you and got the courage to go further.
“Do you have plans for saturday?”, he asked in a low tone, his eyes meeting yours for a moment. 
“No, I’m free. Why?”, you answered not really understanding his intentions. 
“Wanna go on a date with me?”, he spat his words so fast you almost didn’t get it. 
But you did. You clearly understood every single letter he just said to you. For a moment, you couldn’t believe what your ears just heard, your confused mind running  hysterically, unable to form a decent sentence as response. 
“Earth calling Y/N”, Hwiyoung waved one hand right in front of your frozen wide eyes. He looked a little nervous, maybe embarrassed, as if he regretted what he said.
“Yes”, you said a little too excited, your hands shaking and voice cracking. Oh, my god. Kim Hwiyoung asked me out finally, a voice screamed into your head. You locked your eyes with Hwiyoung’s and repeated. “Yes… I want to go on a date with you”, you tried to answer calmly, but you were sure he could hear your heart pounding hard into your chest. 
Hwiyoung smiled, that sweet gummy smile that always made you melt, and you couldn’t help grinning too, soft giggles following, as you felt your cheeks burn at an unknown happiness. 
Sunlight broke into your room through your thin curtains, signaling that a new day was beginning. But it wouldn’t be like any other day, because today, specially and unexpectedly, you and Hwiyoung were going on a date. After more than a year keeping your feelings just for yourselves, this moment was really happening. 
You jumped out your bed and walked into your closet to carefully choose the perfect outfit. Hwiyoung hadn’t told you where you would spend the day, but you wanted to give him a good impression and show all your beauty and cuteness. You picked some shorts and a shirt that matched with your favourite sneakers - cute and simple clothes that made you pretty and comfortable. 
Hwiyoung picked you up at 10a.m and you had breakfast together in a cozy café, but he still didn’t tell you where you were going after that. “It's a surprise and I’m sure you’ll love it”, he winked and you laughed, getting more excited at every minute. 
Hwiyoung drove you to a place a little far from the city. The road side was beautiful, with flowers and trees all around, matching perfectly with the bright sun up there. 
You were so amazed with nature, that you didn't realize where he was taking you till he parked at a place you didn’t know it. You two got out of the car and your heart raced faster when you found out you were spending your day in an amusement park.
Your parents used to take you to this amusement park when you were a child and you loved playing around and ate junk foods. It was a long time since the last time you were here and it brought up great memories from you. 
“I bought the tickets online. Let’s go”, Hwiyoung grabbed your hand and led you to the entrance. You felt like exploding, but you didn’t know if it was because of your excitement of being here or because of the warmth of his hands on yours. 
Both of you were like children in an amusement park for the first time, grinning and laughing non-stop. “Where do you want to go first?”, Hwiyoung asked and you said you wanted to start it slow and decided to go on the bumper car. “Is this slow for you?”, he wondered, but went with you and of course he enjoyed it as well.
And it was like that throughout the day: Hwiyoung always asked you to choose the next attraction to play. Also, he paid for all the junk food you had and won a stuffed unicorn for you. 
When the sunset was approaching and the park was getting more alive with its beautiful lights, Hwiyoung said he wanted to go on more two attractions - the carousel and the beautiful ferris wheel on the center of the park. 
His eyes met yours and got stuck on them, his gaze was deep as you felt your legs getting weak. You could get lost in his look, could give yourself to him effortlessly. Right there in that moment, you wanted to be his.
Hwiyoung took your hand and his thumb caressed your palm before leading you to the carousel, where you sat on horses right next to each other. When it started to spin, you glanced at him and caught him looking at you, but it was not any look, it was like he was in trance, it was like he was in love. 
You felt your cheeks burn but didn’t look away and both of you kept staring at each other, light smiles gracing your faces as you got lost in the words your eyes spoke. 
When the carousel stopped, Hwiyoung helped you to get off your horse, his hands lingering longer on your waist as you held out on his broad shoulders, eyes locked. “Let’s go to the last one”, he mumbled as you stared at his mouth, falling deeper and deeper for him. You nodded and he guided you to the ferris wheel. 
