#While Magolor has to learn how to 'live'
desultory-novice · 2 months
hello! it's good to see you back, i hope that you're doing ok :)
hopefully it's not a bother if i talk about maripav a bit? (i'm a big fan)
i was curious about what magolor would look like with the crown on. will that be seen in the comic?
i also saw in one of your old posts, you mentioned that maripav magolor is the one who admits his love first and does most of the "chasing"... it's hard to imagine considering how annoyed he's been with marx so far haha
i'm looking forward to seeing how their relationship develops :)
Thank you! And yesssssssss, please do! MariPav fan talk is always super appreciated!
Traitor Magolor and Magolor Soul will absolutely be in the comic, as will bits of the fight against them! I've titled the penultimate chapter of that section "Machinist's Sarabande"; which will play parallel to a certain flashback chapter entitled "Jester's Gavotte"
(More dance theming, yay! And not the first time the two have a pair of dance-themed parallel chapters, as there is "Witches' Allemande" for Marx and "Liar's Courante" for Magolor, which depicts their respective "falls into darkness.")
I've had a design concept in mind for Crowned Magolor from VE~RY early on and, while I'll doubtlessly retool it before I get there, I'm excited about bringing on The Pain. (Part of the reason MariPav Magolor even has horns was so he would look good donning the Crown. As another design note, while there are several reasons he doesn't use prosthetics, including medical, environmental, and aesthetic, a subtler reason was so that he could do that "descend from on high" thing he does during "Let Me Explain Everything.")
As to Magolor's interest, yes! It's funny how that works! One could even say the cake incident kinda starts it off! Marx brings him (along with a headache) a world full of life that Magolor had only dreamed of before. Till he inevitably questions: was it even the "world" he wanted...or the person who made that world fun?
:cough: Manic Jester Dream Boy :cough:
Bonus: Dess's early experiments in using screen tone
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owls-gamblegalaxy · 1 year
Kirby: Search for the Dreamy Gears!
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"This is the mining town known as Diamond Town. Local airplane pilot Kirby lives a fun, happy life. One day, the town is sent into a fuss when an ancient machine is discovered in the mines. In order to get the machine to work, it seems that they must find three special gears. Kirby, Waddle Dee, President Dedede, Meta Knight, Daroach, and Magolor embark on a great adventure to find them, however, in this ‘gear quest,’ a tremendous evil is hiding …!? Differing from the usual setting of Dream Land, this is the story of a different world!"
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Note: This novel was translated a long time ago, right when I was only just starting to learn Japanese. Originally it started as a project where I was testing to see how successfully I could Google Translate the novels, combined with a bit of manual research for terms the machine couldn't understand. Please note that much of this novel (most notably the entire first half) were almost entirely machine translated, explaining it's questionable quality.
While it was machine translated, I looked over it some years later and, even though its a pretty lousy translation, it's not necessarily inaccurate. It still functions fine as a basic reading of the text, just has some nuance in lines and minor details lost compared to the original (some of which I fixed, but obviously this doesn't change the fact that it's an inherently flawed translation). I'm planning on retranslating it eventually, but it's not at the top of my priority list for these reasons.
Translator's notes: I believe Mr. Fugo's name is supposed to be Hugo, considering the European setting and that fu/hu are effectively one sound in Japanese. There's a bit of a double meaning to his name, however. Fugō means "millionaire" in Japanese. His full title, which I translated as "Millionaire Fugo", is Daifugō Fūgō--"Grand Millionaire Millionaire", basically, though Mr. Fugo's name is pronounced very slightly differently than fugō (millionaire) is pronounced.
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mistilteinn-magolor · 1 month
hey guys so im very normal about magolor and therefore i took a song thats very magolor (the only house thats not on fire (yet)) and made a whole animatic script thingy for it :333
edit i may have forgotten to link the song here it is :33:
see under cut this shit is way too long to not do that lmao:
I feel knotted up today
But in a most exquisite way
Like neckties or like macramé
Bowlines and zeppelin bends
[magolor has just landed in another dimension, and is struggling with losing his powers]
If you were a theremin
I wouldn't know where to begin
My hands would stay here on my chin
With a hum that never ends
[magolor is thinking abt kirby here.... perhaps thinking about getting his revenge]
This suit doesn't fit me
I made it myself, counterfeitly
With buttons of blue
Killing me with déjà vu
[hes going through another dimension fighting all the elemental bosses and gathering the fruit fragments, regaining his powers as he goes thanks to the power of the fruit fragments]
It's a gift for you
When I escape at last
When enough time has passed
But something keeps me as a pet
The only house that's not on fire yet
I made it when I was an architect
This is just the side effect
["It's a gift for you/When I escape at last" - magolor collects all the fruit fragments, therefore assembling the gem apple seed. the rest is the master crown taking the gem apple seed and becoming the crowned doomer, magolor beating it up, it becoming the tree crown thingy, magolor beating it up (at the end with the sword too, with him thinking about how kirby took him down w the ultra sword and how hes doing the same to the crown), and then magolor jumping through the portal to the dream kingdom and landing there in the interlude between the last lyric above here and the next below]
I feel strangely regular
But honestly, I prefer it to
The usual bizarre
Damn that oxymoron
[magolor begins running his shoppe, befriending the residents of the dream kingdom while selling wares]
If you were a piece of dust
I'd shine a light through the busted window
And I'd learn to trust
In the updraft that you're on
[but oh shit whats this- its team kirby! theyre buying his wares, adventuring and taking down enemies and magolor, upon seeing them each time, gets a massive wave of guilt for what he did to the real kirby from dreamland, and he thinks about seeing him again]
Click, click, auto-focus
The film's in the can like hocus-pocus
A picture of you
Killing me with déjà vu
[him thinking about kirby again,,, damn he really messed up didnt he. he pulls out a picture of kirby for going with the lyrics convenience (tho he wouldnt have one in canon bc he lost everything, and im p sure the dream kingdom doesnt have cameras lmao so it couldnt be one with that kirby) aaanyway massive guilt attack!!! yay!!!]
Don't know what I'll do when I escape at last
When the end of time has passed
But something keeps me as a pet
The only house that's not on fire yet
I made it when I was an architect
This is just the side effect
[magolor finding a way to get back to dreamland (bc of a rly good fic i read i hc the lor showed up one day, finding its captain and he lived in the lor for a while in the dream kingdom before he was ready to go back to dreamland home, so that lmfao)]
The punch line is there is no punch line
The punch line is there is no punch line
The punch line is there is no punch line
The punch line is that there is no punch line
The punch line is there is no punch line
The punch line is that there is no punch line
The punch line is there is no punch line
The punch line is there is no punch line
[throughout the entire interlude with the punch line, well, line, magolor has made his way back to dreamland and apologizes profusely to kirby and co., and kirby forgives him immediately, dedede takes a minute but when he realizes just how sorry he is he forgives him, for meta knight, it takes a while before he can even think about trusting him again, but eventually he is able to trust him with certain things (eg looking after kirby for x reason) but he doesnt forgive him lmao, and for bandee... eeeehh, he tolerates him, but thats about it lmfao]
Oh! I just thought of how to change all the hate
Into love with the old switcheroo
Dancing in my déjà vu
You'll be dancing, too
When I escape at last
When the future is the past
But something keeps me as a pet
The only house that's not on fire yet
The only house that's not on fire yet
The only house that's not on fire yet
The only house that's not on fire (yet)
[magolor hanging out with his friends he apologized to, and some of the star allies too, heh. it ends on a black screen to quickly fade in to a polaroid picture of magolor and kirby, with the caption written below by magolor in blue ink saying "Best friends! <3" (except the heart is a drawn heart not a text heart lmao), to slowly fade to black.]
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pigamariofthestars · 27 days
Dolos: What’s it like being Magolor’s mom? ..What does your Magolor act like?
-Dolos (Little Brother of Marx) (And whatever you say they will put them in his info journal.)
Hello, Dolos @nightcovefox ! I enjoy being Magolor’s mom! It’s very fun.
I always tried to make his childhood as enjoyable as possible, seeing we were stuck on a dying planet which was progressively running out of resources and people and whatnot.
He’s been the smartest kid around for all his life. I don’t know how anyone manages such brainpower! It’s very impressive. I always knew he was a trickster, though! He chooses to use this high intelligence to prank his friends. Typical. I have to say, sometimes he does some stupid things. But he’s having fun and learning! That’s what matters!
He’s also got to be the bravest person I know. Let’s just say that… he’s seen some stuff. (Can’t give away too much from the fanfic!) And yet, he always has the heart to pick himself up and prove he can survive anything, even the emotional ordeals of being a living person!
And, HE’S ADORABLE. In too many ways to count. He is always trying to help the people he loves and be the kindest he can be, while still having fun! AND HOW COULD YOU IGNORE HIS ADORABLE FACE?! No one can.
Also, did I mention how gay he is? So gay! Must have gotten that from me.
Sometimes I say raising a child is like battling Void Termina. It can be really, painfully hard and stressful when you’re going through, but the reward is wonderful and beautiful! ;P
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dark-mega · 1 year
Remember that post of Kirby game meets anime ideas? Well here comes the sequel!!! Ideas for Anime x Game Kirby crossovers 2!
