#Which could just be because Roxxon is a company in the comics
a-crappy-art1st · 2 years
Let's talk about which Pre Disney Marvel TV shows are officially MCU cannon.
Agent Carter: This ones the easiest it was literally confirmed as Cannon
Daredevil: This is confirmed Cannon by Spider-man No Way Home, Hawkeye, and She-Hulk
Defenders, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Punisher: all cross over with Daredevil in some way shape or form
Agents of Shield: has tie in's with Avengers, Winter Soldier and Infinity War, maybe they all got lucky and none of them got snapped away during Infinity War, or maybe they all did, but they are directly influenced by at least 3 MCU movies, and they connect to Daredevil because it is confirmed that the Absorbing Man from season 2 is confirmed to be the same Carl Creel mentioned in Daredevil.
Cloak And Dagger: Directly acknowledges the events of Luke Cage, and The company Roxxon appears, which also appears in Iron man 1'2'3 and Daredevil.
Marvel's Runaways: Directly connects to Cloak and Dagger via their crossover, and Sister Grimm uses the same type of magic as Kaecilius from Doctor Strange
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so peter maximoff has a future in the mcu.
Well I just did a lot of digging, and guess what I found out. So you know that book Wanda was reading at the end of WandaVision? It could be the Darkhold, which is basically an ancient evil spellbook that showed up S.H.I.E.L.D. And Quicksilver’s spirit was trapped in this book in the Marvel comics. Basically, anything could happen where Peter was trapped inside this ancient book, and accidentally freed by Agatha and her spells. Perhaps he is under Witness Protection, as hinted by Jimmy Woo. Or some of his consciousness could still be trapped and he’s currently living in Westview suffering from major amnesia, and Wanda using the Darkhold will free all of Peter. I would like to point out that Agatha can control “Ralph.” She refers to him as her “husband” early on. So she possesed the ability to control him since episode 1. But, assuming “Ralph” was under Wanda’s control, like everyone else in Westview, Agatha shouldn’t have been able to control him, as she can’t control anyone else. And “Ralph” has Quicksilver’s powers, an ability that Agatha can’t give him. Her powers are mental manipulation, illusions, and spells. She can’t manipulate reality-that’s what makes Wanda special and the Scarlet Witch. So there’s no way she could give an average human super speed unless he already possesed it, and there’s no way she could control “Ralph” unless there was something wrong with him. IE, he was summoned by Agatha, therefore Wanda couldn’t control him because someone had already gotten to him first. Or he’s suffering from amnesia, so he doesn’t really have memories for Wanda to control, leaving him wide open for Agatha. And then, there’s the whole Mighty Avengers plotline. See, Loki disguised as Wanda decides to show up and recruit the Mighty Avengers. And with Wanda AWOL in Norway, the time is ripe for him to start his own team in the Loki show, perhaps. You know John Walker in TFAWS? He is recruited into the Mighty Avengers. When he is recruited, he goes under the name U.S. Agent. And U.S. Agent is also brainwashed by oil company Roxxon, which shows up in the Loki trailer. Some of his plotlines are being hinted at already-why not this one, too?  Quicksilver is also recruited into the Mighty Avengers. So basically, a potential plotline that ties all three Marvel shows (WandaVision, Loki, and TFAWS) together involves Peter Maximoff. He’s already showed up. And we have to keep in mind-if Evan Peters truly cares about his character in the X-Men movies, he wouldn’t sign on to WandaVision simply for a stupid joke. He’d read the script, realize it would make fans angry, and hopefully refuse to do it. However, if his character had a future in the MCU, he’d probably agree to sign on then.
Plus I’d really hope that Marvel wouldn’t just troll everyone. Like, what purpose does that serve? It doesn’t really make sense. Also also, Evan Peters is kind of too expensive to hire for a dick joke (I’m guessing).
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #236: “I Want to Be an Avenger!”
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October, 1983
Spider-Man -- An Avenger -- ?
Y’know, march of time and all that but this doesn’t seem as surprising as it once did.
Not much to say about this cover. It doesn’t have a lot to say about the issue other than ‘SPIDER-MAN INSIDE’ but boy does it say it.
But, oh, the logo changed and its snazzy! I quite like it!
So recent going-onses for the Avengers. Thor and Iron Man quit the team for personal business. Hawkeye broke his leg and is on medical forced-to-leave. Scarlet Witch and Vision were called in as reservists and Vision immediately got damaged by a crossover and has been in a robot-coma ever since. Starfox joined the team.
But in more positive news, they totally kicked the Wizard’s ass last issue and it cheered everyone up.
So the issue starts on a lazy summer day.
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Scarlet Witch is on monitor duty, scanning for any ‘this looks like a job for the Avengers’ type calls. And multi-tasking by also thinking of her tubed husband.
Captain America takes his turn standing watch over the comatose synthezoid.
And for some reason, Cap leaning on the tube like that cracks me up.
Starfox spends his downtime trying to hit on Wasp.
His pickup line is so bad.
Wasp finds it charming in its misapprehension although it could also be the sexy beams Starfox emits from his brain.
And She-Hulk is taking a bath in a large barrel in the Avengers’ rec center, which they have. Maybe its the super hot bath?
She(-Hulk)’s also multi-tasking by looking up apartment listings while she soaks but finds that everything on the NY listings is either too small or too ritzy.
It be like that sometimes.
Jarvis comes into the rec center barrel bath area with iced tea for She-Hulk, trying to politely avert his eyes. But the intruder alarm goes off and she(-Hulk) tells Jarvis to hand her a towel and runs off to his flusterment.
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Between Tigra and She-Hulk, I think poor Jarvis is getting overwhelmed with rad ladies on the Avengers.
The Avengers assemble in the main foyer and found that someone just barged in the front door and disabled the security tentacles with some sort of odd, artificial webbing.
Who could it be?
Who could possibly break into Avengers Mansion under the mistaken impression that its actually a cool way to impress them while asking for a job, showing that he’s learned nothing in years?
Could it be the person who expressed interest in joining in the previous issue? And who is also on the cover of this issue??
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Honestly, though, what an amazing splash page!
Also, spectacular and no-adjective.
Spider-Man knows how to make an impression.
Not a good one, certainly. But the Avengers aren’t going to forget the time he was casually chilling above the dining table.
And Pete isn’t going to forget it either. He’s going to wake up in a cold sweat years later still mortified at himself.
I also love it when the title of the issue is something someone said but since it has to be emphasized to make it clear its the title, they suddenly start yelling in the middle of a conversation.
She-Hulk has no patience for Spider-Man’s nonsense and grabs him off his web hammock to yell at him for barging in.
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Spider-Man: “Well, I’m not exactly uninvited! Your buddy Thor asked me to join the club just a few months ago. Sure, I’m a little slow in replying, but I’ve had a busy season!”
And then he snarks about She-Hulk just wearing a towel because Spider-Man loves low hanging fruit.
SURELY, Spidey knows that offers usually expire, right? A few months ago is forever in comic time and Thor himself isn’t even on the Avengers right now.
I guess, in fairness, he has his reasons.
Besides his usual perpetual poverty liking the sound of a thousand bucks a week.
As he later muses to himself, Black Cat has been hospitalized because she tried to help him and he feels obligated to pay for her not-cheap medical bills. And he’s already quit grad school to spend more time earning but his freelance paychecks are nothing compared to an Avengers salary.
He’s being an incredibly presumptuous dick... but for a good cause.
And its just like Spidey that he has a good reason for being a jerk that he’d never mention leaving everyone to think he’s just a rude goofus.
What a shame.
Anyway, back at the present, Spider-Man asks where he enlists but Cap tells them that unfortunately their roster is full up. The sixth spot is being held open for Hawkeye when his leg stops being broken (and you think he was moany about being sidelined while his leg was broken, imagine him learning that he was replaced, eesh).
Cap does suggest that Spider-Man could join Starfox in the trainee program but Spidey throws a fit.
Spider-Man: “Trainee program?!? Hey, I’m Spider-Man, remember? I was sticking to walls when you guys were still looking for a clubhouse. I’m no green rookie!”
Starfox: “Green -- ? I take offense at your tone, Spider-Man!”
She-Hulk: “There’s nothing wrong with being green.”
As an actual rookie who is physically green, She-Hulk doesn’t care for that phrase, maybe.
She-Hulk and Starfox possibly beating up or more likely being embarrassed by Spider “will punk the entire X-Men in the not too distant future” Man is interrupted by a priority alert that goes ARROOOOOOOO
... Is it the Nixon alarm?
Why haven’t the Avengers fought Nixon’s head on a war mech yet??
Spider-Man offers to give them a hand if their priorities are being alerted but with this particular alarm, Wasp decides its best if they stick to the rules.
And then She-Hulk chases Spidey out by throwing a chair at him.
Spider-Man: Well, that was certainly a wash-out! Maybe I shouldn’t have come on as such a wise guy... Maybe I should have come to the door all humble and contrite. Nah, they wouldn’t have believed it was me!
.... Hah.
But he sees the third-floor of Avenger’s mansion opening up to launch the Quinjet and fount of good decision making that he is, he decides to jump onto the Quinjet as it launches.
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Spider-Man: Whew! This baby is really starting to pick up speed! I feel like I’m in a wind tunnel. My sticky fingers can hold onto just about anything under normal circumstances... boy, I wish these were normal circumstances! I wonder if this was such a good idea.
No, Pete, it wasn’t.
But your inner monologues do add a bit more joy to this issue so I forgive you.
Inside the Quinjet, She-Hulk notes that the controls handled a bit sluggish right after take-off but eh whatever the problem disappeared after they went supersonic.
Huh. I wonder if Pete is ok.