It was the main attraction of the amusement park, so you had to wait a little on the line while sharing a cotton candy. “Do you know what they say about this ferris wheel?”, you heard a girl talking behind you. As the other person said no, she continued. “If a couple kissed at the uppermost, their fate is to be together forever”. 
Hwiyoung choked at her words, but tried to play cool when you looked at him. Suddenly, he seemed nervous, his hand was sweaty when he took yours to enter the cabin. You sat next to each other, knees touching, but looking forward. You heard Hwiyoung taking deep breaths to calm down as you stared at your lap. 
“Y/N,”, he called you, his voice only above a whisper, “can I hold your hand?”. You nodded and Hwiyoung carefully took your little palm in his, squeezing it a bit. “I like the way our hands fit together”, he softly murmured, analyzing your sweet connection. “And I like how soft your hands are”, his index finger drawing slow patterns on your palm.
You lifted your head and your eyes met, a loving warmth feeling the cool air inside the cabin. “You’re beautiful”, he confessed without breaking your gaze. You smiled, melting by his side, as the two of you got closer and closer, faces just inches apart. 
But you took too long staring at each other and you were about to seal your lips, it was time to leave the cabin. You were visibly disappointed and Hwiyoung chuckled when he saw your little pout. “Don’t worry. There’s one more place for us to go”, he reassured you, placing a hand on your low back and guiding you to the little lake of the park, where a crowd waited for something. 
“What-”, your question was interrupted by an explosion and you looked up at the sky, the black frame being colored by hundreds of colors as fireworks lightened up the night. “WOW… THAT’S SO BEAUTIFUL”, you exclaimed with a wide grin. Hwiyoung was right by your side, but his eyes were fixed on you, his lips curling up in a loving smile and, in that moment, he was sure he wanted you. 
The next thing you felt was Hwiyoung’s strong arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to him, embracing you tight as you instinctively hugged him back. He inhaled deeply the sweet scent of your hair, his nose running through your soft strands. He broke the hug and looked at your illuminated face, pressing your foreheads together. 
“I like your scent”, he said loud enough for only you to hear. “I like the warmth of your body close to mine”, he leaned back a little to meet your eyes. “And I like you”, he completed and you could feel yourself turning into a puddle between his arms. 
He kept looking at you, his gaze loving and cloudy as he waited for a movement yours. You moved your arms to his shoulders and neck, trying to take more of his warmth, getting your faces closer and noses touching slightly. 
“I like you too”, you mumbled against his lips and closed the little distance between both of you, kissing him softly but passionately. Hwiyoung immediately kissed you back, his hands roaming through your back as he deepened the kiss. 
When you were like this - together, very close to each other, lips moving in sync -, it was like there was only you and Hwiyoung and that little moment in the world. There were no words, no songs, no pics able to beat your feelings right now. 
You felt like about to explode in thousands of pieces of love and devotion. Hwiyoung, of course, felt the same way. Your hearts were beating fast as one into your chests, your breaths were being shared to one another. 
The fireworks were exploding up there, but you knew your heart was shooting tons and tons of love pounder into your veins that make you feel just like the sky in this moment. And none of you wanted this beautiful show to stop. 
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 280: I Am Red Riot
Previously on BnHA: The pro heroes over at Gunga Mountain struggled against Gigantomachia and the League until finally Midnight was all, “fuck it, let’s just put the kids in charge.” Momo immediately got to work organizing a sophisticated counteroffensive involving an exploding swamp, a bunch of sedative cans, and a massive coordinated team attack. I gotta tell you guys, it’s really something to watch a large-scale group attack in which all of the team members are actually competent. I don’t know what Japan put in the water when all these sixteen-year-olds were growing up, but that shit has paid off big time, and basically the only reason Machia hasn’t gone down yet is because he cheated and was all “sneeze” and the kids all got blown away because they are little and because he is really, really big. Anyway so then Dabi set the forest on fire because he loves doing that, and the chapter ended with Mina using her Acid Man attack to make herself FUCKIN’ FIREPROOF so she could charge through the woods ready to save the day and stuff!
