#Wanda angst
loggiepj · 7 months
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she broke her own heart
Summary : Just a short story about how Wanda broke her own heart.
You didn't cheat.
You learned at a young age that when you loved someone, you should be solely and  deeply committed to that person. You were strongly against any sort of betrayal.
You hated your father for that. You thanked the heavens he got sick with something close to cancer because you knew he deserved it. But you hated him more for making your mother miserable who still took care of your father after he got sick most of the time. You pitied your mother. She shouldn't have to live that way, especially when she was the one cheated on. But she loved your father still.
That was why you had cursed him and swore to yourself you wouldn't ever do what he did to your mother.
You couldn't handle the guilt if ever you'd commit such a cruel act, wondering how some people could ever do such in the first place. Even some of your friends have cheated or have been cheated on. It made you sick to the stomach just to think of it.
You couldn't ever ever cheat and wouldn't attempt to in your lifetime.
You didn't cheat.
That was what you were trying to tell your girlfriend of four years when she caught you with a naked woman in your apartment.
Wanda. Sweet, innocent, ever kind Wanda. With red hair and green eyes, she'd part the crowd like the Red sea whenever she entered a room.
You met her during your last year in College and dated ever since. It was a funny encounter — an enemies turned into lovers type of story. It was when Wanda accused you of being the other girlfriend of your now ex-bestfriend, Vision.
It took her a whole month to figure out you were gay when you both got drunk and made out in your dorm. It only took her five seconds of your tongue in her mouth to find out she liked girls too.
You and Wanda had been inseparable since. The relationship grew more intense, making you both commit yourselves to each other. Your friends became her friends. Her friends became yours.
You considered yourself so lucky for having her in your life. Wanda was always there through your ups and downs. And you were also there for hers.
So why would you cheat on her? How could you ever cheat on her?
You didn't cheat. But Wanda didn't believe you.
Wanda witnessed it front row.
It was a normal Thursday afternoon, or at least it was supposed to be normal, when Natasha, your bestfriend, dropped by your apartment, carrying with her her bag of art supplies, a blank canvass and a lady wearing high heels who looked like ten years older than the two of you.
It was honestly your fault in the first place. You were too nice to deny Natasha a place to do her painting when she was kicked out of hers. But you were also too late to realize it was going to be a nude work when the lady suddenly took off all of her clothes, leaving only her red stilettos on.
Amidst your complaints about how Wanda wouldn't approve of such a thing if she only knew, Natasha had managed to persuade you that it would only take her an hour to finish.
But bad things were meant to happen.
If only you allowed Natasha to use the toilet when she needed to relieve herself earlier, you wouldn't have to wait for a couple of minutes for her to come back when she immediately headed towards the toilet the moment she had finished the painting.
You wouldn't have to endure an awkward moment alone with the lady as she slowly dressed herself. You wouldn't have slipped on Natasha's paintbrush that she left on the floor in a hurry and tackled with the lady as you both fell down on the floor.
And Wanda wouldn't have seen you two in a weirdly sexual position in the apartment that you and Wanda shared.
No. Wanda didn't believe you. She saw it with her own two eyes.
"It's not what you think it is," you told her. Yet, you couldn't move. You found yourself frozen, million of things running inside your head, reasons why you were suddenly on top of this half naked stranger.
Wanda scoffed, then bit back a cry as she said, "I thought you were different. I was wrong."
When Wanda hurriedly left the apartment, a switch turned on in yourself, making you finally move from your spot.
"What did I miss?" was what you thought you heard Natasha ask in a distance when she finally came out of the toilet. But you were too focused to follow Wanda out of the building and into the parking lot.
"Wanda!" you called out, knocking the windows of her car as you tried to get in. "It was not what it looked like. I swear!"
Then you made a run towards her side of the car because the passenger's side was locked.
"Wanda, please!" You were hysterical. Especially when you saw how red and defeated Wanda's eyes looked like. As if she had accepted her fate. That you were a cheater, just like her ex boyfriend.
"I didn't! We didn't—" A sudden honk made you jump away from the car before Wanda stepped on the pedal and drove fast. Away. Far from you.
You tried to run for it. But after a couple of blocks, you ran out of air to breathe.
Endless visits in Pietro's apartment became your routine. You knew Wanda was staying at her brother's place. You saw her car parked outside. But Wanda wouldn't give you the time or the ear to listen.
Wanda's friends became your enemies, despising you for betraying their friend. You could talk them through it, made them believe you didn't do what they thought you did. But you only cared for Wanda to believe you.
Pietro almost didn't believe you until Natasha talked to him.
"Give it time, Y/n," Pietro always said to you whenever you dropped by. "You know how she feels about cheating. Maybe tomorrow, she'd finally listen to you."
So you hoped and hoped that tomorrow will come. That one day she'd finally hear you out and your valid excuse.
But that day turned only into weeks. And weeks turned into a month. And a month turned into two. Until you couldn't bear it any longer and visited Wanda in her office.
Amidst the protests from Wanda's secretary, saying she was in a meeting, you still managed to get to her office.
Wanda wasn't alone. She was with her officemate who was also her friend, Jarvis. A friend who had become surprisingly close after your so-called breakup.
You were out of breath. Not because the secretary was so fast in trying to get you, but because you swore you saw Jarvis' arm around Wanda's shoulders just a second ago, and how their faces were so close to each other, it almost looked like they were kissing or something.
"Y/n, what are you doing here? How did you get in?" Wanda bitterly asked. You could tell she was still mad about what she thought you did.
"I'm sorry, Ma'am." Her secretary bumped into your back as she managed to catch up. "I tried to stop her—"
"It's okay. I trust it Y/n doesn't need help to exit this building as well," Wanda replied.
"You didn't answer to any of my calls or messages," you began. "If you could only hear me out just this once. Natasha brought—"
"I don't think we have formally met," Jarvis interrupted as he walked towards you, his hand held out for you to shake. "I'm Jarvis Stark, the CEO of Stark Industries, along with my brother Tony. And. . .," he made a look towards Wanda before he looked back at you, "Wanda's boyfriend."
You laughed. It was a slow chuckle at first, before you burst into a loud laughter.
"I see," you said, ignoring Jarvis' hand as you made your way towards Wanda. "You don't have to do this. Pretending he's your boyfriend when months ago, you despise the hell out of him."
Wanda stepped back. "You don't know me, Y/n. Maybe, I do want him after all."
"Besides the fact that at least he wants me unlike you."
"You know that's not true—"
"Tell me, Y/n, was she really that good in bed? Good enough to throw all those years away?!"
"Wands." You tried to step a bit closer, arms extending for a hug.
"Stay away from me!" Wanda screamed, making Jarvis drag you away from her. You pulled out from his grasp as you stared at Wanda. She looked like a mess, but you couldn't really blame her if she had gone through a heartbreak.
After all, she was the one who broke her own heart.
"Don't make me call security," Jarvis warned.
You took a deep breath before you finally left.
You would have come back the following day. Or the day after that. If only you didn't get sick.
You would have visited Pietro's apartment the next day if you didn't just collapse on your way to work that day.
You thought it was just fatigue, what with the restless nights you had spent trying to win Wanda back. But you were wrong.
It turned out you were cursed with your father's illness too.
That was why you were drinking in a bar on a Tuesday afternoon, even when the sun was still up. If Natasha weren't there to get you to go home, you would have ended in God knows where.
"I don't deserve her," you softly murmured when Natasha had managed to get you in her car. "I don't deserve Wanda."
"Hey, don't say that."
"She's in good hands now. He'll be good to her. Promise me, Nat, you'll look after her."
Natasha cupped your face. "She just needs time, Y/n. She'll come back. I promise you that."
But time was something you had until now. Until you finally received the medical report from your doctor, telling you that you'd end up paralyzed one day. Just like your father.
And you couldn't do that to Wanda — making her take care of you as you both grew old. No. You couldn't do that to her. You were not your father.
Even when she finally realized that you didn't really cheat. Even when she would finally talk to you and accept you back into her arms. Even when Wanda made it known that Jarvis and her weren't at all true and she was just angry at that time.
Even when she finally came to Natasha's party after countless invitations in the past months, knowing you were there too. Even then.
You knew now you're not your father. You wouldn't cheat. And you couldn't make her give up her dreams just to take care of you.
So when yours and Wanda's eyes met at the party, with her talking to some of your friends, and you drinking from a distance, you knew you had to finally let her go.
"I cheated," you said when Wanda came to follow you in the balcony. "I had intentions that day to kiss her and more."
Wanda shook her head. "You're lying." Even her voice was trembling.
"It's true. The only lie I ever told you was to make you believe I didn't do it, that I didn't cheat. But I . . . I want to come clean, Wanda," you went on. "I'm sorry I led you on, I'm sorry. I slept with her that night. And on the following nights too—"
Wanda snapped, her hand hitting your left cheek with a force. The sound echoed through the night. That hurt. But your heart was already hurting.
"Why can't I be enough, Y/n?" Wanda finally asked after a couple of seconds of complete silence.
Then you looked at her, saddened that she didn't realize how perfectly enough she was to anyone.
You wanted so badly to tell her she was enough. That you were even lucky she was talking to you. That it was you who couldn't be enough for her.
But you stopped yourself. You had to let her go.
"Don't you ever let me see your face again," she said, gritting her teeth, before she left.
And that was the only thing you could promise Wanda from that moment on.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Gonna request an Alpha!Natasha with pregnant!omega!reader ;) but the angsty part is that reader past relationship was with Wanda, but she cheated on her w vision they had a rough break up after 1 month of the break-up reader discovers that she's pregnant w Wanda's pup, she goes to Wanda to resolve the situation but wands doesn't assume the child saying it's not hers, afterwards reader goes full pissed off and crying to Nat bc she doesn't know what to do and Nat says that she's gonna help raise the kid Months go by, and they fall for each other, only to the both of them confess after the birth of the twin girls when the visits are allowed wanda comes in to see the twins and reader gets protective and starts growling at her while Nat is scenting marking both of the pup's and reader
Ending fluffy bc it's Christmas time
(The pup's name can be Slavic cultured)
My Omega
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Pairings: Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x omega!reader, (past) Alpha!Wanda maximoff x reader
Word count: 2407
Warnings: ABO universe, pregnant reader, giving birth, cheating, angst, fluff, mentions of vomiting, think that’s all!
Summary: After you caught the love of your life, your alpha, cheating on you when you were pregnant, you left. Nat cared for you and took you in, caring for you the way Wanda never had. You couldn’t help but fall for her.
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Grabbing the test you walked back to you and Wanda’s shared room, your heart full of joy as your life would forever change. You opened the door without knocking, seeming as it was your room so you assumed there was no need to announce your entrance. The sight you walked in on made your heart full of joy turn to an aching pain. Betrayal. That’s what it was. You felt betrayed seeing Wanda on top of Vision, the two in bed making out. She gasped and got off of the man hearing you walk in.
“Y-Y/N..” Your head shook back and forth, trying to convince yourself this was some time of dream, a nightmare. Her hands rested on your arms, the stick dropping in the process. She looked down for a moment before registering what it was, leaning down to pick it up.
“Baby, what is this?” You walked backwards slowly, her trying to follow you.
“No! Don’t go near me, you cheating bastard!” She flinched lightly at your words but continued to look at you with pure shock.
“Is it mine? Are these pups mine?” She gripped your arm tightly before you could leave, making you whine out in pain. She removed herself from your body, looking down at the red mark in shame.
“Yes they’re yours! Unlike you, I don’t cheat.” You could see the anger in her expression start to boil, scoffing in your face.
“Oh really? Because you seem to be real close with Nat, wouldn’t be surprised if you two fucked. Hey, maybe even it’s hers!” You fake laughed and ripped the test out of her hands aggressively.
“You’re fucking insane Wanda! You cheat on me and now you’re trying to also put the blame on me? What did I ever do to you?” At this point, Vision had already left. He must’ve gone through the walls like a coward. Nat was currently walking through the halls, planning on going to her room until she heard yelling. She knew it wasn’t her business, but when hearing her name she had to intervene. She stood close to the door, hearing every word filled with emotion. She could hear the hurt in your voice, the pain. And she could hear the anger in Wanda’s, she had no right. Even if Nat barely knew what was going on, she could understand by the words you two were shouting at one another. Wanda had cheated, Nat wishes she could say she was surprised. All of her sneaking around, it was suspicious. When she warned you, you only denied it saying she could never hurt you. But here she was, doing that exact thing.
She saw you run out of the room and stop in front of her, looking into her eyes with sorrow before continuing your voyage to your room. Wanda rushed out and made eye contact with the woman as well, a scowl marking her face. Nat considered going to your room, would you yell at her? Would you accept her caring nature? She decided to go with her guts and followed you, softly knocking on the door only for you to dismiss her. She didn’t give up though, she stayed there until you opened the wooden entrance and let her in.
“What do you need?”
“I don’t think it’s about what I need, what do you need?” You sighed and sat down on your bed, sitting criss crossed and codling your knees as support. She sat beside you and rested her hand upon your thigh, trying her best to soothe or comfort you. You grabbed the small tests and handed them to her, not being able to look at her shocked face.
“Oh. Oh, this- this is great! You’re going to have pups!” She said excitedly, only to remember why you were so down.
“But, not with Wanda?” You shook your head and tried your best not to let the tears flow once again, but when she cuddled you into her arms, you couldn’t stop it. You cried like a child into her shoulder while she whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“It’s going to be alright.”
“How do you know that? I just caught my partner cheating on me when I was going to tell her that I’m pregnant, with her fucking pups!” You exclaimed loudly, the fear and hurt in your voice evident.
“I know it’s going to be alright because I'm going to be with you the whole time. I’ll take care of all of your needs, it’s what you deserve, what you need at this moment.” You felt bad. This wasn’t her job yet she was stepping up and doing what Wanda could never.
“Nat, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking, I’m telling you that’s what I’m going to do. I don’t care if they’re not mine, I will treat them as though I’m their mother. I will show you and these little pups so much love, you’ll even reconsider ever having Wanda by your side.” She muttered the last few words jokingly, getting the first laughs out of you in the night.
“See! I’m already doing amazing, aren’t I?” You nodded and she chuckled lightly before helping you get into bed, the crying and screaming making you tired. She got a bottle of water and rested it on the nightstand for when you awoke, along with an Advil pill as she knew you’d have a headache soon enough. You fell asleep quickly and she admired your peaceful state, one that she hasn’t had the privilege of seeing for awhile. Nat made her way down to Fury’s office and explained your situation, requesting that you and her would not have to go on mission until a few months after the baby is born and you’re all recovered. He agreed, already planning for this day with each omega in the building.
The months went by quickly, Nat keeping her promise and making sure you were healthy and happy. Every craving you had, she got, even in the dead of the night. Whenever you were bent over the toilet puking, she’d hold your hair back and cradle you afterwards. She’d figure out anything that made you nauseous and threw it all away, banning the team from having it in the compound until after you’ve given birth. When the pups kicked for the first time, she was there crying gently and talking to them as if they could hear her, she liked to believe that they could. Every doctor's appointment, she was there holding you. During the gender reveal, she cried when finding out she’d have two little girls. She’d pretend that they were hers sometimes, it made her smile. Touching your stomach alone made all her worries disappear, knowing that they’d be here soon enough. She’d sing them lullabies, ones that her mother sang to her and Yelena when she was little. Whenever you two slept in the same nest, her arm would protectively wrap around your stomach. And when she slept alone, she’d toss and turn relentlessly. She knew she was falling for you, if anything, she has loved you since you were with Wanda. For the longest time, she tried to deny it, deny her feelings for you. She tried so hard, even going so far as to try and ignore you for weeks to months. But it was too hard, she couldn’t go a day without seeing your beautiful face. And when she heard about Wanda cheating, she knew that was her time to step in and be what she could never. She gave you time, let you adjust to the new heart break that Wanda left behind. But she wanted you to be hers once and for all, she wanted you as her omega, not anyone else. She wanted to mark you as her own, no, she needed to.
The moment your water broke, she went into action. It was terrifying, all the practice and training went to waste as she panicked. But she kept it under control, monitoring your contractions and getting you to the med bay as fast as possible. She didn’t trust hospitals, she wanted someone she knew to deliver your baby. You both agreed to give birth in the compound’s medical wing, it was faster and more efficient anyways.
You pushed and pushed, yelling at the doctors and even at Nat who was supporting your back and holding your hand. When the first baby started crowning, she moved to watch as tears escaped her, her pups were finally here. They were hers, she may not be related to them biologically, but they were still hers. The first was born, Alla. You both took months to decide good names but eventually figured the perfect ones out, Alla and Ania. They were Slavic cultured, Alla being a mix between Russian and Ukrainian meaning up while Ania meant grace. She held her baby like it was the last time, cradling her small face with her finger. The nurse took her and Nat prepared to help you push out the second, well, give you emotional support.
Not long after you got to hold your little girls, Alla in your left arm and Ania in your right. Nat leaned over your body and stared at the two with love in her eyes, she couldn’t believe it, her pups were finally here. Her little own family was together. The nurse soon took your bundle of joys into the other room while you were left there with Nat.
“Oh Y/N, you did amazing today, I’m so proud of you. You pushed out two little angels all by yourself, you did such a great job, baby.” You leaned into her touch, staring at her lips as she did the same.
“Please, I need this. I want you to kiss me, make me yours.” She complied and connected her lips with yours, it felt like heaven. The moment you both have been dreaming for finally happened, you were connected.
“C-can I mark you?” She asked in a low whisper, seemingly nervous for your response. You only nodded and she smiled before moving down to the junction between your neck and shoulder, biting and sucking the skin lightly. You moaned lightly as her saliva hit your scent gland, completely marking you as her own. She looked you in the eyes and gave you a teeth showing grin before resting her forehead against your own.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” You silently agreed with her before yawning, being quite exhausted after giving birth.
“Rest, my love. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” You let your eyes shut as sleep took over you. Nat moved a strand of hair away from your face before kissing your cheek softly.
After two days, you were finally able to take the pups. You both held them carefully and walked over to the team as they all excitedly held and cradled the baby as you two did not long ago. They all congratulated you before catching their eye on your neck, you put your hair in front of it nervously as a way to cover it up. You could see Wanda out of the corner of your eye glaring at you and Nat. As much as she wanted to hold the baby, you didn’t let her just yet. She ran upstairs, causing you to glance at her before Nat turned your attention back to your friends and now, family.
Later that night, you and Nat placed the pups in their cots and got ready for bed happily. Nat went to go grab a glass of water and a book she left downstairs when you heard a knock on the door. Opening it you were greeted by the sight of a teary-eyed Wanda.
“W-Wanda, what are you doing here?” She sighed and looked down but shot her head back up when hearing a soft giggle from Alla.
“I came here to see my pups, they’re not just yours and they sure as hell aren’t Nat’s.”
“Oh really? Weren’t you the one insisting that they were Nat’s when you cheated on me?” She tried getting through the door but you stopped her short, blocking her from seeing the two. She was about to forcefully move you until a loud growl-like sound came from behind her. Wanda turned to see who it was but was met by Nat’s angry glare.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She asked, her arms crossing against her chest. Wanda didn’t back down, she stood proudly and returned the look.
“I’m going to see my pups, that’s what I’m doing.” You speed walked towards the two and protected them from the women fighting at the doorway. They wailed heavily, making Nat look over at them in fear and protection. She pushed Wanda aside and carefully took Ania and Alla in her arms, kissing each of their precious little faces while rocking them back and forth. She whispered sweet words to the two as Wanda scurried off, muttering a small ‘fucking bitch’ under her breath. When the crying came to a stop, Nat settled them back down and let you lay down in the nest.
“Thank you Natty.” She smiled and laid beside you, peppering little pecks on your lips. Her arms wrapped around you protectively, the same way she’d do when you were pregnant.
“There’s no need to thank me, you know I’d do anything to protect our family.” You were so grateful for her, she never even got mad at you. She went from yelling at Wanda to holding you tightly, you were the only exception.
“Ijust want you to know how much I love and appreciate you, the little ones too. They’re going to grow up loving their momma and mommy, I bet they’ll like you more, you’ll spoil them rotten I know it.” Hearing you call her the pups momma made water leak from her green eyes. She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her from your last words, you were right. She would give those little angels anything they ever wanted and more.
“Oh baby, I’m going to love and cherish you forever, I love you so much.” She placed kisses all over your sweet face before speaking once more.
“Rest now, my little omega. I’ll be right here when you wake up, I promise.”
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writing-house-of-m · 11 months
Till death do us part.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff, and some Angst
Warnings: Talks of death, blood and vomiting.
Word count: 7179
Summary: It was a joint decision between you and Wanda wanting to raise your family together full time. There is just one last mission before you retire.
A/N: Who do I think I am, posting three weeks in a row 😂 This one has been a long time coming. I was given the prompt (a long time ago) “She wakes to the sound of you dying.” by @cuinaminute229 - I finally completed it mate! I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think 😊
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The three of you are running through the halls. You don't know how but an alarm was triggered and now you want to make it out of the building before a fight starts.
Too late.
Turning the next corner you are met with five guards all equipped to take you down.
This is not what you wanted.
The plan was so meticulously thought out, you allowed yourself to be optimistic, that this mission could be done without a hitch, but you should have known. Better to keep expectations low, right?
You can only hope they haven't found out about the support you have outside the building.
Tony, Sam, Vision and Wanda.
Two days ago
"Y/l/n, you're with Rogers and Romanoff."
You look up from the file on the table in front of you to the man holding the meeting feeling slightly perplexed.
"But sir, I'm normally partnered with Wanda because of how well we work together," you blurt out, before you can stop yourself.
"I know, but we need Wanda outside where her powers will be useful while the three of you get the job done inside," the man with the eyepatch clarifies.
You grimace slightly and it doesn't go unnoticed by Fury. So he continues, "I know you like spending time with your wife, agent, but you will have to spend a few hours away from each other this time," he finishes, getting a few chuckles from around the table.
You smile and nod your head to show you have acknowledged him. It is not your fault, you can't help but worry about your wife.
"How about Pietro? Where is he? He'd be perfect for this with his speed," you try to reason.
Fury is still smirking from his previous joke and keeps it going for his audience like this meeting is his very own stand-up comedy set, "Throwing the brother-in-law under the bus isn't going to work," causing another round of chuckles. "His skills are being used elsewhere," he finally clarifies.
Wanda notices your reluctance next to you. She takes your hand from the file to hold in her lap under the table for the rest of the meeting. The weight of her hand and the occasional squeeze she gives it brings you a semblance of calm.
After the meeting is over and everyone leaves to get prepped for the upcoming mission, Wanda speaks to you to reassure that everything will be ok. She has a soft smile on her face, "We've been apart in missions before, we'll get it done and be on our way home in no time."
Her hand still hasn't left yours since she took it earlier. You take a step forward leaning your forehead against hers while taking her other hand in yours, "I can't help but worry, it feels different this time."
You know she can take care of herself but you didn't want to be anywhere that wasn't by her side right now. This mission feels as though it has come at the worst time.
Present day
Taking out the five guards was easy work for the three of you.
Turns out they were just a warm up.
When you make it outside, you see Tony disarming someone who had a missile launcher aimed in Vision's direction. Vision throws two guys into the air that Sam finishes off as he flies past and Wanda, you can't see her, but you can see the red tendrils of her powers meaning she too, was engaged in combat.
After your quick assessment of the area the three of you spring back into action.
The base is in the middle of a forest deep underground. It's the reason the plans were so detailed, Hydra would have seen you coming from a mile away.
Hiding and manoeuvring behind and around trees you do what you are best at - taking down the enemy.
With Natasha by your side, watching each other's backs, you take down a few soldiers next to what looks like a turret. It is shooting out energy blasts to try and knock you unconscious so you can then be taken as prisoners. Once the area is clear you take over the controls using it to take out a similar one on the opposite side of the battlefield.
The machine makes it easy to take down bad guys while you do your best to avoid your teammates. For you this is just another 'day at the office' so your mind drifts to your home life.
Three months ago
Stirring awake you rub the sleep from your eyes. The warmth from your two bodies encased by your covers provide you with enough comfort to make you want to fall back into slumber.
You are about to nod off again when her soft whisper brings you back to reality, "You better not be going back to sleep," Wanda says, her warm breath that smells of toothpaste fans over your face making you smile silly.
"Of course not love," you lie, "I was just thinking about all the things you needed me to do around the house."
You hear her chuckle, "Oh, I'm sure you were." She pushes your shoulder so that you roll on to your back. Wanda presses most of her weight on top of you, stroking your cheek.
With your eyes still closed she places a few soft kisses along your neck and jaw. "Hmm...I could get used to this," you crack open one eye slightly, "but you missed a spot," you say, pointing to your lips.
"Uh uh, not until you've brushed your teeth, Morning Breath," Wanda says, slapping your chest once, causing you to whine as you stretch a little.
Wanda is always the one to wake up first. Usually she will get a head start on anything needed for the day. But considering it is a weekend she has chosen to come back into bed and allow herself a morning to lounge around.
Now, with both your eyes open, you move one of your hands that was resting on her waist to her cheek and look at her freshly washed morning face.
"Good morning," you finally say, rubbing her cheek with your thumb. Despite her 'morning breath' statement she gives you a peck on the lips and returns the greeting.
The two of you have been home for two weeks. No missions. No dire need of your presence required at the compound. Just you, Wanda an-
You hear the patter of small feet and a few knocks on the door signalling the end of your peace this morning.