Anyway, Captain America, She-Hulk, and Starfox are headed towards Project Pegasus.
Since it hasn’t come up in Avengers yet, Project Pegasus is a government research facility that seeks out new types and sources of energy. And Cap helped organize their security force back in Marvel Two-in-One #42.
The priority alert wasn’t the highest priority. Just a code-five, indicating a low-grade emergency. But it didn’t come with any details so Cap is vexed.
Three Avengers should be enough for a code-five but problems at Project Pegasus tend to balloon into worse problems.
You wouldn’t think a research facility would attract so much negative attention but as Cap points out, there’s a lot of people who have a vested interested in making sure energy stays scarce, expensive, and presumably non-renewable.
And considering that the oil companies like Roxxon are EVEN MORE BLATANTLY EVIL in the Marvel U, yeah, uh, bad shit is going to occur.
Also, Project Pegasus doubles as a place to jail supervillains so their powers can be studied.
So, yeah, Pegasus having a priority alert probably means a headache.
So these three Avengers are going in but Wasp and Scarlet Witch are on stand-by just in case.
The visit to the super secure research station goes off to a bad start when guards rush the Quinjet when it lands because a foreign object was detected on the undercarriage.
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Of course it’s Spider-Man.
But before he can be arrested for breaking into a secure facility, his spider-sense buzzed.
It’d be a bit confusing if it wasn’t buzzing before though. He has a bunch of rattled guards pointing guns at him right after some unexplained emergency has happened.
That doesn’t set off the Peter Tingle at all??
Anyway, since the buzz is pretty intense, he figures that its warning him of something “a lot more dangerous than the lecture Cap’s going to give me!”
He doesn’t manage to warn anyone before a tremor knocks (almost) everyone off their feet with a THROOM
Spider-Man is still standing because he loves Elton John forewarned is forewarned and he can stick to things. And to his surprise, Cap manages to stay on his feet.
Cap: “It’s just a matter of knowing how to react and how to brace yourself, Spider-Man.”
That’s So Cap.
Spider-Man asks if he realio trulio can’t give Cap a hand with this situation. Y’know, since his spider-sense probably will come in handy. Cap isn’t sure because of the question of security but Spider-Man has an idea there.
See, he’s been here before!
In Marvel Team-Up Annual #5 he helped save the dang place! They can ask chief of security Wendell Vaughn (who is also known as Quasar but probably not to all the people in this scene?).
Unfortunately, Vaughn quit a couple months back. Oops.
But since Cap vouches for him the guard driving them to the lower levels is like ‘eh whatever.’
The power of a Cap vouch is not to be underestimate and never to be used for evil.
They’re headed to the thermal research dome because its the last known location of new security chief O’Brien. And where he sent the alert from. AND where the recent quake came from.
That’s good multitasking.
They reach the blast doors sealing off the entire level.
Because yes, not only did O’Brien send an alert, he also sealed off the entire level and now something’s jammed the lock.
They have no idea what could be locked behind there but they do have a Spider-Man and Starfox asks him if he’s getting a bad feeling about anything.
Spider-Man isn’t getting any bad vibes, deeming it safe to go inside.
Y’know, this is an amazing way to use Spider-Sense that they could do more with. I always love it when Spidey basically exploits the sense for things other than combat dodging.
Like when trying to figure out how to turn off a device he didn’t understand in Avengers EMH, he just went around almost yanking wires until he found one that didn’t set off the ‘OH MY GOD YOU’LL DEFINITELY EXPLODE IF YOU DO THAT’ buzz.
Anyway, it being probably safe, Cap tells She-Hulk and Starfox to open the door.
Which they do, with gusto.
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Inside the ruins of the thermal research dome, a bunch of semi-conscious technicians lie about in heaps.
Some Project Pegasus security personnel fan out to do administer first aid while the Avengers look for O’Brien.
Makes sense. The nameless extras help the nameless extras so we don’t go ‘hey are the Avengers dicks for only talking to people with names?’
O’Brien is pinned under an arc of steaming rock which Cap starts chipping in half with his shield while She-Hulk, Spider-Man, and Starfox - all people who could lift that rock - just stand and watch.
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Or heck, maybe its not supposed to be a random rock arc. Maybe its attached to the floor. Still though, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, and Starfox could probably break it more easily than Cap does.
Teamwork makes the dream work, guys and She-Hulk.
Spider-Man recognizes O’Brien’s green and also green Not-Iron Man armor from newspapers and realizes that he’s the Guardsman.
That just makes O’Brien sad.
Guardsman: “Aye, I am... or I was. The state this armor’s in, no one’ll ever be callin’ himself the Guardsman again! As of now, I’m just plain Michael O’Brien.”
The Michael Formerly Known as Guardsman starts to Explain It All.
He had come down to the thermal dome to watch the thermal dome researchers sink a new magma tap.
But molten rock came shooting up from the tap hole, which is a thing that’s definitely not supposed to happen.
Oh, and some molten men (but not Molten Man) climbed out of the hole and started trashing the joint.
Plain Michael O’Brien realized pretty quickly that he was the only one who could stand up to these hot men so he signaled for help, hit the evacuation alarm, and sealed off the level from the rest of the project so the problem was contained.
And then he got mobbed by the hot men and got his ass kicked. Turns out that his armor was pretty useless against lava men.
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Oh, yeah, Cap recognizes them as lava men from his description.
Spider-Man: “Lava men? You have to be kidding, Cap! Lava men? I don’t believe in lava men!”
Cap: “Belay that, mister! I’ve been up against lava men -- and they’re nothing to joke about! You’d better thank your stars that they left -- !”
You might also remember that Cap has been up against lava men allllllll the way back in Avengers #5. Technically the first adventure he had with the Avengers after officially joining them.
It was also the issue where Thor stoically sank into lava without changing his expression from his default vaguely annoyed one.
Anyway, O’Brien tells the Avengers that the lava men battered their way into the maintenance section since they couldn’t escape to the rest of the facility.
It’s a real good news bad news situation because there’s no one for them to hurt in there and also its a straight shot into the nuclear research dome.
And we don’t want any kind of meltdown there.
Cap decides that this looks like a job for AVENGERS to ASSEMBLE towards. And more than the three plus special guest star they already have.
MEANWHILE, over in New Orleans at an important meeting that definitely would be bad to interrupt, Monica Rambeau (secretly the Avenger known as Captain Marvel but not the dead guy version, true believers) is applying for a small business loan.
And then she gets a bzzt on her radio watch for an Avengers emergency.
Oh no, what of her small business loan!
And also: what small business is she starting? I think I heard at one point that she ran a fishing business with her father?
But what of her small business loan!
Well, Monica agrees with her bank guy Mr. Hillbee that its an alarm watch and that its reminding her of another pressing engagement so hey is there a lot more that they have to do here?
Luckily, all that’s left is for her to sign the documents.
Phew, I’m very used to superhero stuff interrupting a superhero’s civilian life and then them angsting about it. It’s actually a relief that Monica was able to finish up at the bank before dashing off to a phone booth to take a radio watch call with Scarlet Witch.
Wanda tells Monica that they just received a call from Cap(tain America) telling them to get to Project Pegasus. Wanda tells Monica that they’re in transit now and asks if she can join them.
And then the line goes dead before Wanda can give coordinates.
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Because Monica just followed the radio signal back to the Quinjet.
She apologizes that it took her so long (!!) because she had to stop at home first to pick up her costume.
Wanda marvels captainly “And I thought my brother, Pietro, was fast!”
Ha ha amazing.
I love Captain Monica Marvel’s ridiculous powerset.
She’s even talking right into their radio so she can communicate from outside the Quinjet.
Wasp, Scarlet Witch, and Captain Marvel arrive at Project Pegasus where they’re briefed of the lava men situation by some of the security staff.
Captain Marvel nyooms ahead lightspeed dash style while Wasp and Scarlet Witch lag behind by taking a high-speed railcar.
Dang, Project Pegasus is big.
I just flipped ahead pages to see how long it takes Captain Marvel to join Cap(tain America)’s group and its a bit.
I guess maybe there’s some overlapped time going on though.
Meanwhile, two technicians in research dome D-2 (called the Compound for some dang reason) ignore all the various alarms and such that have been happening because they’re super into their project. And are possibly mad scientists.
They have the intensity.
But they’re working on... Dr. Croit’s stabilizer? And apparently its vibratory pitch was changed by the tremor that happened? Unbeknowst to them, Captain Marvel just nyoomed by outside and the proximity of her energy form activates the device and the silhouette of some guy leaps out proclaiming FREE!!
Back at the Avengers side of the plot, Cap(tain America)’s group has encountered some lava men.
Spider-Man: “Hey, Cap... I take it all back! I do believe in lava men! I really do!”
The lava men are between the Avengers and the nuclear dome so Cap starts thinking of ways to flank them so they can keep them away from it.
She-Hulk starts trying to plow a hole through their forces and... uh.... ok. Cap has Starfox just fly around and annoy the lava men because they’ve never seen a flying man before and its just freaking them out.
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Cap asks Spider-Man to use his webbing to throw up some barriers in the lava men’s path.
Spider-Man: “Heck, I can do better than that, Cappy! Just a couple spritzes of webbing, and these little hotheads won’t be going anywhere for hours!”
Cap: “No, you young fool! Don’t you see what you’ve done!”
Throwing web on the lava men makes them panic because it seems like there’s a lot of stuff that they’re not familiar with and all of it alarms them. When they’re alarmed, their body temperature raises and can get up thousands of degrees.
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So they just melt loose of the webbing and now they’ve learned not to be afraid of the webbing at all and they can’t use it to corral them.
