#Which Reiki Attunement
wizardsaur · 6 months
I asked my yoga teacher if she knew anyone who would do the reiki attunements and lessons for trades. I told her I'm a cult survivor, and I have a very specific reason for approaching it this way.
Because I don't intend on investing potentially a few thousand dollars for classes and permission to energy heal. I feel like the sunk-cost fallacy makes the practitioner more susceptible to tell themselves something is working - when it really isn't, and they can't accept such a massive loss.
Which isn't to say I don't think energy healing has it's benefits. I do. I also believe it has limits, and I believe in vaccines/antibiotics/therapy. The worst trying reiki or energy healing on someone who's suffering can do, is nothing. And the best it can do is be a part of their healing/coping toolbox.
I'm just not interested in putting myself in debt for something like this. And thankfully, my yoga teacher understands my POV. Where she is a bit more "crunchy granola white hippie" than I'd usually ask for support from, she's very sweet and willing to work with me. Plus, my BS detector is bulletproof nowadays.
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ener-chi · 5 months
Journal Time!! I got a fun story/experience to share today. It actually took place over 2 separate days. TL;DR Reiki and fully letting go; and under the cut: A wandering spirit finding me, pocket-dimension programming, and helping it pass over
Since the story is really long, I'll put the regular post and my musings here up-top, and then my notes under the cut.
When I was thinking about getting my Reiki 3 (aka Master's) Attunement, I remember reading someone say that the Master's Attunement is like a roller coaster, and once you get on, you cannot get off, no matter how much you want to.
I find that this is absolutely true. So many things have happened in the past 2 years that have just completely turned me and my life upside down. It definitely has felt like a roller coaster lmao.
Especially lately. Super long story short - I have been feeling more and more that I just... don't have control. I have been trying - in vain - to control my thoughts, my emotions, my stress, stressors in my life, situations, energies, etc. etc. - all in vain.
It finally came to the point where I realized - I can't control anything. There is nothing that I can do.
And in that moment, I remembered that I had dedicated myself and my life to Reiki. And I decided to just... let go. I can't control anything. I might as well just... trust Reiki, and let it take me where it wants me to go.
Since I have done that... everything has changed. I find myself in a Flow that I can't really explain. I am being guided to people and situations and things that I wouldn't have otherwise, that were absolutely divinely timed. And I feel my trajectory changing. I have been caring about things that... weren't in alignment with my Path, and what Truly Matters. I am starting to see things more clearly now.
It is... absolutely terrifying to me that I don't have any control. It makes me extremely scared and anxious. And yet... there is a comfort in knowing that... I don't have to worry, and that I'm being watched over and taken care of, and going where I need to go. And also... it's freeing. I don't have to spend so much energy trying to control things that I couldn't anyways.
Anywho. Thanks for reading! My experience with a wandering spirit will be below the cut.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful night!
Here are my notes from when I encountered and helped a wandering spirit pass over. If you are new to my blog or are unfamiliar with my readings, I do automatic writing, where I write down everything that I think/see/hear/feel/experience as it happens, which is why it looks the way it does.
I sense a presence in my room... Actually... It's been lurking around...
Hello... I feel hands on my shoulders...
Who are you...
Comes in front of me... What do you want... Kind of wispy...
I get more firm... If you do not tell me who you are and what your intentions are... You will be forcibly removed. I do not tolerate unwanted visitors.
Puts hands up... Having a hard time communicating with them... Perhaps human...
I soften... I feel them...
I can't speak well with human spirits... But... If you open yourself up to me, I can feel you... And communicate with you that way...
A bit hesitant but...
I apologize... When you work with spirits... You must be careful... Besides... If you found a stranger in your room, wouldn't you also be on guard??
Nods... I feel... Hm... Human spirit definitely... I see them... Wandering through the halls of my apartment complex... Found me... Drawn to me... Light... Gravity...
Did you pass?? I see... That... They are related to a friend... Or someone in the building... They passed away... Stuck around them... And then... Kind of... Wandered... Didn't know what else to do...
They loved this person... Wanted to see them again... Before... Before well... Unsure...
As I expected... It can get a bit foggy if you don't pass immediately... They saw my light and warmth... Different energy... Than everything else around... Drawn to it... Doesn't know what it is... But... Knows that it is... Safe... Good...
I smile... Again... I apologize for earlier... I... Am a spirit worker... Astral traveler... Gifted... Etc...
One of the things that I can do... Is... Help spirits pass over... To the other side...
What does that mean...
When beings die... Their spirit gets separated from their body... And... It goes to a place that I have dubbed... The Place That Spirits Go... Or... The White Place...
Very aptly named, I know...
I've been there a handful of times now... It is a place of pure light... White light... Cities... People... A lot goes on there...
I... Call it that because I don't have any other evidence or experiential knowledge to compare it to any other theories that we developed here on earth...
With all that being said... I can channel the same white light... And it will help you pass over...
Immediate fear... And anxiety...
I smile... I understand... You don't know what it is... Don't know what to expect... I've helped... Countless spirits... Pass over... And... The energy is... At least what it appears to me to be...
It is... Blissful... Everyone gets so joyous and happy and giggly... It's like... Home... Returning to home...
It is not a bad place... At all... It won't be like you are expecting...
Images of fear... Brimstone... No... No pain or suffering like that... Definitely not Hell...
In any case... I can help you pass over... But you don't have to do it right now if you don't want to...
But... If you want to wait... Which again is fine... I don't know if I'm comfortable with you staying in my apartment... In my space...
