#When you walk into the pantry and you aren't sure what you came in here for like ermahgerd
theblehthatbloos · 1 year
I'm currently loosing it because I walked into my mother's pantry and swear I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
Unsure and realizing that I don't recall what it is or could be, I walk back in to find:
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Oh m-
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muddyorbsblr · 9 months
onyx pt1
See my full list of works here!
Summary: You're stuck in the Avengers Compound because of an injury from your last mission, and you come across an adorable and affectionate little kitten.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: language (no i'm not sorry, Rogers); talks of explosions and injuries sustained from explosion [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: one-sided crushing (but is it really…?)
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An eerie silence served as your only company in the Avengers Compound the last few days, some of your teammates off to finish the HYDRA mission that left you injured while the others took time off to visit their families over the holidays. With the promise to keep their comms on in case they would be needed until the New Year.
Now all that remained in the Compound with you were a few junior agents that drew the ends of the short stick, Val, and Loki.
Sadly your teammate, friend, and occasional drinking buddy Val was out blissfully spreading holiday cheer throughout New York with her girlfriend.
And Loki? Well, the God of Mischief wasn't exactly on chummy terms with you. Didn't even so much as give you a passing glance when you were at mission briefings.
Which was a damn shame because what you would give just to get lost in those stormy ocean eyes.
You made your way to the pantry in the common room to replenish your stash of snacks, towing along a little wagon to help you on the way back. Every step had you feeling every square inch of bruising on the left side of your body that you got from being unlucky enough to be caught in the blast radius of an explosion at the HYDRA base you were trying to infiltrate with Shaun just a few days ago.
Your phone buzzed with a new message. "Speak of the devil," you muttered to yourself, seeing Xu's name on your screen as soon as you pulled up next to the elaborate barista setup, putting a few Lindor truffles in a small bag for your wagon. "Hey FRIDAY?"
"Yes, Agent Y/L/N?" the AI answered immediately.
"Could you make me a white chocolate mocha with peppermint while I raid the latest Costco delivery for uhh…supplies. Yeah, I'll go with that."
"Right away, Agent Y/L/N." The sound of the barista setup whirring to life filled the kitchen area as you checked on Shaun's message.
Thor just mentioned that he'll ask his brother to take a look at your injuries. Maybe get him to kiss it all better. He finished his text with a smirking emoji, along with some hand gestures that painted a less than family friendly picture, making you roll your eyes at the screen.
You recorded a voice memo for him. "You know that he'd need to actually be willing to look at me so that he could see the damage from the blast, right? And last I checked I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm Medusa reincarnated and I'll turn his Asgardian ass to stone."
You went on to the ridiculously stocked pantry to rummage the delivery that came just a few hours ago, trying to find a bag of Jalapeño Cheetos somewhere in the mix, when you heard a tiny meow from somewhere behind you. You looked to the ground to find a black and white munchkin cat looking up at you with wide blue eyes.
"Hi there, baby…" you cooed, surprised the adorable little creature hadn't hissed or scratched at you yet. Cats normally didn't take to you, which was a shame because you often found yourself fighting the urge to pick one up or stroke its head whenever you crossed paths with one during your errand runs. "How'd you get in here?"
The tiny kitten caught you by surprise with what it did next, walking up to your feet and proceeding to rub its cheek against your ankle, a little purr emanating from its small fluffy body. You decided to risk the hissing and scratching and bent down to pick it up, your heart melting once he placed his paws on your cheek and proceeded to nuzzle your face with his nose.
"Aren't you a complete darling." He settled into your arm as you carried him out of the pantry, a little whine escaping him when you placed him down on the counter. He stood on his hind legs and made grabby hands towards you, blue eyes wide and pleading for you to pick him back up. "Just a second, sweet baby, I'm just getting you something to drink."
You took out a tiny sauce dish and poured some cream into it, pushing it toward the kitten that responded with a slow blink and a meow before licking away at the rich liquid.
"I'm sure your owner's gonna crucify me for giving you that but I can't help spoiling little fur babies especially when they're as adorable as you are." You took a sip of the coffee FRIDAY had finished making before shouting out a question for her. "Hey FRIDAY, you have any clue who this little bub belongs to?"
It took a second for her to answer. "Negative, Agent Y/L/N. There is currently no other agent on the premises looking for their pet. I also see no collar on them and from a preliminary scan they do not seem to have a microchip on them."
Those words stopped the kitten from drinking to look up toward the ceiling and hiss at the source of the voice. He only relaxed once you started stroking his fur again, going back to drinking and letting out a few purrs along the way. "No owner, huh? Does that mean I can invoke Finders Keepers then?"
"It appears so, Agent Y/L/N. What would be your new companion's name?"
The kitten looked up at you, as if expecting your answer. You wondered briefly if he could actually understand what it was that you and FRIDAY were talking about. "How about Onyx? I know I know it's absolute garbage for originality to name a black cat after a black gemstone but--"
His eyes widened before he climbed up your arm, only stopping once he'd reached your shoulder to nuzzle at your neck again. "It seems he likes the name, Agent Y/L/N."
"Then it's settled." You placed a soft kiss on top of his head. "Hello there, Onyx."
You brought your new kitten back to your apartment, setting him down on your bed while you tried to take off your sweatshirt as gently as you could manage.
"Ah, fuck it," you hissed as you felt the bruising around your ribs, letting out a pained sound when you opted to whip the garment over your head as fast as you could instead. Your reflection revealed that the bruising on the left side of your torso was quickly becoming a frightening deep purple.
Onyx meowed from your bed, again standing on his back legs and making grabby hands at you, eyes wide with evident pain.
"What's wrong, little baby?" He placed his paws gently on your side when you made your way to him, pressing his nose to the skin near where your bruising began. "Oh don't you worry your pretty little head about those, sweetie. They'll heal…eventually."
He kept on pressing his face to the area, your heart melting for the tiny kitten even more realizing that he was pressing kisses to your wounds.
"You really are such a precious little bub, aren't you?" You picked your new kitten up, placing him on the armchair in your reading nook before setting an alarm for dinner in a few hours and settling into your bed. "Get some sleep, sweet baby Onyx. I'll see you in a few hours."
Your eyes had only closed for a few seconds before you heard another tiny meow followed by a soft thud, immediately making you sit up on the bed looking for the kitten. He'd already made his way to your bedside, standing on his back legs and reaching up trying to climb up the sheets.
"Alrighty then," you mumbled, picking him up and placing him on the pillow beside yours. You rolled over to lay on your right side to remove any pressure to your injuries the best you could, hovering your finger near Onyx's nose once you'd settled in. He leaned up and pressed his nose to your finger, paws kneading on his pillow. "Boop," you giggled. "Sweet dreams, baby."
Just as you'd closed your eyes to try catching an hour or two of rest before you had to eat again and take those pain meds that Banner prescribed you, your phone began to blare Immigrant Song way too loudly by your nightstand. There were only two contacts you gave that ringtone to and one of them was currently out with her girlfriend.
"Talk to me, Thunder," you muttered, groaning when your stretch to reach for your phone made your bruising smart a bit. "You all good over there?"
"Absolutely grand, Lady Y/N," the blond god's voice boomed from the other end. "I was just wondering if you could check on my brother, he refuses to answer his phone yet again."
"That's gonna be a hard pass from me, buddy. I've already been cut and bruised, I'm not too keen to add stabbed to that list. He's probably just practicing spells. Or out on a date." You winced at that last part, an irrational part of you flaring up with unwarranted jealousy at the thought of Loki out with just about anyone. "Just--I don't know, check up on him yourself when you get back. You can take a stab better than me anyways."
Thor sighed loudly, the low rumbling making Onyx step back from his pillow and start hissing at the phone. You stroked the top of his head to calm him down. "Very well then, Lady Y/N. Rest well. We're scheduled to return after nightfall."
"I'll have pizza here waiting for you guys. Bring your own mead." You clicked off and tried to get some sleep, having FRIDAY place an order for pizzas and wings for when the team gets back. Your new kitten padded his way over to you, resting his head on your outstretched arm and letting out a soft purr.