1-the history is how grand doomer goes to the anime dimension after he’s defeat on Magolor’s hands in “Magolor’s epilogue”, and ends up trying to chase down Magolor when he jumps into the portal to the clash universe but since he’s too weak he falls unconscious mid travel and ends up in the anime dimension, he finds how this universe despise lacking strong sources of energy they still have artifacts strong Enough to give him power, specially from nightmare enterprises leftovers which he uses to power hes doomer army, he quickly goes to dreamland to get revenge on Kirby now that he has he’s power and army once again he goes on a full on attack on pop star. He absorbs Galaxia meanwhile the Doomers shatter the warp star to absorb its power, kirby tries to stop Grand doomer but the villain sends the puffball,tiff,tuff,meta knight,king dedede and escargoon into “another dimension” in which they are aided by not only the elemental bosses (Electriky Dooter, Fiery puffer and Hydriat) which now don’t work for grand doomer since he has lost the power of the master crown, but they also meet the parallels (Susie,meta knight,dedede,kracko,Landia and wispy) and now the heroes (and anime!dedede) aided by the three elemental monster have to collect the fragments of the apple which are being held hostage by the parallels (which are on a war for “another dimension” since the doomers left to conquer the anime dimension) and unlock their own elemental powers (tiff & tuff:fire/rock, meta knight:Ice/water and Dedede & Escargoon:thunder/air meanwhile Kirby learns to handle the super ability’s) after they get the apples they go back to dreamland and see how grand doomer has basically destroyed the entire place and turned dedede’s castle into he’s floating nest meanwhile the GSA has basically been running from the beings beyond their retconing, however now our heroes defeat all the Doomers and fix the Warp Star so they can get into dededes castle and Kirby can defeat Grand doomer once again. Now Kirby has learned to fight for himself, meta knight learns there’s much to learn from the universe, tiff and tuff now have magic and so does dedede and Escargoon which will try harder than ever to be a annoyance to Kirby even without nightmare
2-starts with galacta knight which was defeated by yet another Kirby and another meta knight of the multiverse, so he’s banished to yet another universe but this time he finds himself on the middle of a battle field with no pink puffball or blue knight anywhere. He sees knuckle joe being attacked by a bunch of monsters (including masher 2) and he easily kills the demon beasts with a single attack, he prepares to fight knuckle joe but the kid instead thanks him calls him star warrior, galacta knight is confused by this and sees how other knights appear, he prepares to fight but they call him “partner” which confuses him even more, galacta hasn’t been treated has a ally since he and he’s partners sealed void termina, he decides to tag along and sees he’s in a war once again and to the same guy he killed a week ago (a week for him since time stopped existing for him since dimensional travel also involves some time travel), the leaders of the GSA (whoever you use, Arthur or anyone else) then discover galacta isn’t a registered member and interrogate him, galacta think they are going to attack him so he prepares to kill then all but they instead offer him to join for he’s massive power, he accepts. Galacta quickly becomes a very beloved and well known warrior, he’s usually followed by knuckle joe which speaks to him while galacta constant duels with other Star warriors, everything is normal till joe mentions Kirby and meta knight, galacta quickly asks where is pop star and then he goes to beat the ever living Stars of the two. Meta knight is confused by who is this and why he’s attacking them but realizes this Kirby and meta knight are weak and can’t even face a 1% of he’s power like the other meta knights and Kirby’s, he decides to train Kirby to unlock the power he remembers, galacta quickly shows he’s not good at talking, or teaching or interacting which makes him have a bad relationship with everyone but Kirby which treats him like any Kirby would (with hugs and friendship) and knuckle joe (who constantly visits him) has time goes Galacta starts liking more this life still thinking he can get he’s old life style before he was betrayed, but this dream suddenly crashes when the GSA members are ordered to arrest him, he goes on a rampage thinking he was betrayed once again but kirby and knuckle joe get hurt making galacta even more furious and miserable, he flies to the edge of the galaxy and has nightmare enterprises attacks dreamland like in “fright to the finish” knuckle joe and Kirby decide to go for Galacta knight meanwhile Meta and the rest try to attack nightmare with the rest of the GSA but they are bombarded by A FAKE galacta knight which framed the real knight. Kirby and knuckle joe get to galacta which try’s to push them away using a small fraction of he’s power but the kids tell him despite everything they think he’s innocent and beg for he’s help, galacta decides to help and the three go to save the gang. Galacta sees he’s copy and has a small fight since he really wanted one but stops playing once he sees the kids are getting near nightmare, Galacta turns into Aeon hero Light and one shots he’s doppelgänger and goes to save the kids, tiff tells galacta he can’t kill eNeMe since he’s connected to Kirby’s dreams and they don’t know what will happen if nightmare dies while connected to kirby, so galacta rages because of this which causes a hole in the fabric of reality, kirby quickly defeats eNeMe on he’s dreams and wakes up which allowed Galacta to destroy nightmare with all of he’s power which let yet another hole in the fabric of reality, all of them escape while Galacta now with he’s name cleaned is treated has a hero once again, the story ends with him sleeping on a hill on dreamland with Kirby while several butterfly rest on them as well
3-Kirby is fighting a monster able to create portals which makes Kirby gets the Spark ability, the two fight but Kirby accidentally makes the monsters powers go south turning one of the portals into a kind of vacuum which absorbs tiff and tuff. The two end up in Halcandra, Tiff and tuff walk around trying to find anyone who could help them but tuff accidentally gets trapped into the main factory, Tiff goes to save him has the robots and various other hazards try to kill them, they survive and run into a elevator which brings them to the boss of the place “metal general” which isn’t holding he’s punches with this two and before the kids are killed by the robot, landia appears and calms the general telling them they are kids, the robot after noticing this goes back to sleep, tuff is amazed by the cool dragon while tuff is scared of the giant dragon, however landia is very kind has they separate in four and two of them invite tiff and tuff to ride them, the kids get on the dragons and fly to the top of Dangerous Dinner. Tuff talks about how cool this all is meanwhile Tiff is scared about this place, soon they arrive to landias lair, Tiff and Tuff rest for a bit while tiff try’s to talk with the dragon which seems to ignore her, the next morning they are guided to a star shaped portal which goes to popstar (results landia was hearing but just wanted to have some company that night), the kids and the dragon jump into the portal, the kids are now amazed by this fantastic place which seems so familiar yet so different, like a dream! They arrive to magolorland and are weird out by the several demon beasts acting like normal people, a younger looking wispy, a genie, a monkey, a puffer fish and a giant ship all around the park while thousands of waddle dees and other habitants of dreamland the kids have never seen wear masks of many strangers and some familiar faces, landia asks Magolor to call Kirby meanwhile the kids play the games with the other habitants of dreamland. When Kirby and the rest arrive there’s a small shock by the Friendly dedede,the waddle dee with a bandana on escargoon a place, meta knight wings and Kirby not knowing them (or actually everyone) Magolor and meta knight quickly figure out what’s happening and help the kids go back to their dimension, but not before one last game through all of Magolor land, Has they return to their dreamland they are welcomed by a kirby and parents that are almost in tears, a dedede with a black eye (Kirby’s doing) and a very surprised meta knight (not because they lived but for the giant flying ship and the dragon) after a small presentation of their alternates the heroes of dreamland, the dimensional magician and the ex-guardian of the master crown retire back to their world meanwhile the kids tell their parents about their adventure (note landia doesn’t talk but Magolor and Metal general can just speak dragon-ish)
The end, so how was it? Did you like it? Please tell me and give me some feedback
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azzie-tangerine · 7 months
Marx 2, 8, 16, 24, 37
Gooey 2, 9, 17, 26 (Dedede for the insert character here), 41
Oooh characters I don't often talk about! Or at least with Gooey.
Marx: A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I got two for you here. 1, I like Nova!Marx. Like Susie, he's part robotic. This is due to the wish he made on Nova. He technically doesn't need to blink, his eyes are glass. And his heart rate sounds more like a clock. And that teal stuff? Motor fluid.
Another headcanon I love (is it implied?) is the idea that Marx and Kirby were childhood best friends. It explains why Kirby listened to Marx's idea about getting Nova involved when the sun and moon were fighting. They trusted Marx's judgement. It makes Marx's betrayal hurt a lot more, you know?
They're on good terms now, and Marx has been (mostly) forgiven. But they're no longer as close as they used to be.
Marx: Unpopular opinion about them
Another opinion that I am unfortunately guilty of in the past. But I don't like the feralization/dumbing down of Marx's character that ppl in the fandom have done. He is chaotic, sure. But he's not stupid. He's not a wild animal that Magolor has to detain. He knows when to back off from a prank. It just takes a lot of pushing before that limit is made.
Marx: Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
This one ties into the headcanon question. Marx misses the old friendship he used to have with Kirby. He misses the days where the two just hung out. One on one. Marx's betrayal ruined that friendship. Sure, they're friendly again, Kirby still calls them friends. But Marx knows they won't ever be the same. And he kinda resents trying to take over Popstar out of boredom.
Marx: Most annoying habit
Marx in general is a very loud person. He doesn't know how to use an inside voice, or maybe he does and just likes yelling. No one quite knows. All everyone knows is that he's unbearable to hang out with for long periods of time, and no one gets how Magolor does it.
Marx: What they really think about themselves
Like Magolor, Marx has an ego. He thinks he's the funniest, best jester in Popstar. Maybe even the entire universe! He has the evidence to show that he's funny, because he always makes himself laugh! And others do too of course. And he does make pretty good schemes. And good pranks.
Gooey: A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
This one is thanks to a certain next gen au. But Gooey later learns how to use the Rainbow Sword! He did look up to Dark Matter Swordsman after all, in a way. This is a long while after Star Allies, and it does weird some citizens out that he holds the sword with his tongue. but then again, Gooey grabs everything with his tongue. He doesn't have hands.
Gooey: Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
You know that image in one of the cutscenes where Gooey's just vibing and eating a fish? That specific image. In that moment I knew I loved and related to Gooey and just vibing.
Gooey: Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I am so sorry anon. But I currently cannot think of anything that I associate with Gooey in the form of songs and such. I do associate Failboat with Gooey, but only cause the youtuber loves him.
Gooey: What they would do if stuck in an elevator with Dedede
I have the headcanon that Gooey is... wary of Dedede. Gooey was around when Dedede was a jerk, after all. Gooey remembers how mean they used to be to Kirby. And sure, Dedede has changed a lot since then. But Gooey, still being young, ends up being a little petty about it. So if they were both on an elevator, Gooey would be completely silent in a corner away from the king.
Dedede tries his best to be friendly. And Gooey warms up to him eventually.
Gooey: If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
I think Gooey would actually pick Void Termina on this one. Gooey takes a lot after Kirby, just being a lot more naive. Gooey looks up to Kirby in general. He, like his idol, wants to see the best in people. And besides, he's dark matter, and he's good! Kirby's related to them in some way, and he's good! So surely, all dark matter can be good if they wanted to? Dark Matter Swordsman could be good...
So with no hesitation, they'd resurrect the world destroyer that almost ruined the universe. Just to have lunch with them and try to convince them to be good.
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goblinbugthing · 1 year
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Her name is Nycto Tolaris and she’s a bastard in the best way possible. Her love language is talking shit and biting you. I love her.
Here’s her info!!
Full name: Nycto Tolaris
Age: in this image specifically, she’s 13
DOB: 31st of August
Birthplace: Site 3 (aka the place where Liz and Gen live)
Height: 5’9”
Gender identity: Demigirlflux (she/her)
Sexuality: Who cares? Not her! (Unlabeled)
S/O: None
Occupation: Musician, SFX artist/designer
Y’know Magolor? Yeah, just mix that with Elfilis and you got her magic.