Today on BnHA: Mina launches herself straight at Machia like the beautiful corrosive wild child she is, but then everything goes to shit when she recognizes him from that one time she almost got murdered while giving a strange man directions. Just when it’s looking like she might get killed for real this time, KIRISHIMA SHOWS UP TO SAVE THE DAY AND SHOVES HER TO SAFETY AND IS ALL “BOTTOMS UP” AND HEAVES A LITERAL CAN OF WHOOPASS RIGHT IN MACHIA’S MOUTH. At this point the grown-ups are all “oh wow look at that, time for us to take over for you kids now, don’t worry we’ve got it all under control” because Oh Those Wacky Pros and all that, but at least Majestic finally deigns to show his face so that’s a plus! The chapter ends with us cutting back to the Jakku battle, where Tomura is curled up in a little ball all “curse you heroes, how dare you [checks notes] save people all the time”, which is a real take and a half. Anyway so things are looking up, which can only mean everyone is about to die. That’s how it works, right. Shit.
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THIS IS MINA. SHE’S REALLY COOL AND SHE CAN MELT PEOPLE. um, the hell kind of tagline is that?? holy fucking shit?? “melt and succumb”?? IS THE SUCCUMB PART REALLY NECESSARY. IS THAT NOT ALREADY IMPLIED. it’s like saying “die and then perish”, which actually sounds really badass and I’m about to make it my new go-to threat actually so you know what never mind. where the fuck were we anyway
“IS EVERYONE SAFE” some absurdly bad-at-gauging-situations kid from class B is yelling while the forest is on fire and all the kids are recovering from having been catapulted fifty miles by King Dodongo’s windy yeet breath. of course they are safe, sweet child. of course everyone is absolutely fine, why the fuck would they possibly not be safe after something like that
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AT LEAST HE’S STILL CONSCIOUS ENOUGH TO MAKE STUPID JOKES. holy shit this baby got concussed to hell and back and then Machia turned him and the others into precipitation and he wasn’t in any kind of state to even try to land safely, I hope to god someone caught him
Sero is all “is there anyone still in range!” and damn, I like that he’s taking charge and trying to regain their momentum. he is so criminally underrated. I feel like he’s in the top six or seven of class 1-A kids who I would most trust to take charge. which is very high praise because that class has a lot of charge-taking kids
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it “probably” can’t get through her acid, she says. my god. sometimes the spirit of Plus Ultra just takes ahold of these kids and it’s like, I want to ruffle their hair proudly and then grab them by the shoulders and shake them vigorously because WHERE EVEN IS YOUR SELF-PRESERVATION WHY DO NONE OF YOU HAVE IT GODDAMMIT AIZAWA REALLY SHOULD HAVE EXPELLED YOU GUYS AFTER ALL
man. and yet I really do love this “be the one who can do it” stuff. what a heroic fucking attitude dfjfklks. I’ll just go put on my humongous sandwich board that reads GIANT FUCKING HYPOCRITE and go stand in the corner
damn it this week’s scan is annoyingly dark, it’s really hard to tell what’s going on but it looks like the pros are attacking Machia and the League at long last. way to go guys it only took you seven years but you finally hopped to it
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okay what the hell is up with these weird zen proverbs though
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“your fear stricken heart”, “the shortest path”, what the fuck even is this. whose thoughts are these. normally these translations are honestly decent enough but I gotta say this time around I’m totally being thrown for a loop lmao
(ETA: FYI I’m only just now realizing that he was saying the shortest path to Master, as in Tomura, not “master” as in to master something fjkldjskf lol some delayed reading comprehension there. so basically he’s just bitching about how annoying these little “flies” are proving to be.)