I sense his fear of... Out there...
I am reminded of a promise I made to Sekhmet...
I will prepare a crystal that you can stay in... And that is the only place that you can be... Without my permission... If you want to get my attention... You can... Hm... I guess you wouldn't know how to astral travel, would you...
Shakes head...
That's fine... For now... I will say... That you can stay in the crystal... And you can only come out to get my attention...  I will make it... Spacious and comfortable in there... Don't worry...
Anxious... But... Relieved...
At this point, I didn’t channel/automatic write it, because I was actually doing stuff with my hands physically. I took a crystal – a clear quartz crystal, which is a really good crystal to do this with, as it is kind of “blank” and easy to program, kind of like a blank piece of paper, ready to be filled with whatever you are going to put on it. In a nutshell, I kind of made a pocket dimension inside of it, heavily protected it, and made it so that it has 2 access points. I have access to them, and only those I give access to can use them (to which I gave the spirit access while he was here). I then programmed it to be like furnished and have some energy that might help to nourish a spirit, and also some Reiki should they want it. I also programmed it so that they could influence and change the furnishing and decorations and style to match something that they are more comfortable with.
3 days later...
I'm... Back in my own energy now... and my astral space... I hear a knocking on the door... I go and answer it... And... It is... The spirit again... Comes in... Their energy is... So much better... Than when I saw them a couple days ago...
Waves and smiles...
So... Have you made up your mind... Are you ready to go...
Nods... Has something to say, though... I tune in...
Is... Grateful... For the time that he had... And the space that I gave him... He has... Spent some time thinking and was able to think and see more clearly... Able to... Ponder on things...
Also... Visited the person in my apartment complex... One or two more times... I feel... Peace... He was able to make peace with them and what made him stay in the first place...
Comes back to him... Nods... Yes... He is ready to go...
Very well...
I just need to... Untether you from the little home that I made... And then I will get you on your way...
A little bit of anxiety about the passing over...
I smile... Again... Reassure him that... From what I've seen... It is a wonderful experience... And... Intuitively... I tell him that... I actually see... A team... Of people waiting for him when he passes over... With like clipboards... They're smiling and their energy is lovely and warm... Interesting...
As I'm untethering and clearing his energy from the space... There is... A memory that is lingering... That I feel I need to view...
Sun... Early summer... Really warm air... Grass... Wildflowers and dandelions... Crabgrass... In this... Grassy area...
I see him... Walking...
Hm... Older... Like... 50's... He is just... Absolutely beaming... So full of joy... On this walk... The weather is wonderful... He is... Walking with people... That I can't really make out... Silhouettes... Shadows... But I can tell that they are people that he loves... Family... I believe...
He is... Very present... Taking in everything about this moment... The weather... The clouds passing by... The air on his skin... Animals... He points out some animals skittering to I believe a grandchild... Or child he is related to...
So much joy in his heart...
I feel... The spirit... Next to me... A hand on my shoulder... Smiling... Warmly... This is what life is about... He is... Grateful... That he got to do it...
He wants to linger in this memory for a bit longer...
We come back...
As I clear him from the little "house rock" that I might call it... I give him permission to enter into my space so that I can help him...
And as I do... I feel his presence energetically in the room with me irl...
A shape and figure moving around... Much more... Solidified... And... Has more form... Than when I saw him a few days ago...
Alright... Are you ready...
A little nervous... But... Yes...
I smile... It's going to be great... 
As I connect with this white light and energy... I feel it... Dripping down me... And opening up some blockages in my crown chakra and my hara as it moves down...
He gets a little anxious... But mostly in anticipation...
I cup my hands... Which fill with this white light/energy... I stand in front of him... He smiles and thanks me... I dump it over his head... It trickles down...
He does that thing when someone gets cold water dumped on their head... A little bit of shock... But immediately... Starts to smile... Really big...
Looks at his hands... It feels... Really good... Invigorating... Energizing... His form... Starts to outline in white... And starting from the bottom... Turning white...
He laughs and kind of moves around a little bit... He looks at me one last time... Half-way white now...
He again thanks me... I give him a nod... The whiteness completely enveloping him...
And he glows brighter and brighter... Almost blinding... And starts to fade...
As the brightness fades... He is gone... 
And I am alone...
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chelledoggo · 1 year
i'm gonna say something that's gonna make me sound like an absolute loon but…
i think reiki is actually working for me.
like… i actually feel tingling/warmth in my hands when i do self-treatments, and i think i'm going through some mild detox symptoms (which apparently can happen after being attuned).
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Are you even reading your asks? I wasn't a buhurt new ager in your ask box, I simply said your examples aren't complex enough to actually help people discern what they hear , because besides the normal idiotic theories, new age beliefs are also going into the direction of a space where you can't really prove something because anyone can say anything about spells or energy work, or some shit put there in the universe which would be hard to prove because it's not a banana you can buy from the supermarket.
I am literally talking about a crowd of people who believe in blood libel with a sci-fi twist. I am talking about people who believe they can just positive think their way out of an economic system designed to keep the vast majority of people in poverty. I am talking about people whose comprehension of basic physics and biology are so far off from observable reality that by their own reasoning, the demon core should be the one of the most powerful healing objects in existence. My examples were exactly on par with this kind of bullshit.
The only one who seems averse to reading is you, because I keep emphasizing this, and you... well, you just keep ignoring it. I wonder why that is?