Extra Info:
She has an incredibly powerful voice, and impressive vocal range. When she’s training with her magic, she uses her voice to her advantage and temporarily either disorients or controls her target.
She’s the biological daughter of Elfilis and Fiktra! She’s more born of magic than, y’know, natural means of reproduction, but she’s still their kid.
She’s a really quick learner, and already knows every technique there is to learn about her magic. At this point, she’s begun using her Dark-Dream hybrid abilities to make new attacks and effects.
She doesn’t really do fighting and stuff, though she’s destined to become the next generation’s Dark Warrior as a part of the Heroes of Yore. She prefers using her magic to create special effects in her shows, but she does know how to use it in battle. She’s a smart kid!
She’s not exactly the nicest person when you first meet her — she really likes her creative insults and ominous threats — but once you get to know her, she’s genuinely great. She’s a lot like Lizzie, just nowhere near as quiet and reserved.
She sees Elfilin as more of an older sibling than a parent, even though they and Liz are two sides of the same coin. They get along pretty well, despite Nycto’s… blunt personality.
She does bite people as a sign of affection, but also as an attack. Her teeth are sharp as hell, and curved inward so any prey is only gonna get more hurt by struggling. Pro tip: don’t let her bite you. Ever. Unless you’re her parents, her sister, or the next-gen Dream and Soul Warriors (who I can’t name because wow they’re so full of spoilers).
On a related note, she has an adopted sister! She’s a couple years older than Nycto, and way too nice for her own good, but she still means the absolute world to her.
I’ve had her on my mind for a while, and a lot of her character is actually based off a song I recently discovered, which I’ve decided to use as her voice claim. The song in question would be this:
(I’m obsessed with this song by the way. It’s on my mind constantly. The singer’s voice is immaculate, my lord.)
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starmagnets · 2 years
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Mirror world concept drawings that I might mess around with and change later if I come back and realize I don't like them for whatever reason.
Notes on them and stuff like that under the cut bc. Well. Brainrot.
Shadow Marx is. Something. He made his wish for power and got his ass kicked like his non-mirror counterpart, but he's? Surprisingly not too fucked up from it? At least not in noticeable ways.
Whereas Marx won't really say much in terms of Weird Shit, Shadow Marx will just casually say the most vaguely threatening stuff and then just go back to doing whatever he was doing. The guy has zero filter and will just. Say his thoughts out loud no matter how absurd they are. Shadow Magolor has (mostly) learned to tune this out.
Shadow Marx's wings are more similar to Marx Soul's wings in terms of detailing. I didn't draw them here but they will feature in other drawings I may or may not have planned.
Shadow Marx is a lot more genuinely friendly than his counterpart. Sure, he's still an absolute bastard, but he does actually care about the people in the Mirror World. He's just got a weird way of showing it. (Very Dangerous Pranks)
Shadow Marx has blown himself up on more than one occasion while testing a mechanism for a prank.
Shadow Marx's body destabilizes easily, and as a result, you can see where he tends to split more easily than you can on Marx. It looks more like a seam on a plush toy than a scar, though.
Shadow Magolor is really only on Mirror Popstar because he didn't have much of anywhere else to go. While he lives on the Mirror Dimension's Lor Starcutter, he can't go anywhere without Lor's agreement. Which is difficult, considering the ship is surprisingly adamant on staying on Mirror Popstar.
Shadow Magolor wound up on Mirror Popstar when he decided to take Shadow Marx back to his home planet after he was blown up and the Lor just. Wouldn't move after that.
Cue Shadow Marx being absolutely ecstatic because not only is Shadow Magolor still going to be around, but they can also live together!
Partly because Shadow Marx does not want to explain to his ma how he survived being blown up because that would be a conversation and a half.
Shadow Magolor is in over his head here. Someone help him.
In all honesty, Shadow Marx reminds Shadow Magolor of a family member he hasn't seen since he was a little kid.
While Magolor is a very tidy person, both in his living space and his appearance, Shadow Magolor is a mess, for lack of a better word. It's mostly that he hardly has much energy to do more than keep himself from crashing into things and keep what's visible passably clean.
This is partly due to him using most of his magical energy on spells to keep Shadow Landia from reaching him with the power of the crown. He's unaware that the reason the Lor won't leave Popstar is because they're out of range there. The Lor tries to tell him this, but with it communicating via hearts (and Magolor's being very much closed off after losing or losing contact with most of his family), it's difficult to be on the same page with a lot of things.
Even with the spells, Shadow Magolor finds himself dealing with anxiety relating to being reached. Manifesting primarily in flashes of light like the ones that would occur when Landia would try contacting him when he lived on Halcandra.
Shadow Marx is one of the only people Shadow Magolor trusts to tell him Shadow Landia isn't contacting him. Mostly because he knows Shadow Marx isn't joking by the way he doesn't smile. And he always smiles unless he's being genuinely serious.
Shadow Magolor likes messing with the little magic he has leftover after his daily casting, though this usually ends up with him collapsing and having to sleep more, which he hates.
Both Magolor and Shadow Magolor have night terrors regarding their experiences with the Master Crown, though Shadow Magolor has never been in direct contact with it. Shadow Landia being awake most of the time made it difficult to even get near Haldera Volcano back when he lived on Halcandra.
Often gets himself injured while messing around with machinery or a new project he's working on.
The fur beneath Shadow Magolor's hood and cloak is matted terribly. He doesn't have the time or energy to fix it, though. Nor does he trust anybody he knows to do it for him.
Shadow Marx prefers to carry things in his mouth over his talons. Mostly because his wings being out uses magical energy and he doesn't want to risk his body totally destabilizing in the Lor again.
Shadow Magolor mostly speaks in halcandran, though he does use standard with those who don't speak halcandran.
Shadow Marx learned halcandran mostly by trial and error because he really wanted Shadow Magolor to think he was cool for learning a new language on the fly. Shadow Magolor is honestly too tired to care though.
Neither Marx nor Magolor have met their mirror counterparts, but I feel like they'd get along at least decently.
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9, 10, and 11 if youre still doing these!
Thank you anon for the ask! And yes I am still doing them, for as long as this blog is active! 😊
Also since you didn’t specify anything else, I’ll go with the SFW ones.
9 - Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
Ooooh, hohohoho, glad you asked! Actually, I headcanon both know more than one language! Magolor obviously knows Halcandran language, and learned the language most spoken in Dream Land! Fun fact: in the Japanese version of Return to Dream Land, Magolor speaks with an accent (since katakana is a writing system often used for words from other languages… or something like that, go read his wiki lmao), so I thought it would be neat if he also did in the "English" version (even though I HC English is used only for us to understand, and the Dream Landers actually speak their own language too… haha, alien languages my beloveds <3).
Meta Knight speaks many languages, including Dream Land’s language, his native language (I have my own sets of headcanons for where he is from, of course the obligatory "rebelled from Nightmare" one, but also his whole childhood and character arcs…!), and the many languages he learnt from when he grew up and where he went to help, go on missions or just studying in general. Of course he doesn’t master them all, but he can introduce himself and hold a basic conversation in a lot of languages. I’d say he’s the most comfortable in his native language, DL’s language and the one he learnt when he was a child/teen. SPECIAL NOTE: I am not so sure why I am so attached on this, but I’ve always been very against the idea canon Meta Knight speaks with a Spanish accent, I don’t know why… 😭 But yeah, while I do think he maaaay have an accent, it either is very small, or it’s completely different from what we expect since technically, as I said before, they speak non-human languages, so Spanish, English, French, Japanese, etc. wouldn’t actually exist as they do in our world.
Of course, both would be VERY interested to learn the languages the other speaks. Magolor would be really eager to teach Meta words in Halcandran and would realize (way too late) that he gave Meta the power to flirt with him in Halcandran 👀
Since Meta’s native language is tightly related to Nightmare, he’d probably rather teach Magolor the language he learned as he was raised by his adoptive mother (this too would need a post on its own hahaha…), and trust me, Magolor would probably instantly go, “Can you teach me how to swear” and Meta would glare at him 😆😆😆
I think that Meta Knight wouldn’t have too much trouble learning Magolor’s native language, and Magolor would also end up learning Meta’s language, even though it would take more time, since it’s “only” his third language 👀 (Disclaimer: as someone who has only learnt to master two languages (and partially a third), learning languages is hard, and it would probably take them both months, years even to speak fluently in new languages!!)
They would probably use these languages as a code, or just switch languages for fun. It would also help them keep their languages “fresh”, since yeah, sometimes you start to forget languages you don’t practice!! 😵‍💫 Bonus headcanon: Magolor is not as used to speak DL’s language as much as Meta Knight is so, while I can see Meta Knight, over time, learning to use Dream-lander’s “fuck”, Magolor definitely swears in Halcandran when he is really pissed. And since he taught his boyfriend his language, well he has to live with the fact he now understands every single horrible word that comes off his mouth 😭🤣
10. Any pets? Or plants?
That is something I’ve never really thought out to be honest, but if that isn’t the point of doing asks! 🤣
A few days ago, however, I had quite a silly idea, who stems from a really cursed running gag from my Kirby server. Well, I kinda just took the characters and did something completely different with them: basically, my idea is that Meta Knight has a Bronto Burt as a pet.
Otherwise, I’m not so sure they’d be the types to own pets. I know some people headcanon Magolor has Sphere doomers as pets, but I’ve never really stuck to that. Weren’t they the ones to keep the Energy spheres away from Magolor’s ship? 🤨 Anyways.
And if we go in the “plant” direction… let’s be serious. Let’s be real. First of all. Let’s assume (wrongly) that they would actually be interested in having, of all things, plants in their respective ships. Do you really think they can keep a plant alive? Of all the people, Meta Knight would probably be too busy (either by work, friends/family and, of course, Magolor~) to think of a plant and, remember, Magolor has ADHD (totally not projecting at all, you can 100% trust me on that 😇), so he would totally forget to water it, marking quite quickly the end of that plant’s sorry life 😖
Okay, okay, let’s say they do want to have plants, and let’s say either Meta delegates the job to care for it to some of his crew, or the Lor Starcutter regularly reminds Magolor to water the plant, then we can think of what kind of plants they would have. Well, bad news, I ain’t really a plant nerd. So I won’t spurt out words in latin, but I can muse on what types of plant they would have. Probably cacti because they can have funny shapes, climbing plants because it would give their respective ships cool colors, or plants that give food, like pepper, peas and herbs.
