#Or atleast enjoy humor
theblehthatbloos · 1 year
I'm currently loosing it because I walked into my mother's pantry and swear I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
Unsure and realizing that I don't recall what it is or could be, I walk back in to find:
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Oh m-
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mommyhorror · 1 year
Haven’t seen it yet but what are the radblr takes on the Barbie movie 🍿
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remember-the-fanfics · 8 months
• Died at 18, been in hell for a few years.
• Came in after Alastor disappeared, just before Vaggie showed up.
• You were never one to follow what everyone else did. Killing, drugs, theft, or porn.
• Kept to yourself for a few months, getting use to being dead and in hell.
• Accidentally became an Overlord after you killed one in self defense.
"In my defense, she was like super creepy and an asshole. A big one."
• The souls were free but you kept your new territory nice so they didn't leave.
• You made jobs and kept the housing in better shape, only made deals to help souls.
• Gave them a job, house, and protection. You give them a limit of a few years of the deal and if they don't mind it, they can renew it.
"Well I don't want to force them to do something, its rude."
• In return, they keep your territory nice, clean, and less violent than most. Work the jobs you made and protect your little town.
• There's been occasions were you trade souls to other overlords, either the soul did something against them or just an asshole.
• The time on the contract would restart
• To every other overlord, you are a child with a knife and to much power.
• You demolished another overlord because they thought you were weak and tried to destroy you territory.
"You ass eatting bitch-"
• You let others fight for new open territory because you're fine with what you have.
• Panicked when you got invited to an Overlord meeting.
• Apparently you had enough power to be one, then you realized you actually were one.
• It was awkward to meet the most of the overlords. Not knowing who you were to begin with.
"This is for overlords only."
"Oh, I'm (Y/n). I got invited."
• Chatted with Rosie before and after it.
• Camilla likes how you run your territory but you seem so young.
• Did apologized afterwards, introducing you to her daughters, apparently you were around the same age.
• Zestial wanted to know how you took over you territory, interested on how you did it.
• You've only meet Velvette because you need some clothes. She recognized you as the up and coming overlord.
• Throwing the clothes you had in your hands away, saying you need to be in the best lastest trend of clothes.
• You were now stuck having a fashion show as she decided what look good on you.
• While not enjoying all the clothes she had you try on, you kept being nice having conversation when she wasn't yelling at everyone else.
• Velvette learned that you were around the same age so she decided that you were acquainted enough to have her number.
• Apparently it wasn't optional for you.
• You brought back way to much clothes for one person, atleast now you have style.
• Chaotic neutral energy
• Charlie meet you after she heard that you improved a part of hell, wasn't expecting someone so young looking.
"Dying just after I turned 18 just means I look young forever."
• Laughing at your own dark humor.
• Charlie did not find it as funny.
• Told you about the hotel idea and you were right on board.
• Thought it was a good way to stick it to the man and help people.
• Vaggie was surprised when Charlie brought back a child.
• More surprised that you're the Overlord that Charlie wanted to meet with.
• Definitely said Vaggie's name wrong for the first time reading it.
• Meeting Angel Dust after he decided to crash at the hotel.
• Not knowing what he was known for but definitely heard his name from someone.
"You're a kind of actor?"
"Of the sorts."
• After you heard what he was famous for.
"Well, he'll do him and I'll do me but never do each other."
• There was an awkward silence of confusion from everyone.
• Having to explain every reference you make.
• Vaggie made jar for everytime you make a dark joke.
• Charlie has asked you why you were in hell. You shrugged, never living a truly bad life but probably just too chaotic for heaven to handle.
• You leave every few days to check back in your little town to make sure everything was running smoothly.
• You know when something happens, feeling the souls you own in a panic.
• Having to let everyone remember why you were in charge a couple of times.
• Either with your words or actions.
• Luckily Rosie just adores your mannerisms and how you don't completely turn away from her with what or who she eats.
"You could say the food was to die for!"
• She finds your dark humor funny.
• So she keeps an eye out for you, sending letters to you every few days.
• You vist her every other week to just chat, she tells you about easy territories that you could get. You say you would rather show up some punks than have more responsibility with more souls.
• Offers food everytime, you say no thanks everytime.
• Rosie would tell you all the tea about the other overlords or her own town.
• Yay! You have an allie with an another overlord by being friends.
• Also with offering truly worse souls sometimes. On a rare occasion.
• Rosie knowing when you offer a soul to her, she would take her time with it. Enjoying every bite.
• Anyway- Sinners would come up to asking for deal when they are completely down on their luck.
• But whats following a couple of rules for free house and job.
• You give them enough warning before you would shake hands then saying you would know if they even thought of fucking your shit up.
• Putting an add for Charlie's hotel in your territory.
• Charlie almost hugged you to death after seeing it.
• When Alastor showed up, the two of you would have a intense staring contest.
• He wasn't expecting another overlord here, oh wait, you're new.
• Alastor not actually taking the hotel serious, pissed you off but he was more powerful.
• Charlie having to keep you and Vaggie from trying to fight him.
"I didn't know there was a new overlord! Charmed to meet you. Whose territory was up for grab?"
"She was a bitch-."
"I know who exactly you speak of, that's good. She never had any manners."
• Watching him summon Husk and Niffty and was shocked.
• Tried it and summoned one of your workers.
• Excited that it worked! Apologetic for interrupting their day.
"Ah ha! It worked! Oh shit it worked! Sorry!"
• You and Niffty vibe on a similar level. Charmingly violent.
• Vaggie has to make sure either of you give the other one a bad idea to do.
• Husk question your age when you went to the bar. Making you do the math.
"Well I died at 18, it's been a few years so old enough."
• Gave you a hard drink which you spit out after tasting.
• You decide hard alcohol wasn't for you.
• Knowing how technology was when you died making you the most technical advance Sinners in the hotel.
That's enough for now, just a thought I had when working.
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01zfan · 9 months
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third | j.sc
boyfriend!sungchan x fem!reader | 3.9k words
third base - touching below the waist (without sexual intercourse) or manual stimulation of genitals.
contains: established relationship, mutual masturbation, f. fingering, switch reader and switch sungchan if you squint. only slightly proofread.
bases: first | second | third | homerun
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you looked at your boyfriend sitting at the foot of your bed. you could feel the gentle kneading on your feet, trying to dull the ache that was brought on by being on them all day.
this was becoming a part of your friday night routine. sungchan would pick you up from your late night shift at work and drive you home while you complained about customers and laughed as you recounted funny moments with your coworkers. sungchan always listened attentively, also in shock at the stupidity of the customers you had to deal with. sungchan would talk about his day then he would drop you off in front of your house, coming around to open the door for you. you would kiss and say goodbye. then he would drive off.
this was all a part of the master plan you came up with to sneak your boyfriend into your parents house. the front door camera would see him drive away after waiting for you to close the door to go inside. what the camera wouldn’t see is sungchan park his car at his friends who lived in the same neighborhood as you and “sneak” up to your window so you could let him in. you enjoyed being rebellious, and he enjoyed humoring you. you loved watching sungchan pull himself up through the window into your room. sungchan would never admit it but he loved showing off how easy it was for him.
even in the dark of your room looking at his back you could see the tentative and concise movements. his white tee moved in tandem with his ministrations on your foot. the fact that he was perched at the end of your bed like a little bird while being gigantic never ceased to amaze you. he carried himself similarly to a large puppy. so innocent and playful, while not knowing his true size. there were moments where he would lay on you and you would have to pinch him to get him off. he often picked you up like you weighed nothing, and you still weren’t sure if he knew how you felt when he’d lean against a wall looking down at you. the only illumination from the television helped you see through the negative space in his shirt. did he even know his muscles rippled underneath that white tee, that his shoulders were so broad?
you almost felt guilty when he turned around and smiled at you laughing at a funny part in the show. 
“this show is hilarious, babe.” sungchan told you, shaking your feet slightly for emphasis.
“it is but you can’t be too loud my parents might hear you.” you said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. you wanted to jump his bones more than anything, but you atleast had to give the illusion that you weren’t completely objectifying your boyfriend behind his back.
“oh you’re right. i completely forgot.” sungchans voice went completely down to a whisper and that made you smile. he turned back to the show and started massaging your calves.
“you’re really tense.” he whispered.
“sungchan.” you whispered matching his volume.
“hmm?” he looked at you again with his pretty brown eyes. “want me to go back to your feet?”
“can you come up here instead?” it was a struggle to sound neutral. something was in the air, you usually weren’t this desperate. 
sungchan gently set your legs back on the bed and crawled over to you. he sat up next to you leaning on the headboard. it felt like there was an awkward blanket surrounding you two. it was strange, even during the awkwardness in between moments of intimacy you still felt adrenaline bubbling underneath your skin.  he was your boyfriend, intimacy wasn’t new to either of you but it always felt like the first time without fail. maybe that comes with the territory of being young and in love, you feel on fire constantly. 
you put a hand on his thigh, patting him trying to break through the moment. sungchan instantly puts his hand over yours.