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okay is it just me, or is Gigantomachia suddenly showing intelligence in his eyes instead of mindless animal instinct the single most pants-shitting thing you’ve ever seen?!! holy shit. the way he just LOOKS at her out of nowhere all of a sudden?? holy fucking shit DO NOT HURT MT. LADY OH MY GOD I’M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. AND DON’T YOU DARE HURT MINA EITHER!! JUST FUCKING DIE AND PERISH
but also though, is that recognition in Mina’s eyes?? because even though this dude is 80 feet tall now, her encounter with him a couple years back had to have been one of the more memorable experiences of her young life. damn I was wondering when this would finally come into play
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this has nothing to do with anything but Mina just has the prettiest hair, btw, and this “just woke up covered in acid” look is a particularly good one on her. it looks so soft and fluffy, like damn. this is like Shouto-hair-billowing-in-the-wind levels of pretty here
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oh my god holy shit?! putting her back in the school uniform to show the slip in her mentality is a PUNK MOVE, HORIKOSHI, and I respect the shit out of you for it you manipulative bastard. goddammit. bracing myself for the incoming wave of Mina feels... here they come... they’re a lot... let’s see if I can latch on to anything I can actually figure out how to describe in words
okay well here’s one, my respect for Mina’s bravery just went up like a thousand percent in this instant, because now we know this was actually such a traumatizing event for her that hearing Machia’s voice again years later immediately sent her into a full-blown flashback. she was that scared and yet she still stood up to him and didn’t hesitate. and now I’m remembering how her knees just buckled right afterwards, and just...
and this visual, though!! what a brutally effective way to show that in her mind she went right back to being that scared middle schooler again for a moment. god fucking damn. holy shit you guys is Kirishima fireproof because if he comes waltzing out of the woods next I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. lolo kids getting traumatized left and right this arc is fucking merciless
um eXCUSE ME!?!?!
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holy shit he could have fucking snapped her neck like that??! I don’t like this at ALL WHAT THE FUCK
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holy fucking shit y’all. I mean, it’s not like it came out of nowhere, like the setup could not have been more obvious, but let me assure you that none of the predictability lessened the actual impact of this moment in the SLIGHTEST. Horikoshi really wrote a flashback scene one hundred and thirty five chapters ago and planted it, watered it once a day, and patiently waited for THREE LONG YEARS until he could finally harvest the badass fruits of his labor in the midst of his most epic arc to date. I’m so fucking hyped I’ll even forgive him for sacrificing Mina’s big moment and having her get rescued, because it’s such a good reversal. he didn’t freeze up this time. he promised himself he’d never freeze again and he didn’t and he saved her and god fucking damn. anyways so now Machia is going to treat him like a fucking action figure though but he’s a solid little dude he can take it hopefully
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well we know he’s fireproof. another callback at the least expected of times lmao
so Tetsu’s all “yeah Kirishima’s not really all that fireproof but he totally ran over here anyway to save you. oh wait that probably wasn’t very comforting of me to say.” maybe that’s why it seems like he might not have actually said it out loud, now that I’m reading this over again. good call Tetsu
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lmao he’s just dropping this random hero person and letting him fall to his doom wheeeeee
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remind me to leave all of the League of Villains’ texts on read for the foreseeable future. goddamn. I still love you guys but also, fuck you so damn hard
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real talk, just between you and me, I’ll lower my voice so that Kirishima can’t hear. so uh. we all agree that even if Kiri is fireproof and squishproof, that little can of tranquilizer juice technically shouldn’t have been, right? but we’re all going to hush and pretend like it was anyway for the sake of not spoiling his big moment. even though I am crossing my arms and tapping my chin with my finger while doubtfully glancing to the side
anyway here he goes!
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YEAH KIRI GO GETTIM [stage whisper] there it is, in his pocket. should’ve burned. we won’t discuss it
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Shouji standing there trying to be useful any way he can. are eyeballs really that much more effective if you make them the size of tennis balls and hold them up above your head. legit question, I don’t really know how eyes work
okay after 45 seconds of googling this my impression is that no, they are not. well good on you for giving it the old college try anyway though Shouji
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oh my god he really is the Magic Man dude??? TIME TO DUST OFF MY INVENTORY OF ADVENTURE TIME QUOTES
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“that’s enough depending on some interns” oh, okay. now that they’ve done all your work for you. I see, I see
so now Gigantomachia is LITERALLY UNHINGING HIS JAW I can’t fucking believe this dude you guys. everything he does is just like, ARE YOU SERIOUS
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please go to sleep already. thanks to you I have my keyboard set to capslock as the default for the duration of this chapter
oh my god you guys they really fucking did it
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I guess that Howitzer slash fire punch combo really was that potent huh
anyway so now Endeavor is standing there making a big speech instead of reaching into Tomura’s pocket and taking the bullets that he doesn’t know about and shooting him with one asap. dammit Endeavor
aaaaand Tomura is firing back with the wisdom of Shimura Fucking Kotaro of all people
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well you sure convinced me. damn I don’t know what I was thinking. heroes suck you guys. how dare they help other people all the time
so now he’s all “PERIOD, EXCLAMATION POINT!!”