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The sound of the Quinjet coming back roused you from your nap, along with the feel of little paws on your arm and Onyx nuzzling your cheek.
"Looks like everyone's home," you mumbled, pressing a few kisses to the kitten's head before making your way out of bed. "Come on, little baby. Time to meet the team."
With a whole lot of discomfort and groaning, you slipped your sweatshirt back on before presenting your hand to Onyx and patting your shoulder, prompting the kitten to climb up your arm and perch himself on the spot, nuzzling his face behind your ear.
The team had already arrived and filled the common area when you made your way there, some of them helping themselves to the pizza. Barnes and Wilson walked in with coolers, probably filled with chilled bottles of beer inside.
"Hey, there she is!" Shaun exclaimed, pulling out a bottle of Pepsi before making his way over to you and pulling you into an embrace. "How's the healing go--Whoa there." He took a step back as Onyx hissed in his direction. "Where'd you come from, little guy?"
You shh'd the kitten, pressing kisses to his little cheek to calm him down. "It's okay, baby, Shaun is a friend. One of the good guys." You turned back to your mission partner. "Shaun, this is Onyx."
"Always thought you were a dog person, Babes," Natasha spoke up before taking your arm and walking you to the food. "We leave for one day and you become a cat lady. Where'd you even find the time to go to a shelter and get baby blue eyes over here?"
"I didn't, actually," you answered the master assassin. "I just went to the pantry and poof there he was, meowing at my feet. Like the cat distribution system mailed him to me by magic or something." He nuzzled your cheek again before starting to knead at your face.
"And he doesn't belong to anyone? You're sure?" Shaun spoke up, backing up immediately when he tried to pet your new kitten and getting hissed at. "Easy, kitty. I'm a friend, I'm not gonna hurt you." The martial artist turned back to you. "He wasn't collared? Or chipped?"
"Nope. FRIDAY scanned him and everything."
"You wanna think about getting him chipped?"
Onyx hissed again at the question before swishing his tail around to curtain your hair around him, his little body shaking on your shoulder. As if he was silently pleading for you to not take him out to have him chipped.
"Don't you worry, baby. I won't get you chipped, I wouldn't hurt you like that," you cooed, letting out a little giggle as he placed his paws on your cheeks and nuzzled your nose, giving the tip tiny licks. You were so focused on your cat's affections that the bellowing of Thor looking for his brother was a distant muffled noise in the background.
Until he got to where you were standing and his booming voice was impossible to ignore. "What an adorable little beast you have, with you, Lady Y/N." Onyx buried himself in the crook of your neck, shaking at the sound of Thor's voice.
"It's alright, Onyx. It's just Thunder, he may be all big and menacing on the outside but he's just a fluff ball on the inside. Come on, go say hi."
The blond Asgardian approached you, examining your new pet carefully before a knowing grin graced his bearded face. "Hello, Brother."
A chill went down your spine at his words. "What the fuck d'you just say, Blondie?"
He motioned toward the kitten on your shoulder. "This is the explanation for his lack of replies on his phone. His absence from his quarters. Lady Y/N, the little beast hiding himself in your hair…is my brother. That is Loki."
In your stupor, the only words you could manage to say were, "Bitch what?!"
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A/N: Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to the members of SAS, beloved besties, and fellow whores! I've had this idea doing a slow lurky crawl in the microwave that is my writing noggin for the last few months, and I'm so excited that I finally get to share it with y'all! Part 2 is coming in a few days, and then it's a coin toss on whether I'll be trying to end the year with crossing off some things on my writing todo list, or crossing off some titles from my Tumblr TBR 😳👀
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
it happens in march of 1997.
eddie and steve walking down the road in boston, eddie's arm carrying a small bag of groceries and steve carrying a large bag of cat food to bring home to sabbath and babylon. they were bundled up in coats, still not used to the harsh winters in boston.
their grocery store was only a few blocks from their house, good for times like these when they came home from work to their cats empty bowls and an equally empty pantry, not ideal for the get-together they were hosting tomorrow night.
boston had been kind to them, living merely blocks from robin and nancy, and the kids were able to come and visit frequently. they got away from the upside down and all of its accompanying instability.
it also had the benefit of being gay-friendly. they had formed a close-knit group of several other neighborhood queers alongside nance and robin. and while they personally weren't super big fans of pda, it did allow them to walk down the streets holding hands, as they were now.
so it was usual thursday, until it wasn't.
"no way, steve harrington in the flesh?"
tommy fucking hagan here, in boston. god hawkins just does not let up.
steve becomes increasingly aware of eddie hand in his. it feels like it weigh 100 pounds. eddie must pick up on this as steve feels eddie drop his hand, going to tuck into his jacket pocket.
tommy looks older, he aged just like his dad. he doesn't look bad, he just aged. it's like steve is in a time warp, his brain truly comprehending for the first time that it's been twelve years since he graduated high school and ditched behind king harrington. since he was the steve that tommy knew.
"wow tommy, i uh- never would have, i mean what are you doing in boston? last i heard you were down in dallas "
tommy smiled, "yeah im here on vacation for a couple days with my," there's a pause "... with my partner."
he and eddie glanced over at each other, picking up on that word but no, he couldn't be.
"what a small world. i mean we- i," pause, grabbing eddie's hand, part of him hoping tommy doesn't notice and the other part begging him to, "we live just down the street. had to pick up some food for the girls," gesturing down to the cat food in his left hand.
tommy smiled wide, "it's so cool how walkable boston is. it's been so nice for the last few days, not sure michael could handle this weather year 'round though."
michael? not michelle or michaela? michael.... michael.
he felt eddie's hand squeeze his, clearly aware of steve's train of thought at the moment.
after 11 years together, eddie practically has a window into steve's brain which is why he speaks up for the first time, "yeah we love boston, despite the cold. if you and michael aren't busy, we are having a few friends over tomorrow night if you two want to join? i'm sure i'd be nice for steve and you to catch up."
steve was thankful for his boyfriend in this moment, "yeah that would be great tommy, it'd be nice to meet michael."
tommy smiled, "yeah we'd love to."
eddie rattled off their address and the time, tommy bidding his goodbyes, leaving steve and eddie walking back the short distance to their apartment.
steve still hadn't said much, eyes looking forward.
"you okay, babe?"
steve looked over at eddie, "is every fucking person from hawkins gay?"
eddie laughed at him, "valid point. although to be fair, as much as i love him, hopper is just about the straightest man i've ever seen."
there is now a part two here
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nakachuchu · 2 years
Christmas Cookies | Fushiguro Megumi
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SYNOPSIS: You bake cookies with your boyfriend on Christmas morning in your apartment.
READER: gender neutral
WRITTEN: 01/01/2023
NOTE: This is for @https-sanjis-bitch 's Baby It's Cold Outside collab! Happy new year! (even though I wrote this piece around Christmas lol)
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"Megumi," you whispered. "Merry Christmas."
You were so excited for Christmas that your body woke you up on its own. You had been waiting for Megumi to wake up on his own, watching his facial features for the slightest twitch.
He rubbed his eyes, then blinked away the blue and crusts. You smiled and took a picture of him, making him grumble in protest.
"Merry Christmas," he murmured sleepily. "What time is it?"
"Ten," you said. "It's snowing outside. Come look."
"Give me a second," he said, pulling his arms out from the blankets to stretch them above his head.
On instinct, you curled up against him and he brought his arms down to wrap you in them. You rubbed your face against his side before climbing on top of him.
"Snow," you urged. "Just from the window. I know you don't wanna go out."
Both you and Megumi were homebodies. You didn't go out unless it was necessary, but both of you liked it like that.
You climbed off him and stood by the window in your room, beckoning him to get out of bed and join you. He threw his legs off the bed and slipped his feet into slippers before joining you.
"It's pretty," you said.
He nodded. "We should check the water to make sure our pipes aren't frozen."
"My boyfriend, always the smart one," you said with a soft peck to his chin before shuffling toward the bathroom.
While Megumi checked the water in the kitchen, you checked the bathroom. He joined you after, informing you that the water was flowing.
"We're good here too," you said as you handed him his toothbrush with toothpaste.
