#Weird how people in masks only ever compliment my bracelets
rose-tinting · 1 year
People often comment on like
the amount of bracelets I wear asking if it bothers me and like
you think I wore something that bothers me??? You think I’d just Subject Myself to something I hate??? lmao
Sure. I’m just Tormenting myself by Voluntarily Wearing Bracelets I don’t Have to wear. Even though I don’t wear makeup most of the time and even when I do it’s literally just eyeliner and eye shadow. Sure. I’m just Torturing Myself for No Reason. I must be.
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dabi-drift · 4 years
Yaoyorozu, Hawks, Bakugou, Amajiki, Dabi, Mirko & Geten with a Genderfluid S/O:
If you want any characters adding here or to anything else I write, just drop me a comment or an ask!
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Momo Yaoyorozu:
☿ It was hard enough for you to acknowledge your own gender- fully understanding it was a different topic - so coming out to Momo was going to be tough.
☿ Really tough.
☿ She was a lovely girl and a wonderful girlfriend.
☿ But could you really expect her to be supportive of something so complex?
☿ Your gender fluctuated a lot - sometimes you'd feel distinctly outside the binary, and sometimes you'd feel more masculine, or more feminine.
☿ You hadn't noticed this until recently; you rarely gave gender a second thought.
☿ Looking at yourself in the mirror and questioning everything that felt a little off, you'd figured that maybe you just wanted to feel special, a little different.
☿ So you researched. A lot.
☿ You had a system that no-one understood because you were still deep in the closet: a different coloured strand/extension in your hair (on one side only) that stood out but was never questioned.
☿ Red = Feminine, Purple = Non-Binary, Blue = Masculine, Green = Third Gender/Multigender.
☿ Coming out was a decision you spent countless nights debating.
☿ No-one 'deserved' to know, it was really nobody's business…but being gendered correctly 100% of the time did sound nice.
☿ Deep breaths, and positive thoughts.
☿ "I identify as…no, I am genderfluid. You, eh…you should probably know that."
☿ This sweet, precious thing was confused at first.
☿ But you explained it:
☿ "Sometimes I'll feel more masculine, more like a boy, sometimes feminine, neither or both/all genders? I'm still wrapping my head around it too, but eh…it can change a lot. Sometimes a few times a day. Um…sometimes one gender will stick for a while. That's why figuring it out can be…confusing. But it's also enlightening, uh…kinda nice, warm, y'know?"
☿ Instantly says she understands and supports you.
☿ Expect a flurry of hugs and kisses.
☿ Acts like a very proud girlfriend.
☿ Pays extra attention to your hair - never wants to get anything wrong.
☿ If she does, she'll apologise immediately and reprimand herself.
☿ Go easy on her, she'll be an utter mess.
☿ Overall, her love for you is unconditional, and she makes sure that you know she's sorry.
"You shouldn't ever have to be scared to explain who you are."
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Keigo Takami/Hawks:
☿ Keigo knew something was amiss.
☿ You'd been dating for two years, and although he never pried, he couldn’t help noticing the way you'd suddenly become uncomfortable when someone addressed you, or when you stayed in one set of clothes for too long.
☿ It wasn’t always the same, and he just figured it was anxiety and general insecurities coming to the surface.
☿ So he held you closer, wrapped you in his wings and fussed over you for hours (or however long his job would allow).
☿ He didn’t have a lot of time to consult the internet.
☿ He also didn’t want to pressure you into revealing anything.
☿ But now, the topic was unavoidable.
☿ You'd broken down, crying and mumbling to yourself when you thought he couldn’t hear you.
☿ He finds you kneeling in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom.
☿ Rushes to your side in an instant.
☿ "What did the mirror do to you, dove?"
☿ Very, very worried, feathers shaking around you.
☿ Defensive birb, ready to protect you from that loathsome mirror.
☿ "I-I look so…so girly today! It's awful! My chest, and…and…I don’t have a binder, and I…"
☿ Doesn't understand, but is determined not to worsen your mood.
☿ "Hey, look at me. What are binders, and where would we get one?"
☿ He places both hands on your cheeks, and you lean into him.
☿ "They're…they flatten your chest, um…sports bras and binders…I-I've never bought one, so I don’t know…"
☿ He nods. "Do you wanna come with me to look for one?"
☿ You're perplexed - shouldn’t he be weirded out by this?
☿ He laughs, and somehow, it warms your heart. "I just want you to be happy. I'd do anything to make that happen, angel. You might need to explain all this to me, though. I'm a newbie, after all."
☿ He takes physical notes - nothing will catch this man out.
☿ If someone misgenders you, he'll correct them immediately.
☿ If someone acts ignorant or spiteful, he'll 'politely' tell them how to adjust their attitude, and how to address people outside the gender binary.
☿ I.e, respect them even if you don't have a complete grasp on their identity, and never, ever misgender or marginalise them.
"You are yourself, not how others perceive you."
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Katsuki Bakugou:
☿ You decided to use pronoun badges. There were some awesome-looking designs out there, and you'd been feeling a little more confident lately. It couldn’t hurt to clue your classmates in, right? Plus, you supposed Katsuki ought to know…he was your boyfriend, after all. He'd definitely be pissed if he discovered this a few years down the line, rage about you not placing enough trust in him, and it'd be a huge mess…
☿ You'd never interrogated him on LGBTQ+ issues, so you weren't sure how he'd take your news; he wasn’t always the most accepting (Midoriya & the quirkless community being obvious testaments to that).
☿ Needless to say, instead of being confused, he was frustrated. Why was he with someone who didn’t even know their correct pronouns? He pointed it out, very matter-of-fact.
☿ When your dazzling smile suddenly dropped, he became concerned. Was he the idiot after all? Why did he upset you? What in the Nine Circles of Hell possessed him to do that?? He didn’t even say anything bad! All he mentioned was…
☿ Oh. Shit.
☿ This boy isn't accustomed to apologising, so don’t expect it to flow naturally. He’ll try, because he loves you, but he won't keep eye contact for very long and he'll recant every few seconds.
☿ This perceived insincerity only masks his guilt, though. He’ll beat himself up for years, unless you stop him. This boy has no chill. He's always the first to go off on people when they disrespect or degrade you, so he's gotta make amends in some way, right?
☿️ Honestly, if there are any pronoun badges with really cool or pretty designs, he'll buy them for you. He'll also get for himself, to prove his acceptance and solidarity. He won't ever allow you to feel alone again. He's more than okay with your identity - it changes absolutely nothing about you. If anything, it gives you a sense of completion. He's here for that, 100%.
☿️ You better believe he'll fight for your rights.
☿️ If there's any hate/intolerance directed at you, he'll explode. Quite literally.
☿️ You'll be tasked with ensuring no-one dies. Unless you want them to, of course.
☿️ They'll deserve it.