Spider-Man: “Would it help if I said I’m sorry?”
Cap: “It would help if you’d follow orders! The Avengers is a team! If you want to be part of the team, act like it! Otherwise, stay out of our way!”
Yeahhhhh. I mean, most of the time. You have your fair share of idiots doing their own thing in the Avengers because all of these guys have egos you wouldn’t believe. But generally they can agree to work as a team.
And Spider-Man, of this era, isn’t much of a team player. Not like Wolverine or Batman ‘i work best alone, bub’ type of not a team player where they’re lying about not being good at teamwork because they like being surly and dour because they think it makes them more interesting. But Spider-Man mostly works alone and is used to just doing whatever he thinks the best idea is. And he has the proportionate speed and reflexes of a spider so he can do whatever he thinks the best idea is way before you can tell him its a bad idea.
That’s why Spider-Man makes so many bad decisions, because he can make them faster than good sense can catch up [citation needed].
Anyway, as he is NOW, he’s not a good fit for the Avengers.
Then again, neither was Hawkeye and they let him join. Makes ya think.
Back over at surprise man out of a box lab, the surprise man was Blackout.
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He looks like he’d be an electricity themed villain but apparently his element is darkness. Annd he debuted in Nova annnd this is his second appearance?
At the end of his debut story Nova #19, Blackout was apparently sucked into the Darkforce dimension, a fate that Dr. Croit’s stabilizer had been invented to prevent.
So I guesss.... the stabilizer’s settings were altered by an earthquake and then it was powered by ambient energy from Captain Marvel zipping past and it managed to stabilize Blackout, yanking him free of the Darkforce dimension?
I guess??
As far as villain returns go, its not the most ridiculous but it is a bit contrived.
Blackout has no idea where he is and rants about how he’ll level the place if that’s what it takes to find his way out and in a more acceptable contrivance, he happens to be passing Moonstone’s cell when he says this out loud to nobody in particular and she likes the cut of his jib.
Moonstone: “Sounds like you’re a man after my own heart!”
Moonstone tells Blackout that she’s been locked up here so Project Pegasus could study her powers and that they want to use her the way they would have used Blackout but hey what if they join forces and get some comeuppance.
Blackout: I don’t know if I should trust her... But something about her voice is so reassuring.
Yeah, that’s what we call a red flag, you dingus.
Are we back to the days where some dudes will just villain because a lady bats her eyes?
Anyway, the locking mechanism is too complicated to figure out so Blackout just squeezes it until it explodes.
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Um. Okay.
-checks wiki-
The wiki says he’s only supposed to have normal human strength but Blackout himself claims that his body is a living generator of black star energies.
Which apparently means he can squeeze an electronic lock to death. I dunno.
Freed from her cell, Moonstone leads Blackout to what they can do next.
Meanwhile, the Avengers are still struggling with the lava men two levels below. And the fracas has reached the corridor to the nuclear dome. Its now or never but the numbers are too overwhelming even for She-Hulk.
Spider-Man manages to leap above the fray and get forgotten in the confusion but doesn’t find that he can do much. He tries webbing the door to the nuclear dome shut but the lava men don’t even bother opening it when they can melt through.
Hmmmmm not a good showing for a guest starring so far...
When the lava men succeed in melting through the door, a blinding light shines through and the lava men kneel down and start bowing to it.
Ohhhhhh, I get it! They’re not trying to cause a meltdown! They just want to worship nuclear light!
... No? I don’t got it? Okay.
The bright light is actually Captain Marvel who took a shortcut to the nuclear dome to reach the Avengers.
And the lava men are really enamored with her, proclaiming her the lady of light foretold in legends.
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Captain Marvel just kinda rolls with this and asks them whats the deal with all the rampaging and destroying.
Lava man: “We did but strike back, radiant one! Our village, deep beneath the Earth, knew peace -- until the surface men bored into our midst with their machines. We could not allow this attack to go unanswered. We only used our powers to stop the invasion!”
Wait, isn’t this the plot of the Jetsons movie?
Cap(tain America) smoothly slides in, diplomatically, to announce that then the surface people beg forgiveness and that this has all been an unfortunate misunderstanding that he pledges shall be put right.
And like how Cap’s clout got Spider-Man into this story, Cap borrows Captain Marvel’s clout to back up his diplomacy roll, saying “The Lady-of-Light will tell you that I speak the truth!”
It’s a good thing that Monica wouldn’t go mad with power.
Also, Scarlet Witch and Wasp show up, while Spider-Man snarks that they “missed the end of the movie.”
But since we can’t have pat resolutions given the subplot that was happening while the Avengers were distracted elsewhere, in the Compound, it turns out that Blackout and Moonstone have freed Electro and Rhino. And Moonstone has a Big Evil Plan.
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Blackout: “Pay them back? Yes... yes, we must. But how?”
Moonstone: “In the best way possible! We’re going to bring this place to its knees -- by seizing the nuclear research dome!”
But that’s where the Avengers are! Silly villains, you’ve double booked!
Also, I wonder if the universe cosmically influenced Moonstone to get two Spider-villains involved on the one day that Spider-Man was tagging along.
I also wonder what Moonstone is thinking. She’s the ‘know when to fold ‘em’ villain.
Hmmm... Putting Electro and Blackout side by side makes Blackout look like Electro’s grumpy younger brother.
All kinds of good decisions have been made!
Follow @essential-avengers​ for more thoughts on villain couture. Also like and reblog so I can feel like I did a good job.
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softgrungeprophet · 4 years
have now read (almost) all of wyatt wingfoot’s actual comic appearances, can say with great confidence: a lot of them are pretty bad
only one was so bad i stopped reading after like, one issue (that was earth X, an alternate timeline) though to be fair i also have not even bothered to read the most recent issue of slott’s run because that’s also bad, but i know generally what happens and my verdict is: it sucks
anyway my personally most-enjoyed wyatt appearances in chronological order:
-OG meet-cute in 1966 aka Fantastic Four #50 thru #61 which includes their first meeting, and wyatt’s adventure with johnny in africa... this is also the first appearance of black panther i think. it’s definitely dated but surprisingly tame compared to the 70s-80s comics and there are some real good moments... wyatt is immediately ready to throw the fuck down for johnny and he is tall and handsome.
Prefacing this with: I’m white, but I wanna point out some shit before I actually continue the list.
Here i have to note that anything from 1970-2000 has a 50/50 chance of coloring wyatt real badly, even in the digital recolors, with only a few exceptions. The worst offender is in the early 90s in Sensational She-Hulk but that is NOT on my list because it’s bad. Most of the comics on this list, especially as we get into later and better-done comics, do not have red skin because there seems to be a correlation between bad art and bad story, but there are a few sprinkled in here with questionable pink-to-red coloring choices, particularly around the issue 200-somethings of Fantastic Four, and in general around the 70s and 80s.
I also wanna add here that around 1973, after stan lee had stopped writing fantastic four, after repeated statements to do with wyatt’s Comanche heritage (aka a real tribe in OK), gerry conway introduced “Keewazi,” a completely fake made-up tribe which then completely supplanted all but a few mentions of wyatt being Comanche (that being like, a brief comment implying his dead ancestors were comanche but that he is “keewazi”) with only one exception for an errant “Konohoti” (also made-up and in a bad comic that i won’t be recommending anyway) Said conway comic is not on my recommended list, either, but it has a notable line in which wyatt says he feels like he’s known johnny since before he ever met him, which i think about constantly...
Also, (and this is from me googling things to get better understandings of IRL stuff, as i read my way through f4 comics, so it’s by no means an expert’s words and i am still just a white person trying to get context) there are many mentions of Wyatt being on the reservation, of his family living on the reservation, teaching on the reservation, the tribe’s land being taken by oil companies, etc. but Oklahoma does not have reservations the way other states do and has not for decades. It also sounds like Wyatt becoming chief based only on being the previous chief’s grandson is pretty unlikely, but that’s a thing in the comics too.
There are a lot of inaccuracies and stereotypes in almost all of Wyatt’s appearances that are pretty blatant even to white-ass people like me, but some are better about this than others, for sure. So, keep that in mind even with the ones I list as enjoyable.
the rest of the list
i’m just kinda doing a semi chrono order rather than “best to worst” order
-there’s SOME stuff from Fantastic Four #269 thru #280 that i liked but i really could not tell you specific issues and the way wyatt and jen meet is really not well done. i remember kinda liking the arc about central city being transported to the future, in which wyatt has a pretty brief appearance... but overall I just really don’t like John Byrne’s writing so ehh can’t really recommend but some of it’s like, fine
-Marvel Fanfare (1982) #37 [B Story] is pretty cute and brief. involves a double date between reed/sue and jen/wyatt with johnny as the fifth wheel, and also time travel. and arm wrestling. It’s not heavy on Wyatt but it’s cute in general.
-Marvel Graphic Novel #18 (the Sensational She-Hulk) is like............. i’m VERY torn on this. i think overall it has a lot of fun elements but as always with john byrne there’s plenty of bad mixed in, both in terms of sexualizing shulkie, byrne thinking he’s funnier than he actually is, and a bad scene w/ wyatt but it has some really cute moments too. it’s a real mixed bag, man. the infamous “she-hulk carries wyatt under her arm” scene is from this one... long and short is “shield captures she-hulk and wyatt, and they bust out.” Less racist than wyatt’s appearances in the following sensational she-hulk run john byrne did after this, which is NOT SAYING A LOT because wyatt’s appearances in that comic run were pretty fucking offensive. if you like jenwyatt i guess read this, like, it’s fine, but... eh...