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
Magolor is definitely more of a shower type. He isn’t a fan of water; while he can handle it, he doesn’t really like the feeling of having a wet fur. On the flip side, he also enjoys to have a clean fur, so he sees it as a necessary evil. He does try to skip it sometimes, but he tries not to for obvious reasons. And since I am a fu….. trash, of course I give Magolor cat-like features and traits, so of course I think that sometimes, he will groom himself like a cat 😵 But he doesn’t do it in front of people. So yeah, he still takes showers because it’s more convenient to him.
Meta Knight prefers baths, but he will take a shower if he is in a rush. He likes to swim, and overall quite enjoys water, so a bath is always really appreciated after a long day of work. He likes to light a cinnamon-scented candle during the bath, it makes it even more relaxing.
Meta would like to sometimes share this moment with his love, but as said before, Magolor doesn’t accept often because he won’t stay long in the bath most of the time. Furthermore, they have very different life schedules, so trying to find time for a shared bath and some more time together often feels like a puzzle! Finally, when Magolor gets out and dries himself, his fur poofs up and he doesn’t like when he looks like that (even though Meta Knight finds that super cute), so he tries to avoid it as much as possible… but remember that Meta too is determined when he wants! (They’re both stubborn gay idiots 💖)
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So yeah, that’s all for this ask! Thank you so much for reading until here, and I hope you enjoyed these silly little headcanons! Feel free to send some more Metalor asks if you want, I would love to answer them! 😊
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Hey! magolor for the ask?
FANTASTIC right out of the gate ok so
Favorite thing about them
I utterly love how he's characterized after he becomes kirby's friend for real, like I LOVE the concept of "villain gets redeemed and is now on the side of good, but they mostly keep their original aesthetic and personality". just because magolor isn't trying to conquer dreamland anymore doesn't mean he can't still be a trickster who jokes about his former acts of villainy and uses his powers for the good of the galaxy and his friends
Least favorite thing about them
noo magolor don’t steal the ancients’ old relics you’re too much of a kitty haha :/ seriously, though, this isn’t about him specifically but I don’t like that despite how many lines he has in his debut game and how many times he’s reappeared throughout the series, we’ve never gotten any information about his identity or past. he lives alone on halcandra and sort of resembles certain other characters like the sphere doomers and hyness (with his hood), but no solid info on who or what he is. even him being a descendant of the ancients is just a guess. I know this is partially favoritism but most other important characters have gotten some sort of supplementary backstory or species info, why not him?
Favorite line
"Bravo, Kirby. You've truly earned your reputation as a hero. Your help powering up all that gear was invaluable. Anyway... The time has come for every last Shoppe... No! The time has come for the DREAM KINGDOM to bow down to me! ... Gotcha! Hee-hee! Were you shocked?” --Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
like I said, I love magolor embracing his old villainous self for the purpose of jokes. him quoting his master crown speech to fake out kirby and the player once you buy out his shop? outstanding
magolor and marx is pretty much the fandom’s main one for this I think, but as I’ve said before I think taranza and magolor could be good friends too. both of them having cunning, trickster sides is a big part of it, but I also just feel like they complement and parallel each other well in terms of what they do as villains. who knows what they could bring out in each other as friends? it’d take some time in magolor learning to be a better friend and taranza becoming comfortable with reaching out to others again following the events of td, as well as a bit of luck to make sure that magolor doesn’t immediately blow it, but it could definitely work in my eyes
okay, this is just the same thing as my brotp, but I really love magolor/taranza as a romantic pairing too. I’m pretty sure I first got attached to the ship because it was two of my faves together, but I eventually started seeing the appeal more in how they compliment each other as characters. a puppeteer with an insect/floral theme versus a wizard with a mechanical theme, one is introduced as a villain but becomes an ally during the final battle while the other is introduced as an ally but is revealed as a villain for the final battle, one sees their loved one consumed and corrupted by a mysteriously powerful artifact while the other is consumed by a mysteriously powerful artifact... really, I’m starting to think these are on purpose considering that td followed rtdl in the mainline kirby platformers. like I said in the last entry I think they could bring out a lot in each other, it’s kind of a shame people don’t explore their potential relationship too often
marx and magolor...I don’t see the appeal of pairing them romantically. they’re good as prankster former final boss buddies, but I just can’t see the two as anything beyond that
Random headcanon
I have so many magolor headcanons that I never talk about, so I'll be happy to give one of my major ones here. overall I like to read him as basically a historian and archeologist by trade, he's canonically interested in the creations of the ancients so after he moves to popstar and makes up with kirby he likes to travel around the planet and study old remains of civilizations and creatures. the old temple in floralia's wild world? the sandy canyon ruins? you bet he's been there to dig up stuff and do research
Unpopular opinion
are there any POPULAR magolor opinions? but I guess mine would be that even though he always intended to betray kirby for the master crown, I think he legitimately started to like kirby as a person over the course of rtdl. like, I'm not sure why he would just tell kirby about the history of the lor starcutter if he hadn't legitimately begun to warm up to kirby in spite of himself and his plan. being under the crown's control, of course, probably helped him dispel that during the final boss fight. I feel like magolor has pretty bad instincts in terms of relationships as a consequence of living on the every-man-for-himself hellscape of halcandra where his only known companions were the various enemies and possibly marx, so of course he would hear about kirby and think, "great, someone kind to exploit". he failed to consider, however, that no one is immune to kirby's innate friend-making aura
Song I associate with them
I’ll be honest, when I got this ask I didn’t really have any songs that I think of as magolor songs specifically. my taste in music mostly consists of three artists, lots of old love songs, video game soundtracks, and whatever spotify throws my way that vibes with me, so finding character songs is a bit rarer for me. nevertheless, I like ancient dreams in a modern land by marina and archaeopteryx by lemon demon for magolor. oh no! by marina also kinda fits but I didn’t want to go with the meme answer
Favorite picture of them
this is a tough one, he’s got so many good looks and costumes, but for this ask I think I’ll go with his inclusion in the cat day twitter artwork. just the fact that he’s there means hal might be referencing Kitty Magolor which I love
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special mention goes to this appearance of him in the let’s find kirby book. buddies :)
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desultory-novice · 2 years
The Interactions of Marx & Magolor
Some think I'm out of my mind thinking Magolor's castle (or “Magolor Land”) bears a resemblance to Marx, and even more crazy to think it will lead to an appearance by him in the remake. 
...And maybe they’re right!
But I would just like to see these two who have been hinted at knowing each other for nearly TWELVE YEARS to finally interact on screen together. Canonically. (Not counting Star Allies. Great as it is.)
So, with that in mind, let’s take a look back at all the times Marx and Magolor have canonically (or canon-adjacent) been hinted at knowing each other or otherwise been seen together!
1) Magolor’s “somebody” in the "Return to Dream Land" script
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<Screenshot from JO ThumbsUpMaster>
Full Text of the conversation from Wikirby: (Bold text mine)
"By the way, I knew about you long before our fateful meeting."
"Kirby, the happy-go-lucky hero with the bottomless stomach."
"I even know somebody who knows you quite well!"
"Even on this world, you're incredibly popular!"
"There may even be some folks here who have fought with you before."
"If everybody would just get along, it would make things so much easier."
"Nothing good comes of fighting. Let's always stay friends, Kirby!"
<Bonus> My translation of those same lines: 
"...The truth is, I already knew about you. The carefree and gluttonous hero, Kirby of the Stars, living on distant Popstar! Why, among my associates, there's someone who knows you all too well. That's just how popular you are; even on my planet. Heh heh heh! 
And one of them seems to have fought with you but really, how dumb can you get? If we all became friends, everyone could be happy. That's why fighting's just no good. I hope you'll continue to stay my friend, Kirby!"
...I’m kind of sorry we lost out on hearing Magolor slyly call Marx an idiot behind his back in English! Maybe they’ll add it back in DX?
2) Marx shows up in RtDL’s Kirby Master cutscene
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<Screenshot from flipswitch3111>
The rest of the audience is made up of duplicates of characters already in the game. Only Marx was included without having any other visual appearance in RtDL. Aka, he’s a new resource - for a half-second back shot in a 5 second movie. Now, he had a 3D model for the Super Star Ultra cutscenes, but that was years ago, and this still would have required porting him over.
There must be a meaning to all that effort...
3) They have a rare gold Rock transformation in Kirby Triple Deluxe
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<Picture taken from Kirbypedia>
The game immediately after we learn they may have known each other, they appear together on a statue? Once again, this requires either making a new model for Marx, or carrying over his SSU model.
This rock transformation is used AGAIN in Planet Robobot, seemingly emphasizing that the two of them are linked in SOME way. The only difference is that the two of them have been downgraded to common granite...
I guess the gold foil wore off? Tee hee...
4) Marx appears again in TDX's Kirby Master scene. Only this time, he’s sitting next to Magolor! (And Galacta Knight, curiously enough.)
While getting the “somebody” line requires playing RtDL extensively, it really does seem that HAL were more open to the idea to revealing that the two had some connection by this point, thus, letting them sit together.
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<Screenshot from Meteorz>
4) Magolor slips up, in talking about Kirby in a way he only could have known from talking to Marx in the text of “The Starcutter and the Lying Wizard” (an official novel adapting RtDL’s plot.)
 The novel adaptation drops the “I know someone who knows you” scene, but it includes at least one line from Magolor hinting at the same idea...
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Now, the English text above is from my translation of the novel, but you can read my explanation of said translation and why I think it still supports Marx being the one here - if you’re concerned I’m biased. (I won’t deny the possibility exists, but it doesn’t completely invalidate the idea either.)
5) Official makers of Kirby Merch, Ensky, has the two of them talking!
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Back in 2017, Kirby_Ensky ran a popularity contest, the goal of which was to decide which characters should get more merch. (Waddle Dee won, btw.) 
Now, each candidate got a little shoutout tweet of their own. And Magolor's made special mention of Marx! (No other characters got this kind of call out btw.) The highlighted text says: 
"He was seen talking with Marx in the waiting room. Are they up to some trouble again...?"
The use of “again” suggests they have a history of working together.
6) The official Kirby twitter portrayed them together multiple times!
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Often, they’re planning mischief. In fact, three of the pictures create a little mini-story (stretching across several years!) where Marx and Magolor plot to play a trick on Kirby by telling the puff that circling those mysterious objects you see all over Popstar 25 times will turn them into chocolate. 