☿️ Katsuki is very perceptive, so when he gets to grips with it, he'll most likely notice every indication (however subtle) of a gender change. He'll carry spare pronoun badges around, just in case you lose yours.
☿️ Secretly, he's swimming in pride.
☿️ He's kinda like 'Yeah, that's my awesome partner! Look how cool they are, flaunting their pronouns like that, all confident and happy!'
☿️ This boy adores the ever-loving shit out of you. He hates reflecting on the day you came out, because he handled it so poorly at first. Thankfully now though, you're more secure.
"Gender doesn't matter. I'm gonna be a hero, not a hater."
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Tamaki Amajiki:
☿️ (Y/n) wasn’t a dead name, but sometimes the very mention of it made your skin crawl.
☿️ It was a gift from your parents, so you wanted to keep it.
☿️ But it was a very gendered name - you couldn’t escape that.
☿️ So you decided on a few more - ones both your mind and heart adored.
☿️ The names corresponded to different gender identities, and although you weren't out just yet (though you planned to be shortly), they gave you the fluffiest feeling.
☿️ Because you hadn't come out, you didn’t bother making it easy for people - no different coloured bracelets, rings or anything to highlight your gender at the time.
☿️ In your heart, you knew who you were.
☿️ Still…everything seemed tied to the binary - official documents, school, the chatter of other students…you'd seen and heard it all.
☿️ These people didn’t accept non-conformists.
☿️ So why should Tamaki?
☿️ Sure, he was kind-hearted, heroic…amazing, but what would he do? What would he say, when you finally came out? You couldn’t remain in the closet forever.
☿️ No way that was happening! You were human too, your feelings mattered! Surely you were allowed to voice your truth…
☿️ Tamaki loved you.
☿️ He'd be accepting…right? Memorising some more names and pronouns shouldn’t be so tricky.
☿️ To minimise discomfort for both of you, you chose to explain things in his room.
☿️ He got really nervous at first - he thought you wanted to break up.
☿️ Boy was sweating profusely, coming up with all sorts of counter-arguments in his head. He really, really loved you.
☿️ "(Y-Y/n)-"
☿️ "Um, could you maybe call me (O/n) today? It's an…off-spectrum day."
☿️ Cue more confusion than Momo.
☿️ He'll ask about it in a really gentle voice - being anxious himself, he can easily pick up on other people's signs.
☿️ "Basically…my gender's fluid, so…you know how 'sex' is biological and 'gender' is a sense of identity? Well, sometimes I align with my birth sex, sometimes I don't. Today is…one of those days."
☿️ He'll hold your hand while he listens, squeezing it periodically to reassure you.
☿️ Now it's your turn to question the strength of your relationship.
☿️ This boy's love is deep, though; he cares way too much to let anything come between you.
☿️ Plus, nothing about you has actually changed.
☿️ You've just come into yourself, gained more comfort in who you are.
☿️ Tells you how proud he is.
☿️ Asks you to let him know when you sense your gender change, so he never calls you by the wrong name or pronouns.
☿️ It's They/Them today, but who knows about tomorrow? Or even an hour from now?
☿️ Finds gender-neutral compliments and nicknames, and does a ton of research.
☿️ Has an entire script in his head - if you want to come out but can't speak for yourself, Tamaki will push aside his anxiety and recite the words he's practiced a million times.
"You've finally found yourself - only change if it feels right."
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Touya Todoroki/Dabi:
☿️ Your identity was really important and dear to your heart.
☿️ But that didn’t stop those you cared for tearing you apart whenever you tried to speak up.
☿️ Your family, your friends…you loved them, but they just couldn’t accept you.
☿️ So you killed them.
☿️ You went on the run, evading police and heroes alike for years.
☿️ And then, you found the League of Villains - a strange dynamic, kind of like family but much more welcoming.
☿️ Yet, your identity stayed hidden. You didn’t have the strength to harm all these people, if they rejected you.
☿️ Besides, there was more solidarity here than there ever had been with your blood relatives.
☿️ Dabi was your companion, though whether that meant closest friend or love interest, you didn’t know.
☿️ He was observant, transforming his thoughts into words regardless of how that affected people.
☿️ He pointed things out immediately.
☿️ "New bracelet?"
☿️ You paused, half-shocked, half-afraid.
☿️ You knew that he'd see through any lie you posed.
☿️ The truth would be the only thing to save you from his flames.
☿️ "That means something, doesn't it, (Y/n)?"
☿️ Step 1: put the drink down so you don't shatter it in anger.
☿️ "Yeah, um…this colour means 'masculine'. I'm a guy…now."
☿️ His face betrayed nothing.
☿️ "Like a reverse Magne?"
☿️ You wondered if that was a genuine question or an attempt at humour.
☿️ Todorokis don't understand jokes.
☿️ "No…she's a transgender woman, I'm genderfluid. I'm not confined to a single gender. It, uh…it changes."
☿️ His nod didn’t instil you with confidence.
☿️ "You out to the others yet?"
☿️ "Didn't think they'd accept me."
☿️ He made a 'Really? You're the least weird of the bunch' face.
☿️ "Ah, I'll just burn 'em if they don't."
☿️ You were too stunned to employ a comeback.
☿️ He contemplated for a while.
☿️ "So, you got any other names?"
☿️ Helps you plan how to come out to the rest of the League.
☿️ Will legitimately burn the haters.
"Found families are more accepting than the real thing."
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Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko:
☿️ You bought three mugs - 'It's a Girl', 'It's a Boy' and 'It's a Mess'.
☿️ The excitement had been bubbling away inside you for weeks.
☿️ Rumi still didn’t know that you were genderfluid, but she was about to learn.
☿️ There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that she'd accept you.
☿️ You hadn't told her yet because it was a big thing - lots to take in, and you needed to be completely sure of it, and of your relationship.
☿️ You weren't gonna tell just anyone.
☿️ Dating Rumi was awesome, and this was just the next stage.
☿️ It didn’t go according to plan.
☿️ Not at first.
☿️ "You're pregnant?!" Was her very concerned response.
☿️ She kept muttering about how she needed some space to think things over.
☿️ Until you dragged her back, exasperated but determined to explain yourself.
☿️ "It's in reference to myself. I wanted to let you know, in a funny way, that I'm genderfluid. There's a Girl and a Boy one, and the other is for Non-Binary."
☿️ She made a noise like she understood, but you saw the confusion.
☿️ "Today's an Enby day, but you might have a girlfriend tomorrow. Or a boyfriend. Who knows?"
☿️ In an instant, the biggest smile took control of her face, and she brought you into a crushing hug.
☿️ "So I could have a girlfriend, a boyfriend and a murder partner??"
☿️ "Eh…if you can do the jail-time, count me in."
☿️ This one won't necessarily search for information herself, but she will consult you whenever she's having a difficult time processing something.
☿️ You're like,, the expert in all things LGBTQ+, and she loves listening to you talk so passionately.
