#White Collar tv series
zanephillips · 5 months
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Matt Bomer as Neal Caffrey White Collar 5.09 "No Good Deed"
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White Collar (TV Series) S2/E2 ’Need to Know’ (2010) Michael Mulheren
Mulheren would be perfect for a angry daddy fuck.
[photoset #2 of 2]
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Ya know... when I think about some of the shows that have captured my heart in the past (and which character dynamics I've rooted for) it makes sense why I fell so hard for the Loki series. Oh.
Damn, I thought I was more original than this.
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cherryhighland · 1 year
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And loads of people agree,
It’s time your brains all learn about electricity!
Human design for the electricity teacher/Electracey from dhmis!
Before I knew the actual/fandom name I actually named her Elektra c: The first outfit is very inspired by her electric guitar shredding scene, and the second is more inspired by actual electrical worker attire!
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duckzz · 2 years
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self-care is stargazing with your found family after going through a bunch of traumatic events <3
based on the last chapter of this absolute masterpiece
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nishka-s · 1 year
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whatsagirltoblogabout · 10 months
5.13 - banger finale.
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momentofch-aos · 2 years
Share ten different favourite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag/send to ten people (anon or not).
thanks for the tag @stilltryingtowrite (sorry it took me so long)
including gifs because i use them like a personality trait!
Jemma Simmons - Agents of Shield
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Edwin Jarvis - Agent Carter
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Kate Bishop - MCU
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Kate Beckett - Castle
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Peter B. Parker - Into the Spiderverse
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Robin Scherbatsky - How I Met Your Mother
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Nick Miller - New Girl
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Mia Thermopolis - The Princess Diaries
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Neal Caffrey - White Collar
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Penny Hofstadter - The Big Bang Theory
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not tagging as im about 3 weeks behind, but feel free to join in!
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empathybeta · 10 months
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Ch 1 Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders
Series: Phobia series
Pairings: Wanda x R
Word count: 997 WORDS
Summary: Clint gets a pet spider plays a prank thats not very funny. Wanda comforts you and Nat is there as well.
TW: spiders, panic attacks, getting locked in a room.
A/n new series
He just had to buy one didn’t he. Stupid idiot. I knew something was coming since i first reacted. It had been the morning of a perfectly fine Sunday. I had my regular bowl of cereal and a glass of juice. I was going to go sit where i sit every Sunday morning but when I entered the room and saw Clint holding the mother of all spiders i turned straight back around and went to my room instead. But not before I saw Clint shoot tony a sinister grin. That couldn’t be good.
It was a week later and the tower was quiet. Most people were sleeping in because for once there wasn’t much to do. Nat was training and Steve was out for his morning run. Tony was probably still in his lab and banner was probably with him.
Yawning you stretched out and threw your legs over the edge of the bed. Standing up you walked to the kitchen still in your Pjs. Putting on a pot of coffee you decided to have breakfast in your room so the sound of the living room TV didn’t wake anyone else up. When the coffee was done you poured yourself some and made a bowl of cereal. Picking it all up you made your way back to your room. It was almost nine am now so people would be getting up soon. As you passed the living room your brow furrowed as you spotted Clint and tony watching Tv. Those two never did anything good together. Hightailing it back to your room you shut the door with your foot and set the tray down the desk. Peeling back the sheets to get back into bed you froze. Sat on between the white sheets was a big hairy tarantula. Clints stupid spider. The scream you heard took you a minute to register as your own. Laughing broke out behind your door and you quickly crossed the room and jiggled the handle.
“Jarvis.” You said your breathing startling to speed up. “Jarvis open the door.”
“Im afraid Mr. Stark has initiated a code green lockdown of your quarters Ms L/n”
“Open the door now.” You said again. “Jarvis open the door.”
“Im afraid i cannot do that.” The AI responded. You began banging your fists on the door.
“Stark let me out. Let me out right now over your lab is gone by tomorrow.” You yelled.
“Calm down L/n jerry is great company. Give him a chance.” Clint said through the door. “We’ll give you two some alone time.”
“So help me Barton if you leave me here with that ball of fluff its gonna die.” You yelled.
“I cant hear you over all your bonding.” He called back and the footsteps retreated. You smacked your head against the door and let out a lounge frustrated scream sliding down the door. A moment later you heard hurried footsteps and a feminine voice call out.