If you actually paid attention to the rest of my content, you'd know that I advocate caution when it comes to unprovable beliefs in any context. Like, I'm pagan, and I work with deities. I don't have 100% faith that those deities exist - but at the end of the day, it kind of doesn't matter to me because regardless of whether or not they exist, I find the process and the results satisfactory.
There are a lot of people in occult and witchy circles who are highly agnostic. Some people subscribe purely to the psychological model, which says that magic isn't even real at all; that everything is psychological in origin and effect.
And they still practice because they still find it useful.
I definitely won't tell other people that they have to believe in deities, or that there's something wrong with them for being skeptical, or having doubts about the veracity of other people's reported experiences. Because there are times where it's pretty important to have a strong sense of doubt - for example, when somebody tells you that their god hates you because you won't believe that they're this god's most specialest priestess ever. Or when they tell you that their god told them that there will be a catastrophe and you need to sell all of your stuff and come join in their compound a thousand miles away from civilization if you want to live. Or when they tell you that their god said you should invest in an obvious scam.
I'm also a major advocate of people exercising caution when something appears to be working for them, no matter what. Because it's often difficult to ascertain correlation and causation, and claiming that X definitively, absolutely, without any doubt whatsoever caused Y, without doing any sort of controlled experimentation, is irresponsible. This goes for claiming that your "get a job spell" was most definitely and assuredly the reason you got a spell just as much as claiming that your reiki attunement was most definitely and assuredly the reason you felt funky for a few days.
It's also difficult to be sure that what you think is the cause, is actually the cause. Did your spell work because you were manipulating mystical energies, or did it work because it put you in a better mindset? Does pain relief via energy work function because pain is actually an energy you can move, or does it just convince your brain that there's no pain to be felt?
I'm a pragmatist. I tend to believe that if something helps you, or appears to help, then go ahead and keep on doing it until you have a reason to stop doing it.
But don't hitch yourself to an unprovable explanation for why it works (or seems to work). Be willing to accept new explanations if the evidence supports them better.
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This powerful symbol is the last of the three symbols attuned to Reiki 2 students, along with Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki written about in my previous articles. The name of the symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, is commonly translated as ‘No past, no present, no future’ and is used primarily to send distant healing across time and space.
When using this symbol reiki energy is sent into a situation in the past, across distances in the present, or into future events. It really is quite an amazing tool to have this knowledge, and access to it for yourself and others. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen‘s vibration merges with the energy field of an individual or the energy of a place or situation, rather than with the physical body. If sending to a person or pet, it is most effective sent to the energy field as a whole so that the energy can then be free to dissipate to where it is required most, whether that be on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. It is the energy itself that has the knowledge as to where it is needed most. We are merely acting as a channel or facilitator.
Another perhaps more accurate translation of the five characters which make up the name of this symbol is ‘Correct thought (or correct mindfulness) is the essence of being‘. By using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol we become one with the energy which flows through us and across all time and space. If you view the path that we take through life from birth to death as a single stream of energy, the idea is that we can send energy and intention to any part of that path – whether it be past, present or future – for our highest will and good.
By being attuned to this symbol, students can direct energy into the past to heal old wounds and allow clients to release negative emotions held from past situations and events. Energy can also be sent to absent clients across time and space, across any distance, to help with present issues, and energy can be sent to future appointments, meetings and events to prepare the energy for the best result. This is an empowering way to create an open and optimistic mindset with the expectation of good things to come.
As with all reiki sessions the intention of the practitioner or student is so important, it literally is the key to unlocking the energies and sending them with positive intent to where they are most needed. It is a useful tool where the client is uncomfortable with a conventional one-to-one session, is in a distant country, or when a session is required in an emergency. In whichever way you chose to use this symbol it really is a powerful vibration which can be sent to anywhere on your Soul Continuum, or that of your client’s, creating a positive ripple travelling to where it is needed most. A very valuable and effective tool.
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yungfrieda · 11 days
i went out in search of some shred of wisdom today.
the urge to do so came from discomfort in considering the surmounting Issues At Hand (of which there are always several). my impulse was to grab a drink. instead, i scrolled through some events and saw the grand opening of an apothecary & spirituality store in my old neighborhood was occurring today. i decided to attend on a whim, knowing that i would be meeting Carlyn at Barnes & Noble later that afternoon to chat. i'd hoped to find books in this new shop and was disappointed not to find any, but browsed the selection of bracelets and stones and oracle decks anyway.
the owner of Mystic Moon, the original store of this kind on that street, invited me toward the back of the shop to consider a reading. i strolled slowly and found myself absently chatting with a reiki & bodywork practitioner, who had fallen asleep or into some meditative rest as i browsed his pamphlet.
right as i turned back toward the front, a prayer circle had begun to form. the mediums, channelers, practitioners, and readers came together to congratulate the owner on her success and many opportunities in the future. as everyone gathered, we began by rubbing our hands together to activate the energy in our individual bodies and joined hands. creating a joint intention together, even with strangers, felt really communal. after our prayer, i tried to sneak out of the psychic den unannounced but was met with a swift introduction by a medium who'd asked me to take another turn about the room. i stopped to talk with younger black guy, perhaps slightly older than me, with several oracle & modern tarot decks on display and a cutout of Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix, posing behind his table.
earlier, as i rode along the highway to get to this place, i contemplated on the person i'd consult with today. i considered the factors that would make me the most comfortable: did i trust mediums? would reiki be effective or just placebo? in the present, i felt i was the most familiar with tarot and thought his collection really eccentric - so i decided to book a reading with him.
all in all, it was fruitful. he mentioned several aspects of myself i've been reflecting on in the past few weeks, for example, my propensity to dissociate and overindulge - relating to my initially self-selected "Emperor" card in terms of maintaining some semblance of control over the chaos which has nothing to do with me.