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take that Endeavor. you heard the man. it’s not destruction without conviction, as god as his witness he will have you know it is destruction WITH conviction. something something the great sage Shimura “I hurt my family for absolutely no reason at all, fuck this ‘helping others’ bullshit” Kotaro. I hope you packed your textbooks because you just got SCHOOLED. I hope the person who ordered you signed up for delivery notifications because you just got SENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE CAPITALISM BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT OWNED. I HOPE YOU CHOSE PAPER AND NOT SCISSORS BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT ROCKED
what an absolutely, unreservedly bizarre place to end the chapter lol. we’re really just done with this week, just like that. Majestic showed up and Gigantomachia opened his chin like a garage door and Tomura is all “you may have won the battle but you suck” while he buys time for Aizawa to suddenly sneeze or something so he can make his terrible comeback and continue Horikoshi’s Traumatize Every Kid in Class 1-A 2020 campaign. what an arc this is my friends. what an arc
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Blurred lines - The first date
Part 5 
Warnings: Some innuendo, otherwise pretty cute date - I would die to go on this kind of date 😍💙
Tagging: @schlean​ 
Find the Masterlist here 👈😊
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Steve was nervous to say the least. He was more for the slow-burn romance and was never great at picking up the clues women left out. But he knew how important this relationship development was for the mission. How Holly tended to develop her relationships in the past.
He rented a Vespa and waited outside her apartment building at 7:30 sharp. Holly came out a minute later.
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"Really Rogers, a Vespa?" Holly mused making him blush.
"Are you Italian or something?" She teased further, giggling at his embarrassment.
"I-I just thought that maybe we could take a quick ride to the Brooklyn Promenade and take an ice-cream there?" Steve scratched the back of his head. Holly's gaze softened.
"That sounds so sweet. Come on, come with me, I'll change into something more appropriate." She extended her hand and after he took it, she pulled him with her to her apartment on the top floor.
She sat him down on the sofa before scurrying to her bedroom to change. Steve took the time to take in the giant open-space, peering through the photos of Holly's family, smiling at the childhood pictures until his eyes stopped at the wedding picture. He took it from the wall and observed it closer.
"Snoop much?" Holly chuckled as she came out of the bedroom, completely redressed.
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Steve turned around and he let out a quiet "wow", making Holly smile.
"I dress down good, don't I?" Steve nodded in agreement.
"What'd you have there?" She asked, motioning to the picture in his hands.
"I didn't know Alex was married." He stated, waving the picture at her.
"Yeah...that's my cousin, Brock. They've been married for over 5 years now. Why do you sound surprised?" She took the picture from him and put it back on the wall.
"She wasn't wearing a wedding ring."
"She's not fond of jewelry so you'll never see her with it. She did get a tattoo, though - on her side, so only Brock gets to see it. I kinda like that sentiment, you know?" Holly smiled.
"That's the first time I heard about something like that."
"They're not a very conventional couple. You'll see, if you ever meet them." She winked and grabbed his arm.
"Come on, take me on the magic Vespa ride, Rogers. I've been dying to see what this adorable date will look like."
Steve opened the seat and pulled out two helmets, offering one to Holly and earned a surprised and disbelieving look from her.
"You don't actually think I'll put that on my head." She stated.
"No helmet, no magic Vespa ride." He joked and laughed as she pouted before taking the helmet out of his hands and putting it on.
"You look beautiful." Steve smiled and patted the seat behind him. The ride was quick, renting a Vespa was a good choice to battle the traffic that was ever present in NYC. And Holly had the best seat in the city - she had the possibility of squeezing herself tightly to Steve, feeling every muscle under his shirt. She had every intention to turn this PG13 date into R-rated one.
