#What Is The Location Advantage Of My Home In The Hills ?
kurnoolhousing · 2 years
What Is The Location Advantage Of My Home In The Hills?
If Your Home Is Located in the Hills, There Are Several Location Advantages That Can Make It a Desirable Place to Live. One of the Main Advantages Is the Natural Beauty and Peacefulness of the Surroundings. Living in the Hills Can Provide Stunning Views of the Surrounding Landscapes, Fresh Air, and a Quiet Environment That Can Be a Welcome Change from the Hustle and Bustle of the City. Another Advantage of Living in the Hills Is the Potential for Outdoor Activities. Depending on the Location, You May Have Access to Hiking Trails, Fishing Spots, or Skiing Slopes. Living in the Hills Can Also Provide a Sense of Privacy and Seclusion, as Many Homes Are Located on Large, Wooded Lots That Offer Plenty of Space and Privacy.
Overall, the Location Advantage of Your Home in the Hills Can Provide a Unique and Peaceful Living Environment That Allows You to Connect with Nature and Enjoy the Outdoors, While Still Having Access to Nearby Amenities and Services. For More Real Estate Related Queries Visit Our Website: Kurnool Housing. Kurnool Housing Offers Independent Houses for Sale in Kurnool City. We Are Well Reputed and Well Experienced in Real Estate Industry. We Have Been in the Real Estate Industry for the Past 12++ Years. Deals with Open Plots, Independent Houses, Flats, and Apartments.
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Hi! I just wanna say I love your writing😮‍💨.
Can I please request an angsty Seb fic based on the song “Right Now” by Gracie Abrams? Every time I listen to it I think of how MC feels used by Seb after all they’ve been through and she leaves the castle to explore a bit and clear her head (like you would if you finish his story line before completing the game)
I hope that makes sense 🫶🏻
Heyy Thank you so much!! I will endeavour to be the very best of…request…fillers…👍🏻
I hope you don’t mind me shoving a bit of my MC into this I had some lovely ideas that fit with my MC and her specific story.
Hope this is okay 💕
Warnings - usual Sebastian stuff, Murder, Angst, panic attack, mentions of MCs Mom passing away, comfort after angst because I just can’t I’m too soft!!
Word Count - 965
Being Muggleborn often had its advantages.
Hailing from a small hamlet just outside of Hogwarts, meant that MC had the benefit of going home whenever she liked. Whenever this new world got too much.
Like, for example, after her best friend murdered his uncle.
It was a small hike past the protective barriers of the school, but easy enough for anyone who galavanted around the highlands as often as she did.
She stared down at the village and watched the townsfolk go about their evening routines. She knew her neighbour would walk their dog at this time, another took their rubbish out. How mundane this world seemed in comparison. Just a mile behind her and everything was different.
Her eyes fell over the tiny house on the hill that she called home. A candle flickered in the window casting two shadows across her living room, a sight that would usually startle someone who lived alone. But she knew the current occupants of her home quite well.
Ominis and Anne.
When Ominis had mentioned that Anne had fled, MC immediately offered her childhood home to the orphaned Sallow. Where better for her to hide than a muggle town, and where better for those closest to her to attend her when needed.
Only Ominis, Anne and herself knew of this location.
She tucked her knees under her chin as she watched them make a home for Anne. The grief that radiated from those four walls was palpable. MC closed her eyes, finally allowing the tears to flow.
It had been a week since Feldcroft.
It had been four days since the trio agreed not to send their brother and best friend to Azkaban.
And it had been two days since anyone had seen him.
They had spent those two days making Anne comfortable, not knowing how long she had left. Not knowing how permanent a solution this would be. Not knowing…anything.
The snap of twigs alerted her attention to someone stood behind her. She jumped up, wiping the tears from her face and pointing her wand at the figure. To hell with the underage magic laws.
The figure stood amongst the tree line, tall and broad.
The grip on her wand tightened somewhat. A reaction she didn’t know she would ever have, towards seeing her best friend. He flinched upon seeing her white knuckles, carefully approaching her, hands empty and raised in surrender.
“I’m glad you’re okay” he said weakly a pathetic attempt at a smile plastered across his face.
“How did you find me?” She replied curtly
“Fig is worried about you. He asked me if I knew where you were, then he mumbled something about visiting here, your home”
“Why does everything out of your mouth sound like a threat?” She spat, and he visibly recoiled.
“I don’t mean…I’m trying…You’re…” he sighed “I’m trying” his voice cracked and she knew that if she didn’t stay away, she’d crumble at his feet. She readjusted the grip on her wand. Ever observant, his eyes flickered to her hands shaking and pointing in his direction “You don’t need to do that, I don’t have my wand”
“I think I’ll stay as I am” she squared her shoulders and remained, unmoved.
“Fine!” He snapped, his bratty behaviour resurfacing as she knew it would. He took in a breathe, exhaling slowly “Fine. Do what makes you feel safe. But I will never hurt you.”
“Won’t you? You killed your Uncle, Sebastian”
“I…did. But I never cared for him. I care more for you. You’re…the only family I have left. Please…” he whispered daring to take a step forward
“And why is that?” She asked sarcastically. She didn’t know why she was twisting the dagger in his heart more. She could see in his face he regretted what he did and it hurt him. Her will faltered momentarily, and she lowered her wand. “You’re the only family I have too…”
“You have Ominis and I’m sure you’re mother and father are down there somewhere” he gestured to the little village behind her, smiling genuinely.
“I never knew my father, and my mother died just before I came to Hogwarts” his smile faded “You’d know that if you ever cared to ask. You were too busy asking about my Ancient Magic and finding ridiculous spell-books to ever ask me anything about myself” her voice raised with her wand pointing it back at the boy she had pined for all year. “What’s my favourite colour, Sebastian?”
“Simple enough question for my best friend. Surely you’d know the answer if I’m the only family you have left”
She didn’t expect him to breakdown the way he did.
His knees came crashing down into the soft mud and grass beneath him. He clutched at his heart as though her words caused him physical pain. The flow of tears coming from his eyes seemed endless.
“I’m sorry, MC” his chest heaved heavily. The panic and anxiety he had felt all year finally coming to a breaking point. He fell forward onto his hands and gasped for air “I can’t-“ he gulped at nothing “I can’t-“
She watched for a second, not knowing what to do before throwing her wand to the floor and running to his side.
“I’ve got you” she whispered, crawling underneath him to hold him up. His muddied hands immediately wrapped around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer, leaving no space between the two. She felt his heart racing against her chest and his ragged breath cooled the tears that pooled at her neck.
“Don’t let go” he mumbled into her collarbone. “Please…You’re all I have left” she stroked his hair into place, scratching lightly at his scalp and rocking him slightly back and forth.
“I’m with you till the end”
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simtleman · 1 year
Welcome to Le Figaro Restaurant
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So here I come with my second build for this 1920s, '30s & '40s Save file I'm working on. Introducing Le Figaro, the trendiest and most elegant restaurant in Del Sol Valley. This stunning wrought iron greenhouse turned into restaurant was originally built in 1905 to host an international archaeology exhibition. Once the exhibition was over, however, the City Hall wanted to take advantage of its location (on top of The Pinnacles hills and overlooking the city) and its beauty, so they hosted a citizen survey to decide what to do with it next.
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Citizens voted for an actual greenhouse/park where everyone could go spend their summer afternoons, but political corruption made its way through the process and the building ended up being sold to a private investor, who then turned it into the profitable Le Figaro, home of the events and gatherings for the richest and most famous (some would say infamous) in town.
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A lot of Del Sol Valley habitants hate Le Figaro for what it represents: yet another missed opportunity for your everyday citizen consideration and a slap in the face to tax payers, but the truth is its beauty is truly formidable and undeniable. When the sun sets, there is nothing more extraordinary than watching the rays filter through the glass walls while drinking a refreshment.
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Heck, even the bathroom/powder rooms are beautiful to look at!
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This was my attempt of creating something worthy with the amazing Budapest Greenhouse set by @lilis-palace, I hope you guys like it and please let me know if you have any ideas on what I should build next for this 1920s, '30s & '40s Save file... I'm thinking perhaps a market area? With a barber shop, a flower shop and different kind of establishments. Why not?
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sunnyie-eve · 5 months
25 | Realizing
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None
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The three finally awake up back in the Vet's Clinic in their tubs of ice water. They excitedly relate their visions and the connections they all shared with the location of the Nemeton. They are informed by Deaton that they've been in the water for 16 hours and now have just 4 hours before moonrise.
Scott says he needs to go back to the Alpha Pack making Stiles say to him that's like saying that the deal with Deucalion sounds a lot like a deal with the devil. Scott is adamant though, he doesn't believe they can defeat Jennifer without the Alpha Pack leader help. Allison then tries to get Deaton to talk Scott out of his plan but Deaton balks. He says sometimes circumstances require you ally yourself with people you can't trust but can use to your advantage. In this case he believes Deucalion could be the bait for Jennifer right before Ethan arrives.
"I'm looking for Lydia."
"What do you want?" She asks him.
"I need your help."
"With what?" Julia asks him.
"Stopping my brother and Kali... from killing Derek."
They all decide to split up, Lydia going with Ethan, Stiles and Julia going to his house to find something of his dads, while Scott, Allison, and Isaac go the her place.
"I just want to say sorry that Lydia and I couldn't actually find where the Nemeton was. If we could, you three wouldn't have wasted so much time in the tubs." Julia says as they pull up to his house.
"You don't need to apologize, Jules." He gets out his phone calling Scott. "What do you want me to grab?" Stiles asks opening his dad's door. "How about his boxers? Sock?" He says picking up his dad's socks. "Okay, we'll meet you there." Stiles hangs up the phone pulling Julia back downstairs to his jeep.
As they drive to meet Scott and the others at the Beacon Hills Preserve the storm worsens around them. Stiles races through the rising wind making it hard to see in front of them.
"I get we're in a rush but Stiles this isn't safe." Julia holds onto the seat as a tree branch flies into the windshield causing Stiles to duck and turn to see what hit him. "STILES!" Julia yells making him turn back seeing there is a tree directly in their path with no time to stop. Stiles puts one arm out in front of Julia as they crash head on making them both black out.
Stiles gains consciousness first touching his head to see blood and groans in pain, "Julia..." He looks over at her with her head against the window still knocked out. "Julia, Julia!" He panics leaning over to wake her up.
"My head." She slowly wakes up reaching for her head.
"Don't touch it. It's bleeding like mine." He stops her.
"We have to go. Get your bat." Julia remembers what they were supposed to be doing getting out of the jeep and they run off to find them. "STILES! THERE!" Julia points at the ground that was sinking in and they run over to jumping in. "Use the bat!" Stiles shoves his aluminum bat under the collapsing beam shoring it up and giving them all some extra time. 
