#Wally bakery au
satanicsanity · 1 year
Here are some doodles of Baker-wally's weapon options! (The purple hearts indicate the ones he uses 90% of the time!)
Gun, hatchet, knife and general weapon TW!
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stinging-metal · 1 year
Tw/cw// Knife and blood
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Yayy baker has been drawn again
I had the need for b l o o d
Au by the lovely @satanic-witchcraft
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spoonofsketches · 1 month
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… have I ever told y’all that my favorite au is the actor au and there’s actually a lot of lore with Mailey and Caroline here?…
No? lol, then I said so here. Fun facts!
The top one is their current relationship, sassy and petty exs.
The bottom one is their past relationship, when Caroline (Carrie) ran a bakery and Wally was still a secretary for a newspaper company. They met by him stumbling across the bakery one morning. Curious, he walked in and met Carrie. The two had a good start and eventually starting dating. Why’d they break up? That’s still a mystery!
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arikihalloween · 4 months
Appleblossom week Day 4
Hmmm...Pie !!
Breton AU this time
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Wally got the pie at Poppy's bakery
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gretahayes · 2 years
more core four repair shop au thoughts;
the fixing shop gives very much cosy small candy shop vibes despite it being like...two stories tall and a mix of a woodworking station, a metalworking station, a forge, a car mechanic, a tech store, a tailor store, a toy store, a library (tim and bart like to read and go through reading material fast, so they figured they may as well), and a sort of bakery.
(it's only a bakery when kon keeps everyone else out of the kitchen (yes they have a kitchen, keep up) for long enough to bake successfully. if he succeeds, you get whatever new recipe he tried out that day, or the old reliables. the old reliables come out when he's having a busy or rough day and wants something low-effort and comforting.)
(also, he doesn't sell what he bakes. he gives them out. unless you've got three hours to argue over paying, you're getting it for free.)
it's got a big winding staircase leading up to the second storey and just like a hole. smackdab in the middle of the store, so they can lean over the railing and yell to each other
it's also much bigger on the inside than the outside. how? magic. (when the core four says this, locals laugh and take it as a joke. it is not a joke. they now owe zatanna a favor)
new branches are constantly being added, and new stuff. one day they picked up crocheting and suddenly there was crocheted stuff for sale. anita popped by and for a few days, second hand kid toys/clothes were offered.
it's not a cafe but they've got a good coffee machine, a lot of mugs, the Good Coffee™, and all know how to make good drinks. if you've got a few bucks to spare, it's heavenly.
tim fixes cameras sometimes :) he's had a lot of cameras through his lifetime and marvels at antiques, well-loved cameras, and newer models all the same.
cassie fixes weapons! cosplayers and people who just have weapons on hand come to the shop, drop it off, and a day/week later their weapon is fixed.
if you come when cissie's visiting, she'll help you with your bow.
traya visits with flowers and is a very chatty and helpful salesperson for the day until she's got to go back home. she also refuses to "sell" stuff without collecting any money.
bart knows how to do almost everything so he does a lot of the work, but it keeps him busy and there's a lot of different stuff to be fixed so he never gets bored.
when asked by the titans or the jla members they're related to/mentor them how it's going, they usually only tell the hero stuff, which is wild because Small Town Nonsense, so the justice league is like oh my God???? are you guys okay over there?? are you sure you don't need help??
they're like no we're living our peaceful cottagecore dream literally fuck off??
justice league: you got dismembered yesterday??
core four: the demon was just a scared kid, plus they gave us our limbs back, it's literally fine.
justice league: we don't think-
core four: we're about plant a garden. fuck off.
the titans at least visit Sometimes (dick, donna and wally obviously, but they won't object to a visit from kori or vic or gar) so they know the core four are happy and mostly vibing so they don't have many protests.
sometimes they've got baby heroes their shop, jai and irey poking around, damian petting their emotional support dog (her name is buddy. she is not a trained emotional support dog but she is very good at listening. she's part golden retriever and part princess of hell. don't ask.), assorted speedsters and arrowfam teens coming and going.
their town (and shop because they've got an alien, a speedster, and a demigod. it's a cauldron of magic) is sort of at the point where the dimensional barrier is sort of...thin? so sometimes they've got other versions of baby heroes in their shop, just chilling until they can get them back home.
on one notable occasion, they've had a teen mar'i, a toddler jackson hyde, a pre-teen cerdian and robbie, and a six-year-old chris kent all at the same time. that's the most like parents they've ever felt.
tim knew they'd all end up crashing in one bed so he just bought like...an alaskan king size bed in one room then regular beds in the others. he was not going to lie to himself.