-She-Hulk: Ceremony (only 2 jumbo issues long) is another one I’m veeeerrryyyy torn on but RIGHT off the bat i will say it is worth more than the weight of all john byrne’s wyatt scenes combined. The pacing is kind of really weird, it’s got a lot of odd mystical native stereotypes in it... but it’s got really nice art though and mcduffie gives wyatt i think some of the most depth/nuance of any of these comics... he and jen are both equally important and treated as complex characters from the very first page to the very last... it’s one of those comics where i can’t say, “read it despite its flaws” because I just... don’t know. and it’s a comic which has had almost no impact on the works that followed, but at the same time it does have some really nice stuff for both jen and wyatt’s characters. this is the one where wyatt and jen almost get married and wyatt almost goes to law school. anyway I personally really liked it despite its flaws and it seems more researched than some other things but it’s definitely still lacking in some of its approach to indigenous stuff. dwayne mcduffie being black i think does give it a little something that it would otherwise lack, if it had been written by a white dude like all the other things.
-Marvel Graphic Novel #62 (Ka-zar: Guns of the Savage Land) based on the synopsis I read, I expected this to be bad but it was actually alright? I liked the art, wyatt’s handsome... BUT there’s a lot of weird condescending paternalism to it, wrt the indigenous groups and how they’re depicted, and i think that’s a pretty big, glaring flaw along with some of the usual caveats that come with anything relating to the savage land (including, you know, the name itself), but the rest of it is not half bad. ka-zar’s a jackass though. it’s one of the MANY stories wyatt appears in which feature an oil company as the bad guys (Roxxon in this case) but it’s one of the only ones that’s actually halfway decent.
-Marvel Super-Heroes vol 2 #5 (Treasure) short and sweet, features a sea monster, jen and wyatt on a little getaway together, and wyatt wearing heart-patterned swim trunks. almost forgot this one cause it’s easy to miss, but it’s really cute.
-Fantastic Four #394 was okay if i recall. this is when wyatt, johnny, jen, and some others go out to an archaeology dig and lyja stalks johnny. johnny telling wyatt he ought to bottle his charm and sell it... is good. everything with lyja... less good. jen, wyatt and johnny palling around... great. everything with lyja.... not great. a real mixed bag for me.
-Strange Tales vol 3 #1 i did not hate. if i remember correctly it has the same artist as guns of the savage land. it’s about the power of storytelling. i enjoyed this in particular because it shows wyatt’s grandfather as like... a human with interests beyond just being a Wise Old Man--he reads monster magazines! i liked that a lot. it’s still kinda... iffy in spots, especially with doctor strange involved, but it was still fun and i like when wyatt and his family get treated like human beings.
-Fantastic Force was actually pretty fun, I think. Wyatt is only in issues #12-16 so that’s all I bothered to read but it has this very amusing moment of wyatt saying how it’s unfortunate his and jen’s relationship wasn’t meant to work out but he treasures her friendship... while holding her hand after a date. starting on issue 12 there was some context missing but i didn’t really... care.... my reading style is plowing through random issues without ever reading the context and then going: idk what’s going on
-Fantastic Four vol 2 Listen. I know this comic is not “good” but I liked it and that’s what matters here. This is Franklin’s pocket dimension of the heroes reborn alternate universe... it’s definitely flawed, and i think it tries to cram a lot in for the sake of including classic characters, but i honestly really enjoyed it a lot and wyatt is not insignificant, though he’s not like, majorly important either. reading order gets a little fucking weird around issue 12 at which point you gotta also read issue 12 of the heroes reborn versions of avengers, iron man, and captain america. there are reading guides though, thank god. it’s fun, it’s a different take on the four that nonetheless has lots of small nods to the classic comics... a lot of people think it’s bad and like. i get why. but i think it was enjoyable and engaging minus the parts where i was forced to read avengers comics. wyatt’s actually only in issues 4-6 but i wound up starting from the beginning and reading the whole thing except the final issue cause that continued some new plot i didn’t care about from some other comic--it really breaks up in the end there lmao.... Relatedly, i don’t think heroes reborn: ashema is much worth the read; it’s like, fine, but wyatt’s five second appearance is kind of random and features tomazooma which means i immediately dislike it. like CONCEPTUALLY, wyatt piloting a mech is great. but... not that mech.
-Fantastic Four: The End. this comic... is... weird? it’s fine? i don’t know, i don’t think i’d go out of my way to recommend it but at the same time i didn’t hate it? so i’ll include it here. it’s an alternate future featuring some wild robo doom as the villain. wyatt runs an asteroid mining company for some reason. peter has a goatee. ben has like three kids with alicia. johnny rides the silver surfer’s board. it was... definitely interesting. and one of the comics in which sue has short hair, which is always a bonus for me.
-She-Hulks: (yes, with the plural) It’s a mini. I REALLY liked this. wyatt’s in like, two issues but I genuinely recommend the whole thing (it’s only 4 issues total) I really liked this comic, I thought it was a lot of fun and wyatt and jen’s interactions were really sweet. My biggest crits are that the author falls into the same “failing to write teenage girls” pitfalls as many, many marvel writers, and that stegman draws wyatt literally an entire foot too short. but i prefer this old stegman art vastly to his grungy current art. INTERESTING NOTE HERE is that wyatt’s appearances in this comic were published riiight around the same time johnny straight-up died in hickman’s fantastic four run, which is honestly fascinating to contemplate and also extra heartbreaking that i never got to see how wyatt found out considering he was almost definitely in the city when it happened. anyway. good, bittersweet as all hell on the she-hulk front, really enjoyable for me. i did not bother to read any of the hulk comics preceding it for context and i don’t think you need to, to understand it.
-Captain America Corps --This comic is.... something. wyatt is only in the last two issues in a minor role but the whole series is again only 5 issues and I honestly really enjoyed it? Though I think it tripped over itself in a few places. It involves time travel, captain america, an alternate 21st century which would be heavy-handed if it weren’t for trump. I think it gets its message a little tangled up in parts, especially near the end with the femazon whatever bullshit (so close to talking about white women’s privileges), but overall it was a fun little AU mini-series, with some flaws. it also implies that wyatt goes on to become the president which is the funniest thing i’ve ever read. he would hate that so much, man
-FF vol 2. not fantastic four. FF. just the initials. WITH A CAVEAT. Okay. Wyatt is in issues #3-4, 8, and 16. This one is a tough one, though.  This series. I like the art mostly. I like Wyatt’s scenes (tho i will pick a bone with mr fraction about wyatt’s supposed inability to pronounce french or know what to order at a french restaurant when he is multilingual and has gone to several french restaurants before) ANYWAY. Wyatt is really great in these appearances I think, charming, handsome, etc. The issues focusing on the kids, on interpersonal relationships, etc... i really like. But the rest. I do not like at all. The entire doom plot, I hated. Issue 16? Skip to the barbecue on the moon. I mean it. The bulk of issue 16 is a vastly uncomfortable, drawn-out fight scene between ant-man and doctor doom that just made me feel gross to read and just happens to be one of the only comics Victor has ever spoken Romani. So that’s... not great. The plot as a whole--I did not like it, especially not the stuff written by Allred, and I cannot recommend it unless you fucking hate doctor doom and want to watch him get beaten up for like literally 10 pages. That being said... again, the stuff with the kids? with bentley, and the moloids, and tong coming out, and the stuff with she-hulk and wyatt? I really really liked, and I thought was really sweet and fun. Oh also Wyatt looking at old man johnny and just knowing it’s him? chef kiss. So. definitely just. skip around. It’s a REAL mixed bag but there is some good stuff in there amidst the like...burnt peanuts.
-She-Hulk volume 3: wyatt is only in #5-6 and #12, really, with brief shots of his photo in some earlier issues BUT. I read the whole thing. It’s 12 issues total, and I really enjoyed it. The plot you think gets dropped does not get dropped, wyatt punches some demons in the face in the background, patsy is there... I really liked it. The art is a bit all over the place, and is not for everyone--it features Javier Pulido’s work for the majority, and I honestly... really like his work for its style and expressiveness but it REALLY is not for everyone, visually. Obviously Kevin Wada’s covers are gorgeous. The other artist who I forget the name of draws wyatt like... nigh unrecognizably, it’s really weird, and I don’t like his work as much but he does have some good spreads here and there. Colors are fantastic throughout. Again, really liked it. A little iffy on the secretary with the monkey.
-Fantastic Four vol 5 #11-12. These are the issues in which Wyatt gets shot by “hawkeye” and he and spidey hold an intervention for Johnny. I actually started with issue... 9 I think to just read the whole story, and I did enjoy that, though I will pick a fight over the idea that wyatt is a womanizer and would just toy with sharon who prior to this there was never any evidence they were romantically involved ANYWAY. I liked it. I felt feelings about Wyatt and Johnny, as well as the rest of the family. It switches to legacy numbering at one point and goes into:
-Fantastic Four #643-645 which is the rest of the story. I THINK 9-12 + 642-645 is everything.... Either way, I liked it a lot despite the fact that I’m really not a fan of Jesus Aburtov’s color work. Features the Heroes Reborn versions of the Avengers but like, empty, which was a fun nod.