"I always said aluminum was better than wood." Noah says causing Stiles and his father embrace each other then Noah pulls Julia into the hug too.
When the storm stops they all let out a sigh of relief. Scott calls Stiles and he tells him when he comes to get them bring a ladder making the others laugh at him. Once he ends the phone call he looks at his dad again keeping Julia into his side.
"How did you two hurt your heads?" Noah asks Stiles looking at where they were bleeding
"Stiles decided to speed in a storm and wreak the jeep." Julia looks at him.
"I had a reason to speed." He says as she moves away from his dad. "How my head?" He tilts his head down so she could look at it.
"You won't need stitches."
"You won't need any either." He moves her hair to look at her head.
After everything at home, Julia was in her room watching tv in bed when Lydia wonders in getting into bed next to her. They both look at each other before giggling and linking their arms watching the movie.
"I miss this." Lydia rests her head on Julia's shoulder.
"Me too. I'm happy we're back to how we used to be." Julia rests her head on top of Lydia's.
"Can you give some advice?" Lydia asks not moving from how she was lying.
"With what?"
"What do I do about Aidan? I think I really do like him but everything he's done? He helped kill Boyd but when Kail wanted to kill me, he wouldn't allowed her to." Lydia sighs not knowing what to do.
"I say take it slow. He needs to realize he's made some bad choices and needs to work on being better. Earn your trust."
Lydia nods her head before sitting up looking back at Julia, "Now, my advice to you..." She smiles.
"Why do I need advice?" Julia laughs at her.
"Oh, come on, Julia. It was so obvious when you were helping Stiles with his panic attack. You two completely forgot I was even in the room with you during y'all's moment." Lydia gives her a look with such a huge grin, "You like Stiles, Julia."
"No, he's my friend, Lydia." Julia sits up shaking her head no.
"Your friend you have feelings for." Lydia sings.
Julia sighs putting her head down, "He'll never see me in that way as long as you are around, Lydia. You've always been so blind to how he's seen you since third grade." Julia tears up forcing a smile.
"Julia, I don't even know him like you do. I never paid any attention to him until getting dragged into the supernatural stuff. Trust me, he'll realize that you're the one at some point, not me." Lydia pulls Julia into a hug.
Going back to school, as the sisters walk in they see Aidan at Lydia's locker. Julia nudges her with a smile leave her to walk over to him. As Julia watches him try to talk to Lydia, Scott joins her side, "Are you rooting for them?" He asks her.
"Yeah, plus he's a lot nicer to her than Jackson was." Julia looks at Scott laughing before looking back forward to see Isaac and Allison laughing. "You good with them?" She asks him.
"She was the right person but the wrong time." He nods his head so Julia puts an arm around him.
"I'm sure you won't have trouble finding someone." She laughs as Stiles joins them. "My boys." Julia moves to the middle putting her arms around both of them.
"Your boys?" Stiles laughs.
"Fine, I'll go find some new boys." She lets go turning to walk around but Scott wraps his arms around her picking her up.
"Nope, we're your only boys."
It's been a couple of weeks since everything and it was currently a Friday night. Julia was at Stiles' house hanging out with him while they studied. At the moment they were waiting for Noah to get home with food.
"You know, the downside of everything being back to normal is having to focus only on school." Stiles closes his textbook.
"Even where shit isn't normal we still have to focus on school." Julia says writing notes down.
"Can we please stop now? It's nine o'clock at night. I think we have done enough studying." Stiles gets up snatching her notebook away from her.
"Dude, I have one paragraph to go." Julia whines.
"You can do it tomorrow."
"Ugh, I don't want to do work on a Saturday." She closes her textbook.
"But you'll do it on a Friday night?"
"Yeah..." She takes her notebook back to put away, "But now I'm not in the mood to finish thanks to you." She flips him off.
"Rude!" He throws one of his pillows at her that hits her in the face.
"Mieczysław Stilinski!" She yells his full name shocking him.
"You did not just say my full name?"
"Oh, but I did." She laughs at his face as she gets a text from Isaac asking about school work.
Stiles watches her giggle reading the text before texting back, "Who you texting?" He asks curiously.
"Just Isaac." She takes a seat still texting him.
"Why is he texting you this late?"
"Because he just is." She puts her phone away.
"Doesn't he like Allison?" Stiles crosses his arms so she looks at him confused.
"He's texting you late at night but likes Allison." He says as Julia just stares at him.
"You're hanging out with me but you like Lydia." She says as Noah shows up calling out for them to eat, "He was just texting me about school work." She leaves his room.
"I'm not so sure about that anymore." Stiles says to himself before leaving his room as well.
The three eat at the table together chatting away and Noah even says Julia could stay the night since it was late and he didn't mind. Deep down the man just wanted her and his son to hurry up and get together. Noah loved Julia like a daughter and could tell how Stiles cared about her more than he did before.
"Oh, I don't know about that." Julia tells him.
"I don't mind. I'll lend you my bed and I'll sleep in the floor." Stiles says with his mouth full of curly fries.
"I can't do that, Stiles."
"Then just share the bed. It's big enough to have your own sides." Noah says getting up from the table finished.
"Our first sleepover." Stiles gets up finished as well while Julia stayed at the table not wanting to get up. How was she supposed to get rid of her feeling for him while sharing a bed with him.
For bed, Stiles gave Julia some of his clothes to sleep in so she was in the bathroom changing while he stared at his bed. He was nervous to share a bed with her. This was completely different than falling asleep on the bus next to each in the same seat.
"This shirt has a small hole in the armpit area just fyi." Julia walks into the room looking at her armpit then at him looking at her.
Once again he thought she looked adorable in his clothes since they were baggy on her, "Yeah, I hardly ever wear it. I'm scared I'll make it bigger." He laughs a bit.
"So you give me the shitty shirt, okay. Which side should I take?"
"I don't mind." He motions to the bed.
"Sure? I normally sleep on my right side of mine." She asks to make sure.
"Go ahead and take the right side." He gets on the left side laying down while she takes the right.
They both lay there on their sides awkwardly on their backs stiff as a board in the dark of the room. Stiles keeps his head straight but his eyes look over at Julia as he wanted to say something.
"So Lydia and Aidan?" Comes out of his mouth.
"Yeah, she wants to give him a chance since she likes him but she's worried to at the same time." Julia tells him the truth.
"Hopefully it works out."
Julia's head snaps towards him, "You're rooting for her with him?"
"I mean, he showed to change a bit at the end of everything. I see how she looks at him." Stiles looks over at Julia.
"Are you giving up on her?"
"It's one sided anyways. And it's not bad having her as a friend." He says finally being okay with it since he no longer was feeling those feelings for her anymore.
"Huh, now I can't do my thing with you anymore."
Stiles rolls over to face her, "Good, because that shit was annoying and I hated that you put yourself second."
Julia now rolls over to face him, "I did it just to mess with you since you had a thing for her."
"Well, I don't anymore so you have to come up with something new now." He smiles and she could see since it wasn't pitch black in his room.
"Can I ask what made you change your mind about her?"
"Just getting to actually become friends with her. I realized." Stiles slightly lies. Honestly what made him fully realize was when Julia helped stop his panic attack. That kiss to hold his breath did it for him. After that moment he realized he had feelings for the wrong sister.
"Well, I'm happy for you."
At some point they ended up falling asleep talking about things that were completely random and didn't have anything in common. Stiles ends up waking up at two in the morning and realizing he was spooning Julia. His eyes widen as he slowly moves to put his back to her.
"I was comfy, dude." Julia looks back at him.
"You knew we were cuddling?"
"I woke up like 30 minutes ago and didn't care." She rolls over to spoon him now, "Is this uncomfortable for you?" She asks tired wanting to go back to sleep, "You aren't answering so I'll take that as a no." She cuddles into his back as her arm was hug him, "For skin and bones, you comfy." She mumbles.
Stiles takes a minute processing what was happening then slowly takes her hand into his intertwining them as he hold her hand close to his chest, "We don't speak about this to nobody."
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
Sorry if this is like a bad time- ignore it until you have the space/want to answer. I've been rotating your villain trio in my brain and i was wondering what their hideout looks like? and how/where is it concealed? What's the security situation/etc. Very important information for the mental fanfic. Need logistics.
(thank u for drawing and writing funky found families, big source of seretonin for me. ur stuff is awesome and radical. also dr practis is my gender)
THANK YOU FOR ROTATING MY GUYS...!!! love putting them through the spin cycle of brain. as for the hideout, this was da perfect excuse to kitbash a rough little layout!! (using in part my favorite Just Figure Out The Space method, Make It In Animal Crossing)
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[Image ID: A rough digital sketch of a building on top of a hill, with other structures built underneath it into the hill. The top building is labeled "empty warehouse", two structures underneath it are labeled "below-ground workshop and garage built into hill", and the final, lowest structure is labeled "below-ground apartment". There is also a top-down recreation of the apartment layout made in Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, showing a kitchen area, living room, bedroom, bathroom and small pantry/closet. End ID.]
the trio lives way out in the Abandoned Manufacturing District - lots of old factories and warehouses left to rot because it's equally, impractically expensive to either restore or demolish them. Buck and Davey are taking advantage of one particular building that was partially built into a hill, so both their actual workspace and living space are hidden underground - the only things that actually open up to the surface are an out-of-the-way, disguised garage door or the empty, rotting warehouse up top. to get in you either have to get the garage open (loud, probably alarmed) or locate, access and carefully sneak through the emergency exit tunnel in the warehouse - and in either case, that only gets you to the workshop and not the living area, so you have to get through that and hope no one's in there with Cars and Mechs and Big Hammers and Davey's Fuckoff Huge Arm to stop you before you get to the living space.
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tarnishedinquirer · 5 months
Location: Oridys's rise
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South of the Starcallers, I spotted a tower with an unusual architecture style. Most of the structures on this subcontinent had a similar look, but this one was far more advanced. It was guarded by a pack of wolves, but I couldn't tell whether they were trained or just decided to make this their home. Didn't matter much either way.
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Circling around the tower, I noticed another stone astrolabe at the top of the hill, overlooking the cliff. And just like the other one, I was able to find a shard of starlight nearby.
Hmm... these astrolabes appear to have been built specifically to gather starlight shards. Could this be a Carian outpost? If it is, this one seems to have been long abandoned. The Shattering War must've led to this one being forgotten. The voice had informed me this was Oridys's Rise, but perhaps I'll never find out who that is.
Even if it is a Carian outpost, the astrolabes look far older than the tower. It was probably built later to take advantage of the astrolabe, though why they were able to build one here but not further north is a mystery.