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overb · 4 months
um plot line
-dick doesnt work tues
-tim is barista obvsss
-bats part time a very popular gotham restaurant
-lots of attempted robbery
-superheroes casually start showing up
-as well as gotham rogues…
-basically alf+bruce adopt each of thei workers kiiinda
-jason/tim/steph not ACTUALLY adopted
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mariipun · 1 year
Some Sunny Day
Warnings: N/A, Fluff
Word Count: 1,671
Brief Description: Welcome Home Bakery AU. Wally Darling x GN!Reader. Reader/self-insert. You are learning how to bake, but don’t know where to start. Not wanting to be a nuisance, you’ve begun watching from outside the local bakery café’s window as Wally took notice.
[Characters belong to Clown, aka, partycoffin]
Dedication: @satanic-witchcraft (Inspired by their Bakery AU, although it’s extremely loosely based /I just love the aesthetic/. Just a fanfic I wrote because I dreamt about this scenario lol)
It first began on a warm Tuesday afternoon.
You stood there outside, writing in a yellow-covered journal as you watched through the window of the bakery café; the blue-haired man glancing up at you every so often as he kneaded the dough. At one point, the both of you had made eye contact and he watched as you smiled. You pointed toward his motions and then pointed at your book with a slight tilt of your head as if asking permission to take notes.
Wally nodded, a smile of his own forming on his lips in return before going back to work on evenly distributing the dough. You continued to take notes, sometimes carefully mimicking some of his movements in the air as if committing to memory the way the dough needed to be handled. You’d be there for about an hour before placing your journal into your satchel, tucking the pencil behind your ear, and waving goodbye. Wally simply grinned, nodding in reply as you walked away.
This continued every week for the next three months.
Like clockwork, you were there every Tuesday afternoon as the café side bustled with life; customers shuffling in or out with pastries, coffees, or teas. Wally had become accustomed to your presence, albeit through the bakery’s window. He wondered why you simply didn’t come in to ask him questions about his work... or why you never seemed to come into the establishment during this time.
The other workers happened to take notice as well, but he assured them it was not an issue, and he didn’t want anyone to pry. He assumed you were wanting to learn how to bake, perhaps even explore new culinary skills. He may not know the extent of your situation, but he was always happy to teach, as you had always been enthusiastic to learn.
You’d watch, you’d write, and then you’d both exchange goodbyes. He didn’t realize when he’d stop working on whatever he was doing to simply watch you walk away to whatever destination you were headed to next.  
Every Tuesday afternoon, he began anticipating your return.
He didn’t quite show how excited he was, maintaining his cool demeanor, yet mindlessly fiddling with the strings of his apron. As the clock ticked closer to the predetermined time, he would prepare his area, having a different recipe or lesson at the ready.
You had even started noticing the little things he did, perking with curiosity. Some days there would be a recipe for whatever he was making during that time, laid out in front of your view; a list of ingredients meticulously written out in what you assumed was his handwriting.
Was he sharing his trade secrets with you?
You would read through the list of items, jotting them down quickly before watching as he began creating the batch of goods. Whenever Wally shared one of his recipes though, he’d patiently wait until you were done writing before showing you how to measure and make.
On other days he’d start showing off, tossing dough in the air, or elaborately packaging whole loaves of bread for orders. Sometimes he’d get a bit carried away, getting flour in his hair, or accidentally dropping an egg on the floor. He’d shift his eyes toward you to catch a glimpse of your reaction, always earning a giggle or stifling a laugh in your hand before continuing to write away in that yellow journal of yours. His cheeks would dust rouge in embarrassment, but honestly, Wally was glad he had an audience, especially one as devoted as you.
Sometimes, a bittersweet taste would settle on his tongue as the hour would end and you’d retreat into the world while he stayed behind the glass. Your figure would be lost within the crowd of people walking up and down the sidewalk, colors of various shades blending and muting into the background.
He wondered what you did every Tuesday morning before coming to the bakery, and what you did after when your time together would end.
Maybe he’d ask you one of these days, but for now, he enjoyed the wordless company.
Twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes past your usual arrival time.
You hadn’t shown up yet and the ticking of the clock began to make him restless.
Wally started to wonder if you were no longer available, or maybe, no longer interested in stopping by. A few different scenarios had swirled in his mind from you being at work, maybe school, having gotten hurt, maybe sick? Why was he so concerned about a complete stranger? Neither one of you even knew the other’s name.