“Y/n?! Are you ok?” It was Wanda. You cried in relief.
“Wanda please let me out.” You begged.
“Y/n/n the doors stuck. Hold on stand back I’m going to use my magic to break it down.” She said and you stepped away from the door and the bed at the same time. A moment later the door flew open and you threw yourself into Wanda’s arms. She grunted in response before wrapping her arms around you not expecting to be met with such force.
When she felt the collar of her pyjamas start to get soaked and small sobs wrack your body she carefully pulled you away her hands on your shoulders while she looked into your eyes.
“Y/n/n honey whats wrong?” She said softly. You shook your head and placed your forehead against hers signalling for her to read your mind before your buried your face in her collar again. Wanda wrapped her arms around you again and the two of you sunk to the floor of the hallway. Wandas back against the wall opposite your room.
“Do you want me to look in here?” She asked tapping your head and you nodded not removing yourself from her neck.
“Ok baby hold on to me and take some deep breathes it’ll be ok my sweet.” She said and began shifting through your memories of that morning. When she was done she was furious and held you even tighter. She knew how much you hated spiders and what Clint and tony had done wasn’t funny at all.
It was at this moment that the elevator dinged and you stiffened thinking it was the boys again. Wanda held you tighter and whispered in you ear.
“Its ok honey its just natty.” She said and Nat came over cautiously.
“Everything ok here wands?” She asked tentatively with an edge of concern.
“No. Not really.” Wanda said and you curled into her more. “Clint and tony thought it would be funny to put Clint’s spider in Y/n/n’s bed because she’s afraid of them.”
“Damn it Barton.” She grumbled. “I’ll do you a favour if i see the spider I’ll throw it off the roof for you.” You giggled slightly still buried in Wanda’s arms.
“In the meantime would you settle for me giving them a solid lecture and maybe a smack or two?” Nat asked.
You smiled into Wanda’s neck and nodded and nat smiled.
“I’ll get on that right away agent L/n” she said with a mock salute and Wanda chuckled. After Nat left to go yell at the boys Wanda picked you up with your legs around her waist and face still buried in her chest. She held you and walked you back to her room where she set you down on the bed still in her lap and threw the sheets over the two of you. She picked up the remote and put one your favourite sit come and held you while your breathing evened out until you eventually fell asleep. Emotionally exhausted.
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rwrbmovie · 17 days
Gold Derby: Taylor Zakhar Perez on Latin Representation, Wedding Cakes and Baring All in Red, White & Royal Blue | AwardsWatch
Taylor Zakhar Perez does not take his status as a celebrity lightly. “I’m a blue collar kid in an extraordinary circumstance in Los Angeles,” much like Alex Claremont Diaz, the character he plays in Prime Video’s Red, White & Royal Blue. The star of Netflix’s The Kissing Both series of films is fully aware of the state of Latin representation in Hollywood, which hopes to improve with his new production company. “19% of the United States is Latin, but it’s not represented in TV and film,” says the actor. “It’s crazy, because Latin-led shows are some of the most-watched globally on streamers. It’s disappointing to see.”
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copperbadge · 8 months
I was thinking about proofing the latest novel this morning and some of the stuff I may have to shift around or alter -- I'm hoping nothing major, but it's evident from comments that I didn't do quite as much research as I should have in one or two spots.
Because this is a book that is in some aspects very much about pregnancy, while writing it and now while proofing it I've had pregnancy media on the brain, as I try to avoid the pitfalls that a lot of pregnancy arcs on sitcoms or in television dramas fall into. I tried as much as possible to put myself in the position of "If this was happening to my body, how would I feel? If this was my new cultural position, what would that be like?"
I've also been thinking a lot of a pregnancy arc from the TV series Seventh Heaven, and this has driven me to develop what I think of, humorously, as the Dziga Vertov-Seventh Heaven scale of realism. (I've taken to calling it the Vertov-Hampton scale, after producer Brenda Hampton. It sounds amusingly like a personality test, and in some ways it is.)
Dziga Vertov was one of the founders of the cinema verite movement and often combined documentary elements into his fictional work, or vice versa; I studied him in a documentary film class in college and again when I was working on my documentary theatre capstone project. Seventh Heaven, meanwhile, was one of late-90s "family" shows where you can practically chart the way it became more acceptable to be visibly evangelical right-wing in America; it portrayed a pastor and his family grappling with life's difficult questions like "How do I repent of premarital sex" and "why it's not okay for women to decide how they dress for themselves". It was one of many shows I watched during grad school because I was home a lot and only had network television, and I had a horrified fascination with it.