The two of you stood side by side, brushing your teeth together. It was routine when the two of you were together to simply do things together.
You spat the toothpaste out and rinsed your toothbrush, moving to the side to let Megumi do the same.
"Can we bake cookies today?" you questioned. "I ordered Christmas cookie cutters online and they came a few days ago. I've been wanting to bake cookies with you."
"Sounds good, dove."
With a smile, you skipped into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee going for Megumi. You drummed your fingers along the countertop for a moment before suddenly remembering that the occasion called for Christmas music.
" 'gumi, can you get my phone?" you called out.
He didn't respond, but you knew he heard you. He liked to preserve his energy and talking seemed to be tiresome at times.
He walked into the kitchen and handed you your phone before nudging the side of your head with his nose. You unlocked your phone and played a Christmas playlist while Megumi sniffed you.
There wasn't a weird reason for him to sniff you. He just liked how you smelled. He reminded you so much of a puppy sometimes.
"Could you get the ingredients, 'gumi?" you asked.
"Sugar cookies, right?"
He kissed your forehead, then pulled up a sugar cookie recipe from his phone and began pulling out the ingredients from the pantry.
You danced to the songs, taking peeks at the recipe and getting out bowls, mixing spoons, and measuring spoons.
Megumi, with his long arms, carried everything to the counter and waited for you to start. Usually, when you baked anything, you did most of the work but that was because it was more efficient. Besides, Megumi liked watching you when you were completely mesmerized by something.
You could only focus on that thing, raging about with it. Your eyes were glued to his phone screen, reading the recipe as you poured flour here, sugar there, and vanilla extract into the bowl.
"Let me help," he offered.
Snapping out of your baking frenzy, you looked at him and handed him the wooden mixing spoon.
"I'm too lazy to stir," you said simply.
He rolled up his sleeves and took the spoon, wrapping an arm around the bowl to begin mixing. Within one stir, flour flew out onto his clothes and cheek.
You blinked, holding in your laughter as he stood there frozen in silence. You couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing.
" 'gumi, are you okay? Did any get in your eye?" you asked through bubbles of laughter.
He dipped his fingers into the top layer of flour and flicked it at you, splattering across your face in clouds of white dust. You immediately stopped laughing, opening your eyes through blinks of white dust.
The two of you stared at each other before laughing. The two of you were completely covered in flour, and it was okay.
“Let me take photos. Hold on,” you said as you grabbed your phone and swiped to the camera.
The two of you took many selfies and timed photos of you being covered in flour. You laughed at the pictures of Megumi either frowning, rolling his eyes, or smiling when he thought you weren't looking.
“Okay, let's finally finish these cookies. I'll turn the oven on while you mix. Try not to lose all of our ingredients,” you teased.
He rolled his eyes. “I won't.”
Once Megumi was finished stirring, the two of you grabbed small balls of dough and flattened them on a clean tray.
“Should we make a snowman first? Or a Christmas tree? Maybe Santa?” you questioned.
“We'll get to all of them, so it won't matter.”
You frowned at him.
“Snowman,” he answered after seeing the upset look on your face.
You smiled and nodded, grabbing the snowman-shaped cookie cutter. “You can do the honors.”
“We can do it together,” he said quietly with a faint blush across his cheeks as he grabbed your hand and pressed down on the cookie cutter together.
You smiled. “This is fun. I love you, ‘gumi.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” he said.
You kissed his chin and placed the snowman dough onto the baking tray. “Let's do a Christmas tree next,” you suggested. “It reminds me of your hair.”
He stared at you with an unamused expression on your face. “You think you're funny.”
“I really do.”
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withlovegvf · 1 year
watch you bloom | Danny Wagner
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dad!danny x reader
summary: your son Titus gets caught doing something in his room and it leads to a heartfelt conversation with his loving parents
yns pov
As I am making dinner, Danny and I's kids Titus, Remi, and Ian come in from school. Titus is 16 and drives everyone to a from school. Remi is 13, she's in eighth, and Ian is in fourth. "Mom I got an A on that civil war essay." Titus tells me giving me a kiss on the cheek as a greet. I nod in approval and give him a hug. "Hi Mrs. Wagner." Titus's best friend Ben says hello. He comes over almost everyday after school when they both aren't working so I wasn't surprised he was here. "Hey Ben! Everyone I went to Costco and get a ton of snacks so eat up. Ben i'm making tacos for dinner and you are more than welcome to join us."
Ben nods, going through the pantry with all the other kids. "Okay Mrs. Wagner I'll text my mom and ask." The boys head upstairs and Ian goes to watch tv in the living room. Remi sits at the kitchen counter. "Alexa play Taylor Swift radio please." Remi gives me a small smile for turning off my music. I giggle and continue cooking dinner. "Mom you know that eighth grade formal dance we bought a dress for? Conner V. asked me to go with him. Can I?" I look up from the cutting board. "I'm sure that's fine. I'll tell your dad cause I know you don't want to." She lets out a big sigh.
"Oh thank you mom." I laugh "Also how many Conners are in your class you have to give him a last letter?" Remi thinks for a second. "Em last count was three i think." I laugh again and Remi gets up heading to her room, probably to tell Conner V. she can go with him. As I'm finishing dinner it is now 6:30 and just on time Danny walks in from his studio day.
"Hey baby." Danny places a kiss on my head with a hand on my hip. "Hey! How was work and the boys?" I tilt my head onto his chest. "Oh everything was fine. We worked out the kinks for a few songs on the new album so all good!" I nod resting on his chest for a moment of peace.
Ian comes in from the living to greet Danny. He gives him a big hug. "Hey buddy how was school?" Danny asks ruffling his hand through his curls. "I was good. Ms. Parker said we have career day at school next Friday. Could you come and speak to the class. And maybe bring your guitar because that would be really cool." We laugh and Danny nods.
"Of course I can bud. Not a problem." I say, "Okay Ian go wash up for dinner. Pookie can you go tell Remi and Titus it's time for dinner. I think Ben is eating with us too." Danny nods and heads upstairs to get them. Upstairs I hear, "Remi girl, Titus, Ben, dinner is served." After a second I hear Titus scream, "Dad get out!!" a few seconds later Remi walks downstairs with a surprised and sad look on her face. "Rem what happened?" Remi shook her head like she wouldn't tell me and headed to the table.
Danny came down a few seconds later and I gave him a questioning look. "Um well I walk in on Titus and Ben doing....um....sexual activities." My jaw drops and I cover my mouth. Soon after Ben is coming downstairs. "Um my mom actually needs me home so I'm gonna go. Thank you anyways Mr.&Mrs. Wagner." Ben starts speed walking out but Danny says, "Hey ben, You're welcome back anytime just leave the door open next time." I give Ben a sympathetic nod agreeing with Danny. Ben's facial expression relaxes.
"Thank you guys. I told him he had nothing to be scared of. You guys are the coolest." Ben walks out and we say our goodbyes. I look over at Danny, "You see, we're still cool." He giggles and smiles, but then remembers how Titus must be feeling upstairs. I walk over to him and put my arms around his waist. "How about I have Rem and Ian start eating and we can go talk to Titus?" Danny sighs and nods.
Once I have the kids settles eating downstairs, we head up to Titus's room. I hold Danny's hand as we stand together outside of his room. I turn to look at Danny, "D, did we do something that made him think he couldn't tell us? I thought we were doing a good job." Danny tsked and lifts my head to look in his eyes. "Baby this has nothing to do with us. It's all about his feelings and anxieties around the subject. I promise." I nod and we turn to look at the door. "Okay I'm ready when you are." Danny finally knocks on the door softly.
"Please go away. I don't wanna talk about it dad." my heart hurts for him feeling this way. I start to say. "T we need to talk. No one is in trouble and we aren't mad. We just wanna talk baby. Please open up and let us come in." After about thirty seconds Titus comes to the door and slowly pulls it open. His face is red and puffy from crying.