☿️ She's really glad you told her - that you trusted her with something so important.
☿️ She feels loved, and makes sure you do too.
☿️ Asks if you ever thought she'd reject you.
☿️ "Nah. We'll go strong forever, Rumi."
☿️ She's overjoyed, honestly.
"You're so brave for coming out, and if someone doesn’t like it, I'll kick their butt."
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☿️ Geten didn’t have the faintest clue about gender identities. He accepted male and female, but without a proper education or motivation to learn anything beside his quirk, you didn’t expect him to understand. You would've held it in, if you were strong enough to deal with the constant misgendering.
☿️ If you use Neopronouns, you're especially worried. They aren't as widely welcomed as the general She/He/They. And Geten being the angry, feral gremlin he is, his temper was a major concern.
☿️ You couldn’t change for him, so if he decided to lash out or disapprove, you'd be crushed. You'd obviously have to walk out of the relationship, if he didn’t do so himself. As deeply as your love ran, you simply couldn’t put yourself through such anguish. You weren't of the soundest mind, so to be rejected by Geten…
☿️ He isn't gonna understand unless you sit him down, crack open the slideshow presentation and maybe start crying? He'll feel guilty, but he doesn't ever wanna see you in distress. He said as much, in the beginning of your relationship.
☿️ So cry. Cry your little heart out, and he'll do everything within his power to comfort you. He's not the most receptive to other people's emotions, but with you, it's different. He's always by your side, always watching over you. His hugs are a little stiff, but wrap your arms around him tightly, and he'll protect you with his life.
☿️ "So…genderfluid?"
☿️ His tone is gentle, like he's afraid to cause any more tears.
☿️ "Yeah, um…you identify with your birth sex, right? Well, I don't…not all the time. And if you could…could use those pronouns? That would mean…a lot. To me. It'd mean everything, actually…"
☿️ He's quiet for a while, still trying to make space in his brain for all this new information. It isn't something he needs to 'come around to', though. He'll be completely painful and respectful. He's bound to slip up a few times, but he'll always correct himself.
☿️ Hates seeing you cringe whenever he makes a mistake. Always vows never to let it happen again.
☿️ You're okay though - you know it's gonna take time.
☿️ Angry boi never uses your gender identity as an insult, and openly condemns (threatens) anyone who does. He'll want to prove himself - prove he's gonna love you regardless of gender, regardless of everything!
☿️ Honestly doesn't know why you were so nervous to explain this. When he said his love was unconditional, he wasn’t lying.
“There’s no way I couldn’t accept who you are.”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? No, that sounds awful. I had so many kids laugh at me because of my name when I was younger, so I’ve learned better than to do that. If I come across a weird name I’m more likely to judge the parents than the kid themselves. Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? It’s not just celebrities who do these; they’re just famous so they get all the attention. Generally though I really don’t know why more and more people have been choosing to give their kids odd names. X Æ A-Xii in particular stresses me outtttttttttt PLEASE LOVE YOUR CHILD If you have a problem with someone, will you confront them? Depends on who it is and how big/personal my problem is with them. I won’t always confront someone; sometimes it’s best to act like you don’t care. How do you like your tea? (: Iced, lemonade, and with a lot of sugar. Do you get car sick easily? No, only if I do something to induce motion sickness like reading or texting.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? The earliest occupations I wanted to have were firefighter, astronaut, and a veterinarian. When I got a little older I wanted to become an author. Insert funny memory here:  My favorite story to hear from my friends was when my org had a get-together shortly after we got new officers elected (myself included), and when I got drunk enough I was apparently announcing the suspensions of newly-inducted orgmates I was yet to know more, effective immediately loooool. It was part of my ~powers so I guess that’s why I spent nearly the whole evening doing that. I made sure to apologize to those people the day after. :(( Do you think you're a good conversationalist? Why is that? Yes, when it comes down to it. I pride myself on being a good listener – pair this with the fact that I’ve also learned to ask good questions through the years as a journalism student – so this ability usually includes being able to catch on to the little details they say. From there, I’m able to ask them questions I know they’d love to answer. My trick in conversations is to just have people talk about the things or hobbies they love, because time usually flies by then. Are you more likely to be called a hard worker or lazy? Hard worker. What is your sense of humour like? It’s pretty flexible. I can laugh at kiddie jokes, dark jokes as long as they are not blatantly offensive and harmful, and at the same time I can laugh at dank memes that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.   Do you think you're fairly intelligent? In what way? Yeah, but it’s book smarts more than anything else. I like reading and racking up new knowledge, memorizing things, acing tests, etc. I don’t consider myself street smart at all sadly lol, and I’m still super dependent on other people when it comes to crossing the road, commuting (if I have to), bargaining, etc. How do you like your eggs? Poached or scrambled. Do you enjoy visiting your relatives? I look forward to the food being served more than anything else, because Filipino family reunions don’t fuck around when it comes to the preparations haha. Other than that, I’m always a bit wary when visiting family because Filipino relatives also tend to come up with the worst introductory statements: “You’ve gotten so fat,” “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?” and “I don’t like what you’re posting on Facebook” are just starters. What's your favourite thing about the nearest upcoming holiday? That would be Independence Day, and I like that it’s solely ours. Our independence day used to be on July 4th to be the same as America’s, but a past president changed it to June 12th so we can instead commemmorate the day we gained independence from Spain, instead of sharing our independence day with a colonizer. Have you ever been on a float in a parade? What were you doing on it? No, I haven’t. Have you ever had a strange compliment? What was it? I’ve probably gotten one or two of them but I don’t keep comments like those in my memory, so there’s a very good chance I’ve forgotten all about them. When was the last time you had deja vu? I don’t really remember exactly when but it was sometime within the last week. Have you ever had a dream in black and white? I don’t think so. I’d remember it if I have. What about a dream with no sound? Nope. What is something you find interesting but would never pursue as a career? Astronaut. It’s such an awesome job and I look up to everyone who does it, but for me it’ll always stay as a fantasy career. I’m simply not good enough at science to understand how stuff in space works; plus I get dizzy extremely easily and that’s not gonna work well for me when it’s time to board the spaceship lol. What types of people do you tend to avoid? Racists, homophobes, and fanatical Catholics. What is one personality trait a potential friend must have? They must have an introverted side. I can’t deal with people who are super active 24/7. Have you ever seen someone slip on a banana peel? Nope, I’ve only mostly seen that happen in Mario Kart hah. Have you ever been in a helicopter? I have not. What is a colour you love that's not your favourite? Maroon. Where would you like to travel to? Anywhere outside the house would be a great start. I’d love to get to go inside a mall, any mall. What colour is your car? / What colour would you like it to be? My car is white, and I’m happy with it being white. It looks clean and sleek that way, for me. Does anything hurt on your body right now? What? No but I’m feeling a little hot. I need a shower. What is your favourite mode of travelling? Road trip or by plane. Have you ever had Chickenpox? I haven’t. Dreading the day it comes to me because I just know it’ll be a million times worse as an adult. Can you roll your eyes into the back of your head? I can but it’s very uncomfortable and I don’t do it at all. I only did it often as a kid, whenever I wanted to scare off my sister or make funny faces with my cousins. If you have online friends, do you think you'd get on in real life? Yes, I think so. I’ve only had one negative experience with an online friend who turned out to be a dipshit, but I like to keep optimistic when it comes to my other friends.  