"Ah. Control," was the reaction of the reader when I pulled it, with a certain nod. then he spurred out several cards in the same deck, with a rapid fire. he fixed his eyes upon two cards: "Failure" and "Debauch" on top, laid closest to me on the table. we talked a lot about failure and what it means to perceive it, as well as the protections in place on my journey by concealed or "veiled" guides in my life. he mentioned things i've considered, but have not integrated - meditation as means to return to myself, cultivating inner connection there. we talked about finding familiarity in the known and unknown. not being so afraid of the unknown that i am driven to unproductive and harmful action. recognizing what i need is meant to be attracted in it's own way, when i'm attuned to it instead of distracted. we talked about intuition and timing, how it's important for me to collaborate with the larger universe, the source instead of either fighting against it or running from it - being an active participant in my own life.
these are things i know. but it was affirming to hear them from someone else. as the reading concluded, he mentioned asking for guidance in the unknown. that's new to me. i have not exactly been asking for signs...
after my reading, i got to pick out a Matrix pill with a small piece of paper inside. on this strip was a quote from the movie:
"The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to"
it's currently on my white board, behind a magnet. i came home feeling a sense of emptiness after feeling like my trip to procure some form of guidance was unsuccessful, but after writing about it... i find myself feeling differently. it's nice.
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reikicoursesau · 13 days
Join Professional Reiki Practitioners in Melbourne for an Attunement Certificate!
Reiki practitioners in Melbourne teach participants about the knowledge and skills required to practice Reiki skillfully, as well as the rules and regulations that govern it. To improve their connection to vibration and energy, students will get three Level 2 attunements from trained masters.
In addition to the level 2 attunement, students will receive a forty-page manual that is thorough and easy to use, as well as a variety of other benefits.
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One of the most important steps in studying Reiki healing is level 3 Reiki master attunement which allows practitioners to improve their connection to Reiki energy. The Reiki Mastership plan emphasises the relevance of Reiki Level 3a Master Practitioner courses under the guidance of qualified masters. This programme ensures that participants are well-prepared to share their healing abilities.
Why Should You Take Professional Reiki Courses?
Interested individuals could contact genuine Reiki masters online to organise an appointment to learn more about Reiki therapy. They gain a greater awareness of their inner self through their professional studies, in addition to learning about Reiki and how to aid others in healing.
They not only teach people how to be outstanding Reiki channels, but they also empower them to work with those who are going through terrible moments in their lives and maintain a firm place for them.
Furthermore, Reiki is regarded as the best approach to removing negative energy and promoting healing by employing a fine spiritual path and focusing on the improvement of all elements of life.
Reiki healing can help you better your spiritual journey and achieve the highest level of mental relaxation.
Overall, anyone who is interested in learning Reiki may join attunement courses from recognised masters who have a deeper understanding of critical minds and can teach individuals how to eliminate all unwanted memories to live a joyful and tranquil current life.
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veena-manchanda · 1 month
Exploring the Ancient Practice of Energy Healing Therapy for Modern Wellness.
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In a world increasingly attuned to the importance of holistic wellness, energy healing therapy has emerged as a powerful and transformative practice. Rooted in ancient traditions and supported by modern science, energy healing therapy offers a unique approach to health and well-being by addressing the body's energy systems. This blog explores the essence of energy healing therapy, its various modalities, and the profound impact it can have on your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Understanding Energy Healing Therapy
At its core, energy healing therapy is based on the belief that the human body is composed of not just physical matter, but also energy fields that influence our overall health. These energy fields, often referred to as the aura or life force, are thought to be interconnected with our physical, emotional, and mental states. When these energy fields are balanced and free-flowing, we experience optimal health. Conversely, blockages or imbalances in these fields can manifest as physical illness, emotional distress, or mental turmoil.
Energy healing therapy works to clear these blockages, restore balance, and promote the natural flow of energy within the body. By doing so, it aims to address the root causes of various ailments rather than merely treating the symptoms.
The History and Origins of Energy Healing Therapy
Energy healing therapy has deep roots in ancient healing practices. Many cultures across the world have long recognized the importance of energy in maintaining health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for example, is centered around the concept of "Qi," the vital energy that flows through the body’s meridians.
Reiki, a form of energy healing that originated in Japan, focuses on channeling universal life force energy to support the body's natural healing processes. These ancient practices have laid the foundation for modern energy healing therapy, which has evolved to incorporate various techniques and approaches from around the world.
The Various Modalities of Energy Healing Therapy
Energy healing therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it encompasses a wide range of modalities, each with its unique methods and benefits. Here are some of the most popular forms of energy healing therapy:
Reiki: It involves a practitioner channeling energy through their hands to the recipient, often without physical touch. Reiki is said to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities.
Chakra Healing: In chakra healing, the focus is on balancing the seven primary energy centers in the body, known as chakras. By clearing blockages and restoring balance in the chakras, this form of therapy aims to improve overall well-being.
Acupuncture: A key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow along the meridians. This practice is used to treat various conditions, from pain relief to emotional disorders.
Crystal Healing: Crystal healing uses the vibrational energy of crystals and gemstones to balance the body’s energy fields. Different crystals are believed to possess unique properties that can influence physical and emotional healing.