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The sun was setting and the lights on the Manhattan skyscrapers started turning on, bringing the city back to life and earning the nickname as the "City that never sleeps".
They walked down the promenade with ice-cream cones in their hands, playing the question game.
"What do you do for a living?" Holly turned to him.
"At the moment, nothing. But I've worked as a bouncer, bartender, mixologist...just about every job you could name, I'd probably done it." He sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
"Mixologist? Okay, I dare you to make me a signature drink at some point." She challenged.
"Does that count as a question?" Steve laughed.
"Let me rephrase it - will you make me a signature drink?"
"I will. Next time."
"Oh, so there will be a next time?" Holly smirked as he blushed again. He was so easily flustered.
"Your turn." She switched the subject on him.
"What do you do for a living?"
"Ah-ah, no repeating questions."
"Okay, how can you afford a place like yours?" He challenged with a smirk.
"Touché. It's the family business, I work with my cousin, Alexandria's husband - Brock."
"You seem close with your cousins' wife."
"We grew up together, I'm pretty sure you saw a couple of pictures of us from when we were younger when you were snooping." She laughed.
"Now it's my turn, how many women have you slept with?" Holly asked the question she wanted to ask from the beginning.
"Two hundred? Two thousand?" She pressed, not believing his answer.
"Just two." Steve assured and Holly went quiet.
"I met my only girlfriend in high-school and we tried everything together. After we broke-up, 10 years later, I slept with some woman at a bar out of sheer anger and sadness. After that I only had a few dates but nothing that would me stick around for more." He continued after she remained silent.
"You never had a good first date." Holly finally responded. She grabbed his hand and squeezed with a smile on her face.
"Until now." He smiled back.
They walked hand in hand around the promenade until she got chilly and he took her home. He walked her up to the entrance and gave her a quick good-night kiss. As he turned to go, she grabbed his hand.
"I'm not letting you go until you come back up for a night cap." She smiled at him, refusing to let him go.
"No buts. Just come up." She pulled at his arm, tugging him inside.
"Okay, but just for a cup of tea." Steve let her drag him to the elevator. She almost giggled at his innocence.
As the elevator door opened she dragged him back to the sofa, pushing him on the plush piece of furniture before going into the kitchen to heat up some water.
"I hope you had a good time tonight." He started as he observed her in the kitchen.
"I had a great time." Holly assured.
"I had fun too. I was hoping we could do it again? Am I too forward?" Steve asked and scratched at his stubble. He heard her laugh.
"This date isn't over yet. You still have your...tea to finish. But yes, I would like to go out with you again." She smiled and put two cups of hot tea on the coffee table, taking a seat next to him.
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"Thank you." Steve looked at her and smiled. That was when Holly's film snapped. She crashed her lips to his, immediately jumping on him, straddling his hips.
"I've been wanting to do this the whole night." She confessed as they separated. Before he could speak, she brought her lips to his again, sneaking in her tongue, deepening the kiss. As they came up for air she could see repression written on his face. He was holding back, for what reason she didn't know.
"Holly...I don't want to rush this, I want to get to know you better." Steve held her eyes for a few seconds.
"You are the first person that ever said that to me. And you will, but first let's get rid of this tension, or I will explode."
"Holly-" she put a finger over his mouth.
"Shh...just kiss me." She brought her lips closer and waited until he closed the short distance between them.
His shirt was the first to go. She racked her nails over his abs, smiling into the kiss as she felt him get harder under her.
"I think my bed is a lot more comfortable." She smiled as she hopped off of him.
"Come on, Rogers. Let me show you how a good first date should looks like." Holly motioned for him to follow her and Steve reluctantly followed. He wanted to respect her and while he wanted to wait with this aspect for a few more dates, he also needed to make sure she felt desired, which meant forsaking his own way of working.
As soon as he entered the bedroom, he was pushed onto the bed and Holly climbed on top of him.
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"Let's have some fun, Steve." She giggled before bending down and kissing him.
Thank you for reading! 🙏😊
The GIFs are not mine, they belong to the amazing creators 🙏😊 The pictures were all found on Google and do not belong to me either! 😭
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