Having had the luxury of experiencing it more than a few times these past weeks, you know how this is going to go.
"So, what's our play this time?" You whisper to her.
"I like the one where we pretend to be asleep," she whispers back. Being quiet is detrimental so the two, soon to be, intruders are none the wiser.
You take your positions, relaxed bodies, closed eyes, waiting for the unavoidable moment when they can't help themselves and try to sneak into the room.
The sound of a soft click, notifies you the door has been opened, along with hushed tones of, "Shh, be quiet!" You admire their efforts, they are still new recruits in covert operations after all.
When they are close enough the two of you sit up, arms raised with a loud, "AHHHH!" They both let out high pitched shrieks while the two of you can't help but laugh, giving each other a high five, Wanda giggling as she leans against you.
Tommy is the first to speak, "That wasn't funny!" Followed by Billy, "You do this every time," they groan.
You and Wanda are still giggling as the boys climb onto the bed. "That's what you get for trying to sneak in here," you say triumphantly, "when will you ever learn, huh?" You question as they get comfortable between you both.
Wanda can't help but wonder, "Why are you two always awake so early on the weekends?" The boys look at each other while you sit and watch the interaction in awe as she continues, "I struggle to get you out of bed on school mornings."
They turn back to their mother and shrug, "Weekends mean more time for fun," Tommy responds. The boy, always ready with a quick quip.
Wanda gasps as she moves forward, "Why you little-" she says, tickling him.
Tommy begins to laugh while you and Billy giggle as if you're watching a show play out in front of you.
Once everyone settles back down your stomach rumbles, starting off another round of laughter.
"Ok, ok, I think that's the signal for us all to get washed up and get some breakfast sorted," you instruct.
Just like clockwork, Wanda makes her way to the kitchen while you try and get the boys to cooperate.
After a little bit of a struggle to wrangle the energetic boys together you get them to complete their morning routine.
Before you head down, you check to make sure they are done with what they were told and eventually, you make it downstairs disturbing Wanda's peace.
When you arrive in the kitchen, Wanda smiles over her shoulder at you. Kissing her on the cheek, you take over flipping pancakes so she can finish getting morning beverages sorted.
The boys bicker about their toys as they wait in their seats for their pancakes. You and Wanda sit, passing plates around and help with any fruits they want.
You can't help but feel content at the quiet, the only sounds in the room coming from cutlery hitting plates as well as the occasional competitive comment from the boys about who can finish eating first. This is what your life is and you love every second of it.
Both you and Wanda are in agreement, you couldn't be happier with the way your lives have turned out.
These weeks have only solidified yours and Wanda's plans; officially retiring from the Avengers.
Present day
The fight feels never-ending. Bad guys showing up left and right. You can't afford to think about your fatigue, a distraction could mean the difference between life and death.
You feel something rush past you and the three guys you are shielding yourself from behind a sandbag wall are knocked to the floor.
Vibrations travelling through the floor from a loud roar signals Banner is also here, making you smile with relief. You are thankful some backup has arrived.
"What? You didn't see that coming?" The speedster says, putting his hand out for you to take so you can get off the ground. "And where's my thank you?"
"For taking so long? You know, for a speedster, you're pretty slow," you joke back to Pietro.
He laughs lightly before speeding off, "Try to keep up in-law!" The gray haired man taunts.
The battle seems to be coming to an end, only a few brave soldiers on the opposing side are still trying their best even if they are losing.
You take in your surroundings and deem the area you are in as clear before making your way to find Wanda. You follow her powers like a beacon to get to her.
Seeing her take out an enemy brings a proud smile to your face. You can see she is exhausted but will always fight till her last breath.
Feeling your presence, she turns to you after taking down a final soldier. She smiles at you tiredly as you make your way to her.
"I'm sorry honey, I wanted to get to you sooner to show you I was okay, but I was a little busy," you say when you reach her, hands cupping her cheeks, rubbing them and feeling her relax a little in your presence.
"Don't worry malysh, I knew you were here," she rests her face in the crook of your neck inhaling, "I could feel you." The vibrations of her voice against you make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge.
You take a short moment for yourselves, before you meet with the rest of the team gathered in one place as you usually do once the fight is over.
Making your way, everyone checks the bodies they pass on the floor to make sure they are fully knocked out, ready to be detained. The clean up crew will be here soon.
Walking towards where the rest of the team is, you notice you are the last to arrive. The team all gathers and you relax a little by one of the sandbag walls beginning small chit-chat. You allow Wanda to fully press her back against your front as you lean against the wall, anything to help with the tiredness she is feeling.
Bruce confirms a silent alarm was triggered when you, Steve and Natasha got to the targeted archive room.
All that mattered now was that the mission was complete, with no major casualties.
Wanda is now leaning heavily on you so you keep your arms wrapped securely around her to keep her upright.
As SHIELD agents start to appear they begin their part of the process so your team begins their trek in the direction of the quinjets.
Still feeling a little tired, you wait back with your wife, who is now sitting on top of the wall, to allow her a little more time to replenish some energy. When she is ready she takes your hand leaning into you again after you help her down.
"When we get back I'm running you a nice hot bath," you say into her hair.
Wanda moves her head to make eye contact with you, "I hope you're taking this bath with me," she smiles.
"Like I'd have it any other way," you shake your head, smiling back at her, chuckling.
As you look ahead of you while you walk, you hear something and see some movement from the corner of your eye.
In that moment everything feels as if it moves in slow motion.
You see an enemy soldier laying on the ground. Their arm sluggishly moves, taking something from their belt and pulling the pin. Your eyes widen as you turn to Wanda, pushing her away behind another wall you are passing.
It all happens so fast.
The grenade flying through the air in your direction, followed by a loud explosion of heat.
Your body flies backwards, hitting a tree.
In the last seconds of your consciousness pain radiates through your body but all you can think about is if Wanda was out of the blast radius.
One month ago
You seem to be spending more and more time at home now that the Avengers have recruited more help, one of them being Natasha's sister who you were surprised to learn about.
There has been a steady flow of smaller missions where you then get to spend a full week at home. It has been a good time to be able to get a schedule into place. Creating a normal home life for Billy and Tommy.
As you put the boys to bed you hear Wanda in the bathroom throwing up everything from dinner for the third night in a row.
Even though she tells you it must be a bug and that it will pass soon, you feel worried.
The next day arrives and you take Billy and Tommy to school on your own for the second time this week when Wanda said she wasn't feeling too good this morning.
She hasn't been able to keep much down, first it was some dinners but the previous day she didn't keep anything down at all.
By the time you get back you hear her in the bathroom emptying the contents of her stomach once again.
You have been kneeling next to her rubbing her back trying to help her through this as much as you can. When she seems to be done, she sits to the side and you help her lean against the wall then take a seat in front of her.
"Three days in a row can't be a coincidence, my love," You think you might know what is causing this but-
"It's too soon, right?" She finishes your thought out loud, "I know I'm late but I thought that was from the stress of everything going on. It took months with Billy and Tommy."
"Either way, I've already made an appointment with Dr Cortez," you can't help the panicked look on your face. Wanda thinks it's admirable so she smiles at you.
"And when did you make this appointment?" Wanda asks, raising her eyebrows, "Also, when is it?"
You smile sheepishly at getting caught. "I called yesterday, she had a cancellation for this afternoon," Wanda shakes her head amused. She puts out her hand to show she is ready to get up so you help her to her feet and don't let go until you see she is steady.
Wanda wraps her arms around you and presses the side of her face into your chest, "Have I told you how much I love you?"
You kiss the top of her head murmuring into her hair, "No, not today you haven't," you scoff slightly.
She lifts her head to look at you with her chin now resting against you. You try not to make a face but you do. You know you have been caught from seeing Wanda's expression changing so you say something before she can, "If you think you're going to kiss me with your vomit breath, you've got another thing coming."
Wanda moves away and looks at you in the mirror as she reaches for her toothbrush, "What ever happened to 'in sickness and in health'?"
"Oh, I can still love you in sickness, it doesn't mean I have to kiss you," your response is a little too quick for Wanda's liking. "Besides I still remember you calling me 'morning breath', it's only fair I return the favour now," you finish with a cheeky smile meeting her eyes in the mirror.
"Not one for holding on to the past I see," Wanda muffles past the foamy toothpaste in her mouth sarcastically. While you just smile at her comment.
When you make it to your appointment, Dr Cortez takes some samples and instructs you to await her call.
You are done in time for the school run so the two of you pick the boys up and treat them to pizza for dinner.
Wanda's sickness still hasn't lightened up, you are glad she suggested the safe choice of a soup instead of the greasy food so you had picked that up too.
She ends up bringing up her dinner and instead of hovering around her you keep the boys busy with deciding on a movie to watch because they are done with their homework. The last thing you want is them to notice and be concerned for their mother's health.
Once you have them settled you go to check on Wanda. As you get to her she is already leaving the bathroom with a tired expression on her face.
You take her in your arms and comfort her. It's the only thing you can really do. Wanda wraps her arms around you leaning against heavily into your side as you make your way to the living room.
Once you make it to the couch, as always the boys are situated in the middle. You help Wanda sit on one side while you move to sit on the other side.
This is how you spend most evenings, cuddled up relaxing. This time the choice of movie is lost on you because all you can think about is Wanda and what could come from the test results.
You don't notice Wanda looking in your direction. She moves her arm to the back cushions stretching over to run her fingers through the back of your hair, "Your thoughts are loud, honey," she keeps her voice low so the boys don’t divert their attention from the television, before you look over.
"I'm sorry, I jus-"
She is smiling softly when she interrupts you. "I know, but please don't worry. We don't know anything yet," she continues speaking quietly.
Your gazes are pulled away by a small voice coming from between you. "Are you sick mommy?" You see Billy looking in Wanda's direction as Tommy pulls his eyes away from the screen.
Kids are always more perceptive than you realise.
"I have been feeling sick, yes Billy," Wanda answers truthfully.
This time Tommy speaks with a follow up question, "But you're gonna be okay. Aren't you?"
"She's gonna be fine," you reply, for her. "We went to see the doctor today, we just need to wait and see what they say."
Present day
Placing her hand to her pounding head Wanda tries to get past the ringing in her ears. When she stops feeling nauseous she looks around her immediate vicinity. She begins to panic when she doesn't see you.
Wanda was only unconscious for a moment and now that her mind has cleared a little she realises can't feel you as strongly as before. It is as if you are fading. Her mind concludes that she has awoken to the sound of you dying when she hears you wheezing, making her panic grow.
There is dust and debris everywhere and Wanda does her best to look through it trying to find you. She feels a breeze pass her and in the next second Pietro is in front of her, "Sestra, what happ-"
"Where's Y/n?!" Wanda exasperates, her worry overwhelming because she can only just about feel your presence.
Pietro helps her scramble to her feet as they both look around. Wanda walks in the direction she thinks you will be while Pietro trails behind her, looking around to make sure they are safe.
"No, no, no, no," she panics, seeing your boots a few feet away.
As she gets closer Wanda can hear you coughing and your wheezing gets louder. In her mind it is as if your light is dying out.
She can't lose you.
You can't die.
One month ago
The movie still playing in the background is long forgotten.
You and Wanda continue to tell the kids not to worry and you should hear from the doctor soon.
As if he has an epiphany Billy asks, "Could it be a baby?" This gets Tommy perking up too.
You can't help but be curious how he got to that conclusion, "What makes you ask that?"
Billy responds like it's obvious, "You and mommy were talking about having another baby."
Tommy seems to have picked up how Billy got the idea, "Yeah, and we saw something on TV where someone said she was pregnant and that's why she was being sick."
You and Wanda glance at each other for a quick second, smiling at how smart they have gotten. Kids really are more perceptive than you give them credit for.
"We're not sure yet. That's why we went to see the doctor," you respond.
They still have questions. So Tommy asks, "But why did you go to a doctor, can't you check at home?"
"You check on a stick or something like that?" Billy adds.
"This sickness has been different from last time and it's come on quicker than when your mommy was carrying the two of you," you explain to the two boys listening intently.
"We were more prepared and it took a lot longer for you two to turn up," Wanda smiles, tapping Billy's nose making him smile. "And because this sickness is a little different, we thought it would be best to go see Dr Cortez. She said we will find out soon enough," Wanda finishes.
The boys ask more questions and you do your best to answer them. Eventually the conversation dwindles and you notice how late it has gotten. So you announce it is time for bed.
When you lay facing each other, you reassure Wanda, "Whatever this is, we'll get through it together."
You seal your promise with a kiss and hold Wanda until she sleeps. It takes you a little while longer, every bad scenario playing in your head regarding these test results.
Considering your track record of losing loved ones, your mother to leukaemia, your father to an aneurysm and your sister in battle, you don't like your odds. 
Your stomach is in knots, something in your chest feels heavy while your eyes burn. You hope that these test results come quickly and not at all at the same time. You are not ready to lose the love of your life.
Present day
You can just about hear the footsteps closing in on you as you cough out the dryness in your mouth. But you don't care, you just want to go back to your dream. The memory of your family on the couch watching a movie. Talking to each other about funny parts.
As the frantic steps get closer, you close your eyes, ready to be finished off. You think of your boys and of Wanda, sorry that you won't be able to see them again.
You swear you hear someone voice you recognise.
"Y/n!" A different voice shouts.
At least you think you recognise them. It is hard to tell with it sounding like you are underwater.
You can barely feel it but cold hands meet your cheeks, rubbing your skin. So that's who it is. Wanda rests your head in her lap as your hand makes its way to hers resting on your face.
Quickly catching up and remembering where you are, relief fills you when you see her, "Wanda," you smile tiredly. "You're okay."
"I thought I had lost you," Wanda sighs. "I saw you lying here, I thought…"
"No, no. I'm okay," you wheeze out.
"Try not to talk, okay? You need to save your energy," she says with tears filling her eyes.
The back of your head is covered in blood. Dust and mud is mixed all over your face and uniform.
You soon realise you are not actually okay. You know what is going to happen, how this is going to end. You can already feel life slipping away from your body.
Pietro is trying to reach someone through his earpiece but it seems to not be working.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," you begin quietly, your voice breaking as tears fall from your eyes.
"Stop… please don't talk like that," your wife begs you. She turns to Pietro and hurriedly tells him to get some medics and a stretcher to your location as fast as he can.
"Wanda, please look at me," you request, before the speedster disappears.
As always you are captivated by her green eyes that the forest surrounding you could never compare to. "Tell the boys I love them," your hand moves to rest on her stomach, "the baby too."
Wanda shakes her head not wanting to accept this was your end as you continue, "God, I hope they get your eyes."
One month ago
The day after your discussion with Billy and Tommy everything is normal, well as normal as the past week has been.
Wanda is forced to stay home because of her sickness while you take care of the boys then take them to school afterwards.
On your return you help Wanda however you can and get her to sit down to relax for most of the day, making sure she takes it easy.
To distract Wanda and even yourself you discuss a variety of things, from; getting things finalised with Fury - he says you will be needed for a little longer while they get the newcomers trained, he promises no big missions are in the near future, to; Billy and Tommy's progress at school.
It isn't until early afternoon that Wanda's phone rings.
She looks at you after she reads the caller ID on her screen, she finds you already looking in her direction.
You turn off the television as Wanda puts down her book to answer the call, picking up the device from the coffee table in front of you.
The look on your wife's face is undecipherable as she responds with short answers and verbal nods. You can't tell if she looks panicked, excited or nervous, maybe a mixture of everything.
A new appointment is set up which makes your stomach flip. Before you can say anything she thanks the doctor and hangs up.
Wanda takes in the apprehensive look you have on but a smile spreads over her face, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. Wasting no time she reveals, "I'm pregnant."
Your eyes grow wide as your tense muscles relax. The smile on your face now mimics Wanda's wide one. You lunge forward kissing Wanda wrapping your arms around each other. You celebrate with teary smiles, hugs and kisses. Words of not believing this is real take over as you place your hands on her stomach.
"You're pregnant," you whisper into the quiet room, the smile never leaving your face as a happy tear falls from your eye.
She puts her hands over yours, "We sure are."
When you arrive home with Tommy and Billy after collecting them from school you share the news. You sit them down and tell them this is a little family secret. They couldn't tell anyone, not yet.
You were probably being a little too cautious but you didn't want to jinx it. It was an easy agreement between you and Wanda to not let anyone know until at least three months into the pregnancy.
Present day
"Well, I hope they get your beautiful eyes," Wanda responds, "we'll see who wins in seven months, okay?"
You breathe out a pained laugh, "You're really gonna fight me on this, right now?"
Your eyes are barely open but grow heavier as your blinking becomes slower. Wanda looks up to see if help is on its way.
As she looks around you take in all of her features. The beauty marks dotted around her face, laugh lines you are proud to be the reason for helping make, her soft skin you like to trace in the mornings. Especially the mornings you wake up before her.
You feel colder and the weight of Wanda's hand in yours is no longer there. The end is near so you take in as much as you can before you say your final words.
Reaching up, you stroke her face with your finger, you hope you are not pressing too hard, "I love you. Always remember that."
When she looks at you, you continue, "You don't have to do it all by yourself-"
"Stop that. I'm not losing you," she desperately cuts you off.
It doesn't deter you from saying what is on your mind. "You have Pietro and Nat. Even Clint is always giving his advice even when we don't ask for it," you laugh getting a small smile from her until you fall into a coughing fit with blood spluttering from your mouth.
Once it subsides she looks at you with her eyebrows cinched, "I'm not losing you," she says firmly and slowly. "I can't lose you."
"You'll never lose me, I'll always be with you," you say, putting your hand to her chest. "Always." A tear makes its way down the side of your face.
You know you don't have much longer. There is not enough time but you feel like you have so much you want to say.
Your eyes begin to droop close, "No, I can't lose you," you just about hear. Your ears feel cloudy, just like your vision. You try to tell her again how you love her, your voice but a whisper using the last bit of energy you have to say it one more time, "I… lov-" with all your energy dispelled you don't stay awake long enough to finish your sentence as your consciousness fades into darkness.
One week later
There is a small smile on Wanda's face as she dreams of you and the boys - it is you laughing with them. Well, you are laughing at your own jokes and the boys giving you a weird look because they don't understand the punchlines. Instead of explaining you chase them around the room jokingly chastising them for not understanding them.
She loves to observe moments like this in your daily life, appreciating having a family of her own. A dream that had to be dropped after she joined Hydra. For a long time she didn’t think she would find her place in the world. Be at peace. But she found it with you.
Her limbs are stiff in her uncomfortable position on the chair she fell asleep in. Night after night of sleeping in an awkward position has not done well for her aching body.
Shortly after you fell unconscious, Pietro returned with Natasha and transportation to get you both out of there. Wanda didn’t let anyone else handle you, afraid they would jostle you too much so she used her powers to levitate you to the stretcher which she then moved to the truck where the medics hurried to look you over. There was no way she could risk losing you if she hadn't already.
If Pietro wasn't there she would have hit the ground as she collapsed, her fatigue catching up with her. She was checked over and apart from a few cuts and bruises she was deemed fine.
No one knew to check the baby.
Something stirs her awake, as usual she hears the sounds of the machines around the private room and footsteps walking up and down the corridor behind her. This time however there is a new sound, not new exactly but it’s you, laughing.
Once Wanda’s confusion subsides she realises your laugh isn’t a lingering sound from her dream. It’s real. Her eyes finally focus enough on you laughing because of something Sam said who is standing beside you on the opposite side of the bed.
The sound is interrupted with you coughing in pain holding your ribs, “You’re the one that needs to stop making me laugh, Wilson.” It is enough to get Wanda to sit upright, the other man in the room, Bucky, catching her movements first out of the three of you.
“You’re awake,” Wanda rushes from her seat to sit beside you, carefully wrapping her arms around you and pressing her face in the crook of your neck, “I was so worried.” She can’t help but let a few tears fall, which you feel soaking into your hospital gown.
After checking you over the nurse was going to wake Wanda but you stopped her, wanting to let her rest. When the nurse was exiting the room she found the men lingering outside your door until she was done for their daily visit.
You whisper reassurances to Wanda, that you are okay and explain that Bucky, Steve and Sam were the closest to the room when you woke up.
Steve left after a few minutes because he was needed elsewhere - training duty with potential new Avengers. He expressed his relief saying he was glad you were okay before hugging you then leaving shortly after.
Bucky taps Sam on the shoulder, signalling to the door to give the two of you some privacy.
"I didn’t mean to wake you, love,” you say as Wanda pulls away, wiping her tears. She takes your face into her hands, “Sam was telling me to - 'Stop laughing, your wife will kill me if she wakes up hearing you in pain'," you mimic Sam as best as you can.
Wanda scoffs and shakes her head at your antics. She looks at you, really looks at you as if assessing you. You look tired, the bruises and cuts that litter your face, arms and peaking out from your robe not helping.
You cup her cheek, tracing a fading cut there as you get her to meet your eye line, “I’m okay,” you promise her, then move your arms around Wanda as tight as you can. You power through, your aching body not liking the movement of your limbs even if the feeling has been dulled down due to the pain medication running through your veins from the bag attached to your arm. 
Wanda can’t help but voice the deepest fear she has had this past week, "I thought I was gonna lose you." Your eyes well up because of her shaky tone.
"I know, I'm sorry," you pull back, "I'm sorry. I thought that was it, I was so worried. I had to tell you whatever I could." You look into her eyes, the ones you will be able to continue waking up to, thankful you still get to live your life with her.
Putting your hand on her stomach, you swallow the lump in your throat in fear of the answer you were about to receive, "Did you get checked out? Bucky and Sam didn’t mention anything about the baby."
When Wanda awoke the following day after the mission, she was told she was healthy. It hit her all at once about them not knowing to check the life growing inside her.
She places a hand over yours, with tears in her red rimmed eyes thinking about the worry she went through. First the possibility of losing you, then maybe losing the new part of you she had left.
“Natasha was there when I woke up, she found a doctor so fast when I told her,” Wanda recalls, remembering the sheer urgency she showed to find someone. Natasha all but dragged a doctor into the room to make them check Wanda.
"They did a sonogram," she trails off. You look at Wanda with regret in your eyes for not being there, "I got to see this little one for the first time," she says looking down to her stomach then back at you smiling, "they confirmed, everything is fine."
You sigh in relief, holding her hands between you, "I wish I was there to see and hear their heartbeat with you."
Wanda rubs the back of your hand with her thumb, "Would you like to see?" You respond by nodding your head. Wanda checks the pocket of the hoodie she is wearing and when it is empty she sees the small square photo paper on the chair she has been calling a bed.
Reaching over she grabs the photo that is face down and sits next to you after you scoot over making space for her, "We've got a strong one here," she says holding the image from the sonogram. You rest your head against Wanda's shoulder as you take in the blur of a baby in the picture.
You take a deep breath and smile at your wife. "We need to get that retirement sorted, huh?" You half joke, “This little peanut needs to stay safe, we can’t risk something like this happening again.”
Wanda agrees but senses your worry when you place a hand back onto her stomach, looking at it as if you can see the baby. “The doctors checked everything. Twice over, malysh,” she adds to reassure you. “She’s fine.”
Your head snaps up so fast, a small smile taking over Wanda's face, looking down for a second and scrunching her nose when she realises what she has just let slip. You can’t help the happy tears that well in your eyes, “A girl?”
Wanda replies with a nod, smiling tearily, “The doctor thought I already knew.” You move forward and kiss Wanda as much as your body will let you.
A little girl. She will be the one to complete your family.
After a few moments of silence basking in each other's presence, your forehead leaning against hers, you break it, "I would never have forgiven myself if I died."
Wanda scoffs at your comment effectively breaking you apart, "You wouldn't have forgiven you?! I wouldn't have forgiven you!" You chuckle at her comment.
You take both her hands in yours letting out a breath, “So Nat knows about the baby?” You ask in a whisper and Wanda hums in response. "And who knows about the retirement plan?"
"Just Nat,” Wanda replies.
“We are never going to be able to keep anything from her, are we?" You joke, making Wanda giggle.
"Erm, of course you’re not," Natasha says, walking into the room. "You two are always so obvious when you're hiding something. Though, I will admit,” Natasha pauses as she places her hand on your shoulder when she reaches your side, “I was surprised by the news of the baby." The three of you share a smile before she continues, "How are you feeling?"
"Alive." You smile gratefully, looking at Wanda then back at Natasha, "I hear I have you to thank."
"I'm sure Sam exaggerated but yes. Please send your praises my way," she muses, smiling back at you, taking a step back.
“He did mention something about you bulldozing a few trees to get to me,” you remark.
This gets the three of you to chuckle. When the joke passes Natasha asks, "You up for some visitors?"
As if on queue Billy and Tommy enter the room with Pietro following them. They run up to the bed and practically jump on you.
"Careful boys!" Wanda warns from next to you. They reply, sheepishly in unison, "Sorry mom."
Your chest fills with warmth as you push their hair back while looking at them, "It's okay," you look to Wanda before saying, "I'm okay," with an emotional smile.
Both boys start rambling on about all the cool things they have been doing with Uncle Pietro; playing games, eating junk food and something about being able to jump higher on the trampoline because uncle Pietro can use his superspeed to help. On top of that, how fun it has been having 'Aunty' Monica over too.
"So, not one nutritional meal this week, I'll take it?" You look at Pietro with a raised eyebrow. Then continue with a sarcastic remark, "And I see you've been showing the kids how to be responsible with powers?"
There is a beat of silence as everyone's attention turns to Pietro.