Yet… he felt his chest tighten, disappointment prickling at his skin.
Surely, you were just running late today?
He stared at the counter; his mind lost in thought. He didn’t hear the familiar dings of the bell when the front door opened as you stepped inside, yellow journal in hand. He had only looked up when he heard Julie’s voice greet you from the register.
“Finally decided to come inside instead of watching through the window, huh?” Julie chimed.
You laughed in response, the sound filling the bakery with warmth.
Wally’s cheeks lifted as a smile formed on his lips, eyes falling on you. Feelings of elation and relief both washed over him in waves.
He stood still. The world around him seemed to burst into vibrant hues of light. Soft yellows, pinks, and mellow blues dance around you. He continued to watch you in adoration as you placed a drink order and made your way to one of the small tables near the corner of the café.
“It’s not polite to stare you know,” Poppy spoke up from behind him, causing him to turn and stutter in response. She smiled at him and shook her head. “Why not just say hello?” She encouraged, earning a defeated sigh from the man.
Wally took off his apron, hanging it up. “You’re right…” he mused, dusting himself off. “I’m going to take a break…”
“Take all the time you need dear,” Poppy replied, taking over the kitchen.
He carefully made his way over.
You were comfortably seated in the corner, reading through your writings as you sipped your drink. Setting the cup down, you looked over to the man making his way to you. You gave him a smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Mind if I join you for a bit?” he asked, a bit hesitant.
“I don’t mind at all.” You spoke sweetly, gesturing for him to sit.
Wally pulled out the chair across from you, settling down as well. Eyes panning down to your journal, he pointed a finger in its direction. “May I?”
“Oh! Of course.” You chuckled, moving the journal toward him. He began turning through the pages in awe of the detailed notes, scribbles, and even sketches of the baked goods he shared with you.
“Wow, this is incredible.” He breathed, “You even captured some of the techniques I use when I bake…”
“Yeah, I really wanted to make sure I got it right, ya know?” You confessed before clicking your tongue, “…But… whenever I try to bake something myself, it doesn’t seem to turn out right…” You mulled over the words, leaning forward to rest your arms on the table as you watched him read.
After a moment, he looked up at you in understanding before setting the journal back on the table. “Well, if you are interested, I’d be more than happy to teach you one-on-one here in the bakery, so you aren’t just watching from outside.”
“Really?” You squeaked, a bit more loudly than intended, earning a few looks your way. You gave him a sheepish grin, nodding. “Thank you… I would absolutely love that, but…”
“But?” He looked at you quizzically.
“I don’t have much money to really afford private lessons or anything…” You said sadly, reaching over to take the journal back. “I’ve usually just come by to watch you work, which is why I took notes. I tried doing the same with a few other bakeries, but they brushed me off. You were the only one that didn’t really seem to mind…” Sighing, you closed the journal and tucked it away, “I just didn’t want to bother you with it, so I’m just fine watching from the window…”
Wally pondered this for a moment, humming thoughtfully before nodding at you. “Then how about this? I’ll teach you ways you can improve your skills, and in return, you help me organize my recipes. That sound fair?”
“More than fair… That’s just way too generous.” You counter, hands coming up in defense.
“I suppose, but I do need some help with organizing my own notes. And it’d be a great help if you could assist with that, especially with all the ideas and experiments I have in mind... Sometimes I lose track.” He chuckled, gently scratching his cheek. This offer was more of an excuse to get to know you better anyhow. “So, what do you say?”
“Y-Yes…. I say yes, absolutely. Thank you so much, Mr.—"
“Darling”, he interjects, extending a hand for you to take. “My name’s Wally Darling. But please, call me Wally.”
You slowly take his hand in your own, heat emitting from your cheeks as you gave him your name in return. “It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance… Wally.”
For the rest of his break, the two of you talked, laughed, and talked some more until his attention was pulled away back to work.
You said your farewells, but before leaving, Wally gifted you a small box of pastries filled with new flavors he was working on; contemplating whether they would be good to sell or not. He asked you to try them and write in detail what you thought about each one. You were happy to do so, saying goodbye once more as you left the bakery.
You were both looking forward to next Tuesday.
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dearkitties · 1 year
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Bakery AU Wally doodles before bed
Hes very Sleep deprived and sleeps a lot!! Only for an hour or so though.. Howdy takes him with him as he carries ingredients though!!!