There's a pregnancy arc late in the series where the mother-to-be ends up going into labor while stuck in an elevator. That's tropey, but it's also tried-and-true (White Collar did a similar plot, for fuck's sake). It did give me pause that for the entire sequence of her giving birth in the elevator, she had all of her clothes on, including her shoes and a conveniently draped skirt. Still, you know, it's network television, there are sponsors and censors and such who get involved...
And then, after the big suspenseful "Push! Push!" and the cut to commercial, we return to them finally getting the door of the elevator open from the outside...
And the woman who was giving birth five minutes ago appears in the doorway, still completely dressed, not a speck of bodily fluid on her, and walks out of the elevator carrying her newborn. Like she just picked it up from the customer service desk. It's fucking bonkers. And it was such a definingly stupid moment of television that it cemented Seventh Heaven for me forever as the most ridiculous thing I'm ever likely to watch.
Anyway all of this is to say that while I try to stay as far towards Dziga Vertov as possible, I do sometimes drift towards Seventh Heaven, but I do my best to stop myself before I hit "Walking out of an elevator after giving birth" levels of absurdity.
And I remind myself that however implausible I think my storytelling is, it'll never be Seventh Heaven level bad.
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allergictocolor · 9 days
Character Profile - Wednesday Addams
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“Child of woe, is wan and delicate with her mother’s dark black hair and white complexion. Sensitive and on the quiet side, she loves the picnics and outings to the underground caverns often planned by Morticia and Gomez. She is a solemn child, prim in dress and, on the whole, pretty lost. Gomez is wild about her. Secretive and imaginative, poetic, seems underprivileged and given to occasional tantrums. Has six toes on one foot.” - Chas Addams
Wednesday Addams was indeed named after the nursery rhyme Monday’s Child. “Wednesday’s child is full of woe.” Her middle name, Friday, is stated in the 10th episode of the 1960s TV show. In the comics, she is nearly always shown in a long, dark dress with a white collar and many buttons down the front. When the comics were in color, the dress was dark green or brown. Her expression was usually haunted or worried, as opposed to the mischievous expression of her brother Pugsley. She only looked happy when they were scheming together.
In the first episode of the TV show, the children are forced to go to public school after being homeschooled until then. Wednesday is six years old. When they get back home after the first day, she throws a tantrum because they read a story about a knight killing a dragon. She’s terribly upset about the poor dragon. This tantrum was likely inspired by the one from the comics when “she’s furious because they put her on the honor roll at school.”
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Wednesday is always portrayed as brilliant and capable, and the idea of rebellion or escape comes up in multiple iterations of the character. In the first season of the 60s show, she runs away from home because she’s scolded for playing with Fester’s explosives rather than her own. In Addams Family Values, she tries to escape summer camp twice, succeeding the second time. In the musical, she’s only 18 but engaged to a normal guy named Lucas, and horrifies her family by wearing a bright yellow dress. In the 2019 animated film, she befriends a normie girl and they swap styles. Wednesday horrifies her mother by showing up in a white and pink outfit, then runs away from home after being punished for such behavior. It’s not so strange, then, that the version of Wednesday we see in the 2022 Netflix series is at odds with her parents and planning to run away from the school they send her to. 
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The Netflix series isn’t the only Addams family property full of Easter eggs and nods to the previous versions. The Thanksgiving play anachronistically set in a summer camp in Addams Family Values may well have been inspired by an early episode of the 60s show where Wednesday and Pugsley were playing “cowboys and indians” with another child and Wednesday wore a very similar headband:
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The love of guillotines in both children is another element that stays constant throughout their many incarnations. They’re shown beheading a doll in the comics, so of course Wednesday has a headless doll of Marie Antoinette in the TV show. The siblings threaten to behead baby Pubert in Addams Family Values. Wednesday sleeps in a guillotine bed in the 2019 film. Finally, a flashback shows her favorite birthday cake featuring a guillotine beheading a fondant person, complete with gushing blood, in the Netflix series.