"The candy was fruit flavored!" He exasperates. The boys nod at his statement as Natasha stands to the side with her arms crossed, chuckling while you smile at the scene.
Pietro is about to continue but gets cut off by Wanda with an unimpressed glare, "Let's not forget this extra house guest I wasn't aware of."
"I needed the adult company…?" He shrugs unsurely.
It gets chaotic with Wanda telling Pietro off, the boys trying to defend him and Natasha standing on the side laughing at the whole thing. Even with the pain you can feel you can't stop yourself from laughing too.
Eventually your laughs stop and with a smile on your face, you take in the moment.
You wouldn't have it any other way. This is your family. Your small and silly little family.
You are glad to be able to live another day.
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imtryingbuck · 8 months
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!Reader
Summary: you and Wanda were best friends until she left you in the Hydra base.
Word count: 963
Warnings: abuse. death (starvation). no happy ending.
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Today is the anniversary of escaping Hydra for Wanda, it should have been a happier time since it meant that she was no longer in the clutches of those that used and abused her, but everyday she was plagued by the constant memory of what she had done that day, and just like everyday the last words you ever spoke to her play on her mind, day in and day out.
"You were my family.”
The way your voice cracked broke her heart, she remembers the way you stuttered as you willed yourself to look at her through the thick glass window, the way you turned around and dropped your head along with your shoulders in defeat as you moved further into the room, into the darkness.
Leaving you in the Hydra base wasn’t something she wanted to do, she wanted the life you both had planned and dreamed about with each other. However, Wanda was selfish as she walked past your cell door, you clocking her straight away and begging for her to let you out, but all she said was she needed to find her brother. You told her you would help her, she told you just to wait and she’ll come back to you.
You knew, you knew she wasn’t coming back for you and you accepted it. She didn’t have any obligation to do anything for you but you still begged anyway, thinking-hoping that everything you two had planned together would become a reality.
But she left, left you alone scared and confused for what what’s happening and what was to come. 
It wasn’t until Wanda was safe up high in the sky that it dawned on her that she had left you behind.
Every night since being at the tower she sits on the soft fluffy carpet in her room and talks softly to herself through the a hole she had made in the wall. 
Every night she’s cries when you don’t reply. The realisation that you’re not there, safe just the same as she is hits her hard. Every time.
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As the years passed she thought of you daily, hoping that you were safe, hoping that you was with Pietro and causing mischief wherever you two were.
She tried to justify what she had done not like it made any difference. She tried to live her life like she thought you hoped she would, but it didn’t make it any easier as you weren’t by her side.
The only people that knew what she had done was her, you and Pietro and since you and her brother were no longer here, it made it easier for Wanda to suffer in silence.
Though Wanda did smile and laugh more there was always times where the Avengers - her found family - would notice her smile or laughter fading away quickly. Never knowing that she would torment herself for wondering if you would have smiled or laughed at the thing that was being said or done.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one.
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Wanda couldn’t breathe or take her eyes off the screen.
Her chest tightened painfully, her vision blurred with thick burning tears.
“-Wand? Wanda? Are you alright?” Steve asks when he noticed the change in his friends demeanour.
“I-I know h-her” she rasps.
The teams eyes bounce from Wanda to the woman in the photo. The woman was found by SHIELD chained to a wall at the Hydra base they overtook, the bruises and deep lacerations that covered her very slim frame made Steve gulp and Tony’s eyes drop down to his hands.
“She was with me when I was with Hydra, her cell was next to mine” She stutters out.
“Was she not there when we found you?” Steve asks again.
“I-I told her I’d come back for her but-but I didn’t  I didn’t go back” Wanda cries.
“I know alright I left her all alone”.
“I’m sorry”. Steve sighs, a beat or two go by before he speaks again “Wand did she have any abilities?”
“She can heal faster than normal”
“What was the main reason for her being there? Do you know?” Tony now asks.
“Because…so we-the experiments could train on her, they would make us do awful things to her but she always survived it.”
“Was-was it quick?”
“Yes or no Steve was it quick?”
Finding his eyes filling with tears, he looks at his friend with remorse. “No. Sh-she died of starvation, Wanda I’m so sorry”
“Do they know when she died?”
“Don’t do this to yourself, it’s not going to cha-“
“Steve please!” She begs him to tell her the truth no matter how much it was going to pain her.
“Th-they estimate that s-she died seven hours before they found her”
All this time and you was still alive, because she left she assumed you had died. You were alive and being tortured by god knows who. You were all alone, probably thinking no one even cared about you and it was all her fault, if she had gone back or even got you out first then you would have known the love and warmth of a family. 
You had given up, lost the fight seven hours before you were found. And it was all her fault.
The team watches as she stands up and walks away, she doesn’t get far as the heart breaking, gut wrenching scream tore through the barrier of her lips causes her to drop to her knees.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one and the second biggest regret she had was never being able to tell you how much she loved you.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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star-xxx1 · 1 year
Can you do a Wanda and nat fan fic with a female reader??
Can it be a fluff at the start and then slowly an angst, then a good ending ❤️❤️
Their words and touch hurt like hell-
WandaNat x Avenger! female reader
Maria Hill x reader (for a mission)
Carol x reader
First fic, I have proof read this multiple times but im so sorry for any mistakes that may occur, please ignore them!
Summary : You loved your specials girls so much, but when a Agurment takes a turn and leads to a nasty break-up, you completely change for the worst, now they are trying there best to get back.
Warnings: Heavy angst with a happy ending, Self-violence, servere anger issues, accusations of cheating, slapping, self-neglect, swearing, allusions to smut, fluff, reader getting hurt, toxic relationships, Physical and verbal fighting, insults, depression, Insecurities being heightened, and more fluff...
These are some nicknames that the readers uses just so your not confused, the other nicknames used this fic are quite distinct: Mia (Maria), Care bear (Carol).
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A alarm sounded thoughout the spacious, dimly-lit room. You stirred slightly, slowly you opened your eyes to be met with the beautiful sight of your girlfriend, Wanda, Dead asleep. You let out a small giggle.
You felt a pair of strong, familiar arms wrapped around your waist tighten signalling that she was wake to, you knew that was your other goddesses of a girlfriend Natasha.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y turn off the alarm in room 6" you requested with a groggy voice.
The annoying sound soon stopped.
You tried to turn around in Natasha arms to face her only to be met with soreness shooting through your body, reminding you of the sensual advents of last night, you stopped in your tracks ending up on your back and let out a pained whine.
"You okay dekta?" Natasha Inquired worried.
"Yes, sweetheart, just really sore" you were able to say through gritted teeth to suppress further whines, completing the full turn around in her arms.
"Morning, love" She said with a huge grin plastered on her face from your pervious statment but that sneaky grin soon turned into a warm smile, Dam that smile you loved so much.
You blushed, burying your face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.
"Morning" you replied back muffled, hugging on to her for dear life.
You knew what was happening to day and you hated it, you hated it with a burning passion.
Your girlfriends where going on a month long mission.
"Hey, what about me?" sounded a heavenly voice from behind you.
"Wanda!?" You questioned pulling back for Nats neck, looking back in excitement.
"Yes, honey" she landed a peck onto your lips making you smiled.
"Morning, Wands" Nat said smiling.
"Morning, Natty" Wanda replied back, you watched as she learned you over to steal a kiss from her.
Natasha soon sat up and pulled you onto her lap. You whinned again from your achy body being moved.
"I have training with Steve in 30 minutes" she said kissing your forehead as a silent 'sorry'. "Wanda can you please take care of our special girl"
"Of course babe" she said getting up and walking around the bed until she reached you, picking you up.
You wrapped your legs around her waist and her arms around her neck and closed your eyes basking in the warmness and soothing scent that radiated off her.
Wanda moved go to get ready for the day with you. She thought warm shower would help soothe your tight muscles, Leaving Natasha to go get dress and make her way down to the training floor off the compound.
You guys agreed that, you and Wanda would go meet Natasha after getting ready and making breakfast.
After Nat had a shower and got dress for the day and she made her way down to the compound kitchen/living room. There she saw Tony and Thor bickering over something stupid, Clint on zoom with Laura, Steve reading a book, and Sam and Peter screaming over a game. She was pulled out of her trance when the mixture of your beautiful laughter and The smell of mouth-watering food hit her.
She looked over to the stove to see Wanda stirring soup and staring daggers into something or someone. Wanda sensed Nats entrance and met her eyes, soon gesturing with her head over to you and Carol.
Natasha's face soon dropped to, the sight of you laughing and hugging Carol infurates her.
Natasha and Wanda were Extremely possessive of you. Most of your Agurments were caused by this. Wanda and Natasha recently found out that your childhood best friend, Carol had a big crush on you. They didn't mean to find out but when Wanda powers when haywire from stress during an agurment with Natasha, she started accidentally reading everybody's mind including Carol who was then, currently comforting your crying form in her arms.
They had told you after everything had calmed down and apologises had been exchanged, you brushed it off not wanting to cause anymore stress during this time. They said to 'say away' but you couldn't you love her to much she was your best friend after all.
She moved to sit down at the kitchen counter, soon accompanied by you.
"Hi, baby!" you said, she pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your cheek. "Natty?" You aksed as she pulled away, she just stared at you, a mix of love and rage potent in her eyes.
"Foods ready!" Wanda shouted, making everyone drop everything there doing and run to the kitchen.
"umm okay let's just eat" you awkwardly mumbled.
Carol tried to sit next to you but was blocked by wanda, who when sat gave her a death glare. Wanda then pulled you on to her lap and Natasha moved into your pervious seat, gesturing for Carol to sit in her old one instead of next to you.
"But I want to sit next to Care bear!" You protested only to be met with the cold glare of the ex- assassin. That immediately shut you up.
After breakfast Wanda picked you up and took you to your room, followed by Natasha.
Natasha opened the door, soon you were met with the softness for your king size bed as Wanda threw you down, you looked up to see your girlfriends either side of the bed.
"Okay, why are you guys being like this?" You questioned.
"For a start you and 'Care bear'" Natasha mocked "Need to break what ever this is up"
"Okay? " you agreed.
"Good" Wanda smirked.
"Now, let's give our girl some cuddles before we leave" Wanda grined, as they both climbed in next to you.
40 mins later and it was time, You felt distraught, watching them like a hawk as they moved around the room packing there mission bags and getting changed.
You let your tears free fall, once your girlfriends stood infornt of the bed with there suits on and bags tossed over there shoulders. You shot up and flung yourself into they're arms and they happily allowed you to just stand there holding them closely.
"Okay dek-" Natasha was cut of by you pulling her in for a deep long kiss only pulling away once you were completely deprived of air, taking a deep breath you turned to Wanda repeating your previous actions.
Once you pulled away you brought them into a tight hug once again
"I love you both so much, be safe"
"I love you too" they both chucked in sync.
Once they were out the door and up to the quinjet bay you flopped down on the bed and sobbed.
You cried until the lack of sleep from last night caught up to you.
One week into being with out the loves of your life and your a total mess, you just miss you girlfriends so so so much. You miss waking up to them, you miss there touch, you miss the fun, you just miss everything about them. On top with that you had to break up your friendship with Carol which didn't end well.
During the nasty agurment, in the middle of a lot of insults, she told screamed at you that she thinks that Nat and Wanda were to possessive and you knew that well, to well, hell last time you hugged Carol for to long an agurment rose and it when all to shit. You really did ponder why the rest of the team didn't notice your fresh bloodshot eyes from crying because of the harsh words the two reheads unleash on you, especially with the severe anger issues the both hold.
One wrong move and all hell would break lose, thank god they only ever hurt you Verbally, you wouldn't stand a between the both of them physically.
You always felt a bit safer during the screaming matches with the promise they made a long time ago. "We would never do anything to hurt"
Hell you were wrong.
F.R.I.D.A.Y broke you out of your focus on tv, you were comfortably bundled up laying in bed with Natasha's grey hoddies and Wanda's black sweatpants.
"Miss y/l/n, Director fury would like you at meeting room 13 in 30m minutes"
"Okay, thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y I will be down soon"
"Nope problem miss y/I/n"
-------------------------------------------------------Once you got to the meeting room, Fury ushered you in. You took your seat waiting for the others.
Maria soon came in and your face lit up to see a close friend but soo dropped when Carol soon followed, closing the door behind her.
Maria took a seat next to you and Carol distanced herself from you choosing the seat furtherst away, which made you frown abit. You still are vexed at her but you still miss her.
Maria noticed your change in facial expression.
"You okay, Y/n/n? " Maria asked.
"Yep, Mia!" you quickly fixed your face, turning to her and nodding.
"Okay, ladies" fury proceeded to talk as you turned to face him
"I need you guys for a new mission, a dangerous, long one, are you guys up to this?"
All three of you nodded in agreement.
"This mission is about saving inhumans from a common enemy Hydra, You must inform no one about this mission even your closest of friends or family, once we put you on the list for the housing, which will done be once you reach your neighborhood, eyes and ears will be watching and we can't risk anyone else getting hurt. We are dealing with seriously dangerous people here. Do you understand me? "
"Yes" you all three answered.
"Good, now Maria and y/n you will have to act as a married couple, when I mean act, I mean acting full out, dates and public affection are mandatory. The only place you can act normal is the safe house's. It will be the only safe place and for you Carol you will be they're best friend and next door neighbor, you guys will watch the operation because Hydra Intel will be passed through during the waiting period until the inhumans arrival. Once they arrive you will storm the place and bring the inhumans here to safety" He then went on about other information, like your fake names and the apartment's addresses, and the date you guys well be returning.
You would be returning same day as your girlfriends, leaving today.
Once you had finished the meeting you had left the bland room and made your way up to your bedroom to pack and change into a different outfit.
When ready, you met Maria outside the compound and waited for Carol inside the car.
The whole drive you talked to Maria about the characters you guys would be playing. you both decided on a couple who couldn't keep your hands of each other.
God how Carol wished to be Maria so bad, so she could feel your lips on her and could be around you 24/7.
Once you arrived to the apartment's Carpark you felt uneasy. Exiting the car you pushed Maria against the car door and gave her a deep kiss you knew eyes where on you as soon as you passed them white, pearly gates and you knew you would have to play by this role to perfection.
Once you had finally settled in, around day two on the mission you started introducing your self to the neighborhood including the Hydra agents, you got 'along' with them well, you thought Hydra was your biggest enemy but no your didn't know that the your biggest enemy would be the person you just fake - lovingly hugged in the lobby of the apartment complex, 5 minutes ago.
Carol who loved you so deeply so deeply that she would kill for you. she knew about the toxic relationship between you and your girlfriends 'whom you loved so much' the thought of them with you especially in bed made her feel violently sick and oh how she wanted you all for herself.
This mission gave her the perfect opportunity for just that. She knew that you and Maria would go on a fake date today.
After getting ready and changing into a stunning red dress, you waiting for Maria in the lounge, around 15 minutes Maria came out in a lush, Royal blue dress.
"You look stunning Mia!" You remarked with a soft tone.
"Well thank you y/n/n, you too" Maria complimented back.
"let's go 'babe'" you joked and reached out your hand for her to hold. She glady took it and you both way down to the car park.
When you eventually got to the restaurant you notice that hydra agents had followed you here, clearly suspicious not falling for your married couple act yet, but you you didn't notice Carol there to.
Carol's big break happened when you asked whispered to Maria fake finger you under the table, you thought it would help knock of the agents. From the angle she was in it looked fake, but when she moved to an empty booth, it looked real. Maria moved her hand under the table and you pulled certain faces to Make it seem realistic. Carol snapped some pictures, a creepy smile stuck on her face and crept out to her car, once the hydra agents realised what you where 'doing' they soon left and you both laughed at there disturbed faces. After finishing your meal and paying the bill you and Maria headed back to the safe house, tried and wanting to sleep.
Maria eagerly guided you through the lobby and into the hallway, pushing you up against the door putting her lips against yours, making out with you. Carol snapped more pictures smiling to herself. 'Oh this gonna be so good' she thought to herslef.
When you finally got into the house after Maria struggled to put the keys in the hole, because of the steamy make out session, you whispered 'goodnight' which she replied with a friendly smile and off you went to your room to get ready for bed.
It was last day on this long mission, Carol seem really happy despite the fact you guys where still ignoring each other, you didn't know why.
It was time to storm the hydra base after watching over it constantly. You had alerted the both of them about the arrival for three inhumans, all had power damping cuffs on which made your job more easier. After getting your suit on and breaking down the door it was action time.
Misson failed..
You were so upset with yourself, you completely ingored the fact that you were bleeding out. You had gained a massive wound on your leg where a hydra agent stab you.
During the raid, many other hydra agents appear from a secret room that no one had eyes on. You where out numbered and were only able to get two out of three inhumans.
In your head you replayed the screams of terror and fear that came frlm the girl that you weren't able to save as she was roughly pulled away from the situation by other hydra agents.
Carol sped back to the compound hoping to get back to you back in time, Maria sat next you in the back seat applying pressure to the wound, rambling on to keep you focused and in the moment.
Looking at the two inhumans one seated at the front and one next to maria, you felt terrible for them they looked so tense and stress. This situation definitely didn't help them in any way.
The three of you had to sneak pass everyone, since the team and other agents been told that you all had taken time off. By the time you made it to the medbay You were unconscious. Maria wanted to stay but couldn't risk getting spotted it would make people suspicious, especially if she was seen in the medbay.
You woke up to Dr. Cho walking around near you bed.
"Ah, Dr. Cho" you said ammused with a slight rough voice, one the many sideaffects of waking up.
"Hello y/l/n, before you can ramble on with a lot of questions -I know how you act as soon as you wake up in the medbay- you are now stable and will be out soon after I check your some of your vitals"
"Thank you"
"No problem" she asserted with a small smile.
When you were in the med bay Carol sneaked through the halls of the large compound and into yours and yours girlfriends room. She carefully set pictures of you and Maria on the bed.
She did feel bad for doing this when you when hurt but she wanted you and wasn't going to wait any longer.
She snuck back out to the car, waiting for you with Maria. After a bit off hesitation you finally got up wincing slightly and snuck out to the car, furry had set up another safe house, immediately after he heard about the incident that had occur. letting out a big sigh once you were seated in the car, a wave of relief washed over you that other agents had picked up the inhumans and that they were safe now.
And with that Maria drove off.
Once you made it back to the compound you faked entering as if you had just come back from a sunny holiday, and greeted everyone holding back your limp.
You dumped your bags in the lounge and made it the training area to fake the incident of your wound with Maria, just wanting to get it out the way. After training with Maria you limped over to medbay.
Staying in the medbay bathroom for around 20 minutes for a you shuffled out and made your way back to your room.
In there you saw your girlfriends, screaming you ran to them not caring about the pain. You wrapped your arms around them but when then didn't hug you back you pulled back and looked at them confused, seeing their red eyes, tears rolling down there cheeks "why are you guys crying? "
All of the sudden Wanda slapped you hard making to fall to the ground, you laying there in utter shock, tears rolling down your red cheek .
"What the fuck!?!" you scream out getting back to your feet.
"You cheating, lying bitch!" Wanda snapped at you.
"What are you talking about!?!"
Natasha held up the pictures of you and Maria and your stomach dropped know that this was a big misunderstanding.
"That's not what you thi-" you were cut off.
"I don't want to here it y/n!, Did you enjoy your 'hoilday'?" Wanda yelled, her tone showered with vemon, air quoting the word holiday.
This soon turn into a intense screaming match filled by the most foul, vile insults from your partners well, now ex partners as they had declared that 'they want to break up'.
You sobbed and cried but also started screaming things back to the women infornt of you.
Something you said about Natasha past triggered something in the ex -asssassin, she saw red and all the sudden you were down again but this time it wasn't and slap it was a hard, heavy punch.
Your lip was busted and your forehead was bleeding, you tried to get up but the ex - assassin jumped on you making hit your head on the floor she straddled yor legs unintentionally putting weight on your wound which made everything more painful.
You looked into her eyes, while she moved a hand to your chest to keep down, still screaming insults at you, offending everything about you.
She was trying to break you, and you would be lying if you said that her words didn't hurt like hell, you witness so much anger and hurt brewing in her eyes, she didn't mean this, they didnt mean this, did they? They were clearly blind-sighted by the pure rage they were feeling, right?
You didn't want to hurt the woman that once loved you but when she started punching your face, with no signs of stopping you knew you had to get her off.
You wiggled beneath the woman but was held down by Wanda's powers. You kept on trying to push Natasha off, but to your avail you had no luck.
finally you had an adrenaline surge between the sobbing, the pain caused by the harsh insults and the punching made it almost impossible. With the new found strength you push her off and was able to break through Wanda's powers, Natasha went flying onto the ground landing near the desk, her head starting bleeding form the impact with the floor, Wanda rushed to her side.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y open the door in room 6" you shouted.
You crawled to the door using the doorknob to help you get up.
Your face bloodied and battered up you started to limp out the door only to be met with a huge shock of suprise sharp pain.
Wanda had thrown a pair of scissors with her magic full force into your side.
Your mouth fell agape, almost falling to the floor you were able to catch yourself. A hand went up to the wound clutching it. You stumbled out the room and down the hallway.
You didn't even care to knock, opening the door Carol's head whipped up from her desk. When she saw the state of you she came running.
You partically fell into her arms.
"Y/n! " Carol Blurted out as she caught you. "We need to get you to medbay!"
"No" you breathed out shakily, slowly losing to the strong force of darkness that pulled you closer by the second.
You still loved them whole heartedly and didn't want them to get in trouble, even after doing this to you, you still put them first.
Eventually you lost the challenging battle and fell into unconsciousness.
Carol immediately grabbed her first aid kit and got to work knowing the basics form training.
Once you were patched up, stable and comfortable in her bed, Carol stormed out her room and in to your ex- lovers room.
As she burst down the door and seeing wanda tending to Natasha head.
She didn't waste any time and started screaming at the two women, who were still quite angry, Natasha stood up and start Aguring with Carol.
After an other screaming battle, Carol threaten them and told them to stay away from you, as if they wanted to talk to you right now. Packing your stuff she retreated back to her room to take care of her love.
She did feel absolutely terrible to make you suffer, she didn't mean for you to get hurt, but at least you were hers now and she was there to sweep up the pieces of your broken heart and mold you into her little prefect, pretty doll.
You woke up, Pain engulfing your body soon followed by the rememberance of last night making your heart drop into your chest grief filling it up to the brim but you noticed a comforting warmness next to you, that gave you hope that is was one of your girlfriends and that everything that happened was a way too realistic nightmare. You turned your head over to see Carol.
That snapped you back into reality harshly.
"Carol?" You groaned, her eyes fluttered opened and she let out a small smile.
"Hi sweetie" her tone welcoming.
"I'm really confused, what happened to the pair of Sisscors lodge into my sid? and-"
She cut you off.
"Shhh,It's okay sweethart I patched you up and dealt with your ex's" she said as she brought and hand up to your face wiping the tears away "I will take care of you until you feel better "she pressed a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you, i- I'm so sorry" you wept.
"It's okay, honey I'm sorry too" she apologized. Putting her arm around your waist and shuffled next to you, holding you close and as you sobbed.
"Hey, princess can you please try to explain to me what happened so I can get a better understanding of what happened and so you don't have anything lying on your chest, if you do it now you won't have to do it to ever again, promise."
you caught your breath and started explaining "okay... "
After explaining to Carol the situation and venting, she gave you more comfort that you desperately neede right now, however it did deepen her guilt but you were here now and that's all that mattered.
After some more cuddling and kisses on the head she left to make breakfast for the both of you.
Walking down she saw Natasha and Wanda acting all lovey like nothing even happened between the three of you, However Natasha did look a bit dazed out, seeing that made Carol's hatred for the women grow.
After making the food, she brought it up to her room and softly woke you up. Eating with you while watching your favourite tv show in bed.
Wanda and Natasha notice her taking two plates up to her room, assuming you were in there, it made them hate you even more for going to the one person they said not too, but hey you weren't with them anymore. After all they wouldn't want 'a weak bitch like you.'
After around month of Carol taking caring of you to started making appearances around the compound explaining to the rest of the team that you were still alive and that you 'were in training and you got hurt badly so Carol took care of you for a while'
Everyone had sus-ed out that you, Wanda and Natasha broke up form the way you actively avoided and ignored each other.
During, the period of recovery you fell into great depression, you were so hurt and mad, they didn't even let you explain you thought daily. You also had the burden of that failed misson on your shoulders. you needed to put that hurt and anger somewhere.
Who Knew that, them two advents would mixed and fuel the person you are now.....
"No! " Wanda screamed at natasha, they were Aguring once again, they missed you so badly but also hated you guts for what 'you did to them'. They weren't the same with out you.
When Natasha left the room in a fit of rage, Wanda started losing her mind, well quite literally her it filled with other people's thoughts and serects. The stress for so many agurements with the other red head during the week, caused another power malfunction.
Wanda found out about Carol's big scandal.
She fell to floor clutching her chest after realising what she did to you, she threw them Scissors at you, you she cause you grand pain mentally and physically, she broke the promise, she Let Natasha beat you mercilessly infront of herself, she let you suffer.
She sobbed aggressively on the floor, hours until Natasha came in. She immediately ran to Wanda, pulling her into her lap
"Wands, what wrong?!?!" She was worried. She knew it wasnt about the agurement because she usually wouldnt cry over an agurement of that scale.
"S-she didn't cheat"
"Huh? What yes she did?"