Who is your favourite animated character? Answered this in another survey, but Spongebob. I also took a big liking to Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman since he was the only one who kept me happy throughout the show hahahaha. Are your favourites often what the majority like? Like, in relation to my above answers? I know a lot of people didn’t really like Mr. Peanutbutter because he was horrible at reading Diane’s love language and due to his tendency to mask reality with humor and general immaturity, so there’s that. Spongebob is pretty much universally loved by everyone who has seen the show, though. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would you choose? I did have dinner already and I was very happy with the sisig my dad made. I would have had it with soju, but I already drank coffee today and with my body just finishing up healing itself from my awful fever last week, I don’t wanna beat up my body by mixing coffee and alcohol immediately lol. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? Savory. Do you worry about eating too much? What about eating too little? I don’t really worry about either. I find that I eat a healthy amount of food for all my meals, so there’s little reason to overanalyze that department. Is it dark outside right now? Yes, it’s 10:30 PM. The moon has an interesting haze around it at the moment that makes it hard to miss, but otherwise it’s very dark. Do you get scared when it's a full moon? No. Do you think Jaffa Cakes are a cake or a biscuit? xP I don’t even know what those are and I’m too lazy to check. If you go anywhere, do you always buy souvenirs for people? Nah, just for Gab. What was the last toy you got in a cereal box? I don’t know, I don’t remember. The last time there was a toy in a cereal box we bought would probably be like 16 years ago lol. Hypothetically speaking, if you owned a charm bracelet, would you always make sure the charms meant something to you? Not really. I imagine I’d get charms just because I want to collect them lol. I know Pandora does a lot of charm collections, like Disney and Harry Potter. It doesn’t always have to mean something to me. Are you waiting on anyone coming home right now? No. Everyone living here is home now. Is it easy to make you gag? Nope. I watch pro wrestling dude, I’ve seen lots of disgusting stuff go down. It’ll take a lot before I gag. Do you like the way your voice sounds? Yes, I’m alright with it for the most part. Do you usually keep to yourself? This is pretty vague. You mean about my personal life? I’d say so. I normally would keep to myself but I’m also an open book, if that makes sense. Like I’m okay with spilling out my stories or emotions, but people have to come to me and ask for them; otherwise I’m just staying quiet. Can you see the stars from your house? Sure. Sky looks best when you’re at the rooftop though. How would you react if your favourite band made a song with your first name as its title? It would be on repeat for like three months lol. What is a word or phrase you've been told you overuse? It’s been years but a prof once told me I used “okay, so...” a lot as a transition when I report. I appreciated the comment though and since that time I’ve been more watchful of the phrases I use when I report. Are you considered an awkward person? I have my times, yeah. I’ve gotten considerably better in dealing with people though and usually it’s them that’s awkward now, not me lol. Has a career advisor ever helped you choose your ideal career? No, I’ve never met up with a career advisor before. If you were abandoned for a week, would you be able to fend for yourself? Yes, as long as instant food and some basic frozen food are accessible to me ahuhu. Is there a light on in the room you're in? Yes. Have you ever been friends with someone who was your complete opposite? YES, Gabie and I cannot be any more different. Sometimes I still wonder how she and I ended up being friends at all, but I chalk it up to our humor and the way our (very different) personalities manage to mesh well together. Have you ever wished you were an identical twin? If one, do you hate it? Not really. What day were you born on? Tuesday. What's your favourite number? Why did you pick that? I never really had a favorite number. Whenever I have to pick one I just say 4 just because it’s Beyoncé’s favorite and she uses it on literally every concert, show, etc. so I’ve come to encounter it a lot as well lol. What does your favourite perfume / deodorant smell like? A little fruity. Who's your favourite Disney character? Flynn Rider. Do you like having a favourite everything or do you enjoy keeping open? I like having a favorite everything but I also like keeping my options open just in case I ever wanna shift favorites. What's your favourite advertisment? Or do you find them all irritating? I don’t pick ads to be my favorite lol. They’re not irritating, but I just don’t particularly care about any of them.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Headcanons
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before 
Warning: did not re-read srry 
Requested: By @mega-trash-cringe To all the boys I’ve loved before head cannons?
Authors Note: i was gonna add lara jean but i didnt so if u would like her (i only do her with male) headcanon or anything fic related pls request i will write it! did u guys see the news for tatbilb 2? they r gonna add jordan fisher which i love he was in like the other casting of hamilton but he sings so good and i just love him. then they r also adding ROSS BUTLER OHMYGODIMSCREAMINGIMSOEXCITED!!!!! like if yall know he is one of my bbys i love 13 reasons why and i love everyone from there and he is just such a sweetheart <3<3<3 this is a bit long especially peter’s part so enjoy! 
Peter Kavinsky 
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first off your guys relationship is real
you met when you um...fell face first in front of everyone on the track court (lol i hope thats what its called cuz like girl my school was CHEAP we didnt have anything like that)
he was like your knight in shining armor
“whoa whoa whoa (gotta add those whoas) you okay there y/n”
now since that day you two are inseparable 
piggyback rides™
like whenever you feel way too tired to walk or anything (cuz ur lazy like moi) he literally will pick you up like you dont way a thing and put you on his back
you also trying to get him on your back but you fail miserably and you two end up laughing so hard
you two sharing a shake or something at the cafe
 if there is a song he likes or you like he will be the one to say “lets dance”
you of course refuse cause you’re shy and there are legit people trying to eat
“c’mon girl you gotta dance with me”
almost like begging
finally give in and you two will start dancing in front of everyone
standing on his toes while you two dance
will pick you up from school or literally anywhere
that boi never takes it offfff, like never
tells you everyday how beautiful you are 
even without makeup and you are full of acne and look like you just got ran over he will kiss all your pimples all over your face and tell you how cute you are and how much he loves you both ways
he legit is a sweetheart icanttakeit
taking long trips into town or across town to your favorite stores
already knows what songs you like and puts them on the radio just to hear you sing
oh boi oh boi when he hears you sing its like he’s fallen in love again
“god babe, you sound amazing. i wish i sang like you”
two would dance like crazy teenagers in his car
him trying to sing to you
holding your hand while driving which you slap him for that, “all hands on the wheel kavinsky”
likes it when you boss him around
when you go onto bus rides with him or in his car across town he will buy all your favorite snacks
loves buying you gifts
almost everyday he is buying you something
going to a field trip you will probably (lol i used to but i fell asleep against the cold window and like i had no one who sat by me...*all by myself by celine dion starts playing in the background*...im fine) fall asleep and if your neck is turned into an uncomfortable position peter will straighten it out for you and place your head gently on his shoulder
giving you kisses all over while you’re sleeping
also many many many many many many pictures of you sleeping, awake, eating you name it that boi’s camera roll is all full of you
changes his background to his phone like everyday!