“thanks for the massage. and for picking me up from work. and for sneaking through my window.” you grab his hand and kiss it. sungchan slowly sinks down from sitting on the headboard to lay next to you. 
“no problem. i love doing stuff for you.” he said it with no hesitation. like it was his second nature. maybe he really was a puppy.
you slowly leaned forward to kiss his nose. it was a simple peck you pulled back as soon as you went in. when you saw sungchan’s face get a little red. you two held contact like that for what seemed like centuries. both chests heaving in anticipation, grinning ear to ear like idiots. him looking down at your lips gave you the confidence to go back in for a kiss right on his lips. 
sungchan immediately took control of the situation, putting a gentle hand on your cheek to pull you closer. the other hand rested on the nape of your neck, as a guide to help you deepen the kiss. your hands opted to rest on a shoulder with his shirt in a vice grip. your teeth occasionally clashed together, not used to this slightly awkward angle. you reluctantly pulled away. sungchan’s hands still rested on your body. his lips were swollen and had a pinker tint than usual. 
“is something wrong?” his blown out pupils only made his eyes more expressive, slightly worried he went overboard.
“can you sit up?” 
“yes. of course.” sungchan said a little too quickly propping himself on his arms while his back leaned against the headboard. you could see his curious face light up from the television as it cut to another scene. whatever was showing was long forgotten as you put your legs on either side of him. 
your bout of courage to straddle sungchan subsided. now he was the one looking up at you, mouth slightly open. sungchan always looked at you with such awe and curiosity. how did he land in your bed with you on top of him, guiding his hands to your hips? he knew he was the luckiest man on earth when you pulled him close to kiss him again. you pulled him in, desperate to get a close as possible. sungchans hands moved to the small of your back. you could feel his large warm hands resting there, splayed out to cover the most area possible. when you put your tongue in his mouth his hands on your back pulled you in.
you two were chest to chest. sungchan tilted his head to get a better angle. you will admit you were still clumsily going through the motions of kissing. you weren’t sure when to tilt your head like sungchan was doing his, or how to properly incorporate your tongue into kissing. all you knew was that you were ravaging him, not able to get enough. you knew sungchan felt the same way because his arms wrapped around you, caging you in. he had you surrounded the best way possible. the need running through your veins gave you another dose of courage to grind against him. sungchan broke through the sound of kissing with a moan. you began letting out breathy pants and whimpers. you were desperate to let him know you were enjoying everything.
sungchan’s hands were now on your waist. you two had taken a break from kissing to rest forehead to forehead looking in eachothers eyes. sungchan looked at you, not breaking eye contact as he slowly pressed you down on the hardness in his pants. you let out another moan, nodding your head and gripping his shoulders. he looked down where you two were touching, mouth agape. 
you could no longer kiss him, too focused on trying to swivel your hips to feel that pressure. sungchan’s grip on you was only getting tighter, his breathy moans becoming more frequent.
you leaned back moving your hands to grip his thighs. using your leverage you were able to control the pace and feel every inch of him. his gray sweatpants and your pajama bottoms allowed both of you to feel the pressure. your head lulled back when sungchan helped you slowly drag against his whole length. when you looked back up sungchan was staring at you. he looked ready to eat you then and there, eyes low and staring directly into yours.
“i can do this all night,” sungchan said, a smile breaking on his lips “you’re so good at this.”
“take your shirt off.” you pushed yourself off his thighs and went to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up. sungchan lifted his arms up and took off his shirt with one hand. you moaned and began rubbing your hands all over his body. so defined, brought on by hours of discipline and exercise. everything about sungchan was so hot you could barely control yourself anymore.
“you want it bad, huh?” sungchan teased. his hands dipped underneath your pajama pants to grab handfuls of your ass. he used the grip to move you against his length again. “no underwear.”
“i never wear underwear to bed.” you said. sungchan throbbed underneath you. “and you’re the one that picked me up dressed like a slut.”
sungchan’s laugh boomed in your room. you were knocked out of your current state to bring a hand to his mouth. you didn’t pull your hand away until he had stopped laughing. you smiled on instinct, despite trying to be authoritative.
“a slut?” sungchan made sure to whisper.
“a white tee and gray sweatpants is the sluttiest thing a man can wear.” you said with a serious face but you couldn’t stop the tone from coming out jokingly.
“so you were degrading your poor sweet boyfriend while he was rubbing your feet?” sungchan tried to pout, but the way he pulsed in between you let you know he liked it.
“oh but i’m very grateful.” you smiled, slowly resuming movement of your hips. sungchan caught on quick, his big hands moving to guide you again.
after building the tension back, sungchan pulled you in for another kiss and you happily obliged. it wasn’t long until you could feel the wetness seep through your thing pajama shorts. you knew that evidence of your arousal would be all over sungchans sweatpants.
“i’m really wet.” you whimpered in between kisses. 
“can i see?” sungchan pulled at your waistband, letting it hit snap back against your skin. your body was on fire as you nodded, moving your body backwards on the bed. sungchan moved to a sitting position, trying to give you as much room in front of him as possible. it was almost awkward moving backwards in a crab walk position, but sungchan’s hand on your knee egged you on.
once in a good position you propped yourself up on your elbows and with your knees raised slowly opened your legs more and more. sungchan watched attentively, swiping his finger over your clothes slit. 
“wow,” he sounded amazed. “you’re so wet.”
sungchan’s finger went back to your pants. rubbing up and down slowly. your body twitched in response, the teasing becoming too much.
“can i turn on the lamp? i wanna see you.” sungcchan’s other hand that was on your bent knee rubbed soothing circles, trying to get you as comfortable as possible. 
“yeah you can.” 
sungchan turned his body to your bedside lamp. without his hand on your knee, you instinctively let your knees come together, trying to cover your lower half. 
the light came on and you were suddenly hyperaware of the growing wet spot on your pants and sungchan’s sweats. you could also get a better view of sungchan’s body, his abs flexing as his hand went back to your knee.
“you’re so cute.” sungchan said smiling. his reassuring hand gave you the confidence to spread your legs again. he went back to drawing his finger up and down your vagina. sungchan honed in on your clit, the bundle of nerves that was slightly protruding out. you couldn’t stop the moan from coming out and he slowly circled your clit.
“feels really good sungchan.” you wanted to close your legs again on his hand in efforts to keep it in place till you reached your climax. but sungchan’s hand was steady on your knee, with just enough force to keep them apart.
“can i take these off?” sungchan asked quietly and he reached for your waistband again. you nodded and lifted your hips up, giving him the room he needed to slide your bottoms off of you. 
sungchan sucked in a breath as all of you was put on display for him. you weren’t sure if you were imagining things but you swear you could see him twitch in his pants. sungchan was staring at your center, both of his hands running up and down your thighs. he slowly pressed his hands on either side of your inner thighs, forcing you to spread apart more. now you were really on display for him.
“you like what you see?” you asked playfully. the tent in his pants was making you feel powerful.
“i love it.” sungchan sounded breathless as he stared at your center. his dick clearly jumped in his sweatpants as his hands got closer and closer to your heat.
“you off your pants so i can see how much you love it.” you used your fingers to spread your pussy out even more, showing him how you were clenching around nothing. 
sungchan took his pants off quickly, heeding your request. his dick bobbed up and down, resting on his stomach. it was solid and hard, a little bit of precum dripping from his tip. 
he let his legs spread out on your bed, making his body even larger than before. he looked like a sculpture, each muscle carved delicately carved out in stone.
“you look like a painting, babe.” sungchan spoke like he had just ran a mile. his hair was haphazardly pushed back, he didn’t even want to take the time to move his hair out of the way if it meant taking away from looking at you. “just for me to look at.”
“only for you.” you moaned pushing up your pajama shirt to reveal your boobs. you touched them tentatively, already so sensitive.
sungchan is the most articulate person you know. you just didn’t mean speaking, though. sungchan is always very purposeful with every action, sentence, and to you it seemed like even his thoughts were well managed. you always reveled in his discipline, especially when he would describe to you his day. school, workout, homework, eat, sleep. he was always very in control of everything while also being the warmest personality in the room. sungchan’s control was one of his strong suit, so it always took you by surprise when an action or unregulated thought slipped through the cracks.
he was also very considerate. he never wanted to make you feel pressured to do anything, to the point where he would never initiate touching first. so when sungchan’s face heated up in embarrassment after telling you he masturbates to the thought of you like this, all spread out and on display for him, your face heated up too.
“sorry. i didn’t mean to say that.” sungchan smiled sheepishly. you couldn’t stop imagining him in the confines of his room, thinking of you while he touched himself.
“c-can you show me how you touch yourself when i’m not there?” you slowly pulled your finger in and out of yourself, gathering as much slick as you could. sungchan watched you carefully as you dragged your finger on the underside of his dick, giving him extra lubrication to jerk himself off.
sungchan got the hint quickly. he spread the precum on his tip and your slick together up and down his length. after an experimental stroke he slowly leaned forward, bringing his hand to your face. you looked at him in confusion.