"Carol set her up, she was on an mission, one that she couldn't tell anyone about, Maria and y/n had to play a married couple it was all fake, everything, the misson failed and y/n got hurt, she almost bled out Nat!, she is assigned to revist it soon, we hurt her badly!, she was innocent all along, we didn't even let her explain"
Natasha bursted out crying at Wanda's words.
They held each other in sorrow and despair. They thought you deserve all the pain but you were innocent.
They were going to get there you back.
After calming down they quitely got ready for bed, they miss the cuddles you would smother them with and your sweet laugh. Huddled up in bed wanda explain every little detail about the mission and the together they devised a plan to get you back that they would start tomorrow and with a goodnight kiss the lights when off.
In the morning Natasha and Wanda woke up determined to make you Theirs again. They woke up a bit more earlier to run into you, since it was one of your tactics to wake up earlier to prevent running into them. Today they would just watch you form a far to see how you are doing.
After getting ready they made there way to down the kitchen where you sat on island, phone in hand, Carol's hoodie on,hood up. You tensed up at sight of them almost throwing up in fear. You quickly grabbed a bottle of water which was your breakfast and quickly moved back to your girlfriend's room. Yes that's right girlfriend you Carol had started dating after she finally confess and you can't lie you caught feels to after wanda and Natasha left you. You thought wearing Carol's hoodie would be bad idea because if you happened to run into the women again you feared it would anger them.
It made they heart drop knowing that Carol currently had you. They hated it but they would get you back no matter what.
You went to get ready for training.
Training was more like self- torture that you inflicted on your self. Carol helped easing some of the pain, but there was still so much left, so you decide to throw yourself into work, especially training for the revist, that little girls screamed taunted you and your dreams.
You always train early so you can avoid everyone especially Wanda and Natasha.
You made your way down to the training floor and started a 2 hour long torture session in a private training room. Pushing yourself pass your limits and still didn't stop. Carol finally came in and was able to get you stop, she carried you to her room while whispering sweet nothings into your hairline, placing you down o the bed to rest.
The two red heads watched this scene with you and Carol unfolded. Wanda noticed how you always cover up more then you used to this started to make her to suspect that you were hiding two things...
The ex-spy and witch watched you for a week and were mortified by the out come of their actions. You had changed a lot, you didn't get any sleep due to nightmares of the incident, and wanda was right you stopped eating,you were also trying to actively hide your body since to them you were and 'slut and whore' only drinking water they since insulted you about your body, you tried to change your appearance due to them coming at you for that to and you also became very cold hearted to everyone around you but not towards Carol, no, you were angel towards her.
Today was the last day before the revist and you wanted to train like crazy to make sure you were going to succeed this time.
To your despair you woke up late today because of Carol. She thought that you deserve a rest and turned of your alarm after you fell asleep, drained because of a certain thing you and your girlfriend did.
When you woke up, you realized you where behind scheduled and shot out of bed rushing to get ready for the day.
More frustration was added to your pitiful day when you noticed all of your less revealing training outfits were dirty or in the wash. You had to settle for and training bra and shorts. You grimaced looking in the mirror looking, the two big scars on show.
Wiping your tears away, you made your way down to the training rooms.
However to your horror all the private rooms where in use. Upset you trudged down to train with the rest of the team. You walked into the lagre room you haven't been seen in a while, you felt eyes upon you making you more uncomfortable, wanda and Natasha heart both skipped a beat seeing you, a wave of guilt wash over them as they're saw the large scar on your side and the little scars littered now and again on your face.
"Holy, shit it's Y/n! " Sam shouted out, cheers of excitment filled the room.
You gave everyone a deadly glare avoiding the eyes of your ex-girlfriends and moved to the blue punching bags and put a of pair red, soft gloves on and started the extensive day of training.
The team were extremely impressed by your stamina, as you punched away for what felt like hours on end, you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.
"hey, baby, can you maybe take a break, at least from this?" She whispered in your ear as you continued on, completely ignoring her question.
"Please" she asked, stretching out the e.
"Pretty please"
"Ugh fine!" You Shouted causing the team to look at you.
You broke free form her arms, quickly taking off the gloves and throwing them onto the floor. You moved over to the fight simulator, it was a big glass box that spawned matter- holograms for you to fight.
You stared at the control panel, looking at your options, easy, medium and hard, most people couldn't even make past medium but you wanted to succeed.
After selecting hard, you stepped in starting mentally preparing. You moved into a defense pose, waiting for the countdown to get to zero.
Zero. A buzzer sounded and the fight begun. -------------------------------------------------------
Around 30 minutes, your grunts started getting heavy causing them to escape the glass box and into the main room.
This drew attraction towards you. The whole team stopped what they were doing and watched in pure amazement as you never stopped, you body litter with bruises and cuts, hands bruised and abused, As you mindlessly kept on flipping, punching, kicking, and defending yourself. You never stoppped moving. pulling tricks they had never seen before or didn't even know was humanely possible, it was you vs a lot and you were wining. Around 5 minutes later, the team started getting worried was there notice the tears in your eyes, you refused to let yourslef stop moving. You were like a zombie that couldn't break free.
You hand been in there for around 2 hours now.
"Some turn this off! " Tony ordered, worried about you. Carol ran over to the control pannel and rapidly typed in the pin, pressing the bright right stop button.
As soon as simulation stopped and the the blue holograms fadded away with a zapping sound you fell on your knees started hysterically crying. Carol tried to come in but you screamed no.
That's when Wanda and Natasha knew they had to help you even if you didnt want them to, they were the only one's who knew how to calm you down during times like this.
As they entered the room you didn't notice them until Natasha scooped up your crying form, you fought and screamed more, realising that it was her, hitting her chest over and over again, trying to get out of her grip. She starting walking out the door and into the hallway towards the elevator. Carol rush after the two women.
"Hey, shes mine! " Carol screamed out still rushing after them.
"No!" Wanda whipped around, blasting Carol with her magic making her soar back and tumble to the ground.
Once Wanda joined Natasha in the elevator you had calmed down a bit slightly snuggling into her chest as she held you bridal style, missing her and her scent.
When Natasha sat down on the bed you guys used to share. She tighten her grip around around you and as Wanda kneel down infornt of you with putting both hands on your thighs. She began talking.
"Im so sorry Dekta, we're so sorry, we know your innocent, Carol framed you" Your eyes widen, and brows furrowed, Carol did this? "We miss you, please come back to us, well didnt mean to break our promise, I know it well take time for you for to trust us again, but let us work on that as a couple, please Dekta come back to us." She said holding eye contact, pleading with her eyes. You nodded.
"Im Sorry, and also sorry for all the insults too" Natasha added, kissing your forehead.
"I forgive, Sorry too for the insults too" you replied.
"Dont be, we deserve it" Wanda said getting up.
"Will you come back to us dekta? " wanda asked.
"Yes" you uttered out.
Natasha immediately showered your face in kisses, cheering you up.
"I'm delighted hunny" Wanda said as she took you out of Natasha arms and into hers. "let's get you cleaned up".
Wanda carried you to the bathroom, and set you done on the counter, Natasha helped you get undress as, Wanda turned on the shower and set aside some of her's and Natasha's clothes for you to wear for when you finish.
Once you were undress, Wanda had return to you and Natasha.
"Do you mind if we join?" Wanda asked with a smile.
"I don't mind" you returned the smile to her.
After Nat and wands got undress they helped you into the shower.
Natasha stood behind you as she washed the grime out of your hair as Wanda lathered up the loofah as softly washed your body. Natasha and wands soon clean up each other, scrubbing off the thin layer of dirt from training.
The ex - spy soon left, soon coming back wrapping you, herself and wands a up in big white, fluffy towels, giving you both a big kiss.
After Nat blowdried your hair and braided it.
Wanda helped you get dressed leaning down and kissing your scar.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's okay" you empathized cupping her face, she leant into your touch, happy to have you back.
Once you were all dressed, you were thrown onto the king size bed, then suffocate by the two redheads. You were devoured by there beefy arms, happy to die this way.
finally you felt safe and happy again, ready for the revist. You could take on the world with your special girls.
Nat and Wanda held you as could as they physically could, they watched you as your chest rised and fell over and over again. Happy that you finally were getting a good night's of sleep. They soon fell into slumber too.
They loved you so much, they would get Carol back for making them hurt and break you, they were going to make it painful and torturess, Ruin her and her life but they didn't want their little angel to know about the pure pain that there were going to inflict on this women, especially not when you had had a big day tomorrow...
Hiii :) I Hope you enjoyed this, it took like 3 days!!!
Part two here
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chaosmagicss · 2 years
drunk words... (wanda maximoff x reader)
synopsis: you have a bad habit of calling wanda when you’ve been drinking. wanda, who you’re pretty sure you’re in love with. wanda, who you’re pretty sure is in love with you, too.
warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of alcohol, getting shot, swearing
words: 4.5k
a/n: i haven’t posted a proper fic in forever and feel bad about it so i figured why not post this thing that has been hiding in my drafts forever!
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It takes ten seconds for the headache to hit, and you groan heavily as you roll onto your stomach, burying your face into a pillow that smells distinctly of…
“Good morning, sunshine.”
You lift your head just long enough just to find Wanda at the end of the bed, an amused smile on her lips. You grumble in response, dropping your head back down and closing your eyes, wishing Wanda didn’t have to have her blinds open.
“This is the third time you’ve drunk-called me this week,” Wanda says, and you can feel your face go hot, so you hide it further against the pillow. You feel the bed dip beside you, and then a gentle hand lands on your back. The soothing way she rubs along your spine is enough to make your eyelids flutter. “Sit up and have some water, please, love.”
Your chest warms at the pet-name, and slowly, you do as you’re told. You take the offered painkillers without hesitation, all too aware of the throbbing in your skull, and down the whole glass of water in one go.
“M’sorry,” you mumble, wiping at your mouth with the back of your hand as you reach to set the glass back down on the bedside table. You struggle to meet her eyes; she’s watching you with that intense, knowing look. “Did I, uh, say anything embarrassing?”
Wanda blinks, then averts her gaze. “Nothing you haven’t said before,” she replies, with this weird inflection that makes your chest ache with guilt. Your fingers twitch with the effort of not reaching for her. There’s a long, heavy silence, and you fumble to fill it, mouth opening and closing uselessly. Wanda takes a sharp breath suddenly, shoots you a tight lipped smile. “So, you had a good night?”
You swallow thickly, feeling a little bit like this is a trap. A handful of responses sit at the tip of your tongue.
Would’ve been better if you were there.
Too many snobs.
It was okay once I got home, to you.
“I…” You take another breath, try for an easy-going smile. “I’m never drinking tequila again.”
Wanda smiles a little, just one corner of her mouth curling up, but it seems genuine, and it relaxes the tightness in your chest almost immediately.
“I just—” You fumble with your keycard, cursing softly when the reader beeps in protest. “Shit, hold on.”
“Y/N?” Wanda’s voice crackles over the phone, and you mutter a little bitch at the keycard when it finally works and allows you to shoulder the door open.
“Sorry,” you mumble when Wanda says your name again. “Stupid keycard wasn’ working.”
“Oh,” Wanda says softly. “Are you home, now?”
You hum an affirmative. “‘m almost there,” you tell her. You step into the elevator, tripping over nothing as you do so, stumbling into the back wall, letting out a giggle at the impact. “Almost ate shit,” you grin, and there’s a small breath of laughter that has your insides warming, your own dopey grin pulling at your mouth as you rest your back against the wall. “Y’have a pretty laugh, Wanda.”
“Y/N.” It’s almost a warning, but your drunken brain ignores it.
“Got a pretty everything,” you continue, and when the elevator dings you step out, feet already headed in the direction of Wanda’s room. “Pretty eyes. Pretty hair. Pretty accent. Pretty smile, pretty lips.”
There’s silence on the other end of the line, but you hardly register it as you come to a stop in front of Wanda’s door. It opens only a moment after you knock, and you hear the call drop out as Wanda comes into view.
How she looks as pretty as she does with a clean face and her hair thrown up in a lazy updo, you have no idea. She’s wearing old sweatpants that have a little hole ripped above the knee and a too-big shirt that you’re almost certain is yours, and she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
The words spill out of you before you can stop them. “I’m sorry I’m not good enough for you.”
Wanda blinks, brows furrowing in confusion, but she reaches for you nonetheless. She takes your hand in hers and pulls you into the room, slowly enough that you won’t trip over your own feet. You sink into her, however, wrap your arms around her waist and burrow into the curve of her neck, a heavy feeling on your heart.
She hugs you back, arms wrapping tightly around your back. “What d’you mean?” she asks softly. You take a shuddery breath as you nuzzle further into her.
“You’re so beautiful,” you whisper. “And so smart and so kind. And I keep - I keep hurting you. I don’t deserve you.”
Wanda takes a breath, and is quiet for a long moment. Your eyes flutter shut, and you think you could probably fall asleep in her hold. But then Wanda shifts, gently urging you to lean back. You lean into her touch when she cups your face, sighing shakily.
“Y/N,” she murmurs. You find her eyes, and she chews her bottom lip for a few seconds before she gives up on words and instead leans up to press gentle pecks to your skin; your cheeks, your eyelids, your forehead, and finally the corner of your mouth. You lean into the touch with another soft exhale, and your brain doesn’t really catch up with the fact that you’re turning your head until you feel the soft press of her lips against yours.
The kiss is soft and chaste, Wanda’s fingers pressing delicately into your jaw. She tastes like toothpaste and peach chapstick and something that’s distinctly Wanda, and you can’t get enough of it. Your hands find her hips, and you pull her closer as you kiss her again, your lips moving against hers more surely. But when Wanda nips at your bottom lip and earns a soft groan from you, she pulls back, like she’s just realised what’s happened.
She steps away from you like she’s been burned, and your head reels at the sudden loss of contact.
“Wanda,” you start, eyes flickering to her face, but any and all words die in your throat when you meet her gaze. She’s got one arm crossed over her tummy and the other reaching towards her face, fingers pressed against her lips as she stares at you with wide eyes. You swallow thickly. “I—”
“Y/N, you’re - you’re drunk,” she cuts in.
You shake your head and take a hesitant step closer. Wanda shifts a little, but doesn’t step back, and you take that as a good sign.
“Not that drunk,” you reply. “I - I know what I’m doing.”
Wanda’s lips twist as she watches you step forward again, face pulled together in an apprehensive expression. Her breath hitches when you touch her, gently gripping her forearms and running your thumbs soothingly along her skin. You can see the gears turning in her head as her eyes flit around your face, lingering noticeably on your mouth.
She swallows thickly, then inhales sharply. “It’s late,” she says, voice strained. “We should get to bed.”
She steps back. “Please just - please go to bed, Y/N,” she practically begs, and your heart twists when she steps around you. “I’m gonna go get a glass of water.”
“Okay,” you choke out, and then the door slams shut.
For a few moments you stand in silence, the quiet of the room deafening. Then with an exhausted, resigned sigh, you tug off your shoes and collapse into the bed, making sure to stick to the side that Wanda doesn’t sleep on.
When you wake the next morning, Wanda is nowhere to be found. Last night’s events come back to you in a rush, and you let out a loud, frustrated groan, your chest tightening. You reach for her side of the bed to find it cold, and your brain whirls with thoughts: did she even sleep in here at all last night?
You don’t see her all day, and by the time dinner rolls around, you’re practically bursting with anxiety. There’s a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach; there’s something wrong, and it’s eating you up inside. You want to talk to her about last night. You need to talk to her about it. Need to make her understand that she makes your heart feel like it’s going to leap right out of your chest every time she so much as smiles at you.
You have the plan to pull her aside at dinner and tell her as much, until you finally spot her.
Your feet freeze in place when your eyes meet, heart thumping harder against your ribcage. There’s a few seconds where the two of you just look at each other, but then Wanda blinks and pulls in a breath and looks away, giving Vision a smile before she leaves the room, plate in hand.
And, okay, ouch.
Your heart settles in that pit of your stomach, your whole chest aching. You find yourself frozen until Sam calls out for you, looking a little concerned at your lack of movement. You swallow thickly, blink away the tears threatening to burn at your eyes and offer up a smile, shrugging and muttering a, “Sorry, zoned out for a second.”
You’re so focused on keeping it together that you don’t notice Natasha’s eyes flickering between you and Wanda’s empty seat, a knowing look on her face.
The mission, for lack of better words, goes to shit.
If you weren’t so damn proud, you would’ve told Steve that you should sit this one out. That you were too distracted by Wanda’s ongoing silent treatment to focus on anything Avengers related.
But still, you find yourself undercover in some nightclub in Vegas, all too aware of the mob boss that might be sitting in the VIP area. Your eyes scan the crowd again as you sip at your drink, and you catch sight of Wanda talking to someone who’s leaning in just a little too close. You can tell from here that she’s uncomfortable; her shoulders are squared and her jaw tight, her fingers curled into fists as she probably fights the urge to fling him across the room.
And you know, you know you shouldn’t even think about going over to help her. You’re meant to be seperate guests, total strangers, to avoid anyone putting two and two together; all a precaution Natasha has made very clear not to overstep.
The probably important chatter between Steve and Nat isn’t sticking in your brain, your eyes focused in on Wanda and the asshole that just won’t leave her alone. You very clearly watch her say No before she turns away, taking a sip of her drink, but then the guy reaches over and slides his hand down her back, settling on her ass.
Your feet are moving before you can think better of it, gliding through the crowd with only one goal in mind. You watch Wanda shove him off hard enough that he stumbles, drawing too much attention to herself. The second you reach them, grabbing the front of the man’s shirt and pinning him roughly to the edge of the bar, ready to give him a piece of your mind, a man goes flying over the railing to the second floor.
“We’ve been made!” You hear in your earpiece, and you catch Wanda’s eyes. “Silva’s right-hand is making a run for it!”
There’s an echo of gunfire from upstairs, and immediately, every person in the club is legging it towards the closest exit. You scan the club to try and spot the right-hand in question, and find him running down the stairs, three guards on him.
“I’m on the right-hand!” you say, and both Wanda and Natasha’s yells of protest fall on deaf ears. For the following ten minutes, your body is running purely on adrenaline. You chase down the right-hand man, taking out the guards that try and stop you on the way. Your lungs are burning for air and your legs are starting to ache, but you’re so close. The man makes a fatal mistake; hesitating between taking a left or a right, and it’s enough for you to grab him. You tackle him around the waist, sending you both down a flight of stairs and effectively stopping you from keeping your hold on him.
He scrambles to his feet once you reach the bottom, but as you push to your feet to follow after him, two consecutive shots ring out.
You topple immediately, your momentum gone in an instant. You feel a burning pinch in your shoulder and another against your side, both feelings settling into a horrible burning sensation, and you yelp a little when you try to push to your feet, eyes still focused on the retreating form of the right-hand.
“Fuck,” you mutter, rolling onto your back. You hiss, pressing a hand to the ache in your side and finding warm blood. You know you’ll be fine; you’ll be healed within the hour, but healing powers or not, being shot fucking sucks. “Fuck.”
“Y/N?” You groan heavily, dropping onto your back, your head spinning. You close your eyes tightly, begging your body to pull itself together. A cool hand covers your own, prying your own fingers away from the wound, and you open your eyes just long enough to find Wanda’s face. “Shit. Y/N’s been shot.”
“Twice,” you croak out.
“Bring her back to the quinjet,” Natasha says, a little out of her breath. “I’ll be there soon, I’m almost done in here.”
“Fucking damn it, Y/N,” you hear her muttering as she pulls you to your feet, ignoring the way you shout in pain. “Idiot. You idiot.“
The words burst out of you before you can put a handle on them. “Sorry, princess, next time I’ll ask them very nicely not to shoot me.”
“Shut up,” Wanda grumbles. “Hold on as tight as you can.”
You grunt in response, gripping onto whatever part of her you can as she takes off. You slip a little, but Wanda’s grip tightens, and before you know it, Steve is lifting you onto the table in the middle of the quinjet and getting to work on your bullet wounds.
You can tell they’re already healing; that weird chilling feeling is settling in. You should probably be a little more focused on getting it to work a little quicker, but you’re locked on the way Wanda seems annoyed with you.
Sure, it’s not ideal, but at least she’s actually looking at you instead of pretending you don’t exist. You don’t look away from her as she paces back and forth until you hear Steve calling your name.
Blinking, you turn your head to look at him as he pulls you to sit up, mindful of your already healing wounds.
“What happened?” he asks again.
You open your mouth to respond, but you’re cut off by a sharp, “She almost got herself killed, that’s what happened.”
You scoff a disbelieving laugh as your head whirls around to face Wanda, who’s now shooting daggers at you with her arms crossed over her chest, jaw jutted out in determination.
“Are you serious? I almost had him!”
“We’ll have another chance, and it wasn’t worth getting shot over!” she snaps, volume raising.
Steve’s voice cuts in, “Guys, let’s calm down—”
“And with that guy at the bar? I didn’t need your help. I’m not some damsel—!”
“He touched you—!”
“I had it handled! You could have blown our cover—”
“Well, I didn’t, did I?”
“But you could have,” Wanda snarls.
“What the hell is going on in here?” You both stop at the sound of Natasha’s voice.
Both you and Wanda open your mouth to speak, but you beat her to it. “Wanda’s being a brat.”
Wanda rolls her eyes. “Y/N thinks she’s allergic to following a plan.”
“Oh, like you’ve never—!”
“That’s enough!” Once again, both of you are silenced, but this time it’s by Steve’s booming voice. He points a finger at Wanda. “You go cool down—” His finger jabs at you next, “and you stay there and be quiet. Let yourself heal.”
You groan in protest, but carefully lay back down, eyes flicking to Wanda’s retreating form. Natasha shoots you a look even as she hands you a bottle of water, but you just look up at the ceiling before closing your eyes and focus on letting your powers do their job.
“Hey, I need you to come help me with something.”
You look up from your phone to find Natasha, and frown a little. “What d’ya need me for?” you ask around a mouthful of apple.
She sighs shortly. “Would you just come with me? Please?”
Swallowing your bite of fruit and throwing the rest of it in the bin, you push to stand and trail after her. She slows her feet to let you in front of her as she comes to a stop at a random door you honestly have never been inside of, a hand on your back. In hindsight, that should have been your first red flag.
When Nat presses at your back, you don’t move, looking to her sceptically. “Is this, like, your murder room?”
She gives you a pointed look. “Just go inside, would you?”
With a heavy sigh, you do as you're told, reaching for the handle and shouldering it open.
You come to an abrupt stop when the door opens to reveal Steve and Wanda in the room, and Natasha pushes a little at your back. After a few moments of mutually panicked eye contact with the girl sitting on the bed, you tear your eyes away. You spin and try to step past Natasha, but she steps in your way, raising her eyebrows pointedly.
“Nat, please—”
“Inside,” she cuts in, pushing firmly enough that you stumble into the room. You huff, deciding it’s not worth trying to escape. “You two are staying in here until you sort out whatever it is that’s going on.”
“There’s nothing—”
“We’re not—”
“That’s final,” Natasha interrupts again, voice rising over both yours and Wanda’s protests and rendering the both of you quiet. Crossing your arms over your chest, you sigh, eyes flicking to Steve when he squeezes Wanda’s shoulder encouragingly before moving towards you.
“Talk it out,” Steve says with a firm nod. “It always helps.”
“Yes, mom,” you mock, scuffing your shoe against the floor. Natasha reaches over to pinch your arm, and you step away from her with an affronted Ow!
A heavy silence settles over you and Wanda when Steve and Nat leave the room, door locking shut behind them. Wanda’s gaze remains forward, glued to the wall, but you can tell she knows your eyes are on her. Your mind is reeling, a hundred different conversation openers flying through your head, but you can’t manage to get any of them to leave your mouth.
You clear your throat, the first sound in the room since the door closed, and Wanda leaps into action. She pushes to stand, and you hold your breath in anticipation. But she doesn’t so much as glance at you when she breezes past you, beelining for the door.
You fumble for a moment. “Wanda, wait—”
“We don’t have to talk about it,” she says sharply before you can get another word out. She tugs at the door, but when she tries to use her powers to unlock it, it simply locks again. She tugs harder to no avail. “FRIDAY, let me out.”
“You’re not authorised to unlock this door,” the AI replies smoothly.
Wanda sighs, thumping her head against the door in defeat. Her back is still turned to you.
“I want to talk about it,” you say. Her actions pause, body tensing. “Can we? Please?”
She takes a breath, then whirls around to look at you, crossing her arms over her chest and shooting you an expectant look. You falter, eyes darting away from her face as you struggle to come up with words.
“I’m - Look, I’m sorry if what… I didn’t mean to…”
“You shouldn’t have kissed me,” she says shortly. Your eyes leap back to her face, heart sinking. “You had no right to. It was unfair, and mean.”
“Wanda, I…”
It seems as if the floodgates have opened, because she steps forward, eyes narrowing in a way that has you wanting to tuck tail and run. “Are my feelings a joke to you?”
“No, of course not—”
“You think it’s funny that you have me at your beck and call, and I get nothing in return, except for when you’ve been drinking?”
Her voice wobbles, and you watch her eyes fill up with tears. “Wanda—”
“It’s been three months of you telling me all these lovely things just to fucking forget them by the next morning, and now you tell me you think I’m too good for you and that you don’t deserve me, and then you fucking kiss me! And of course, you remember that!”
She’s in your space now, shoving an offensive finger at your chest, angry tears slipping out over her cheeks.
“And then you go on that stupid mission and act like an idiot and almost get yourself killed for no fucking reason!”