especially at parties
he will have his hand resting on your hip or just resting on you so people know not to mess with you
if someone starts to bully you or hurt you in any way peter will threaten them and make them super scared
no one messes with his baby
have any fights he does ignore you but he cant ignore you for long cause he loves you and you are just so cute and sweet and you always make it up to him
have any issues with your fam or friends and you need to sleep over his house for some time just to find yourself he lets you and you sleep either on his bed or if you’re not comfortable he makes a bed on his floor that he sleeps on and you sleep in his bed
comforting you all the time when he sees your sad
ever have your period he will get all your snacks and get anything you need
pads? hes got it. tampons? “girl i got that already covered.” chocolate? please he on that too. 
holy smokes you both have a couples handshake that lasts longer than professor x and magneto’s beef with each other
both text each other memes and vines
oh god vine references 4 DAYS SON
he is so understanding of you
yours guy thing i know is so weird but is watching like all the housewives shows
peter has his favorite and you two watch it in his bed cuddled up
he trash talks the tv and like starts with his, “nuh uh girl whatcha think you doing?”
aint ashamed or embarrassed to watch it
like during school hours he will go up to you while you’re in a conversation and its like “remember baby housewives day!”
when you guys go to a library you read for like a what 3 seconds and then you two make out in the corner and the librarian has to interrupt you two stating that its too noisy
all in all peter is your baby and you would protect him with your life, he’s your soul your everything and he feels the same way about you two your relationship is so vanilla and adorable it makes grown men cry
Josh Sanderson
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you started a relationship with josh after he and margot split
it felt wrong to you at first and you tried to push the feelings away
josh is such a cinnamon roll
he is always so kind to you
he makes sure you’re okay and happy
you couldn't push him away any longer and decided to accept him as your boyfriend
at first pda was strange because of his relationship with margot but soon you showed it in baby steps at school around town
now holding his hand seems normal to you
hes the first one to text you
his texts are beautiful and so heart felt
like poetry
he is such a gentleman
listen to you with all his heart
sleepovers always on sundays
as you lean on his shoulder he reads to you and you fall asleep
go to school together, he downloads all your favorite music or favorite audibles and puts the other ear plug in your ear so you two share
or watch hilarious videos of like fails or gordan ramsay (*sigh* the perfect relationship)
sometimes you two act out his things on the cooking show tv
yeah with the accent
people look at you two like what have yall been smoking
already talking about when you two have kids and like what house and the name of those kids
“okay but we should also have a dog in the mix and name him something like cactus”
god hes just so adorable sometimes you wanna cry
during break in school you two go to the bleaching boards or whatever you call those seats and you sit on his lap
best moments to kiss 
you also share snacks
play all the time heads up
come over to his house to study
but we all know its just to make out
having moments when you feel self conscious or insecure he sits you down on his lap or across from him and looks you straight in the eyes making you do the same and tells you how amazing you are and important to him and how much he loves you
since you sleepover his house so much you two have matching pjs
he rants to you and discusses with you about comics
wants to name his kid tony for tony stark
“c’mon babe tony sanderson sounds pretty cool you have to admit”
fishing trips all the time
you endure for his sake
teaches you about all the fishes
you buy him a fish blanket
now you two cuddle with it all the time
you bring over your clay mask or those really really slimy ones and make josh wear one
“oh my god how do you even wear these things?”
the black mask one that hurts as well
he almost cries
you kiss his boo boos
take pics like that with the mask on
take cute and weird pics for instagram
wearing matching outfits 
compliments you so genuinely and lovingly all the time
if you ever hurt yourself or like cut your finger he will get so worried and kiss it lightly
“there all better baby”
you love sitting on his lap
he nuzzles into your neck almost like a cat
making him things legit makes the boi wanna cry
lovez baking together
is such a help in the kitchen he wants to make sure he’s involved
pinky promises with the little kiss at the end
“till the end princess”
you just practically wanna marry this man
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @marwantr
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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Best Friends: Sal x reader
*your pov*
I sat on the bed in in cross cross position listening to my best friend rant about being different. We were hanging out at his apartment as we usually did listening to music. "I mean it's bad enough I have to deal with that shit at school do they really need to follow me home and taunt me?" He complained. I honestly hated the way Sal was treated. I mean he was a really great guy but all because of a few scars he was a freak? "I know muffin they're just stupid high school assholes who's lives aren't going anywhere once we graduate." I said trying to comfort him. Muffin had been the nickname I had given him a couple weeks after we met and it just stuck. He insisted that I was the only one allowed to call him that. He even dated a girl very briefly who tried it and they got into a huge fight. They ended up breaking up less than a week later but I was never sure if that was related to the nickname or not. "Not you though. You'll be helping so many people! Doing your dream job by day and chilling in your dream house by night. With some gorgeous hottie no doubt." I boasted about him.  He turned towards me smirking his blue eye slightly sparkling from behind his mask. Despite what some girls seemed to think he really was good looking. His bright blue eyes complimented his matching hair, and pink lips that curled into the cutest smile. Although not many get to see that. And no one gets to see it often. I’ve only had the privilege once. Not to mention his personality. He was smart but not in the know it all way, kind and thoughtful, but also brave and hilarious. He really didn't deserve all the pain these people caused. "Thanks (nickname). I'll never be alone with you around will I?" He asked with a small chuckle. "Nope your stuck with me muffin!" I beamed. He rolled his eyes and came over so he was sitting in front of me. He got really close to me so we were face to face. His eyes deadly serious. "Pinky promise?" He whispered holding out his pinky. I smiled at him and linked my pinky with his. "Pinky promise." I repeated. We unlinked our pinky's and laid back on his bed. After a couple seconds he sighed again. "Oh know what the worst part was?" He asked turning to his side facing me. "What's that?" I