“spit.” sungchan said, the most impatient you’ve ever seen him.
after letting some spit dribble from your mouth, sungchan brought the same hand to his mouth and spat roughly. 
sungchan let out a ragged breath and he gently stroked himself, slowly at first. he looked at his hard dick fisted in his hand then looked to you. he kept eye contact and you looked everywhere as you watched him in awe. his stomach flexed with each stroke, his slow hand making himself twitch. his arm was picking up a slow but steady pace, and you watched as his index finger spread the precum from his tip around.
you have never seen anything like sungchan, and the way his pupils were blown out he must’ve thought the same thing about you. you fully took off your pajama shirt, letting him get a full view of your naked body. sungchan moaned, quickening his pace slightly letting his head fall back. 
“what do you think about when i’m not there?” you asked. this brought sungchan’s gaze back to you. you were tempted to start fingering yourself, but you were too caught up in watching sungchan chase his pleasure.
“i think abouttt—fuck. i think about your body.” his voice was so close to becoming whiny, still trying to keep his composure for you. 
“what about my body?” you asked. you began applying pressure to your clit, trying to egg sungchan on.
“your boobs. your ass. your curves. everything about you is so perfect.” sungchan used his spare hand to wrap around your thigh. as quick as his hands were on you, he pulled you closer to him. you were so close to him now. he guided his penis to slap your spread pussy. you gasped out loud at the sudden action. “i think about this pussy the most, though.”
sungchan went back to jerking himself off, you couldn’t help but slip a finger into your heat.
“i think about you all the time too.” you confessed. you were desperate to catch up to where sungchan was. his pace was steadily increasing as he watched you finger yourself.
“what do you think about?” sungchan asked curiously, looking at you finger yourself. “put another finger in, baby.”
“your hands,” you said while putting in a second finger. “they’re so soft and longer than mine.”
“you can’t hit all the spots that i can, huh?” sungchan smiled down at you. he took a hand that was gripping your thigh to reach down and rub circles over your clit.
“n-no. it doesn’t feel as good when i do it either.” you were squirming underneath him. between your fingers and his, you weren’t gonna last much longer. 
sungchan noticed you getting closer and closer. he had completely abandoned jerking himself off to keep a hand on your clit. you felt his other hand creep its way to your heat. when he slipped a finger into you as well, you couldn’t help but moan loudly.
“we gotta be quiet right?” sungchan looked down at you from the headboard. all you could do was nod and bite your lip. sungchan looked at your fucked out face, bending down to kiss your cheek. sungchan made an effort to pick up the pace of your fingers and his. 
“so cute,” sungchan smiled at your furrowed eyebrows, kissing the space in between. “it’s kinda like we are holding hands.” he put an emphasis on his words by touching your fingers. it was all so lewd. the squelching, the moans, the fact that you could feel yourself clenching around you and sungchan’s fingers. 
“i’m close.” you whimpered.
“i got you.” sungchan increased the circles on your clit and you quickly grabbed his dick, jerking him off.
“i want to fuck you so bad.” you moaned, swiveling your hips. his finger was so close to hitting that spot deep inside of you, the one that was just for him.
“no condom babe, gotta be responsible.” sungchan was laughing at you in your desperate state. him laughing at you only made you more desperate, something about the way he mockingly pouted over your neediness. you changed your motions to match how he was jerking himself earlier. his expressions changed almost immediately, getting harder in your hand.
“i’m close now too. keep going please.” sungchan bent his finger inside of you and you had to bite hard on your lip to hold it in. you brought a leg to his shoulder and he immediately attached his mouth to your calf, sucking on the skin.
you came first. it hit you suddenly when sungchan pulled your fingers out and added another one of his. you ended up pulling him closer with your legs, making him bend over. sungchan’s head rested on your stomach as you rode his fingers, one hand on his shoulder digging into the skin. he let out sympathetic whimpers to match your moans. he kept murmuring “i know, i know” as you came down from a high thats been building up for hours. 
when you were done, you used all strength left in your body to sit up, so you could kiss sungchan. his fingers were still inside of you and your hand was still on his dick. you kissed him deeply and started jerking him off again. you wanted him to finish, to see that same feeling of ecstasy that you got to experience.
“fuck.” sungchan pulled away and rested his face in the crook of your neck. “just like that.” he whined.
you kept going, and he took his fingers out of you to to let his hands touch all over your body. you felt his large hands grab your breasts, your sides, your ass, your shoulders, everything. sungchan started to whimper in your ear.
“im about to cum.”
you responded by picking up the speed. sungchan let out on final whimper and he started to slowly collapse against you and could feel his cum go down your hand, dripping on your thigh and core. he continued to whimper and moan in your ear as you quickened the pace.
“oh my god.” sungchan gripped your shoulders as he pulled away to look in between the space of your bodies. he could see the mess he was making on your thighs and core. he slowly leaned back against the headboard, whining as you kept going. “fuck fuck fuck.” 
you didn’t stop until sungchan pulled your hands away and put them at your sides. he was breathing so heavily, chest raising up and down. his eyes were wide open, clearly trying to come down from the overstimulation. seeing him in such a weak state made you want to keep going, but you couldn’t when he pulled you into his sweaty chest. you instead made a mental note of overstimulating your boyfriend in the near future. sungchan pulled you closer to his body and rubbed a soft hand up and down your back. this was his signal that he was done and spent for the night, wanting to cuddle with you and bring you close as possible. you turned around, so sungchan was resting on your chest. you pulled him in even closer and you went to rubbing his head and playing with his hair, something you loved to do to calm him down.
“that was fun.” sungchan said, looking up at you from your chest.
“it was.”
you and sungchan were quiet for a few moments, just holding eachother.
“do you think your parents heard us?”
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ccscocoapuffs · 7 months
Negan NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Negan loves to pull you into his chest after sex, he loves to just softly play in your hair while he whispers in your ear how good you did for him. His go to line is "Baby....you took it so well...such a good fucking girl"
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Negan likes his eyes the most, despite being a hard ass 24/7 deep down his a big softie and the reason he loves his eyes is because they let him see you everyday, though he would never in a million years tell you that. Negan loves your thighs the most whether he gets to watch you sway your hips and those fine ass thighs prancing off with you or if he simply has his face buried between them, wither way negan loves them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Negan adores a good cream pie, he loves watching drip out of you while he teases you about it. " aww poor baby, cant handle all daddy's cum?". He also loves cumming all over your face and taking polaroid's of it to keep in his jacket pocket.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Negan wants softer sex, he's just believe it or not a little shy about it. He want's to keep the tough guy act up at all times but sometimes he just wants to lay you down and thrust into you deeply and slowly while he kisses down your neck and tells you he loves you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Negan is very well experienced to say the least. Anything you wanna try 99.9% chance he has already tried it and will show you the ropes.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Negan ADORES doggy style, it gives him access to reach around and rub your clit, pull your hair, and even smack your ass if he wanted to. Though his close second would be missionary but with your knees up to your chest, he loves seeing how much you whine when he goes so much deeper that way.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Negan tends to be very serious but he sometimes can make you giggle or atleast crack a smile. He will kiss on the inside of your thighs noticing how you jump when his beard tickles you which makes him only begin to do it more just to hear that little laugh he adores.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Negan is trimmed down to the stubble mark. He likes to keep it trimmed so the only thing you ever choke on is his cock and his cock alone.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Negan can be very intimate if he has the time. The truth is he is a very busy man and usually only has time for long sensual sex after everyone else has done slept and he gets a break for the day. Though if he gets the day off expect to have the most sensual hot sex of your life.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) To be completely honest, Negan has zero need to masturbate, he loves you and he loves that pussy, so why use his hand? He has masturbated on one or two occasions though when he was away from you but he didn't find it all that pleasing.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Negan is one inky fuck to say the least. Breeding, BDSM, daddy, choking, spit, sadism, you name it Negan is probably down. He has very few things he would ever not consider.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Negan likes a little bit of a thrill and enjoys public sex quit often. He loves to sit you on a bench somewhere in the sanctuary at night while he eats you out, another favorite of his is simply his bedroom. It's positioned perfectly to where if you scream hi name everyone is gonna hear it and he will never let you live it down.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Negan loves high heels for starters, something about them just turn him on so much. He loves to fuck you in nothing but your lingerie and high heels. Another turn on is when you get jealous over him, say another girl rubs his chest and suddenly you wrap your arm around Negan's waist while telling the other girl "He's already claimed" Negan will be ready to bend you over right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Share you with another man, Negan is a simple guy when it comes to a No. He will not ever share you with another man, you are his and his alone. However if you want him to fuck you feral, flirt with one of the other saviors, especially Dwight or Simon. The thought of one of them getting to touch you pisses him the fuck off and he will fuck to make sure you remember who you belong too.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Negan loves to give, though he uses it as a reward for good behavior. If you've been a good girl for him, he will set up on his desk and eat you out or lay you down on the edge of the bed before pulling your legs apart and eating like a starved man. In terms of receiving he would never say no to you, but he will always make you choke around him. It gives him such an ego boost to hear you choke on his cock.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Negan is always fast and rough, though if he trusts you enough to let you see the softer side of him then you will see that more slow and sensual side of him, one thing is for sure though he ALWAYS has to be in charge regardless of the pace.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Negan loves a good quickie especially one where you could get caught, his favorite place for one is inside one of the hallways on the sanctuary, where anyone can walk down and see you too right there with him buried deep inside you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) As stated above, negan likes it risky, he is always down for risk and the idea of it. He loves to add thrill to your endeavors it makes things a little more scandalous to him.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Let's ne honest here as much as I'd like to sit here and say he can go all night long, at the end of the day he is getting a little bit older. His average with you is still 2 rounds though. He always makes sure you cum till your legs are shaking despite how much he himself may cum. He is a kinky fuck but he is for sure a giving lover in the bedroom.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Negan loves toys, He doesn't have any for himself other than a simple cock ring. He enjoys using them on his partner more, he has a very large collection of toys he keeps hidden in his room. His favorites though are the remote control vibrator, the clit sucker, and of course his collection of belts just for making that ass red.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Two words. It's negan. World's biggest tease, he finds it arousing to get you going, he wants to make you a begging whining, soaking wet mess before he gives you want you want. He has to make sure you are dying to have it before he will give it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Believe it or not Negan can be a little loud, mostly with his dirty talk and when he cums. When Negan finishes he lets out deep loud groans as he throws his head back, not giving a fuck who hears because no one would dare say anything to him anyway out of fear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) Negan adores the idea of you in a super girly lingerie set or super girly clothes while you do your daily duties within the sanctuary. Wear a little baby pink skirt for him while you bend over to pick up something, or adjust your boobs in a very very tight top and he may just die right there.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Negan is blessed to say the least. He is about 7 inches in length but he is girthy as fuck. He gives an amazing fucking stretch and he takes pride in that. He also has a slightly upwards curve towards the tip that makes it perfect for hitting your g-spot.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Negan has a very high sex drive and he isn't ashamed to admit to it either. He just loves the idea of both gaining pleasure and giving it. He also loves the dominance it gives outside of the sexual aspect of the relationship, for example if he calls for you and you answer him with a " yes daddy?" or "Yes sir" it only strokes his ego even more and makes him feel like a fucking god.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He would never admit to it but kinda quickly afterwards. He likes to clean you up first before pulling you into his chest for some cuddles and praise while he slowly starts to drift off.