Pranic Healing: Pranic healing involves the manipulation of the body's energy or "prana" to cleanse and energize the aura and chakras. Practitioners use their hands to scan the body, remove energy blockages, and infuse positive energy into areas of need.
Qi Gong: This ancient Chinese practice combines movement, meditation, and controlled breathing to cultivate and balance the body's energy. Qi Gong is often used as a preventive practice to maintain health and well-being.
The Benefits of Energy Healing Therapy
The benefits of energy healing therapy are wide-ranging, encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.
Stress Reduction and Relaxation: One of the most immediate benefits of energy healing therapy is deep relaxation. By calming the mind and body, it helps reduce stress, which is a major contributor to many health issues.
Improved Physical Health: By promoting the free flow of energy throughout the body, energy healing therapy can support the body's natural healing processes. It has been used to alleviate pain, accelerate recovery from illness or injury, and boost overall vitality.
Emotional Balance: Energy healing therapy is also effective in addressing emotional imbalances. It can help release trapped emotions, alleviate anxiety and depression, and promote a sense of inner peace and well-being.
Enhanced Spiritual Connection: For many, energy healing therapy is a gateway to deeper spiritual awareness. It can open channels for spiritual growth, enhance intuition, and foster a greater sense of connection to the universe.
Holistic Healing: Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on treating specific symptoms, energy healing therapy takes a holistic approach.
Who Can Benefit from Energy Healing Therapy?
It can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing chronic pain, stress-related conditions, emotional disturbances, or those simply seeking a greater sense of balance and well-being in their lives.
Many people turn to energy healing therapy as a complementary treatment alongside conventional medicine. It is important to note that while energy healing therapy can support the healing process, it is not a replacement for medical care. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new treatment.
How to Get Started with Energy Healing Therapy
If you’re interested in exploring energy healing therapy, there are several ways to get started:
Research and Educate Yourself: Begin by learning more about the different modalities of energy healing therapy. Understanding the principles and techniques can help you choose the right approach for your needs.
Seek a Qualified Practitioner: Finding a reputable and experienced energy healing practitioner is crucial. Look for someone who is certified and has positive reviews or testimonials from clients.
Start with a Session: Consider booking an introductory session to experience energy healing therapy firsthand. Many practitioners offer consultations where you can discuss your health concerns and goals.
Practice at Home: Some forms of energy healing therapy, such as meditation or Qi Gong, can be practiced at home. Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can help maintain energy balance and support your overall well-being.
Energy healing therapy is a powerful tool for promoting health and wellness on multiple levels. By addressing the body’s energy systems, it offers a holistic approach to healing that can complement traditional medical treatments. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, enhance your physical health, or deepen your spiritual connection, energy healing therapy provides a pathway to greater well-being and balance.
As interest in holistic therapies continues to grow, energy healing therapy is gaining recognition as a valuable practice for those seeking a more integrated approach to health. By exploring the various modalities and benefits of this ancient practice, you can discover a new dimension of healing that resonates with your unique needs and aspirations.
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wanderlust-psifang · 1 month
Anonymity is great because I can be fairly personal without getting doxxed. Let's go!
The Magical Edition (Mundane Edition will follow, because I can and I like to overshare).
I have altars throughout my house for different gods and different purposes.
I have more Tarot decks than I need.
I am a bibliophile and get my fix from specialized publishers, the local bookstore, Amazon, and thrift stores. Anywhere books may be, so will I.
I practice magic just about daily. Lately I've been re-exploring the Necronomicon Spellbook, John C. Lilly's Programming the Human Biocomputer, and working with the DKMU egregors.
I feed at least weekly, if not two to three times a week. Not having a donor it's ambiently and it gets me enough to feel better but I also have to do it more often.
I am an agnostic, but lean towards panentheism. It translates as 'all in god' meaning the divine is both outside of our comprehension as well as an integral part of life, leading to an abstract deific understanding.
I have experienced high weirdness from UAP experiences to glitches in the matrix. There's no way we're alone in the universe, let alone this galaxy.
I am a pop-culture sorcerer, which I contain in what I call the Pop-Cult Urn, where ideas go to die and be reborn on the phoenix pages of fans.
I have been practicing Eastern Martial Arts and qigong most of my life. I learned from various instructors and masters which has informed my philosophical and practical application of my beliefs. Learning from books and videos is informative but an actual teacher that has been to the homeland is even better. Qigong is quite magical with the right instructor.
I am Attuned to Reiki Level 2.
My father taught me the basics of Choa Kok Sui's Pranic Healing, but I am not certified.
I am certified in Theta Healing DNA 2. Well, that was over a decade ago, so I'm not sure if it's still valid, but I learned under a direct student of Vianna Stibal, the founder.
I have been blessed with meeting Amma, the Hugging Saint, twice. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life. No matter what your beliefs are, I suggest meeting her. It was free at the time.
I met Teal Swan when I was super into her not-a-cult at a local talk and book release. She gave me a hug and it felt like electricity. Pretty sure she's a psi-vamp.
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Jonathan Hammond -The Shaman's Way - Secret Huna Wisdom
I really enjoyed this amazing conversation with John Hammond who wrote  the amazing book The Shaman's Mind which unlocks many Huna secrets from  his experiences in Hawaii.  
To learn to think like a shaman is to attune yourself to a magical  spectrum of infinite possibilities, unseen truths, alternative  realities, and spiritual support. When a shaman likes what's happening,  they know how to make it better, and when they don't, they know how to  change it. 