Without thinking the mama bear in me takes over and I pull him into a bone crushing hug. "Oh baby don't cry. We love more than we could ever express." Titus let's his tears flow and hold me close to him. Danny wraps his bigger frame around our smaller ones and holds us in his arm. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew it would be okay I just wasn't ready. Please understand why I didn't say anything." We release from our hug and Danny begins to speak as he leads Titus to his bed so we could sit down.
"T we totally understand. We want you to know whoever you love or want to be will always be fine with us. Your mother and I want our beautiful baby boy to be happy whatever that means for him. The only thing we're sorry about is that it didn't happen on your terms." Titus smile and brushes Danny off.
"It's not your fault. Usually Ben and I hear you or mom but I guess we got a little carried away." We all laugh and I pull him into another hug. "Oh baby I love you so much. But so help me god if I catch you partaking in sexual ventures in my house while family is here ..." Titus swallows hard. "Yes ma'am, only when alone got it" We all have a laugh at what he said.
"Okay, go eat dinner with Rem and Ian. Leave your mother and I for a bit." Titus nods and heads downstairs to eat dinner. Danny scoots closer to me. "Ugh I'm glad that's over. We did well with our kids huh baby?" I nod and lay my head on Danny's shoulder. "Yeah we did. Oh by the way, Remi is going to the eighth grade formal with a boy named Conner" Danny pulls away from me and my head drops from his shoulder. He shouts,
"What the Fuck!?!?"
And poof another post done! Send me anonymous messages with ideas and who knows maybe I'll be inspired by one!
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chowpatty-ka-icebear · 8 months
⚖️ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬/क्षुधाक्रीडा ⚖️
Everyone is out there playin games with eachother, No one wants good for one another (for apparent reasons). Coz if you'll be out here frowning, it's higher probability that people will walk past you... In today's world Nobody wants a Sad Clown who mourns and whines every now and then... Right... They want a brave/dominant guy who doesn't show pain and he's muscular and smart and dashing and he'll have Big D and Ms... Stacks of money dripping Outta his pocket and Jawline soo sharp that it can cut right through someone's skin...
A friend of mine suggested me "The Stoics Methodology" to be a real/alpha male in this skin thriving society... Which only runs behind your money and jumps on your body like a bunny...
A competition for Alpha Male is real... Nobody cares about your calmness and gentlemen manners asshole... Fckk the manners fr... Your Compassion and warm nature won't be respected here... This is a shithole... And yeah you can't dive in a shithole with clean clothes that's for sure...
You gotta have a good physique, endurance, mobility, stability to enter such places right... That's why to get them all you have to be a strong animal son... No one wants to hear how much pain you're in, No one wants to hear how much sins you've done, No one wants to hear how guilty/sad you're... No one cares about your whinning and crying...
I've seen the world my son, And believe me in this world Nobody cares about who you are, where you've came from, where are you goin... This world wouldn't even care if you'll be dead the other day... It only stops when you strikes on it's roots, It's Moneyy, It's Status, It's Power... That's all that matters in this Shithole... With Money the Status will come and With Power the status will rise even more...
The more status you'll acquire the more money and power you'll gain... No one will question your scars if you'll fall in the Septic Tank (An Okeyishh Lifestyle)... But everyone will respect your scars when you'll fall in a Money Pit because it's what the hunger people have... They're aren't hungry for your manners or love or care or compassion... They have that sheit plenty on their hands too... They're hungry for your Money, Your Status, Your Power... That what keeps their spit dropping from their tongue all day long...
Be like a mad man always... It's worth being a man who's sane enough to understand the mess, because that type of man dies every other day in this Shithole (for good reasons)
I was raised by a single mother... But even she didn't knew in what shithole she raised me into... I'm sorry maa but this Shithole doesn't have respect for your morals or teachings, I'm sorry maa but this Shithole doesn't have respect for your Compassion and Feelings, I'm sorry maa but this Shithole doesn't have respect for your Scars and Bleedings...
Those good morals would've ended the Shithole long ago but now it's too late for them to come in handy... Nowadays they're of no good use... Only the animosity and hunger can keep you alive in this pantry of banter of life...
Only quote which stays and runs here is "Either Eat the Whole Crowd, Or be a part of my feast" - SubbRee
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reemerarius · 1 year
So, I saw all the hubbub about that one actress starring in the live-action Snow White. And, long story short ages ago I wrote this. It's not the best, and I'd like to revisit it someday, but here's The Snow White Dethphonticth
I'll leave you with an excerpt, please note I started touching it up so this version and what's in the ebook might be different:
It is in due time the two wed and Snow White is nowhere to be seen. She refused to come to the wedding. It was expected, but the king apologizes to his new queen nonetheless. It would not be for a few days until Sylvia cross paths with Snow White. It would be an uneasy moment.
Snow White is taller and skinnier than Sylvia. The contrast between Snow White's pale, sickly-looking skin and void black hair was unnatural. She stands up straight at the end of the hall in a beautiful gown and no shoes, her toes poking out from under the hem of her dress. As slim as she is, her presence saturates the space. Sylvia can not get herself to move, she is not even sure if the girl was looking at her, Snow White's bangs cover her eyes. She turns from Sylvia and goes on her way. Sylvia has not realized the door she is at has opened. When she turns, there stands the king inviting her in.
“What has caused such an ill look about you, My Queen?” the king brings her to sit.
“I saw her. At the end of the hallway. Snow White, was it? I don't know how, but I'm certain it was her. She... Is she always...”
“Calm down. I apologize. She's grown fond of her games. She's just been acting out ever since her mother's death,” the king takes her hands in his.
“Yes, of course. Any child would grieve such a loss. I'll do what I can to help ease the pain.”
“Thank you. That's part of the reason I brought you in here. I want you to help Snow White to heal, to grow, to learn. No teacher wants to work with her because of her outburst. The staff will barely go near her. She doesn't want anything to do with me. She runs and hides when I go looking for her, so I've never seen this behavior myself. But everyone is complaining, so there must be something wrong. I know it's a lot to put on you all at once. But I need this, she needs this.”
“It's fine, My King. It's the queen's duty to watch over a child's schooling as is. You aren't asking too much of me at all. But, if I may ask you a question, My King?”
“Yes, by all means.”
“Who came up with her name?”
“There was an... incident in her youth,” the king tells Sylvia the story.
“No wonder she's acting out, whatever happened in those woods must have scarred her and then to lose her mother on top of that. Poor babe,” Sylvia squeezes the king's hand, hoping to leave some reassurance imprinted into them.
The next week bumbles in as clouds of dust and torn down cobwebs. The old queen's quarters are finally being cleaned out after all these years. Amidst the moving of furniture, the old queen's journal is found and brought to the king.
He pulls it out that dusk and reads into the night. Unsure of what to make of his late queen's notes, he places the notebook away. The king is not sure if the last few entries were just the ramblings of a madwoman or a warning something awful, he decides to go with the option he can wrap his logic around. He knows he needs to start being a father to Snow White again. Everything should have been fine.
The sun breaks on the horizon and he roams the castle for his daughter. He follows sightings of her, somehow she must know he is looking for her and is actively avoiding him like usual. The king hunts for her through lunch. He refuses to quit and he believes his effort rewarded. He has followed her to the last room of a slightly empty hallway. She can no longer avoid him. The king walks in on her crouching in a food pantry. The king can feel their eyes connect through Snow White's bangs.
“We really should get those cut soon. It's unbecoming of a princess to hide her face,” the king pauses as Snow White stands up, she has his height. “Listen, you know you can't keep going on like this. Everything you've been up to will be coming to an end. You will not be bringing any more chaos into my castle. Your behavior will be punished from here on out. Am I understood?”
Snow White tilts her head in thought.
It is a few days until the castle is silent. The king's hysterics had echoed through the stone walls, shaking Sylvia to the bone. There was nothing the doctors could do before he was too far gone. The king was buried in the family cemetery far back behind the castle.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years
Birthday Parties Are Lame
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: some pretty trashy angst
Hope you like it!
Summary- Peter forgot readers b-day
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"[Y/N]! How are you?," May smiled brightly that night, opening her door for the young girl on her doorstep.