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They grin, seeing Kirby fell for it completely, with the puff eventually exhausting themselves (and all of Channel Dream Land) out with all that walking.
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 However, when the duo try again, this time telling everyone that the star blocks you see everywhere are actually made of cake, they're caught in the act and forced to make a huge pile of star block cakes for their lie.
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7) Re-ment’s Kirby-themed Hanafuda cards. 
Each card has a Kirby character or reference to something in Kirby on it. Marx and Magolor each have their own card and are part of the same "suit." What this means is they can be grouped together to create a match.
Not every familiar pairing is grouped together via suit like this, but it’s certainly interesting that they were. Especially as their art appears to almost fit together.
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<Picture mine>
8) Re-Ment’s "Garden of the Stars: Afternoon Tea" 
Re-ment is better known for their figures, and they released a sweet set that has Kirby in a little hat and Waddle Dee with a frilly headband enjoying tea and sweets in the garden of the stars! It even comes with a signboard that has Kirby and Waddle Dee welcoming guests to the party. 
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HOWEVER, the sign board actually has a secret reverse side which Re-ment later revealed on Twitter, featuring Marx and Magolor instead! It almost seems to suggest the two have teamed up once more and are planning some kind of prank to disrupt Kirby and Waddle Dee’s peaceful tea party!
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9) The 30th Anniversary Music Fest
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For the 30th Anniversary Music Fest, Marx and Magolor are paired together in both the merch (sharing a keychain design) AND the initial promo video. The promo video is interesting, because the only other characters to be introduced “in a set” like they are is the otherwise indistinct Waddle Dee trio. 
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They also play similar instruments: guitar and bass.
10) The Marx costume and Magolor costume interact in a humorous way in this Super Kirby Clash video!
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This particular video was posted on the official Twitter to advertise Marx’s equipment, a late game unlock. In the end of the clip, "Marx" is seen playing a trick on "Magolor," causing him to get squashed flat by the Blocky.
Here’s my translation of Magolor’s commentary on said tweet!
"If you could wish on the milky way, what would you wish for? I'd wish for galactic conque....err, I mean, for my shoppe to thrive! 
This equipment comes from a guy who tried to make a certain planet his own. It's incredibly powerful, but it'll make you want to play tricks on people! Hey, stop giving your friend trouble!"
...Similar to calling Marx an idiot early, he uses a rather dismissive form of address to refer to him here. He’s probably still upset about being smooshed. (Interesting too that said “friend” could very well be Magolor speaking on behalf of the Magolor-costumed Kirby. Aka, treating them as “friends.”)
11) Magolor's "Marx" outfit is "lovingly dedicated" to Marx.
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Okay, okay. This sudden seeming evidence of a deeper relationship between Marx and Magolor coming out of nowhere in Super Kirby Clash isn’t exactly what it says in the original. (Gotta say, for whatever reason the original line turned out this way, I unabashedly love this version of it!) 
Though I'd like to take this time to point out that there IS an interesting theory with decent evidence (in JP) that Shopkeeper Magolor in Super Kirby Clash is apparently Magolor from the main dimension, transported to the Dream Kingdom by some strange means...!
EDIT: Theory was apparently confirmed true in an issue of Nintendo Dream.
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<Screenshot from まるピンクのカービィ解説>
He's the only character to refer to Clash's Kirby as "Kirby of the Stars" - OUR Kirby’s nickname - and he makes a reference to his original villain speech, a reference no one but him could possibly get in this alternate fantasy world. (As you can see in the above tweet, Shopkeeper Magolor teasily mentions his ultimate goal in RtDL something that doesn’t mesh with his friendly, unassuming “shopkeeper” role in SKC.)
 Meanwhile, Marx doesn't make an appearance anywhere in Dream Kingdom, meaning the costume and the jester's exploits the costume speaks of may be Magolor bringing information about Marx from the main timeline into the Dream Kingdom-verse. 
So... Magolor knows Marx’s story AND what he wished for.
12) This official clip promoting Dream Buffet shows them interacting
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Yet again, the two appear together in an official promo video. I heard it suggested this one could be "revenge" for the Super Kirby Clash clip, as it’s “Magolor’s” turn to interrupt “Marx” feasting on strawberries. This seems to imply that when they can't find other characters to troll, the two troll each other!
13) Lastly, the towers of Castle Magolor/MagoLand resemble Marx’s Wings
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I initially thought that more of the castle’s design could be a reference to Marx, such as the shapes on the tower body resembling those on his hat, but as higher res pictures of the boxart have come out, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. (There is a blue and red spot near the entrance that has a sun symbol on it. No telling if there’s another tower with a moon symbol...)
But we can see the colorful tiles much more clearly, and they and the flags do bear the same rainbow pattern as Marx’s wings are shown to have in his official art, a pattern that Magolor otherwise has no relation to.
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Will this coincidence lead to anything? ...I guess we’ll find out!
Phew! I do believe that's most all of it! You could also compare their attacks, which have some similarities, although that doesn’t say anything about them having met. Now, I may have missed some interactions elsewhere though, because as you can see, there are a few really obscure places where they show up as pair. 
(And there some that are so tenuous I didn’t think they counted, like the two of them having their Poyo Poyo Cushions announced together, or both being on the “villain” side in the Kirby werewolf board game. There’s also some of the Star Allies celebration pictures and other group pics that have both of them, sometimes even in proximity to each other, but I left those out since the concept of the Dream Friends blurs the line of who knows who somewhat.
Only mildly related, there’s also this clip from a Nico Video stream about Kirby Clash that says nothing at all official about the two of them, but is completely hilarious as two men on the right come to the awkward realization that Marx and Magolor’s plushies have fallen down in a very “suggestive” manner and how are they going to adjust them without drawing more attention to it.)
...And there you go! They’re hardly inseparable (as the above video shows, they’re VERY separable! XD )  but seeing them hanging out causing trouble together is a strangely common sight. Whether or not they knew each other in the past, it’s safe to say they “know” each other now.
Here’s hoping that these two villains with a history stretching back for over a decade will someday enact their lovable mischief together on the same screen!!
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keysimash · 3 years
Some bonus fun facts about my interpretation of Magolor. Tw for body injury and drug use
His gloves are the kind of gloves that fold back and button the fold-back part if you want to briefly use your fingers, but for precise work he takes them off all the way
The declawed thing is inspired by how declawing affects real cats. Look at your fingers. Mentally remove everything past your last knuckle. Those are Magolor's fingers. His thumb is still intact because Halcandrans don't have claws on their thumbs
The palms of his hands are pinkish and soft and squishy (his left at least. His right is scarred), while the backs are covered in a silky-soft brown fur (except for where he has the symbol for 'forgetting' on the back of his hand)
It's also inspired by Magolor soul. Look at his hands. The fingertips are black, void. Missing.
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Sometimes magic requires blood for a spell. Magolor always uses his right hand or his right side for this, since he's left-handed. His right side also has a burn scar he often draws blood from, because there's a long-deactivated rune there that was put against his will. He hates this thing and will take any opportunity to further destroy it.
The first spell he ever learned was shield. He's really good at shields. He learned to cast before he learned to talk.
His mother was his only parent. She was a strict teacher who instilled in Magolor a strong desire for survival and power. She was alive before the Fall of Halcandra, when it went from bustling space-faring civilization on multiple planets to apocolyptic, deserted desert ruins. Despite there being less than a thousand functional starships on the whole planet, she made Magolor memorize more than enough math and science to possibly repair and escape with one.
Magolor is indeed a nerd. He's got his times tables and periodic tables and body systems and laws of movement and more all memorized.
Indeed, he is also a cat. He can purr, but more often he purrs out of stress, injury or being high than genuine happiness and peace.
Obligate carnivore. Occasionally illegally hunts nonsentients or kills people's livestock. Can break down a body in an hour if pressed for time
He's also a piece-of-shit stoner /j
Fr tho he is often high to either manage pain from constantly overworking himself or because he's bored and/or lonely
Smoking isn't AS bad for him as most because Halcandran lungs are designed to handle smoke, but it still isn't great he does it so often
He can't really get drunk because his healing ability is so efficient. He does like the taste of wine, though, esp mixed with blood
He doesn't really take good care of himself because he still has eight lives
Also yes, as a Halcandran he got nine lives at birth. He died once already when kirby killed him while wearing the master crown
His cheeks and head have scent glands like a cat. Pet those and he would probably melt purring, if he didn't kill you first.
Touch starved enough to get a contact high from like, a cashier giving back his change at a store
Touch starved enough that he lets Marx pick fights with him because even the contact of someone pushing him into the dirt or nearly breaking his fingers is better than nothing
Can make himself cry at will and stop crying at will
Does the second one a lot, but it only works when there's people around
OBSESSED wi th starships
Like could talk for hours about the different models and companies that make them and the pros and cons of each and weird little design flaws and how they are used on different trading routes and
talks to himself sometimes because there's nobody else around. But only in his head, not out loud
Might fuck around n add more later idk
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ceradenja · 3 years
Magolor backstory
Heads up I'm very much pulling stuff out of my hat, it's just how I've filled the gaps and put the pieces together. Also contains Taranzolor a little at the end.
Halcandra starts off as a mostly volcanic area. The largest civilization are knowns as Halcandrans, a highly magical species. The biggest cities reside in Egg Engines, which isn't nearly as highly-mechanized as it is nowdays. A lot of the mechanics work off of Magic.
Magolor is born around 15 years before the events of RTDL. He's a feisty little kid, with a competitive attitude and a love for pranks. He's not a bad kid, though he is a bit of a compulsive liar in order to protect himself.
Some time after, Haltmann Works Company begin the Mechanizing Occupation Project. They work slow at first, due to the extreme heat of Halcandra, so they make false promises and keep on the good side of the Halcandrans. The project divides the people in two groups; those who welcome the mechanizing and those who do not. Magolor grows up to be very interested in science and mechanics, hence gaining knowledge of ancient mechanical artifacts and how to work them. One day he meets a traveler from afar. The jester introduces himself as Marx, and Magolor is very intriqued by his stories about Dreamland, and Kirby. He decides he wants to meet Kirby someday. Marx departs, hoping that they could meet again some day.