Jonathan is a Maui-based Author, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer,  Shamanic Practioner, and Spiritual Counselor.  He is a graduate of Harvard University and The University of Michigan.  Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui and  Karuna Reiki. He is on the Advanced Graduate Studies Advisor for  Shamanic Reiki Worldwide and an ordained Alaka’i (teacher/guide) in the  Kahili Hawaiian Shamanic tradition. 
Jonathan has completed four years of training in Inter-Spirituality and  Inter-Spiritual Counseling at the One Spirit Learning Alliance, and he  was ordained as an Interfaith Minister in 2008.  He has training and certifications in Cherokee Bodywork with The Coyote  Institute, Huna (Hawaiian Shamanism) with Aloha International, and all  core curriculum with the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Jonathan has  been initiated through the Minoan Fellowship in Wicca, and has trained  in the therapeutic facilitation of psychedelics with Inward Bound in Ireland. 
In addition to maintaining a robust private practice, Jonathan teaches  classes in Shamanism, Spirituality, and Energy Healing at the Omega  Institute for Holistic Studies, The Shift Network, The One Spirit  Learning Alliance, Shamanic Reiki Worldwide, and Penn State University.  “To reach your higher self – imagine who would be at your most satiated  and realized, then make it twice as good, and you’ll be in the  ballpark.” — Jonathan Hammond
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reikihealsindia · 3 months
Pyrite Stone And The Magical Benefits In Chakra Wellness And Chakra Healing In 2024
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Pyrite Stone: Introduction
Pyrite Stone or iron pyrite, also known as ‘Fool’s Gold,’ is one of the most effective stones that can be helpful for several purposes, especially to balance the solar plexus chakra and recharge the energy in it. Solar plexus chakra is also known as the power chakra since it has the ability to control the confidence, the will power, and manifestation skills. Attuned or balanced it brings feelings of self-confidence, motivation, and determination to make dream come true when it is being blocked or imbalanced.
Now let us discuss the healing power of pyrite and how it can promote the rebalancing, strengthening, and purification of the solar and all the other chakras. The Reiki healing energy can enhance the process by which pyrite assists in restoring energy flow in the chakra system for the overall health and wholeness of the spirit, body, and emotions. You can continue reading to learn how the people use the “stone of the sun” to charge one with solar energies, to break up emotions that hold one back, to help one find their voice, to ground, and to open one up to self-love.
What is Pyrite Stone?
Pyrite is a stone that is also named “Fool’s Gold,” and it has various properties that can be helpful for one’s life especially for the solar plexus chakra. Pyrite has a warm golden sun-like shade and its energy links to the solar plexus chakra, which is situated around the belly button and is associated with confidence and manifestation power.
The solar plexus chakra is associated with confidence, energy, will power and motivation, that is, when this chakra is opened you feel capable of doing what you want to do. But if it is weak or gets blocked, then its signs include low motivation, inability to bring into reality our desires, lack of self-worth. In particular, pyrite may help to restore solar plexus chakra’s blockage by providing the streams of the positive life force energy.
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ener-chi · 6 months
Here's a 5am update because I have the flu and this fever is keeping me up and have nothing better to do, so (: TL;DR Reiki, School Changes, and Experimenting with Acupuncture Points
First off, I kind of had like a "Reiki Re-Awakening" as I'll call it. I was doing laundry and mine had some extra time so I was in the community room bored, and just peeking under the TV at me from the perfect angle from where I was sitting was a Reiki book.
I hadn't heard of it before (and ya know, this screams of synchronicity) so I picked it up and thumbed through it, and immediately decided to borrow it.
The book is called Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein. It is... incredible honestly. It talks about Reiki and some techniques in new ways that I hadn't heard before and it really clicked with me. It also blends in some TCM concepts, which I immediately latched onto. I would highly recommend this book honestly - just be aware that if you aren't Reiki attuned you won't be able to do Reiki or anything in the book until you get your attunements (:
Anyways, the timing of this book and everything else in my life - Reiki just like. Completely enveloped me. I have been just SURGING with Reiki lately, and just been doing soo much Reiki work, on myself and others. I have had some things happen when doing Reiki that are nothing short of miracles. It blows my mind every single time.
So yeah. Basically Reiki is a very very big part of my life and my practice now. I think eventually I would LOVE to do Reiki and acupuncture concurrently. I'm super curious about the effectiveness of it - but I suspect highly of it.
Speaking of which - school! I had some big realizations regarding this. I realized that I have been so busy trying to be good at school that I wasn't actually learning any of the material, and that I kind of have forgotten why I am here in the first place.
I remembered that the whole reason that I came to this school was to study energy, and to study Qi - what it is, how it works, and how to manipulate it for different purposes and healing etc.
Because of this, I realized that I needed to switch my degree plan. I was in a dual masters/doctoral program, but I realized that didn't suit me and that I need to switch to the MaC program instead.
The difference is herbs. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) isn't just acupuncture - it's also moxa, bodywork, a few other things - but especially herbs.
The dual program is 4.5 years, and 1.5 of those years is just straight up herbs. And I realized that while learning herbs would definitely help me treat people in a deeper and more effective manner - it's irrelevant to what brought me here in the first place - to study energy, and Qi.
So yeah. Some big changes, but really good and necessary ones. Also, now that I've rekindled my passion, I've been having a lot of fun experimenting with acupuncture points and energy work and stuff.
Like me and my partner got pretty sick with the Flu this weekend (still dealing with it). But it's been really interesting to experiment with acupressure on different points, and seeing how it feels but also how it helps my symptoms, which surprisingly is alot.