May absolutely loved it when Peter's girlfriend came by to visit. Her smile was always so bright it could light up a room. She was the only thing that was keeping Peter sane. She was sweet and loyal and May could tell by how Peter acted around her that [Y/N] was the highlight of his days.
Which was why the unexpected image at the door bothered her. "[Y/N], dear, what's wrong?"
[Y/N] was wiping away tears, holding herself and struggling to keep a fake smile on her face. "N-nothing... g-good eve-ning, ma'am," she whispered, walking into the living room. "Is Peter h-here?"
May's eyes filled with concern. "On patrol."
"Oh..." [Y/N] paused momentarily before finding herself on the couch. She narrowed her eyes as more tears fell.
Peter's aunt tilted her head with sympathy. "Do you want me to fix you anything?," she asked, deciding it better to not approach the problem directly. "I was just about to make dinner."
[Y/N] nodded. "That'd be nice. I could help you.. if you want." She wiped her eyes.
"That's alright, hon," she said, making her way into the kitchen. "You just sit there and relax." She smiled, opening the pantry. "And wipe those tears, they'll do you no good."
May looked around the cabinet. "How does mac & cheese with ham sound, [Y/N]?"
"Great!," [Y/N] yelled back. It sounded as if she was seconds away from crying. May tried to ignore it. 'I swear if that clueless boy hurt her...'
She looked through the fridge to find more ingredients.
As she took things out, she racked her mind for anything she could be forgetting. [Y/N]'s sniffles were getting louder by the minute. 'Oh, that poor girl.'
What could have happened? Peter couldn't've broken up with her. He loved her. That much May was certain.
But there she sat, slouching over and nearly trembling.
Maybe the young girl was just at the Parker home for comfort from her boyfriend. A failed test having shook up her spirit or so.
"[Y/N], can you come over here?," May asked. I can't find the cheese."
"Y-yes ma'am!," she yelled back, taking a few seconds to compose herself.
Right as [Y/N]'s footsteps became closer, Aunt May yelled, "Oh, sorry! That's alright, I've found it!"
She closed the door to see [Y/N] right next to her, a small, polite smile on her tear-stained face. Her eyes were completely sunken.
May lifted her head, opening her mouth to speak, but before she could, her eyes fell on the calendar in front of her.
There were big underlined red letters in marker on the date.
*[Y/N]'S B-DAY!!! DON'T FORGET!!!!*
May gasped and stared at it for a while as she heard [Y/N] walking away to sit back on the couch. 'Peter forgot [Y/N]'s birthday.'
No wonder she looked so distraught. Anybody would be when someone close to them forgot something so important to them.
May went back into the living room. She sat on the couch beside [Y/N] and immediately reached for her. "Come here, hon. I've got you.."
[Y/N] looked down at her feet, as she felt fresh tears building up, and shook her head. She hated crying in front of May, especially when her nephew was the cause of it.
But the second May pulled her in for a hug, [Y/N] let go. She cried. Wept. "H-he forg-got-"
"I know, [Y/N]. I know," May mumbled. "He'd forget his own head if it weren't attached..." She tried to make her feel better, but there's only so much she could say.
Peter needed to come home.
"I-I kn-know he has responsi-b-bilities.. and I get that, and he tries and h-he does really good, but.. it still hurts," [Y/N] whimpered. "The little things, y'know?"
"Yeah," May whispered. "I know, kiddo..."
When May finally let go, [Y/N] cried a bit more. It was evident that this probably wasn't the first time Peter had forgotten something important. Ooh, the things May would say to him when he got home.
Which was 2 hours from then.
"I think it's about time for me to go home, Miss. Parker," [Y/N] said with a lopsided smile. "Thank you for the meal by the way."
"You're welcome, sweetie," May replied. "And hey, don't yell at him too much. My nephew is smart as a lick, but also an idiot at times."
"Sure thing," [Y/N] laughed. Lies. She wasn't gonna let Peter forget this.
"By the way, did you have a party or something?"
"Haha no," [Y/N] giggled. "Birthday parties are lame."
She walked to the door. As she turned the knob, both she and May heard a voice coming from upstairs.
"Aunt May, I'm home!"
They looked up, then to each other.
Peter energetically walked down the stairs, still with his suit on, to see his aunt and his girlfriend staring at him. "Oh my gosh, hey [Y/N]!" He sped over the give her a quick kiss on the cheek. He looked down with a smile. "New dress? What's the occasion?"
May rolled her eyes. [Y/N] furrowed her eyebrows. "So...you really did forget?," she asked, her eyes becoming glossy again. "You weren't too busy, you actually forgot?"
May looked over at [Y/N]. It was clear that she was in denial. She'd been telling herself that he was too busy. She been hoping that that's what it was.
Peter narrowed his eyes, a clueless smile still on his face. "Forgot what? The only thing I had set for today was patrol- which was incredibly boring by the way!" He gave an over-exaggerated yawn. "It's like all the criminals forgot to come out tonight! -Which I guess is pretty good once you think about it, but still!," he joked.
Well, that was even more of a slap in the face for [Y/N].
Not only had he completely forgotten her birthday. On top of that, he spent the entire afternoon probably sitting on the edge of a building. Doing absolutely nothing productive.
There was no city in danger. No drug run that needed busting. Not even a snot-nosed kid that fell off his bike.
It was just [Y/N] and her forgotten birthday.
"Jesus, Peter," May sighed. "Go check the calendar."
Peter, completely confused, walked into the kitchen.
Why were they acting so weird? What had he forgotten?
Walking further into the kitchen, his eyes fell on the calendar. He sped over to it. His jaw dropped at the sight.
*[Y/N]'S B-DAY!!! DON'T FORGET!!!!*
'Oh crap, I forgot!'
And just like that, Peter felt the weight of the world crash onto his shoulders. He slowly trudged back into the room after cursing himself out twelve thousand times.
"S-so, um.." He suddenly couldn't look anyone in the eye anymore. "May can w-we have the room for a quick second?"
Aunt May chuckled. "Oh, Peter. I think you're going to be in for a long second." She patted his shoulder. "You two go up to his room for this."
The walk to Peter's room was short and quiet. Neither teen looked at the other. The only sound was of their footsteps and [Y/N]'s quiet sniffling.
When they got there, Peter stood by his bed and [Y/N] stood my the door after closing it shut.
"So..um.... happy birthday?"
[Y/N] rolled her eyes. "Thanks," she said bitterly.
"Did you have a party?," he mumbled.
"No," she barely whispered. "Parties are lame..."
They stared in silence.
"I should probably go. My mom will call me if I'm not home in a few..."
"I really am sorry [Y/N-"
"-I let you lie to me," she cut him off sharply, causing him to finally look her in the eyes. "Over and over again I continue to let you lie to me." She pinched the bridge of her nose before she began to pace the room.
"-When you say you're with Ned but I just know you're actually doing some crap with Stark or something. When you need to get home early because May is worried when really you're actually just being obsessive again with your patrol- as if New York can't possibly survive without Spiderman for two seconds even though it has for hundreds of years!"
Peter watched as tears flowed freely down the sides of her face.
"-But the thing is, I don't even care when you lie!," she laughed angrily. "No harm no foul, right?!-No, the problem is...," she trailed off before pointing to herself and looking right into his eyes.
"-I get to dates on time...I find out from Aunt May when you might finally be getting home so that I can facetime you and make sure you're not stressed before you go to bed every night...I try to do everything for you."
Peter looked to the ground.
"- And the one time!," she sobbed out, pointing to him. "...the one time that I need you to be there you aren't, Peter." She stared off.
Peter finally found his voice. "I'm so sorry, [Y/N].."
"God, you're just so-!" She froze, pressing her lips together. "O-oh gosh..."
Peter watched with concern as she stopped telling and finally broke down completely. His heart broke as he led her to sit on his bed.
Immediately, as if snapping out of some sort of trance, she put up a hand and looked away, ashamed. "N-no, I'm sorry. T-that was just me ranting," she rushed out her words. "I-I know you have responsibilities a-and stuff and it's selfish for me to- You don't have to do anything, okay?!," she cried, looking away from him.
At that, Peter began to cry too. "No, [Y/N]. I'm the selfish one, alright? A-and I'll do whatever I can to fix it.."