asked doing the same. "They weren't wrong about the teasing this time. One of Travis’s friends was mocking the fact that I’m 18 and still a virgin. I mean Not that I really care but he’s right no one will ever want to have sex with me when my face is this fucked up. It’d be a huge turn off. I’ll be a virgin forever, how pathetic is that!?" He groaned. I couldn't help the small blush that appeared on my face at his comment. I squeezed his hand trying to comfort him. "It's not pathetic. I mean I'm still a virgin. And so is Travis." I told him a little embarrassed at the confession. "Yeah but you could sleep with anyone if you wanted. And Travis is probably saving himself for marriage. Not to mention the fact he’s secretly gay." He replied throwing his hands over his covered face. A soft knock at the door made us both jump. "Sorry to scare you both but Sal lovely will (y/n) be joining us for dinner?" Sal’s step mom Lisa asked. Sal looked towards me expecting an answer. "Yes please Lisa. If I'm not imposing." I answered smiling. Lisa was like a second mom to me, always being there for advice and a shoulder to cry on. "Of course sweetie. You're welcome anytime. Dinner will be ready in five minutes." She said pulling the door shut and retreating down the hallway. "You're like a part of this family you know." Sal said placing his hand on mine. I smiled at his sweetness. Sal losened the bottom part of his mask. He lifted it up a small bit and leaned forward placing a soft gentle kiss on my cheek before getting up and making his way to the door holding it open for me. I jumped up and we made our way down to the table.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~
Sal and I reentered his room after another wonderful meal. "Lisa sure is a great cook muffin." I laughed flopping myself onto his bed again. I was so beyond full I didn't wanna move. I heard Sal let out a small chuckle at my actions. He watched me for a few minutes before going over to the closet. He pulled out a shoe box and joined me on the bed. I sat up looking at him confused. "I wanted to show you this." He said nervously scratching the back of his neck. He pushed the shoebox in front of me signaling for me to take it. I curiously took the lid off wondering what my best friend could be up to. The first thing I saw in the box was a small photo album. I picked it up flipping through it. It held every picture we had ever taken starting with the first one we took in front of Addison on his first week here, and ending with the Polaroid Ash had taken of me sitting on Sal’s lap both of us covered in paint as Larry tried to teach us both. The next thing I pulled out was a blue bow tie. I recognized it from our first school dance. I was so excited when this guy asked me. I bought a new dress, curled my hair, got a pair of heels, and did my makeup. Then he ended up changing his mind and going with a much prettier cheerleader. I was so heart broken when I got the text that I didn’t even want to go, but Sal didn't let me stay home and sulk. He showed up all dressed up with a corsage and everything. The next thing in the box was a little box full of movie tickets and rental recipts. One from every movie we'd been too or rented.The next thing was a busted pair of glasses. A year ago I was dating this guy named Nick, in the beginning we were very happy and in love. But he started cheating on me with one of my very best friends. When I found out I couldn't get out of bed I was so crushed. I was shocked to find out the next day Sal and Larry went and beat the shit out of the guy. I mean Sal wasn’t one for fighting so he got a bit beaten up but nevertheless he kicked his ass for hurting me. The next thing was the first best friend bracelet I made him that had broken. And the very last thing was a folded up piece of paper. I carefully unfolded recognizing my own handwriting. It was this project I made for my literature class next year. I had to write about something I found beautiful and describe it using an assortment of adjectives, so I wrote about Sal’s face. I remember the look in his eyes when he read it. He actually started to cry. I thought I had thrown it out. He had kept all of this stuff but why? "I thought I threw this away." I said showing him the paper. “You did but I took it out of your trash that night. I know it’s a little weird but after you showed it to me there was no way I was letting it get thrown away. No ones ever described my face like that. I just had to keep it.” He explained. He pulled his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer. “I can’t believe you kept it all.” I whispered. "You're my best friend. Of course I did." He chuckled.
He moved the box up to his dresser before laying on the bed with his head on my lap. I brought my hand up to his hair softly taking out his hair ties and setting them aside. Running my hands through his electric blue locks I smiled down at my best friend. “Feeling any better?” I asked. "I just don't get it. I know I’ve got a fucked up face but I’m a nice guy. I've always been polite to everyone and romantic to my girlfriends. Well the one I've actually dated. You've known me for years am I just that unloveable? Am I that much of a freak?" "Sal no! There's noting wrong with you! You are not even close to a fuck up!" I tried to assure him. It was no use, he still looked so upset. "Come on (Y/n) clearly I’m just a monster like Travis says since no one wants me." He sighed sitting up and staring at his floor. Seeing him like this hurt me. I had to do something there was no way I was just gonna seat here and let him convince himself he's fucked up. So I mustered up all my courage getting off the bed and standing in front of him.  "If it'll make you feel better I'll sleep with you." I suggested. Sal immediately looked up towards me wide eyed. He was probably horrified at the idea. "I-I'm sorry that was stupid. Of course you don't wanna sleep with me." I sighed sitting next to him. He immediately shook his head and pulled himself closer to me. "No no that's not it (Y/n)! I do I mean hell I've liked you for a long time. I just... don't want you to only do it for that reason. You should lose your virginity to someone you love. Someone who’s not a monster." He chuckled a blush covering his ears. "I've liked you for a long time too muffin. And I would be honored to lose it to you. You’re definitely not a monster." I explained while I looked up into his bright blue eyes that were staring at me. He leaned closer to my face moving some of my (y/h/c) hair out of my face. I suddenly lost the ability to breathe. He was so close to my face. "(Y-Y/n) can I kiss you?" He asked. I nodded with a blush. “If you take this off.” I answered gently touching his mask. He let out a shaky breath removing the mask revealing his scarred up face. I reached my hand up tracing several scars. “You’re so beautiful muffin.” I giggled making him passionately press his lips against mine. I kissed him back loving the feeling of his soft sort of chapped lips. Our lips moved in sync and his hands moved to my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. His tongue licked at my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed him and soon we were having a pretty heated makeout session. He lightly pushed me back so he was laying on top of me.