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Continuing to circle around, I found the entrance, but it was blocked with some magical force. At the bottom of the entry stair were some gargoyles like the kind that accept the stonesword keys, but instead of a slot for keys, this one had a carved book in its hands and a candle on its head.
The book held an inscription in Old Lucarian, which is the root of my own native tongue. I'm a little rusty, but it wasn't complex.
"Seek three wise beasts."
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Fair enough. I didn't have to think hard about what that could possibly mean, because when I turned around, I immediately saw a phantom turtle.
As a security system, this was more a delaying action than anything. The only people it would keep out are the illiterate. Anyone else would presumably be slowed down enough for the researchers inside to teleport away. Therefore, whatever they were doing here couldn't possibly be that valuable. Likely some basic academic work or field observation.
Still, I need every advantage I can get.
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The second one was hiding in the bushes to the left of the stairs.
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The third was a little trickier. I admit, it even took me a while to figure out. Then I noticed ripples in the pond with no apparent source. I took care of the third turtle, and the door opened.
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My assessment was correct. The first floor was filled with drained glintstone, broken astronomical instruments, and pile after pile of books, all of them so badly damaged by the humidity of this rain-soaked land that they were more mold than book at this point.
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The only thing that caught my eye was a painting of a ruined tower. I wondered where this tower was, and what secrets it might hold. Perhaps somewhere nearby, even?
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The office at the top of the tower held the only valuable: A chest with a rectangular black stone pendant. The voice informed me it was a "memory stone." Also, it's a fragment of the black moon that once hung over the Eternal City.
Well. That sounds important. I'll probably figure out what it means, eventually.
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One last thing. South of the Rise, I found that the wall tower looked suspiciously accessible. I couldn't quite jump up there, even with Torrent's help, but the spirit spring allowed me to launch myself up high enough to get there.
I found a bunch of the pockmarked weapons, and also the bodies of two long-necks who tried to hide up here. I guess that, however they got here, it was a lot harder to get down. All they had on them were a warming stone for healing, and a turtle shell fashioned into a crude shield.
Seems like turtles are popular in these parts.
What is the black moon?
What is the Eternal City?
Who built this outpost?
Does this have any relation to the Starcallers nearby?
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wardenred · 1 year
Sapphic September 2: Holographic
From the hypothetical sequel from one of those drafts in my "to edit" pile, though I confess sometimes I think the sequel is the real story.
"A hologram," Flo spat. "I can't believe it. We tracked all the way here for a fucking hologram."
Standing sixty feet away, it was obvious. The fence that seemed so solid from where they had began their track now flickered in the foggy afternoon sunlight. The same went for the stone walls behind it. This wasn't a compound. This wasn't anyone's home. The gravel and the grass were the only real things about the vision at the top of the hill.
Flo kicked a few stones out of her way, hard.
By her side, Jules remained annoyingly unperturbed. "There must be some kind of energy source powering it," she pointed out, cocking her head to the side as she studied the holo. "Maybe if we locate it, we can use it to charge our gadgets."
Deep breath. Stop gritting your teeth. Flo forced the angry tension as far down her spine as she was able. Good, good, keep your shoulders loose. Jules meant well. Jules was the kindest person she knew. Jules wasn't doing this to test her patience.
"Maybe if we use it to charge our stuff, whoever owns it shows up and does not greet us warmly. Do you really think this thing was created as the Badland’s equivalent of a free electricity hub? It's probably a trap."
"It's really hard to trap people in a hologram."
"You know what I mean!"
Jules let out a small sigh, blew a strand of sandy blond hair out of her eyes, and looked straight at Flo. "Honey. This isn't the city. Not everything you see is out to get you."
Don't call me honey when I've forgotten how to be sweet. "Yeah. Tell that to those dustcats that chased us across the bridge."
For some reason, Jules saw this as a reason to smile. "I'm quite sure this fake house is maintained by people, not animals. And people have an important advantage: they can be reasoned with."
"Yeah, and they can also pretend to be reasonable and kind and stuff while they plot to kill you." Flo squinted at the non-compound, trying to spot any signs of life. It really fucked with her perception, the way the hologram kept flickering subtly. Over and over, she started thinking that yes, there: a hint of movement that couldn't be attributed to the wind playing with the tall grass, the beginnings of a shadow falling on the thin path. But no, each time it was merely the unsteadiness of hologram. Damn those outdated technologies.
And damn her own moodiness, too, because this was supposed to be an adventure. The first day of the rest of their new life together, away from the cities and the corporations, heroes and villains, duties and dues. Only the first day, not even past noon, and already Flo wanted to go back.
A warm, steady pressure on the back of her neck drew her out of her thoughts. Jules hummed an off-key tune, playing idly with a loose strand that had broken out of Flo's braid. Her nail grazed the unhealed cyberwar port. Flo shivered.
"We really need to find a way to charge our stuff," Jules said softly. "Especially the accumulators. It's only getting more cloudy. We can't rely on the sun too much, and we've used up so much energy while we were running from those cats."
Flo bit back a groan. "Yeah. All right, then. Let's climb the rest of the hill and yell, 'Hello!' at some crazy people who have set up an artificial mirage in the middle of nowhere. Sounds like an awesome plan."
She took a step forward, a little too sharply, shrugging Jules's touch off without meaning to. The first day of the rest of their lives, and wasn't she already fucking things up?
"Hey," Jules called after her. Flo turned her head to find her standing in the same spot, her hand still hovering in the air. She was biting her upper lip the way she always did when she was nervous. "Do you... do you regret this?"
Do you regret me?
The real question hung in the air between them, a ball of static, a bundle of shared memories. Jules had asked it before, in the same words, with the same look, the first time Flo'd had to make the very same choice. Jules or Mel. Happiness or revenge. There had been no wastelands and holograms around them that first time. Only the beige walls of a half-unpacked kitchen in their new home, the smell of Jules's cooking, the cybernetically enhanced plants glowing softly on the window sill.
Flo had known her answer then, and she knew it now.
"No. Never."
She only hoped this time she’d be able to stick to it better.
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smartdatatv · 3 days
TV Antenna Installation Service: The Key to Crystal Clear Reception in Toowoomba
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When Sarah and her family moved into their charming Toowoomba home, they were excited to settle in and enjoy some downtime in front of their new flat-screen TV. However, to their frustration, the picture was blurry, and the sound kept cutting in and out. After trying various solutions, they realized the issue was with their outdated antenna. They decided to call in a professional TV antenna installation Toowoomba service, and what a difference it made! Within hours, their reception was crystal clear, and they were finally able to enjoy their favorite shows without interruptions.
If you’ve ever faced the same issue, you're not alone. The demand for antenna installation Toowoomba service has grown as people search for reliable reception solutions. This article explores the benefits of a professional TV antenna installation service and why it's worth the investment for clear, consistent reception.
Why Choose a Professional TV Antenna Installation Service?
You may be wondering, "Why should I hire a professional to install my antenna?" While there are DIY options, hiring a professional for TV antenna installation Toowoomba service can save you time, effort, and long-term frustration.
One of the biggest advantages of working with professionals is their in-depth knowledge of the local area. Toowoomba's landscape and signal environment vary, meaning the placement of your antenna is crucial for optimal reception. Professionals understand these nuances and use specialized tools to find the best location for your antenna. In fact, research shows that professionally installed antennas can achieve up to 30% better reception quality than those installed by amateurs.
The Importance of Proper Antenna Placement
Many websites overlook the significance of antenna placement. In Toowoomba, where certain areas may face interference from hills or buildings, antenna positioning is critical. Professional installers take into account the direction of broadcast towers, local topography, and potential obstructions like trees or neighboring buildings.
Did you know that misaligning your antenna by even a few degrees can drastically reduce signal strength? A professional can ensure your antenna is aligned correctly, improving both picture and sound quality. Statistics show that 70% of signal issues are due to poor antenna placement, highlighting the importance of getting it right the first time.
Boosting Signal with the Right Equipment
Many websites focus solely on the antenna, but the equipment you use can also play a key role in reception quality. In some cases, the type of cable, splitters, and amplifiers can affect the signal strength. A professional TV antenna installation service in Toowoomba ensures that all components, from the antenna to the cables, are of high quality and compatible with your TV system.
Additionally, installers can help future-proof your setup. As more channels shift to digital formats, having a modern antenna system capable of picking up HD and 4K signals becomes essential. A professional installation ensures your system is up to date, avoiding costly repairs or replacements down the line.
TV Antenna Repair and Maintenance
Even the best antenna setup can face wear and tear over time. Weather conditions, like heavy rain or high winds, can damage your antenna or cause misalignment. If you notice your signal degrading over time, it might be time for a TV antenna repair Toowoomba service.
Professional repair services assess your current setup, realign the antenna, or replace worn parts. It’s important to address issues quickly — according to industry statistics, 50% of antenna damage goes unreported until the signal loss becomes severe. A quick call to an antenna repair service in Toowoomba can save you from bigger problems later on.
Cost vs. Long-Term Value
Another overlooked aspect is the long-term value that professional antenna installation and repair services offer. While DIY installations may seem cheaper, they often lead to recurring signal problems, requiring more time and money to fix. Investing in professional installation pays off with fewer interruptions and a longer-lasting, more reliable setup.
The cost of TV antenna installation Toowoomba ranges depending on your location and specific needs, but most services are affordable, especially when compared to satellite or cable TV fees. Over time, free-to-air TV through a properly installed antenna can save you hundreds of dollars in subscription costs.
Making the Right Choice
When selecting an antenna service in Toowoomba, it’s essential to choose a reputable company that provides comprehensive installation, repair, and maintenance services. Customer reviews and word of mouth are excellent ways to find trusted local professionals. Sarah’s experience showed that choosing a reputable service made all the difference in her family’s TV viewing experience.
If you're dealing with signal issues or want to upgrade your antenna, don’t wait until you’re missing your favorite shows. A professional TV antenna installation Toowoomba service ensures you’ll enjoy clear, crisp reception for years to come. After all, quality viewing shouldn’t be left to chance — let the experts give you the picture-perfect experience you deserve!
For anyone in Toowoomba dealing with poor TV reception, a professional antenna installation Toowoomba service is the key to clear and consistent picture quality. With proper placement, high-quality equipment, and ongoing maintenance, you can enjoy free-to-air TV without the hassles of frequent signal drops. Don’t settle for poor reception — make the call and elevate your viewing experience today.