"You can't, Peter."
"I'll try-"
"You.. can't, Pete!," she yelled, sitting on his bed, bringing him with her. "Because you already do!- You make sure I get to classes on time. You find ways to fit me in your crazy schedule from time to time..You let me know you love me.. t-that's all I need... You do everything that you can to make sure you're there with me.. I'm even amazed sometimes..."
She stared at the ground for a while before speaking again. "During the b-blip.. I was the only one in my family that didn't go..."
Peter gasped. He'd known she didn't blip, but he hadn't known that before.
"During that time, I aged... I learned... my life kept going on," she said quietly, almost sounding guilty. ".. while nobody I loved could see it." She put her head in her hands, shaking against Peter's side as he pulled her close. "And I was miserable..." Hiccups disturbed her talking. She wiped away her tears pitifully.
"-This was my first birthday after the blip... everyone I loved before, and now you... finally had an actual chance to see it with me." She looked up at him. "So when y-you didn't remember. I-I freaked...I-I'm sorry."
The two sat in silence for several minutes. Just crying. Staring.
And after a while, slowly, smiling.
"I made a big fool of myself, didn't I?," she giggled, finally actually calming down from the night she had.
"No," Peter replied, with an intense stare, standing up. "[Y/N], you know you have absolutely nothing to feel sorry for, right?," he smiled. "I'll work on me. But just know that I love you, okay?"
She smiled back, getting closer. "I do, Pete." She sat up, reaching for his neck. "Now come down here and gimme a big kiss..."
"Glad to see you two have made up, with the door closed." Aunt May stood at the -now open- door with her eyebrow raised.
The two teens quickly broke away. "Heh, sorry Aunt May," Peter chuckled.
"I'll allow it this time," she laughed. "Just don't forget her birthday again, you hear me Peter? Or next time, you deal with me."
"Loud and clear," he playfully saluted, hoping that May would just leave already. "Now... can you just, please?," he asked, politely gesturing for her to leave.
"Fine," she said. "Just don't go having any babies you two."
"Yes ma'am," [Y/N] smiled before crashing her lips into Peter's the second the door shut.
Like if you enjoyed!!!
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Late Nights and Lavender Tea
series masterlist ☕️ 
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Ochako Uraraka
Warnings: Some lauguage, gets a lil steamy at some parts, slow burn, MAJOR SPOILERS
Summary: After a year of friendship, Uraraka realizes that she is totally in love with her best friend, Midoriya Izuku. There's just one slight problem. She's in a happy, committed relationship with Iida Tenya.Or is she? As their relationship progresses, she sees a side of Tenya that scares her- and she wonders if she made the right choice to get with him in the first place. And her resurfacing feelings for Izuku aren't helping her case, not in the slightest.Midoriya Izuku always avoids romantic relationships, but he simply cannot avoid his feelings for Uraraka Ochako. She's taken, but Izuku can't help but hopelessly pine after her. After seemingly the millionth late-night talk over tea, he realizes that he's head over heels in love with her. He's in love with a girl who's off-limits. He can swallow his feelings for her sake, of course.That's okay with Izuku. If she's happy, he's happy for her. It's really okay, honestly.Teenage relationships are hard. That's one thing they've both realized.
Notes: This is my first fic, let me know what you think! (cross posted on ao3)
Chapter 4: Want Me to Beat His Ass?
“Tenya,” Ochako breathed, knotting her hands in his hair as they kissed. They were in his room, sitting on his bed making out, as they had been since they escaped from the commotion of the common space. His hands were on her back, one playing with the hem of her shirt, the other pressing her closer to him. They were supposed to be studying, but they got sidetracked quickly, when Tenya had pulled her closer, tossing the book aside.
“God, I love you,” Tenya whispered, breaking the kiss. She leaned back, they hadn’t said the L-word yet. She took a shaky breath, and smiled at him, not sure what to say. She didn’t really know how she felt. Two weeks ago, she thought she did, but now she wasn’t so sure. Ochako didn’t know what she felt anymore, her feelings had gotten extremely out of her control. “You don’t have to say it, I’m sorry if it’s too soon, I know we’ve only been going out for two months-” he stuttered, taking in the look on her face. 
“I’m sorry Tenya- I… I’m just not ready,” she said quietly, not looking at him, guilt filling her, overflowing at the seams. His face fell, and he sat up, clearing his throat. 
“That’s all right,” he replied, but his voice was stiff.
“I said it’s fine,” he said sharply, shocking her. “I told my girlfriend I love her, and she didn’t say it back, that’s totally fine.”
“You don’t sound fine,” she remarked, her voice hardening, and she turned to look at him. His eyes were full of anger and hurt and he was staring at his hands, which were clenched into fists. She backed up, and stood slowly. 
“Where are you going?” he asked, swiveling to look at her. “I thought we were studying.”
“That’s all right Tenya, I’ll just catch up with you later, I’ve studied enough for today anyway,” she was desperate to escape, she felt terrible, and he had a look in his eye that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. 
He stared at her, trying to read her expression, which she wiped, conveying no emotion, except for the slight apologetic smile on her face. “I’ll see you in the morning then.”
“Yeah,” she said, smiled warmly at him and, knees shaking, hurried out of the room and towards the elevator. She didn’t like this side of him, and yet she seemed to be the only one who brought it out in him. After all, he acted perfectly normal around other people, and even when they had been alone before they were dating, and in the first month of their relationship. He had never acted like this around her until the day of the Sports Festival, and had been getting angrier and angrier. It had only been a week, and at first after their fight, he had tried to be gentle and considerate, the way he had been throughout their entire relationship, but after that, he had been snapping at her whenever they were alone, he had been angrier, more impulsive, defensive. Ochako sighed. She didn’t know what to do. 
She was standing in front of the open elevator, debating whether she should click the fourth floor button or go grab a snack from the kitchen. Choosing the latter, she stepped into the elevator pushing the button, and felt tears begin to slip down her face. She wiped them away hastily as the elevator opened, and she hurried towards the kitchen, grabbing a handful of saltine crackers from the pantry, and walked aimlessly through the commons, stopping in front of the door to the courtyard. Some fresh air would be nice, it’ll help me clear my head, she thought, and stepped out into May night, a warm breeze ruffling her hair slightly. She settled herself into a chair, and stared at the sky, letting her troubles melt away. 
“Ochako?” she heard a familiar voice call, “What are you doing out here?” 
She sat up groggily, taking in her surroundings. Why am I so cold? She turned to see Izuku, looking worried. She looked up to see the sky, the sun not even having risen yet, the stars still very bright, and she shivered. 
“Ochako?” he prompted, walking over to her and setting a cautious hand on her shoulder. She turned back to him. He was so beautiful, his hair a wild, untamable, green mess, his spring colored eyes filled with concern. 
“Hi,” she mumbled, still groggy from sleep. 
“What are you doing out here? It’s three AM.”
“I don’t know, I remember I wanted some fresh air, and I guess I fell asleep. I’m sorry, I’ve just been so exhausted lately-”
“Why are you apologizing?” he asked, pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s get you back to bed.”
“Okay,” she answered, rising slowly, leaning on Izuku sleepily. He supported her easily, guiding her towards the door. “What are you doing up?”
“Oh, well, I was having trouble staying asleep, so I came down to have some tea when I saw you out in the courtyard,” he answered, pressing the four button on the elevator and stepping inside, holding her against him so she didn’t fall. He was stiff, as if he was uncomfortable, but she was too tired to notice.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep,” she mumbled, her words tainted by sleep, blurring together as they made their way towards her room. 
“It’s alright,” he said as he opened the door to her room, guiding her to the bed, and helped her under the covers, tucking her in. 
“Thanks ‘Zu. You’re the best,” she mumbled, nodding off into unconsciousness. He smiled warmly at her, and bent down to gently kiss her forehead. The last thing she heard before she fell asleep was the door clicking shut. 
Tenya didn’t talk to her much the next morning, and he sat away from her at breakfast. Ochako knew she deserved it, but he had to respect her feelings, just like she respected his. 