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cthulhushibainu · 10 months
For thou that are wondering, cthulhu does do ✨ ~le spice~ ✨ art from time to time, BUT ONLY LIGHT SHIZ, thy don't want to be band
So if I ever want to become the r34 cthulhu that thy am with even more ✨ ~le risky spice~ ✨ , thy will inform to were thy put the spices, but not right now, only laters
So here is some ~le spice~ of wally aus, enjoy (^-^)
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But in seriousness tell cthulhu why that buture have the GYATT, like damn, that's the whole bakery he got, one that rivals many women that have the legendary GYATT
Stage on-@imjade381
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janejellyfish · 1 year
Fan-art I made of my OC Winnie Daydream and Baker Wally Darling. Bakery AU belongs to @satanic-witchcraft. I hope you like it! I had fun drawing his hair (especially the sprinkles ✨)
#bakery wally darling #bakeryau #welcomehome #welcomehomeau
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Alrighty darlings, I've brought more Baker-wally food! Here's the boy in his night-gown! <3 💕💕💕
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(He really likes the colors pink and blue.. Mostly pink.. Obviously- haha!
Edit, I fixed his hair!)
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melancholypancakes · 9 months
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No words can express how excited I was to reveal Brienne Velvet in the Butcher AU
For a couple of months I’ve been working on her character and design, at first i wasn’t going to make Brienne in this Dark AU.
Mainly due to lack of fitting her in the AU and the idea of Wally being a cannibal lol
{Warning: this contains gore and disturbing descriptions some people will find disturbing}
Anyway, Meet Brienne Velvet, the Baker and newest neighbor of the neighborhood Home, she moved from Violet Evergreen with her roommate Sally Starlet, a starving actress.
Brienne opened up her own bakery, Baby Doll’s and seemly life was going swell…well until she met her neighbor across from her bakery, the Butcher, Wally Darling.
Well, met is far fetched to Wally…
{In 1958}
Wally was a little boy, abused and neglected by his father, Detleu loved by his mother, Donna until her death by the hands of his father.
Wally was just a boy, hurt, depressed and abused, he felt alone at the park until a young girl with blonde pig tails approached him, she helped him with his bruises and talk to him like a friend.
This girl was Brienne Velvet, she had blonde pretty golden hair at the time, she and wally became the best of friends while growing up in home.
Brienne lived with her mother, Margaret and older sister Brittany. Prior to moving to Home Archie Velvet, Husband and father died in a car crash causing his family to move for a new life.
During Wally & Brienne’s teen years, they gone closer and closer, Brienne was his study buddy and often protected him rather it’d be bullies or his father.
Brienne wasn’t the popular girl, she was pretty but definitely not the dream girl…to wally she was, Brienne was an athlete in women’s track that was rare.
Brienne had a brighter and welcoming family mor than Wally which why he preferred to to hang out with her at her house instead.
Eventually Brienne and Wally started dating in secret mainly from his father, they went on movie dates whether it was the theater or at her place, it took awhile but wally got used to Margaret being nice to him.
It was sweet while it lasted…a cute young couple just in love, blinded by reality and dangers.
{In 1963}
Wally and Brienne were giggling, sneaking into his backyard at night while his father was “asleep”, they talked during the moonlight, gazing at each other with love and kissing without a care in the world.
Unfortunately, that blindness of love was there downfall, deltleu wasn’t asleep but drunk and when he heard sounds in his backyard, he grabbed a shotgun and saw wally with Brienne making out and in his drunken state…
He cloaked his gun casing the young lovers to break away and Brienne gasp in fear as Wally’s father had a shotgun, causing Wally to quickly push her off and made her run.
She ran and panted, scared for her life as she should be, Wally begged his father not to hurt Brienne but he didn't listen and shot, until she collapsed when he finally shot her in the head.
Wally screamed bloody murder, he had lost it, he tried to ran to Brienne’s unmoving body but his father grabbed him as Wally screamed how much he hated him for killing his girlfriend.
Unknown to him, Brienne was alive, barely breathing but unconscious and wolves in the deep woods smelled her blood.
They start ripping her skin and eating her flesh off.
Brienne would’ve been truly dead if it weren’t for two officers finding her in the woods after Margaret was on a search for her missing daughter.
She was missing for three hours and within that three hours she was alive, bleeding from her head and bloody all over her face, the cops rushed the poor girl to the hospital.
Margaret and Brittany were worried, Brienne was attached to wires and a life line.
Brienne was brought to the hospital on time to be saved by chance, a miracle and some would say fate.