Like my partner was having a really hard time with sleeping due to a nonstop cough, and I was able to help their cough subside and breath easier. They also had a frontal headache that they almost had instant results with.
And for me - I've noticed that acupressure on certain points was able to help some nausea that I've had. But not even 30 minutes ago I've been up with a terrible fever, and I did acupressure on certain points in a certain order to clear heat, and my fever like immediately started going down and I started feeling better and now I think it's almost gone as I'm typing this (:
It's very cool and fascinating to me that I am able to achieve such results with simple acupressure, no needles - needling would be much more effective.
But that's exactly what I want to study and experiment with - I want to be able to affect my Qi and other people's energy and bodies with my own energy and Qi. I am fascinated with the idea of treating according to TCM with more energy woek and qigong than needles, and I am really excited to start learning more (:
Anywho, I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading! Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!
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holiistiichealer55 · 3 months
Unlock Your Healing Potential with Reiki Healing Courses at Holiistiichealers
In the heart of Delhi, where the city's fast-paced life can sometimes overwhelm our senses and well-being, Holiistiichealers offers a sanctuary of calm and healing. Specializing in a range of holistic healing practices, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive Reiki Healing Courses. Whether you're looking to embark on a new career path in healing or seeking personal growth and balance, our courses provide the perfect foundation.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that involves channeling universal life force energy through the hands to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The word "Reiki" is derived from two Japanese words: "Rei," which means "universal," and "Ki," which means "life energy." This practice is based on the idea that when our life energy is low or blocked, we are more likely to experience stress, illness, and disconnection. By learning Reiki, you can harness this powerful energy to restore balance and harmony within yourself and others.
Why Choose Reiki Healing Courses at Holiistiichealers?
1. Expert Practitioners: Our Reiki Healing Courses are led by highly experienced and certified Reiki Masters who bring a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to each session. Their guidance ensures that you gain a deep understanding of Reiki principles and techniques.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our courses are designed to cater to all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. The curriculum covers the fundamental concepts of Reiki, hand positions, energy scanning, and advanced techniques for spiritual growth. You will also learn how to conduct a full Reiki session and integrate Reiki into your daily life.
3. Personalized Training: At Holiistiichealers, we believe in a personalized approach to learning. Our small class sizes ensure that each student receives individual attention and support. Whether you have specific goals or need additional practice, our instructors are here to help you every step of the way.
4. Serene Learning Environment: Our center is a peaceful and nurturing space designed to enhance your learning and healing experience. The tranquil environment at Holiistiichealers allows you to focus on your studies and personal growth without distractions.
5. Holistic Approach: We emphasize a holistic approach to healing and learning. Our courses not only teach you the technical aspects of Reiki but also encourage personal development and spiritual awareness. This comprehensive approach ensures that you become a well-rounded and effective Reiki practitioner.
What You Will Learn in Our Reiki Healing Courses
1. Reiki Level I: In the beginner level, you will learn the history and principles of Reiki, basic hand positions, and techniques for self-healing and healing others. This level focuses on opening your energy channels and attuning you to the Reiki energy.
2. Reiki Level II: At the intermediate level, you will delve deeper into Reiki practices, learning advanced techniques such as distance healing and the use of Reiki symbols. This level enhances your ability to channel energy more effectively and extends your healing reach beyond physical proximity.
3. Reiki Level III (Master Level): The advanced level is designed for those who wish to achieve the Master level of Reiki. Here, you will learn the Master symbol, advanced healing techniques, and how to attune others to Reiki. This level is ideal for those who want to teach Reiki and lead their own healing practice.
4. Reiki Master Teacher: For those aspiring to teach Reiki, our Master Teacher course provides comprehensive training on conducting Reiki classes, attunements, and workshops. You will gain the skills and confidence needed to become a successful Reiki instructor.
Benefits of Learning Reiki
1. Personal Growth: Reiki promotes personal growth and self-awareness, helping you to connect with your inner self and achieve a higher level of consciousness.
2. Stress Reduction: Reiki is an effective tool for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Regular practice can help you manage the pressures of daily life more effectively.
3. Improved Well-being: By learning to balance and harmonize your energy, you can enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
4. Helping Others: Reiki gives you the ability to help others heal and achieve balance. Whether you use Reiki for family and friends or start a professional practice, the ability to facilitate healing in others is deeply rewarding.
5. Career Opportunities: Completing our Reiki Healing Courses opens up a range of career opportunities in the holistic health and wellness industry. You can become a certified Reiki practitioner, start your own healing practice, or integrate Reiki into your existing profession.
Join Us at Holiistiichealers
At Holiistiichealers, we are dedicated to helping you unlock your healing potential through our Reiki Healing Courses. Our expert guidance, comprehensive curriculum, and supportive environment provide the ideal setting for your journey into the world of Reiki.
Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced healer looking to deepen your practice, our courses offer something for everyone. Join us today and embark on a transformative journey towards holistic health and wellness. Visit our website or contact us to learn more about our upcoming courses and enroll today.
Your path to becoming a skilled and confident Reiki healer starts here at Holiistiichealers. Embrace the power of Reiki and transform your life and the lives of others.