-Hulk vol 4 #11 okay. wyatt’s not actually in this aside from jen reminiscing about her love life and showing like, two flashback panels of him. but. i really liked it a lot and i read the whole run based on the One (1) issue containing those panels. mariko tamaki has a great sense of humor and i found her fourth wall breaking to be actually funny sometimes instead of, like byrne’s, nigh intolerable. she also does some really solid character work for jen (which was later, of course, mangled by the avengers writers 🙄) the following she hulk series is a little less solid but i can imagine it was rushed because of the avengers comic, so, really, i’ll just blame everything on the avengers.
don’t read dan slott’s f4. i’ve read bad comics. i’ve read bad f4 comics. i’ve read bad wyatts. his run pings all of these. how do you write wyatt wingfoot out of character?! ask dan slott. oh, except #5′s bachelor party issue which I do think is fun and has wyatt in the background in a snazzy red tuxedo. #5 is actually my favorite issue of the whole run, which, to be fair, is not saying much. the first like, 2 issues and then issue 5 are really the most solid in there, and it just goes downhill from there.
those are the comics featuring wyatt that i’ve enjoyed the most and coincidentally also the fantastic four and she-hulk comics i’ve read that i’ve enjoyed the most because the venn diagram of “fantastic four comics i have read” and “comics including wyatt wingfoot in some capacity” is a circle.
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amandajoyce118 · 5 years
Cloak And Dagger S2E09 “Blue Note” Easter Eggs And References
Tandy, Ty, and Brigid-Mayhem go on the hunt for Andre. For Ty, that means heading into the drug dealing community. Tandy and Brigid-Mayhem disagree on how to handle Lia after attempting to get into her head.
As usual, there are spoilers below. I know this is being posted late, so I’m going to assume anyone reading this has seen the episode already. If you haven’t though, you’ve been warned.
The Title
A blue note is a real thing. It’s when a note is played “outside the standard” in jazz. As someone who isn’t a jazz musician, all I can tell you is that it’s employed a lot in blues music, and interestingly, in traditional Irish music.
Luke Cage And Karen Page
Okay, so I’ll admit with the slightly blurred image of the paper on the counter in front of the kid, I thought maybe someone had sketched Tyrone for the paper. But once I got a better look? Yeah, that’s a promo image of Luke Cage. I love that even all the way in New Orleans, people have heard about the bulletproof black man, and that Karen Page is writing about him.
Avandalia Dewan
So, we get to see Lia’s full name in this episode, which reveals that she is, in fact, inspired by a comic book character. Avandalia was a minion of D’Spayre’s in the comics. She actually had wings, but she only appeared in a handful of comics, so the show really could have done anything with her.
Lia The Cellist
It’s a nice touch that she “lost” her music, just like Andre. She just lost hers for different reasons. Also, her being revealed as a doctor is an interesting add because it makes a lot more sense that she’s the one administering the drugs now. She knows how much she can give these girls without and OD. Anyway, her playing the cello? Is this a nod to another cellist in the MCU? Or is it just a coincidence. I like to think it’s a nod to Audrey Nathan, Agent Coulson’s former flame on Agents of SHIELD. You know why? Because the guy who targeted her also happened to use Darkforce, similar to Tyrone. Whereas Tyrone can use Darkforce to teleport and get inside people’s heads, Marcus Daniels literally absorbed light with it.
The Roxxon Rooftop
When Tyrone takes the drug dealers to a roof to chat, he chooses the top of the Roxxon building, the same location used as a promo shoot for the first season. Obviously, it’s also the company that began all of these superpowers. But, the scene also plays a lot like Captain America’s chat with Sitwell on a roof in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. While he plays good cop, Black Widow plays bad cop, and pushes Sitwell from the roof. Luckily, they have Falcon to catch him and bring him back. Here, Tyrone can play all the roles himself since he can teleport.
The Disappeared
So, I know that all of D’Spayre’s victims vanishing is not a nod to Avengers: Infinity War. I know that their disappearance is tied to his abilities. That being said, Tyrone and Tandy’s moment of confusion following a everyone around them vanishing? That had to be how people felt following the snap, and it’s nice to get a look at that when it isn’t of the Avengers members in a big battle.
That’s it for this week! Let me know if I missed anything.
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overclocksaa · 3 years
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anon / How was Tonys parents murdered in the comics and what was Tonys reaction like? 
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it really depends on how much you wanna get into the whole brotherhood of the shield business with howard (and honestly, fuck howard), and i’m not a fan of it because it tries to make howard seem like a decent guy, which he is decidedly not.  anyway, he was still kind of a dick about it, in my opinion, because he says that with his work with the brotherhood he’s got to leave his family behind because they “covet” his time when he has “more important” work to do (have i said fuck howard stark lately, because truly, fuck howard stark).  anyway the story goes that they were going to fake his death with a car accident so he could leave them behind for the brotherhood (he tells this to nathaniel richards, who is, in fact, reed richards’ dad, which is a whole can of worms unto itself that i won’t get into).
anyway, ides of march rolls around when tony’s 21, and lo and behold, there’s a car accident.  there’s some hinting around that it wasn’t just an accident, that some group planned it as a targeted assassination but like…who knows, with the way howard talks in shield #5 (2010).  maria is most definitely dead, and you can assume howard is, or was, too, considering he was literally in hell when doom traded tony off to mephisto at one point and now howard’s turned up again in the new avengers run doing mephisto’s dirty work, but you know whatever, i don’t really care i still want to punch him in the face.  so the speculation goes that if it was a real hit and howard did die, that it was probably hydra, roxxon, or v-battalion that pulled the trigger on it.
here’s where i sidestep and remind everyone that in 616 hydra has nothing to do with bucky barnes’ continued longevity. bucky had no part in this - and if i remember right, he was actually in cryofreeze at the time because he kept breaking his soviet brainwashing and running off, going awol.  bucky barnes is still young in 616 because he was kept frozen until he was needed for missions because of their inability to really wipe him, and the one (1) infusion of the infinity serum he got is not enough to make him a super soldier or anything like it, you have to keep taking it.  you can ask nick fury sr. all about that.  or.  well.  you could.  bucky will kill a hydra agent on sight, he ain’t care, they’ve never had him like that, he was under a soviet program and was meant to be a one-off, not a whole line of winter soldiers.  he is the winter soldier in 616.  it was never meant for more than that.  he’s just a guy with a metal arm, not a super soldier.
okay, so that said.  tony was all of 21 when they died, and there’s a whole bit directly after where he just makes things.  and makes things.  and works through his grief that way.  one of his mentors tried to offer him some metaphysical comfort about an afterlife and he kind of threw that down on the metaphorical ground.  and then he took over stark industries as sole owner and ceo (a thing which his cousin morgan was very bitter about because morgan’s dad sold out to howard before howard died, so morgan got nada).  and the very first thing he did was buy the company that designed the brakes on the car howard was driving that night and redesign them from the ground up.  he says some things later - where i’d have to go digging, i can’t recall right off the top of my head, but - that if they’d been wearing their seatbelts maria might have survived.   tony’s kind of a stickler for that, you ride with him or he rides with you, seatbelts are gonna be used, and it all goes back to that entirely.  
he got drunk after the funeral, and got to listen to nick fury sr. tell him how much howard loved him (and tony laughed and laughed and laughed about that because yeah, the fuck did fury know really).  and then he eventually picked himself up, got to work as ceo after the brakes thing, two years later found himself with a chest full of shrapnel, and here we are.
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What I want to see in Iron Fist season two (version 2.0):
1) The most obvious storyline to continue would be Davos becoming Danny’s nemesis. That would mean a move away from the Rand Corporation corporate politics and more focus on the aftermath of K’un L’un’s destruction and the war with the Hand. I don’t think the Hand storyline will necessarily continue since they were soundly defeated in “The Defenders” but it would be interesting to see Davos try to build something from the remains. Like maybe he gathers the remaining Hand ninja who escaped the final battle. 
That being said, the show should still find a way to balance the Davos storyline and the Rand Corporation storyline, which leads to my next point. 
2) This may be difficult to pull off but in order for Iron Fist to truly fit with its Defender sister shows, I’d like for the show to actually delve into some social issues. To recap: 
* Daredevil season one dealt with gentrification while season two dealt with the concept of vigilantism/faults in the justice system
* Jessica Jones dealt with rape culture/toxic masculinity
* Luke Cage dealt with racial and class issues/inner city problems 
Because of who Danny Rand is, Iron Fist could really dive into the lifestyle of the 1% and show their effects on society. Have Danny Rand learn what his company and other corporations are doing and use his team-up with Ward Meachum in order to show what it’s really like being part of the 1%.
I know that sounds very different from the street-level focus of the other shows but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. There’s a lot of good drama that can come from this, such as Danny being repulsed by the upper class’ excessive lifestyle, learning that other companies like Roxxon are getting away with major natural disasters caused by their actions, being inspired by Tony Stark shutting down the weapons division of his company despite taking a massive hit in his stocks, getting tempted by wealth and trying to impress Colleen with his wealth (before she tells him she doesn’t care for his money, you know, the usual), truly learning the extent of his privileges, and so on.
Like how Luke Cage immersed its audience with life in Harlem, Iron Fist can do the same but with the focus on the rich and powerful. 
Now how can the Davos storyline connect with the 1% storyline? Well, remember in Daredevil season one where Madame Gao was selling “Steel Serpent” heroin? There you go, Davos is the mastermind behind the heroin trade (along with other drugs) that’s seeping into all parts of the city, including the 1%. 
3) Danny Rand lightens up a bit. Come on Netflix, the guy’s more likable when he’s funny or at least not trying to hammer in his “I am the Iron Fist” message down everyone’s throats. I also say this because we really do need a “jokester” Defender among the four.
Matt is all about his Catholic guilt and pessimism, Luke is a nice, lovable guy but not the comedic-type, and Jessica is just pure sarcasm. It’d be nice to have Danny be the funny one of the group, especially since the Hand is defeated (for now). He can chill for a bit. Plus, this would give Danny a lot more personality, which would benefit Finn Jones since his performance so far has primarily been repeating that he’s the Iron Fist and that he protects K’un L’un. 