You swallow hard, blinking back the burning in your eyes. “Wanda,” you say softly, and she chokes on a sob, shaking her head roughly.
“No,” she says, fists thumping solidly against your shoulders, again and again. “Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.”
“Hey, hey.” You catch her hands, and she fights you when you start to pull her into a hug until she all but collapses, falling into a fit of sobs and choked out curses. You just wrap her up, smoothing a hand along her spine as she clutches at the back of your shirt.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur among her repeated comments of you’re an asshole and fuck you and i hate you. “I know, I’m an asshole. I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
Her hands curl into the back of your shirt as she gives up on cussing you out, burying her face in your shoulder and letting out sob after sob until they’ve dwindled down into sniffles and shaky breaths.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper against her hair, and she exhales again, shifting her face against your shoulder to nuzzle into your neck. “I know it wasn’t fair how I was treating you.”
“Then why…” she croaks out. She doesn’t finish the question, but you hear it loud and clear. Why did you keep doing it?
“I don’t - I don’t know,” you murmur. “I don’t know, but I’m so sorry.”
She sniffles, lets out a shaky sigh, and pulls back to look at you. You lift your hands to her face, cupping her jaw and wiping away any tears still lingering on her skin. Her breath hitches as she leans into the touch, eyes fluttering shut. Even with tear stained cheeks flushed from crying, she’s the single most beautiful thing you’ve ever lain your eyes on.
“It’s hard to breathe when I look at you, you know,” you murmur. Her eyes open, brows pulling together as her gaze finds yours, and your heart rate doubles. “You just—” You swallow thickly, thumb pressing delicately into her lips for a moment. “You’re so perfect.“
Wanda bites into her bottom lip, eye-line dropping to your mouth for long enough that it makes your knees weak. They flicker back up, eyes searching yours for something. With a shaky sigh, you grab one of her hands, and her face twitches in confusion as you lift it to your sternum and press her palm flat against your beating heart. Her face shifts again, softens a little, as she feels the racing thrum of your heart against her hand.
“That’s what you do to me,” you whisper. Her gaze lifts to yours again, those piercing green eyes constricting your chest further. “And I was so scared of it. I know that’s not an excuse, but I don’t - please don’t doubt that my feelings for you are real. I hate that I hurt you and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if that’s what it takes.” Wanda blinks, her eyes watching you closely. “And I, I understand if you don’t - I get it if I screwed everything up, but I just - I need you to know… I’m so sick of trying to pretend I don’t feel the way I do. I - I’m sick of being—”
Her hand fists into your shirt and all of a sudden she’s tugging you roughly and her lips are crashing onto yours. It hurts a little, and your teeth knock together, but when you cup the back of Wanda’s head and take control of the kiss, slowing it down so you can really savour the feeling, you feel like you’re floating.
Her lips are so soft against yours, a stark contrast to the desperate way she’s clinging onto you, and when you squeeze her hip in an attempt to get her to relax a little, she sighs against your mouth. The rest of the world falls away, all of your senses honed in on the woman currently in arms, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You really aren’t sure how long you stand in the middle of that spare room, Wanda’s lips on yours, but when you break away, chest heaving as Wanda leans her forehead against yours, her breath coming out in quick little pants against your lips, you find yourself wanting to sink right back into her. Oxygen be damned.
“You’re so stupid,” she whispers.
“I know.”
“And you’re an asshole.”
“I know.”
She nudges forward, nose bumping against yours, her fingers release her death grip on your shirt and flatten, smoothing over your shoulders, up the side of your neck to settle on your jaw.
“I love you,” she breathes out.
Your breath catches, heart flipping at the words. You try and fail to come up with something intelligent to say, your whole body thrumming. Eventually, you give up, leaning in to kiss her again. Her fingernails press into your jawline as she lets you kiss her, a small, satisfied hum escaping her at the softness of it.
When you pull back, you pepper kisses around her face, along her jaw until she sinks into you, arms wrapping tight around your neck as you hold her around the waist. You nuzzle into her hair, breathing in the comforting smell of her shampoo, your heart pounding inside your chest.
“I love you, too,” you murmur. You exhale roughly. “Jesus. I love you.”
After a few moments, she leans back. She’s smiling when you find her eyes, her thumbs stroking over your cheeks.
“Go out with me,” you say. “Please? This Friday. Let me make everything up to you.”
She bites into her lip, her smile turning just the slightest bit towards mischievous. “Keep kissing me, and I’ll think about it.”
With an elated laugh, you do exactly that.
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widow-maximov · 9 months
Pairing: Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warning: Angst, slight mention of smut, soft, good ending.
Summary: Being a student and crushing on teachers was everyone's phase. But that was your reality that you didn't know it would come true...
Word count: 4.1K
Who would've thought that you would be in this position. Pressed against a desk with the older Sokovian woman pressed against you keeping you in place.
With her lips reclaiming yours so roughly yet so delicately. You loved how her hands were eager to touch your soft skin. How she always had the excuse to touch you in some way.
You loved every second of it. Every touch and muttered apology, if yous were around other people, making it seem innocent when you knew deep inside what that meant.
She craved you like right now, and if you were honest. You were head over hills for her touch and for her in general. You wasn't even sure how this happened. You were just going to stop by her class to ask if she wanted you over tonight, and suddenly you were pinned against her desk.
Cheeks flashed red as her lips dropped down to your neck. Your hand gently tangled in her hair as your other hand held her a little tighter to not let her move away from you.
"Wanda.." Your quiet needy moan escaped your mouth and that almost drove her mad.
Her lips shifted to your ear, as her hot breath hit your already red ear. "Does this remind you who you belong?"
Her words were clear that she wanted an answer, but with the way her soft hand felt and her teeth teasing your poor earlobe, how could you even think about answering.
"Hm?" She reminded you as she hummed in your ear, as a way to bring you back to reality.
"Y-you.." You stuttered as your brain tried to not focus on how her hand was slowly slipping past your waistband of your pants.
A soft chuckle left her mouth as that's exactly what she wanted to hear. Placing a soft kiss on your cheek as she moved away, watching as your eyes displayed the need that she achieved.
"W-what are you doing?" You asked, trying to pull yourself together to not seem that needy, but that failed when there was a smirk across her lips.
"I just needed to remind you that no one can have you." She spoke at her hand caressed your red cheek softly.
Your brows narrowed in confusion as you stared at her angelic face. "What are you talking about?"
Your arms dropped from her shoulders as hers crossed with her eyes just burrowed into yours. "I saw how Peter looked at you by your locker."
Your brow raised at her. "Peter? He wanted notes from Ms Romanoff class. That's all we spoke about."
She hummed, but it wasn't a genuine hum, it was more sarcastic. "I saw you two laughing with each other. Come on Y/n, he likes you."
"He made a joke, Wanda. I laughed, gave him the notes and he left. I'm not understanding what is happening here. You pinned me and make me tell you what I have been telling you all the time? In another jealousy rage?" Now you had your arms crossed, your eyes not leaving her face.
Okay, maybe that wasn't the finest words to say. But in your defence this has happened before. Minus the way she acted today, making you incredibly hot for her, only to be left dry and high for her to question your feelings for her again.
You liked her jealousy sometimes but today wasn't the day you were a big fan of it. Especially when all you wanted was to spend some time with her, since both of you were equality busy with coursework.
"This isn't a jealousy rage-" She spoke up with her hands on her hips now.
"Oh no? Then please, enlighten me what you just did. Because I am quite confused what you were trying to achieve." You interrupted her almost immediately.
"I wasn't trying to achieve anything. I.. I was just making sure-" You knew Wanda would be stubborn over this. You wasn't even sure why you were even picking a fight. Maybe it was from the throbbing feeling between your legs that was leaving you unsatisfied.
Or maybe, it's the fact that this is a conversation that you are constantly having with Wanda. It's been almost a year since you have been with her and yet she keeps doubting you and what you feel for her.
"God. What is there to make sure? Is the way I feel for you not assuring enough?" You asked, getting up on your feet from the desk as you watched her take a few steps back.
"Actually Y/n, no. Because I never know what you are feeling. You never open up with what you feel and I am not a mind reader." She was right, she has been patient with you but her insecurities got the best of her.
But she was right, you haven't been open about what you feeling, because if you were honest. That scared the living shit out of you. Being so vulnerable with what you feel to a woman who could easily leave you.
"You know what, I am not having this conversation with you anymore." You simply stated, as you reached for your bag and made your way to the door.
"Oh yeah, so mature of you. Leaving when it's convenient for you." She stood still as her eyes followed you shift towards the door.
You turned on your hill to face her as your hand rested on the door handle. "What do you want me to say? I'm sorry for talking to a classmate?"
Maybe this was triggered by the months of hiding. Not meeting none of her family members, whilst she met yours without them knowing, It was her who made you smile like an idiot whenever a notification popped up on your phone.
"No- What? This isn't about who you talk to! You are so impossible to talk to." She was now frustrated with you, as she sighed and dropped her hands from her hips.
"Me? You were the one who keeps me hidden from everything and now is insecure-"
She pointed her finger at you with a deadly look. "Shut it." Her accent was thick as her gaze was fixated at you.
"Whatever.." You muttered as you walked out, blending in with the few people that were lingering in the halls before disappearing into the classes.
Well, you had a different plans for today. That was heading home and calm down before something would be said that can't be taken back. You needed some time to think about all of this.
And so did Wanda by the looks of it. Yous practically never fought. It was rare when one of yous even raised a voice, let alone walked out on each other.
You spent the whole day at home, in your room. Watching some movies to keep your internal fire calm. Yet not long after you felt that painful feeling whenever you were away from her.
You laid on your side and fell asleep as your phone was silenced. You knew that if you got a notification, you would check if it was her. So you fell asleep as you hugged your pillow, in hopes that your mind would be tricked that it was Wanda that you held.
The morning rolled over quicker, and the will to get out of bed was something else. You had zero motivation to go to classes today but you had to. So as usual, you got ready and headed out.
You were quite early and from miles you could spot Wanda's car. The car that held unforgettable memories. You acted like you just ended your relationship with Wanda. Even though this was just a simple fight.
As you walked through the halls and into the class, sitting by yourself, Peter joined you. Smiling widely as he handed your notes back to you. "Thank you."
You smiled back the best you could and noted as a 'you welcome'. But of course he didn't get the hint you didn't want to talk. "I'm not sure if you heard, but I am having a little party at my house tonight. I wanted to invite you."
You looked over at him before Ms Romanoff walked in. "I don't know... I'm not sure what I am doing yet."
"Come on Y/n, it's barely anyone. It's all the people you know, plus me." He puffed his chest out proudly at his words.
You sighed, as you knew you needed a distraction. "Fine, I guess I can show up for a bit."
He smiled wider, moving his hand over yours and giving it a light squeeze. "Perfect."
You chuckled a little uncomfortably and took your hand out of his grip. He got the hint and flashed you a small smile after as a way to apologies.
The day went by rather quickly, the last class was Wanda's and the want to be there was almost at a zero at this point. You managed to avoid her quite good enough.
She on the other end was worried. She didn't even know if you came in, she never got to lay her eyes on you. She hoped you would walk in through her door and smile at her.
But the reality of it was far from it. Yes, you walked in through her door, but that smile was no where to be found. You didn't even meet her eyes.
The class was painful to go through for both of yous. You both missed each other very much, if anything you both wanted yesterday evening to go different.
As class ended, she called on you and told you to stay behind. So you obliged and waited until the rest of the class left. Leaving you to stand not far from her.
"Look Y/n-" She sighed as a way of defeat, she didn't want to argue.
"What are you going to pick at now?" You asked before letting her finish, clearly fed up with this subject already.
"Nothing.. I was going to ask you something." Her voice was small, quite not like her. If you looked close enough, you could've seen the darker circles under her eyes.
Your expression softened up slightly. "What is it..?"
"My family is hosting a family dinner tonight, I wanted you to come with me.." She explained, hoping you would agree. She had a lot of time to think about your words, and her constant fighting with herself made her realise how this has been affecting you both.
You shoved your hands in your pockets, as you didn't want to just give in. "I can't, I got something this evening."
That worried her, even in the smallest fights, you always said yes to her. Maybe this was a lot more bigger than she thought. She watched as you turned and headed towards the door.
Her heart sinking with each step you took way from her. "Please Y/n... Think about it, I already messaged you the address.."
You stopped only for a moment to hear her out and exited the room. You were still quite upset with everything and that just added on. You missed her but sometimes you just had to show that just by inviting you out, this wouldn't solve anything.
Wanda just hoped you would change your mind and show up. She knew she made a mistake and she wanted to do everything in her power to save this.
If she was honest, she fell in love with you and that was important to her. You were important to her, that's why reacted the way she did. She was scared that you wouldn't feel the way she does. The love she holds dearly for you.
She wanted to have every moment she could with you, before she told you how much she loves you. Ruining everything if you didn't feel the same and never being able to hold you close again.
But of course that was just her spiralling into a rabbit hole, when it was quite the opposite. You felt the same, if not more strongly.
As the evening rolled around, you were getting ready but not for the dinner. But rather the party that Peter invited you out to. Even if something was telling you, you should stay home.
But you swallowed it down as you made your way to his place. Music blasting across the street, knocking but knowing no one would hear it so you just walked in.
Peter cheered as he saw you, he was quite intoxicated but was still himself. "Y/n! you made it!"
You flashed him a small smile as one of your friends hooked her arm around you and led you inside the house. "Of course she would, she always loved a good party."
They weren't wrong, before Wanda you partied quite a lot with those lot. That's why you and Travis talk, he is friends with Carol. Your long time best friend.
Laying your eyes on her, as you walked over to her and was instantly handed a drink. "How are you?" She asked, seeing that look on your face.
You lied- Or at least tried to. "I'm okay, you know how it is. Parents have been pushing me to do better so I have been busy."
You were busy making out with Wanda than improving your grades. They already were good enough for your parents and yourself to even care more about studying.
She nodded but she wasn't a fool. She knew there was more to it. But before she could call you out on it. Peter walked over, putting his arm around you and dragging you to the dance floor.
Both of his hands were on your hips and you were forced to have yours on his shoulders. It was hard to not imagine Wanda in his place. Her beautiful eyes that were like a million stars shining when she smiled.
"Y/n I'm so glad you came. I was waiting to tell you this for awhile now." He spoke up and the image of Wanda disappeared.
"I have been crushing on you for a while now and I guess that's my way of asking you out." Yeah now you can see it. Wanda was right and once again you never listen.
Now you're stuck with his hands on your hips. The difference between Wanda's was huge. "Peter..-"
"No, I'm not finished." He stated as he placed his finger on your lips. "I have been gathering the courage for some time now, you are so beautiful that I can imagine how every guy would be so jealous of us."
He spilled this fantasy that he made up in his head to you. If he was sober right now, this would've never left his mouth.
You stopped when Bucky made his way over to Peter. Tapping him and pulling him away, letting you escape and hide away from Travis. This was your bad feeling.
Carol managed to find you after hours of searching. "What are you doing?" She asked as she sat down next to you under the table that hid yous with the cloth over it.
"Hiding from Peter and his endless love confession." You spilled as you leaned your head on shoulder.
She laughed "That's why he is looking for you everywhere. Have you been thinking about accepting?" She asked, hoping in a way to get the information she wanted out of you.
"God no, you know I am only into women." You said as you looked up at her. Sitting up straight as you heard a chuckle leave Carol's mouth.
"Women... A woman who isn't here, am I right?" She asked, she could read you so easily it was almost scary.
You looked away at your hands, nodding at her. "Yeah, you're right. She couldn't be here even if we both wanted that to happen."
She hummed at you. "Why?"
"Her family has a dinner right now, so she's busy." You confessed, as you endlessly played with your fingertips.
"What are you doing here then? Why aren't with her?" She asked you as she turned her body towards you, to analyse your body language. "Wasn't you invited?"
"I was..." You sighed and before Carol could ask you any further questions. "We had a fight and I don't even know what I am suppose to do."
"Have yous spoke since?" She questioned as a way to find a way to help you out.
"Only when she invited me but even then, I was cold and rude and I don't even know if she wants to see me anymore." You hid your face in your hands.
Carol knew you were stupid but not this point. "I mean if she invited you out to the dinner, then I am sure she wants to see you. She probably wants to talk it out."
There was a slight silence for a moment between yous, letting gears turn in your head. You looked at her with realisation that you are about to fuck it up if you don't get to that dinner.
"What are you still doing here. Move your ass and get your girl." She already knew that look, encouraging you.
You hugged her and bolted out of there. Rushing home to change into something more formal and made your way to the address Wanda messaged you.
She was worried, making excuses that you were running late to her family but the truth was you wasn't coming. That hurt her more than anything.
She wanted to be close to you and be held by you. She needed to feel your arms around her. She kept her tears in until she heard your voice.
Almost as if her prayers were listened to and she rushed to see if this was really you. There you stood, with her mother holding the door for you. Watching as you handed her a bag with a wine bottle, just the one Wanda told you many months ago she liked.
Her mother looked over at Wanda, smiling widely. "There you are, your date is here."
She sent Wanda a wink as she left to leave the two of you for a moment before she came back to finally pull yous two away for dinner.
"You came..." She spoke as she stood glued to her spot.
You sent her a light smile. Taking a few steps towards her. "Always.."
That warmed her heart, she was desperate at this point to hug you. She wanted to feel you against her and as she took a step towards you. Feeling her body relax even before it hit yours.
Wanda's mom came out, saying the dinner was ready. Shuttering any hope Wanda had that she could be held by you. Of course she was aware that everyone was excited to meet you.
You are the only person Wanda ever mentioned since her first love break up. They were excited to see what she sees in you. It must be all good if she decided to bring you here.
And that's what it was. They all were intrigued with you and how intelligent you were. Even Wanda's dad liked you, as he took you away for a moment to show you his car collection.
That's where you gave him a bit of advice how to preserve their life span by doing certain things. It made him happy that you knew so much about cars. You weren't just some girl who went for Wanda for her wealth but rather her as a whole.
The family was satisfied with who they met, letting you breathe as you stood outside. Looking out on the amazing view from their home. The amazing nature look was beautiful.
But not as beautiful as the only woman's voice that made you turn your head. "Found you."
You smiled as you turned to face her. She looked so stunning, in the well lit area. Before you could compliment her, she was the first one to speak up.
"I'm sorry Y/n for what I have done and said.." She held herself as her expression slightly changed. "I was jealous and I am insecure... I am all those things and I was scared to tell you because why would you want to deal with problems that I am battling with."
She expressed herself in the way she was thinking. Tears slowly forming on the edge of her eyes. "I am constantly worried that someone might swoop you away and I will be here vulnerable after telling you how I feel."
"I am scared because I have zero clue how you feel, and if I come out looking like a fool that will leave me in a worse heartbreak because I never knew I could feel this way towards anyone." She let one tear drop from her eye as her hands linked with each other, fidgeting slightly from the nerves.
"God... I am so in love with you Y/n, it's almost impossible to ignore. I love those cute dimples whenever you smile. Those eyes that hold so much passion for certain things. It makes me feel crazy because I imagine so many scenarios that include you."
You weren't expecting this, you weren't even expecting for yous to talk about this. Watching as she cries, her hands shaking slightly from nerves made you act.
You walked over to her, grabbed her hands and held them tightly. Looking into her beautiful green eyes. "Wanda.."
You tried to calm her down but she kept going. "It's crazy because marriage didn't even cross my mind until I met you- Not that I am saying we should marry but one day-"
Before she could finish, you pulled her into you and kiss her softly. That way you could finally say what you wanted and keep her shut. The kiss was sweet and gentle but short.
She missed you instantly but her brain was trying to process your words now. "I never knew that's how you felt and I am sorry that with my lack of communication you had to keep that in."
"But I have something to confess too, it's way over due now." You paused for a moment to make sure she was listening. "I am in love with you too, Wanda. So in love that I realised how I don't want to mess this up. I came here to fix things and to finally tell you what I was planning on saying for some time now." You finally let it out, even if this wasn't what you had planned, it was the right moment.
As you watched every doubt leave her eyes, a shocked expression turn into a smile, that satisfied you. That look that you could witness, and you were glad you could.
"You was right about Peter. He confessed his love for me and I couldn't help but imagine us. I couldn't even picture being anywhere near him when you are the only woman on this earth that would make my heart beat almost out of my chest with every touch." You admitted, because if yous were being honest with everything then she needed to know.
She couldn't help it anymore, her lips were quick to find yours and that was a way for her to seal every word that has been said. Her hands cupped your cheeks as you held her extremely close to you.
God you loved that woman with every fibre in your body. Her salty tears were ignored because all you cared about was her. She pulled away slightly, looking into your eyes before giving you small kisses to make this moment last.
"You are the best thing that happened to me" You added as she hugged herself into your chest. Smiling from ear to ear and being happy with everything that has happened tonight.
She hummed as she acknowledged your words before looking up and speaking up. "See, I did have a reason to be jealous over Peter. I did say he liked you."
You rolled your eyes playfully, as you smiled slightly. "Yeah, well he wouldn't have the same affect on me with the way you do, when you pin me against the desk from this so called jealousy."
She chuckled as her eyes never left yours, this was what she wanted. This moment where you both feel pure happiness and nothing else.
It was you and her against everything. Now she knew everything would work itself out, even if it was going to be hard. She wasn't going to give up. Not now or ever...
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202 notes · View notes
Without you.
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader blurb.
A/N: I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Word count: 499.
How is it that you can love someone to the point where you can't breathe?
To the point where if they leave you, your heart will never sing.
Sing the words that once made you happy, the ones that made you glad, the ones that made you remember all the good that you had.
How is it that she took everything without a word being said? How is it that she left you, left you almost dead.
If she loved you the way she said she did, she would never leave and for some reason you still loved her all that much, that's why you can't breathe.
You were sitting on your bed staring out of the large window in the bedroom when you heard your door open.
“You wanted to talk?” You ask cautiously, your eyes still looking out the window.
“Yes,” Wanda sighs, “I- It's just-,” she begins, but stumbles on her words.
“Come on, just say it Max. Just say what you came here to say. Just say what I know you've been dreading to tell me for some time now,” you whisper, as your eyes now focus on the witch.
“Y/N/N,” Wanda whispers softly, as tears stream down her face at the broken look you give her. “You have to know, I never wanted it to be like this,” she cries.
“I know,” you sigh as tears mark your own face as well. “I know things were never meant to play out this way, but I also know that you love him the same way that you’re supposed to love me,” you say as a sob escapes your throat.
Wanda approaches the bed slowly, before she sits besides you and pulls you into a tight hug.
“I'm sorry, my love, I am so so sorry.” Wanda cries into your shoulder. “The stone it- I don’t understand it, but what I do know is that I’m hurting you because of it, so that’s why I need to let you go, you deserve more than whatever I am giving you,” she says lowly.
“Yeah, I get that. So it is what it is,” you say shrugging, trying desperately to alleviate the ache in your chest with your nonchalant words. “But I do ask for one last thing Wands,” you begin, as Wanda looks at you with sad green eyes, “can I please hold you,” you ask softly, the witch nodding against you.
As both you and your now ex-lover slide into the bed you once shared, you holding her from behind, Wanda waits until your cries finally turn into even breaths of slumber before removing herself from your tight hold, placing a final kiss to your forehead before moving to grab a pen and paper to write you a letter. Leaving it on the dresser beside your bed.
“It's over.” Is all that it says.
And it's enough for you to know your heart may never sing again.
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sytoran · 1 year
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completely and entirely based on 'taunt' by lovejoy.
──── ☕ pairing. wanda maximoff x gn!reader
──── ☕ cont. high school/college!au, gn!reader, angst, hurt no comfort, implied sexual references, homophobia, "best friends", unrequited love, vision's an ass, you deserve better, but i had to do it, wanda's nose-scrunch is a recurring theme, look me in the eyes and tell me i'm wrong for that.
──── ☕ note. my angst brainrot with wanda maximoff. she's kinda-but-not-realy-but-yea homophobic (???) i'm so sorry, for once i capitalize my words but only this time for uniformity
masterlist / AO3
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The first time you see Wanda Maximoff, you think she’s taunting you.
She's always asking, "Am I alright?"
As if auspicious or in my pint
She stares at you from across the classroom. Iridescent, mischievous, calculating. You blink slowly. What do you want? Your eyes ask. Hers don’t answer.
I'll find the answer or a good night
Thank God the time is short
The moment ends before your brain can wrap itself around the situation. Those eyes flicker away. You swear you’re hallucinating, but it was the Wanda Maximoff that just stared at you for a moment too long, right?
Popular but in a cool way, dark but humorous, casual but breathtaking — that Wanda Maximoff, right?
And, yes, you always do that one thing
When you wrinkle up the nose bridge
The next time you see Wanda Maximoff, she’s not standing that far away at all. Instead, right up next to you. Almost delving into your personal space.
She’s just curious. That’s all, you tell yourself. It was a coincidence that she sat there, a matter of circumstance.
Her books have crossed that line of boundaries, chair a little too close. Her elbow is merely an inch from yours. It’s really nothing.
You shrug it off, because Wanda hasn’t said a single word to you.
The redhead’s response comes in nothing more than a nose-scrunch.
I'm trying to figure out what that meant
Wrinkling her nose bridge, eyes narrowed in a bitten-back chortle, glimmering with amusement. You follow her line of vision in silent contemplation.
You freeze when you see her fingers tracing the pride sticker on your file.