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While the comics established her signature pigtails, it wasn’t a medium that could convey tone of voice. Lisa Loring was a little too young to do a perfect deadpan voice in the TV show, but she did her best. (She did have the Kubrick stare down pat, though.) It wasn’t until the 90s movies that Wednesday got her distinctive voice. Christina Ricci gave her a dry delivery that continued with Chloë Grace Moretz and Jenna Ortega.
The Netflix series adds a twist that all of the Addams family members have some “outcast” ability that sets them apart from “normie” society. Wednesday’s ability is psychic visions, most of which involve the central mystery in the first season. She also writes mystery novels, which coincides with her drive to solve the mystery she finds herself involved in. These aren’t traits she has necessarily displayed before, but they fit with her intelligent and curious nature, and it gives her character more to do than just being spooky.
I find it amusing to see the contrast between the scene in Addams Family Values when Wednesday is forced to watch peppy movies as punishment/torture, and the scene in Wednesday (2022) when she’s shown Legally Blonde on a date as flirtatious torture. You can torture her, but the context makes a huge difference.
As I mentioned in my profile of Pugsley, I like that the Netflix series finally acknowledges that if Gomez is Hispanic/Latino, then the children would be as well. I’m not sure if Gomez is supposed to be Castilian as he has been historically, Puerto Rican as Luis Guzmán is, or something else. But the casting for the show has been great. Jenna Ortega’s fame has skyrocketed since the first season, she’s been nominated for awards, and people are already buzzing about the second season, even though it’s not due until some time next year.
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thethirdromana · 1 year
Kerr Avon's costumes, rated
The sequel to Romana II's costumes, rated, here by popular* request! (*maybe not very popular.)
Screengrabs from here (copied rather than linked per their FAQs). Invaluable record of what Avon actually wears in which episode from here. I haven't included overcoats, spacesuits, or anything Avon doesn't actively choose to wear, like prison clothes. Which means that rating this monstrosity
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is left as an exercise for the reader.
I've also not done every single variation on black jackets with studded panels, even when they are technically different black jackets with studded panels, because otherwise we'd be here all night.
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As seen in Space Fall and Cygnus Alpha.
Ugh. It's fine. The heights of bonkersness that Blake's 7 costume design would reach are not even really hinted at here. It's a perfectly reasonable outfit - grey shirt, grey trousers, grey tabard-thing. Add a name badge and Avon could be stocking shelves in a fancy supermarket. I'll allow that it does look comfortable, which will not be a theme of much else on this list. 5/10.
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As seen in Time Squad.
I don't hate the brown patchwork thing (though brown is rightly Blake's colour), but what's going on with the larger square over his stomach? I feel like he's about to do some welding or something and it's there to protect his clothes, but it is his clothes. Avon only wore this outfit once, and who can blame him? 2/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Mission to Destiny, Duel, Project Avalon, Breakdown, and Deliverance.
I think this one may have suffered from the passage of time. Because I look at it and think, why has Avon chosen to dress like an old-fashioned stereo system? But from the vantage point of 1978, I guess Avon had chosen to dress like a decidedly modern stereo system. Look at those rounded corners, he could be a first-gen iPod. And the matching grey of collar and cuffs is a nice touch. None of this answers the question of why he has buttons across his tits, but there are some things that are not for us to know. 8/10.
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As seen in Bounty and Orac.
Oooh, green. Green is a nice change. And if you're watching Blake's 7 and you're enjoying those green sleeves, you'd better make the most of them, because other than one very notable exception, this is the last time that Avon wears an outfit that isn't brown, white, black or shades of grey for the entire rest of the series. The rest of it looks a bit like someone's Star Trek Discovery uniform cosplay got out of hand. 6/10, because green.
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As seen in Redemption and Killer.
Obviously, this is a classic. And full marks to Paul Darrow for wearing a costume that was literally bought from a sex shop and making it look like something that anyone might wear to their normal day of fighting oppression and engaging in homoerotic tension. 10/10.
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As seen in Shadow, Horizon, Gambit, and Children of Auron.
OK fine I threw away the term "classic" too soon, this is the true classic, the time Avon decided to dress as a thermal blanket and then pair that with thigh-high boots. ICONIC. What I love about this is aside from being batshit, it's actually kind of a nice outfit? I imagine that shiny fabric was absolute hell to work with but the gathering at the shoulders means it hangs surprisingly well.