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estatedekho04 · 4 days
Plots for sale in Sadashivpet Hyderabad
Open Plots for Sale in Sadashivpet, Mumbai Highway, Hyderabad: A Golden Opportunity
Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of city life and dreaming of owning a piece of land where you can build your dream home or make a smart investment? Well, look no further! Open plots for sale in Sadashivpet along the Mumbai Highway in Hyderabad are here to make your dreams come true. With serene surroundings, excellent connectivity, and a promising future, Sadashivpet is becoming a hotspot for real estate enthusiasts. Let's dive into why this place is a goldmine waiting to be explored.
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Plots for sale in Sadashivpet Hyderabad
Why Sadashivpet?
Sadashivpet, a quaint town located on the outskirts of Hyderabad, offers the perfect blend of tranquillity and modern amenities. Here are a few reasons why Sadashivpet is becoming a preferred choice for property buyers:
Strategic Location: Located along the Mumbai Highway, Sadashivpet boasts excellent connectivity to major cities like Hyderabad and Mumbai. This makes commuting a breeze for those who work in the city but prefer a peaceful living environment.
Affordable Prices: Compared to the skyrocketing real estate prices in Hyderabad, Sadashivpet offers affordable options for those looking to buy open plots. It’s a budget-friendly alternative without compromising on quality.
Scenic Beauty: Nestled amidst lush greenery and scenic landscapes, Sadashivpet provides a serene and picturesque setting that is hard to find in urban areas. Imagine waking up to the sound of birds chirping and the sight of rolling hills – pure bliss!
Development Potential: With ongoing infrastructure projects and planned developments, Sadashivpet is poised for significant growth. Investing here now means reaping the benefits in the future as the area continues to develop.
The Perks of Owning Open Plots in Hyderabad
Buying open plots in Hyderabad, especially in areas like Sadashivpet, comes with a plethora of advantages. Let’s explore some of these perks:
Flexibility in Construction
One of the biggest advantages of owning an open plot is the flexibility it offers in construction. You have the freedom to design and build your dream home exactly the way you envision it. Whether you want a cosy cottage or a sprawling mansion, the choice is yours!
Investment Potential
Real estate is always a sound investment, and open plots are no exception. With Hyderabad’s real estate market showing consistent growth, investing in open plots now can yield significant returns in the future. Plus, the development potential of Sadashivpet adds an extra layer of investment security.
Low Maintenance
Unlike built-up properties, open plots require minimal maintenance. There are no worries about repairs, renovations, or tenant issues. It’s a hassle-free investment that lets you enjoy peace of mind.
Nature’s Embrace
Living in an open plot area like Sadashivpet means being closer to nature. The clean air, green surroundings, and peaceful ambiance contribute to a healthier and happier lifestyle. It’s like having your own little slice of paradise away from the concrete jungle.
A Day in Sadashivpet: Personal Anecdote
Allow me to share a little personal story to give you a glimpse of life in Sadashivpet. A few months ago, I visited a friend who had recently bought an open plot there. As we sipped our evening tea on his porch, surrounded by lush greenery, he told me how he had always dreamed of escaping the city chaos. His open plot not only gave him the tranquillity he craved but also became a smart investment. He’s now planning to build a weekend getaway home there. And guess what? I’m already envisioning my own plot next to his!
What to Look for When Buying Open Plots
When it comes to buying open plots in Hyderabad, there are a few key factors to consider. Here’s a handy checklist to guide you:
Location: Ensure the plot is in a well-connected area with good road access.
Legal Clearances: Verify all necessary legal clearances and documentation.
Infrastructure Development: Check for ongoing and planned infrastructure projects in the vicinity.
Amenities: Look for nearby amenities such as schools, hospitals, and shopping centers.
Future Growth: Consider the potential for future development and appreciation in value.
Why Now is the Perfect Time
The real estate market is all about timing, and now is the perfect time to invest in open plots in Sadashivpet. With the ongoing infrastructure developments and the increasing demand for serene living spaces, property prices are expected to rise. By investing now, you can secure a prime plot at an affordable rate and enjoy the appreciation in value over the coming years.
Making the Decision
Deciding to invest in real estate is a significant step, and it’s essential to make an informed choice. Here are a few tips to help you make the right decision:
Do Your Research: Gather as much information as possible about the area, the market trends, and the potential for growth.
Visit the Site: If possible, visit the plot in person to get a feel of the surroundings and the neighborhood.
Consult Experts: Seek advice from real estate experts and legal professionals to ensure a smooth and secure transaction.
Plan Your Budget: Determine your budget and stick to it. Consider additional costs such as registration fees, taxes, and development charges.
Think Long-Term: Real estate is a long-term investment. Consider the future potential and plan accordingly.
Owning an open plot in Sadashivpet along the Mumbai Highway in Hyderabad is not just a dream, it's a realistic and lucrative investment opportunity. With its strategic location, affordable prices, and promising growth prospects, Sadashivpet is fast becoming a preferred choice for property buyers. Whether you’re looking to build your dream home, make a smart investment, or simply escape the city chaos, Sadashivpet has something to offer everyone.
So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge, invest in an open plot, and watch your dreams turn into reality. Who knows, you might just find yourself sipping evening tea on your porch, surrounded by lush greenery, just like my friend. And trust me, it’s a feeling like no other!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Open Plots for Sale in Sadashivpet Mumbai Highway Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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molsons112000 · 15 days
By depaul university, you know, and what do they do for their weekends?And saturday that creates this student event atmosphere?
Because universities tend to have football teams and those tended create big weekend events.And then they have basketball teams, which the Depaul does, but it's way off campus at wind trust...
I think Depaul sell wind trust arena or elisit to the Illinois instituted technology. Because their campus is right near wind trust. Arena, and they should build a stadium somewhere close to the university....
DePaul University
https://resources.depaul.edu › ...
DePaul researchers creating Chicago neighborhood ...
Sep 16, 2022 — “Projects such as adding street trees, creating more space for community gardens and adding butterfly-friendly plants to school
See at syracuse university instead of building multiple venues, they built the carrier dome, which has lots of seating, but they host both basketball football and lacrosse and other sports within the dome stadium.Saracheus gets a lot of snow in upstate new york.. Two of my roommates transferred from syracuse university to the university of arizona.... So I got to know a lot about syracuse university, and then one of my Best friends, he grew up there in the syracuse area jason...
https://en.wikipedia.org › ...
JMA Wireless Dome
Located on the campus of Syracuse University in the University Hill neighborhood, it is home to the Syracuse Orange football, basketball, and lacrosse teams
So this is what Northwestern should have been doing with that new stadium. Just not for football, but it could also hosted basketball and they could've take an idea from syracuse university and built a similar type stadium at northwestern, and here at depaul university... It almost seats fifty thousand people... So that makes it a great place. They'll hold the NCAA finals as well for basketball, but it's a great place. To hold other events like football and many other large sporting events, and then they can do conventions and other things with the stadium...
How many seats are in Syracuse Dome?
JMA Wireless Dome/Capacity
The Carrier Dome is a 49,250-seat sports stadium located on the campus of Syracuse University (SU). It is the only domed stadium in the Northeast, and is the largest structure of its kind on a college campus in the country.Sep 29, 2008
https://cuse.com › sports
History of the Dome - Syracuse University Athletics
So this would create much better campus life for depaul university... Now s m u southern methodist university because the football team was banned, and it's come back now, but they used to use soccer as its homecoming event in the fall.... They still wanted to give that campus weekend life and so they had to change because the football program got the death penalty, which now has been lifted, and the program is back....
Oh, here's the turf field at foster, and it's right by the lake front and they can build the stadium there for Depaul university and it can be for their basketball football, Soccer programs and other programs. They can even play baseball as well as women's softball in the stadium....
Though I would assume the community is into it and here it shows the economic of building a waterfront development like a stadium...
Oasis Experiences
https://oasisexperiences.com › ...
The Economic Benefits of Waterfront Development
Waterfront development is a powerful tool for economic growth. It can transform underutilized spaces into vibrant hubs of activity
But this is one thing they don't have this collective event that goes off on the weekends that focuses to students like intelligating and engaging in, you know, school spirit and I used to be a big fan of the Depaul men's basketball team and it's been horrible for so. Long since ray myers left!!! And I used to watch the games on t v that was, I think on w g n... 🤔 And I don't know why WGN isn't carrying local college sporting events anymore, but it's supposed to be a Chicago. Tv station, focusing on college sporting events like it used to carry the blue demons...
Don't understand why wgn doesn't go back to its roots and carry these sporting events.And they had the university of illinois, they had notre dame, they had northwestern and nepal, all their basketball games were on w.G n!!!!
From 1948 until 1994, WGN also carried college basketball and football games from universities around the region (including the Illinois Fighting Illini, the Northwestern Wildcats, the DePaul Blue Demons, the Loyola Ramblers and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish).
https://en.wikipedia.org › ...
WGN Sports - Wikipedia
N w g n can go into the stadium and put their name on the stadium, calling it w.G n stadium.. The home of the depaul blue demons sponsored by w.G n.... So it can be blue demon stadium and sponsored by w g n and the chicago tribune!!!! 🤔
Star Tribune
https://www.startribune.com › ...
'Stadium Network.' In an evolving sports TV market, remember that ...
May 30, 2023 — Jerry Reinsdorf, owner of the NBA's Bulls and MLB's White Sox, recently acquired a majority stake in Stadium Network
So w g n should think about investing in its community... And one way is to start bringing back these major sports teams that are in the community from the universities, like they used to and another reason I liked them. They used to have Chicago Bulls games. I think but also I watched all my cubs, games and w g n!!!! So now they have college football, but nothing local!!!! The reason Turner broadcasting made it and WGN made it because they focused on the local community. So the Atlanta Braves were on a TBS, and you could catch all kinds of local sporting events. I don't know if they had the georgia bulldogs or georgia state... 🤔 But they should do something different, and they used to be deeply ingrained. These 2 stations within this local and Midwestern community and TBS was focused. I'm the southern community... And I think they've gotten away from their core... And they should return to what they were that made him incredibly strong 💪 That's why they call them superstations!!!! And it was awesome because you could pick up the Cubs game and listen to it in Arizona, or watch it on WGN in Arizona, and so people still watched it from around the country? And I know for a fact, there's a big cubs base in Arizona, they do their spring training in Mesa, but there's lots of Chicago fans. In arizona... And people used to pick up the cubs games on w g n radio and t v.... And so they can filter out and tap in to the chicago network that is around the country... That also means the student base from Chicago. That's all over the country, and they can catch the local games on w.G.N.... So I don't understand why they're moving away from their core! They have a national audience, but the national audience has ties to chicago... And so it's a good way for chicago to stay connected with people not only in the united states, but people from chicago that work overseas, or even if you're overseas and you wanna catch a game well, you're you know, overseas, you can turn into w.G n and catch the cubs game.... So they don't have to change. They had everything they wanted, they just failed to understand their network, and this means for their paper and other things, people read the tribune in other places because they're from chicago and they wanna know what's going on..... Even if they live somewhere else, they'd like to know what's going on in their former community... They have friends and family members back there and they go and visit, and they like to understand what's happening.....