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1-800reki · 1 month
❝random Ranpo Edogawa headcanons!❞
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summary: random Ranpo headcannons :3
pairings: ranpo x reader
a/n: ranpo is so baby girl like, I'd commit fanum tax 4 him!! >_<
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• He eats your food without warning. You cannot put food in the fridge without him eating it.
• He's a gremlin when it comes to stealing your food 😭
• You have to buy food almost every day since he eats almost everything in sight.
• He makes alot of jokes and can't take much serious, so talking to him it can be tricky.
• You guys definitely were two people who bumped into each other and then were interested.
• Ranpo has many talents that he keeps underwraps!! (And shares with you ofc 😼) he can play an instrument and cook well
• He likes when you give him piggyback rides!!
• If you were busy doing something, he'd bite you (playfully) to catch you off guard.
• Eating snacks around him is like trying to survive from acid. One time, you were about to eat chips, and he had just fallen asleep. So, you made the better decision- cutting the bag with scissors!... which wasn't a good idea because the bag fell out of your hands and on the floor. You noticed how quickly he shot up to get a snack.
• When you talk to him, be patient 😭 he has a short attention span and will focus on something else. However, he does listen to you but zoning out is fun.
• Your weekends with him are spent on lazy cuddles and kisses, making a meal together and bike riding. You two are truly the golden retriever + black cat couple (which ever way tailors to you :>)
• Ranpo LOVESSS affection. Like, don't walk up to him and hug him and walk away. You WILL stay in that bear hug for atleast 10 minutes, and he'll enjoy every second of it.
• professional lover yapper 💪😀. Like actually. When he's with Dazai, he always tells him about you.
• He has a weird sense of humor tbh 😭 but not everything he'd find funny. So watch out.
• Whenever you go shopping with him you lose him. He always wanders off to the snack aisle and it takes you a whole 20 minutes to find him.
• Whenever he's tired he clings to you like a pillow. Mostly in the morning when you wake up earlier than him.
• He stays up very late either eating or watching TV while eating.
• Sometimes when you get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 it's like the woohoo in Sims 🥰.
• If he ever upsets you, he'll be right at your side with apology snacks (that he did his best to not eat) and hugs that you can't get out of. He'll cling to you until you feel better or aren't mad at him anymore.
• If you do get mad like really mad he'll back off for half an hour before trying to talk to you.
• When you first started dating you cooked for him so he wouldn't eat out almost every day because he was too lazy to cook for himself.
• He loves your cooking!! >0<
• He would straight up be blunt if he didn't like your cooking but one sad look on your face and he'll eat it.
• When he feels silly he'll follow you around the house trying to annoy you. (he's so pookie right?)
• He loves cuddling in the night but he's always the little spoon whether you like it or not.
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a/n: this is so silly :3
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ctrlchar · 1 year
Stu macher nsfw alphabet
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a/n: i know this isn’t stu but come on matthew looked a little too good in slc punk and also not proofread!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It honestly depends. If he was on top he would give you endless praise and of course clean you up and rant about how much he loves you.
Now if you were on top he would expect you to do the same to him,he’s literally a baby in a man’s body
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his dick 100% i don’t even think i need to explain it. i guess you could say he’s pretty cocky about it
on you it’s your stomach or tits,no matter how big or small he loves using you as his personal pillow
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he thinks you look absolutely gorgeous with his cum all over your face but is terrified it would get in your eyes so he settles for on your back or tummy depending on the position.
if you let him he’ll cum inside and push it back inside you with his fingers 🤭
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
not a doubt in my mind he would ask billy to have a threesome with you guys like that might actually be his life goal
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i think he’s had his fair share of sexual encounters like he literally hugged/kissed some random girl as she was leaving the party so to say the least he definitely knows what he’s doing
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i’m torn between two
missionary-i know it’s basic butttt whenever he’s close he likes to tease you and moan in your ear
cowgirl-absolutely loves to grab your hips and move you against him nkt to mention he loves seeing your tits bounce bonus points if you make out with him while in this position
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
if it’s for a special occasion he’ll crack a few jokes but he will mainly focus on your pleasure but if it’s nothing special he will for sure crack jokes
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i think he keeps himself trimmed but never shaved completely and if you insist he’ll shave but not without a lot of bitching
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i can see him lighting a few candles and maybe some rose petals but nothing more then that and he’ll only do this if it’s your birthday or some other occasion
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he jerks off atleast once a day,sometimes more. and you have caught him before but this man has absolutely no shame and didn’t stop if anything it’ll turn him on more knowing you’re watching
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
knives-if he’s submissive he will beg you to carve your name into his thigh or anywhere else they only you can see. sometimes he’ll even ask you to hold it to his neck
choking- if you’re riding him he will go feral if you choke him same with letting him choke you while in missionary
praise-will praise the shit out of you no matter what you are doing but he does it more whenever you’re giving him head
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
will not hesitate to pull you into a empty classroom and fuck you in there but prefers a bed or even a car if either of you guys have one
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
anything you wear will turn him on instantly whether is tight or loose,he loves seeing all of your curves in tight clothes but the thought of having sex with you in a oversized shirt turns him on just as much
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
definitely a very clean guy so i don’t think he’d like anything that could get him dirty so bodily fluids are out of the question (except for blood obviously)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
amazing at giving head but at the same time he enjoys receiving so i would say it’s a 50/50
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he’s the happy medium between fast and slow but if he’s in a bad mood he’ll go fast unless he’s trying to tease you and if that’s the case he will go painstakingly slow
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
is the king at quickies,he will fuck you anywhere and anytime
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
most definitely, this goes back to location like he would literally fuck you anywhere if he’s horny enough
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
id say a good 3 rounds if he’s ontop probably the same amour if he was bottoming but wouldn’t lash as long
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i physically cannot see this man using any toys but he would be fine with you maybe using a vibrator on him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he will tease you anytime he has the chance but his favorite is in public he will always finger you under the desk or table and if you’re needy enough he’ll take you to the bathroom
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he gets louder the closer he gets like at first it’s low moans but the closer he gets it’s more like whines and high pitched moans
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s thought about breaking into your house and fucking you in his ghostface costume but he figured 1. you’d be scared if a serial killer breaks in 2. you’d tell the cops its him and 3. he doesn’t wanna know if you’d willingly have sex with someone who isn’t him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i think he has a really skinny cock idk why but he’s about average size maybe a little bit above
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
very high sex drive like would fuck you all day if he could
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he makes sure you’re at the bare minimum okay but after that he goes straight to sleep and worries about aftercare a little too late (when he wakes up) but it’s okay because it’s stu
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faerieismm · 2 years
how brothers reaction to their baby first word was "Ma-Mo.... Mamom! (Mamon)" Wonder why their baby first word was Mamon? ==> it was lucifer fault ( bc he always scream MAMOOON)
plzzzz i love this thank you😭😭😭
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demon brothers reacting to their baby’s first word being mammon
tw: swearing
genre: humor, lil bit of fluff at mammon’s part :}
type of writing: headcanons
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oh lord diavolo-
what has he done…
he won’t admit it’s his own fault, but it’s getting harder and harder the more people see the baby
his pride is hurt deeply, his name was supposed to come out of their mouth!