“What’s up with Iida?” Jirou asked her as she played with Yaomomo’s hair, the girls were all sitting in Yaomomo’s room, sprawled out on her gigantic bed, talking and catching up on each other’s love lives. 
Ochako sighed. “Well, yesterday, we were making out and he told me he loved me.”
“That’s awesome!” Mina squealed. “But wait, isn’t that a good thing?”
“Well, um, I didn’t say it back,” she mumbled.
“No!” Hagakure gasped.
“What happened Ochako? A couple of weeks ago you said you were pretty much ready to tell him, you were just waiting for him to say it,” Tsu asked, looking at her friend quizzically. 
Ochako put her face in her hands. “I don’t know!” she said, her hands muffling her yell. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately! I’ve just been having doubts ever since after the Sports Festival…” 
Yaomomo sat up, much to her girlfriend’s chagrin, and turned to Ochako, setting a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Tell us what’s been going on Ochako, it’s not good to keep what you’re feeling to yourself. We love you and we’re here for you, right girls?” There was a chorus of yes’s from the group, and Ochako looked up from her hands, and smiled at her friends. She was so lucky to have them. 
“Well,” she started, sniffling. “It all started the day of the Sports Festival…” she said, launching into the story of the way he acted after the Sports Festival, feeling relieved it was off her chest. “And then last night, he got so angry with me so quickly, I mean, I don’t blame him, he told me he loved me, and then I told him I wasn’t ready… but I don’t know… I just feel like he should respect my feelings too you know? I’m just not ready, it’s not like I’ll never say it…” she trailed off, and tears started slipping down her cheeks. “Or maybe I won't. I just don’t know he’s been so angry at me, I don’t know what I did wrong, he’s just so rough, and then I say something and he snaps, I just don’t know what to do…” Ochako was fully sobbing now, and was being squashed into a six-way hug.
“Aw babe, you should’ve told us,” Yaomomo soothed.
“Want me to go kick his ass?” Mina asked, wiping Ochako’s tears away. 
“I’ll help!” Hagakure chimed in. Ochako wiped the rest of her tears away, sniffling.
“Thanks you guys. You were right, I just needed to talk about it.”
“Ochako, can I be honest with you?” Tsu asked, setting a hand on her leg.
“What’s up Tsu?” she said, rubbing her eyes.
Tsu and Jirou exchanged a look, and Tsu looked back to Ochako, concerned. “Your relationship with Iida seems to be emotionally abusive, and possessive. He doesn’t seem to respect your boundaries, and gets angry when you call him on it, and he isn’t respecting what you’re feeling, and again, is getting angry with you and acting like a child. Then, when he’s done acting like he’s a child, he expects you to have immediately forgiven him, without apologizing.”
“Tsu’s right,” Yaomomo said quietly. “If he isn’t respecting what you’re feeling, then he doesn’t deserve you. Honestly, from what you’ve told us, I hope he doesn’t continue to get worse. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but if he’s getting angry with you for just saying what you think, then you two definitely need to rethink if you should be in this relationship.”
“You need to be careful Ochako,” Jirou insisted. “None of us know what’s going on with Iida right now, but you really need to think about if you’re happy in this relationship- and if you’re not, then you need to break it off. If he’s taking away your happiness, then he doesn’t get to be with you.”
“We love you Ochako, and we just want you to be okay,” Mina pulled her into a hug.
“Yeah, don’t let him steal your shine Ochako! You’re our star!” Hagakure said, rubbing her friend’s shoulder. 
“Thanks guys. I’ll think about what you said. We have internships starting tomorrow anyway, that’ll give me plenty of time to think,” she smiled at all her friends, feeling so grateful for them. “I love you guys.” There was a chorus of ‘we love you too Ochako’ from around the group, and they group-hugged again, laughing. 
“A hero’s been captured,” Izuku heard Burnin yell through his earpiece. He turned to Todoroki, taking in his friend’s expression as they listened. They had been on routine patrol, with instructions not to engage, when Burnin’s frantic message had come through. “One of Ryukyu’s interns was taken by a villain- you two are not to engage, do you hear me?” Izuku froze. Ochako was interning with Ryukyu, along with Tsu. Todoroki looked over at Izuku, saw his horrified face, and asked the question Izuku didn’t dare to.
“What’s the name of the hero that was taken?” Todoroki asked, looking at a frantic Izuku, who had broken out of his frozen state and was resorting to panic. 
“I don’t know exactly- Uravity I think?” Burnin answered, and Izuku felt dread wash over him, and he started hyperventilating. “Listen to me Deku, Shoto, you are not to go after her. Do you hear me? Wait for backup, and stay away from forty-fifth street!”
“Todoroki, we have to save her!” Izuku said frantically, turning to his friend. 
“Midoriya, you heard Burnin. I want to save her too- but we have direct orders to stay put. Look at me, Midoriya,” he said, touching Izuku’s shoulder as Izuku stared at the ground, mouthing fighting and stealth techniques. Izuku looked up unwillingly, tears brimmed in his eyes- not tears of sadness, but of frustration, anger, hatred for the villain who captured the only girl he’d ever loved. “I know you love her. I know you do. But right now what’s best for her is for you to stay out of the way so the heroes can get to her. We’ll be doing no good interfering.”
“I just want to get in, get her, and get out. She’s all I care about. And if I had to fight, I’d have a pretty good fucking chance, because I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but I’ve fought villains before, and won. I just want her to be okay, and I’ll do whatever it takes for her to be safe. So let go of my shoulder so I can go save her,” tears of frustration were slipping down his cheeks, but his eyes were full of determination and anger.
“No, Midoriya, you know I can’t,” Todoroki shook his head in exasperation. “I can’t let you go. Remember when we fought Stain, and Iida let his personal motives get in the way and almost got himself, Native, and us killed? I won’t let you get killed. You’re my best friend Midoriya, and I’m not going to let you go.”
“If Sora had been the one captured, you wouldn’t hesitate. You would launch right into battle, am I right?” Izuku ignored the wounded look on Todoroki’s face as he thought about it and continued. “Can’t you see I have to save her? I have to, and I’ll never forgive myself if she gets hurt, that’s why I have to go now, because she could be being tortured, she could… she could be…” he didn’t want to let himself think it, but the thought filled his head, a poison spreading throughout his mind. She could be dead. “I have to Todoroki. Please,” he whispered, his voice full of agony, and Todoroki turned to look at him, seeing the pain splayed across Izuku’s face, and sighed. 
“Fine, but we’re going to need a cover,” Todoroki sighed, and Izuku looked up at him, smiled a twisted smile, and whispered a quiet thank you as they dissolved into improvised planning. 
Izuku crept silently through the abandoned building on forty-fifth street, weaving through the rubble of the trashed hallway, listening for a sound, any sound. It was then that he heard her scream, in the room he was standing next to.
“HELP! ANYONE! I’M IN HERE!” she hollered, and was cut off by a snap, and a bloodcurdling scream came tumbling out of her, a sound he didn’t know she could produce. 
“Shut up you brat!” he heard the villain hiss, and it sounded as if he had slapped her. “You’ll draw the heroes right to us!”
He heard her spit, and heard the villain grunt in disgust. “That was the point you jackass,” she snarled, and he felt a swell of pride. That was his girl.
There was another snap, and he heard her gasp in pain. It took everything in him not to burst into that room and kill the villain with his own hands, even though he knew it was illegal. “Well now I have to go make sure no pros are coming to get you. Because if they do, I’ll have to kill you. Nothing personal.”
The villain’s footsteps were getting closer by the second, and Izuku looked around for a place to hide, and then remembered he could fly, and pressed himself flush against the ceiling, not daring to breathe as the villain opened the door and stepped outside, looking both ways, and hesitantly hurried down the hall, and out of sight. Izuku dropped down quietly, and ran into the room. 
There she was, in the middle of the room, tears of frustration slipping down her cheeks, her wrists were bound, tied to the chair she was in palm up so she couldn’t use her quirk, and her head snapped up as she heard the creak of the floorboards when he entered. Relief flooded her eyes, and then fear. 