Fingertips, scratching the already fading sticker. The nose-scrunch doesn’t seem that friendly anymore.
A rainbow becomes a sea of black. A coldness washes over you.
I took it as a taunt
After that incident, the two of you never did speak for nearly five months. High school graduation happened soon after, and then Wanda Maximoff tasted like a distant memory.
Remember way back then in school?
It’s less history, and more present. Truth or dare, college classes.
You never thought you’d see her again, to be honest, but life swung by however it pleased. Apparently, life swung towards inexplicably alluring women.
Of course, Wanda being Wanda, had taken the dare for nearly every single round.
Oh, did anybody ever say no to you? Woah
A drinking challenge, with Steve Rogers, who tapped out three rounds before her. Done.
Did anybody ever say no to you? Woah
A tattoo, from the shitty parlor down the street. Done.
And I don't think I have a clue
The word ‘kiss’ falls from Valkyrie’s lips before you can help it, because it’s Wanda’s turn again and you’re a hopeless fool.
Wanda’s been dared to kiss you.
'Cause, well, did anybody ever say no to you?
‘Levitating’ by Dua Lipa has never felt heavier. The music is ringing in your ears. Cheers turn into wolf-whistles, turn into chants. Your skin prickles.
Oh, did anybody ever say no to you? Woah
You couldn’t say no to her.
Before Wanda can brush off with a charming smile that no, you’re not comfortable with it, or before her eyes can bring up bitter memories from three years ago — you pull her into a kiss.
A hand resting on her annoyingly soft cheek. Your thumb finds the divine urge to run over her flushed cheeks and sharp cheekbones, but restraint pushes you back.
When you break from the kiss, your eyes are unsettled, because why did that feel good? You ignore the hoots from your friends, instead send a slow smile to the flustered mess that was Wanda.
You could taunt her as well.
You're always trying to leave the table
Phone calls, toilet breaks, unstable
Wanda Maximoff is not fine.
She has not been, since she started dating Jarvis. You don’t care, you really don’t.
But when he drops her hand and brushes her off mid-speech, you think you might find the strength in you to break a neck.
I’m fine, Wanda insists. I’m happy, so you can leave me alone. For once. Just ‘cause you’re gay doesn’t mean everyone is, alright?
Swallowing down a lump in your throat, you walk away with defiant eyes and a trembling bottom lip.
Wanda’s a good liar.
And don't you think that we can all tell?
You're insecure, you're insecure
Wanda Maximoff, to you, is shitty diners, and expired bubblegum, and late night car drives to quiet lakes.
Under the prerequisite of friends, that is.
I guess I always do that one thing
When I get too drunk and jump in
You don’t mean it, you really don’t, when your fist flies and happens to knock into Jarvis’ nose on a hot Wednesday night.
He’s just been such a bitch to Wanda, and she’s just your best friend, you know, but there’s a line — there’s a line that you have every right to cross when he forgets her birthday, and she starts crying, and he gets mad.
To figure out what makes your brain tick
You don’t hold yourself back from spitting a snarl of foul words when Jarvis shoves past you. Wanda’s yelling at you, but you’re too tired to care.
Even Tony, so obstinate and so proud, gives you a sympathetic smile.
You’ve never hit a harder rock bottom.
I'm a listener, I'm a listener
When Wanda breaks down into your arms later that night, body wracking with heavy sobs and gasps for air, you listen.
You let her punch your shoulder, then you stroke her back, and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. It was all you’d ever be.
Until she pushed you down onto that rackety bed, meeting your lips along the way. Iridescent, mischievous, miscalculated.
Forget the number for the cab call
As you're dashing out the front door
The next morning is a rush, with Wanda grabbing this after that, saying that she was sorry, and she’d make it up to you. She also calls you a reliable friend, and you want to sink into the depths of darkholds.
She was halfway out the door before you opened your eyes.
You claim to try to dodge the catcalls
Exactly one week later, when you see Jarvis pushing Wanda up against the wall, your heart collapses in on itself.
She was your first love, and you were her little taunt.
Thank God the time is short
Weeks fly by, but it feels strangely quick. You’ve grown numb to the sights of Wanda and her stupidly pretty boyfriend.
And, yes, you always do that one thing
An informal college graduation party, at the same shitty diner with the same shitty pop music.
You don’t really know what you’re doing when you pull a pretty girl into a kiss, after about five minutes of flirting and fifty minutes of alcohol.
'Cause when you throw and drench me under your drink
Cranberry juice stains your white shirt in a few moments. You break away from the kiss, hardly surprised to see Wanda Maximoff with her face redder than her flaming hair, a now-emptied glass about to snap in her hands.
I'm trying to figure out what that means
You can’t feel, not when she was everything to you but you were nothing more than a friend.
“What’s the big issue?” you had drawled, eyes narrowed as you surveyed Wanda with a painfully indifferent expression. “Friends can kiss each other, right?”
The silence is loud.
Wanda’s nose scrunches, a painful imprintment into your godforsaken memory, and a dagger is stabbed into your gut because this time, because you know she's trying not to cry.
Her nose is scrunching, not because she's taunting you, but because she's blinking back tears, and her bottom lip is trembling so much. So, so much.
It’s stupid, the way you’re holding back tears yourself — you want to shout, and scream, because what did you fucking do to deserve the way she treated you.
But you join in with your friends on the cruel laughter, because you don’t know what else to do. Because she was never yours.
The last time you see Wanda Maximoff, you know she’s not taunting you, but you so desperately want to believe she is.
I took it as a taunt
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taglist: @natashamaximoff69 @ohsugar-honey-iced-tea @fayhar @bibliophilicbi @screechcat @rowanyaboats @nahnahnahwhat @the-night-owl-blr @matchasrad @wannabe-fic-reader @natsxwife @wandsmxmff @enanna-h @jemilyswhor3 wanna be added to the taglist to see more works like this? leave an ask in my inbox! if by any chance you want to be removed from the taglist, also leave an ask in my inbox.
i was not fine when i wrote this. i'm going through my depressed arc because i'll never be truly accepted by my parents (bawls)
the fancy line breaks are from @u-uwin
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puffein · 10 months
COFFEE AT NINE | late spring [iv.]
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summary: after months of not seeing each other, you finally asked wanda to have coffee with you for the last time. pairings: wanda maximoff x fem!reader warnings: angst, profanity word count: 1140 a/n: i almost pluck my hair out editing this ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
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Westview, New Jersey
Late-December 2023
"Sorry, I know you told me 9 but Jarvis got this thing and I forgot to make him his lunch so I—" Wrapped securely on her long dark green jacket, Wanda's disheveled bright auburn hair came right in front of your sight. 
Wearing nice loose pipe jeans, its small pieces of thread hanging loosely right at her knees, and a v-neck shirt full of horizontal lines tucked gracefully on her pants, her face screams guilt and regret as she positioned herself on the vacant seat facing you.
"It's okay, Wanda." you cut her off too quickly, too fast that you saw the flash of fall of her beautiful face. 
"Really, it's fine. I just got here anyways," you reassure her, mouth moving in a tight smile. 
"I know I have been M.I.A since I got married I think even before that maybe in college—"
Your laugh interrupts her line of thoughts, "You don't have to apologize, It's technically your honeymoon anyways. And what happened in college, it was in the past." you give her a cool smile, eyes lingering at the surge of something you don't quite know in her eyes.
You see the bobbing of her throat, "Right, of course. I'm happy you asked me to hang out, it's been so long since we did something just the two of us, like before." Wanda rambles, eyes not staying in one place.
"Y/N, I wanted to apologize about—"
"How's Jarvis?" you suddenly question, sipping lightly on your now cold coffee. Eyes staring at the wall behind her.
Wanda's eyes lodge at her cup of coffee which is also now cold, a clear reminder of how late she was at this coffee hangout you asked her. She wanted to continue the words being cut off but then she saw how your eyes never stayed at hers.
"Fine, good. He got this promotion just a month after the wedding and he was overjoyed by it," she answers, voice quivering lightly as her mouth comes in touch with the coffee. 
"How are you, Y/N?"
"Doing good, I'm planning on trying new things, career-wise." you declare, not indulging deeper in this 'trying new things'. She doesn't have to know that you'll be trying out a new different country. 
Her eyes lit up, seemingly thrilled at the words she was hearing, and the dampened posture she had seemed to vanish as her face glows in excitement, "That's good! What are you thinking about it?"
You tell her the details of the plan, of your goals, of your vision for this new version of your life. Clearly leaving out the words 'moving away' or anything that suggests moving into a new environment, away from her, miles away from her, physically out of reach from her. 
She eats up every word you tell her, you let yourself grasp that tiny happiness blooming in your chest, everything feels so normal right at this moment. Just like before, just the two of you, worlds blurry, voices mute, sights focused on each other. 
Time seems to be moving fast when you let yourself enjoy this last moment you have with her and before you know it, the two of you stand outside the coffeehouse. 
You stare at her, consuming the sight of how her hair and the blowing wind consummate itself with a beautiful dance. You greedily ingest her image, the perfect curves of her face, the lightness engraved solely at her green eyes, the tiny constellations in her cheeks, you just consumed her.
Your breath quickens, the hands situated at your pockets balled into a fist. You can't back out now, you promised yourself to distance. You can't break another vow of yours. Not now.
"That was fun." she chirps, her smile so wide that the crinkles on the side of her eyes stick out so clearly. 
"We should do it again, Y/N. I promise not to be late next time." She mutters, playfulness leaping out of her tone as she mentions her tardiness.
She whips her head to look at you, grinning, "See you soon?" the light shuffling of her shoes on the pavement makes its way to your ears. A gentle reminder of what is gonna happen after this moment.
You give her a big grin, nodding your head in such a determined manner. Frightened to open your mouth, distrust screams at your head with the thought of using words to say something to her. Just something. You have no will to use your voice, afraid to say something that will somehow backtrack all the choices you have chosen. To be here in this right moment, with her. 
She doesn't see your struggles, of course, she wouldn't, she was too caught up with how things are back with her best friend. Too overjoyed to finally have her best friend back. How her concerns about that night at her wedding, how the unspoken things that happened before are vanishing as she really sees nothing is wrong with the both of you. That it was just all her anxiety shouting in her mind. 
And that everything is just as it is, like before.
She takes a step forward then completely stops just a few inches beside you. Wanda's hand seems to want to reach out for you but her arms stay glued at her sides, tapping lightly on her thighs, she then points at the other side of the road with her head. You nod again, a smile plastered on your face. You watch her take light steps onto the pedestrian lane, walking farther away from you, her flower-scented perfume lingers on the air surrounding you. You take a sharp intake of breath, it feels like the air is closing in on you, with its sharp edges pricking the very center of your chest. You watch.
Your eyes dawdle on her figure, lungs constricting suddenly as your finger runs up to touch something wet on your cheeks. 
You huff out an ironic laugh, "Fucking shit."
You watch her figure closely, you watch the soles of her boots welcome every inch of the pavement, you watch the light bounce off her bright auburn hair that seems to be more bright as the sun cascades itself right on her figure, with every step she takes is another distance being added between you and her. 
The familiar shape of her figure finally disappears, vanishing into a place farther away from you. A realization descends in like a big wave crashing brutally on your already crushed soul. A realization came in even though you already knew what was happening. You have chosen this. This path. However, the advanced knowledge of the course of events still didn't lessen the pain you felt at this very moment.
At the realization that she's finally out of reach.
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—୧ taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @sokovianbaby @vivs46
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loggiepj · 26 days
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illicit affairs
Summary: What happens if you fall in love with a married woman? Nothing good, of course.
"If you ever dare tell him or anyone about us, I swear to God I will tell everyone how good of a liar you are."
YOU DIDN'T intend to fall in love with a married person.
It was the last thing on your mind. You'd never put yourself in such a dangerous position — destroying what happy couples had. If only the old you could see you right now, she would have thrown you off a cliff in an instant.
She was the wife of your Classic Literature professor — Wanda.
She had the most mesmerizing greenest eyes you had ever seen, the kind you want to just spend hours or even days just staring into. Long brown hair that would cascade down to her shoulders and back, the kind that falls into place like dominoes as she'd run her fingers through her hair, as if she never needed a comb in her life.
You and Wanda first met when Vision, your professor and her loving husband, asked you to drop the book reviews he instructed the class to do for the day.
It was just a simple meeting. No out of the ordinary. There were few exchanges of smiles between you and Wanda as you handed the papers to Vision. Then you left.
The second meeting was somewhat rather different. You knew you should focus at what Vision was saying at that moment but your eyes could only betray you as they darted towards the revealing creamy legs of the woman sitting in front of Vision's desk.
You didn't mean to ogle. But you swore Wanda raise her skirt rather intentionally to reveal more when she noticed you looking.
The third meeting was the awaited moment, the actual beginning of the book where the protagonist meets the love of her life.
Vision was nowhere to be found. And in his desk, sitting on his chair was his wife.
"Vision left for a meeting," Wanda said as she stood, making her way towards you.
"Good afternoon, Miss Stark."
"Oh, please, call me Wanda."
Wanda approached you, her perfume lingering in your nose as she took the papers from your hands.
"Y/n, right?"
You nodded back.
There was an awkward silence as you both just stood there silently, a weird tension you couldn't comprehend. Or maybe you were only imagining things.
Like a curious child, you didn't know what to do. Wanda seemed like she was having fun on the other hand as she watched you struggle. Her eyes finally took mercy as she began peering through the papers.
"Mmmm, Anna Karenina. What do you think of it?"
Your brows furrowed deeper. "About the book?"
Wanda only nodded as she stepped closer, making you swallow a nervous gulp.
"Well, I think it's one of the greatest works of literature ever written."
She stopped. "And do you think it's appropriate? What she did with Vronsky appropriate?"
"No . . . She's married and—"
"Even when it was an arranged marriage to a man beyond her years whom she didn't love?" Wanda interrupted.
"Even so, I don't think it's still right. Although I couldn't blame Anna if I were in her shoes and I lived in the 1800s, the heart doesn't follow the laws in marriage. And the law doesn't apply to love."
There was a small pause. Wanda's eyes met yours and you had never seen it in the deepest and darkest shades of green before.
"You're an interesting student, Y/n, you know that right?"
"Interesting how, ma'am?"
A smirk only grew on her face. But before she could reply, Vision suddenly entered the room.
"Oh, Y/n, I'm sorry, I got caught up in an unexpected meeting." He took the papers from his wife as he left a kiss on her cheek. You said it was okay as you bid goodbye to both, to Wanda rather hesitantly.
"VISION'S looking for a nanny," Kate suddenly announced when she arrived at the table. You and your friends were in the cafeteria for lunch. "He's basically  convincing his students to apply, handing out flyers. Don't you think it's a bit unprofessional?"
You didn't think it was unprofessional. You thought it was an opportunity, a blessing in disguise. But of course, you didn't tell your friends that.
SO, THERE you were sitting in Stark's two-storey house playing video games with their twins on the living room carpet. You couldn't complain choosing this work over some part time job you had at a local comic book store, considering Vision was paying you more.
You thought it was a consensus agreement between the two of them though but when you met Wanda's widened eyes later that night upon seeing you with her kids, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing, you had thought wrong.
Wanda and Vision had a fight that night too, about why Vision hired one of his students for the job. It wasn't your business, but you'd probably be fired from the job after that night.
When you had already tucked the boys in their bed, the house had now gone completely silent. You quietly prepared yourself to get home. Hurriedly leaving the house you shouldn't have come in the first place, you accidentally bumped into Wanda in the hallway.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking—"
"No, I should be the one who's sorry. Forgive me, Y/n. You shouldn't have heard all the things you probably heard earlier. I was just not expecting him to actually do it."
"It's okay, ma'am. I don't really mind. And I needed the money anyway." Technically, it wasn't a lie.
There was a short moment of silence before you smiled and bid goodbye. Wanda stopped you the very second you stepped out the door.
"What time will you be here tomorrow?" she asked.
You swallowed as she walked closer. "I. . . I don't remember Professor mention to babysit tomorrow."
"Well, I will be out for business the whole day tomorrow and the twins need picking up from the school. But if you're busy, I can just ask—"
"—No, it's completely fine, I can do it—"
"Are you sure? I don't want to impose," she said as she suddenly arranged the collar of your shirt. The feather like touch of her fingertips against your skin made you almost internally combust. "I don't want you missing out on your studies."
Your cheeks must have gone red the entire time as you eagerly shook your head.
"It's surely not a problem, Miss Stark."
"If you say so. I'll see you tomorrow then. And please . . . call me Wanda."
Little did you know you'd start calling her other endearing names two weeks later.
YOU STARTED becoming close to Wanda the following days when you're babysitting their twins. With interesting conversations at night whenever she and her husband got home, it was a miracle how you'd never seem to run out of topics. And in the University as well, what with her regular presence in Vision's office, it would appear as though you and Wanda couldn't handle to spend some time apart from each other.
Your friends had teased you about taking the babysitter job, of course. But they were more concerned about Vision, truly unaware that your intentions were elsewhere, that a certain brunette has plagued your mind for days, that you were so head over heels over your professor's wife.
No, they had no idea about the nights you two had spent together talking, or the prolonged touches that ignited the wick of most carnal desires in your head, or the way she slurred your name behind you as she taught you how to bake the cookies the twins liked. Of how you could almost taste her. No, they certainly had no idea.
But of course, falling in love with a married woman wasn't an easy task.
You weren't supposed to be entering Vision's office without knocking. But being used to be always welcomed in there, you didn't expect Vision to be preoccupied with his wife.
There they were kissing passionately, Wanda on top of his desk while Vision in front of her. Your sight immediately darkened. You hurriedly apologized and left the room.
Vision talked to you the next day about what happened, and how sorry he was for not being professional. He was talking about trying to resolve the cruel woes of a married life but you had already stopped listening when she mentioned Wanda started what happened yesterday.
You asked to take absence from the babysitting job for a while, saying that you needed to focus on the upcoming midterms. Vision said he understood, never questioning how it was more important than the exams.
Fortunately, you didn't have to go to Vision's office anymore. Ever since the incident, Vision never instructed you to.
That was why you had more free time on a Saturday night, making you agree to your friend's invite to another college party. Plus, you needed to move on from something that wasn't even there in the first place.
You met some girl that night too. But you were too drunk to remember the name. She was kissing you against the wall in the dark alley, or even more as you heard your belt being unbuckled.
"Stop," you muttered with a weak voice.
But the girl didn't seem to hear you. She might have taken it as a moan as she hastily fastened the way she was devouring you that moment.
You pulled away from her face as you tried to say it louder. "I can't do this here—"
And then there was a blur before you as the girl was suddenly shoved away. You didn't get to see what happened next because darkness had already enveloped your surroundings.
YOU WOKE up in a nearby motel wearing clothes you knew weren't yours. You were starting to hyperventilate, millions of thoughts running through your head, scolding your past self that this was what's going to happen when you get drunk.
It only stopped when Wanda entered the room.
"Miss Stark?"
"What the hell do you think you're doing making out with strangers in dark alleyways?"
You hadn't seen her mad before. Of course, you had heard her yelling during her arguments with Vision, but never towards you.
"You could have been—... you could have been—"
Suddenly, memories from last night quickly swarmed back into your head. How someone was about to take you out in public.
"I'm so sorry," you said back so softly, holding back tears. "I . . . I didn't mean to get too much drunk."
Wanda let out a sigh, calming herself down, as she carefully approached you then sat on the corner of the bed.
When you started crying, you felt her hand slithered around yours, squeezing you with assurance and safety you didn't know you needed.
"Hey, it's okay now," she said. "You're alright now. And that's what matters."
Then Wanda leaned forward, engulfing you into a hug as you cried into her chest. She rubbed circles soothingly on your back, murmuring sweet nothings as if she was more than just your professor's wife.
"You're safe now. I'm here. I'll always be here."
You didn't know what she meant by that, but through the days that followed, you finally understood.
You started to return as the twins' babysitter a week after the incident. Wanda insisted she'd been having a hard time finding someone to replace you. So you finally relented and caved in.
And one night, one lonely sensual night, it all made sense.
Wanda just got home from work. Vision was away for a professors retreat and wouldn't be back until the following day.
"In a hurry to get rid of me?" Wanda chuckled as she poured herself a glass of white wine. You had just tucked the kids in their bed.
You apologized. "Sorry, my friends are just having this party and I . . . Well, they set me up to meet with someone there—"
You jumped when you heard glass breaking. Upon seeing the source, how red looked so much darker unto the white kitchen counter, your feet instinctively darted towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
When you got back into the kitchen carrying the bag, Wanda finally spoke. "It's fine, Y/n. It's just a scratch—"
"No way that's just a scratch." You pulled her hand regardless and started to tend to it like a professional. You had been trained to do this back in highschool as a volunteer. Good thing it wasn't an open wound. You gently rolled the gauze around her hand after you had finished dabbing some alcohol on the wound, unaware that Wanda has never let her eyes leave you.
"There. All done." You smiled then looked at Wanda, finally noticing the distance between the two of you was too inexistent. You swallowed a nervous lump, not realizing you were still holding her injured hand. You let go rather reluctantly and you swore you could see the disappointment on her face.
"Y/n," Wanda called softly.
"Yes?" Avoiding her gaze, you busied yourself cleaning the mess.
"I don't think I can do this anymore."
"What do you mean?"
And as you lifted your head to look at her, Wanda was already starting to lean forward. Suddenly, you couldn't breathe, rendering you immobile as the gap between the two of you was reduced to an inch.
"I'm about to do something stupid," Wanda said. "But please, don't push me away or tell me you don't want the same thing."
Then she kissed you. And of course, you didn't push her away. The kiss was just a soft one, so feather like that you thought maybe you were only dreaming it. And you didn't want it to end. But before you could respond to the kiss, Wanda had abruptly pulled away.
"I'm sorry," Wanda said as she turned her back at you to leave.
Suddenly you forgot why you were there, that Wanda was a married woman and that you shouldn't even be doing what you were going to do. You followed Wanda to tell her you felt the same, that you had wanted her all this time but she had already gone upstairs and locked herself in the bedroom.
YOU HADN'T heard from Wanda since. Vision said they had found another babysitter so you could just relax for the meantime before the upcoming exams. But relaxing was the last thing on your mind at the moment.
Determined to get another taste, you knocked into Wanda's door one night. And fortunately, she was the one who opened it.
"Why would you do that when you're gonna avoid me afterwards?" you asked. Demanded, to be exact.
Wanda was surprised at your behavior but she maintained her stance.
"Who's at the door, dear?" Vision's voice came through the hallway.
"No one, Vis. Just a prank," Wanda answered as she kept her eyes on you.
You couldn't believe what you just heard, but maybe it was all a prank, just some stupid thing that should have never happened. You opened your mouth to speak, to tell her that it didn't mean anything to you so it would hurt her too. But you hesitated. It was rather easy to pretend nothing happened that night rather than convince someone that you would reciprocate the advances presented to you.
When you heard nearing footsteps coming from the house, probably from Vision, you hurriedly left.
Little did you know what awaited you later that night when you come back into your dorm room. Putting on your pajamas as you get yourself ready for bed, you didn't expect someone to knock at a very late hour. You were determined to fight with whoever it was outside the door because you were still filled with rage caused by a certain brunette.
It was Wanda, looking worried and anxious.
"Forgive me" was all she said as she quickly barged through the door and pushed herself against you. The frustration you could have fired back immediately dissipated, as if the touch of her skin against yours was a drug that could cure any negative feelings, any hatred you had for the woman.
You did more than just kiss that night. You performed a sacred dance against your sheets, worshipping her, drinking her as if you had been suffering from drought for ages. It surprised you how eager and deprived Wanda was as she pushed your head between her exposed thighs, begging you to touch her. And you were very compliant.
It didn't stop from there.
The blazed nights continued through the days that followed, each day met with unsatiated hunger. It was either in your dorm room or in the guest bedroom of her house, the house she shared with Vision, the guy she's married to.
You weren't an idiot. You knew what you were. You were that exact person you had despised your entire life as you watched news and heard gossips about married life, never expecting how hard it really was now that you're wearing the shoes of the mistress.
"What is it? What's wrong?" Wanda asked one night as she noticed you stop responding back to her desperate kisses, her straddling on top of your hips as she craved for another round.
"What are we, Wanda?"
Wanda didn't answer for a moment. She took ahold of her ragged breathing, calmed herself down as she cupped your face to look up at her.
Pressing your foreheads together, she whispered as if she was scared anyone could hear her confession. "I don't know. I just know that I want to be here with you."
And that was good enough for you. For a while, anyway.
YOU AND Wanda spent more time than the usual nights of fulfilled desires. You had conversations about what your future would look like after murmuring tiny i love yous post bliss from your love making. Whenever you finished your classes, you'd immediately go to the Stark's house and spend time with Wanda in the kitchen as she prepared for dinner. If you two weren't that careful enough, either Tom or Billy would caught you stealing kisses in the kitchen counter. You became a regular to their household, unbeknownst to Vision, who thought you only needed the babysitting job more now that you're graduating.
Your friends started to worry about you when they finally found out about the affair. They thought it was overrated and wrong, falling in love with a married person. You were a believer of that too. And it made you hate yourself as you looked at yourself in the mirror, as you listened to Vision's classes and saw how enthusiastic he still was, not knowing you were worshipping her wife on your knees.
You weren't stupid. You had attempted to discuss it with Wanda, even one time you thought you had begged.
"End it with him please," you asked, as she rode the silicone toy between your legs. "Be with me. Be mine, Wanda, and only mine."