but deep down in his heart, somewhere hidden far away, it warms his heart a little, hearing the name
mammon is his favorite brother after all
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freezes at first
did he hear that correctly?????
his heart is warm and filled with joy as tears start dwelling in his eyes
lifts the creature and nuzzles into it
“that’s right, mammon is the name, i’m your daddy.”
proudly tells everyone
posts on devilgram too
you have never seen him this proud 🥹
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this was not how it was supposed to go!
he almost trained the thing to say henry, reading the entire lore of the tale of the seven lords to them every dAY
or at least his name….
gets rEALLY jealous, giving in to his sin
you might have to calm him down/comfort him a little
eventually comes to his senses and realizes that it’s just a baby, it’s gonna do it’s own thing
apologizes profusely to the baby, it’s his own creation after all
apologizes to you aswell, ending up in cuddles with you three
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you’re surprised that steam isn’t coming from his ears, and even tho you’re scared for your life, heck, the baby’s life!! you also must stifle your laugh
screams about how it’s all lucifer’s fault, and how he’s gonna teach him a lesson this time-
eventually marches of to find said demon (who is very amused to say the least)
also pays mammon a visit…
but also comes to his senses at some point, apologizing to atleast mammon (i know this is ooc but i dont wanna be mean to mammon😭😭)
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well- this is certainly not how his perfect planned out parenthood life was supposed to go-
focusses more on the baby tho
“you silly! - he giggled - you were supposed to say my name!”
no devilgram post for him 😢
thats kinda the only thing, he doesn’t mind that much!
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also doesn’t mind that much
just proud of his lil creature :}
praises them lots and send a text to mammon
actually finds it sort of funny even
“hahaha, so good!”
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number three of i don’t really care
just glad it isn’t lucifer’s name
overall pretty chill about
but would’ve rather had the baby say his name ofc
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thank you for this request and for waiting! hope u enjoy :}
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Could I request some Rocky Rickaby headcanons with a very easily flustered reader who just MELTS when given any and all affection from him? Even just a smile from him and just IMMEDIATE blushing mess!^^
Hope this is good enough for ya, I wrote it in between helping family with stuff.
Rocky Rickaby x EasilyFlustered!Reader Headcanons
Rocky Rickaby in his crazy arc, as usual. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!
• Who knew you'd end up finding someone absolutely amazing at a speakeasy of all places?
• You certainly didn't, that's for sure.
• Y'know, it was supposed to be your last time at the Lackadaisy, your chance to say goodbye, in a way.
• You were there when the place was on the up and up, but now it was declining, and you had grown up.
• The occasional drink was nice, but you couldn't spend your years wasting away down there, hoping for some impossible romance to happen.
• It never happened, aside from the occasional longing glances with one of the band members.
• One final drink, and you were off.
• A walk in the woods sounded nice to you.
• You don't know why, it just felt right.
• The cool night fur felt good as it brushed your fur, the sounds of the forest relaxing you, and the...sound of a gun?
• Holy shit was that an explosion?!
• You should've booked it in the other direction, going home for the night and not getting caught up in whatever the hell was happening.
• But no, you had to go play hero.
• Or, you were going to play hero, until you found yourself in the middle of a shootout.
• Yeah, you weren't exactly sure what to do, especially when someone landed next to you, laughing maniacally.
• It took him a minute to recognize you were there, but when he did he just gave you a smile the size of the moon in the sky.
• It was that guy from the band of the Lackadaisy, which made things less confusing, but only by a little bit.
• Then he took your hand, and, you aren't sure if it was the adrenaline, his touch, or the heat from the fire burning nearby, but you blushed hard.
• He started leading you to a car and it almost felt like he was dancing with you.
• You swore he was humming some melody too, but the sound of a vehicle approaching you drowned it out.
• And then he picked you up, and you weren't sure what he was going to do.
• Who knew being thrown into a moving car could be so graceful?
• You, miraculously, landed perfectly in a seat, and he hopped in after.
• There were two other cats in the car, but you were more focused on the man sitting next to you, laughing maniacally.
• After a moment he turned his head to you, staring at you.
• "You...you are as beautiful as the stars setting over the autumn trees."
• You didn't know this about yourself, but it turns out you can be easily won over with compliments.
• Oh, and look at that, after the drive you're right back at the Lackadaisy, and, after a bit of flirting and impromptu date at 3:00 AM, an insane boyfriend.
• You learned very quick how easy it was for you to fall apart because of Rocky.
• His marvelous melodies, his wondrous words, they shattered you every time.
• Even that insane smile of his made you weak in the knees.
• You've become a regular at the Lackadaisy once more, and almost everyone there teases you for it.
• Even Rocky does, because he may be crazy, but he does have eyes.
• Oh by the way, he loves making you all flustered.
• He adores when you get all blushy, and it makes him feel somewhat good too.
• Rocky isn't exactly used to that positive reaction to his, well, everything, so even though you'd probably have to force a confession out of him, you are very good for him.
• Granted, you are unable to stop him from doing dangerous stuff, usually because a peck on the cheek will make your mind go blank, but at least his sense of humor and his honeyed words always remain intact.
• Except for when he stayed quiet all day as a joke. That was... a weird day.
• But atleast he's as normal as he can be now!
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leggalese · 7 months
how do you imagine Edgeworth and Phoenix parenting Trucy?
Thing is... I usually don't imagine them parenting anyone really... I mostly focus on humor and tension between the two. Closest thing would probably be Maya and Pearl but I see them more as surrogate family members akin to siblings and nieces or some third option. I guess you could say it would be two guys and their dog? As far as I am concerned two men and a dog are a family.
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Reason for that being is that Trucy didn't "grasp" me as much character wise so it's a bit difficult to flesh and figure her out...aaand I'm not actually that fond of Apollo Justice (the game that is), atleast narrative wise, I just really really prefer the goofier tone of the OG trilogy and its characters. That is to say there are characters i legitimately enjoy in AJ, Klavier is flamboyant and fun, Ema Skye is wonderfully re-imagined as grumpy and a little bitter (which brings more personality to her than she had in Ashes), Kristoph is a wonderfully unhinged Regina George-esque prissbitch and Apollo is a high strung little chicken nugget. Not really a fan of the disbarment either, and while "Beanix" is an interesting idea and I certainly understand why people enjoy him it's just ehh.... it sorta makes sense for his personality to change but I personally didn't like that it changed that much. Then again I generally don't like change and am very stubborn about certain things. This to say Anon I'd hate to see you sad and empty handed so i give you this:
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My best guess would be that Wright would be good at consoling, telling stories, being creative and imaginative and such, also surprisingly, house cleaning. Edgeworth would be good with homework, general organizing of things such as paperwork, finanical organizing maybe? I think he would also give great advice and nuggets of wisdom. As far as I am concerned they can both cook, just different things.
Anon and future anons please don't let my opinions discourage you from asking further questions or drawings connected to AJ. There are things I do like about it, I love having conversations about it and seeing other people's perspectives just because they are so different from mine. But most importantly I like making people laugh and feel good so don't hold back, yea? I apologize for the rant, a lot of things are interconnected and i wanted to give a good explanation on how and why I see things.
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
Can you write "Baby kicks" for Jungkook? 👶🍼
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synopsis; in which Jungkook feels your baby kick for the first time and nearly gets KO’ed in the process.
pairing; boxer!dad!jungkook x pregnant!reader
genre; fluff, humor, established relationship, domestic au, slice of life au, pregnancy au, drabble
warnings; BOXER koo, DAD koo, those are pretty much all the warnings you need tbh, oh and minor suggestive dialogue but nothing explicit (cause I couldn’t resist hehe)
rating; 18+
w/c; 1,003
a/n; this request got me in my FEELS let me tell ya. it’s been so long since I’ve written for daddy!koo and I can’t thank you enough anon for spurring the inspiration to bring him back! hope it helps you and your daddy!koo needs as well! don’t be a silent reader! <3 like + reblog if you enjoyed. feedback is always appreciated and helps to keep this writer (and many others!) motivated to put out more content – like this! all the love, always.
networks; @thebtswritersclub, @btshoneyhive, @kflixnet, @k-vanity
One swift punch left, one jab right.