So I did write to the former Dean of the DePaul university and I want them to open up a medical school. They have a nursing school. But I want him to open up a medical school wide because children's was leaving the hospital and it would have been perfect for them to refurbish and take it over and start a medical program!!!! But remember, it propels, science and all kinds of other programs as well.... But they passed up on that opportunity, and I don't understand why they're not focused on building this school and building and expanding its capabilities!!! What I posted yesterday about starting a culinary program.The paul can start new programs as well.That can be used by existing institutions to start new programs as well.... And this neighborhood would benefit greatly from it, maybe advocate Masonic hospital can now be linked up with Depaul university. Add nursing skull can do. It's rotations through that hospital, and maybe depaul university can work with them to start a medical school and then a residency program with the medical school!!!!
Since the paul is in lincoln park, this hospital is in lincoln park, it can work with it with its nursing program and then branch out and start a medical school with it.And I would think advocate would want to start a medical school, and then it can start a residency program as well!!!!
Advocate Health Care
https://www.advocatehealth.com › ...
Home | Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
Welcome to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center · 836 W Wellington Ave, Chicago, IL 60657 · 773-975-1600 · Virtual Tour
DePaul University
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School of Nursing | DePaul University, Chicago
DePaul's School of Nursing offers graduate nursing programs for established nurses or career-changers with built-in flexibility and a hands-on curriculum.
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DePaul's Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program provides the solid foundation for your successful career in this high-demand profession.
So I don't understand why they're not trying to build out this university and increase its strength. And it's diversity in program offerings and growing the university, and it will be greatly beneficial to the surrounding area and also eventually supply high-skilled labor. To businesses in the chicago area!!!!
If you look at this video and it does make good points. Why? Nashville is rich and memphis is poor and memphis.Needs to change its dynamics...
But one of the reasons that Nashville is so successful because it has top tier schools that it taps into and a lot of the students going to schools around Nashville, universities, love life in Nashville, and they retain somewhere around 60% of the students that go to these universities end up working for businesses within and around Nashville. Giving them great quantities of extremely high skilled labor!!!!! So for these businesses to thrive, they need institutions that can supply incredibly skilled individuals, so these institutions can compete nationally and internationally, and that's what i'm talking about with depaul. My friend lily teaches here as so as my friend and former teacher marco chow and my friend costa, who should have a lot to do with this university graduated from depaul university! He transferred from the university of arizona and finished up his business degree at depaul university... My friend brian cole got his graduate degree from depaul university... I have another one of my friend that got his graduate degree from depaul university as well.. So watch the tale of two cities why one city is so rich and why another city is poor...
So making sure that this institution, depaul university is moving in the right path, and so is the city of chicago and the state of Illinois Bikers Against Bullying!!!!
And yes, Oprah Winfrey She can get involved.The university community and focus on the drama program and other theatrical programs from say depaul..... They can give her an honorarium....
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prachijoshi12 · 3 months
Top 10 Gated Communities in Hyderabad: Find Your Secure Oasis with Namishree
Hyderabad, the vibrant capital of Telangana, offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and modern living. However, for many families and security-conscious individuals, a peaceful and secure environment is paramount. This is where gated communities come in, offering a haven of tranquility within the bustling city.
This blog post unveils the top 10 gated communities in Hyderabad, catering to diverse preferences and budgets. We'll then delve into Namishree, a leading real estate developer renowned for creating exceptional gated community experiences in Hyderabad.
Top 10 Gated Communities in Hyderabad:
1. Rainbow Vistas, HiTech City: Located in the heart of Hyderabad's IT hub, Rainbow Vistas offers spacious apartments, modern amenities, and a secure environment.
2. Divine Allura, Chandanagar: This community boasts world-class amenities like a swimming pool, clubhouse, children's play area, and ample parking.
3. Floatilla, Manikonda: This gated community offers stunning lake views, luxurious apartments, and a tranquil environment.
4. Aparna Cyberzone, Nallagandla: This well-established community provides easy access to IT hubs and offers a range of amenities for a comfortable lifestyle.
5. My Home Navadweep, HiTech City: Located near major IT companies, My Home Navadweep features spacious apartments, a clubhouse, and landscaped gardens.
6. Hill Ridge Springs, Gachibowli: Nestled amidst greenery, Hill Ridge Springs offers stunning views, luxurious apartments, and a serene environment.
7. My Home Jewel, Miyapur: This gated community offers a variety of apartment sizes, a swimming pool, and a children's play area, catering to families.
8. Ambience Fort, Rajapushkar: This luxurious gated community offers world-class amenities, spacious villas, and a secure environment.
9. Amrutha Valley, Manikonda: This community provides a peaceful escape from the city with its lush greenery, well-maintained facilities, and secure atmosphere.
10. Malaysian Township, Kukatpally: This established community offers a range of amenities, spacious apartments, and a well-connected location.
Beyond Security: Exploring the Benefits of Gated Communities
While security is a primary concern, gated communities offer a multitude of benefits for residents:
Peace of Mind: Controlled entry and exit points, along with security personnel, ensure a secure environment for families and individuals.
Community Living: Gated communities often foster a sense of community with events, shared spaces, and a close-knit atmosphere.
Lifestyle Amenities: Many communities boast swimming pools, gyms, playgrounds, and clubhouses, promoting an active and convenient lifestyle.
Serene Environment: Well-maintained landscapes, gardens, and controlled access create a tranquil environment away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Introducing Namishree: Your Gateway to Secure Living
Namishree, a leading real estate developer in Hyderabad, understands the growing demand for secure and comfortable living experiences. They offer a variety of exquisitely crafted gated communities throughout Hyderabad, catering to diverse preferences and budgets.
Experience the Namishree Advantage in Gated Communities
Here's what sets Namishree apart when it comes to gated communities in Hyderabad:
Prime Locations: Their projects are strategically located near IT hubs, business districts, and social infrastructure, ensuring easy access while offering a peaceful escape.
Sophisticated Designs: Namishree's gated communities showcase modern architectural styles, spacious and well-designed apartments, and high-quality finishes.
Focus on Sustainability: Many Namishree communities integrate sustainable practices, promoting a healthier environment and reduced environmental impact.
Holistic Living Experience: Beyond security, Namishree prioritizes a fulfilling lifestyle. Their communities often feature swimming pools, gyms, landscaped gardens, dedicated play areas, and community event spaces.
Envision Your Dream in a Secure Oasis
Imagine coming home to a secure haven within Hyderabad, surrounded by lush greenery, like-minded neighbors, and top-notch amenities. With Namishree's gated communities, this dream can become your reality. Visit their website or contact their sales team today to explore their exquisite offerings and find your perfect secure oasis in Hyderabad. Whether you seek a luxurious high-rise apartment in a centrally located community or a spacious villa amidst serene surroundings, Namishree has something for everyone.
Embrace Tranquility and Convenience with Namishree
Investing in a gated community with Namishree is an investment in your well-being and your family's future. Experience the peace of mind, the convenience of a vibrant community, and the joy of living in a beautifully designed
space. Here are some additional points to consider when choosing a gated community with Namishree:
Understanding Your Needs: Namishree offers gated communities with varying apartment sizes, amenities, and price points. Consider your family size, lifestyle preferences, and budget when making your selection.
Location Matters: Do you prioritize proximity to work, schools, or entertainment options? Namishree's diverse portfolio allows you to find a community that aligns with your daily needs.
Exploring the Community: Visit Namishree's gated communities to experience the layout, amenities, and overall environment firsthand. Imagine your daily life unfolding within the community and see if it resonates with your vision.
Beyond the Top 10: Unveiling Namishree's Diverse Gated Community Portfolio
The top 10 list above provides a starting point, but Namishree offers a much wider range of gated communities across Hyderabad. Here's a glimpse into the variety they offer:
Family-Friendly Communities: These communities prioritize amenities like playgrounds, parks, and community events, fostering a safe and nurturing environment for families with children.
Luxury Gated Communities: For those seeking an opulent lifestyle, Namishree offers gated communities with spacious villas, state-of-the-art amenities, and personalized concierge services.
Active Lifestyle Communities: Do you prioritize fitness and outdoor activities? Certain Namishree communities boast dedicated sports facilities, jogging tracks, and ample green spaces for an active lifestyle.
Investing in Your Future with Namishree
Choosing a gated community is a significant decision for your family's future. With Namishree's commitment to quality, innovation, and a resident-centric approach, you can be confident you're making a wise investment. Their gated communities provide not just a secure haven but also a foundation for a fulfilling and enriching life in Hyderabad.
Embrace the Secure Oasis You Deserve
Visit Namishree's website or contact their sales team today. Their knowledgeable representatives can guide you through their diverse portfolio of gated communities, understand your specific needs, and help you find the perfect secure oasis that aligns with your vision for a happy and fulfilling life in Hyderabad. With Namishree, security, convenience, and a vibrant community life all come together to create your dream home experience.
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scopeclean · 3 months
Finding the Truth Before It’s Too Late: Why Professional Mold Inspection is Essential
Have you been wondering if it’s time to get your place inspected for mold? Do you want to do it yourself instead of reaching out to a certified professional? That’s perfectly understandable, but it’s not a good idea. Mold inspection experts can find more mold in more places than any homeowner could simply because they know where to look and the proper steps to taking samples.  Then, they can help you to get rid of it, too. That’s just part of what our mold inspection in Agoura Hills and the surrounding area can provide. With professional mold testing you can stop mold beforee it becomes a serious problem.
“Why Can’t I Just Do My Own Mold Inspection?”
If we’ve heard that question once, we’ve heard it a thousand times. The truth is that you won’t be able to find all of the mold experts can. Moreover, you won’t be able to find the extent to which the mold has spread nor the damage it has done.
See, we offer a selection of professional mold testing services that vastly outperform typical DIY home test kits. Our service advantage is underlined by our industry expertise, the precision of our testing, comprehensive assessments, and clear, detailed reports.
Our professional mold inspectors possess an in-depth understanding of the various types of molds that exist. The members of our team are skilled at identifying molds that pose a more significant threat and distinguishing areas more susceptible to mold infestations. They follow the right protocols for collecting samples and interpreting the results correctly, bolstered by years of experience and professional training.
Finding Mold Wherever It May Lie
Our team of specialists leverages state-of-the-art equipment and proven methodologies to detect and locate areas of mold growth with remarkable accuracy. They ensure that no hidden patches of mold go unnoticed, offering homeowners the utmost peace of mind following our thorough testing process.