Eventually as HWC adapts their hardware to the climate, they ramp up the mechanization. Now threathening the dwindling amount of defiant Halcandrans to comply with their wishes or be mechanized themselves. Magolor, thrown into his studies learns to distrust the company and wants them to stop what they're doing to his planet. He is frustrated that their "so called Guardian" Landia isn't doing anything to stop the invaders, so he conjures up his own plan.
He steals the ancient warship Lor Starcutter he'd always admired, and readies it against Landia to obtain the Master Crown for himself. He hopes that with it's power, he can drive away HWC from his planet and return things to how they used to be. Things don't turn out how he'd like them to, and Landia swiftly shoots down the ship. Magolor makes his escape into Dreamland, and quickly spins Kirby a story about the "evil dragon". He had a plan to escape into Dreamland if things turned south, but hadn't prepared to recruit the help of Kirby and his friends. His words surprise even himself. He doesn't know it yet, but the Master Crown has imprinted it's call onto him. Driving him towards itself, and slowly corrupting his drive.
Meanwhile on Halcandra Landia, now awake and furious, drives not only the invading HWC from the planet but also the Halcandrans due to one of them daring to defy her authority. After her rampage, Halcandra is left in it's current state. Halfway between mechanized and natural and mostly deserted.
Once Magolor returns to Halcandra with Kirby and co. in tow, he is faced with a far more quiet planet than before. He stays back in in the Starcutter, not only for fear of Landia, but also to reflect. Coming so much closer to the Crown makes it wrap it's hold tighter onto him. He wants revenge. Landia has destroyed his home, and evicted his people. This wouldn't have happened if he had the Crown. He could have saved Halcandra. If he was in power nothing like this would have happened here. So he urges Kirby to continue on. Defeat Landia, get the Crown.
Landia is beat and Magolor obtains the crown, which further twists his intentions. Fueled by his loss of his people and his home, he claims ownership over everything. The Master Crown's explosive power transforms his body to resemble what an old, powerful and awakened Halcandran would look like.
After failing to take Kirby down with the Starcutter, he fights Kirby himself. After one final blow, he falls unconcious. The Master Crown finally takes full control. It digs it's claws further into his head and transforms him into it's own twisted image. Kirby fights once more, and the crown's power is neutralized, for now. Magolor is shifted back into his usual self, before the crown seemingly breaks.
He is teleported into the Lor Starcutter, who has taken control of herself, and is saved from the collapsing dimension. He remains unconsious for days, the Crown having drained all magic from his body. Once he wakes, he can do nothing more than speak. Even moving his hands uses magical energy, so he rests, shifting between unnerving sleep and wakefulness. Lor lectures him over his terrible desicions, but also offers sympathy. She knows about the Crown's terrible power and knows that while Magolor made the initial reach for it, allowing it to corrupt his mind, he was powerless to stop himself once the Crown's seed was implanted. Magolor realizes that it's his actions that drove his people off Halcandra, and expresses remorse. Lor explains that she's had sentience since the beginning, but hasn't spoken to him previously because she was watching his actions. She decided that while taking matters into his own hands was foolish and selfish, his original intentions were not evil. Thus, she decided to save him and see whether he'd learned his lesson.
Magolor took time to recover, both physically and mentally. He is left with distinct scars on his head from where the crown dug into him. He is also plagued by nightmares of the crown's vision of him and what he's caused. During this time, he also builds his bond with Lor Starcutter and gains her trust.
Once Lor Starcutter deems him ready, she pushes him to go and apologize to everyone his actions had affected. Starting with Landia herself. Magolor is anxious to do so, but Lor lets him know that Landia knows they're coming. Magolor makes it to her lair, and offers his apology. While she accepts it, she cannot yet forgive him and urges him to find a new place to call home. Magolor tells her this stopped being his home once he'd taken flight. He departs Halcandra, and makes his way to Dreamland.
Magolor feels too anxious to just walk up to Kirby and apologise, knowing his power, so he adapts a disguise and builds him a theme park. He hopes that this gift warms him up enough to accept his apology, or at least distract him enough for him to get his explanation in. Once construction is complete, he sends Kirby and his friends an invitation and waits. To his surprise, Kirby forgives him near instantly and is very happy about the park. The three other friends are more wary. They keep watch on the mage, and while he adapts a chipper attitude and plays a little dirty during races with Kirby he doesn't seem to cause real trouble. Eventually Bandee and King Dedede warm up to him too, and while Meta Knight seems to have put the events behind he still keeps a secret eye out on Magolor just to make sure he keeps in line.
Magolor adapts a semi-nomadic lifestyle for the following years. He travels dimensions to explore, see new things and hone his craft as he's decided building theme parks was quite fun actually. He returns to Dreamland pretty often though, since Kirby made him promise to come back and he cant help but to be drawn to the usually peaceful planet.
When Hyness and his priestesses arrive on Pop Star, he's once more called in by Kirby. Now given the title of Dream Friend, which is something he's extremely moved to recieve. He meets up with the rest of his "team", being Susie and Taranza. He is pretty shocked to find out Susie's connection with Haltmann, and though it first causes friction between them, they are able to work it out with some help from both Kirby and Taranza. Magolor learns truths about HWC, and how things went down when they invaded Dreamland. He wants to say they deserved it, but manages to keep his tongue to himself. He learns to appreciate Susie for what she is, and leave the past behind. While they aren't best friends, or good friends really, they can tolerate eachother.
After Void has been defeated, Magolor stays more and more in Dreamland. He still travels, but his travels grow shorter and more infrequent. In little time he stays back most of the time and learns to call Dreamland his new home.
Magolor and Taranza grow closer, as the peaceful years continue. They bond over the fact they don't feel welcome with their original home, and how they were both put in their place by Kirby. Eventually they both find themselves falling for one another. Taranza having finally gotten over the loss of Sectonia with the help of Kirby and his dream friends.
They end up dating, and as the years roll by go on to marry eachother and live happily. They adopt a stray Sphere Doomer at some point too.
And if you read this far I honestly applaud you. Thank you very much and I hope you didn't find it terrible!
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Kirby: Rescue the Friend in the Great Labyrinth! Chapter 3
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“Geez, I’m so miffed! Claycia is such a blockhead-!!” Together with that shout, something came flying. As if aimed precisely, the object flew straight in midair and hit the face of King Dedede, who tumbled out from the mirror. “......!” The king fell over without a word.
What came flying was a lump of clay, which flew into the king’s mouth. “Huh......?” The person who threw the clay looked down at the king with a shocked look. It was a small fairy with transparent wings. Her pointy hair is dyed in pretty colors such as blue and orange. The clothes that she is wearing are in an eye-catchingly vivid pink. Following the king, Kirby jumps out of the mirror and shouts aloud once he sees the small fairy. “Ah, Elline!? It’s Elline!” “Huh......? Kirby!?” The fairy was pop-eyed in wonder.
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This colorful fairy, Elline, is one of Kirby’s friends. She sought for Kirby’s help when she was dragged into a certain incident before, where they then embarked on an adventure together. Staring in the order of overturned King Dedede and Kirby, Elline inclined her neck to the side. “......What happened? Why did you guys come from the mirror......?” Before she could finish her sentence, Magolor, Meta Knight, and Waddle Dee tumbled out of the mirror one by one. Elline was a loss for words in surprise. Kirby said. “Why’re you here, Elline? Did you also get lost in the Great Labyrinth?” “The Great Labyrinth? What do you mean?” “I mean the Great Labyrinth of the Mirror......” Said Kirby while looking around. They were in a small room. Stylish furniture like tables and chairs are laid, but they’re all miniature sized. Simply put, just the right size for Elline. “Where am I......?” “What are you saying? It’s my room, of course.” “......Huh? Isn’t this within the Great Labyrinth......?” Kirby blinked several times. Elline inclined her head with a confused look. “You’re saying funny things. What happened exactly? Out of nowhere, you scared me from tumbling out from the mirror!” “The mirror......” Kirby approached the mirror hanging on the wall. It was a large mirror with neatly crafted edges. It’s design is similar to the mirror that Kirby and the others jumped into in the cave. “The Great Labyrinth also appears to have mirrors that lead to a different world. The mirror that we went through happened to be connected to here.” Said Meta Knight. “I bought this mirror from an antique shop a few days ago.” Elline explained. “Claycia took a liking to it from just a glance. She said that she can feel a strange power from it. Since Claycia’s an amazing artist, she can see right through the hidden power of the objects!” After saying proudly, Elline restated as though she realized something. “W-Well, although her personality is the worst. For all the talent that she has, I can’t stand that blockhead anymore!” Elline raised her voice so high for her small body. She had a look menacing enough for Kirby and the rest to recoil. Kirby asked, his eyes blinking. “What’s wrong, Elline? Did you have an argument with Claycia?” “It wasn’t just an argument. Hear me out, Kirby......!” Dedede however rose up abruptly before Elline could start speaking. Spitting out the clay blocking his mouth with an incredible force, the king roared at Elline. “What the devil were you doing, you roughneck! You chowderhead, throw food at me if you’re gonna throw something!” “Oh my, I’m sorry. You would be......King Dododo?” “It’s King Dedede!!!! You dare to mistake the name of me, the great ruler of Dream Land, you moron!? Unforgivable!!!” “Sorry, my bad.” Dodging the king trying to grab at her, Elline flew up and stuck her tongue out. “Ehehe, my mistake. Having said that, Kirby, I haven’t met you since the incident in Seventopia, right?!” “Yup......hey, Elline, why are you arguing with Claycia? Don’t tell me that it's the same as last time......” Kirby became worried, recalling the incident before. As a friend of Elline, Claycia is an artist with wonderful talents. However, she was controlled by a wicked being and threw Dream Land into crisis before. Elline shook her head. “That’s not it......I think.” “You think?” “I can’t sense any wicked presence from her like last time. It’s just that......only......” Elline seemed upset, as though having remembered something. “At any rate, she’s really crabby! I don’t like her attitude at all!” “Huh......?” “She doesn’t reply even when I try to talk to her. I thought she might not have heard me, where she yelled “Be quiet!” when I tried to talk to her multiple times. Even just now, I bought some snacks to eat together, but she turned her back to me and said “I’m not in the mood for eating.”” “Huh!!!!??” Trembling all of a sudden, Kirby had a serious look. “S-She’s not in the mood for eating snacks......!? That’s not possible! This is terrible! Claycia is suffering from a serious disease!” “......Well, I guess that might be for Kirby.” Elline regained her composure. “Being an artist, Claycia has some whimsyness to her. She’s been like that ever since......but she’s going too far this time!” “......Really......?” “I’ve never seen her so awful like that. I would understand if she is possessed by an evil spirit, where I would just need to drive away that fiend. But it’s different this time......” She squeezes both her hands and shouts in frustration. “That’s her nature by birth! She’s selfish, unkind, and cold-blooded! I’m not gonna be friends with her anymore!” “Huuh!?” “I’m not living with her anymore! I’ve decided to leave this house. I really hate Claycia!”