It also gains at least 5 bonus points for featuring in this, one of my all-time favourite Blake's 7 moments:
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I wish I could find it as a gif, but you'll just have to join me in pretending these images are moving instead. And in heaving a nostalgic sigh for the era when men were allowed to have normal bodies on TV. 15/10.
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As seen in Shadow.
I've tried to go for just one main outfit per episode, because this is already very long and we're only about halfway through. But I had to make an exception for matching! outfits! And all the better for being an outfit that looks great on all three of them. I only wish that Avon could have had some silver boots like Jenna is wearing, I think it would really have completed the look. 9/10.
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As seen in Weapon, Pressure Point, Countdown, and Dawn of the Gods.
In some ways, this costume is quite practical. Avon is wearing something not a million miles from bikers' leathers here, and the quilted part of the chest and back would presumably offer him a bit of protection if he got into a fight. But also, it's the colour and style of a brothel sofa, and there's no way in hell he could wear this and retain the ability to lift his arms above his head.
God, I love this show. 10/10.
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As seen in Trial, Hostage, Voice From the Past, The Keeper, Star One, Aftermath, and Powerplay.
I have less to say about this because - and I mean this in full tribute to the Blake's 7 costume designers - it's just a nice jacket! It stays in keeping with the design trends we see throughout the series, with panels of different fabrics, and spacewear shiny silver bits, but ultimately you could wear this on the street today and no one would give you a second look. I quite like that about it. 8/10.
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As seen Aftermath. (And the loose black shirt in Voice From the Past is similar too).
Maybe this is just my mid-00s goth-adjacent phase showing through, but I am, and always will be, a sucker for a man in this kind of shirt. 8/10, please don't make me justify this further.
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As seen in Volcano and Rumours of Death.
The first of many similar black outfits, where I'm going to be selective or this will get tedious very quickly. I think this is the best of them; after this, the 80s started up in earnest, and Avon's shoulders were never allowed to be their natural width again. 9/10.
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As seen in The Harvest of Kairos.
My parents haven't been camping in years, but somewhere in the attic they still have an old tent, which lives in a bag that looks a lot like this outfit. As if I needed any more reasons to dislike The Harvest of Kairos. 1/10.
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As seen in Ultraworld.
Avon what are you doing. Brown is not your colour. I think I might headcanon that this is Blake's jacket, because aside from the brownness it also seems to be a fair bit too big for Avon. After a couple of seasons of squeezing him into the lobster outfit and other tight leather things, the costume designers seem to have swerved hard into boxy shapes from this point onwards. I disapprove. Honestly, I was going to skip this one except that I love what Dayna is wearing. Wish Avon could have some of that energy. 2/10.
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As seen in Death-Watch.
Let's pause for a second, look to the left, and appreciate that Dayna is wearing another fabulous outfit. Now let's take a deep breath, and look at the utter monstrosity that Avon is wearing. Like a matador crossed with a bumper car. 0/10.
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As seen in Rescue, Power, Traitor, Stardrive, Animals, Headhunter, Orbit, Warlord, and Blake.
Avon wears some kind of black jacket with studs for nearly all of season D, but I've picked this as the definitive one. I don't know if there's some kind of clever character development thing going on here with how big this costume is, like Avon is expanding into his leadership role, but weighed down by the responsibility too. It could be deliberate, it could just be what fashion was like in the early 80s.
What I do know is that however meaningful this costuming might be, it's not flattering. 5/10, and Avon finishes the series, sadly, no better dressed than he began it.
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ao3feed-jaydami · 18 days
An Unusual Courtship Offer by Meowmix21
by Meowmix21 Damian appears in the White Collar office killing the men sent to kill Jason after his cover is blown. He has an offer to make as well. Words: 1034, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Series: Part 52 of Meowmix's Red Hood Works, Part 10 of Red Hood White Collar Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, White Collar (TV 2009) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jason Todd, Neal Caffrey, Damian Wayne, Peter Burke, Diana Berrigan, Clinton Jones Relationships: Jason Todd/Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Neal Caffrey and Jason Todd are the Same Person, Undercover Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Protective Damian Wayne, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha Damian Wayne, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Courtship, Jason Todd and Damian Wayne Meet in the League of Assassins, Terrorists, Post-Lazarus Pit Jason Todd, Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Post-Resurrection Syndrome Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56019085
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