Doctors operated on Brienne face, wounds and getting the bullet out of her head.
It took weeks for Brienne to be conscious again but her face was healing miraculously.
However, Brienne had no memories of Wally, no memories of early childhood years just memories of Brittany and Margaret.
That was then Margaret made it a decision as her mother to move to a different town away from here.
She never told briennd the truth, manipulated her, and forced Brittany not to utter a word.
She firmly believed this town was dangerous, although Margaret loved her children, she couldn’t bare to look at Brienne. Her face was gone and she had to wear a prosthetic pin-up doll mask for the rest of her life.
Brienne went on through the rest of her high school years like this with no friends, she cut her hair and dyed it black, she didn’t like looking like her mother who could barely stand her.
After high school, Brienne worked at a Hotel to make money to support herself and make enough money to become a professional baker and to own her own bakery.
She met a woman around her age, Sally Starlet her co-worker. They were both front desk.
Sally's dream was to be an actress. She wanted to star in musicals, movies, and TV. As of now, she was a starving actress.
Once the two individual women developed a friendship, they had a plan to move in together for their careers.
At the end of the year 1985, Brienne moved in with Sally in the neighborhood "home".
Sally would focus on her acting career while Brienne could open her bakery "Baby doll's".
Unfortunately, she would find out that something dark and sinister lurks in the night...waiting and hunting.
She can feel it from the butcher shop across her bakery, her librarian Frank, mail man, Eddie, friendly neighbor Poppy, the comedian, Barnaby, and the grocery store owner Howdy feel it too...
A/n: I had have this character underground for a year and by god, I'm so thrilled I get to show her off!
This is one of my brilliant stories with Brienne and Wally in the AUs.
And yes, people who know the plot love the tragic love story in the butcher wally au :)
Butcher wally belongs to @Meatbag56 on Tiktok
In the butcher AU, I have three endings planned
The true ending/happy ending: Brienne stays in the neighborhood "home" she rekindles her lost love with Wally after talking with him finally and remembers her past slowly but surely.
In this ending a secret path is revealed in the story, Brienne was forced to take medical pills "Alprazolam" to forget her past with wally by her mother.
It is only when she stops taking them everything is revealed to her, also Wally and Brienne end up getting married and having your kids in this ending :)
The bad ending: Everyone is dead, straight up Wally kills the neighbors and Brienne's best friend Sally.
Brienne knows she and wally had a relationship but she was driven with madness and insanity after her friends were killed and her employees.
She wants revenge and instead of running away she confront Wally and makes him pay with his life.
In this ending, she kills Wally with her axe with no hesitation and what reminds her of her psyche is insanity.
The escape ending: This is the neutral ending where most of the neighbors are killed, Sally and Brienne are left to survive and escape the butcher shop.
In this ending, Brienne never rekindles her lost love with wally not remembers him and leaves with sally to LA to start a fresh start with their careers.
I based off Brienne design in this au as sal fisher from sally face as you can tell.
Brienne is a fairy puppet like the rest of her family and she is chubby in the present time unlike in the past
(I can't draw sally I'm sorry XD the includes probably the rest of the welcome home neighbors)
In case no one knew, Brienne not best friends with Julie joyful in the neighborhood due to the canon wise she is dead in the butcher wally au so she never met her and only sally.
The song for Brienne theme are
"The Ballad of Jane doe" from a ride on the cyclone
"cake" Melanie Martizen
"Hayloft 1 & 2" from Mother which the backstory with Brienne and wally love based off.
"Bugambillia" Nasa Histories
"Memories and Dreams" Sally face (Metal cover)
"Monster" Meg and Dia
"The Monster" Rihanna & Eminem
"Monster" Skillet
"Not Gonna Die" Skillet
"Awake and Alive" Skillet
"Anastasia's Villain song, Journey to the past" by Lydia the Bard
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pennyparsnip · 1 year
Howdy Neighbors! Things have been very dark and sad around the Welcome Home community lately. Many AU creators are taking breaks in light of recent events! Which is perfectly reasonable. I hope everyone takes their Wallys out for a spa day! Put little cucumbers on their eyes and relax! Thats what we are doing here! I fortunately have very high constitution for nonsense and don't plan to step down or away, but please respect that not every AU creator/ WH content creator is this way during times like these!
I thought I would try to lighten the mood with more fun Onceler Wally and other facts about the AU as i work on more content!~
Wally is afraid of the dark and sleeping near windows. He has flashlights and batteries socked away everywhere around the factory due to being locked in his office while Home cut off electricity to just the office. He was never without flashlight batteries after that! You could probably ask him to shake his head, and batteries would fall out.