4) Danny Rand x Misty Knight may be a thing in the comics but for season two...I don’t know. Honestly, I think it’d be a bit forced to have Danny leave Colleen and go with Misty this early. If (and this is a big if) Marvel decides they still want Danny and Misty to still be a thing, here’s how I think they should go about it.
First off, break up Danny and Colleen in the best way that they can. And I don’t mean throw in some bullshit like what Agents of SHIELD / The CW does. Have it be a natural break-up. Now that they’re past the honeymoon stage, they start to realize that they aren’t really compatible with each other. It doesn’t have to be anything big, it could be the small stuff, like they disagree on simple topics and they hate each others’ hobbies. Then, when they realize things aren’t working out, have Colleen end the relationship, with Danny agreeing that this is for the best.
(Colleen should end it since she’s the more emotionally mature one in the relationship)
That’s when you start teasing Danny and Misty. Definitely have them become close friends throughout season two and then near the end of the season, start giving hints that Misty and Danny may have feelings for each other. Like maybe throw in some subtle (or not so subtle) stares in the final episode. Save their romance for season three. 
You can actually treat this like a balancing beam. As Danny and Colleen approach the end of the season, they start to grow apart while Danny and Misty grow closer together. Of course, this would be done right if the show had a good writer who can handle the relationship dynamics. Here’s hoping that they do have one.
Once again, this point is all based on the possibility that Marvel wants to go for the Danny and Misty route. For all we know, they could remain rooted to Danny and Colleen. So take this point with a grain of salt.  
4.5) As a supplemental to this point, don’t make Misty and Colleen enemies. We still need the Daughters of the Dragon spin-off. Have the break-up be clean with no bullshit jealousy and petty rivalries. 
5) Introduce Shang-Chi! He’s basically Marvel’s version of Bruce Lee and seeing as how Iron Fist was created during the martial arts craze in the 1970s, it would be nice if they introduced the other major Marvel hero that cashed in on the fad. Shang-Chi needs more love from Marvel anyways and Iron Fist would be a great spot to introduce him.
In fact, more Asian heroes would be welcome. Blindspot is another one that comes to mind, as well as the other Hand characters that haven’t been introduced yet (like Kirigi, Master Izo and the Gorgon)
6) Don’t do what Scott Buck did in season one. Fix the pacing, focus on strong characterization, and don’t stall the story early in the season. We don’t need a repeat of the mental hospital arc. 
7) I don’t really have an opinion on the Meachum family but it would be great if their writing was more...nuanced? I don’t know if that makes sense but from where season one left off, it looks like Joy’s going down the villain path while Ward is on the redemption path. Hopefully, the writers give these characters some solid development.
Someone else can write meta on Ward but for Joy, the writers should use Cottonmouth as an example of how to write her descent into darkness. Cornell didn’t WANT to be a gangster but he fell into the role, like what’s happening to Joy. I just don’t want her to be written as outright evil since that’s just boring. 
EDIT 8) Fix the damn fight choreography. Ask the Daredevil team if they could borrow their choreography team for a bit. 
Now that the Defenders is done, they have NO excuse for poor fight choreography. They have the time to focus on improving the fights. I don’t even wanna hear that the producers have to rush the fight scenes again since the big crossover event is finished. 
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hellyeahheroes · 7 years
The problems with Miles Morales atm
 First article for hellyeahteensuperheroes so I’ll just say this: I am an avid Spider-man fan. Spider-man is the prototypical teen superhero after all so while Peter Parker is grown up selling his marriages to the devil, owning a tech company, and not having life insurance, we would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge that Spider-man’s mythos started as the awkward teen in high school. In fact, that is how the majority of his media introduces him to the audience as, a kid.
So honestly, someone needs to fill in the void of teenaged Spider-man. And that person was...Peter Parker himself in the Ultimate Universe which was a modern take of Spider-man. This is probably the most acclaimed, adapted, and successful comic series in recent memory to the point, Marvel honestly considered making the Ultimate Universe the default Universe...Until Loeb took that idea and flooded it with the most notorious comic event that is comparable to One More Day.
So Ultimate Peter Parker was still the teenaged Peter Parker with a lot of great stories. However, with plans of Universe shifting derailed, Ultimate Peter Parker ,as great as he was. had one glaring problem: He was becoming 616 Peter Parker over again.
You can make Green Goblin the Hulk, change Eddie Brock to Peter’s brother figure, make the Shocker to a joke, and have Peter Parker and Kitty Pryde date; but at the end of the day, you are essentially retelling the same story of a character who still exists in another way in the present. What is the point of Ultimate Peter Parker if he was going to become 616 Peter Parker who still had comics(terrible comics, but I digress)?
Long story short, they killed Peter Parker and Miles Morales took his place.
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Miles’ entire purpose is to resemble those old classic Spider-man stories of a young Spider-man from a perspective of a person who was different than Peter, physically and mentally. There are plenty of black people who relate to Spider-man, but Peter Parker as a character cannot relate to them as black people deal with some other shit than Peter who ranted at a group of protestors for sticking to the man and was one of those white anarcho-capitalists who champion Ayn Rand.
Brian Michael Bendis initially was doing so well with Miles Morales. The first 13 issues of Miles Morales’ Spider-man should be textbook examples of how to do an origin story. And then shit happened. Here is the shit.
1. Miles lacks Spider-man esque villains
What separates Spider-man villains and everybody else’s villains is that Spider-man’s villains tie into both his life as Spider-man and Peter Parker. Mr. Negative, Martin Li, ran a charity that Aunt May works at. Dr. Otto Octavius is the mirror of Spider-man and Peter Parker in that they are both brilliant and talented minds, but unlike Peter, Otto resented his peers and embraced his status as an outcast as Peter grew out of that phase. Dr. Connor is his mentor and professor in college. Green Goblin is the father of his best friend and sometimes is that best friend. Eddie Brock, Venom, is a jealous co-worker and competitor of Peter Parker who resented that Peter was able to take glorified selfies and gain success over him.
Even in the Ultimate Universe...well even more in the Ultimate Universe, Peter’s villains related to him as not just Spider-man, but also Peter Parker. It is what makes his rogues galley different than Batman or Superman.
And Miles is honest to god devoid of that. There are only two villains that exemplify Spider-man villains: Katie Bishop and Aaron Davis. The former was not so great, but had potential. The latter was probably one of the greatest villains in the decade, but was killed off. Miles has been around for 5 years and he has only developed two villains of his own that resemble Spider-man villains. The rest of his RG are essentially Peter’s who hate Miles because he is Peter’s legacy, and that is not okay.
This is a common problem for all new super heroes in this day and age. Because their respective universe have become so cluttered with the pasts, it is hard for them to gain a foothold of their own.
2. Crossover events
This shit fucking kills me about Miles Morales. I understand that for the sake of Miles’ longevity and prevalence, you need to give him as much exposure as possible. And that is okay. I am okay with Miles joining teams like the Young Ultimates, the revamped Avengers, or the Champions. However, I am not okay these huge crossover events becoming overbearing to his development as a character.
Ultimate Comics Spider-man 13-18(United We Stand/Divided We Fall)
Ultimate Comics Spider-man 29-31(Cataclysm)
Miles Morales: the Ultimate Spider-man 12(the end was rushed because of Secret Wars)
Spider-man 6-10(Civil War II)
Spider-man 11-14(Spider-Gwen crossover)
There are 50 Miles Morales book focused comics. 19 of them are universe expanding crossover events that he is heavily involved in. Luckily Secret Empire has strayed away from having Miles’ comics involved, but that is bad. Nearly half of this dudes stories get hijacked by these events that rarely if ever character build.
Miles’ constant criticism of his stories is that he does not have a lot of stories of his own to tell and part of that has to do with these distractions because that is what they are: distractions. If Civil War II did something for Miles’ character I would be okay with it, but for most of his part in that event, Miles was just going with the tide utterly confused as to what is happening. The only thing that the event established for Miles is that he fears that his anger might make him go too far, and you do not need that convoluted mess of Civil War II to reflect that.
Miles would have more enemies if Bendis stopped with the incessant events and focused on creating enemies that serve as foils to Miles Morales.
3. Too much focus on Peter Parker
Being that Miles is a legacy of Peter Parker, of course Peter is going to be mentioned and relevant to Peter. For all intents and purposes, Peter is awesome at just letting Miles be.
But Bendis....
Let me set the tone. Miles Morales and the Ultimate Universe survived Cataclysm and Galactus. The Ultimate Universe is revamped to three comics series. You have a mostly female and devoid of white men team(the All-New Ultimates). You have another female led team that explored mythos of the Ultimate Universe(Ultimate FF). And you have Miles Morales as the face of the entire universe and it is touted for once as Miles taking ownership of being Spider-man. It was about him. This was a fresh start with new stories. There is a mystery of Miles’ girlfriend. There was a thing with Roxxon. Miles’ dad was missing after he found out about Miles being Spider-man. There were so many stories and so much possibility. 
First issue
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Mother FUCK!
This ran for 6 issues of Miles inaugural re-debut as the Spider-man. The first 6 issues of Miles revamp was about Peter Parker. Miles was playing secondary to Peter Parker and we were rehashing the same story development as Spider-men. Miles has already received the approval of a Peter Parker. A more experienced Peter Parker at that. So there was no character development for Miles to be had here. 
This story from the looks of it was to gave Ultimate Peter Parker and Mary Jane closure...which ruins the point because Peter got closure in his death and his funeral. Mary Jane may have needed some closure, but to have it wasted on a resurrection was bullshit when she could have done something to ensure Miles did not meet the same fate or run into the same obstacles. Y’know, actually be a supporting character and taking responsibility of him? But we really just had to appease those Peter Parker fans who have so little exposure to Peter(sarcasm).