Wanda gasped as she eagerly nodded, looking at your eyes with hooded ones as her fingers dug through the back of your scalp and shoulder.
"Yes, Y/n, I'm yours and only yours."
And you thought she really was and that she would finally end it. But maybe it was just the wonderful effects of orgasmic pleasure that made her think you two would be more than just an illicit affair.
THEN IT happened. The one thing that finally extinguished the guilt you had been carrying for months. The one thing you thought would finally save you and Wanda.
Vision had been kissing another professor from the university rather passionately when you entered his office one unexpected afternoon. He begged and begged for you not to tell her wife about it, pleading you he'd tell her eventually and that he just needed some time.
But that was not what you did.
The first thing you did when you saw Wanda was told her about what Vision did. Desperation and selfishness could do such a thing.
You thought she'd finally wake up and get some sense that staying in that marriage would only worsen the consequences. But you had thought wrong when you woke up in your bedroom and Wanda wasn't there beside you.
Through the days that followed, Wanda had never replied to any of your messages or calls. When you went to knock on their door, nobody would answer.
Is that it?
Is that how she ends things?
When you saw Vision in class the next day, it appeared as if nothing happened, as if he didn't just commit a sinful act like his wife did. Vision was still wearing his wedding ring as if nothing happened.
So it killed you to ask about Wanda.
"She's okay, Y/n," Vision said hurriedly, as if he wanted to get rid of you and the conversation. "What happened shouldn't have happened. And we've agreed to save our marriage for the sake of our kids. And sorry, but we no longer need a babysitter. I hope you understand we need privacy at the moment."
You thought whether Vision finally found out about you and Wanda's affair or maybe he was just angry at you for telling her about his own affair.
BUT YOU were too adamant to find out. So when it was their twins' birthday, where you remembered how Wanda wanted just a house celebration for their day, you bought a nice gift for the twins and went to their house without an invitation.
Luckily, the house was open to guests that you found yourself invisible as you went inside the house.
You could see Wanda from a distance, chatting with some guests as she drank a glass of white wine in her hand, the hand that still wore her wedding ring. You knew you should be mad but you missed the woman so much that you only wished to touch her and kiss her, to feel her against you.
When yours and Wanda's eyes met, time slowed down. As if this moment was it — the start of another chapter or the ending of the book that was your love affair.
"What are you doing here?" was what greeted you in the kitchen as you busied yourself getting some refreshments. You knew she'd excuse herself and follow you. You could feel her breath at the back of your neck, wondering if she was eye fucking you in the revealing dress you decided to wear for her that day.
"That's something I didn't expect coming out of your mouth after weeks of not seeing and talking to each other."
You faced her this time and drank a gulp from your cup, suddenly feeling emboldened.
Wanda could only sneer as if in disgust but you mistook it as challenged.
"You're not invited. I think you should just leave."
You frowned. "Why? After all that I've done for you and your twins. I'm sure they'd be happy I'm here on their special day—"
"I need you to leave, Y/n."
"Why so hostile? I haven't done anything wrong."
Wanda paused for a moment as she let some guests pass their way.
Then you got serious. "I thought you'd end it with him."
This time she glared at you, her nostrils flaring. "Do you think I'm that stupid, Y/n?"
"I never thought of it—"
"Do you think I'd believe some kid over my good of a husband that he could do such a thing towards me?"
And your whole world just crumbled. "What?"
"Vision told me everything. You're so good, so desperate to have me that you would concoct such a creative story."
"I didn't make it up. It was true. He was cheating—"
"Shut your mouth," she hissed, turning her head to see if you two were still alone.
"I can't believe you won't believe me," you said aloud, more to yourself than directed at her.
Wanda exhaled as she took a step back from you. "Besides the point, I'm trying to save our marriage by putting a stop into this nonsense—"
"Nonsense?" you asked incredulously. "You literally had your tongue and fingers inside me not two weeks ago."
Wanda flared again and cornered you, her fingers wrapping the front of your dress. "You better shut your mouth or else—"
"Or else what?"
You thought you'd broken her resolve as she stared at you. You thought the look on her eyes was hunger and longing. You thought she'd kiss you like she always did. But you had thought wrong. You'd thought wrong all this time.
"You might not believe me," you spat on her face. "But does Vision believe how innocent and faithful you were of a wife?"
"You wouldn't dare." Her grip tightened around you and you wished you hadn't worn that dress.
You were almost crying, but you stopped yourself as you fought back. You didn't want her to see how weak you were.
"What if I might?"
"If you ever dare tell him or anyone about us," Wanda went on, her face only an inch or less from your face, lips barely touching, "I swear to God I will tell everyone how good of a liar you are."
You searched her eyes if she meant it. If she was only bluffing. And you wished she were.
But the hatred and distaste in her tongue proved otherwise.
"You would be expelled," she whispered. "Legal actions would be taken against you, for creating such false gossip between married couple. No one would hire you with your records. And no one," she paused, her thumb tracing your lower lip, "no one would trust you. I'm sure you don't want that, right?"
You hadn't seen this side of Wanda. And maybe this was what your friends were warning you all along, that married couples weren't meant to be dealt with.
The woman you loved so much turned into someone you wouldn't thought would ever do something cruel to you.
"You wouldn't," you said but you didn't sound sure anymore.
Wanda finally let go and stepped back from you. "I'd do anything for my family."
And you wished the ground would just swallow you whole. Fortunately, that ground was in some sort of a guest interrupting Wanda as she asked for some paprika spice.
Before Wanda left to tend to the guest, she whispered so low that only you could hear, "Don't do anything stupid I wouldn't do."
But you weren't listening anymore. All became white noise as you looked at your surroundings. You were frozen on the spot, suddenly realizing you didn't belong there at all.
And what little of dignity left inside you fuelled your legs and feet to move on their own accord. You left their house silently, promising yourself you'd never ever dare set foot unto that house again as long as you lived.
YOU DELETED her number, your photos together, any memories that the two of you ever shared. You requested to transfer to another dorm just to eradicate the nights you spent with Wanda in your old room. Your friends were helpful. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't have lasted another two months until you left that shithole of a place.
You never dared to be alone with Vision, nor cared when you still saw him and that professor locking tongues together. You just needed to leave. To forget that you just got your heart broken by someone you shouldn't have been having affairs in the first place.
And that day finally came. It was graduation day and you never thought Wanda would come but she was there, in all her glory.
"Don't worry, Y/n, we won't let her come near you," Kate promised. But the fear inside you only worsened. What if she'd tell everyone in the university how much of a slut you were?
You couldn't believe you could ever love someone so empty as your eyes finally met. Time didn't slow down this time.
You were the first to look away as it already pained you how stupid you were.
When the ceremony was over, you immediately left the venue as if scared Wanda could still make a scene if she wanted to.
Something inside you urged to go to the comfort room to get changed first before heading back to your dorm. So you did just that.
And when you were already leaving through the front doors after changing, there Wanda was with her back at you already waiting outside, her neck craned around her searching for something. As if she was looking for you.
You could have just done it. You could have just walked outside and talked to her.
But you couldn't, not after what she did.
You stepped back from the door and went to another exit instead, vowing to yourself never to come back.
Author's Note: Not sure I'd be writing a part two for this because I just want to read angsty stuff nowadays 😂😂😂😭😭😭
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Hi, I love you writing about g!p Wanda so much! Can you do g!p wanda x reader (both married) , basically wanda fucking readers and talk about reader pregnant?
My love..
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: 1574
Warnings: breeding kink, smut, Wanda has a dick, soft sex, fluff, mentions of pregnant reader, Wanda and reader just being so in love
Summary: When you tell Wanda the news she always wanted to hear, she couldn’t help but make it come true.
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Wanda had finally woken up, it was ten in the morning yet, neither of you wanted to get out of bed.
“Mm, hello my love.” She whispered, now facing you. You chuckled lightly and leaned on your arm, admiring the sleepy look on her face. You both were completely naked, too lazy the night before to get dressed after multiple rounds. Your body was still sore, and your neck was littered with hickeys. It looked like a vampire had attacked you.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” She rolled her eyes teasingly and cuddled back into your arms, soaking in the feeling of holding her wife.
“I could stay like this forever.” You hummed in agreement and kissed the top of her head, smelling the sweet shampoo that she knew you loved.
“I wish we could, baby, but we have to get up soon.” She moved her face further into your chest, wrapping her arms around you tighter.
“Wanda, let me get up so I can make us breakfast.” You tried moving, only to be pulled back down by a pouty Wanda.
“No. I don’t want breakfast, I want you.” You sighed and gave up, knowing there was no point in arguing with her. She smiled in satisfaction, giving you a sweet kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
The two of you stayed like that for another half an hour, basking in the sweet moments you have with one another before a busy week interrupts that. Wanda loved moments like this with you, being able to feel you with her and hear your heartbeat against her chest always calmed her down.
“Wanda?” “Hm?”
“I was just wondering, uh, we’re both getting older and, I know you’ve always wanted kids.” She leaned back, looking at you with love in her eyes.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” You looked down a bit and nodded, a tight lipped smile starting to form on your lips. Wanda sat up, tackling you in a large hug that took your breath away.
“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” She yelled out, tears almost escaping her eyes with how happy she truly was. She stopped for a moment, looking you in the eyes with a sorrowful face.
“You’re not saying this just because I want them, right? I don’t want to make you feel forced into having our children if you don’t want that.” You grabbed her face in your hands, kissing her nose lightly and giving her a reassuring look.
“I’d love to have a family with you, it’s been my dream for years.” She kissed you again, this time with raw passion. She rested her forehead on yours when it got hard to breathe, she panted lightly against your mouth.
“I love you so much, my dear. You make me so happy. I can’t wait to be a mom alongside you, we’ll have the happiest little family.” Her hands rubbed your sides up and down, occasionally stopping on your breasts. She looked down at them, teasing the nipples lightly with her fingertips.
“Can, uhm, can I?” You nodded hasty and she took one in her mouth, sucking ever so gently and pinching the other softly. You moaned lightly and wrapped your hand in her hair, playing with the soft locks. Her other hand ran down your body, tracing small shapes on your stomach that would soon carry her babies. She could already see it, your body glowing. The babies kicking from your largened stomach. And your perfect tits filled with milk. She wanted it so badly, wanted to be a mother, wanted to care for you when you couldn’t do anything anymore. She wanted it all.
Her fingers found their way to your cunt, rubbing your clit in small circles. Your eyes fluttered shut, the feeling of her smooth hands taking over your body. Her lips went to your stomach, giving small pecks to each part of your skin delicately. Tears blurred your vision, her softness and utter care for you made you soften.
“I love every part of you, my dear. These little tummy rolls, and these plushy thighs, so perfect.” The way she said the words with such generosity made you soften up. You could tell she wasn’t lying, wasn’t just saying it so you’d feel better about yourself. The way a parent or friend would say when you’re upset. No, she said it with meaning, it was true. In her mind, you were the most stunning person to ever exist. She always heard perfect didn’t exist, but seeing you now, she realizes how wrong that truly is. She just wished you could see yourself the way she sees you.
“I can’t wait to see you carry my children, giving them life. I’m gonna stuff you full, make sure you stay full of me forever. My cum dripping out of this small hole all morning, and then I’ll make love to you again. I’ll go all morning, won’t let you go a second without my dick in you.” Her hard length slapped against your folds, running up and down as she collected your juices as a form of lube. Her digits landed in her mouth, sucking carefully as to get all of your taste.
“My sweet angel, are you ready? You think I can fuck this wet little cunt now?”
“Yes Wanda, please do. Please fuck me, hard, I want to feel all of you.” She complied, lining herself up with your entrance and sliding more of her inside of you. You winced, the feeling of being stretched out was one you’d never get used to. Quiet apologies spilled out of Wanda, she never liked seeing you in pain.
“‘M sorry, sweetie. It’ll feel better soon, I’ll go easy on you.” She kissed you sweetly, trying to take your mind off of the burning pain. After a few moments, Wanda resting her head in your neck to try and calm herself, you spoke.
“Y-you can move now.” There was still a bit of pain there, but you also wanted to get to it already. You’ve been waiting this whole week just to finally get your hands on her, but it’s been hard. Most of the time, one of you wouldn’t be in the mood or would be too frustrated. It wasn’t always easy, but you both got through it. You got through everything together, it was a promise you two made in your vows and one you would keep for the rest of your lives.
“Shit, you’re so tight. I’ve made love to you so many times yet you’re still so damn tight.” She grunted out, moaning viciously when you clenched around her. Her pace unwillingly fastened, you were like a drug, she couldn’t get enough of you. No matter how hard or fast she went, it wasn’t enough. She wanted to be in you forever, she never wanted to let you go in case this all ended up being a dream, in case she could lose you if she let go.
“Wanda, harder. Please, I need you to fuck me harder!” She complied, lifting your legs up to your waist to hit a new angle deep inside of you. You yelled out jumbled sounding words as her cock reached that spot inside of you, the one that had you screaming all night.
“Did I find your g-spot, baby? What if I just,” She paused momentarily, slowing her hips but fucking you, hard. Just as you asked. “Did that? Hm? You too dumb to speak now? Can my brainless little baby not even think properly when my cock is just stretching this little hole out?” You didn’t respond, you couldn’t. You couldn’t even think properly as you felt your release approaching, she was just that good. Usually, she would’ve given you a slap on the face for not speaking, but this time, she wasn’t just fucking you, she was making love to you.
“My beautiful wife, so fucking perfect for me. You always know how to please me, make me the happiest woman in the whole goddamn world.” You nodded and wrapped your hands behind her neck, pulling her into you as her face collided with yours.
“Keep talking to me like that, I’m begging you. I need to cum so bad, I need it.” You begged desperately, not caring how pathetic you sounded. She nodded, closing her eyes and swallowing tightly.
“Do it for me, sweetheart, cum all over me. I’m gonna fill you up, make you a mommy. Do you want that? You want my cum so deep inside you?” Your body shook beneath her, her words tipping you over as your orgasm came crashing down on you. She didn’t falter, not even when she finished. She kept pounding into you, not wanting to waste another second of your cunt being wrapped around her so nicely. It was like you were made for her, and to her, you are. You always would be, you are her soulmate. Your breathing returned to a normal, so did hers. You both held one another closely, as if this was your last moment together, you couldn’t let go. You hummed in satisfaction, breaking the comfortable silence. Wanda looked up at you with that cute smile of hers, giving a small kiss to your face as you started to speak once more.
“Mm, Wanda, that was so good.”
“Good, because I’m not stopping until I know you’re pregnant.”
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shenachigans · 1 year
FORGET AND FORGET | Wanda Maximoff
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PAIRING: Actress!Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Actress!Reader
CW: angst (?), drinking, unreciprocated love, broken reader, intrusive thoughts (su¡c!de),
SUMMARY: Wanda finds out the reason you drown yourself in relationships.
A/N: Idk what this is... Sorry if it’s all over the place. I just poured my emotions into words and boom here we are :D
WORDS: 2,012
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You can’t remember how many glasses you’ve had the past few hours, not like you care, not like anyone cares if you get alcohol poisoning or not. Nobody cares and loves you for who you are. That is why you’re drinking the gloomy night away on your kitchen floor, stained with tears and spilled wine. Your girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, cheated on you with a man, deeming she only put up with you because of your money and fame. She didn’t love you, especially not with the baggage that made your relationship a rocky path. “3 years of dating down the drain, whoop whoop!” you cheered, trying to humor yourself to distract you from the pain in your chest. “A new record for the broken actress, Y/n Y/l/n!” 
It won’t be long before another headline of your failed relationship spreads, but you don’t care because you’re used to it. Damn these paparazzi for meddling in people’s personal lives. The only reason why your personal life doesn’t interfere with your career is because of your talent for acting. Without it, you’d be in some deep shit. They were your ex’s words (you don’t remember which ex said that), but you agree with them. You don’t even know how you could still do your job when you could barely get yourself together. Maybe it's the fact that you could escape yourself and become someone else. Who knows? All you know is that in every role you play, part of the real you—the broken you—is always branded in the characters, which is why your works are famous and unique. Although, that wasn’t intentional.
“When will someone love me like she does?” An exasperated sigh fell from your lips, your mind clouding up as the alcohol started to take a toll on you. You could feel the shooting pain in your head already. Tomorrow will be a bitch to handle with your hangover. “Will someone other than her ever love a helpless dick like me?” Your chuckles turned into boisterous laughter. “I don’t even have one… maybe that’s why that cheater left me for a man.” As your attempted humor died down, you clumsily poured another glass of wine before letting the liquid burn your throat. “Mm… At least wine buddy here will always be with me.” A tender smile grazed your features as you looked at the empty wine bottles staring at you. You sighed contently, resting your head on the island’s cupboards, “Yes, this is my happy ever after.”
“Maybe if I weren’t an actress, I wouldn’t get tricked by these gold-digging, heartbreaking fuckers,” you laughed. “Maybe if I wasn’t breathing at all—Ugh, these fucking thoughts.” You vowed to prevent your intrusive thoughts from getting to you, but you always fail. But damn, doing everything your thoughts told you was tempting your whole being. “I need to plan a cool way to die first.” Shaking your head with a lopsided smile, you reach out for the wine bottle, deciding to just drink straight from it when the door of your condo slams open. “Fuck, I didn’t think I’d die this early,” you mutter, a hint of soberness hitting you at the thought of an intruder crashing your place.
Your trembling hands immediately looked for your phone to call someone. “This is a much less cool way to die,” you cursed when a red bar on your phone battery greeted you. You needed to call someone quickly, which you did by calling the first person on your recently called list. However, you were too much in a state of panic to see who it was. You didn’t want to leave the world with headlines titled similarly to: “Helpless actress Y/n Y/l/n killed in her condo on the night her nth ex-girlfriend left her.” That is definitely not what you want to leave in your legacy. No matter how much you wanted to leave the world, she was the only reason you had yet to do bullshit so you wouldn’t disappoint her and make her sad. You do hope she feels that way if you ever did.
You could hear your phone ringing and the intruder’s steps in dance in a waltz, quickening your heartbeat. But everything came to a blur when their phone started to ring. Somehow, you felt a wave of relief wash over you. Someone you know crashed your place, but why? “Y/n!” Oh. “Y/n/n, are you alright?! Where are you?!” Their voice, despite panicked, calmed your nerves, and you felt that you were drunk on them and not the wine. You shakily got up and held onto the kitchen island to prevent yourself from falling. Your ass hurts, and your legs are weak. “Kitchen!” You called out and then heard hurried steps before your eyes met her forest-green eyes filled with concern. “Wanda…” 
Your best friend, a fellow actress, was standing before you. Her appearance was disheveled as if she had rushed to your place, and the thought of it made your stomach churn bittersweetly. Your train of thought halted when your phone started talking about leaving a voice message. You ended eye contact with Wanda to end the call before chucking it across the island, hoping you didn’t toss it too far to make it fall on the floor. You looked back at Wanda and jolted when she suddenly appeared before you, wedging you between her and the island. The wine really messed up your senses, huh? “W-Wands, why are you here?” The nickname made her worried expression falter into a saddened smile. She sighed, “You called five hours ago and told me what happened, but I couldn’t get to you until now because of my schedule and the traffic. I’m sorry.”
“Did I?” you furrowed your brows as you lulled your head to the side, trying to remember, and she hummed to clear your confusion. “I’m sorry for making you worry… I was drunk.” you wanted to slap yourself at your shrinking voice. You feel so vulnerable around her, always so warm in her presence. Wanda chuckled at your statement and corrected, “Still drunk.” You huffed with a pout, “But I’m more sober now thanks to the heart attack you almost gave me. How’d you even get in?” Wanda brought an extra pair of keys before you, leaving you dumbfounded again. “Come on, sit. Your legs are barely doing their job. Let me get something to sober you up,” she chuckled, helping you to the living room, and you genuinely smiled for the first time tonight. Wanda’s gentle touch spreads warmth to your cheeks (not from the alcohol) and butterflies in your stomach. You didn’t need anything but her. “Stay,” you urged, tugging her sleeve. “Alright.” She sent you a smile before you two cuddled on your couch.
“Wands, am I lovable?” Your sudden question made her furrow her brows, breaking the comfortable silence. Wanda looked down at you, resting your head on her shoulder and covered in your favorite blanket. Your vulnerable state made her tighten her arms around you, making you snuggle closer and bask in her soothing scent and warmth. “Of course you are. The ones who left you don’t see what we see—what I see.” You hum in understanding. The pain in your chest only deepened from her statement, “What I see.” What could your best friend see in you? “Do you love me?” You asked despite knowing the answer, and Wanda would’ve missed your words if you weren’t beside her. “Yes, I do, Y/n/n. I love you very much.” A solemn smile was your response, making Wanda think she said something wrong. “Not the way I want.” It was supposed to be a thought kept deep in your head, but you knew you messed up when you felt her body tense around you. You didn’t mean to say it aloud. “W-What do you mean…?”
“I-I’m sorry. Forget what I said.” You hoped she would brush it off as one of your drunken antics, and you cursed yourself for being so broken, so desperate for her to look at you the same way you do. Yes, you’re romantically in love with your best friend, but she’s married with children. You knew her love was nothing but platonic and motherly, but you still fell for her. Remembering your reality, you wiped your tears before they embarrassingly fell for the nth time before pulling away from her hold, avoiding her eyes, but she held your wrists, looking at you with a guilty and concerned expression. No. Why is she guilty? Is she pitying you? You didn't want her pity. You just want something she can’t give you.
“Am I the reason why you drown yourself in relationships…?” Wanda spoke carefully, and your silence confirmed her suspicion. She was happy, and you didn’t want to break your friendship, which is why you sought other women to forget your feelings for Wanda, but none of them could compare to her. You dated and dated and dated, even almost married your recent ex-girlfriend if you didn’t catch her affair, just to forget about her. You just wanted to stop the pain in your heart, even if your relationships were toxic and short. You even wanted to cut ties with Wanda because it hurt too much, but you couldn’t push her away, not when she was the only one helping you live your miserable life. “I’m sorry, Wands. I… I just want to be happy because I can’t have you. P-Please don’t push me away, Wanda. I don’t want to lose you, please.” Your broken sobs returned for the nth time this night, but Wanda carefully held you in her arms, letting you cry your heart out. “You don’t need to apologize, Y/n/n. I won’t push you away. I’m right here.” Wanda knew it was hard for you to keep everything to yourself, and she felt guilty for breaking you more than you already are.
You couldn’t remember how long you stayed in her arms, but you did feel better now that you got all those pent-up emotions out of your chest, and you’re grateful that Wanda didn’t push you away. As much as you wanted her to stay, it was already late, and she needed to return home. “You should go… Vis and the twins are waiting for you,” you muttered, your voice spent from sobbing for god knows how many hours. Despite her protests, you escorted her to the entrance and sent her a genuine smile. “Thank you, Wands.” Your statement made her mirror your expression before she hugged you goodbye. After a long, tired sigh of relief, you went to the kitchen to find your phone. When you did, you scrolled over someone’s contact and called them. A few rings passed before they answered. “Hello? Y/n?” Their voice made you shakily sigh. “H-Hey, Nat. Can you pick me up, please? I know it’s been a long time… but can you help me forget… again…? Thank you…” The line went silent for a few seconds, and you started to regret calling her. “Of course, anytime, detka. I’ll make you forget. I always do.” 
Half an hour later, a black car stops before your condo building, and you rush down to meet her. Natasha: your friend with benefits. A relationship almost bloomed between you and her, but you two settled to remain friends and hit each other up when you needed sex. She’s the one who holds you every time your relationship crumbles. She makes you forget about everything with her touch, even if it’s only for a short time. Perhaps jumping from person to person to find love isn’t a bad idea now that you’ve gotten your feelings for Wanda out of your chest. You could now focus on yourself and find or wait for the one. You’ll just wait until someone accepts your baggage and loves you as you are. But before that happens, you just have to forget and forget until you’re ready to move on.
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© shenachigans — do not plagiarise, translate, repost, or copy.
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𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff, died roughly 9 months ago. Unable to handle any more time alone in your formerly shared apartment, you decide to join a local therapy group you heard about from a friend. Little did you know, you’d meet a beautiful redhead going through a similar situation. You know you need to get better. For both your sake, and Natasha’s memory.
Warnings (Entire Series): This series deals with mature topics, including, but not limited to: death, mental health issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, grief, trauma, general unwellness, illness (both mental and physical), and a most likely inaccurate portrayal of group therapy (though it’s much better than whatever was going on in TFATWS.) Please mind the warnings below.
Warnings: death of a romantic partner, depression, mentions of death of a family member, anxiety.
||Part 2|| 🌻 Series Masterlist 🌻
𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 The apartment had never been this quiet. It was never so silent. There had always been some kind of white noise, whether that was the coffee pot or the washing machine running. It had never been completely silent, up until now.
You could divide your life into two parts. Before the accident, and after. Before the accident, your life was awesome. Of course, some pretty awful shit had happened to you, but it didn’t compare to all of the good shit that happened too. You liked living. You liked being alive. Now, well, you weren’t as sure. 
It had been nine months. Nine months since the worst day of your life. Your life had been so full, and now, it felt so empty. 
You get up. You get ready. You go to work. You drive home. You turn on the TV. And then, you just sit. 
It’s been a while since the funeral. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d left your apartment for fun. You went to work and you went to the store. That was pretty much it. 
The last time you’d left for any reason other than those had to be..maybe six months ago? 