I asked him what Wally is short for and he said it was short for "wallet" and then laughed at me as he stole mine.
Wally is a great cook!!! Excellent cook, even!!! Can he follow recipes? Absolutely not. Don't even offer one! But is he an amazing cook nonetheless? Yes!! Yes he is. He can make any kind of pancake you can think of.
Sally Starlet is PR manager and Julie Joyful is the lead of social media and networking! She and Sally work closely together, and they often forget whose job is whose. The two ladies keep us all connected and hip with the kids while making sure we always look fresh for events!~
Eddie Dear is the lead janitor and groundskeeper! It is a big factory, and he takes his job very seriously! But not too seriously, of course. He is everyone's favorite coworker! He knows every inch of the factory almost as well as Wally does!
Frank Frankly is the head of accounting and billing! He's the man with the math! He knows the logistics and all the numbers! If you have a math question that needs answering or a bill that needs paying, Frank is your man!
Barnaby is fine :)
Howdy Pilliar and Poppy Partridge run the biggest, most extravagent bodega and bakery the neighborhood has ever seen! Poppy makes all sorts of baked goods and sweets and Howdy runs the bodega side of their shop! They are a dynamic set of coworkers!
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floraluniversal · 2 years
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Just an idea, but @celerem​ ‘s bakery AU x my heartbroken AU would be pretty fun shipping material
Wally’s friendly/flirty nature would have her immediately suspicious tho
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iciwelcome-home · 1 year
Headcanons of my WH AU - Welcome Mansion
Probably best I’d put some headcanon of my Welcome Home AU, Welcome Mansion (Rich!Wally Darling). I might add more in the future, but for now...!
Rich!Wally Darling is around 5ft yet he was still teased of being short(ish) until Homeless!Eric Hopper (one of my OCs) or Y/N comes along, who is a tad shorter than Rich!Wally.
Despite Homeless!Eric was kicked out by his/their mother, but he/they always said he/they prefers to be homeless than to live with his/their mother.
Butler/Guard!Barnaby knew Rich!Wally when they were kids, he’s so far the only one who knew what Wally was like before Wally changed
Rich!Wally’s parents died in an accident when Wally was 13 to 14.
Mansion!Home is very kind and often make sure everyone is well or not overdoing things
Journalist!Julie is somewhat well known for uncover the truths. (She’s based a bit on Nellie Brie of An American Tail: The Mystery of the Night Monster)
Rich!Wally prefers to paint in private times, not showing his paintings he’d made
Homeless!Eric actually met Rich!Wally when they were 8 years old. Eric returned the neckerchief to Wally, but it was the last they seen each other until years later
In the front gates of Darling Mansion, there are apple symbols. 😆🍎
Before becoming a maid, Poppy has own her bakery for 3 years, but sadly it was shutdown. Maid!Poppy got an offer from Rich!Wally and becomes the head Maid of the Darling Mansion
Head Butler!Eddie is poet. He probably would read romantic poets to Reporter!Frank x3
Rich!Wally likes to tease Homeless-Butler!Eric (or Y/N), not knowing how to flirt
Butler/Guard!Barnaby would tells some jokes to lighten up the mood
After being hired as a butler, Eric would overwork himself/themselves which lead him/them to get sick. He/They want to be useful, fearing to be thrown out.
The last time Rich!Wally had smiled was before his parents died.
Rich!Wally can’t dance very well, but thankfully Butler!Eric is willing to teach Wally to dance
...And that’s all. Not much interesting headcanons, but these are important to make sure I remember. 😅
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ao3feed-birdflash · 2 years
There’s Something Familiar About That Guy…
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/X0kx7Vp
by sicklyvictorianbird
Dick works at a coffee shop and Wally works at a bakery. The shops are night next door to one another, and with only glass so separate them, Dick and Wally can’t help but looking at each other during their shifts.
“There’s something familiar about that guy…”
Set in a college AU where Dick knows Wally’s secret identity but Wally doesn’t know Dick’s. Also Wally is Kid Flash in this, and Dick has just recently become Nightwing, still finding his footing. They both go to the same college but only Dick knows this.
Words: 314, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Young Justice - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Dick Grayson & Wally West
Additional Tags: Fluff, Secret Identity, Alternate Universe - College/University, College, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Confusion, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Pre-Relationship, i love them, Birdflash - Freeform, dickwally
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