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Hearing her words, Kirby became heartbroken as if that was his case. Even Kirby argues with his friends. He bickered and became offish with Waddle Dee over trivial things before. But they would make up right away each time. Kirby and Waddle Dee would both have things to apologize to each other. But it’s definitely heartbreaking and lonely to argue with your beloved friend. Since it’s heart-wrenching that they’d never be able to hang out or speak to each other ever again. “Elline......” It was when Kirby tried to walk up to her. A loud laughter reverberated out of nowhere. It’s King Dedede. “Wahahahaha! What a boring story!” “What did you just say?” Elline looked at the king with an indignant look. “Seeing how good-for-nothing they are, something like friends could only make you worry. Look at me. I, the great king, have loads of subordinates, where I don’t have something so bothersome as a friend!” “......Don’t brag about that.” “You chump should also discard something so worthless as a friend pronto. Watch and learn from me.” “T......They aren’t worthless. Friends are really important!” To Elline talking back on impulse, Kirby agreed. “That’s right! Friends are really important! Hey, you think so too, right, Magolor?” Magolor turned around dazedly, having been called all of a sudden. “Huh? What are you talking about?” “You too think that friends are more important than anything, right? You would do anything for a friend, wouldn't you?” “......Eh......?” Magolor was nonplussed. Which isn’t surprising, seeing how he was wandering off in tedium without listening to what she was saying at all. Still, seeing Kirby’s serious look, Magolor nodded in a hurry. “Of course! Friends are very precious! I value friends more than my life!” “See, even Magolor says so. It’d be better to patch things up with Claycia.” “......” Elline shook her head with an obstinate look. “That’s different from this.” “It’s not! Claycia is your best friend, isn’t she? It’d be painful to break up from an argument!” “......” “Hey, Elline.” Seeing Kirby’s expression, Elline was down in the mouth. “......You’re right about that. But......with that attitude of hers, I can’t do anything no matter how badly I want to reconcile. She wouldn’t even talk to me.” “Then I’ll hear from Claycia!” Said Kirby eagerly. “I’ll ask why she’s acting so cold towards you. You’ll be able to make up by doing that, right?” “Kirby......” Elline shook her head. “Thanks. But that won’t work. Claycia won’t say anything.” “I won’t know that unless I try asking her! Where is she right now?” “......She’s shut herself in the. She gets really angry if you bother her.” “It’s fine even if she gets angry! I’ll be back!” Kirby dashed out of the room in full speed. “Ah, Kirby......” He was gone by the time Waddle Dee tried to call out to him. Waddle Dee turned to King Dedede with a look of relief. “Now that’s His Highness. What a wonderful idea it was to say that on purpose and move her heart!” “Well, duh. I only say the finest words! Friends are only a nuisance!” “Wha......” The smile disappeared from Waddle Dee’s face. The king was only speaking his true feelings, not for Elline. With doubtful eyes, the king looked at the dispirited Waddle Dee. “You wouldn’t have friends, would you, Waddle Dee? Friends are banned in Castle Dedede. I won’t forgive you if you happen to make friends without my knowing.” “Ah......uhh......erm......” Waddle Dee’s face froze. Meta Knight was the one to come to his rescue. “Aside from that, let’s go to Claycia’s workshop as well. I’m concerned about the fact that she became cold so suddenly.” “Sir......?” “It’d be troublesome if Claycia happened to be under someone’s control. We’ll go to check her out.” Meta Knight turned his cape over. Seeing him, King Dedede appears to be struck with an idea. He turns back to Elline. “Yo, Vaccine-something gal.” “It’s Elline!” “You claim that friends are very important, huh?” “Y-Yeah. Friends are more important than anything!” “Hmph, what a fool. But if it’s really that precious, why not I have you two reconcile?” “......Eh?” Elline was in a daze from such an unexpected offer. “Prepare something for me in return. Foods, that is! Meats are my favorite. The more the better!” “H-Hold on a sec......it might get complicated if you were to butt in. It’d be more comfortable to leave it to Kirby......” “You can make yourself comfortable, sure. This King Dedede will solve everything!” Dedede swaggered and left the room. Waddle Dee tried to follow the king, but Magolor murmured behind him. “It'd be better to leave others to themselves......what a waste of time......” Waddle Dee paused and turned around. “It’s not a waste of time.” Offended by Magolor’s words, he talked back at last. “What Kirby is doing isn’t a waste at all. This drop-in must be important as well.” “Humph......I don’t know about that.” Pouring scorn on him, Magolor left the room without delay.
Knocking on the workshop, Kirby shouted out loud. “Hello, Claycia! It’s me, Kirby! Open up!” No answer. Kirby knocked on the door more and more forcefully. “It’s Kirby! I have something to say. Hey, open up already!” Again and again, he continued knocking on the door, where a response came at last. The door bursts open and Claycia comes out. Her beautiful light blue hair and stylish beret are her trademark. She however looked to be in an awfully bad mood. Claycia shouted with a voice as though a bell is ringing. “Quieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! How could you make a hullabaloo when someone is in the middle of her creative work, you moron!?” Kirby leaped at Claycia in joy. “Hi, Claycia! Long time no see! How’s everything?” “Hmm? Who were you again?” “You forgot? How awful of you; it’s me, Kirby!”
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”Kirby......I feel like I remember it maybe.” Claycia folded her arms and pondered. “I forget things not related to art right away. Especially right now, I don’t want to think about unnecessary things. I want to focus on my creative work.” “Creamy pork? Whoa, sounds yummy! I wanna focus too-!!” “What are you yapping about? I can’t understand any words aside from artistic ones.” Right as they were about to argue, Meta Knight came around. King Dedede, Waddle Dee, and Magolor are here as well. Claycia turned her eyes. “What is it? Just what brings you people to my workshop......” “Hey, Claycia, I want you to patch things up with Elline.” Said Kirby. Claycia looked down at Kirby with a curious look. “Patch things up? Wouldn’t you need to argue first to reconcile? I don’t argue with Elline.” “Huh!? But Elline’s feeling blue. She says that you turned cold all of a sudden.” “I’m not cold towards her. I don’t even see her these days from focusing on my work.” “Huh? That’s weird. Even when she tried to talk to you, you ignored her and shouted at her to be quiet, right? You refused even when she asked you to eat snacks together.” “Did I? I can’t conversate normally whenever I focus on my artistic work. My head gets filled with nothing but art, you see.” “......Hmm,” Meta Knight was the one to murmur. “I feared that she might’ve been possessed by an evil being, but that doesn’t seem to be the worry. Looks like she’s just an artist.” Hearing his words, Claycia raised her eyes. “Hold on here! I can’t let that pass! What’d you mean by just an artist? I’m Claycia, the supreme artist blessed with an extraordinary talent. Correct yourself!” “Huh, my apologies.” Apologizing quickly, Meta Knight said to Kirby. “There was no need to worry. Let’s tell Elline that Claycia is only focusing on her work of art, and has no ill will.” “Gotcha!” Agrees Kirby, but King Dedede interjects. “Hold it, ya’ll. You can’t.” “Huh? What can’t?” “I can’t be thanked if it's resolved that easily.” Pushing Kirby and Meta Knight aside, King Dedede stepped before Claycia. He lowers his voice and whispers in a gloomy voice. “Tell you what......Elline has been bad-mouthing you chum. Things like how Claycia is selfish, crabby, and so cold like a fridge......” “S-Sire......” Waddle Dee clung to Dedede in a panic. “Please stop. Why are you trying to have the pair argue......” “Isn’t it obvious? Only when argument is roused will reconciliation also be stirred up. If I were to resolve it after it turns into a huge dispute, Elline won’t be able to thank me enough. Can’t wait for the top quality steak in return!” King Dedede licked his chops with a spellbound look. Waddle Dee tried to calm Claycia in a dither. “T-That’s not true, Ms. Claycia. Elline didn’t say anything bad about you. She only has the wrong idea about you, and......” However: Claycia didn’t listen to what he said in the slightest. As though in awe, she said as she nodded several times. “That’s what I expected from Elline. She really doesn’t understand me.” “......Huh?” “I have to be selfish and cold to be an artist. I can’t call myself an artist unless I continue to embrace the darkness of solitude!” Shutting her eyes, Claycia held both her shoulders tight with both her hands.. “I’m amazed at my own ingenuity. My heart is cold like a fridge, and dark like the inside of a closet! That’s what it means to be an artist! An average person cannot comprehend this genius mind!” “......Hmmmph,” Kirby looked up blankly at Claycia. “An artist sure sounds like trouble.” “Do return if you get it now. I was working on an unprecedented Super Miracle work of art.” “Super Miracle? What’s that?” Asked Kirby, but her expression changed suddenly. Her red, reddened from the excitement, suddenly turned pale. “That’s......that’s......” “That’s?” “AHHHHHHHH I CAN’T SAY ITTTTTTTTTTT! 'Cause I still can’t think of anything!”
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Clayca held her head and writhed in agony. Kirby was struck dumb and looked at Claycia. “You can’t think of......anything?” “Right. What I’m working on is a work of miracle that has never been seen before. It can’t be made that easily!” “I see, I get it now. You couldn’t make the work as you wanted, so you got your shirt out and were quick to take offense at Elline.” Said Meta Knight. “Please don’t summarize something that obvious. My troubles are different from an average person!” Clacia sighed in displeasure. “We’ll help you out, Claycia.” Said Kirby. “What did you say?” “If that Super Miracle is completed, you’ll get along and talk or eat snacks with Elline just like before, right? So I’ll give you a hand in making the Super Miracle!” “What are you saying; I don’t understand.” Claycia shook her head. “My work of art don’t need no help. Not even the god of art can lend me a hand in my work of art......for I am a true genius......hey! Hold it! Don’t go in my workshop as you like!” Kirby went inside her workshop without even bothering to listen to her words. While Claycia goes after him to turn him out, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and the others go inside the workshop as well.
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phoebelovingcare · 4 years
“I’d like to introduce you to my religion”
Jambandran religion headcanons. Oh boy. Time to invent a whole religion.