~~~~~~~sexy time skip~~~~~~~~
Sal laid down next to me panting and exhausted. He disposed of the condom in a trash bin near by. "Wow." He panted wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer. "Yeah wow." I giggled. His fingers lightly traced my skin sending shivers down my spine. “I guess I owe Larry a condom.” Sal chuckled. “Guess so. Not like he was gonna use it. Except to maybe make water balloons with.” I teased. Sal chuckled holding me closer. I reach my hands up holding his face in my palms. The door clicking open caused us to shoot up. Sal immediately pulled the blanket up so it was covering my exposed body. "Hey Sal dude, mom wants to know if (y/n)-" Larry started to say before he saw us. "Larry it's um- it’s- not what it looks like.” Sal stuttered hoping his step brother and best friend wouldn't bust us. "I see you finally got the balls to go after (y/n). And you actually fucked her I’m proud man.” he chuckled. Sal looked at me then back to his brother his cheeks slightly redder. "Uh yeah I guess I did." He smiled. "So are you guys like a thing now or what?" Larry asked closing the door. Sal and I shared a look smiling. "Will you be mine?" He asked goofily making Larry roll his eyes and fake a gagging sound. "Of course muffin!” I giggled kissing him. "Ok gross. Tone it down before I puke. Mom wants to know if (Y/n) is staying over by the way." He laughed sitting down on his own bed. Sal got up and handed me my bra and panties. I slipped them on under the blanket. He reached into his dresser pulling out my favorite hoodie of his and a pair of sweatpants handing them to me before getting himself dressed. When we were both done we crawled back into bed cuddling. Sal laid on his back his arms around me as I laid on my side curled up against his chest "I've loved you for a long time (y/n)." He whispered. "I love you too muffin." I giggled into his chest. "Sal, Larry, (y/n)! I made dessert!" Lisa called out though the walkie. "I suppose we should go tell her we're dating." Sal chuckled grabbing his mask and buckling it into place leaving his hair down. "Yeah might as well tell her the good news." I replied getting out of bed. “She’ll be fuckin stoked man. She loves (Y/n) like a daughter already.” Larry pointed out making me smile. Sal got up putting his arm around my shoulders. Larry got up too putting an arm around Sal’s shoulders. “This is fuckin awesome. Now I have a brother and a sister! Wel in law someday I guess.” He chuckled. “Hell yeah Johnson!” I agreed making Sal give me a supportive squeeze. The three of us made our way up to Lisa and Henry’s apartment. “Oh hey Sal! Tomorrow if they give you shit about not being a virgin you can tell em to go fuck themselves!” I said nudging my boyfriend. “Travis can’t say shit he’s a fuckin virgin too.” Larry scoffed. “Oh yeah in speaking of that. I owe you a condom Larry Face.” Sal chuckled. “You used one of my condoms?! Dude it was my last one.” Larry laughed. “Don’t worry Lar bear you can’t get your left hand pregnant.” I giggled. Sal let out a laugh and Larry pretended to be offended. “I fucking love you.” Sal chuckled hugging me. “Jokes on both of you. It was expired.” Larry chuckled making his way into the kitchen first. Both Sal and I to look at each other worriedly. “He was kidding right?” I asked hopefully. “I’ll find out.” Sal groaned as we entered the kitchen.
Lisa turned around handing us each a bowl of ice cream covered brownie. “Thanks Lisa.” Sal and I both said taking a seat at the table. “Fuck you’re not gonna become one of those couples that only talks in we terms are you?” Larry asked. “We love the winter.” I mocked in a fake basic bitch accent like the girls Larry was referring to. “We never use deodorant.” Sal said in the same voice making both Larry and I laugh. “Wait a couple? Sal love did you ask her out?” Lisa asked excitedly. “Did a lot more than fuckin ask.” Larry chuckled. “Yes Lisa I did. I finally took your advice.” Sal said kicking Larry under the table. Lisa screamed excitedly coming over and wrapping her arms around us. “Oh yay! I love you both I’m so happy you’re finally happy together!” She cheered. “Me too Lisa.” I giggled grabbing Sal’s hand.
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hallodraws · 6 years
Silkster | A Spider Story (02)
Wordcount: 2,252
Summary: “In September 2018, NYC, college student Jonas Jaeger reels from his first experience with Spider-Man - only to realize his night with the spider is not yet over.”
Warnings: Very minor mention of blood and hinting to a character that passed away.
Author’s Notes: Like I said before, this started as a graphic design exercise for my MCU OC, Silkster. Eventually, it snowballed into a full-fledged-fic. This is just for fun and stuff like this always gets my creative juices flowing. Hopefully, you guys enjoy reading and maybe I can share more of this story (and maybe art?) as it develops. Welcome to part 2. ♡
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『 02 』
I continued to run as fast as I could - far after the bridge had ended. The brisk September air of New York City dried out my throat from running so long; eventually, I had to stop to give my lungs a break. I must've run a full extra block before realizing I could no longer see Spider-Man or the thug he was now apprehending. I couldn't hear any signs of a struggle or anything of the sort. In fact, the city was quiet. I was left with only the sounds of crickets, light traffic, and the whistle of a soft wind tunneling from the bridge's north side.
I felt as my wrist throbbed. As I looked down, I saw the rough and slightly bloody scrape made when the chain got tugged from my arm. It was a small injury but in a very inconvenient spot. No matter what I did, every movement I made with my hand caused an ache. I tried my best to wipe the small amount of blood there was out of the way to get a better look at the damage. I remember wincing as I attempted putting pressure on the cut. I didn't even notice the figure above. Without warning, a massive thud came from behind me.
"That looks like it hurts," I heard through a muffled voice.
Without thinking, I spun around - swinging as hard as I could. I wasn't going to be a victim of this mugger again. Because, it is my luck, it wasn't the mugger. With one solid punch, I made contact with a familiar red mask. It didn't take long for the realization to hit me. I just fucking punched Spider-Man.
"Ow! Holy shi--" The masked vigilante yelled. He was silenced soon enough by my ever-growing panic as I reached for the spot I targeted. 
"Spider-Man!" I shouted, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear! I thought--" I remember my words just becoming one long jumbled mess as I tried to force out an apology as quickly as humanly possible. Somehow, saying it faster made it not as bad. I know, that sounds stupid. But, much to my surprise, my rambling was greeted by an overwhelming laugh coming from behind the mask.
"Hahaha! Don't worry about it! I shouldn't have snuck up on you." he said as he rubbed his cheek. Soon enough, his laughter began to calm. 
"Still... I'm sorry." I didn't know if I should smile or not. Was it rude to act relaxed after punching someone? Spider-Man seemed pretty calm, so maybe I should follow suit.
"What's your name?" he asked me.
"Jonas, uh... sir." I looked at my feet, unsure of how to adequately address my protector. Was it like talking to a police officer? I figured I should be as polite as possible; That way I would avoid any chance at offending him.
"Sir?! What happened to just Spider-Man?" The vigilante chuckled as he gave his (probably now sore) face one more rub for good measure.
"Sorry." I apologized again, "It's just I've never met a hero up close and personal before." I felt embarrassed when I said those words for some reason. Calling him a hero to his face sounded weird. I felt my face flush. I think he noticed how uncomfortable I was.
"Well, Jonas..." Spider-Man said my name, stepping forward, "...that's a mighty strong swing you got there."
It was strange, I thought. People usually picture superheroes as insanely ripped and intimidating. They were essentially gods amongst men. But Spider-Man didn't fit that image, per-say. He was just about as tall as me and couldn't possibly be that much older. This revelation of mine didn't stop the nervousness in my voice from coming out.
"Haha... R-really? You think so?" I stuttered.
"Yeah!" he raised his fists in a confident stance, "I bet you could've taken that guy yourself if I didn't show up."
"Please... I was a wreck." I retreated, my eyes rolling into my head at the compliment that couldn't possibly be true, "I wouldn't have been able to do anything. I was pathetic." my voice faded into my natural shyness once more. Spider-Man stepped forward again, filling the space between us.
"Scared maybe. But not pathetic." He placed a firm hand on my shoulder, "And there's nothing wrong with being scared."
"You're not scared of anything. You're a superhero. You're Spider-Man." I argued. Don't ask me why. I think it was my nerves. When a superhero compliments you - take the damn compliment.