The onslaught seemed to be never ending.
Jungkook pauses in his workout when he hears you let out another groan within the span of less than five minutes.
The punching bag in front of him swings back and forth like a pendulum, and he watches it for a moment, getting lost in a state of zoning out.
You try to muffle the way you used the Lord’s name in vain with the sleeve of your sweater (Jungkook’s actually), biting into the thick material with your teeth clenched so hard that when he whips his head to look at you he can see your jaw muscles tighten considerably.
His eyes soften, facial features dropping at your very obvious discomfort. Pivoting on his bare feet, he walks off the thin, blue mat and towards your slightly hunched over figure. While he walks, he takes off both boxing gloves and shoves them underneath one armpit to hold. Using the other hand he uses the back of it to wipe off the sweat that drips along his forehead, the last hour and a half of his workout having taken a toll on his body.
Kneeling down in front of you, he winces when he hears a pop from one of his knees, a sign of his ripe age of 30. Your loose hair is hanging in front you like a shield, and though he can’t lock eyes with you, he can hear your muffled snicker. It makes his eyes narrow.
“What was that, y/n?”
Your entire body grows rigid when his voice penetrates the silence and you slowly sit back up against the back of the chair, hair now only half shielding your face so he can see atleast one eye and half of a sheepish smile spread across your guilty lips.
With a light puff of breath, you blow the hair away from your mouth that settles itself there at your new position. Before you can do it yourself – a slender, tattooed hand rises within your vision to push your hair back and tuck it behind your ear. The same hand begins to caress your cheek, one thumb running over your jawline slowly that has your eyes beginning to droop from how nice it feels, but when they get half closed, they widen open once again at the light pressured pat on your cheek.
He taps once. You glare.
He taps again. You secure your hand over his.
“That’s for snickering at my popping knees.”
You pout cutely, brows furrowed in mock anger. He makes a point to rub the middle of your forehead to erase the wrinkles when he frees his hand from yours. Your once feigned angered expression scrunches into one of pain when a sharp punch hits you within your stomach.
Both of your attentions get drawn instantly to your bulging 37 week pregnant belly. You both just stare and wait.
What looks like a tiny little foot makes the surface of your skin stretch up and mold into it for a split second then just as quickly disappears as soon as it comes, leaving your belly jiggling lightly in it’s wake. At the sight, even Jungkook flinches along with you, him not expecting to see such a strong kick from your baby.
His hand presses down on the spot you both just saw your baby kick, and once again, you both wait. This time it occurs again, but not as harshly, just enough for Jungkook to feel it against the palm of his hand. After your baby retreats, Jungkook gets an idea. Instead of placing his hand back on your belly, he begins to lower his head.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I just chugged some banana milk not too long ago so this babe is really feeling it now.”
“What banana milk?”
Oops. You forgot that he doesn’t know that you know he has a secret stash kept at the gym. Cat’s out of the bag now.
The sheepish look appears on your face like earlier, and deep within his gut he just knows.
“How long?”
You make a show of popping your lips, lightly drumming your fingers atop your belly as you answer, voice small and barely audible. He leans his head further towards you to hear you better, unknowingly putting himself in the perfect position to be within the danger zone.
“Y/N~.” He warns lightly, voice becoming sing-songy as he stretches out your name purposely.
“Koo~.” You mimic him perfectly.
“How long have you known about—,” he sucks in a sharp breath with a hiss, retreating back from your figure with a hand rubbing the side of his face to nurture the sore spot he just received. Not expecting the sudden punch, he lands flat on his ass from losing his balance that was already wobbly as he put his full body weight on his feet due to kneeling.
“Jesus fuc—,”
You slap your hands over your mouth with a surprised gasp, attempting to stop the bubble of laughter that was building steadily within your throat. The action causing your already moving belly to move even more. Your eyes began to water from holding your laughter in, light bursts slipping through your pursed lips. When his piercing glare diverts from your belly and onto you do you finally let it out.
Throwing your head back, he can’t help the light twitch of his lips as he bites back a smile at your bellowing form. You start stomping your feet on the floor as you laugh that causes a slightly annoyed look to appear on his face.
“Ha. Ha. Laugh it up, baby. You’ll be paying for this later at home, where your knees will be popping when you’re the one kneeling.”
He laughs humorlessly, sardonically even, arms crossed over his chest that makes his muscles flex deliciously, a sight that has your lips parting of their own accord and thighs rubbing together.
That shuts you up.
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foressfaction · 29 days
Don’t send hate or harass ANYONE in these pictures on ANY side or for ANY reasons.
Also please stop DMing Seirei, me, and my friend mentioned in this post. We’re all stressed and just trying to understand things as so much is being spread right now.
Simply, the only reason for this being the screenshots of stuff I have personal experience with. And some stuff he has said about it. I believe Plague has explained himself enough multiple times. It’s all the same story and same defense. So I can’t-declare if any of it is straight excuses or actually what happened. He knows what goes on more in his server and behind the scenes if anything so if it is all a lie. He’s the only one who will know that.
I’m gonna mainly talk about my experience now? It’s not too bad as not gonna lie we barely talked and I think I just might know why. I heavily enjoy ticcijack and he very openly does not. As you can probably see in the message showing how he spoke about me. He didn’t follow back cause of that and chose to overall avoid me at first which COMPLETELY VALID!! If you don’t like content someone posts then you don’t have to follow or like them!! So this was all fine. However during DMS with him he was thankful that I wasn’t “toxic” when I said it was okay that he didn’t like the ship. And I find how ironic that he would still go and talk crap about it to his friends in a private GC. I never hated on his OC X canon ship in fact I thought it was cute and I was interested in the book he was writing and his content. But after that blatant disrespect I lost all respect for him as a person. That was just the starting point as the whole server I was in (I’ll get more into that) was slowly becoming filled FILLED with KIDS! like it’s okay to be a minor and join someone you enjoy’s server and have fun but some stuff being said in there belonged in an 18+ channel ATLEAST.
Plague as already explained this and well I can’t argue with that as it is HIS side and HIS defense so it’s all up to how he takes this. I don’t have personal experience with what he did with others or if any minors were dmed (comfortable or not I don’t think an adult should speak that way to a minor even if that minor says it’s okay…that’s still not right and will forever be on the ADULT if anything comes out)
About Plague: I don’t hate him, I think he just has a lot of learning to do. He makes dark humor jokes and that’s alright but in the end some people will not be alright with that. It should be more clear in your server who is and who isn’t a KID. For some reason I don’t remember the age roles being a thing when I was in the server but I could be wrong.. and despite that there’s almost 1k members in that server.. 500 are minors and a whopping 100!!! Are adults. WOAH. that means a whole third of the server don’t even have an age role. Basing if it’s anything like my community on tiktok it can range from 10-16 year olds! It’s not okay. I’m not saying he’s a pedo as I think that’s pushing it and there’s no active evidence that he sexted or was being very vulgar with a minor just yet and I hope there won’t be. As everyone else was sharing their experience I would as well. Plague has problems that stretch beyond the surface and he’s said this. Mental health can make u not think, can make u do stuff you’ll regret and be held against for. I’m taking that into consideration too when reading everything. I used that excuse to wash what he said about me under the rug cause let’s be real it wasn’t that bad I’ve heard worse.
Plague shares almost the same authority as me however. And people need to be aware on what he’s currently doing that can potentially be bad or upsetting. The way he talked alone made me feel very weird. He was kind to me, helped me with my server, answered questions. We had small talk and overall my personal experience with him wasn’t ill intentioned, but later down the road when I met a good friend once again through his server that I have been on and off with since 2020 is when he started to suddenly not like me.
Not gonna name drop due to them not wanting their name in it more than it already is but I already knew them since again, 2020. Met them again through his server and we sorta just clicked again and we made gcs and played Roblox, mindless friendly things. Apparently this bothered Plague to the point of straight up malice. They were also good friends with Plague, being a mod. They told him about the SA and yes, called themselves a wh*re as a joke but they told me plague knew about the SA and proceeded to joke about it and started to make my friend VERY uncomfortable. They have bad confrontational issues and don’t know how to say no and set clear boundaries. Which is why they stayed friends with him for longer than they felt comfortable with. He was sexual towards them (both adults thankfully) They were worried that he was spreading that they “slept with a lot of people” to others when they indeed never did any of that and that the fact that Plague even thought that was very scary. Plague treated them like a toy, didn’t want anyone else talking to them but wouldn’t even really talk to them himself. Due to this my friend was very upset and didn’t know where the relationship stood. Plague actually asked them out while drunk one night and made them spiral due to not knowing what to say or feel. He offered to fake date and they agreed. This whole time he blew off calls, didn’t respond to messages. And when they did call it was all flirty small talk or questions that they didn’t know the answer to yet. I was there being their backbone for all of it, me and another friend who sent that anonymous post that’s in one of the screenshots mentioning them being called a wh*ore and the SA stuff.