Our mold assessment is comprehensive, leaving no stone unturned, so to speak. By conducting in-depth examinations of all potential hiding places for mold inside and outside the home, we can find not just the mold but the reason for the mold. We establish the root causes, like leaks or ventilation issues, even inspecting within walls where mold may be hiding.
Additionally, we excel in clear documentation, compiling all our findings in an easy-to-understand report. This report includes lab results, problem areas, likely causes, and recommended remedies or maintenance actions.
How Our Mold Testing Starts
Mold attacks are not just an aesthetic issue, impacting health and jeopardizing structural integrity. Our inspectors begin by assessing your property’s exterior, looking for conditions that are conducive to mold growth. This includes standing water, overflowing gutters, grading problems, proximity to vegetation, or downspouts that are improperly draining. Our team also assesses the roof for leaks and exterior walls for water damage.
On moving inside, our inspectors carefully analyze your property’s interior elements. We inspect the plumbing systems for leaks and the HVAC system, including ductwork, for mold exposure. We leave no area untouched, evaluating signs of mold damage on windows, doors, ceilings, walls, and floors.
Basements and crawl spaces are highly susceptible to moisture and mold damage due to high humidity levels. Similarly, attics can harbor mold due to improper ventilation. Our thorough inspection includes a detailed evaluation of these areas, identifying potential sources of mold and assessing conditions for water intrusion, flooding, and the condition of foundation walls and floors.
Materials like drywall and wood can foster mold growth more readily when damp. Our inspectors check for building materials that may encourage mold growth. Additionally, we examine walls, ceilings, and floors for water stains and scrutinize insulation and other building features prone to mold infestation.
A Comprehensive Assessment
Moisture is a significant contributor to mold growth. Our team utilizes specialized tools like moisture probes to assess high moisture levels or humidity in your property. We meticulously check for condensation on windows and other surfaces, aiming to locate all possible breeding grounds for mold growth.
Additionally, adequate ventilation is key to preventing mold damage. Our inspectors evaluate your property for sufficient ventilation, particularly in areas like bathrooms and kitchens that are more vulnerable to moisture damage.
Finally, we compile all the findings along with corrective recommendations in an all-encompassing mold inspection report. This report lays out, in clear terms the extent of any issues as well as the way forward in preventing mold growth in the long term.
Mold Inspection in Agoura Hills and So Much More
Hopefully, you hire our mold inspection pros to come to your property only for us to discover that you have no problems. However, if you do have mold, we can help there, too. At Scope Environmental, we also offer mold remediation services so as to not just remove mold from your property but, to make it like that mold was never there.
To learn more or to get a free quote for testing, contact us through our site or call 855-961-2660.
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privanagurgaon · 5 months
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Living the kind of life that one has always dreamt of is the ultimate feeling that one inculcates as one invests in a heavenly abode. Gurgaon is the perfect city for millennials as here all high-end desires come true. 
While considering Delhi NCR, Gurgaon is the most auspicious city that has become a widely popular option for investment. If you wish to fulfill those sumptuous dreams of yours that too at a whole new level, residing in Gurgaon is the most ideal option for you. 
Now, while I am discussing certain explicit factors of Gurgaon, I would like to give you more clarity on the exclusive advancement of this city through the evolution that has been witnessed through Dwarka Expressway. 
Here, you will be unveiling some great aspects as to why you should choose Dwarka Expressway in terms of great features. 
What is that special or distinguished characteristic in a development that persuades a prospective home buyer or investor to choose that specific project? 
The correct answer to this question is the quality of lifestyle that is being provided at a particular housing project. This involved diversified amenities and services that reflects on true form of aristocracy and royalty. 
Dwarka Expressway, a very thriving region that is showing immense potential with respect to creating a highly promising pathway for home buyers as well as investors. 
1. Talking with respect to the neighbourhood of Dwarka Expressway, it is surrounded by great residential as well as commercial properties. In addition to this, Dwarka Expressway, a highly placid region as it is fully enclosed with lush green landscapes. 
This helps residents with a great feature of including a highly active lifestyle into their daily routine. This sustainable development ensures every resident with a pollution-free environment which makes their lifestyle enclosed with a serene aura. 
2. As far as the picturesque backdrop offered to all privileged members of this region, I would like to tell you that it is yet another blissful opportunity for all of you. 
All residents of this locality, you will cherish ravishing views of Aravalli Hills and green landscapes in abundance. 
3. Now, let me tell you all about the very exclusive feature of connectivity that each resident residing here will enjoy. Here are some names that I am sure you all must be aware about:
National Highway-8
Southern Peripheral Road
Golf Course Extension Road 
Central Peripheral Road
Golf Course Road
New Gurgaon
Sohna Road
Gurgaon Railway Station
Kherki Dhaula
Shiv Murti
Brijwasa Road
Indira Gandhi International Airport
New Delhi Railway Station
If you want to become a permanent member of this locality, you should stay tuned with me. I will be bringing some great insights into a fresh project by DLF. This project is located at the neighbourhood of Dwarka Expressway. 
Known by the name of DLF Privana West, this project is coming to offer 100% transformative lifestyle to each home buyer and investor. 
In my next article, I will give you some very useful and detailed information about DLF Privana West. It will further help you to make a final decision on this property. 
In my upcoming articles, you will gain a much more clear insight into why you should invest in DLF Privana West Gurgaon. 
This article offers a great amount of information with respect to Dwarka Expressway as knowing the advantages before getting to know the perks of a particular property is very important. 
0 notes
j-graysonlibrary · 7 months
Heartbeats; Paradise XXII
Title: Heartbeats; Paradise
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 112K
Genres: Psychological thriller, drama, sci-fi, LGBT+
Available on: Kobo and my website
Synopsis: Melvin Hardy and Kade Axel appear to be a match made in heaven. After a meet-cute in the rain, the two quickly find themselves in a burgeoning, wholesome relationship.
Yet, things feel…off. It isn’t the ghosts of their pasts that resurface to test the strength of their partnership—no—it’s something nebulous. Something indescribable. Melvin can’t put his finger on it but, the more time he spends with Kade, the more he starts to wonder what’s real and what’s pure fiction. 
I see a few things on the trip as I slip in and out of consciousness. I’m being carried by Oz—I see that when I peel open my eyes and am met with the side of his face. I’m much more relaxed, being held by him, but I still wake periodically either due to the pain jolting through my body or the fact I’m picking up bits and pieces of conversation.
The town is in ruins. Every time I peer around Oz, I see rubble and dilapidated buildings. People sit around on the ground outside of their homes, holding their loved ones and crying. There is a small girl standing over two motionless bodies, holding a dog in her arms while she sobs. The dog licks her tears away but there isn’t much more it can do.
Fredrik, the leader, directs some of the other people in the rubble to take in the girl and her dog. He also lets them know the location of his hideout, telling them that there is enough food and water for all.
“Why is this…Federation…doing this?” I hear Kade ask at some point later.
“They started in my country,” Fredrik answers, “Many of us were turning to IVAR—maybe at an unhealthy rate—and our neighbor took advantage of this and bombed us into submission. They subjugated our capital and now have their sights set on other countries they can easily occupy.”
“Places that also have a high use of IVAR,” Kendra guesses.
“Right. To them, running away into the system is a weakness. In their country and their territories, they have banned the pods.”
One of the other men speaks up. “But we smuggled our fair share out.”
I fade out again and, this time, I don’t wake until we’re passing into a compound of some sort. There is a mangled chain link fence around the perimeter and bags of sand stacked to almost the same height which block off different sections.
Some people are outside—most huddled together by the trash cans that act as hearths. I spot the occasional kid running around and playing but the air, in general, is quite solemn.
A plane flies overhead and everyone tenses and goes completely silent. I stop breathing as well until the aircraft passes out of sight.
“This is a safe-zone but you never know,” Fredrik says with a low voice.
Great, I think, even now we’re not really safe. There’s still a chance we’ll be attacked and have to run again.
My eyes slip closed as Oz carries me up a hill. I see that we are headed towards one of the largest buildings on the compound which I assume is where they keep their medical supplies.
Or their dungeons.
When I glance to the side again, it’s as we’re entering the building. I see a statue half sunken into the earth. It’s dark bronze and portrays a young man with soft features and a short bob of hair. He’s wearing some ceremonial garb and I wonder if it has something to do with the religious practices of the rebels.
I have no intention of mentioning it. I really don’t want to risk saying the wrong thing—not when we’ll be relying on these people for safety and food for the foreseeable future.
Our group separates as we get further in and I don’t notice until I hear Kade’s voice fading away behind me. “So, what exactly does this Federation want?”
I’m surprised he’s asking so many questions. I would not have expected him to have such an interest in the current events of this place.
I can’t say I share his curiosity.
While it would be nice to know what’s going on, I really have no desire to stick around if I can help it. I don’t want to be in an active war zone. Though, I suppose, what I do want isn’t something I can exactly have.
Just as I start to lament that fact, a needle is pressed into my hand and I lose consciousness instantly.
It’s a lot like when I used to sleep in the virtual world—there are no dreams and I’m not aware of anything until I’m waking again. I can tell some time has passed but how much, exactly, eludes me.
I just know I feel sluggish and like I could sleep for three days straight if anyone were to let me.
I also notice that I’m no longer being carried but I’m leaning back on a soft chair. Oz is at my side, holding my left hand and rubbing his thumb against the back of my palm. It’s rather soothing but not so soothing that I ignore the man lacing a thick cord through my middle.
My shirt has been removed in my slumber and, I’m guessing, the wound in the back of my leg has already been dealt with because there is a new, more secure, dressing over it. I’m surprised that one was addressed first but I don’t claim to know much about medical care.
I watch the dark, nimble hands work the wound on my stomach, pulling it together with expert stitching. He finishes his work, only causing me discomfort but not any pain. I can guess I’ve been thoroughly numbed and drugged.
“There we are. Don’t stretch because these stitches can come out easy if you’re not careful. Just…try to rest for a few days.”
“Thank you, Shawn,” Oz replies with a polite smile and a curt nod.
“…Thanks,” I echo with a gravelly voice.
“I’m gonna check on your friend now. Got to make sure my assistant is doing alright without me.” Shawn gestures back behind his shoulder.
I don’t get what he means until he moves out of my line of sight. Across the room, I am met with the view of Kendra and Starla. At Kendra’s side is another medic, stitching up her arm. On her other side, like usual, is Starla.
My brow furrows and I look from my left to my right, surveying the room. There aren’t many people in here but, to my left, past Oz, is a partition so I think there’s probably a larger area beyond here.
Oz notices my confusion. “What are you looking for?”
I feel my brow push in even deeper. “Where is Kade?”