The first six issues of Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-man were about Peter Parker. Not Miles Morales.
So if we are keeping count, that is 25 issues that had fuck all to do with Miles Morales. Half of Miles main comics are not about him as a character. And that is bad. Half of those comics could have been used to develop him or his villains.
4. The switch from the Ultimate Universe to the 616
One day I am going to do the differences between Miles Morales and Peter Parker, but right now, I will summarize. To Peter Parker, Spider-man was an escapist adventure. He enjoys being Spider-man more than his normal. It allows him to be a snarky and fun character and it allows the audience to get in on the act as well because they too want to use Spider-man as means of escapism.
Miles, however, is completely different.
Miles is the classical anti-hero. Being a superhero or more specifically, being Spider-man causes more problems for Miles than it solves them. Miles, initially was not thrilled that he had Spider-powers.
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It’s a burden to him. He is only Spider-man because in the Ultimate Universe, Peter Parker died. Also in the Ultimate Universe, there are very few superheroes running around protecting people. 
Being Spider-man only caused Miles problems. His genial relationship with his Uncle became toxic. His relationship with his father could be summed up as if Jonah Jameson was Peter Parker’s dad and at every dinner, daddy would talk shit about what you as Spider-man did unaware that he was talking shit about his own son. His mom was killed in a Spider-man related battle which involved him.
Miles is Spider-man because no one else, but him, can be. It is metaphorically thrusted on him. He doesn’t want superpowers. He wanted a normal life.He wanted to go to school and have fun. Unlike Peter, Miles is not picked on at school and his not a social outcast. It helps that he is at a charter school with a bunch of nerds, but the point is that his normal life was satisfying to him and as soon as being Spider-man becomes too much for him, he ditches the outfit and tries his damnest to live a normal life.
Him being in the 616 Universe ruins the point of him. It derails his character in that in a world were Peter Parker not only still lives, but there are also several superheroes who are more than happy to fill in a role and have the purpose to do so, Miles has no motivation to be Spider-man anymore. And it is not like being Spider-man has becomes less burdensome for him with the switch. Miles’ main reason of being Spider-man has vanished.
5. Poor Social Commentary
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I have so many problems with these panels.
First, this girl specifically mentions the possibility that Miles may be Latino. She says that he is brown so the dialogue is disjointed and Miles problem with her becomes a non-issue and he is annoyed for no reason.
Second, he has a problem being identified as the Black Spider-man. But you are black and Spider-man so you are both. It sounds like he is ashamed of being black because he acts defensive towards being identified as black as if a person is supposed to immediately recognize that looking at him.
Third, Hispanic is not the proper identifier. Latino is. No self-respecting LatinX would call themselves Hispanic unless they are from Spain. Miles should know this and every time he refers to himself as Hispanic, it questions if he is aware of those roots that he will gladly use in defense if someone calls him black.
Fourth, how in the fuck does Miles not recognize the importance of a black Spider-man? A kid in New York in times where their is heightened racial tension does not understand the big deal of being a black superhero. “Why does it matter?” he asks when black people are being shot up by the police because they are a perceived threat. Black people are being incriminated and are being massively incarcerated and targeted. The fact that Miles does not get this yet says to Luke Cage in person that he(Luke Cage) is the only super hero that his father respects. Gee, I wonder why, Miles?
Fifth, you do not need this faux post-racial commentary to make Miles sound profound. More importantly, he sounds like a white person who has no clue about racism. The fact of the matter is that the majority of Miles Morales’ fandom loves him because he is the black Spider-man and shaming them for doing so is the wrong move and turns people off. The girl literally sounds like a stereotypical SJW r what people perceive SJWs are like and Marvel already has a bad reputation of attacking those people(Nick Spencer) while at the same time trying to appeal to them over DC.
But there is more cringey Social Commentary in the hands of a writer who does not quite get it.
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The oppression Olympics debate! First off, intersectionality is not a matter of whom is more oppressed than whom. It is to understand that people are oppressed in several ways. So Ganke pointing out that Miles is skinny and black while Ganke is fat and Asian completely misses the point of intersectionality because he is trying to say that he is more oppressed than Miles while erasing the fact the Miles faces racial injustice that can get him killed. And I am not erasing being fat and Asian, and I am just pointing out that there are better ways to have this discourse without turning it into a haphazard “Who suffers the most” dick measuring contest.
Also, Miles calls himself Hispanic as if his mom does not look like Beyonce and it counts as half.
There is a lot holding back Miles from developing into his own Spider-man. Hopefully in the future, this gets rectified because I want Miles to succeed.
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whydoyouthinkileft · 7 years
capturing frames for gifsets and I’ll never get over what Jemma’s arc in s3 could have been just from all the lines and moments that could have been used as foreshadowing, if they hadn’t gone for the triangle route and other scenes hadn’t been foreshadowing for Lash/mistakes while putting the episodes together:
her reaction to wine and not wanting to talk about what had happened
her telling Fitz she had been hunted
waking up with the shiv like it’s a habit
her cuts and scars in the shower - in theory she hurt her leg months earlier
her horrified/scared expression when Bobbi tells her ‘Jemma relax, we are just analyzing inhuman dna’, and Jemma looks at the screen
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Andrew saying that memories change, later telling her secrets eat you up inside
the new habit of touching her temple instead of just her neck, the scar, but also the specific times when that happened, like when talking about her feelings for Will and then kissing Fitz and right after when Fitz pulled away, but also in the middle of trying to say that opening the portal is too dangerous and they shouldn’t right before getting kidnapped
timeline being weird when we are shown Jemma escaping Hive and putting mud on her face - the monolith almost taking Fitz away
also the Monolith only melting when Jemma was around - WHY was the case open? - and then once again when Daisy is close to it, with the whole ‘potential inhuman’ theory 
her saying that the stars kept appearing and disappearing, her necklace also appearing and disappearing, the sun appearing for minutes every few decades, Will saying he didn’t know much about science, Will being that young (or if he started as a kid-genius, then being that old in his old photos)
parallels between Tobias sent in a planet that is supposedly hell while working for Roxxon, which is also Jemma’s father’s company in the comics, and Jemma being the one who gets to see the planet and calls it hell, and later on the Ghost Rider also shows up talking about Hell and opening portals to planets 
like, canon took it in another direction, Andrew was the one with messed up memories and secrets, the necklace was a mistake, crying over the wine was due to guilt, most of the rest just went unexplained/ignored/pushed into ‘she’s just being weird because traumatized’ but there could have been: brainwashing, captivity, BRAINWASHING given that Hive is connected to Hydra which is connected to brainwashing machines, having met an alien race that hunted her down, brainwashing, simply turning it into a story about survival against flora and fauna and not adding weird details, or turning into into a story about her wanting to go back to save other humanS after realizing that she didn’t imagine them because she took a few days to check her clothes and things and found traces of other people’s DNA, hell even something weird about her being inhuman that activated the Monolith and Hive was also hunting her down and wanted her to turn to be part of his family, a mix of all of this...
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dailyhealthynews · 3 years
What is Roxxcart in Loki? All About Roxxon, Roxxcart, and Haven Hills, Alabama
The following story contains spoilers for Loki’s Episode 2, titled “The Variant”.
After just two episodes, it’s clear that Loki, the latest Marvel Studios limited series from Disney +, is going the WandaVision path (insofar as it is an extensive, suspenseful, highly conceptualized mystery) than The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (which is more of an easy one Was a spy thriller). And that means that every single little detail in the time-jumping world of Loki can mean something from the past, present or future of the Marvel Universe. And in episode 2, that meant that even a large supermarket – here called Roxxcart – was displaying a Marvel Easter egg, and possibly more for the future.
In the episode, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) gets used to his new role: off his timeline, after being captured by The Avengers in 2012 and escaping with the Tesseract (thanks to some interference from Tony Stark and his company in Avengers: Endgame). It turns out Loki has deeper plans, but right now he’s helping Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson) and the TVA track down and catch another version of himself that is at war for hundreds of years on the timeline.
Part of the reveal of the episode is that the hunted variant of Loki, in order to go undetected, goes to certain moments just before apocalypse events to go undetected (because it doesn’t change anything just before everyone is going to die – the big one Scheme of things the episode argues in time travel logic that someone out there could safely refute if they wanted to).
Marvel Studios
After some nice detective work between Loki and Mobius, they narrow it down to one location: Haven Hills, Alabama, in 2050. It’s a (fictional) town wholly owned by Roxxon Energy Corporation that has a terrible hurricane and The People use the store – a Walmart-like big box store – as a shelter. This store is called Roxxcart, and while the inside looks like your regular big box store, there are some Blade Runner-level holograms and visuals on the outside.
And while it turns out here that Roxxcart is primarily just the scene of the series’ first major confrontation – Loki encounters this variant of himself, which may be Lady Loki or … someone else – there is a lot more. Roxx ‘part of the name of the store. Let’s dwell on that a little.
Is Roxxcart in the Marvel Comics?
So, to put it briefly: No. Roxxcart is an MCU invention, but it’s still a pretty nifty piece of world building that fell into the Loki episode. When “Roxxcart” is mentioned, nobody shrugs, questions it or something. Roxxcart is a household name, likely in the shape of Walmart or Amazon. Marvel also set up a Roxxcart website for viral marketing, but it’s pretty blank so don’t read too much into it.
The funny thing about Roxxcart is also that the name itself is a clear Easter egg and a reference to the Roxxon Energy Company, which has been a mainstay of Marvel Comics for decades, especially the last 10-15 years.
Okay, then what is Roxxon?