My friend never could get their side out cause they’re scared and I don’t blame them. They don’t like drama. I don’t like drama. But sadly we are part of this and it’s important to share the sides.
The whole thing is, we know how Plague speaks about people when he doesn’t like them. It’s bad, but we can blame it on anger at the end of the day anyways right? There’s always something we can blame it on other than ourselves. It’s okay to learn and grow. No one should HATE Plague. It’s all about personal preference on who to believe or on who to understand better. His explanations so far are explained. I don’t know the other end of those. I only know what I and a friend have experienced. I KNOW there’s more I just cannot think straight to remember it all.
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I strongly agree that this is what started it all, this screenshot was sent anonymously to the server I’m still not sure who. But it’s about me. (Shocker) did it hurt my feelings? Sorta. But I got over it quick. I have 40k followers I’m used to far worse. But this wasn’t the first time he’s spoken of me. Again i was friends with a mod who’s mentioned to me that he would very subtly hate. Talked about the ship I enjoyed in such a nasty way. Said how it wasn’t accurate. He would assume I’m not who I say I am for how I portray i am. I obviously know I’m not the character but I’m comfortable identifying as it online as that’s what I prefer. The immediate ick I got after reading that was indescribable. Again, I still don’t blame him as you can straight up not like someone, I don’t expect everyone to swoon over me/lh but I was indeed caught off guard.
I saw plague as another adult role model for the fandom and of course wanted to see what his fan base was like and join it as another content creator. Other very popular artists and content creators are in his server too. Doing this kind of stuff while having such a big influence is so low. He said he stopped with the alcohol flaunting when more minors joined but in the end he shouldn’t have done it at all. Minors or not, he has a big platform with so many younger and older followers. Some of which probably romanticize drinking cause their role model cosplayer adult friend does it and it looks cool in videos. Which he drinks in videos too by the way. (Not sure if he does anymore as I haven’t seen a video from him since the discord incident) Like we get it. He’s an alcoholic but even I thought and assumed he was romanticizing it.
Plague did apologize to me. He apologized about what he said and I accepted it. Now I don’t forgive him. But I forget. It’s not that serious to me as I’ve been through worse IRL. a victim of severe bullying. It hurt my feelings but only cause I saw him as an influencer. I mean who knows how the other people in that GC thought about me as well? I’m not sure how much shit he talked about me or anyone else. I was assured by him that it wasn’t more than that and that no one else really cared but I have anxiety and that shit bothers me. This whole situation only reminded me and I wasn’t gonna say anything till my friend was brought up again. I don’t want any misinformation to be spread .
Also for more proof I can make and provide posts with pictures too about the apology and stuff but I didn’t wanna clog up my blog with more than it already is. If people won’t take my word then I will but I won’t at the moment.
About the server: Everyone in there were so sweet and welcoming. I would post my cosplays and art in there. I never posted ticcijack art or mentioned it at all yet “ I talked about it all the time” I was already mutuals with a lot of people in there as well share fan bases for similar content. There were alot of minors and jokes were still being made. I didn’t read much but even other members who were adults would crack odd jokes. Not just Plague. I don’t know who I just remember them all collectively matching Plagues personality and energy which is so worrying. It’s okay to have a role model and someone you look up to but the influence you have Plague is too big for what you accidentally encourage intentional or not. I even saw it.
I left the server shortly after that screenshot was sent cause I was immediately thrown into a bad light and I felt so unbelievably unwelcome as I started to feel that way the more my friend told me about what plague says sometimes. Part of me believes it’s cause I’m another Toby fict kin/cosplayer and that sorta hurts as I used to have a problem with doubles as well till I got over it quickly. I’m friends with systems and other fict kins and IRL safe spaces. I felt the vibe was completely off and after I started to talk to my friend that was also his friend I feel that “jealousy” only got worse. I don’t blame him. I used to be the same way. I didn’t handle it like he did nor did any of the other stuff.
I said if anyone wanted to still talk to me that they can dm. I did not want to support a server that inhabits everything that can hurt me. As for my overall experience there. It was chill. I didn’t chat much if at all. Only dropped in to shit out some art or something cause I’m horrible at small talk and chatting. EVEYRONE was sweet and nice and I kinda miss that experience but the vibe was just off ever since the second week. especially the minor thing.
I joined his server cause I had recently went through a break up and wanted to actually make friends now since I was able to and not feel guilty. I joined through his tumblr post about it and was immediately overwhelmed with the channels but it was for his book so I brushed that off. One of the rules was that you weren’t allowed to ship anything other than what was in his book which it’s his server, that’s fine. But he directly said that to me, knowing I draw ticcijack. To be fair I wasn’t gonna send any of that art to the server regardless as that ship is more of a personal comfort to me and I keep it in my own server where IK people will be okay with it or on my own personal pages like this one or tiktok. I don’t spam others servers with ship art cause I’m aware of others possibly not liking it. I just felt he was secretly annoyed with me from the start, and with that feeling I didn’t feel welcome in that server.
Anyways. Sorry for that essay. It’s long cause I like to yap. Especially if I have a lot of information on a topic. This isn’t hate to anyone even Plague. I think some of it was misunderstood and taken in the wrong way. This is just my personal take and experience with him and his server. Again I can provide screenshots but I don’t think it’s necessary. I hate drama and chose to mostly stay neutral. I’m not defending him or his alleged actions but I’m defending a friend and stating what I know.
Doxxing is never okay, I don’t believe any of the people mentioned deserved to be bashed or bullied even though the allegations are pretty bad. I saw the explanation posts obviously but that’s about it. Again I don’t support that type of childish behavior. Yeah he’s done some shit but doxxing is seriously dangerous and is not necessary.
If you’re on Plagues side or not, do not dm me or send anon asks I will ignore you. This isn’t a post defending him obviously nor is it bashing him. It’s simply stating the truth and I’m sorry if that’s painful. It was brought up by someone and now I’m just pulled into it. I apologize for clogging up anyone’s feed with this bullshit.
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Soap has a party trick, something’s that he’s kept going since middle school. He can take pain like no one else.
Hands in boiling water, fine—albeit that one took a good chunk of recovery time.
Needles and knives never freaked him out, but that always landed him in psych.
Most times he just asks someone to punch him in the gut, taunts them until they snap.
He thinks it’s pretty funny. It makes him a tank at torture—atleast certain methods, he cracks under sensory deprivation. It’s something he’s quite proud of, even if he never had to work for it. Just some bug in his system that turned out very handy.
Ghost hates it. Hates how Soap takes a black eye like a badge of honor, like a joke. How he ignores his clumsiness in favor of humor. It makes Ghost want to grab him by the shoulders and shake his. To spit in his face, “That’s not a strength, you’re leaving gaps in your armor. You’re making yourself weaker for a fucking laugh.”
Sparring’s the worst, because it makes Soap happy. Some people enjoy it, sure, it’s more satisfying than their other training. The army’s full of adrenaline junkies and egotists. But Soap, he’s feral with it. It’s not about the pain, it’s about the game of it.
He asks for hits to the head and then laughs as they knock teeth out. He grins through it until blood mixes with spit and the bubbles spill over the hinge of his mouth like some kind of fucked up science experiment.
Soap likes to play with fire, to try things for the sake of curiosity, to push things until they pop. That apparently includes his body. He pushes and pushes himself until he’s right over the edge of exhaustion, of permenant injury. All to see if he can, with no thought as to if he should.
He wouldn’t be himself without it. Ghost hates that he loves it just a bit, quietly.
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lotus-n-l0ve · 1 year
𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
— Ran Haitani x Female Reader
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➷ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ : Ran Haitani Alphabetical smut.
➷ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ : cursing, mention of sex and positions, kinks, minors dni.
➷ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʟᴏᴛᴜꜱ : I really have nothing to say today. If you like the headcanons then please leave a like, comment and reblong. Enjoy ♡
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After hours of exhausting sex he prepares a shooting bath for you if it's summer or you simply feel like bathing. He would also get you something to eat if are hungry. Then he would cuddle you to sleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His own favourite body part is his long luscious hair and his slender fingers.
His favourite body part of you is your titts. Big or small, he loves to grab them in his huge hands and play with them like a stress ball whenever he is feeling stressed. Even in sleep his hands crawl under your shirt and hold them.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
He cums inside you all the time. Either your pussy or the back hole. The only exception is when you are being bart then you don't deserve his cum in you. Or when he is jealous. Ran would cum all over you and send them the picture of you dumbfucked and covered in his cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to lock you away in a room so no one could interfere between you two. There would be only you and him. You only see him, feel him and think about him.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Ran has plenty of experience. He had not dated much in his life but he sure was slut. He had sex with if not multiple then atleast one woman everyday.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionery, reverse cowgirl or any position where he can see your face. If he is taking you from the back then probably there is mirror in front of you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Ran Haitani is a tease. He would tease you till you are whimpering and writhing beneath him, begging for release. But a tease Ran is better than serious Ran because serious Ran overstimulates you. Make you cum again and again till your pussy is red swollen and sensitive.