"Just because I'm Spider-Man doesn't mean I don't get scared. I was terrified when I saw that guy pushing you over the bridge." His voice changed a bit. He sounded concerned. I felt his hand tighten ever so slightly. 
"You were...?"
"Uh, Y-Yeah I was." Now he was the one that sounded nervous. I felt his warm hand leave my shoulder, but he continued, "Scared... I wouldn't make it in time. Scared that I might've made things worse. Scared of the unthinkable." He paused. I couldn't see his eyes behind the mask, but I could tell he was looking right at mine, "But ultimately, I was scared of what might've happened if I didn't do anything at all."
The wind whistled once more. I didn't know what to say to that. What could I have said to that? In the end, a barely audible "Wow..." was all I could muster up.
"W-what? Did that sound stupid? Too cliche?" he began to fidget as he looked away. Was he embarrassed? The whole situation was so strange to me. Seeing the action shots of Spider-Man on the news was so much more different from actually seeing and speaking to him. He didn't seem like an authority figure or soldier. He wasn't super smooth or commanding. He was just... friendly. Were all heroes like this? It was actually kind of refreshing. Underneath that red leotard, this guy was supercharged - but still a sweet, funny, and regular guy. It's makes so much sense when you stop and think about it, but at that moment in time, the idea was so far from what I thought I knew about superheroes. I didn't see the people, I just saw the names and the masks.
I was silent for too long. I let out a laugh, "Haha, no. Not at all. It's just you never hear heroes admit to being scared."
"Oh..." I could hear a tinge of disappointment in his voice.
"It's a nice change of pace." I smiled
"O-oh!" He perked up, "Well, I'm glad!" Despite not being able to see his expression, I could tell he was smiling back at me.
Once again there was silence. Only the soothing sounds of the city around us. Spider-Man looked down at my scraped wrist.
"Uh... Hey! Let me take a look at that cut." He held his gloved hand out to me.
"It's not that bad." I tried to hide my arm behind my back. I didn't want to take up any more of his valuable time.
He persisted, "Give it here."
I complied. He trailed fingers across the cut. He was so gentle, I barely felt a thing. Granted, I was a little preoccupied tried to decern what was going on inside that concealed head of his.
"Might want to give it a proper cleaning, but you'll be alright." He lightly cupped his hand to my wrist, covering the wound.
"Thank you." I nodded, thinking he'd let go. He didn't.
"Does it hurt at all?"
"Not so much anymore. I really felt it when my--" I finally noticed the faint tan line on my arm was now exposed, "My bracelet!" I felt a sinking dread overcome me when I saw the empty space where my bracelet once was. I didn't want to let Spider-Man see, he saved my life after all. I was incredibly grateful. But still...
"Your brace--?" He began. Suddenly, he reached for his belt, "Oh! This?."
There it was, glimmering in his hand off the New York City street lights. I could barely contain my excitement, "You got it back?! Oh--" I began to stutter. I calmed myself and placed my hand on the bracelet, "Thank you, Spider-Man. You don't know how much this means to me.”
"Oh..." I could just make out what he said as I slid the bracelet out of his hand - in two pieces, "It's broken. I-I'm sorry." He was upset. I could hear it.
"It's alright." I clutched the bracelet to my chest. I smiled back at him once more, "I'd rather have it back broken then not have it back at all."
"That important, eh?" he inquired.
"Yeah," I said shortly, I didn't want to overshare. Heroes probably don't want to hear sob stories, I thought. "It's a long story."
"I've got nowhere to be."
I guess I was wrong, "Well..." I began, "It was a gift from someone important to me who's not around anymore."
"Who?" He asked. I must've unknowingly gave him a funny look, because he immediately tried to back-peddle, "I... I'm sorry, that's none of my business." I could tell he was trying to be compassionate, the least I could do was reciprocate.
So I told him, "An old boyfriend." 
"Oh." I could tell he didn't know whether or not to continue to discuss the matter, but I guess he inevitably decided to proceed, "And are you two still...?"
"No, he... he passed away last year." I might as well tell the truth, I thought. We've gotten this far.
"Oh, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry." I think it finally hit him that maybe this topic was a little too deep for a post-rescue conversation. He was sweet, and he was trying. How could I be upset about that?
"Don't worry about it," I tried to change the subject, "Thank you for saving my life... and bringing this back to me."
He perked up once again, I wasn't sure why. "Hey... can I take a closer look at your bracelet?" he said with his gloved hand outstretched once more.
"Oh, sure." I allowed, placing the damaged chain in his palm.
"Hold out your arm."
"O...kay?" I was confused, but I did as he asked, "But what are you--?"
He wrapped the two chains around my arm, holding them in place. With his other hand, he aimed precariously over my wrist. Suddenly, a small web shot out of the mechanism from his suit. The web was so little. It looked like that of a real spider - maybe even tinier. It slid around the broken piece of gold chain and connected the two halves. A second web shot out, joining the other side. It wasn't perfect by any means, but my bracelet was once again resting firmly where its been for the past year.
"This should at least hold it together again," he said as he ran his fingers across the newest addition to the chain.
"You...! How did you...?" I couldn't find the words.
"Uh... it's the web slingers." He answered the question I already knew the answer to.
"You... you really fixed it."
"So it's okay?"
"Okay? Are you kidding?" I was so happy to know that this silly piece of jewelry was still in my life, "It's more than okay. It's..." I looked at him. There it was again, I could tell he was making the most focused eye contact, waiting for validation, "...incredible." He sighed with relief. I stepped forward.
"Thank you, Spider-Man." I took his hand in mine, "This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
"N-no problem," His own grip tightened, "I'm just glad I could help."
We stood like that for what seemed like hours, but I'm sure it was just a few fleeting seconds. It was the howl from the wind billowing across the bridge that snapped me out of the moment.
"I... should be getting home," I said as I let go.
"You gonna be okay?”
"Yeah. I'm gonna wait at that restaurant over there," I pointed at the small diner that sat at the end of the street, "I'll call my friend to see if they can pick me up."
"You sure? I can take you home if you'd like," he said, pointing to the sky. God, I wanted to say yes more than anything. But I felt bad. It felt like I was misusing the police force or fire department. He has places to be.
"Yeah," I said softly, "I've taken up enough of your time. Besides, you've got a city to take care of." 
"Haha... yeah." he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Be safe out there, okay?"
"You too. Thank you, again." I wanted him to stay.
"It's all in the job." and just like that, he was gone.
There was silence once again. I was alone, but I didn't feel it. Part of me thought that he was still there, secretly watching me from the darkness above. It might've just been wishful thinking on my part, but it made me feel better. I pulled my phone from my pocket (whoops, I guess I was holding out on that mugger...) as I made my way to the diner. I had my signal back so I could've called an Uber, but I hoped Peter would be able to borrow his Aunt May's truck. I had a story I just couldn't wait to tell him.
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