“I…” He sounds unsure as he talks which makes me even more nervous, “Well, I stayed by you as you were being treated and Starla stayed with Kendra so…he’s been the one explaining things to the leader.”
I don’t skip a beat. “Is that a good idea?”
“I trust Kade,” Kendra says, having overheard. I suppose we’re not that far away from each other.
I look across the way to meet her gaze. To her left, Shawn is checking over her stitches, nodding approvingly so I guess she’s good to go. And to her right, Starla scoots her stool closer to reach something of a midway point between us.
“You think he won’t overstep?” I ask with a raised brow.
“I think he’ll convince Fredrik that we’re not enemies of his,” Kendra doesn’t quite answer my question.
I look down and sigh. I can see how she’d think that—if I was suspicious of us, I wouldn’t necessarily discount us as hostile after speaking to Kade but I wouldn’t think we were working for the enemy either. I’m just not sure where this will leave us when all is said and done.
Oz helps me back into a shirt and, once I’m settled, I move to rub my eyes only to realize that my glasses are gone. While it’s something I was aware of before being put to sleep, I’ve forgotten since. I had assumed my blurry vision was due to just waking up and still having some drugs lingering in my system.
“Sorry I couldn’t retrieve your glasses,” Oz mutters and tightens his grip on my hand.
“Well, technically we did but they’re very broken,” Starla clarifies.
I sigh. “It’s fine…”
“Can you see?” Oz asks, bringing my attention to him.
“You’re blurry around the edges but that’s fine.” Honestly, it might be better for me if I can’t see clearly for a while. That might seem counterintuitive but I already have so much on my mind and so much I’m constantly absorbing since coming out of IVAR. Maybe having one of my senses be dulled will be a relief.
“Nina said she’d search for glasses with your prescription,” Kendra mentions.
“It’s not a huge priority,” I say and lean my head back on the seat.
Oz slowly pulls his hand away and I glance back over at him. He drags his fingers along mine before finally parting. “I’m going to check on Kade.”
I nod. Someone needs to.
“Rest a little, okay?” he says before walking off into the larger room outside.
Shawn and his assistant go with him and that leaves just me and the women. Before I know it, they’re both closer and Kendra sits on the side of my seat, staring down at me.
“You seem a little out of it,” Kendra starts.
“He’s probably still full of drugs,” Starla points out.
I manage a fraction of a smile or, at least, I hope I do. The corner of my lip pulls up as much as I can muster.
“I’m fine…” I assure them both but my eyes stick to Kendra.  Her worry is so evident in her stare and I wonder something that I can’t believe hasn’t crossed my mind before. I do wish I could see her more clearly in this moment but I ask anyway, “Kendra…do you still see your character when you look at me?”
She instantly has a reaction, recoiling away from me a little bit. I notice Starla staring at her as well and I wonder if she, too, is curious of the answer.
“No…not anymore.” Kendra shakes her head. “I can’t. You aren’t a character. You’re a real person.”
There’s another pause and, this time, it’s on me. I don’t really know what to say to her. I’m grateful she doesn’t see me as a fictional entity who became real but as my own person. But I also don’t know where to go from here. If there even is a natural progression.
Thankfully, Kendra continues on. “Do you want me to start calling you Liam…?”
Her words are well meaning but they stab me in the heart. I swallow the lump in my throat and frown. “No…I’m not Liam anymore. He’s dead.” It’s painful but it is the truth and I need to accept it.
Starla’s brows sink down as she pokes out her lower lip. “Do you want to go by a different name other than Melvin? We’d be more than happy to call you whatever you want. I’ve been thinking of other names myself…”
It has crossed my mind but nothing feels correct. Honestly, Melvin feels the most like my identity even if I have little to do with that character besides my physical appearance. When it comes down to it, I don’t feel like I should have a name at all.
I shouldn’t even be.
But, of course, I don’t say that. I muster another strained smile. “I’ll think about it too.”
“Maybe the other two will be interested in changing their names too,” Kendra muses aloud.
I instinctively look back to the other room as if I’ll see them as soon as Kendra mentions them. But I only see some of the rebels passing by.
“Want to move to the main room?” Starla asks. “I’m sure they’ll be fine with you taking your comfy chair. This way we can hear more details about the situation while we rest.”
I can’t say I’m interested as much as she seems to be but I would like to be around everyone instead of split up like this.
So, with the women’s help, we move to where everyone else is. It’s difficult to walk with one of my legs still a bit more numb than I realize. I nearly fall forward when I put weight on it but I quickly readjust myself and carry on. The walk isn’t too far, though I’m glad when I’m back in my seat.
I spot Fredrik easily as he’s about the same size as Oz and has a dark tan with jet black hair that feathers away from his face. His presence, in general, is quite striking.
He talks with Oz—both of them with equally stern faces. There is another man with them as well and it takes me a few seconds before I realize that I know him.
He’s in new clothes with an armored vest strapped over the top and his hair is chopped off but, even with my vision being as fuzzy as it is, I can still see that he is Kade.
He seems far more comfortable in this new garb and without all that hair in his face. I even catch his eye and he shoots me a look of concern but he doesn’t leave his post.
It’s just Oz who comes back over when he follows Kade’s line of sight.
“What are you doing out here?” he asks instantly and kneels down beside me. His attention switches to Kendra and Starla. “He’s supposed to be resting…”
“He’s alright, he just wanted to be closer to you.” Kendra all but rolls her eyes before adding, “We all did.”
“So, what’s the situation?” Starla switches topics entirely.
Oz sighs. “Kade wants to join the cause and I think, while we’re stuck here, we may as well get in good with the rebels and see what we can do. After all, if we can help them push back the Federation then we’ll be able to travel more freely. So, he’s going on a patrol with some of the guys and I was going to go with him to make sure he stays out of trouble.”
I smile and nod. “Good idea.”
“I don’t know how long it will take,” Oz lowers his voice and rests his hand on my shoulder. He looks conflicted but he doesn’t need to be.
“It’s fine. Kade needs someone to watch him.” Truthfully, if Oz wasn’t planning on going with him, I would make him at this point. He’s the only one I trust to keep Kade calm and grounded.
“Alright well…” he sighs and glances down to the floor.
I have the sinking suspicion that he won’t leave unless I promise him that I’ll be fine. The very act of doing so feels disingenuous but I still raise my hand up and cup the side of his face. I have missed this kind of contact but it certainly doesn’t feel the same as it used to.
“I’ll be okay, Oz.”
He leans into my touch but then his eyes shift over to the women. “Will you two keep an eye on him?”
“I’m staying right here anyway,” Kendra says, pointing to her own injury, “Not like I can do much else.”
Starla nods in agreement. She’s not hurt but we all know it would take a force of nature to pry her from Kendra’s side.
Oz looks back to me one last time. “I’ll be back.”
I watch him as he returns to Kade’s side. My chest doesn’t even ache—I don’t feel anything.
The two of them leave with a small group of rebels and I stare at the door minutes after they’re gone. I don’t think I’ve actually processed anything that’s happened since the explosions inside of Heartbeats; Paradise. It feels like years ago but I actually don’t know if it’s been a full twenty-four hours yet.
I almost laugh at that revelation but I don’t have the strength.
“You okay?” Kendra asks me after the silence becomes too oppressive for her.
I nod. “I think I need some fresh air.”
“There’s a little area to the side back that way,” Starla says and points back toward the room where we were treated.
I start to stand but both women are on top of me before I can get all the way up. They help me on either side and make sure that I know I can lean on them as I walk. A handful of the rebels watch us but no one stops us as we move to the side door.
It’s crisp outside and still dark though I don’t know if it’s the same night I fell asleep during or if I’ve been inside of this building for a day. I don’t find it pertinent enough to ask and, instead, I look up at the faint stars that sparkle in an even duller fashion than inside of IVAR. But, I remember, I’m also without my glasses. Maybe the sight is more breathtaking with clear vision.
I close my eyes as Kendra and Starla help me to the ground. It’s not very comfortable but I don’t care about that. I just want to breathe the real air even if it’s full of faint smoke and probably more than a little smog.
“Need a cushion or something?” Starla asks.
“No but…” I glance up at them both. I’m not sure if this will work but I need to try it. “Could I be alone?”
They exchange a glance and I can see the myriad of worries jumping between them. But, eventually, Kendra concedes. “Alright…we’ll be just inside, alright? If you need anything, just call for us.”
I show my appreciation with a weak smile.
Once the door is shut and I’m by myself, I set my sights on the horizon. My fingers sneak under my shirt and trace over my stomach until I find the row of stitches that holds me together.
I rub against them as my mind buzzes.
There is nothing I want here and, as much as I do feel love for the people around me, I fear it’s not enough. They want to keep fighting—to keep struggling for a future together—and I just don’t think I have it in me.
To be honest, I don’t feel like I have anything in me.
Except for maybe the imprints of memories of a life that’s not even truly mine mixed with the events I was forced to participate in…there is barely anything. And, while I could use this as a springboard and create a life of my own, I can’t say that I particularly want to.
If this is my story then I should be able to choose how it ends too, right?
With that in mind, I begin to pull at the stitches. Some of the numbing has worn off so it’s more painful than I expect.
I have to bite down on my lip to keep from moaning out in pain. If I make too much noise, Kendra and Starla will rush out here and stop me.
Tears roll down my face as I rip the thread from my flesh with trembling hands. Hot, fresh blood begins to pour over my digits, making the rest of the process much harder but I push forward. The more it hurts, the more sure I am that I want release from it.
I finally pull back the last of the thread and let out a small sigh of relief and satisfaction. I glance down to my crimson hand and feel some semblance of morbid accomplishment.
The energy is draining out of me at a faster speed than the blood and my eyes return to the horizon. Reds, oranges, and pinks begin to fill the sky overhead and I feel, for the first time since returning, that the real world may actually be beautiful.
One final tear slips down my cheek as a smile naturally stretches across my face. I slump to the side, unable to keep myself upright any longer but, still, I watch the sky.
The sun rises.
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Santiago, the capital and largest city in Chile, is located in a valley surrounded by the snow-capped peaks of the Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range. This city offers a lot of attractions that will make you enjoy it in several ways: culture, heritage, bohemian and a lot of history are part of this historical but modern Latin American city.
Approximately two decades of uninterrupted economic growth have transformed Santiago into one of Latin America's most sophisticated metropolitan areas, with extensive suburban development, dozens of shopping malls, and impressive high-rise architecture. The city also boasts some of Latin America's most spectacular infrastructure, such as the Santiago Metro and the sparkling new "Costanera Norte," a freeway system that passes below downtown and connects the Eastern and Western extremes of the city in 15 minutes. Santiago is headquarters to many important companies and is a regionally important financial centre.