H = Hair (His hair. On his head. Don't think too much)
Now we all know how groomed he is. Ran is pretty possesive about his hair. He didn't let you touch his hair before three months into your relationship. His hair care routine is probably better than yours so you also sometimes ask advises for hair from him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
His mind never works properly when he is with you. So he is soo deep in you he is dazed. He sometimes even jocks that you have bewitched him.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He mostly doesn't jack off, he prefers fucking you instead. Now if he is busy with the gang works and can't get his hand on you then he would jack off in his office while swiping through his phone's gallery filled with your nude photos and sex tapes.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Ran is a big meanie. He calls you all kind of degrading names. Whore, slut, his personal sex toy, everything while pounding deep inside you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He would fuck you in the most obvious places where you know anyone can catch you any moment. Women's washroom, women's changing room, you house's living room where any of the servants or his brother can walk in on you two.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You. That's it. You be just existing and that man is already horny. Other than that when he sees you in his clothes than—lord, have mercy on you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Ran would do anything but hurt you. He does appear to be mean but he can't see you in pain and if he is the reason then even if you do forgive him, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. You would have to assure him a lot before he stops beating hind for causing you pain.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Ran likes both. You giving him or him giving you one but mostly he likes to trap between his legs. Your lips wrapped around his cock, head bobbing up and down. Tears rolling down your cheeks as you look up at him with your big and moised eyes. Ran trows his head back as he grunts in pleasure.
But during sex he is the one giving you head. Kitty licking your pussy, pushing his tongue in, flickering your clit along with fingering you.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
For most part he is slow and deep but when he nears his peak, thrusts become fast and sloppy. Sometimes when he just wants to feel close to you he is slow and passionate.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not his thing. He likes long rough and passionate sessions of love making or hard sex.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Ran is always in to try out new things to spice your sex life. If you want to try something you can tell him without any hesitation. He would tease you about it though.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Ran doesn't look like it but that man has stamina of a horse. He can go all night without any break. The only reason he would stop is if you are tired.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Ran has his own collection of sex toys. From cuffs to whip to vibrators. Everything. But his personal favourite one is his banton. When the thick end of the banton disappears in you and your needy pussy clenches around him, Ran could feel his dick getting hard in his pants.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Like I have said previously Ran is a fucking tease. He would bring you to your orgasm but just before you could cum he you retreat, leaving you all hot, bothered and frustrated. He would repeat that again and again and again. So good luck.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He is not lound but he would softly whispers dirtiest words in you ear mixed with his sluttery moans and groans.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He thinks red suits you best so when you miss him to the point that you just want him more than anything all you have to do is dress up in one of your red lingerie set and send him the pic. He would be home in less than ten minutes.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He is not too big just a decent size. But damn does he know how to put that use and bring you on your knees.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Ran is horny for you 24/7 and when he is he would wrap his arm around you and look at you with his siren eyes and seductive smirk, whispering sweet nothings in your ear till there is a pool between your thighs.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn't sleep instantly. He first makes sure you are comfortable and sound asleep then he also slips into the dreamland hoping to see you there.
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ : @sanzuhotaf
© 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒-𝐍-𝐋𝟎𝐕𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belongs to LOTUS-N-L0VE. do not plagiarize any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
All the rights and credits of the characters, gifs, songs and pictures used here belongs to their rightful owners. If you want be added on any my taglist then you can do that here. The ask box is open so if want me to write something then you can request there.
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5am-mist · 2 years
Plz like Bella and reader driving around as friends late at night and having a really intense kiss
Late night drives
°pairing°> bella ramsey x reader
°summary°> you and bella go out for a late night drive as friends you guys come back as something more
°requested?°> yeppp!
hiyaa! this one took me a while so im super sorry but regardless i hope you enjoy! remember to take care of yourselves and thank you for the request! also i have no idea if i did your request justice im so sorry if i didn't:(
It was late. Like really late, you and Bella had spent the past few hours watching movies, laughing and overall messing around. Time always seemed to pass so much faster when you were with Bella, minutes felt like seconds and hours felt like minutes.
"we should go on a drive" you suggested you had no clue where the idea came from but it was late and you weren't about to question yourself. "yea ok, lets go" he said looking at you with possibly the biggest smile you've ever seen, you two sat there for a whole 2 minutes just staring at eachother before bursting back into giggles.
You had absolutely no idea where you were going, Bella on the other hand said that they 'knew a place'. The roads were empty the only things occupying them being the light from the street lights and Bella's car.
The windows were rolled all the way down and the spotify playlist you both made together was turned almost all the way up (Bella kept telling you that you'd wake up everyone in a 5 mile radius but still screamed along to all the lyrics with you).
Eventually the car came to a stop meaning that you were at this so called spot. You were at a loss for words when you saw the collage of different colored lights. You looked over at them to say thank you only to see him already staring at you.
" You're staring doofus," you comment following it with a light shove and a laugh. Your laugh. A sound that made Bella weak in the knees. "I know." You tried your very best not to get flustered by this but your face betrays you as you begin to feel your cheeks getting hotter.
You had pushed your feelings for Bella away along time ago. Of course they were still there but you chose to ignore them because you simply just couldn't risk losing Bella due to a silly crush. Bella had done the exact. same. thing. However they knew that they simply couldn't do it any longer. He loved you. They wanted nothing more than to hold and kiss you. She wanted to be able to call you her partner. They of course hoped things would go well but if they didn't they hoped you guys could atleast stay friends.
"hey i actually needed to say something," your heart begins to beat rapidly as you hear that sentence, your mind racing a mile a minute as to what he would say next. Bella on the other hand was trying to find the right words. They ultimately decided to just say everything on their mind and hope they don't make an absolute fool of himself.
" I love you, i mean really love you. i love how your hair falls, i love your smile could kill 1000 men in an instant, i love how absolutely perfect you look with out even trying, i love how we share the same stupid humor. I love everything about you and if Im being 100% honest there is nothing more i want to do right now than kiss you."
You're stunned, only for a second though because before you know it you you're reaching over to hold his face in your hands. You pull them into a kiss, it was short you were simply testing the waters. Pulling away you two looked in eachothers eyes, which wasn't very long lived as Bella pulled you right back in for another kiss.
This time it was different. It was passionate but hungry, you both wanted this for so long now and it was better than you both could've ever imagined. You're hands went up to their hair as you deepened the kiss. One of their hands traveled down to your waist while the other was being used to keep you two stable. This went on for a while with short breaks in between for much needed air.
Eventually you break the kiss, your hands still playing with her hair. It was quiet, with you two looking into each others eyes, you two really didn't need to say anything but eventually Bella breaks the comfortable silence. " So will you be my partner?"
"I'll have to think about it...yes of course!" you giggled which only sent them into a fit of laughter himself.
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ourloveiselectrifying · 5 months
New to your blog!!! Just played your game and I love it so much!!! Can I be 🐇 anon? Glad that was a favorite animal option that could be selected in the game ^3^ I have a few questions about Kev if it's cool to ask?
How would he handle an MC that likes to be a gentle dom/is a switch? (Totally not inserting my personality lolol >u<) I noticed he liked being a little spoon, which is perfect because I absolutely adore being a big spoon!! Most people find that surprising since I'm short and love dressing cutely ^u^ What can I say~ Doting over big strong guys till they're weak in the knees is the best feeling ever!!
Second question! What kind of kinks does he have? Do you think he'd enjoy praise and heavy petting? I do love giving out compliments like they're candy!! And I can't resist fluffy ears, though I'd totally understand if he'd find it demeaning (though not my intention ofc c:)
Keep working hard! Bunny out 😎✌️
I'm glad you enjoyed it!!! <3 also of course you can be 🐇 anon!!
Once MC is settled and behaved he would humor them being more dominant, as long as he felt in control and still had the power. They'd make MC submit every now and then just to make sure they know their place. If they ever really badly misbehaved then he'd shut them down completely, for a good while atleast.
But yes he's secretly a big softie! They're just a lil' shy about it.
They like being both big and little spoon but more leaning towards little spoon :3 it's actually in their ship chart heheh
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His kinks? :3
His kinks would be petplay of course and primal/play fighting, gags and tape, restraints, shock, overstimulation, sadomaso, fear, bites and scratches, praise and rewards, degradation, blood, licking and spit, sweat and scent, oral, and lots of toys
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(They'd be filled with clay or something)
He loves to be of service, and be praised and rewarded. They'd adore having their ears and tail pet. Any sort of positive touch or talk about his ears and tail he'd really really like from MC! If they were smaller they'd sit in MC's lap lol. He would like to rest his head on MC's thighs while they pet him. He's also into getting bitten and scratched. Licked too. They'd consider restraints around their arms and legs as long as they could easily breakout of them, like tape. He's into being shocked too!
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