There is, actually, a wiki page on the jambandran religion! It says a lot of things. I might ignore most of them.
So, the wiki says that Hyness “founded” the religion, but Hyness’ wiki page kinda half-contradicts that???? so screw that I’ll do it my way.
Alright, so!
Jambandran is a type of halcandran clan, magic-focused and religious specifically. They worship Astrals (kirby’s species) and Dark Matter!
When wars started breaking out in ancient times, it was in part due to astrals and dark matter being harnessed for the forwarding of Halcandran magic and technology: The Master Crown uses the soul of a never-born astral to power it, and clockwork stars require star power to function, which is what astrals are born of.
This created a serious conflict between the Jambandrans and the other clans, eventually resulting in the exile of Jambandrans from Halcandra, and banning the practice of the religion.
And that’s enough clearing up backstory lets get into some fun headcanons huh? or should i say juh
10 is considered to be a holy number, unlike all other halcandran religions and beliefs where it is 9. Because faelynes have 9 lives, 10 is usually considered unlucky because by that point you’ve run out of chances. In Jamba beliefs, however, 10 is respected as an end goal, use of it generally implies “live your life to the fullest” and “remember the dead”. jambandrans would love unnus annus now that I think about it Anyways, if you didn’t notice the second I said it, J is the tenth letter of the alphabet. Surprise!
Jambandran language features the letter J so often because of this. Adding “ja” to a word increases it’s importance or intensity, “jam” is added to more foreign words to imply it’s been accepted into their vocabulary, and you can find instances of J in many places to indicate respect... but never in names.
You’ll never find a Jambandran with a J in their name, because that’s considered blasphemous. If you think you hear a J, it’s probably a G instead. To name yourself with a J implies that you’re on the same level as the gods, and like wow how narcissistic of you, damn.
Okay so with the fun facts out of the way let’s get into ~religious practices~
Astrals are born of starlight and emotions/morals, the emotion you provide them with before they’re born determines many things about them. Kirby’s born of love, Meta Knight’s born of justice, for example. If you provide them with negative emotions, you’ll form a Dark Matter instead.
So Jambandrans are all about mental health! Kinda!
Jamba beliefs focus on how emotions impact others and yourself, on self-introspection and improvement. A good preacher acts as a group therapist almost, and promotes self care. A bad preacher is purity and cancel culture wrapped up in some jambandran garb.
I’m having trouble explaining the “pathing” part in my head so I’m gonna explain it this way:
Francisca has chosen a path of self-expression, making art as a way to show her thoughts and uplift others. She has trouble talking to people, so it helps to have a subject to talk about - if she has a serious problem, she might make a piece of vent art and go to her sisters with it.
Flamberge has chosen a laid-back path, carefully managing work and play. Being super professional stresses her out, so she balances and works out when she should be serious and when she can chill out, making her more relaxed and outgoing.
Zan Partizanne has chosen a path of self-improvement, and it’s actually not the best choice. Or it least, it was a while ago, but now she needs to slow it down and change focus. Zan works very hard and strives to work harder to improve on the lives of her sisters and Hyness - but this disturbs the balance of care-for-self and care-for-others, because she’s working herself down to the bone to get things done.
So that’s paths of improvement.
Onto the next practice: journaling!
Jambandrans keep diaries!
The objective is to write down your thoughts and experiences, and then as you grow and mature, look back on them to see how you’ve improved, or how you can improve in the future. The side-effect of this is that Jambandrans keep super-cute diaries, tend to do lots of scrapbooking and adding little doodles and stickers and aaaAAAA CUTE-
*ahem* So yeah, those are their ideals. As for sins? Basically just the opposite. Manipulating, baiting, gaslighting, all those nasty things are considered damn-near irredeemable, and this is a culture about improvement and redemption. Of course, since they’re about redemption they still allow people room to improve, but Marx and Magolor get some serious eyebrow raises from the mages.
I have so much more to get into - prayers & hymns, holidays, etc etc, but this is getting REALLY REALLY LONG, so here’s the absolute basics;
-Hymns are generally a team-building exercise, with everyone working together to express themselves in a beautiful way -Prayers are directed at potential Astrals! They tell them things they’ve learned and their hopes and dreams in hopes that the astral will be born of emotional maturity and love! -The only holidays I have fleshed out are New Years, which is basically just the concept of resolutions magnified, and The Day of Lights! -The Day of Lights comes from a story of some not-very-well-off jambandrans stranded in space, when they come across a nebula trying to become an Astral - it’s dark like a storm cloud. They enter the cloud and pray, offering love and hope to the Astral until it becomes a beautiful aurora of color, using it’s energy to heal the sick and injured and repair their ship. Nowadays it is celebrated by wearing bright colors, helping those who need it and spreading love and joy wherever you go.
So there you have it! Jambandran Religion! Sorry it’s so long winded, but I consider this piece of the world well-built now! Hooray!
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Physics in Another Dimension: An Essay About Halcandran Wayfinding by Mod Susie
*clears throat*
I know a lot about space. I’ve been interested in space for aaabout as long as I can remember, and learning about it is where I get most of my physics lessons. I’m decent enough at the game Kerbal Space Program, which is literally a game about rocket science so hard it’s practically not a game, and I’m a sucker for science fiction.
As long as they don’t lean too hard on the fiction thing.
That being said, Kirby flies around at what must be lightspeed on a star barely 4 times as big as he is with no cockpit.
I’ve already gone through all the stages of grief, and have decided to cope with this by saying “there’s an atmosphere in space and also fuck gravity as a concept”.
And then I decided to better my coping mechanism by inventing my own physics. This is a long one, go get some popcorn.
So, if there’s air in space, and some kind of gravity, then there might be wind! That explains the wings on the Halberd and the Lor, plus the sails on the Lor too, but more on that later.
I was recently inspired, however. See, I’d pictured a scenario where Magolor accompanies the group to fight the Grand Doomer in RTDL, and I’d pictured a cute little scene where after the fight, he shows Kirby a little wayfinding trick and shows them that he knows exactly where they are in Another Dimension, by using the stars (checking what angle he’s looking at a constellation at), space-cardinal direction (by looking at the direction the weird tubey-net-geometric thing is flowing), and faint Another Dimension structures in the area, he shows them that, if they were sailing in Another Dimension, he’d be able to find this exact spot.
And then I thought about it more.
I added on to that scenario: “no idea how this happens but like, half the cast is trapped in Another Dimension, and luckily Magolor is with them. Because he knows where that spot in Nutty Noon is, not only can he get them back to the dimension Popstar’s in, but he can get them ON POPSTAR.”
Let’s backtrack a bit.
In KSP, the game I mentioned earlier, there are... many bugs.
It’s gotten a little better nowadays, since the games in version 1.10, but in all the beta versions it got a little crazy.
And one of my favorite youtubers at the time was someone who spent all their time finding bugs in the game and having fun with them.
His name’s Danny2462, and he made a discovery back in 2014 that I THINK might still be in the game. And that is the Phantom Forces Glitch.
Basically, at some point he’d made something out of the air-intake pieces you use to build planes in that game that, for some reason, was skipping across the water in a very not-physically-possible way, and decided to try and build a boat using this glitch.
Putting a seat on it so he could put an astronaut on it didn’t work, so he used a ladder for them to hold onto and therein lies the glitch.
When he made them climb to the top of the ladder (which was the side of his air-intake boat), the boat started moving.
By itself, completely unprompted, no engine. He could even steer the thing!
Basically the game decided that the astronaut was pushing the boat, while riding the boat.
If this worked in real life, you could grab your waistband, lift, and then you’d start flying because you were lifting yourself. “Pick yourself up by the bootstraps” taken extremely literally.
He named this the Phantom Force Drive.
Back to Kirby.
I’ve decided that the way Halcandran Rafts work, you will need the following:
2 wings 1 sail the actual base of the raft an oar for the Halcandran to hold a Halcandran something pointy on the front
Using this you can sail.
1: The sail and wings are like the air intakes, and they also use the wind/current to change directions and maintain a speed. 2: Everything has to be connected together in some way, so you still need the raft part of the raft. A hangglider won’t do. 3: The oar is to help the Halcandran steer, by pushing it out past the length of the raft they can shift the airflow and do things like turn. It also has one other important use... 4: Halcandrans float. They float depending on the gravity around them, always off of the surface they’re on top of. They apply the same amount of force downwards, of course, because *~physics~*. 5: We’ll get to the pointy bit later. You could also replace it with magic, though.
So, you put your Halcandran on your raft. Doesn’t matter how makeshift or complicated the raft is. It’s pushing down against it via floaty magic... but.
If the Halcandran leans against the sail, the raft will float.
The wind will pick it up by the wings and sail, and the Halcandran’s floaty magic is pushing the thing like an engine.
Fuck you, physics.
Now, let’s get back to the pointy bit. Any of ya’ll seen Star Vs.? The ending totally sucked, right?! Staying on topic, if you haven’t, don’t there’s a thing there called Dimensional Scissors. It’s one of  the only good things about the show a little magical artifact in the form of a pair of scissors. You open the scissors, hold them out in front of you, then drag them down to tear a hole in time and space, and can go to different dimensions using them. No shade to those who like Star Vs., i did watch the whole thing after all
You know those previously-mentioned geometric net tubey thingies? I’ve decided those are like currents, and you go REAL FAST in em.
I’ve also decided that they’re rifts.
If you go into one, you can use something sharp to temporarily tear it open, and if you do this in the right place at the right time, you’ll end up in a different dimension, depending on where and when you are.
A good example of this is actually in RTDL: Hal never explained why Another Dimension seems to collapse after the Magolor fight, but you can still go there in Star Allies and everything looks fine.
What you’re looking at is Magolor’s spell fading, meaning the rift he created is falling apart around you. Thank you Lor for reopening the thing.
So, because Magolor tracked the stars in the Nutty Noon rift (in the scenario, remember the scenario? it’s been 27 paragraphs since then, time flies), he can actually find that same rift in another dimension using a makeshift raft, use something sharp to cut into it, and land on the sky tower.
If you actually read all this, thanks, I tried to make this sciency rant as funny as possible so it was bearable, (sorry for making fun of Star Vs/ sorry for mentioning Star Vs depending on where you stand), I’ve dedicated so much time to thinking about blue and gold and brown space cats that live in another dimension and I Need To Scream.
Yours truly,
Mod Susie.
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