Santiago was founded by Pedro de Valdivia on February 12, 1541 with the name Santiago de Nueva Extremadura. Valdivia chose the location of Santiago because of its moderate climate and the ease with which it could be defended—the Mapocho River splits into two branches and rejoins further downstream, forming an island.
Visit Plaza de Armas and la Cathedral
Go up to Cerro San Cristóbal, where you can have the best view of the city
Visit Concha y Toro, the oldest winery of all South America
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Valparaiso (or Valpo) is the 3rd country’s most densely populated areas. Known fondly as the "Jewel of the Pacific," Valparaíso is located on central Chile’s west coast and is one of the country’s most important ports.
The city was built on at least 42 hills, according to some sources. The actual number is up for debate, but with several dozen hills, expect a lot of walking up and down. However, if you don’t want to spend your time hiking, you can take advantage of the funiculars. Around 30 were built between 1883 and 1916, and lots of them are still in use today. These ascensores, as they are known by the locals, remain a practical way of navigating the city’s slopes. They’ve also became landmarks and tourist attractions in their own right.
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STREET ART TOUR - Just like Santiago, Valparaíso has its own open-air museum of street art, in Cerro Bellavista. In fact, Valparaíso is considered one of South America’s graffiti capitals, and many streets are bursting with colors and life thanks to vibrant murals.
PABLO NERUDA HOUSE - Pablo Neruda, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1971, is one of Chile’s most famous poets. His home, La Sebastiana, now houses a museum with collections of paintings, glass, and ships’ figureheads, among other things. Its eclectic decor and the stunning view across the city and down across the bay should be reason enough to visit.
CERRO ALEGRE AND CERRO CONCEPTION - even more street art, caffè and tiny colored houses. These 2 neighborhoods were absolutely my favourite. Here you can find a noce seafood restaurant, Mes Amores, and the oldest ascensor of the city, Ascensor Reina
VINA DEL MAR - also known as the “garden city”, Viña del Mar mesmerizes tourists with its daytime and nighttime activities throughout the year. You can enjoy its beaches, its excellent fish and shellfish based food and of course, the music of local and international artists in the International Song Festival, the most important one in Latin America, during February.
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The upper Elqui Valley consists of several villages. They all belong to the municipality of Pahuano. The touristic center is Pisco Elqui.
You will feel impressed by the deep contrast between the arid mountains and the fertile valley under an incredibly blue sky. At night you can watch the espectacular starry skies - due to the clear and dry climate we have the clearest skies in the world (the 3rd cleanest in the World)
Pisco Elqui is also the cradle of the famous Pisco, the national drink of Chile. Elqui Valley is also the birthplace of the Nobel Prize Gabriella Mistral.
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Try PISCO and visit one of the local company, we went to Dona Josefa, the best and authentic one in the area (and for free!)
Get a tour for night STARS observation or astro-photography! You can get one directly in Pisco Elqui and the price is always between 15 and 25 pesos. We did our tour with friends.
Explore the valley by bike! It's super fun and it worths the price - we did a 6 hours tour with e-bikes through the whole valley. The cost was 35 pesos pp.
Once you arrive in La Serena bus terminal, you get a local bus (via Elqui is the name of the company) and in 2 hours you will arrive in Pisco. The cost of the ticket is between 4 and 7 pesos pp. You dont need to book it in advance. The Last ride is at 18.30.
There is nothing really to see in Caldera. We got two days to rest a bit. The only thing that worths the visit is Bahia Inglesa.
Located south from Bahía Inglesa, it is known as one of the best beaches in the country. Dive into its turquoise waters and get a tan on its fine white sand. You can find camping spots and some cottages with an amazing ocean view.
Once you are there, you absolutely need to try OSTIONES, fresh and alive seafood 😋
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Large areas of sand that look like a painting. This is just one of the wonders that the Atacama Desert gives us, with a Sea of Dunes (Mar de Dunas) that enchants with its mysterious forms in the most arid place in the world. It's been 400 years that it's Not raining!
Located in the north of Chile, near the city of Copiapó (Atacama region), the area is one of the largest dune fields in the country, with an area of 335 square kilometers. Research suggests that these dunes were created by the strong winds that gathered over the last thousands of years, making these large amounts of sand come together and form a unique spectacle.
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You can't miss SANDBOARD, a unique experience at 2700mt. We booked our tour with Sanboardatacama.cl. and it was one of the most difficult but funniest sport!
On our first day we visited VALLE DELLA LUNA by bikes. We needed first to book the tickets for the park online. Then we rented bikes for 8 pesos each and we rode for 35km in the park. it's not the simplest but it's for sure super adventure! You can also enter with car, of you have it, or get a tour with some agency.
The Valley of the Moon is one of the most visited places of San Pedro de Atacama. It is characterized by its enormous dunes, valleys and hills of salt, rock and sand. Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley) and Valle de La Muerte (Death Valley) are located in the Atacama Desert, and they make up an otherwordly landscape with their amazing geological formations, which have been eroded by the passage of time.
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Once you are in San Pedro, you need to spendere at least 2/3 days visiting the desert around, about 500km long. You can do it with tours or renting a car.
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MACHUCA where you can see many flamingos
LAGUNA CEJAR, a salted lake (like the dead sea)
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Best way to move from one place to another is buses: they are cheap and cover long distances even at night
- EMPANADAS of every kind, fried or in the oven
- CAZOELA with different types of meat
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estatedekho04 · 4 days
Plots for sale in Sadashivpet Hyderabad
Open Plots for Sale in Sadashivpet, Mumbai Highway, Hyderabad: A Golden Opportunity
Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of city life and dreaming of owning a piece of land where you can build your dream home or make a smart investment? Well, look no further! Open plots for sale in Sadashivpet along the Mumbai Highway in Hyderabad are here to make your dreams come true. With serene surroundings, excellent connectivity, and a promising future, Sadashivpet is becoming a hotspot for real estate enthusiasts. Let's dive into why this place is a goldmine waiting to be explored.
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Plots for sale in Sadashivpet Hyderabad
Why Sadashivpet?
Sadashivpet, a quaint town located on the outskirts of Hyderabad, offers the perfect blend of tranquillity and modern amenities. Here are a few reasons why Sadashivpet is becoming a preferred choice for property buyers:
Strategic Location: Located along the Mumbai Highway, Sadashivpet boasts excellent connectivity to major cities like Hyderabad and Mumbai. This makes commuting a breeze for those who work in the city but prefer a peaceful living environment.
Affordable Prices: Compared to the skyrocketing real estate prices in Hyderabad, Sadashivpet offers affordable options for those looking to buy open plots. It’s a budget-friendly alternative without compromising on quality.
Scenic Beauty: Nestled amidst lush greenery and scenic landscapes, Sadashivpet provides a serene and picturesque setting that is hard to find in urban areas. Imagine waking up to the sound of birds chirping and the sight of rolling hills – pure bliss!
Development Potential: With ongoing infrastructure projects and planned developments, Sadashivpet is poised for significant growth. Investing here now means reaping the benefits in the future as the area continues to develop.
The Perks of Owning Open Plots in Hyderabad
Buying open plots in Hyderabad, especially in areas like Sadashivpet, comes with a plethora of advantages. Let’s explore some of these perks:
Flexibility in Construction
One of the biggest advantages of owning an open plot is the flexibility it offers in construction. You have the freedom to design and build your dream home exactly the way you envision it. Whether you want a cosy cottage or a sprawling mansion, the choice is yours!
Investment Potential
Real estate is always a sound investment, and open plots are no exception. With Hyderabad’s real estate market showing consistent growth, investing in open plots now can yield significant returns in the future. Plus, the development potential of Sadashivpet adds an extra layer of investment security.
Low Maintenance
Unlike built-up properties, open plots require minimal maintenance. There are no worries about repairs, renovations, or tenant issues. It’s a hassle-free investment that lets you enjoy peace of mind.
Nature’s Embrace
Living in an open plot area like Sadashivpet means being closer to nature. The clean air, green surroundings, and peaceful ambiance contribute to a healthier and happier lifestyle. It’s like having your own little slice of paradise away from the concrete jungle.
A Day in Sadashivpet: Personal Anecdote
Allow me to share a little personal story to give you a glimpse of life in Sadashivpet. A few months ago, I visited a friend who had recently bought an open plot there. As we sipped our evening tea on his porch, surrounded by lush greenery, he told me how he had always dreamed of escaping the city chaos. His open plot not only gave him the tranquillity he craved but also became a smart investment. He’s now planning to build a weekend getaway home there. And guess what? I’m already envisioning my own plot next to his!
What to Look for When Buying Open Plots
When it comes to buying open plots in Hyderabad, there are a few key factors to consider. Here’s a handy checklist to guide you:
Location: Ensure the plot is in a well-connected area with good road access.
Legal Clearances: Verify all necessary legal clearances and documentation.
Infrastructure Development: Check for ongoing and planned infrastructure projects in the vicinity.
Amenities: Look for nearby amenities such as schools, hospitals, and shopping centers.
Future Growth: Consider the potential for future development and appreciation in value.
Why Now is the Perfect Time
The real estate market is all about timing, and now is the perfect time to invest in open plots in Sadashivpet. With the ongoing infrastructure developments and the increasing demand for serene living spaces, property prices are expected to rise. By investing now, you can secure a prime plot at an affordable rate and enjoy the appreciation in value over the coming years.
Making the Decision
Deciding to invest in real estate is a significant step, and it’s essential to make an informed choice. Here are a few tips to help you make the right decision:
Do Your Research: Gather as much information as possible about the area, the market trends, and the potential for growth.
Visit the Site: If possible, visit the plot in person to get a feel of the surroundings and the neighborhood.
Consult Experts: Seek advice from real estate experts and legal professionals to ensure a smooth and secure transaction.
Plan Your Budget: Determine your budget and stick to it. Consider additional costs such as registration fees, taxes, and development charges.
Think Long-Term: Real estate is a long-term investment. Consider the future potential and plan accordingly.
Owning an open plot in Sadashivpet along the Mumbai Highway in Hyderabad is not just a dream, it's a realistic and lucrative investment opportunity. With its strategic location, affordable prices, and promising growth prospects, Sadashivpet is fast becoming a preferred choice for property buyers. Whether you’re looking to build your dream home, make a smart investment, or simply escape the city chaos, Sadashivpet has something to offer everyone.
So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge, invest in an open plot, and watch your dreams turn into reality. Who knows, you might just find yourself sipping evening tea on your porch, surrounded by lush greenery, just like my friend. And trust me, it’s a feeling like no other!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Open Plots for Sale in Sadashivpet Mumbai Highway Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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