“Deku, behind you!” she screamed, and he swung around, pushing off the ground effortlessly, the huge fist being swung at him missing widely as he soared to the ceiling, thanking God that it was a ballroom type. This must have been a hotel of some sort, he wondered before shaking his head in exasperation. Idiot! Now is not the time to focus on the building structure! 
The villain jumped, swinging his abnormally large fist at Izuku’s head, who shot out Black Whip and threw the villain back. The villain’s head hit the wall, sending a rumble throughout the room, and he fell to the ground, immobilized immediately. Izuku was honestly surprised that had worked, after all, the villain was a big guy, he hadn’t expected him to go out with one hit. 
He remembered Ochako, and turned to her, descending quickly, touching the side of her face before untying her wrists. He looked her up and down. She had a cut above her left eye, and a large gash in her arm. “Are you alright? Do you have any major injuries minus the ones on your arm and face?”
“Yes,” she gasped as he helped her up. “He broke my right leg, and I think he also broke my wrist. I don’t think I can walk-”
“That’s alright, don’t worry, I’ve got you, but we need to get out now, the villain will be back soon.” Ochako nodded, her face twisted in a grimace. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, as he picked her up bridal style and rose slowly into the air, aiming for a large hole in the roof, where they could escape, and head out to the heroes. 
He looked down at her, bringing his hand to cheek and brushing her tears away. “Always. I’ve got you.” 
They smiled at each other softly, and for a moment, he thought he was going to kiss her, maybe it was the soft glow of the moon on her face, or maybe it was the love he felt for her taking over his brain, his body, before he remembered she was taken, and they were perched atop the dilapidated building he had just saved her from, and that her leg was broken. 
He cleared his throat, and held her close, committing it to memory, breathing in the scent of her jasmine shampoo. “Let’s get you to the heroes, and then to a hospital.”
“Okay,” she whispered, nuzzling her face into his chest as they flew down, and he hoped she couldn’t hear his heart beating wildly from her touch.
After he had taken Ochako to the hospital, he called Todoroki, waiting worriedly as they took X-rays of her leg and wrist, hoping they weren’t too serious. 
“Where the hell are you?” Todoroki picked up on the first ring, and he sounded anxious and pissed. “Did you find Uraraka? Is she alright? Are you alright?”
“I’m sorry Todoroki, I just checked Ochako into the hospital, I should’ve called earlier- I know that was the plan, I just got distracted, and I wanted to make sure she was alright… how has it been going with Endeavor and Burnin?” 
“Oh they’re pissed, they’re demanding you come back immediately- but you’re probably going to stay with Ochako, am I right?”
“Well…” he said sheepishly, “That was the plan, yeah- but I can come if you need me! I just don’t want to leave her alone, not until her parents get here.”
“Fine, stay. I can handle my father anyway. Just get back before tomorrow morning, it’s late anyway, and tomorrow’s our last day of internships.”
“Okay, see you then,” Izuku said quickly, Ochako was being wheeled out of the X-ray room, conversing quietly, and Ochako looked very small and vulnerable in the wheelchair. Izuku hurried over to her, hanging up on Todoroki, and lowered himself to his knees to talk to her. 
“Are you okay Ochako?” he asked softly, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. She gave him a look. “Seriously, are you alright? Your parents are on their way…” His voice trailed off as a tear slipped down her cheek, which was still covered in dirt from the building. “Hey, hey,” he soothed, wrapping his arms around her, stroking her hair softly.
“I was so scared, ‘Zu,” she said quietly, wiping her eyes. “I thought I was going to die…. I thought that it was over. I didn’t know if I would ever see you, or Tenya, or my parents ever again, and I had given up. But then you were there, and you saved my life. You’re my hero ‘Zu.”
She said the last part softly, so quiet that Izuku barely heard her, but he was close enough that he did. He pulled her back, and kissed her forehead gently. 
“Izuku I-” she started, before she was cut off from behind the two of them, by a very familiar voice. 
“Ochako!” Iida called, running towards them, lowering down to where Ochako was, practically pushing Izuku aside and taking his girlfriend into his arms, kissing her. “I heard what happened, Manual and I were helping with the cleanup from the villain’s original attack when I heard you’d been captured, and I hurried here, I had to make sure you were okay…” 
She smiled at him softly, and said, “I’m okay Tenya, just a few broken bones and some cuts and scrapes, nothing too serious.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Iida asked suspiciously, looking over his glasses into Ochako’s eyes, brushing her hair aside, just as Izuku had moments earlier. Izuku got to his feet, brushing off his costume, and turning back to Iida examining Ochako as she laughed. Izuku felt a pang of sadness, but pushed it away. As long as she’s happy. 
“I promise I’m alright. Now, let go, Tenya. The doctors have to take me to get a cast while we wait for my parents to arrive.” Izuku opened his mouth to offer to go with her when he was cut off. 
“I’ll come with you,” Iida said immediately, before Izuku could utter a word. Izuku closed his mouth, and nodded at Ochako when she looked at him worriedly. 
“Yeah… I’ve got to go back to Endeavor’s agency anyway,” Izuku said, plastering a fake smile on his face, and leaning down to hug Ochako goodbye. “Call me tomorrow, or later today I guess,” he corrected after checking the time on his phone. 
She laughed, and smiled warmly at him. “Thank you again for saving me.” 
“You’re welcome,” he replied softly, returning her smile with just as much warmth, and rising, ignoring the dumbfounded look on Iida’s face. He turned to walk down the hall, but before he turned the corner, he looked back to see Iida holding Ochako tightly, the doctors trying to shoo him off, and Ochako smiling, and he let the sadness wash over him as he opened his phone and dialed Todoroki’s number. 
“Hey, turns out I’m going to be there sooner than I thought,” he said quietly, as he left the building, pushing off the ground and flying into the air, soaring towards Endeavor’s agency.
By the time Endeavor and Burnin finished chewing out Izuku and Todoroki, it was light out, the sun peaking over the horizon. Izuku was exhausted, the fatigue finally setting in, and was heading back to Todoroki and his shared room when his phone started to ring. He smiled at the contact photo, his favorite picture of him and Ochako, the two of them smiling and laughing in the rain, Mina had taken it in their first year, a few weeks before she had started dating Iida.
“Hey, Ochako, how are you feeling?” he said when he picked up. 
“I’m okay, my parents just got here- they took the train in, and Tenya is asleep on a chair next to the bed here, it’s quite funny honestly, he’s drooling,” she giggled, and he laughed. 
“How’s the leg?” he asked, leaning against the wall as Todoroki passed him, shaking his head and smiling at his lovesick friend. 
“It’s alright, they have it in a cast right now, and tonight when I get discharged and back to the dorms, they’re going to have Recovery Girl fix me up.”
“Good,” Izuku sighed in relief. “I’m glad you’re okay. I was really worried about you…” 
“I promise I’m alright, don’t you worry,” she said lightly. “Thank you again for saving me last night. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t got there when you did.”
“I’m always there for you, don’t you forget it,” he promised. “You’re my best friend Ochako, how could I let anything happen to you?”
“I’m lucky to have a friend like you ‘Zu,” she said, and he could hear the smile in her voice. 
“Same here,” he replied, and yawned.
“Have you slept yet Deku?” 
“Well… no.”
“Izuku!” she reprimanded.
“I’m sorry! I’ve been getting chewed out by Endeavor and Burnin-”
“Wait, why?” she asked, confused.
“Oh, no reason,” he lied. She didn’t need to know that he wasn’t supposed to save her, that he wasn’t supposed to go after her in the first place.
“That’s bullshit,” she insisted, “They wouldn’t chew you out unless they had a reason.”
“They were just mad that I was back so late,” he lied again, hoping she couldn’t detect it, he had always been an awful liar. 
“Uh huh,” she answered sarcastically, and he could practically hear how heavily she was rolling her eyes.
“Anyway, I should be getting to bed,” he said quickly.
“Alright, well, I’ll see you tonight I guess.”
“See you tonight,” he replied, and waited until she hung up to head into his room, where Todoroki was fast asleep, snoring lightly. Izuku walked over to his bed, and flopped down on it, and was asleep before his head hit the pillow. 
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