Roxxon Energy Corporation is a big part of the Marvel Comics lore. It first appeared in Captain America # 180 in December 1974 and has appeared countless times since then. In a nutshell? Roxxon is the Marvel version of an evil company, similar to the Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner or the Weyland-Yutani Corp. in the alien world. It’s a huge corporation involved in numerous operations, mostly oil and energy resources, but also mining on Mars and, as we are now seeing in Loki, shopping and retailing.
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Thor by Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection Vol. 3 TPB
Roxxon has encountered all sorts of superheroes throughout its history, including Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther and, in recent years, Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel and the Miles Morales version of Spider-Man.
But Roxxon Corporation has played perhaps its greatest role in the multi-year version of Thor by writer Jason Aaron over the past decade. Roxxon was one of the main villains of that story, and the company’s new CEO was a man named Dario Agger. A modern classic Thor villain, Agger is not only a greedy CEO, but he transforms from human to Minotaur at will. When Christian Bale was first cast in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder, we speculated that he might play Dario Agger (he actually plays another creator of Thor’s Aaron era, Gorr the God Butcher).
Has Roxxon been to the MCU before?
It has, and also in several iterations.
There’s a Marvel One-Shot titled A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer that shows Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) stopping at a Roxxon gas station on the way to Albuquerque to explore Mjolnir.
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In Iron Man 2, Roxxon appears as a sponsor for a car during the race sequence of the Monaco Grand Prix.
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The Roxxon oil rig in Iron Man 3.
Marvel Studios
Roxxon plays a pretty big role in Iron Man 3 (comparatively). At some point, “The Mandarin” (Ben Kingsley) threatens to kill (and apparently goes through) a Roxxon accountant on live TV and claims the company has a million gallons spilled oil from her tanker, the Roxxon Norco, and none of the company’s executives have been charged.
This eventually leads to the film’s final confrontation, in which President Ellis is kidnapped and the tanker Roxxon Norco is confiscated at a shipyard. This is the location of the film’s final fight between Tony Stark / Iron Man and the underrated villain Killian (Guy Pearce).
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Roxxon plays a bigger role in some of the (maybe no longer canonical?) Marvel TV shows, diving into features of varying importance in Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Cloak and Dagger, Helstrom, and with brief Easter egg references in. on iron fist and runaway.
We haven’t had a reference to Roxxon in the main MCU in a while, however, and considering that Thor: Love and Thunder seems to use Aaron’s Thor run as the main source – with Jane Foster as Thor and Bale as Gorr the God Butcher – one has to wonder if Roxxon might be prepared to appear more prominent in the next Thor movie. We will see; We can only wait so patiently for it to be released in 2022.
Is there really a Roxxcart in Haven Hills, Alabama?
Bad news for your MCU photo tour: Haven Hills, Alabama doesn’t have a Roxxcart.
Nor is there a place like Haven Hills, Alabama, Period. It’s a fictional corporate town (where Roxxon presumably owns everything) for the MCU’s increasingly dystopian view of the future. So don’t crumple your card and look for it – there is no such place. But maybe one day on the Avengers campus.
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source https://dailyhealthynews.ca/what-is-roxxcart-in-loki-all-about-roxxon-roxxcart-and-haven-hills-alabama/
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imperiuswrecked · 5 years
you ever just sit and think, wow if Namor was canonically Asian it could open the door to so many environmental conversations that the news tends to snub? Like Japan going back to whaling, or western countries sending their excess trash via boat to poor Asian countries and leaving them out floating. Heck, the Philippines had to shut down a major tourist island because the beaches had gotten so polluted they just HAD to do a massive cleanup
The effects of pollution harming Atlanteans are in the comics alot. They are poison and Atlanteans die from it all the time. Also other things that point out how the Atlanteans are Native coded is how often the surface world tries to move into the oceans without their permission, occupy their land or try to set up a place for surface people to live. (reminds one of how colonizers did the same thing) So Namor/Atlanteans could really be any race of people who has been hurt by colonizers and by pollution harming them to the point it kills their food sources, and destroys their homes (Native Americans etc.) Namor is east-asian coded for sure imo.
More below the cut because I kinda got long with this.
As I am not Japanese, nor do my people rely on Whales for food/cultural history etc. as other people such as the Inuit people do and I do not know the full history of whaling so I can’t really comment on Whaling, I only know that Japan is often signaled out for Whaling when Norway and Iceland do it too, but receive far less spotlight/media attention. Whaling is something that isn’t new, but commercial whaling/hunting whales to extinction is an issue.
Pollution is a huge issue in the world, especially pollution in the oceans, which I try to do what I can to help, but the fact is, unless the world comes together to stop it, big name companies are just going to keep blaming people for the issues they create. The plastic straw ban recently in the U.S. was one of those gimmicks where they try to blame people for pollution that big name companies make. Western countries dumping their trash in other places, is another huge issue. 
I’m going to be frankly honest here, I do my part to keep the world clean, recycling, etc. but I have seen a trend where these days, pollution and climate change are not taken seriously, yes some people do take it seriously but often they are drowned out by the Big Name Companies who stand to lose a lot of money if they were held accountable for their parts in harming the environment. In the 90s there was more media attention, more people were aware of being economically friendly, and there where shows dedicated to educating kids about helping the world. Like Captain Planet etc.
In that time Namor did become an eco warrior and his comics reflected that, they show him fighting pollution by big name companies (like Roxxon) they show him witnessing the devastation of animals homes due to pollution. 
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One of my favorite comics, has no words, and it is about Namor enjoying nature and its really sweet and light hearted before turning on a dime and instantly changing into a horror where Namor witnesses the effect of the pollution that comes from companies. It’s heartbreaking.
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #33
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However that stopped, and you have to ask yourself, why did it stop? When did we as a people stop promoting taking down big name companies who are harming the environment? A lot of it has to do with those companies wising up and doing things to distract people/downplay their involvement in destroying the world.
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Agent Carter S1 E2: Bridge and Tunnel Thoughts
Time for another pointless thought dump from me!
I realized partway through watching this that it’s the only AC episode I’ve seen before - I watched most of it on TV this summer, just because it happened to be on. It made me want to watch the rest of the series but I never got around to it til now. I really clearly remembered Peggy inspecting the trucks, the Captain America radio show, and the fight on top of the car at the end. Other bits came back to me was I watched it.
I’m still wondering why these people are missing their voice boxes. I think now that once you join Leviathan, they cut out your voice box so you won’t be able to give anything about the organization away. (Though, as we see, this didn’t quite work.)
I just really love Peggy as a protagonist. I don’t know it it’s just because of her gender, but she feels very refreshing and interesting.
Peggy’s interactions with Jarvis are great. Once again, I’m so weak for the ‘tough girl/gentle boy’ thing, and how he’s around to provide help even though she handles most of it on her own. I also love how he’s shown doing ‘feminine’ things like laundry, cooking, and sewing (I mean, he is a butler, but still). 
I also love that their relationship is definitely platonic, as he’s already married. 
The scene where he sewed up her wound while he talked about how everybody needs someone to support them, and she talked about how letting people into her life always gets them hurt or killed, was so lovely. (ESPECIALLY since it would have been so easy to write as romantic, but it wasn’t.)
I love all the sneaking around and quick thinking Peggy has to do, like when she was trying to get at the pictures in that guy’s desk, and when she had to scan the employees’ clothes for radiation.
Roxxon Oil Company ... I wouldn’t recognize that name except that 1) I remember my dad telling me they’re one of the biggest evil companies in the Marvel comics universe, and 2) the place where Lucy Bauer goes in Agents of Shield S4 E6 to try and recreate her experiment is an abandoned Roxxon facility. (I think I remember people saying that the second season has some ties to AoS’ fourth season, which I’m REALLY excited about uncovering). 
As I said on my last thought dump, I love Peggy’s and Angie’s relationship. It was so tough seeing Peggy turn down the apartment offer (at first) and Angie thinking it was something she’d done wrong ... I really hope Peggy ends up telling her she’s a spy. (Also, I’m already starting to ship them). 
Shit, proto-Shield just let an agent beat the crap out of some guy in an interrogation room? And nobody raises objections to this, not even Peggy, although she does look uncomfortable? I guess Shield was always supposed to be somewhat morally ambiguous, but you don’t see this on AoS. Maybe it’s just because of the times, idk.
I can really see why Peggy dislikes the Captain America radio show so much; in addition to portraying the woman as completely helpless, it’s like they’re using Cap’s legacy and sacrifice for cheap entertainment. 
The scene where Peggy fighting the dude was interspersed with the sound effects from the Captain America show was really cool, though. Especially one moment where I think she breaks/snaps the guy’s hand and at the same time one of the radio announcers breaks a crab to simulate bones breaking or something.
“This is where I get off.” *Stabs the Leviathan guy’s hand to the truck and jumps off right before it GOES OVER THE CLIFF and EXPLODES.* Damn Peggy!!! 
And now we’ve actually got a legitimate reason for the “dying guy gives incredibly vague and cryptic clue” trope - he can’t speak, and his voice-synthesizer thing is broken, so all he can do is draw a symbol in the dirt. (I guess he could have written something, but maybe he was too disoriented/injured to do so, or it would have taken too long).
So now the other proto-Shield guys know someone is on the case, but they think it’s a ‘blonde woman.’ Since I know Dottie Underwood is involved in later episodes, and I think she’s blonde, maybe they’ll get the two mixed up and think she’s responsible for all this, when really it was Peggy getting ahead of them? 
“She was with him until he died” - how can you possibly tell that from looking at footprints? 
OH, almost forgot - I LOVE the dark blue and pink-striped dress Peggy’s wearing at the end. This one here. 
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