You’d gone to a coffee shop with your friend, Sharon. 
“You’ve been so different after..you know. I completely understand, of course, but you shouldn’t have to live like this.” She said after sighing. She takes a sip of her latte from the porcelain mug in front of her.
“After my aunt died, I felt just like you, really. Remember my cousin Dottie? She went to a group therapy thing by the old Target. I don’t think they have it anymore, but some office nearby has to have one. I don’t know. I just think it would be good for you.” She suggested. 
“I’ll think about it.” You said, knowing you were not going to be thinking about it. Part of you felt ignored, knowing that the relationship between you and your late girlfriend was different than that of Sharon and her aunt. You said nothing, staring down at your own drink. 
“Good. I’ll send you some links later, alright?”
You nodded numbly. 
You’d really ended up ghosting her after that, along with all of your other friends. Sharon was the only one who continued to try and reach out, sending you a message every two days or so. She didn’t stop, knowing that you were at least reading them. 
You’d never reply, but that didn’t stop her. 
Your phone vibrated in your pocket as you laid on the couch. You knew exactly who it was. 
Hey! There’s a group near your apartment that’s only just starting up. I have a friend who went there for just one on one therapy, and she said the people were super nice. You should think about it 💕
You sighed, letting your phone drop on your stomach. And then, in an instant, it was like you’d just snapped out of a dream. You looked around your apartment, seeing how dirty it had become. Trash littered on the kitchen table and counters, trash bags stacked in a corner. It smelled gross. You smelled gross. You felt gross. 
“What are you doing?” You mumbled to yourself, standing up. “This is fucking awful.” 
You grimaced, and you realized that Sharon was right. You should think about it.
So you did.
You took out the garbage. You took most of the junk off of the table. You did some of the dishes. You took a nice, long shower. You made some kind of improvement. Even if it wasn’t much, it was at least something.
It was better than nothing. Then, you took Sharon’s advice. Sending her a quick thumbs up emoji, you clicked the link she sent you, opening the website.
A small form later, you were officially signed up. The first meeting would be on Wednesday.
“What do you think, Nat?” You mumble, adjusting your shirt. You weren’t wearing anything particularly nice, but you could tell there was a stark difference between what you looked like now, and what you’d looked like a few days ago.
You glanced down at the photo of the two of you you’d set on your dresser. Sucking in a deep breath, your phone vibrated in your pocket, your ringtone playing from its speakers. You’d set an alarm for when it was time to go.
The car ride there wasn’t too long. You’d been on much longer car rides before. One summer a few years ago, you and Natasha went on a road trip to a bunch of national parks.
You parked in the parking lot of the large building. Staring up at it, you noticed the logo and name. It was an eagle, you were pretty sure, in a circle. S.H.I.E.L.D. Therapy Offices, white letters on the front of the building announced.
Taking in more deep breaths, you nodded a few times. You were ready for this. Even if you weren't, there's no getting out of it. Not now.
Your legs felt hollow as you walked into the building. You were greeted by a large waiting room, which looked open and friendly enough. There was a reception desk, and a woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes smiled at you.
“Uh..hi,” you greeted awkwardly as you walked up to the desk.
“Hello. Are you here for that group?” She asked, and you felt your eyes widen. How would she know that? Did you look out of place?
“Sorry. We normally don’t have any appointments scheduled around now. Until the group, I mean.” She explained, and you nodded, smiling. Her name tag read ‘Maria Hill’, and you mentally took note of her name.
“Alright, I just need you to fill out this.” She slid a clipboard with some kind of form over the counter.
You smiled again, taking it and going to sit down. There was one other guy already there. He was wearing a purple shirt, his brown hair short. You couldn't tell what color his eyes were as he looked down at his phone.
You filled out the paperwork, going and taking the clipboard back to Maria.
"Thank you. Peter's gonna call you guys in when Dr. Coulson is done." She said, taking the clipboard from you. You went to sit back down, watching your feet.
The door opened, and two men—one short and skinny, and the other was about average height and seemed to have a bit of muscle on him, but you couldn’t be sure—walked up to the reception desk. The smaller one was blonde, with sky blue eyes and pale skin. He wore khaki pants and a t-shirt that was loose on him, and stood quite confidently. Not particularly bold or self-centered, just..open. He seemed very friendly, and you watched through your eyelashes as Maria Hill smiled at something he said.
The other guy dressed with a lot less confidence, and he stood awkwardly next to the blonde man. His hair was brown, and went down to a little above his shoulders. He had a jacket on, even in the warm weather. His eyes were a steel blue, though you only got a glimpse of them.
They quickly filled out their paperwork, and a few more people walked in. Most notably, a redhead. For a sliver of a moment, you mistook her for Nat. You mentally kicked yourself for it. You'd be lying if you didn't believe Nat could just walk through the door of your apartment any moment.
Her voice was warm, friendly. As she spoke to Maria, you could hear it. When she turned to fill out her clipboard, you saw her large doe-like green eyes. She smiled softly at you, before coming to sit a few seats down from you. She was beautiful, you couldn’t deny it.
Pushing that strange thought out of your head, you waited patiently.
A young man, with brown eyes and brown hair, walked through a hallway and into the waiting area. This must be Peter, you assumed.
“You can all follow me this way—Dr. Coulson’s ready now.” He announced.
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writing-house-of-m · 1 year
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Talks of drinking and drugs. Sexual themes but nothing completely explicit. Toxic relationship. Manipulation. Cheating.
Word count: 3159
Summary: You can't stop yourself from falling under Wanda's spell
A/N: I thought of this when I heard the line "There's something about the way you look tonight" from the song Billie Bossa Nova by Billie Eilish. I actually didn't realise how similar this was to the song until I listened to it again then tweaked it to fit the song a bit more. Also, this is very different to what I usually write so I'd appreciate any comments letting me know what you think. As always, enjoy!
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These parties were becoming more and more of a nuisance with how often you were being forced to attend them.
There was no point in you being here.
Happy people having fun, you would roll your eyes more if you could.
A final space is waiting at the bar as if it is reserved for you. Taking the seat you order a drink then look around. Seeing the different groups of people chatting away does nothing to help you. You really do not want to be here.
You turn your back on the excited murmur, trying to drown it all out whilst waiting for your drink. You wish you could have ordered something stronger, anything to cover up the bitterness in your mouth. The gum in your mouth now feels like you are chewing on plastic. It is just something to distract you anyway.
When the bartender places your drink in front of you, you immediately take a sip. The ice in your glass clinks against the edges when you turn in your seat to look at the crowd of people that fill the room once more.
Pretentious is one word to describe them. People who want nothing more than to look important. Elite. When really everybody is just as scared as the next person to lose their deluxe lifestyle.
Not long later your head turns to the entrance when two people arrive. Your gaze moves along with them as they walk into the venue, arm in arm, greeting different people as they pass. The 'perfect' couple.
It makes you sick but when you try to pull your eyes away you can't. There is something about the way she looks tonight. She always did look good in red.
It isn't as strong as it can be but she will always have you under her spell. Your attention is drawn away when a hand brushes her cheek. A hand that isn't yours. No. It is from the one she chose in place of you.
The action is enough to get you to look away as if someone has thrown poison in your eyes.
You take another sip of your drink and just as you expected it does nothing to calm you. It is like there is no taste. All that is left in your mouth is a sourness since she left you.
The woman who haunts your dreams isn't yours anymore. These stupid parties are an additional reminder of that. It is bad enough you have to see them every day around the compound together.
You can't even look him in the eye. Your mind is filled with thoughts you shouldn't have about her anymore.
It's not your fault you know what she looks like under that dress. The intoxicating sounds she makes when you press all the right buttons. How sweet she tastes. Everything is dull in comparison.
You miss being able to steal that nectar from her lips at random times of the day. It has changed your pallet forever. Nothing will ever compare, no matter how hard you try to replace it.
The weight on your chest, that was supposed to get lighter with time, just gets heavier. Guilt always lingering in the back of your mind.
A sarcastic voice pulls you out before you can spiral any further, "And here I thought you would be pouting." Natasha. Always there to make you realise how childish you are behaving.
Natasha was the biggest advocate for you and Wanda. She still hopes one day you will reconcile, even with that walking toaster in the way.
You clench your jaw, a probable gloomy look resting on your face as you let out a sigh and look down at the glass leaving your hands damp with condensation.
"Please don't, Nat," you try to push her away. Knowing your friend though, this was long from over.
"What? I just came over to see if you wanted to dance," she says casually but you know there is a reason for it.
Your eyes fall to the dance floor. Wanda's arms are wrapped around the wrong person. She looks happy, a slight blush on her cheeks that makes her look youthful. You can't help but feel jealous. She used to look at you like that.
The weight on your chest grows heavier. You knew you wouldn't make it through tonight. It's why you didn't want to come but 'appearances need to be upheld'. Who are you to not meet Tony's demands? He has given you a place to live after all.
"No." It comes out a little more aggressively than you want it to but you know Nat won't take it personally.
"Ouch," she feigns hurt, "Is this how you treat a lady that wants you?"
A scoff leaves your lips and you smile a little at the joke, deciding to reciprocate, "I'll let you know when a lady approaches me," you smirk.
Natasha chuckles, glad for the win to get you out of your head, even if it is just for a second.
"You know how Steve feels about gum at these functions," she says, extending her arm, a napkin resting in the palm of her hand for you to spit out the flavorless substance into.
As Natasha scrunches the paper into a ball leaving it on the bar top you explain, "It distracts me from wanting to put a 'death stick' in my mouth."
"Well, I could always distract you if that's what you wanted," she flirts with an eyebrow raised.
You shake your head at her antics. A small smile is on your face as you look down into your drink. There are darker shade spots on your pants from where droplets of water have rolled off your glass.
Natasha takes the tumbler from your hand and places it next to the discarded napkin. She then pulls you from your seat, "Come on. Dance with me."
You let her guide you, keeping your eyes to the ground so you don't see the green ones you used to wake up to.
When you make it to the crowded floor Natasha places your hand on her waist, the other one following shortly after as she wraps hers behind you, drawing you in and resting her head against your chest.
It's a slow song so Natasha stays close to you, unbeknownst to you she is keeping an eye out for Wanda.
Getting bored of looking at the ground you close your eyes and take in the warmth that Natasha provides with her closeness. The comforting press of her chest against you, her shampoo invading your nostrils, soothing as you sway lightly to the soft music. You were never good at dancing but this, you could do.
It must be a few songs later because the people who surround you are different to those who were there when you first arrived.
There is a misstep on your part and you bump into someone, an automatic 'sorry' falls from your lips before you see who it is.
"It's okay," Wanda smiles at you and you almost forget how to breathe. You shouldn't be here. You have been doing so well breaking old habits.
Natasha links her arm in yours standing next to you as you avert your eyes, clearing your throat. You can't look at either of them, especially the android. The bitter taste you are so familiar with makes itself known at the back of your throat.
Vision and Wanda exchange a few words of greeting with you and Nat before Vision looks in the distance. He then excuses himself saying Tony was calling him over.
The habit of you trying to stop clenching your teeth is really being tested right now, you can't help yourself so you give in to the action. Especially when Natasha decides to play wingwoman, excusing herself next and telling you to dance with Wanda now that you were both alone.
This is not what you needed. All your hard work is about to come crumbling down and you know it.
Natasha often talks about how good you are for one another and how she wants to see the two of you flourish once more.
If only she knew.
All you want to do is run away. Get as far away from Wanda as possible but old habits die hard. The smell of her perfume and inviting smile doing nothing to help your resolve.
Wanda takes her position, arms around your neck. Your hands rest on her waist keeping her at, a literal, arms length away. You fall into step with the music, this is all a familiar well rehearsed dance between you two.
She tries to hold your eye contact but you look behind her, "I saw you by the bar, but you don't smell like your usual order," Wanda analyses. "You stopped smoking too?" She adds inquisitively. Your reply comes as a slow nod, still looking at a random spot in the distance behind the band not wanting to get hooked by her gaze.
"You're doing better than you ever did when we were together, malysh," your jaw clenches hard. Whether it is because of accusation or the pet name, you are not sure.
Wanda can feel how tense you are. Your shoulders are practically up to your ears so she strokes the back of your hair, fingernails lightly scratching the sensitive area.
"Just relax," she whispers, making you exhale slowly. Her actions and warm breath fanning over your face makes you do just that, your eyelids falling slowly, shoulders dropping evidently, "That's it baby, it's just you and me."
She pulls you closer so she can whisper directly in your ear. Her words calm you down unlike any drink or narcotic you've consumed before.
Her voice is soothing, so much so that you are under her spell once more. She has never needed to use her powers to have you under her control. You were always weak whenever it came to Wanda. "Let's get out of here," your head bobs up and down, slowly agreeing to her command. You allow yourself to get pulled along by her, out on to a private balcony.
It is like you are on autopilot, turning into the character she likes you to be. You just want to make her happy after all.
Wanda rounds a corner where you both know nobody inside will be able to see the two of you. Facing you she walks backwards, holding onto your jacket. She leans against the wall pulling you closer. One of your hands holds your weight beside her head as the other goes to squeeze her waist.
Wanda pulls you by your collar to close the distance. Your lips were always much better at dancing, especially against hers.
It wasn't always like this. You were heartbroken when she left you, you still are heartbroken, and you know it's wrong because she is with Vision now. But you still crave her. She is an addiction you cannot break. So you will take whatever she gives you - the best and worst kind of torture.
Heat travels up your neck, filling your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Your senses are overtaken by Wanda. Her sweet taste invades your mouth, her nails scratching your scalp as she holds onto you tighter when the kiss gets rougher.
You press your body against her tightly, your hands finding the bottom of her dress pulling it up. Her heavy breathing is interrupted by a gasp as the cool air hits her warm skin. You take this as the perfect moment to move your kisses to her neck and lift her so her legs are wrapped around you. That is when Wanda feels the bulge in your pants.
"I hope you weren't thinking of anyone else but me, malysh," she says between breaths.
There is an innocent pout on her face when you look at her and mindlessly reply, "Only you."
Your lips land on Wanda's as she tries to rub herself against you but you hold her still, pressing her against the wall even more, making her grunt in frustration when she can feel the hardness pressing into her. "I need more," she exasperates.
You roll your hips with hers, giving her the smallest bit of satisfaction for a moment, making her moan loudly. "Please sweetheart. I need you, you know what I like," she holds your jaw roughly, nails digging into your skin. "No one can fuck me like you do."
Her words almost make you lose all of the self control you still have left, but you come to your senses when a cold gust of wind hits you, making you remember where you are. "Not here," you whisper. You then leave a trail of kisses along her jaw finishing with a peck on her lips.
You let her down and keep out of sight as you walk hastily to get to your room. Wanda smirks, biting her lip when you make it to the elevator. She pushes you against the far wall then attacks your lips and neck. Unbuttoning your shirt to leave a mark or two on your collar bone. You don't get the same privilege.
No one can know.
When you finally make it to your floor, you enter your room only wanting to make Wanda feel good. The little voice in the back of your mind reminding you she is no longer yours is forgotten as your rendezvous continues.
Wanda sleeps against you. The sound of her light breathing filling the air.
Her warmth and having her tangled in your sheets comes at the cost of your sanity. To you it is but a small price to pay.
No one knows about this and it has to stay that way.
You can't even tell Nat. She understands why Wanda initially broke up with you but now that you were doing better she has hoped you would have reconciled if not for Vision.
You try to take in the peace of the night. You try not to think about the guilt that lingers after you fall into bed with each other. You try not to think about the fact that Wanda will have already disappeared by the time you wake up in the morning. You try not to think about the rehearsed repeated lie you tell Nat when she asks where you disappeared to before the night ended.
The woman in your arms will always be the love of your life. She will always take advantage of you because she knows she can and you will do whatever you can to get whatever crumbs she will give you.
Falling to sleep always came easier when she was in your arms. You stir awake when you can no longer feel the comfortable weight on your chest.
Lifting your head, you are confused when you see her almost out of bed, "Wanda?" You ask groggily, reaching for her wrist.
There is no reply but your mind catches up, it is the time of the night where she leaves you for the arms of another. You let out a sigh and drop your head into the plush pillow whispering, "Stay."
"Go back to sleep, Y/n," Wanda lays next to you, stroking your hair. "You know I have to go."
"Please stay," your voice is barely audible because of the tight knot that has presented itself in your throat.
You don't mean to sound so desperate but you are tired and far too broken to pretend that you are okay.
Wanda wraps her arms around you as she continues to stroke your hair. She shushes you and whispers sweet words in your ear as your face presses against her bare chest.
It doesn't take long for you to fall into the depths of slumber once more.
The next time you wake up, Wanda is gone. The once warm sheets are now cold, holding another secret which costs you a piece of yourself.
The bitter taste has returned to your mouth once more as you get up to start your day.
It is long before most people will be getting up considering the party the night before. You pick out a loose t-shirt and some sweats so you can take advantage of the empty kitchen before anyone else gets up.
You start up the coffee machine and wait for it to heat, trying to find peace in this quiet morning. Just like all good things, it comes to an end, "Morning stranger," you hear the husky voice of your friend.
You try not to roll your eyes, knowing she would have some way of knowing even without seeing your face, "Looks like someone had some fun," Natasha says pointing out the marks on your neck. "What was her name?"
After you pour two mugs of the hot beverage you turn to face her with a tight-lipped smile, "Distraction," taking a small sip after.
The coffee is not strong enough to cover the distaste in your mouth.
"Okay, fine. Don't tell me," she says as she gets closer. "But I am glad you had some fun," Natasha says, rounding the island to pick up the mug you left for her.
You raise an eyebrow, "Don't I always?" Which Natasha scoffs at. "If you don't mind, I'm going to finish this in my room before our training."
As you walk back you hear a door open and close, figuring it will be Steve, you don't look up until you recognise the two voices.
You divert your attention from Vision as soon as you make contact with his synthetic blue eyes, your sluggish steps never stopping. The guilt creeps up the back of your throat, so you do your best to clear it.
Vision greets you first, "Good morning, agent Y/l/n." Who is followed by Wanda giving you a sweet smile, "Morning Y/n."
"Morning," you manage to get out as you brush past them. You make it to your room and swiftly close the door behind you.
Placing your coffee down on your desk, you lean over it taking a deep breath. Hot tears threaten to fall but you try with everything you have to push them down and control your breathing.
The lies are easy, you have always been good at telling them - when the drinking became too much and you were out getting whatever you could get your hands on to dull the ache that comes with being an Avenger, the lies would easily spill from your lips. It's keeping up the act that is the difficult part.
You know you shouldn't but you think about the inevitable; falling back into bed with Wanda again. You could call it an obsession at this point.
You just wish you were stronger, to be able to stay away from her but you know it is impossible. Because you are an addict and you will indulge for as long as she will let you.
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lesbesapphic · 1 year
Mean Wanda AU
Summary - Wanda and You are stuck in an elevator. That's it.
Warning - angst, mean Wanda , panic attack , claustrophobia, etc
A/N- Hey everyone!
I am really happy for the love and support on this au! So glad that you all enjoy it. I wanted to write this sooner but recently..as usual I have been going through some financial crunch. It is hard to make it to each month with college and everything else and still be able to write and have a kitchen with filled groceries.
And it sucks that I have to ask you all every time for help but it really means alot when any of you help me whether it is through commission. Some days it just helps me eat and keep myself healthy enough to go through college and meet the bills. So thank you. Thank you very much. Enjoy!
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“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while."
"Ugh." Wanda kicked the elevator door in frustration and your eyes widen when the lift shook slightly. "The fuck Wanda.." You exclaimed in annoyance mixed with fear at her actions. "Don't do that." You placed your hand on her elbow.
"Don't tell me what to do."  Wanda snapped and pushed your hand away harshly causing it to hit the wall of the lift. You hissed in pain and for a moment regret flashed in Wanda's eyes but replaced immediately with the same look of distressed.
"Fine. Do whatever you want." You pushed away from her as much as the confined space allowed you to. It had been happening for awhile now the elevator's power going off every once in a while resulting in people getting stuck in there. You two usually avoided getting in the elevator but lost in your bickering, you walked in there with Wanda following insuit, wanting to have her last word. Now you both were going to be stuck for atleast half an hour. You took out a book from your bag and sat down on the floor, hoping to pass the time quickly.
Not even two lines into the book, Wanda's constant foot tapping made you look up to the brunette, "Could you please stop that?" You asked and Wanda turned looking down to where you were sitting and you observed how agitated she looked. It was a little weird but you didn't think much of it, probably her not being able to check her phone.
"No. Just two more minutes and I am gonna break this door down." Wanda declared looking up at the vent and you got up as well, "What the fuck is your problem? It's just a matter of 20 minutes. You can't sit without your phone for 20 minutes?" You asked crossing your arm waiting for her to answer.
"It's..It's not that.." Wanda tried speaking but stopped and looked down at your book instead of you. This behaviour of her was very out of character, by now Wanda would have replied to you with a witty insult about your lack of social life or choices of friends but nothing, instead she was trying to explain her problem. It was weird.
"Wanda.." You stepped forward, placing your hand on her elbow, "No! Don't touch me.." She pushed your hand away and you looked into her eyes, the panic in them when she saw how close you were to her, sweat forming on her forehead. You instantly pulled away, "Okay Okay! I won't!" You held your hands up in the air watching as Wanda tried to keep her breathing in control. It was as if she was having a panic attack then it clicked.
"Wanda..are you claustrophobic?" You couldn't help but ask when the older girl nodded, her hand placed on her face her whole focus remaining on her breathing. You turned around searching in your bag for a water bottle, "Here." You handed it to Wanda who frantically grabbed it from you, trying to open the cap and when she failed to do so, you could see the panic rising within her very quickly.
Wanda pushed the bottle toward you and you could see the tears bubbling in her eyes and you looked away, quickly taking the bottle and opening the cap for her. She took big gulps of the liquid and turned around away from you, placing her head on the wall as she tried getting her breathing under control. You knew it was taking everything in her to not breakdown and she was desperately searching for control as she wasn't the one who to be vulnerable in front of anyone. Especially you.
You stayed quiet while Wanda got herself under control, observing the change in her breathing going back to a little normal. The brunette turned around and when she noticed you staring at her, she narrowed her eyes at you causing you to raise your hands in surrender, "You feeling okay now?" You asked and Wanda opened her mouth to reply and the look on her face told you that she was going to say something sarcastic but refrained herself and nodded instead before moving down to the floor, sitting against the wall. You decided to do the same and took out a book to read, occasionally glancing at the girl next to you incase she needed anything.
"Do you want me to read it to you? It might take you to a different place." You offered quietly when Wanda looked much more settled, the panic simmering down to intense anxiety, you could tell by the way, she was scratching the skin of her arm to distract herself. Wanda glanced at you and nodded after a moment. You didn't understand why your heart ached at how small and vulnerable the older girl looked, despite the leather jacket and the piercings, one look at her and no one would believe the terror she creates in people everywhere she'd go.
You flipped through the pages of your Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, deciding to read about the quidditch match, hoping the description of open sky and freely flying through it may distract her from the closed space she was in. You started reading, occasionally glancing over to Wanda who after a page of reading looked significantly calmer, she had stopped picking at the skin of her arm which felt like a huge relief to you.
The familiar scent of lavender mixed with cigarette engulfed your nose faster than the surprise when Wanda inched closer to you until your arms were touching and you glanced up at her, stopping your reading, "My head hurts.." She stated and you nodded softly, "Do you want me to stop reading?" You offered and watched as she shook her head, the familiar look of distress falling on face again and you wondered what was triggering it now and how you could take it away.
"No..The reading is good..it helps." Wanda reassured and you nodded urging her to speak up, "I just want to lay down but the floor is too dirty for my hair.." She trailed off and you looked at the floor and nodded in agreement. Wanda's eyebrows furrowed and you could see the frustration building up on her but you didn't know what she wanted. You couldn't just magically conjur a bed for her.
"What? What do you want me to do?" You asked putting the book down on the floor and giving Wanda your full attention, panicking a little at not understanding what the older girl wanted you to do to ease her distress.
Wanda groaned and pushed your hands off your lap, placing her head on it and lying down on the floor sideways. Your eyes widen at the physical proximity of the two of you and you were snapped back into reality when the older girl spoke again, "Read." You could hear the embarrassment in her voice and decided to not trouble her further, continuing with your reading.
Not even two page through and suddenly Wanda grabbed your hand that was on your side and placed it on her head, it took you a moment to realise what she wanted you to do and you slowly started running your hand through her hair, massaging the scalp with your shaky hand, your heart beating faster when you started noticing the little details such as how soft her hair were and how she was making those soft content humming noises and redness in her cheeks. Wanda snapped you out of your thoughts again, "Read." She commanded softly and you instantly started reading to make her comfortable.
Every now and then you would glance down at Wanda who would be humming in contentment and listening to every word you say as your hand moved through her hair. You would have to admit that being this close to the older girl was sort of nice. And as much as you wanted the elevator to start again, a very selfish part of you would be missing being able to comfort Wanda and being there for her when she needed you to.
A/N - I really hope you all enjoyed it!
And if you all wish to make a commission! Please do! I would really appreciate and if you all just want to support me that would also be really helpful!!!
I have a goal of 100 dollars to be able to buy some groceries and meet the rent. I would really appreciate if you all can help me reach it.
It is not compulsory. I enjoy writing for you all regardless of the help. It is my escape and I love that you all enjoy it as much as I do. But yes this time I am really struggling. Hopefully it will work out :).
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