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reikichronicles · 4 months
∽Reiki Healing And Science Behind It∽
We All Are Energetic Beings
Nikola Tesla once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations". As quantum physicists delve deeper into the nature of reality, they are uncovering more evidence that everything is energy. Every particle in our universe, whether living or non-living, is composed of energy, including us. Our bodies consist of energy-producing particles, continually in motion. Just like everything else in the universe, we vibrate and emit energy. There is stream of life energy constantly flowing inside us and energy that we emit outside us, we call it our Aura. However, stress, frustrations, relationship issues, anxiety that we go through in our everyday life, disrupts the smooth flow of energy inside us, causes blockages or stagnation within our bodies, which detrimentally affects our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that helps us to channel the divine universal life energy into our body, this promotes wellness and balance by removing any blockages that interrupt the smooth energy flow and enhancing the body’s natural healing process.
"Rei" represents the energy of the universe, while "Ki" symbolizes our personal energy. Together, Reiki means to bring down the energy of the universe and unite it with our personal energy. As a Reiki master healer, I am attuned to serve as a conduit, harnessing universal life energy with positive intentions to facilitate healing in others by:
Clearing all negative energy blockages
Channelling healing to areas of specific health problems
Reducing mental stress, emotional stress, physical pain and fatigue
Restoring balance where imbalance has occurred.
Rejuvenating individuals, situations or places.
Balancing our Chakras
Clearing Our Aura.
Incorporating Reiki into your self-care routine can be a transformative journey toward greater well-being, empowerment, and resilience. Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional distress, or simply a deeper sense of connection and purpose, Reiki offers a pathway to healing and wholeness that is truly life-changing.
Reiki also offers a direct route to spiritual growth by harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit with universal life force energy individuals deepen their connection to their inner selves and the universe. This process fosters spiritual awakening and personal transformation, empowering individuals to align with their higher purpose and journey toward enlightenment
Ready to experience the transformative power of Reiki healing? I'm here to guide you on your journey towards holistic wellness and inner balance. Feel free to reach out to me for personalized Reiki sessions or any questions you may have.
Contact me : Priya Bhatnagar
Instagram handle: @reiki_chronicles
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magickofartemis · 4 months
A Journey Through Reiki: Techniques, Benefits, and Modern Applications
Reiki, a form of energy healing, has gained popularity in recent years as more people seek holistic approaches to wellness. Originating from Japan, Reiki is based on the idea that a universal life force energy flows through all living beings, and this energy can be harnessed to promote healing and balance in the body, mind, and spirit. This ancient practice has found a place in modern wellness routines, offering a unique approach to addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.
What is Reiki?
Reiki, pronounced "ray-kee," is a Japanese word that combines "rei" (universal) and "ki" (life energy). The practice was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century, and it involves the transfer of energy from practitioner to recipient to encourage emotional and physical healing. This transfer is typically performed through the hands, either directly on the body or just above it, and it aims to clear blockages and balance the flow of energy within the recipient.
How Does Reiki Work?
Reiki is based on the premise that the body's energy can become stagnant due to stress, trauma, or emotional upheaval. These blockages can lead to physical ailments, mental distress, and spiritual imbalance. During a Reiki session, the practitioner channels energy into the recipient, promoting relaxation and facilitating the body's natural healing processes.
A typical Reiki session involves the recipient lying down in a comfortable position while the practitioner places their hands on or near the body in various positions. The practitioner focuses on transferring healing energy, which is believed to flow through their hands. Recipients often report feeling warmth, tingling, or a deep sense of relaxation during the session.
Benefits of Reiki
Reiki is praised for its wide range of benefits, including:
Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Reiki promotes a deep state of relaxation, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Pain Relief: Many people experience relief from chronic pain and discomfort through regular Reiki sessions.
Emotional Healing: Reiki can help release emotional blockages, aiding in the healing of past traumas and fostering emotional well-being.
Enhanced Energy Levels: By balancing the body's energy, Reiki can help improve overall vitality and reduce fatigue.
Support for Traditional Treatments: Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy to support conventional medical treatments, enhancing their effectiveness and helping manage side effects.
Scientific Perspective
While Reiki is widely practiced and reported to have numerous benefits, scientific research on its efficacy remains limited. Some studies suggest that Reiki can have positive effects on stress reduction and pain management, but more rigorous research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and benefits. Despite this, the growing number of anecdotal reports and personal testimonials highlight the significant impact Reiki has on many individuals' lives.
Learning and Practicing Reiki
Reiki is accessible to anyone interested in learning the practice. Training typically involves several levels, starting with the basics of self-healing and progressing to advanced techniques for healing others. Attunements, a key part of Reiki training, involve a process where a Reiki Master helps the student connect more deeply with the universal life force energy.
Practitioners often recommend integrating Reiki into daily life, using self-Reiki techniques to maintain balance and well-being. For those interested in professional practice, certification and continuous learning are essential to enhance skills and understanding.
Reiki healing offers a gentle, non-invasive approach to improving health and well-being by addressing the energetic imbalances that contribute to physical and emotional issues. As a complementary therapy, it provides a pathway to relaxation, pain relief, and emotional healing, making it a valuable addition to holistic health practices. Whether you are seeking personal healing or looking to help others, Reiki presents a powerful tool for harnessing the universal life force energy to promote balance and harmony in life.
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wulfworks · 5 months
Avalon is Not in England
Where is Avalon? This morning as I was preparing to send a Faery Reiki attunement, which I do fairly regularly, I found myself in Avalon, home of the Avalon faeries or Ladies of the Lake. I suppose this shouldn’t have been surprising, since I always open a portal to Avalon at the start of each attunement, but it was different this time. I hadn’t even opened the portal yet and Avalon was already…
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